CC108 The Church II – Historical Development CC108 - The Church II: Historical Development Kino Institute Program for Catechetical Studies and Parish Leadership Formation Course Description: Students are introduced to the study of Church history from the time of Jesus through the present era, focusing primarily on the Western Church. Topics will include the basics of Church history, the development of the doctrinal, and an examination of the Church and its mission within the larger historical context of society. Course Goal: Participants will be able to articulate the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church over since the time of Christ’s Ascension. They will be able to articulate how the Spirit has led the Church, even in times when her members struggled with sinful abuses. Participants will be able to see the New Evangelization in light of the agenda laid out in the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course participants will be able to do the following: Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the six major eras of Church history. Identify key figures and movements of the Christian tradition Understand how doctrine has developed over the centuries, remaining faithful to the Apostolic Tradition. Recognize how the mission of the Church grew in response to theological, political, social and cultural realities. Course Completion: Successful completion of this course requires attendance, participation and completion of all assignments in a satisfactory manner, as outlined by the instructor. Course Materials: Vidmar, John O.P., The Catholic Church Through the Ages, A History. New York/Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 2005. Epic Timeline, Ascension Press Course Overview: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The First Age of the Church (30-330 AD), The Early Church. Introduction/Chapter 1 The Second Age of the Church (330-650 AD), The Age of the Fathers. Vidmar p. 46-86 The Third Age of the Church (650-1000) The Dark Ages. Vidmar p. 88-117 The Fourth Age of the Church (1000-1450) The Middle Ages. Vidmar p. 119-163 The Fifth Age of the Church (1450-1789) Protestant and Catholic Reformations. Vidmar p. 165-255 The Sixth Age of the Church (1789-Present) The Modern Age. Vidmar p. 258-343 CC108 The Church II – Historical Development Certification Standards: This course provides an initial familiarization with the theological foundations specified in Certification Standard Three: Catholic Theology by the NFCYM, NALM and NCCL and approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Commission on Certification and Accreditation. The certification standards are outlined in National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers serving as Parish Catechetical Leaders, Youth Ministry Leaders, Pastoral Associates, Parish Life Coordinators by the National Association for Lay Ministry, the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, and the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, © 2003. Core Competencies developed in this course: Sections 3:3.2, .3.3.3. Incorporation of Co-Workers in the Vineyard: This course provides an overview of methods of theological study within the context of Coworkers in the Vineyard and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It seeks to develop lay ecclesial leadership which is grounded in the Church’s Deposit of Faith. This course will impact the students across all levels of formation: - Human: Students through assessment and interaction with students and the instructor will demonstrate their growth in human understanding of self and others. Spiritual: Students will participate in weekly prayers to develop a community of faith among the class participants. Intellectual: Demonstrated by the ability to read and write papers on regular basis which demonstrate critical thinking abilities of the student. Pastoral: Teaching how to dialogue with others on contemporary issues while remaining anchored in the core doctrines of the Catholic Church as taught by the Magisterium. This course addresses Co-workers in the Vineyard Intellection formation p. 46, third bullet point: Church History.