Paper of Barbora Kováčová

Applicability of a Puppet’s programme in the kindergartens
Barbora Kováčová
Pedagogická fakulta, Trnavská Univerzita Katedra predškolskej a elementárnej pedagogiky
Trnava, Slovakia
The created puppet’s programme (a puppet’s show cycle) offers children and
teacher interesting and useful amusement and occupation.
The programme is started by creating a self-made puppet. A simple play with the puppet and
its animation is for the children an occasion to get in to touch with the world of the art.
Children are disposed to experience the relationships, the questions and the answers,
speaking, singing, quarrelling, commentary, persuasion, misunderstanding etc. and express
themselves through the puppet’s show. They can develop their speech and the various social
The programme is divided in two parts:
Part A – includes a process of the preparations, the first meeting between the child and the
Part B – includes a tangible instruction for plays with the puppets in the kindergarten (B.1.
manipulation and animation of the puppet; B.2. pursuit with the puppet; puppet represents
a symbolic object; monologue; B.3. a dialogue with the puppet.
The content of part B goes in a continual sequence: movement > movement and sound >
speech with the puppet.
We can combine the particular tasks, but must adhere to the sequence.
The programme is created for a group of the children of pre-school age with speech
The programme is realized in 30 meetings; the childern can train, how to behave in the
situations of a comment life.
Example: Travelling by bus.B1 – walking in a space; B2 – sonic and mobile processing of the
objects (an acoustic game with the puppet); B3 – an open expression of a demand, a primary
form of a dialogue with puppet.
-------Puppet play is a process of change from the passive to the active which is timely limited
according to the individual abilities and skills of a person. Puppets and their application
possibilities in the puppet play have an influence on the individuals with their gracious
movements, spoken word and art experience. At the same time these three inseparable means
of expression are essential part of the whole therapeutic process with the puppet.
The created puppet’s programme (a puppet’s show cycle) offers children and teacher
interesting and useful amusement and occupation.
The programme is started by creating a self-made puppet. A simple play with the
puppet and its animation is for the children one of the meetings with an art in a shape of
Children are disposed to experience the relationships, the questions and the answers,
speaking,singing, quarrelling, commentary, persuasion, misunderstanding etc. and express
themselves through the puppet’s show.
They can develop their speech and the various social terms.
The programme is divided in two parts:
Part A – includes a process of the preparations, the first meeting between the child and the
Part B – includes a tangible instruction for plays with the puppets in the kindergarten
B.1. manipulation and animation of the puppet
Walk in the space with a puppet interlinked to narrative pantomime, study
Ability drill to decipher the moving puppet´s message
Kinetic depiction of puppet´s features
Non-verbal communication of emotions through the puppet – cry, laugh, anger, plea,
B.2. pursuit with the puppet; puppet represents a symbolic object; monologue
Animation of the objects by means of words, sounds. Communication with the sound.
Drills of taking over the role of talker and listener
Techniques of telephoning with a puppet
Taking over the monologue when introducing yourself
Singing with the alteration of solo and choir performances (application of monologue and
dialogue in skits)
B.3. a dialogue with the puppet
Free conversation with the puppet
verbal expression of request – communication with the puppet
question – reply (puppet - therapist, puppet - spectator, puppet-puppet). Drill of exchanging
roles of a talker and a listener
talking of puppets according to the topic
individual verbal communication – coherent talking
negotiation with the puppet, simple form of compromise
The content of part B goes in a continual sequence: movement > movement and sound
> speech with the puppet.
We can combine the particular tasks, bud must adhere to the sequence.
Example 1: Travelling by bus
B1 – walking in a space; B2 – sonic and mobile processing of the objects (an acoustic game
with the puppet); B3 – an open expression of a demand, a primary form of a dialogue with
Example 2: Winking traffic light
B1 – walk with the puppet in the space; B2 – drill of communication awareness, animation of
the objects, B3 – an open expression of a demand, direct communication with the puppets.
Example 3: At grandmother´s.
B1 – improvisation using walk in the space; B2 – drill of taking over a specific (given) role;
B3 – The puppet´s comments according to the respective steps in the fairy tale sequences.
The programme is created for a group of the children of pre-school age with speech’s
The programme is realized in 30 meetings, during that meeting children can exercise
their behaviour in a tangible situations of a comment life.
Literatúra :
Mátejová, Z., Mašura, S. (1992): Aj bábky liečia a vychovávajú. In Efeta ISSN 1335-1397,
vol.3, no.2, s.19 – 20.
Repková, B. (2004): Bábková hra na rozvoj komunikačných a sociálnych zručností u detí
predškolského veku. Bratislava : Pedagogická fakult,. Dizertačná práca.