PHYS 3323 Lesson 2 Div, Grad, Curl A. Freshman Calculus 1. Ordinary Derivatives We are often interested in knowing how much a function (money in our bank account, temperature, etc) has changed as we change a variable (time, altitude, etc) an infinitesimal amount, dx. Calculus is the math of change and enables us to answer these questions. The change in a function, df, is found by df dx dx df Change in function Amount the variable changed Rate of change (slope) 2. Ordinary Integrals To find the total change in a function, we simply add up all of the infinitesimal changes. This is the fundamental theorem of calculus. b dF dx dx F(b) F(a) ΔF a 3. Integration by Parts Evaluating integrals in closed form can be difficult. A particularly useful technique for solving integrals is “Integration by Parts”. b b dg df f dx dx g dx dx f g a a a b B. Multivariable Calculus In most real world problems, functions (temperature, etc) depend on more than just one variable. Unfortunately, determining the change in a multivariable function is somewhat more complicated than for single variable (ordinary) functions. In particular, the rate of change (derivative) depends on which variables are changed and how they are changed. Two new and interesting questions also arise in these problems: 1. 2. What is the maximum rate of change for the function? How must the variables be changed in order to obtain this maximum rate of change? To start answering these questions for functions that depend only on the three spatial dimensions, we begin by determining the change in the function by allowing only one variable to change at a time. We then add the change in the function for each variable to find the total change in the function. Change in variable x Total Change f f f dx dy dz x z y df Rate of change as only x is changed C. Del Operator and Gradient We would now like to develop answers to the questions posed above. Using our knowledge of the scalar product in Cartesian form, we see that we can rewrite our equation for the total change in a spatial function as f f f df î ĵ k̂ dx î dy ĵ dz k̂ x y z The last term is the displacement vector in Cartesian form. Thus we have that the total change in a function is df î ĵ k̂ f d r x y z The first term is an operator with three components like a vector! By checking its rotation properties, it is possible to demonstrate that it is a vector! 1. Del Operator in Cartesian Form - î ĵ k̂ x y z The del operator is actually defined by the gradient and will have more complicated forms in other coordinate systems. 2. Gradient of a Scalar Function - f We now have our final result for the total change in a spatial function as Del Operator Total Change df f dr Gradient of a Function This equation defines both the gradient of a scalar function and the del operator. It makes no reference to the coordinate system being used!! The gradient of a scalar function is a vector. 1. 2. The magnitude of the gradient of a scalar function is equal to the largest rate of change of the scalar function. The direction of the gradient of the scalar function is in the direction of the largest rate of change of the function. These final two observations are a direct consequence of our work on scalar dot products and answer the two questions we raised about changes in multivariable functions. The gradient is used for many applications besides E&M. Computer programs use the gradient to find the quickest approach to adjusting parameters when fitting data. Finally, from our work with the scalar product we see that the gradient must be perpendicular to constant function surfaces in order for dF to be zero for all arbitrary displacements. This is the mathematical proof that electrostatic field lines are perpendicular the equipotential surfaces that we learned in PHYS2424. D. Flux () and Divergence of a Vector - E 1. Definition of Flux In the Mechanical Universe tape that we watched in PHYS2424, we were told that flux comes from the Greek for “water flow.” We also developed the following mathematical definition. dA dA n̂ E The flux, E , of the vector E passing through a surface of area A like the top of the cube shown above is given by Φ E E dA surface 2. Definition of the Divergence The divergence of an arbitrary vector E is the scalar product of the del vector and the arbitrary vector. It follows that the divergence is a scalar quantity. However, it is important to note that one must be careful in applying the scalar product when dealing with the del operator. For instance, the order of the operation is important (i.e. E E ). Thus, the divergence is usually defined by the following coordinate independent definition. The divergence of a vector E at some point in space is defined as the flux per unit volume through an infinitesimal closed surface about that spatial point. 1 E lim E d A v0 v surface Physically, the divergence tells us if there is a net flow at a particular point in space. A positive divergence indicates a source of flow (water faucet for instance). A negative divergence is a flow sink (a drain in your sink). We will need the definition of the divergence to develop the very important Gauss’ Theorem that you memorized in PHYS2424. 3. Divergence in Cartesian Coordinates The form of the divergence is simple in Cartesian coordinates. E E y E z E x x y z E. Circulation and the Curl of a Vector - E 1. Definition of Circulation The circulation of a vector E is defined as the line integral around some closed path. E dl curve We previously dealt with circulation in PHYS2424 and in calculating the work done by a force upon a body over a closed path in PHYS1224. You may remember that the value for our work integral is usually path dependent except for conservative forces where the circulation integral is always zero. 2. Coordinate Independent Definition of the Curl of a Vector The curl of a vector E is defined to be the circulation of E per unit area around an infinitesimal loop. The component in along the n̂ direction is found by 1 n̂ E lim E dl A0 A curve with the curve being any infinitesimal loop whose surface normal is n̂ . The curl is a vector that tells us how much the vector E ”curls around” a particular point. 3. Cartesian Component Form of the Curl The curl of an arbitrary vector E in Cartesian coordinates can be found using cross product formula î E Determinan t x Ex F. ĵ y Ey k̂ z Ez Second Order Derivatives in Vector Calculus The gradient of a scalar function is a vector. Thus, we can take the divergence or curl of this new vector. 1. Divergence of the Gradient (Laplacian) of a Scalar Function The divergence of the gradient occurs so frequently in physics that it has its own special name and symbol. 2f f In Cartesian coordinates, the Laplacian has the simple form 2f 2f 2f f 2 2 2 x y z 2 In other coordinate systems, the form of the Laplacian is more complicated. 2. Curl of the Gradient of a Scalar Function The curl of the gradient of any scalar function is always zero!! f 0 This important result provides a method for developing vector’s that have zero circulation (i.e. are conservative). Such a vector can be produced by taking the gradient of a scalar function! In PHYS1224, the scalar function used to produce the negative of a conservative force was the potential energy function. In PHYS2424, the gradient of the electric potential (voltage) was used to produce the negative of the electric field for electrostatic problems. 3. Divergence of the Curl of a Vector The divergence of the curl of any arbitrary vector is always zero!! E 0 This important result provides a method for developing vectors with zero divergence (i.e. no radial flow). Such a vector is produced by taking the curl of a vector! In PHYS2424, you learned that magnetic fields have no divergence (Gauss Law of Magnetism). Thus, we will see later that physicists use the magnetic vector potential, A , to insure that the magnetic field has no divergence. B A 4. Curl of the Curl of a Vector Using our BAC-CAB rule, we obtain the following useful result: E E 2 E G. Other Potentially Useful Vector Calculus Results The vector calculus relations in part F should be put to memory as they are of essential importance in physics and engineering applications. Other vector calculus relationships can be obtained either by applying the rules of Calculus or by looking them up in tables when needed. f g fg gf g F g F g F F G G F- F G F G G F H. g F g F g F F G F G F G Gauss’s Theorem The flux of a vector quantity outward through any closed surface, S, is equal to the integral of the divergence of the function in an enclosed volume V. E d A E dv S v This important theorem actually has three different names: 1. Gauss’s Theorem 2. Divergence Theorem 3. Green’s Theorem It is a consequence of our previous definition of divergence since any finite size volume can be divided into a large number of infinitesimal volumes with the internal fluxes canceling as shown in your textbook. We used this theorem to transform from the integral to differential form of Maxwell’s Equations in PHYS2424. You should put it to memory as you will find it to be extremely useful throughout this course. I. Stokes Theorem The circulation of a vector function around a closed curve C is equal to the flux of vorticity through any surface S bounded by a curve C, E d l E d A C S This theorem follows from our previous definition of the curl as shown in the textbook. We also covered this theorem in PHYS2424 and should be put to memory. J. Solenoidal and Irrotational A vector with zero curl is called irrotational. E 0 A vector with zero divergence is called solenoidal. E 0 K. Helmholtz Theorem Let E be differentiable at all points in space with divergence E k and curl E C . If k and d approach 0 faster than r 2 and E 0 as r 0 then E Ψ A where k dv' 4π r r' all space Ψ c dv' 4π r r' all space A We discussed this theorem conceptually in PHYS2424. The theorem tells us that if certain boundary conditions are satisfied we can completely determine a vector as long as we know the vector’s circulation and divergence. This is why each vector field in E&M has two equations (1 for circulation and 1 for divergence). It also provides us a method for finding the vector provided we know its divergence and curl.