For the web ACES- Atlantic Coral Ecosystem Study Andrew Wheeler, Maxim Kozachenko & Gerry Sutton Introduction University College Cork (Coastal Resources Centre) has successfully carried out the acquisition of 100kHz and 410kHz side-scan sonar surveys in the Rockall Trough and Porcupine Seabight. The acquisition of these images was technically challenging involving the deployment of items of equipment at the limit of their operational effectiveness. Not only were we successful in this respect but we also managed to survey larger areas than anticipated due to the smoothness of the operation. As a result, these images represent the best at present) views of these deep-water habitat collected using side-scan sonar. Furthermore, as predicted, these images allow us to observe these deep-water coral bioherms at a spatial resolution appropriate for the evaluation morphological features and environmental controls. These images are also at the appropriate spatial scale to allow the integration of regional side-scan and multibeam mapping with video and sample data. They therefore provide fundamental data in their own right as well as facilitating further scientific investigations. The surveys were performed on the Darwin Mounds, northern Rockall Trough (100 & 410kHz coverage) and the Belgica Mounds (410kHz coverage) (see Figure 1). Images from this survey are viewable on the AGU poster (Wheeler et al., 2000) <LINK> Figure 1. Location of side-scan survey Methods All data was acquired onboard cruise RRS Discovery 248 using a dual frequency GeoAcoustic side-scan sonar system depth rated to 2000m. Swathe width was 600m at 100kHz and 200m at 410kHz. A Hytech cable counter was used to assist in layback calculation. A CODA DA100 sonar processing system supplied a real-time image recorded to DAT tapes. A hardcopy output of the side-scan record was also obtained directly from the GeoAcoustics transceiver using an Ultraelectronics Wideline 200 series 12” thermographic recorder with manual fixes. To obtain optimum results the side-scan sonar towfish was flown at 25m off the seabed at 100kHz and 10m off the seabed at 410kHz at 3.5 knots. This usually required between 2000 and 3700m of cable layout in 1000m of water. Side-scan sonar data was processed using the PRISM software packages developed at the Southampton Oceanography Centre (Le Bas & Huhnerbach, 1999). Data was originally sub-sampled to ensure comparable across-track and long-track resolution and remove any data redundancy. Data was processed by initially removing the water column. The remaining seafloor backscatter was then process to convert the return period to across track distance. Images were then navigated and mosaiced based on the ship-position and layback. Layback calculation take into account wire-out, wire catenation effects and inertia movement around corners. Initial parameters were fine-tuned to provide the optimum mosaic. Rubber-sheeting was not performed. Darwin Mounds The Darwin mounds measure approximately 70m in diameter and 5m in height. All of the deep-water coral mounds possessed discrete boundaries with a rubbly surface texture. The rubbly texture probably reflects small accumulations of coral, coral debris and other organisms with positive relief acting as nuclei for further growth. Live coral is represented by spots of very high backscatter and tends to be slightly more dominant at the edges of the mound. Internal structuring of the mound surface is irregular with a slight concentric arrangement of coral colonies. Distinctions can be made between undisturbed mounds (with well developed coral patches) and other mounds that have become covered by influxing sediment with no obvious coral stands. These may have been impacted by deepwater trawling activities. Tails to mounds were visible as higher backscatter suggesting a change in sediment composition or surface roughness that may be caused by a number of processes. Some of the tails also have a positive relief and always occurred in the lee of the mound. When this was the case, the mounds were often scoured on the opposing side of the mound. Background sediment around the mounds was usually featureless although some mounds occurred in or at the edge of sediment wave fields. Sediment within the mounds is sander than the outlying sediments. It is speculated that these sandy patches may be original (possibly related to water escape structures imaged in deep water) offering a viable substrate for coral colonisation (Masson et al., 2001) There was abundant evidence of benthic trawling over mounds and in the intervening seabed. Some areas were 100% trawled. Areas of “speckly” backscatter on the TOBI imagery in the east of the area were probably caused by a combination of geological and biological processes. The high backscatter patches may represent coral and/or patches of more reflective seabed (e.g. gravel). In some areas, 50% of the seafloor was covered with these high backscatter patches. Inter-patch arrangement is random although in some places there was a tendency towards a current-parallel fabric. Trawling this area is also intense. In the south of the area, pockmarks were imaged. These appeared as shallow depressions which sometimes have smaller, positive conical features (?sand volcanoes) at their centre and/or rim. Linear sediment waves were also imaged mainly in the north of the area of varying wavelengths and crest heights. Belgica mounds Side-scan imagery of mounds reveals that they are largely covered in sediment waves. The topography of the mounds (often up to 100m high) provides an obstacle to basal currents causing acceleration in current speed and facilitating sediment transport in the form of migratory waves. A grading of the sediment wave styles exists in relation to mound proximity and position up the flank of the mounds. At 410kHz frequency, the side-scan was able to identify mounds with coral accumulations. These appear as several metre-size accumulations of high backscatter. Accumulations occur on all parts of the sediment wave although a tendency for preferential growth on crests and upper flanks is possible. Further away from the foot of the mound, coral accumulation density decreases and they occur on the wave crests and upper flanks and not in the troughs. On the flanks of the easternmost ridges, current velocities were sufficient to produce barchan dunes forms feeding off the proceeding dune tails. These were often associated with inferred gravel sediment waves. Inter-ridge areas are characterised by a homogenous seafloor with isolated sediment wave fields. On their peripheries of some of these sediment wave fields and in isolated areas between the carbonate mounds, small coral mounds 50m in diameter infrequently occur (named Moira Mounds). References Le Bas, T. & Huhnerbach, V. (1991). P.R.I.S.M. Processing of Remotely-sensed Imagery for Seafloor Mapping Operators Manual Version 3.1. Southampton Oceanography Centre, UK. Masson, D.G., Bett, B.J., Billett, D.S.M. & Wheeler, A.J. (2001) The Darwin mounds - possible fluid escape features in the northern Rockall Trough. Abstract, European Union of Geosciences EUGXI, Strasbourg, 8-12 April 2001. Wheeler, A.J., Bett, B.J., Billett, D.S.M., Masson, D.G. & Scientic Party, Officers and Crew of Discovery 248 (2000). Very high resolution side-scan mapping of deep-water coral mounds: surface morphology and processes affecting growth. Abstract: AGU Fall Meeting 2000, San Francisco, EOS, 81(48), F638.