Dear Parents, - Nativity Parish

Dear Parents,
On April 24, 2009 the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw will hold the third annual Bishop’s Charity Ball.
This event has been organized to celebrate Catholic education and to raise funds for Catholic
schools. Here’s how you can help:
Promote Raffle tickets:
Help promote the event. Join the team that will help us organize raffle ticket sales effort.
Contact Lisa Seeley or the school office.
Each student has a goal to sell 10 tickets. Families are encouraged and welcome to sell
Although you must be 18 to sell the ticket, students can sell WITH an adult. Money must
be exchanged between adults.
Let’s go above and beyond! We earn 50% of what we sell up to our goal. After we reach our
goal, we will be eligible to earn 100% of the tickets we sell beyond that goal. WOW!
Think about people other than your family that might be interested in the great prizes listed
on the $5 ticket. The key to success will be to sell tickets to the general public.
We MUST return tickets on time. Tickets and money are due into the school by April 20.
We lose our earnings if the tickets are not turned in on time.
Every ticket sold puts money in our school. To encourage everyone, we have the
following rewards for families as they turn in raffle ticket sales:
For every 10 tickets sold, your name goes into a
drawing for a $500 cash prize. The diocese will
give away 1 cash prize for every 10,000 tickets
sold. Once 50,000 tickets have been sold (equaling
5-$500 cash prizes) the amount of prizes will
double for every 10,000 tickets sold. For example,
60,000 tickets sold will give 10-$500 cash prizes.
For every tickets sold $1 will go towards your
Silent Auction:
All schools may submit one basket. Our school’s basket is Up North Getaway golf and hotel
School Promotion:
Schools are allowed a single AD in the event program. We have sent in our school’s ad and
teachers pictures for the slideshow.
Donations and sponsors are welcome at all levels. There are a variety of incentives for
event sponsors, including tickets to the event, prominent feature in the event signing and
program and listing in the business directory. Contact the office or Colleen Rabine at the
Diocese of Saginaw (989) 797-6684 for additional information.
Student Music Performance:
We have two students representing St. Mary School
We greatly appreciate your support of our school and the 2009 Bishop’s Charity Ball
January 29, 2008
Dear Parents,
Not long after coming to the Diocese of Saginaw, Bishop Carlson recognized the
need to find additional financial support for our Catholic Schools. By doing so he
initiated a once a year event known as the Bishop’s Charity Ball. This event
gives individual schools the opportunity to raise much needed revenue for
projects that the ordinary day to day operations budget cannot afford yet is vital
to the quality of the school.
Last year our Saginaw Schools lost valuable money because we did not reach
the goal of selling all our tickets. We do not want that to happen again this year.
We have looked at the number of families that we have in our school system and
the amount of tickets we need to sell to reach our goal. Taking all that into
consideration we have allotted 16 tickets for each family to sell at the cost of
$5.00 per ticket. If you have a student at Nouvel and at a feeder school you will
receive a total of 8 tickets per school not to exceed 16. That will give each
school their “fair share” of the proceeds. We are asking each of you to do all you
can to help our schools reach their goal. The cost of the ticket is very reasonable
considering the three great prizes you may win.
First Prize – Solstice or $10,000
Second Prize – Trip to Rome for Two
Third Prize – A $5000 Home Improvement Package
You are receiving your package of tickets with this letter today. We are counting
on 100% cooperation from all our parents. Any student who sells all their tickets
will receive a free jean day pass that they may use on the day of their choice
(excluding liturgy days). If you have tried everything and cannot sell all your
tickets please return what you cannot sell to the school from which you
received them. If we can sell all our tickets Saginaw Area Catholic Schools has
the potential to make over $76,000 which will be used by individual schools.
Additional tickets are available through your school office if you have a need for
more. We are very excited about this event and hope you all will help our
schools support this project. After all, it is the students who have the most to
gain by reaching our goal.
I have already mentioned in previous letters that the money earned from this
event will be used to place two ceiling fans in each classroom. If there is
additional money we will use it to put a new phone system in the building. Future
considerations are adding more active boards to the classrooms. Along with the
active boards we will need to have data projectors, laptop computers, and
additional electrical work done.
We thank each and everyone of you for helping support Catholic education and
this once a year event. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me
at any time. With all of us working together we can make this one big successful
event for our children. May God bless and keep all of you.
Sr. Ann deGuise
________I have received the Bishop’s Charity Ball Tickets.
Parent Signature __________________________________________________
Student’s name ___________________________________________________
Homeroom Teacher _______________________________________________