RESEARCH X-RAY MACHINE USE PERMIT APPLICATION Environmental Health and Safety S:\radinv\rad\wrd\xray\XRAYREGAPPLICATION.doc HOW TO GET STARTED USING X-RAY MACHINES IN RESEARCH Overview A certificate of registration, (R00216), to possess and use x-ray machine(s) has been issued to UTMB by the Texas Department of State Health Service, Radiation Control Program. Under the terms of this registration, the Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is delegated the responsibility for authorizing qualified individuals to use x-ray machine(s). The Principal Investigator is responsible for all aspects of radiation safety associated with his/her possession and use of x-ray machine(s). Things to Know The use of x-ray machine(s) for research at UTMB requires specific authorization from the UTMB-RSC and DSHS. Principal Investigators who plan to use x-ray machine(s) have thirty (30) days from the initiation of use to register the x-ray device with DSHS. The registration process with DSHS shall be conducted by the Radiation Safety Program. The Permit Administrator SHALL complete the registration process with the UTMB - RSC Principal Investigators moving to UTMB from other institutions should contact the Radiation Safety Program for assistance after arriving on the UTMB campus for assistance and guidance. The RSC requires that a letter of recommendation, accompany an application and if you’re contemplating to request the letter from your former employer it may be easier before leaving one’s present institution. Radiation Safety staff will assist researchers with the completion of this application. Investigators wishing to transfer x-ray machine(s) to the UTMB campus from their present institution should contact Radiation Safety once the equipment arrives to ensure compliance with state regulatory rules. For Further Information: Contact Environmental Health and Safety/Radiation Safety Program at (409) 772-2279 (mail route 1111) for additional information and assistance concerning x-ray machine prior to energizing. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF “APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH X-RAY MACHINE USE PERMIT” 1. Complete name and campus mailing address of the applicant (s). Please be sure to include building, room number and telephone number. The Authorized User (s) will be responsible for the direct supervision and required training for the technical staff that actually performs studies with the x-ray machine. Each Authorized User must be fully qualified by training and experience to use or supervise the use of the x-ray machine for which he or she is approved. Please list the Permit Administrator as the first Authorized User. This individual shall be responsible for ensuring that all appropriate records are kept in accordance with UTMB Policies for the control of x-radiation, shall inform the Radiation Safety Committee when any Authorized user leaves UTMB or ceases using the x-ray machine, and shall be the individual to whom correspondence regarding the permit will be addressed. Each Authorized User should complete Supplement A, Training & Experience, ANIMAL STUDIES. 2. For each x-ray machine listed in item 5, list those letters that correspond to those x-ray machine(s) the Authorized User will operate. 3. Self-explanatory. If this is to be an amendment or renewal to the permit, a Supplement A must be attached for each Authorized User. 4. List campus building and room number where the x-ray machines will be used and/or stored. 5. Describe the use of the x-ray machine, including the kvp, mA, exposure time, and total number of times the equipment SHALL be energized, if known. 6. Attach a list of technical staff. The technical staff is composed of individual(s) who operate the x-ray unit to conduct research procedures under direct supervision of an Authorized User. Technical staff shall be named on the application and instructed in the exposure to x-radiation, precautions to minimize exposure, and applicable State regulations. (Supplement A does not have to be submitted for technical staff, who are not Authorized Users.) The Permit Administrator must notify the Radiation Safety Program of any changes in the technical staff. 7. Supplement A must be attached for each Authorized User. 8. Initial equipment installation, and calibration shall be conducted by manufacture and/or service representative. Enclosed x-ray and/or self shielded units do not require radiation scatter surveys. X-ray units with open beams or ports, however; are in a shielded housing shall require scatter survey to be conducted at installation, maintenance, repair and/or servicing. The manufacture shall verify the absence of scatter x-rays and Radiation Safety can also perform scatter surveys utilizing the RADCAL Model 3036 X-Ray Monitor, SN 360515. *9. Attached form, (Supplement B), provide a diagram of the laboratory in which the x-ray machine will be used and stored. Describe the facilities, or any special shielding to minimize scatter x-ray or primary beam exposure, or any other information pertinent to the discussion of the application. *10. Attach a copy of your operating and safety procedures for the safe use of x-ray machines. (Manufacture’s operating manual and/or recommendations) The SOP’s should be included in your radiation safety manual or posted prominently in your laboratory area (s) for viewing. You should review the SOP’s with all employees once documentation is complete, with each new employee, and all employees at least annually. If applicable attach a copy of the emergency procedures, for “Shut Down”. *11. These procedures should include the names and telephone numbers of key lab personnel as well as Radiation Safety and Radiation Safety Officer to be contacted in case of emergency. The procedure shall be posted prominently in work areas where x-ray machine(s) are used. You should review these procedures with each new employee and with all employees at least annually. *12. Provide documentation of the initial equipment scatter surveys. If the x-ray unit is self shielded surveys will not need to be retaken unless the equipment is repaired and/or serviced by a qualified manufactures representative. Radiation Safety can perform the initial survey utilizing the RADCAL Model 3036 X-Ray monitor, SN: 36-0515. *13. Notify Radiation Safety in the event the x-ray machine is to be disposal and/or transfer and to whom and/or where the unit will be shipped for final disposition. Please verify the recipient can take possession and/or their current Certificate of Registration if needed. (Supplement C) *14. Provide detailed procedures in the operation, setting technique factors, warm up time, turning the unit on/off, interlocks, and security per manufacture’s specification. (Operating Manual) *15. This is a statement signed by the individual named as Permit Administrator, certifying that the information presented is true and correct. *16.A Signature of the individual named as Permit Administrator. *16.B * Signature of Division Head/Department Chairman Environmental Health & Safety will assist with these items. Complete a rough draft of page 1 of the application and mail it to EHS. Upon receipt, the Radiation Safety Specialist will schedule a consultation with you to assist in completing these items. UTMB APPLICATION FOR RESEARCH X-RAY MACHINE USE PERMIT 1. Authorized User (s) 2. Authorized Use (s) 3. This is an application for a.__ New Permit #_____ b.__ Renewal of permit #____ c.__ Amendment to permit #___ Changes: 4. Usage and storage locations 5. RESEARCH X-RAY MACHINE INFORMATION X-Ray Manufacturer A. B. C. Model Number Serial Number Maximum Kvp mA Authorized Use 6. Technical staff (attached list of laboratory personnel) 7. Supplement A: Training and Experience attached for each Authorized User 8. Calibration Procedures for x-ray machine. (Initial setup by manufacture and/or service representative). 9. Supplement B: Facilities and Equipment, (Description & Diagram attached) 10. Rules for the safe use of research x-ray machine (rules attached) 11. Emergency procedures (procedures attached) if applicable 12. Area scatter x-ray survey, initial use by manufacture or Radiation Safety Program 13. Supplement C: X-Ray machine disposal/transfer 14. Procedures and precautions for the use of research x-ray machine with animals per manufacture’s specifications. (Operators Manual) 15. CERTIFICATE: I certify that this application is prepared in conformity with the UTMB Radiation Safety Programs and that all information contained herein, including any supplements attached hereto, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 16. APPLICANT (Signature) _______________________________________________ NAME (Type or Print) _______________________________________________ DATE _______________________________________________ RECOMMENDATIONS A. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR_______________________________________________ (Signature) NAME (Type or Print) ________________________________________________ DATE ________________________________________________ For approval For disapproval B. DEPT. CHAIRMAN/DIVISION HEAD ________________________________________________ (Signature) NAME (Type or Print) ________________________________________________ DATE ________________________________________________ For approval For disapproval UTMB SUPPLEMENT A: TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE HISTORY W/ INDUSTRIAL OR RESEARCH X-RAY SYSTEMS 1. NAME OF APPLICANT 2. TRAINING Field of X-Ray Training Location and Date (s) of Training Type and Length of Training Lecture & Supervised Laboratory Laboratory Courses Experience (Hours) (Hours) a. Radiation (X-Ray) Physics and Instrumentation, i.e., Diff, Fluorescence, Cabinet, etc. b. Radiation Protection for X-rays c. Measurement of X-rays d. Radiation Biology w/ X-rays (If Applicable) e. Animal Research w/ X-rays 3. EXPERIENCE (Actual Use of X-Ray Machines or Equivalent Experience) X-Ray Manufacturer Maximum Kvp and mA Where Experience was Gained Duration of Experience Type of Use 4. RECOMMENDATION (Submit a letter of recommendation from one of the individuals under whom you were trained or the Radiation Safety Office of the last employer where you worked with x- radiation.) 5. I certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ________________________________________Signature of Applicant INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING SUPPLEMENT A: TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE HISTORY W/ INDUSTRIAL OR RESEARCH X-RAY SYSTEMS A faculty member who wishes to be authorized to use or supervise the use of x-rays for animal studies or research in vivo studies at UTMB should have training in basic x-ray generating equipment, operating and safety techniques, and the procedures commensurate with the type, i.e. cabinet, fluorescence, and/or diffraction x-ray equipment to be utilized. Each applicant for authorization to use x-ray generating equipment for non-human, and/or animal studies should complete Supplement A to document such training and experience. 1. Self-explanatory. 2. For each subject, list the institution, and/or facility where training was obtained, the date (s) of the training, if applicable the number of actual classroom hours (for didactic portion) and the number of hours of supervised x-ray equipment usage and/or experience. 3. Self-explanatory. 4. Submit a letter of recommendation from an individual who has first-hand knowledge of your training and/or experience with x-ray generating equipment. The letter should outline the types of x-ray equipment used, i.e., cabinet, fluorescence, and/or diffraction in research protocols. Also an evaluation of your ability to operate x-ray generating equipment safely, your knowledge of applicable rules (TAC), your length of experience and any knowledge of formal training you’ve received on x-ray equipment. The letter of recommendation may also come from the Radiation Safety Office (or its equivalent) of the last institution or facility where you were authorized to use x-ray generating devices. OR You may submit documentation of specific training received from the manufacturer, Certificate of Completion, for the x-ray generating device you’ll be utilizing. Radiation Safety will be available to conduct X-Ray Generating Device In-Service training for all operators to review safety practices and regulatory policies if necessary . 5. Self-explanatory S:\radinv\rad\wrd\xray\XRAYREGAPPLICATION.doc SUPPLEMENT B: FACILITY DIAGRAM NOTE: Designate: Controlled Areas, and/or Posted Areas “Caution X-Rays”, where applicable Department: __________________________ Building: ______________________ Room: _____________ Extension: _______________ Registrant/Owner: __________________________________ Date: ___________________ *Please make additional copies as needed SUPPLEMENT C: RADIATION SAFETY PROGRAM RADIATION MACHINE TRANSFER/DISPOSAL FORM Permit Administrator: ________________________________________ Department: ______________________________________________________ Radiation Machine Data Manufacturer: ___________________________ Transferred To: ____________________________ Serial # __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Date of Transfer: __________________________ If Applicable, Certificate of Registration # __________________ Manufacturer: _____________________________ Transferred To: ____________________________ Serial # __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Date of Transfer: ___________________________ If Applicable, Certificate of Registration # __________________ Manufacturer: _____________________________ Transferred To: ____________________________ Serial # ___________________________________ Address: __________________________________ Date of Transfer: ___________________________ If Applicable, Certificate of Registration # __________________ Person authorized to dispose and/or transfer equipment ______________________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE TITLE DATE