Presentation of Self in Virtual Life Web Page Personas in Cyberspace Elayne J. Shapiro Department of Communication Studies University of Portland 5000 N. Willamette Blvd. Portland, OR 97203 (503)283-7349 Leonard D. Shapiro Department of Computer Science Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 (503)725-4208 Submitted to the International Communication Association October, 1997 Acknowledgement: We would like to express our deep appreciation to Lisa Tahara for her assistance with this research. © 1997 Elayne J. Shapiro 2 Abstract Personal web pages provide cues different from other computer-mediated venues such as newsgroups, listservs, work groups, and chat rooms. This research examines personal web pages from the perspective of self-presentation, self-disclosure and relationship development. It surveys the categories of information presented on personal web pages and explores questions regarding how this medium may affect interpersonal relationship development theories. 3 Presentation of Self in Virtual Life Perhaps it is a sign of the times. When our son sent a letter introducing himself to the new college roommate he had never met, the roommate sent a postcard back directing our son to the roommate’s personal web page “to learn more about me.” It was definitely a nineties’ way to meet someone. To what shall we compare these personal web pages? Are they like business cards? Are they like billboards? Are they equivalent to personal ads in newspapers whose goal is to attract a prospective mate? Are they demonstrations of technical prowess designed to show off what one can do technically? Are they put together as much for one’s own pleasure as to impress others? Are they like albums: a collection of memories, a pastiche of what one looks like, whom one is connected to? What are the goals of these web pages: To inform? To persuade? To reminisce? To impress? How do these web pages function in interpersonal communication? Do they speed up relationship formation? Slow it down? Have no effect? Who are the target audiences for personal web pages? How do we reconcile the unsolicited self-disclosure in an age when privacy infringements are eyed suspiciously? (Behar, 1997; Quittner, 1997; Rothfeder, 1997; Shapiro, 1997; Wientzen & Weinstein, 1997). There are many unanswered questions. 4 Impact on Communication Theories In addition to simple curiosity about how people use personal web pages, scholars need to attend to this phenomenon for theoretical reasons as well. Current interpersonal communication theories concerning how relationships develop may have to be altered as technology becomes integrated into our lives. For example, Social Penetration Theory ( Altman & Taylor, 1973; Taylor & Altman, 1987) claims that as relationships develop, people move from relatively shallow levels of self disclosure to more intimate disclosures. Miller and Steinberg (1982), in their Developmental Model of Interpersonal Communication, relate interpersonal communication to self-disclosure. In interpersonal communication one can explain another’s behavior or make predictions about behavior based on psychological data, which comes from knowing an individual well. Impersonal communication makes predictions based on sociological data largely connected to one’s external roles. Knapp & Vangelisti (1992) characterize five stages in relationship formation: initiating, experimenting, intensifying, integrating, and bonding. If personal web pages serve as vehicles of introduction for people, but contain enormous amounts of personal information, the pace of early stages of relationship development may change. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (Berger, & Calabrese, 1975 ) argues that we have a need in interpersonal communication to get information about the other person. Uncertainty Reduction Theory proposes that because people have a difficult time with uncertainty, and because they want to be able to predict behavior, individuals are motivated to seek information about other people. During initial interactions, people will ask many questions to get information. If personal web pages thoroughly cover an individual’s life, a great deal of information may be provided before 5 individuals interact very much. Will this presentation of self alter relationship development? Theories may have to be revised or discarded as the number of people using new technologies for interpersonal communication increases. Studying personal web pages may also add to our knowledge of computer-mediated communication (CMC). Currently, CMC theory builds on data gathered from such electronic mail venues as work groups, newsgroups and chat groups (Garton & Wellman, 1995; Kiesler, Siegel & McGuire, 1984; Reid, 1991; Shapiro & Allen, 1995; Walther, 1996 &1997; Walther & Boyd, 1997). Theorists debate the circumstances in which reduced nonverbal messages benefit or hurt both task goals and socioemotional goals. Personal web pages allow more elaborate graphic displays (nonverbal messages) as well as sound, thereby augmenting message bandwidth. Studying personal web pages may broaden our understanding of CMC. Finally, in his book, The Road Ahead (1996), Bill Gates observed that personal web pages are a cross between interpersonal and mass communication. Computer-mediated communication began as electronic mail, a way to communicate from person to person or to small groups. As technology developed, however, CMC evolved into a mixture of mass and interpersonal communication. With special applications, people can develop their own web pages and upload them to a worldwide audience. By including an e-mail address on the web page, the web page owner can get feedback and respond to web page visitors. A number of researchers argue that interpersonal and mass theories of communication should explore their common ground (Rubin & Rubin, 1985; Reardon & Rogers, 1988). In addition to contributing to interpersonal communication and computer-mediated communication, studying 6 personal web pages may contribute to understanding the interface between interpersonal communication theory and mass communication theory. While much theoretical work lies ahead, it is the purpose of this exploratory research to examine issues relevant to interpersonal communication. In looking at the domain of personal web pages, we are particularly interested in how individuals present themselves and the extent to which they self disclose. We are also interested in how personal web pages might affect relationship development. After looking at the literature on presentation of self and self- disclosure, we will report on a pilot study that surveys personal web pages to find out what type of information people post. Before we can understand how web pages function, we must first examine their contents. Since personal web pages are ostensibly about “self,” self-presentation theory provides a reasonable framework from which to begin. Indirect Strategies of Self-Presentation Erving Goffman (1959) assumed that it is in our best interest to try to control how other people respond to us. One means of doing this involves optimizing the impression we give others of ourselves. Goffman observed that our capacity to create an impression rests on two different activities: messages we give and messages we give off. Messages we give refer to direct verbal symbols or their substitutes whose content is designed to convey information. Messages we give off involves actions, “that others can treat as symptomatic of the actor, the expectation being that the action was performed for reasons other than the information conveyed”(Goffman, 1959, p.2). Hence, if an individual drives a luxury car, we get the message that the individual has transportation (content), but we are also likely to assign meaning about the individual 7 based on the message given off. The fact that s/he chooses a luxury car vs. a sports utility vehicle or a jalopy is a message given off. Similarly, when one designs a web page, there can be messages given and given off. On one level there is the message given, e.g. name, hobbies, favorite sites on the Internet, and pictures (Gates,1996). While a software program may proscribe the content, an individual fills in the blanks in any fashion; truth and fiction can be intermixed. Whatever information an individual chooses to post defines that person for strangers, acquaintances or friends who stumble across the web page. In addition, if one has technical savvy or access to someone with technical savvy, one can present a dazzling web page (and hence a dazzling self), thereby, embellishing one’s image. The onlooker, however, has no way of knowing if the content and presentation of the content matches up to the person whose web page is being viewed. When we interact face-to-face we look for clues that enable us to know in advance what to expect of others. Based on these clues, we try to predict behavior and better control interactions. Goffman delineated how people sometimes go to great lengths to present false fronts. He described how others sometimes collude with the presenter to sustain a front. Goffman used the term “performance team” to characterize a set of individuals who cooperate in staging a single routine (Goffman, 1959). The same collusion can occur on web pages and constitute indirect means of self-presentation. For example, links (pointers to other pages that search engines can access) are technical tools that permit team performance on web pages as well. By providing a link to other web pages, an individual can associate him or herself with other groups, other friends, other causes, so that a visitor to one’s web page literally, with the 8 click of a button, makes a connection between self and, what Goffman might depict as, a performance team. A major difference, however, between face-to-face performance teams and cyber-performance teams is that cyber-performance teams may be co-opted without prior knowledge, that is, no one need ask permission to create a link. Whether one appropriates a link with or without permission, self-presentation consequences accrue. Miller et al. (1966) pointed out that observers, making personality and behavioral attributions on the basis of friendship ties, infer that friends are similar to one another. Cialdini et al (1990) concurred stating that we can use the “likeness among friends” heuristic to enhance our public image. By presenting information about the traits, actions, and accomplishments of our associates, we enhance our own public image. Furthermore, Cialdini et al. (1990) asserted that even if there is no public audience to perceive the connection, we improve our own self-concept by convincing ourselves that we are connected to positive things. Addressing the same issue, Schlenker (1980), observed that people want to maximize the association between themselves and desirable images. Hence, by linking to mass media sites, or computer sites, or music sites, or reference sources, a web page author indirectly gives off a message about the kind of person he or she is. Direct Strategies of Self-Presentation We have described some indirect strategies that individuals can use to create self-presentation. The concept of “region” leads to some direct tactics as well. Goffman defined a region as any place, bounded to some degree, by barriers to perception (Goffman, 1959). For example, one might teach a course and, while in the classroom (a frontstage region in Goffman’s terms), act as an exemplary communicator. 9 Because students typically do not get to see the teacher’s communication behavior at home (backstage in Goffman’s parlance), the classroom would be a bounded region. A web page is highly bounded because the creator of the web page, through selectivity, highlights some aspects of self while omitting others. The only way a visitor might access backstage information would be if someone on a performance team presented contradictory or unflattering information in his or her link. The concept of region suggests that self-presenters can use direct means to create an impression. Jones and Pittman (1982) identified five direct self-presentation tactics to influence others: ingratiation, intimidation, self-promotion, exemplification, and supplication. Ingratiation tries to influence a particular person by emphasizing the attractiveness of one’s personal qualities, so the individual tries to present aspects of him or her self which makes the individual seem likeable to some target audience. A person using intimidation attempts to convince a target audience that s/he is dangerous. Hence, a web page with satanic overtones might accomplish intimidation. Selfpromotion involves seeking the attribution of competency rather than likability. One who uses exemplification seeks to project integrity and moral worthiness. Typically, the exemplifier presents him or herself as honest, disciplined, charitable, self-abnegating who sacrifices for a cause. In supplication, one advertises one’s dependence in order to elicit protection. Jones and Pittman point out that their categories overlap. Indeed, what intimidates one person may ingratiate a different person. Perception regarding what is self-promoting vs. what is ingratiating lies as much in the message receiver as it does in the message source. 10 Self Disclosure In addition to self-presentation, web pages may include self-disclosure. Some researchers include as self-disclosure any message about the self as long as it passes from a source to a target (Bochner, 1982; Derlega & Grzelak, 1979). By this standard, most personal web pages count as self-disclosure. Others researchers add the criteria that the message must be communicated intentionally and reveal something generally unavailable by other means (Rosenfeld & Kendrick, 1984). Whether or not information is available by other means depends on who visits the web page. Family and friends might have access to other means of information; strangers typically would not. Existing research on self-disclosure primarily derives from face-to-face channels. The research focuses on why people self-disclose, gender differences in self-disclosure, and how people self disclose. Before looking at these issues on web pages, we will review the face-to-face literature. Sidney Jourard argued that willingness to disclose to others increased understanding in relationships and built intimacy (Jourard, 1971). Initially, research suggested that people were most willing to disclose to those with whom they were intimate (Jourard & Landsman, 1960). When men and women were compared for self-disclosure, results were equivocal. Sometimes women self-disclosed more than men (Jourard & Lasakow, 1958), sometimes no differences were found (Balswick & Balkwell, 1977), and sometimes men disclosed more than women (Rickers-Ovsiankina & Kusmin, 1958). Women appeared to disclose more than men on intimate topics (Rubin & Shenker, 1978); both men and women disclosed more to a woman than to a man (Cash, 1975). Where gender differences existed, the intervening variable of 11 recipient made a difference. While both men and women were more likely to disclose more to friends than to strangers, men were more likely to disclose to strangers than were women. Chaikin and Derlega (1974) found that females reported disclosure to a stranger as more inappropriate than did males. At times, people were willing to disclose information to strangers at a very high level (Rickers-Ovsiankina & Kusmin, 1958). For example Pearce and Sharp (1973) found that the highest amount of self-disclosure occurred not only between close personal friends but also total strangers. Drag (1971) discovered that strangers who expected no subsequent contact disclosed more than those who expected future interaction did. In sum, research in face-to-face disclosure suggests that disclosing to strangers on web pages could be consistent with the literature if the expectation was that future interaction was unlikely. Knowing to whom one might disclose, however, does not shed light on why one might reveal information to another individual. Derlega and Grzelak (1979) suggested there were five reasons for revealing private information: 1) Self-expression, disclosure to release pent-up emotions; 2) self-clarification, disclosure to obtain feedback to aid self concept; 3) social validation, disclosure to obtain social support; 4) relationship development, disclosure to develop or maintain an interpersonal relationship; and 5) social control, disclosure to manipulate the behavior of others. To understand how self-disclosure was functioning, however, one needed to elicit the subjective reasons from the individuals self-disclosing. Rosenfeld and Kendrick (1984) found that the three most significant reasons for self-disclosing to friends were: relationship maintenance and enhancement, self-clarification, and reciprocity. The two most important reasons for disclosing to strangers were: 1) reciprocity, i.e. providing enough information so the 12 interactants could decide whether to continue the relationship and 2) impression formation. A third factor was catharsis, namely getting something off one’s chest. CMC and Self-disclosure Early research on CMC focused on the efficacy of e-mail for task and socioemotional communication. Flaming, the use of hostile or profane speech, led to characterization of CMC as uninhibited and depersonalized. Subsequent research, however, revealed that CMC could evoke highly personal interactions (Baym,1995; Walther,1996). In a meta-analysis Walther, Anderson, & Park (1994) found that over time CMC groups elicited as much personal communication as face-to-face groups. Another experiment revealed that when participants expected ongoing interaction, there were no differences in immediacy, similarity, and receptivity of group members between face-to-face and the CMC groups (Walther, 1994). Based on these CMC findings, however, we cannot predict the amount of personal information on web pages because we do not know what expectations web page creators have for future interaction. Research Questions It is the purpose of this research to explore the contents of personal web pages. Personal web pages offer an opportunity to explore practical and theoretical issues related to self-presentation and self-disclosure in a computer-mediated setting. Before tackling those issues, however, we need a baseline regarding the amount and kinds of information commonly disclosed on personal web pages. We need to know if web pages merely contain rudiments of people’s social roles or more depthful psychological profiles. One distinction Miller & Steinberg (1982) make regarding the difference between impersonal communication and interpersonal communication involves the kind 13 of information that is disclosed. In impersonal communication, one can only explain another’s behavior or make predictions about behavior based on sociological rather than psychological data. This leads to research question number one. Research Question 1: What categories of information do people post on personal web pages? Goffman suggests that people will incorporate performance teams in support of presentation of self. The literature review proposed that links fulfill the function of a performance team. This leads to research question number two. Research Question 2: What categories of links do people incorporate in their web pages? Self-disclosure literature suggests that although people are apt to disclose most to those they know well, they might disclose to strangers with whom they do not anticipate future interaction. This leads to research question number three. Research Question 3: How frequently do e-mail addresses appear on web pages? METHOD Coding Scheme Personal web pages were defined as web pages whose primary function appeared to be presenting a person and his or her interests. By contrast, commercial web pages were defined as those purveying goods and services; professional web pages were defined as those in which the primary focus was on work related issues. A preliminary survey of web pages generated categories used for the coding scheme. Sampling 14 As Walther noted (1997) sampling procedures in electronic space raise difficult issues. Regarding web pages, there is no way of knowing how many personal web pages exist. Moreover, they are transitory: a web page posted one day may be gone the next. Accessing web pages presents a similar problem. At the start of this research, coders used a search engine and followed one path to find web pages, but as the research progressed, the search engine changed its format, so that researchers had to find a different route. Moreover, some web pages, much like unlisted phone numbers, are not referenced on any search engine. To access such web pages, one must know the exact address. At the onset of this project, the search engine Webcrawler provided an icon which, when clicked, randomly generated a personal web page. Shortly into the research, the Webcrawler page was reformatted and the icon disappeared. The coders then reverted to using an alphabet provided by the same search engine and accessed personal web pages through the alphabet on Webcrawler as well as Yahoo. Consequently, this sampling procedure cannot claim randomness. We must consider this project exploratory and descriptive of web pages posted on Webcrawler’s People Page and Yahoo’s Personal Pages found through their “Society and Culture” domain. A list of all web page addresses used in the study appears in Appendix B. Two coders, working on sample web pages, employed the coding scheme in Appendix A. Researchers used Scott’s Pi to check for interrater reliability. Each coder then coded personal web pages for an N of 100. RESULTS Using Scott’s Pi, interrater reliability was calculated at .83. 15 Coders first looked for web page titles. Twelve of the pages did not include a title. Twenty-nine of the pages used either the first name or first and last name of the person for the web page title. The remaining titles varied in their creativity and in indirect presentation of self. Of the 100 web pages surveyed, 72 % belonged to males; 24% belonged to females; a man and woman shared one. The remaining pages did not identify sex. Only 35 % of contributors stated their age. TABLE 1. Distribution by Age. Age 17 years and below 18 – 21 22 – 30 31 – 40 40 – 65 Percentage 7 13 7 7 1 Fourteen percent of web pages mentioned religion: 4% Christian, 3% Mormon, with other religions each at 1% (New Age, Liberty Baptist, Evangelical, Hindu, Atheist, Wiccan). Coders noted race and ethnic background only when a web page explicitly mentioned the categories. Twenty-one percent mentioned race or ethnic background, 6% of these were Caucasian, 3% Chinese, 2% each Korean and Malay. Other ethnic groups each had 1%. Only one personal web page mentioned a political party affiliation. Sixty-five percent of the web pages mentioned occupations with students comprising the highest number (38%) followed by individuals in technical fields (14%). 16 Twenty four percent referred to their marital status (10% were married, 1% divorced), and five percent mentioned they had children. Eleven percent of web pages listed addresses; one provided a map to his church; and six percent included home phone numbers. Fifty-six web percent of web pages described sports, hobbies, and pastimes. Distribution of activities was as follows: Photography Videography Hiking Camping Ultimate frisbee Philosophy Sci-Fi Fantasy 3 1 4 5 1 1 Bartending Water sports Poetry Car Tractors Collects elephants Spending money Internet Reading Tinkering George Bush 1 Dancing Fraternity Dragons 1 Space 1 Drinking Bar hopping Gay Scene Art Computers Roller blading Travel 4 10 1 1 Working out Eagle Scouts Aviation pilot Role-playing Games 1 1 Playing Sports Biking Movies 1 1 2 3 1 1 3 9 1 6 1 6 4 5 Writing 2 Music MN Vikings 1 Making Models 1 1 Jumping out of airplanes 1 Spirituality 1 Horseback riding 2 1 1 Castles Crabbing Stealing 2 19 9 Snowboarding Computer Games Restaurants The Southwest Playing cards Playing board games Meeting new people 1 1 3 5 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Racism Pool Barbra Streisand 3 Darts 22 2 1 Guitar Fishing Wearing Italian shoes Politics Mushrooming Animals TV Motorcycling RaceCar Driver 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 While moving graphics are best understood in the context in which they appear, we list them below to convey the variety (or lack of) which web page creators employed. An orange lion running across the screen; a cartoon graphic. A hand writing a letter than folding it and putting it in an envelop. A running mouse; blinking eye A moving skull and earth; a flickering candle A cartoon cat walking around; a key that waves and blinks its eyes. Eyes blinking; blood dripping from a line at the top of the screen A quote moving across the screen; dolphins spinning An airplane Bugs spinning; earth spinning; cow walking on a sign. Earth spinning; UFO flying; hand waving. Sailboats moving across the screen. Blood dripping from the lettering of the name. Dog running across screen; character moving across screen; Calvin & Hobbes Flashing lights around a moose picture; Pacman eating across the screen followed by a ghost; dog runs across screen Hand waves on introduction screen to welcome Skull rotates; dog runs across screen; letter goes into envelope; cat that scratches itself. 17 Cute devil moving around, dog running around, Dave Matthews (singer) playing his guitar (video) Graphic of a monster; “under construction” man working Flashing “welcome” sign Beating hearts Moving 7-up dot characters dancing, message on bottom bar line moves across screen Skeletons dancing, lights flickering in JackO’lanterns Welcome sign moves across screen Elmo jumping up and down 7-up dot dances & the dot turns into a character “Welcome” spins; Homer Simpson appears behind a wall. A house that spins; an open book with turning pages 7-up dot dances, beating heart, flying Canadian Geese Happy Faces & Moving mouths Flashing “Open Come In.” Beating hearts Flickering pumpkin lights, dancing skeletons, a person Trick or Treat etc. moves across screen Envelopes appear and disappear Bubbles A cat chasing a fly Eye that opens and closes Links or pointers to other web sites occurred on 73% of all web pages. Their distribution appears in Table 2. . TABLE 2. Distribution of Links Type of Site Percentage Other personal web pages Neat web sites Music groups Reference material Places Political sites 45 32 25 35 19 5 Other 72 The last category coders noted encompassed pictures and accompanying information. TABLE 3. Pictures and Accompanying Information Type of Pictures and Accompanying Percentage Information Pictures of self 50 Pictures of family and friends 32 18 Humor Pictures of travel Resumes/portfolios Poetry, stories Entertainment Pictures of animals Essays, school projects Pictures of pets Miscellaneous 16 15 14 11 8 6 6 5 38 19 Discussion In our discussion of our first research question, What categories of information do people put on web pages? we will use several threads developed in the literature review. Miller and Steinberg (1982) distinguished impersonal versus interpersonal communication on the basis of whether one could make predictions about behavior based on sociological rather than psychological data. Looking at the titles of web pages, we find some titles at the impersonal end of the continuum that offer little depth about the person. Pages that include no title, or merely cite the name of the individual, disclose little about the author. A title such as “Welcome to Garrett’s Home Page” offers a bit more about the individual, and if it is accompanied by a moving graphic, we might impute more intent to the level of welcome. Other pages, albeit ambiguously, tilt more towards the psychological end of the continuum and disclose more about the author, for example, “Billy’s Multiple Personality page” or “ Welcome to my Insane Asylum” or “Distinguished Women who Kick Ass.” In the framework of self-presentation, viewers of these messages might assign varying meanings to the titles. For example, one viewer may conclude that the page uses intimidation as a tactic while another viewer decides that the page uses self-promotion. The primary point here is that page titles differ in the amount of data suggested about the subject. Viewed in the framework of self-presentation, different titles “give off” different messages about the individuals, but the information is cryptic. People varied in the extent to which they mentioned demographics. Regarding sex, 72% of the pages sampled belonged to men and 23% women. Given the preponderance of men involved in computers in the general population, this finding is 20 not surprising. Only 35% of the sample mentioned age, the highest percentage in the 18-21 category. This corresponds with occupations category, where 34% identified themselves as students. Two factors may account for the youth and strong student presence on web pages. First, as people move into professions, web pages may evolve from personal displays into professional displays. Second, students may have more time than other occupations to experiment with web pages. Young people may be among the early adopters of new technology. Not surprisingly, the second highest category mentioned under occupation was technology. Only 24% of the sample mentioned marital status. Of these, 10% were married and 14% were not. With respect to self-disclosure, these facts are not particularly intimate: They fall towards the impersonal end of Miller & Steinberg’s continuum. Yet, when one considers that the information is being made available to total strangers, it is notable that alongside the demographic information, 11% of the sample provided their addresses and 6% their phone numbers. In Altman and Taylor’s terms (1973), the disclosure has breadth in number of topics, but not much depth. Knapp & Vangelisti’s model of relationship development provides another way to think about this data. Describing sports, hobbies or other pastimes and providing pictures of family, friends, essays, and poetry, bridges two stages of the model before individuals ever interact. Information that might be exchanged in the initiating and experimenting stage of relationship development appears in the 56% of the web pages sampled. Returning to Goffman, people who list common sports and activities give off one message; while people who list less common activities, such as stealing, wearing Italian shoes, spending money, give off quite another. People who provide personal 21 writings give off yet more information about self. Without interviewing web page creators, we can not know if intentions were intimidation, self-promotion ingratiation or something else entirely. The casual viewer, however, will assign his or her own meaning especially in the context of a complete web page. Thirty-four percent of the sample included moving graphics, symbols incorporated for fun, for impact or for person-specific meaning. Some graphics recur on several pages: the earth spinning, 7-up dots dancing, animated “welcome” signs. Others are unique, for example an individual’s name which dripped blood. In the context of self-presentation graphics may be an indirect tactic, a sign of technical savvy, or they may be a direct tactic of intimidation or ingratiation, as in the case of happy faces or hands waving welcome. The second research question asked, What categories of links do people incorporate in their web pages? Goffman suggested that people incorporate performance teams in support of presentation of self. Indeed, 44% of surveyed web pages included links to other people’s personal web pages. Miller’s et al. (1966) claim that observers will make attributions on the basis of friendship ties may explain the prevalence of links to other people’s web pages. We suggest that most links equate to messages an individual gives off about self, be it “neat web sites” one has found and to which one directs other people or links to one’s favorite music groups. Frequently, in the context of a single web page, patterns about the individual emerge as a consequence of the various links. In some cases, extensive links disclose a considerable amount about a person’ s deeper concerns. To give an example, one web page provided: 14 links to the “Seth Material,” 6 links to M.Scott Peck, 13 links 22 related to the Lucidity institute and interpretation of dreams, 7 links to hypnosis sites, 6 sites to out-of-body experience sites, free online tarot readings and a literary showcase of the author’s own works. Extensively linked web pages go beyond simple demographics and disclose more of the psychological dimension of a person. The last research question asked, How frequently do e-mail addresses appear on web pages. Seventy-six percent of the sample included e-mail addresses. Presence of e-mail addresses is important because e-mail permits interaction between a web page guest and the web page host. In the literature on self-disclosure, anticipation of future interaction determined the level of comfort with disclosing to strangers. It is not clear if the presence of e-mail indicates an expectation of future interaction, but the presence means that interaction is possible. Moreover, 21% of the web pages provided guest books. A guest book allows a visitor to identify him or herself to the host. Conclusion The purpose of this research was to survey a sample of personal web pages and ascertain the breadth and depth of information posted. In addition, it explored how issues related to presentation of self and self-disclosure played out, and how those issues might impact relationship formation. In general, the breadth of information provided on web pages exceeded the depth of information. In other computer-mediated communication forums such as Internet Relay Chat, chat rooms, and some usenet groups, researchers attribute participants’ anonymity and depersonalization for the communication dynamics. Further study of personal web 23 pages is needed to uncover the extent to which those dynamics or others affect web page composition and interaction. Moreover, future research should include interviews with web page creators to find out the extent to which web page programs dictate content and find out the thinking behind the decision-making regarding self-presentation motives on the web page. It would be valuable to know how personal web pages function in people’s lives. To what extent do they facilitate interaction with strangers? How much deliberate deception occurs? Quantitative research that compares content of women and men’s web pages might shed light on whether or not there are significant gender differences in web page presentations. Similarly comparisons among varying age groups would add clarity. At the onset of this paper we asked, to what shall web pages be compared? Business cards? Personal Ads? Albums? Trading cards? Currently, the great variety in web pages does not allow an easy answer to this question. The metaphors are still in the making. Appendix A: Coding Scheme. 1. Web address: 2. What is the title of the Web Page? 3 ____ male ____female 4. age____ 5. religious affiliation________________6. ethnic background____________________________ 7. political party ___________________ 8. occupation_______________ 24 9. marital status: ___single ___married ___divorced ___partnered 10 number of children _____ 11. address 12. map 13 favorite sports, hobbies, pastimes ________________________ _______________________________________________________ 14. Please indicate types of links on the page: ___ other personal web pages ___reference material ___neat web sites ___places ___music group ___political sites or issues ___other (specify) 15. Types of pictures and accompanying information 16. Please describe any moving graphics 17. Comments: 25 Appendix B: Internet Sites O'Connor, J. Netscape. 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