Education in the light of the truth.
To provide excellent academic and Islamic
education in accordance with the Qur’an and
Sunnah. To nurture students in a safe, attractive
environment that will prepare them to became
responsible, productive members of society while
remaining in their Muslim character and Identity.
To implement excellent academic and Islamic
educational programs that will challenge our
students to reach their full spiritual, social,
emotional and intellectual potential. To raise
students who are practicing Muslims proud of their
history and striving to achieve success in this life
and the hereafter.
 Nyali Integrated Academy is a modern institution offering quality education in
both primary and Nursery level of learning.
 The integration of both secular and religious studies is ment to equip our
learners with both worldly and spiritual knowledge inclined to help achieve
their future goals.
 Children from all walks of life have helped strengthen the perception and
understanding of both individual and social code of ethics. On this note it’s
perfectly right to feel like an international oriented institution.
 The secular division of education is driven under the Kenyan 8-4-4 system of
education where both the syllabus and curriculum are derived from the
directives and expectations of this particular education system.
 We’ve opened our doors to all students between the levels of class 1-7 with an
aim of getting ample opportunity to prepare for a K.C.P.E class (class eight)
next year (Insha-Allah). All examinable subjects are categorically taught and
examined as per the Ministry of Education school running and events timetable
a) Mathematics
b) English
c) Kiswahili
d) Science
e) Social Studies & Islamic Religious Education
 A well trained and experienced staff of both male and female gender has been
the main ingredient to our successful establishment with not only the aim
towards a bright future but a blessed one at that.
 With modern equipped facilities we strive for the best of excellence in all
aspects of learning.
 Apart from the normal classroom learning environment, our students have the
opportunity to experience outdoor classes through trips, projects, exhibitions
and facilitated lectures.
 Co-curricular activities are also an incentive to our learner’s undying urge for
exploration and exhibition of individual talents e.g. swimming, football,
volleyball etc.
Please complete in full and return to:
Nyali Integrated Academy
P.O.BOX 97577-80112, Mombasa
Cell: +254719621960/+254732899200
Tel: 020-2649127
Email: nyali integrated academy@gmail.com
“Education in the light of the truth”
If you have any questions or need assistance,
Please call our Admission Department at +254719621960/+254732899200
Tel: 020-2649127
What parents should know of our boarding school program:
The Nyali Integrated Academy endeavours to help parents who have teens that are capable but
underachieving in school and in some cases, those who may not be following the rules at home.
Using our structured academic and behavioural systems our goal is to see our students earn all the
core credits necessary to gain acceptance in the society.
Because parents need us at various times, we enroll students whenever necessary during the
school year.
Vital elements of our program are: Daily recital of the Quran and in consideration of the AhkamUl-Tajweed.
o Weekly grade reports that are shared with parents and hence give the school a powerful.
motivation tool because the “perks” that teens desire are grated based on effort and
accountability and responsibility.
o Mandatory tutorials by teachers Monday through Friday after school on regular subjects
as deemed necessary.
o Very low student-teacher ratios.
o A belief in make-up and extra credit work as legitimate ways to bring up grades
whenever a quiz pretest has gone poorly.
o Self-esteem building via daily recognition about the accomplishments of our teenagers.
o Creating a responsible upstraight Muslim character in our students.
Students will earn a privilege to maker their lives at Nyali Integrated Academy responding in
appositive manner –there by reaping the benefits that come with responsible academic efforts and
citizenship: allowances -trip –recognition –high grades –solid friendship –happier parents growing self
–esteem. etc.
Encouraging reading of the Quran and
encrou its importance.
o Pointing out regularly the advantages of positive peer group’s choices.
o Creating a solid team consisting of parents and the school to let student s know that success is
their only option.
o Using a reasonable set of rules and common sense philosophy that says simply: When you
choose to violate a rule, just pay the price and get a fresh start.
All this is through the grace of Allah and effort from Muslim brother and sister who are seeking Allah’s
rewards and may Allah grant them paradise Insha’Allah.
We are available in person or by telephone at any time answer any question.
Nyali Integrated Academy
P.O.BOX 97577-80112, Mombasa
Cell: +254719621960/+254732899200
Email: nyali integrated academy@gmail.com
1. APPLICATION: Complete the application form sign and date all pages. Return the completed application form
to the school. Applications should be submitted as early as possible to ensure the place for your students. Open
enrolment is available, as space permits during the academic year.
2. TRANSCRIPTS: An official copy of the student’s transcripts should be sent with completed application.
Students transferring during a school year should also request withdrawal grades.
3. STUDENTS HEALTH FORMS & RECORDS: Health forms and immunization records must be sent along
with other official school records at the time of application. Certain immunizations are required by the
management of the facility. Please include a photocopy of your current insurance card.
4. TESTING AND PSYCOLOGICAL EVALUATIONS: Please forward a copy of any/ all testing or pertinent
academic of personal information that will be helpful in making a decision regarding your child’s enrollment at
our boarding facility.
5. INTERVIEW: An on boarding interview, including a tour of Nyali Integrated Academy boarding facility is
6. PERMISION FORMS: Permission forms should be completed in full and returned with the application form.
7. INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: In addition to the above requirements. International students must indicate
their ability to pay all Nyali Integrated Academy fees and have educational passes form the immigration office.
2 Bed Sheets & 1 Blanket
2 Pillows
Washing Soap (powder Foam)
Bathing Soap
Towels & Sandals
2 pair of uniforms & 2 pair of socks
5 Kanzu (Khamis)
2 pair of shoes (black)
Shoe polish & Brush
P.E. Uniforms
Swimming Costumes
2 Passport Size Photos
A copy of birth Certificate/Passport
Boarding Fee at ksh.60,000.00 full package per term and this amount is inclusive of:Accommodation, tuition, hospital, swimming, food, computer, report book, diary, games
and exam fee. Text book fund at Ksh. 12,000.00 is only paid once the student has been
- Fees once paid is non-refundable
P.O. BOX 97577-80112 MSA
Cell: +254719621960/+254732899200
MAIL: nyali integrated academy@gmail .com
Applicant’s Name: __________________________
Address: ______________
City _________
(Nick name)
State /County: __________
Telephone: __________
Birth Place: __________
Country: __________
Sex _________Date of Birth ___________
Citizenship: _______
Height __________ Weight ______________ Hair Colour ________ Eye Colour
Applying for year: ____________
Applying as a:
Boarding Student
Day Student
For Grade
Name of Father or Guardian:
Home address (if different than applicant)
Telephone (if different than applicant)
Name of company
Cell phone
Name of Mother or Guardian:
Home address (if different than applicant)
Telephone (if different than applicant)
Name of company
Cell phone
If family is not together please give the following information:
Father Deceased
Mother Deceased
Parents Separated or Divorced
If parents are divorced who holds full decision-making regarding the leaving and educational arrangements for
With whom does the applicant reside?
Name of stepfather or stepmother (if any):
Who will be financially responsible for the applicant?
(This form must be submitted to the Health Centre with immunization records)
Please read carefully and complete the following health form prior to your student’s enrolment at Nyali Integrated
Please furnish the home Administrator with a copy of your Childs most recent physical examination.
Is your child physically able to participate in regular physical education classes?
Should your child be permitted to participate in competitive sports?
If NO- explain the limiting factors:
Is your child now taking any medicine or drugs?
If so, please list:
Any other serious illness, surgery or accident we should be aware of?
Is your child under professional care for mental, emotional or substance abuse problem?
If yes, please explain:
Please note any medications that should not be administered to your child:
If not available in an emergency, notify:
Relationship to the child:
Have both parents, agreed for the child to be in this institution:
If no who is against:
Parent or Guardian Name:
Parent or Guardian Signature
Please complete in full and return to:
Nyali Integrated Academy
P.O.BOX 97577-80112, Mombasa
Cell: +254719621960/+254732899200
Tel: 020-2649127
Email: nyali integrated academy@gmail.com
“Education in the light of the truth”
If you have any questions or need assistance,
Please call our Admission Department at +254719621960/+254732899200
Tel: 020-2649127
“Education in the light of the truth”
Name : _______________________________Gender:
Date of birth: ________________ Place of birth: ___________________________
Nationality: ________________________________________________________
Current residence: _________________
District____________ Province: _____________ Country: ____________
Last institution attended : _____________________________________________
Last class attended : _______________
Date of leaving the last institution: ______________________________________
To be admitted in class: _____________
9. Mother’s name: _________________ _______________ _______________
10. Father’s name: _________________ _______________ _______________
11. Guardian’s name: _______________ _______________ ______________
12. Address
P.O. Box: _________________
Office phone number: _________________
Country: ___________________
Home number: ________________
E-mail: ___________________
Mobile: ________________
Mobile 2: ________________
Signature of the principal
Signature of Parent/Guardian
NB: Please attach the scholar’s birth (certificate) copy, 2 Passport size photo and ID
copy of the Parent/Guardian.
Date Enrolled:
Admission Number:
in the light of the truth”
Admission fee
ksh. 3,000
ksh. 3,000
ksh. 3,000
Tuition fee
ksh. 15,000
ksh. 18,000
ksh. 10,000
Text Book Fund
(ksh. 12,000)
(ksh. 1,000)
ksh. 100
ksh. 100
ksh. 100
Report Book
ksh. 100
ksh. 100
ksh. 100
ksh. 500
ksh. 500
ksh. 500
ksh .5000
ksh .4500
Note: The above fee structure is for day scholars. Boarding is also available at ksh.60000.00
full package per
term and this amount is inclusive of:-tuition, food and exam fee. Text book fund is
only paid once the student has been admitted.
Fees once paid is non-refundable
For further information contact the following numbers:Zain:+ 254 732 899200
Safaricom: - +254 719 621960
Email: nyaliintergratedacademy@gmail.com
P.O.BOX 97577-80112MOMBASA
1. All students must regularly attend the school in full school uniform.
2. Student who absent themselves from school days must bring a note of
explanation on the following day in the school diary and submit it to the
headteacher/class teacher before entering the class.
3. Every student shall maintain a high standard of discipline.
4. No student will be permitted to leave the school during learning hours on the
basis of written request. Parents/Guardian should come personally to the school
in case of emergency.
5. Name of those students who absent themselves from the school without prior
permission /information for a period exceeding 10 consecutive days will be
removed from the school record. Fresh admission fee will be charged for readmission .
6. Students who suffer from infectious disease should not attend the school until
they are completely cured. Fitness certificate from a registered doctor/school
doctor is mandatory before attending regular classes.
7. All students should wear only the prescribed school uniform on all school days
and at all school functions. Students with wrong uniform will not be permitted
to attend classes.
8. No child is permitted to bring any eatables without the permission of the
teacher/head teacher.
9. The school diary has to be brought to the school every day and
parents/guardian should see the diary for remarks, circulars e.t.c. and act
10. Only prescribed textbooks as per the time table and library books are to be
brought to the school. All copies should be prescribed school copies and should
maintain well with a plastic cover over it.
11. No valuables/ornaments are permitted in the school.
12. School is not responsible for goods lost by students.
13. Causing damage to the property or things belonging to others will result in
disciplinary action or/and fine.
14. Parents/guardians are not allowed to meet students or teachers during school
time. If parents want to meet their children, they should have a word with the
teacher on duty/concerned for whatsoever reasons, he/she should take prior
permission from the same.
15. Students are not granted leave except in case of genuine medicals problems
for which medicals certificate from the school Doctor/Competent authority is
to be submitted.
16. Student should always speak ENGLISH language inside the institution.
17. Transfer certificate, Conduct Certificate and progress report will be issued
only after clearing school dues(if any).
18. Students are not allowed to be absent on the closing days/re-opening days or
whenever there is a school function.
19. The intended withdrawal of a pupil should be made known to the office in
writing one calendar month in advance otherwise one month’s fee
will be charged.
20. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who violate these rules. In all
cases principal’s decision will be final.
21. A student whose behavior is injurious to the moral tone of the school or is
incompatible with good discipline is liable to be removed from the school.
22. The Principal reserves the right to expel any student who in his opinion
deserves such an action.
23. Under no circumstances an expelled student will be re-admitted.
24. The Principal reserves the right to cancel, add or amend any school rules.
“Education in the light of the truth”
Nyali Integrated Academy is a DAY and BOARDING school. It is made up of three
I. The Nursery Section
– This section consists of children aged 3 – 5 years. There is KG 1, KG 2 and KG 3. Here
children are taught both secular and Islamic education.
– We have teachers with extensive experience who handle young children properly.
– At such a tender age of 3, 4 and 5 years we need to start nurturing the habit of writing and
reading Arabic, English and Kiswahili. At our Nursery what is heard every morning is
attractive voices of our children reciting the Holy Qur’an and hadith of the Prophet (SAW).
NB/ No boarding facility for children aged below 9 years.
II. The Primary Section
The primary section begins from class 1 to class 8.
The age bracket of the children in primary level is 6 to 14 years.
At the primary section, we offer the 8-4-4 and Islamic system of
Here children are taught Maths, English, Science, Kiswahili, S/Studies
IRE as secular subjects.
Madrasa subjects include: Qur’an, Hadith, Tawhid, Siirah, Lugha and Fiq’hi.
Qur’an is taught on daily basis as a subject as from 7:20 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.
The teaching of the integrated madrasa and secular subjects begin at 8.30a.m. and end
at 3.45p.m.Enough time is provided for breaks and the conducting of well supervised
prayers (salat).
To cater for individual child’s attention and reduce the teacher’s workload,
we have a small manageable class population.
a) Admission process
– Before a child is admitted to primary he/ she will be given exams for the following
subjects English, Science and Mathematics.
The Tahfidh Section
For parents who would wish their children to know the holy Qur’an by
Heart we have the Tahfidh section that majorly teaches the Glorious
Qur’an. Here we admit children below 14 years.
The teaching starts from 7:00 am and ends at 3:45 pm. Your child will
have ample time to memorize the portion of Qur’an he/she is given and is
expected to finish the entire Qur’an within a period not exceeding 3 years.
Our teachers are practicing Muslims who have memorized the Qur’an and
have also finished high school Madrassa (Thanawy).
The good news is that you don’t have to wait for a specific time of the year
to join our Tahfidh section.
Boys Boarding
We have a boarding section for boys in primary and Tahfidh. The Boarding
section provides quality food and accommodation.
Beds and mattresses are provided but one needs to bring their own beddings (bed
sheets and pillows).
Our sleeping rooms are self contained with a maximum accommodation of three
children per room.
We provide children with delicious foods prepared by professional cooks.
Children eat to their fill and there is no worry about hunger. The foods we cook
include: Biriani, Pilau, white rice, chapati, chips, beans, and meat. Fruits include
bananas and oranges. For breakfast we provide tea/bread/mandazi/ boiled eggs/
etc as stated on the menu.
There is only ONE official outing scheduled per term. This outing is dated
on the mid-term where pupils are given some days to relax AT HOME. Its on
these days that parents are allowed to take their children for an outing.
Unscheduled outings for boarders are NOT allowed.
Parents and guardians are allowed to visit their children once a month. Such
visits are expected to take place on Saturday or Sunday afternoons. Parents
should avoid instant visits but instead call the school or come in person at least
three days earlier and give genuine reasons for the visit.
We strictly DON’T allow night visits unless of emergency issues.
Parents are allowed to call their children once in a while through the school
phone numbers but should only be done during the working days and hours
(Monday-Saturday at noon). These CALLS should not be so frequently made to
result in the distortion of the school program and the pupils focus on learning.
Make calls but only when it is necessary.
We refer any minor cases of illness to our doctor .For serious cases, the
school advises the parents to make medical arrangements for the pupil in question
and follow up on the same.
In case a parent/guardian brings foodstuffs for his child, we advice them to
look for fat free or reduced fat products/ foods. It is likewise not good to bring a
large stock of food that contains too much sugar e.g. cartons of biscuits,
chocolates, sweets etc. such sugary food may harm the health of your child. We
have the school canteen that sells selected drinks (trusted ones) canned tuna, a
variety of biscuits and some sweets. Parents can pay at the shop and inform his
child to take whatever he prefers from the canteen instead of giving money to the
Being an Islamic institution, pupils are only allowed to be in Qamis after school
hours. The pupils are required to be in this attire during the evening preps and
prayer sessions in the mosque. NO home clothing like jeans, capes, hats, bracelets,
bling bling, t-shirts with graffiti & funny writings and any other tight fitting
clothes will be allowed in school.
Other Information
Electrical devices like mobile phones, computers, iPods, mp3’s, radios,
cameras, play stations/ video games/ computer games, laptops, palmtops etc are
PROHIBITED for students to use in the school. No child is allowed to bring
such devices to school. Once confiscated, they will never be returned to the
Children in boarding should at all times follow the school rules and
regulations. They should not take themselves as captives but instead think ahead
and count themselves lucky to be given such a golden opportunity of just
acquiring knowledge which they will use in future.
NB: Incase your child breaks or damages any of the school property, the
parent is supposed to pay for it.
Wabillahi Tawfiq
If you have any questions or need assistance,
Please call our Admission Department at+254719621960
or 020-2649127/020-2649126