Prediction of the Kuroshio Meander with JMA Operational Ocean Assimilation-Prediction System (COMPASS-K) Masafumi Kamachi*, Satoshi Sugimoto, Kumi Yoshita, Toshiyuki Sakurai, Toshiya Nakano and Tsurane Kuragano * JMA/MRI, 1-1 Nagamine, Tsukuba, 305-0052, JAPAN ( An ocean data assimilation system (COMPASS-K) has been operated in the Japan Meteorological Agency from 2001. Using the COMPASS-K, 84 cases of 90-days prediction experiments are conducted to assess short-range (i.e., one month) prediction properties of the model, from 1993 to 1999, for the Kuroshio axis variability. Each prediction is started from an initial condition that is obtained in a reanalysis experiment. The predictions represent transition from straight to meander (and vice versa) of the Kuroshio axis. Real time operational prediction is also conducted and it succeeds in predicting the Kuroshio large meander in August, 2004. 1. Introduction persistency and to variability of observation. A time scale when the error of the single trajectory Observations so far have revealed that the reaches to the valiability of observation or errors Kuroshio axis has significant variabilities south of of climatology/persistency has been adopted as a Japan. Previous studies (e.g., Kawabe, 2003) predictability. US Navy group showed the time showed that the Kuroshio takes three typical scale is about 30 days (e.g., Hurlburt et al., 2000). axes: nearshore non-large-meander, offshore Kyoto university group obtained the time scale, non-large-meander, and typical large-meander. which depends on the transition stages from Many observational, theoretical and numerical straight to meander (90 days) and vice versa (30 studies and days) in their shallow water model. They clearly e.g., showed that the difference depends on the have mechanisms of reported the descriptions variabilities (see, Kawabe, 2003 for a review and references of the vorticity balance (Komori et al., 2003). studies of the Kuroshio axis). Under consideration We predict the Kuroshio axis with all model of the results of the previous studies, modeling state variables in one month using an ocean and data assimilation techniques may be able to general circulation model (OGCM) used in the predict the variability of the ocean state south of operational data assimilation system described in Japan, especially Kuroshio axis. Kamachi et al. (2004b). We also carried out a Some studies have conducted single trajectory prediction experiments in which a single successful operational prediction of the 2004 Kuroshio large meander. prediction run started from an initial condition. The error of the prediction results has been compared to error growths of climatological condition and 2. System and performance The COMPASS-K system consists of an OGCM, analyses of observed data, and height anomalies (SSHAs) were extracted from the TOPEX altimeter data by an along-track filter. assimilation techniques (Kamachi et al., 2004b). Space and time The model is an eddy permitting version of the calculated from each meso- and large-scale OGCM of the Meteorological Research Institute. SSHAs. The decorrelation scales are different for The area covered by the model calculation is from meso- and large-scale SSHAs and also for 119˚E to 109˚W, and 12.5˚N to 55.5˚N in the North different regions. Each meso- and large-scale Pacific. The grid spacing gradually changes from SSHAs 1/4˚x1/4˚ in the region from 23˚N-45˚N and 120˚E horizontal model grids with the space and time -180˚ to 0.5˚ in latitude and to 1.5˚ in longitude decorrelation outside of the region. The model has 21 vertical (Kuragano and Kamachi, 2000). The SSHAs were levels. There are 5 levels in the upper 200m. then projected to subsurface temperature and Coastal and bottom topography data of ETOPO5 salinity anomalies using regression coefficients. was used to specify the model bottom topography. Finally, A slope-advective bottom topography scheme is subsurface also adopted for the correct calculation of flows temperature and salinity, temperature and salinity around a steep bottom topography (Ishizaki and in each grid are obtained from the surface to 1750 Motoi, 1999). The generalized Arakawa scheme m every 5 days for 1993 to 2001. Calculated is adopted for the momentum advection terms 5-day mean values of temperature and salinity (Ishizaki and Motoi, 1999). The values of the are adopted for the assimilation experiments in coefficients of the viscosity and diffusivity are the study. A time-retrospective nudging method is changed according to the Richardson’s 4/3-power adopted for the assimilation (see Kamachi et al., low. The model uses a rigid lid approximation. 2004b for the method). were decorrelation optimally scales adding the values in interpolated each mesoto scales model and the to are the grid large-scale climatological The model was spun up for 180 years to The assimilation (reanalysis) experiment is obtain a statistical equilibrium state. After the conducted with historical observation data from spin-up, the model was again spun up for 7 years 1993 to 2001, and Japan Meteorological Agency using a seasonal wind stress averaged for (JMA) started an operational nowcasting from 1980-1998 of NCEP daily wind stress (Kalnay et 2001. The reanalysis data from 1993 to 2001 are al., 1996). The model was then integrated from examined with observed data (e.g., Kamachi et al., 1980 to 2001 using the NCEP daily mean wind 2004b). stress. When we use a rigid-lid OGCM and an 3. Prediction experiments and results assimilation method such as nudging, we need a statistical evaluation of the subsurface We produced outputs every 5 days from the temperature and salinity fields. Temperature and reanalysis experiment, from 1993 to 1999. We salinity fields were calculated from satellite selected the initial conditions once a month for altimetry and in situ data using a four-dimensional this study from the outputs. The prediction space-time optimum interpolation and vertical experiments started from the initial conditions and projection. Meso- and large-scale sea surface were integrated for 90 days. We, therefore, had 84 cases of 90-days prediction experiments for the Kuroshio axis variability. We conducted a real time operational prediction of the 2004 Kuroshio large meander The predictions represent transition from using the operational assimilation-prediction straight to meander of the Kuroshio axis, and the system. We show an example of the successful results the predictions. Initial condition of the prediction is an mechanisms, submitted by previous studies, of output of the reanalysis: June 4th, 2004 (Fig. 1a). the and The prediction period is 60 days (to August 3rd). interaction that act as a trigger of the meander Figure 1 (b) shows the predicted state that shows and self-sustained oscillation (Kamachi et al., the large meander of the Kuroshio (white square 2004a). The reanalysis shows the meander area in the figure). The predicted Kuroshio axis is evolution by the eddy activity. Simulation (no similar to the observed one (here Fig. 1 (c) shows assimilation) shows no meander state even with an assimilated result as a real state). According to the same atmospheric forcing as the prediction. a series of the prediction experiments, JMA had a Therefore, the initial condition contains the press release and warned the change of the information of the meander and the system can ocean state (esp., temperature and surface represent (standard velocity fields) in May 11th. In August the deviation) values of the axis error for all 84 cases Kuroshio large menader occurred. It is the first are 13, 17, and 20 (10, 10, and 12) km, in 138.5E, time to predict the large meander successfully. in are transition the the 30-, analyzed with according eddy evolution. 60-, and to propagation Mean 90-days predictions The nowcasting data calculated with the respectively. Observed mean deviation from system are opened through the Japan GODAE seasonal variation is 30 km. Then the predictive server ( limit of the system is about 80 days. The gradual decrease of the amplitude in a stage from meander to straight axes is also predicted. The predictive limit is about 20 days (see Kamachi et al., 2004a). (a) (b) (c) Fig.1 Comparison of surface velocity fields. (a): Initial Condition, June 4 (straight path); (b): 60-days Prediction, August 3 (meander path); (c): Observation (assimilation), August 3 (meander path). References: Hurlburt, H. E., O. M. Smedstad, R. C. Rhodes, J.-F. Kamachi, M., T. Kuragano, H. Ichikawa, H. Nakamura, Cayula, C. N. Barron and E. J. Metzger (2000): A A. Nishina, A. Isobe, D. Ambe, M. Arai, N. feasibility model Sugimoto, K. Yoshita, T. Sakurai, and F. Uboldi eddy-resolving nowcast/forecast skill using satellite (2004b): Operational data assimilation system for the altimeter data. Naval Research Laboratory Report Kuroshio south of Japan: Reanalysis and validation. NRL/MR/7320—00-8235, 23 pp. J. of Oceanogr., 60, 303-312 demonstration of ocean Goda, S. Ishizaki, H. and T. Motoi, (1999): Reevaluation of the Kawabe, M. 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