Health Monitoring_TB 02-04_V1.0.doc Document type: SOP Document code: TB 02-04 HEALTH MONITORING OF LABORATORY STAFF Confidentiality: none TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................................. 2 2. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 3. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................................... 2 4. CROSS-REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 2 5. PROCEDURES ......................................................................................................................................... 3 5.1. Commencement of employment ......................................................................................... 3 5.2. Quarterly monitoring .......................................................................................................... 3 5.3. Annual monitoring .............................................................................................................. 3 5.4. Post-exposure monitoring ................................................................................................... 3 6. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 4 7. CHANGE HISTORY ................................................................................................................................ 4 8. ANNEX ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 This SOP template has been developed by FIND for adaption and use in TB laboratories Release date: ddMMMyy Page 1 of 5 Health Monitoring_TB 02-04_V1.0.doc 1. PURPOSE This SOP describes the monitoring of the health of all laboratory staff working in the _______________ TB Laboratory. Laboratory workers are at an increased risk of tuberculosis compared with the general population. The regular monitoring of staff for tuberculosis exposure is important for the early identification of staff who may be suffering from tuberculosis. Infected staff who have not been identified may also infect their co-workers, thereby further spreading the disease. Regular health monitoring is also important to identify short-falls in procedures set up to minimize risk of occupational exposure to tuberculosis in the laboratory. This procedure describes the method of monitoring staff at the commencement of employment, and for regular monitoring thereafter. 2. SCOPE This SOP applies to all personnel working in the _______________ TB Laboratory. 3. RESPONSIBILITIES The Head of TB Laboratory is responsible for ensuring all staff undergo pre-employment screening and regular monitoring in accordance with this SOP. The costs of any testing required as part of this SOP will be covered by ______________________. All staff working in the laboratory are responsible for completing the quarterly medical questionnaires and providing the Head of Laboratory Research with X-ray and tuberculin skin test reports (if appropriate) as described in this procedure. Staff are required to make themselves aware of the symptoms of tuberculosis and to promptly be examined by a physician if they display any of the symptoms. All staff members working in the _____________________ TB Laboratory are responsible for the implementation of this SOP. All users of this procedure who do not understand it or are unable to carry it out as described are responsible for seeking advice from their supervisor. 4. CROSS-REFERENCES See: Document Matrix_ TB 01-01_V1.0.doc General Safety Procedures_TB 02-01_V1.0.doc Location: Page 2 of 5 Health Monitoring_TB 02-04_V1.0.doc 5. PROCEDURES 5.1. Commencement of employment All new staff should receive a chest X-ray, tuberculin skin test (if previously untested or previous test was negative) and training in safety techniques and procedures, before starting work in the laboratory. A copy of the chest X-ray report should be retained in the confidential personnel records. For strongly positive reactors (skin test diameter >15mm) and symptoms suggestive of TB should be investigated clinically and microbiologically. Two sputum specimens collected on consecutive days should be investigated for TB by smear microscopy, culture and drug susceptibility testing performed on any positive cultures. Confidential HIV testing with pre- and post-test counseling will be offered to all laboratory workers. Results must be recorded on: Use: Health Monitoring Questionnaire_form Location: 5.2. Quarterly monitoring All staff must complete the Health Monitoring Questionnaire once every quarter in January, April, July and October. If the response to any of the questions is “Yes”, the staff member must be referred to his/her doctor for further investigations. 5.3. Annual monitoring Chest X-ray and tuberculin skin testing [TST] (if the staff member’s previous test was <10mm) should be performed annually. In the event of changes on the X-ray or the conversion of the TST, the staff member should be referred to a physician for further examinations and the Head of the TB Laboratory should be informed. The chest X-ray report and X-ray films must be kept in the personnel file. In addition to the annual surveillance, staff must be made aware of the symptoms of TB and must be promptly examined by a physician if they display any of these symptoms: night sweats, persistent cough, lethargy and unexplained weight loss. 5.4. Post-exposure monitoring Following a major aerosol accident, all personnel involved should have their health monitoring file reviewed. They should be monitored clinically. Eight weeks after exposure, a chest X-ray should be performed and a TST in cases where the baseline diameter was <10mm. For more details of laboratory accidents see the General Safety Procedures Page 3 of 5 Health Monitoring_TB 02-04_V1.0.doc Following all major aerosol accidents, a laboratory audit must be undertaken. Use: Internal Audit Questionnaire Laboratory_form.doc Internal Audit Report Laboratory_form.doc Location: 6. REFERENCES World Health Organisation. Laboratory Services in Tuberculosis Control. Part 1. Organisation and Management. World Health Organisation 1998. WHO/TB/98.258. 7. CHANGE HISTORY New version # / date Old version # / date No. of changes Description of changes Source of change request Page 4 of 5 Health Monitoring_TB 02-04_V1.0.doc 8. ANNEX Summary of Laboratory Staff Health Monitoring Pre-employment Baseline information on BCG and Hepatitis B vaccination Offer Hepatitis B vaccination where indicated History of TB disease Other diseases that may compromise susceptibility to TB Mantoux test Chest X-ray Questionnaire re TB signs and symptoms Clinical and microbiological follow-up where indicated Offer HIV testing Quarterly monitoring Questionnaire re TB signs and symptoms Clinical and microbiological follow-up where indicated Post-exposure monitoring Clinical monitoring Chest X-ray and Mantoux test (where baseline <10mm) 8 weeks after exposure Page 5 of 5