National 5 Computing Science Software Design and Development Summary Notes Design notations A design notation is the method we use to write down our program design. Pseudocode is written using English words and is easily changed, line by line, into the chosen programming language (see all of the examples in this booklet). A structure diagram gives a visual representation of how the program is broken down into smaller problems. A flowchart gives a visual representation of the sequence of processes in the program. Programming - Data structures and types Two data structures are available for storing information: a variable is used to store a single item of data an array (aka 1D array) is used to store a list of data items. Some data types which can be used are: string (for text) character (for a single character) integer (for whole numbers) real (for non-whole numbers) Boolean (for True/False results). VB examples Dim name As String Dim age As Integer Dim names (1 To 30) As String Dim prices (1 To 100) As Single ********************************************************************** Programming - Assigning values to variables This means “putting data into a variable”. Pseudocode examples SET age TO 21 SET name TO “Sherlock” VB examples age = 21 name = “Sherlock” ********************************************************************** Programming - Arithmetic operations Arithmetic operations include +, -, *, /, ^ (to the power of) and mod (the remainder of a division). Pseudocode examples SET answer TO 3 + 4 ^ 2 SET remainder to 17 mod 5 VB examples answer = 3 + 4 ^ 2 remainder = 17 mod 5 ********************************************************************** Programming - Concatenation Concatenation is the process of joining strings, variables and arrays together. Pseudocode examples SEND “Hello “ & name TO DISPLAY VB examples MsgBox (“Hello “ & name) ********************************************************************** Programming - Pre-defined functions Pre-defined functions are built in to the programming environment and perform useful calculations. Some predefined functions include: Int, Rnd, Sin, Cos, Len, Left. VB examples Number = Int (Rnd * 10) + 1 Initial = Left (forename, 1) Programming - Conditional statements Conditional statements use the IF…THEN…ELSE structure. They are used to select particular lines of code to be carried out. Pseudocode examples IF age >= 17 THEN SEND “You can learn to drive” TO DISPLAY ELSE SEND “You are not qualified” TO DISPLAY END IF ********************************** IF name ≠”Moriarty” THEN SEND “Welcome” TO DISPLAY END IF VB examples If age >= 17 Then MsgBox (“You can learn to drive”) Else MsgBox (“You are not qualified”) End If ********************************** If name <> “Moriarty” Then MsgBox (“Welcome”) End If ********************************************************************** Programming - Logical operators Logical operators – AND, OR, NOT – can be used to create complex conditions. Pseudocode examples IF score>100 AND score<500 THEN ********************************** WHILE age<21 OR name<>”Watson” DO VB examples If score>100 And score<500 Then ********************************** Do While age<21 Or name<>”Watson” ********************************************************************** Programming - Fixed loops A fixed loop repeats a section of code a set number of times. Pseudocode examples REPEAT 10 TIMES SEND name TO DISPLAY END REPEAT ********************************** FOR loop FROM 1 TO 20 DO SEND loop TO DISPLAY END FOR VB examples For counter = 1 To 10 List1.AddItem name Next counter ********************************** For loop = 1 T0 20 List1.AddItem loop Next loop ********************************************************************** Programming - Conditional loops A conditional loop repeats a section of code either WHILE a condition is met or UNTIL a condition is met. Pseudocode examples REPEAT RECEIVE response FROM KEYBOARD UNTIL response = “No” ********************************** WHILE response ≠ “No” DO RECEIVE response FROM KEYBOARD END WHILE VB examples Do response = InputBox (“Continue?”) Loop Until response = “No” ********************************** Do While response <> “No” response = InputBox (“Continue?”) Loop Errors There are 3 main types of programming error. Syntax – incorrect use of the programming language. e.g. Typing Nxt counter instead of Next counter Execution – errors while the program is running, usually causing an error message. e.g. Type mismatch error if the program tries to store text in an integer variable. Logic – no syntax or execution error but program doesn’t produce correct results. e.g. The program should only allow input of numbers from 1 to 10, but it allows any number to be input. ********************************************************************** Testing Software is tested methodically, following a test plan, to make sure it is free from errors. A good test plan should include the following types of test data: Normal – acceptable test data. Extreme – acceptable test data but on the limits of what is acceptable. Exceptional – unacceptable test data. Example A program asks the user to input a number from 1 to 10. Normal test data – 4, 5, 6 Extreme test data – 1, 10 Exceptional test data – 233, -15, A, % ********************************************************************** Readability How easily the program can be understood by another programmer. Readability can be improved by adding: internal commentary – comments in the program code to explain what it is doing. meaningful variable names – using sensible names for variables, e.g. score rather than s. indentation – using the tab key to help show where control structures start and finish. Blank lines – to help separate sections of code. ********************************************************************** Input validation A standard algorithm used to ensure that the user inputs acceptable data. Input validation always uses a conditional loop. Below are some examples to ensure the user inputs a number between 1 and 10. Basic algorithm 1 REPEAT RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD UNTIL number >=1 AND number <=10 Basic algorithm 2 RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD WHILE number <1 OR number >10 DO RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD END WHILE Improved algorithm 1 REPEAT RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD IF number <1 OR number >10 THEN SEND “Please re-enter” TO DISPLAY END IF UNTIL number >=1 AND number <=10 Improved algorithm 2 RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD WHILE number <1 OR number >10 DO SEND “Please re-enter” TO DISPLAY RECEIVE number FROM KEYBOARD END WHILE Machine code The computer’s own language is called machine code and is made up of binary instructions. ********************************************************************** High Level Languages High level programming languages (e.g. Visual Basic) make it easier for humans to program computers, rather than using machine code. They use a lot of English keywords and have built-in functions which would require a lot of machine code programming. ********************************************************************** Translation A computer only understands machine code, so all high level languages must be translated before they can run. There are two types of translator: Interpreter – translates and executes the program one line at a time. If an error is found the interpreter will stop running the program so the error can be fixed. The interpreter must be running while the program is running. Compiler – translates the program in one go and saves it as a fast running, standalone, machine code version which can then be run. If errors need to be fixed, the program will need to be recompiled. The compiler is not needed for the program to run. ********************************************************************** Units of storage The following units are used when referring to file sizes or storage capacity. Bit – a single binary digit, 1 or 0. Byte – 8 bits, e.g. 10010001 Kilobyte (KB) – 1024 bytes Megabyte (MB) – 1024 KB Gigabyte (GB) – 1024 MB Terabyte (TB) – 1024 GB Petabyte (PB) – 1024 TB ********************************************************************** Binary – integers Every type of data in a computer system is stored using the binary number system, where 1 is represented by ON and 0 is represented by OFF. Integers (whole numbers) are represented as shown below. Examples 128 64 0 1 1 1 1 0 32 0 1 0 16 1 1 0 8 1 1 0 4 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 = = = 91 255 130 ********************************************************************** Binary – real numbers Real numbers (numbers with a fractional part) are represented using the floating point system, which stores the mantissa and the exponent. Example In the number 2.037845 x 1017, the mantissa is 2.037845 and the exponent is 17. Binary – characters Text characters are converted into binary using the ASCII code, where each character is represented by an 8 bit binary number. Another code which can be used is Unicode, where each character is represented by a 16 bit binary number. ********************************************************************** Graphics – bitmapped and vector Bitmapped graphics store the colour of each pixel as a binary number. Paint.Net is a bitmap graphics package. Vector graphics store the attributes of every object in the image (e.g. circle: centre x, centre y, radius, fill colour, line thickness, etc). Inkscape and SMART Notebook store graphics using the vector method. Bitmapped Manipulate at pixel level. Typically a larger file size. File size is affected by resolution of image. Becomes pixellated (blocky) when enlarged. Ideal for photos and realistic images. Vector Manipulate at object level. Typically a small file size, although it will increase as more objects are added to the image. Can be enlarged without affecting quality (it is resolution independent). Ideal for simple logos on websites, etc. ********************************************************************** Computer architecture - Processor The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the main processor in a computer. It has 3 main components: Control Unit – manages the execution of program instructions and fetching from memory. ALU (Arithmetic and Logic Unit) – performs arithmetical operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and logical decisions (AND, OR, NOT). Registers – Temporary storage locations inside the processor. ********************************************************************** Computer architecture - Memory Memory is used to store programs while they are running. It is organised into millions of individual storage locations, each with a unique binary address. RAM (Random Access Memory) – can be written to, stores program which are in use, loses its contents when power is switched off. ROM (Read Only Memory) – can’t be written to, retains contents even when power is switched off. ********************************************************************** Computer architecture - Buses Buses are sets of wires which connect the processor and memory. Data bus – caries binary data to and from memory. Address bus – carries the memory location which data is to be written to or read from. ********************************************************************** Computer architecture - Interfaces An interface is a hardware device which compensates for differences in the way peripherals (devices connected to the computer) and the CPU operate, and allows them to communicate with one another.