E March 23rd – Technology and Common Core Mini-Conference Dates: Monday, March 23, 2015 Time: Registration Begins: 3:15 PM Workshops: 3:45 – 5:45 PM Audience: Grade k – 12 Teachers Location: Lynnfield High School, 275 Essex Street, Lynnfield MA 01940 Hours/PDP’s: Fee: 2 Hours $15 Member Districts $40 for non-Member Districts For Registration and Member List visit http://www.salemcollaborative.org. Workshop #1: Tips and Tricks for Effectively Using Classroom Management and Behavior Apps for Ipads in the Classroom Presenter: Sarah Clifford M.Ed., BCBA Audience: K – 12 Classroom Teachers and Special Education Teachers Description: This 2 hour workshop is designed for general education and special education teachers who would like to explore a few of the many classroom management and behavior apps that are common for Ipad users. Teachers will get the basics on Classroom Dojo as well as the “do’s and don’ts” when considering to implement apps such as this. Teachers will also learn about Too Noisy Pro, Screen Time as well as Time Timer Pro and how to effectively use these apps with their students while reinforcing positive classroom behaviors. Apps reviewed: Screen Time, Classoom Dojo, Too Noisy Pro, Time Timer Pro. iPads will be available for participants to use. Workshop #7: Intermediate and Basic Operation of an iPad Presenter: Leane Manderson Audience: K-12, Classroom Teachers, Special Educators Description: This 2-hour hands-on workshop is for teachers who have a litle experience in using the iPad. Participants will do a quick review on the basic usage of the iPads, changing settings, using the camera, email and accessing the App Store. This will be followed by addressing key apps that are beneficial to teacher productivity and student interaction. Participants will also be introduced to a number of highly recommended apps including Dropbox and Notability if time permits. Workshop #3: Google Apps for Elementary Teachers Presenter: Alex Caram Audience: Grade k – 6 Teachers Description: This workshop will review three basic google apps: gmail, calendar, and drive, in an effort for teachers to work more efficiently and collaboratively together. Teachers will learn how to better organize their gmail and drive by using labels and folders. They will also learn how to make better use of the calendar app. Workshop #4: Presenter: Audience: Time: Smartboard for Beginners (Note – This is the first session of a four week program) Karen Ellis K-12, Classroom Teachers 3:45 - 5:45 PM Description: This hands-on workshop is designed for teachers just beginning to use a Smartboard in their classes, or those who need a refresher for using the smartboard in their classrooms. Participants can bring lesson materials to work on and/or questions to ask during this workshop. Workshop #5: Google Classroom: An Introduction Presenter: Nicole Hawes Audience: K-12, Classroom Teachers, Administrators, Special Educators, Description: Participants will receive an introduction to Google Classroom. You will learn how to create a class, invite students to join, how to post assignments and announcements, view and grade assignments. If you want to use Google Classroom with your classes, you and your students must have email accounts through Google! Workshop #6: Introduction to Google Drive and Gmail Presenter: Audrey Coats Audience: K-12, Classroom Teachers, Administrators Description: Using Google drive is great for collaborating with co-workers, cloud storage for yourself and workflow for your students. Do you write lessons, rubrics or tests with other teachers? By using Google Docs you can work simultaneously or edit each other's work. If you are familiar with Dropbox, Drive is an alternative that has even more features. If your students write papers, submitting work through Drive is easy and Docs allows you to comment on their work while it is ongoing. There are so many reasons to love Google Drive ... Come find out more! Workshop #7: The Technology Side of the PARCC Test Presenter: Sharon Hydren Audience: Grades 3 and 4, Classroom Teachers, Special Educators, Title One Teachers, Description: We will explore the technology features incorporated in the PARCC test at your individual pace. We will have enough time practicing the skills to become comfortable with the technology features by the end of the class. You will receive MA Technology Standard Checklist aligned to the PARCC Skills, Class check off of skills introduced, Individual student check off list of skills introduce, and several web sites students may use acquire some of Technology skills. You may use a Chromebook or Laptop. A web site with will be available with links and handouts. Workshop #8: PARCC Prep Presenter: Kay Scheidler Audience: Grades 6 -8 Description: Learn to love PARCC! Your grade level posted PARCC test Reading and Writing skills and understandings are reviewed from looking at the released PAARC tests for your grade level. Specific strategies to develop these skills are presented. You will learn to use your current class materials to apply learning strategies to prepare your students for the March ELA test. Session is for teachers of ELA, social studies, science, ELL and Special Ed. Workshop #9: Online Games Presenter: Amy St. Arnaud Audience: K - 12 Teachers Description: Do you want an easy way make interactive games for your class? In this session, we will look at free templates to make online games. We will look at games on the SMARTexchange (for SMARTboards) as well as other online resources for those who don’t have a SMARTboard. You will leave this session with many places to find game templates – all you have to do is make the questions!