WHAT MY HORSES HAVE HELPED ME UNDERSTAND ABOUT MY LORD: PATIENCE PLEASE READ THE STORY OF THE PRODIGAL SON IN LUKE 15: 11-32 Any good horse trainer will tell you that you have to have patience (perseverance). You have to be willing to wait. You wait on the horse to give the proper response and the proper response is always rewarded. Sometimes the wait is long and tedious but the payoff is always worth the wait because the trainer will see the improvement in the horse. Our heavenly Father is like a good horse trainer. He has a ton of patience and the least response from us is always rewarded. We respond to Him by praise and worship. By being thankful for all things in all situations. By communicating with Him in prayer. By listening to the still, small voice inside of us which is God’s Holy Spirit communicating with us. A good horse trainer will not give up on a horse. They will wait the horse out and allow the horse to respond. When the horse responds properly the trainer will reward the horse. If the horse does not give the proper response there will be a contrasting response by the trainer and so it goes until the horse gives the proper response. I thank God He never gives up on me when I do not give the proper response. He waits me out until I respond to Him correctly. I know there are times I surely try His patience something fierce but as His word tells me He never leaves me or forsakes me. He was and is always there waiting for me to come to Him. Waiting for me to respond. Waiting to reward me. Always waiting patiently for the “prodigal child”.