All That Kids Can Be

Community Investment Fund Grant Application
K - All That Kids Can Be
Goal: Helping children and youth reach their full potential.
As part of our donor accountability, United Way tracks the impact of community investment through measurable
outcomes/benefits that individuals achieve as a result of participating in United Way funded programs and
activities (i.e.) new knowledge, modified behaviour, increased skill, changed attitude or values, improved
condition, altered status.
In the chart below, select at least one outcome that will be achieved by individuals in this program
and at least one indicator that will be used to measure its success.
K1 - Engagement in Learning
Program Outcome
The CHANGE in client behaviour or status as a result
of this program (BENEFIT TO CLIENTS)
Program Level Indicator
Describes the DATA collected that shows how well the program
achieved its outcome(s).
K1 a) Children and youth are ready to learn
K1 b) Children and youth do well in school
K1 c) Youth make a healthy transition into
K1i) Self-reported or observed commitment to learning,
achievement, motivation
K1ii) Demonstrated mastery of age-appropriate literacy
and numeracy skills, grades, on-time graduation
K1iii) Demonstrated readiness and success in
transitioning to post-secondary education, training, or
meaningful employment
K2 - Connectedness & Community Involvement
Program Outcome
Program Level Indicator
The CHANGE in client behaviour or status as a result
of this program (BENEFIT TO CLIENTS)
Describes the DATA collected that shows how well the program
achieved its outcome(s).
K2 a) Children and youth care about and get
along with others
K2 b) Children and youth get involved
K2 c) Children and youth take responsibility
and lead
K2i) Demonstrated empathy, interpersonal skills
K2ii) Self-reported, demonstrated or observed planning
and decision-making, leadership
K2iii) Self-reported, demonstrated or observed sense of
belonging, supportive relationships, peaceful conflict
resolution skills
K2iv) Self-reported, demonstrated or observed
constructive use of time, meaningful participation in
activities, sense of belonging, pro-social behaviours
K2v) Self-reported increased sense of connectedness
to community
K3 – Emotional & Physical Wellbeing
Program Level Indicator
Program Outcome
The CHANGE in client behaviour or status as a result
of this program (BENEFIT TO CLIENTS)
Describes the DATA collected that shows how well the program
achieved its outcome(s).
K3 a) Children and youth believe in
K3 b) Children and youth make healthy
K3 c) Children and youth can better handle
life’s challenge
K3i) Self-reported positive identity, self-esteem, sense
of purpose, optimism, psychological well-being
K3ii) Self-reported, demonstrated or observed selfregulation of emotion, coping in healthy ways
K3iii) Increased physical activity: self-reports of
healthier life choices (i.e. healthy eating patterns and
other healthy lifestyle choices)
K3iv) Avoidance of risky behaviour: self-reports of
reduced risk taking (i.e. substance use, sexuality, etc.);
harm reduction
Community Investment Fund Grant Application
Briefly explain how the program/project meets the goals/objectives of Community Impact Area
– All That Kids Can Be:
In the chart below, please list your selected outcome(s) and indicator(s) for this program/project and identify
the targets that will be achieved.
K1 - Engagement in Learning
Outcome Code
(K1a, K1b, K1c)
Indicator Code
(K1i, K1ii, K1iii)
Expected Targets
# of clients that will
achieve outcome
% of total clients that
will achieve outcome
K2 - Connectedness & Community Involvement
Outcome Code
(K2a, K2b, K2c)
Indicator Code
(K2i, K2ii, K2iii, K2iv, K2v)
Expected Targets
# of clients that will
achieve outcome
% of total clients that
will achieve outcome
K3 – Emotional & Physical Wellbeing
Outcome Code
(K3a, K3b, K3c)
Indicator Code
(K3i, K3ii, K3iii, K3iv)
Expected Targets
# of clients that will
achieve outcome
% of total clients that
will achieve outcome
For information regarding this granting opportunity, please refer to:
2015 City of Kingston and United Way Community Investment Fund Guidelines available online at:
If you have questions or would like clarification about the information contained in this package, please contact
Marg Kubalak at the United Way office. Ph: 613-542-2674 ext. 1503 email: