Getting Started with EndNote Introduction: EndNote is a bibliographic management software program that helps users to build searchable notes databases with complete bibliographic information and to automatically create notes and bibliographies in MS-Word manuscripts. Timesaving features allow you to: Transfer groups of references retrieved from online bibliographic databases into your EndNote database. Create bibliographies automatically in your word processor drawing from your EndNote library(s). "Cite as you write" in developing papers or manuscripts for publication. EndNote 9.0 is available in the Library Computer lab. Individual copies of the software are available free of charge with I-card to all IUP faculty, students, and staff: Faculty, Students, and Staff can pick up a copy from IT Support Center Suites on Grant - Lower, Suite G35 Phone: 724-357-4000 Email: web site: Getting Started with EndNote: EndNote allows you to create "library" databases of various types of materials from books and journal articles to audiovisual materials, conference proceedings and electronic sources. Creating a New Library Open EndNote from list of Programs. Mouse over File, and click on New to create a new EndNote Library. Give the file a name (otherwise it will be called untitled.enl) and click on Save. A new library will be created with 0 references ("showing 0 out of 0 references" noted at bottom). Before You Begin: Familiarize yourself with the EndNote Help Feature 1 From the Help menu: To browse through topics by category, select Contents. o To see a list of index entries, click the Index tab, and then either type a word or scroll through the list. From Help menu, you can also select Search for Help on.... to find instructions on a specific topic or feature. Adding Citations Today we will discuss 2 ways to add citations to your library: 1. manual input 2. connection file feature There are two additional methods that are used when the manual input is not desired and the connection file feature is not an option. They will be discussed in later workshops. 1. Adding Bibliographic Entries Manually This option is most often used to add citations to articles/books that you own or that you identify through a database or other source that does not provide EndNote connection or import capability. Usually they are articles kept in a paper file or are references in another electronic format, such as a Word bibliography. (Unfortunately, there is not a direct way to import a MS-WORD file into EndNote, but you can cut and paste information into appropriate fields.) To add a new reference: 1. From the References menu select New. 2. Select the appropriate Reference Type from the pull down menu. 3. Fill in the fields. Use the tab key to move to the next field; use the enter key to add second author, etc. (Use Help menu to find tips on inputting information in specific fields. For example: Author entry tip: Type the author's family name first, followed by a comma and initials or given name, eg Bruce, C.D. or Bruce, C D or Bruce, Christine. Remember that EndNote can only create accurate notes and bibliographies if information is entered correctly in appropriate fields. 4. When done, Close the New Reference box to add the citation to the library. 5. Select New from References menu as above or right mouse click and select New. Sample Citations to Add: Book: Edwards, Laura F. Scarlett Doesn't Live Here Anymore: Southern Women in the Civil War Era. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000. 2 Journal article: Wells, Cheryl A. "Battle Time: Gender, Modernity, and Confederate Hospitals." Journal of Social History 35, no. 2 p409 (Winter 2001): 409-31. Connecting: Transferring Citations from Online Catalogs and Select Bibliographic Databases Connection Files The Connect feature allows you to search a remote database from within the EndNote program. Remember that the search options within the connection files are limited though there are times when this feature may be sufficient and quite useful. Example: 1. Go to Tools and choose Connect from the pull down menu Connect again and click on it. A drop down menu of databases to which you can directly connect will appear. 2. Select Library of Congress and click Connect. 3. In the text boxes type in your keywords. 4. Click on Perform Search button. 5. A status box will show the number of citations retrieved. Click OK. The references will be copied into a temporary location. This gives you the opportunity to review your result and delete those you do not want to import into your library. 6. To copy references to your library, click on the Copy All References To button at top and select the library to which you would like to add them. The newly copied references will be highlighted. 7. From the File menu, select Close Connection and discard the references from this temporary holding place. Close the search box. 8. From the File menu, Open the library you added them to. 9. Select one of the references from your library and view the full record. (What fields (information) have been imported? Where did the Keywords field come from? What fields might you find useful to add?) Cite While You Write with MS-Word Begin or open a pre-existing document in MS-Word. Locate a point where you would like to insert a citation. Go to Tools, and look for EndNote (EndNote does not appear under Tools do the following: o Go to Tools, and then Templates & Add-Ins o click on Add button o then choose My Computer from left-hand side of next screen o choose C: o Program Files o EndNote 8 3 o o And then click on OK. o The EndNote toolbar should now be available.) Choose EndNote and then and Find citation. A search window will appear. Search for a bibliographic entry from one of you libraries by typing in keywords. It will pull up possible entries. Highlight the one you would like to insert and click on Insert. The parenthetical reference automatically be inserted and a bibliographic entry generated. If you would like to use a different style, choose Format Bibliography from the EndNote Tools menu. It will automatically reformat the bibliography in which ever form you choose. Chicago or Turabian Formats and those that use footnotes and endnotes. To cite correctly using styles which require footnotes and endnotes you must use the MSWord feature of creating a reference before you create your bibliographic references. For those that require cited page numbers you must input the page numbers manually using the edit citation feature. To create footnotes and endnotes: From MS-Word document choose Insert/Reference/Footnote and then foot or endnote. When the software has created the footnote and put you into the notes field. Go to Tools and Endnote and Find citation. A search window will appear. Search for a bibliographic entry from one of you libraries by typing in keywords. It will pull up possible entries. Highlight the one you would like to insert, and click on Insert. An entry will be generated. To add page numbers to entry: Highlight entry in which you would like to insert page numbers. Go to Tools/EndNote/Edit Citation. Add pages in pages box and enter. 4