Elsevier Science Journal logo Status of the inverse Compton backscattering source at Daresbury Laboratory G. Priebea*, D. Filippettob, O. Williamsc, Y.M. Savelieva,e, L.B. Jonesa,e, D. Laundya, M.A. MacDonalda, G.P. Diakuna, P.J. Phillipsg, S.P. Jamisone, K.M. Spohrd, S. Ter-Avetisyanf, G.J. Hirsth, J. Collierh,i, E.A. Seddonj and S.L. Smitha,e a Science and Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, UK Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Rome, Italy c University of California at Los Angeles, Department of Physics and Astronomy, California, USA d School of Engineering and Science, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, UK e Accelerator Science and Technology Centre, Daresbury Laboratory, Cheshire, UK f School of Mathematics and Physics, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK g Electronic and Physics Department,Dundee University, Nethergate, UK h STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, UK i University of Wales Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea, UK j The University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom b Elsevier use only: Received date here; revised date here; accepted date here Abstract Inverse Compton scattering is a promising method to implement a high-brightness, ultra-short, energy tuneable X-ray source at accelerator facilities and at laser facilities using laser wake field acceleration. We have developed an inverse Compton X-ray source driven by the multi 10 TW laser installed at Daresbury Laboratory. Polarised X-ray pulses will be generated through the interaction of laser pulses with electron bunches delivered by the energy recovery linac commissioned at the ALICE facility with spectral peaks ranging from 0.4 to 12 Å, depending on the electron bunch energy and the scattering geometry. X-ray pulses containing up to 107 photons per pulse will be created from head-on collisions, with a pulse duration comparable to the incoming electron bunch length. For transverse collisions the laser pulse transit time defines the X-ray pulse duration. The peak spectral brightness is predicted to be up to 1021 photons/(s mm2 mrad2 0.1% Δλ/λ). Called COBALD, this source will initially be used as a short pulse diagnostic for the ALICE electron beam and will explore the extreme challenges of photon/electron beam synchronization, which is a fundamental requirement for all conventional accelerator and laser wake field acceleration based sources. Keywords: Energy recovering linac; ERL; ERLP; Accelerators and Lasers In Combined Experiments; ALICE; Free Electron Laser; FEL; Compton Back Scattering;CBS; Inverse Compton Scattering;ICS; Laser Compton Scattering; LCS; Compton Synchrotron Radiation; CSR; Laser Synchrotron Radiation; Thomson Scattering;TS; X-ray pulses; X-ray source; all optical Free Electron Laser, All Optical FEL; AOFEL. * Address of correspondence and reprint requests to: Gerd Priebe, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 4AD, UK. E-mail: gerd.priebe@stfc.ac.uk 2 Elsevier Science 1. Introduction Synchronized high-brightness electron beams and high-intensity lasers have become significantly improved during the last decade, opening new possibilities for the generation of X-rays. At several international laboratories Compton sources are being proposed, designed, commissioned and operated for high flux generation of polarized X-rays with unprecedented characteristics of brilliance, tune ability, high mono-chromaticity, with pulse durations in the ps down to fs range and fluxes of 1011 photons per sec, within a narrow spectral bandwidth [1-7]. The physics and applications of a high-brightness electron beam in combination with a high-intensity laser is capable of producing harder photons than other sources like FELs or synchrotron light sources. Recent successes in laser-based particle acceleration have demonstrated energies up to multi 10 GeV, with electrons accelerated directly by the field of the laser pulse. They potentially could be injected into conventional accelerators or combined with a magneto static undulator to drive FELs with radiation wavelength down in the Angstrom range. Furthermore, all optical free electron lacers have been proposed recently, where an electromagnetic undulator will be used [1]. By combining a laseraccelerated electron beam with an electromagnetic undulator, the ultimate short pulse, high brilliance X-ray source could be created. In this paper, we describe the source of ultra-short X-ray pulses based on inverse Compton backscattering of 100 fs laser pulses with 35 MeV electron bunches delivered by the energy recovery linac built at the ALICE facility (Fig. 1; Tab. 1). The X-ray source, Tab. 1. The main parameters the inverse Compton of the energy recovery linac back scattering X-ray machine at the ALICE facility. gun energy 350 keV source driven by the max energy 35 MeV table top multi 10 TW charge / bunch 80 pC 3 (T ) laser installed at bunch rep. rate 81.25 MHz Daresbury Laboratory post chicane 350 fs (COBALD) [8] will bunch length initially be used as a focused σx ≈ 35 μm short pulse diagnostic beam size σy ≈ 20 μm of the electron bunches. energy spread 0.2 % normalized It will explore the 5 mm mrad emittance extreme challenges of photon / electron beam synchronization, which is a fundamental requirement for all conventional- and laser wake-field based next generation sources. CBS interaction point Figure 1: Layout of the energy recovery linac machine (ERL) at the “accelerators and lasers in combined experiments” facility (ALICE) built at Daresbury Laboratory. 2. Energy Recovery Linac The use of linacs yields electron beams with extraordinary brilliance, small source size, ultra-short pulse length and concomitant transverse coherence. Several laboratories have proposed high power ERLs for the production of high-brightness radiation. Accelerators optimised for various parameter sets and applications are being developed by Cornell University, Argonne National Laboratory, the Budker Institute, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Jefferson Laboratory, and Daresbury Laboratory [9]. ALICE consists of a superconducting linac driving an oscillator FEL, cirulating 80 pC electron bunches at up to 35 MeV; deceleration through the same linac 180 degrees out of phase with the accelerating RF will allow energy recovery, with injection and extraction occurring at a nominal energy of 8.35 MeV. The injector consists of a high-average current DC photocathode gun, a booster and a transfer line to the main linac. The DC photocathode gun is a replica of the 500 kV Jefferson Laboratory gun and operates at a nominal accelerating voltage of 350 kV and a nominal bunch charge of 80 pC. Electrons are generated at a GaAs photocathode by frequency doubled light from a mode-locked Nd:YVO4 laser with an oscillator frequency of 81.25 MHz. Following focusing and bunch compression, the electrons are accelerated to 8.35 MeV in the booster. This consists of two superconducting 9 cell TESLA-type cavities operated at 1.3 GHz. The cryomodule design is based on the design of the ELBE linac. The booster is followed by a transfer line which transports the beam to the 3 Elsevier Science straight of the main linac where it is merged with the full energy single-pass circulated beam. Two 180° triple-bend achromat arcs are used to deliver the beam to the main linac, the first of these is motorised to permit adjustment of the beam path-length for energy recovery. A 4-dipole chicane provides bunch compression and by-passes one of the FEL mirrors. The FEL is based on a permanent magnet array undulator that will deliver intense short pulses of photons in the wavelength range 4 μm to 12 μm. The 1.4 ps pulses will deliver ~3 1014 photons per pulse, with a pulse energy of 14 μJ. The priorities for this machine are to gain experience in the operation of a photo-injector gun and superconducting linacs; to produce and maintain high-brightness electron beams; to achieve energy recovery from a FEL-cavity disrupted beam and to study important synchronization issues, all of which will contribute towards the design of a linac based fourth generation light source. 3. Multi-10 TW Laser The customized table-top CPA multi 10 TW laser system (COHERENT) –installed at the high field laser facility at Daresbury– contains an ultra short, bandwidth-limited, Kerr lens mode locked Ti:Sa master oscillator (Micra; Δλ > 100 nm) with a repetition rate of 81.25 MHz, followed by a stretcher and a regenerative amplifier (2.8 mJ @ 1 kHz) which is used as a front-end system for a 4-pass Ti:Sa power amplifier. The output of the master oscillator exhibits a broad spectrum centred at 800 nm. The regenerative amplifier (Legend) is pumped by a diode-pumped, intra-cavity doubled, Q-switched Nd:YLF laser (Evolution). The customized power amplifier which contains a large aperture Ti:Sa crystal, pumped from both ends (Relay imaged) using two spatially optimized frequency doubled Nd:YAG lasers operating at 10 Hz, amplifies the pulses up to 1.5 J in a bow-tie configuration before recompression. A pulse cleaner using a fast pockels-cell driven by a KENTECH fast pulse generator was established [10]. The laser beam propagates from the CPA compressor vessel through a concrete shielding wall passing an optical delay line, is periscoped down to the electron beam level, focused via an off-axis parabolic mirror (OAP, F/19) and finally turned to the interaction point (Fig. 2). The last vacuum vessel containing the OAP mirror sits on rails allowing the focal position to be moved through the electron bunch. optical delay line ld hie in all gw beryllium-window OAP mirror es ret nc co interaction point Figure 2: Laser beam transport line through the concrete shielding wall to the interaction region. 4. Inverse Compton Scattering In the case of inverse Compton scattering, the electrons are highly energetic and the Doppler shift results in the scattered photons gaining significant energy from the electrons. If the energy of the incident photon Eph in the frame of the interaction is much less than mec2, the Thomson scattering crosssection (σTh=(8π/3) re2) can be used to describe the probability of scattering. The total number of scattered X-ray photons per unit time and volume into a cone of angle θc at ALICE is ~2 107 X-ray photons per shot for head-on collision and one order of magnitude lower for transverse collision. In the laboratory frame the X-rays are confined to a narrow cone with opening angle about 1/γ in the electron beam propagation direction. The X-ray energy Eγ varies with the observation angle θ in the laboratory frame due to the kinematics of the scattering as Eγ= [2γ2 (1-βcosΦ)/ (1+ao2/2+ γ2θ2)] Eph , where ao is the normalized vector potential of the laser field, analogous to the undulator deflection parameter of a static field undulator. The peak X-ray energy at ALICE for head on collisions (Eγ≈ 4γ2 Eph) is given as 30 keV and 15 keV for transverse interaction [3]. The calculated X-ray energy as a function of emission angle in head on scattering geometry is shown in Figure 3. With the ALICE accelerator operating in single bunch mode at 10 Hz repetition rate there is no requirement for energy recovery. The beam, disrupted by the focussing is dumped on a pop-in dump just before the linac. The electron trajectories 4 Elsevier Science were modelled using the particle tracking code ELEGANT. In excess of 105 macro particles tracked through to the focus, predicted to be an spot size of σex = 35 μm, σey = 20 μm, with 99% of the electrons making it to the pop-in dump. The electron distribution produced was used as input to the code written to simulate the inverse Compton scattering, where the laser was assumed to be focused to a spot size of w0 = 20 μm. The spectral brightness of the X-ray source is shown in Figure 4. 30000 30 X-ray energy (eV) Acknowledgement We would like to thank the organizers of ICFA Workshop on "Compton Sources for X/gamma rays: Physics and Applications" at Alghero. This international workshop successfully gathered together the worldwide Compton Source facilities and the communities of potential users. Further more we would like acknowledge the financial support of the Northwest Development Agency, the Central Laser Facility at Rutherford and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. 25000 25 Eγ [keV] mm2 mrad2 0.1% Δλ/λ) is predicted in back scattering geometry. The peak X-ray energy is about 30 keV in backscattering geometry and approximately 15 keV for transverse interaction with a X-ray pulse duration of 100 fs. Characterization of the X-ray beam such as its profile and energy spectrum will provide vital information about the spatial and temporal structure of the electron beam of the ERL at the ALICE facility. 20 20000 15 15000 10 10000 5 5000 0 0.005 5 0.01 10 0.015 15 0.02 0.025 20 25 0.03 30 0.035 35 0.04 0.045 40 scattered angle θ [mrad] angle (rads) References 2/mrad2/s/ 0.1% bandwidth photons/mm photons/sec/0.1%/mm/mm/mrad/mrad Figure 3: X-ray energy Eγ versus the emission angle θ. 20 3e+021 30 10 2.5e+021 25 1020 20 2e+021 20 10 1.5e+021 15 1020 20 1e+021 10 10 20 5e+020 5 10 0 0 5000 5 10000 10 15000 15 20000 20 25000 25 30000 30 E(eV) Eγ [keV] Figure 4: Spectral brightness of the X-ray source versus Eγ. 4. Conclusions COBALD is an instrument capable of generating a high peak brightness fs X-ray pulses. 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