เอกสารแนบ 1 Manuscript Title is in Times New Roman 14 pt bold, Center Alignment Name/s of author/s in Times New Roman 12 pt italic, center alignment, separate each author with comma (,), authors’ affiliation should be superscripted above the name1, corresponding author should be marked with asterisk* Authors’ affiliation in Times New Roman 10 pt normal, center alignment If there is more than 1 affiliation, each affiliation should be in its own line and number. * Corresponding author: (add email of corresponding author here) 1 2 Abstract (12 pt Times New Roman bold, left alignment, 12 pt before & 6 pt after) Content in abstract in 12 pt Times New Roman, normal, single space and 1 cm indent for the first line. Single paragraph abstract is required. The content may be improved from the early submission but necessary information and content must be retained. Keywords: key1, key2, key3 (up to 5 keywords) Introduction Format for the content in the introduction part shall be in 12 pt Times New Roman, normal, single space and 1 cm indent for the first line. New paragraph shall be 6 pt apart from the previous paragraph. The in-text citation/reference should follow Harvard referencing style. Examples and explanations on Harvard referencing style could be found from various sources. Some useful websites include (but not limit to) http://www.usq.edu.au/library/help/referencing/harvard.htm http://www.lc.unsw.edu.au/onlib/ref.html http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/tutorials/citing/harvard.html Materials and Methods Sub-heading (12 pt Times New Roman, Italic, left alignment, 6 pt before & 6 pt after) Format of the content in Materials and Methods should be the same as in Introduction part. Results Format of the content in Results (including the subheadings) should be the same as mentioned in other parts. Tables Tables shall be in numerical order with the following example. Caption is placed above the table. Table 1 The caption is 10 pt Times New Roman, normal, bold. Text Spacing Alignment 10 pt Times New Roman, normal Single space Center Figures Figures shall be in numerical order. Caption is placed under the figure. Figure 1 The caption is 10 pt Times New Roman, normal, bold. Discussion Format of Discussion part is the same as the other part. The discussion may be combined with Results. Acknowledgements This part is optional. References The reference follows Harvard style reference. The author’s list is ordered by surnames.