SEN11-P91a - Loughborough University

8 July 2011
Prizes Committee
Minutes of the Prizes Committee Meeting held on Thursday 4 November 2010
Dr A Bolsinov, Dr M Barnard (ab), Dr K Gregory (Chair), K Halliday,
Professor R Jones (ab), Dr J Leaman (ab), A Petit (ab), Dr A Sutton,
Dr S Walsh (ab)
Dr M Barnard, Professor R Jones, A Petit, Dr S Walsh.
In attendance:
M Ashby
Welcome to New Members
The Chair welcomed new members to the Committee.
The minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 15 March 2010 were confirmed.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
Chair’s action – Establishment, Amendment, Discontinuation of Prizes
PC10-P4 (attached for Senate members)
The Committee ratified the action of the Chair in approving the following as detailed in the
attached paper:
the establishment of the following prizes:
Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Full-time Student Prize
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Full-time Student Project Prize
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Part-time Student Prize
Automotive Systems Engineering Best Part-time Student Project Prize
School of Business and Economics
Macildowie Final Year Accounting prize
Worshipful Company of International Bankers Postgraduate Prize
Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Department of Civil & Building Engineering Prize
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Prize
Transport Planning Associates Prize
Department of English and Drama
Travelling Exhibition (Drama)
Travelling Exhibition (English)
Department of Information Science
Centrica Prize
Department of Social Sciences
Social Sciences Postgraduate Dissertation Prizes
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Head of School Postgraduate Prize for Academic Excellence
Yakult Prize
amendments to the following prizes:
University Prizes
Mavis Stone Prize for Music
Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
John S Webber Memorial Prize
Jonathan Young Memorial Prize
School of Business and Economics
Banking, Finance and Management Gold Prize
Best Second Year Student Prize
Economics Prize
Head of Economics Department Prize
Quantitative Prize
Retail Management First-Year Prize
Retail Management Second-Year Prize
Retail Management Gold Prize
Travelling Exhibition
Department of Chemical Engineering
BP Chemicals Prize (a first-year prize)
BP Chemicals Prize (a second-year prize)
H.K. Suttle Prize
Jack Harris Prize
Michael Edwards Memorial Prize
Department of Chemistry
AstraZeneca Prizes
GlaxoSmithKline Prizes
Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Institution of Civil Engineers Prize
Department of Computer Science
BSc Finalist Prize
Conoco (UK) Ltd Prize
Final Year Project Prize
MComp Finalist Prize
Professor Ondrej Sykora Remembrance Prize
Department of Information Science
J D White Memorial Prize
Maurice Line Prize
Department of Politics, History and International Relations
Frank Carter Memorial Award
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Alan Guy Prize
Gatorade Sports Science Institute Award
G V Sibley Memorial Prize
Head of School Prize
Human Biology Prize for Academic Excellence
Psychology Prize for Academic Excellence
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
IET Manufacturing Engineering Student Prize
IMechE Project Prize
Martin Jones Prize
School Merit Prize
discontinuation of the following prizes:
Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering
Automotive Systems Engineering Prizes
Department of Chemistry
Royal Society of Chemistry Prize in Analytical Chemistry
Department of Civil and Building Engineering
Brinkworth Prize
Department of Information Science
Departmental Prize for the Information Management and Business Studies
Department of Materials
Dyson Prize
School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences
Fitness First Placement Prize
It was reported that a member who had been unable to attend the meeting had noted that
the criteria for a number of new or amended prizes specified that the prizewinner was the
student with the ‘best’ or an ‘outstanding’ performance or similar. The Chair confirmed that
in approving new prizes or amendments to prizes, he had considered the appropriateness of
criteria for each in turn and, where appropriate, had clarified the decision process in the
criteria by specifying the body which would be charged with deciding the winner of the prize.
Chair’s action – Appointment of Prize Assessors
The Committee AGREED to ratify the action of the Chair in approving the appointment of the
following assessors for a three-year period until 31 July 2012:
Lillian Elizabeth Bowmaker Bursary
Dr Olaf Maennel
Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Awards
Dr Mary Brewer (English and Drama)
Dr John Harrison (Geography)
Mr David Stead (SSEHS)
Mr John Twidle (Design and Technology)
Sir Robert Martin Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Dr Lorraine Cale
Sir Robert Martin University Prize
Dr Andrew Clarke (Faculty of Engineering representative)
T Shipman Prize and Hannah Community Prize
Peter Bruce (Community member)
Loughborough University Development Trust Prizes
Arising from 10/4, members noted the need for the Committee to review the nature and
distribution of the LUDT undergraduate prizes following the introduction of the new School
ACTION: Secretary to note
10/10 Membership and Terms of Reference of the Committee
10/10.1 Membership
The Committee noted its membership for the 2010/11 session.
10/10.2 Terms of Reference
The Committee noted its Terms of Reference and confirmed that they remained fit for purpose.
10/11 Committee Effectiveness
Members reviewed the Committee’s effectiveness. They confirmed that the purpose of the
Committee was clear and felt that it had fulfilled its purpose effectively in the last year.
The Secretary would forward this minute to the Academic Registrar for information.
ACTION: Secretary
Nomination of Prize Assessors
The Committee noted the need to appoint assessors for the following prizes for 2010/11:
Ede & Ravenscroft Prize and John Guest Phillips Scholarship
Representative from the Faculty of Engineering
Representative from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Sir Robert Martin University Prize
Representative from the Faculty of Science representative
Representative from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
Sir Robert Martin Faculty of Engineering Prize
Three representatives from departments in the Faculty
Sir Robert Martin Faculty of Science Prize
Two representatives from departments in the Faculty
Sir Robert Martin Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities Prize
One representative from a department in the Faculty
Ursula Lockley Prize
Representative from PHIR
Members noted that, with the exception of the Ursula Lockley Prize, all of the prizes had
assessor panels composed of representatives for each of the faculties. Given the
forthcoming restructuring of the University, it was noted that the Committee would need to
agree membership for the panels that would reflect the new structure.
In the meantime, rather than seeking new assessors to represent faculties for one year only,
it was agreed that assessors for these prizes should have their terms of office extended for
one year until 31 July 2011.
ACTION: Secretary
The Chair would take action to approve an assessor for the Ursula Lockley Prize.
ACTION: Secretary, Chair
10/13 Report for Senate
PC10-P7 (attached for Senate members)
Members APPROVED a report to Senate which summarised prize-related activity in the
2009/10 academic year and looked forward to anticipated business in 2010/11.
10/14 Prize Promotion
Members received a draft email newsletter to be used to promote prizes to staff. They noted
that the Secretary had been liaising with Marketing and Communications to review methods
of promoting prizes which required nominations by members of staff.
It was proposed that, instead of emailing staff about each prize several times, staff would be
sent the email newsletter and one further reminder email close to the deadline for each
prize. It was hoped that this approach would reduce the number of emails sent to staff, but
also convey information about the prizes to staff in a more appealing and effective way,
which could result in an increase in the number of nominations received.
The Committee APPROVED the newsletter and proposed changes to the promotion method.
It was noted that most academic departments had a designated prize coordinator. It was
agreed that the Secretary should find out who the prize coordinators were and, when
promoting individual prizes, ask them to encourage staff to nominate students for the prizes.
ACTION: Secretary
10/15 Reports from Assessor Panels 2009/10
10/15.1 The Committee received reports from assessor panels for the following prizes:
Dennis Holt Travel Scholarship
Ede and Ravenscroft Prize
Graduate School Research Student Prizes
John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarships
Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Awards
Sir Robert Martin University Prize
T S Shipman Prizes and Hannah Community Prize
Ursula Lockley Travel Bursary
Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Internationalisation
10/15.2 The Committee APPROVED the following actions which arose from
recommendations made by assessor panels,:
Ede & Ravenscroft Prize
The prize guidelines for the prize would be amended as follows:
to require applicants to limit their applications to two sides of A4;
to stipulate that both applications and references needed to be submitted by the
deadline. Any received after the deadline would be disregarded.
John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarships
The prize guidelines for the scholarships would be amended as follows:
to require applicants to indicate how they would fund research costs over the
maximum value of the scholarships, ie over £1,000;
to stipulate that both applications and references needed to be submitted by the
deadline. Any received after the deadline would be disregarded.
Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Awards
The prize guidelines for the awards should be amended to include details of a winning
initiative based in the UK.
Sir Robert Martin University Prize
The following should be added to the prize guidelines:
In considering nominations, the assessor panel will look for a combination of both
outstanding academic achievement and outstanding non-academic achievement.
ACTION: Secretary
Award of Prizes 2009/10
The Committee noted the award of prizes on the recommendation of various assessor
It was agreed that in future years the list of prizes should include an additional column noting
the value of each prize.
ACTION: Secretary
Reports from Prize Winners
The Committee received reports from 2009/10 winners of the following prizes:
Ede and Ravenscroft Prize
John Guest Phillips Memorial Travelling Scholarships
Members were disappointed at the level of detail contained within the report submitted by
one of the scholarship holders. They noted that the student had been asked to provide
further information about her visit.
It was agreed that in future, when students were being informed of the requirement to submit
a report, they should be encouraged to include photographs of the funded activity within their
reports. However, the inclusion of photographs in the report would continue to remain
ACTION: Secretary
Lillian Elizabeth Bowmaker Bursary
Loughborough College of Education Commemorative Award
Members noted that it was the Secretary’s last meeting. They thanked her for her
outstanding contribution to the work of the Committee.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 25th January 2011 at 10.00am
Author – Martine Ashby
November 2010
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