eg Standard Assessment Regulations/Professional Body


(See guidance notes for completion)

1. Programme Title: Assistant Practitioner in Radiography

(Diagnosis and Therapeutic)

2. Clearing House or other relevant code

3. QAA Benchmarking Group:

4. Final Award(s): University Certificate (Breast Screening or Dental

Radiography – 60 pts Level 4/ Certificate of Higher Education Clinical

Imaging or Radiotherapy – 120 pts Level 4

4a. Modes of attendance (ft/pt) Part Time 2 semesters / Part Time 4 semesters

4b. Modes of Delivery (distance delivery/distance learning )

5. Teaching Location: Coach Lane Campus

6. Type of Collaborative Provision (if applicable)

6a.Partner Institution and Country(if applicable)

7. Programme Accredited By: Society and College retrospectively – see attached notes

8. Date of approval/revision:


Specified in terms of the general intentions of the programme and its relation to the subject

of Radiographers

To enable students to:

1. develop and demonstrate the application of knowledge, skills, behaviours and competences required to safely and effectively carry out either a defined and limited range of procedures and processes in diagnostic radiography or a defined and limited range of pre-treatment and treatment procedures and processes in therapy radiography. Most of the learning will take place in the work-place and the course is essentially competence-based on the existing and emerging Occupational Standards for Assistant Practitioners developed by Skills for Health for the DoH. There will be a flexible choice of options and time scale for completion of the course. Successful completion of the Certificate of Higher Education should give the student advance standing on a BSc Honours Radiography Degree Course.

2. use appropriate behaviour to communicate confidently, and effectively with colleagues and clients. Assistant practitioners will be able to operate in a safe manner, thus fulfilling the requirements of UK legislation for the employer and employee to provide a safe environment for staff and patients.

The course will promote the concept of lifelong learning in the context of the assistant practitioners continuing professional and career development as well as the needs of their employing organisation.


10. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES specified in terms of performance capabilities to be shown on completion of the programme a. Knowledge and understanding of

 the basic operating principles of the technology and equipment used in Diagnostic and Therapeutic


 the theoretical basic principles of production and control of medically applied ionising radiations and its interaction with human tissue and other substances

 the core principles of radiation safety within a therapy radiography department or a diagnostic radiography department (or other controlled area)

 the principles of hygiene control and infection control

 the relevant human anatomy, radiographic anatomy and physiology as appropriate to the diagnostic or therapy radiography assistant practitioner role

 the basic and appropriate care needs of people undergoing examinations and/or treatments including accompanying or relevant families and carers

 the principles of personal and organisational safety in relation to manual handling, fire, emergency situations, electrical safety and management of risk

 the outline of NHS and Trust organisational structure, underpinning philosophies of multidisciplinary function and professional codes of conduct

 the outline of legal frameworks e.g. H&S, Duty of

Care, Data Protection, anti-discriminatory, Ionising radiations,

 the basic requirements of quality assurance techniques and audit


Specified to enable learners to achieve and demonstrate learning outcomes

Learning and Teaching methods

Classroom teaching including didactic and discussion groups, tutorials, presentations, role play.

Directed and self-directed learning – making use of a variety of resources which will deepen understanding of the theory and practice of radiography.

The workplace will provide the major learning resource and trainee assistant practitioners will be supported by experienced radiographers who will act as mentors and assessors and who will be involved in teaching and supervision on a day-to-day basis. Much of the learning will be rooted in the daily experience of the trainees as they are introduced to and take up the designated roles of assistant practitioners under supervision.

Requirements for learning may be negotiated in a contractual way as some trainees may have already prior learning as they may previously have been employed as a helper whose role is now being extended to that of assistant practitioner.


 Students will develop a portfolio of evidence of competence to be discussed at viva voce examination . The portfolio plus the diary provides the reflective elements of the assessment strategy. A range of types of evidence will be specified and accepted.

 Students will also develop a diary to provide evidence of reflection on own practice or the practice of others in the clinical environment. This will enable linkage of theory with practice. This reflective element will form part of the formative assessment strategy

 Overall students will provide evidence of competencies to the Occupational

Standard for assistant radiography practitioners.



b. Intellectual Skills

The successful student will be able to

 Write logically and coherently, using accurate referencing techniques

 Discuss the relationships between (and the) relevance of the underpinning theoretical principles with the requirements and outcomes of clinical or other practical procedures

 Reflect on practice and articulate how this reflection might influence practice

Development of intellectual skills are encompassed within the learning and teaching methods for knowledge and understanding

Assessment of intellectual skills can be identified within assessment of the knowledge and understanding elements of the modules.


c. Practical Skills

Under the appropriate level of supervision, the successful student will be able to

 Undertake the role of the operator in accordance with the Ionising Radiations (Medical Exposure)

Regulations 2000

 demonstrate competence in a defined, limited and related range of either the procedures and processes in diagnostic radiography or the pretreatment and treatment procedures and processes in therapy radiography.

 Operate radiotherapy or radiographic, related and accessory apparatus safely and accurately

In addition

 Consult colleagues and seek assistance from them when appropriate

 Recognise, monitor and respond to the defined range of care and information needs of patients

(clients), their relatives and carers

 Retrieve information and complete documentation accurately and promptly as appropriate

 Meet deadlines for the completion of work to required standards and within time management constraints

 Make reasoned judgements and decisions, showing appropriate professional behaviour within role boundaries and function as a member of a team

 Demonstrate ability to apply theoretical principles of personal and organisational safety in relation to manual handling, fire, emergency situations, electrical safety and management of risk

Learning and Teaching

Practical skills will be primarily developed within the workplace

Methods of assessment will include

 Observation of student carrying out radiography or radiotherapy and other procedures as designated to the role of the assistant practitioner.

 The students will develop a portfolio of case studies to be discussed at viva voce examination .

 They will also develop a reflective diary to provide evidence of reflection on own practice or the practice of others in the clinical environment.

 Students will carry out and keep a record of a minimum number of radiography and radiotherapy (and allied) procedures.

 Formative assessment will be provided by supervisors workplace reports to provide feedback on the development of students in their role as trainee assistant practitioners. The reflective diary will act a tool to assist with formative assessment.

 Overall students will provide evidence of competencies to the National

Occupational Standard for assistant radiography practitioners.



d. Transferable/Key Skills

Students will be able to demonstrate the following skills

 Effective team working

 Work well under supervision

 Effective time management

 Communication skills; oral, written

 Working with staff from a range of other disciplines

 Appropriate levels of IT and numerical skills

 Self-reliance

 Work within and recognise the limitations of his/her own personal and professional (role) skills

 Articulate and provide evidence of his/her own learning needs

 Accept responsibility for and manage personal learning and development

 Identification and working within personal, professional and organisational values

Transferable skills will be developed during the progress of the course and the student will be able to demonstrate appropriate levels of skill within the practical and theoretical components of the assessment.



(curriculum design, placements, fieldwork, practical projects, assessment, student progress files)

Students undertaking this programme are already employees and their course is designed around workplace requirements. Students focusing on breast screening radiography or dental radiography may have the opportunity to complete the whole Cert HE thus widening their employability.

Students successfully completing the Cert HE should be able to ‘step-on’ to a BSc Honours Radiography (Diagnosis or Therapy) course and complete the degree in two years. Reference has been made to the draft curriculum framework for the four tiers of practitioner in radiography proposed by the Society and

College of Radiographers and to the available occupational standards via the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Support Level 3 NVQ. Discussions have taken place between the course proposer and Teesside University and Sheffield Hallam University.


Exit Points


Credits, Curriculum Map, Option Pathways. Unitised Structure.

Responsibility for Delivery (if applicable) Use separate sheets if

necessary. (It is recommended that a diagram is attached here)

60 or 120 credits at

Level 4

Students are full time employees of NHS Trusts and undertake this course in conjunction with employment. The course is undertaken over either

Two semesters or four semesters for the University

Certificate and Certificate HE respectively.


MODULES, including OPTIONS – see attached.

The course is owned by Northumbria University.

Responsibility for delivery will be lie jointly between

Northumbria University, the NHS Trusts employing

Trainee Assistant Practitioners and the University of

Sheffield Hallam (under the COTREAT agreement – radiotherapy expertise e.g. from the local

Professional Development Educator may be provided for delivery and assessment of therapy assistant practitioners).

14. Awards, Credits & Progression of Learning

Outcomes (as previously shown in field 9)

Reference points to show outcomes have currency at other institutions

Students may complete the Assistant Practitioner

Certificate – 60 pts at Level 4 (Breast screening or

Dental Radiography)

Students alternatively may complete the Assistant

Practitioner Certificate of Higher Education – 120 pts at Level 4 ( Clinical Imaging or Radiotherapy)

15.REGULATIONS OF ASSESSMENT/DEVIATION FROM STANDARD REGULATIONS e.g. Standard Assessment Regulations/Professional Body Requirement/Indication and justification of non-compliance with Standard Assessment Regulations

Standard assessment regulations will apply. Accreditation by the Society and College of Radiographers will be sought.

Assessments will be internally moderated between university staff and clinical staff and externally moderated by an external examiner.


( i.e Support in addition to University Central Support Services )Induction, study skills packs, guidance and tutorial systems, learning resources,

Students will use the learning resource and clinical skills centres at Coach Lane Campus, access to local hospital libraries.

Students will receive Induction, study skills and module specific guides and learning packages. A student handbook of key academic information will be issued to all students at induction. Additional study skills help is arranged where such needs are identified and is provided by the

University Study Skills Centre. Student guidance and academic support is available via guidance tutors. Clinical staff will act as mentors,


supervisors and assessors within the workplace and will have been prepared for this role.



Module Review

Programme Review

Academic Annual Evaluation

Periodic Review of Programme Specification

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy

Enhancement of Learning and Teaching Policy


External Subject Review/Academic Review

Subject Review – when available

Statistical Indicators

External Examiners Reports

Professional Body Accreditation – when available


Standard Offer (Year 1, Semester 1)

Post 16 qualifications




(as delivered by local FE colleges)


Other Access Courses:

Art & Design Foundation Courses:

Other (e.g. mature students): Mature students but with GCSE English pass and Maths grades 1 – 4 or equivalent.

In post as trainee assistant practitioner with NHS Trust.

Level 3 NVQ in diagnostic or therapeutic support in part or whole an advantage

Overseas (please enter):

Admission with Advanced Standing:

(indicate as appropriate for all potential entry points after Year 1, Semester 1).


Academic qualifications:




In collaboration with Trust sending Trainee Assistant


