What are the different names for God and there meanings


What are the different names for God and there meanings.

 Example: Jehovah Shalom means peace. I know there are more but I can not 
 find them.

There are a number of names for God that are used in the Bible. These names both describe God and reveal His character. The names for God include the following.

1) Yahweh, often translated "the Lord." Many scholars think it means "He who is," emphasizing God's presence with man.

2) El, Eloah and Elohim (plural) is translated God. It is sometimes used in connection with other words. a) El Elyon, God most high, Genesis 14:18, b) El Shadday, God Almighty, literally "God, the one of the mountain," Genesis 17:1, c) El Olam, the everlasting God, Genesis 21:33, d) El Bethel, the God of Bethel, Genesis 31:13, e) El Roi, God of seeing, Genesis 16:13, and f) El Elohe Israel, God, the God of Israel, Genesis 33:20.

3) Adonai, also translated Lord, Genesis 18:3.

4) Jehovah-jireh, the Lord will provide, Genesis 22:14.

5) Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah is my banner, Exodus 17:15.

6) Jehovah-shalom, the Lord is peace, Judges 6:24. Though there may be some slight differences in the spelling of the Hebrew transliterations (bringing the Hebrew word into the English language), this should give you a fairly comprehensive list of names. As can be seen, much can be learned about God just by looking at the names by which He is called in the Bible

I would like to know if God tempts us or not, because in James1.13 he does 
 and Genisis 22.1 he doesent please explain. Also how old was Ahaziah? II Kings says one age and Chronicals another.

Also did Michael have children? II Samuel 6.26 say he did and II Samuel 21.8 says he doesent?

No, God does not tempt man with evil or in other words tempt him to do evil, that is plain in James 1:13.

In the Genesis reference the word tempt is used in a different manner. In that instance it means "tried".

God was not tempting or enticing Abraham to do evil or to sin he was trying his faith. The trial was not for God's benefit but for Abraham's. We never know what we will do under a given set of circumstances until we are put to the test. The experience that was Abraham's proved to Abraham just how strong his faith was, and it serves as an example for us even today.

As to Ahaziah's age he was 22 as stated in 2 Kings 8:26. In 2 Chronicles 22:2 it states his age as being 42 which apparently is a copyist error. The Hebrew word for forty is very similar to the word for twenty.

There is just a small particle added to the word for twenty that makes it read forty. It was quite easy for a copyist to make such a mistake. As the Michael having children she had none. In 2 Samuel 21:8 the name of Michael, which is in the text is either an error of memory or a copyist's mistake; for it was not Michael, but Merab, Saul's oldest daughter, who was given to Adriel the 
 Meholathite as his wife and she is the one who had the five sons.

Can you explain the oneness of God?

This is probably one of the most difficult concepts of the Bible to grasp. How can the finite comprehend the infinite? With that in mind, though, the essential oneness of God is affirmed in Deuteronomy 6:4,

"Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord." This expresses both the uniqueness and the unity of

God. There are no other gods. He is the one true and living God. Therefore He is truly unique, one of a kind. At the same time, though, the Old Testament shows God to be a plurality in such passages as

Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; and Isaiah 6:8.

We see this fully developed in the New Testament where we see God as three persons. He is God the

Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God works as these three entities. He is our heavenly

Father, calling us to Him through His Son, Romans 8:15. Jesus is also God incarnate, or God come in the flesh, 2 Corinthians 5:19. God also works as the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 4:30. The unity of these three is attested by such passages as Matthew 28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; and Ephesians 4:4-6. As God may act in any of these three capacities there is always a singleness of purpose. The Son does not contradict the

Father and the Spirit does not contradict the Son, etc. Therefore the unity of God is maintained. Just as water is made up of two elements, so God functions as three, but He is still one God.

Where did God come from?

This is a question that everyone has asked and wished to know the answer. The Bible tells us that God has always been and always will be (1 
 Chronicles 16:36 Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting even to everlasting. Then all the people said, "Amen," and praised the LORD.

 Psalms 93:2

Your throne is established from of old; you are from everlasting.). Other than this we no nothing about

God' s past only what is written from creation forward.

I know that Jesus Is the Son of God, Son of man, and God manifested in the flesh. I also Know that He was without sin. But because I face Questions about these issues, I ask that you please e-mail me some bible passages that proves this.

There are many passages indicating all the things you asked about but here are a few. Mark 1:1; John 1:1-

18 (note particularly verses 1-4 and 14), Matthew 15:22; Matthew 16:13; 24:27, Hebrews chapter one. You can find many of the passages you seek in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and also in the first epistle of John. Nearly every book in the New Testament has some teaching along that line.

1.Why did GOD create mankind.

2.What different approach did God take in creating mankind from all of His other creations. What might this difference mean.

3.What are some ways that we can put God first in ours lives.

We are not told exactly why God created mankind, however, it appears that he wanted created beings that had intelligence that could worship, praise and serve Him and he would reward the obedient with eternal life in His special abode.

 As to the creation God made all animal life from dirt as he did man, but into the lifeless human he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul.

Human beings subsequently are immortal souls that will exist for eternity either in heaven or hell. Man was made in God's image apparently referring to his creative intelligence, and eternal spirit. Man would operate by making intelligent decisions, having the ability to determine his fate and rule over the rest of creation. The other living creatures act according to instinct without the ability to direct their own lives, change their status, or choose whether or not to obey God. God simply gave all other creatures life but they were not given creative intelligence, immortal souls or ability to govern other life.

 We can put

God first by becoming serious students of the Holy Scriptures and seeking to obey God in all that He instructs us to do. The New Testament applies to man in this age of time while the Old Testament applied to 
 mankind before Christ died on the cross. We have the Old Testament so that we can see how God dealt with man in that age and what His plans were for redeeming man. In the New Testament we see what he requires of us in order for us to have eternal life. Look at Hebrews 5:8,9 as it refers to Christ and the human race. We can put God first by seeking to make decisions that would be in accordance with what the Bible teaches. We need to ask 
 ourselves what does the Bible teach concerning the things I am doing or am about to do. When you are tempted to lie think about what God would have you do.

Whether it is lying, stealing, gossiping, worshipping, human relations, etc. determine to do that which is pleasing to God. As children we have shone our love and respect for our parents by being obedient and trying to do things we knew they would be pleased about, and that is the way we can put God first. Give

Him priority it decisions made and not just what pleases you.

How do you understand the word trinity? Is there any proof about the three Gods? How many Gods do we have, one or three?

The word trinity is not found in the Bible. It refers to the condition of being three or threefold. Because of the references in the Bible to the Godhead and there being three distinct personalities of the Godhead, the

Father, Son and Holy Spirit are referred to as the trinity. The word Godhead is found three times in the

New Testament, Acts 17:29; Romans 1:20; and Colossians 2:9. It would be defined as divinity, divine nature, deity, or the state of being God. There is only one Godhead, or God, but there are three distinct persons that constitute the one deity.

The plurality of God is expressed in the following passages: Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isaiah 6:8; Matthew

28:19; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Ephesians 4:4-6 and 1 Peter 1:2. The distinctiveness of the Father, Son and Holy

Spirit can be seen in the following passages. The Father gave His only begotten Son for the salvation of the world, John 3:16. The Father would send the Holy Spirit as the comforter after Jesus ascended back to heaven, John 15:26. These, along with numerous other passages show how each personality of the

Godhead functions, yet they all three constitute the one God, or Godhead. Thus we have but one God, yet this one God has revealed Himself to and intervened in the world sometimes as Father, sometimes as

Son, and sometimes as Holy Spirit.

Can God make a rock so heavy he can't lift it?

 Why did God make flies?

In regards to God making a rock so heavy he could not lift, I consider this a foolish question, and Paul told Timothy, "But foolish and unlearned questions avoid..." 2 Timothy 2:23.

 As to why God made flies we could only surmise since we are not told, but this we do know that maggots are the larva of the fly and these play a major role in disposing decaying matter. They are a part of nature's disposal system.

Maggots along with buzzards help get rid of decaying carcasses which aids the environment by preventing pollution and spread of diseases.

Did Cain go to hell for killing Abel?

Who created God?

If Cain repented and offered the necessary sacrifices he could have died and gone to heaven. We are not told what he did but it was possible for him to get forgiveness if he so desired it. 

 No one created God.

God is eternal and eternity is never ending and has no beginning. While it is impossible for us to comprehend such it nevertheless is true. All life comes from antecedent (preceding) life and the original life is God.

 See John 1:1-3.

Other than through the Bible, how can one find God?

You can’t. Psalm 19 indicates that God has two books, the book of nature and the book of His word.

Nature should certainly help us to understand that there is a Creator. To say that man has descended from apes and that life began when some “it” formed in the primordial soup of early earth is silly. The odds of that happening are about as good as a tornado starting at one end of an airplane factory and coming out the other end with a complete, ready-to-fly 747. Truly, the heavens do declare the glory of

God. Romans 1:20 emphatically declares that the things that have been created, nature and the world around us, tell us that there is a God. However, as marvelous as nature is, it doesn’t fully reveal God to man.

We know there is a Creator, but we do not KNOW the Creator. We only come to really know God through His word. It is in the scriptures that we see the nature of God revealed. We see how much God hates sin, but we also see how much God loves the sinner, so much that He sent His only Son into the world to die for the world, John 3:16. We learn how to come to God and have our sins forgiven. We learn how to live acceptably before Him. We learn how to live with one another. We learn about heaven and its glory. Only in the Bible can we really fully find God.
