Large-Scale Information Exchange: Breaking Views and Challenges Jan GRIJPINK a Emeritus Prof. dr. mr. J.H.A.M. Grijpink (1946) studied Economics (1969) and Law (1971) at Groningen University. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1997 at the Technical University Eindhoven for his thesis ‘Chain-computerisation’. Until his retirement in 2011 he was Principal Advisor at the Strategy Development Department of the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice and Professor of Information Science (Chaincomputerisation) at Utrecht University. a Abstract. This chapter introduces a systematic approach towards large-scale chain communication between autonomous organisations and professionals that cooperate to tackle social problems. This approach combines a specific chain perspective with a dynamic chain concept to better understand the complexities of large-scale social systems - with or without ICT – in a barely-manageable chain context. Many chain projects fail or falter and large-scale systems produce unexpected negative side-effects or even backfire. The example of the Dutch criminal law enforcement chain is used to explain how adversities and negative side effects can disrupt large-scale systems. This example stands as a model for other vital, large-scale systems, for instance identity management and health care. The underlying chain communication systems are important cornerstones of our future information society. Chain research at Utrecht University – now covering more than twenty chains in the Netherlands – has led to some valuable insights and breaking views that imply an ambitious agenda for public administration and information science. Keywords. Chain, dominant chain problem, irrationality, chain level, chaincomputerisation, chain co-operation, large-scale chain communication systems. 1. Introduction In public administration, as in many other fields, chain thinking is gaining importance. Ten years ago the concept of a ‘social chain’ was still a vogue word without the practical significance that we know from logistic chains. These days, we are more aware that each organisation must participate effectively in a large number of different social chains. The quality of public administration in an information age will largely depend on national and international information and communication systems and infrastructures. Implementing information systems on larger scales turn out to be a major challenge and successful applications are still rare. In fact, we know precious little about how to bring about the exchange of information on such a huge scale, at least with sufficient guarantees of the data being used lawfully. The gap between what we are actually doing in the area of large-scale information exchange and what we need to do is getting larger rather than smaller. We need an approach of interorganisational communication that takes better account of the requirements and preconditions of 1 large-scale situations. This is offered by the theoretical framework of ‘Chaincomputerisation’ (Grijpink, 1997) introduced in two articles in Information Infrastructures & Policy (Grijpink, 2000a; Grijpink, 2000b) and firmly established bij the open access Journal of Chain-computerisation with its founding article Chain Analysis for Large-scale Communication Systems (Grijpink, 2010). In this chapter this chain approach is introduced and the challenge of large-scale interorganisational chain communication is explained. The underlying dynamic chain concept and the practical relevance of the chain concept are explored. The chain approach is subsequently applied to the national Dutch criminal law enforcement chain and to the international co-operation between EU member states aimed at a common but distributed European criminal registry. Finally, we briefly discuss some breaking views resulting from the comparative chain research programme at Utrecht University. Some tantalising challenges for public administration and information science are briefly indicated. 2. Chains and Chain Co-operation 2.1. Chain Issues Barely a day goes by without chain issues making the news. Today’s headlines are about terrorists’ attacks and football hooliganism, tomorrow’s about juvenile delinquency and medical errors due to faulty data transfer. In public administration we are confronted with many large-scale chain issues that are difficult to resolve. Usually, these issues involve a large-scale exchange of information between huge numbers of more or less autonomous organisations and professionals. No single chain partner has the power to compel other chain partners to co-operate effectively. Moreover, chain partners are often confronted with sloppy compliance or sometimes even with direct hostility or opposition by the persons involved: e.g. a forgetful patient, an angry citizen or a suspected person. If the communication in a chain fails, a wrong decision is taken. If this happens on a regular basis, the chain can become disrupted and discredited. 2.2. Concepts of ‘Chain’, ‘Dominant Chain Problem’ and ‘Chain Level’ ‘Chain’ does not mean a logistics chain (the process of handling goods) that we so often come across in the business community, nor an information chain (closely linked information systems) nor a transactions chain (subsequent transactions within a process). The chain concept is used here explicitly to refer to social chains such as social security, criminal law enforcement or drug addicts’ health care: large-scale interorganisational processes that yield a social product, such as income support, safety or survival. Surely, logistics and information chains are part of every social chain, but the focus is explicitly on social chains as a whole. See Figure 1. In a social chain, thousands of organisations and professionals work together without a clear relationship of authority, in ever-changing combinations depending on the actual case. But co-operating with other organisations and professionals takes a lot of effort, time and money. There must, therefore, be a cast-iron reason for doing it. An important element of the chain concept introduced here is, therefore, that chain partners only co-operate if they are forced to do so by a dominant chain problem. A dominant chain problem is one that none of the partners can solve on his own. It is only by 2 effectively co-operating that chain partners can prevent the systematic failure of their own organisation and the entire chain from being disrupted and discredited. Only such a barely-manageable problem creates an interplay of forces that triggers large-scale cooperation of so many organisations and individuals. The identity chain, for example, cannot yet prevent your identity from being misused by someone else. If only one organisation inadvertently accepts a false identity, the identity fraudster can use it anywhere else without arousing suspicion. In the identity chain dominant chain problem identity fraud forces organisations and professionals to co-operate. It determines the chain-communication that effectively prevents identity fraud from succeeding and the information infrastructure needed for that purpose, as well. Figure 1. The concept of a ‘chain’ What is a chain? • temporary co-operation between independent organizations and professionals to solve a dominant chain problem a chain-wide problem that puts the whole value chain at risk, no chain partner being able to solve it on his own • no co-ordinating, commanding nor enforcing authority: the dominant chain problem is the ‘boss’ but only as long as the problem has the chain ‘in its grip’ 2.3. Chain Thinking In public administration, as in many other fields, chain thinking is gaining importance. We are increasingly aware of the fact that each organisation must participate effectively in a large number of different social chains. Advancing specialisation and mounting social requirements make private and public organisations and a broad spectrum of professionals increasingly more dependent on each other, thus provoking more intense chain co-operation. However, chain co-operation proves to be anything but easy in practice. Because common interests are less pronounced than people usually think - and are also often unclear - the cohesion that is so badly needed, can only be enforced by a serious dominant chain problem confronting all co-operating chain partners. Only then is there sufficient official and professional support for the large-scale exchange of information. Because a chain cannot benefit from an overall co-ordinating and enforcing authority, a chain is a difficult administrative domain in which processes such as decision-making and information exchange differ from these processes within organisations. At the collective chain level rationality and efficiency are often hard to find and, as a consequence, unpredictability and lack of control are the order of the day. Although at the base level of the chain the individual organisations and professionals act as rationally as possible, we have to remove this presupposition of rationality at the collective chain level to gain a clearer image of the interplay of forces and – by way of 3 metaphor – of the ‘chain laws’ that prevail at that collective level. Not taking them into account confronts us with unforeseen setbacks and failures. Some of these peculiarities at chain level can be succinctly summarised in the form of ‘chain laws’: a. Big solutions risk adequate support The grander the envisaged solution, the less actual support there will be. Lacking support for large-scale systems or solutions causes systematic shortcomings in large-scale systems and unexpected setbacks and failures in their making. In a large-scale environment without co-ordinating authority only a gradual approach, a focused measure or a selective system has any chance of success. b. Interference with intra-organisational matters is counterproductive Policy measures at chain level that exert a strong outside influence on the chain partners’ internal state of affairs come up against a great deal of resistance. We know this from the world of international diplomacy, but we rarely apply this insight to large-scale interorganisational co-operation. Applying this ‘chain law’ to large-scale information exchange, these rules of thumb seem to stand out: i. ii. c. First computerise, then reorganise Reallocating tasks and responsibilities can be considered to be a manager’s favourite approach towards problems. In a chain - unlike within an organisation - this hurts the roots of chain partners’ autonomy. It follows from the rule of ‘mind your own business’ that, at chain level, improving the exchange of essential data has a better chance of success than reallocating tasks or responsibilities between organisations, because information exchange is less penetrating than reallocating responsibilities or integrating chain partners’ information systems. Nevertheless, managers and public administrators often prefer solutions that change interorganisational responsibility structures or division of work between autonomous chain partners above less pervasive projects to improve information exchange. Instead of full content, meta-data in wafer-thin information infrastructures It follows from this rule as well that, at chain level, information systems should only contain the essential data indispensable for tackling the dominant chain problem, and even then only in the most minimalistic form: for instance, a personal number instead of a name; or a reference instead of full content data. Admittedly this simple type of chain communication cannot bring about more than the triggering of chain cooperation, but large-scale communication systems with more content are unlikely to be successfully created at all, resulting in even less effect. The Dominant Chain Problem Rules Only a dominant chain problem creates an interplay of forces that is vigorous enough to trigger large-scale chain co-operation. A dominant chain problem is a problem that frustrates every chain partner, while none of them is able to solve it on his own. Only by effectively co-operating can chain partners 4 together prevent the entire chain from being disrupted and discredited. The theory of Chain-computerisation introduced here is based on the working hypothesis that each dominant chain problem provokes its own chain cooperation. There is a wide variety of dominant chain problems, each provoking a different pattern and intensity of collaboration and requiring a different customised chain communication system. This chain-specific communication system can offer an adequate solution for a limited period of time only, because a dominant chain problem can be overtaken by some other dominant chain problem. We will see in section 6 that this is happening in the Dutch criminal law enforcement chain. Tackling the dominant chain problem of recidivism has required an integral picture of a criminal’s multiple relations with the chain partners in criminal law enforcement chain. The dominant chain problem is shifting towards identity fraud (criminals using other peaple’s names) requiring an integer picture of a criminal’s multiple relations with the chain partners in the criminal law enforcement chain, as well. d. Crisis opens up opportunities for change, but only during a short period of time Large-scale social change based on the power of persuasion and good intentions alone is slow-moving and laborious. However, a crisis suddenly does make changes possible at chain level, although we usually let that opportunity slip through our fingers because crisis management demands our attention. It proves to be a major challenge to combine crisis management with change management, requiring different attitudes, personalities and processes. Put simply, chains form a bleak and discouraging working environment causing many large-scale ICT solutions and projects to fail or falter. However, that is where the computerisation of society is - to a significant extent - taking place, thus determining the quality of life in our future information society. Public administrators have no other choice but to meet this challenge, adopting better theories, concepts and methods. 3. A Closer Look at the Chain Concept 3.1 Dynamic chain concept The chain concept introduced here is rather unusual and needs some more elucidation. Most people regard a chain as a fixed - or at best stationary - pattern of co-operating autonomous organisations and professionals. In contrast with this current chain concept, the theoretical framework ‘Chain-computerisation’ pivots on a dynamic chain concept, because it is explicitly based on a (temporary) dominant chain problem (Grijpink, 2000c). ‘Chain-computerisation’ considers a chain to be ‘governed’ by its dominant chain problem causing the pattern and intensity of chain co-operation to change over time, depending on the extent to which the dominant chain problem is combated effectively. This is the first reason why this chain concept can be characterised as a dynamic chain concept. The second reason is that a ruling dominant chain problem can be overtaken by another, causing regular co-operation patterns and the core content of the chain communication to adapt to the new dominant chain 5 problem. The new dominant chain problem causes some chain partners to loose influence while other chain partners gain. The advantage of a dynamic chain concept is that it warns us against big projects because the time it takes to implement a system may be longer than the dominant chain problem’s life. It also opens our eyes to the varying importance of chain partners’ contributions towards effectively tackling the dominant chain problem. Often, close cooperation between some major contributors is already sufficient for successful initiatives that gradually bring about a chain communication system for the chain as a whole. Finally, because a modern organisation inevitably takes part in many different chains, this dynamic chain concept is very useful to understand why so many organisations find it difficult to reconcile so many different – if not conflicting demands from different dominant chain problems – some of them in transition - with different levels of influence. 3.2 The chain as a multi-level concept Our chain concept is a multi-level concept. Because a chain has no overall coordinating nor enforcing authority, decision-making and information exchange take place in an unpredictable and barely-manageable chain environment. Thus, at the collective chain level we have to accept a fundamentally irrational context. Even if every individual chain partner behaves rationally in pursuing his own objectives at the base level of the chain, at the collective level their collaboration, triggered by the dominant chain problem that enforces chain collaboration because no chain partner can solve it on his own, is ruled by irrationality. This dominant chain problem offers chain partners at the same time a useful compass with regard to their endeavours to improve the quality of chain co-operation. A chain project focusing on tackling the dominant chain problem will have a good chance of being successfully developed and implemented benefiting from the underlying interplay of forces that provoke the chainco-operation. If a chain project focusing on combating the dominant chain problem fails, then other chain projects probably have no chance of success at all in this chain. That is not to say that improving information exchange in this chain is impossible. At the base level of the chain a smaller communication system with a few chain partners can be quite successful. But chain wide ambitions must be kept away and scaling up a successful small communications system should not be undertaken without prior testing the underlying assumptions at the larger scale. 4. Relevance of the Chain Concept: Fallacy of the Wrong Level In this section, we look at the chain concept from a scientific point of view in order to assess its practical relevance in the light of so many unsuccessful large-scale ICTdriven initiatives in public administration. 6 Figure 2. The chain concept safeguarding against fallacies of the wrong level. Scientific relevance of the chain concept • In information science we usually derive insights from small-scale situations and transpose these to large-scale situations • Fallacy of the wrong level: knowledge is level- or scale-specific! • Examples: biometric visa, national medical records, European criminal registry Public administration and information science derive core concepts and theories from several scientific (sub-) disciplines. So we are familiar with the permanent challenge of combining concepts from different theoretical frameworks, keeping in mind that knowledge and insights are only valid within the boundaries of the theoretical framework from which they have been gained. Even if we apply insights to the real world from one discipline only, we are confronted with validity errors. But rarely in daily practice do we realise that this is only part of our validity problem: the validity of insights and knowledge is also limited to the level or scale at which these are gained. See Figure 2. In information science and in management, we usually derive insights from small-scale situations such as a local information system, a small group experiment or a regional pilot. In this way we have gained insights into the power of recording data in databases and into the practical value of management tools such as time schedules, responsibility structures and budgets. If we transpose such insights to large-scale situations without checking (at that level) the validity of underlying assumptions, we often overlook another type of validity problem, the socalled ‘fallacy of the wrong level’. In public administration, as well, this risk of making a fallacy of the wrong level lurks everywhere and every time. It might partly explain why so many policy measures and large-scale systems unexpectedly produce adverse results - or even backfire. Example: the European Union’s biometric visa system, a risk of backfiring? Biometrics is regarded as a more precise way of recognising people than using only administrative details that are not physically linked to the person. This is a small-scale insight gained from pilots and laboratory experiments. A few years ago, biometric person recognition was added to the European Union’s visa system - aimed at preventing unwanted foreigners from coming to the EU. Nowadays, the Dutch embassy in some foreign countries takes the traveller’s fingerprints which are then sent to the Netherlands. If those fingerprints correspond to fingerprints of an unwanted foreigner in the European Eurodact database of unwanted foreigners, then the visa is refused. Will biometrics applied at a global scale prove to be effective to discourage unwanted foreigners to come to the EU? The answer is, probably not. 7 Consider, for instance, this scenario: a criminal network needs to send someone to the Netherlands for a criminal job. Suppose that a visa is refused because his fingerprints are in the Eurodact database. By this refusal the network knows that it has to send someone else or choose a route where traffic control is weak. This causes instead of the expected greater control of incoming passenger traffic, the arrival of unwanted foreigners to go largely unnoticed. The overall result of the biometric visa is that we put the unnecessary burden of biometric enrolment and fingerprint checking on good citizens and loose sight of the unwanted visitors who were the prime target of the system! In this scenario, biometrics applied in a global visa system is counter-productive. This example demonstrates how easily a fallacy of the wrong level is made unless we take into account a certain number of plausible counter-scenarios when designing and building large-scale systems. The larger the scale of a system, the more sophisticated and numerous the checks and balances should be and the smaller the steps to be taken in the process of implementing it. Only a gradual, incremental approach has any chance of success in a large-scale environment without co-ordinating and enforcing authority. 5. Remedies Offered by the Theoretical Framework of ChainComputerisation The theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation offers several remedies against fallacies of the wrong level, taking into account the needs and preconditions of national and international chain co-operation. One such remedy is an incremental approach to the development or implementation of large-scale systems focused on a dominant chain problem. Most of all, we must stop treating large-scale inter-organisational communication systems as intra-organisational information systems with a somewhat larger group of users. This is a classic fallacy of the wrong level. Apart from a sophisticated method of analysis for recognising potentially successful large-scale information systems and projects (Grijpink, 2010), the theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation features a chain perspective providing professionals and researchers with a compass that is better suited for barelymanageable chains without overall co-ordinating and enforcing authority (Grijpink, 2002; Grijpink, 2009a). This chain perspective consists of three components that together can effectively safeguard against making fallacies of the wrong level: a. A model of collective decision-making in an irrational context (often referred to as the Cohen, March and Olsen Garbage Can model) This model warns us of surprising twists and unexpected catastrophes and rapids in the process of chain decision-making at the collective level (Cohen, March & Olsen, 1972; March & Olsen, 1976; Padgett, 1980; Miller, Hickson & Wilson, 1996). Even if every chain partner were a clever and rational chain player, collective decisions are mostly disappointingly poor or, at best, mediocre. The Garbage Can model suggests to chain players to take this peculiar and unpredictable situation into account and have a Plan B and C ready and to design chain systems to be simple and flexible. In the case of the Criminal law enforcement chain, as we will see in section 6, the criminal law 8 enforcement authorities in the Netherlands had to quickly adapt the national chain communication system towards being able to tackle identity fraud in addition to being able to tackle recidivism by criminals only. This could be done because this chain’s communication system has been based upon a simple and flexible design since 1993. Because the Garbage Can model made us look for surprises and unexpected adversities, it made us uncover the clever misuse of other people’s identities by criminals in still an early stage. For some years we had been monitoring the inexplicably staggering number of criminal personal numbers issued by the chain communication system to newly arrested first-offenders. Without the Garbage Can model we wouldn’t have been on our guard. b. The chain concept is seen as a multi-level concept The theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation sees a chain as a multilevel concept, making an analytical distinction between the ‘base level’ of a chain and its ‘chain level’. If we say that a communication system is positioned at chain level, we mean that this system is - or can be - used by every chain partner without any chain partner being in control of the system for his own purposes or interests. If we say that an information system is positioned at the base level of the chain, we mean that this system is being used by its owner, predominantly in his own interest. Analytically, case handling by a chain partner, his intra-organisational information system or a bilateral information exchange is seen as positioned at the base level of a chain, in contrast with the process of collective decision-making or with a chain communication system. We need this distinction to better understand the problems inherent in large-scale co-operation and communication. Insights gained at the base level of the chain should be systematically validated before applying them at chain level to prevent a fallacy of the wrong level. Largescale system risks can only be discovered taking into account the system’s behaviour at chain level. In this vein, we make a distinction between the common chain information system providing solely for the essential chain communication (at chain level) and the private full content information systems of a chain partner (at base level). Collective decision-making at chain level is not rational causing chain processes to be unpredictable and barelymanageable. This is fully consistent with the assumption that - at the base level of the chain - chain partners behave rationally following their own procedures and priorities and contribute rationally towards the collective chain product. To illustrate the analytic value of this distinction between base level and chain level, let us consider the common belief that even international chain cooperation could be effectively supported by a single database, containing all the relevant information for every chain partner. At this huge scale, that yields little more than a concentration of management activities, not communication. And that management must be carried out by people who have barely any affinity with the registered details and have no authority to enforce cooperation. Analytically, this chain database can be positioned at chain level. This tells us immediately that content, quality and use of the data cannot be sufficiently managed because overall co-ordination and enforcing authority does not exist at that level. Therefore, it is much better if every chain partner 9 collects and manages its own information. Analytically, this can be seen as occurring at the base level of the chain where chain partners behave as rationally as they can and are supposed to support their work processes in their best interests. This is precisely an important precondition for high quality information management. At the same time, chains need a central access system (at chain level) - including a method for signals and alerts - so that other partners in the chain can gain access to essential information, when necessary. In the example of the EU- wide chain co-operation in the criminal law enforcement chain - as we will see in section 7 - the European Counsel first wished to bring about a single, central criminal registry. Fortunately, the efforts are now being aimed at bilateral exchange of criminal verdicts between member states, so that every member state has a complete criminal record of every criminal having its nationality. c. Dominant chain problem as a focus Large-scale chain communication systems can only be developed and maintained if focused on a problem that is strong enough to trigger large-scale inter-organisational collaboration. In the theoretical framework of Chaincomputerisation such a problem is called a dominant chain problem. It undermines the efforts of every chain partner while none of the chain partners is able to solve it on his own. Moreover, the people who are the focus of chain co-operation often do not - or only partially - comply with the chain’s efforts. In the criminal law enforcement chain, recidivism and identity fraud undermine the efforts of every chain partner and this dominant chain problem requires that the communication system at the collective chain level provides an actual, integral and integer picture of every criminal, as we will see in section 6. But many criminals succeed in keeping their slates clean under their real identity by using false identities (aliases). The effectiveness of the chain co-operation in the criminal law enforcement chain can only be guaranteed through close collaboration focused on recidivism and identity fraud. In a barely-manageable chain environment success depends on focus and selection. However, this selective focus on the dominant chain problem has the consequence that other problems in the chain are not being addressed properly. But if one problem can be successfully solved, is that the dominant chain problem. And, conversely, if large-scale co-operation aimed at solving the dominant chain problem does not produce adequate results, efforts to solve minor problems will only be of marginal interest. This more realistic view of the inter-organisational world is a major feature of the theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation, leading to new insights and to better information strategies for large-scale information infrastructures supporting national or international chain co-operation. This chain perspective can also be useful for a broad spectrum of problems in public administration. 10 6. The Case of the Dutch Criminal Law Enforcement Chain 6.1. The Dutch Criminal Law Enforcement Chain In the Dutch criminal law enforcement chain, more than a thousand independent organisations with more than 100,000 more or less autonomous professionals cooperate to handle 500,000 serious crimes every year (see Figure 3). The chain process can be visualised by the consecutive steps that, by law, must be taken in every criminal case (see figure 4): investigating, charging, judging, punishing and rehabilitating. These steps are the links of this chain. Moreover, figure 4 shows two major national registers which are kept by two different chain partners: the forensic fingerprint system HAVANK (after the famous Dutch detective writer HAVANK) and the Dutch criminal registry. The HAVANK system is used to prove someone’s involvement in the crime under investigation with forensic biometrics. If the suspect does not use his true name, this does not influence the value of the fingerprint evidence in a particular case. The convicted person’s name mentioned in the criminal verdict is taken for granted by the criminal registry manager, as well. Until recently, in his eyes his task was to hold onto the criminal verdict and to produce it or delete it according to the rules under the Criminal Code. Notice these two pieces of small-scale thinking. Figure 3. The Dutch criminal law enforcement chain. The Dutch criminal law enforcement chain 1. More than 1,000 independent organisations with more than 100,000 professionals working together in the Dutch criminal law enforcement chain 2. The dominant chain problem is fighting recidivism: the law is abouts facts (offenses), punishment about persons 3. The multi-offender does not co-operate! By using other people’s names he can keep a clean slate: identity fraud is part of the dominant chain problem, as well Large-scale thinking reveals the negative effects of an alias in later links of the chain, because if the verdict is registered with an alias, somebody else gets a criminal record in the national criminal registry without his knowledge and the criminal is able to keep his slate clean. Fortunately, in the Dutch forensic HAVANK system every name used by a criminal is recorded with its link to his fingerprint set with its unique HAVANK number. If a fingerprint set is linked to two or more names, only one of them can be his true name (any other name is called an ‘alias’). This way we have a clear overview of all proven cases of identity fraud committed by every criminal from whom fingerprints have been taken. There might be many more cases of identity fraud in the HAVANK system, because if a fingerprint set is only linked to one name, HAVANK cannot guarantee that this is the criminal’s true name. 11 Figure 4. A picture of the Dutch criminal law enforcement chain The Dutch criminal law enforcement chain chain level investigating report Chain information system charging summons Fingerprint system “HAVANK” judging judgment Criminal number and reference index “VIP” punishing rehabilitating imprisonment aftercare Criminal records base level of the chain Criminal verdicts registry Criminal Law is about offenses, but punishment is about persons. In the nineties, criminal law enforcement agencies understood that multi-offenders should be treated as such with different sanctions and prison regimes to discourage recidivism and to get more results from the chain’s efforts. This approach required an integral picture of every criminal to be able to distiguish between first-offenders and multi-offenders. Notice now the shift to large-scale chain thinking which was needed to be able to develop a chain communication system presenting an integral criminal picture to every chain partner involved in a particular case. Then the dominant chain problem ‘recidivism’ was gradually overtaken by the dominant chain problem ‘identity fraud’, probably accelerated by criminals who tried to escape from being recognised as multioffender by using aliases. If a criminal succeeds in misusing other people’s identities, he keeps his slate clean - or at least prevents criminal law enforcement authorities from recognising him as a re-offender. This explains why sometimes convicted paedophiles are able to continue their careers unnoticed. At the same time, the verdict is registered with a link to somebody else. This means that somebody else - probably an innocent person - gets a criminal record without his knowledge. If he has to be screened for a sensitive job (e.g. an appointment as a youth coach) he will not get the so-called ‘declaration of good conduct’. In this way, the disruptive effect of identity fraud committed in the criminal law enforcement chain spills over to many other social chains where officials trust criminal records not being able to detect the identity fraud. The disruption of the criminal law enforcement chain and its spill-over effects to other chains can only be tackled by preventing identity fraud from happening. This is possible using a chain information infrastructure that provides every chain partner with an integral and integer chain picture of every individual criminal requiring the forensic 12 biometrics number (HAVANK) to be combined with the administrative criminal law enforcement number (VIP). 6.2. Identity Fraud Before turning to the consequences of the new dominant chain problem ‘identity fraud’ for the national and EU chain co-operation in the criminal law enforcement chain, we need a closer look at the phenomenon of identity fraud. Identity fraud - deliberately & dishonestly passing oneself off under somebody else’s identity - is not a new phenomenon, but our increasingly digitising, mobile and anonymous society gives identity fraud new dimensions that boost its impact and frustrate fighting it. Although it is gradually undermining many large-scale systems in public administration (Grijpink, 2004a; Grijpink, 2004b), many public administrators and politicians do not grasp its essence and impact. It is not about tampering with ID-documents, but with suggesting being someone else. People, who say that identity fraud is not happening in their working environment because they have never run into a case of identity fraud, haven’t understood this phenomenon. Three dimensions of identity fraud stand out: a. Traces point to the victim, not to the culprit: more traces, less evidence! In a digital world our transactions leave an increasing number of (digital) traces, but in case of identity fraud they always point to the victim instead of to the culprit. Therefore, if a case of identity fraud is reported to the police, the victim is seen as the prime suspect. He has to prove that he isn’t the culprit. If one succeeds in registering a car on somebody else’s name, duties fines and collections are presented to the victim instead of the real car owner. Irrespective of the victim’s protestations, government agencies keep considering traces as pointing to the culprit even if they, in turn, are unable to prove their suspicions. If identity fraud keeps growing, police investigation will increasingly end in unsolvable cases or lead to convicting the wrong person. Only prevention can counter an increasing number of identity fraud cases. Unfortunately, the prevailing preventive measures are not up to detect clever manipulating and cannot protect against someone piggybacking on one's identity. b. Successful identity fraud goes unnoticed Because successful identity fraud goes unnoticed, it is difficult to get a clear picture of the problem and its impact. Successful identity fraud committed in a weak spot of a process easily spreads to other processes. If one succeeds in using somebody else’s social security number, one can also get medical treatment without being entitled to it. Moreover, the culprit’s medical data are stored in the file of the victim without his being aware of the contamination of his medical file. Long afterwards, this can lead to wrong medical decisions. This way, identity fraud and its risks for the person whose identity is misused spread unnoticed into the tiniest capillaries of social processes where they will be detected too late or not at all. c. Balance of power shift in a digitised environment A third new characteristic of identity fraud that one still rarely takes into account relates to a shift in the balance of power between the person who must 13 check someone’s identity and the person being checked. Traditionally, during the process of identity checking, the checker is the boss: he takes initiatives whereupon the person to be checked has to react. In digitised procedures - and when digital equipment is being used - the person to be checked has the initiative. The average ID checker has to rely on the results of the electronic verification not fully understanding how the equipment works. He will not readily detect equipment or procedures being manipulated. Furthermore, the initiative shifts to the fraudster who can easily initiate an exception procedure, for instance by damaging the token necessary for the electronic verification procedure or simply by reporting the loss of it. This way, the surprise is on the fraudster’s side. The ID-checker has to rely upon unverified or unverifiable information presented to him by the person to be checked. Identity fraud is difficult to detect while it is taking place unless special preventive tools and procedures are installed which are aimed at unmasking the fraud as it is happening. Unfortunately, this seldom is the case. 6.3. Identity Fraud in the Criminal Law Enforcement Chain Because successful identity fraud goes unnoticed, it is difficult to assess its volume and impact (how often, how much damage?). Situations, in which, after a successful identity fraud, the fraudster can be detected because he is still there, are exceptionally rare. One such rare situation is a prison cell. If a criminal finds someone willing to sit out his sentence in his place, we find a stand-in person in the cell who is not the prisoner we expect. If he is unmasked as a stand-in, he must be sent home because serving a sentence in a criminal’s place is not a crime. In the meantime, the criminal has often been able to disappear. Figure 5. Identity fraud in the criminal law enforcement chain in 2004. HAVANK and VIP in the criminal law chain 2004: more than 101,000 fingerprint sets with 2-54 identities 2004: more than 1.2 million VIPnumbers VIP check Feb 2006: • HAVANK can detect identity fraud • 50 of 700 prisoners with a problematic identity. • DNA also wrongly registered in some cases chain level HAVANK base level of the chain prison Key: interface between source registers interface between a source register and a chain information system source register chain information system 14 Alternatively, a criminal can also use the identity of someone else while sitting out his own criminal sentence. If the criminal has been successful in using an alias, we find the right person in the cell but with an identity that is not his own. If this identity fraud goes undetected, the criminal is untraceable after his release because the administrative details point to someone else. This scenario could explain how delinquents, after being punished, sometimes succeed in pursuing their careers with a clean slate. Until October 2010, the Dutch criminal procedure law provided for the use of forensic biometrics only in order to prove someone’s involvement in the specific crime under investigation. Figure 5 shows that, in 2004, more than 100,000 criminal fingerprint sets had been registered in the Dutch national forensic biometrics system HAVANK linked to more than one administrative identity. The cleverest criminals had succeeded in using more than 50 aliases, implying that they managed to get their criminal verdicts spread to as many criminal records of other persons (who may not be aware of it). We have already seen that the true volume of identity fraud in the criminal law enforcement chain might be even bigger, because a fingerprint set linked to a single name does not guarantee that this name actually belongs to the criminal. To understand how this can happen under the eye of the criminal law enforcement authorities, we consider some possible scenario’s in the first and the fourth link of the criminal law enforcement chain (see Figure 4): a. The first link of the chain: the process of checking the identity of criminals by the police In daily practice, the police seem to forget that criminals are not very keen on co-operating with them. According to Dutch criminal procedural law, an immediate confession forbids biometric identity checking because proving the suspect’s involvement in the crime at hand is not necessary any more. The police will then simply ask for an ID document or, if the suspect cannot produce one, ask for name and address which are then checked against the residents’ register of the relevant municipality. Note that if name and address go together but belong to another person, this checking causes a wrong name mentioned in the official report and the subsequent summons and criminal verdict. Even if the suspect produces an ID, it might be somebody else’s. Many people look quite similar and very few people can accurately compare a tiny vague ID photo with a 3D face in front of them, even if they are trained to do so. If, in the next stage of the prosecution, the suspect withdraws his confession, the process of identity checking is only rarely restarted from the beginning. Eventually this causes a criminal verdict to be wrongly filed in the criminal registry. This might be in the file of the criminal’s henchman who then later reports to the prison to serve the criminal verdict on behalf of his sponsor. It might also be the file of an innocent or fictional person. (Fortunately, from October 2010 the law has been changed on this point; biometrical ID checking before checking any administrative details is compulsory now for serious crimes regardless of spontaneous confessions.) b. The fourth link of the chain: the process of ID checking in prisons The detention process is being supported by the chain information system VIP but, as a purely administrative system, it can only oversee the chain’s efforts at an administrative level. This chain information system VIP consists of a 15 personal criminal number (the VIP-number) and a set of references pointing to criminal law enforcement agencies actually involved in this person’s criminal justice procedures. The VIP-number is issued to a criminal when he is registered in the information system of one of the chain partners for the first time; it will never be re-issued to another person and will be used at every new contact with one of the chain partners during the rest of his life. The chain information system VIP cannot detect aliases without the HAVANK-number of the person, his biometrical personal number. (In 2013 there will be an infrastructure enabling prison managers to biometrically check who reports to the prison to undergo his punishment with consistency checks with the VIP and HAVANK systems.) Figure 5 also indicates that, by 2004, the chain information system VIP had already given out more than 1.2 million VIP-numbers since the system was introduced in 1993. This amount of VIP-numbers suggested serious problems because the Dutch population cannot plausibly comprise so many criminals. In February 2006, therefore, the identity of every prisoner in a big multi-prison site with 700 prisoners was thoroughly checked using the forensic biometrics available in the HAVANK system. This involved a huge logistical operation, which required four months lead time and could not possibly be kept secret. But, despite the long preparation time that offered many opportunities to evade the biometric checking, 7% of the prisoners were found not to use their own name or not to be the right person. In some cases, the DNA data were registered under a false name, too, which can lead to the arrest of the wrong person in a new criminal case. We have seen that only preventive measures can protect against identity fraud, because traces do not lead to the fraudster but to the victim and the culprit cannot be found afterwards nor can his involvement be proven. The older dominant chain problem recidivism, combined with the new dominant chain problem identity fraud, sharply indicates the core of the future chain communication system: adding the forensic fingerprint number to the personal number system VIP will be able to do the job because, at every new contact with fingerprint chacking, the chain information system combining the HAVANK number and the VIP number will immediately warn the chain partner involved of a mistaken identity. This example illustrates that a chain concept based on a temporary dominant chain problem is a powerful tool to understand how large-scale national chain co-operating can be effectively supported with lean and flexible chain information systems. We are very far from the ideal situation in which we are certain about older verdicts being booked under the right name, but it is already a great step forward if, in every new case, the criminal file contains a document with the suspect’s fingerprint set and two high resolution photographs (front and profile) taken right at the start of the criminal procedure and at the same time as the enrolment of the fingerprints. 7. Identity Fraud in the Criminal Law Enforcement Chain at EU Level Let us now consider how extending the scale of this chain co-operation from national to international complicates our national solution. International co-operation among national police forces has a long and fruitful tradition. But chain co-operation goes 16 further and many other chain partners from other links of the chain must join – from investigation to rehabilitation. Within the European Union, this broad collaboration is new and fragile because it takes place within the realm of intergovernmental cooperation. All the difficulties that make national chain processes barely-manageable a fortiori hold for the European situation. Figure 6. Fourniret’s case triggering an EU criminal registry. Fourniret 1. 2003/2004 A Frenchman living in Belgium and working in a Belgian school failed to abduct a 13-year old girl. For lack of evidence he was about to be released after a short detention. He was then accused by his wife of having abducted, raped and murdered 8 girls and young women. 2. This started a political debate about a European Criminal Registry in 2005; EU-decision: exchange of criminal verdicts between EU-member states. Exchange of criminal verdicts would have shown to the Belgian authorities that he was imprisoned several times in France, lately in 1987 (5 years for having raped 11 girls). After release he moved from France to Belgium and became a handyman at a Belgian village school with a clean slate. This would not have happened if his criminal record was checked in France. 3. In 2006 Fourniret was extradited by the Belgian authorities to France to be tried and punished. Fourniret’s case (see Figure 6) provides a nice example to understand the disruptive forces surrounding the dominant chain problem identity fraud (Grijpink, 2005; Grijpink, 2006), because it covers two EU member states and also involves communication between the criminal law enforcement chain and two other chains outside of the criminal justice domain, education and residence. Previously, information exchange between national criminal law enforcement chains concerning nationals of other member states was only done if and when it was considered necessary for the case at hand. So, apparently, the Belgian police never questioned the French criminal registry during Fourniret’s failed abduction investigation. The Belgian education chain might have questioned the Belgian criminal registry because, in many EU member states, Fourniret’s job was considered sensitive enough to ask a job candidate for a so-called ‘declaration of good conduct’. But consulting the Belgian criminal registry only would wrongly have shown a clean slate. Many important public administration systems are based on large-scale chainchain communication. In this example, two large-scale communication systems for criminal records are involved: (1) within the criminal law enforcement chain, each new verdict is to be stored in the correct criminal record; 17 (2) if the law permits, information about the correct criminal record must be exchanged between the criminal law enforcement chain and any other national chain that uses this information to protect its own integrity (in this example education and residence). Figure 7. Transfer of criminal verdicts between EU member states. Transfer of criminal verdicts to EU-country of nationality person known fingerprint correct NL-fingerprint verification (HAVANK) chain level chain information systems right person correct record Spanish criminal verdict of a Dutch national source registers base level of the chain transfer of criminal verdict Key: Dutch criminal record interface between source registers interface between a source register and a chain information system chain information system source register Fourniret’s case illustrates how complicated this information exchange is at the EU level. This communication will only be correct if two conditions are met: 1. 2. every national criminal law enforcement chain is preventing identity fraud ; every member state sends every criminal verdict to the criminal’s EU-country of nationality while preventing identity fraud during transfer, as well. As Figure 7 shows, this implies a close co-operation between police forces and prison institutions within the EU, using forensic biometrics from the country of nationality. We are very far from this ideal situation, but much will already be gained if every transferred criminal verdict is accompanied by a document containing the convicted person’s fingerprint set and two high resolution photographs (front and profile) taken right at the start of the criminal procedure and at the same time as the enrolment of the fingerprints. If this document is missing, the criminal verdict should not be filed in the criminal registry of the criminal’s member state. If the convicted person is transferred to his country of nationality to serve his sentence, this forensic biometric ID-checking 18 should be repeated to make sure that he is the right person with the correct administrative identity. Usually, politicians and public administrators like to simplify this type of complicated interdependence between and within large-scale systems, but our chain research has taught us that we had better deal with the world as it really is. This does not exclude simple solutions, as this example shows. In this example of the EU-wide chain co-operation in the criminal law enforcement chain the European Counsel first wished to bring about a single, central criminal registry (Grijpink, 2006). Chain-computerisation theory tells us that a physically centralised EU criminal registry cannot be expected to work adequately at this enormous scale. Fortunately, the efforts are now being aimed at bilateral exchange of criminal verdicts between member states, so that every member state has a complete criminal record of every criminal having its nationality. Eventually, this will establish a distributed EU criminal registry that might indeed be able to successfully prevent border crossing criminal cases - such as that of Fourniret - from happening again. This example stands for many other big systems at EU scale. If, in future, we are not able to adequately counteract dominant chain problems of this type - also, for example, in large-scale EU co-operation in the fields of identity management and health care - public administration and information science will ultimately loose much of their legitimacy. 8. Some Breaking Views and Challenges from Chain Research During the past four years, more than twenty Dutch large-scale chain co-operation cases were studied at the Institute of Information and Computer Sciences of Utrecht Figure 8. Chain co-operation situations studied in the UU Research Programme. Social Product Health Safety &security Prosperity Welfare Chain Emergency health care Stroke (CVA) care Diabetes care Medication monitoring Organ transplant care Veterans health care Manic Depressive health care Infectious diseases outbreak management Excavation damage prevention Identity management Child abuse prevention Nuclear products & waste management Disaster prevention and management Criminal law enforcement Combating terrorism Combating football hooliganism Social security Debt Relief Combating traffic jams Jobseekers service Combating juvenile prostitution Combating SPAM Drug addicts’ health care 19 University (UU), using the guidelines and the chain analysis tools provided by the theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation (Grijpink, 2010). See Figure 8 for the list of chain co-operation situations studied (Grijpink & Plomp, 2009: 17). This research programme has led to some valuable insights and breaking views. 1. Large-scale systems cannot do without a suitable chain approach Based on our twenty chain analysis cases we conclude that large-scale systems cannot do without a suitable chain approach, because they must inevitably be implemented without adequate management support during development and exploitation. Moreover, many chains produce collective values for subjects that do not (fully) collaborate. A chain approach that takes this rough and chaotic working environment into full account becomes indispensable, at least if we want better designed social systems and more successful implementation. Above all, that approach should warn of fallacies of the wrong level. In public administration and information practise, fallacies of the wrong level abound, causing many large-scale systems to carry more weaknesses and risks than people think and robust systems to be rare. More risk analyses should therefore be undertaken, preventing naïve solutions. Risks associated with the dominant chain problem are the most significant ones and should also be monitored during the development and exploitation phases of large-scale systems. 2. Large-scale projects cannot do without chain analysis Chain analysis has proven to be able to distinguish between potentially successful and failing chain projects and should be undertaken on a regular basis in every large-scale initiative. In the majority of the cases studied in our Utrecht University Chain Research programme our chain analysis resulted in the conclusion that – although a chain communication system was necessary – a large-scale chain communication system was not feasible due to lacking co-operation habits and mechanisms. Fortunally, in many of the cases studied, our chain analysis suggested alternative information strategies that seemed more feasible. 3. Large-scale chain communication systems need a multi-level architecture In the vast majority of the chain co-operation situations studied, our chain analysis resulted in the conclusion that a large-scale chain communication system was necessary to solve the sominant chain problem. So, a chain information architecture is necessary that can facilitate large-scale chain communication. We know that single central databases - at that enormous scale - yield little more than a concentration of management activities, not communication. Information must stay within reach of its source and be managed there, too. Therefore, chain communication (at chain level) must be separated from data collection and storage (at the base level of the chain). This implies that a chain has to be analysed as a multi-level phenomenon. 4. The vigorous impact of a dominant chain problem Because a chain has no overall co-ordinating and enforcing authority, a chain communication system can only cope with inherent resistance and lack of support in a chain, if it is implemented in a lean and flexible chain information infrastructure containing a central access system including a method for signals and alerts. What is remarkable here is that the access mechanism differs between 20 chains depending on the chain’s dominant chain problem. Our chain research uncovered a wide variety of dominant chain problems, each provoking a different intensity of collaboration and requiring a different and customised chain communication system. For someone who has had a heart attack, it is important that a small number of details are immediately available to the consulting physician so that he can effectively intervene when necessary. The chain will therefore have to be able to supply those details as quickly as possible. This communication system is completely different from that for diabetics, for instance, which is focused on monitoring the patient’s condition and depends upon his own lifestyle and self-discipline. In some of our cases, the dynamic chain concept of the theoretical framework of Chain-computerisation enabled us to sharply highlight the new chain communication system and to formulate a concrete transition strategy. 5. Chain partners have only a limited view of chain issues and priorities Chain partners look at chains only from the viewpoint of their own organization, interests and priorities, thus overestimating chances and opportunities and underestimating risks and difficulties. This might be the principal reason why big projects and systems fail or disappoint. In our chain research, we were confronted with the problem that, as a result, dominant chain problems are usually hidden and cannot be found by interviewing chain partners and adding the responses. We had to perform disciplined analysis to discover a chain problem, if any, and to then assess its dominant character, if any. The good news is that, once it has been defined, chain partners generally recognise the dominant chain problem as the major common problem. 6. Two major causes of failing large-scale projects and systems Two major causes of failing large-scale projects and systems have surfaced in our chain research. The first relates to the complexity of chain processes, the second to inadequate collaboration mechanisms required to benefit from large-scale information exchange. i. It is only complex chains - requiring feed-forward and feedback mechanisms for adequate case handling in the chain - that cannot do without a chain information system for the mutual information exchange. In less complex chain co-operation with a dominant chain problem that can be tackled within sequential dependency of the chain partners, a chain communication system at chain level is not necessary because feedforward mechanisms alone will suffice. If a chain information system is not necessary due to a lineair chain structure, developing and implementing a large-scale chain information system will be very difficult. Particularly interesting here are chains that appear to be in a transition process from a linear chain to a more complex chain. In the long run, this opens the way to a large-scale communication system depending on the dominant chain problem that is moving to the top. The criminal law enforcement chain offered an example. Until recidivism triggered special chain co-operation, the criminal law enforcement chain could be seen as a linear chain. Later on, the dominant chain problem of identity fraud created an even rougher interplay of forces leading to a higher level of chain 21 organisation and intensifying the need of chain communication, with feedback and feed-forward mechanisms. ii. The second major obstacle to the successful development and implementation of large-scale communication systems lies in a lack of chain organisation. The chain partners should be familiar with collaboration mechanisms that can cope with large-scale feedback and interdependency. Most of the complex chains studied so far in our chain research program have an inadequate level of organisation, causing national projects to fail or falter. However, sometimes a regional approach is promising, but politics, public administration and information science have a strong preference for big, nationwide and ambitious projects. Fortunately, the methodology of Chain-computerisation is now available to be able to assess a large-scale project’s or system’s feasibility beforehand. 7. Identity problems threaten the constitutional state Identity fraud/theft is easy and profitable and our systems are generally not designed to prevent or detect identity fraud or identity theft. Identity checking is considered to be an invasion of privacy requiring regulation and transparency. Procedures can be observed and predicted, so identity fraudsters can be well prepared. Most of the chains studied in our chain research programme are struggling with identity problems, but in different ways depending on the dominant chain problem. Identity management and checking must be chain specific to be able to cope with the particular dominant chain problem. General ID-instruments are prone to attack in the weakest chain depending upon the dominant chain problem facilitating false identities to surreptitiously spread to other chains. Unless we develop chain specific ID solutions, identity fraud will increasingly threaten our constitutional state because victims have to prove their innocence more and more often. Preventive measures against identity fraud are rare and sloppy and methodologies to distinguish culprits from victims are mostly poor and erroneous. Procedures and instruments should be tested against the criterion: will they prevent or detect identity fraud, especially will they protect me against someone piggybacking on my identity? Identity checking should be smarter and imply at least ‘three times knocking’, e.g. a combination of a biometric detail, a token and a detail that only the right person can be expected to know. We conclude with a list of some major challenges for public administration and information science: 1. 2. 3. 4. better methodologies to quickly discover a dominant chain problem and find out about its dynamics and impact on large-scale chain co-operation; better risk analysis and risk monitoring methodologies for large-scale social systems (criminal records, patient files, identity records) before, during and after development; better methodologies to develop suitable checks & balances within large-scale social systems that can effectively prevent or cope with threats and risks; better methodologies to incrementally develop chain co-operation practise and large-scale communication systems; 22 5. a better balance between on the one hand the burden on complying citizens and on the other hand security mechanisms to withhold non-complying people from manipulating large-scale systems; 6. better ways to protect identities and underlying personal data; 7. better ways to detect manipulation and misuse; 8. new methods and models of identity fraud prevention in large-scale systems; 9. methodologies to separate culprits from victims in cases of successful identity fraud; 10. methods to clean contaminated files that contain data from more than one person as a consequence of identity fraud. 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