Perceived usefulness, user involvement and behavioral intention: an empirical study of ERP implementation Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 23, Issue: 3, May, 2007. pp. 1232-1248 Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi Many firms have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in the past few years. The expensive nature of these systems requires that effective usage of these systems be attained in order for an organization to derive the expected benefits from the technology. This study looks at the influence that perceived … ERP implementation: a knowledge integration challenge for the project team Knowledge and Process Management, Vol. 13, Issue: 4, October/December 2006. pp. 227 - 238 Newell, Sue; Huang, Jimmy; Tansley, Carole In this paper, we explore the knowledge integration challenges that face any large-scale IT implementation project team. We identify how knowledge integration is dependent on social networking processes. We provide evidence from the contrasting experiences of two project teams in two different case companies that were each involved in the … ERP systems and technological discourse shift: Managing the implementation journey International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 7, Issue: 3, September, 2006. pp. 217-237 Rose, Jeremy; Kraemmergaard, Pernille In an implementation of an ERP system in a large Danish production company (here referred to as Omega), discourse surrounding the project changed appreciably during the course of the project. Drawing on recent adaptations of discourse theory, we provide a theoretical model which relates technological discourse to actions and outcomes. … Group cohesion in organizational innovation: An empirical examination of ERP implementation Information and Software Technology, Vol. 48, Issue: 4, April, 2006. pp. 235-244 Wang, Eric T.G.; Ying, Ta-Chung; Jiang, James J.; Klein, Gary Enterprise Resource Planning systems present unique difficulties in implementation in that they typically involve changes to the entire organization and are a novel application for the organization. These characteristics add to the importance of making groups more cohesive in their goals, commitment, and ability to work toward completion of the … A knowledge management system for ERP implementation Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, Issue: 2, March/April 2006. pp. 157 - 168 Li, Yuan; Liao, Xiu Wu; Lei, Hong Zhen An enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an enterprise-wide application software package that integrates all necessary business functions into a single system with a common database. Its implementation is a complex process in terms of technology preparation and organizational change management. Although the importance of knowledge management (KM) in ERP implementation … Theory and practice of systems methodology in ERP implementation Systems Research and Behavioral Science, Vol. 23, Issue: 2, March/April 2006. pp. 219 - 235 Zhang, Li; Li, Yue Chuan The application and evolution of MRP II/ERP can be roughly divided into three stages: the introduction stage, the growth stage, and the maturity stage. A successful ERP implementation requires knowledge on both ERP systems and business management. In implementing ERP, the business processes of those enterprises adopted ERP systems need … Organizational performance effects of ERP systems usage: The impact of post-implementation changes International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 7, Issue: 1, March, 2006. pp. 18-35 Nicolaou, Andreas I.; Bhattacharya, Somnath This paper examines the long-term financial performance effects of ERP system changes/revisions for firms that have previously reported ERP adoptions. The study is motivated by the mixed results of recent studies examining the financial effects of ERP systems and by studies which demonstrate that ERP implementations are modular in nature … Exploring knowledge sharing in ERP implementation: an organizational culture framework Decision Support Systems, Vol. 41, Issue: 2, January, 2006. pp. 411-434 Jones, Mary C.; Cline, Melinda; Ryan, Sherry This is a multi-site case study of firms that have implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. It examines eight dimensions of culture and their impact on how ERP implementation teams are able to effectively share knowledge across diverse functions and perspectives during ERP implementation. Through synthesizing the data, we develop … Interpreting an ERP-implementation project from a stakeholder perspective International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 24, Issue: 1, January, 2006. pp. 38-52 Boonstra, Albert ERP-systems are software packages that enable the integration of transactions oriented data and business processes throughout an organisation. ERP-implementation projects can be viewed as processes of organisational change: many problems related to ERPimplementation are related to a misfit of the system with the characteristics of the organisation. This article uses … ERP implementation efforts at three firms: Integrating lessons from the SISP and IT-enabled change literature International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 26, Issue: 11, 2006. pp. 1223-1239 Bozarth, Cecil Purpose - To compare actual company ERP implementation practices with the prescriptions found in the strategic information systems planning (SISP) and IT-enabled change management literature. Design/methodology/approach - The case study method is used to study ERP specification, selection, and implementation efforts at three companies. The main sources of data were structured … The recovery of BPR implementation through an ERP approach: A hospital case study Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 12, Issue: 5, 2006. pp. 576-587 Huq, Ziaul; Martin, Thomas N. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to compare the approaches towards implementation of business process reengineering (BPR), and to provide some evidence as to which approach offers a greater chance of success. Design/methodology/approach - A hospital case analysis is used to study where both top-down/participative BPR and enterprise resource … A framework of ERP systems implementation success in China: An empirical study International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 98, Issue: 1, October 18, 2005. pp. 56-80 Zhang, Zhe; Lee, Matthew K.O.; Huang, Pei; Zhang, Liang; Huang, Xiaoyuan Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is one of the most widely accepted choices to obtain competitive advantage for manufacturing companies. However, the successful implementation rate is low and many firms did not achieve intended goals in China. This study develops an ERP implementation success framework by adapting the Ives et … ERP implementation failures in China: Case studies with implications for ERP vendors International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 97, Issue: 3, September 18, 2005. pp. 279-295 Xue, Yajiong; Liang, Huigang; Boulton, William R.; Snyder, Charles A. Chinese enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors have been able to defend the challenge from global ERP leaders such as SAP and Oracle. This article seeks possible reasons for major international ERP vendors not being able to dominate the Chinese ERP market. Taking an ensemble view of technology, we conceptualize ERP … Critical factors for successful ERP implementation: Exploratory findings from four case studies Computers in Industry, Vol. 56, Issue: 6, August, 2005. pp. 529-544 Motwani, Jaideep; Subramanian, Ram; Gopalakrishna, Pradeep As more and more organizations move from functional to process-based IT infrastructure, ERP systems are becoming one of today's most widespread IT solutions. However, not all firms have been successful in their ERP implementations. Using a case study methodology grounded in business process change theory, this research tries to understand … Identifying critical issues in enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation Computers in Industry, Vol. 56, Issue: 6, August, 2005. pp. 545-557 Ehie, Ike C.; Madsen, Mogens Much has been written on implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in organizations of various sizes. The literature is replete with many cases studies of both successful and unsuccessful ERP implementations. However, there have been very few empirical studies that attempt to delineate the critical issues that drive successful … The implementation and deployment of an ERP system: An industrial case study Computers in Industry, Vol. 56, Issue: 6, August, 2005. pp. 588-605 Berchet, Claire; Habchi, Georges This article concerns the integration and deployment of the ERP project at Alcatel, a telecommunications company. After a short presentation of the main activities managed by the ERP system, we propose a five-stage deployment model (selection of the vendor and software, deployment and integration, stabilisation, progression, evolution), then we outline … Implementation and optimisation of ERP systems: A better integration of processes, roles, knowledge and user competencies Computers in Industry, Vol. 56, Issue: 6, August, 2005. pp. 620-638 Worley, J. Hermosillo; Chatha, K.A.; Weston, R.H.; Aguirre, O.; Grabot, B. The implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is nowadays a key issue for companies. The problems that can appear during their integration, which is always a difficult task, are nowadays better identified, even if their origins are often multiple and complex. This study focuses on the integration of the … The dynamics of contextual forces of ERP implementation Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 14, Issue: 2, June, 2005. pp. 221242 Nandhakumar, Joe; Rossi, Matti; Talvinen, Jari This paper reports the findings of an in-depth case study of implementing Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) in a long-established multinational company within the telecommunication sector. The company streamlined its operations through an ambitious business process redesign initiative and introduced an ERP system. The study examines the emergence of the … The impacts of charismatic leadership style on team cohesiveness and overall performance during ERP implementation International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 23, Issue: 3, April, 2005. pp. 173-180 Wang, Eric; Chou, Huey-Wen; Jiang, James Though several key enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation factors, including top management commitment and support, change management, and consultants' support haven been broadly discussed in literature, other factors such as leadership style and team cohesiveness have recently received more attention in technical project implementation [Thite M. Leadership styles in information … Key lessons from the implementation of an ERP at Pratt and Whitney Canada International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 95, Issue: 2, February 18, 2005. pp. 151-163 Tchokogue, Andre; Bareil, Celine; Duguay, Claude R. This article uses a case study approach to evince the lessons learned from a successful implementation of an ERP system. It points out some strategic, tactic and operational considerations inherent in an ERP implementation that are prerequisites to effective organizational transformation required by a system implementation such as SAP R/3. … ERP system and implementation-process benefits: Implications for B2B eprocurement International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Vol. 25, Issue: 4, 2005. pp. 304-319 Bendoly, Elliot; Schoenherr, Tobias Purpose - The purpose of this work is to empirically demonstrate the synergistic implications of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and emerging intraorganizational technologies. Design/methodology/approach - Using established operational theory as a foundation, the article analyzes the history of ERP use and its impact on gains from business-to-business (B2B) purchasing technologies. … Causes influencing the effectiveness of the post-implementation ERP system Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 105, Issue: 1, 2005. pp. 115-132 Yu, Chian-Son Purpose - This article aims to find a chain of causal relations affecting the operating effectiveness of the implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) system instead of focusing on either the evaluation of software/vendors/consultants or critical successful factors (CSF) identification for ERP implementation, a course followed by the dominant ERP literature. Design/methodology/approach … Goal directed project management methodology for the support of ERP implementation and optimal adaptation procedure Information Management and Computer Security, Vol. 13, Issue: 1, 2005. pp. 5571 Metaxiotis, Kostas; Zafeiropoulos, Ioannis; Nikolinakou, Konstantina; Psarras, John Purpose - To control and reduce the time and the cost of implementation and to achieve optimal adaptation of the processes and structures of the enterprise in an ERP environment. Design/methodology/approach - This paper presents a fundamental methodology based on goal directed project management (GDPM) principles which supports the complicated process … Dynamic risk management system for the modeling, optimal adaptation and implementation of an ERP system Information Management and Computer Security, Vol. 13, Issue: 3, 2005. pp. 212-234 Zafiropoulos, Ioannis; Metaxiotis, Kostas; Askounis, Dimitris Purpose - This paper aims to deal with the development of a risk management application for the modelling, optimal adaptation and implementation of an ERP system. Design/methodology/approach - This paper presented a risk management application for the modeling, optimal adaptation and implementation of an ERP system. The application was tested with … Impediments to successful ERP implementation process Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 11, Issue: 2, 2005. pp. 158-170 Kim, Yongbeom; Lee, Zoonky; Gosain, Sanjay Purpose - As the number of organizations that have implemented enterprise resourceplanning (ERP) systems unsuccessfully increase, it is necessary to establish the impediments in ERP implementations and the extent to which these impact the success of ERP projects. This study aims to identify the critical impediments that large organizations face in … Success and failure factors of adopting SAP in ERP system implementation Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 11, Issue: 5, 2005. pp. 501-516 Gargeya, Vidyaranya B.; Brady, Cydnee Purpose - Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are software packages that allow companies to have more real time visibility and control over their operations. This paper aims to investigate and analyze common circumstances that occur within most ERP projects, and determines the areas that are key to success versus those that … Aligning ERP implementation with competitive priorities of manufacturing firms: An exploratory study International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 92, Issue: 3, December 18, 2004. pp. 207-220 Yen, HsiuJu Rebecca; Sheu, Chwen Companies worldwide have made substantial investments in installing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. In the meantime, implementing ERP systems has proven unexpectedly difficult, and the final benefits have been uncertain. Several researchers have concluded that the failures are usually the result of business problems instead of technical difficulties. ERP systems … National differences and ERP implementation: issues and challenges Omega, Vol. 32, Issue: 5, October, 2004. pp. 361-371 Sheu, Chwen; Chae, Bongsug; Yang, Chen-Lung Multinational ERP implementation introduces another dimension of complexity-national differences-into the already complex nature of ERP implementation in the context of global information management. This study reviewed several issues critical to the success of international ERP implementation. Using both case research and secondary data, we examined ERP implementation at several multinational … Change management underpins a successful ERP implementation at Marathon Oil Journal of Organizational Excellence, Vol. 23, Issue: 4, Autumn (Fall) 2004. pp. 15 - 22 Stapleton, Gregg; Rezak, Catherine J. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems promise heaven, but the implementation is often just the opposite-cost overruns, exponentially expanding timelines, functionality shortfalls, even business failures. Yet ERP is as essential to the "new economy" as automation was to the old. Marathon Oil Corporation made this business-critical changeover in record time and … An extension of the technology acceptance model in an ERP implementation environment Information and Management, Vol. 41, Issue: 6, July, 2004. pp. 731-745 Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi; Salam, A.F. This paper presents an extension to the technology acceptance model (TAM) and empirically examines it in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation environment. The study evaluated the impact of one belief construct (shared beliefs in the benefits of a technology) and two widely recognized technology implementation success factors (training and … ERP-Enterprise Resource Planning: A cost-based business case and implementation assessment Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, Vol. 14, Issue: 3, Summer 2004. pp. 239 - 256 Han, S. W. This article provides the key factors that are critical to the successful implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP). It reports the results of a study carried out to assess a number of different ERP implementations in different organizations. A case study method of investigation was used, and the experiences of … Enterprise information systems project implementation: A case study of ERP in Rolls-Royce International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 87, Issue: 3, February 18, 2004. pp. 251-266 Yusuf, Yahaya; Gunasekaran, A.; Abthorpe, Mark S. Economic globalisation and internationalisation of operations are essential factors in integration of suppliers, partners and customers within and across national borders, the objective being to achieve integrated supply chains. In this effort, implementation of information technologies and systems such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) facilitate the desired level of integration. … ERP implementation factors: A comparison of managerial and end-user perspectives Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 10, Issue: 2, 2004. pp. 171-183 Amoako-Gyampah, Kwasi Past research has identified factors that are important to the successful implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. However, the identification of these factors has often been based on the perceptions of senior members within organizations that are implementing these systems. In this study, the perceptions of managers and end-users on … An investigation of critical management issues in ERP implementation: emperical evidence from Canadian organizations Technovation, Vol. 23, Issue: 10, October, 2003. pp. 793-807 Kumar, Vinod; Maheshwari, Bharat; Kumar, Uma The study investigates critical management issues in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects such as selection of ERP vendor, project manager, and implementation partners; constitution of project team; project planning, training, infrastructure development, on-going project management; quality assurance and stabilization of ERP. The innovation process study approach is taken and … Using a case study to test the role of three key social enablers in ERP implementation Information and Management, Vol. 40, Issue: 8, September, 2003. pp. 813-829 Sarker, Suprateek; Lee, Allen S. The literature indicates that three key social enablers-strong and committed leadership, open and honest communication, and a balanced and empowered implementation team are necessary conditions/precursors for successful enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation. In a longitudinal positivist case study, we find that, while all three enablers may contribute to ERP implementation … ERP Implementation: Chief Information Officers' Perceptions of Critical Success Factors International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 16, Issue: 1, August 2003. pp. 5-22 Fui-Hoon Nah, Fiona; Zuckweiler, Kathryn M.; Lee-Shang Lau, Janet This article reports the results of a survey of Chief Information Officers (CIOs) from Fortune 1000 companies on their perceptions of the critical success factors in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. Through a review of the literature, 11 critical success factors were identified , with underlying subfactors, for successful ERP … Implementation Partner Involvement and Knowledge Transfer in the Context of ERP Implementations International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 16, Issue: 1, August 2003. pp. 23-38 Haines, Marc N.; Goodhue, Dale L. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are difficult and costly to implement. Studies show that a large portion of the overall implementation cost can be attributed to consulting fees. Indeed, hardly any organization has the internal knowledge and skills to implement an ERP system successfully without external help. Therefore, it becomes … Analyzing ERP Implementation at a Public University Using the Innovation Strategy Model International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 16, Issue: 1, August 2003. pp. 57-80 Siau, Keng; Messersmith, Jake Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have revolutionized the way companies are using information technology in their businesses. ERP was created in an effort to streamline business processes and has proven to be successful in many operations. Unfortunately, not all ERP implementations have met expectations. One way that businesses may be … Misalignments in ERP Implementation: A Dialectic Perspective International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 16, Issue: 1, August 2003. pp. 81-100 Soh, Christina; Kien Sia, Siew; Fong Boh, Wai; Tang, May Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are often not fully aligned with the implementing organization. It is important to understand their sources of misalignments because they can have significant implications for the organization. From a dialectic perspective, such misalignments are the result of opposing forces that arise from structures embedded in the ERP package and the organization. ERP implementation: lessons from a case study Information Technology and People, Vol. 16, Issue: 1, 2003. pp. 21-33 Al-Mashari, Majed; Al-Mudimigh, Abdullah Many organizations have moved from stand-alone business information systems applications to integrated enterprise-wide systems, enterprise resource planning (ERP). The implementation of ERP packages has created an opportunity to re-engineer business processes within and beyond the organizational scope. Most notably, SAP R/3 has been widely implemented to create value-oriented business processes that … An innovation-diffusion view of implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and development of a research model Information and Management, Vol. 40, Issue: 2, December, 2002. pp. 87-114 Rajagopal, Palaniswamy Firms around the world have been implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems since the 1990s to have an uniform information system in their respective organizations and to reengineer their business processes. Through a case type analysis conducted in six manufacturing firms that have one of the widely used ERP systems, … The critical success factors for ERP implementation: an organizational fit perspective Information and Management, Vol. 40, Issue: 1, October, 2002. pp. 25-40 Hong, Kyung-Kwon; Kim, Young-Gul Since early 1990s, many firms around the world have shifted their information technology (IT) strategy from developing information systems in-house to purchasing application software such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. IT managers responsible for managing their organization's ERP implementation view their ERP systems as their organizations' most strategic computing … Tell me a good story: using narrative analysis to examine information requirements interviews during an ERP implementation ACM SIGMIS Database, Vol. 33, Issue: 1, February 1, 2002. pp. 38-52 Alvarez, Rosio ; Urla, Jacqueline This paper reports on a participant-observation study examining how clients use narratives to convey information during ERP requirements analysis interviews. Techniques drawn from narrative analysis are used to analyze the structure and content of different types of narratives clients tell during requirements analysis interviews. First, findings reveal that interviewees organized … Successful implementation of ERP projects: Evidence from two case studies International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 75, Issue: 1-2, January 10, 2002. pp. 83-96 Motwani, Jaideep; Mirchandani, Dinesh; Madan, Manu; Gunasekaran, A. This research examines what factors facilitate or inhibit the success of ERP projects and what actions can be taken to bring troubled ERP projects under control. It uses a case study methodology grounded in business process change theory to compare a successful ERP implementation with an unsuccessful one. Data was … ERP implementation in rural health care Journal of Management in Medicine, Vol. 16, Issue: 2-3, 2002. pp. 113-132 Trimmer, Kenneth J.; Pumphrey, Lela D. "Kitty"; Wiggins, Carla Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems provide organizations with the opportunity to integrate individual, functionally-oriented information systems. Although much of the focus in the popular press has been placed on ERP systems in large for-profit organizations, small hospitals and clinics are candidates for ERP systems. Focusing information systems on critical success factors … ERP systems implementation: best practices in Canadian government organizations Government Information Quarterly, Vol. 19, Issue: 2, 2002. pp. 147-172 Kumar, Vinod; Maheshwari, Bharat; Kumar, Uma ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems implementation is a complex exercise in organizational innovation and change management. Government organizations are increasing their adoption of these systems for various benefits such as integrated realtime information, better administration, and result-based management. Government organizations, due to their social obligations, higher legislative and public accountability, … Change management strategies for successful ERP implementation Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 7, Issue: 3, 2001. pp. 266-275 Aladwani, Adel M. When implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, top management commonly faces an unwanted attitude from potential users - for one reason or another, they resist the implementation process. Top management should, therefore, proactively deal with this problem instead of reactively confronting it. In this paper, I describe an integrated, process-oriented approach for facing the complex social problem of workers' resistance to ERP. ERP implementation issues in advanced and developing countries Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 7, Issue: 3, 2001. pp. 276-284 Huang, Zhenyu; Palvia, Prashant There is an increasing need to implement a total business solution which supports major functionalities of a business. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is designed to meet this need, and has been widely adopted by organizations in developed countries. Meanwhile, ERP is beginning to appear in many organizations of developing countries. … Supply-chain re-engineering using enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems: an analysis of a SAP R/3 implementation case International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, Vol. 30, Issue: 3-4, May 23, 2000. pp. 296-313 Al-Mashari, Majed; Zairi, Mohamed The development of enterprise resource planning (ERP) packages has created an opportunity to re-engineer supply chains within and beyond the organizational scope. Most notably, SAP R/3 has been widely implemented to create value-oriented supply chains that enable a high level of integration, improve communication within internal and external business networks, and … Our experience and learning in ERP implementation ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 25, Issue: 2, March 1, 2000. pp. 31-34 Agarwal, Rakesh ; Raha, Arup Ratan; Ghosh, Bhaskar Information systems developed to support the functional units of a complete enterprise (referred in this paper as "application package") only serve standard industry processes. Very often, the business processes that differentiate an organization from another are the processes that define their competitive edge. This competitive edge can be achieved if … Efficiency improvement in manual warehouses through ERP systems implementation and redesign of the logistics processes Logistics Information Management, Vol. 12, Issue: 5, 1999. pp. 367-377 Rizzi, Antonio; Zamboni, Roberto Deals with the issues related to the implementation, in a manual finished goods warehouse, of an ERP information system aimed at improving warehouse internal logistics efficiency. Specifically it is observed that the mere implementation of an integrated warehouse management information system does not actually guarantee the optimization of warehouse logistics. Rather, …