1 High Spectral Efficiency 400G Transmission Xiang Zhou AT&T Labs-Research, Middletown, NJ 07748 Invited Abstract — This paper presents an overview on the generation and transmission of 450Gb/s wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels over the standard 50GHz ITU-T grid at a net spectral efficiency (SE) of 8.4b/s/Hz. It is shown that the use of near ideal Nyquist pulse shaping, spectrally-efficiecnt high-order modulation format, distributed Raman amplficiation, distributed compensation of ROADM filtering effects, coherent equalization and high-coding gain forward error correction (FEC) code may enable us to operate future 400G systems over the standard 50GHz-grid optical network. Index Terms—Spectral efficiency, modulation format, coherent, digital, QAM, Optical transmission, fiber, capacity,ROADM, optical filtering, pulse shaping I. INTRODUCTION Lowering optical transport costs traditionally has been achieved by increasing per-channel data rates and spectral efficiency (SE). The commercial availability of 100Gb/s WDM technology in 2010 now is being followed by research on per-channel bit rates beyond 100Gb/s with spectral efficiencies greater than 2bit/s/Hz to explore possibilities for the next-generation transport standard, which appears likely to be at 400Gb/s [1]. From the historical point of view, increasing the transport interface rate by a proportional increase of the spectral efficiency minimizes the cost per transmitted bit. Following this trend, a spectral efficiency of 8b/s/Hz might be needed for future 400Gb/s systems (see Fig. 1). Such a SE essentially enables operation of future 400Gb/s systems over existing optical networks with 50GHz WDM channel spacing and therefore is very attractive from the carrier’s perspective. Due to several fundamental limitations, transmitting 400Gb/s per-channel signals on the 50GHz WDM grid is very challenging. First, according to the information theory of Shannon, 11.76dB higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is required for an 8b/s/Hz 400Gb/s system as compared to current 2b/s/Hz 100Gb/s systems, even without considering the fiber nonlinearity. Second, the fiber nonlinearity limits the allowable launch power and, therefore, fundamentally limits the achievable signal SNR. Furthermore, a higher-SE modulation format is less tolerant toward fiber nonlinearity due to the reduced Euclidean distance. Third, non-ideal passband shapes from the optical network components, such as the widely used reconfigurable add/drop multiplexer (ROADM), will cause significant channel narrowing. Finally, a high-SE modulation format is less tolerant toward the laser phase noise, which may introduce extra penalty. Spectrally-efficient high-order coherent modulation formats, coherent detection, transmitter-side and receiver-side digital signal processing, distributed Raman amplification, high-coding-gain FEC code, and possibly new low-loss and low-nonlinearity fibers all have been considered as potential enabling technologies for the next generation of high-speed transport systems. These technologies are being experimentally explored in the research community. For examples, single-channel bit-rates beyond 100-Gb/s have been demonstrated by using both single-carrier (up to 448-Gb/s) [2] and multi-carrier based high-order coherent modulation formats (up to 448-Gb/s [3,4] and 1.2-Tb/s [5]). For WDM transmission, 50GHz-spaced, 10x224Gb/s over 12x100km at a SE of 4b/s/Hz [6], 10x456Gb/s in 70GHz channel spacing over 8x100km at SE=6.1bit/s/Hz [7], and 100GHz-spaced, 3x485Gb/s over 48x100km at SE=4b/s/Hz [8] have been demonstrated by using PDM-16QAM based modulation, digital coherent detection, distributed Raman amplification as well as new ultra-large area fiber (ULAF). Projected SE (b/s/Hz) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Deployed In 2011-2012 0 100 200 300 400 Transport interface rate (Gb/s) Fig. 1. Projected demand for spectral efficiency (SE) for the next generation transport standard Recently, 400G transmission over the standard 50GHz WDM grid has been demonstrated by using PDM-32QAM based modulation [9-11]. In [10], 8×450Gb/s WDM signals over 400km of ULAF fiber and passing through one 50GHz-grid WSS-based reconfigurable add/drop multiplexer (ROADM) has been demonstrated at a net spectral efficiency (SE) of 8b/s/Hz. This is the first experimental demonstration for 400G WDM system over the standard 50GHz-grid otpical network. In [11], the transmission reach has been extended to 800km by introducing a broadband optical spectral shaping technique for ROADM filtering effects compensation. This is 1 2 the longest transmission diatance demonstrated for WDM SE beyond 4b/s/Hz. The key enabliong technologies as well as the experimental results will be reviewed in the following sections. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section II devote to the description of the used 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM transmitter. Section III presents the coherent receiver and the digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms. Two WDM transmission experiments (including the measured back-to-back results) are presented in section IV. Discussions and summaries are given in section V. -20 D/A converters (a) -40 -60 -50 -50 -25 -25 00 25 25 50 50 PC ILF 9.2G clock ILF >33dB Original 50GHzspaced signal MZM2 -20 -40 -50 -50 Q (b) Pre- equalized 9Gbaud digital Nyquist 32QAM D/A converters -60 -80 POL MUX IQ MOD 2 PBS PC EDFA OC 25/50G PC ILF 12.5/25G VOA Power (dBm) MZM1 IQ MOD 1 I EDFA Laser Q I Freq. offset (GHz) Pre- equalized 9Gbaud digital Nyquist 32QAM -25 -25 0 0 25 25 50 50 Freq. offset (GHz) Fig. 2. 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM transmitter. VOA: variable attenuator, PC: polarization controller, PBS:polarization beam splitter. Time (Symbol period) Time (Symbol period) (a) (b) Fig. 3. (a) Interpolated impulse response of the Nyquist filter and (b) the resulting eye diagram of the generated baseband 32QAM signal. 9GHz 9GHz 25 Amplitude (dB) Amplitude (dB) 20 15 10 -1 25 20 15 10 5 5 -0.5 0 0.5 Frequency (unit: baud rate) 1 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 Frequency (unit: baud rate) (a) (b) Fig. 4. Measured relative amplitude spectra of 9Gbaud Nyquist 32QAM baseband electrical drive signals (after D/A converter) without pre-equalization (a) and with pre-equalization (b). Power (dBm) To overcome the limitation of available digital-to-analog (D/A) converter bandwidth, a frequency-locked five-subcarrier generation method has been utilized to create the 450Gb/s per-channel signal [10,11]. Fig. 2 shows the demonstrated 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM transmitter. The output from a continuous-wave (CW) laser with linewidth 100kHz is split by a 3dB optical coupler (OC). One output is sent to a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM-1) driven with a 9.2GHz clock to generate two 18.4GHz-spaced subcarriers per channel (i.e. the two first-order signal components) offset by ±9.2GHz from the original wavelengths. After an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and a 12.5/25GHz interleaver filter (ILF), the original wavelengths and second-order harmonics are suppressed by more than 40dB relative to the first-order components (see inset (a) in Fig. 2). The signal is then equally split between two outputs of a polarization beam splitter (PBS) prepared via a polarization controller (PC). The two subcarriers on one PBS output are sent to an IQ modulator (IQ MOD1), driven with a pre-equalized 9Gbaud Nyquist 32-QAM signal with 215-1 pseudorandom pattern length. The Nyquist pulse shaping has roll-off factor of 0.01, and the digital Nyquist filter has a tap length of 64. Fig. 3 shows the Nyquist filter impulse response used in this experiment and the resulting eye diagram of the generated 32QAM baseband signal in one quadrature. Frequency-domain based pre-equalization [12] is used to compensate for the band-limiting effects of the D/A converters, which have 3-dB bandwidths < 5GHz at 10bit resolution and a 24GSa/s sample rate. The measured relative amplitude spectra of the generated 9Gbaud Nyquist 32QAM baseband electrical drive signals (after D/A converters) with and without Amplitude (V) 9.2G clock 0 >40dB Power (dBm) II. 450GB/S PDM-NYQUIST-32QAM TRANSMITTER pre-equalization are shown in Fig. 4. One can see that the filtering effects caused by the D/A converters are effectively compensated by using frequency-domain based digital pre-equalization. A second Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM-2) driven with a 9.2GHz clock is placed at the second PBS output to generate first-order signal components at 0GHz and 18.4GHz offsets from the original wavelength. After MZM-2, the signals pass through two 25/50GHz interleavers to suppress the 0GHz signal components and the unwanted harmonics (see inset (b) in Fig. 2). The second ILF re-inserts the original CW signal (from the second 3dB OC output), resulting in three 18.4GHz-spaced subcarriers from the original wavelength. These three sub-carriers pass through an IQ modulator (IQ MOD2), driven by a second pre-equalized 9Gbaud Nyquist 32-QAM signal having 215-1 pseudorandom pattern length and originating from a second D/A converter. Then the sets of two and three 45Gb/s sub-carriers are passively combined and polarization multiplexed with 20ns relative delay, resulting in a 450Gb/s signal that occupies a spectral width of 45.8GHz, sufficiently confined to be placed on the 50GHz ITU grid (see Fig. 5). 45.8GHz BW=0.01nm Freq. offset (GHz) Fig. 5. Measured optical spectrum of the generated 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist 32QAM signal consisting of five subcarriers. 2 3 COHERENT RECEIVER HARDWARE AND ALGORITHM A DSP-enabled coherent receiver is used for the detection and demodulation of the received PDM-Nyquist-32QAM signal. the polarization- and phase-diverse coherent receiver front-end consists of a polarization-diverse 90-degree hybrid, a tunable external cavity laser (ECL) of ~100kHz linewidth serving as the local oscillator (LO), and four balanced photo-detectors. An optical tunable filter (OTF) with ~50GHz -3dB bandwidth is used to select the desired channel for detection. The subcarriers are selected by tuning the LO to within 200MHz of their center frequencies. A four-channel real-time sampling scope with 50GSa/s sample rate and 16GHz analog bandwidth performs the sampling and digitization (ADC) function, followed by post-transmission DSP of the captured data on a desktop computer. The flow chart for the offline receiver DSP is shown in Fig. 6. After digital compensation of optical front-end errors (sampling skews and hybrid phase errors) and anti-aliasing filtering, the 50 GSa/s signal is first down-sampled to a sample rate equal to 2symbol rate. After that, the bulk chromatic dispersion (CD) is compensated using a fixed T/2-spaced finite impulse response (FIR) filter with 72 complex-valued taps. (In a practical system, frequency-domain based equalization is more efficient than time-domain based equalization.) Next, we performed simultaneous polarization recovery and residual CD compensation with four complex-valued, 21-tap, T/2-spaced adaptive FIR filters, optimized by a two-stage equalization strategy: The classic constant-modulus algorithm is used in the first stage to achieve pre-convergence, and after the preconvergence is reached, a decision-directed least-mean-square algorithm is then used for the steady-state optimization. Error calculation IX j hX X Qx Front-end correction 2baud rate Re-sample j X Carrier recovery Decoding, decision & BER count Y Carrier recovery Decoding, decision & BER count hxy CD Comp. IY hxx hY hyx Y hyy Error calculation CMA: pre-convergence DD-LMS: steady-state optimization Carrier frequency and phase recovery are implemented after the initial equalization stage. The frequency offset between the LO and the signal is estimated by using a constellation-assisted two-stage blind frequency search method [12]: the frequency offset is first scanned at a step size of 10MHz and then at a step size of 1MHz, and the optimal frequency offset is the one that gives the minimum mean-square error. For each trial frequency, the carrier phase is first recovered (with best effort) by using a newly proposed hybrid blind phase search (BPS) and maximum likelihood (ML) phase estimation method [13], and decisions made following this phase estimation are then used as reference signals for mean-square error calculation. Note that this WDM EXPERIMENTS Two 450Gb/s per-channel WDM transmission experiments using PDM-Nyquist-32QAM has been demonstrated [10,11]. In the first WDM transmission experiment, no optical pulse shaping is used to compensate for the filtering effects from the 50GHz-grid ROADM. In the second WDM experiment, a liquid-crystal-on-silicon (LCoS)-based flexible bandwidth WSS has been used as a broadband optical pulse shaper to mitigate the ROADM filtering effects. A. 8450-Gb/s over 400km without optical shaping The experimental setup for the WDM transmission of 8450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM over 400km is shown in Fig. 7. The eight 450Gb/s C-band channels are based on odd (192.30 to 192.60THz) and even (192.35 to 192.65THz) sets of multiplexed, 100GHz-spaced external cavity lasers (ECL), which are combined using a 3dB optical coupler (OC) and modulated in the 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM transmitter (see Fig. 1). The measured optical spectrum of a single 450Gb/s, 32-QAM channel and the eight-channel WDM spectrum prior to transmission are shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 8, respectively. ECLs 1 3 5 100km ULA fiber Odd 7 2 4 6 8 4 ‘ROADM’ OC PDM-Nyquist 32QAM TX Delay EDFA Coherent RX 50GHz WSS Even 50/100G 11dBm WDM Fig. 6 Post-transmission off-line digital signal processing flow chart IV. WDM QY frequency recovery method is applicable for any modulation format and can reliably recover carrier frequency by using only tens of symbols (64 are used in this experiment). The carrier phase is estimated by using a two-stage method: the carrier phase recovered from the previous symbol is used as an initial test phase angle. The “decided” signal made following this initial test phase angle is then used as a reference signal for a more accurate ML-based phase recovery through a feed-forward configuration [13]. For the first block of data, the initial phase angle is obtained by using the BPS method [14]. To reduce the probability of cycle slipping (no differential coding/encoding is used in this experiment), a sliding-window based symbol-by-symbol phase estimation is employed. For bit-error-ratio (BER) calculation, errors are counted over more than 1.2×106 bits of information. Raman pumps Fig. 7. Experimental setup for 8450-Gb/s over 400km transmission -15 Power (dBm) III. -25 -35 BW=0. 1nm -45 -55 1555.5 1556.5 1557.5 1558.5 1559.5 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 8. Measured optical spectrum of the generated 8450-Gb/s WDM signals. 3 4 Bit error ratio 10-1 standard single-mode fiber jumpers and including a 1450/1550nm WDM coupler for the counter-propagating Raman pumps at the span outputs, the total span losses are 19.2, 19.6, 19.2, and 18.9dB. Hybrid Raman-EDFAs are used, with an on-off Raman gain of 11dB per span from ~1450nm pumps. Due to the gain-flattened EDFAs and the narrow ~3nm total bandwidth of the eight 450Gb/s channels, the spectrum had flatness to within 1dB after 400km, for a large range of span input powers. Theory BB, single subcarrier BB, single channel BB, WDM 10-2 10-3 10-4 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 Fig. 9 shows the measured back-to-back BER performance for three different conditions: a single subcarrier operating at 9 Gbaud, a single 450Gb/s channel composed of 5 subcarriers, and one of the center 450Gb/s channels of 8450Gb/s WDM channels spaced by 50GHz. The displayed OSNR for the single subcarrier in this figure is a scaled result obtained by multiplying the actual OSNR of the single subcarrier signal by a factor of 5. No ROADM filtering was used in these back-to-back measurements. The recovered Nyquist-32QAM constellation diagram at an OSNR of 38.9dB for a single 450Gb/s channel also is shown in this figure. For comparison, a theoretical curve is included in Fig. 9. There is ~6-dB implementation penalty at BER 2×10-3. Thanks to the use of digital Nyquist pulse shaping, the OSNR penalty (at 2×10-3 BER) from inter-channel WDM crosstalk is very small even without narrow optical filtering, because the 450Gb/s signal is well confined to within 45.8GHz bandwidth. The OSNR penalty from inter-subcarrier crosstalk is less than 1 dB. A portion of the inter-subcarrier crosstalk originates from the out-of-band aliased spectral components from the electrical drive signals. 10-1 Sub1 Sub3 Sub5 X 10-3 X 7 8 12 9 10 11 Total launch power (dBm) Transmission (dB) -40 -20 0 20 Frequency Offset (GHz) Y Y 13 Fig. 11. BER performance of the five subcarriers of the center DWDM channel at 192.50THz after 4100km transmission for a range of total launch power into the fiber spans. 10-2 FEC threshold -5 10-3 -15 -25 After 400km -35 BW=0.1nm -45 1555.5 1556.5 1557.5 1558.5 1559.5 10-4 1555.5 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Sub2 Sub4 Average 10-2 Power (dBm) 24 OSNR at 0.1 nm noise bandwidth Fig. 9. Measured back-to-back performance under three different conditions, as explained in the text. Bit error ratio 22 Bit error ratio 20 1556.5 1557.5 1558.5 1559.5 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 12. The average BER of the five subcarriers of all eight channels after 400km transmission with optimum launch power. The inset shows the optical spectrum after 400km. 40 Fig. 10. Measured power transmission of the 50GHz-grid WSS used to emulate the ROADM. For the WDM transmission the eight 450Gb/s signals pass through a 18, 50GHz-spaced WSS based on liquid-crystal technology to emulate the filtering from a ROADM. Odd and even channels are sent to separate WSS output ports, for maximum filtering, and a relative delay of 175 symbols decorrelates the odd and even channels before they are recombined using a 3-dB optical coupler. Filtering from the WSS passband is significant, as the -3dB and -6dB bandwidths are 42.2 and 46.6GHz, respectively, as shown in Fig. 10. Following the ROADM, the transmission line consists of four 100-km spans of ULAF with, at 1550nm, average Aeff of 135 um2, average attenuation of 0.179 dB/km, and average dispersion of 20.2 ps/nm/km. After splicing the span inputs to The results for the 8450Gb/s transmission experiment are shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 12. The BERs of the five sub-carriers of the center channel at 192.50THz were measured as the total launch power to the spans was varied. As shown in Fig. 11, based on the average BER of the five sub-carriers, the optimum total launch power per span is 11dBm, corresponding to an average of 2dBm per 450Gb/s channel and -5dBm per sub-carrier. At this launch power, the OSNR was 34dB/0.1nm after the 400km transmission. It has been assumed that digital signals from all five sub-carriers would co-exist on one silicon chip, and as such, the FEC would be encoded on a per-channel basis, not on a per-subcarrier basis. Thus, the net BER of the 450Gb/s channel is the average BER of the subcarriers [15]. Fig. 12 shows the performance of each of the eight 450Gb/s DWDM channels at the optimum 11dBm total launch power. The average BER of the five subcarriers of all eight channels is better than 3.810-3, which is lower than the BER threshold for a 7% continuously interleaved BCH code (4.510-3 [16]). The 4 5 inset in Fig. 12 shows the optical spectrum after 400km, where spectral filtering by the WSS is clearly evident. ECLs 1 ROADM WDM Optical spectral shaping PDM-Nyquist 32QAM TX 50GHz WSS -40 Launch to the fiber 100 km ULA fiber switch switch Raman pumps 3dB Coupler 9dBm 1556.8 1557.3 1557.8 1558.3 1558.8 (c) Fig. 14. Measurements of the optical spectra for a single channel with (thick) and without (thin) optical spectral shaping (a) before the ROADM and (b) after the ROADM, and (c) spectra of the five DWDM signals with optical spectral shaping before and after the ROADM (launch to the fiber). The measured optical spectra of a single 450Gb/s, 32-QAM channel before and after the 50GHz ROADM are shown in Fig. 14a and b, respectively. The thin lines show the spectra without optical spectral shaping. It is clear that when the signal (without optical spectral shaping) passes through the 50GHz ROADM, significant filtering occurs. The power loss due to this filtering effect can be largely pre-compensated by using broadband optical spectral shaping, as shown by the thick lines in Fig. 14a-b. Using this spectral shaping, the measured optical spectra of the five 450Gb/s DWDM signals prior to and after the ROADM are shown in Fig. 14c. The filtering effects of all the five channels have been largely pre-compensated. 10-1 EDFA 1556.3 Wavelength (nm) Even 50/100G WDM 4 Odd BW=0.1nm -55 1555.8 ILF OC 2 Delay EDFA 5 -25 Launch to the ROADM Bit error ratio 3 Power (dBm) B. 5450-Gb/s over 800km with optical shaping The experimental setup for the WDM transmission of 5450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist--32QAM over 800km is shown in Fig. 13. For this experiment, an LCoS-based dynamic, broadband optical spectral shaper (with 1GHz resolution) followed by a booster EDFA were inserted before the 50GHz-grid ROADM. This optical spectral shaper is used to pre-compensate the ROADM filtering. Because such pre-compensation will result in enhanced inter-channel WDM crosstalk (due to the limited channel isolation of the 50GHz WSS), a 50/100G interleaver is used inside the ROADM emulator to combine the odd and even channels in order to further suppress the inter-channel WDM crosstalk. The re-circulating loop contains the same four 100-km spans of ULA fiber with 11dB on-off Raman gain, as previously described for the 400km experiment. After two circulations (800km), the spectrum of the five 450Gb/s channels was flat to within 1 dB, for total span input powers ranging from 6 to 12dBm. The optimal total launch power at the span inputs was 9 dBm. -10 Theory Back-to-back After ROADM, with optical shaping After ROADM, no optical shaping 10-2 10-3 4 Coherent RX 10-4 20 20 Fig. 13. Set-up for 8450-Gb/s transmission over 800km. OTF: optical tunable filter. ILF: interleaver filter. OC: optical coupler; PC: polarization controller -15 -15 Power (dBm) Power (dBm) -25 45.8GHz -35 -45 BW=0.01nm -55 -35 BW=0.01 nm -45 No optical shaping With optical shaping -65 1557 1557.2 1557.4 Wavelength (nm) (a) 1557.6 45.8GHz -25 No optical shaping With optical shaping -55 1557 1557.2 1557.4 Wavelength (nm) (b) 1557.6 24 32 2828 24 3636 32 OSNR at 0.1 nm noise bandwidth 4040 Fig. 15. OSNR sensitivity for the generated 450Gb/s signal Figure 15 shows the measured OSNR sensitivity for the 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM signal for three different scenarios: a single channel without optical filtering from the ROADM (i.e. the back-to-back case, no optical shaping applied), with filtering from the ROADM while the optical spectral shaping is applied, and finally with filtering from the ROADM but without optical spectral shaping. For comparison, a theoretical OSNR sensitivity curve is also displayed in this figure. Compared to the previous experiment, the back-to-back sensitivity is improved by about 2 dB at 2×10 -3 BER, achieved mainly by improved bias optimization for the two IQ modulators. In the presence of ROADM filtering, optical spectral shaping improves the OSNR sensitivity by more than 2 dB at 2×10-3 BER. 5 6 Power (dBm) -18 -28 After 800km BW=0.1nm -38 -48 1555.8 1556.8 1557.8 1558.8 Wavelength (nm) Fig. 16. Measured optical spectrum after 800 km transmission FEC Threshold Bit error ratio 510-3 410-3 310-3 610-3 210-3 310-3 6 6 110-3 1556 8 11 9 7 10 Total Launch power (dBm) 8 10 1558 1557 Wavelength (nm) 12 12 1559 Fig. 17. Measured BER of the five 450Gb/s DWDM channels after 800km transmission, where the inset displays the measured BER for the center DWDM channel versus total launch power for all five 450Gb/s channels. The transmission results are shown in Figs. 16 and 17, where the measured optical spectrum after 800km transmission is shown in Fig. 16. The measured OSNR is 31dB/0.1nm. The measured BER of all five WDM channels at the optimal total launch power of 9 dBm (2dBm/ch) is presented in Fig. 17, where the inset shows the measured BER for the center channel located at 192.5THz as the total launch power into the spans is varied. The BER of all five channels is better than 3.810-3, and the worst subcarrier BER is 4.310-3, both of which are lower than the BER threshold for a 7% continuously interleaved BCH code (4.510-3 [16]). V. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSIONS In conclusion, this paper presents a detailed review on two recently demonstrated high-SE (8.4b/s/Hz) 400G transmission experiments. These two experiments demsontrate, for the first time, that 400Gb/s per channel WDM signals can be transmitted over the conventional 50GHz ITU-T grid with a transmission reach up to 800km (eight 100km spans) and more over, passing through one 50GHz grid ROADM. These results are accomplished by the use of a spectrally-efficient high-order modulation format, Nyquist-shaped PDM-32QAM, as well as both pre- and post-transmission digital equalization. Low-nonlinearity fiber and low-noise Raman amplification also have been used to address the reduced nonlinear and noise tolerance of the high-order modulation format. To overcome the bandwidth limitation of the available D/A converters, a frequency-locked five subcarrier generation method with high sideband suppression has used to create the 450Gb/s PDM-Nyquist-32QAM signals. The use of five frequency-locked subcarriers and near ideal Nyquist pulse shaping essentially allows the 450Gb/s spectrum being well confined within the 50GHz channel spacing (occuping a signal spectral width about 45.8GHz). Using multiple subcarriers (with Nyquist pulse shaping) within each channel could enable all-optical sub-wavelength grooming, which may be useful for future 400Gb/s and beyond ultra-high-speed systems. Another key enabling tehcology is LCoS based broadband optical spectral shaping. It is shown that this spectral shaping technique can be used to mitigate the narrow ROADM filtering effects. Because an optical spectral shaper could be designed within each ROADM and essentially enbles distributed compensation of ROADM filtering effects. Distributed ROADM filtering compensation method has some advantages compared to transmitter-side pre-equalization or receiver-side post-equalization because, unlike transmitter-side pre-equalization, distributed compensation does not require more launch power into the fiber, and thus it does not enhance the fiber nonlinear effects. Distributed compensation also does not enhance the noise components, as occurs with receiver-side post-equalization. The disadvantage of distributed compensation is the need for extra optical amplification to compensate for the loss caused by the optical spectral shaper. REFERENCES [1] M. Camera, B. E. Olsson, and G. 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D degree in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications in 1999. From 1999 to 2001, he was with Nangang Technological University, Singapore, as a Research Fellow, doing research on optical CDMA and wide-band Raman amplification. He has been a Senior Member Technical Staff in AT&T Labs-Research since October 2001, working on various aspects of long-haul optical transmission and photonic networking technologies, including Raman amplification, polarization-related impairments, optical power transient control, advanced modulation formats and digital signal processing at bit rate 100Gb/s and beyond. He has authorized/co-authorized more than 100 peer-reviewed journals and conferences publication, and holds 28 USA patents. He currently serves as an associate editor of Optics Express. He is member of OSA, and a senior member of IEEE. 7