Strain Error Analysis Consider sampling a prototype shear profile with displacement u ,u 0, U arctan x Dx 0 x y , (S1) which corresponds toa vertical fault strike-slipping U from infinite depth to depth D, and locked from there to the surface, at four points arranged in a square, with side length S, center of the square at distance x0 from the fault plane, rotation angle between the fault plane and the square side . If the strain components are estimated from finding the least-square plane fit to these samples, uˆ y,x S S 1 cos x 0 cos arctan D 2 2 S S 1 sin x 0 sin arctan D U 2 2 2 S S S 1 cos arctan cos x 0 2 D 2 S 1 S sin x 0 2 sin arctan D 2 (S2) uˆ y,y S S 1 cos x 0 sin arctan D 2 2 S S 1 sin x 0 cos arctan D U 2 2 2 S S S 1 sin arctan cos x 0 2 D 2 S 1 S sin x 0 2 cos arctan D 2 (S3) 1 Estimation by finite difference has a similar result. For this special geometry, the estimated shear magnitude is 2 2 , sˆ uˆ y,y uˆ y,x (S4) Errors are determined by differencing with the true value (obtained by direct differentiation of (S1) s The estimated dilatation is U D D x 02 2 (S5) ˆ u uˆ y,x (S6) Note (2–3) converge quadratically to the correct strain for sample spacings smaller than about D. This can be demonstrated by retaining the first two terms of the Taylor series for arctan(z) (z–z3/3). The linear term (z) leads to complete cancellation of terms in (S2); the cubic term leads to an error term, which is quadratic in S. Similar results obtain for (S3), but rather than cancellation the result converges to (S5). The dilatation estimate (and error) from this quadratic term has the form ˆ u US sin( 4 ) , 24D3 2 (S7) which implies four grid orientations of maximum error including 22.5 degrees. This formula indicates a fault with maximum shear U/D will have an error in the dilatation estimate (for a worst case sampling orientation) of approximately 5% the maximum shear 2 magnitude when the spacing S is twice the fault depth D, and 1.3% when S = D. Errors in shear magnitude are of similar order. Can this behavior be improved by including more distant points to form weighted leastsquare estimates? Clearly not: the arctan function flattens out to a horizontal asymptote, so the addition of any points farther from the fault plane with positive weight will tend to reduce the estimate of strain obtained; the four point estimate of uy,y is already too small. Can this behavior be improved by using higher-order polynomial fits or splines, taking additional data points? Again, no: because the arctan function flattens out to a horizontal asymptote (a non-polynomial behavior), it cannot be approximated by a polynomial over a range much greater than D. For example interpolation from sampling on an equal spacing grid results in wild behavior between samples, due to a variant of the Runge phenomenon (Dahlquist and Björk, 1974), which precludes obtaining valid derivatives of deformation components at or between samples. The critical problem with estimating strain from a sparse network of deformation measurements is a cascade of errors. Since the sample density is not sufficiently dense (less than about D/2 for presumed fault locking depth D), the first source of error is the undersampling of a natural phenomenon, giving rise to aliasing. This implies information at some or all the spatial wavelengths is corrupted by natural signal at higher spatial wavelengths, erroneously mixed in with the lower spatial wavelengths. The second source of error is using such aliased signal to estimate spatial derivatives: no matter what 3 method is used, estimation of derivatives is sensitive to the range of signal with highest spatial frequency. The third source of error is computing combining functions of these spatial derivatives to compute dilatation and strain magnitude. The dilatation, in particular, is estimated as the difference of two comparatively large numbers, amplifying any error present in the spatial derivative estimates. References Dahlquist, Germund ; Björk, Åke (1974), "4.3.4. Equidistant Interpolation and the Runge Phenomenon", Numerical Methods, pp. 101–103, ISBN 0-13-627315-7 4