First 1000 Word Families A a an able ability abler ablest ably abilities unable inability about above accept acceptability acceptable unacceptable acceptance accepted accepting accepts accord accorded accordance according accordingly accords account accounted accounting accounts accountant accountants accountancy accountable accountability across act acted acting action actions acts active actively activities activity actor actors actress actresses actual actually add added adding addition additional additive additions adds address addressed addresses addressing admit admission admittedly admits admitted admitting adopt adopted adopting adoption adoptions adopts advance advanced advances advancement advancing advantage advantages disadvantage disadvantages advantaging advantaged disadvantaged adventure adventures adventurer adventurers adventurous affair affairs after afterwards again against age aged ages aging agent agency agencies agents ago agree agreed agreeing agreement agreements agrees agreeable disagreements disagree disagreeable disagreed disagreeing disagreement disagrees air all allow allowance allowances allowed allowing allows almost alone along already also although always among amongst amount amounted amounting amounts ancient and animal animals another answer answered answering answers any anybody anyhow anymore anyone anything anyway anywhere appear appearance appeared appearing appears appearances disappearances disappear disappearance disappeared disappearing disappears apply application applications applied applies applicable applying applicant applicants applicability appoint appointed appointing appointments appointment appoints April arise arisen arises arose arising arm armed arms unarmed army armies around arrive arrival arrivals arrived arrives arriving art arts artist artistic artists artistically article articles as ask asked asking asks associate associations association associating associates associated disassociate disassociated at attack attacked attacking attacks attempt attempted attempting attempts august average averaged averages averaging away B back backed background backing backs backbone backgrounds backwards backward bad badly badness ball balls bank 1 banked banker bankers banking banks bar bars barred barring base based bases basic basically basing basis battle battled battles battling be am are aren’t been is isn’t ’re ’s was wasn’t were weren’t being beings bear bearing bearings bears bore born borne beauty beautiful beautifully because become became becomes becoming bed bedroom bedrooms bedding beds before begin began beginner beginners beginning beginnings begins begun behind believe belief beliefs believed believes believing disbelief belong belonged belonging belongings belongs below beneath beside besides best better between beyond big bigger biggest biggish bill bills billed billing bird birds black blacker blackest blackly blacken blackness blacks blackish blood bled bleed bleeding bleeds bloody blow blew blowing blows blown blue blueness bluer bluest board boarded boarding boards boat boats body bodies bodily book books both First 1000 Word Families box boxes boy boyhood boys branch branches branched branching bread break breaking breakage breaks broke broken unbreakable outbreaks outbreak unbroken bridge bridges bright brighten brightened brightening brightens brighter brightest brightly brightness bring bringing brings brought broad broadly breadth broader broadest brother brothers brotherly build build-up builders building buildings builds built burn burned burning burns burnt business businesses businessmen unbusinesslike businesslike businessman businesswoman businesswomen but buy bought buying buys buyer buyers by C call called calling calls can cannot cans canned canning capital capitals captain captains car cars care cared careful carefully careless cares caring carelessly carry carried carries carrying case cases castle castles catch catches catching caught cause caused causes causing centre center centerist centerists centers centred centered central centralization centres centrist centrists certain certainly certainty uncertain uncertainties uncertainty chance chanced chances chancing change changed changes changing unchanged unchangeable unchanging character characteristic characteristically characteristics characterize characterized characterization characterizes characterise characterised characterises characters charge charged charges charging chief chiefs chiefly child children childish childhood childlike choose choice choices chooses choosing chose chosen church churches circle circled circles circling circular city cities citizen citizens claim claimed claiming claims unclaimed class classed classes classing classify classifying classified classifies classification classifications clear cleared clearer clearest clearing clearings clearly clearness clears close closed closely closeness closer closes closest closure closing cloud cloudy clouded clouds coal coast coasts coin coins cold colder coldest coldly coldness colds college colleges colony colonial colonies colonials colonize colonization colonized colonising colonist colonists colour color colored colorful coloring colorless colors coloured colourful colouring colourless colours come came comes coming command commanded 2 commanding commands commander commanders committee committees common commoner commonest commonly commonness commons uncommon uncommonly company companies complete completed completely completion completions completes completeness completing incomplete incompletely concern concerned concerning concerns unconcerned condition conditional conditions unconditional consider consideration considerations considered considering considers reconsider reconsidering reconsideration contain contained container containers containing contains content contented contenting contentment contents discontent discontentment continue continuance continued continuity continues continuing continuous continuously control controlled controller controlling controls uncontrollable uncontrollably uncontrolled corn cost costing costs costly cotton could couldn’t council councillor councillors councilor councils count counted counting countless counts countable uncountable country countries course courses court courts cover covered covering coverage covers uncover uncovered uncovers cross crossed crosses crossing crowd crowded crowding crowds crown crowns crowned crowning uncrowned cry cried cries crying current currently cut cuts cutting uncut First 1000 Word Families D danger dangerous dangerously dangers dark darker darkest darkness date dates dated dating daughter daughters day daily daylight days dead death deaths deal dealer dealers dealing dealings deals dealt dear dears December decide decided decidedly decides deciding decision decisions decisive undecided declare declaration declarations declared declares declaring deep deepen deepened deeper deepest deeply depth depths deepening defeat defeated defeats defeating undefeated degree degrees demand demanded demanding demands department departments departmental depend depends depended depending dependant dependants dependent describe described describes describing description descriptions descriptive desert deserted deserting deserts desire desired desirability desirable desires desiring undesirable destroy destroyed destroying destroys destruction destructive detail detailed detailing details determine determination determined indeterminate determinate determines determining develop developed developers developing development developments develops underdeveloped undeveloped die died dies dying undying difference differ differences different differs differing differently difficult difficulties difficulty direct directed directing direction directions directly director directors directs indirect indirectly discover discovered discoveries discovering discovers discovery distance distances distant distanced distancing distinguish distinguished distinguishes distinguishing distinguishable district districts divide divided divides dividing division divisions undivided do did didn’t does doesn’t doing don’t done doctor doctors Dr. dog dogs dogged dollar dollars door doors indoors outdoors doubt doubted doubtful doubting doubtless undoubtedly doubts down downwards draw drawing drawn draws drew dream dreamed dreaming dreams dreamt dreamy dress dressed dresses dressing undressed drink drinks drinker drinkers drank drunk drinking drive driven driver drivers drives driveway driving drove drop dropped dropping drops dry dried dries driest dryer drying dryly dryness due duty duties E each ear ears early earlier earliest earliness earth earthy earthquake earthquakes east 3 eastern easy easier easiest easily easiness eat ate eaten eating eats effect effected effecting effective effectively effectiveness effects ineffective ineffectively efficient efficiency inefficient effort efforts egg eggs eight eighteen eighteenth eighth eighties eightieth eighty eights either elect elected electing election elections elects electors electoral eleven elevens eleventh else elsewhere empire empires employ employed employee employees employer employers employing employment employs unemployed unemployment end ended ending endless endlessly ends enemy enemies English enjoy enjoyed enjoying enjoyment enjoys enjoyable enough enter entered entering enters entrance entrances entries entry equal equaled equaling equality equalled equalling equally equals inequality unequal escape escaped escapes escaping even evenly evening evenings event events ever every everybody everyday everyone everything everywhere example examples except exception exceptional exceptions exchange exchanged exchanges exchanging exercise exercised exercises exercising exist existed existence First 1000 Word Families existing exists nonexistent expect expectancy expectation expectations expected expecting expects expense expenses expensive experience experienced experiences experiencing experiment experimental experimentation experimented experimenting experiments explain explained explaining explains explanation explanatory explanations express expressed expresses expressing expression expressions expressive extend extended extending extends extension extensions extensive extensively extent eye eyes F face faced faces facing fact facts factual factory factories fail failed failing fails failure failures fair fairer fairest fairly fairness unfair unfairly faith faithful faithfully faiths fall fallen falling falls fell familiar familiarity unfamiliar unfamiliarity familiarly family families famous far farther farthest further furthest farm farmer farmers farms farming fast faster fastest fastness father fathers dad dads father-in-law favour favor favorite favourite favourable favourably favoured favouring favourites favours fear feared fearful fearing fears February feel feeling feelings feels felt fellow fellows few fewer fewest field fields fight fighter fighters fighting fought fights figure figures fill filled filling fills find finding findings finds found fine finely fineness finer finest finish finished finishes finishing unfinished fire fired fires firing first firstly fish fished fishes fishing fisherman fit fitness fits fitted fitter fittest fitting five fives fifteen fifteenth fifth fifthly fifties fiftieth fifty fix fixed fixes fixing fixable floor floors flow flowed flows flowing flower flowers fly flew flown flying flight flights flies follow followed follower followers following follows food foods for force forced forces forcing forceful forcefully foreign foreigner foreigners forest forests foresting forested forget forgets forgetting forgot forgotten unforgettable form formation formed forming forms former formerly forth fortune fortunate fortunately fortunes unfortunately unfortunate four fours forties forty fourteen fourteenth fourth fourthly fortieth 4 free freed freedom freedoms freeing freely freer freest fresh freshness fresher freshest freshly Friday Fri Fridays friend friendly friends friendship friendships from front full fuller fullest fullness fully furnish furnishes furnished furnishing furniture future futures G gain gained gaining gains game games garden gardener gardeners gardens gas gases gate gates gather gathered gathering gatherings gathers general generally generals generalise generalisable generalised generalisation generalisations generality generalizations gentle gentleman gentlemen gently get gets getting got gotten gift gifts gifted girl girls give gave given gives giving glad gladder gladdest gladly gladness glass glasses go goes going gone went god gods goddess gold golden good goodbye goodbyes goodness great greater greatest greatly greatness green greener greenest greenness greenish ground grounded grounds grounding group grouped grouping groupings groups grow grew growing grown grows growth First 1000 Word Families H half halves hand handed handful handfuls handing hands handwriting hang hanged hanging hangs hung happen happened happening happens happy happier happiest happily happiness unhappy hard harden hardened hardening hardens harder hardest hardness hardship hardships hardly have had hadn’t hasn’t has haven haves having ’s ’ve he him himself his head headed heading heads hear heard hearer hearing hears heart hearts heat heated heating heats heaven heavenly heavens heavy heavier heaviest heavily help helped helpful helping helpless helplessly helps helper helpers here high higher highest highly highness highway highways hill hills hillside hilly history historian historic historical histories hold held holders holding holds home homeless homes honour dishonour dishonourable honor honorable honorably honorary honored honoring honors honourable honourably hope hoped hopeful hopeless hopelessness hopes hoping horse horses hot hotly hotness hotter hottest hour hourly hours house housed housing houses how however human humans hundred hundreds hundredth husband husbands I me mine my myself idea ideas if ill illness illnesses important importance unimportant unimportance importantly in inner inch inches include included includes including inclusive inclusion increase increased increases increasing increasingly indeed independent independently independence industry industrial industrially industries influence influenced influences influencing influential instead interest interested interesting interests into introduce introduced introduces introducing introduction introductions introductory iron it its itself J January Jan join jointed joined joining joins joint disjointed joints jointly joy joyful joyfully joys judge judged judges judging judgment judgments judgement judgements judgemental July June just justly unjust unjustly justice K keep keepers keeping keeps kept kill killed killer killers killing kills kind kindly kindness kinds king kings kingdom 5 kingdoms know knew knowing knowledge known knows unknown knowledgeable L lack lacked lacking lacks lady ladies lake lakes land landed landing lands landlords language languages large largely larger largest last lasted lasting lasts lastly late lately lateness later latest latter laugh laughs laughed laughing laughable laughter law laws lawyer lawyers lawful lawfully unlawful lawless lay laid laying lays lead leaded leader leaders leadership leading leads mislead misleading misled led learn learned learner learners learning learns learnt leave leaves leaving left leftist leftists length lengthening lengths lengthy lengthen less lessen lessened lessening lesser least let lets letting letter letters level levelled leveller levelling levels library librarian librarians libraries lie liar liars lied lies lying life lifetime lifetimes lifelike lifesize lifelong lift lifted lifting lifts light lighted lighten lighter lightest lighting lightly First 1000 Word Families lightness lights lightweight lit like liked likes liking unlike dislike dislikes disliked disliking likely likelier likeliest likelihood unlikely limit limitation limitations limited limiting limits unlimited line lines lined lining lip lips listen listened listener listeners listening listens literature literary little littler littlest live lived liveliest lively lives living local locally locals long longer longest look looked looking looks outlook lord lords lordship lordships lose losers loses losing lost loss losses love loved lovely loves loving lovable lover low lower lowered lowest lowering M machine machinery machines main mainly make made maker makers makes making man mankind men manly manhood manliness manner manners manufacture manufactured manufacturing manufactures manufacturers manufacturer many march marched marchers marches marching mark marked marker markers marking marks market marketed marketing markets marry marriage marriages married marries marrying mass masses master masters mastered mastering masterful mastery material materialistic materialistically materially materials matter mattered mattering matters may maybe mean meaner meanest meaning meaningful meaningless meanings meanly meanness means meant measure measured measurement measurements measures measurable measurably measuring meet meeting meetings meets met member members membership memberships memory memorial memories memorise memorised memorises memorising memorize memorized memorizes memorizing memorials mention mentioned mentioning mentions unmentioned mere merely merest metal metals middle mid midnight midst might mightn’t mile miles milk milky milked milks milking million millions millionth mind minded minding minds miner miners mined mining mines minister ministers minute minutes miss missed misses missing mister Mr. modern modernise modernisation moment momentary moments Monday Mon Mondays money month monthly months moon moons moonlight moral morals morally morality more moreover morning mornings most mostly 6 mother mother-in-law mothers mom motherhood mum motor motorist motorists motors mountain mountains mountainside mt mouth mouthful mouths move moved movement moves moving movements Mrs. Ms. much music musical musician musicians musically must N name named names naming namely nameless nation national nationally nationwide nations native natives nature natural naturally natures near nearby nearer nearest nearly nearness necessary necessarily unnecessarily unnecessary necessity necessities need needed needing needless needs needn’t neighbour neighbor neighborhood neighborhoods neighbors neighbourhood neighbourhoods neighbours neither never new newer newest newly newness renew renewed renews renewing news newspaper newspapers next night nightly nights nine nines nineteen nineteenth nineties ninetieth ninety ninth no nobody no one nothing nowhere noble nobility nobler noblest nobly nobles none nor north north-east north-west northeast northern northwards northwest not n’t note notable notes noting notably noted First 1000 Word Families notice noticeable noticeably noticed notices noticing November Nov now nowadays number numbered numbering numbers numerous numerical numerically O object objected objection objecting objects objectionable objections observe observable observation observations observatory observed observer observers observes observing occasion occasional occasionally occasions October Oct of off offer offered offering offerings offers office officer officers offices official officially officialdom officials often oh oil oily oiliness oils oiled old older oldest on onto once one ones only open opening openly openness opens opened operate operated operates operating operation operations operator operators operational opinion opinions opinionated opportunity opportunities or order ordered ordering orderly orders ordinary ordinarily organize organisation organisations organise organised organises organising organization organizations organized organizes organizing organisational other others otherwise ought oughtn’t out outer outside outsider outsiders outward outwards over owe owed owes owing own owned owner owners ownership owning owns P page pages paint painted painter painters painting paintings paints paper papers papered papering part parted parting partly parts partial partially particle particles particular particularly party parties pass passed passes passing past pay paid paying payment payments pays repaid unpaid peace peaceful peacefully people peoples per perhaps permit permission permits permitted permitting person personal personalities personally persons picture pictured pictures picturing piece pieces place placed places placing plain plainly plains plan planned planner planners planning plans plant planted planting plants play played player players playing plays replay replays replaying replayed please pleasant pleasantly pleasantness pleased pleases pleasing pleasure unpleasant unpleasantly displease displeased displeasing displeasure point pointed pointing points pointer pointers political politically politician politicians politics poor poorer poorest poorly poverty popular popularity popularly 7 population populations populate populating populated populates position positions positioning positioned possess possessed possesses possessing possession possessions possible possibilities possibility possibly impossibility impossible impossibly post posted poster posters posting posts pound pounds power powered powerful powers prepare preparation preparations prepared prepares preparing unprepared present presence presentation presented presenting presently presents president presidents presidential press pressed presses pressing pressure pressured pressures pressuring pretty prettier prettiest prettily prettiness prevent prevented preventing prevention prevents preventable preventative unpreventable price priced prices pricing private privately problem problems problematic produce produced producer producers produces producing product products production productions productive productivity profit profited profiting profits profitable progress progressed progresses progressing progressive progressively promise promised promises promising proper properly improper improperly property properties propose proposal proposals proposed proposes proposing protect protected protecting protection protections protective protects prove proved First 1000 Word Families proven proves proving unproven proof proofs provide provided provides providing provider providers provision provisions public publicity publicly pull pulled pulling pulls purpose purposes put puts putting Q quality qualities quantity quantities quarter quarterly quarters queen queens question questions questioned questioning questionable quite R race racecourse raced races racing raise raised raises raising rank ranked ranking ranks rate rated rates rating rather reach reached reaches reaching read reader readers reading readings reads ready readily real realistic reality realise realize realization realized realizes realizing realisation realisations realised realising realises really reason reasonable reasonably reasoned reasoning reasons receive received receiver receives receiving receipt receipts recent recently recognize recognise recognised recognises recognising recognition recognized recognizes recognizing record recorded recording records red redder reddest redness redden reddish reduce reduced reduces reducing reduction reductions refuse refusal refusals refused refuses refusing regard disregard disregarded disregarding disregards regarded regarding regardless regards relation relate related relates relating relations relationship relationships relative relatively relatives religion religions religious remain remained remaining remainder remainders remains remark remarked remarking remarks remarkable remarkably remember remembered remembering remembers reply replied replies replying report reported reporter reporters reporting reports represent representative representatives represented representing represents representation representations republic republics republican republicans republicanism reserve reserves reservation reservations reserved reserving respect disrespect disrespectful respected respecting respects respectful respectable respectfully respective respectively irrespective irrespectively rest rested resting restless restlessness rests result resulted resulting results return returned returning returns rich richer richest richly richness riches ride ridden rider riders rides riding rode right rightful rightfully rightist rightists rightly rights ring rang ringed ringing rings rung rise rises rising rose river 8 rivers riverside road roads roadside rock rocky rocked rocking rocks roll rolled rolling rolls roller rollers room rooms rough roughly roughness round rounded rounder roundest roundly roundness rounds roundabout royal royalty royally rule ruled ruler rulers rules ruling run ran runner runners running runs S safe safely safeness safer safest safety sail sailed sailing sailings sailor sailors sails sale sales salt salty same sameness Saturday Saturdays save saved saves saving savings say said saying says scarce scarcely scarcer scarcest scarcity scene scenery scenes school schooling schools science sciences scientific scientist scientists scientifically sea seaman seaside seamen seas season seasons seat seated seating seats second secondary secondly seconds secret secrecy secretly secrets secretary secretaries see saw seeing seen sees unseen seem seemed seeming seems sell seller sellers selling sells sold resell First 1000 Word Families reselling resold send sender senders sending sends sent sense senseless senselessness senses sensible sensitive sensitivity separate separated separately separates separating separation separations separatist separatists September Sept serious seriously seriousness serve servant servants served serves serving servings service services serviced servicing set sets setting settle settled settlement settlements settler settlers settles settling seven seventeen seventeenth seventh seventies seventieth seventy several shadow shadowed shadowing shadows shadowy shake shaken shakes shakily shaking shaky shook shall shan’t shape shaped shapes shaping shapeless share shared shares sharing she her hers herself shine shined shines shining shone shiny ship ships shipping shipped shipments shipment shoot shooting shootings shoots shot shots shore shores short shortage shorten shortened shortening shortens shorter shortest shortly shortness should shouldn’t shoulder shoulders show showed showing shown shows side sides sight sights sign signature signatures signed signing signs silence silenced silences silencing silent silently silver simple simpleness simpler simplest simplicity simplification simplified simplify simply since sing sings sung sang singer singers singing song songs single singled sir sister sisters sisterly sit sat sits sitting situation situations situate situated six sixes sixteen sixteenth sixteenths sixth sixthly sixths sixties sixtieth sixtieths sixty size sizes sizing sized sky skies sleep sleeping sleeps sleepy slept sleepless small smaller smallest smallness smile smiled smiles smiling snow snows snowed snowing so social socially society societies soft soften softened softening softens softer softest softly softness soldier soldiers some somebody somehow someone something sometime sometimes somewhere son sons soon sooner soonest sort sorted sorting sorts soul souls sound sounds sounded sounding south southeast southern southerners southward southwards southwest space spaced spaces 9 spacing speak speaker speakers speaking speaks speech speeches spoke spoken special specially specialist speciality specialities specialists specialize specialization specialized specializations speed sped speeding speeds speedy spend spending spends spent spirit spirits spiritual spite spot spots spotted spotting spread spreading spreads spring sprang springing springs sprung square squarely squareness squarer squares squarest stage staging staged stages stand outstanding standing stands stood standard standards star starred stars starring start started starting starts state stated statement statements states stating station stations stay stayed staying stays steel step stepped stepping steps still stiller stillest stillness stock stocked stocks stone stoned stones stoning stony stop stopped stopping stops store stored stores storing story stories strange strangely strangeness stranger strangers strangest stream streamed streaming streams street streets strength strengthen strengthened strengthening strengthens strike strikes striking struck First 1000 Word Families stroke strong stronger strongest strongly struggle struggled struggles struggling study studied studies studying student students subject subjected subjecting subjects substance substances substantial substantially substantive succeed succeeded succeeding succeeds success successful successfully unsuccessful such suffer suffered suffering suffers suggest suggested suggesting suggestion suggestions suggests summer summers sun sunlight sunny suns sunshine Sunday Sundays supply supplied supplier suppliers supplies supplying support supported supporters supporting supports supportive suppose supposed supposes supposing sure surely sureness surer surest unsure surface surfaced surfaces surfacing surprise surprised surprises surprising surprisingly surround surrounded surrounding surrounds sweet sweetness sweetly sweets sword swords system systematic systems systematically T table tablecloth tables take taken takes taking took talk talked talking talks tax taxes taxed taxing taxpayer taxpayers teach taught teacher teachers teaches teaching teachings tear tearing tears tore torn tell retell retelling telling tells told temple temples ten tens tenth tenths term terms test tested testing tests than the then there therefore they their theirs them themselves thing things think thinking thinks thought thoughts thoughtful thoughtfully thoughtfulness thirteen thirteenth thirteenths thirty thirties thirtieth thirtieths this these those that though thousand thousands thousandth thousandths three threes third thirdly thirds through throughout throw threw throwing thrown throws Thursday Thurs Thursdays thus till time timer times timeless timely to today together ton tons too top topped topping tops total totaled totaling totalled totalling totally totals totality touch touched touches touching untouched toward towards town towns trade traded trades trading trader traders train trained trainers training trains travel traveled traveling travelled travellers travelling travels tree trees trouble troubled troubles troubling troublesome true truthful truth truest 10 truer truthfulness truly truths trust trusted trusting entrust trusts try tried tries trying trial trials trialing trialed Tuesday Tues Tuesdays turn turned turning turns twelve twelves twelfth twelfths twenty twenties twentieth two twice type typed types typing typist typists U under underneath understand understanding understands understood union unions unite united unites uniting unity unit units university universities unless until up upside upon use misused used useful usefulness useless uses using usefully user users usual usually unusual unusually V valley valleys value valuable valuables valuation valued valuer valueless values valuing invaluable invaluably variety varieties various variously very vessel vessels victory victories victorious view viewed viewing views village villager villagers villages virtue virtues virtuous visit visited visiting visitor visitors visits visitation voice voiced voices voicing voiceless vote voted voter voters votes voting First 1000 Word Families W wage wages unwaged wait waited waiting waits waiter waiters waitress waitresses walk walked walking walks wall walled walls want wanted wanting wants unwanted war warred warring wars watch watched watches watching water watered waters watering wave waved waves waving way ways we our ours ourselves us wealth wealthy wear wearing wears wore worn Wednesday Wednesdays week weekend weekends weekly weeks welcome welcomed welcomes welcoming unwelcome well wells west westward westwards western westerns what whatever when whenever where wherever whether which whichever while whilst white whiteness whiter whitest whitish who whoever whom whose whole wholeness wholly why wide widely widened wideness widening wider widest width wife wives wild wilder wildest wildly wildness will ’ll willing willingness willingly unwilling unwillingly win winner winners winning wins won wind winded winding winds windy window windows winter winters wintry wise unwise wisdom wisely wiseness wiser wisest wish wished wishes wishing with within without woman women wonder 11 wondered wonderful wondering wonders wonderfully wood woods wooden woodland woody word words wording work worked worker workers working works workman workmen world worlds worth worthy worthless would wouldn’t wound wounds wounded wounding write writer writers writes writing writings written wrote wrong wronged wronging wrongs wrongly Y year years yearly yield yields yielded yielding yes yesterday yet you your yourselves yourself yours young younger youngster youngest youngsters youth youths youthful From: The Compleat Lexical Tutor