Functions and Procedures of XMLType

DBMS Support in Oracle 9i Release 2
Presentation Paper
Marouane Bouzoubaa
XML & Data Management
Supervisor: Dr. H.Haddouti
With the release of Oracle 9i, Oracle introduced the beginnings of an enhanced XML
facility built into the database kernel itself. In Oracle 9i Release 1 (9.0), this meant the
introduction of a new datatype, XMLType, as both a column, table, and a PL/SQL
datatype. In Oracle 9i Release 2 (9.2), the functionality of this datatype was been greatly
enhanced, coupled with an XML Repository that supports various protocols and
complemented with additional capabilities like Context searching support, indexing,
XQUERY support (still in beta version), schema validation and a host of other features
that comprise what Oracle calls their XML DB facility.
XML has arrived as a key technology for the next stage of evolution of the Internet. In
Today, most application data and web content is stored either in a relational database or
the file system or a combination of both. XML is used mostly as an artifact for transport,
generated from a database or a file-system. However, as the volume of XML being
transported grows, and developers consider the costs of constant regeneration of XML
documents there arises the question whether these storage methods effectively
accommodate XML content.
Figure 1: Common XML Architectures
Oracle and XML
Oracle has been at the forefront of XML technology for quite a while and, from the
beginning Oracle has taken the approach of implementing the various different XML
standards, which have largely been defined by the W3C. To provide higher performance
and enhanced functionality, the XML functions of Oracle needed to be integrated into the
database. Oracle took the first steps towards this integration with the inclusion of the
XMLType datatype in 9.1. This release was a first step but true XML and Database
integration did not occur until the enhanced version of the XMLType datatype and other
additional functionality was added with release 9.2.
What is XML DB?
XML DB takes the XML support for Oracle to the next level. The XDK offered by
Oracle is essentially a facility that is external to the database. With XML DB, this facility
is now an integral part of the database kernel itself. This integration allows for a higher
level of performance than previously available when handling XML documents and
datagrams. This performance enhancement is provided through a number of capabilities
including the ability to create Oracle indices for XML documents and to only update
portions of an XML document, a facility known as a “lazily materialized virtual DOM”.
The architecture of XML DB divides these facilities into two separate components. The
first component can be considered an XML Repository built into the database. This
repository rivals some of the existing XML databases and, to a large extent, obviates the
need to have a separate database for handling XML content. XML DB’s Repository
consists of a protocol handler that provides access to XML documents through standard
Internet protocols including HTTP, FTP and WebDAV. These protocols essentially
provide a Foldering paradigm for storing and retrieving XML documents. Additional
features like versioning and Access Control Lists (ACLs) are also available. This
component of the architecture, which implements the Content, or unstructured, view of
The XMLType datatype stores XML content, and can be used as the datatype of a
column. XMLType includes a number of useful methods to operate on XML content.
XMLTypes can be stored with 2 storage options – LOB and Object-Relational storage.
The former storage model maintains accuracy to the original XML (whitespaces and all),
while the latter maintains DOM (Document Object Model) fidelity. XMLType achieves
DOM fidelity by maintaining information that SQL or Java objects normally don't
provide for, such as:
Ordering of child elements and attributes
Distinguishing between elements and attributes
Undeclared data in instance documents, such as processing instructions,
comments, and namespace declarations
Support for basic XML datatypes not available in SQL (Boolean etc.)
Support for XML constraints (facets) not supported directly by SQL, such as
enumerated lists.
Some of the other benefits of XMLType are:
XML Schema support: You can create tables and types automatically given a W3C
standard XML Schema extending the normal SQL DDL. This means you have a standard
data model for all your data (structured and unstructured), and can use the database to
enforce this data model.
XML Piecewise Update: You can use XPath to specify individual elements and
attributes of your document to update, without rewriting the entire document. This is
more efficient, especially for large XML documents.
XPath Search: You can specify elements to query against via XPath, and then use SQL
operators (conformant to the emerging ANSI SQLX standard ) on these elements. This
helps you combine the best of SQL and XML.
XML Indexes: Use XPath to specify parts of your document to create indexes for XPath
XML Operators: New operators like XMLTABLE (to cast a list of nodes returned by
XPath into a table), XMLELEMENT (to create XML elements on the fly), etc. to make
XML queries and on-the-fly XML generation easy. XML DB makes the SQL and XML
metaphors interoperable.
XSL Transformations for XMLType: Use an XSLT to transform XML documents via
a SQL operator.
Lazy XML Load: XMLType provides a virtual DOM; it only loads rows of data as they
are requested, throwing away previously referenced sections of the document if memory
usage grows too large. This helps you get high scalability when many concurrent users
are dealing with large XML documents.
XML Views: Create XML views to create permanent aggregations of various XML
document fragments or relational tables. You can create your own efficient
representations of XML.
Schema Caching: XML DB keeps structural information (like element tags,
datatypes, and storage location) in a schema cache, to minimize access time and
storage costs. This helps you get high performance and scalability with large
documents, as well as a large number of documents.
Figure 1 – XML DB Architecture: the Content View (unstructured)
The second component of the architecture implements the Data, or structured, view of the
XML DB architecture. This component deals with SQL access to XML documents and
provides the implementation of the XMLType datatype. The XMLType datatype allows
for storing XML documents as exact replicas of an XML document in CLOB structures
(“white space fidelity”) or with same order of elements as the original XML document
(“DOM fidelity”) in object-relational tables. This component also provides additional
features including the ability to register and validate against XML schemas, inclusion of
XPath queries within SQL queries, the ability to perform XSL transformations and the
creation of XML documents using SQL/XML queries. The Data view of the architecture
of XML DB, is shown in Figure 2. One important point to note about XML DB is that
XML schemas are supported but older style Document Type Definitions (DTDs) are not.
Figure 2 – XML DB Architecture: the Data View (structured)
An XML DB Example
Much of the functionality of XML DB derives from the newly introduced XMLType
datatype. When creating relational tables, either a single column can be associated with
the XMLType datatype or the entire table can be just one column of this datatype. XML
columns can bed defined when a table is created or added later using the ALTER TABLE
statement. XMLType columns can also be dropped and have NULL values constraints
associated with them. In PL/SQL, a parameter, a return value, a variable, a PL/SQL table,
or a field on a PL/SQL record can be declared as an XMLType. The XML data in an
XMLType column can optionally be associated with an XML schema.
To complete this example, we will:
1. Register the XML schema with XML DB
2. Create a relational table to hold both relational data and XML documents
3. Load an XML document into the table
4. Write an SQL query to retrieve data from both the relational fields and the XML
document in the same query
All the queries to accomplish this example are included in the sql.txt.
You can find all the necessary resources also in my website:
XML DB is a high-performance XML storage and retrieval technology available with the
Oracle9i Rel 2 server. It fully absorbs the W3C XML data model into the Oracle server,
and provides new standard access methods for navigating and querying XML. With XML
DB, you get all the advantages of relational database technology and XML technology at
the same time.
Functions and Procedures of XMLType
Summary of Functions and Procedures of XMLType
Constructor that constructs an instance of the
XMLType datatype. The constructor can take in the
XML as a CLOB, VARCHAR2 or take in a object
Static function for creating and returning an
XMLType instance.
Takes a XMLType instance and a XPath and returns
1 or 0 indicating if applying the XPath returns a nonempty set of nodes.
Takes a XMLType instance and an XPath, applies the
XPath expression and returns the results as an
Checks if the input XMLType instance is a fragment
or not. A fragment is a XML instance, which has
more than one root element.
Returns the value of the XMLtype instance as a
Returns the value of the XMLtype instance as a
NUMBER. This is only valid if the input XMLtpye
instance contains a simple text node and is
convertible to a number.
Returns the value of the XMLType instance as a
Takes an XMLtype instance and an associated
stylesheet (which is also an XMLtype instance) ,
applies the stylesheet and returns the result as XML.
Converts the XMLType instance to an object type.
Returns 1 or 0 indicating if the input XMLType
instance is a schema based one or not.
Returns the XML schema URL if the input is a
XMLSchema based.
Returns the root element of the input instance.
Returns NULL if the instance is a fragment
Creates a schema based XMLtype instance from the
non-schema based instance using the input schema
createNonSchemaBasedXML() Creates a non schema based XML from the input
schema based instance.
Returns the namespace for the top level element in a
schema based document.
Validates the input instance according to the
XMLSchema. Raises error if the input instance is
non-schema based.
Checks if the instance has been validated against the
Sets the schema valid flag to avoid costly schema
Checks if the input instance is schema valid
according to the given schema URL.