Sheffield and Rotherham Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment PART 1: Methodology & Assessment of Potential Housing Land Supply in Sheffield March 2012 Update Les Sturch Director of Development Services Sheffield City Council Howden House Sheffield S1 2SH Paul Woodcock Director Planning and Regeneration Environment and Development Services Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Bailey House Rotherham For enquiries about this document, telephone 0114 273 5897 or 01709 823808 1 1. 2. Contents Page Introduction 7 7 8 8 10 Methodology 13 13 15 20 3. 4. 22 24 27 28 31 32 34 37 37 37 Gross Completions in 2010/11 Gross and Net Housing Delivery since the Core Strategy Base Date Housing Land Supply in Sheffield District 42 42 6. Overview Defining Areas of Search for Potential Housing Land Excluded Areas and Other Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Areas Identification of Other Potential Sites Assessment of the ‘Suitability’ for Housing Development Assessment of the ‘Availability’ for Housing Development Assessment of ‘Achievability’ of Housing Development Assumptions Used for Estimating Site Capacities Assumptions about Build Rates Assumptions about Delivery on Small Sites Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 5. Purpose of the SHLAA Background Scope of the Update Role of the Working Group 6-Year Potential Supply of Deliverable Sites (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2017) Potential Supply of Developable Sites (2017/18 to 2025/26) Summary of Overall Potential Supply (2011/12 to 2025/26) UDP Allocated Housing Sites Proposed to be De-Allocated in the SDF Other Land not included in the Potential Supply 52 60 60 61 Estimate of Future Windfalls on Small Sites in Sheffield 65 65 65 Overview Estimated Windfalls on Small Sites Monitoring and Future Reviews 69 3 Appendices 1. Density Assumptions and ‘Rules of Thumb’ used for Calculating Net Developable Areas 2. Sheffield: List of Sites Delivering Completions in 2010/11 3. Sheffield: Large Sites (10 or More Dwellings) – Deliverable in the Current Year (2011/12) or the next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) 4. Sheffield: List of Developable Sites after 2016/17 (not part of the 5-Year Supply) 5. Sheffield: UDP Allocated Housing Sites Proposed to be De-allocated in the SDF 6. Sheffield: Land Not Included in the Potential Supply but Suggested by Respondents to the Sheffield ‘Call-for-Sites’ or by Respondents to the SDF City Policies and Sites Consultation 7. Sites in Urban Areas assessed as unsuitable for housing 8. Additional Site Allocation Options January/February 2012 71 73 90 101 133 135 136 139 List of Tables 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Settlement Hierarchy in Sheffield and Rotherham ‘Suitability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used ‘Availability’– Definitions and Assumptions Used ‘Achievability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used Build Rate Assumptions on Large Sites Assumed Lead Times for Developing Large Sites Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions and Completions in the HMR Area in 2010/11 Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 by Community Assembly Area Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions 2010/11 by SDF Sub-Area Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 – Size and Type Sheffield: Gross and Net Dwelling Completions 2004/05 to 2010/11 Sheffield District: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Sheffield Main Urban Area: Supply of Deliverable Sites - Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Stocksbridge: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Chapeltown/ High Green: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Rural Areas: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Sheffield part of the South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Area: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Sheffield: Estimated Housing Mix on Deliverable Sites in Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) 4 19 25 27 30 33 33 38 38 39 39 40 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 19. Sheffield District: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 20. Sheffield Main Urban Area: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 21. Stocksbridge: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 22. Chapeltown/ High Green: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 23. Rural Areas: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 24. Sheffield part of the South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Area: Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 25. Sheffield District: Summary of Overall Potential Supply 2011/12 to 2025/26 26. Summary of Overall Potential Supply 2011/12 to 2025/26 by Community Assembly Area 27. Summary of Overall Potential Supply 2011/12 to 2025/26 by SDF Sub-Area 28. Sheffield District: Overall Potential Supply (2011/12 to 2025/26) – Assessment of Potential Dwelling Mix 29. Sheffield: Recent Trends in Permissions and Completions on Small Sites 30. Sheffield: Assumed Delivery on Small Sites (2011/12 to 2025/26) 5 54 55 56 57 58 59 62 63 63 64 66 67 1. Introduction 1.1 This update of the Sheffield and Rotherham Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) refreshes the first SHLAA which was published as two separate reports (one for each district). It also provides an update to the March 2011 SHLAA by incorporating recently identified sites and completions from 2010/11. The Sheffield part of the initial study was published as an ‘Interim Report’ in July 2008 and the Rotherham element in May 2009. Purpose of the SHLAA 1.2 A SHLAA is a process that identifies land with potential for future housing development. All local planning authorities are expected to undertake a SHLAA in order to identify an adequate supply of land for housing. This is an important function of the planning system and an evidence-based policy approach is a key principle of national Planning Policy Statement 3 (PPS3): Housing1. 1.3 The SHLAA provides essential evidence to support the Sheffield and Rotherham Local Development Frameworks (LDFs). LDFs are required to identify broad locations and specific sites for new housing that will enable continuous delivery of housing over a period of at least 15 years from the date that the LDF Core Strategy is adopted. 1.4 It is important to emphasise the status of the SHLAA. It does not allocate land for housing development and does not make policy decisions on which sites should be developed. The role of a SHLAA is to identify a pool of potential housing sites against which other policy considerations have to be balanced. It will be used to support decisionmaking and does not pre-judge the strategic approach that the Sheffield and Rotherham LDFs will eventually take. In Sheffield’s case, however, the City Council considers that account needs to be taken of the adopted Sheffield Development Framework (SDF) Core Strategy2, although this is not a view shared by the Home Builders Federation (see paragraph 1.13 below). 1.5 The SHLAA’s role within the wider evidence base should be used in conjunction and alongside other evidence, for example, employment land reviews, strategic flood risk assessments and sequential tests, strategic housing market assessments, area specific regeneration objectives and spatial priorities set out in the Sustainable Community Strategies. At the planning application stage, any evidence from the SHLAA should be considered alongside all these other factors and information gathered during pre-application discussions. 1 Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 3, Housing, Department of Communities and Local Government, November 2006. 2 Adopted March 2009 7 1.6 The results from the SHLAA update will be used to revise the housing trajectory3 which is reported in each authority’s LDF Annual Monitoring Report. The consideration of delivery rates on sites identified in the SHLAA and likely levels of windfalls allows a more accurate housing trajectory for the period up to 2026. However, it should be emphasised that not all the sites identified in the SHLAA as being ‘developable’ for housing will actually be allocated for housing in the LDFs. Some will be needed for other types of development and others will be safeguarded as open space, countryside or Green Belt. Background 1.7 PPS34 promotes collaborative working and indicates that where two or more local planning authorities form a housing market area, they should work together, either by preparing joint Strategic Housing Market Assessments and Strategic Land Availability Assessments or by ensuring consistency of methodology. 1.8 Although the functional housing market area extends beyond the boundaries of Sheffield and Rotherham, for practical reasons it was agreed by the Working Group that oversaw the first SHLAA that it was reasonable for the study to focus solely on the two districts5. 1.9 In the first joint SHLAA, the original intention had been to bring data for the two local authorities together in a single report for the Sheffield and Rotherham Strategic Housing Market Area. However, resource constraints meant that this was not possible and so data was only ever published for the individual districts. Scope of the Update 1.10 This second update of the SHLAA revises and expands upon the assessments of housing land supply made in the first assessment. An update is needed to: (a) bring information on dwelling completions and existing housing commitments (sites with planning permission for housing ) up to date; (b) assess whether there is 5-year supply of deliverable sites (current year 2011/12 plus the 5-year period 2012/13– 2016/17), especially significant given recent changes in market conditions. (c) inform the emerging Rotherham Core Strategy; and 3 The housing trajectory compares annual housing delivery to the annual housing targets. It shows how many new homes have been built since the plan base date (2004) and estimates future annual rates of housing delivery up to 2026. 4 PPS3, Annex C. 5 See Sheffield and Rotherham SHLAA Interim Report, July 2008, paragraphs 2.12 to 2.14 8 (d) inform the Site Allocation Development Plan Documents in both districts. 1.11 In determining the areas of search for housing land in each of the districts, account has been taken of the stages reached by the two LDFs. It also reflects the changing national and regional planning context, more specifically, the proposal by the new Coalition Government to revoke Regional Spatial Strategies and allow local authorities to determine their own housing requirements. Sheffield 1.12 The Sheffield Development Framework Core Strategy was adopted in March 2009 and this sets out future housing requirements to 2026. The first SHLAA report (July 2008) formed the main evidence on housing land supply for the SDF Core Strategy Public Examination (including the public hearings held in September 2008). Importantly, the Core Strategy Inspector’s Report (February 2009) concluded that sufficient land had been identified to meet the housing requirement to 2026 and that was no need for a strategic or local review of Sheffield’s Green Belt to accommodate housing growth. 1.13 Given the relatively recent adoption of the Core Strategy, the City Council’s view is that there is currently no need to extend the scope of the SHLAA update to include the assessment of land in the Green Belt. This approach is not supported by the Home Builders Federation who considers that, in accordance with national SHLAA practice guidance, all possible options should be considered, regardless of current adopted policies. Sites in the Green Belt that were suggested by respondents to the SHLAA ‘call-for-sites’ are, however, listed in Appendix 6 to this report, although no assessment has been made of their potential suitability for housing. Rotherham 1.14 In Rotherham, the LDF is at a less advance stage of preparation and the Core Strategy has not yet been adopted. The first SHLAA focussed primarily on remaining Unitary Development Plan (UDP) allocations and existing commitments and, as a result, was less comprehensive than that undertaken for Sheffield. But there is also a lack of certainty regarding future housing requirements. The Government’s proposal to revoke the Yorkshire and Humber Regional Spatial Strategy means that Rotherham is currently reconsidering what level of house building is appropriate in the period to 2026. This means that a wide range of options still need to be considered, so the SHLAA Update has broadened the previous work to include additional land outside existing settlements (i.e. possible urban extensions onto land currently in the Green Belt). 1.15 The SHLAA update is being published in two parts. Part 1 sets out the overall methodology and provides the final updated assessment of 9 housing land supply for Sheffield District. The report is structured as follows: o Chapter 2 describes the methodology that was used in the assessment and indicates how it complies with, or diverges from national and regional practice guidance; o Chapter 3 reports on dwellings completions over the last two years and since the SDF Core Strategy base date (1 April 2004); o Chapter 4 summarises the potential housing land supply in Sheffield; o Chapter 5 considers the potential additional flexibility in housing land supply that windfalls on small sites might provide in Sheffield over the period to 2026; o Chapter 6 sets out the plans for keeping the SHLAA up-to-date, including the assessment of the 5-year supply of deliverable sites 1.16 Part 1 of the Assessment is accompanied by the Sheffield Site Schedule. This includes site location maps for all the sites that were considered as part of the assessment for Sheffield, as well as information on likely timescales for delivery on sites that are considered to have housing potential. Role of the Working Group 1.17 National practice guidance on SHLAAs advocates a ‘partnership approach’ when undertaking a SHLAA and the Regional Practice Guidance highlights the establishment of a Working Group as a good method of engaging stakeholders. 1.18 As with the first SHLAA, the 2011/12 update has been overseen by a Working Group comprising representatives from a number of key organisations who are involved in housing delivery or provision of associated infrastructure. The main role of the Working Group was to: Develop an agreed methodology that was consistent with national and regional good practice guidance; Provide feedback on the provisional local authority assessments relating to the deliverability and developability of potential housing sites; Ensure that Corporate Plans and work streams being actively pursued by Local Strategic Partnerships have been effectively aligned and reflected in the SHLAA. This applies particularly to the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder, affordable housing delivery and current and likely future funding programmes. 10 1.19 For the last, 2010/11, update, there were some changes to the membership of the SHLAA Working Group. The group was expanded to include a representative from each local authority’s Housing Service but the Government Office, Local Government Yorkshire & Humber (prior to abolition), the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Forward decided they no longer needed to attend the Working Group meetings. Transform South Yorkshire is no longer operating and is therefore no longer included on the working group. These organisations have maintained a ‘watching brief’ providing written feedback on the draft methodology as necessary. The group’s membership has remained the same for the 2011/12 update. 1.20 Planning officers from adjoining local authorities within the wider functional housing market area (see paragraph 1.7-1.9 above) were sent copies of the draft brief for the update as well as notes of the Working Group meetings. They were represented on the core Working Group by Chesterfield Council. This has helped to ensure a consistent approach is maintained with the SHLAA covering the wider Sheffield City Region. 1.21 The core Working Group therefore consisted of representatives from: Forward & Area Planning, Development Services, Sheffield City Council Housing, Enterprise and Regeneration Service, Sheffield City Council Forward Planning, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Neighbourhood Investment Team, Housing Service, Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Chesterfield Borough Council (representing the Northern Sub-Area of the East Midlands Region) Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) Ackroyd and Abbott (representing the Home Builders Federation) Hallam Land Management (representing the Home Builders Federation) Jones Homes (representing the Home Builders Federation) DLP Planning Limited (representing the Home Builders Federation) 1.22 The HBF representatives provide a market view on all sites with capacity for 10 or more units. For the 2011/12 update comments were provided on sites added to the SHLAA since the HBF last commented. Their advice focussed particularly on the developability and deliverability of the sites that had been identified by the local authorities as part of the study. They also provided a market view on appropriate site densities and capacities. The report makes clear where there were any differences of opinion between the HBF and the local authorities. 11 2. Methodology Overview 2.1 PPS3 identifies a SHLAA as one component of the overall evidence base, which should be used to identify specific deliverable and developable sites to provide new housing. It states that the SHLAA should: - ‘Assess the likely level of housing that could be provided if unimplemented planning permissions were brought into development; - Assess land availability by identifying buildings or areas of land (including previously developed land and greenfield) that have development potential for housing, including within mixed use developments; - Assess the potential level of housing that can be provided on identified land; - Where appropriate, evaluate past trends in windfall land coming forward for development and estimate the likely future implementation rate; - Identify constraints that might make a particular site unavailable and/or unviable for development; - Identify sustainability issues and physical constraints that might make a site unsuitable for development; - Identify what action could be taken to overcome constraints on particular sites.’ 2.2 An important role of the SHLAA is to enable the assessment of whether there is a 5-year supply of deliverable sites. PPS3 requires a continuous 5-year supply of sites to be maintained which means that the assessment needs to be updated on an annual basis. The assessment is required to be forward looking, so it covers the year in which the study is published (the ‘current year’ and the following 5 years). This means that at any point during the current year an assessment of the 5-year supply will always be available. 2.3 To be considered deliverable, PPS3 states6 that sites should, at the point of adoption of the relevant Local Development Document, be: 6 Suitable – the site offers a suitable location for development now and would contribute to the creation of sustainable, mixed communities; Available – the site is available now and free of ownership constraints; PPS3, paragraphs 54-56. 13 Achievable – there is a reasonable prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within the timeframes identified. 2.4 A further supply of developable sites should also be identified for years 6-10 and, where possible, years 11-15 from the date of adopting the LDF. To be considered developable, sites should be in a suitable location for housing development, and there should be a reasonable prospect that the site will be available for, and could be developed at the point envisaged. 2.5 National practice guidance7 on SHLAAs was published by the Government in July 2007. This was supplemented by advice from the Planning Advisory Service8 and regional practice guidance produced by Arup on behalf of the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly (May 2008)9. The aim has been to follow the national and regional practice guidance wherever possible but the sections below highlight where there has been any divergence from the guidance. As already mentioned in paragraphs 1.10 to 1.13 above, the main issue concerns the extent of the area of search in each district. The guidance implies that all undeveloped land within each district should be assessed. The update has not considered land within the Sheffield Green Belt (an approach not supported by the HBF) and has only focussed on land on the edge of existing settlements in Rotherham. The local authorities’ reasons for adopting this approach are set out more fully in paragraphs 2.14 to 2.23 below. 2.6 As part of the update, revisions have also been made to some of the assumptions used in the study to reflect the significant changes to the economy and housing market since the first SHLAA was undertaken. For many of the sites previously identified, this has meant revisions to assumptions about likely house types, housing density and, therefore, site capacities. 2.7 The Regional Practice Guidance states that an important objective of the SHLAA is to identify sites which may, in due course, be considered suitable to be identified as allocations in a development plan, and which make a significant contribution to housing supply. It advises that this should be seen as a guiding principle for the type of sites that will feature in a SHLAA. It also means that it is, as a rule, unnecessary to consider windfalls and very small sites. 7Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessments – Practice Guidance, Communities and Local Government, July 2007. Available online from: 8 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment and Development Plan Document Production, Planning Advisory Service, January 2008. Available online from: Understanding Yorkshire and Humber’s Strategic Housing Land Availability, Arup on behalf of the Yorkshire and Humber Assembly, April 2008. 9 14 2.8 The Regional Practice Guidance recommends populating the SHLAA database with data already held on sites in the area that has resulted from previous site related fieldwork. For the update, the initial SHLAA and first update have been used as the starting point and sites have been added and deleted from the database as appropriate. 2.9 The key tasks for this update were to: (a) Identify new potential sites that have come to light in the period to 31 October 2011 (including those that have been granted planning permission and those arising from other avenues); (b) identify sufficient other potential sites within the defined areas of search that would be sufficient to accommodate: (i) the housing requirement in the adopted Sheffield Development Framework Core Strategy and (ii) any likely additional housing growth that might be required by the emerging Rotherham Core Strategy (c) Assess the suitability of any new sites for housing; (d) Assess the availability of new sites and review the availability of existing sites (identified in previous versions of the SHLAA); (e) Assess the achievability of new sites and review the achievability of existing sites (identified in previous versions of the SHLAA). This included updating information on planning permissions and assessing delivery timescales on large sites to reflect the changed market conditions; (f) Assess the dwelling capacity of new sites that are judged suitable for housing and review the capacity of existing large SHLAA sites (10 or more dwellings) to reflect changes in market, revised national policy on housing density or other circumstances; (g) Review the assumptions about delivery on small sites (capacity for less than 10 dwellings) which already have planning permission; (h) Review the potential future supply from windfalls on small sites (to inform updates of the housing trajectory in the LDF Annual Monitoring Reports), taking into account recent trends Defining Areas of Search for Potential Housing Land 2.10 A literal interpretation of the Government’s SHLAA Practice Guidance would be that the assessment should consider all land within the districts, including that outside existing settlements. However, the local authorities’ view is that such an approach would be wasteful of staff resources and would potentially 15 lead to more land being identified than is actually needed to meet the housing requirement (even after allowing for an additional margin of supply to provide flexibility). The local authorities therefore considered that a more focussed approach was appropriate. 2.11 It was agreed by the Working Group that the areas of search should be focussed in and around the main urban areas and larger Local Service Centres. The different settlements within Rotherham and Sheffield are set out in Table 1 below. The table reflects the settlement hierarchy in the RSS. 2.12 In both districts, the existing Green Belt boundary was generally used to define the edge of settlements. However, undeveloped UDP greenfield allocations on the edge of settlements were regarded as being outside the existing urban area, unless already largely surrounded by built development. Development of these sites would therefore be regarded as extensions to the existing built-up areas. 2.13 The Working Group agreed that it was not appropriate to consider extensions around small villages. In both districts, these villages are washed over by the Green Belt and it was agreed that such settlements were unlikely to be regarded as sustainable (i.e. suitable) locations for significant new housing development. This does not mean that small-scale windfall housing development cannot take place in and around those villages in the future (subject to compliance with the adopted Development Plan) but merely that the settlements were not considered as part of this study. Sheffield 2.14 For Sheffield, the area of search has focussed on the existing urban areas and three Local Service Centres (see Table 1). Sheffield City Council’s view is that because the 2008 SHLAA suggested that sufficient land could be identified within the existing settlements to meet the housing requirement in the adopted SDF Core Strategy, it is currently unnecessary to consider the potential suitability of land within the Sheffield Green Belt. However, as already noted (see paragraph 1.13 above), this view is not shared by the HBF. They consider that Sheffield may need to accommodate more of its own household growth if the Rotherham LDF sets a lower housing requirement than the current Regional Spatial Strategy. Consequently, the HBF consider that it would be premature to rule out Green Belt options for accommodating housing growth. 2.15 The overall requirement in the SDF Core Strategy is to deliver 29,750 additional dwellings for the period 2004/05 to 2025/26. Monitoring shows that 9,47010 additional dwellings were completed over the period 2004/05 to 2010/11, leaving 20,280 additional dwellings still to be provided. 10 The SDF Annual Monitoring Report 2011 has made an adjustment to the completion figure for the period 2004/05 to 2010/11 to allow for losses through the conversion of Park Hill Flats into new homes. These losses have not previously been accounted and this adjustment corrects that error. 16 2.16 The Core Strategy indicates that a further 4,800 dwellings also need to be provided over the period 2004/05 to 2015/16 to replace dwellings that are demolished. Much of this demolition has already taken place, with around 4,57011 dwellings being demolished or lost through conversion over the first 7 years of that period. Future levels of demolition are now expected to be lower than was originally forecast. The City Council’s current estimate is that losses through demolition and conversion will add about 81012 dwellings to the residual net requirement, giving a gross requirement of 21,070 dwellings for the period 2011/12 to 2025/2613. The estimated figures for losses through demolition on identified sites, and conversion, will be monitored and adjusted each year. The HBF’s view is that this figure may need to be increased to compensate for lower planned growth in Rotherham and that more land also needs to be identified to provide flexibility. 2.17 Given that housing demolition almost always creates land for new housing, no further allowance for demolition is necessary after 2015/16, based on a reasonable assumption of one-for-one replacement. Demolition on, as yet, unidentified sites will create new land supply and will be accounted for in future updates of the SHLAA, or will add to the windfall supply on small sites. This allows it to be discounted as a factor in both the housing requirement and supply. Rotherham 2.18 For Rotherham, a wider range of options still need to be considered because the Core Strategy has not been adopted and the housing requirement has therefore yet to be agreed. The aim in the SHLAA update has been to identify sufficient land to accommodate the residual RSS requirement plus an additional 25% margin to provide flexibility in deciding which sites to allocate. The current RSS requirement for the period 2004-2026 is 23,880 dwellings. 2,709 net additional dwellings were completed in Rotherham in the period 2004/05 to 2009/10, which leaves 21,171 dwellings still to be provided in the period 2010/11 to 2025/26. Adding a 25% margin increases the requirement that needs to be accommodated to around 26,465 dwellings. This margin takes into account the possible level of household growth suggested by the latest (2006-based) household projections and the fact that windfalls (see Section 5 below) will feed into the land supply in future updates of the SHLAA, which reduces the amount of land that needs to be identified now. The Government has announced its intention to abolish Regional Strategies, including the housing requirements. While the annual target of 1,160 remains part of the local development plan Rotherham thought it appropriate to consider what level at which a local target should be set at, in anticipation of 11 This figure includes 3,690 losses through demolition and conversion, plus an adjustment made to allow for 880 losses at Park Hill. 12 This figure includes 647 losses on sites identified for demolition, an allowance of 50 losses through conversion on other sites and 113 remaining future losses at Park Hill. 13 Residual gross requirement 2011/12-2025/26 = net requirement 2004-2026 (29,750 dwellings) plus replacement of dwellings lost through demolition/ conversion 2004-2011 (4,570 dwellings) plus allowance for estimated future losses (810 dwellings) minus gross completions 2004-2011 (14,060 dwellings) = 21,070 dwellings. 17 the abolition of the RSS. Rotherham’s LDF Core Strategy Final Draft, published in the Summer of 2011, proposed a target of 850 net additions per annum. 2.19 The area of search outside existing settlements has focussed on the edge of the existing urban areas (the main urban area of Rotherham, the Principal Towns) and the edge of the Local Service Centres. It was agreed that the approach should be to gradually expand the area of search around existing settlements until sufficient land had been identified to accommodate the level of housing growth referred to in paragraph 2.18 above. 2.20 In defining the area of search on the edge of settlements, the Working Group agreed that the focus should, in the first instance, be on the most sustainable locations in terms of access to the Core Public Transport Network. Work undertaken by Steer Davies Gleave as part of the evidence for the RSS made recommendations on appropriate walking distances to public transport. Their report concluded that acceptable walking distances are: 400 metres (5 minute walk) to a bus stop 800 metres (10 minute walk) to reach a light rail station or railway station 2.21 For practical reasons, it was easier to define the ‘areas of search’ using straight line (’as the crow flies’) distances rather than actual walking distances. As a ‘rule of thumb’, straight line distances were assumed to equate to 75% of actual walking distances (e.g. 300m straight line distance would, on average be equivalent to 400m actual walking distance). 2.22 Taking the above accessibility considerations into account, the first priority areas of search outside existing settlements were: (a) those within 900m of a District Centres in the main urban area of Rotherham; (b) at the edge of the main urban (built-up) areas of Rotherham, within 300m of a bus route with at least a 15 minute frequency to a major public transport interchange; (c) for Principal Towns, those within 300m of a bus route with at least a 30 minute frequency to a major public transport interchange. 2.23 The second priority areas of search outside existing settlements were all other areas within 300m of the edge of the built-up area of the Urban Areas and Local Service Centres. 18 Table 1: Settlement Hierarchy in Sheffield and Rotherham Settlement Category Settlement Regional City Main urban area of Sheffield (including the suburban areas around the old village cores of Dore; Stannington; Grenoside; Ecclesfield; Woodhouse; Beighton; Mosborough) Sub-Regional Town Main urban area of Rotherham (including Aldewarke, Blackburn; Brinsworth; Broom; Canklow; Dalton; East Dene; East Herringthorpe; Greasbrough; Herringthorpe; Hesley Grange; Kimberworth; Kimberworth Park; Masbrough; Moorgate; Northfield; Orgreave; Parkgate; Rawmarsh; St Ann’s; Templeborough; Thornhill; Thrybergh; Whiston; Wingfield; Rotherham Town Centre) Principal Towns Sheffield Stocksbridge/ Deepcar; Chapeltown/ High Green. Rotherham Dinnington; North Anston; Laughton Common; Wath-upon-Dearne Local Service Centres Sheffield Oughtibridge; Wharncliffe Side; Worrall Rotherham Aston; Aughton; Bramley; Brampton Bierlow ; Catcliffe; Hellaby; Harthill; Kilnhurst; Kiveton Park; Maltby; South Anston; Swallownest; Swinton; Thorpe Hesley; Thurcroft; Todwick; Treeton; Wales; West Melton; Wickersley; Woodsetts Smaller Villages (washed over by Green Belt) Sheffield Bolsterstone; Brightholmlee; Dungworth; Ewden Village; Midhopestones; Ringinglow; Whitley Rotherham Barrow; Brampton Common; Brampton en le Morthen; Brookhouse; Carr; Dalton Magna; Firbeck; Gildingwells; Guilthwaite; Hardwick; Harley; Hoober; Hood Hill; Hooten Levitt; Hooten Roberts; Laughton en le Morthen; Letwell; Morthen; Nether Haugh; Ravenfield; Scholes; Slade Hooton; Spittal Houses; Springvale; Stone; Thorpe Salvin; Todwick; Ulley; Upper Whiston; Wentworth 19 Excluded Areas and Other Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Areas Excluded Areas 2.24 The Government Practice Guidance suggests that it may be helpful to identify particular types of land or areas within the areas of search that should be excluded from the assessment. A nil housing potential would then be ascribed to these areas. The Working Group agreed that the following categories of land would be mapped and excluded from the assessment: Internationally important nature conservation sites (RAMSAR sites, Special Areas for Conservation, Special Protection Areas) Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs and National Nature Reserves (NNRs) Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) Cemeteries, graveyards and crematoria Active flood plains (Flood Risk Zone 3b) Land associated with a Scheduled Ancient Monument Waterways, reservoirs, lakes, ponds and dams (though waterways will not be used to constrain the consideration of adjoining land if the waterway could reasonably be bridged) Other Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Areas 2.25 The Working Group also agreed that, as a general rule, it would be undesirable to build housing on other land that is either environmentally sensitive, important for outdoor recreation or in areas where the living environment would be unsatisfactory. Such sites would be likely to be regarded as unsuitable for housing when assessed through the development plan process because there would be more suitable alternatives available. It was therefore agreed that, in most instances, the following areas would be mapped and excluded from the assessment: Locally important nature conservation sites, as identified in the adopted UDP or emerging LDF. For Sheffield, this means Sites of Scientific Interest (SSIs) and Local Nature Sites (LNSs) identified on the UDP Proposals Map and Local Nature Sites identified on the Draft SDF Proposals Map (June 2010). For Rotherham it means Known Interests outside Protected Sites identified on the UDP Proposals Map. Mature woodland not covered by nature conservation designations; Land in active recreational use – parks, playing fields, sports grounds, golf courses, allotments and public open space identified by local authority Open Space Audits. [Vacant, derelict or disused recreational land was, however, considered]; 20 Land within 200m metres of the M1 motorway. [This was based on advice from Sheffield Environmental Protection Service that it is fairly well established14 that the impact of road traffic emissions assumes background levels at 200m from source, i.e. a road. Whilst this would be influenced by whether there are obstructions, such as other structures (buildings, trees, etc which also restrict dispersion of the pollutants), they recommended that the ‘precautionary principle’ should be adopted and it is desirable to restrict housing within 200m of the M1]; Land outside the existing urban areas and Local Service Centres which has a high probability of flooding (Flood Risk Zone 3a). [Previously developed land in Zone 3a within the existing built-up areas was, however, assessed]. Land within 60 metres of existing 275kV and 400kV high-voltage overhead power lines and within 30m of 132kV, 110kV and 66kV overhead power lines15 was also mapped. This enabled the identification of areas where overhead power lines would be a potential constraint to development. 2.26 Although the areas referred to above were generally excluded from the assessment, an exception was made where they covered sites that are the subject of a current objection from a respondent on the draft LDFs or where it related to sites that were proposed as suitable for housing by a respondent in the SHLAA ‘call-for-sites’ (see paragraphs 2.33 to 2.36 below). In such cases, a more detailed assessment of suitability has been undertaken. 2.27 ‘Potentially sensitive landscape areas’ in Rotherham were also mapped as a possible constraint. These areas were based on the Areas of High Landscape Value (AHLV) identified on the adopted Rotherham UDP Proposals Map. Land within these areas has, however, not been excluded from consideration because local designations such as these are now held in lower regard under Government guidance. However, they provide a useful indicator of areas where development would be likely to have a significant adverse impact on the landscape. Further Landscape Character Assessments will be necessary to fully assess the potential impact of housing development outside the existing urban areas. 2.28 The Peak District National Park Authority asked to be consulted about any potentially suitable sites in Sheffield that are within 3 km of the Peak District National Park boundary. This 3km zone was therefore also mapped to enable the National Park Authority to identify sites where development for housing may have a harmful impact on the National Park. This distance was suggested by the National Park Authority because it is the 14 DMRB - Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, LAQM TG(08) - Local Air Quality Management TG(08)) 15 Based on recommendations of the Cross Party Inquiry into Childhood Leukaemia and Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields, July 2007. 21 same as that applied in the joint Peak District National Park/ High Peak/ Derbyshire Dales SHLAA for sites near to the National Park. The Peak District National Park Authority was notified about sites falling within this area to enable it to assess the potential impact and advise accordingly. 2.29 In Rotherham, a potential constraint was recorded where areas of Green Belt may be needed to prevent the merging of settlements/ suburbs. Such areas were defined as being where the gap between settlements or suburbs is currently less than 500m. Land in these areas has been considered as part of the assessment but it was recognised by the Working Group that housing development in these locations could have a significant impact on the character and identity of individual settlements/ suburbs. It applies to land between: - Swinton and Wath Wath and Brampton Bierlow Greasbrough and Kimberworth Park Whinney Hill and Dalton Thurcroft and Brampton en le Morthen 2.30 The issue also applies to land in the Sheffield and Rotherham Green Belts between: - Beighton/ Woodhouse and Swallownest/ Aston - Chapeltown and Thorpe Hesley 2.31 Once the Areas of Search and Excluded Areas or Potentially Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Areas had been defined, individual sites outside the existing urban areas of Rotherham were then identified. Any piece of land lying within the areas of search that was not within one of the Excluded Areas or Potentially Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Areas has been assessed as part of the SHLAA update. 2.32 Individual ‘sites’ requiring assessment were defined using hedges, fences, walls, roads, railways, rivers or other physical features. Wherever appropriate, individual fields/ areas of land were parcelled together to create a single site for assessment purposes. Land that was physically separated from the existing built-up area by an Excluded Area or Potentially Environmentally Sensitive or Constrained Area was generally not assessed. However, the Working Group reviewed the initial mapping work to assess whether any potential site options had been unreasonably ruled out by the preliminary mapping of possible sites. Identification of Other Potential Sites ‘Call-for-Sites’ 2.33 The first SHLAA relied primarily on existing information on sites held by the local authorities, although this included sites suggested by respondents as part of consultation on the emerging LDFs. A formal ‘call-for-sites’ was 22 therefore undertaken as part of the first update to allow house builders, developers, land owners and their representatives to make suggestions on where future housing growth could be accommodated. They were asked to identify additional sites (both within and outside existing settlements) that were not included in the first SHLAA. 2.34 The Sheffield ‘call-for-sites’ took place between 7 January and 20 February 2009. It generated 31 responses and suggestions for 54 sites covering around 295 hectares of land. Where relevant, this has been used to inform work on the emerging SDF City Policies and Sites document which has been undertaken in parallel with the SHLAA update. Consultation with land owners of proposed SDF allocated sites also took place during September and October 2009 and further consultation on the draft City Policies and Sites document took place between June and August 2010. Consultation took place during January and February 2012 on Additional Site Allocation Options for the City Policies and Sites document. 2.35 In a small number of cases, respondents to the ‘call-for-sites’ suggested greenfield sites in the Green Belt. Some of these sites adjoin existing urban areas but others are in rural locations away from existing settlements. Given that development of these sites for housing would conflict with the SDF Core Strategy and, in some cases, national planning policy, the City Councils view was that they did not need to be assessed as part of this study. These sites are, however, listed in Appendix 6 and their theoretical dwelling capacity has been estimated. The HBF do not support this approach and consider that Green Belt sites should have been assessed (see paragraph 2.14 above). 2.36 In Rotherham, the ‘call-for-sites’ had already been carried out as part of the settlement survey work undertaken in 2008. Further site suggestions were received as a result of consultation in 2009, subsequent to which new site suggestions were still being accepted until the end of summer 2010. Sites that have been put forward in response to this have been included in the SHLAA, along with any other sites identified as part of that process. Consultation on the Allocations Development Plan Document is expected to take place in June 2012. Other Identified Sites 2.37 As well as the ‘call-for-sites’ and the exercise undertaken to identify sites outside existing settlements, a number of other sites have also been identified as part of the update. These are mainly the result of: - sites coming forward through the local authority development programmes (e.g. as a result of the Sheffield Housing Company proposals in Sheffield); - sites identified through pre-application developer enquiries; 23 - sites where an application for housing development has been granted planning permission. This update includes sites that gained planning permission in the period to 31st October 2011. Assessment of the ‘Suitability’ for Housing Development 2.38 The Department of Communities and Local Government guidance16 states that the assessment should not be narrowed down by existing policies designed to constrain development. The Regional Practice Guidance also advises that the ‘suitability’ test should not seek to create local policy in its own right but should defer to national and up-to-date regional policy tests. It is, however, the local authorities’ view that suitability can only be properly tested through the development plan process, when the pros and cons of development for housing can be thoroughly examined. And, where an up-todate development plan has been adopted (as is the case with Sheffield’s LDF Core Strategy), the local authorities consider that this needs to be reflected in the assessment. If development of a site for housing is currently prevented by an adopted development plan policy, it potentially affects whether or when the sites can be delivered (even if the site is potentially suitable for housing). Consequently, the results for Sheffield are presented to show: (a) the supply of suitable sites which do not have current policy constraints; and (b) the additional supply of suitable sites which currently have policy constraints (but which act as a reservoir of deliverable or developable sites that could help support an alternative development plan strategy, if one becomes necessary). Due to the fact that Rotherham does not yet have an up-to-date Core Strategy, the potential supply is presented without current policy constraints. This allows a wide range of options to be considered. 2.39 Without some recognition of existing or future potential policy constraints, the SHLAA can give a potentially misleading picture of housing land supply. This is because the database includes suitable sites that are likely to be allocated for other non-residential uses, as well as sites that are protected from development in the adopted UDP or which are likely to be protected in the forthcoming LDF. Consequently, the summary tables in Chapter 3 below make clear how much of the identified supply is ‘suitable but with policy constraints’. The benefit of this approach is that it enables figures to be aggregated or disaggregated in whatever way is considered appropriate and would allow the LDF Government Inspectors to consider both ‘policy on’ and ‘policy off’ scenarios when reaching conclusions on whether there is an adequate supply of housing land. 16 Paragraph 21. 24 2.40 Table 2 below sets out the definitions of suitability and related assumptions that have been used in the assessment. Table 2: ‘Suitability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used Database Classification ‘Yes’ Definitions and Assumptions Used Suitable for housing (consistent with current national and regional planning policies on creating sustainable, mixed communities). Sites that could provide a suitable living environment for prospective residents, are sustainably located (in terms of access to public transport and local services) and located where housing development would not have an unacceptable impact on the environment. No local policy constraints. Can be included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites (subject to availability and achievability tests). All sites with a current planning permission for housing fall in this category. ‘Yes but with policy constraints’ Suitable for housing (as above) BUT sites have existing local policy constraints that could prevent delivery in the next 5 years. This may include: (a) Sites protected as open space; (b) Sites currently allocated for non-residential uses; (c) Sites in the Rotherham Green Belt Sites in this category have not been included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites. ‘Suitable within plan period’ Not currently suitable for housing but likely to become suitable (and therefore be developable) before 2026. This includes: - Sites with major physical problems or limitations (e.g. access, ground conditions, flood risk, hazardous risks, pollution or contamination) but where there is a reasonable prospect that the problems could be overcome at some point in the next 15 years; or - Sites where the environmental conditions for prospective residents would currently be unacceptable but where there is a reasonable prospect that conditions could become acceptable at some point in the next 15 years. Includes sites which are of marginal suitability in relation to current national and regional planning policies on locations for new housing development. 25 Database Classification Definitions and Assumptions Used Sites have been included as part of the developable supply after 2021/22. ‘No’ Where development for housing would be inconsistent with national and regional planning policies on creating sustainable mixed communities. This includes: - Sites in Excluded Areas (see paragraphs 2.24 to 2.30 above) - Sites in unsustainable locations (those that are remote from the existing Urban Areas or Local Service Centres and which have poor access to public transport and which are not within easy walking distance of a reasonable range of local services and facilities); or - Sites with major physical problems or limitations (e.g. access, ground conditions, flood risk, hazardous risks, pollution or contamination) and which are unlikely to be developable in the foreseeable future; or - Sites where the environmental conditions for prospective residents are unlikely to be acceptable in the foreseeable future Sites in this category have been assigned a nil housing potential. 2.41 In Rotherham, all sites identified within the areas of search outside existing settlements were visited by Council planning officers. Preliminary assessments of the suitability of the sites for housing were made on the basis of these visits. Large sites were also visited by a HBF representative. 2.42 In Sheffield, a number of the sites classified as either ‘suitable but with policy constraints’, or ‘unsuitable for housing’ are being promoted for housing by respondents to the ‘calls-for-sites’ or by objectors to the emerging LDF documents. Furthermore, a small number of the remaining greenfield UDP Allocated Housing Sites have also been assessed as ‘unsuitable for housing’ and the City Council has previously stated17 its intention to deallocate them in the SDF due to the unacceptable environmental impact. Whether all these sites are included as developable housing sites in future updates of the SHLAA will depend on the outcome of the Public Examinations on the relevant Development Plan Documents, and any changes made to the City Policies and Sites document as a result of recent consultation on Additional Site Allocation Options (listed in Appendix 8). 17 SDF City Sites Preferred Options, June 2007 and Draft City Policies and Sites Document, May 2010. 26 2.43 The category ‘not currently suitable’ includes sites within the urban areas that are wholly or partially in an area with a high probability of flooding (Flood Risk Zones 2 or 3a). In Sheffield, the SDF Core Strategy prevents development of these sites for housing before 2016 whilst there is an adequate supply of alternative sites available in areas where the risk of flooding is low. Assessment of ‘Availability’ for Housing Development 2.44 The availability of a site depends on whether the site is owned by a developer/ builder or, if not, whether the landowner has indicated their intention to sell the site. This information is generally available for sites with planning permission and a significant number of the other identified sites are known to be owned by the local authorities. For privately-owned sites, information can be obtained from the Land Registry for those sites which the local authorities are proposing to allocate for development in their Site Allocation Development Plan documents. However, obtaining the information for all the sites identified in the SHLAA would have proved prohibitively expensive and, consequently, ownership information for some sites is unknown and has been recorded as ‘uncertain’. 2.45 Local authority site disposal programmes have been used to inform the assessment of the availability of sites in local authority ownership. The HBF’s view is that local authority sites should not be classed as ‘available’ unless there is a formal Council resolution to dispose of the site. Consequently, as a general rule, local authority sites have not been included in the 5-year supply unless there is a resolution to dispose of them before 31 March 2015 (this allows a further 2 years for obtaining planning permission and delivery of at least some dwellings on site). The only exception to this rule has been made in relation to Council-owned sites which are to be developed through the Sheffield Housing Company (SHC). These will be developed in partnership between Sheffield City Council as landowner and the private sector partner as developer. A small number of them are programmed to deliver completions in the latter part of the current 5-year period). Table 3: ‘Availability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used Database Classification Available now Definitions and Assumptions Used No legal or ownership problems (e.g. tenancies; multiple ownerships, etc). Builder intends to build or owner intends to sell (e.g. site advertised for sale). Includes all sites that are under construction. Can be included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites (subject to suitability and achievability tests). Available within the next 6 years (by 31 March 2017) Not currently available but builder/developer has indicated that they are likely to secure ownership of site within years 1-6 or the landowner has indicated they 27 Database Classification Definitions and Assumptions Used would be prepared to sell within that period if approached by a builder/ developer (meaning there is a reasonable prospect of delivery. Can be included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites (subject to suitability and achievability tests). Available after year 6 (after 1 April 2017) Not currently available and builder/developer has indicated that ownership of site unlikely to be secured until after 31 March 2017 or land owner has indicated they are not prepared to sell until after that date. Also applies where there is uncertainty about ownership or about when site might become available. Not included in the 5-year supply but may be included as part of the developable supply at any point from 2017/18 onwards, depending on level of constraints and market conditions within area in which site lies. Assessment of ‘Achievability’ of Housing Development 2.46 This test depends primarily on the economics of development. To be included in the 5-year supply, the site must be commercially and physically viable. It involves weighing up the value of the new dwellings that would be built and the costs/ constraints involved in developing the site. Consequently, changes in economic conditions can have a significant effect on the deliverability of sites identified by the SHLAA. 2.47 The Regional Practice Guidance acknowledges that the assessment of whether a site is achievable in the longer term may be highly complex, particularly given fluctuations in the housing market. Assessing the achievability of identified sites has been one of the most challenging elements of the SHLAA 2011 Update. The ‘credit crunch’ and lack of effective demand18 for new housing has meant that many of the sites with planning permission that were deemed deliverable in the first SHLAA are now unlikely to achievable within the next five years or are likely to be developed more slowly. Our assessment has therefore been more cautious about the deliverability of dwellings on sites with full planning permission where construction has not yet started. 2.48 Relatively few of the sites with planning permission have major physical or ownership constraints preventing their delivery. It is primarily a lack of effective market demand which is currently holding back delivery, rather than a lack of suitable, available sites. If the overall housing market does improve, then it is possible that some of schemes discounted from the 5-year supply The ‘effective demand’ reflects the number of people who can actually afford to buy in the current market, taking into household incomes, house prices and the availability of mortgage finance. 18 28 could be delivered sooner than has been assumed. This will continue to be monitored in future updates of the SHLAA. 2.49 In Sheffield, as in other major cities, the difficulties in demonstrating achievability of schemes with planning permission have been compounded by the fact that a high proportion (around 61%19) of the approved dwellings are apartments. Apartments have seen some of the steepest falls in house prices and the HBF advice is that they are proving particularly difficult to sell. It is difficult to predict if, or when, the market for apartments might recover and consequently, apartment schemes where construction has not started have, as a rule, been omitted from the 6-year supply. 2.50 The SHLAA database identifies a range of potential constraints which could affect achievability: risk of flooding topography possible contamination bad neighbours high voltage power lines utility infrastructure occupiers to relocate retention of existing buildings/built features landfill gas consultation zone pipeline hazardous installation buffer zone access land ownership market other 2.51 The database also includes a written description of the severity of any identified constraints and recommendations on how the constraints could be overcome. 2.52 In Sheffield, all sites with planning permission for housing were visited by Council planning officers during summer 2011. Attempts were also made to contact the developers of all larger schemes (10 or more dwellings) that have planning permission. Developers were asked to provide estimates of annual completion rates and, for schemes where construction had not yet started, were asked to indicate a likely date for starting construction and any constraints to development. 2.53 The Council’s Housing, Enterprise and Regeneration Service provided estimates of phasing and annual rates of delivery on sites being supported 19 61% of units on all sites with planning permission (including outline permission) are apartments. This includes some units which will have already been built, on sites which are not yet fully completed. 29 by public subsidy. This includes sites being delivered through the National Affordable Housing Programme, Growth Point funding, the Sheffield Housing Company and the Government’s ‘Kickstart’ initiative’ (targeted at stalled private sector schemes). 2.54 In Rotherham desk top studies were used to gain information on constraints for sites with existing planning permission. Information on these sites is available from planning application records and the 2004 Rotherham Urban Potential Study. The status of sites with planning permission, in terms of completions and dwellings under construction, was carried out using building control and Council Tax records. Constraints, including flood risk, were assessed from existing records. In addition, all known holders of extant planning permissions were contacted in writing in to ask whether permissions would be implemented, when they would be implemented and if not, what was preventing development from taking place. For larger sites, where a response to these letters was not received, land owners/permission owners were also contacted by telephone in some cases. 2.55 The HBF representatives provided a market view on all large sites of 10 or more units and advised on which sites might be constrained due to market or other factors. 2.56 Table 4 below sets out how achievability has been classified; Table 4: ‘Achievability’ – Definitions and Assumptions Used Database Classification ‘Highly likely’ Definitions and Assumptions Used Completion of all or some of the potential units highly likely within the current year (2011/12) or the next 5 years (i.e. 1 April 2012 to 31 March 2017). No major constraints identified which would be likely to prevent development in the next 6 years. Can be included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites (subject to suitability and availability tests). ‘Possible’ Completion of all or some of the potential units possible within the next 6 years but achievability is uncertain. Constraints identified which could prevent development in the next 6 years. Not included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites. ‘Not achievable’ Highly unlikely that completion of all or some of the potential units will be achievable within the next 6 years. Constraints identified which would be highly likely to prevent development in the next 6 years. 30 Database Classification Definitions and Assumptions Used Not included in the 5-year supply of deliverable sites. 2.57 National and regional guidance states that sites which are not deliverable in the first 5 years should still be considered developable if there is a reasonable prospect that the site is available for housing and could be developed at the point envisaged. Longer term developable sites, which at present are undeliverable in the period 2011/12 to 2016/17, have therefore been included within later phases. 2.58 In Sheffield, as part of consultation on the City Sites Preferred Options in 2007, infrastructure providers were asked to identify future infrastructure improvements that would be needed if proposed allocated sites were to be developed for housing. No specific infrastructure assessment has been undertaken as part of the 2011/12 SHLAA update but a number of infrastructure studies have been carried out (for example Sheffield Energy and Water Infrastructure Study) or are underway and will be used to inform future updates of the SHLAA. Work is ongoing on the Infrastructure Delivery Plan, tied to work on the Community Infrastructure levy, which will set out priorities for new infrastructure. However, given that most of the identified supply is in the existing urban areas and will utilise existing infrastructure, it is not envisaged that infrastructure delivery will be a constraint on most sites identified in the SHLAA. 2.59 In Rotherham, Infrastructure providers were contacted as part of the consultation on the Core Strategy Revised Options in the summer of 2009, although little was received in response to this. Further consultation took place in relation to preferred allocation sites in June 2011 and it is hoped that this will illicit a fuller response. No specific infrastructure assessment has been carried out as part of the 2010 SHLAA update but no specific problems have been identified from earlier consultations relating to areas of growth. Assumptions Used for Estimating Site Capacities 2.60 For sites with full planning permission for housing, the assessment has used the approved dwelling20 numbers. Where more than one approved scheme exists on a site and development has not yet started, the most recent permission has been assumed to be the one that is most likely to be implemented. For sites with outline planning permission, indicative site layouts were used where these were available, though in some cases they The definition of a ‘dwelling’ that has been used is that set out in the National Indicators for Local Authorities and Local Authority Partnerships: Handbook of Definitions. It therefore includes purpose-built student accommodation because a dwelling is any self-contained unit of accommodation (self-containment is where all the rooms in a household are behind a door, which only that household can use). This would therefore apply to a group of students living together in a ‘cluster flat’ or to a single student living on their own in a studio flat. 20 31 have been revised to reflect the views of the HBF representatives on the Working Group. 2.61 Site capacities specified in approved masterplans (particularly in the former Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder area) were used to provide estimates of potential for a number of the sites without planning permission in Sheffield. But, in some cases, the masterplan figures were adjusted to reflect more recent market information or the views of the HBF. Sites within the Sheffield Housing Company programme have been included with capacities reflecting the programme. 2.62 For other sites without planning permission (or outline permissions without indicative layouts,) density multipliers were used. The national and regional practice guidance advises that where a local planning authority has developed, defined and formalised a local density policy through the provisions of PPS3 it is appropriate to apply these figures. For Sheffield, the density assumptions used in the update are consistent with the density ranges for different locations set out in policy CS26 in the adopted SDF Core Strategy. These were adapted for locations in Rotherham to take account of the Borough’s different settlement characteristics. For most locations, the assumed densities are slightly lower than those used in the first SHLAA and are based on the bottom end of the density ranges usually required by the SDF Core Strategy. This adjustment has been made to reflect what is expected to be a shift in market preference towards building houses rather than apartments, at least in the short-term. 2.63 In the current update, adjustments have also been made to the assumptions used in the first SHLAA regarding the ratio for gross to net developable area. This takes account of analysis undertaken by Bolsover Council which showed that the typical developable area for sites under 5 hectares was frequently a higher proportion of the gross site area than had been assumed in the first Sheffield and Rotherham SHLAA. The ‘rules of thumb’ used for calculating net site areas are also set out in Appendix 1. 2.64 Adjustments were made to net developable areas and net densities for a number of the sites visited by the HBF representatives to reflect their comments. The HBF representatives also felt that the SDF adopted minimum density figures might now be unachievable in some locations but it was agreed that this would need to be kept under review in future updates of the SHLAA. Adjustments may need to be made to the density assumptions in future updates if monitoring shows that actual densities being achieved on approved schemes are lower than had previously been estimated. Assumptions about Build Rates 2.65 Where it has been possible to contact the developer of a site, the developer’s estimates of build rates have been used. For all other sites, advice issued by the HBF nationally on build rates on large sites has generally been used21. 21 Letter to local authorities to from HBF, 7 April 2008. 32 However, build rates for 2011/12 and 2012/13 have been reduced to take account of the depressed housing market conditions with a gradual increase in 2013/14 to 2015/16 before returning to ‘normal’ rates from 2016/17 onwards. These rates were agreed with the HBF representatives on the Working Group, and represent an extension to the previously agreed lower build rate assumptions. The assumptions used are set out in Table 5 below. 2.66 HBF advice on lead times for commencing development has also been used to estimate when development is likely to start once it has planning permission. Slightly different assumptions have been used for Council owned sites that are part of the housing development programme. This takes into account additional time needed to obtain Council approval and select a preferred developer. Table 6 below shows the assumed lead-in times that have been used to estimate when dwellings are likely to be delivered. Table 5: Build Rate Assumptions on Large Sites Type of site At least 90% houses, single builder At least 90% houses, two or more builders Assumed Dwellings per year 2011/12 and 2012/13 20 Assumed Dwellings per year 2013/14 to 2015/16 25 Assumed Dwellings per year 2016/17 onwards 35 50 70 35 Houses and more than 10% flats, single 20 25 50 builder Houses and more than 10% flats, two or 35 50 100 more builders Apartment schemes Whole blocks usually assumed to be completed in a single year Note: these assumptions have only been used where specific figures have not been provided by the builder/ developer. Table 6: Assumed Lead Times for Developing Large Sites Process 1) Advertising site to securing Cabinet Approval for Preferred Developer Assumed Lead Time Council Sites22 Private Sites 10 - 50 Over 50 10 - 50 Over 50 units units units units 1 year 1 year N/A Only applies to sites that are part of the Council’s housing programme. Lead times for developing other surplus Council sites have been assumed to be the same as for privately owned sites. 22 33 N/A 2) Obtaining planning permission, provision of statutory services and ground preparation work Total 2 years 2 years 1 year 2 years 3 years 3 years 1 Year 2 years 2.67 In a change from the first SHLAA, this update has attempted to estimate annual completions from the current year (2011/12) through to 2025/26 (instead of just the next 5 years). However, it remains extremely difficult to predict annual completions within any certainty more than five years ahead and the estimates that have been made must be treated with considerable caution. For sites with full planning permission for apartments but where construction has not yet started (see paragraph 2.49 above) it has been assumed that these sites will be implemented from 2017/18 onwards (i.e. immediately after the current 5-year supply period). 2.68 In presenting the results in the SHLAA update, we have therefore shown estimated completions for the ‘current year’ (2011/12) but have then aggregated the estimated completions for individual years into a total supply for specific periods: 2012/13 to 2016/17 (the current ‘5-year supply’) 2017/18 to 2021/22 (5 years) 2022/23 to 2025/26 (4 years to the end of the ‘plan period’) After 2025/26 (after the ‘plan period’) Housing Trajectory 2.69 The total supply figures for each of the periods referred to in paragraph 2.68 above will be used to produce a revised housing trajectory in the LDF Annual Monitoring Reports. Given the difficulties in estimating completions beyond the next five years, it was agreed that it would be sensible to assume that the supply for each of the periods from 2017/18 onwards comes forward at an even rate. 2.70 Each annual update of the SHLAA will, of course, allow the 5-year annual estimates of future completions to be rolled forward by an additional year. Assumptions about Delivery on Small Sites 2.71 National Practice Guidance states that only sites which have the potential to make a significant contribution should be included in the overall supply. However, the Sheffield/Rotherham SHLAA does include small sites which already have planning permission (as at 31 October 2011) on the grounds that they are readily identifiable sites and, in total, are likely to make an important contribution to overall supply. This is not inconsistent with the national practice guidance (which makes no reference to site size) and no attempt has been made in the study to identify potential on other small sites. 34 2.72 The threshold for defining large sites is now 10 or more units. This was altered in the previous update to bring it in line with definitions used for Development Management purposes and for monitoring performance against Building for Life targets23. Consequently, small sites are now defined as those with capacity for fewer than 10 units. 2.73 In the first SHLAA, it was assumed that all small sites with planning permission would be delivered in year 1 and all sites with outline permission in year 2. However, this approach led to an over-estimate of completions on small sites, particularly in Year 1. For both the 2010 and 2011 updates, the Working Group agreed it was reasonable to assume that 70% of the total dwellings on small sites with planning permission would come forward over the 6-year period 2011/12 to 2016/17 (i.e. the ‘current year’ and the 5-year supply period). 2.74 For both Sheffield and Rotherham, the estimate for the ‘current year’ reflects the number of units that were actively under construction when the site visits were undertaken. For the 5-year supply, the remaining deliverable supply has been assumed to come forward at an even rate. The assumption for Sheffield is set out in paragraph 4.5 below) 2.75 It is, of course, the case that other small sites will continue to obtain planning permission each year and these can be added to the housing land supply in future reviews of the SHLAA. In both Sheffield and Rotherham, housing developments on small sites have historically made up a significant proportion of annual dwelling completions. Chapter 4 below considers this issue in more detail and highlights the potential flexibility that windfalls on small sites could provide in meeting future housing requirements and in providing a choice of sites. The assessment of supply in Sheffield (Chapter 3 below) does not, however, include any allowance from windfall sites. 23 See the SDF Core Strategy, Appendix 2, policy CS74 target and indicator, page 179. 35 3. Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 3.1 This section provides information on dwellings completions in Sheffield in the period (2010/11) since the last SHLAA update was published. A full list of sites that delivered completions in 2010/11 is attached at Appendix 2. Gross Completions in 2010/11 3.2 Table 7 below shows that 942 dwellings were completed in Sheffield in 2010/11. This represented a 55% decrease on the previous year. 724 of the dwellings completed in 2010/11 (77%) were on large sites (10 or more units) and 218 dwellings (23%) were on small sites. 3.3 895 dwellings (95%) completed in 2010/11 were in, or at the edge of, the main urban area of Sheffield (the Regional Centre). 240 (25%) of the dwellings built were in the Sheffield part of South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder. 3.4 In 2010/11, 42 dwellings (just over 4%) were built in the Principal Towns of Chapeltown and Stocksbridge. Only 5 dwellings (around 0.5%) were completed outside the urban areas, either in villages or the wider countryside (mainly through the conversion of existing rural buildings). 3.5 Table 8 below shows the distribution of completions by Community Assembly Area. In the last year, over 40% of all completions were in the Central Community Assembly Area which covers the City Centre and the wards of Broomhill, Hillsborough and Walkley. 3.6 Table 9 below shows the distribution of completions by SDF sub-area (as shown in Figure 5.1 of the SDF Core Strategy). It shows that 34% of completions were in the City Centre and a further 13% in the South and West Urban Area. 3.7 House types and sizes of dwellings completed are shown in Table 10 below. Total completions comprised 358 houses or bungalows (38%), 546 apartments (58%) and 38 student flats (4%). Gross and Net Housing Delivery since the Core Strategy Base Date 3.8 Paragraphs 2.15 and 2.16 above set out the overall net and gross housing requirements specified in the SDF Core Strategy. The requirement is set from a base date of 1 April 2004 and Table 11 below shows gross and net housing completions since that date. It shows that 9,48524 dwellings have been added to the housing stock over the last 7 years, which is 13% higher than the net requirement for that period. 24 This figure includes an adjustment to reflect 884 dwelling losses at Park Hill. 37 Table 7: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions and Completions in the HMR Area in 2010/11 Type of Site Large sites – previously developed Small sites – previous developed Sub-total – previously developed Large sites – greenfield Small sites – greenfield Sub-total – greenfield Overall Total % previous developed Total Number of Dwellings Completed in Sheffield % of Completions in the Sheffield part of the HMR Pathfinder Area 2010/11 Total Number of Dwellings Completed in Sheffield part of the HMR Pathfinder Area 2010/11 709 210 919 15 8 23 942 97.6% 208 31 239 0 1 1 240 99.6% 29.3% 14.8% 26% 0% 12.5% 4.3% 25.5% - 2010/11 Table 8: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 by Community Assembly Area Community Assembly Central East Northern North East South South East South West Total Completions on Large Sites 2010/11 Completions on Small Sites 2010/11 Total Completions 2010/11 % of Total Completions 2010/11 345 137 61 78 17 83 3 724 54 8 31 29 44 7 45 218 399 145 92 107 61 90 48 942 42.4% 15.4% 9.8% 11.4% 6.5% 9.6% 5.1% - 38 Table 9: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 by SDF Sub-Area SDF Sub-Area Completions on Large Sites 2010/11 Completions on Small Sites 2010/11 Total Completions 2010/11 % of Total Completions 2010/11 304 57 30 17 78 92 14 71 61 0 0 724 13 3 0 7 31 26 113 4 15 3 3 218 317 60 30 24 109 118 127 75 76 3 3 942 33.7% 6.4% 3.2% 2.5% 11.6% 12.5% 13.5% 8.0% 8.1% 0.3% 0.3% - City Centre Lower Don Valley Upper Don Valley Sheaf Valley North East Urban Area South East Urban Area South and West Urban Area Mosborough/ Woodhouse Chapeltown/ Ecclesfield Stocksbridge/ Deepcar Rural Settlements Total Table 10: Sheffield: Gross Dwelling Completions in 2010/11 – Size and Type Category of Site Large sites Small sites* Total % of Total Completions *Less than 10 dwellings Total Dwellings 724 218 942 1 bed/ Studio 224 45 269 28.6% Apartments & Maisonettes 2 bed 3 bed 4+ bed 226 0 0 49 1 1 275 1 1 29.2% 0.1% 0.1% Total 1 bed 450 96 546 0 2 2 58.0% 0.2% 39 Houses & Bungalows 2 bed 3 bed 4+ bed 55 123 65 18 25 70 73 148 135 7.7% 15.7% 14.3% Total Student Cluster Flats Student Bedspaces 243 115 358 31 7 38 156 38 194 38.0% 4.0% Table 11: Sheffield: Gross and Net Dwelling Completions 2004/05 to 2010/11 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Total 2004/05 to 2010/11 171 1,167 1,338 152 1,674 80 1,455 13 2,407 199 1,864 84 1,642 23 881 904 722 11,090 11,812 Average/ Year 2004/05 to 2010/11 103 1,584 1,687 1,826 1,535 2,420 2,063 1,726 38 2,248 321 5 298 468 462 630 347 1,343 2,124 2,003 2,882 2,693 2,073 942 14,060 2,009 87.27% 92.84% 96.01% 99.55% 92.61% 95.95% 97.56% - 94.8% -1,475 0 -638 -16 -380 -19 -356 -40 -162 -24 -242 -27 -294 -18 -3,547 -1,02825 -507 -147 Net Completions -132 1,470 1,604 2,486 2,507 1,804 630 9,485 1,355 SDF Core Strategy net requirement Number of dwellings above/ below requirement %Performance relative to requirement 1,025 1,025 1,025 1,025 1,425 1,425 1,425 -795 8,375 -1,157 -112.88 445 43.41 579 56.49 1,461 142.54 1,082 75.93 379 26.60 Dwellings - greenfield Dwellings – previously developed land Gross Dwelling Completions (excl student flats) Student cluster flats (all previously developed land) Gross Dwelling Completions (incl. student flats) % Dwellings (including student flats) on Previously Developed Land Minus losses through demolitions Minus losses through conversion 25 55.79% 1,110 13.25% This figure includes a loss of 884 dwellings at Park Hill which were not previously accounted for in the annual net completions figures 40 41 4. Housing Land Supply in Sheffield District 4.1 This chapter summarises the supply of deliverable and developable sites as at 1 April 2011, including sites granted planning permission to 31 October 2011. It includes details of estimated completions in the ‘current year’ (2011/12) and the next 5 years (2012/13 to 2016/17). Details of specific sites are included in Appendices 3 and 4. 4.2 The Assessment has identified 345 large sites (10 or more dwellings) and 398 small sites in Sheffield which are suitable for housing and which are developable in the period to 2025/26. 4.3 The update of the SHLAA shows that as at 31 October 2011, there were 10,31526 dwellings with full or outline planning permission for housing and which have not yet been completed. 6,878 dwellings had full permission and, of these, 2,080 (30% of those with full permission) were actively under construction when site visits were undertaken in summer 2011. An additional 3,437 dwellings had outline planning permission. 6-Year Potential Supply of Deliverable Sites (1 April 2011 to 31 March 2017) 4.4 As already noted (paragraph 2.47 above), a cautious view has been taken on the deliverability of sites with planning permission where construction has not yet started. Only 28% of the dwellings with planning permission on large sites have been included in the 6-year supply of deliverable sites but more dwellings could be completed during that period if economic conditions improve. 4.5 Of the remaining dwellings with planning permission, 955 dwellings (9%) are on small sites. 875 of these dwellings have full planning permission and, of those, 206 were actively under construction in summer 2011. 80 dwellings are on small sites which have outline permission. As already noted in paragraph 2.73 above, it has been assumed that 70% of the small sites with planning permission will come forward in the 6-year period 2011/12 to 2016/17. This means 668 dwellings on small sites have been included in the 6-year supply. Annual delivery on identified small sites over the 6 years has been assumed to be as follows: 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Total = 203 dwellings = 93 dwellings = 93 dwellings = 93 dwellings = 93 dwellings = 93 dwellings = 668 dwellings 26 This figure includes 955 units on small sites in addition to the following distribution on large sites: 1,874 units under construction, 666 units with construction suspended, 3,463 units with full planning permission which are not started and 3,357 units with outline planning permission. 42 4.6 It should be noted here that actual annual delivery on small sites over the 5 years 2012/13 to 2016/17 is likely to be higher than has been estimated here because other small windfall sites will gain planning permission and will enter the supply (see Chapter 5 below). National planning policy does not allow the supply assessment to include an allowance for windfalls so they have not been included in the supply figures set out in the tables below. However, the likely impact of windfalls is shown in the housing trajectory that is published in the LDF Annual Monitoring Reports. 4.7 Only 1,171 dwellings (26%27) in the 6-year supply are on sites which do not yet have planning permission. This covers sites that are suitable, available and achievable during the 6-year period. 4.8 Table 13 shows that, within the 6-year supply, 4,174 dwellings (93.1%) are in, or at the edge of, the main urban area of Sheffield. 14.7% of the total supply of deliverable sites is in the City Centre28. 4.9 Tables 14 and 15 show that, on larger sites, the Principal Towns of Chapeltown and Stocksbridge have potential to accommodate around 251 dwellings (5.6% of the total supply) over the next 6 years. No potential for dwellings on larger sites in the 5-year supply has been identified on sites outside the urban areas, in villages or in the wider countryside (Table 16). Around 1% of the total supply is on small sites in the rural areas. 4.10 Table 17 shows that the 6-year supply includes 1,960 dwellings29 in the Sheffield part of the former HMR Pathfinder Area. This represents just under 44% of the total 6-year supply. The economic downturn has caused considerable delay on a number of the programmed schemes on Councilowned sites, although additional public funding, through the National Affordable Housing programme and through Government schemes such as ‘Kickstart’ and Homebuy Direct, have helped to sustain delivery rates on some sites, particularly within the HMR Pathfinder area. The Sheffield Housing Company30 is also programmed to start to deliver some dwellings during the next 5 years but and table 18 reflects the current programme of building agreed with the private sector partner. Estimated Housing Mix 4.11 The estimated housing mix in the 6-year supply is shown in Table 18 below. This takes into account the approved mix on sites with full planning permission but, for other sites, has been estimated using the assumptions set out in Appendix 1. It is estimated that the 6-year supply is made up of about 27 1,171 dwellings on identified opportunity sites, out of a total 4,482 dwellings estimated to be delivered in the 6-year period (including 668 on small sites) 28 Based on the SDF sub-area. This figure includes 58 units on small sites and 599 units on large sites. 29 Includes 70% of small sites with planning permission in the HMR area 30 Sheffield Housing Company is a partnership between the City Council and a private house builder which aims to deliver around 2,500 new homes on 60 hectares of Council-owned land over the next 15 years. 43 60.7% houses, 37.7% apartments and 1.6% purpose-built student flats. However, there is some flexibility in these figures because some variation in house types is possible using the density assumptions set out in Appendix 1. 44 Table 12: Sheffield District31: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 5-Year Supply 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 437 303 386 212 73 37 1011 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 50 27 20 20 25 35 127 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 11 184 190 117 148 149 788 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 112 25 70 207 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 110 187 216 306 267 1086 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 25 25 35 85 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 169 0 0 0 0 0 390 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 33 0 0 0 0 0 76 Overall Total Supply 700 624 795 702 602 593 3782 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 618 597 763 657 552 523 3481 Total on Greenfield Land 83 27 32 45 50 70 300 96.0 93.6 91.7 88.2 92.1 % on Previously Developed Land 88.1 95.7 *Based on the greenfield/ previously developed land split for all small sites with planning permission 31 Excludes those areas of Sheffield that are in the Peak District National Park 45 Table 13: Sheffield: Main Urban Area: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 431 303 386 212 73 37 1011 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 50 20 20 20 25 35 120 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 11 155 165 92 99 99 610 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 112 25 70 207 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 110 187 216 306 267 1086 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 25 25 35 85 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 142 0 0 0 0 0 325 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* Overall Total Supply 25 659 0 588 0 770 0 677 0 553 0 543 59 3515 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 584 568 738 632 503 473 3239 Total on Greenfield Land 75 20 32 45 50 70 276 88.6 96.6 95.8 93.4 91.0 87.1 92.1 % on Previously Developed Land 46 5-Year Supply Table 14: Stocksbridge: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 0 29 25 25 25 50 154 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 6 0 0 0 0 0 15 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 Overall Total Supply 10 29 25 25 25 50 178 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 6 29 25 25 25 50 169 Total on Greenfield Land 4 0 0 0 0 0 9 % on Previously Developed Land 60 100 100 100 100 100 94.9 47 5-Year Supply Table 15: Chapeltown/ High Green: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 0 0 0 0 24 0 24 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 5 0 0 0 0 0 12 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 3 0 0 0 0 0 6 Overall Total Supply 14 7 0 0 24 0 49 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 11 0 0 0 24 0 36 Total on Greenfield Land 3 7 0 0 0 0 13 78.6 0.0 / / 100.0 / 73.5 % on Previously Developed Land 48 5-Year Supply Table 16: Rural Areas*: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 16 0 0 0 0 0 38 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Overall Total Supply 17 0 0 0 0 0 40 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 16 0 0 0 0 0 38 Total on Greenfield Land 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 94.1 / / / / / 95.0 % on Previously Developed Land 5-Year Supply *Rural Areas are defined as land in the Green Belt (including the smaller villages of Bolsterstone, Brightholmlee, Dungworth, Ewden, Midhopestones and Ringinglow) and the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Worrall and Wharncliffe Side (which are inset within the Green Belt) 49 Table 17: Sheffield part of the former South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Area: Supply of Deliverable Sites – Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Expected Year of Delivery (Dwellings) Total 5Year Supply Current Year Supply 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – PDL 183 192 221 165 48 7 633 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield 38 20 20 20 25 25 110 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 0 23 0 20 14 0 57 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 35 35 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – PDL 0 110 187 152 194 161 804 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Small sites with full or outline permission – PDL* 25 0 0 0 0 0 56 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 6 0 0 0 0 0 13 Overall Total Supply 252 345 428 357 281 228 1708 Total on Previously Developed Land (PDL) 208 325 408 337 256 203 1585 Total on Greenfield Land 44 20 20 20 25 25 123 82.5 94.2 95.3 94.4 91.1 89.0 92.8 % on Previously Developed Land 50 5-Year Supply Table 18: Sheffield: Estimated Housing Mix on Deliverable Sites in Current Year (2011/12) and Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) Status of Deliverable Sites Houses Apartments Total 6Year Supply 782 PurposeBuilt Student Flats 0 Large sites under construction or construction suspended – previously developed Large sites under construction or construction suspended – greenfield Large sites with full planning permission but not started – previously developed Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 666 110 67 0 177 352 395 52 799 0 12 0 12 Large sites with outline planning permission – previously developed 163 44 0 207 Large sites with outline planning permission – greenfield 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites – previously developed 0 0 0 0 Large allocated sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 Other large identified suitable sites – previously developed 971 115 0 1086 Other large identified suitable sites – greenfield 85 0 0 85 Small sites with full or outline permission – previously developed* 288 253 18 559 Small sites with full or outline permission – greenfield* 87 22 0 109 Overall Total Supply 2722 1690 70 4482 % Housing Mix 60.7 37.7 1.6 51 1448 Potential Supply of Developable Sites (2017/18 to 2025/26) 4.12 Table 19 shows that the total developable supply for the period 2017/18 to 2025/26 is 18,125 dwellings32. There is potential to develop 15,184 dwellings in the 5-year period 2017/18 to 2021/22 and further 2,941 dwellings in the 4-year period 2022/23 to 2025/26. A further 3,786 dwellings are considered to be developable after 2025/26. 91.4% of the supply on developable sites in the period to 2025/26 is on previously developed land. 4.13 6,717 dwellings (37%) in the developable supply for the period 2017/18 to 2025/26 are on sites which already have full or outline planning permission. As already noted, this reflects the fact that a cautious view has been taken to delivery within the next 5 years, given the current difficult economic conditions. It is possible that some of the dwellings with permission could come forward sooner than shown and this will be monitored in future annual updates of the SHLAA. 4.14 Around, 12,106 dwellings33 which are developable in the period 2017/18 to 2025/26 are on sites which do not yet have planning permission (‘identified sites’). 8,595 of these dwellings are developable in the period 2017/18 to 2021/22 and a further 3,511 dwellings34 in the period 2022/23 to 2025/26. 4.15 In practice, it is unlikely that all the potential supply for 2017/18 to 2021/22 will come forward in that period because significant numbers of sites are concentrated within two relatively small areas (the City Centre and Park Hill and the former South HMR Area (Wybourn/Norfolk Park/ Manor/Arbourthorne). This means that significant completions in those areas are likely to extend into the last 5 years of the SDF period (2021/22 to 2025/26). The Home Builders Federation’s view is that the high concentration in these areas, and the wider HMR area, will mean that a proportion of the identified supply up to 2025/26 will not be delivered until after that date. This is due to limits on what the market will deliver annually in any one area. Further analysis will be carried out to assess the potential impact of concentrations of available land in these two areas, and we expect this to be published separately within the next three months. 4.16 Around 12% of the potential supply (2,192 dwellings) for the period 2017/18 to 2025/26 is on sites that currently have policy constraints or on sites which are not currently suitable for housing (but which are expected to become suitable before 2025/26). A number of these sites are proposed as allocated Housing Sites in the emerging City Policies and Sites document. 32 This does not include 287 dwellings on small sites with planning permission (30% of the total number of dwellings on small sites) which were not included in the deliverable 6-year supply for the period 2011/12 to 2016/17 (see paragraph 4.5). It has been assumed that planning permission on these sites would lapse or, alternatively, permission would be renewed and they would be included in the supply in a future update of the SHLAA. 33 This figure includes some UDP allocated sites which are proposed to be de-allocated in the SDF (see Appendix 5 below) 34 This excludes UDP allocated sites which are proposed to be de-allocated in the SDF (see Appendix 5 below) 52 4.17 Table 20 shows that 94% of the supply of developable sites (16,989 dwellings35) are in, or at the edge of, of the main urban area of Sheffield. 4.18 Tables 21 and 22 summarise the developable supply in the Principal Towns. Stocksbridge has potential to accommodate around 761 dwellings (5% of the total) over the period 2017/18 to 2021/22 and a further 136 dwellings in the period 2022/23 to 2025/26). Potential for just 25 dwellings has been identified in Chapeltown over the whole period 2017/18 to 2025/26. 4.19 Table 23 shows that, in the period 2017/18 to 2025/26, a further 214 dwellings could be accommodated in rural areas, primarily in the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Wharncliffe Side and Worrall. Most of the sites that are developable in these areas are small and so do not feature in this study. Small sites in rural areas will form part of future windfall supply (see Chapter 5 below). 4.20 7,203 dwellings (40%) of the supply for the period 2017/18 to 2025/26 is the former Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Area (see Table 24). 77% of this supply is considered to be potentially developable in the period 2017/18 to 2021/22 though, in practice, a significant number of dwellings are likely to be built after 2021/22 due to the concentration of sites in certain areas (see paragraph 4.15 above). 4.21 The supply after 2021/22 is primarily in areas undergoing significant change (identified in SDF Core Strategy policy CS23). Some of the sites in these areas are in locations classified as ‘not currently suitable for housing’ but where there is a reasonable prospect that conditions will change during the period of the SDF (i.e. they will become ‘suitable’). 35 Excluding potential supply after 2025/26 53 Table 19: Sheffield District: Supply of Developable Sites (after 2016/17) Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 836 0 836 0 836 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 79 0 79 0 79 2562 33 2595 0 2595 57 0 57 0 57 2207 917 3124 100 3224 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 26 0 26 0 26 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 28 0 28 0 28 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 359 35 394 836 1230 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL 7155 1244 8399 1063 9462 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield 373 22 395 18 413 13682 2251 15933 2017 17950 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 500 0 500 0 500 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield 540 75 615 874 1489 Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) 1040 75 1115 874 1989 Sites not currently suitable* - PDL 462 615 1077 895 1972 0 0 0 0 0 462 615 1077 895 1972 Overall Total Total Previously Developed Land (PDL) 15184 2941 18125 3786 21911 13750 2809 16559 2058 18617 Total Greenfield 1434 132 1566 1728 3294 % on Previously Developed Land 90.6 95.5 91.4 54.4 85.0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) Sites not currently suitable* - greenfield Sub-total (not currently suitable) *But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 54 Table 20: Sheffield Main Urban Area: Summary of the Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 836 0 836 0 836 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 79 0 79 0 79 2258 0 2258 0 2258 57 0 57 0 57 1914 849 2763 100 2863 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 26 0 26 0 26 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 28 0 28 0 28 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 352 0 352 836 1188 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL 6983 1244 8227 1063 9290 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield 281 14 295 18 313 12814 2107 14921 2017 16938 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 376 0 376 0 376 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield 540 75 615 430 1045 Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) 916 75 991 430 1421 Sites not currently suitable* - PDL 462 615 1077 895 1972 0 0 0 0 0 462 615 1077 895 1972 Overall Total 14192 2797 16989 3342 20331 Total Previously Developed Land (PDL) 12857 2708 15565 2058 17623 Total Greenfield 1335 89 1424 1284 2708 % on Previously Developed Land *But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 90.6 96.8 91.6 61.6 86.7 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) Sites not currently suitable* - greenfield Sub-total (not currently suitable) 55 Table 21: Stocksbridge: Summary of the Supply of Developable Sites from 2016/17 to 2025/26 Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 289 33 322 0 322 0 0 0 0 0 293 68 361 0 361 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 7 35 42 0 42 162 0 162 0 162 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) 751 136 887 0 887 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 10 0 10 0 10 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield 0 0 0 444 444 Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) 10 0 10 444 454 Sites not currently suitable* - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Sites not currently suitable* - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (not currently suitable) 0 0 0 0 0 Overall Total 761 136 897 444 1341 Total Previously Developed Land (PDL) 754 101 855 0 855 7 35 42 444 486 99.1 74.3 95.3 0.0 63.8 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield Total Greenfield % on Previously Developed Land *But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 56 Table 22: Chapeltown/ High Green*: Summary of the Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 15 0 15 0 15 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL 10 0 10 0 10 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) 25 0 25 0 25 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) 0 0 0 0 0 Sites not currently suitable* - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Sites not currently suitable* - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (not currently suitable) 0 0 0 0 0 Overall Total 25 0 25 0 25 Total Previously Developed land (PDL) 25 0 25 0 25 Total Greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 100 / 100 / 100 % on Previously Developed Land *But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 57 Table 23: Rural Areas*: Summary of the Supply of Developable Sites from 2017/18 to 2025/26 Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield 92 8 100 0 100 Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) 92 8 100 0 100 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 114 0 114 0 114 0 0 0 0 0 114 0 114 0 114 Sites not currently suitable** - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Sites not currently suitable** - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (not currently suitable) 0 0 0 0 0 Overall Total 206 8 214 0 214 Total Previously Developed Land (PDL) 114 0 114 0 114 Total Greenfield 92 8 100 0 100 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) % on Previously Developed Land 55.3 0.0 53.3 / 53.3 *Rural Areas are defined as land in the Green Belt (including the smaller villages of Bolsterstone, Brightholmlee, Dungworth, Ewden, Midhopestones and Ringinglow) and the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Worrall and Wharncliffe Side (which are inset within the Green Belt) **But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 58 Table 24: Sheffield part of the South Yorkshire Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder Area: Summary of the Supply of Developable Sites from 2016/17 to 2025/26 Status of Developable Sites Likely Delivery Period (Dwellings) 2017/18 to 2021/22 2022/23 to 2025/26 Total Supply up to 2025/26 After 2025/26 Overall Total Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - PDL 56 0 56 0 56 Large sites under construction, or construction suspended - greenfield 79 0 79 0 79 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – PDL 354 0 354 0 354 0 0 0 0 0 831 528 1359 100 1459 Large sites with outline planning permission - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - PDL 0 0 0 0 0 Existing allocated housing sites - greenfield 0 0 0 0 0 3685 851 4536 483 5019 90 0 90 18 108 5095 1379 6474 601 7075 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – PDL 33 0 33 0 33 Other ‘suitable’ identified sites with policy constraints – greenfield 164 75 239 79 318 Sub-total (suitable but with policy constraints) 197 75 272 79 351 Sites not currently suitable* - PDL 221 236 457 200 657 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-total (not currently suitable) 221 236 457 200 657 Overall Total 5513 1690 7203 880 8083 Total Previously Developed Land (PDL) 5180 1615 6795 783 7578 Total Greenfield 333 75 408 97 505 % on Previously Developed Land *But expected to become suitable before 2025/26. 94.0 95.6 94.3 89.0 93.8 Large sites with full planning permission but not started – greenfield Large sites with outline planning permission – PDL Other ‘suitable’ identified sites – PDL Other ‘suitable’ identified sites - greenfield Sub-total (suitable and no policy constraints) Sites not currently suitable* - greenfield 59 Summary of Overall Potential Supply 4.22 Table 25 below summarises the overall housing land supply in Sheffield District and by settlement. It shows that the total supply for the current SDF period (up to 2025/26) is 22,607 dwellings. Over 91% of the supply is on previously developed land. Nearly 10% of the potential supply (2,192 dwellings) is on sites that currently have policy constraints or sites which are not currently suitable for housing (but which are expected to become suitable before 2025/26). This means that total supply of suitable sites that are free of current policy constraints is 20,415 dwellings. The proposed LDF supply for the period 2011/12 to 2025/26 is approximately 21,800 dwellings36, after allowing for redesignation of some land with current policy constraints and de-allocation of some UDP Housing Sites (see paragraph 4.27 below). 4.23 Just under 94% of the potential supply in the period 2011/12 to 2025/26 is concentrated in, or at the edge of, the main urban area of Sheffield. Almost 28% of the total supply is in the City Centre. 5.5% of the potential supply is in Stocksbridge and just over 1% in Chapeltown. Just over 1% of the supply is in rural parts of the district, including the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Wharncliffe Side and Worrall. Over 40% is in the Sheffield part of the Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder area. 4.24 Table 26 summarises the overall potential supply by Community Assembly Area. It shows that over a third of the total identified supply is in the Central Area and over a quarter in the East Area. 4.25 The figures for SDF Sub-Areas are shown in Table 27. Over a quarter of the supply is in the City Centre and almost a fifth is in the South East Urban Area. Assessment of Potential Housing Mix 4.26 Table 28 below shows that the overall supply is made up of 46% houses, 53% apartments and 1% student flats. Again, it is important to emphasise that some variation in house types is possible whilst still achieving the densities assumed in the study. It is also likely that the 1% estimate for student flats will prove to be an under-estimate, as some of the sites assumed to be developed for apartments could be developed for purpose-built student accommodation. UDP Allocated Housing Sites Proposed to be De-Allocated in the SDF 4.27 The Council has previously indicated its intention to de-allocate a number of greenfield sites that are currently allocated for housing in the adopted UDP. Most of the sites are in Council ownership. Although these sites, in theory, form part of the current supply and are included in the supply to 2025/26, in practice, some are unlikely to be developable. Again, the suitability of these sites for housing will be tested through the SDF process and, if any are retained as 36 This figure represents remaining SDF capacity during the period up to and including 2025/26 (21,139), rather than total capacity and includes 70% of small sites with planning permission (668 units). It also includes total capacity on some UDP allocated sites where part may be de-allocated. 60 housing sites, they can be retained within the supply in future updates of the SHLAA. A list of the sites is attached as Appendix 5. Other Land not included in the Potential Supply 4.28 It has already been noted (see paragraph 1.13 and 2.34 above) that some land put forward by respondents to the ‘call-for sites’ or by respondents to the SDF City Policies and Sites consultation has not been included in the potential supply. This applies to land in the Sheffield Green Belt and land that is to be protected as countryside in the SDF. The City Council considers that, in light of policies in the SDF Core Strategy, it is unnecessary to consider this land now as part of SHLAA update. The HBF representatives on the Working Group do not support this view and consider that these sites (and other Green belt options) should be considered as options for meeting future housing requirements. 4.29 The suitability of some of these sites for housing will be established through the SDF City Policies and Sites Public Examination in 2013 and any sites deemed suitable by the Inspector will be included in subsequent annual updates of the SHLAA. A full list of the Green Belt sites put forward by respondents is set out in Appendix 6. The Appendix gives indicative potential housing potential figures if these sites were to be considered suitable for housing but the City Council does not, in any way, support these figures. Location maps for these sites are included in Annex B of the Site Schedule. 61 Table 25: Sheffield District: Summary of Overall Potential Supply* 2011/12 to 2025/26 Settlement Dwellings Current Year (2011/12) 5-Year Supply (2012/13 to 2016/17) Supply Supply for for period Period 2022/23 2017/18 to to 2025/26 2021/22 TOTAL SUPPLY 2011/12 to 2025/26 Sheffield Main Urban Area Previously Developed Land 584 3239 12857 2708 19388 Greenfield 75 276 1335 89 1775 Sub-total 659 3515 14192 2797 21163 Stocksbridge Previously Developed Land 6 169 754 101 1030 Greenfield 4 9 7 35 55 Sub-total 10 178 761 136 1085 Chapeltown Previously Developed Land 11 36 25 0 72 Greenfield 3 13 0 0 16 Sub-total 14 49 25 0 88 Rural Areas** Previously Developed Land 16 38 114 0 168 Greenfield 1 2 92 8 103 Sub-total 17 40 206 8 271 Total for Sheffield District Previously Developed Land 617 3482 13750 2809 20658 Greenfield 83 300 1434 132 1949 700 88.1 3782 92.1 15184 90.6 2941 95.5 22607 91.4 Overall Total % Previously Developed Land *The total supply includes sites assessed as ‘not currently suitable for housing’ and sites which are considered suitable but which have current policy constraints. ***Rural Areas are defined as land in the Green Belt (including the smaller villages of Bolsterstone, Brightholmlee, Dungworth, Ewden, Midhopestones and Ringinglow) and the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Worrall and Wharncliffe Side (which are inset within the Green Belt) 62 Table 26: Summary of Overall Potential Supply by Community Assembly Area 2011/12 to 2025/26 Community Assembly Area Dwellings Current Year (2011/12) 5-Year Supply (2012/13 to 2016/17) Supply for Period 2017/18 to 2021/22 Supply for period 2022/23 to 2025/26 TOTAL SUPPLY 2011/12 to 2025/26 % Share Central 162 827 6494 1038 8521 37.7 East 157 1043 3305 1261 5766 25.5 Northern 59 443 1544 278 2324 10.3 North East 102 712 1534 350 2698 11.9 South 37 295 783 0 1115 4.9 South East 144 273 1317 0 1734 7.7 South West 40 188 207 14 449 2.0 701 3781 15184 2941 22607 100 Overall Total Table 27: Summary of Overall Potential Supply by SDF Sub-Area 2011/12 to 2025/26 SDF Sub-Area Dwellings Current Year (2011/12) 5-Year Supply (2012/13 to 2016/17) City Centre 99 540 4825 Lower Don Valley 59 220 943 Upper Don Valley 14 10 Supply Supply for for period Period 2022/23 2017/18 to to 2025/26 2021/22 299 TOTAL SUPPLY 2011/12 to 2025/26 % Share 808 6272 27.7 757 1979 8.8 183 506 2.2 3.1 Sheaf Valley 14 23 659 0 696 North East Urban Area 104 849 1628 350 2931 13.0 504 4280 18.9 10.9 South East Urban Area 140 882 2754 South and West Urban Area 108 725 1571 61 2465 Mosborough/ Woodhouse 115 261 1303 0 1679 7.4 Chapeltown/ Ecclesfield 24 64 189 15 292 1.3 5.5 1.2 Stocksbridge/ Deepcar 13 183 796 255 1247 Rural Settlements* 11 24 217 8 260 Overall Total 701 3781 15184 2941 22607 100 *Includes the Local Service Centres of Oughtibridge, Worrall and Wharncliffe Side and the countryside surrounding those settlements. 63 Table 28: Sheffield District: Overall Potential Supply (2011/12 to 2025/26) – Assessment of Potential Dwelling Mix Period Houses Apartments Student Flats Total Dwellings Current Year (2011/12) 412 284 5 701 5-Year Supply (2012/13 to 2016/17) 2283 1434 65 3782 Developable Supply (2017/18 to 2021/22) 6192 8767 225 15184 Developable Supply 2022/23 to 2026/27) 1451 1490 0 2941 Total 10338 11975 295 22608 45.7 53.0 1.3 100.0 % of Total Supply 64 5. Estimate of Future Windfalls on Small Sites in Sheffield Overview 5.1 The DCLG guidance, PPS3 itself and other policy and advice, including the draft National Planning Policy Framework, makes it clear that local authorities, in planning for housing land, should not plan for a set level of windfalls, except in the most exceptional of circumstances. DCLG has not defined what these ‘exceptional circumstances’ might be but the Regional Practice Guidance suggests that this reasonably might apply to an area which is almost entirely built-up to the district boundaries, within which there is no reasonable prospect of identifying at least a 15 year supply of housing land. Within the Yorkshire and Humber Region, Hull is identified as the only authority which comes close to this definition. A windfall allowance has therefore not been considered as a component of supply in the Sheffield/Rotherham SHLAA. This means that windfalls have not been included in the summary tables in Section 4 above. 5.2 The Regional Practice Guidance notes, however, that the housing land supply ‘conveyor belt’ will include windfall sites and small sites, which have not been planned for as part of the supply, but are nonetheless forming part of the supply. In effect, they have ‘dropped-in’ to the supply identified in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment, pushing everything else back. Windfalls do, therefore, have an impact on the trajectory of housing completions and, in future updates of the SHLAA, will, at some point in time, become commitments capable of being counted specifically. 5.3 The Guidance also states that local authorities should still seek to understand past trends of windfall sites and the likelihood of future sites coming forward as windfalls to continue to inform the position at a regional level. 5.4 So, whilst windfalls should not be counted as part of the potential housing land supply in the SHLAA, it is nevertheless helpful to consider to what extent they might provide additional flexibility in the supply over the SDF period. In practice, the supply from windfalls means that some of the land identified in the SHLAA (and subsequently in site allocations DPDs) may not actually be required for housing for many years beyond the period anticipated. 5.5 The Working Group agreed that a significant number of windfalls are likely to come forward in Sheffield and Rotherham over the next 15- 20 years. This is because: Sheffield and Rotherham districts include extensive urban areas which are undergoing regeneration and renewal; and it is not practical to identify all small sites that are suitable for housing; and 65 Analysis of past trends shows a significant number of dwellings are built on small sites each year and they have historically made a significant contribution to supply; and such sites are too small to be allocated in the LDFs 5.6 Although the SHLAA identifies small sites which have planning permission, it has not sought to identify potential supply from other small sites. It should be noted that, in the first SHLAA, small sites were defined as those of less than 15 dwellings, so, in examining past trends, an adjustment has been made for sites of 10-14 dwellings. Consequently, the annual estimate of completions on small sites is lower than in the first study. Estimated Windfalls on Small Sites 5.7 Table 29 below shows the trend in permissions and completions on small sites (capacity for less than 10 dwellings) over the last 6 years. On average 375 dwellings have been granted permission and 245 dwellings completed each year. Whilst the number fluctuates from year to year, the table shows that, since 2004/05, has annual completions have never been lower than 213 dwellings. Table 29: Sheffield: Recent Trends in Permissions and Completions on Small Sites (a) Permissions37 2005 363 2006 367 2007 394 2008 532 2009 315 2010 279 Average 375 (b) Small site completions 2004/05 213 2005/06 250 2006/07 228 2007/08 320 2008/09 237 2009/10 249 2010/11 218 5.8 Whilst future trends in small site windfalls may, of course, be different to those in the past, there is no evidence to suggest that they will necessarily decrease. In a major urban area, such as Sheffield, there are a very large number of potential sources of supply, including conversion or redevelopment of non-residential buildings, sub-division of large houses, conversion of vacant floor space above shops and infill on small areas of unused land. The continued emphasis in the SDF on efficient use of land and on concentrating housing development in the urban areas should help to sustain the number of small windfall sites coming forward. 37 Analysis undertaken for calendar years 66 Average 245 5.9 The publication of PPG3 in 2000 is likely to have led to some increase in the number of dwellings coming forward on small sites. This can be attributed to the greater emphasis on higher density development and constraints on outward expansion of the urban areas, limiting the scope for greenfield development. The SDF (see Core Strategy Policies CS24 and CS26) broadly continues this policy approach, though the upper density limit now set for less accessible locations is likely to reduce dwelling yields on some sites. 5.10 It was agreed by the Working Group that, for the purpose of producing the housing trajectory in the Annual Monitoring Reports, it was reasonable to assume that 200 dwellings would be built on small sites in the current year (2011/12) and the following four years (2012/13 to 2015/16)38. From 2016/17 onwards, it was agreed that the total delivery on small sites should be assumed to rise to 250 dwellings per year (the previous 6-year average). The assumptions imply that a total of 1,253 dwellings would be delivered on small sites over the 6-year period. It means that, in addition to the 668 dwellings on small sites which have planning permission39, at least 585 additional dwellings will need to come forward on small windfall sites. This figure is conservative in comparison to recent trends (see Table 30(a) above). 5.11 Overall delivery on small sites over the period to 2025/26 is summarised in Table 31 below. Table 30: Assumed Delivery on Small Sites (2011/12 to 2025/26) Year 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 2024/25 Estimated Delivery on Small Sites (Dwellings) Identified Sites Assumed Total with Planning Windfalls Permission40 203 0 203 93 107 200 93 107 200 93 107 200 93 107 200 93 157 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 0 250 250 38 This methodology has been rolled forward from the 2011 SHLAA Update. 668 dwellings represents 70% of 955 dwellings which have planning permission on small sites – see paragraph 4.5 above. 40 See paragraph 4.5 above 39 67 2025/26 Total 0 668 250 2,835 250 3,503 5.12 It should be stressed that the figure put forward by the Working Group is a judgement and is not based on any particular model or formula. Trends will be monitored annually as part of the SHLAA update and adjustments will be made to assumptions about future delivery, as appropriate. 68 6. Monitoring and Future Reviews 6.1 The national Practice Guidance states that once completed, SHLAAs should be kept up-to-date (at least annually) as part of the Annual Monitoring Report exercise. It also sets out the main information that should be recorded. 6.2 Our intention is to update the SHLAA on an annual basis. The next update will be undertaken in summer 2012 based on planning permissions and housing completions up to and including 31 March 2012. The 5-year supply will be rolled forward an additional year, so the next period will be 2013/14 to 2017/18. 6.3 It is intended that the Sheffield and Rotherham elements of the SHLAA are incorporated into a single document from the 2012 review onwards. 69 Appendix 1: Density Assumptions and ‘Rules of Thumb’ Used for Calculating Net Developable Areas Location Assumed Density (where no approved scheme) Assumed Dwelling Mix (where no approved scheme or masterplan) Sheffield City Centre (Regional Centre) City Centre (in, or within 100m of, the Core 300 dwellings/ha All apartments Retail Area) 140 dwellings/ha or 70 dwellings per hectare depending Other sites within or at the edge (within 140 dph - All apartments on site characteristics 400m) of the City Centre 70 dph – 50% houses, 50% apartments Town Centres 40 dwellings/ha Rotherham Town Centre (Sub-Regional 90% houses, 10% apartments Town) (in, or within 100m of, the Core Retail Area) 50 dwellings/ha In, or within easy walking distance of, 70% houses, 30% apartments Stockbridge; Chapeltown/High Green District Centres (Principal Towns) 40 dwellings/ha Urban areas of Rotherham within easy 90% houses, 10% apartments walking distance of a Local or District Centre Other Accessible Urban Locations 50 dwellings/ha In, or within easy walking distance of, 70% houses, 30% apartments Meadowhall or a District Shopping Centre 40 dwellings/ha Within easy walking distance of a 90% houses, 10% apartments Supertram stop or a high frequency bus route Less Accessible Urban Locations 35 dwellings/ha Remaining parts of the urban areas All houses (Regional Centres; Sub-Regional Towns; Principal Towns) Rural Locations 30 dwellings/ha Larger villages (Local Service Centres), All houses smaller villages and rural areas ‘Easy walking distance’ - within 400 metres (or within 800 metres in the case of access to Supertram stops) but taking into account barriers such as railways or rivers. ‘High frequency bus route’ – at least 10 services per hour during the day (8.00am to 6.00pm) Monday to Saturday. ‘City Centre’ – the area bounded by the Inner Ring Road 71 Rules of Thumb for Calculating Net Developable Areas Site Size Up to 0.64ha >0.64 to 5.00 ha >5.00 – 10.00 ha Over 10.00 ha Assumed Net Ratio 100% of gross site area 90% of gross site area 80% of gross site area 70% of gross site area Notes: Assumptions are based on analysis undertaken by Bolsover Council and are the same as those being used by the districts in the East Midlands Northern Sub-Region (Chesterfield; NE Derbyshire; Bolsover; Bassetlaw) Lower net developable areas have been used where site surveys indicate a lower figure is appropriate (e.g. i.e. where there are constraints such as mature trees) In the City Centre, some sites are in areas where office development is a priority so, for these sites, it has been assumed that only 50% of the gross site area will be available for housing 72 Appendix 2 Sheffield: List of Sites Delivering Completions in 2010/11 Note: This list includes some sites which are only partially complete and which therefore also appear in Appendices 4 and 5 below. Dwelling Completions 2010/11 (a) Large Sites (10 or more dwellings) Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield ? S00001 Site of properties at Wickfield Grove, Wickfield Place (Scowerdons Phase 1) Sheffield None 1.09 38 30 30 8 Brownfield S00004 Former Registry Office Site, Norfolk Street And Arundel Gate. Sheffield None 0.31 322 230 322 0 Brownfield S00005 Former Bone Cravens, Staniforth Road, Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield North East 5.76 313 32 130 183 Brownfield S00008 Land at Finchwell Road and Quarry Road Handsworth Sheffield Sheffield None 11.85 306 7 161 145 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield North East 4.24 188 25 105 83 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield South 4.56 177 32 177 0 Brownfield S00019 S00026 Land at Harding Street Darnall Road and Eleanor Street ,Sheffield S9 5AX Land at Ash House Farm and Ball Inn Sports Ground ,Myrtle Road, Sheffield (Numbered 1-29 2-56 Myrtle Drive, 1-139 2-30 73 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield ? Myrtle Crescent And 1-37, 2-66 Myrtle Close) S00039 S00092 S00096 Former Stanley Tools Site, The Common, Ecclesfield Site of Green Oak View Nursing Home, Green Oak Avenue, Lemont Road Cornhill Works - Phase III Site of 186, 188, 192, 196 and Printing house, Solly Street, S1 4BB AND Cornhill Works Phase 1 -188-212 Solly Street, Sheffield, S1 4BB Sheffield None 2.07 105 30 105 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.51 39 3 9 30 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.22 56 56 56 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.10 30 30 30 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.50 28 4 26 2 Brownfield S00127 168-180 Infirmary Road Sheffield S6 3DH Site of Moss House 22-24 High Street Mosborough Sheffield S20 5EE (numbered 1-12, 14-27 Moss House Court) S00154 Site of 22-24 Mary Street and 6367 St Marys Road Sheffield None 0.06 23 4 23 0 Brownfield S00160 Site of Gatefield Social Club, 536 Abbeydale Road, Sheffield Sheffield None 0.26 17 17 17 0 Brownfield S00683 Lindsay Road Sheffield Sheffield North 0.69 35 35 35 0 Brownfield S00118 74 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield ? S00684 Flower Estate (5 Roads) Sheffield Sheffield North 5.33 204 12 72 132 Brownfield S00720 Beldon A, Norfolk Park (Norfolk Park Site 11b) Sheffield Sheffield South 0.85 41 41 41 0 Brownfield S00840 L Furness & Sons, Thompson Hill, High Green, Sheffield, S35 4JS Chapeltown None 0.35 22 16 16 6 Brownfield S01197 Land adjoining 'The Fosters', west of Foster Way, High Green, Sheffield Chapeltown None 0.39 22 15 15 7 Greenfield S01409 Hawk Works, Mary Street, Sheffield, S1 3JN Sheffield None 0.10 14 14 14 0 Brownfield S01440 Richmond Park View, Richmond Park Grove, Richmond Park Rise Sheffield None 1.20 50 12 12 38 Brownfield S01441 Grimesthorpe Road / Earldom Road Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.28 14 14 14 0 Brownfield S01445 Shirecliffe Road, Longley Avenue West (Shirecliffe sites N and O) (part of Shirecliffe New Council Homes) Sheffield Sheffield North 0.37 17 17 17 0 Brownfield S01452 Malinda Street Residential Care Home, 80 Malinda Street Sheffield None 0.15 11 11 11 0 Brownfield 75 Site Ref S01466 (b) Site Address Land at Wickfield Drive (Scowerdons Phase 1a) Settlement Sheffield HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity 1.20 68 None Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 37 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity 37 31 Greenfield or Brownfield ? Brownfield Small Sites (fewer than 10 dwellings) (2010/11) Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S00131 94 Hinde House Lane, Fir Vale, S4 8HA Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.11 6 6 6 0 Brownfield S00234 Site Of 343-345 Barnsley Road Barnsley Road Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.06 8 8 8 0 Brownfield S00249 Site Of 32 Ryegate Road Sheffield Sheffield None 0.13 6 4 6 0 Brownfield S00260 2 Thornsett Road Sheffield S7 1NA Sheffield None 0.06 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00264 Curtilage Of 216 High Greave Sheffield S5 9GQ Sheffield Sheffield North 0.22 5 2 2 3 Brownfield S00273 Land to the rear of 57-67 Ironstone Crescent, Chapeltown, Sheffield Chapeltown None 0.23 5 2 2 3 Brownfield 76 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S00336 320 Albert Road, S8 Sheffield None 0.04 4 4 4 0 Brownfield S00366 18 Penistone Road, Grenoside Sheffield None 0.03 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00392 6 Causeway Head Road, Sheffield, S17 3DT Sheffield None 0.01 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00402 Land Rear Of 2-10 Mount Pleasant Close And Loundside Chapeltown Chapeltown None 0.10 3 1 3 0 Greenfield S00406 Land Between 35 And 47 Coniston Road Sheffield S8 0UT Sheffield None 0.04 5 5 5 0 Brownfield S00413 Land Adjacent 37 Sandygate Park Sheffield S10 5TZ Sheffield None 0.18 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00416 Curtilage Of 57 Grove Road Sheffield S7 2GY Sheffield None 0.07 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00418 Land to rear of 109B Kent Road, Sheffield S8 Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00436 Curtilage Of 7 Endcliffe Hall Avenue Sheffield S10 3EL Sheffield None 0.10 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 77 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S00462 Land between 11 and 15 Townfields Ave, Ecclesfield Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00479 Outbuildings to rear of 115 Lane End, Chapeltown Chapeltown None 0.07 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00484 Land between 15 and 19 Canterbury Crescent, Sheffield S10 Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Greenfield S00491 Land Adjoining 91 Western Road Sheffield Sheffield None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00526 c/o 16 Silver Birch Avenue Sheffield None 0.22 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00560 Off Licence & Grocery 55 Walkley Bank Road Sheffield S6 5AJ Sheffield None 0.01 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00561 Land Rear of 2-16 Cruise Road, Sheffield, S11 7EF Sheffield None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00594 Land To The Rear Of 121-123 Queens Road Oak Road Beighton Sheffield S20 1BF Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00610 Curtilage Of 35 Springfield Avenue Sheffield S7 2GA (37 Springfield Avenue) Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 78 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S00632 Curtilage Of 2 Den Bank Drive Sheffield S10 5PE Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00637 79-81 Woodholm Road Sheffield S11 9HS Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S00655 501 Glossop Road Sheffield S10 2QE Sheffield None 0.02 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S00659 80 Ringinglow Road Sheffield S11 7PQ Sheffield None 0.09 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Chapeltown None 0.01 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 4 4 4 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield North 0.0352482 1 1 1 0 Greenfield S00881 Langsett House, 75A Langsett Road, Sheffield, S6 2UH Curtilage Of 52 Sherburn Gate Chapeltown Sheffield S35 2EU S00920 143-145 Oakbrook Road, Sheffield, S11 7EB S00871 S00921 S00924 Land adjoining 125, Tapton Hill Road, Sheffield Plot Adjacent To 5 Tansley Drive Sheffield S9 1LH 79 Site Ref S00926 S00929 S00937 S00948 S00950 S00952 S00956 S00966 Site Address Curtilage of 63 High Matlock Avenue, Stannington, Sheffield, S6 6FZ 305 Burncross Road Burncross Sheffield S35 1SA Curtilage of 604 Stannington Road, Stannington, Sheffield, S6 6AE, (Numbered 65 High Matlock Avenue) Curtilage Of 21 Redmires Road Sheffield S10 4LA Curtilage Of 103 Town End Road Ecclesfield Sheffield S35 9YX (Numbered 101 Town End Road) Hayward House 34 Redcar Road Sheffield S10 1EX 250 Millhouses Lane Sheffield S11 9JA Land Between 100 And 104 South View Crescent Sheffield S7 1DH Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Greenfield Chapeltown None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.09 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.07 1 1 1 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.05 2 2 2 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.06 2 2 2 0 Brownfield 80 Site Ref Site Address S00974 Land between 23 - 27 Canterbury Crescent, Sheffield Car Park Next To 26 Fulton Road And Site Of 32 Fulton Road Sheffield S6 3JN S00987 Curtiliage Of 26 Hadfield Street Sheffield S6 3RR S00967 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.06 1 1 1 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.13 7 4 4 3 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.10 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.07 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Rural None 0.19 3 1 3 0 Brownfield Wharncliffe Side None 0.24 5 2 5 0 Brownfield S01025 Site Of 3 Muskoka Avenue Sheffield S11 7RL White House Farm Holdworth Lane Bradfield Sheffield S6 6SN Site 0f Wharncliffe Side Primary School Main Road Wharncliffe Side Sheffield S30 3DP S01033 Curtilage of 61 Ashfurlong Road, Sheffield, S17 3NL Sheffield None 0.10 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01288 Curtilage of 94 Wortley Road, High Green, Sheffield, S35 4LU Chapeltown None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01001 S01021 81 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01291 108 Ecclesfield Road, Chapeltown, Sheffield, S35 1TE Chapeltown None 0.09 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01310 Site of 407 Stannington Road, Sheffield, S6 5QN Sheffield None 0.06 3 3 3 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05 2 2 2 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.12 3 3 3 0 Brownfield S01320 47 High Matlock Road, Sheffield, S6 6AS Land Between Dore And Totley United Reform Church And 36 Totley Brook Road And Junior Church Hall, Totley Brook Road Sheffield S01321 The Walled Garden, Dore Moor Estate, Newfield Lane, Sheffield Sheffield None 0.56 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01322 168 Dore Road, Sheffield, S17 3HA Sheffield None 0.11 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01324 107 Townhead Road, Sheffield, (Holbein House 107 Townhead Road) Sheffield None 0.49 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01327 11 Middlefield Close, Sheffield, S17 3AR Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01329 Site Of Broad Elms School, Broad Elms Lane, Sheffield, S11 9RQ Sheffield None 0.67 5 4 4 1 Brownfield S01316 82 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01333 Curtilage of 68 Quarry Lane, Sheffield, S11 9EB Sheffield None 0.08 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01336 447 Whirlowdale Road, Sheffield, S11 9NG Sheffield None 0.18 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01349 Site of 106 Kent Road, Sheffield, S8 9RL (numbered 106-116 Kent Road) Sheffield None 0.13 6 1 4 2 Brownfield S01350 Land between 284 and 292 Albert Road, (numbered 290 Albert Road), S8 Sheffield None 0.07 3 3 3 0 Brownfield S01354 268-272 Gleadless Road, Sheffield, S2 3AH Sheffield None 0.02 3 3 3 0 Brownfield S01362 2 Meersbrook Avenue, Sheffield, S8 9EB Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01367 27-29 Greenfield Road, Sheffield, S8 7RR Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01369 Lodge Farm, Mawfa Crescent, Sheffield, S14 1AS Sheffield None 0.11 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S01371 126 Reney Avenue, Sheffield, S8 7FQ Sheffield None 0.06 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 83 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01373 Site of 31 Smithfield Road, Sheffield, S12 3JN Sheffield None 0.08 3 3 3 0 Brownfield S01385 68 Chippinghouse Road, Sheffield, S8 0ZB Sheffield None 0.02 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S01386 22 Hemper Lane, Sheffield, S8 7FD Sheffield None 0.07 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01392 2 Moorgate Avenue, Sheffield, S7 Sheffield None 0.10 6 6 6 0 Brownfield S01405 6 Clifton Avenue (renumbered 6 (ground floor) and 6A (first floor)), Sheffield Sheffield None 0.03 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S01407 7 Hendon Street And 23 Hall Road, Handsworth, Sheffield, S13 9AX Sheffield None 0.03 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S01411 245 Broomhall Street, Sheffield, S10 2BH Sheffield None 0.04 4 4 4 0 Brownfield S01422 12 Chandos Street, Sheffield, S10 2PP Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 84 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01427 7 Moorthorpe View, Sheffield, S20 6QE Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01428 26 Stainmore Avenue, Sothall, Sheffield, S20 2GN Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01481 2 Machon Bank Road, And Bank Close, Sheffield, S7 1PF Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.02 3 3 3 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.01 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.01 2 2 2 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.07 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01492 61 Cliffe Field Road Sheffield S8 9DJ 51 Chesterfield Road Sheffield (Numbered Rear Of 51 Chesterfield Road) S01499 1 Sandbeck Place Sheffield S11 8XP S01490 S01502 Site Of 6 Stretton Road Sheffield S11 8UQ 902-906 Ecclesall Road Sheffield (Numbered Flat 5 902-906 Ecclesall Road) S01514 131 Upperthorpe Road Sheffield S6 3EB S01500 85 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01517 5 White Lane Chapeltown Sheffield S35 2YG Mandale House 28 Bailey Street Sheffield S1 4EH S01520 423 Redmires Road Sheffield S10 4LF Sheffield None 0.09 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01528 Land Adjacent 103 Darwin Lane Sheffield Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.13 2 1 2 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield North 0.08 2 2 2 0 Brownfield S01516 S01529 S01531 S01533 S01534 Land Adjacent 103 Darwin Lane Sheffield Avis Royd Hunshelf Road Stocksbridge Sheffield S36 2BS 402 Stannington Road Sheffield S6 5QQ Land Between 34 And 44 Boynton Road Sheffield, (Shirecliffe site M) (part of Shirecliffe New Council Homes) Sheffield None 0.12 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.01 8 8 8 0 Brownfield 86 Site Ref S01535 S01538 Site Address Land Between 323 And 337 Shirecliffe Road Sheffield (Shirecliffe site P) (part of Shirecliffe New Council Homes) Land Adjacent 1 Finchwell Road Rear Of Former Norfolk Arms PH Sheffield Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield Sheffield North 0.20 8 8 8 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 2 2 2 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.01 2 1 1 1 Brownfield Chapeltown None 0.15 4 2 2 2 Brownfield Rural None 0.42 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01555 245 St Philip's Road Sheffield S3 7JU Land Adjacent And Rear Of 173 Mortomley Lane Sheffield Site Of Ponda Rosa More Hall Lane Sheffield (Sunny Bank House) Black Womans Resource Centre 72 Burngreave Road Sheffield S3 9DD S01558 1 Clarkson Street Sheffield S10 2TQ Sheffield None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01561 133 - 137 Spital Hill Sheffield S4 7LF Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01539 S01545 S01547 87 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01578 468-472 Staniforth Road Sheffield S9 3FW 136 Whitham Road Sheffield (Re Numbered 136 And 136A Whitham Road) T G N Construction (Yorkshire) Ltd Moor ValleyMosboroughSheffieldS20 5BB S01597 The Woodlands, 11 Oriel Road Sheffield None 0.18 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01616 19 Montgomery Road Sheffield S7 1LN Sheffield None 0.07 6 6 6 0 Brownfield S01618 Barn Green Farm Green Lane Stocksbridge Sheffield S36 1LL Rural None 0.34 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01622 17 Greystones Road Sheffield S11 7BJ Sheffield None 0.01 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.02 5 5 5 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 3 3 3 0 Brownfield S01565 S01572 S01627 S01635 Flats 1-5 138 West Street City Centre Sheffield S1 4ES The York 243 - 247 Fulwood Road Sheffield S10 3BA (Flats Numbered 1-3 498 Glossop Road) Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.01 1 1 1 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 88 Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity Greenfield or Brownfield? S01643 246 Hollinsend Road Sheffield S12 2EJ Sheffield None 0.06 1 1 1 0 Greenfield S01658 574 Barnsley Road Sheffield S5 6UA Sheffield Sheffield North East 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01660 Crosspool Coffee Shop 315 Lydgate Lane Sheffield S10 5FR Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01663 Bancroft Heating 650 Abbeydale Road Sheffield S7 2BB Sheffield None 0.03 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01666 First /Second Floor Flats At 607 And 609 Ecclesall Road Sheffield S11 8PT Sheffield None 0.03 4 4 4 0 Brownfield S01698 Coffe Cafe And Delicatessen 88 Halifax Road Wadsley Bridge Sheffield S6 1LH Sheffield Sheffield North 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01708 10 Hutcliffe Wood Road Sheffield S8 0EX Sheffield None 0.02 1 1 1 0 Brownfield S01712 Curtilage Of 2 Brinkburn Vale Road Sheffield S17 3NZ Sheffield None 0.05 1 1 1 0 Greenfield S01733 18 Taptonville Crescent Sheffield S10 5BP Sheffield None 0.10 1 1 1 0 Brownfield 89 Site Ref S01742 Site Address Cuthbert Bank Hotel 164 Langsett Road Settlement Sheffield HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Dwelling Capacity Dwellings Completed in 2010/11 Total Dwellings Completed Remaining Dwelling Capacity 0.03 1 1 1 0 None 90 Greenfield or Brownfield? Brownfield Appendix 3 Sheffield: Large Sites (10 or more Dwellings) – Deliverable in the ‘Current Year’ (2011/12) or the Next 5 Years (2012/13 to 2016/17) (a) Sites Under Construction (as at April 2011) Dwellings Site Ref Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 1.09 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None North East 5.76 35 35 50 50 13 0 148 S00005 Site Address Site of properties at Wickfield Grove, Wickfield Place (Scowerdons Phase 1) Former Bone Cravens, Staniforth Road, Sheffield S00008 Land at Finchwell Road and Quarry Road Handsworth Sheffield Sheffield None 11.85 20 20 25 25 25 30 125 S00016 South Plot Of Recreation Ground Fox Hill Place Sheffield S6 1GE Sheffield North 3.92 20 20 20 20 25 25 110 S00019 Land at Harding Street Darnall Road and Eleanor Street ,Sheffield S9 5AX Sheffield North East 4.24 20 20 25 18 0 0 63 Sheffield South 3.08 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.23 25 10 0 0 0 0 10 S00001 S00043 S00048 Land Between St Aidans Road and City Road, St Aidans Road (Norfolk Park Site 8) 70 Upper Allen Street, Sheffield, S3 7GW Settlement HMR Area Sheffield 91 Dwellings Site Ref Site Address S00082 (SWaN Weakland Estate Development Zone B) Site of 23 - 81 Weakland Crescent and Site of 2 -10 Weakland Way S00085 S00113 S00115 S00127 S00202 S00206 S00215 S00684 S00686 S00704 Site of Ringinglow Fire Station, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield S11 7TA Union Works, 41 Mowbray Street, Sheffield S3 8EN Land at Crossland Drive, Gleadless Site of Moss House 22-24 High Street Mosborough Sheffield S20 5EE (numbered 1-12, 14-27 Moss House Court) Scarsdale House, 136 Derbyshire Lane, Woodseats Unit 3, 45 Mowbray Street Sheffield S3 8EN Land adjoining 434-652 Grimesthorpe Road Flower Estate (5 Roads) Ellesmere EPU site, Ellesmere Road / Spital Hill Seaton Place (Phase 1) Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield None 1.75 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield 0.85 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None North East 0.16 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.68 33 33 0 0 0 0 33 Sheffield None 0.50 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield 0.19 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.11 20 5 0 0 0 0 5 Sheffield Sheffield None North East North East North 0.73 5.33 10 20 34 20 0 25 0 25 0 35 0 7 34 112 Sheffield Sheffield North East South 0.45 0.41 19 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield 92 Dwellings Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 S00782 Klausners Site, Sylvester Street / Mary Street Park Hill Flats, Duke Street, Sheffield (PHASE 1) S00832 Dial House Club and Bowling Green, Ben Lane, Hillsborough Sheffield None 0.65 0 32 3 0 0 0 35 S00840 L Furness & Sons, Thompson Hill, High Green, Sheffield, S35 4JS Chapeltown None 0.35 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.10 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 Chapeltown None 0.39 0 7 0 0 0 0 7 Sheffield None 1.20 28 10 0 0 0 0 10 Sheffield 1.20 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None North East 0.32 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.09 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 S00758 S00990 S01197 High Street and Stone Street, Mosborough, Sheffield Land adjoining 'The Fosters', west of Foster Way, High Green, Sheffield S01479 Richmond Park View, Richmond Park Grove, Richmond Park Rise Land at Wickfield Drive (Scowerdons Phase 1a) Former Stanley Tools Site E S01605 Sheffield Ceramics 226 228 Middlewood Road Sheffield S6 1TE S01440 S01466 Sheffield None 0.42 0 0 137 0 0 0 137 Sheffield South 3.12 0 78 113 72 0 0 263 93 Dwellings Site Ref Site Address S01715 54 Well Meadow Street (North Yard), And 35 Well Meadow Street (Joel's Yard) Sheffield S3 7GS Sheffield S01728 Listed Building Fronting Clough Road, Norfolk Barracks 76 - 136 Edmund Road Sheffield S2 4EE Sheffield Settlement Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 None 0.26 0 0 0 22 0 0 22 None 0.09 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 HMR Area 94 (b) Sites where Construction has been Suspended Dwellings Site Ref S00091 S00188 S00227 S00842 Site Address Land Site of Former Council Offices At Salt Box Lane, Salt Box Lane, Grenoside, Sheffield S35 8QS (Numbered 1-12, 1441 Grenoside Grange Close) Site of Mosborough Primary School, School Street, Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AB (Numbered 1-7, 8 (Village Hall) Joseph Stone Court And 3-7, 3A And 5A School Street) Site of Former 1-49 Wensley Court Hinde House Crescent Land Opposite 2 To 6 Portland Road Off Byron Road Beighton Sheffield (numbered Apts 1-12, 5 Portland Road) Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield None 0.68 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.37 0 6 0 0 0 0 6 Sheffield North East 0.62 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 Sheffield None 0.27 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 (c) Sites with Full Planning Permission (Construction not Started) Dwellings Site Ref S00002 S00006 S00056 S00106 S00122 S00353 S00703 S00727 S00837 S00845 Site Address Land at Station Road, Manchester Road, Deepcar Land And Buildings at Kelham Riverside, Alma Street And Green Lane Site of 85-95 Headford Street and Site of Beckett and Garner Works, Hodgson Street, Sheffield S3 7WQ 151 Arundel Street, Sheffield S1 2NU South Yorkshire trading Standards Unit, Thorncliffe Lane, Chapeltown, S35 3XX 9-13 Ashgate Road, Sheffield S10 Seaton Crescent (Phase 2) Tapton Halls of Residence, University of Sheffield (student accommodation) 24 Twentywell Lane, Sheffield, S17 4QD Site of Sicey Hotel, Sicey Avenue, Sheffield, S5 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Stocksbridge None 16.68 0 0 25 25 25 50 125 Sheffield None 1.55 0 0 0 47 60 51 158 Sheffield None 0.13 0 0 68 0 0 0 68 Sheffield None 0.10 0 14 0 0 0 0 14 Chapeltown None 1.03 0 0 0 0 24 0 24 Sheffield None 0.05 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 Sheffield South 0.68 0 0 0 20 14 0 34 Sheffield None 2.58 0 20 25 25 25 24 119 Sheffield None 0.60 0 0 12 0 0 0 12 Sheffield North 0.23 0 24 0 0 0 0 24 96 Dwellings Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 0RN S01326 79 Dore Road, Sheffield, S17 3ND Sheffield None 0.68 0 13 0 0 0 0 13 S01338 Site of 55 Russell Street and Bowling Green Street, Sheffield, S3 8RW Sheffield None 0.09 0 0 48 0 0 0 48 Stocksbridge None 1.17 0 29 0 0 0 0 29 Sheffield None 0.25 0 11 0 0 0 0 11 Sheffield North East 0.05 0 11 0 0 0 0 11 Sheffield None 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 11 11 Sheffield None 0.26 0 0 13 0 0 0 13 Sheffield None 0.03 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sheffield None 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 S01464 S01482 S01521 S01702 S01716 S01735 S01766 The Sidings, Deepcar Station Yard, Station Road, Deepcar Brincliffe Oaks Hotel Oak Hill Road Sheffield (Numbered 9-13 Oak Hill Road And 1-8 Oak Hill Close) 2 Haymarket And 5-7 Commercial Street Sheffield S1 1PF 335 And 337 Ecclesall Road South Sheffield S11 9PW Norton Church Hall Norton Lane Sheffield S8 8GZ Watt Smith Interiors 198 200 West Street City Centre Sheffield S1 4ET Unit A Centenary Works, 150 Little London Road 97 Dwellings Site Ref S01767 S01772 S01782 S01784 S01850 Site Address Site Of Devonshire Arms, 118 Ecclesall Road Forge House 15-23 Arundel Gate 39 Wellington Street Land To The Rear Of 165 To 177 Cross Hill Queens Buildings, 55 Queen Street Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield None 0.09 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 Sheffield Sheffield None None 0.06 0.07 0 0 15 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 13 Sheffield North 0.36 0 12 0 0 0 0 12 Sheffield None 0.08 0 0 11 0 0 0 11 98 (d) Sites with Outline Planning Permission Dwellings Site Ref S00732 Site Address Site of properties Birley Moor Ave, Newstead Ave, Newstead Grove, Newstead Pl, Newstead Rs, Newstead ay, Newstead Rd (remainder of Newstead development (excluding phase A)) Westfield School, Westfield Crescent, Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AQ Land Between East Bank Way East Bank Road And Daresbury Drive, Sheffield (Daresbury - Sheffield Housing Company Phase 2) Former Jacobs Engineering, Troutbeck Road S01467 Site Of Properties At Scowerdons Drive, Silkstone Road, Spa Brook Drive, Wickfield Close (Scowerdons Phases 1b, 1c,2, 4,5, 6) S00014 S00051 S00721 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield None 5.51 0 0 0 22 0 0 22 Sheffield None 4.59 0 0 0 25 25 35 85 Sheffield South 1.31 0 0 0 0 0 35 35 Sheffield None 1.25 0 0 0 31 0 0 31 Sheffield None 10.14 0 0 0 34 0 0 34 99 (e) Other Suitable Identified Sites Dwellings Site Ref S00672 Site Address Musgrave Road Housing Clearance Site (E3 and E4), (Shirecliffe 2) Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield North 0.57 0 0 0 6 16 0 22 Sheffield North 0.44 0 0 0 5 13 0 18 Sheffield North 0.72 0 0 0 0 18 0 18 4.00 0 35 35 35 37 0 142 1.92 0 0 0 0 5 35 40 0.69 0.87 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 22 0 22 25 S00677 Musgrave Housing Clearance Site (E1, E2 and E5) , (Shirecliffe 2) Falstaff Sites OPQR Buchanan Road S00682 Falstaff Rd/ Symons Cres/ Murdoch Rd Parson Cross Masterplan Area (SHC Falstaff Phase 1) Sheffield S00690 Earl Marshall Sheffield S00691 S00714 Sheffield Sheffield S00717 Skinnerthorpe Road Maltravers Road Park Grange Drive (Norfolk Park Site 4) North North East North East South Sheffield South 1.52 0 0 0 0 35 34 69 S00718 Park Spring Drive A, Norfolk Park (Part of Norfolk Park Site 5) Sheffield South 4.28 0 35 35 40 0 0 110 Sheffield South 1.02 0 15 15 16 0 0 46 Sheffield None 2.07 0 0 0 25 25 36 86 S00673 S00723 S00726 Park Spring Drive B, Norfolk Park (part of Norfolk Park site 5) Sheffield Hallam University Campus, Psalter Lane 100 Dwellings Site Ref S00731 S00781 S00821 S01117 S01133 S01449 S01592 S01593 S01813 Site Address King Ecberts Upper School, Furniss Avenue, Dore Parson Cross College (SW) - Remington Rd/ Monteney Rd New Parson Cross Masterplan Area Oxclose Farm, Halfway Distribution Depot, Hemsworth Road, Norton Hare and Hounds, Church Street, Stannington Errington Crescent/Errington Road (Arbourthorne Fields Phase 1) Former Oakes Park School Parson Cross College (NE) - Remington Rd/ Monteney Rd New Parson Cross Masterplan Area Land Off Langsett Road and Whitehouse Lane Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 5-Yr Supply 2012/13 to 2016/17 Sheffield None 2.87 0 0 0 25 25 35 85 Sheffield Sheffield North None 7.70 7.99 0 0 0 0 25 0 25 25 35 25 35 35 120 85 Sheffield None 0.60 0 0 0 0 18 0 18 Sheffield None 1.43 0 0 0 14 0 0 14 Sheffield Sheffield South None 3.09 2.06 0 0 25 0 27 0 0 0 0 30 0 35 52 65 Sheffield North 5.29 0 0 25 25 35 35 120 Sheffield None 0.31 0 0 0 0 14 0 14 101 Appendix 4 Sheffield: Large Sites - Developable after 2016/17 (not part of the 5-Year Supply) (a) Sites Suitable for Housing (i) Sites under Construction or Construction Suspended Site Ref Site Address Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? S00009 Land at Young Street and St Marys Gate, Sheffield Sheffield None 0.18 113 10 0 0 Brownfield S00016 South Plot Of Recreation Ground Fox Hill Place Sheffield S6 1GE Sheffield North 3.92 209 11 0 0 Greenfield S00027 Land and Buildings at Upper Allen Street, Kenyon Alley, Brocco St, Marsden Lane and Edward Street Sheffield None 0.45 116 30 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.26 96 33 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.30 89 56 0 0 Brownfield S00045 Development at Bernard Works Site, Sylvester Gardens, Sheffield S1 4RP Site of 33-37 and Land at West Bar S00059 Development at Industry Works, Site B, Sylvester Gardens, Sheffield S1 4RP Sheffield None 0.15 64 64 0 0 Brownfield S00092 Site of Green Oak View Nursing Home, Green Oak Avenue, Lemont Road Sheffield None 0.51 30 79 0 0 Brownfield S00040 102 Site Ref S00108 S00111 S00112 S00729 S01017 (ii) Site Ref Site Address Site of Vernons the Bakers and Bankside Works, Archer Road, Sheffield S8 0JT Site Of 159-165 West Street Sheffield S1 4EW Land at Blagden Street, Park Hill, Sheffield Former Nursery School, Denby Street Site of 211 Twentywell Lane , Sheffield, S17 4QG Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.47 33 89 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 11 96 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 1.02 56 113 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.54 218 116 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.20 10 218 0 0 Brownfield Sites with Full Planning Permission (Construction not Started) Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? S00002 Site Address Land at Station Road, Manchester Road, Deepcar Stocksbridge None 16.68 408 250 33 0 Brownfield S00018 75 Milton Street, 83 Headford Street and Land at Milton Lane, Thomas Street and Hodgson Street, Sheffield, S3 7WG Sheffield None 0.29 189 189 0 0 Brownfield 103 Site Ref S00023 S00041 S00073 S00090 Site Address Site of Richardsons Cutlery Works, 60 Russell Street, Cotton Street and Alma Street, Sheffield S3 8RW Land Opposite 134 to 180 St Georges Close Sheffield Royal Works, 60 Priestley Street, Sheffield, S2 4DD adj. 45 Spring Close Mount, Gleadless Valley S00120 Land At Bamforth Street Junction Cuthbert Bank Road Sheffield S6 2HP Eden Park Service Station, Penistone Road, Grenoside, Sheffield S35 8QG S00142 Former Daniel Hill Primary School, Daniel Hill Walk, Sheffield S6 3JG S00110 S00157 S00162 S00174 S00180 Crookes Valley Methodist Church, Crookesmoor Road, Sheffield S6 3FQ Birley Depot Thornbridge Lane Sheffield S12 3BJ Land Adjoining 112 London Road Sheffield S2 4LR Land Adjacent To 237a Main Road Wharncliffe Side Sheffield Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.84 172 172 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.11 102 102 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.23 127 127 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.40 57 57 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.17 45 45 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.24 18 18 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.21 23 23 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.16 58 58 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.33 19 19 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.11 13 13 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.36 11 11 0 0 Brownfield 104 Site Ref S00701 S00728 S00730 S00760 S00766 S00824 S00844 S00846 S00849 S00852 S00988 Site Address Manor Site 8 Ballard Hall, Tapton Park Road Holiday Inn, Manchester Road Charter Row / Rockingham Gate / The Moor Stanley Tools, Rutland Road Gilders car showroom, 1 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield Site of 308A Burncross Road, Burncross, Sheffield, S35 1SH Site of Former Tea Gardens Hotel Public House 88-90 Grimesthorpe Road Sheffield S4 7HE 20 Bedford Street, Sheffield S6 3BT Site At 31 Acorn Street/Dunfields/Green Lane (Site 4) Sheffield S3 8SQ 362-364 Sharrow Lane Sheffield S11 8AU Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield South 2.84 124 124 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.91 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.32 133 133 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield 0.74 246 246 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None North East 1.15 52 52 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.50 14 14 0 0 Brownfield Chapeltown None 0.19 15 15 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North East 0.13 18 18 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.07 18 18 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.14 61 61 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.10 12 12 0 0 Brownfield 105 Site Ref S01297 Site Address Land at Manchester Road and adjacent to 14 Paterson Close Park Drive Way, Stocksbridge, Sheffield Site Of Carpet Mill, Barnsley Road, Sheffield, S5 0QJ S01300 Site of Gilder VW 296 Middlewood Road, Sheffield, S6 1TG S01274 S01334 S01337 S01339 S01342 S01345 Texaco Filling Station, Banner Cross Service Station, 850-852 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8TP Bailey House, 5-11 Bailey Street, Sheffield, S1 4EH Site of Dun Street, Dun Lane and Dunfields, adjacent to the Old Bull's Head, Dun Street, Sheffield 3 Site of 138-150 Infirmary Road And 110-112 Portland Street, Sheffield, S6 3DH Toledo Works, 79-81 Hollis Croft, Sheffield, S1 4BG Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Stocksbridge None 0.37 39 39 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.19 32 32 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.30 80 80 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.22 10 10 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04 17 17 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.18 85 85 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.06 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.11 23 23 0 0 Brownfield 106 Site Ref Site Address S01390 Site of Park & Arbourthorne Labour Club, Eastern Avenue/City Road, Sheffield, S2 2GG Site of 2A and 2B Birley Moor Road and Birley Vale Avenue, Sheffield, S12 4WD Land Adjacent to 24 Bassledene Road, Sheffield Walkley House, Burnaby Crescent, Sheffield, S6 2TS S01403 Sheaf Quay, 1 North Quay Drive, Victoria Quay, Sheffield, S2 5SW S01347 S01360 S01381 S01415 S01549 S01581 S01585 Waitrose Supermarket, 123 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, S11 8HY Curtilage Of 649-651 Gleadless Road Sheffield S2 2BT Land Adjoining 6 Woodbury Road Sheffield 42-52 Fairleigh Sheffield S2 1LA Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield South 0.19 42 42 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.47 61 61 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 0.16 20 20 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.25 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North East 0.45 15 15 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.18 62 62 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.22 29 29 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 1.01 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 0.14 16 16 0 0 Brownfield 107 Site Ref S01608 S01609 S01612 S01821 S01837 Site Address Yorkshire Co Op Society Car Park Beeley Street Sheffield S2 4LP Land And Buildings At Boston Street Bramall Lane And Arley Street Boston Street Sheffield Site Of 7 Rockingham Street And Broad Lane Sheffield S1 4EA Birley Carr Methodist Church Land And Buildings At Sidney Street, Matilda Street, Arundel Street And Sylvester Street, Sheffield, S1 3RA Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.05 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.34 57 57 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05 10 10 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.21 14 14 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.78 116 116 0 0 Brownfield 108 (iii) Sites with Outline Planning Permission Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period Site Ref S00051 Site Address New retail quarter - land and buildings at Barkers Pool, Burgess Street, Cambridge Street, Carver Street, Charles Street, Charter Sqaure, Cross Burgess Street, Furnivall Gate, Pinstone Street, Rockingham Street, Trafalgar Street, Wellington Street Site of properties Birley Moor Ave, Newstead Ave, Newstead Grove, Newstead Pl, Newstead Rs, Newstead ay, Newstead Rd (remainder of Newstead development (excluding phase A)) Westfield School, Westfield Crescent, Mosborough Sheffield S20 5AQ S00107 Site of Cornish Steel Works Land Between Dun Street and Dunfields, Green Lane, Sheffield S00013 S00014 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity 17/18 to 21/22 22/23 to 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? After 25/26 Sheffield None 7.16627 150 150 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 5.50712 200 178 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 4.59069 145 60 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.08094 33 33 0 0 Brownfield 109 Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period Site Ref S00671 S00721 S00746 S00759 S00767 S00783 S00791 S00797 S01346 S01361 S01365 Site Address Site A Stocksbridge Steelworks, off Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Land Between East Bank Way East Bank Road And Daresbury Drive, Sheffield (Daresbury Sheffield Housing Company Phase 2) West Bar Triangle St. Phillip's Social Club, Radford Street / Daisy Walk River Don District, Weedon Street Park Hill Flats, Duke Street, Sheffield (PHASES 2, 3 and 4] Rear of 15 - 31 Hanson Road, Loxley Loxley College, Wood Lane, Stannington Site of Vaba Engineering Services Ltd, 1 Lock Street, Sheffield, S6 3BJ Site of Periwood Motor Co, Archer Road, Sheffield Site of 11 Midhill Road, Sheffield, S2 3GT Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity 17/18 to 21/22 22/23 to 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? After 25/26 Stocksbridge None 8.69221 243 175 68 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield South None 1.30769 2.95602 41 321 4 0 0 321 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield 0.84957 135 135 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None North East 20.43 800 300 400 100 Brownfield Sheffield South 4.64215 628 500 128 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.57786 14 14 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 8.88658 67 67 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.10633 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.12439 19 19 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 0.05416 13 13 0 0 Brownfield 110 Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period Site Ref Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity 17/18 to 21/22 22/23 to 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? After 25/26 S01478 Site Address Lynthorpe House, 86 Charlotte Road, Sheffield, S1 4TL Sewage works, Manchester Road, Deepcar Site Of Properties At Scowerdons Drive, Silkstone Road, Spa Brook Drive, Wickfield Close (Scowerdons Phases 1b, 1c,2, 4,5, 6) Weakland drive, Weakland Crescent S01604 Site Of Former Jacobs Manufacturing Co Ltd Troutbeck Road Sheffield S7 2QA Sheffield None 1.31755 31 31 0 0 Brownfield S01694 Land At The Junction Of Abbeyfield Road And Holtwood Road Including 11 Holtwood Road Sheffield S4 7AY Sheffield North East 0.38452 14 14 0 0 Brownfield S01697 Curtilage Of Basforth House 471 Stradbroke Road Sheffield S13 7GE Sheffield None 0.51965 12 12 0 0 Greenfield S01417 S01465 S01467 Settlement HMR Area Sheffield None 0.09268 14 14 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 4.38705 118 118 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 10.1446 370 336 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.99312 36 36 0 0 Brownfield 111 (iv) Existing Allocated Sites Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period Site Ref Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity 17/18 to 21/22 22/23 to 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? After 25/26 S00722 Site Address Former Anns Grove School at Anns Road, Heeley Sheffield None 0.51975 28 28 0 0 Brownfield S00736 Owlthorpe C Sheffield None 2.60493 94 94 0 0 Greenfield S00737 Owlthorpe E Sheffield None 2.56933 92 92 0 0 Greenfield S00738 Owlthorpe D Hawthorn Avenue/ Coppice Close, Stocksbridge Sheffield None 1.9822 71 71 0 0 Greenfield Stocksbridge None 1.7206 42 7 35 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 4.80698 135 0 0 135 Greenfield Sheffield None 16.9361 415 0 0 415 Greenfield Sheffield None 3.8743 122 0 0 122 Greenfield Sheffield None 6.68523 164 0 0 164 Greenfield Sheffield None 3.01655 95 95 0 0 Greenfield S00788 S00805 S00806 S00807 S00808 S01068 Mosborough Moor Site B (Land to the south of Mosborough Moor and East of Rose Hill Avenue) Woodhouse East (farmland area) Owlthorpe F (Moor Valley) Woodhouse East (explaying field) Land to the South of Beighton Road, Woodhouse Settlement HMR Area 112 (v) Other Suitable Identified Sites Site Ref S00011 S00012 S00017 S00029 S00044 S00046 S00050 S00053 Site Address Site of former Hanover House and land at rear of Hanover Way Site of 85 to 125 the Moor, 7-19 Cumberland Street, 6 Cumberland Way, 166 Eyre Street And 2 To 14 Earl Street Sheffield S1 4PG Land At Napier Street Site Of 1 Pomona Street And Summerfield St. Former Gordon Lamb Site at 29 to 65 Garden Street, Sheffield 149-155 Pinstone Street and 23 Furnival Gate Land Adjacent to and Rear of 85 Scotland Street, Sheffield Former British Glass Laboratories Northumberland Road Land at Junction of West Bar/Lambert Street and 117-119 West Bar Sheffield S3 8PT Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.51096 242 242 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.25691 232 0 0 232 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.95518 205 205 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.31982 95 95 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.1606 90 90 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.27044 126 126 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.43779 76 76 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.15446 50 50 0 0 Brownfield 113 Site Ref S00060 S00061 S00062 S00063 S00065 S00069 S00074 S00079 S00084 S00093 Site Address Land west of junction with Holt House Grove and South of the Bannerdale Centre, Abbeydale Road Queens Road Car Sales 568 Queens Road Sheffield S2 4DU Hemsworth School and Constable Road, Blackstock Road, Sheffield Land Between Spital Hill Brunswick Road and Handley Street, Spital Hill, Sheffield S4 7LD Land at Acorn Street, Green Lane And Dunfields Land, Site of Handsworth First School, St. Josephs Road and Fitzalan Road Sheffield Police Station, Westbar Green 137 West Bar, Sheffield S3 8PU Ritz Social Club, Southey Green Road, Sheffield S5 8GX Charter Works, 20 Hodgson Street, Sheffield S3 7WQ Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.94502 64 0 0 64 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.17094 62 62 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.84449 65 65 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North East 1.16408 70 70 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.39747 57 57 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.48904 20 20 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.53284 258 0 200 58 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.0803 46 46 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.21528 44 44 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05619 39 39 0 0 Brownfield 114 Site Ref S00101 Site Address Wharncliffe Works and 8688 Green Lane S00119 Car Park Next to Steel City Plaza, Townhead Street, Sheffield S1 2EB 17 Broomgrove Road Sheffield S10 2LZ S00128 Land at Newcastle Street, Portobello Street and Rockingham Street S00102 S00133 S00136 S00138 S00141 S00147 S00148 S00153 S00159 Land at Rockingham Street, Rockingham Lane and West Street, Sheffield Land between 68 and 86 Loxley New Road Land, Site Of Hillsborough Bridge Works, Walkley Lane 178 - 192 Langsett Road 72 Russell Street Sheffield S3 8RW Former Occupational Training Centre, Westwood Road, High Green Parson Cross Hotel, Deerlands Avenue, Sheffield S5 8AA Land Adjacent 53 Beighton Road, Woodhouse, Sheffield Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.13239 36 36 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.06738 36 36 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.36221 30 30 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.39996 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.16517 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05438 10 10 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield None None 0.0607 0.256 24 10 24 10 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield None 0.04695 23 23 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.45734 23 23 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.40258 20 20 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.35002 10 10 0 0 Brownfield 115 Site Ref S00164 S00166 S00168 S00178 S00182 S00185 S00187 S00192 S00193 S00196 S00203 S00210 Site Address 121 Duke Street, S2 5QL Mulberry Tavern Arundel Gate Sheffield S1 2PP Former Magnet Hotel, Southey Green Road Weston House And Western Tower West Bar Green Sheffield S1 2DA Land Adjacent to 130 Owler Lane Site of Petrol Station 599 Middlewood Road Sheffield St. Cuthberts Family Social Club, Horndean Road/Barnsley Road, Sheffield S5 6UJ Abbey Glen Laundry Co Ltd Coniston Road Sheffield S8 0UW Site Of Former Garage, Manvers Road Beighton Working Mens Club, 2 Dara Street, Sheffield, S9 1NY Land adjacent to 23 Wincobank Lane Site Of 52-54 Loundside, Chapeltown, Sheffield S30 4UP Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 10 0 0 Settlement Sheffield HMR Area South Gross Site Area 0.06804 Total Remaining Capacity 10 Sheffield None 0.02158 16 16 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.15452 15 15 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield 0.18883 61 61 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None North East 0.1365 12 12 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.10838 12 12 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North East 0.0924 12 12 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.35102 11 11 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.08296 11 11 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.22125 11 11 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.06377 10 10 0 0 Brownfield Chapeltown None 0.081 10 10 0 0 Brownfield 116 Greenfield or Brownfield? Brownfield Site Ref S00252 Site Address Concorde Filling Station, 330-332 Newman Road S00675 Lytton Rd / Buchanan Rd / Wordsworth Ave (B2) Parson Cross Masterplan Area (Lytton A and B) Buchanan Cresc/ Adlington Rd (C1 & C2) Parson Cross Masterplan Area (Adlington) S00678 Between Falstaff Rd and Buchanan Rd (F4) Parson Cross Masterplan Area S00674 S00679 S00680 S00681 S00687 Falstaff Rd/ Adrian Cresc (F11 & F8) Parson Cross Masterplan Area (Falstaff H, I & K) Collinson Rd/ Adrian Cresc (F9) Parson Cross Masterplan Area (Falstaff Site L) Launce Rd/ Collinson Rd(F10) Parson Cross Masterplan Area Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield North 0.18455 20 20 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 1.17515 46 0 0 46 Brownfield Sheffield North 3.16757 144 144 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 1.01963 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 1.52 55 0 55 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.58456 26 0 26 0 Brownfield Sheffield North North East North East North East 0.50117 17 17 0 0 Brownfield 5.88194 300 175 125 0 Brownfield 1.63035 50 50 0 0 Brownfield 1.91837 75 35 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield S00688 Woodside clearance site Catherine Street / Brotherton Street S00690 Earl Marshall Sheffield Sheffield 117 Site Ref S00692 S00693 S00694 S00695 S00696 S00697 S00699 S00700 S00702 S00705 S00706 S00707 Upwell Street Ardmore Street, Shirland Lane Prince of Wales Road/ Main Road, Darnall Ouse Rd/ Ouseburn Rd, Kettlebridge Sheffield Staniforth Canalside Car Park, Kvaerner Site, Prince of Wales Road Sheffield HMR Area North East North East North East North East North East Sheffield Site Address Fretson Road/ Motehall Road, Manor (the Circle Lower) (Manor 12) Harborough Ave/ Viking Lea Drive Manor (part of Fairfax) Phase D, Stonecliffe Rd, Manor (The Circle, Upper) Harborough Avenue (Manor 10 and 11) St Johns School, Manor Oaks Road Manor Community Centre (Part of Fairfax) Mixed Development Site, Wulfric Road/ Windy House Road (Fairleigh) (Manor 5 & 9) Settlement Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? 1.3969 48 0 48 0 Brownfield 1.28064 26 26 0 0 Brownfield 1.00156 40 40 0 0 Brownfield 0.9 32 32 0 0 Greenfield 3.3151 150 150 0 0 Brownfield None 1.03491 46 0 46 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 5.51 176 0 35 141 Brownfield Sheffield South 2.54389 95 95 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 5.84279 175 0 0 175 Brownfield Sheffield South 0.69712 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 1.07876 39 39 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 0.89962 45 45 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield 118 Site Ref S00708 S00709 S00710 S00711 S00712 S00713 S00715 S00719 S00724 S00725 S00731 S00733 S00735 S00739 Site Address Pipworth School Castle College North Site, Granville Road Harborough Road / Harborough Rise, Manor Park (Corker Bottom / Harborough Rise) Manor Boot Houses (Manor Gateway) Skye Edge Avenue A (Skye Edge) Cricket Inn Road Manor Park Avenue (Pennine Village) Kenninghall Drive, Norfolk Park (Norfolk Park Site 10) S R Gents factory, East Bank Road, Norfolk Park Heeley Bank Centre King Ecberts Upper School, Furniss Avenue, Dore Gaunt Road (previously numbered 95 - 381) Former Hazlebarrow School, Hazlebarrow Crescent Cross Turner Street/Fornham Street Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 13 0 0 Settlement Sheffield HMR Area South Gross Site Area 1.34526 Total Remaining Capacity 13 Sheffield South 2.63914 148 148 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 1.61067 58 58 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 9.40094 350 50 200 100 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield South South 2.30337 2.98827 83 108 83 108 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield South 3.74382 145 40 105 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 3.41522 122 122 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield South South 0.43098 0.41711 23 15 23 15 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield None 2.86782 103 18 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.99892 90 90 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.96366 43 43 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.5472 165 65 100 0 Brownfield 119 Greenfield or Brownfield? Brownfield Site Ref Site Address Sheffield None 0.77158 54 54 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.85259 138 138 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.45168 79 79 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield None None 0.17868 0.6165 31 108 31 108 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield None 2.63807 214 0 0 214 Brownfield Sheffield North East 0.85331 225 100 125 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.37753 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.47982 84 84 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.82884 249 249 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.55908 98 98 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield S00741 S00742 Victoria Station Road Court House, Waingate Pitsmoor Road/Chatham Street/Swinton Street Headford Street/Egerton Street Between Shoreham Street and Sidney Street St Mary's Road / Suffolk Road / Fornham Street Car Park at Arundel Street/Charles Street Hallam Lane Cumberland Street / The Moor Sheffield Sheffield S00747 S00748 S00749 S00750 S00751 S00752 S00753 S00754 S00755 S00756 Arundel Gate / Esperanto Place / High Street, inc. Former Roxy Nightclub Egerton Street / Hanover Way Rockingham Street / Bailey Lane / Boden Lane St Vincent’s Church, Solly Street Moore Street / Fitzwilliam Street Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield Settlement Castle Markets S00744 Total Remaining Capacity HMR Area North East North East None North East S00740 S00743 Gross Site Area Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 1.43335 360 360 0 0 Brownfield 0.21394 0.10206 37 18 37 18 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield 2.51018 252 252 0 0 Brownfield 120 Site Ref S00765 Site Address Upper Allen Street, Craven Street, Morpeth Street & Well Meadow Street Site D Stocksbridge Steelworks, off Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Site G Stocksbridge Steelworks, off Manchester Road, Stocksbridge Margetson Crescent, Parson Cross Adjacent 22, Sicey Avenue S00781 Parson Cross College (SW) - Remington Rd/ Monteney Rd New Parson Cross Masterplan Area S00757 S00762 S00763 S00764 S00785 S00811 S00823 S00825 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 0.37396 105 105 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.65563 26 26 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.79419 11 11 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.82768 36 36 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.32589 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 7.70066 246 126 0 0 Brownfield Scrapyard and vacant land at Junction Road, Woodhouse (scrapyard) Beldon B, Norfolk Park (Norfolk Park site 11a) Sheffield None 2.88749 68 68 0 0 Greenfield/ Brownfield Sheffield South 1.24633 28 28 0 0 Brownfield Somerfield, Banner Cross, Shopping Centre, Ecclesall Road Sheffield United FC, Bramall Lane, Sheffield Sheffield None 0.84569 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.18419 51 51 0 0 Brownfield 121 Site Ref Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield HMR Area North East 0.63524 32 32 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.05799 51 51 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.13067 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.48155 201 201 0 0 Brownfield S00843 Site Address Prince of Wales Road, Darnall Site Of 39-45 Infirmary Road, Sheffield S6 3BX Site of Former 169 Upper Hanover Street and Land Rear of 194-198, Broomhall Street, Sheffield Site of Flockton House/Flockton Court, Rockingham Street, Division Street And Westfield Terrace S00991 Site of Darnall Medical Aid Society, Fisher Lane, Sheffield, S9 4RP Sheffield North East 0.10229 11 11 0 0 Brownfield S01019 Site of 798 Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, Sheffield, S36 1EA Stocksbridge None 0.17733 12 12 0 0 Brownfield S01039 Site of Hillfoot Mitsubishi, 101 Scotland Street, Sheffield S3 7BX Sheffield None 0.30062 12 12 0 0 Brownfield S01046 Former 354-384 (Evens) Deerlands Avenue [Part 1 (of 2) of Deerland Avenue 1] (Deerlandds A) Sheffield North 0.45798 18 18 0 0 Brownfield S01047 Former 285-307 (odds) Deerlands Avenue [Part 2 (of 2) of Deerland Avenue 1] (Deerlands B) Sheffield North 0.2726 11 11 0 0 Brownfield S00826 S00834 S00838 Settlement 122 Site Ref Site Address S01048 Former 179-229 (odds) Deerlands Avenue [Part 1 (of 2) of Deerland Avenue 2] (Deerlands D) S01049 S01096 S01097 Former 200-262 (evens) Deerlands Avenue [Part 2 (of 2) of Deerland Avenue 2] (Deerlands C) Land at Norton Lane, Oakes, Norton Land off Matthews Lane, Norton S01179 Land to the north of Ravencarr Road, Manor (Fretson) (Manor 13) Wiggan Farm, Towngate Road, Worral, Sheffield S01184 Land off Platts Lane/ Oughtibridge Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield S01108 S01224 S01225 S01227 Moonshine Service Reservoir, Moonshine Lane, Southey Green Lydgate Service Reservoir, off Ryegate Crescent, Crookes Wadsley Service Reservoir, Ben Lane, Wadsley, Sheffield Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield North 0.5887 23 23 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.7961 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.53008 48 48 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.50853 16 16 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield South 0.987 36 0 36 0 Brownfield Worral None 1.7692 43 35 8 0 Greenfield Oughtibridge None 1.26183 34 34 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield North 1.57212 56 35 21 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.5943 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 2.58353 82 35 47 0 Brownfield 123 Site Ref S01241 S01262 S01266 S01357 S01442 S01444 S01446 S01447 S01448 S01449 S01450 S01451 S01453 S01454 Site Address Land to the south of Fife Street, Wincobank 381 Fulwood Road Land at Banner Cross Hall, Carterknowle Road and Ecclesall Road 484 City Road, Sheffield, S2 1GD Firs Hill Sheltered Scheme, Firshill Crescent Shirland/Chapelwood Former Bluestones Primary School Claywood Scotia Errington Crescent/Errington Road (Arbourthorne Fields Phase 1) Berners Road/Berners Place (Arbourthorne Fields Phase 2 - Berners Road) Algar Place/ Algar Road (Arbourthorne Fields Phase 3) Mansel Crescent/Mansel Road (Malthouses) Mansel Crescent / Mansel Avenue (Malthouses) Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield Sheffield North None 0.85292 0.4063 15 13 15 13 0 0 0 0 Greenfield Brownfield Sheffield None 1.05255 37 37 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield 0.16807 10 10 0 0 Brownfield 0.24561 10 10 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South North East North East 0.60788 21 21 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield South South South 1.93764 1.32302 0.43795 70 83 17 70 83 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield South 3.08702 154 104 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 2.33084 117 117 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield South 2.83737 142 142 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 1.0988 35 0 35 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.79933 26 0 26 0 Brownfield Sheffield 124 Site Ref S01458 S01459 S01460 S01461 S01462 S01463 S01471 S01472 S01473 S01474 S01475 S01476 S01477 S01589 Site Address Remington Youth Club Site, Remington Road St Paul's, Wordsworth Avenue Colley Crescent, Parson Cross Steel City (Tennis Courts) Bellhouse Road, Firth Park Reservoir, Carsick Hill Road Hurlfield Service Reservoir, Hurlfield Road Sweeney House, Oxley Close, Stocksbridge Balfour House, Stocksbridge Newton Grange, Stocksbridge Former Springfield Reservoir, Whitwell Lane, Stocksbridge Rear of White Rose PH, Handsworth Road Falstaff Crescent Newman Court, Newman Road and Vauxhall Road, Wincobank Chaucer School Site Parson Cross Masterplan Area Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield North 0.92208 34 34 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.41494 10 10 0 0 Sheffield North 0.36544 14 14 0 0 Brownfield Greenfield/ Brownfield Sheffield North 0.58842 22 22 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.35887 13 13 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.35112 12 12 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.51668 18 18 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.7271 36 36 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.60282 44 44 0 0 Brownfield Stocksbridge None 0.43105 15 15 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield None North 1.18025 1.67 42 60 42 60 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield North 0.33865 13 13 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North 0.6169 25 25 0 0 Brownfield 125 Site Ref S01590 S01593 S01594 S01746 S01748 S01749 S01750 S01751 S01788 S01789 S01795 S01814 S01815 Site Address Woolley Wood School Parson Cross College (NE) - Remington Rd/ Monteney Rd New Parson Cross Masterplan Area Site surrounding Worrall Hall Farm, Kirk Edge Road, Worrall Land Adjacent to 31 Canterbury Crescent Former Ravencroft, Smelter Wood Road Former Foxwood, Ridgeway Road Knutton Rise Whitehouse Lane, 158 Primrose View Athelstan Croft Site of Longley Old People's Home, Longley Hall Road Site of Tannery Lodge, 520 Stradbroke Road Falstaff Site F Falstaff Site G Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 30 0 0 Settlement Sheffield HMR Area North Gross Site Area 0.85915 Total Remaining Capacity 30 Sheffield North 5.29213 190 70 0 0 Brownfield Worral None 0.8397 23 23 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.71 14 0 14 0 Sheffield None 0.55 14 14 0 0 Sheffield Sheffield None North 0.86 0.8 39 11 39 11 0 0 0 0 Sheffield Sheffield None None 0.42 0.3072 17 12 17 0 0 0 0 12 Greenfield Greenfield/ Brownfield Greenfield/ Brownfield Greenfield Greenfield/ Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield North 0.7654 24 0 0 24 Greenfield/ Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield Sheffield None North North 0.5619 0.3784 0.3522 14 15 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 0 15 0 Brownfield Brownfield Brownfield 126 Greenfield or Brownfield? Brownfield (b) Sites Suitable for Housing but with Current Policy Constraints (i) Site Ref Sites Currently Safeguarded as Open Space S00796 Site Address 22 Stannington Road, Malin Bridge Sports and Social Club and land to the side and rear, Sheffield S6 5FL Former Sports Ground, Greaves Lane, Stannington Beacon Road, off Sandstone Road, Wincobank S00799 Former Sheffield Hallam University Playing Fields at Hemsworth Road, Norton Woodseats S00036 S00792 S00820 S01060 Cross Lane, Stocksbridge Land to East of New School Road, Mosborough Land to the west of Moorthorpe Rise, Owlthorpe S01069 Land to the East of Jordanthorpe Parkway, Jordanthorpe S01051 Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Sheffield None 0.90168 127 Sheffield None 1.45982 25 0 0 25 Greenfield Sheffield North 1.52886 48 48 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 3.96179 125 125 0 0 Greenfield Stocksbridge None 0.92939 29 0 0 29 Greenfield Sheffield None 2.22929 70 0 0 70 Greenfield Sheffield None 2.03354 67 0 0 67 Greenfield Sheffield None 1.43286 45 45 0 0 Greenfield 127 127 Greenfield or Brownfield? Brownfield Site Ref S01112 S01130 S01140 S01158 S01226 S01230 S01239 S01457 S01747 S01755 S01756 Site Address Land off Corker Bottoms Lane, Wybourn Land off Anvil Close, Stannington Land to the north of Fife Street, Wincobank Land off Hollin Busk Lane Hadfield Service Reservoir, off Glebe Road/ Blakeney Road, Crookes Land off Bawtry Road, Tinsley, Sheffield Land to east of Moorthorpe Rise, Owlthorpe Kenworthy Road, Stocksbridge Former Abbeydale Grange School, Abbeydale Road Land to the East of Owlthorpe Lane, Mosborough Recreation Ground East of Moorside Close, Mosborough Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield South 2.47295 79 0 0 79 Greenfield Sheffield None 0.88276 28 28 0 0 Greenfield Sheffield North 2.57163 81 81 0 0 Greenfield Stocksbridge None 16.9268 415 0 0 415 Greenfield Sheffield 1.3 47 47 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None North East 3.49978 110 35 75 0 Greenfield Sheffield None 1.66417 60 0 0 60 Stocksbridge None 1.011 10 10 0 0 Greenfield Greenfield/ Brownfield Sheffield None 3 108 108 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.6993 22 0 0 22 Greenfield Sheffield None 3.4124 107 0 0 107 Greenfield 128 (ii) Site Ref S00775 S00780 S00794 S00821 S00827 S00831 S01223 Sites Currently Allocated/ Designated for Non-Residential Use in the Unitary Development Plan Site Address Site adj. to Fitzalan Works, Attercliffe Road Randall Street, off Bramall Lane TA Centre, Hurlfield Road, Manor Top Oxclose Farm, Halfway* Former Dr John Worrall School, Maltby Street, Sheffield Land off Ash Street/Langsett Road Former Silica Brick Works, Land off Platts Lane, Oughtibridge, Sheffield Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield HMR Area North East 0.36838 15 15 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.31362 20 20 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield None None 3.34606 7.99388 41 245 41 160 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Greenfield Sheffield North East 0.67855 18 18 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.6344 18 18 0 0 Greenfield Oughtibridge None 4.0751 114 114 0 0 Brownfield Settlement *140 dwellings included in the 5-year supply 129 (c) Sites ‘Not Currently Suitable’ (but Developable by 2025/26) Site Ref Settlement S00769 Site Address Attercliffe Canalside Rippon Street Rec Fitzalan Works, Effingham Road, Attercliffe S00772 Spartan Works, Attercliffe Sheffield S00774 Pic Toys, Off Darnall Road Sheffield S00776 Darnall Works (formerly Sanderson Kaysers), Wilfrid Road Westaways, Bacon Lane, Attercliffe Sheffield S00768 S00778 S00812 S00813 S00816 S00817 S00818 S00833 Former Petrol Depot, Johnson Lane/ Station Road, Ecclesfield Former Tilcon Depot, Station Road, Ecclesfield Station Road, Ecclesfield G Fishers Transport Yard, Green Lane, Ecclesfield Site of 26 Station Road, Ecclesfield Neepsend Gasworks Tip, Neepsend Sheffield Sheffield HMR Area North East North East North East North East Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? 4.735 170 50 120 0 Brownfield 0.924 33 33 0 0 Brownfield 0.59986 22 22 0 0 Brownfield 1.06974 38 38 0 0 Brownfield 5.28922 119 19 80 20 Brownfield 0.66493 24 24 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield North East North East Sheffield None 1.58427 50 35 15 0 Brownfield Sheffield Sheffield None None 0.7888 0.70876 22 22 22 22 0 0 0 0 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield None 0.80635 25 25 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.53394 19 19 0 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 5.4873 198 50 148 0 Brownfield 130 Site Ref S01222 S01259 S01443 S01753 Site Address Gas Holders Site, west of Parkwood Road, Neepsend Land off Ford Lane, Stocksbridge (Land at former Outo Kumpu Steelworks, North of Manchester Road, Stocksbridge )(Stocksbridge Steelworks Trailer Park and Eastern End) Infield Lane / Britannia Road Hoyle Street Development Site Settlement HMR Area Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield None 1.88842 68 33 35 0 Brownfield Sheffield 4.76987 154 35 119 0 Brownfield Sheffield None North East 1.5758 71 35 36 0 Brownfield Sheffield None 0.88 62 0 62 0 Brownfield (d) Sites ‘Not Currently Suitable’ (and unlikely to be Developable until after 2025/26) Site Ref S00685 S00773 Site Address Cannon Brewery, Rutland Road Betafence, Sheffield Road, Carbrook Settlement Sheffield Sheffield HMR Area North East North East Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? 0.80432 24 0 0 24 Brownfield 5.14191 129 0 0 129 Brownfield 131 Site Ref S00777 S00795 S00822 S00828 S00829 S00830 Site Address Pinfold Works, Staniforth Road Loicher Lane, Ecclesfield Mosborough Wood Business Park, off Eckington Way Airflow Site, Claywheels Lane, Middlewood United Cranes Site, Claywheels Lane, Middlewood UCAR site, Claywheels Lane, Middlewood Gross Site Area Total Remaining Capacity Dwellings Estimated Delivery Period 17/18 22/23 to to After 21/22 25/26 25/26 Greenfield or Brownfield? Sheffield Sheffield HMR Area North East None 0.7394 0.58305 27 18 0 0 0 0 27 18 Brownfield Brownfield Sheffield None 4.1218 146 0 0 146 Brownfield Sheffield None 2.62285 80 0 0 80 Brownfield Sheffield None 1.53908 48 0 0 48 Brownfield Sheffield None 13.369 403 0 0 403 Brownfield Settlement 132 Appendix 5 Sheffield: Current UDP Allocated Housing Sites proposed to be De-allocated in the SDF Site Ref Site Address Deliverability HMR Area Site Area (Ha) Potential Capacity (Dwellings) Settlement Greenfield or Brownfield? S00788 Hawthorn Avenue/Coppice Close, Stocksbridge No None 1.33 42 Stocksbridge Greenfield S00805 Mosborough Moor Site B*, Mosborough No None 4.81 135 Sheffield Main Urban Area Greenfield S00806 Woodhouse East (farmland area), Woodhouse No None 16.94 415 Sheffield Main Urban Area Greenfield S00807 Owlthorpe F (Moor Valley), Owlthorpe No None 3.87 122 Sheffield Main Urban Area Greenfield S00808 Woodhouse East (ex-playing field), Woodhouse No None 6.68 164 Sheffield Main Urban Area Greenfield 33.63 878 TOTAL *Also put forward as a suitable site for housing by a respondent to the Sheffield ‘call-for-sites’ (see Appendix 5) 133 Appendix 6 Sheffield: Land Not Included in the Potential Supply but Suggested by Respondents to the Sheffield ‘Call-for-Sites’ or by Respondents to the SDF City Policies and Sites Consultation Note: The City Council does not consider that these sites are part of the potential supply because they are either in the Green Belt or are likely to be protected as Countryside Areas in the SDF. The HBF’s view is that they should be considered as options for meeting future housing requirements. Location maps for these sites are included in Annex B of the Site Schedule. Map Ref Site Address Settlement Current UDP Designation B.1 Allotments at Handsworth, off Handsworth Road Sheffield Green Belt Proposed SDF Designation Green Belt Gross Site Area (Ha) 4.24 Assumed Developable Area 3.82 Potential Capacity (Dwellings) 115 B.2 Sports Field, Behind Handsworth Grange Road, Handsworth Sheffield Green Belt B.3 Orchard Field, rear of Handsworth Grange Road, Handsworth Sheffield B.4 Oakes Park, off Norton Avenue/ Bochum Parkway, Norton B.5 B.6 Green Belt 2.37 2.14 65 Greenfield Green Belt Green Belt 0.52 0.52 15 Greenfield Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 33.04 23.13 695 Greenfield Land to the north of Elm Crescent/ west of Moss Way, Owlthorpe Sheffield Green Belt/ Open Space Area 34.01 23.80 715 Greenfield 20A Moor Valley, S20 5BB Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt/ Countryside Area/Open Space Area Green Belt 1.61 1.45 45 Greenfield 134 Greenfield or Brownfield? Greenfield Map Ref Site Address Settlement Current UDP Designation B.7 Bents Green Nurseries, Muskoka Avenue Sheffield Green Belt Proposed SDF Designation Green Belt Gross Site Area (Ha) 0.87 Assumed Developable Area 0.79 Potential Capacity (Dwellings) 25 B.8 Holme Lane Farm, off Salt Box Lane/ Fox Hill Road, Grenoside Sheffield Green Belt B.9 Land off Finchwell Road, Handsworth Sheffield B.10 Handsworth Hall Farm, Handsworth B.11 Green Belt 6.26 5.00 150 Greenfield Green Belt Green Belt 7.22 5.78 175 Greenfield Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 22.68 15.87 475 Greenfield Land off Midhurst Road, Fox Hill Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 7.84 6.27 190 Greenfield B.12 Myrtle Bank Farm, Handsworth Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 39.72 27.80 835 Greenfield B.13 White Lane Farm, Gleadless Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 10.37 7.26 220 Greenfield B.15 Land between Chapeltown Road and Nether Lane, Chapeltown Chapeltown/ Sheffield Green Belt Green Belt 22.68 15.87 475 Greenfield B.16 Former Hepworth Refractory Site, Storrs Bridge, Rowell Lane, Loxley Rural Green Belt Green Belt 25.34 12.00 300 Brownfield B.17 Griff Works, Stopes Road, Stannington Rural Green Belt Green Belt 4.50 3.00 75 Brownfield B.18 Totley Works, Baslow Road, Totley Rural Green Belt Green Belt 14.13 1.54 10 Brownfield 244.69 161.88 4,755 Total 135 Greenfield or Brownfield? Greenfield Appendix 7 Sites in Urban Areas assessed as unsuitable for housing (No Potential) Site Reference S00798 Site Address Land between Rookery Vale and Manchester Road, Deepcar Sheffield Wednesday Training Ground, Middlewood Road Status No potential No potential S00800 University Playing Fields at Warminster Road, Norton, Woodseats S01107 Former Holbrook Colliery Site, Oxclose Land to the north of Station Road, Mosborough Land to the East of Bridle Stile, Mosborough Land to west of Elm Crescent, Mosborough Land to the East of Eckington Way, Beighton Land to the north of Fraser Drive, Woodseats Land to the north of Stradbroke Way, Richmond Land to the North of Smelter Wood Avenue, Richmond Land to the south of Castlebeck Drive, Manor No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential S01109 Land between Harborough Road and Beaumont Road North, Manor Park No potential S00789 S00810 S01050 S01052 S01056 S01063 S01095 S01101 S01102 Community Assembly HMR Area Greenfield or Brownfield Type of Site Capacity North None Greenfield Large 0 Central None Greenfield Large 0 South None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 South None Greenfield Large 0 East None Greenfield Large 0 East None Greenfield Large 0 East South Greenfield Large 0 East South Greenfield Large 0 136 Site Reference S01110 S01111 S01113 S01114 S01136 S01137 S01138 S01141 S01142 Site Address Land to the south of Seaton Crescent, Manor Park Land to the west of Manor Lane, Manor Park Land to the east of Maltravers Terrace, Wybourn Land off Skye Edge Avenue, Wybourn Land between Pitsmoor Road and Woodside Lane, Woodside Land off Donovan Road, Southey Green Land to the East of Wordsworth Avenue, Southey Green Land off Jenkin Road, Wincobank, Sheffield S01143 Land off Wensley Street, Wincobank Land off Southey Green Road, Southey Green S01157 Land between Carr Road and Haywood Lane, Stocksbridge, Sheffield S01166 S01203 S01204 S01256 Land off Lock Lane, Tinsley, Sheffield Land off Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, Sheffield Land off Scholes View, Ecclesfield, Sheffield land to the east of Moss Way, Hackenthorpe Status No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential No potential Community Assembly HMR Area Greenfield or Brownfield Type of Site Capacity East South Greenfield Large 0 East South Greenfield Large 0 East South Greenfield Large 0 East South Greenfield Large 0 North East East Greenfield Large 0 North East North Greenfield Large 0 North East North Greenfield Large 0 North East North Greenfield Large 0 North East North Greenfield Large 0 North East North Greenfield Large 0 North None Greenfield Large 0 East East Brownfield Large 0 North None Greenfield Large 0 North None Greenfield Large 0 South East None Greenfield Large 0 137 Site Reference Site Address S01456 Willow Road, Stocksbridge Status No potential Community Assembly HMR Area Greenfield or Brownfield Type of Site Capacity North None Brownfield Large 0 138 Appendix 8 Additional Site Allocation Options January/February 2012 SHLAA reference City Policies and Sites reference S00776 P00131 S00785 P00509 S00788 P00506 S00792 P00503 S00799 S00806 (part) S01068 P00511 S01096 P00512 S01117 P00499 S01179 P00502 S01184 P00505 S01225 P00497 Address Darnall Works, Darnall Road, Darnall Scrapyard and vacant land at Junction Road, Woodhouse Hawthorne Avenue/Coppice Close, Stocksbridge Former Sports Ground, Greaves Lane, Stannington Former SHU Playing Fields, Hemsworth Woodhouse East (Farmland Area) Beighton Road, Woodhouse Land at Norton Lane, Norton Oakes Dairy Distribution Centre, Hemsworth Road Wiggan Farm, Towngate Road, Worrall Platts Lane/Oughtibridge Lane, Oughtibridge Lydgate Reservoir, Evelyn Road, Crookes P00496 Hadfield Service Reservoir, off Glebe Road/Blakeney Road, Crookes S01226 P00510 P00367 Community Assembly East South East North Status Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site Site Area 6.6 2.89 UDP Allocated Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site 1.72 10.5 3.02 South West UDP Allocated Site UDP Allocated Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site South West Identified Opportunity Site North South South East South East South South North North 139 1.46 3.96 1.53 Comments Developable residential area expected to be 2.48 ha. Approximately 1.45 ha housing; 1.44 ha open space. LDF Supply Yes Yes Yes 0.73 ha for open space; 0.73 ha for housing. Minimum 2.66 ha for open space; maximum 1.3 ha for housing. Maximum of 7.4 ha for housing; minimum of 3.1 ha of open space. Maximum of 1.03 ha for housing; minimum of 0.5 ha for open space. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0.6 Yes 1.77 No 1.26 No 0.65 Yes 1.26 Yes SHLAA reference City Policies and Sites reference S01230 P00508 S01300 P00516 S01443 S01594 & S01602 P00500 S01746 Address Former Sports Ground, Bawtry Road, Tinsley Gilders Car Showroom, Middlewood Road Community Assembly East Central East P00507 Infield Lane, Darnall Worrall Hall Farm, Kirk Edge Road/Top Road, Worrall P00517 Canterbury Crescent, Fulwood South West North Status Identified Opportunity Site Full Permission But Not Started Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site Identified Opportunity Site 140 Site Area Comments LDF Supply 3.24 Yes 1.28 Yes 1.58 0.84 0.62 Yes Site S01602 has full planning permission for 1unit. Yes Yes 141