Study Guide

2108 Study Guide III
Chapter 33 Invertebrates:
Refer back to the characteristics used to classify animals for each phyla
o Symmetry, tissue layers, body cavities, and embryonic development (protostome vs.
Phylum Porifera
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Idenitfy osculum, amoebocyte, spicule, choanocyte, and spongocel
Phylum Cnidaria
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Know the 2 basic body plans and the connection they have to movement
o Explain the parts and how a cnidocyte functions
o Know the 4 classes, be able to assign species into their respective class, and
characteristics that separate each class from the next
Phylum Platyhelminthes
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Distinguish between the 3 classes and give examples of each
 Know the role of intermediate hosts and immune system detection evasion in
Phylum Nematoda
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Give examples of both parasitic and free-living species
Phylum Mollusca
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Distinguish between each of the 4 classes
 Explain how the characteristics of the phyla have been modified in each class
Phylum Annelida
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Distinguish between the 3 classes and be able to give examples of each
 Explain the reproductive process of earthworms
 List some of the specialized adaptations leeches have for sucking blood
Phylum Arthropoda
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
o Know pros and cons of an exoskeleton
o Recognize and distinguish between each of the subphylums of arthropods; be able to list
 Focus of appendages as that is one of the main characteristics
o Differentiate between complete and incomplete metamorphosis
Phylum Echinodermata
o List the characteristics that distinguish this phyla from other animals
Distinguish among the 6 classes and be able to give examples of each
Describe how echinoderms and chordates are similar
Chapter 34 Vertebrates:
Distinguish between each of the clades (phyla) of chordates
o i.e head, vertebral column, jaws and mineralized skeleton, etc.
Be able to explain the 4 primary traits that characterize chordates
Know the 3 subphyla of chordates (Cephalochordate, Urochordata, and Craniates)
o Explain the distinguishing characteristics in terms of the 4 main chordate characteristics
and give examples of each
Jawless fishes (Agnatha)
o Myxini and lampreys
o What is the distinction between these two clades of animals
o Know some of the characteristics that separate these 2 clades from each other and
other animals
o Know the shared, derived characteristics of these animals
Class Chondrichtyans (Cartilaginous fishes)
o List the characteristics that distinguish sharks and rays
o How are they adapted to a predatory lifestyle
Distinguish between oviparous, ovoviviparous, and viviparous
o Know which clades of animals produce their young via each of the above means
Class Osteichthyans (Bony fishes)
o Distinguish how they differ from the cartilaginous fishes
o Identify and describe the 2 subgroups
 Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
 Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes)
 Identify the 3 remaining lineages and characteristics of them
o Tetrapods, coelacanths, and lung fishes
Class Amphibia
o Describe the common traits and distinguish between the 3 orders (salamanders, frogs,
and caecilians)
Explain the significance of the amniotic egg to reptiles and mammals
o Describe what it is
Class Reptilia
o List characteristics unique to this group
o Identify the 4 main clades (turtles, crocodilians, and lizards, and snakes); be able to list
distinguishing characteristics of them
Class Aves
o List some of the ways that birds are adapted for flight
Class Mammalia
o Describe the derived characteristics of this class
o Distinguish between monotremes, marsupials, and eutherians
 Order Primates
o Be able to recognize some of the characteristics
o Be able to become more exclusive as you move to the clade that distinguishes humans
 i.e anthropoids to hominoids to humans
o Why is the picture on the last slide of Chpt. 34 notes inaccurate
Chapter 43 Immunity:
 Distinguish between innate and acquired immunity
 Explain the inflammation response, including how it is triggered
 Define phagocytosis. Name 4 types of phagocytic leukocytes
 Describe factors that influence the inflammation response
 Describe the role of antimicrobial proteins in innate immunity
 Distinguish between antibodies and antigens
 Distinguish between primary and secondary immune response