Yom Kippur War Reenactment Program

Yom Kippur War Reenactment Program
Mal’ach AZA #2019
CLTC 2, 2008
Pre-Program –
Get 150+ balloons; get 4 benches to be balloon zones, set up a
soccer field as followed…
Divide up group into 3 teams Syria/Egypt and Israel. Have the ratio of
Syria/Egypt to Israel be 2:1. Put more athletic kids on Israel’s team
0-7 - Introduction to the Yom Kippur War
On an early 1973 October morning, Egyptian tanks roared across
the Sinai Desert. Syrian jets screamed across the Golan Heights. The
Israelis, meanwhile, were either sleeping or observing Yom Kippur, the
holiest day on the Jewish calendar. In the ensuing days, Israeli forces were
routed by the Egyptians and Syrians. These nations studied the Israeli
tactics and used advanced Soviet weapons to gain the upper hand.
The situation in Israel was desperate. In the upper political circles,
scenarios were being discussed in the event that Israel is completely
overrun and annihilated.
Fortunately, the United States government led by Richard Nixon and
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, a Jew, were working feverishly to begin
airlifting much needed supplies to the Israelis. In the end, the war ended in
a virtual stalemate, a result which the Israelis were eager to accept. The
ear was a dramatic shift from previous conflicts in which the Isralis
achieved a quick victory. It also destroyed the political career of Golda
Maer, who was ousted from office shortly after the war. However, the
round-the-clock American airlift saved the Jewish state and established a
precedent for American support of Israel, especially during the Reagan,
Clinton and George W. Bush administrations. Today, we will reenact the
Yom Kippur war and learn about American policy making regarding
7-10 – Explain Reenactment
Welcome all to the reenactment of the Yom Kippur War. Playing the
part of the Israelis will be the Blue team. And playing the part of the
Egyptians and Syrians is the Red Team. The purpose of this game is to pop
the balloons of the opposite nation, Israel pops Egypt and Syria’s balloons
and vice versa. In order to destroy the opposing nation, you must pop
their balloons. Egypt and Syria will have 1 arm to try to pop Israel’s
balloons and Israel have 2 arms to try to pop Egypt and Syria’s balloons. In
order to pop the balloons an opposite countries attacker must get past all
the defenses to their balloon safe zone. Once in the safe zone, the
attacker has 10 seconds to try and pop as many balloons as possible until
the opposite team may rush in and tag them. When tagged either in the
safe zone or in the countries zone they must go back to their country of
origin. Only 5 people are allowed to defend a balloon zone at a time.
Other defenders are allowed but not in the immediate proximity. At a
certain point in the game, members of the USSR and the US will be
available to help. The USSR can give Egypt and Syria the ability of using 2
hands to pop the balloons by marking their hand while the US can restore
the balloons of Israel at a rate of 3 balloons per minute. Also, when the US
and USSR are introduced, If you are tagged in the opposing zone they
must go into jail for 3 minuets. The jails are will be designated by the
referees Every 3 minuets their will be a jail break. There is no way to free
the jail. Good luck and god’s speed. Any Questions?
10-13 – Answer Questions
13-15 – Strategize in teams
15-30 – Play game. Israel vs. Egypt / Syria
30-32 – Continue game… Israel vs. Egypt / Syria / USSR
32-47 – Continue game… US/Israel vs. Egypt / Syria / USSR
47-57 – My 2 Cents for Change Wrap-Up
My 2 Cents for Change: What I want you all to do are to take a pen and a
sheet of paper that has been designated for the My 2 Cents for Change
program. The reason that we decided to include this in our program is
because it is representative of getting the USA to continue to support
Israel in future policy and back-up. If 87 teens write something to a
presidential candidate about the Israeli-USA relationship and how to
further it and make it better, it will promote it in their eyes and help them
to focus on that issue. This is a very easy way of utilizing Social Action, so
please feel free to write whatever you would like to either Obama or
McCain about the US’s relationship with Israel.
Planned by Max Kahn, Matt Giattino, Jacob Miller, Michael Cohen, Daniel
Cooper and the rest of Mal’ach AZA.