Silesian Center for Heart Diseases

The Silesian Center for Heart Diseases (SCCS in short) in Zabrze is a public hospital affiliated with
Medical University of Silesia. It is a modern, highly specialized heart center, recognized nationwide
and internationally for its outstanding clinical and scientific achievements in cardiology and
cardiothoracic surgery. Over the years this hospital has ranked among the top of all Polish hospitals.
The Center offers the broadest possible spectrum of diagnostics, therapeutic and surgical treatment
options for both congenital and acquired heart diseases. We strive to deliver the best care for our
patients by contantly improving quality of our medical services - our efforts are noticed and valued evidence of which is the fact that every year more then 15.000 patients are admitted to our hospital.
More then 12.000 invasive cardiology procedures and more then 2.400 heart surgery procedures in
children and adults are performed annually. The youngest patient operated in Silesian Center was a
1-day-old neonate, the oldest – 103-year-old woman.
Our two Departments of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease Unit offer care for patients at every
level of heart health: from consultive to interventional cardiology. Experienced interventional
cardiology group offers a complete array of diagnostic and treatment tools: from cardiac
catheterization, to a full range of percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) such as angioplasty and
intravascular stent implantation.
It has been for Zabrze cardiologists, who in 1986 established a new national standard of acute
coronary syndromes treatment by performing primary angioplasty. Zabrze model of ACS treatment,
introduced by Stanisław Pasyk and developed by Lech Poloński and Zbigniew Kalarus and their
students, is considered today as an exemplary in this part of Europe.
Silesian Center made headlines in 2008 as the first hospital in Poland to start successful program of
non-surgical aortic valve implantation (TAVI) in elderly patients with severe co-morbidities and nonsurgical pulmonary valve implantation program (PAVTI) in high risk patients.
Silesian Center remains also at the forefront of cardiothoracic medicine in Poland. Our Team
specializes in surgical treatment of coronary heart disease (approx. 960 patients per year): coronary
revascularization (using thoracic arteries, radial artery), OPCAB and CABG procedures.
We have also unparalleled expertise in reconstructive surgery – mitral valvuloplasty (the greatest
number in Poland), aortic valvuloplasty in children and adults, tricuspid valvuloplasty, with
reconstruction in Ebstein Syndrome, using - among others - videothoracoscopic minimally invasive
We take pride in conducting a leading in Poland program of the surgical treatment of
thoracoabdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, using different techniques, including endovascular
and hybrid treatment (aortic stentgraft implantation).
We were first to introduce in Poland the program of surgical treatment of acute and chronic
pulmonary embolism. The first to treat successfully acute respiratory distress syndrome in infants,
and small children, using the ExtraCorporeal Membranous Oxygenation (ECMO) system. Our
experience in ECMO played decisive role in undertaking rescue program in times of recent pandemic
Silesian Center’s cardiac surgery is known for its exceptional chronic heart failure program. It has
been almost 30 years since the first successful heart transplantation was carried out in Zabrze. Since
then more than 50 are performed every year, placing the Center in the leading position among other
centers across Europe. Based on the excellent outcomes and experience in heart transplantation is
the Center’s lung transplant program, launched here with support of distinguished, recognized
worldwide transplantologist, Yoshiya Todoyda (USA). Today, our skilled, trained in the greatest lung
international transplant centers LUNG Team, working under leadership of dr. Jacek Wojarski, chief of
Lung Transplant Program, offers severely ill patients with chronic lung disease a cure and hope they
have been waiting for.
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases takes pride in its position as a national leader in minimally invasive
(MIDCAB, TECAB) and hybrid (MIDCAB/TECAB +PCI) treatment. Todays patients expect not only safe
and effective treatment - they want to return to their active life, work and physical activity at the
earliest possible convenience. Minmially invasive surgery seems to fulfull perfectly those
expectations: a procedure is performed through small incision, which usually means less pain,
reduced risk of wound infection and much smaller posteoperative scar; it is also observed that
hospitalization, recovery and rehabilitation time are significantly shorter then in case of traditional
treatment option.
Having in mind out patients needs, we have created one of the greatest, the most dynamically
developing Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery programs in this part of Europe. Today we offer our
patients vast scope of procedures performed through small incision, such as :
minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery (OPCAB) to treat coronary artery disease
minimally invasive heart valve surgery: aortic and mitral valve procedures to treat valve
TAVI - transcatheter aortic valve implantation
TEVAR - thoracic endovascular aortic valve repair
PAVTI - pulmonary artery valve transcatheter implantation
minimally invasive implantation of aortic stengrafts
hybrid surgery for aortic aneurysm repair
minimally invasive hybrid procedures - to treat persistant atrial fibrillation
Silesian Center is a modern European hospital, where our internationally recognized know-how,
patient oriented service meet the state-of-art-technology. Working since 2011 in 2 hospital
buildings, SCCS includes following well-organized clinical units:
adult and pediatric cardiology
cardiac surgery and transplantation
mechanical circulatory support
vascular surgery
Our facilities include:
5 modern operating rooms, designed using cutting-edge technology, of which 1 is hybrid
7 cardiovascular interventional labs, of which 2 are electrophysiology and electrotherapy labs
Silesian Center has 278 beds, of which 112 are fully-monitored ICU beds. Every year, our hospital
admits approx. 15,000 patients from all Poland and abroad, offering a full profile of cardiological
procedures, both diagnostic and therapeutic, as well as all types of cardiac surgical procedures
currently available in the world.
In 2012 the hospital is planning to perform over 12,000 cardiological procedures, including:
over 6,000 coronarographies
3,000 PTCAs
350 biopsies
400 right heart catheterisations
over 300 paediatric diagnostic procedures
130 paediatric interventional procedures
100 Amplatzers
600 stimulators
over 400 ICDs
260 BIV-ICDs
380 ablations
In years 1985-2011 30.600 heart surgeries in adults and children were peformed.
In this number :
884 ortothopic heart transplantation in adults and children
72 lung transplants (single or double), including 3 successful transplantations in patients with
cystic fibrosis
5 heart and lung transplantations
In years 2009-2012 (till April) 23 LVAD implantations were performed, both in adults and children:
15 POLVAD-Religa (adults)
4 HeartWare (adults)
4 Berlin Heart (children)
Since April 2011, with opening of our second hospital buliding, two additional operating rooms - one
of them hybrid - have been established. Today our Heart Team works in 5 modern operating rooms,
designed according to the best world standards. Our know-how combined with cutting-edge
technologies guarantees our patients medical care at the highest level.
Extended facilities have allowed us to extend our surgical activity. More then 2.400 heart surgeries
are performed now annualy. Approximatelly half of them are related to the surgical treatment of
CAD (coronary revascularization, minimally invasive surgery, OPCAB) and its complications (surgical
post-infarction left ventricle remodeling, plasty for ischemic mitral regurgitation). Other half surgical treatment of acquired heart disease, valve diseases, congenital heart diseases in children and
adults, surgical treatment of heart rhythm disorders, surgical treatement of aortic aneursysms (also
endovascular and hybrid).
PLANS for 2012:
Estimated numer of heart surgery procedures in adults and children only for 2012: 2.400
In this number:
1300 coronnary procedures (including OPCAB, MIDCAB, TECAB + PCI)
over 700 heart defeacts (including minimally invasive)
200 congenital heart diseseas in children and adults
100 aortic aneursysm procedures
30 minimally invasive endoscopic ablations in persistent atrial fibrillation
40-50 heart transplantations
20 lung transplantations
12-15 VADs implantation (POLVAD-Religa, HeartWare)
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases in Zabrze welcomed its first patient in 1984. Since then, thousands
of patients entered Center`s doors, convinced that the place has enormous potential and experience
to treat them properly. Such believe one can only have when the past determines the present.
The Center`s history may be short, yet fulfilled with numerous clinical and scientific achievements.
It’s worth to mention the most important ones:
Department of Cardiac Surgery is founded (by prof. Zbigniew Religa)
1st heart transplantation ever to be performed in Poland
The first intensive coronary care unit with invasive treatment opened 24 hours a day,
7 days a week, to be opened in Poland. Treating acute coronary syndromes with
primary angioplasty becomes a new standard. This model of acute coronary
syndrome treatment, has been then remastered and introduced nationwide.
Today,it is considered to be an exemplary in this part of Europe.
start of first in Poland Mechanical Circulatory program (BERNO, TAH, BERLIN VAD,
first in Poland procedures in chronic pulmonary embolism
developement of coronary revascularization - a base of Zabrze coronary surgery
launch of the program on Reconstruction of Impaired Mitral Valve following
Myocardial Infarction
first successful lung transplant in Poland
first in Poland to implant aortic stentgraft of own manufacture
start of first in Poland Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery Program
initation of ECMO Program
start of Surgical Endo-and Epicardial Ablation program (first center in Poland)
first in Poland successful heart and lung transplantation
first in Poland transcatheter umbrella closure of postinfarction ventricular septal
first in Poland successful lung transplantation
start of hybrid surgery for aortic aneyrysm repair
first in Poland successful heart transplantation in infant
start of TAVI program in Poland, in high risk patients and patients with symptomatic
severe aortic stenosis (using transfemoral and transapical approach)
first in Poland implantation of VAD type Heart Ware
successful minimally invasive TECAB in 103-years-old woman
first in Poland successful minimally invasive lung transplantation in patient with cystic
first in Poland successful lung transplant in 17-years old patient with cystic fibrosis
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases is widely recognized for its research and scientific activity. As a
center strongly affiliated with Medical University of Silesia, it conducts numerous scientific research
in the field of cardiology, cardiac surgery, transplantatology, diabetology and basic sciences.
Main research areas:
interventional treatment of acute coronary syndromes – the use of new diagnostic and
therapeutic methods, clinical and metabolic diagnostic markers, management optimization,
long-term follow-up;
comprehensive qualification of heart failure patients for further treatment, based on the
expertise of a multi-specialty team
(cardiologist, cardiac surgeon, transplantologist,
nephrologist, diabetologist); long-term follow-up, cardiac transplant vasculopathy;
the importance of revascularisation of the heart muscle with preserved vitality in patients
with severe ischaemic heart failure, with a view to develop an algorithm of management in
this group of patients;
the use of resynchronisation therapy in selected patients with advanced heart failure,
assessment of the implantation techniques of resynchronizing devices, and new indications
for biventricular stimulation;
search for optimal treatment methods in patients with severe pulmonary hypertension of
various etiology;
long-term prognosis in patients with heart failure, depending on
haemodynamic parameters in the pulmonary bed;
the first in Poland programme of hybrid treatment (MIDCAB + PCI with DES) in patients with
multi-vessel coronary disease, with assessment of clinical events and angiographic follow-up
at 12 months;
assessment of sudden cardiac death risk with the use of invasive and non-invasive methods;
the use of radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of patients with heart rhythm disorders;
optimisation of therapeutic methods in patients with aortic disease and mitral regurgitation;
comprehensive angioplasty services, including carotid, vertebral, renal and limb arteries;
percutaneous interventional techniques for correcting congenital and acquired heart
the use of new techniques of interventional catheterisation in congenital heart diseases;
non-surgical closure of atrial septal defects with the use of the Amplatzer Septal Occluder;
non-surgical closure of atrial septal defects with the use of CardioSeal/Starflex implants;
non-surgical closure of post-infarction ventricular septal defects with the use of the Amplatz
the development of children with TGA operated in the neonatal period with the Jatene
the usefulness of heart rate variability assessment in patients with aortic insufficiency;
the usefulness of 24-h monitoring of arterial blood pressure, stress test and dobutamine
stress echocardiography in evaluating coarctation results in children;
atrial septal defect – comparison of cardiosurgical and interventional treatment results;
aortic coarctation – diagnosis, treatment, usefulness of the dobutamine test;
acquired heart diseases – minimally invasive cardiac surgery, especially mitral and tricuspid
valve repair procedures and aortic valve reconstruction – leading experience in Poland;
treatment of the coronary disease and its complications (mitral and post-infarction
insufficiency, post-infarction left ventricular aneurysm) – minimally invasive OPCAB,
MIDCAB/TECAB, hybrid surgery, experimental and clinical research into surgical remodelling
of the post-infarction damaged heart, preclinical research into the use of stem cells in
patients with severe post-infarction cardiomyopathy, no revascularisation possibility and
with permanent heart damage;
aortic aneurysm – aortic aneurysm surgery preserving the patient’s own valve, hybrid
operations and endovascular procedures in aortic aneurysms;
congenital heart diseases - a full range of surgical procedures in congenital heart diseases in
newborns and children below 18 years of age, the use of ECMO in saving newborns with
severe circulatory and respiratory failure and older children with severe life-threatening
circulatory and respiratory failure;
surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation and surgical ablation
heart failure, heart transplantation in adults and children, mechanical circulatory assistance,
especially early-, mid- and long-term support with the Religa pneumatic device and the
HEARTWARE axial-flow ventricular assist device.
acute and chronic circulatory and respiratory failure in adults and children; lung
the pathogenesis of diabetes;
the pathogenesis of diabetic complications;
the genetics of diabetes and its complications;
optimisation of
anti-hyperglycaemic therapy depending on diabetes stage and the
coexistence of late complications.
Between 2007 and 2011, the Centre generated 208 articles published in journals of the ISI Master
Journal List, with a combined IF = 443,4.
Cutting edge technology - new quality of training
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases offers unique training opportunities for residents and specialists:
cardiologists, electrophysiologists, anesthesiologists & general practicioners. Three types of
biosimulators available at our hospital guarantee practical and therefore the most effective form of
education and professional training, what’s more - in fully controlled and safe environment.
ENDOVASCULAR SIMULATOR - benefits of such form of training:
possibility of studying and exploring cardiology, using advanced high-tech educational
devices, such as endovascular simulators
unique opportunity to learn from the practice – to perform independently complicated
procedures in safe and controlled circumstances, under guidance of experienced invasive
cardiologists, electrotherapists, cardiac and vascular surgeons
a chance to gain first valuable experience in minimally invasive heart procedures
a contact with simulated patient – a simulator enables a trainee to enter into real,
chosen clinical situations and peform certain procedure in friendly and controlled
environment, without a risk for a patient.
endovascular simulators enable to monitor life functions of a „patient”, to administer
drug therapy and observe interaction of the simulator with undertaken therapeutical
decisions and actions.
training with endovascular simulator gives an unique opportunity to perform
multidisciplinary endovascular procedures in cardiology, radiology and vascular surgery.
Learning invasive and semi-invasive examinations and procedures constitutes a challenge and often
significant difficulty for medical students and young doctors.
TEE (transesophageal echocardiography) is one of such challenges our future cardiologists face. In
clinical conditions, due to patient’s discomfort related to the examination, a trainee can only pasively
observe the procedure, performed by specialists quickly; for comfort of patient, time of examination
greatly matters – seldom there is enough time for efficient and thourough explaination of the TEE
procedure to a trainee.
Silesian Center’s Heart Works phantom gives a trainee unique possibility:
to verify academic knowledge in a practice
to corelate theory of the heart with concrete USG images
to get acquainted with typical TEE probe
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases provides an exceptional opportunity to practice on advanced,
multifunction phantom desinged especially for training of basic and advanced reanimation.
It is excellent tool for students and adepts of emergency medicine, anesthesiology, intensive care
speciality and surgery.
Our RESCUE phantom provides possibility of presenting different clinical symptoms, such as: heart
rhythm disturbances, value of coronary pressure, phonocardiographic changes, presence of pulses in
the lower limb, evaluation of pupil width, and many others.
Silesian Center’s RESCUE simulator enables a trainee to practice many invasive procedures, such as:
ventilation using ambu bag, Laryngeal Mask Airway application, intubation through mouth or nose,
management of pneumothorax, performance of direct cardiac massage, cardioversion or
defibrillation and many others.
Silesian Center for Heart Diseases, M. Curie-Sklodowskiej 9, 41800 Zabrze, Poland
Our Departments:
 Clinical Department of Cardiology, Chair of Cardiology, Congenital Heart Diseases and
Electrotherapy, Medical University of Silesia
Prof. Zbigniew Kalarus, MD PhD
President Elect, Polish Cardiac Society
Secretary Office:
Tel.: +48/32 271 34 14, +48/32 37 33 682
Fax: +48/32 37 33 792
 Clinical Department of Congenital Heart Diseases and Pediatric Cardiology, Chair of
Cardiology, Congenital Heart Diseases and Electrotherapy, Medical University of Silesia
Chairman: Prof. Jacek Białkowski, MD PhD
Regional consultant in pediatric cardiology
Secretary Office:
Tel./fax: +48/32 271 34 01, +48/32 37 33 669
 3rd Chair and Clinical Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Silesia
Chairman: Prof. Lech Poloński, MD PhD FESC
Regional Consultant in Cardiology
Secretary Office:
Tel.: +48/32 273 23 16, +48/32 37 33 788
Fax: +48/32 273 26 79
 Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, 3rd Chair and Clinical Department of Cardiology,
Medical University of Silesia
Chairman: Prof. Mariusz Gąsior, MD PhD
Medical Director of Silesian Center for Heart Diseases
Secretary Office:
Tel.: +48/32 273 26 81, +48/32 37 33 860
Fax: +48/32 37 33 819
 Clinical Department of Internal Diseases and Diabetology, 3rd Chair and Clinical
Department of Cardiology, Medical University of Silesia
Prof. Krzysztof Strojek, MD PhD
National Consultant in Diabetology
Secretary Office:
Tel.:+48/ 32 37 33 884
 Clinical Department of Cardiac Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Medical University of Silesia
Chairman: Prof. Piotr Knapik, MD PhD
President Elect of Polish Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Secretary Office:
Tel.: +48/32 273 27 31, +48/32 37 33 724
 Chair and Clinical Department of Cardiac Surgery and Transplantology,
Medical University of Silesia
Chairman: Prof. Marian Zembala, MD PhD FESC
Director, Silesian Center for Heart Diseases
National Consultant in Cardiac Surgery
Secretary Office:
Tel.: +48/32 278 43 34, +48/32 37 33 689
Fax: +48/32 278 43 34
with Units:
Severe Circulatory&Respiratory Insufficiency and Mechanical Circulatory Support Unit
Coordinators: Associate Professor Michał Zakliczyński, MD PhD
Associate Professor Jerzy Pacholewicz, MD
Tel. +48/32 37 33 858, e-mail:;
I Department of Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation (A)
Cardiac surgeons:
Roman Przybylski, MD PhD
Szymon Pawlak, MD PhD
Cardiac anesthesiologists:
Associate Professor Ewa Kucewicz, MD PhD
Tomasz Maciejewski, MD PhD
Tel. 32 37 33 664, e-mail:
II Department of Cardiac Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery and Transplantation (B)
Cardiac Surgeons:
Krzysztof Filipiak, MD PhD
Tomasz Hrapkowicz, MD PhD
Cardiac anesthesiologists:
Paweł Nadziakiewicz, MD PhD
Jarosław Borkowski, MD PhD
Tel. 32 37 33 856, e-mail:
Mechanical Circulatory Support in Adults
Associate Professor Jerzy Pacholewicz, MD PhD
Associate Professor Michał Zakliczyński, MD PhD
Cardiac anesthesiologists:
Jerzy Czapla, MD
Waldemar Pakosiewicz, MD
Pediatric Mechanical Circulatory Support
Szymon Pawlak, MD PhD
Roman Przybylski, MD PhD
Pediatricians and cardiac anesthesiologists:
Adam Grzybowski, MD PhD
Beata Chodór, MD PhD
Ewa Urbańska, MD PhD
Lung Transplantation Program
Jacek Wojarski, MD PhD - chief of the lung trans plant program
Sławomir Żegleń, MD PhD
Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Marcin Krasoń, MD PhD
Ryszard Walas, MD PhD
Maciej Wiewióra, MD PhD
Jacek Piegza, MD PhD
Marcin Świerad, MD PhD
prof. Piotr Kasprzak, MD PhD
prof. Lech Cierpka, MD PhD
prof. Marek Motyka, MD PhD
Associate Professor Wacław Kuczmik, MD PhD