Airborne Circumnavigation of the Great Ice Sheets for Mass Balance and Dynamics Studies 1. Measurement Objective The core measurement goal is to create 3-dimensional image maps of portions of Greenland and Antarctica as they would appear were the ice sheets stripped away. An airborne campaign is envisioned that could deliver the first, continuous measurements of ice thickness around the Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheets. To measure basal topography and reflectivity, HF/VHF tomographic radars form the fundamental instrument suite. Achieving the goal means completing the first airborne circumnavigation of the Antarctic Ice Sheet for scientific research. 2. Instrument Feasibility The measurement goal mandates swath-mapping capabilities not provided by current profiling sounders. Proven tomographic techniques achieve this capability by: 1) separating basal returns from symmetric points to the right and left of the flight path that arrive at the same time to the nadir; 2) rejecting surface clutter from rough surfaces; 3) overcoming ice attenuation, especially for warm ice. Figure 1 summarizes performance differences that can result from upgrades to a previously proven system (GISMO) where the result is an increased swath that meets the posting and height accuracy requirements. Figure 1. GISMO vs TomAS performance comparison. For this case, GISMO would achieve a 4 Km swath compared to a 7 Km TomAS swath. 3. Observation coverage Ideally, measurements are needed over a 50km wide ribbon upstream of the grounding lines/ice margins for both Greenland and Antarctica. Figure 2.1-2 (left) shows an approximate route about the Antarctic grounding/terminus line and for Greenland (right) shows a route about the 1000 m elevation contour (red line). This contour is indicated because much of the Greenland Ice Sheet terminates on land. In addition, to improve our knowledge of subglacial processes along the ice flow, our observation will focus on specific glacier drainages initially identified to be Whillans I.S., Peterman Glacier and the North East Ice Stream (NEIS). 3-1 Use or disclosure of information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the cover page of this proposal. Figure 2: Left graphic shows the Antarctic Grounding line (blue line) and the Whillans Ice Sheet study area. Yellow dots show Antarctic bases. The right graphic shows the 1000 m contour (blue line) of the Greenland Ice Sheet and the North East Ice Sheet and Peterman Basin regions. 4. Flight Requirements Detailed later in Section 6, we selected the DC3 Basler conversion BT-67 aircraft which has a 3200km range, a cruise speed of 380 km/h and a 7.6 km operating ceiling. Using these flight characteristics, Table 1 summarizes the flight-hour requirements for our science missions. These calculations included transit times to/from stations or fuel sites, a margin of 15% on aircraft efficiency and a turn-time of 5min/turn. Our analyses have revealed that until the ice-thickness exceeds 2.2km, it is best to fly at or near the aircraft ceiling to be 5 to 6km above the surface, which is also advantageous for fuel efficiency. This reduces the maximum basal incidence angle for a given swath and as such the surface cross section is improved over a lower altitude geometry covering the same swath. For flight planning we assume aircraft operations at 6km altitude. Based on a priori knowledge of approximate ice thickness and ice conditions and referring to Figure 1, we assume an 8km swath for the grounding lines in Antarctica and Greenland (where the ice less than 1.5km). For the basins we assume a 7km swath due to the presence of potentially thicker ice (but with generally lower attenuation). The circumnavigations each require 7 racetracks in a series of piece-wise linear segments flown with a 10% overlap. For Antarctica the science collections will take just over 840 hours. This translates to 84 flight-days which are distributed over 270 deployment days. Therefore we have a weather/contingency margin of 69%. In Greenland total flight hours are 376 hours over two 60 day flight seasons translating to a margin of 69% also. Science Transit Turns Total Greenland 1000m contour 152.6 54.6 6.3 213.5 Antarctic grounding line 435.4 189.7 8.4 633.5 Greenland basins 71.6 40.8 16.5 128.9 Antarctica basin 83.3 37.9 9.3 130.6 Totals 742.9 323.0 40.5 1106.5 Table 1: BIIR coverage and flight hours including 7 complete race tracks about the Greenland 1000 m contour and the Antarctic Grounding line. One circumnavigation of Antarctic is about 100 hours. 4-2 Use or disclosure of information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the cover page of this proposal. 5. Operational time lines Optimal operations are early April to late May for Greenland and from November to February for Antarctica before significant melting or surface water occurs in Greenland, but also when logistical access is reasonable in Antarctica. Two field campaigns are planned for Greenland Spring 2012 and 2013 and three field campaigns are planned for Antarctica each fall (Southern hemisphere Spring) from 2012 to 2014. Should there be delay in meeting the first deployment in Greenland, there is a second opportunity in Spring 2014 to recoup with no scientific sacrifice. 6. Measurement Platform System Capabilities Due to the harsh environment and remoteness of Greenland and Antarctica, selection of a suitable platform is critical. We conducted a comprehensive aircraft survey covering multiple agencies and commercial operators. With a strong desire to use one platform for both Greenland and Antarctica, the primary drivers in selecting an aircraft and operator were the following: 1) ceiling exceeding 6 km barometric altitude, 2) range exceeding 2800 km, 3) operating costs and aircraft availability, 4) ability to transit to and land at most Antarctic bases, 5) instrument accommodation in terms of weight, power and operators, 6) wing-span of ~20m with wing hard mount points for the dipole array. We have concluded that the DC-3 Basler Turbo conversion (BT-67) aircraft operated by Kenn Borek Air (KBA) is best suited for our purposes. The BT-67 is a versatile, long-range (3700 km) aircraft capable of ski or wheel operation with a ceiling of over 7.6 km. KBA has extensive experience in flying scientific missions in both Greenland and Antarctica. The KBA BT-67 has been proven in several polar geophysical campaigns and has flown antenna arrays similar to the BIIR configuration. Compatibility with instrument power, weight, operating frequencies and wingspan requirements have been established with KBA. The BT-67 was the only available aircraft identified that fits all of our criteria and has significant performance margin. Figure 3 depicts the BT-67 with the BIIR150 MHz dipole arrays mounted beneath its wings. A contract for installation, aircraft modifications (additional hard mount points) and operations will guarantee access and exclusive use of the aircraft during the scheduled deployments. KBA currently owns two BT-67 aircraft and will soon acquire three more. Although only one will be configured for our operation, the others serve as backup if absolutely necessary. KBA operates a large fleet of aircraft and has full in-house maintenance, repair and modification expertise. This reduces risk by having a single organization responsible for BIIR’s aviation operations. However, if a BT-67 is unavailable, there are a number of aircraft with multiple agencies that are compatible with BIIR for Greenland operations. Government agency aircraft were considered for BIIR and those agencies contacted. NASA does not appear to have any aircraft that currently land in Antarctica. The P-3 is the most likely candidate, but is not currently configured for Antarctic operation and we are unaware of any plans to do so. The P-3 does, however, provide a good backup for Greenland. The NSF was contacted regarding C-130 operations, but they are unable to modify or commit a single aircraft for our purposes. Furthermore, the C-130’s are limited to large bases for landing which makes some regions inaccessible for data collection. Figure 3. BT-67 configured with tomographic radar array 6-3 Use or disclosure of information contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the cover page of this proposal.