19th april literacy unit 3 narrative

St. Peter’s CE JIN School
Literacy Unit Plan
SEN: AMY: To read and write letters b / d correctly. To write with letters of uniform size. To write 2-3 sentences independently with connectives like because, but, so and when. To read and spell 20 unknown
high frequency words BRANDON: To write 2 sentences independently with connectives and check that they make sense. To read and spell 20 of the high frequency words. To make use of a word bank /
dictionary to help with spellings when he is writing. COREY: To hand homework in on time. To talk about himself and his abilities in a positive way. To play and work co-operatively with other pupils To use
adjectives like enormous, flickering, gliding or tiny to improve writing. To form letters closer together within words. COURTNEY: To use a full stop and capital letter in a simple sentence. To learn to read and
spell 20 common words. To return reading and spelling work each week. To recognise and write numbers to 50. To come to school on time. ERIN: To read the vocabulary from ORT reading scheme. To read and
spell 20 common words. To write a sentence independently with a capital letter and full stop. To take an active part in lessons and contribute at least once a session. To read through her work and check that
she and others could read it. NICKY: To do as he has been asked without needing to have the request repeated .to read the vocabulary from oxford reading scheme to book . To take care over presentation
and write neatly. To punctuate a simple sentence with a capital letter and full stop LUKE: To participate once in each Literacy session. To write letters smaller fitting at least 4 words on each line. To take part
in toe by toe programme. To use a full stop and capital letter in a simple sentence. MEGAN: To punctuate a sentence using a full stop and a capital letter. To use different ways to start a sentence in written
work like it, the, they, first, next and after. To pay attention during class / group discussions and offer one contribution per session. To add 3 or more single digit numbers. THOMAS: To participate in
Literacy and Numeracy sessions. To write to the end of the line before starting a new one. To be able to follow an instruction, with use of a visual prompt. To read and write numbers to 30. RYAN: To write
with clear ascenders. To raise his hand for attention rather than call out (twice in a session) To use a capital letter and full stop in a simple sentence.
Name: Miss R Lockwood
Term: Summer 1st half
Year Group: Year Determined
Week beginning: 19th April –
Objectives 5 a-e and 6 a and b
covered in each session in phonic
Monday 19th
2. Listen to
8 a. Engage
with books
8b. Explain
reactions to
Unit: Narrative 3 different stories by the same
Texts/ resources: Tiddler, The Gruffalo by Julia
Donaldson/ The Gruffalo song book/ The Gruffalo
toy/ Letters and Sound/ story spinners
Links to old framework S1- Read aloud with inotation
and expression appropriate to grammar and
punctuation (in guided reading) S2- To use
grammatical agreement for verbs I am, children are
Whole class work
Guided group tasks
Display a range of books by
Julia Donaldson and Axel
Shheffer. What is an author/
illsustrator? Read the story the
snail and the whale. Adjective
tennis to describe the whale and
the snail. Discuss story. In pairs
make up a synopsis. Model how
to write a book review. Show a
good and bad example.
Purple- To write a book review about the story
the snail and the whale, encouraging use of
adjectives, connectives and exclamatory
sentences. RL
Yellow- Write a book review of the story the
snail and the whale. Encourage to use
connectives like because, when, however and
some adjectives. NG
Blue- Write a book review of the story the snail
and the whale. Encourage to use connectives
like because, when, however and some
adjectives. FB
Prior learning:
Chn can identify a traditional story. They
can talk about what a character looks like,
behaves and suggest reasons for feelings.
Chn have written own traditional stories
and used some connectives.
Differentiated independent tasks
Green- Write a book review of the story the
snail and the whale. Encourage to use
connectives like because, when, however
and some adjectives.
Plenary focus
Share book reviews,
decide whether they
agree with what others
have said.
Tuesday 20th
2. Listen to
4. Adopt roles
8 a. Engage
with books
8b. Explain
reactions to
21st April
Look at the character of the tiny
snail. Hot seat the snail. Display
questions they might ask the
snail. Show words is the snail
like this provide reasons:
adventurous, brave, scared,
caring, selfish, frightened,
Explain today we are going to
write a character profile for the
snail. What things could we
describe? – What he looks like?
What he is like? What he likes to
do? Encourage use of
connectives: when , because,
discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !,
evidence of view point ‘I think ..
To use hedgehog paper to write
a list of questions they would like
to find out about hedgehogs or
to write down facts they know
about Hedge hogs. At start
generate different ways to start
sentences and connectives.
Green- To write a character description for the
snail. ? Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is brave because, or I think he is
clever because NG
Blue- To write a character description for the
snail. ? Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is brave because, or I think he is
clever because RL
Purple- To write a character description for the
snail. ? Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is brave because, or I think he is
clever because FB
Each adult to read with two groups each.
RL- Snakes, Elephants
FB- Lions and Leopards
NG- Cheetahs and Tigers
Yellow- Draw the snail and the whale and
add labels about them. To write a character
description for the snail.
Share descriptions. If
we were going to write
about the whale what
would we describe?
Chn to use sentence openers on the board
to generate precise questions and
Share work produced
by the children.
Thursday 22nd
2. Listen to
4. Adopt roles
8 a. Engage
with books
8b. Explain
reactions to
Look at the character of the
large humpback whale. Think of
how feelings change throughout
the story. Adjective tennis. Hot
seat the Whale. Display
questions they might ask the
snail. Show words is the snail
like this provide reasons:
adventurous, brave, scared,
caring, selfish, frightened,
excited, helpful
Explain today we are going to
write a character profile for the
Whale. What things could we
describe? – What he looks like?
What he is like? What he likes to
do? Where he lives? Encourage
use of connectives: when ,
because, discussion of where
things happening, adjectives, !,
evidence of view point ‘I think
Friday 23rd
Monday 26th
Blue- To write a character description for the
whale Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, so discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is scared because, or I think he is
helpful because NG
Yellow- To write a character description for the
whale Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, so discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is clever because, or I think he is
helpful because FB
To write a character description for the whale
Encourage use of connectives: when ,
because, so discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view point
‘I think he is brave because, or I think he is
helpful because RL
To write a character description for the
whale Encourage use of connectives: when
, because, so discussion of where things
happening, adjectives, !, evidence of view
point ‘I think he is brave because, or I think
he is helpful because
Share work, what do
we have to include
when we write a
character description.
On w/b chn to list as many
different creatures they saw at
Tropical World/ activities they
Play synonym game linked to
trip, chn to put words into
sentences using connectives.
Introduce headings to structure
Tuesday 27th
Evaluation of objectives/ Next steps:
Chn to write a recount about their visit to Tropical World, using headings to support,
RL to work with Yellow group to structure work.
Show work that chn
have produced
What went well?
What needs reinforcing?
What to do differently next time:
Individual children causing concern/ exceeding expectations: