Experiments with XML

Experiments with XML
1. The data structure that XML is parsed to in code
a. Is the data structure defined by the user?
b. Is there a standard data structure that all XML parsers write to?
2. What happens if the XML file is bad (improperly formed)
a. Is there a way to nicely handle ill-formed XML?
3. How to compare to XML lists efficiently (Are there any pre-canned methods?)
4. How do DTDs fit into the parsing picture
How to Resolve Unknown No. 1:
1. Do research on the web
a. Look for documentation of XML parsing methods
2. Write simple application that parses XML file and outputs it to the screen in a
different format (rearrange items)
a. This will force us to understand the data structure - To get items out of the
data structure in the order we want we must understand the data structure.
How to Resolve Unknown No. 2:
1. Look at documentation for parsing functions
2. Give test application properly and improperly formed XML files to handle
a. Can we handle the bad one without sending the user home?
How to Resolve Unknown No. 3:
1. Research on web
a. Look for example code, or pre-canned methods
2. Research various comparison algorithms (This depends on data structure that
XML is parsed to)
3. Write simple app that looks for matching items in a list (ideally with command
line parameters)
How to Resolve Unknown No. 4:
1. Look at parsing methods
a. Do they ask for DTD files?
b. If the XML file has a DTD imbedded in it, is it ignored?
c. What happens if the XML file doesn’t follow the ruses set up by the DTD?
2. Modify simple application for No. 1 to include a DTD
a. Try an XML file that follows the rules
b. Try one that doesn’t