___________________________________________________________________________ POSTDOCTORAL BENCH FEES ___________________________________________________________________________ Background In addition to securing funding for post-doctoral fellows from long-established funding schemes run by organisations such as the research councils and the Wellcome Trust, departments and centres at the School receive requests to sponsor post-doctoral fellows from a range of funding agencies both in the UK and overseas, often for-profit organizations or NGOs. Many of these offer funding for promising candidates whom the ‘host’ units would like to encourage, and often arise from young researchers seeking funding from special fellowship schemes. Charging bench fees under certain circumstances The Research Committee agreed at its meeting on 6 May 2004 that the School should permit departments and centres to attempt to recover from such sponsors a 'bench fee' to cover some of the resources implications of taking on the fellow, such as administrative support, research space, library use and IT support. It was agreed that the bench fee should be up to £200 per month, but explicitly only where the fellowship will cover this fee without impinging on the fellow's personal support. The fee would be waived where the visitor does not have an external source of funding that will cover a bench fee, as with the postdoctoral fellowships funded by public bodies such as ESRC and the Wellcome Trust which only fund salaries and personal support for research, but not overheads. [The Research Councils take the view that Universities are obliged under the dual support system to support post-doctoral fellows. The School would naturally continue to accept this position.] The bench fee policy aims to be transparent and operates on the basis of fairness and equity of treatment across the School. In certain circumstances it is recognised that it may be possible to secure a higher bench fee rate than that proposed above from certain organisations without prejudicing the personal support of the fellow. In such cases the department or research centre should consult with the Research and Project Development Division to enable an equitable assessment of the appropriate fee to be made. The scheme was approved provided that neither postdoctoral fellows nor host departments would incur financial penalties.