Советы в 5: Problem The Administration Process (AdminP) fails while trying to complete the first step in the Renaming a Person process. The error register in the Administration Process register is: "A Required Certifier Was Not Found in the Address Book." Solution An error message in the log will state which certifier was not found in the Address Book. For example: "Error locating an address book entry for the certifier /OU=ORGUNIT/O=ORG Entry not found in index." "File name: NAMES.NSF, a required certifier entry was not found in the NAB." The problem is that the Address Book does not contain an entry for this certifier. To fix this issue: 1. Create the missing Certifier document in the Public Address Book on the Administration Server. Under the Server Certificates view, click "Add Certifier". Be sure to start the certifier name with a forward slash "/". 2. Add the public key from the corresponding ID file by copying the public key for the appropriate certifier ID file and pasting it into the new Certificate document. Select File, Tools, Server Administration, ID file. Select the appropriate certifier ID to open. Under More Options, choose Copy Public Key and paste the public key into the new Certificate document. 3. Rebuild the index of the view in the Address Book: load updall names.nsf -r -t $certifiers 4. Edit the failed entry in the Administration Request database. Check the "Perform request again" box and save the document. 5. AdminP will continue with the Rename Person document. Советы в 6: Problem A Domino server administrator attempts to certify or recertify Notes ID files and the following error occurs: Error locating a Domino Directory entry for certifier /O=certifier: Entry not found in index. Solution 1. Review the user's Person document to ensure that the user's hierarchical name is listed in the User Name field. 2. Rule out a corrupted certifier certificate by accessing the certificate of the certifier in another address book and replacing the one which is possibly corrupted. Ensure there is a current backup of the names.nsf on which you will work, and locate a replica of the names.nsf on another server. Open names.nsf to the Certificates view and delete the certificate. Press Shift + F9 to rebuild that view. Open the names.nsf on another server and copy that same certificate and paste it into the address book from which you just deleted it. Press Shift + F9 to rebuild that view. Attempt to recertify the user again. 3. If the above does not work or you have only one server, you will need to replace the public key of the certificate with the one from cert ID. From the Domino server Administration client, click the Configuration tab. Click on ID properties, browse to and select the cert ID and enter the password. An ID dialog box will appear. Click Your Identity, then Your Certificates. On the right of the dialog box, click Other Actions, select Mail, Copy Certificate (Public Key), and click Copy Certificate. Paste the clipboard contents to a text editor, such as Notepad. Open the Certificates view of the names.nsf, select the certificate, edit it, delete the public key under the Administration tab and paste the public key from the clipboard or Notepad (whichever was used). Save and close. Press Shift+ F9 to update that view. Attempt to recertify one user. 4. In the event that there are multiple servers involved, replicate the certificate changes to the other replicas. 5. Check to ensure that the administration client does not have the server set to Local rather than the Administration server. This results in the server being unable to find the certificate. In the "Choose a certifier" dialog box, click the Server button and select the Administration server for the user and attempt to process the recertification.