Making the best with what you have Muncaster Making the best with what you have - Design flood estimation with and without observed data Steve Muncaster Associate, Water Technology Pty Ltd Email: Warwick Bishop Associate, Water Technology Pty Ltd Email: Stephen Duggan Project engineer, Water Technology Pty Ltd Email: Abstract Flood risk assessment is underpinned by the analysis of flood event likelihood over a range of flood magnitude. Generally, flood likelihood is assessed via a range of design flood estimation techniques. The techniques employed reflect the required outcomes of the investigations (range of flood magnitudes, peak flow estimates, flood hydrographs, etc) and the available data. Design flood techniques can be broken into two broad categories: streamflow based and rainfall based. Both categories of techniques rely on rainfall and streamflow from the site/region of interest to assess the frequency of the flood events. Often the site/region of interest lacks significant long term streamflow and rainfall data to enable a “text book” application of design flood estimation techniques. This paper explores a number of innovative design flood estimation approaches applied for the assessment of flood likelihoods. These approaches have been tailored to draw efficiently on the available streamflow and flood information. Underpinning the approaches has been a philosophy of maintaining consistency, where appropriate, between the various available flood information sources. Further, these approaches look to assess the uncertainty surrounding design flood estimates. The paper discusses case studies from the Regional Murray River and Violet Town catchment flood investigations. The paper provides a board discussion of the impact of data scarcity on flood investigations. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 1 of 13 Making the best with what you have 1. Muncaster INTRODUCTION The Victoria Flood Management Strategy (DNRE 1998) outlines a risk-based framework for floodplain management practice. Within this framework, the Victoria Flood Management Strategy (DNRE 1998) defines flood risk as the product of flood likelihood and flood consequence. This paper explores the central role of design flood estimation to the evaluation of flood likelihood. Australian Rainfall Runoff (I.E.Aust 1999) provides a number of design flood estimation approaches. These approaches form the basis of current practice in Australia. The applicable approach for a given situation, firstly depends on the flood characteristic(s) required in the evaluation of flood risk. The peak flow may be the most relevant characteristic for a floodplain with limited storage, whereas flood volume is pivotal to assess flood behaviour in floodplains with significant available storage. Secondly, availability of observed flood data, principally streamflow and rainfall data, shapes the choice of the applicable design flood estimation approach. The efficient use of data from hydrologically similar catchments can strengthen the reliability of design flood estimates. This paper is organised into three parts. The first section briefly outlines available design flood estimation approaches. The second section presents the design flood estimation approaches applied in two case studies, Murray River Regional Flood Study and Violet Town Flood Study. These two case studies demonstrate the way in which various influences, discussed above, impact on the selection of an applicable design flood estimation approach. Finally, key conclusions are presented. 2. DESIGN FLOOD ESTIMATION APPROACHES 2.1 Overview Design flood estimation approaches can be categorised as either streamflow-based or rainfall-based. Doran and Pilgrim (1986) outlined the factors influencing the choice of the most suitable approach for different situations: Length of available streamflow record. Length and quality of the available rainfall data upon which the design rainfall estimates are based. Available calibration data for flood hydrograph model. Design flood estimation has two distinct phases. A development and/or calibration phase determines estimates of the associated model parameters. The application phase implements the model with the adopted parameters to calculate the design flood estimates. Tables 2.1 and 2.2 outline the modelling components in each of the design flood estimation phases, and highlights the differences between the different approaches. Table 2.1 Design Flood Estimation: Model Development/Calibration Phase Component Option Modelling Rainfall Based Approaches Streamflow Based Approaches Approaches Continuous Hydrologic Modelling Discrete Event Modelling Peak Flow Estimation Model Observed Time-series Data Observed Discrete Event Data Design Rainfall Depths Observed Series of over a Instantaneous Data Input Data Potential Daily Pluviographic Evaporation Rainfall Rainfall Daily Rainfall Pluviographic range of AEPs Flood Frequency Analysis Peak Flow Rainfall Flood Volume Catchment Characteristics Model Calibration Observed Streamflow Time-series Observed Discrete Flood Hydrograph Data Observed Peak Flow Observed Series Peak Flow Observed Flood Series Volume Series Model Parameters Runoff Generation Model Parameters Rainfall Loss Model Parameters Derived by Calibration Direct Model Runoff Probability Distribution and Coefficient Parameters Instantaneous Peak Flow Flood Statistics Runoff Routing Model Parameters Simulated Streamflow Time-series Simulated Discrete Flood Hydrograph Output _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 2 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster Table 2.2 Design Flood Estimation: Model Application Phase Component Option Modelling Rainfall-Based Approaches Streamflow-Based Approaches Approaches Design Continuous Simulation Design Time-series Data Discrete Event Modelling Peak Flow Estimation Flood Frequency Analysis Design Discrete Event Data for a Selected AEP and Event Duration Selected Input Potential Rainfall Rainfall Spatial Rainfall Spatial Rainfall Uniform Data Evaporation Depth Pattern Pattern Temporal Rainfall Rainfall (Catchment Data for use of Pattern Spatial Temporal Regional Frequency Analysis) Pattern Pattern Uniform AEP of Interest Rainfall Depth Adopted Model Runoff Generation Model Parameters Rainfall Loss Model Parameters Parameter Runoff Distribution and Parameters Coefficient Runoff Routing Model Parameters Direct Model Output Method of Output Simulated Streamflow Time-series Simulated Discrete Flood Hydrograph Simulated Peak Flow for a for a Selected AEP Selected AEP Frequency Analysis Flood Quantiles Direct Analysis Design Flood Peak Flow, Flood Volume, Peak Flow, Flood Volume, Characteristic(s) Flood Duration Flood Duration 2.2 Peak Flow Peak Flow, Flood Volume Streamflow Based Approaches The main characteristic of streamflow-based approaches is the primary reliance on observed streamflow data for the development of the approach. The approach assumes that a series of independent observations of flood characteristics (peak flow, flood volume) fits an underlying probability distribution. Three available approaches include: At-Site Analysis - based on data available at site of interest. At-Site/Regional Analysis - based on data at site of interest and from other hydrologically similar sites. Regional Analysis - based on data from hydrologically similar sites. The flood characteristic series may consist of annual maxima (annual series) or independent peak flows/volumes over a specified threshold (partial series). The use of an annual series is suitable for the estimation of infrequent floods, while the partial series provides useful estimates for frequent floods (Laurenson, 1987). Common to the above approaches is the choice of a suitable probability distribution to describe the series of peak flows/volumes. The distributions employed range from a simple line-of-best-fit drawn by hand to complex multi-parameter theoretical probability distributions. The selection of an appropriate distribution remains an area of contention with “no rigorous analytical proof that any particular probability distribution for floods is the correct theoretical distribution”(I.E.Aust, 1987). Discussion in this paper is limited to the use of frequency analysis with an annual series. At-Site Analysis - Annual Series ARR99 (I.E.Aust, 1999) recommends the use a Log Pearson Type III (LPIII) distribution (3 parameters) with parameters estimated by the method of moments for use with an annual maxima series of peak flows. However, this recommendation was not intended to be prescriptive and designers are encouraged to examine alternative procedures. In addition, ARR87 generally limits atsite flood frequency analysis to the estimation of floods up to the 1% AEP event. No recommendations are made regarding the appropriate distribution for flood volumes. Much discussion has centred about the use of the Log Pearson III distribution and the estimation of associated parameters. Nathan and Weinmann (1992) suggested the use of a two-parameter distribution if only a short length of streamflow data is available, as the streamflow record contains insufficient information on which to estimate the third parameter. Cordery and Cloke (1994) showed the length of streamflow data has a large influence on the determination of the skew. The results, based on 41 Australian catchments, showed that estimates of skew stabilised when the streamflow record lengths were greater than 60 years. Even with long record lengths, the occurrence of a large event may result in a biased estimate of skew. These studies point to the possible errors involved in extrapolating flood frequency curves. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 3 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster Vogel et al. (1993) investigated the suitability of a number of probability distributions for use with annual peak flow series from 61 Australian catchments. L-moments diagrams were employed to evaluate the suitability of probability distributions. Results show that the Generalised Pareto (GPA), log Pearson III (LP3), three-parameter log-normal (LN3), Generalised Extreme Value (GEV), and Wakeby (WA5) distributions provide satisfactory approximations to the observed peak flow series. Overall, GPA and LP3 performed best for all regions across Australia. The GPA showed the best performance on the South-Eastern coast, while GEV lead to better results in winter rainfall dominated regions such as the South-West coast of Western Australia and Tasmania. 2.3 Rainfall Based Design Flood Estimation Rainfall-based approaches rely on the ability of a model to convert rainfall into streamflow. This approach relies on the assumption that the model employed preserves the probabilistic relationship between the input rainfall and the resultant flood. Rainfall-based design flood estimation approaches are applied in the absence of sufficient streamflow data for the application of flood frequency analysis, or where a complete flood hydrograph is an important design requirement. Peak flow estimation and discrete event modelling deal only with discrete events. Underpinning these methods is the assumption that a design rainfall event of a certain AEP will result in a design flood with the same AEP. On the other hand, continuous hydrologic simulation provides a time-series of simulated streamflow that nominally accounts for antecedent conditions prior to a flood that influence rainfall losses This simulated streamflow time-series can be subjected to a frequency analysis in order to obtain design flood characteristics. Discussion in this paper is limited to the use of discrete event models. Discrete Event Modelling Unlike the peak flow estimation methods, discrete event modelling methods produce a complete design flood hydrograph from a design rainfall event. Hence this method enables the computation of flood volume and duration. This section discusses the advantages and limitations of the current discrete event modelling methods. Also, recent improvements to the current discrete event modelling methods are outlined. At each step in the development and application of the procedure, a number of parameters are evaluated. The choice of each parameter can influence the AEP of the resultant flood from a design storm. Disregarding the interactions between each of the components introduces bias and uncertainty into design flood estimates (Siriwardena and Weinmann, 1997). ARR87 (I.E.Aust, 1987) outlines several techniques to aid in the determination of the AEP of a design flood from a design storm with a given AEP: Adoption of median losses from observed rainfall events would result in the AEP of the rainfall depth and the flood peak discharge to be approximately equivalent. Adjustment of rainfall losses so that the AEP of a peak discharge from rainfall based design estimation equals the AEP of that peak discharge from a flood frequency analysis. Consideration of the joint probability of the various factors affecting flood magnitude from a given rainfall event. Generally research has focused on two areas: Determination of appropriate design rainfall losses and their interaction with design rainfall spatial and temporal patterns (Hill et al., 1996). Estimation of runoff routing model parameters from historical floods and their suitability for use in design (Kuczera, 1991; Bates et al., 1991). Design Rainfall and Design Rainfall Losses The recommended design losses in ARR87 (I.E.Aust, 1987) are based on the development of models via calibration to large flood events. Little attention has been paid to the loss rates involved with large rainfall events that have resulted in small floods due to dry antecedent conditions. Hence the loss rates obtained are biased towards wet catchment conditions (ie. conservatively low). A further problem identified in ARR87 is the incompatibility between the derivation of rainfall losses from complete historical flood events and their application to design storms (Hill and Mein, 1996). Design storms do not represent complete storm events but have been formulated from rainfall bursts within storm 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 4 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster events. However, rainfall losses obtained from calibration to historical events are for the entire storm event being modelled. As a result, the losses derived will tend to be conservatively high for design applications. ARR87 suggests it is possible for the two biased loss estimates (one low, one high) to compensate each other. Hill et al. (1996), in a study of rural catchments in South Eastern Australia, found the use of recommended design losses from ARR87 resulted in overestimation of peak flows over a range of AEPs for eight out of eleven catchments. The comparison was made with flood estimates from a flood frequency analysis. Further, this study developed design losses consistent with the derivation of the design rainfall. In combination with revised areal reduction factors (Siriwardena and Weinmann, 1996) the new design losses were shown to remove the bias in flood estimates due to the use of the ARR87(I.E.Aust, 1987) losses. Runoff Routing Model Parameter Estimation Runoff routing model parameters are typically estimated via calibration to historical flood events. This leads to a unique parameter set for each calibration event. A single parameter set, based on an assessment of the various calibrated parameters, is then adopted for design use. Design storms are generally much larger than storm events used in calibration. This gives rise to questions regarding the errors involved in the use of routing model parameters in the estimation of large design floods (Bates et al., 1993). Parameter estimates from a study of five catchments in both New South Wales and Western Australia showed a high level of variability between storm events (Bates et al., 1993). Results revealed considerable uncertainty in parameter estimates obtained from historical events. The study questioned the concept of a set of catchment parameters and their use in design flood estimation, particularly where the required design flood is significantly larger than the available calibration events. 3. CASE STUDIES 3.1 Violet Town Flood Study Scope Significant flood events in 1993 and 1999 resulted in evacuations, property damage, road closures and associated hardship to the Violet Town community. In response, Strathbogie Shire Council and the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management Authority commissioned a flood study to determine the current flood risks and potential flood mitigation measures (Water Technology 2007a). For the flood study, design flood hydrographs (10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 year ARI events) were required for Honeysuckle Creek (upstream of the Hume Highway), Long Gully Creek (upstream of the Hume Highway Road), and for two small sub-catchments upstream of the Hume Highway. RORB model – Local catchment calibration A RORB model was employed as the principal tool in the design flood estimation. The calibration of a RORB model requires the comparison of modelled flood hydrographs with observed flood hydrographs at streamflow gauge(s) throughout the catchment. One appropriate streamflow gauge exists on the upper catchment of Honeysuckle Creek (405294A), with an approximate catchment area of 25 km2 to the gauge. There is also a streamflow gauge downstream of Violet Town on Stony Creek, however the catchment area at this locations is approximately 6 times larger than the Honeysuckle Creek catchment to Violet Town. The catchment downstream of Violet Town is also topographically dissimilar to the catchment upstream of Violet Town. The parameters derived through calibration of the RORB model to this downstream gauge were considered unlikely to provide representative parameters for design flood estimates at Violet Town. As a result the RORB model only calibrated to the Honeysuckle Creek gauge (405294A). RORB model calibration is preferably undertaken with historical floods of a similar magnitude to those being developed for design flood estimation. This is to ensure the calibrated RORB model parameters correctly reproduce the catchment response to rainfall for the range of design flood magnitudes being considered. However, only three flood events had reliable concurrent streamflow and rainfall data. These calibration flood events had peak flows ranging from 4.8 m3/s to 8.5 m3/s. Unfortunately, 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 5 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster streamflow data for the October 1993 flood, the flood of record in Violet Town, was incomplete and could therefore not be used for calibration purposes. Overall, reasonably good fits between the observed and calibrated hydrographs are considered to have been achieved by the RORB model. The modelled peak flows and general hydrograph shape are in good agreement for all three calibration events. A range of kc values, between 19 and 35, were found to provide good representation of peak flow and general hydrograph shape for the calibration events. It is noted that the flood magnitudes for the calibration events are small compared to the expected magnitude of the design floods. The kc values determined during the calibration may therefore not be representative of catchment behaviour during large floods. RORB model – Regional parameters relationships and scaling As discussed, only minor flood events were available for calibration and subsequently, the derived kc may not be representative of large flood events. To improve the reliability of the kc value adopted for design flood estimation, alternative kc estimates were evaluated. A number of regional kc estimation equations exist that are based on characteristics such as catchment area or geometry. An additional estimate of kc for Honeysuckle Creek has been developed by scaling kc based on the ratio of kc and the average flow distance from the sub-catchment to the outlet (dav), from a calibrated RORB model of Sevens Creek to Euroa developed by Hill et al. (1996). The Sevens Creek catchment to Euroa is adjacent to the Honeysuckle Creek catchment and both catchments share similarities in topography and geology. Table 3.1 displays a comparison between the kc values determined from the RORB model calibration and those determined from regional estimates for the Honeysuckle Creek catchment. Table 3.1 RORB model - kc values Source RORB calibration events Pearse et al (2000) (kc = 1.25 dav) ARR99 – Victoria Mean annual rainfall > 800 mm (kc= 2.57 A0.45) Scaled Seven Creeks at Euroa kc value 19 (1996) 25 (1998) 35 (2000) 19.4 17.1 10.1 Design rainfall losses The selection of design rainfall losses has a significant impact on the magnitude of design flood estimates. As the magnitude of the floods employed in calibrating the RORB model are significantly smaller than the magnitude of design floods required to be estimated, loss values derived from the calibration are not considered applicable for design flood estimation. Regional loss relationships developed by Hill et al. (1996) were applied, with a runoff co-efficient of 0.36 determined for the 100 year ARI event. Additionally, the loss values determined by Hill et al. (1996) for Seven Creeks at Euroa were applied for comparison with a runoff co-efficient of 0.62. Alternative design flood estimation techniques The following alternative techniques were also applied: Hydrological Recipes (CRC-CH, 1996) – ‘Extending a short flow record’ The methodology as outlined in Hydrological Recipes (CRC-CH, 1996) was applied to develop a relationship between flow and catchment area at Violet Town with the adjoining Sevens Creek catchment to Euroa. The Sevens Creek catchment to Euroa is geographically close to the Honeysuckle Creek catchment and topographically similar, as both are situated in the Strathbogie Ranges. Rational Method Peak Flow Estimation 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 6 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster The rational method for estimation of peak flows on small to medium rural catchments has been applied to the Honeysuckle Creek and Long Gully Creek catchment as outlined in ARR 1987. Hydrological Recipes (CRC-CH, 1996) – ‘Estimating Extreme Flood Discharges’ The methodology as outlined in Hydrological Recipes (CRC-CH, 1996) was applied for estimating the magnitude of the 100 year ARI flood at Violet Town. The method is based on a regression relationship relating catchment area to the magnitude of 1 in 100 year floods developed from approximately 100 sites either side of the Great Dividing Range in Victoria Rural Catchments. October 1993 Flood Estimate The significant flood event that occurred in October 1993 was provisionally estimated to be of order of a 100 year ARI flood at Violet Town (GeoEng, 2002). Analyses undertaken by the GBCMA and GeoEng (2002) deduced flows in Honeysuckle Creek ranging from 105 to 116 m3/s. Adopted Design Flood Estimates As discussed, the provisional estimate of the October 1993 flood was that it was in the order of a 100 year ARI flood. Various hydrological methods were employed in order to gain some guidance on the expected magnitudes of design flows at Violet Town. Based on the hydrological analysis and analysis of the October 1993 flood in the hydraulic model, the weight of evidence would appear to suggest that the October 1993 flood in Honeysuckle Creek was representative of a 100 year ARI flood. Figure 3.1 displays a comparison of the design peak flow estimates. In particular, it is considered important to note that the adoption of the scaled Euroa RORB model parameters provides some confidence that the parameters adopted for Honeysuckle Creek are broadly representative of the catchment characteristics (topographic relief, geology, vegetation cover) and regional setting of catchments located in the north-western slopes of the Strathbogie Ranges. For the reasons outlined above the study team in consultation with the project steering committee adopted the October 1993 flow estimates developed in this study as representative of a 100 year ARI flood at Violet Town. The adoption of the October 1993 flood as representative of a 100 year ARI flood allowed design flood hydrographs to be developed from the RORB model for various other recurrence interval floods. Figure 3.1 Violet Town Flood Study – Design peak flows comparison 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 7 of 13 Making the best with what you have 3.2 Muncaster Murray River Regional Flood Study Context The Murray River Regional Flood Study is an investigation of flood behaviour (depth, extent, velocity) and risk for an area along the Murray River from Dicks/Seppelts Levee Spillway to downstream of Ulupna Island. The study area includes the towns of Cobram, Barooga and Tocumwal. The study is being undertaken for the Goulburn Broken Catchment Management authority (GBCMA), Moira Shire Council (MSC) and Berrigan Shire Council (BSC). The key aim of the hydrologic analysis was the determination of design flood hydrographs for the Murray River at Yarrawonga. The estimates of the design flood hydrographs were required for 10 year to 200 year ARI events. The observed flood behaviour in this study area is dependent on peak flow, flood volume and duration. Flood events with similar peak flows but different flood volumes and durations result in different flood behaviour. Hence consideration of peak flows, flood volumes and durations is an important aspect of the hydrologic analysis. The contributing catchment for the Murray River to Yarrawonga is approximately 27,300 km2. The catchment area can be broken into three main sub-catchments, the Upper Murray River (above Lake Hume), the Kiewa River and the Ovens River. Flood flows in the study area can arise from varied contributions from these three sub-catchments. Rainfall-based approaches require assumptions to be made about the temporal and spatial variation of rainfall input to a runoff routing model. As discussed, the contributing catchment to the study area is large, and the assignment of appropriate rainfall temporal and spatial patterns can be difficult and would be accompanied with a high degree of uncertainty. Hence, the suitability of the rainfall-based approach is limited for this application. Streamflow based approaches analyse available streamflow data to assess flood characteristics (peak flow and volume). Streamflow based approaches rely on the length and reliability of observed streamflow data. These approaches assess individual flood characteristics (peak flow and volumes) separately and combine these individual characteristics to yield design flood hydrographs. Streamflow records for approximately 100 years are available within the study area, thus facilitating the use of streamflow based approaches for the estimate of events up to the 100 year ARI. Accordingly, this hydrologic analysis has adopted a streamflow based (flood frequency) approach to the design flood hydrograph estimation. Available Data As discussed, this hydrologic analysis adopted a streamflow based approach. The robustness of the design estimates from streamflow based approaches relies on the length and reliability of the available streamflow data. Three annual peak flow data sets are available for the Murray River at Yarrawonga. These three data sets, for the purpose of this analysis, are referred to as follows: Agency gauged data: Available for period 1938 – 2004. SRWSC-A: Peak flow from SRWSC/DWR working files. Available for period 1905- 1979. SRWSC-B: Peak flow from SRWSC/DWR working files. Available for period 1905- 1979. The design peak flow estimates from a flood frequency analysis are heavily influenced by the reliability of streamflow used, and in particular by the large flood events. Figure 3.2 provides a comparison of peak flows from several large flood events from the three available data sets. Examination of the SRWSC-A data set reveals several inconsistencies, with the 1974 and 1975 peak flows being significantly larger than the estimates from the other two data sets. Particularly, the SRWSC-A 1975 estimate is considerably larger than the other estimates for the 1917 event. The 1917 flood event is considered to be the largest recorded event in terms of peak flow (RWCV et. al. 1986). Conversely, the SRWSC-A 1917 estimate is considerably less the other estimates. These inconsistencies in the SRWSC-A record raise concerns over the reliability of this data-set. It was considered the inconsistencies in the SRWSC-A record were sufficient to set aside this data for the purpose of the analysis. However, it is noted that definitive examination of the derivation of the dataset is difficult due to the lack of available documentation. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 8 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster The agency gauged data is the most recently derived data-set and may contain revisions since the derivation of the SRWSC-A and SRWSC-B data. However, the documentation of any revisions was not available. Given that this is the most recent derivation, the agency gauged data was adopted for the Murray River at Yarrawonga over the period 1938 to 2004. As significant flood events occurred prior to 1938, inclusion of these flood events in the flood frequency analysis was considered desirable. The inconsistencies contained in the SRWSC-A raised concerns over the reliability of this data set. In absence of any other data source, the SRWSC-B data set was adopted for the period 1905-1937. It is recognised that the reliability of the SRWSC-B data set is difficult to assess thoroughly. However, the inclusion of the pre -1938 period was considered worthwhile. 500000 450000 Agency gauged data 400000 SRWSC-A data SRWSC - B data Peak flow (ML/d) 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 1917 1931 1955 1956 1958 1970 1973 1974 1975 Flood event Figure 3.2 Murray River at Yarrawonga: Comparison of peak flows for significant flood events Further, the 1867 and 1870 flood events have been documented to be as large or larger than the 1917 flood (RWCV et al 1986), however no peak flow estimates are available for these events. The occurrence of these flood events, 1870 and 1917, underscores the importance of the longer period of streamflow data in the peak flow frequency analysis. The following section discusses the techniques available for the inclusion of historical data in the peak flow frequency analysis. Design flood hydrograph estimation ARR99 (IEAust 1999) provides a methodology for the derivation of flood hydrographs from frequency analyses of peak flow and flood volume. This methodology is underpinned by the assumption that a design flood hydrograph has a peak flow and flood volume with the same ARI. The key components of the ARR methodology are summarises as follows: Peak flow frequency analysis: evaluates the frequency and magnitude of peak flows. Flood volume frequency analysis: evaluates the frequency and magnitude of flood volumes. Flood event rank comparison: assesses the relative rank of peak flows and flood volumes from selected historical events. Peak flow – flood volume ratio: determines the peak flow to flood volume ratios from selected historical and design flood events. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 9 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster Historical flood hydrograph selection: examines historical flood hydrographs with peak flow – volume ratios similar to the design flood events and selects representative historical flood hydrographs suitable for use as design flood hydrographs. Design flood hydrograph scaling: determines design flood hydrographs by scaling representative historical flood hydrographs. Discussion in this paper is limited to the peak flow frequency analysis and peak flow- flood volume aspects. Further details are provided in Water Technology (2007b). Peak flow frequency analysis From the three data sets, a series of annual maximum peak flows was determined at Yarrawonga. A peak flow frequency analysis involves the fitting of a probability distribution to observed series of annual maximum peak flows. In this analysis the following probability distributions were trialled: Log-Normal Distribution (LP3) Generalised Pareto (GP) It was found that the Generalised Pareto (GP) distribution provided overall the best fit to the peak flow series at Yarrawonga. As such, the results from the GP distribution are presented. To enable comparison with the MRFPM study (RWCV et. al. 1986), results from the LP3 distribution are also provided. As discussed, no peak discharge data exists or can be derived for the 1870 and 1867 historical flood events. This typically suggests that these flow events must be excluded from any conventional flood frequency analysis. However a technique is available whereby ungauged floods may be included in the analysis. The use of ‘Censored Flows’ allows the inclusion of historical flood events for which no gauged discharge exists by considering the number of floods in the pre-gauging period greater than a threshold discharge. This method has been implemented in this analysis to establish the impact of the 1867 and 1870 historic floods on the flood frequency estimates for Yarrawonga. The threshold discharge chosen was 390,000 ML/d as both floods are generally regarded as being larger than the 1917 event. Table 3.2 displays the design peak flow estimates for the Murray River at Yarrawonga. Table 3.2 Design peak flow estimates at Yarrawonga (409025) Average Recurrence Interval (years) 1905-2004 LP3 Distribution ML/d 1905-2004 GP distribution ML/d 1938-2004 GP distribution ML/d 1870-2004 GP distribution ML/d 1867-2004 GP distribution ML/d MRFPM 1986 (LP3) ML/d 10 178,000 186,000 152,000 193,000 215,000 -- 20 240,000 236,000 190,000 251,000 292,000 235,000 50 334,000 300,000 236,000 328,000 406,000 325,000 100 416,000 346,000 269,000 387,000 445,000 390,000 200 507,000 392,000 300,000 448,000 527,000 -- The LP3 distribution predicts design flood magnitudes at Yarrawonga that are consistent with those developed as part of the MRFPM (RWCV et. al. 1986) study. The GP distribution predicts significantly lower estimates than those of the MRFPM study for the 1 in 50 year and greater events. As discussed above, the GP distribution is considered to fit the observed data significantly better than the LP3 distribution. Limiting the analysis to the period 1938 to 2004, yields significantly lower design peak estimates for both the distributions. This is due to the exclusion of the significant flood events in 1906, 1909, 1917, 1922 and 1931. The 100 year ARI GP distribution peak flow increases from 269,000 ML to 346,000 ML/d with inclusion of the 1905-1937 data. This is a 28% increase for the 100 year ARI peak flow estimate. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 10 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster Peak flow – flood volume ratio The magnitude of the peak flow – volume ratio reflects the peakiness of the flood hydrograph i.e. higher the ratio the peakier the flood hydrograph. Higher peak flow – volume ratios occurred for the 1917, 1975, 1993 and 1974 events with the lower ratios occurring for the 1939, 1981 and 1990 event. The mean ratio for 15 historical events plus the 1917 event is 1.43 with the median ratio at 1.33. Figure 3.3 displays the peak flows – 14 day flood volumes for both historical and design flood events. The scatter of the historical peak flows – 14 day flood volumes highlights the variation in the relationship of peak flow to flood volume i.e. hydrograph shape. 320000 1917 300000 1 in 200 year 280000 1 in 100 year 260000 240000 Peak flow (ML/d) 1975 1 in 50 year 220000 1956 200000 1974 1993 180000 160000 1958 1 in 10 year 1973 1996 1952 140000 1 in 20 year 1955 1970 1992 120000 1981 1964 100000 1939 Historical flood events 1990 Design flood events (1938-2004) 80000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000 Average 14 -day flow (Flood volume) (ML/d) Figure 3.3 Murray River at Yarrawonga: Peak flow – flood volume It should be noted that the peak flow – volume ratios for the two significant historical floods, 1956 and 1975, were 1.28 and 1.76 respectively. These ratios differed considerably from the design event ratios (1.40 – 1.59). The variation in these ratios reflects the nature of these two events. The 1956 event had a long duration (i.e. lower peak flow – volume ratio) and the 1975 event was of shorter duration with a high peak flow (i.e. higher ratio). This variation in peak flow – volume ratio compared to design peak flows, is further highlighted by examination of the approximate ARI for the peak flow and flood volumes as follows: 1956 event peak flow ARI ~ 30 year and 14 day volume ARI ~ 50 years 1975 event peak flow ARI ~ 50 year and 14 day volume ARI ~ 20 years Discussion Peak flow estimates at Yarrawonga are highly dependant on the period of record employed in the frequency analysis. A number of significant flood events occurred during the early period (1905-1937). The reliability of the peak flow data for the early period (1905-1937) is difficult to establish. Further, significant water resources development has occurred in the Upper Murray catchment from the 1930’s on, i.e. construction of Hume Dam in 1930’s and Dartmouth Dam in the 1970’s. It is likely that this development has reduced the magnitude of flooding, particularly for more frequent events, say up to 20 year ARI. However, the reduction in flood magnitude for larger events would be limited. The MRFPM study (RWCV et al 1986) suggests that for the 1917 flood event the impact of Hume Dam would be negligible. 5th Flood Management Conference Warrnambool, 9 – 12 October 2007 Page 11 of 13 Making the best with what you have Muncaster Major floods occurred prior to streamflow records, such as in 1870 as mentioned earlier. However, peak flow estimates for these pre- streamflow record events are not available and hence these events were not included in the initial frequency analysis. Based on anecdotal evidence that these events were greater in magnitude than the 1917 flood, use of the ‘Censored Flows’ method shows that peak design flow estimates would be significantly greater than those derived from the present gauge record, as shown in Table 3.2. The sensitivity of design peak flow estimates to the range of historic floods included in the analysis is demonstrated by the inclusion/exclusion of the early record period 19051937, the results of which are shown in Table 3.2. Given the above factors, there is considerable uncertainty surrounding the peak flow estimates at Yarrawonga. This study applied a different probability distribution (GP) to observed peak flow series than used in previous studies. This GP distribution is considered to better fit the observed data and is considered appropriate for adoption. 4. CONCLUSION The two case studies presented highlight the variety of design flood estimation approaches applied to evaluate flood likelihood within the risk based framework for floodplain management. In each case, the available data and required design flood characteristics guided the selection of the approach applied. In the first case study, the use of design flood information from an adjacent catchment aided in the determination of appropriate rainfall-runoff model parameters. The application of adjacent catchment design information provided a means to overcome the lack of suitable calibration data. In the second case study the inclusion of information on historical events, prior to the commencement of systematic streamflow records refined the design peak flow estimates obtained from a peak flow frequency analysis. As the included historical events were of considerable magnitude, the design flow estimates obtained varied significantly. 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