2015 MISSION EDUCATION TOUR APPLICATION Tape a photo of yourself here First Name Last Name Preferred name on name tag if different than above Date of birth / / Age Mailing Address City zip Applicant Cell (if bringing on the tour) Parent/Guardian Parent/Guardian Cell Parent/Guardian Day Phone Parent/Guardian Evening phone Parent/Guardian email address Shirt Circle size S Church Home Church Address M L XL Church City, State and zip Please list any special needs: accessibility, health concerns, diet (vegetarian/vegan), medications, allergies, etc. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Upon receipt of medical information the Youth Activities Committee reserves the right to rescind approval to participate in the METour. Below please list the activities you are currently or have previously been involved in your Local Church, District/Conference Youth Activities, Community and School Activities/Organizations. If you need more space use the back of this form. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Read the following statement and sign in the blank. “If chosen to go on the Mission Education Tour, I, _____________________________________ will cheerfully abide by all the regulations of the group and perform the duties assigned to me." Signature of Local United Methodist Women president ________________________________ Address_____________________________ ___________________________________ Please list your district _________________________________________________________________________________ Written 7/07 Updated 04/15 MISSION EDUCATION TOUR What is it? The Mission Education Tour is a 10-day tour that visits a variety of mission agencies and institutions that are supported by United Methodist Women and the United Methodist Church. The emphasis of the tour is to learn about the support our denomination gives to these missions. What do you do? As young United Methodist Women, we visit mission agencies and education facilities and report back to our local churches about current work being done regarding mission and ministry. Chores are divided into four equal groups and rotated daily. We sleep where we can put 47 sleeping bags, most of the time on church floors. We keep the places we visit as clean as we found them. Where do you go and how do you get there? Travel is by a 47 or 55 passenger tour bus. 2015 South East 2016 North West 2017 South West 2018 North East When does it leave? Tour dates –May 29 to June 7 DEPARTURE FROM: Concordia First UMC, 740 W 11th St., Concordia KS Who is eligible? Young women completing their sophomore year in high school or are between the ages of 15 and 22 years. Up to 40 participants are picked from the Great Plains Conference. Each district has a quota from this total. Each applicant must submit three (3) letters of recommendation written on 8 ½ by 11 papers. Each letter is to be in a sealed envelope with your name and from whom on the envelope. Be kind and allow these people at least 2 weeks to write the letter. They should be written by: Your pastor Sunday School teacher or youth leader Teacher or employer How much does it cost? TOTAL COST: $350.00 Please read carefully REGISTRATION fee of $25.00 to be sent to the business manager, Deanna Castle, 409 W. Elm St, Oberlin, KS. 67749. If you are accepted, the remaining payment of $325.00 is due MAY 21 (no later, please) sent to Deanna Castle. Make all checks payable to METour. Check with your local United Methodist Women to see if they participate by paying part or all of the cost. Participants are to contact their local United Methodist Women President or Youth Activities chairperson if they are unable to attend after being accepted. No refunds after 10 days prior to departure. See the checklist below and be sure to include all the necessary items into your envelope before you seal it. Checklist Application with your picture attached to upper right hand corner, signed by applicant and local United Methodist Women President Three (3) letters of recommendation $25.00 check to METour or online through PayPal Please send completed application and references to: Heidi Bolton, 3303 Tulip Rd, Junction City, KS 66441 New Deadline – please have your application to your District United Methodist Women’s Youth Activities Chairperson listed on next page (If your District is not listed, send to Heidi Bolton) by May 20th. Applications will be processed through May 20th or until the bus if full (whichever comes first). Written 7/07 Updated 04/15 Mail application to your District United Methodist Women’s Youth Activities Chairperson (or to Heidi Bolton if your District is not listed below). Applications will be processed through May 20th or until the bus if full (whichever comes first). District & Name Dodge City – Patsy Wise Hays – Crystal Stapleton Hutchinson –Susan Bauer Salina – Linda Young Wichita East – Cindy George Wichita West – Meaghan Burr Flint Hills-Vera Williams Kansas City & Topeka – Amy Pinger Lincoln, NE – Phyllis Staats All other Districts – Heidi Bolton Phone & Address 620-492-2462 PO Box 312 Johnson, KS 67855 620-770-6531 305 W Church St., Logan, KS 67646 620-639-1919 3022 Broadway Ave. Great Bend, KS 785-527-2647 2015 L Street, Belleville, KS 316-323-0851 702 Maplewood, El Dorado, KS 316-680-9563 6712 W Shade Ct., Wichita, KS 67212 785-587-4122 3839 Foxridge Dr, Manhattan, KS 66502 785-806-5005 7113 SW 19th Lane Topeka 66615 10700 Ellenridge Rd, Lincoln, NE 68526 785-223-1248 3303 Tulip Rd, Junction City, KS 66441 Email pwise@pld.com crysmaestap@gmail.com susanbauer54@gmail.com foreveryoung020207@yahoo.com cgeorgesix@cox.net meaghanburr099@gmail.com grandma4@cox.net amypinger@gmail.com hpstaats867@gmail.com metourcoordinator@yahoo.com Written 7/07 Updated 04/15