Character Trait for Family Discussion Forgiveness is

Jeremiah 29:11-13
“For I know the plans I have for you,”
declares the Lord, plans to prosper
you and not to harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future. Then you
will call upon me and come and pray
to me, and I will listen to you. You will
seek me and find me when you seek
me with your whole heart.”
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Single Mom Newsletter
Month 2010
LOST: Brown and White Bassett Hound
The only regular time I can fit in exercise is in the mornings before work. So I grudgingly get up
40 minutes early, put the leash on my dog, and head down the street for a two-mile walk
through the neighborhood. Once up and outside, my outlook usually changes to one of
thankfulness for the quiet time before the rest of the world wakes up. I thank our Father for
time to enjoy the lingering stars and moon as they slowly give way to daylight and I contemplate
the day as I enjoy the fresh air and exercise. I confess though, some days I have to drag myself
out of bed then spend the entire walk wishing I were still snuggled up warm under the covers. It
was on one of those mornings, as my beloved pet, Dee-O-Gee, cheerfully pulled me along, that
we were joined by a Basset Hound. This extra distraction slowed us down and annoyed me.
Much as I tried to shoo her away and tell her to go home, she persisted in joining us in our walk,
most of the time zig zagging just inches in front of my feet, resulting in me stumbling and
grumbling all the way home.
Despite my aggravation at losing valuable minutes by trying to send the unwanted visitor home,
I realized she was lost and would probably like nothing better than to go home - if she just knew
where home was. Knowing how concerned I’d be if my dog were lost, though I wanted to, I
couldn’t ignore this dog’s need for help. Though she looked well cared for and healthy, she
wasn’t wearing a collar and had no tags. As I neared my home I remembered that I had seen a
lost dog sign posted on a telephone pole a few blocks away, a couple days before, and had lifted
up a prayer that the family who posted the sign would find their pet. After tying up our still
unwanted visitor in the front yard, I went around the corner and down a couple blocks to where
I hoped the sign was still posted, bemoaning the fact that my morning schedule was now ruined
and I was going to be late for work. The sign was still there and it described our visitor to a T. I
pulled it down and went home to call. A sleepy voice answered the phone and said yes, their
dog was still missing. I described our visitor and gave the lady on the phone my address. Several
minutes later a drowsy, young mother pulled up and happily loaded the Basset Hound into her
car, excited that her children would wake this morning to find their beloved friend was home.
As I rushed to make up for lost time I was still so wrapped up in my own selfishness, that instead
of acknowledging and thanking our loving heavenly Father for answering my prayer for this
family to find their pet, and allowing me the privilege of being part of His answer, I was
complaining about how irresponsible some pet owners are for not putting tags and collars on
their pets.
It was much later that I realized the blessing I had failed to acknowledge and appreciate. I
wonder how many other times the Lord has answered my prayers by giving me precious
opportunities to be used by Him. How many times have I prayed for people around me and then
not been willing to be available to the Lord to be used by Him? How many times do I lift up a
quick prayer for a need I see then quickly forget it? How many answered prayers have I
overlooked and not thanked our Father for? How many times has He shown me His answer by
setting it right in front of me, and I’ve stumbled over it without recognizing it?
Oh Father, please forgive me for each time I’ve failed to see Your hand at work answering my
prayers. Forgive me for my selfishness and self-centeredness. Please help me to look beyond
myself, to keep my eyes focused on You. Grant me the grace to joyfully be available for You to
use me if You choose. Thank you, Father, for early mornings. Thank you for time to walk and
talk with You. Thank you for the stars and moon to light up the night. Thank you for beautiful
sunrises. Thank you for warm and gentle summer breezes, brisk fall winds, and chilly winter air.
Thank you for the seasons and the changes that come with each one. Thank you for a safe
neighborhood to live in. Thank you for pets and the joy they bring to our lives. Thank you for
hearing and answering our prayers. And thank you for lost Basset Hounds.
Character Trait
for Family Discussion
Forgiveness is . . .
being quick to forgive
not covering up my own wrongs but being quick to
ask for forgiveness
not seeking revenge
responding kindly to those who hurt me
not taking up offenses for others
discussing personal differences in order to learn more
about each other’s needs
parents disciplining a disobedient child in love and not
in anger
talking with each other about hurts instead of stuffing
it down inside
responding to another’s rude words with a kind tone
of voice
Rewards of Forgiveness
Forgetting the hurtful words and actions of another by
focusing on that person’s strong points will allow
friendships to blossom.
People who ask for forgiveness for the wrong they have
done will experience the love that comes from a
deepened relationship.
Why Should I Pray for My Children’s Father?
Whether present or absent in the lives of our children, their fathers will greatly impact their
lives. For most of us, our view of our earthly father will affect our view of God as our heavenly
Father. What better reason is there for us to pray for the fathers of our children?
God is the Creator of all life. He wonderfully and fearfully created each of our children
(Psalms 139:14). His plans for them are for good and not for harm (Jeremiah 29:11).
Each single parent family is unique. The circumstances that have resulted in us being single
parents are as varied as our children are different. Each relationship between a single mom
and the father of her children is different. Often, there is a great deal of pain and heartache
between the parents. This pain, along with our experiences, colors our perspective and our
attitude. It’s often difficult for a single mom to view their children’s father with favor, much
less pray for him. Our attitude affects our relationship with their father, and our children often
suffer negative consequences as a result.
Why should I pray for my children’s father?
• God hears and answers prayers.
• We (and our children) tend to view God as we do our earthly fathers.
• Children naturally mimic their parents.
• When with their fathers, we have no control over the people & things they are exposed to.
• As we pray for those who have hurt us, the Lord works healing in our own hearts.
How do I pray for the father of my children?
• If it’s too difficult or painful for you to pray for their father, confess that to the Lord and ask
Him to heal and change your heart. Ask Him to give you a willingness and desire to pray.
• Until the Lord enables you to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to intercede and pray for you.
• Begin with asking the Lord to show you any unforgiveness in your heart toward their father
and the grace to help you forgive.
• Ask the Lord to show you specific things He would like you to pray about.
What should I pray for the father of my children?
• If he isn’t a believer, pray for his salvation, if he is, pray he will walk closely with the Lord.
• Pray for the Lord to send godly men alongside him to encourage and pray for him.
• Pray that the Lord will grow him into the godly father He created him to be.
• Pray that he will love his children and always seek the best for them.
• Pray for the Lord to give him wisdom and discernment in parenting.
• Pray that he will pray for his children daily.
• Pray, that if it’s the Lord’s will, He’ll restore broken relationships between children and their
Character First information used by permission
And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well;
the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven.
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each
other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man
is powerful and effective. James 5:15-16
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