BOREHOLE METADATA FORM BOREHOLENAME Longyearbyen school COUNTRY Norway (Svalbard) LATITUDEAND LONGITUDE (degrees, minutes) N 78º12’32.2’’ – E 015º36’22.9’’ BOREHOLEDEPTH (m) AND MEASUREMENT INTERVAL IF DIFFERENT FROM DEPTH 9.8m (no AT yet, GT (preliminary) 0.15, 1.15, 2.15, 3.15, 4.15, 5.15, 6.15, 7.15, 8.15, 9.15m) YEARDRILLED Febr. 28 2008 METHODOF DRILLING drill rig, hammer, 76mm drill bit DURATIONOF DRILLING (hours/days) c. 5 hrs TYPEOF AND DISTANCE FROM HEAT SOURCES (surface disturbance, m) Natural[ ] no disturbance [ ] lake [x] river [] othernatural disturbance (describe) [] anthropogenic (describe type of disturbance; pipeline, storage area,reservoir, etc.) About 150-200 m from river PERIODOF PRIOR MEASUREMENTS AND FREQUENCY (starting date; annually, monthly, weekly,or daily etc.) Starting Febr 28 2008 (hourly by logger) METHODOF TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT (thermistor probe, permanent cable [provide numberof sensors and nominal depth], fluid filled hole and its level, diameter andtype of casing , depth of casing, etc.) 10-channel logger and 10 sensors with 1m spacing along cable. Hole is cased with PVC tube (40 mm diam.). Tube is air-filled. PERMAFROSTZONE Isolated[ ] Mountain[ ] PERMAFROST Continuous[x] [x] PRESENT Discontinuous[] Sporadic [ ] [] ABSENT PERMAFROSTTHICKNESS (if known, m) anticipated 50-100m MEANANNUAL GROUND TEMPERATURE AT OR NEAR DEPTH OF ZERO ANNUAL AMPLITUDE (°C)– report value for mostrecent year or 12 month interval no data yet Depthof zero annual amplitude (or depth of measurement reported above) (m) No data yet Range(if applicable) of mean annual ground temperature over observation period (°C) No data yet ELEVATION(above sea level , m) 68 m (GPS) SITESLOPE (angle, aspect) approx. level SITETOPOGRAPHY AND LOCAL RELIEF [ ]Valley [ ]Top of hill or ridge [ X ]Plain Localrelief (m) LANDFORMOR GEOMORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY OF SITE (age) Valleybottom, glaciofluvial river plain of most probably Holocene age. The river has since development of Longyearbyen 100 yrs ago been artificially kept in its present channel 150200m away. GEOLOGY(brief description of bedrock, sediments, including types and estimate of icecontent volume [high, medium, low]) Glaciofluvial deposit. Ice lenses (some cm thick) occur frequently from 1.2 m depth and to the bottom of the hole. DOMINANTSITE VEGETATION [] Polar desert [x]Tundra [] ShrubTundra [ ] Forest Tundra []Coniferous Forest [ ]Deciduous Forest [ ] Grassland [ ] Other (describe) AIRTEMPERATURE AND SNOW COVER THICKNESS/DENSITY MEASUREMENTS AT THE BOREHOLE SITE(indicate frequency of observations): Airtemperature: Yes [will come later ] No [ ] hourly Snow thickness: Yes[ ] No[x] Density: Yes [ ] No[x] ACCESSIBILITYOF THE BOREHOLE Modeof transportation (helicopter, road, offroad vehicle, river, etc.) walk Distance from road access (km) 0.2 km from school NAMEAND LOCATION OF CLOSEST CLIMATE STATION (latitude, longitude, and distance fromborehole, km) – provide (if available) mean monthly air temperature andsnow depth of reporting interval for mean annual ground temperature Svalbard airport (5-6 km) Gruvefjellet (not official) Adventdalen (not official) OTHERCOMMENTS: (use additional space)