August 08 minutes - the Little Rock Chapter



AUGUST 21, 2008



Jackie Nelson, President

Ellen Sullivan, President-elect

Martha Galek, Treasurer

Judy Jilka, Secretary

Amy marker, Program Chair

Sarah Karpoff, Nominating Chair

Lindsey Melson, Program Chair

Natalie Griffith,, Virtual Community Chair

Edith Landers, Membership Chair

The meeting was called to order by President Jackie Nelson at 6:30 PM. The July meeting minutes were reviewed by members and approved and seconded after motion by

Lindsey Melson.


Lindsey reported that the Connect with the Community project “Skin Cancer Awareness” was a huge success. The cold water and skin cancer awareness brochures with sun screen were well received by the large number of people exercising at the Big Dam Bridge.

There are pictures posted on the LRONS web site.

April Dumond reported that the board members have approved the Guidelines for

Awards/Scholarships and copies will be given to members at the next meeting.

The committee members for the LRONS Nursing CEU event in the spring were confirmed. April Dumond will chair this program. Committee members are Cathy

Buzbee, Lindsey Melson, Sarah Karpoff, Ellen Sullivan, Martha Galek, and Amy



Amy Marker reported that the programs are confirmed thru the end of the year. The

September meeting will be sponsored by Celgene and the December will be sponsored by

Amgen. She said that in the future there may be changes in pharmaceutical companies sponsorship of programs that are not CME certified.

Edith Landers reported that there are 47 members and 2 members that still need to pay their dues.

Martha Galek reported that there is a balance of $5, 675.96 in the account. She was unable to get a better interest rate on our CD. She paid our national fees of $544.63.

April Dumond reported that the deadline for registration for the Institutes of Learning is

September 30 th .

Lindsey Melson reported the schedule for the Pamperd Chef fundraising event and membership drive to the members.

Natalie Griffith asked members to complete the Member highlight sheets that were distributed. These will be posted on the web site. The web address is

. Go to membership, then chapter, then Little Rock Chapter.

Sarah Karpoff asked members to express their interest in serving an elected position for the upcoming year. She and Cathy Buzbee are taking nomination requests.


Jackie Nelson reported that ASCO and NCI have partnered to develop information for patients and caregivers in case of national disaster. For more information see the ONS web site

Jackie Nelson reported that she is meeting with a representative from the Arkansas-

Oklahoma Oncology Assoc. about workshops or symposiums. This is an opportunity available for nurses interested in education leadership.

Ellen Sullivan announced that Elaine Sherwood’s husband passed away recently from cancer. There was interest in doing a meal for the family or some other memorial recognition.

Maureen Smith reminded members to pick up their T-shirt order by the end of

September. After that date, the remaining T-shirts will be open for purchase.


Optimizing Outcomes and Survival in Multiple Myeloma presented by Gail Sulski, MS,

FNP and sponsored by Millennium Pharmaceuticals.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
