Planning Application No: - Craven District Council Online Planning

Planning Application No: 22/2011/11869
7 Day Notice: YES
Site Description
The application site comprises an enclosed field located on the northern side of
Reedshaw Lane, Cowling opposite to an existing Yorkshire Water facility and
approximately 140m east of the junction of Reedshaw Lane with the A6068 (Colne
It is proposed to utilise an area of the field measuring 3930m² with additional
temporary building compound areas being sited to the north and east measuring
2040m² and 1730m² respectively.
The site is located outside of development limits in an area of open countryside and
is currently grassed over with stone walling to the west, north and east boundaries.
The boundary to Reedshaw Lane is fairly well screened by hedgerow planting with
the road itself set at a lower level than the field.
A footpath and a stone culvert cross the site which are proposed for diversion.
This application seeks permission to construct a new service reservoir which will
replace the existing facility on the opposite side of the road. The existing reservoir is
to be decommissioned and dismantled once the new facility is operational.
The proposed site provides topographical and locational advantages in that it is
level with the existing site and within close proximity of the existing mains piping.
The new reservoir would be of precast reinforced concrete comprising two
compartments measuring 13m x 20m with two concrete valve houses measuring
5.5m x 7m and 3.5m x 4m. The reservoir and valve house sides would be largely
enclosed by grassed embankments at a 1:2 slope whilst the roof of the reservoir
would be covered by river washed gravel to a depth of 250mm.
There is an existing access to the south-east corner of the site which it is proposed
to widen. A stone servicing/turning area would be laid out immediately adjacent to
the access. It is proposed to retain the existing stone walls surrounding the site
although the reservoir and valve houses would be contained within a 2m mesh
perimeter security fence.
Planning History
No planning history on this site.
Planning Policy Background
National Planning Policy:
PPS1: Delivering Sustainable Development
PPS7: Sustainable Development in Rural Areas
Saved Local Plan Policy:
ENV1: Development in the Open Countryside
ENV2: Requirements for Development in Open Countryside
Parish/Town Council Comments
Cowling Parish Council: No comments.
CDC Environmental Health: No environmental protection issues.
NYCC Highways: Recommend that planning permission is granted subject to
conditions relating to the construction of the access and diversion of the PROW.
Natural England: No formal consultation response sent however advise that a
survey be requested should the LPA be made aware of the possible presence of a
protected species on the site. Recommends that developer take opportunity to
incorporate measures to enhance biodiversity on the site
Officer note: The LPA is unaware of the presence of any protected species on the
Two letters received commenting on the application as follows:
No objection but as neighbouring residents requests that the grassed
embankments are cut and maintained.
Concerns raised that construction work may give rise to highway safety
issues at junction of Reedshaw Lane with Colne Road. Requests that a risk
assessment for traffic management be undertaken.
Officer note: It is proposed to attach a condition relating to the construction of the
vehicular access ie. to ensure that it is provided prior to any other works taking
place. A risk assessment for traffic management has not been requested by the
Highways Authority and is not therefore considered to be necessary.
Craven Group Ramblers Association: Are aware of application which has been
made for footpath diversion and no objections to proposal provided a gate is
provided at the junction with Reedshaw Lane as stated in consultation document.
Officer note: The provision of a gated footpath is matter which is the responsibility
of the NYCC PROW manager.
Summary of Principal Planning Issues
Principle of development
Visual impact
Access/Highway safety
Principle of development:
As the application site is located within open countryside it is necessary to consider
the proposal against Saved Local Plan policy ENV1. Policy ENV1 is permissive of
large scale development where it is demonstrated that there is an overriding need
for the proposal due to the requirements of public service providers including that of
the utility services. In this instance the applicant is Yorkshire Water who has
outlined in their Design and Access statement the need for the new facility due to
the obsolescence of the existing reservoir and the need to resolve water quality
issues in the area. The proposal clearly meets the above criteria and is therefore
acceptable in principle under Policy ENV1.
Visual impact:
Where development is considered to be acceptable in principle under Saved policy
ENV1 it is necessary to assess the proposals under the criteria set out in policy
ENV2. In summary policy ENV2 requires that development proposals should be
compatible with the surrounding area and not have an unacceptable impact upon
the landscape; be appropriately designed and be accessible without detriment to
the local road network or general highway safety.
In this case the proposals would be graded into the site with grassed bunding and
would not be excessively visible or impact to a significant degree on the wider
landscape. It is also noted that as a replacement for the existing reservoir there is
an element of ‘trade-off’ that would occur due to the decommissioning of the
existing facility opposite the site.
Access/Highway safety:
The proposals entail alterations to the existing site access and the creation of a
servicing/turning area on the site. NYCC Highways have been consulted on the
proposals and have no objections subject to the highway crossing being
constructed to their specifications. It is considered that the proposed access and
servicing arrangements are satisfactory.
With regards to vehicular movement to and from the site it is noted that this site is
to replace the existing facility on the opposite side of the road. Whilst it is accepted
that there may be an increase in activity during the construction phase and
‘crossover’ period there is nevertheless an element of ‘trade-off’ to consider as the
operational requirements of the replacement facility are unlikely to exceed that of
the existing reservoir. On this basis no objections are raised to the proposals on
more general highway safety grounds.
That planning permission is granted subject to the following conditions:
1. The permission hereby permitted shall be begun not later than the expiration of
three years beginning with the date of this permission.
Reason: To ensure compliance with Section 91 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990.
2. The development hereby approved shall not be carried out other than wholly in
accordance with Drawing Nos.J515-COW-112
Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to specify the terms of the permission.
3. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, there
shall be no excavation or other groundworks, except for investigative works, or
the depositing of material on the site until the access(es) to the site have been
set out and constructed in accordance with the published Specification of the
Highway Authority and the following requirements:
(i) The crossing of the highway verge and/or footway shall be constructed in
accordance with the approved details and/or Standard Detail number E6.
(ii) Any gates or barriers shall be erected a minimum distance of 4.5m metres
back from the carriageway of the existing highway and shall not be able to
swing over the existing or proposed highway.
(iii) Provision to prevent surface water from the site/plot discharging onto the
existing or proposed highway shall be constructed in accordance with the
approved details shown on drawing [drawing number] and maintained
thereafter to prevent such discharges.
(iv) The final surfacing of any private access 4.5m metres of the public highway
shall not contain any loose material that is capable of being drawn on to the
existing or proposed public highway.
All works shall accord with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in
writing by the Local Planning Authority.
4. Notwithstanding any details shown on the approved plans and prior to the
construction of the revised site entrance full landscaping proposals and details
of proposed boundary enclosures and entrance gates along the southern site
boundary (adjoining Reedshaw Lane) shall be submitted to the Local Planning
Authority for approval.
Reason: In the interests of the visual amenity of the area.
5. Prior to the completion of the development hereby approved full details of the
decommissioning of the existing reservoir facility on the south side of
Reedshaw Lane, including a timetable of the proposed works and details of the
reinstatement of the land, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the
Local Planning Authority. The site shall be decommissioned and reinstated in
accordance with the approved details and agreed timetable.
Reason: The proposed works are to replace an existing facility located in open
countryside where the Local Planning Authority consider that it is necessary to
ensure that the site the decommissioned reservoir is reinstated in an
acceptable manner and in a timely manner in order to minimise the visual
impact on the open countryside and protect the visual amenity of the occupiers
of neighbouring properties.
The existing Public Right of Way on the site must be protected and kept clear of
any obstruction until such time as any alternative route has been provided and
confirmed under an Order made under the Town and Country Planning Act
Applicants are advised to contact the Couty Councl’s Access and Public Rights
of Way Manager at County Hall, Northallerton on 08458 727373 to obtain up to
date information regarding the line of the route of the way. The applicant should
discuss with the Highway Authority any proposals for altering the route.
Reasons for approval
The proposed replacement reservoir is an appropriate form of development in
open countryside which would not give rise to a loss of visual amenity or
highway safety issues and would be consistent with both national planning
policies and the specific requirements of Saved Policies ENV1 and ENV2 of the
Craven District (Outside the Yorkshire Dales National Park) Local Plan.