)W3226( אביב-אוניברסיטת תל הפקולטה למדעי החברה החוג למדע המדינה סמסטר א' תשע"ג 108138311301 בין דמוקרטיה פופוליסטית לדמוקרטיה ליברלית באמריקה הלטינית פרוסמינר ד"ר אלברטו ספקטורווסקי :חובות השתתפות חובה בכל השיעורים כתיבת עבודה פרוסמינריתLatin America have sought change through violent and revolutionary means. Throughout the twentieth century, however, they have demonstrated a historical predilection for a certain kind of mass political mobilization, which scholars had found a difficult time in defining it. Is populism democratic or is an attempt against democracy. In general terms Populism is the personalist style of politics that oversaw the rise of mass movements in many Latin American nations. It is generally characterized by a charismatic leader, a multi-class social base, and an urban setting (though there have been important rural exceptions). Populism invariably exhibits an eclectic and ambiguous ideology usually redolent with a tinge of nationalism. Such nationalism usually defines itself against "another": the world market, multinational corporations, and neo-liberalism to fill that role. Populist movement flourished in Latin America between the 1930s and the 1960s, in the so-called "golden age", associated with "men of the people" such as Juan Perón in Argentina, Getúlio Vargas in Brazil, Lázaro Cárdenas in Mexico, Eliécer Gaitén in Colombia and Victor Raúl Haya de la Torre in Peru, Nowadays we are seeinga revival of populism in Latin America as Hugo Chávez in Venezuela would exemplify. In this course we shall study the past and present of populism in Latin America. We start with a theoretical debate about the theoretical differences between populism fascism and liberal democracy. Then we shall debate the different types of populism developing in Latin American and we shall stress a new version of neo liberal populism which made an important impact in Peru and Argentina in the 1990s Finally we shall cpmpare the revival of populism in the 2000's with the flourishing of liberal democracy and economic growth in countries such as Uruguay Brzil Chile and Colombia. The question we shall deal with is which path is Latin America taking nowadays. Will Latin American countries split between two different types of democracy? What will be the political impact of this division? 1 היסטוריוגרפיה3 הגדרות שונות למושגים פופוליזם: 1 שבוע Peter Worsley, "Populims". In Joel Krieger (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Politics of the World, New York and Oxford 1993, pp. 730-731. Margaret Canovan, "Populism" in Adam and Jessica Kuper (eds.) The Social Science Encyclopedia, London and New York 1996, pp. 646-648. Torcuato di Tella S., "Populism and Reform in Latin America, "in Obstacles to Change in Latin America, ed. Claudio Véis (London, 1965). Robert H. Dix "Populism: Authoritarian and Democratic". Latin American Research Review Vol. 20, No. 2, 1985 (29-52). 1198-1191 המודל אידאלי של פופוליזם3 פרון והפרוניזם:2 שבוע . פרק שלישי, פרק ראשון,5551 מודן,5511-5591 , ארגנטינה: פופוליזם וכריזמה,רענן ריין Jeremy Adelman, "Reflections on Argentine Labor and the Rise of Perón", Bull. Of Latin American Research, Vol. 11, No. 3 (1992); Daniel James, "October 17th and 18th 1945: Mass Protest, Peronism ant the Argentine Working Class", Journal of Social History (Spring 1988). "המקורות האידיאולוגיים של לאומנות השמאל ולאומנות הימין,אלברטו ספקטורובסקי חברה וזהות,) אצל צבי מדין ורענן ריין (עורכים,"5591-5511 בארגנטינה בשנים .511-511 ') עמ5551 ההקשר האירופי (ת"א:בארגנטינה * ? האם סוג חדש של פאשיזם3 פרוניזם:8-9 שבוע Paul H. Lewis, "Was Peron a Fascist? An Inquiry into the Nature of Fascism", The Journal of Politics, Vol. 42 (1980); * Walter Little, "The Popular Origins of Peronism", in D. Rock (ed.), Argentina in the Twentieth Century, London 1975; * Elena, Eduardo, "What the People Want: State Planning and Political Participation in Peronist Argentina, 1946-1955, "Journal of Latin American Studies 37 (2005): 81-108 ()קריאת רשות. Marysa Navarro, "Evita and the Crisis of 17 October 1945: A Case Study of Peronist and Anti-Peronist Mythology", Journal of Latin American Studies, Vol 12, Part I, 1980, pp. 127-138; 2 קרדנס והלאומיות מרסיקאנית3 פופוליזם במקסיקו:1 שבוע Jorge Basurto, "Populism in Mexico: From Cardenas to Cuauhtémoc", in Conniff (ed.), Populism in Latin American, pp. 75-96; * Knight. Alan, "Populism and Neo-Populism in Latin America, Especially Mexico, "Journal of Latin American Studies 30 (1980): 225-248. : פופוליזם בהרי האנדים:6 שבוע Steve Stein, "The Paths to Populism in Peru" and Ximena SosaBuchholz, "The Strange Career of Populism in Ecuador" in Conniff (ed.), Populism in Latin America, pp. 97-116, 138-156. תקופת וארגס3 פופוליזם בברזיל:7 שבוע Levine, Robert, Father of the Poor. Vargas and his Era (Cambridge University Press) 1988. פופוליזם מול מרקסיזם באמל"ט:3-1 שבוע Jorge Castaneda, Utopia Unarmed the Latin American left after the Cold War (Kopf, 1993). Donald Hodges , The Latin American Revolution: Politics and Strategy from Apro-Marxism to Guevarism (New York William Morrow 1974) Ch. 4, 5, 6. פופוליזם ניאו ליבראלי:10-11 שבוע * Philip, G., "The New Populism, Presidentialism and Market-Oriented Reform in Spanish South America, "Government and Opposition 33 (1988): 81-97. * Robert, Kenneth, "Neoliberalism and the Transformation of Populism in Latin America. The Peruvian Case", World Politics 48, No. 1 (1995); 82-116. Weyland, Kurt, "Neopopulism and Neoliberalism in Latin America: Unexpected Affinities", Studies in Comparative International Development 31, No. 3 (1996): 3-31. 3 הפופוליזם המחודש של הוגו צ'אווס או הדמוקרטיה: מי השמאל באמל"ט:18-12 שבוע הליבראלי של לולה בברזיל או החזית העממית באורוגואי Jorge Castaneda Latin America's Left Turn, Foreign Affairs, May June 2006. Ellner, Steve, "Trade Union Autonomy and the Emergence of a New Labor Movement in Venezuela Hugo Chaves and the Decline of an "Exceptional Democracy", ed. Steve Ellner and Miguel Tinker Salas (Kanham, Md., 2007), 77-98. Hawkins, Kirl, and David Hansen, "Dependent Civil Society: The Curculios Bolivarianos in Venezuela, "Latin American Research Review 41, No. 1 (2006). * Spanakos, Anthony Peter, "New Wine, Old Bottles, Flamboyant Sommelier: Chávez, Citizenship, and Populism, "New Political Science 30, No. 4 (Dec. 2008): 521-544. * Daniela di Piramo, "'Speak for me!' How Populist Leaders Defy Democracy in Latin America, Global Change, Peace & Security 21, No. 2 (2009) 179-199). * Margaret Canovan, "Trust the People! Populism and the Two Faces of Democracy", Political Studies 47 (1999). * Conaghan, Catherine, and Carlos de la Torre, "The Permanent Campaign of Rafael Correa: Making Ecuador's Plebiscitary Presidency", The International Journal of Press/Politics 13, No. 3 (2008): 267-284. 4