Once upon a time, a family with a king, a queen and a very beautiful

Shanna’s adventure
nce upon a time, a family with a king, a queen and a very beautiful princess with
bright blue eyes lived in a very big kingdom in a small village. But in this village, there was a
nasty scary witch who lived! And in her big garden, there was a river; the water of this river
was magic: it could cure any animals pouring three drops on injury. But nobody could enter
into her garden.
*One day, the princess set the table and, unintentionally, broke a drink! Her mother was so
angry: she pushed her out of the kingdom! The princess was so alone in the street she decided
to walk. 10 minutes later, she saw a forest and the witch’s home side. She remembered that
her parents had told her not to approach the forest but she went deeper into the forest.
*She walked, and heard some animals… A lovely big dog suddenly walked towards her and
_Hello! What’s your name?
The princess was surprised to see a dog who spoke, but she answered:
_Euh…I’m Shanna.
_Okay Shanna. Don’t be scared! I just want to know why you are here!
_I’m punished because I broke a drink! And my mother (the queen) was very angry and she
pushed me out of the kingdom!!! She cried. And now I’m alone and lost! Can you help me
_Yes of course, my friend and I will help you to find your way!
_Oh thank you really thank you!
An animal herd appeared behind them, all animals spoke. They began to walk. There was
some lovely birds and butterflies who flied above Shanna.
*But suddenly a bright red, pink and blue bird fell to the ground he lost all his colors! The
big dog ran to him followed by Shanna. This one (the dog) knew there was a magic river
in the witch’s garden but the princess didn’t know because her parents didn’t tell her.
The dog said:
_Do you go to the magic river in the witch’s garden please?
Shanna surprised answered:
_What river?
_ Yeah in the witch’s garden to help this bird!
_In the witch’s garden!!! But it’s too dangerous! The witch can catch me!!!!!!
_Yeah! You must be very careful!!! That is why Tom, Tim and Tam the squirrels will come
with you.
_Are you sure?
_Yes, yes I’m sure! Go hurry!!!
_Yes I’leaving now!
So the princess ran to the witch’s house. She arrived in front of a very tall and dark gate. She
opened the gate and she saw a very big garden, she was very careful because she didn’t want
caught by the witch! Suddenly, she saw a river with bright blue water! She advanced to this
river and, with a little pot she took some water.
*But a witch with a hooked nose, long curly black hair, a black dress and a black hat
come behind her and caught her! Tom, Tim and Tam ran to the dog and explained that they
saw her the witch. Now Shanna was in a very small and dark room, with a very small
The witch opened the door to give a little piece of bread.
The princess very cheerful said:
_Hello, how are you today?
_Oh I’m fine thank you! What about you?
_I’m very well thanks! What are you doing now?
_I give a piece of bread to a very pretty girl!
The princess took the piece of bread and thanked the witch. This one went out.
Suddenly Tom, Tim, Tam, the dog, a deer with the wounded bird, three rabbits, some birds,
some cats and a boar arrived in the witch’s garden but Shanna could not see them. The
deer drove the bird to the magic river and all the other animals went to the room where the
princess was. The witch made a meal for her and meanwhile the animals could free
Shanna. They broke the window and called out the princess. Shanna was so relieve
and she jumped to them. Once on the ground she saw a very beautiful prince who locked up
the witch in her house. He joined them and they went out. Shanna went back to her
house and said exitedly:
_ Mum, Dad I’m here!!! Where are you?
_We’re here! They ran to their daughter and they kissed her. Where were you?
_Euh… I went somewhere.
_Where did you go?
_I went to the witch’s garden…
_Sorry ?!?!?!
_Yeah, and I met someone !
_Who did you meet?!?!
_I met the witch and she did something!
_What did she do?
_She caught me!
_But something happened!
_What happened?
_ My animal friends rescued me!!!!!!
_And met a beautiful prince!!!!
5 years later, Princess Shanna lived with Prince Thibault.
And they lived happily ever after with all their animals.
The Shanna’s adventure