Coeus Summer Scholar Funding 2015 Purpose of Scheme Coeus Summer Scholar Application: This is a competitive grant scheme for psychology staff (including research staff) at Sheffield and Thessaloniki. The scheme will work in a similar way to the University of Sheffield SURE Scheme ( The aim is to provide staff with funds to employ undergraduate students for a 6-week period during the summer (June-September). During this time the students will assist their supervisors on a research project that relates to one or both of the themes being addressed by Research Track 3 (RT3). The grant will be used to fund each student’s living and T&S costs up to a maximum of £1500. To be eligible students require 1 x lead supervisor based at their home institution and at least 1 x co-supervisor at the sister institution. Beneficiaries of these awards will be required to produce a report on their project, which will be posted on the International Faculty psychology research website. There are two awards, each of £1500. For more details see: Lead Supervisor Organisation Address Email Telephone Co-supervisor (Name, organisation & email) Name of student (if known) Title of project Background and aims of project 1|Page Coeus Summer Scholar Funding 2015 Project plan including timescales and any planned dissemination activity. How will the supervisors benefit from engaging in this project? How will the student benefit from engaging in this project? Please describe the main outputs of the project Human Health, Well-being and Demographic Change: Covering all topics relating to human health and wellbeing (e.g. projects investigating the neural basis of disease, ageing, the health effects of smoking and doping, cognitive development, etc.) Societal, Economic and Environmental Change: Covering all topics relating to social and environmental change (e.g. projects looking at culture, responses and resilience to environmental change, prejudice and social justice, future sustainable cities, etc.) Applications should be returned or by 23/03/2015 Successful applicants will be notified by 06/04/2015 2|Page