PT- J| AU- Su YM; Hsu PY; Pai NY| AF- Su Yu-Min; Hsu, Ping-Yu; Pai, Ning-Yao| TI- An approach to discover and recommend cross-domain bridge-keywords in document banks| SO- ELECTRONIC LIBRARY| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Databases; Data handling; Information retrieval; Cluster analysis| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; CLASSIFICATION; NETWORKS; SCIENCE; SEARCH; SPACE| AB- Purpose - The co-word analysis method is commonly used to clusterrelated keywords into the same keyword domain. In other words, traditional co-word analysis cannot cluster the same keywords into more than one keyword domain, and disregards the multi-domain property of keywords. The purpose of this paper is to propose an innovative keyword co-citation approach called "Complete Keyword Pair (CKP) method", which groups complete keyword sets of reference papers into clusters, and thus finds keywords belonging to more than one keyword domain, namely bridgekeywords Design/methodology/approach - The approach regards complete author keywords of a paper as a complete keyword set to compute the relations among keywords. Any two complete keyword sets whose corresponding papers are co-referenced by the same paper are recorded as a CKP. A clustering method is performed with the correlation matrix computed from the frequency counts of the CKPs, for clustering the complete keyword sets. Since keywords may be involved in more than one complete keyword set, the same keywords may end up appearing in different clusters Findings - Results of this study show that the CKP method can discover bridge-keywords with average precision of 80 per cent in the Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery citation bank during 2000-2006 when compared against the benchmark of Association for Computing Machinery Computing Classification System Originality/value Traditional co-word analysis focuses on co-occurrence of keywords, and therefore, cannot cluster the same keywords into more than one keyword domain. The CKP approach considers complete author keyword sets of reference papers to discover bridge-keywords. Therefore, the keyword recommendation system based on CKP can recommend keywords across multiple keyword domains via the bridge-keywords| C1- [Hsu, Ping-Yu] Natl Cent Univ, Dept Business Adm, Tao Yuan, Taiwan; [Su, Yu-Min] Natl Chengchi Univ, Dept Comp Sci, Taipei 11623, Taiwan; [Pai, Ning-Yao] Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Informat Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan| RP- Hsu, PY, Natl Cent Univ, Dept Business Adm, Tao Yuan, Taiwan| EM-| CD- *ASS COMP MACH, 2009, ACM COMP CLASS SYST; *ASS COMP MACH, 2009, ACM PORT; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AVANCINI H, 2004, P67, P IADIS C APPL COMP; CHANG CC, 2006, V24, P307, ELECTRON LIBR; CHEN HC, 1992, V22, P885, IEEE T SYST MAN CYB; CHEN HC, 1997, V48, P17, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DING Y, 2000, P28, P 6 INT SOC KNOWL OR; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; EOM SB, 1996, V16, P315, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; FUHR N, 2001, RECOMMENDATION COLLA; GAO X, 2006, V4, INT J ELECT BUS; HARUECHAIYASAK C, 2005, V27, P298, INT J COMPUTER APPL; HE Y, 2000, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESSING MA; JOHNSON AG, 1988, STATISTICS; KITAMURA Y, 1999, V10, P206, GENOME INFORM; LIANG TP, 2007, V45, P401, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; LIAO SH, 2007, V32, P1, EXPERT SYST APPL; LORENCE D, 2006, V2, P263, INT J ELECT HEALTHCA; MATSUO Y, 2004, V13, P157, INT J ARTIFICIAL INT; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NICHOLS DM, 1997, CSEG297 LANC U COMP; ROUSSINOV D, 2003, V35, P149, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; SCHATZ BR, 1996, P126, P 1 ACM INT C DIG LI; SHIRI AA, 2002, V29, P1, KNOWL ORGAN; TANAKA M, 2000, V11, P73, GENOME INFORMATICS; VILLARROEL M, 2002, V20, P306, ELECTRON LIBR; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITTAKER J, 1989, V19, P473, SOC STUD SCI; YANG C, 2007, V25, P234, ELECTRON LIBR; YANG Y, 2005, V1, P40, J COMPUTER SCI| NR- 32| TC- 0| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0264-0473| J9- ELECTRON LIBR| JI- Electron. Libr| PY- 2010| VL- 28| IS- 5| BP- 669| EP- 687| DI- 10.1108/02640471011081951| PG- 19| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 697PG| JN- ELECTRONIC LIBRARY, 2010, V28, N5, P669-687| UT- ISI:000285526700004 ER || PT- J| AU- Jank DA| AF- Jank David A| TI- Toward a Unifying Ontology for Human-Information Interaction| SO- CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- human-information interaction; information seeking behavior; ontology; taxonomy; relationship theory| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; DOMAIN ANALYSIS; ONLINE; ATTITUDES; SCIENCE; CONTEXT; MODEL; CLASSIFICATION; BEHAVIOR; SEEKING| AB- Research agendas in human-information interaction (HII) are often varied and thematically divergent. Through the interdisciplinary lens of information studies, a more convergent view of HII scholarship emerges. The purpose of this paper is twofold: to provide a summary of dissertation research that taxonomically documents the divergent scholarship in human-information interaction, and to construct a unifying ontology of HII discourse, using bibliometric techniques, that may serve as a map of the research front of human-information interaction for the information scientist| C1- Long Isl Univ, Palmer Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Greenvale, NY 11548 USA| RP- Jank, DA, Long Isl Univ, Palmer Sch Lib & Informat Sci, CW Post Campus, Greenvale, NY 11548 USA| EM-| CD- AJZEN I, 2005, UNDERSTANDING ATTITU; ANDERSON WT, 1994, V11, P447, PSYCHOL MARKET; ARAYA AA, 1997, V3, P2, PHILOS TECHNOLOGY; BAEV KV, 1998, BIOL NEURAL NETWORKS; BAJAJ A, 1998, V33, P213, INFORM MANAGE; BARKER P, 2008, V45, P127, INNOV EDUC TEACH INT; BARTHES R, 1975, PLAISIR TEXTE; BATES MJ, 1987, P6, ASIS 87 P 50 ANN M A; BATES MJ, 1989, V13, P407, ONLINE REV; BECHTEL W, 2001, P152, PHILOS NEUROSCIENCES; BEGHTOL C, 1986, V42, P84, J DOC; BEGHTOL C, 2003, V30, P64, KNOWL ORGAN; BENEFER R, 2007, V49, P210, ED TRAINING; BESSER H, 1997, P153, WIRED MUSEUM EMERGIN; BICKMORE T, 2004, V12, P293, T COMPUTER HUMAN INT; BRIER S, 2006, V1, LIBREAS LIB IDEAS; CACIOPPO JT, 2002, V57, P819, AM PSYCHOL; CHANDLER R, 2002, V7, 1 MONDAY; CHEN AP, 2005, V3681, P318, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; CHEN XY, 2006, PEER RELATIONSHIPS C; CHI L, 2005, V9, P53, J KNOWLEDGE MANAGEME; COOPER J, 1993, P174, MUSEUMS INTERACTIVE; CRAMER KM, 1999, V46, P381, J COUNS PSYCHOL; DEEB KK, 2006, P157, 2006 INT S COLL; DELGUSTE C, 1996, V14, P26, MUSE; DUTTABERGMAN MJ, 2004, V6, ARTN e15, J MED INTERNET RES; FANO RM, 1961, TRANSMISSION INFORM; FODOR JA, 1993, PSYCHOSEMANTICS PROB; FRENCH JC, 1999, V5, D LIB MAGAZINE; GERBER BS, 2001, V3, ARTN e15, J MED INTERNET RES; GIACOPPO A, 2001, CHARM CHOOSING HUMAN; GRUENFELD, 1993, V24, P383, SMALL GR RES; HARMAN K, 2005, V1, P67, INTERDISCIPLINARY J; HEATHMAN DJ, 1991, V23, P25, IND COMMER TRAIN; HEMINGWAY CJ, 1998, P275, INFORM SYSTEMS CURRE; HJORLAND B, 2002, V58, P422, J DOC; HJORLAND B, 2005, P339, THEORIES INFORM BEHA; HJORLAND B, 2007, V58, P1448, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HOFER BK, 2004, V39, P43, EDUC PSYCHOL; HONG D, 2005, P81, UBIPCMM 2005 P 1 INT; HUNTER J, 2003, V13, P49, IEEE T CIRC SYST VID; INKPEN AC, 2005, V30, P146, ACAD MANAGE REV; INSEL TR, 2004, V27, P697, ANNU REV NEUROSCI; JANK D, 2003, P1175, ENCY LIB INFORM SCI; JANK D, 2004, 9 GREAT LAK INF SCI; JANK D, 2006, ALISE 2006 ANN C SAN; JANK D, 2010, THESIS LONG ISLAND U; JOHNSON RA, 2002, V24, P422, WESTERN J NURS RES; KARI J, 2007, V58, P1131, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KASPER J, 2006, V62, P56, PATIENT EDUC COUNS; KENSINGER, 2004, V42, P791, NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA; KRAUT RE, 2003, P325, HCI MODELS THEORIES; KUHLTHAU CC, 1991, V42, P361, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LAMB R, 2003, V54, P97, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEAFGREN J, 2002, DEGREES EXPLICITNESS; MARKRAM H, 1998, V70, P101, NEUROBIOL LEARN MEM; MARTY PF, 2003, V37, P259, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; MAZZIERI M, 2007, P58, INT WORKSH EM SEM ON; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V46, P306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MILLER JG, 1971, V16, P302, BEHAV SCI; MURRAY AJ, 2006, V36, P231, VINE; NICOLAOU AI, 2006, V17, P332, INFORM SYST RES; PARIS SG, 2002, PERSPECTIVES OBJECT; PREECE J, 2002, INTERACTION DESIGN H; RALSTON JD, 2007, V14, P798, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; RICHARDSON W, 2008, V67, P40, INDEPENDENT SCH; RIOUX K, 2005, P169, THEORIES INFORM BEHA; ROBINSON L, 2007, V9, P93, NEW MEDIA SOC; ROZANSKI EP, 2003, P 4 C INF TECHN CURR; SAKURAI Y, 1999, V23, P785, NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV R; SALZER MS, 2003, V19, P511, COMPUT HUM BEHAV; SHAPIRO ER, 2003, V2, P227, ORG SOCIAL DYNAMICS; SHORTLIFFE EH, 1994, V1, P76, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; SPECTOR JM, 2000, V31, P528, SIMULATION GAMING; SPINK A, 2006, V57, P25, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; STARKY AB, 1999, V2, P15, AM J PASTORAL COUNSE; STEENBEEK HW, 2007, V27, P1, DEV REV; SUGIMOTO CR, 2008, V59, P1441, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SUNDAR SS, 2007, V58, P366, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; TENNIS JT, 2003, V30, P191, KNOWL ORGAN; TERENZIANI P, 2002, V18, P336, COMPUT INTELL; TILLETT BB, 1991, V35, P150, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; TRANT J, 2006, V12, P83, NEW REV HYPERMEDIA M; TYNJALA P, 2005, V17, P318, J WORKPLACE LEARNING; VANBENTHEM J, 2009, V38, P491, J PHILOS LOGIC; VINOGRADOV, 2006, V31, P896, NEUROIMAGE; WAGNER GD, 2004, V28, P383, J EUROPEAN IND TRAIN; WERE G, 2003, V8, P25, J MAT CULT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILEY DA, 2002, INSTRUCTIONAL USE LE; WILSON EV, 2004, V11, P241, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; YOUNG KS, 2005, V8, P172, CYBERPSYCHOL BEHAV| NR- 93| TC- 0| PU- CANADIAN ASSOC INFORMATION SCIENCE| PI- OTTAWA| PA- PO BOX 6174, STATION J, OTTAWA, ONTARIO K2A 1T2, CANADA| SN- 1195-096X| J9- CAN J INFORM LIB SCI| JI- Can. J. Inf. Libr. Sci.-Rev. Can. Sci. Inf. Bibl| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 34| IS- 4| BP- 403| EP- 432| PG- 30| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 699PV| JN- CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE, 2010, V34, N4, P403-432| UT- ISI:000285676200003 ER || PT- J| AU- Raghuram S; Tuertscher P; Garud R| AF- Raghuram Sumita; Tuertscher, Philipp; Garud, Raghu| TI- Mapping the Field of Virtual Work: A Cocitation Analysis| SO- INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- virtual work; virtual teams; bibliometric analysis| ID- SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; ELECTRONIC MAIL; AT-HOME; COLLABORATION; COMMUNICATION; ORGANIZATION; TEAMS; IDENTIFICATION; PATTERNS; CONTEXT| AB- Interest in the area of virtual work continues to increase with articles being written from different disciplinary perspectives-e. g., information systems (IS), management, psychology, and transportation In this paper, we map research on virtual work to (a) understand the intellectual base from which this field has emerged, (b) explore how this field has evolved over time, and (c) identify clusters of research themes that have emerged over time and the relationships between them Specifically, we use cocitation analysis of research published in all social science disciplines to map the field at three points in time-1995, 2000, and 2006. Our results show that the field has grown from 9 research clusters in 1995 to 16 in 2006. A comparison across these maps suggests that research in the cluster of "virtual teams" has gained significance even as research in some earlier clusters such as "urban planning and transportation" has lost ground. Our longitudinal analysis identifies relevant concepts, theories, and methodologies that have emerged in the field of virtual work. This analysis can help interested researchers identify how they may want to contribute to the field of virtual work-by adding to popular clusters, by enriching emerging smaller clusters, or by acting as bridges across clusters| C1- [Raghuram, Sumita] Penn State Univ, Dept Labor Studies & Employment Relat, University Pk, PA 16802 USA; [Tuertscher, Philipp] Vienna Univ Econ & Business, Inst Entrepreneurship & Innovat, A-1090 Vienna, Austria; [Garud, Raghu] Penn State Univ, Smeal Coll Business, University Pk, PA 16802 USA| RP- Raghuram, S, Penn State Univ, Dept Labor Studies & Employment Relat, University Pk, PA 16802 USA| EM-| CD- *TEL ADV GROUP, 2007, TEL TRENDL 2006; BAILEY DE, 2002, V23, P383, J ORGAN BEHAV; BANKER RD, 2006, V17, P352, INFORM SYST RES; BARUCH Y, 2001, V3, P113, INT J MANAG REV; BELL BS, 2002, V27, P14, GROUP ORGAN MANAGE; BIANCONI G, 2001, V86, P5632, PHYS REV LETT; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIGGS RO, 2006, V22, P7, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; CASCIO WF, 2000, V14, P81, ACAD MANAGE EXEC; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHIDAMBARAM L, 1996, V20, P143, MIS QUART; COOPER H, 2003, V129, P3, PSYCHOL BULL; CRAMTON CD, 2001, V12, P346, ORGAN SCI; CRANE D, 1969, V34, P335, AM SOCIOL REV; DAFT RL, 1986, V32, P554, MANAGE SCI; DESANCTIS G, 1984, V7, P133, INFORM MANAGE; DESANCTIS G, 1994, V5, P121, ORGAN SCI; FIOL CM, 2005, V16, P19, ORGAN SCI; FJERMESTAD J, 2000, V17, P115, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; GAJENDRAN RS, 2007, V92, P1524, J APPL PSYCHOL; GARFIELD E, 1983, V6, P580, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 1992, V19, P321, SCI PUBL POLICY; GLASER BG, 1967, DISCOVERY GROUNDED T; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOLDEN TD, 2006, V27, P319, J ORGAN BEHAV; HACKMAN JR, 1976, V16, P250, ORGAN BEHAV HUM PERF; HANDY C, 1995, V73, P40, HARVARD BUS REV; HANDY SL, 1995, V61, P99, J AM PLANN ASSOC; JARVENPAA SL, 1998, V14, P29, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; JARVENPAA SL, 1999, V10, P791, ORGAN SCI; KARUGA GG, 2007, V19, P115, COMM ASS INFORM SYST; KRAUT RE, 1989, V39, P19, J COMMUN; KURLAND NB, 1999, V10, P500, ORGAN SCI; LATOUR B, 1979, LAB LIFE SOCIAL CONS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIPNACK J, 1997, VIRTUAL TEAMS REACHI; MAHMASSANI HS, 1993, V1413, P31, TRANSPORT RES REC; MAJCHRZAK A, 2005, V16, P9, INFORM SYST RES; MANE KK, 2004, V101, P5287, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; MARKUS ML, 1994, V5, P502, ORGAN SCI; MAZNEVSKI ML, 2000, P5, ORGAN SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOKHTARIAN PL, 1991, V1305, P273, TRANSPORT RES REC; MOKHTARIAN PL, 1991, V18, P319, TRANSPORTATION; MOKHTARIAN PL, 1994, V26, P749, ENVIRON PLANN A; MOKHTARIAN PL, 1998, V35, P215, URBAN STUD; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, ARTN 25102, PHYS REV E; NILLES JM, 1991, V18, P411, TRANSPORTATION; OH W, 2006, V22, P266, J MANAGEMENT INFORM; OLSON MH, 1984, V40, P97, J SOC ISSUES; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P149, LIBRI; PENDYALA RM, 1991, V18, P383, TRANSPORTATION; PETERS HPF, 1995, V46, P9, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; POGGIE G, 1965, V16, P283, BRIT J SOCIOL; RAGHURAM S, 2001, V27, P383, J MANAGE; SALOMON IM, 1984, V25, P15, CHANGE; SCHILDT HA, 2005, SITKIS BIBLIOMETRIC; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V67, P143, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHNEIDER JW, 2006, V68, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHAMIR B, 1985, V10, P455, ACAD MANAGE REV; SHUMATE M, 2006, V11, J COMPUT-MEDIAT COMM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SPROULL L, 1986, V32, P1492, MANAGE SCI; STANEK DM, 1998, V57, P53, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; STAR SL, 1989, V19, P387, SOC STUD SCI; STOKOLS D, 2005, V28, P202, AM J PREV MED S2; THATCHER SMB, 2006, V31, P1076, ACAD MANAGE REV; TOWNSEND AM, 1998, V12, P17, ACAD MANAGEMENT EXEC; VENKATESH A, 1992, V38, P1687, MANAGE SCI; WALTHER JB, 1992, V19, P52, COMMUN RES; WALTHER JB, 1995, V6, P186, ORGAN SCI; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P440, NATURE; WHORF BL, 1956, LANGUAGE THOUGHT REA; WIESENFELD BM, 1999, V10, P777, ORGAN SCI| NR- 77| TC- 0| PU- INFORMS| PI- HANOVER| PA- 7240 PARKWAY DR, STE 310, HANOVER, MD 21076-1344 USA| SN- 1047-7047| J9- INF SYSTEMS RES| JI- Inf. Syst. Res| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 21| IS- 4| BP- 983| EP- 999| DI- 10.1287/isre.1080.0227| PG- 17| SC- Information Science & Library Science; Management| GA- 695OZ| JN- INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH, 2010, V21, N4, P983-999| UT- ISI:000285383200023 ER || PT- J| AU- Scott SD; Profetto-McGrath J; Estabrooks CA; Winther C; Wallin L; Lavis JN| AF- Scott Shannon D; Profetto-McGrath, Joanne; Estabrooks, Carole A; Winther, Connie; Wallin, Lars; Lavis, John N| TI- Mapping the Knowledge Utilization Field in Nursing from 1945 to 2004: A Bibliometric Analysis| SO- WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- bibliometrics; nursing research; knowledge utilization; cocitation| ID- SCIENCE POLICY; TRANSLATION; COLLABORATION; CITATIONS; IMPACT| AB- Background: The field of knowledge utilization has been hampered by several issues including: the synonymous use of multiple terms with little attempt at definition precision; an overexamination of knowledge utilization as product, rather than a process; and a lack of progress to cross disciplinary boundaries to advance knowledge development. In order to address the challenges and current knowledge gaps in the knowledge utilization field in nursing, a comprehensive picture of the current state of the field is required Methods: Bibliometric analyses were used to map knowledge utilization literature in nursing as an international field of study, and to identify the structure of its scientific community Findings: Analyses of bibliographic data for 433 articles from the period 1945-2004 demonstrated three trends: (1) there has been significant recent growth and interest in this field, (2) the structure of the scientific knowledge utilization community is evolving, and (3) the Web of Science does not index the majority of journals where this literature is published Conclusions: In order to enhance the accessibility and profile of this literature, and nursing's scientific literature at large, we encourage the International Academy of Nursing Editors to work collaboratively to increase the number of journals indexed in the Web of Science| C1- [Scott, Shannon D.; Profetto-McGrath, Joanne; Estabrooks, Carole A.] Univ Alberta, Fac Nursing, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada; [Winther, Connie] Univ Alberta, CARE Program Integrat Hlth & Healing, Dept Pediat, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada; [Wallin, Lars] Karolinska Inst, Dept Neurobiol Care Sci & Soc, Div Nursing, Stockholm, Sweden; [Lavis, John N.] McMaster Univ, Dept Clin Epidemiol & Biostat, Hamilton, ON, Canada| RP- Scott, SD, Univ Alberta, Fac Nursing, 3rd Floor,Clin Sci Bldg, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G3, Canada| EM-| FU- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [67228]; Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council [410-2004-0592]; CIHR ; Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) FX This work was supported by grants-in-aid from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (MOP No. 67228) and the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (grant No. 410-2004-0592). Dr. Scott received her doctoral and postdoctoral funding from CIHR and the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) during the early conduct of this study. Dr. Wallin received postdoctoral fellowship funding from CIHR and AHFMR during the early conduct of this study. Drs. Estabrooks and Lavis receive career support from CIHR. The authors would like to acknowledge Kelly Negrin who assisted us with editing the final manuscript. Address correspondence to Dr. Shannon D Scott, Faculty of Nursing, 3rd Floor, Clinical Sciences Building, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada, T6G 2G3;| CD- BACKER TE, 1991, V12, P225, KNOWLEDGE; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHUBIN DE, 1987, V9, P254, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; DIES RR, 1983, P1, ADV GROUP PSYCHOTHER; DIODATO V, 1994, DICT BIBLIOMETRICS; ESTABROOKS CA, 1998, V30, P15, CANADIAN J NURSING R; ESTABROOKS CA, 1999, V31, P53, CANADIAN J NURSING R; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, V53, P293, NURS RES; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, P242, USING KNOWLEDGE EVID; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, V1, P88, WORLDV EVID-BASED NU; ESTABROOKS CA, 2006, V26, P25, J CONTIN EDUC HEALTH; ESTABROOKS CA, 2007, V56, S4, NURS RES S; ESTABROOKS CA, 2008, V3, NIL1, IMPLEMENT SCI; FUNK SG, 1991, V4, P39, APPLIED NURSING RES; GANNON F, 2000, V1, P293, EMBO REP; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1993, V18, P14, CAN J INFORM LIB SCI; GEISLER E, 2000, METRICS SCI TECHNOLO; GRAHAM ID, 2006, V26, P13, J CONTIN EDUC HEALTH; HAVELOCK RG, 1971, PLANNING INNOVATION; HORSLEY JA, 1983, USING RES IMPROVE NU; HUBERMAN M, 1994, V7, P13, KNOWLEDGE POLICY; KETEFIAN S, 1975, V24, P89, NURS RES; MAHESWARAPPA BS, 1997, P1, BIBLIOMETRIC STUDIES; MELIN G, 1996, V36, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; MELIN G, 1998, V49, P43, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERTON RK, 1986, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; NEWTON MS, 2007, V2, ARTN 1, IMPLEMENT SCI; OH CH, 1997, V10, P3, KNOWLEDGE POLICY INT; OKUBO Y, 1997, STTI WORKING PAPER S; ONEILL AL, 2000, V49, P224, NURS RES; PARDO C, 2001, V35, P933, J ADV NURS; PLOS MED ED, 2006, V3, E291, PLOS MED; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; ROGERS EM, 1965, BIBLIO DIFFUSION INN; SACKETT DL, 1996, V312, P71, BRIT MED J; SEGLEN PO, 1997, V314, P497, BRIT MED J; SHORE HL, 1972, V68, P36, CANADIAN NURSE; STETLER CB, 1976, V24, P559, NURS OUTLOOK; STETLER CB, 1994, V42, P15, NURS OUTLOOK; STETLER CB, 1998, V28, P45, J NURS ADMIN; TITLER MG, 2010, V24, P35, RES THEORY NURSING P; TRAYNOR M, 2001, V34, P212, J ADV NURS; WALLIN L, 2009, V46, P576, INT J NURS STUD; WOODS NF, 2010, V24, P9, RES THEORY NURSING P; WOOLF SH, 2008, V299, P211, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC| NR- 47| TC- 0| PU- WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC| PI- MALDEN| PA- COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA| SN- 1545-102X| J9- WORLDVIEWS EVID-BASED NURS| JI- Worldviews Evid.-Based Nurs| PY- 2010| VL- 7| IS- 4| BP- 226| EP- 237| DI- 10.1111/j.1741-6787.2010.00197.x| PG- 12| SC- Nursing| GA- 690NC| JN- WORLDVIEWS ON EVIDENCE-BASED NURSING, 2010, V7, N4, P226-237| UT- ISI:000285010500005 ER || PT- J| AU- Waaijer CJF; van Bochove CA; van Eck NJ| AF- Waaijer Cathelijn J. F; van Bochove, Cornelis A; van Eck, Nees Jan| TI- On the map: Nature and Science editorials| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometrics; Classification; Editorials; Full-text; Mapping; VOSviewer| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; COCITATION ANALYSIS| AB- Bibliometric mapping of scientific articles based on keywords and technical terms in abstracts is now frequently used to chart scientific fields. In contrast, no significant mapping has been applied to the full texts of non-specialist documents. Editorials in Nature and Science are such non-specialist documents, reflecting the views of the two most read scientific journals on science, technology and policy issues. We use the VOSviewer mapping software to chart the topics of these editorials. A term map and a document map are constructed and clusters are distinguished in both of them. The validity of the document clustering is verified by a manual analysis of a sample of the editorials. This analysis confirms the homogeneity of the clusters obtained by mapping and augments the latter with further detail. As a result, the analysis provides reliable information on the distribution of the editorials over topics, and on differences between the journals The most striking difference is that Nature devotes more attention to internal science policy issues and Science more to the political influence of scientists| C1- [Waaijer, Cathelijn J. F.; van Bochove, Cornelis A.; van Eck, Nees Jan] Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands| RP- van Bochove, CA, Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands| EM-| CD- ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOYONS ECM, 1998, V49, P68, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERS HPF, 1991, V20, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; VANECK NJ, COMPARISION 2 UNPUB; VANECK NJ, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; VANECK NJ, 2009, V60, P1635, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANECK NJ, 2010, V82, P581, SCIENTOMETRICS; VOUTILAINEN A, 1993, P48, P WORKSH VER LARG CO; WAAIJER CJF, 2010, V463, P157, NATURE; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHU SF, 2009, V45, P555, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 18| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JAN| PY- 2011| VL- 86| IS- 1| BP- 99| EP- 112| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0205-9| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 688XC| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2011, V86, N1, P99-112| UT- ISI:000284888600008 ER || PT- J| AU- Xiao HG| AF- Xiao Honggen| TI- RESEARCH ASSOCIATIONS AS NETWORK FACILITATORS: A SNAPSHOT OF THE TRAVEL AND TOURISM RESEARCH ASSOCIATION| SO- JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Knowledge network; social network; scientific community; applied research; Travel and Tourism Research Association| ID- PROFESSIONAL-ASSOCIATIONS; MARKET-RESEARCH; ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT; KNOWLEDGE; SCIENCE; TRUST; COCITATION; DYNAMICS| AB- This article presents a discussion on research associations as facilitators of knowledge networks in a community of tourism research and marketing professionals. The Travel and Tourism Research Association was selected for a case study to examine factors, attitudes, and behaviors in relation to professional networking of its members. Perceptions of knowledge networks, and of the association as a network facilitator, are discussed in the contexts of social networks and capacity-building of a scientific community. While the observations are made of a small sample from a single association, results of the study have potential implications for understanding and nurturing professional networks in an applied research community| C1- Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Sch Hotel & Tourism Management, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China| RP- Xiao, HG, Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Sch Hotel & Tourism Management, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- *COUNC AUSTR U TOU, 2005, 15 INT RES C COUNC A; *TRAV TOUR RES ASS, 2004, TTRA STRAT PLAN 2004; *TRAV TOUR RES ASS, 2007, TTRA INT MEMB SURV; ARCODIA C, 2003, P29, ADV CONVENTION EXHIB; AYAL I, 1986, V19, P51, LONG RANGE PLANN; BABBIE E, 1986, PRACTICE SOCIAL RES; BHATTACHARYA CB, 1998, V26, P31, J ACAD MARKET SCI; BLAKEMAN P, 2005, TRAV TOUR RES ASS TT; BRONSON J, 2001, V11, P1, J TRAVEL TOUR MARK; BRYMAN A, 2008, SOCIAL RES METHODS; CAPLAN N, 1979, V22, P459, AM BEHAV SCI; COLLINS HM, 1974, V4, P165, SCI STUD; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CROSETTO G, 1997, V3, P28, INT TRADE FORUM; DALE C, 2003, V9, P109, J VACATION MARKETING; DANN GMS, 1997, V18, P251, TOURISM MANAGE; DESHPANDE R, 1982, V19, P14, J MARKETING RES; DESHPANDE R, 1983, V4, P561, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; ENNAMORATO M, 2003, KEY FINDINGS TTRA CA; FRECHTLING D, 2004, V43, P100, J TRAVEL RES; GEDDIE MW, 2002, V13, P19, J TRAVEL TOUR MARK; GRABURN NHH, 1991, V18, P1, ANN TOURISM RES; GRANOVET.MS, 1973, V78, P1360, AM J SOCIOL; GRUEN TW, 2000, V64, P34, J MARKETING; GUNDLACH GT, 1995, V59, P78, J MARKETING; HAGSTROM W, 1965, SCI COMMUNITY; HOLLINSHEAD K, 2006, V31, P43, TOURISM RECREATION R; IMBER JB, 1999, V36, P5, SOCIETY; ISRAEL J, 1972, BUILDING ORG SOC; IVES W, 1998, V1, P269, J KNOWLEDGE MANAGEME; KADUSHIN C, 1968, V33, P685, AM SOCIOL REV; KLOSS L, 1999, V10, P71, NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT; KUHN TS, 1974, P459, STRUCTURE SCI THEORI; LANFANT MF, 1989, V16, P591, ANN TOURISM RES; LARSEN D, 2007, P5, ATTRACTION TTRA SPR; LEE JS, 2008, V29, P331, TOURISM MANAGE; LEVY DA, 1993, V119, P233, GENETIC SOCIAL GEN P; MARCH JG, 2004, V1, P5, MANAGEMENT ORG REV; MARSDEN P, 1998, V2, P171, J MEMETICS EVOLUTION; MERTON RK, 1957, V22, P635, AM SOCIOL REV; MONEY B, 2000, V9, P1, J TRAVEL TOUR MARK; MOORMAN C, 1992, V29, P314, J MARKETING RES; MOORMAN C, 1993, V57, P81, J MARKETING; MORGAN RM, 1994, V58, P20, J MARKETING; MULKAY MJ, 1977, P93, SCI TECHNOLOGY SOC C; MULLINS NC, 1972, V10, P51, MINERVA; OPPERMANN M, 1997, V24, P178, ANN TOURISM RES; POLANYI M, 1962, V1, P54, MINERVA; PORTER LW, 1974, V59, P603, J APPL PSYCHOL; PRICE D, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; REAGAN MD, 1967, V155, P1383, SCIENCE; REID L, 1998, P174, REVIVING ENGINES MAK; RODENHAUSER P, 1999, V26, P417, ADM POLICY MENT HLTH; RUF B, 2007, TTRACCESS TRAVEL SEP; SCOTT N, 2006, KNOWLEDGE SHARING QU; SCOTT N, 2008, NETWORK ANAL TOURISM; SENGE P, 1990, 5 DISCIPLINE ART PRA; SHEEHAN LR, 2005, V32, P711, ANN TOURISM RES; SHELDON PJ, 1989, V16, P492, ANN TOURISM RES; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH SLJ, 1994, P165, REVITALIZING CANADIA; STEERS RM, 1977, V22, P46, ADM SCI Q; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; WEISS C, 1979, V29, P426, PUBLIC ADMIN REV; WENGER E, 1998, COMMUNITIES PRACTICE; WINGENS M, 1990, V12, P27, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; XIAO H, 2007, V34, P310, ANN TOURISM RES; XIAO H, 2008, V35, P62, ANN TOURISM RES; YIN R, 2003, CASE STUDY RES DESIG| NR- 69| TC- 0| PU- ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD| PIPASNJ9JIPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- ABINGDON| 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND| 1054-8408| J TRAVEL TOUR MARK| J. Travel Tour. Mark| 2010| 27| 3| 269| 286| 10.1080/10548401003744693| 18| Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism| 688CZ| JOURNAL OF TRAVEL & TOURISM MARKETING, 2010, V27, N3, P269-286| ISI:000284828700004 ER || PT- J| AU- Al U; Soydal I; Yalcin H| AF- Al Umut; Soydal, Irem; Yalcin, Haydar| TI- An Evaluation of the Bibliometric Features of bilig| SO- BILIG| LA- Turkish| DT- Article| DE- bilig; bibliometrics co-citation analysis; social network analysis| ID- SOCIAL-SCIENCE PUBLICATIONS; NETWORK ANALYSIS; OUTPUT| AB- bilig has been indexed by the Social Sciences Citation Index since 2008 This study examines bilig and the bibliometric features of its Publications in citation Indexes The following research questions are addressed 1) What are the institutional affiliations of the authors of the publications? 2) Is multiple authorship a prevalent feature of the publications? 3) Which types of sources (books, journal articles, etc) get cited more often in the publications? 4) What are the most frequently cited journals in bilig? 5) What is the rate of literature obsolescence in bilig? Moreover, this,study examines the relationships among the cited authors in bilig by using social network analysis method In conclusion, it is found that almost all of the publications are written in Turkish An important part of the contributors is affiliated with Gazi, Hacettepe and Baskent Universities Books receive 65% of all citations in Wig Half of the sources cited in bilig have been published in the last 16 years| C1- [Al, Umut; Soydal, Irem] Dr Hacettepe Univ, Fac Letters, Dept Informat Management, Ankara, Turkey; [Yalcin, Haydar] Hacettepe Univ Lib, Ankara, Turkey| RP- Al, U, Dr Hacettepe Univ, Fac Letters, Dept Informat Management, Ankara, Turkey| CD- *AHM YES U, 2010, BIL; *THOMS REUT, 2010, SOC SCI CIT IND AR S; *ULAKBIM, 2010, ISI WEB SCI WOSDA IN; AL U, 2004, V5, P19, BILGI DUNYASI; AL U, 2006, V57, P1011, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AL U, 2007, V21, P142, TURK KUTUPHANEALIGI; AL U, 2008, THESIS ANKARA HACETT; AL U, 2009, V10, P231, BILGI DUN YASI; BIRINCI HG, 2008, V9, P348, BILGI DUNYASI; CAWKELL T, 2001, P149, CENTURY SCI PUBLISHI; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FREEMAN LC, 2004, DEV SOCIAL NETWORK A; GARFIELD E, 1988, V22, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1994, THOMSON REUTERS IMPA; GULGOZ S, 2002, V55, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; GURSAKAL N, 2009, SOSYAL AG ANAL; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LAWANI SM, 1981, V31, P294, LIBRI; ORBAY M, 2007, V8, P1, BIBLIOS; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PRITCHARD A, 1969, V25, P348, J DOC; SCOTT J, 1988, V22, P109, SOCIOLOGY; TONTA Y, 1997, V12, P67, TURK PSIKOL DERG; UZUN A, 1998, V30, P169, INT INF LIBR REV; VONDERDENKEL A, 1999, TURKIYEDE SOSYAL BIL; WHITE EC, 1985, V76, P35, SPEC LIBR; YALCIN H, 2010, V22, P205, MILLI FOLKLOR| NR- 27| TC- 0| PU- AHMET YESEVI UNIV| PI- BAHCELIEVLER| PA- MUTEVELLI HEYET BASKANLIGI, TASKENT CADDESI 10 SOK NU 30, BAHCELIEVLER, ANKARA 06490, TURKEY| SN- 1301-0549| J9- BILIG| JI- Bilig| PD- FAL| PY- 2010| IS- 55| BP- 1| EP- 20| PG- 20| SC- Area Studies| GA- 683ZN| JN- BILIG, 2010, V27, N55, P1-20| UT- ISI:000284516900001 ER || PT- J| AU- Vargas-Quesada B; de Moya-Anegon F; Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z; GonzalezMolina A| AF- Vargas-Quesada Benjamin; de Moya-Anegon, Felix; Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Zaida; Gonzalez-Molina, Antonio| TI- Showing the essential science structure of a scientific domain and its evolution| SO- INFORMATION VISUALIZATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- information visualization; ISI categories cocitation; scientific domains; network visualization; network evolution; pathfinder network| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; ITEM SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION; INFORMATIONSCIENCE; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; DIGITAL LIBRARIES; CITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS; MAPPING SCIENCE; WORD ANALYSIS| AB- Category cocitation and its representation through social networks is proving to be a very adequate technique for the visualization and analysis of great scientific domains. Its combination with pathfinder networks using pruning values r=infinity and q=n-1 makes manifest the essence of research in the domain represented, or what we might call the 'most salient structure'. The possible loss of structural information, caused by aggressive pruning in peripheral areas of the networks, is overcome by creating heliocentric maps for each category The depictions obtained with this procedure become tools of great usefulness in view of their capacity to reveal the evolution of a given scientific domain over time, to show differences and similarities between different domains, and to suggest possible new lines for development. This article presents the scientogram of the United States for the year 2002, identifying its essential structure. We also show the scientograms of China for the years 1990 and 2002, in order to study its particular national evolution. Finally, we try to detect patterns and tendencies in the three scientograms that would allow one to predict or flag the evolution of a scientific domain. Information Visualization (2010) 9, 288-300. doi:10.1057/ivs.2009.33; published online 24 December 2009| C1- [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin] Univ Granada, Commun & Informat Sci Fac, Colegio Maximo Cartuja, E-18071 Granada, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; Gonzalez-Molina, Antonio] CSIC, Unidad Asociada Grp SCImago, Granada 18071, Spain; [de Moya-Anegon, Felix; Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Zaida] CSIC CCHS IPP, Madrid 28037, Spain| RP- Vargas-Quesada, B, Univ Granada, Commun & Informat Sci Fac, Colegio Maximo Cartuja, E-18071 Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- AARONSON S, 1975, V6, P22, MOSAIC; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOTE VPG, 2002, V38, P79, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BOYACK KW, 2003, V54, P447, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRANDENBURG FJ, 1996, V1027, P76, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BUTER RK, 2001, V51, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUZYDLOWSKI JW, 2002, V2539, P133, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; CHEN C, 2003, P67, IEEE S INF VIS; CHEN C, 2004, CITESPACE VISUALIZIN; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2001, V34, P65, COMPUTER; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2003, V54, P435, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; COHEN JD, 1997, V4, P197, ACM T COMPUT-HUM INT; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; DING Y, 2001, V37, P801, INFORMATION PROCESSI; EADES P, 1984, V42, P149, C NUMERANTIUM; FOWLER RH, 1990, P165, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; GARFIELD E, 1963, V14, P289, AM DOC; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1981, V42, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1984, V7, P3, CURRENT COMMENTS; GARFIELD E, 1988, V11, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1998, 150 ANN M AAAS PHIL; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1999, V46, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KREMPEL L, 1999, P36, P SECT STAT GRAPH AL; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V71, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIN X, 1991, P262, P 14 ANN INT ACM SIG; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MERTON RK, 2000, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V50, P115, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SEIDEN LS, 1989, V59, P72, LIB Q; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1981, V17, P39, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1989, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1994, V30, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2000, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANRAAN AFJ, 1993, V26, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; VARGASQUESADA B, 2005, THESIS U GRANADA; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, P57, P 5 INT ISKO C WURZB; WHITE HD, 2000, P475, ASIST MONOGR SER; WHITE HD, 2000, P25, IEEE INFOR VIS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 71| TC- 0| PU- PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD| PI- BASINGSTOKE| PA- BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, HANTS, ENGLAND| SN- 1473-8716| J9- INF VIS| JI- Inf. Vis| PD- WIN| PY- 2010| VL- 9| IS- 4| BP- 288| EP- 300| DI- 10.1057/ivs.2009.33| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Software Engineering| GA- 683GS| JN- INFORMATION VISUALIZATION, 2010, V9, N4, P288-300| UT- ISI:000284461700006 ER || PT- J| AU- Shen YC; Lin GTR; Tzeng GH| AF- Shen Yung-Chi; Lin, Grace T. R; Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung| TI- Combined DEMATEL techniques with novel MCDM for the organic light emitting diode technology selection| SO- EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- DEMATEL; Multiple criteria decision making (MCDM); Analytic network process (ANP); Fuzzy Delphi method; Patent co-citation (PCA); Technology selection; Organic light emitting diode (OLED)| ID- RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT; ANALYTIC NETWORK PROCESS; DEVELOPMENT PROJECT-SELECTION; FUZZY DELPHI METHOD; PATENT ANALYSIS; INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGY; CLUSTER-ANALYSIS; DECISION-MAKING; MANAGEMENT; MODEL| AB- This research aims to propose a hybrid process concerning the economic and industrial prospects along with critical technology streams toward a more effective selection on new technology. The integration of fuzzy Delphi method, the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) technique, and the analytic network process (ANP) is employed to construct a technology selection model regarding the economic and industrial prospects. On the other hand, the patent co-citation approach (PCA) is applied to objectively draw key technology fields as technology alternatives for the technology selection model from patent data. The emerging organic light emitting diode (OLED) display technology is used as a case in order to verify the applicability of proposed a novel hybrid MCDM method for the best technology selection The result of this hybrid process can help top managers of technology-based companies or policy makers of governments to more objectively and effectively determine future research and development direction. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Shen, Yung-Chi; Lin, Grace T. R.] Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Management Technol, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan; [Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung] Kainan Univ, Dept Business & Entrepreneurial Management, Luchu 338, Taoyuan County, Taiwan; [Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung] Kainan Univ, Dept Banking & Finance, Luchu 338, Taoyuan County, Taiwan| RP- Shen, YC, Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Inst Management Technol, 1001 Ta Hsueh Rd, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan| EM-| CD- ABRAHAM BP, 2001, V21, P245, TECHNOVATION; ARBEL A, 1999, V4, P387, J VAC SCI TECHNOL; BAKER NR, 1974, V21, P165, IEEE T ENG MANAGE EM; BAKOS Y, 1998, COMPUTER REVOLUTION; BANULS VA, 2007, V74, P750, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; BANULS VA, 2008, V28, P103, TECHNOVATION; BERRY MMJ, 1994, V24, P341, R&D MANAGE; BROOKS KW, 1979, V53, P377, N CENTRAL ASS Q; CANTWELL J, 1992, TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMEN; CHANG PT, 2000, V112, P511, FUZZY SET SYST; CHANG SB, 2009, V76, P107, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; CHEN CH, 2005, ORGANIC ELECTROLUMIN; CHEN CH, 2007, OLED MAT DEVICES DRE; CHEN HH, 2008, V59, P242, COMPUT IND; CLARK KB, 1989, V67, P94, HARVARD BUS REV; COCHRAN SW, 1983, V2, P111, J HUMAN SCI; COLDRICK S, 2005, V25, P185, TECHNOVATION; CYPHERT FR, 1971, V52, P272, PHI DELTA KAPPAN; DAILEY AL, 1990, V14, P129, COMMUNITY JUNIOR COL; DAIM TU, 2006, V73, P981, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; DALKEY N, 1963, V9, P458, MANAGE SCI; DELBECQ AL, 1975, GROUP TECHNIQUES PRO; DUSSAUGE P, 1992, STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY; EFSTATHIADES A, 2000, V20, P93, TECHNOVATION; ERDOGMUS S, 2005, V28, P391, EVAL PROGRAM PLANN; ERDOGMUS S, 2006, V10, P269, RENEW SUST ENERG REV; FONTELA E, 1976, DEMATEL OBSERVER DEM; GABUS A, 1973, 1 DEMATEL BATT GEN R; GREENBERG E, 1995, CHANGE MANAGEMENT SU; GREGORY MJ, 1995, V209, P347, P I MECH ENG B-J ENG; HACKETT PG, 1990, V31, P97, SLOAN MANAGE REV; HUANG CC, 2008, V36, P1038, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; HUANG CY, 2007, V27, P744, TECHNOVATION; HUANG GQ, 1999, V19, P21, INT J OPER PROD MAN; HWANG CL, 1987, GROUP DECISION MAKIN; ISHIKAWA A, 1993, V55, P241, FUZZY SET SYST; JAFFE AB, 1986, V76, P984, AM ECON REV; JAFFE AB, 2002, PATENTS CITATIONS IN; KENGPOL A, 2006, V101, P159, INT J PROD ECON; KHALIL TM, 2000, MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOG; KLIR GJ, 1988, FUZZY SETS UNCERTAIN; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V48, P132, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; LAI KK, 2005, V41, P313, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LAMB M, 1997, M PORTL INT C MAN EN; LEE H, 2009, V36, P894, EXPERT SYST APPL; LEE JW, 2001, V19, P111, INT J PROJECT MANAGE; LEE TR, 2006, V5, P105, ELECTRON COMMER R A; LEE WS, 2009, V36, P6421, EXPERT SYST APPL 2; LEE YG, 2007, V27, P57, TECHNOVATION; LEI DT, 2000, V19, P699, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; LIBERATORE MJ, 1983, V29, P962, MANAGE SCI; LIN CL, 2009, V36, P9683, EXPERT SYST APPL; LIOU JJH, 2008, V14, P20, J AIR TRANSP MANAG; LIU SJ, 1997, V13, P661, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; MARTORELLA P, 1991, V19, P83, THEOR RES SOC EDUC; MCNAMARA P, 1999, V10, P291, BRIT J MANAGE; MEADE LM, 1999, V37, P241, INT J PROD RES; MOGEE ME, 1997, TECHN TRANSF SOC ANN; MORONE J, 1989, V31, P91, CALIF MANAGE REV; MURRY JW, 1995, V18, P423, REV HIGH EDUC; NIEMIRA MP, 2004, V20, P573, INT J FORECASTING; ODA T, 2008, V20, P217, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; OSBORNE J, 2003, V40, P692, J RES SCI TEACH; PHAAL R, 2001, V21, P1116, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PIIPO P, 1990, CONSULTING INNOVATIO; PORTER AL, 1995, V49, P237, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; RONDE P, 2001, V30, P1041, RES POLICY; RONDE P, 2003, V70, P419, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; SAATY TL, 1980, ANAL HIERARCHY PROCE; SAATY TL, 1996, DECISION MAKING DEPE; SCHMIDT RL, 1992, V39, P189, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; SCHRODER R, 1999, V19, P1270, INT J OPER PROD MAN; SEYEDHOSSEINI SM, 2006, V91, P872, RELIAB ENG SYST SAFE; SHARABCHIEV JT, 1989, V15, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHEHABUDDEEN N, 2006, V26, P324, TECHNOVATION; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STACEY GS, 1990, V5, P389, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; STEENSMA K, 1999, V10, P1, J HIGH TECHNOLOGY MA; TORKKELI M, 2002, V77, P271, INT J PROD ECON; TZENG GH, 2007, V32, P1028, EXPERT SYST APPL; UHL NP, 1983, V37, P81, NEW DIRECTIONS I RES; VANZOLINGEN SJ, 2003, V70, P317, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; VERSPAGEN B, 1997, V9, P47, EC SYSTEMS RES; WEI WL, 2008, V19, P15, J ENG DESIGN; WEY WM, 2008, V35, P122, ENVIRON PLANN B; WHITMAN N, 1990, V29, P377, J NURS EDUC; WU WW, 2008, V35, P828, EXPERT SYST APPL; YANG YPO, 2009, V8, P267, INT J INF TECH DECIS; YAP CM, 1993, V13, P449, TECHNOVATION; YU OS, 1998, INTRO TECHNOLOGICAL| NR- 90| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0957-4174| J9- EXPERT SYST APPL| JI- Expert Syst. Appl| PD- MAR| PY- 2011| VL- 38| IS- 3| BP- 1468| EP- 1481| DI- 10.1016/j.eswa.2010.07.056| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Operations Research & Management Science| GA- 688PJ| JN- EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2011, V38, N3, P1468-1481| UT- ISI:000284863200024 ER || PT- J| AU- Taylor H; Dillon S; Van Wingen M| AF- Taylor Hazel; Dillon, Stuart; Van Wingen, Melinda| TI- FOCUS AND DIVERSITY IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH: MEETING THE DUAL DEMANDS OF A HEALTHY APPLIED DISCIPLINE| SO- MIS QUARTERLY| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- IS discipline; IS research; author co-citation analysis; focus; diversity| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; IDENTITY CRISIS; MANAGEMENT; MIS; RELEVANCE; RETHINKING; KNOWLEDGE; AGENDA; STATE; CORE| AB- Drawing on sociology of science foundations, we argue that, in order to survive and prosper, healthy applied disciplines must meet the dual demands of academic and practitioner audiences by demonstrating both focus and diversity in their research. First, we use this concomitant modality to explain why previous studies into the structure of the Information Systems discipline have reported contradictory results, with some finding a focused field while others conclude that the field is diverse. In support of our argument, we then present the results of a longitudinal, author co-citation analysis, looking across the full range of journals in which IS research is published. Our results suggest that the IS field has sustained a focus on research within three subfields over a 20-year period from 1986 to 2005: (I) a thematic miscellany of research on development, implementation, and use of systems in various application domains; (2) IS strategy and business outcomes; and (3) group work and decision support. At the same time, the field has demonstrated considerable diversity within and around these core subfields, with researchers responding flexibly to the rapidly changing field by investigating these areas with new paradigms and in new contexts, and by exploring new topics including inter-business and Internet applications, computer-supported collaborative work, virtual teams, and knowledge management. Finally, we demonstrate that, over the 20-year period from 1986 to 2005, the discipline has shifted from fragmented adhocracy to a polycentric state, which is particularly appropriate to an applied discipline such as IS that must address the dual demands of focus and diversity in a rapidly changing technological context| C1- [Taylor, Hazel] Univ Washington, Informat Sch, Seattle, WA 98195 USA; [Dillon, Stuart] Univ Waikato, Management Syst Dept, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand; [Van Wingen, Melinda] Everett Publ Lib, Everett, WA 98201 USA| RP- Taylor, H, Univ Washington, Informat Sch, Box 352840, Seattle, WA 98195 USA| EM-| CD- ADAM F, 2000, V5, INFORM RES; AGARWAL R, 2005, V29, P381, MIS QUART; AKSNES DW, 2006, V57, P169, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALAVI M, 1992, V8, P45, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; BANVILLE C, 1989, V32, P48, COMMUN ACM; BENBASAT I, 1996, V7, P389, INFORM SYST RES; BENBASAT I, 1999, V23, P3, MIS QUART; BENBASAT I, 2003, V27, P183, MIS QUART; CHUA C, 2002, V3, P145, J ASSOC INF SYST; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V10, P289, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DAVENPORT TH, 1999, V23, P19, MIS QUART; DAVIS GB, 1999, V1, P195, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; DEARDEN J, 1972, V50, P90, HARVARD BUS REV; DESANCTIS G, 2003, V4, P360, J ASSOC INF SYST; ETZKOWITZ H, 2000, V29, P109, RES POLICY; FUCHS S, 1993, V71, P933, SOC FORCES; GALLIERS RD, 2003, V4, P337, J ASSOC INF SYST; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL; GILL G, 2009, V33, P217, MIS QUART; GROVER V, 2006, V7, P270, J ASSOC INF SYST; HESSELS LK, 2008, V37, P740, RES POLICY; HIRSCHHEIM R, 1996, V6, P1, INFORM; HIRSCHHEIM R, 2003, V4, P237, INFORM SYST; HORLICKJONES T, 2004, V36, P441, FUTURES; HUFF AS, 2001, V12, S49, BRIT J MANAGE; IVES B, 1980, V26, P910, MANAGE SCI; IVES B, 2004, V5, P108, J ASSOC INF SYST; KEEN PGW, 1980, P9, P 1 INT C INF SYST P; KING JL, 2004, V28, P539, MIS QUART; KLEIN HK, 2008, V32, P675, MIS QUART; LARSEN TJ, 2005, V15, P357, INFORM SYST J; LYYTINEN K, 2004, V5, P220, J ASSOC INF SYST; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOLAN RL, 1980, V4, P1, MIS Q; NOWOTNY H, 2001, RETHINKING SCI KNOWL; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 2001, V12, P121, INFORM SYST RES; PETTIGREW AM, 2001, V12, S61, BRIT J MANAGE; ROBEY D, 1994, V25, P6, DECISION LINE; ROBEY D, 1996, V7, P400, INFORM SYST RES; ROBEY D, 2003, V4, P352, J AIS; ROBINSON J, 2008, V40, P70, FUTURES; SIDOROVA A, 2008, V32, P467, MIS QUART; SWANSON EB, 1993, V4, P299, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; TEO TSH, 2007, V20, P518, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; TRANFIELD D, 1998, V9, P341, BRIT J MANAGE; VESSEY I, 2002, V19, P129, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; WEBER R, 2003, V27, R3, MIS QUART; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITLEY R, 1984, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WHITLEY R, 1984, V21, P331, J MANAGE STUD; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WICKSON F, 2006, V38, P1046, FUTURES| NR- 54| TC- 0| PU- SOC INFORM MANAGE-MIS RES CENT| PI- MINNEAPOLIS| PA- UNIV MINNESOTA-SCH MANAGEMENT 271 19TH AVE SOUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55455 USA| SN- 0276-7783| J9- MIS QUART| JI- MIS Q| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 34| IS- 4| BP- 647| EP- 667| PG- 21| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science; Management| GA- 678NT| JN- MIS QUARTERLY, 2010, V34, N4, P647-667| UT- ISI:000284086900002 ER || PT- J| AU- Boyack KW; Klavans R| AF- Boyack Kevin W; Klavans, Richard| TI- Co-Citation Analysis, Bibliographic Coupling, and Direct Citation: Which Citation Approach Represents the Research Front Most Accurately?| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COMBINING FULL-TEXT; SCIENCE; DOCUMENTS; CLASSIFICATION; MAPS| AB- In the past several years studies have started to appear comparing the accuracies of various science mapping approaches. These studies primarily compare the cluster solutions resulting from different similarity approaches, and give varying results. In this study we compare the accuracies of cluster solutions of a large corpus of 2,153,769 recent articles from the biomedical literature (2004-2008) using four similarity approaches: co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, direct citation, and a bibliographic coupling-based citation-text hybrid approach. Each of the four approaches can be considered a way to represent the research front in biomedicine, and each is able to successfully cluster over 92% of the corpus. Accuracies are compared using two metrics-within-cluster textual coherence as defined by the Jensen-Shannon divergence, and a concentration measure based on the grant-to-article linkages indexed in MEDLINE. Of the three pure citationbased approaches, bibliographic coupling slightly outperforms co-citation analysis using both accuracy measures; direct citation is the least accurate mapping approach by far. The hybrid approach improves upon the bibliographic coupling results in all respects. We consider the results of this study to be robust given the very large size of the corpus, and the specificity of the accuracy measures used| C1- [Boyack, Kevin W.] SciTech Strategies Inc, Albuquerque, NM 87122 USA; [Klavans, Richard] SciTech Strategies Inc, Berwyn, PA 19312 USA| RP- Boyack, KW, SciTech Strategies Inc, Albuquerque, NM 87122 USA| EM-| FU- NIH [HHSN268200900053C]| FX- This work was supported by NIH SBIR Contract HHSN268200900053C. Russell Duhon, Indiana University, extracted words from the titles and abstracts of documents in the corpus for use in the hybrid approach. We also acknowledge insightful comments and suggestions from the reviewers of the original manuscript| CD- AHLGREN P, 2008, V76, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; AHLGREN P, 2009, V3, P49, J INFORMETR; AHLGREN P, 2009, V83, P862, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2009, V83, P730, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALADO P, 2006, V57, P208, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CAO MD, 2005, V3809, P143, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; COUTO T, 2006, P75, OP INF HOR; GLENISSON P, 2005, V41, P1548, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GLENISSON P, 2005, V63, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; GROSSE I, 2002, V65, PHYS REV E; JANSSENS F, 2006, INT C MULT INF SCI T; JANSSENS F, 2009, V45, P683, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JARNEVING B, 2005, V65, P245, SCIENTOMETRICS; JARNEVING B, 2007, V1, P287, J INFORMETR; JARNEVING B, 2007, V1, P338, J INFORMETR; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2010, V82, P539, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIN JH, 1991, V37, P145, IEEE T INFORM THEORY; LIU XH, 2010, V61, P1105, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MARTIN S, 2011, C VIS DAT AN SAN FRA; SANDSTROM U, 2009, 6321 SWED EPA; SHIBATA N, 2008, V28, P758, TECHNOVATION; SHIBATA N, 2009, V60, P571, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SIMS GE, 2009, V106, P2677, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 33| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 12| BP- 2389| EP- 2404| DI- 10.1002/asi.21419| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 680KP| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N12, P2389-2404| UT- ISI:000284231100002 ER || PT- J| AU- van Eck NJ; Waltman L; Dekker R; van den Berg J| AF- van Eck Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo; Dekker, Rommert; van den Berg, Jan| TI- A Comparison of Two Techniques for Bibliometric Mapping: Multidimensional Scaling and VOS| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FIELD; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; SIMILARITY MEASURES; COOCCURRENCE DATA; MAPS; REPRESENTATIONS; COLLABORATION; VISUALIZATION| AB- VOS is a new mapping technique that can serve as an alternative to the well-known technique of multidimensional scaling (MDS). We present an extensive comparison between the use of MDS and the use of VOS for constructing bibliometric maps. In our theoretical analysis, we show the mathematical relation between the two techniques. In our empirical analysis, we use the techniques for constructing maps of authors, journals, and keywords. Two commonly used approaches to bibliometric mapping, both based on MDS, turn out to produce maps that suffer from artifacts. Maps constructed using VOS turn out not to have this problem. We conclude that in general maps constructed using VOS provide a more satisfactory representation of a dataset than maps constructed using well-known MDS approaches| C1- [van Eck, Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo] Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands; [van Eck, Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo; Dekker, Rommert] Erasmus Univ, Erasmus Sch Econ, Inst Econometr, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands; [van den Berg, Jan] Delft Univ Technol, Fac Technol Policy & Management, Sect ICT, NL-2600 AA Delft, Netherlands| RP- van Eck, NJ, Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BELKIN M, 2003, V15, P1373, NEURAL COMPUT; BLATT EM, 2009, V80, P387, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORG I, 2005, MODERN MULTIDIMENSIO; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUJA A, 1994, V22, P406, ANN STAT; CHEN CM, 2010, V61, P1386, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; COX TF, 2001, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; DAVIDSON GS, 1998, V11, P259, J INTELL INF SYST; DELEEUW J, 1984, V49, P391, PSYCHOMETRIKA; DEROOIJ M, 2005, V70, P99, PSYCHOMETRIKA; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARTINMERINO M, 2004, V3316, P860, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOLL M, 2002, V2569, P14, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P47, RES POLICY; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; SAMMON JW, 1969, V18, P401, IEEE T COMPUT; SCHNEIDER JW, 2009, V80, P105, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1988, V15, P337, COMPUT MATH APPL; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; STEVENS SS, 1946, V103, P677, SCIENCE; TIJSSEN RJW, 1989, V15, P283, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANECK NJ, 2006, V1, P6, IEEE COMPUT INTELL M; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; VANECK NJ, 2007, P299, ST CLASS DAT ANAL; VANECK NJ, 2008, V59, P1653, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANECK NJ, 2009, V60, P1635, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANECK NJ, 2010, V82, P581, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANECK NJ, 2010, V84, P523, SCIENTOMETRICS; WAAIJER CJF, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; WAAIJER CJF, 2010, V463, P157, NATURE; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WALTMAN L, 2010, V4, P629, J INFORMETR; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P2070, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V2, P229, J INFORMETR; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 53| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 12| BP- 2405| EP- 2416| DI- 10.1002/asi.21421| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 680KP| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N12, P2405-2416| UT- ISI:000284231100003 ER || PT- J| AU- Lin TY; Wang YC; Tsai CL| AF- Lin Tsai-Yuan; Wang, Yi-Chou; Tsai, Chung-Lin| TI- TRENDING AND MAPPING THE INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL BEHAVIOR STUDIES: A STUDY OF THE SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY JOURNAL| SO- SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- network of knowledge; invisible network of knowledge; social behavior; citation; cocitation| ID- CITATION; MAP| AB- Our aim in this research was to map the intellectual structure of social behavior studies in the past 27 years, by comparing works from two specific periods 1982-1995 and 1996-2008. A model of an invisible network of knowledge was used in this study to identify the most important studies, the most influential scholars, and the correlations among these publications. The results of this research help in perceiving the network that records the academic movement of social behavior, and will facilitate access for researchers to the literature in this field| C1- [Lin, Tsai-Yuan; Wang, Yi-Chou] Chang Jung Christian Univ, Grad Sch Business & Operat Management, Tainan 704, Taiwan; [Lin, Tsai-Yuan] Hsing Kuo Univ, Dept Business Adm, Tainan, Taiwan; [Tsai, Chung-Lin] Natl Cheng Kung Univ, Dept Business Adm, Tainan 70101, Taiwan| RP- Wang, YC, Chang Jung Christian Univ, Grad Sch Business & Operat Management, 17,Alley 26,Line 442,Kai Yuan Rd, Tainan 704, Taiwan| EM-| CD- CHANDY PR, 1994, V25, P715, J INT BUS STUD; CHUBIN DE, 1984, V35, P360, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; DUAN CH, 2007, INVISIBLE NETWORK KN; ETEMAD H, 1998, P25, P PICMET IEEE C PORT; ETEMAD H, 2003, V20, P5, SMALL BUS ECON; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; HOLSAPPLE CW, 2009, V52, P117, COMMUN ACM; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; MERTON R, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; PERITZ BC, 1992, V43, P448, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SNYDER H, 1998, V24, P431, J INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1983, V34, P307, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHENZHONG M, 2007, INVISIBLE NETWORK KN; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1486, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 18| TC- 0| PU- SOC PERSONALITY RES INC| PI- PALMERSTON NORTH| PA- P O BOX 1539, PALMERSTON NORTH 5330, NEW ZEALAND| SN- 0301-2212| J9- SOC BEHAV PERSONAL| JI- Soc. Behav. Pers| PY- 2010| VL- 38| IS- 9| BP- 1229| EP- 1242| DI- 10.2224/sbp.2010.38.9.1229| PG- 14| SC- Psychology, Social| GA- 670DF| JN- SOCIAL BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY, 2010, V38, N9, P1229-1242| UT- ISI:000283400700008 ER || PT- J| AU- Lee PC; Su HN; Chan TY| AF- Lee Pei-Chun; Su, Hsin-Ning; Chan, Te-Yi| TI- Assessment of ontology-based knowledge network formation by VectorSpace Model| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Social network; Knowledge network; Keyword; Cut-off value; Network formation; Vector-Space Model| ID- CO-WORD ANALYSIS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENTOMETRICS; RETRIEVAL; STRENGTH; SYSTEM; FIELD; MAPS; TOOL| AB- This study proposes an empirical way for determining probability of network tie formation between network actors. In social network analysis, it is a usual problem that information for determining whether or not a network tie should be formed is missing for some network actors, and thus network can only be partially constructed due to unavailability of information. This methodology proposed in this study is based on network actors' similarities calculations by Vector-Space Model to calculate how possible network ties can be formed. Also, a threshold value of similarity for deciding whether or not a network tie should be generated is suggested in this study. Four ontology-based knowledge networks, with journal paper or research project as network actors, constructed previously are selected as the targets of this empirical study: (1) Technology Foresight Paper Network: 181 papers and 547 keywords, (2) Regional Innovation System Paper Network: 431 papers and 1165 keywords, (3) Global Sci-Tech Policy Paper Network: 548 papers and 1705 keywords, (4) Taiwan's Sci-Tech Policy Project Network: 143 research projects and 213 keywords. The four empirical investigations allow a cut-off threshold value calculated by Vector-Space Model to be suggested for deciding the formation of network ties when network linkage information is unavailable| C1- [Lee, Pei-Chun; Su, Hsin-Ning; Chan, Te-Yi] Sci & Technol Policy Res & Informat Ctr, Natl Appl Res Labs, Taipei 106, Taiwan; [Lee, Pei-Chun] Univ Sussex, Freeman Ctr, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England; [Lee, Pei-Chun] Natl Chengchi Univ, Grad Inst Technol & Innovat Management, Taipei 116, Taiwan| RP- Su, HN, Sci & Technol Policy Res & Informat Ctr, Natl Appl Res Labs, 14 F,106 Sec 2,He Ping E Rd, Taipei 106, Taiwan| EM-| CD- *NAT SCI COUNC, 2009, GOV RES B; BARABASI AL, 1999, V286, P509, SCIENCE; BRASS DJ, 1992, P191, NETWORKS ORG STRUCTU; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CAMBROSIO A, 1993, V27, P119, SCIENTOMETRICS; CAVENAGO D, 2009, C EUR GROUP PUBL ADM; CHANDRASEKARAN B, 1999, V14, P20, IEEE INTELL SYST APP; CLARKE A, 2007, V17, P24, EUR J PUBLIC HEAL S1; COULTER N, 1998, V49, P1206, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GRANOVET.MS, 1973, V78, P1360, AM J SOCIOL; GRANOVETTER MS, 1970, THESIS HARVARD U BOS; LEE S, 2009, V76, P769, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; LEE SY, 2009, P 2009 ANN C CHIN SO; LIAO LJ, 2005, V31, P407, J INF SCI; MARSDEN PV, 1984, V63, P482, SOC FORCES; MARSHAKOVASHAIKEVICH I, 2005, V41, P1534, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MOTTER AE, 2002, V65, ARTN 065102, PHYS REV E 2; NECHES R, 1991, V12, P36, AI MAG; NOHRIA N, 1992, NETWORKS ORG STRUCTU; NOYONS ECM, 1994, V30, P157, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1998, V49, P68, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PIRRO G, 2010, V69, P444, DATA KNOWL ENG; RAGHAVAN VV, 1986, V37, P279, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; SALTON G, 1975, V18, P620, COMMUN ACM; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SALTON G, 1988, V24, P513, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V67, P143, SCIENTOMETRICS; SOKAL RR, 1958, V38, P1409, KANSAS U SCI B; SU HN, 2009, 2009 ANN C CHIN SOC; SU HN, 2009, AC MAN CHIC IL US; SU HN, 2009, PORTL INT C MAN ENG; VANRAAN AFJ, 1993, V26, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRIJSBERGEN CJ, 1979, INFORM RETRIEVAL; WASSERMAN S, 1994, ADV SOCIAL NETWORK A; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P440, NATURE; WATTS DJ, 2003, 6 DEGREES SCI CONNEC; WELLMAN B, 1988, P1, SOCIAL STRUCTURES NE; WENG SS, 2008, V34, P1857, EXPERT SYST APPL; YOON B, 2004, V15, P37, J HIGH TECHNOLOGY MA; YOON B, 2008, KEYWORD BASED KNOWLE; ZHANG Y, 2009, V36, P5436, EXPERT SYST APPL 1| NR- 44| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2010| VL- 85| IS- 3| BP- 689| EP- 703| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0267-8| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 666DA| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V85, N3, P689-703| UT- ISI:000283090300005 ER || PT- J| AU- Vanz SAD; Stumpf IRC| AF- de Souza Vanz Samile Andrea; Chitto Stumpf, Ida Regina| TI- PROCEDURES AND TOOLS APPLIED TO BIBLIOMETRIC STUDIES| SO- INFORMACAO & SOCIEDADE-ESTUDOS| LA- Portuguese| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometrics; Scientometrics; Quantitative analysis; Bibexcel; Similarities measures| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION; SIMILARITY MEASURES; SALTONS COSINE; JACCARD INDEX; PEARSONS R; INFORMATION; SCIENCE; BRAZIL| AB- Discusses the process of scientific prodution evaluation and the necessary development of indicators for this purpose. Presents sources for data collection for development of scientific production indicators and presents the procedures for cleaning/standardization and organization of bibliometric data. Describes free softwares for bibliometric analysis and the importance of using relative indicators Discusses some procedures adopted by the international scientific community for multivariate analysis of bibliometric data| C1- [de Souza Vanz, Samile Andrea; Chitto Stumpf, Ida Regina] Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Ciencias Informacao, BR-90046900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil; [Chitto Stumpf, Ida Regina] Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Programa Posgrad Comunicacao & Informacao, BR-90046900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil| RP- Vanz, SAD, Univ Fed Rio Grande do Sul, Dept Ciencias Informacao, BR90046900 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2006, V54, P1616, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ECK NJ, 2008, V59, P1653, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2009, V60, P1027, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2006, V67, P67, SCIENTOMETRICS; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HOU H, 2008, V75, P189, SCIENTOMETRICS; LETA J, 2006, V67, P87, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2003, V58, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P77, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIMA RA, 2007, V12, P50, PERSPECTIVAS CIENCIA; LUUKKONEN T, 1992, V17, P101, SCI TECHNOL; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOURA AMM, 2009, P269, THESIS U FEDERAL RIO; MUGNAINI R, 2004, V33, P123, CI INF; PERSSON O, 2009, P9, CELEBRATING SCHOLARL; SANCHO R, 1990, V13, P842, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN; SPINAK E, 1998, V27, P141, CIENCIA INFORM BRASI; VELHO L, 1986, P22, CADERNOS USP SAO PAU; VILAN JL, 2008, V13, P2, PERSPECT CIENC INF; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZIMBA HF, 2004, V5, ARTN 4, DATAGRAMAZERO RIO JA| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- UNIV FED PARAIBA CCSA| PI- JOAO PESSOA PB| PA- CIDADE UNIV, PROG POS-GRAD CIENC INFORM, JOAO PESSOA PB, 58 059-900, BRAZIL| SN- 0104-0146| J9- INF SOC-ESTUD| JI- Inf. Soc.-Estud| PY- 2010| VL- 20| IS- 2| BP- 67| EP- 75| PG- 9| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 669DY| JN- INFORMACAO & SOCIEDADE-ESTUDOS, 2010, V20, N2, P67-75| UT- ISI:000283327800006 ER || PT- J| AU- Merkl M; Ulbrich SE; Otzdorff C; Herbach N; Wanke R; Wolf E; Handler J; Bauersachs S| AF- Merkl M; Ulbrich, S. E; Otzdorff, C; Herbach, N; Wanke, R; Wolf, E; Handler, J; Bauersachs, S| TI- Microarray Analysis of Equine Endometrium at Days 8 and 12 of Pregnancy| SO- BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- embryo-maternal communication; equus caballus; female reproductive tract; gene regulation; horse; pregnancy; steroid hormones; uterus| ID- INDUCED TRANSCRIPTOME CHANGES; BOVINE MAMMARY-GLAND; GROWTH-FACTOR; GENE-EXPRESSION; ESTROUS-CYCLE; STROMAL CELLS; CONCEPTUS ELONGATION; CANDIDATE GENES; HORSE EMBRYOS; PONY MARES| AB- Establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in equids is only partially understood. To provide new insights into early events of this process, we performed a systematic analysis of transcriptome changes in the endometrium at Days 8 and 12 of pregnancy. Endometrial biopsy samples from pregnant and nonpregnant stages were taken from the same mares Composition of the collected biopsy samples was analyzed using quantitative stereological techniques to determine proportions of surface and glandular epithelium and blood vessels. Microarray analysis did not reveal detectable changes in gene expression at Day 8, whereas at Day 12 of pregnancy 374 differentially expressed genes were identified, 332 with higher and 42 with lower transcript levels in pregnant endometrium. Expression of selected genes was validated by quantitative real-time RTPCR. Gene set enrichment analysis, functional annotation clustering, and cocitation analysis were performed to characterize the genes differentially expressed in Day 12 pregnant endometrium. Many known estrogen-induced genes and genes involved in regulation of estrogen signaling were found, but also genes known to be regulated by progesterone and prostaglandin E2. Additionally, differential expression of a number of genes related to angiogenesis and vascular remodeling suggests an important role of this process Furthermore, genes that probably have conserved functions across species, such as CRYAB, ERRFI1, FGF9, IGFBP2, NR2F2, STC1, and TNFSF10, were identified. This study revealed the potential target genes and pathways of conceptus-derived estrogens, progesterone, and prostaglandin E2 in the equine endometrium probably involved in the early events of establishment and maintenance of pregnancy in the mare| C1- [Merkl, M.; Wolf, E.; Bauersachs, S.] Univ Munich, Lab Funct Genome Anal LAFUGA, Gene Ctr, D-81377 Munich, Germany; [Merkl, M.; Handler, J.] Univ Munich, Ctr Clin Vet Med, Clin Horses, D-81377 Munich, Germany; [Otzdorff, C.] Univ Munich, Ctr Clin Vet Med, Clin Small Anim Surg & Gynecol, D-81377 Munich, Germany; [Herbach, N.; Wanke, R.] Univ Munich, Ctr Clin Vet Med, Inst Vet Pathol, D-81377 Munich, Germany; [Ulbrich, S. E.] Tech Univ Munich, D-8050 Freising Weihenstephan, Germany; [Handler, J.] Free Univ Berlin, Clin Horses, Fac Vet Med, Berlin, Germany| RP- Bauersachs, S, Univ Munich, Lab Funct Genome Anal LAFUGA, Gene Ctr, Feodor Lynen Str 25, D-81377 Munich, Germany| EM-| FU- German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) [1029]; German Research Foundation (DFG) FX Supported by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, FUGATO-plus, COMPENDIUM) and the German Research Foundation (DFG, Research Training Unit 1029 Functional Genome Research in Veterinary Medicine). The data discussed in this publication have been deposited in NCBI's Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO, and are accessible through GEO Series accession number GSE21046| CD- ALLEN WR, 2001, V121, P513, REPRODUCTION; BATTUT I, 1997, V25, P60, EQUINE VET J S; BAUERSACHS S, 2006, V132, P319, REPRODUCTION; BAUERSACHS S, 2009, V106, P5681, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; BAZER FW, 2009, V138, P195, REPRODUCTION; BETTERIDGE KJ, 1982, V135, P191, J ANAT; BETTERIDGE KJ, 2000, V60, P691, ANIM REPROD SCI; BETTERIDGE KJ, 2007, V68, S9, THERIOGENOLOGY S1; BOERBOOM D, 2004, V70, P391, BIOL REPROD; BOQUEST AC, 2005, V16, P1131, MOL BIOL CELL; BURGHARDT RC, 2009, V137, P567, REPRODUCTION; BUSTIN SA, 2009, V55, P611, CLIN CHEM; CHOI SJ, 1997, V47, P457, THERIOGENOLOGY; CHOI Y, 2009, V81, P1122, BIOL REPROD; CHU K, 1997, V19, P163, J MOL ENDOCRINOL; CHUANG PC, 2006, V26, P8281, MOL CELL BIOL; COCHET M, 2009, V433, P88, GENE; DELALAMO MMR, 2008, V107, P94, ANIM REPROD SCI; DENNIS G, 2003, V4, P3, GENOME BIOL; DONOFRIO G, 2008, V6, ARTN 65, REPROD BIOL ENDOCRIN; EALY AD, 2010, V117, P99, ANIM REPROD SCI; FLUHR H, 2009, V92, P1420, FERTIL STERIL; FOSTER CD, 2010, V67, P585, PEDIATR RES; FRIJTERS R, 2008, V36, W406, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES S; FUJIWARA K, 2006, V259, P373, J INTERN MED; GINTHER OJ, 1983, V19, P603, THERIOGENOLOGY; GINTHER OJ, 1983, V19, P613, THERIOGENOLOGY; GIUDICE LC, 1991, V6, P632, HUM REPROD; GIUDICE LC, 1999, V44, P165, J REPROD MED S; GOFF AK, 1987, V35, P253, J REPROD FERTIL S; GOFF AK, 1993, V10, P229, DOMEST ANIM ENDOCRIN; HARADA M, 2006, V290, E268, AM J PHYSIOL-ENDOC M; HERRLER A, 2000, V62, P1804, BIOL REPROD; HERSHMAN L, 1979, P395, J REPROD FERTIL SUPP; HUBER W, 2002, V18, P96, BIOINFORMATICS; IRUELAARISPE ML, 2004, V36, P1070, INT J BIOCHEM CELL B; KIM TH, 2010, V82, P706, BIOL REPROD; KLEIN C, 2006, V74, P253, BIOL REPROD; KLEIN C, 2010, V83, P102, BIOL REPROD; KURIHARA I, 2007, V3, P1053, ARTN e102, PLOS GENET; KUTSUKAKE M, 2010, V77, P265, MOL REPROD DEV; KWON YS, 2007, V104, P4852, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LEITH GS, 1985, V24, P701, THERIOGENOLOGY; LI RW, 2006, V27, P42, PHYSIOL GENOMICS; LI RW, 2008, V8, P55, FUNCT INTEGR GENOMIC; LIN CY, 2007, V3, P867, ARTN e87, PLOS GENET; LIVAK KJ, 2001, V25, P402, METHODS; MACINTYRE DA, 2008, V149, P245, ENDOCRINOLOGY; MATSUMOTO H, 2008, V14, P485, MOL HUM REPROD; MIRKIN S, 2005, V20, P2104, HUM REPROD; MITKO K, 2008, V135, P225, REPRODUCTION; ORIOL JG, 1993, V34, P255, MOL REPROD DEV; OSTRUP E, 2010, V83, P277, BIOL REPROD; PETIT FG, 2007, V104, P6293, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; RIESEWIJK A, 2003, V9, P253, MOL HUM REPROD; SATTERFIELD MC, 2009, V39, P85, PHYSIOL GENOMICS; SHARP DC, 1989, V37, P101, J REPROD FERT S; SHARP DC, 1997, V109, P137, J REPROD FERTIL; SHARP DC, 2000, V60, P679, ANIM REPROD SCI; SILVA LA, 2005, V72, P755, BIOL REPROD; SIMMONS RM, 2009, V150, P4295, ENDOCRINOLOGY; SMITH JL, 2008, V73, P1160, STEROIDS; SONG G, 2006, V74, P913, BIOL REPROD; SONG G, 2009, V150, P936, ENDOCRINOLOGY; STARBUCK GR, 1998, V113, P173, J REPROD FERTIL; STOUT TAE, 1999, V116, P315, J REPROD FERTIL; STOUT TAE, 2001, V17, P579, PFERDEHEILKUNDE; SUBRAMANIAN A, 2005, V102, P15545, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; TAKAMOTO N, 2005, V19, P2299, MOL ENDOCRINOL; TAYADE C, 2007, V82, P877, J LEUKOCYTE BIOL; TROTT JF, 2009, V202, P153, J ENDOCRINOL; TSAI SJ, 2002, V143, P2715, ENDOCRINOLOGY; TUSHER VG, 2001, V98, P5116, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; ULBRICH SE, 2009, V138, P371, REPRODUCTION; WACLAWIK A, 2009, V150, P3823, ENDOCRINOLOGY; WATSON ED, 1989, V87, P331, J REPROD FERTIL; WOLF E, 2003, V38, P276, REPROD DOMEST ANIM; WOODFIN A, 2007, V27, P2514, ARTERIOSCL THROM VAS; XIAO LJ, 2006, V131, P1137, REPRODUCTION; YANG ZM, 1997, V56, P368, BIOL REPROD; ZAVY MT, 1984, V115, P214, ENDOCRINOLOGY; ZHANG J, 1997, V3, P735, MOL HUM REPROD| NR- 82| TC- 0| PU- SOC STUDY REPRODUCTION| PI- MADISON| PA- 1603 MONROE ST, MADISON, WI 53711-2021 USA| SN- 0006-3363| J9- BIOL REPROD| JI- Biol. Reprod| PD- NOV| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 5| BP- 874| EP- 886| DIPGSCGAJNUT- 10.1095/biolreprod.110.085233| 13| Reproductive Biology| 670CQ| BIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION, 2010, V83, N5, P874-886| ISI:000283398900024 ER || PT- J| AU- Ajiferuke I; Lu K; Wolfram D| AF- Ajiferuke Isola; Lu, Kun; Wolfram, Dietmar| TI- A Comparison of Citer and Citation-Based Measure Outcomes for Multiple Disciplines| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; CITING BEHAVIOR; IMAGE-MAKERS; SCIENCE; INDEXES; DOCUMENTATION; COCITATION; IDENTITY; AUTHORS; COUNTS| AB- Author research impact was examined based on citer analysis (the number of citers as opposed to the number of citations) for 90 highly cited authors grouped into three broad subject areas. Citer-based outcome measures were also compared with more traditional citation-based measures for levels of association. The authors found that there are significant differences in citer-based outcomes among the three broad subject areas examined and that there is a high degree of correlation between citer and citation-based measures for all measures compared, except for two outcomes calculated for the social sciences. Citer-based measures do produce slightly different rankings of authors based on citer counts when compared to more traditional citation counts Examples are provided. Citation measures may not adequately address the influence, or reach, of an author because citations usually do not address the origin of the citation beyond self-citations| C1- [Ajiferuke, Isola] Univ Western Ontario, Fac Informat & Media Studies, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada; [Lu, Kun; Wolfram, Dietmar] Univ Wisconsin, Sch Informat Studies, Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA| RP- Ajiferuke, I, Univ Western Ontario, Fac Informat & Media Studies, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada| EM-| FU- Thomson Reuters FX This research was supported by a Thomson Reuters Citation Analysis Research Grant. We thank Thomson Reuters for additional data access and support. We thank Courtney Kennedy for providing research assistance and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful suggestions| CD- AJIFERUKE I, 2010, V83, P623, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2006, V42, P1553, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BORNMANN L, 2008, V64, P45, J DOC; BROOKS TA, 1985, V36, P223, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; COSTAS R, 2007, V1, P193, J INFORMETR; COSTAS R, 2010, V82, P517, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRONIN B, 1994, V45, P61, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2001, V52, P558, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2002, V54, P31, SCIENTOMETRICS; DIEKS D, 1976, V6, P247, SOC STUD SCI; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1963, V14, P195, AM DOC; GARFIELD E, 1965, P189, STAT ASS METHODS MEC; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; KATSAROS D, 2009, V60, P1051, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KVAM PH, 2007, NONPARAMETRIC STAT A; LINDSEY D, 1989, V15, P189, SCIENTOMETRICS; MACROBERTS MH, 1989, V40, P342, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MACROBERTS MH, 2010, V61, P1, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; PHELAN TJ, 1999, V45, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHAPIRO FR, 1992, V43, P337, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH LC, 1981, V30, P83, LIBR TRENDS; SNYDER H, 1998, V48, P431, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1986, V56, P103, LIBR QUART; SWARNA T, 2008, V13, P49, MALAYS J LIBR INF SC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2000, P475, ASIST MONOGR SER; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE MD, 1997, V67, P122, LIBR QUART| NR- 32| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- OCT| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 10| BP- 2086| EP- 2096| DI- 10.1002/asi.21383| PG- 11| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 662AP| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N10, P2086-2096| UT- ISI:000282778400010 ER || PT- J| AU- Chen TT; Yen DC| AF- Chen Tsung Teng; Yen, David C| TI- CociteSeer: a system to visualize large cocitation networks| SO- ELECTRONIC LIBRARY| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Referencing; Information management; Software tools| ID- INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; GRAPH VISUALIZATION; AUTHOR COCITATION; SCIENCE| AB- Purpose - The paper's aim is to document the development of a novel tool to address the inadequacies of existing cocitation visualization tools Design/methodology/approach - The paper demonstrates the visualized effects of this tool and supplements the results with a case study that utilizes a large data set to explore the cross-field studies among different computer science fields Findings - The tool displays cocitation graphs with latent visual cues and allows direct manipulation of the visualized graphs. The tool also facilitates the exploration of the relationships between articles in the graphs Research limitations/implications - The indirect cocitation relationships are vividly visualized by the citation network itself The context lost by the conventional cocitation network may be preserved. Instead of being linked by explicit lines, the implicit cocitation relationships are shown by the closeness among the cocited nodes Practical implications - The preserved context of a cocitation network may facilitate the exploration of latent cross-field studies. The cocitation visualization tool demonstrates that the context of the cocitation graph is preserved by using the citation network itself to reveal cocitation relationships Originality/value - The cocitation relationships are implied by the closeness among cocited nodes in a citation graph. The paper documents this novel approach which has not been seen before| C1- [Chen, Tsung Teng] Natl Taipei Univ, Grad Inst Informat Management, Taipei, Taiwan; [Yen, David C.] Miami Univ, Dept DSC & MIS, Oxford, OH 45056 USA| RP- Chen, TT, Natl Taipei Univ, Grad Inst Informat Management, Taipei, Taiwan| EM-| CD- ABELLO J, 2006, V12, P669, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; BATAGELJ V, 2003, 9 INT S; BERGSTROM P, 2006, P 2006 S INT VIS INF; BERTSCHINGER E, 1998, V36, P599, ANNU REV ASTRON ASTR; BILGIC M, 2006, IEEE S VIS AN SCI TE; BOLLACKER KD, 1998, P 2 INT C AUT AG; BOLLEN J, 2009, V4, ARTN e4803, PLOS ONE; BRODY T, 2003, RES ADV TECHNOLOGY D; CARD SK, 1999, READINGS INFORM VISU; CHEN CM, 2001, V34, P65, COMPUTER; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN TT, 2005, P 9 INT C INF VIS IV; CHEN TT, 2007, P INF VIS 11 INT C V; ELMQVIST N, 2004, 200405 CS CHALM U TE; HEER J, 2005, P SIGCHI C HUM FACT; HERMAN I, 2000, V6, P24, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KOHONEN T, 2001, SELF ORG MAPS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; NOEL S, 2002, P 6 INT C INF VIS IV; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIATI; SHNEIDERMAN B, 1996, P 1996 IEEE S VIS LA; SHNEIDERMAN B, 2006, V12, P733, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 28| TC- 0| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0264-0473| J9- ELECTRON LIBR| JI- Electron. Libr| PY- 2010| VL- 28| IS- 4| BP- 477| EP- 491| DI- 10.1108/02640471011033602| PG- 15| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 662ZI| JN- ELECTRONIC LIBRARY, 2010, V28, N4, P477-491| UT- ISI:000282852400001 ER || PT- J| AU- Waltman L; van Eck NJ; Noyons ECM| AF- Waltman Ludo; van Eck, Nees Jan; Noyons, Ed C. M| TI- A unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometric map; Clustering; Mapping; Unified approach| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; COMMUNITY DETECTION; SCIENCE; RESOLUTION; MAPS| AB- In the analysis of bibliometric networks, researchers often use mapping and clustering techniques in a combined fashion. Typically, however, mapping and clustering techniques that are used together rely on very different ideas and assumptions. We propose a unified approach to mapping and clustering of bibliometric networks. We show that the VOS mapping technique and a weighted and parameterized variant of modularitybased clustering can both be derived from the same underlying principle. We illustrate our proposed approach by producing a combined mapping and clustering of the most frequently cited publications that appeared in the field of information science in the period 1999-2008. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Waltman, Ludo; van Eck, Nees Jan; Noyons, Ed C. M.] Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands| RP- Waltman, L, Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands| EM-| CD- ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORG I, 2005, MODERN MULTIDIMENSIO; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2010, V61, P1386, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN P, 2010, V4, P278, J INFORMETR; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FORTUNATO S, 2007, V104, P36, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; FORTUNATO S, 2010, V486, P75, PHYS REP; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; HEIMO T, 2008, ARTN P08007, J STAT MECH-THEO AUG; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KUMPULA JM, 2007, V56, P41, EUR PHYS J B; LAMBIOTTE R, 2009, V3, P180, J INFORMETR; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 066133, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V70, ARTN 056131, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 026113, PHYS REV E; NOACK A, 2009, V79, ARTN 026102, PHYS REV E 2; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V46, P591, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1999, THESIS LEIDEN U; NOYONS ECM, 2009, V79, P261, SCIENTOMETRICS; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P47, RES POLICY; REICHARDT J, 2006, V74, ARTN 016110, PHYS REV E 2; SCHUBERT A, 2010, V83, P589, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1988, V15, P337, COMPUT MATH APPL; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; TAKEDA Y, 2009, V78, P543, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAN E, COMPARISON TWO TECHN; VANECK NJ, 2007, P299, ST CLASS DAT ANAL; VANECK NJ, 2009, V60, P1635, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WALLACE ML, 2009, V60, P240, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V327, P1972, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHANG L, 2010, V4, P185, J INFORMETR; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 39| TC- 1| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- AMSTERDAM| PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| 1751-1577| J INFORMETR| J. Informetr| OCT| 2010| 4| 4| 629| 635| 10.1016/j.joi.2010.07.002| 7| Information Science & Library Science| 647KA| JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2010, V4, N4, P629-635| ISI:000281616200017 ER || PT- J| AU- Sillanpaa A; Koivula T| AF- Sillanpaa Antti; Koivula, Tommi| TI- Mapping Conflict Research: A Bibliometric Study of Contemporary Scientific Discourses| SO- INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PERSPECTIVES| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- conflict research; citation analysis; bibliometrics; scientific discourse| ID- INTERNATIONAL CONFLICT; ECONOMIC INTERDEPENDENCE; COCITATION ANALYSIS; DOMESTIC CONFLICT; CITATION ANALYSIS; LIBERAL PEACE; CIVIL-WAR; DEMOCRACY; DISPUTES; TRADE| AB- This paper employs bibliometric methods to map the structure of conflict research. Citation information is restructured by means of cluster and network analyses for the purpose of identifying the different discourses and fields contributing to conflict research. The data are derived from more than 1,300 articles published in 40 high-quality journals between 2000 and 2006. Four main discourses are identified within the field, and it is concluded that Democratic Peace Theory constitutes a powerful discursive core of contemporary conflict research, affecting most other discourses as well. It is suggested that instead of systemic foci, contemporary conflict research is dominated by the investigation of dyadic forms of interaction and that, somewhat surprisingly, the substantive focus of the most frequently cited research has remained on interstate war. The study intends to help researchers to be sensitive to gaps and focal points in contemporary research, and promote further discussion about the current state of the field. Applied approach provides academics, students, and practitioners with a usable and transparent procedure for structuring discourses and communicating about them further| CD- ANDERSON B, 1983, IMAGINED COMMUNITIES; AXELROD R, 1984, EVOLUTION COOPERATIO; BARBIERI K, 1996, V33, P29, J PEACE RES; BECK N, 1998, V42, P1260, AM J POLIT SCI; BORGATRI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 0 VERSION 1; BRECHER M, 1997, STUDY CRISIS; BRENER SA, 1992, V36, P309, J CONFLICT RESOLUT; BROWN LD, 1996, V21, P723, ACCOUNT ORG SOC; CAWKELL AE, 1976, V2, P543, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; CHERNOFF F, 2009, V9, P90, INT STUDIES PERSPECT; COLLIER P, 1998, V50, P563, OXFORD ECON PAP; COLLIER P, 2003, BREAKING CONFLICT TR; CULNAN MJ, 1980, V11, P341, MIS Q; DEMESQUITA BB, 1992, WAR REASON DOMESTIC; DEMESQUITA BB, 1995, V89, P841, AM POLIT SCI REV; DEUTSCH KW, 1957, POLITICAL COMMUNITY; DIEHL PF, 2000, WAR PEACE INT RIVALR; DIXON WJ, 1994, V88, P1, AM POLIT SCI REV; DOYLE MW, 1986, V80, P1151, AM POLIT SCI REV; ELLINGSEN T, 2000, V44, P228, J CONFLICT RESOLUT; FEARON JD, 1994, V88, P577, AM POLIT SCI REV; FEARON JD, 1995, V49, P379, INT ORGAN; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1978, METRIC SCI ADVENT SC; GARTZKE E, 2001, V55, P391, INT ORGAN; GELPI C, 1997, V41, P255, J CONFLICT RESOLUT; GILPIN R, 1981, WAR CHANGE WORLD POL; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOEMANS HE, 2000, WAR PUNISHMENT CAUSE; GURR TR, 1993, MINORITIES RISK; GURR TR, 1994, V38, P347, INT STUD QUART; HOLLIS M, 1990, EXPLAINING UNDERSTAN; HUNTINGTON SP, 1993, V72, P22, FOREIGN AFF; HUNTINGTON SP, 1996, CLASH CIVILIZATIONS; HUTH PK, 1996, STANDING YOUR GROUND; JACKSON PT, 2009, V9, P99, INT STUDIES PERSPECT; JAGGERS K, 1995, V32, P469, J PEACE RES; JERVIS R, 1976, PERCEPTION MISPERCEP; JONES DM, 1996, V15, P163, CONFLICT MANAG PEACE; KANT I, 1795, ZUM EWIGEN FRIEDEN P; KORNPROBST M, 2009, V11, P87, INT STUD REV; KUGLER J, 1996, PARITY WAR; KUHN T, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAKE DA, 1992, V86, P24, AM POLIT SCI REV; LEVY J, 1989, HDB WAR STUDIES; LUNDBERG J, 2006, THESIS MED MANAGEMEN; MACROBERTS MH, 1989, V40, P342, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MANSFIELD ED, 1995, V20, P5, INT SECURITY; MAOZ Z, 1993, V87, P624, AM POLIT SCI REV; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V56, P258, LIBR QUART; MIDLARSKY M, 2000, V2, HDB WAR STUDIES; MORGAN TC, 1991, V35, P187, J CONFLICT RESOLUT; MORGENTHAU H, 1948, POLITICS NATIONS STR; MORROW JD, 1989, V33, P941, AM J POLIT SCI; MORROW JD, 1998, V92, P649, AM POLIT SCI REV; MUELLER J, 1973, WAR PRESIDENTS PUBLI; OLIVER AL, 1998, V19, P549, ORGAN STUD; ONEAL JR, 1996, V33, P11, J PEACE RES; ONEAL JR, 1997, V41, P267, INT STUD QUART; ONEAL JR, 1999, V36, P423, J PEACE RES; ORGANSKI AFK, 1980, WAR LEDGER; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P217, LIBRI; OSTROM CW, 1986, V80, P541, AM POLIT SCI REV; PARVINEN PM, 2003, THESIS HELSINKI U TE; POLACHEK SW, 1980, V24, P55, J CONFLICT RESOLUT; RAPOPORT A, 1968, ON WAR; RATNATUNGA J, 1997, V12, P197, J BUS VENTURING; REITERD, 2002, DEMOCRACIES WAR; RUSSETT B, 1998, V52, P441, INT ORGAN; RUSSETT BM, 1993, TRIANGULATING PEACE; RUSSETT BM, 2001, TRIANGULATING PEACE; SCHELLING T, 1960, STRATEGY CONFLICT; SCHILDT, 2004, SITKIS ALPHA; SIGNORINO CS, 1999, V93, P279, AM POLIT SCI REV; SILLANPAA A, 2006, THESIS HELSINKI U TE; SINGER JD, 1961, V14, P77, WORLD POLIT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMITH A, 1996, V40, P133, INT STUD QUART; VANBELLE D, 2009, V9, P106, INT STUDIES PERSPECT; VANBELLE DA, 2006, V7, P287, INT STUDIES PERSPECT; VASQUEZ JA, 1993, WAR PUZZLE; WAGNER RH, 2000, V44, P469, AM J POLIT SCI; WALT SM, 1987, ORIGINS ALLIANCES; WALTER BF, 1997, V51, P335, INT ORGAN; WALTER BF, 2002, COMMITTING PEACE SUC; WALTZ K, 1979, THEO INT POLITICS; WEINSTOCK M, 1971, ENCY LIB INFORM SCI; WENDT A, 1999, SOCIAL THEORY INT PO| NR- 91| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1528-3577| J9JIPDPYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- INST STUD PERSPECT| Int. Stud. Perspect| MAY| 2010| 11| 2| 148| 171| 24| International Relations| 647UP| INTERNATIONAL STUDIES PERSPECTIVES, 2010, V11, N2, P148-171| ISI:000281645300004 ER || PT- J| AU- Gingras Y| AF- Gingras Yves| TI- Mapping the structure of the intellectual field using citation and co-citation analysis of correspondences| SO- HISTORY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Republic of letters; Citation analysis; Co-citation analysis; Mersenne; Oldenburg; Darwin; Mapping; Intellectual networks; Correspondences| ID- INVISIBLE-COLLEGES; NETWORKS; 17TH-CENTURY| AB- This article uses the methods of citation and network analysis to map the global structure of the intellectual field and its development over time. Through the case study of Mersenne's, Oldenburg's and Darwin's correspondences, we show how looking at letters as a corpus of data can provide a global representation of the evolving conversation going on in the Republic of Letters and in intellectual and scientific fields Aggregating general correspondences in electronic format offers a global portrait of the evolving composition of the intellectual and scientific scene, its changing foci of interests and the fortune of the intellectual discussions as expressed in cited persons in the letters Such tools help replace a purely metaphoric use of the term "network" by a visible map of the intellectual relations between people on which well defined calculations of the centrality of the positions of different actors can be made as well as their evolution over time These techniques provide welcome additions to the tool kit of scholars in an age where the computer and the web offer new ways of mapping and mining the rich store of information contained in intellectual correspondences. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, CIRST, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| RP- Gingras, Y, Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, CIRST, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| EM-| CD- BATAGELJ V, 2003, P77, GRAPH DRAWING SOFTWA; BORGATTI SP, 2002, NETDRAW GRAPH VISUAL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOTS H, 1993, V178, P119, 17 SIECLE; BRUNET P, 1931, INTRO THEORIES NEWTO; DIBON P, 1976, P31, REV SYNTHESE 81; EGGHE L, 2005, POWER LAWS INFORM PR; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GARFIELD E, 1979, P81, CITATION INDEXING; GINGRAS Y, 2007, P314, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; GINGRAS Y, 2010, V43, P159, J HIST BIOL; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; HALL MB, 2002, H OLDENBURG SHAPING; HATCH RA, 1998, P19, SCI UNBOUND; HUNTER M, 2003, V24, P805, STUD HIST PHILOS M P; KRONICK DA, 2001, V71, P28, LIBR QUART; MARTIN U, 1987, V2, P95, 17 CENTURY; MELANCON B, 1998, PENSER LETT; NELLEN HJM, 1990, V17, P9, LIAS; NELLEN HJM, 1993, V178, P87, 17 SIECLE; OLIVEIRA JG, 2005, V437, P1251, NATURE; PEARL J, 1984, V20, P106, RENAISSANCE REFORM; RUSNOCK A, 1999, V32, P155, BRIT J HIST SCI 2; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; WALLACE ML, 2009, V60, P240, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0191-6599| J9- HIST EUR IDEA| JI- Hist. European Ideas| PD- SEP| PY- 2010| VL- 36| IS- 3| BP- 330| EP- 339| DI- 10.1016/j.histeuroideas.2010.04.002| PG- 10| SC- Philosophy| GA- 643WW| JN- HISTORY OF EUROPEAN IDEAS, 2010, V36, N3, P330-339| UT- ISI:000281331900006 ER || PT- J| AU- Gingras Y| AF- Gingras Yves| TI- The Transformation of Physics from 1900 to 1945| SO- PHYSICS IN PERSPECTIVE| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometrics; co-citation networks; history of physics 1900-1945| AB- Historians of science have analyzed in detail the conceptual transformations that gave physics its modern character in the first half of the twentieth century. Rarely provided in these narratives, however, is a feeling for the global scene of the physics community How many publishing physicists were there around 1900? How many in 1925 or 1939? Did most physicists publish as single authors or in teams, and how did they compare with chemists or mathematicians in terms of scientific collaborations? What are the links between these disciplines? I propose to undertake such a global analysis of the trends that can be captured through a bibliometric analysis of hundreds of thousands of scientific papers and the more than one million references in them| C1- Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| RP- Gingras, Y, Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, Casse Postale 8888,Succ Ctr Ville, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| EM-| CD- FORMAN P, 1975, V5, P185, HIST STUDIES PHYS SC; GINGRAS Y, 2007, P314, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; KEVLES DJ, 1977, PHYSICISTS HIST SCI; KEVLES DJ, 1995, PHYSICISTS HIST SCI; PARSHALL KH, 2002, MATH UNBOUND EVOLUTI; WALLACE ML, 2009, V60, P240, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WEART SR, 1979, P295, SCI AM CONTEXT NEW P| NR- 7| TC- 0| PU- BIRKHAUSER VERLAG AG| PI- BASEL| PA- VIADUKSTRASSE 40-44, PO BOX 133, CH-4010 BASEL, SWITZERLAND| SN- 1422-6944| J9- PHYS PERSPECT| JI- Phys. Perspect| PD- SEP| PY- 2010| VL- 12| IS- 3| BP- 248| EP- 265| DI- 10.1007/s00016-010-0017-6| PG- 18| SC- History & Philosophy Of Science| GA- 642ZC| JN- PHYSICS IN PERSPECTIVE, 2010, V12, N3, P248-265| UT- ISI:000281259500002 ER || PT- J| AU- Schultz LI; Joutz FL| AF- Schultz Laura I; Joutz, Frederick L| TI- Methods for identifying emerging General Purpose Technologies: a case study of nanotechnologies| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- General purpose nanotechnology; Citation analysis; Nanotechnologies| ID- SCIENCE; FIELD; PATENTS; TERMS| AB- Nanotechnology is an emerging field of science with the potential to generate new and enhance existing products and transform the production process. US patent data is used to track the emergence of nanotechnologies since 1978. The nanotechnologies that have undergone the most development are identified using patent citation data and cocitation patterns of patents are examined to define clusters of related nanotechnologies. The potential for economic impact of the emerging nanotechnologies is assessed using a generality index| C1- [Schultz, Laura I.] SUNY Albany, Coll Nanoscale Sci & Engn, Albany, NY 12203 USA; [Joutz, Frederick L.] George Washington Univ, Dept Econ, Washington, DC 20052 USA| RP- Schultz, LI, SUNY Albany, Coll Nanoscale Sci & Engn, 255 Fuller Rd, Albany, NY 12203 USA| EM-| CD- *LUX RES, 2004, NAN REP; *NAT SCI FDN, 2010, V1, 1001 NSB NAT SCI FDN; *NAT SCI FDN, 2010, V2, 1001A NSB NAT SCI FD; BASSECOULARD E, 2007, V70, P859, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOOKER R, 2005, NANOTECHNOLOGY DUMMI; HALL B, 2004, NBER WORKING PAPERS; HELPMAN E, 1998, P85, GEN PURPOSE TECHNOLO; HUANG C, 2010, J TECHNOLOGY TRANSFE; HUANG Z, 2003, V5, P333, J NANOPART RES; HULLMANN A, 2003, V58, P507, SCIENTOMETRICS; HULLMANN A, 2007, V70, P739, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V70, P693, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 1998, V42, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2007, V70, P779, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOGOUTOV A, 2007, V36, P893, RES POLICY; PORTER AL, 2008, V10, P715, J NANOPART RES; ROCO M, 2001, SOCIETAL IMPLICATION; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TRAJTENBERG M, 1997, V5, P19, EC INNOVATION NEW TE; WONG PK, 2007, V70, P715, SCIENTOMETRICS; YOUTIE J, 2008, V33, P315, J TECHNOL TRANSFER| NR- 21| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- OCT| PY- 2010| VL- 85| IS- 1| BP- 155| EP- 170| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0160-5| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 639CC| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V85, N1, P155-170| UT- ISI:000280947400012 ER || PT- J| AU- Rafols I; Porter AL; Leydesdorff L| AF- Rafols Ismael; Porter, Alan L; Leydesdorff, Loet| TI- Science Overlay Maps: A New Tool for Research Policy and Library Management| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- JOURNAL-CITATION-REPORTS; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; CROSS-DISCIPLINARY; WORD ANALYSIS; TECHNOLOGY; INTERDISCIPLINARITY; INDICATORS; INNOVATION; EMERGENCE| AB- We present a novel approach to visually locate bodies of research within the sciences, both at each moment of time and dynamically. This article describes how this approach fits with other efforts to locally and globally map scientific outputs. We then show how these science overlay maps help benchmarking, explore collaborations, and track temporal changes, using examples of universities, corporations, funding agencies, and research topics. We address their conditions of application and discuss advantages, downsides, and limitations. Overlay maps especially help investigate the increasing number of scientific developments and organizations that do not fit within traditional disciplinary categories. We make these tools available online to enable researchers to explore the ongoing sociocognitive transformations of science and technology systems| C1- [Rafols, Ismael] Univ Sussex, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England; [Porter, Alan L.] Georgia Inst Technol, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; [Leydesdorff, Loet] Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res ASCoR, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Rafols, I, Univ Sussex, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England| EM-| FU- US National Science Foundation [0830207]; EU [225546]| FX- We are very grateful to Ziyo Wang for her enthusiastic design of the interactive Web pages. We are indebted to K. Boyack, R. Klavans, F. de Moya-Anegon, E. Noyons, B. Vargas-Quesada, A. Stirling, and M. Zitt for insights and discussions. Alan R Porter and Ismael Rafols acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation (Award no. 0830207, "Measuring and Tracking Research Knowledge Integration," The findings and observations contained in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. Ismael Rafols is partially supported by the EU FP7 project FRIDA, grant 225546| CD- 2009, ECONOMIST 1009; *NAS KECK CTR, 2009, DAT FED RES DEV INV; ABBOT A, 2001, CHAOS DISCIPLINES; BALABAN AT, 2006, V69, P615, SCIENTOMETRICS; BAPTESTE E, 2009, V4, P1, BIOL DIRECT; BASSECOULARD E, 1999, V44, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; BENSMAN SJ, 2007, V41, P93, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2009, V60, P1097, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOLLEN J, 2009, V4, ARTN e4803, PLOS ONE; BORDONS M, 2004, P437, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOURKE P, 1998, V26, P711, RES POLICY; BOWKER GC, 2000, SORTING THINGS OUT C; BOYACK KW, 2002, V53, P764, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P45, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CAMBROSIO A, 2006, V42, P3140, EUR J CANCER; CUMMINGS JN, 2005, V35, P733, SOC STUD SCI; DUPRE J, 1993, DISORDER THINGS META; ETZKOWITZ H, 2000, V29, P109, RES POLICY; GALISON P, 1996, DISUNITY SCI BOUNDAR; GARFIELD E, 1987, V1, P1, CURR CONTENTS; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL; GLASER J, 2007, P101, CHANGING GOVERNANCE; HESSELS LK, 2008, V37, P740, RES POLICY; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; HUANG L, J BUSINESS IN PRESS; IRVINE J, 1985, V316, P587, NATURE; JANSSENS F, 2009, V45, P683, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KATZ JS, 1999, V28, P501, RES POLICY; KISS IZ, 2010, V4, P74, J INFORMETR; KLAVANS R, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; KLAVANS R, 2008, V75, P239, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2009, V60, P455, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLEIN JT, 2000, P3, PRACTISING INTERDISC; KNORRCETINA K, 1999, EPISTEMIC CULTURES S; LAUDEL G, 2009, INT SOC SCI INF C RI; LENOIR T, 1997, I SCI CULTURAL PRODU; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, V15, P149, SCI PUBL POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1994, V23, P217, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1470, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2010, INDICATORS INT UNPUB; LLERENA P, 2004, P69, RETHINKING RATIONALE; LUCIOARIAS D, 2007, V70, P603, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARTIN BR, 1996, V36, P343, SCIENTOMETRICS; MATURANA HR, 1984, TREE KNOWLEDGE; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NEURATH O, 1932, V3, P204, ERKENNTNIS; NOOTEBOOM B, 2007, V36, P1016, RES POLICY; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1998, V49, P68, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V50, P115, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOYONS ECM, 2004, P237, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2009, V4, P534, NAT NANOTECHNOL; PORTER AL, 2009, V81, P719, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DD, 1984, V13, P3, RES POLICY; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; PUDOVKIN AI, 2002, V53, P1113, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAFOLS I, 2007, V20, P395, INNOVATION-ABINGDON; RAFOLS I, 2007, V70, P633, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAFOLS I, 2009, V60, P1823, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAFOLS I, 2010, V82, P263, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAFOLS I, 2010, SUPRAMOLECULAR CHEM; RINIA EJ, 2002, V54, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; RIP A, 1997, V38, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROESSNER D, 2000, V9, P125, RES EVALUAT; ROSVALL M, 2009, V5, E8694, PLOS ONE; SHINN T, 2005, CONTROVERSES SCI SOC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; STIRLING A, 2007, V4, P707, J R SOC INTERFACE; STIRLING A, 2008, V33, P262, SCI TECHNOL HUM VAL; STUDER KE, 1980, CANC MISSION SOCIAL; TIJSSEN R, 1987, V11, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDENBERGH JCJM, 2008, V68, P565, J ECON BEHAV ORGAN; VANDENDAELE W, 1979, GEPLANTE FORSCHUNG V; VANDERHOEK A, 1996, V46, P415, CZECH J PHYS S1; VANLEEUWEN T, 2000, V9, P183, RES EVALUAT; VANRAAN AFJ, 2002, V31, P611, RES POLICY; WAGNER CS, J INFORM IN PRESS; WEINGART P, 2000, PRACTISING INTERDISC; WEINGART P, 2000, P25, PRACTISING INTERDISC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WOOLGAR S, 1991, V18, P319, SCI PUBL POLICY; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 103| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 9| BP- 1871| EP- 1887| DI- 10.1002/asi.21368| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 639XW| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N9, P1871-1887| UT- ISI:000281011400011 ER || PT- J| AU- Nykiforuk CIJ; Osler GE; Viehbeck S| AF- Nykiforuk Candace I. J; Osler, Gillian E; Viehbeck, Sarah| TI- The evolution of smoke-free spaces policy literature: A bibliometric analysis| SO- HEALTH POLICY| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- Tobacco smoke pollution; Health policy; Bibliometrics| ID- LATIN-AMERICA| AB- Objectives: This paper describes patterns in the international published literature regarding smoke-free spaces policy through a bibliometric analysis of journals, articles and authors from 1990 to 2009 Methods: Secondary data from a recent systematic literature review were analyzed. Bibliometric techniques included statistical analysis of publication counts and co-citation analysis. Findings were generated through calculations of frequencies of journals. authors, and articles published per year. Analysis was conducted for five policy-relevant domains: public place, schools, private space, workplace, and tobacco industry tactics Results: Of the 5656 total articles examined, scientific articles written for the public place and workplace domains far outweighed those for schools, private spaces, and tobacco industry. This bibliometric analysis indicated that publication patterns aligned with patterns of policy activity and increasing sophistication in the evolution of smoke-free spaces policy development. This finding held for analyses by article. journal, and author over all years. The analysis also revealed relatively high numbers of unique authors publishing on smoke-free spaces policy each year Conclusions: This study identified patterns regarding the publication of scientific articles, by varying journals and authors, and illustrated sub-field priorities both recently and for the entire 20-year period examined. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Nykiforuk, Candace I. J.; Osler, Gillian E.] Univ Alberta, Ctr Hlth Promot Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Canada; [Viehbeck, Sarah] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada| RP- Nykiforuk, CIJ, Univ Alberta, Ctr Hlth Promot Studies, 5-10 Univ Terrace,8303-112 St, Edmonton, AB T6G 2T4, Canada| EM-| CD- *CTCRI, 2006, BETT SOL COMPL PROBL; *OFF ATT GEN, MAST SETTL AGR; *ONT MED ASS, 2003, OMA POS PAP DUT PROT; *WHO, 2005, WHO FRAM CONV TOB CO; ALMEIDAFILHO N, 2003, V93, P2037, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH; BAYER AE, 1982, V44, P527, J MARRIAGE FAM; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, V53, P293, NURS RES; MACIASCHAPULA CA, 1998, V41, P41, SCIENTOMETRICS; NYKIFORUK C, SMOKE FREE IN PRESS; NYKIFORUK CIJ, 2008, V16, P64, HEALTH SOC CARE COMM| NR- 10| TC- 0| PU- ELSEVIER IRELAND LTD| PI- CLARE| PA- ELSEVIER HOUSE, BROOKVALE PLAZA, EAST PARK SHANNON, CO, CLARE, 00000, IRELAND| SN- 0168-8510| J9- HEALTH POLICY| JI- Health Policy| PDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- SEP| 2010| 97| 1| 1| 7| 10.1016/j.healthpol.2010.03.001| 7| Health Care Sciences & Services; Health Policy & Services| 639RQ| HEALTH POLICY, 2010, V97, N1, P1-7| ISI:000280992600001 ER || PT- J| AU- Mustafee N; Katsaliaki K; Taylor SJE| AF- Mustafee Navonil; Katsaliaki, Korina; Taylor, Simon J. E| TI- Profiling Literature in Healthcare Simulation| SO- SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- simulation research; healthcare research; profiling research; cocitation analysis| ID- DISCRETE-EVENT SIMULATION; INFORMATION-SYSTEMS; PUBLIC-HEALTH; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; RISK ASSESSMENT; IMPACT; TIME; COCITATION; EMERGENCY; KNOWLEDGE| AB- The publications that relate to the application of simulation to healthcare have steadily increased over the years. These publications are scattered amongst various journals that belong to several subject categories, including operational research, health economics and pharmacokinetics. The simulation techniques that are applied to the study of healthcare problems are also various. The aim of this study, therefore, is to review healthcare simulation literature that have been published between 1970 and 2007 in high-quality journals belonging to various subject categories and that report on the application of four simulation techniques, namely, Monte Carlo simulation, discrete-event simulation, system dynamics and agent-based simulation. Arguably, journal impact factor is fundamental in assessing the quality of publications. Thus, the 201 publications selected for review have been queried from the ISI Web of Science (R) bibliographic database of high-impact research journals. Through a review of healthcare simulation literature the following three objectives have been realized: (a) papers have been categorized under the different simulation techniques, and the healthcare problems that each technique is employed to investigate are identified; (b) variables such as authors, article citations, etc., within our dataset of healthcare papers have been profiled; (c) turning point (strategically important) papers and authors have been identified through co-citation analysis of references cited by the papers in our dataset. The above objectives have been realized by devising and then employing a methodology for profiling literature. It is expected that this review paper will help the readers gain a broader understanding of research in healthcare simulation| C1- [Mustafee, Navonil] Swansea Univ, Sch Business & Econ, Swansea SA2 8PP, W Glam, Wales; [Katsaliaki, Korina] Int Hellen Univ, Sch Econ & Business Adm, Thessaloniki, Greece; [Taylor, Simon J. E.] Brunel Univ, Sch Informat Syst Comp & Math, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, Middx, England| RP- Mustafee, N, Swansea Univ, Sch Business & Econ, Singleton Pk, Swansea SA2 8PP, W Glam, Wales| EM-| CD- ABBOTT RG, 2006, V12, P617, ARTIF LIFE; AHMAD S, 2005, V75, P74, HEALTH POLICY; ANTONIJEVIC B, 2007, V45, P2279, FOOD CHEM TOXICOL; ARBOLEDA CA, 2007, V21, P302, J PERFORM CONSTR FAC; ATUN RA, 2007, V81, P207, HEALTH POLICY; AVISON DE, 2008, V18, P5, INFORM SYST J; BABAD H, 2002, V5, P269, HLTH CARE MANAG SCI; BARTON P, 2004, V9, P110, J HEALTH SERV RES PO; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BOULOS MNK, 2006, V39, P160, J BIOMED INFORM; BRAILSFORD S, 2003, V150, P19, EUR J OPER RES; BRAILSFORD SC, 2004, V55, P34, J OPER RES SOC; BROOKS RJ, 2001, SIMULATION INVENTORY; CARO JJ, 2006, V22, P1171, CURR MED RES OPIN; CHARLES BG, 2001, V40, P395, CLIN PHARMACOKINET; CHEN C, 2007, P189, P ISSI MADR; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CLAVER E, 2000, V37, P181, INFORM MANAGE; DAVIES R, 1994, V22, P123, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; DAVIES R, 2002, V19, P762, DIABETIC MED; DEADMAN PJ, 1999, V56, P159, J ENVIRON MANAGE; DUGUAY C, 2007, V83, P311, SIMUL-T SOC MOD SIM; DWIVEDI YK, 2008, V17, P678, EUR J INFORM SYST; DWIVEDI YK, 2009, V11, P87, INFORM SYST FRONT; ELDABI T, 2000, V51, P465, J OPER RES SOC; ELDABI T, 2007, V58, P262, J OPER RES SOC; EVEBORN P, 2006, V171, P962, EUR J OPER RES; FABRE MA, 2007, V96, P3444, J PHARM SCI-US; FEVEILE H, 2006, V367, P112, SCI TOTAL ENVIRON; FONE D, 2003, V25, P325, J PUBLIC HEALTH MED; HAMED MM, 1999, V8, P285, J SOIL CONTAM; HARPER PR, 2005, V33, P141, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; HOMER JB, 2006, V96, P452, AM J PUBLIC HEALTH; HUANG ES, 2007, V42, P2174, HEALTH SERV RES 1; HUPERT N, 2002, V22, S17, MED DECIS MAKING S; JUN JB, 1999, V50, P109, J OPER RES SOC; KAHN JM, 2007, V131, P68, CHEST; KATSALIAKI K, 2007, V58, P219, J OPER RES SOC; KLEINSCHMIDT I, 2006, V11, P1047, TROP MED INT HEALTH; LAW AM, 2000, SIMULATION MODELLING; LEE D, 2007, V63, P1253, BIOMETRICS; MARA DD, 2007, V5, P39, J WATER HEALTH; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MURPHY KM, 2003, P41, INMEASURING GAINS ME; NANCE RE, 1971, V18, P59, MANAGE SCI; NIEUWENHUIJSEN M, 2006, V32, P996, ENVIRON INT; PALVIA P, 2007, V44, P1, INFORM MANAGE-AMSTER; PAUL R, 1997, P67, COMPUTERS COMMUNICAT; PIDD M, 2004, COMPUTER SIMULATION; PIDD M, 2004, SYSTEMS MODELLING TH; POWER D, 2002, DECISION SUPPORT SYS; ROYSTON P, 1999, V28, P964, INT J EPIDEMIOL; RUBINSTEIN RY, 1981, SIMULATION MONTE CAR; STERMAN JD, 2001, V43, P8, CALIF MANAGE REV; TAYLOR KS, 1998, V3, P226, J HLTH SERVICES RES; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WIERZBICKI AP, 2007, V176, P610, EUR J OPER RES| NR- 58| TC- 0| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0037-5497| J9- SIMUL-TRANS SOC MODEL SIMUL I| JI- Simul.-Trans. Soc. Model. Simul. Int| PD- AUG| PY- 2010| VL- 86| IS- 8-9| BP- 543| EP- 558| DI- 10.1177/0037549709359090| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Computer Science, Software Engineering| GA- 636TQ| JN- SIMULATION-TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOCIETY FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION INTERNATIONAL, 2010, V86, N8-9, P543-558| UT- ISI:000280765600006 ER || PT- J| AU- Sugimoto CR; McCain KW| AF- Sugimoto Cassidy R; McCain, Katherine W| TI- Visualizing changes over time: A history of information retrieval through the lens of descriptor tri-occurrence mapping| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- bibliometrics; information retrieval| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; CO-WORD ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; CITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; ONLINE; DOCUMENTS; NETWORKS; IMAGE| AB- This study provides an historical analysis of the discipline of information retrieval (IR) for three time periods: 1980-1984, 1990-1994 and 2000-2004. This analysis is done through the use of a novel bibliometric technique called tri-occurrence analysis, in which the descriptor 'information retrieval' is used as a filter term within the traditional technique of co-occurrence analysis. The resulting data is visualized by means of Pathfinder Network analysis. The findings provide evidence of an evolution in the IR landscape over the three decades from an emphasis on systems-, storage- and education-related research in the 1980s to database-, user interface- and information service-related research in the 1990s and to web-related research in the 2000s. This work provides additional validation of the use of tri-occurrence analysis as a useful bibliometric technique| C1- [Sugimoto, Cassidy R.] Indiana Univ, Bloomington, IN USA; [McCain, Katherine W.] Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Sugimoto, CR, 1320 E 10th St,LI029, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| EM-| CD- *NWB TEAM, 2006, NETW WORKB TOOL; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOURNE CP, 2003, HIST ONLINE INFORM S; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CHRISTENSEN FH, 1996, V37, P39, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 1999, V30, P367, INT INF LIBR REV; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ENSER P, 2008, V34, P531, J INF SCI; HAHN TB, 1996, V32, P33, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HARMAN DK, 2008, V40, P113, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; HEALEY P, 1986, V15, P233, RES POLICY; JONES KS, 1981, INFORM RETRIEVAL EXP; JONES KS, 1997, READINGS INFORM RETR; KANDO N, 1991, V29, P29, LIB INFORM SCI; KOENIG MED, 1992, V28, P433, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LESK M, 1995, 5 UDT INT FED LIB AS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, P105, INFORMETRICS 87 88; LYNCH MF, 1987, V13, P221, J INF SCI; MARION LS, 2001, V52, P297, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARION LS, 2002, V39, P3, P ASIST ANNU; MARION LS, 2004, THESIS DREXEL; MARKEY K, 2007, V58, P1071, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARKEY K, 2007, V58, P1123, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1988, V39, P428, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V40, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2008, P 2008 ASIS T ANN M; MCCAIN KW, 2009, V60, P1301, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MIZZARO S, 1997, V48, P810, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MORRIS TA, 2001, THESIS DREXEL; PAO ML, 1986, P341, P 7 NAT ONL M INF TO; ROBERTSON S, 2008, V34, P439, J INF SCI; ROWLEY J, 1994, V20, P108, J INF SCI; RUTHVEN I, 2008, V42, P43, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; SAVAGEKNEPSHIELD PA, 1999, V50, P1067, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1974, V10, P393, INFORMATION STORAGE; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMEATON AF, 2003, V37, P49, ACM SIGIR FORUM; WHITE HD, 1981, P261, CONCEPTS JUDGEMENT D; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P16, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1986, V5, P93, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITTAKER J, 1989, V19, P473, SOC STUD SCI| NR- 47| TC- 0| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0165-5515| J9- J INFORM SCI| JI- J. Inf. Sci| PD- AUG| PY- 2010| VL- 36| IS- 4| BP- 481| EP- 493| DI- 10.1177/0165551510369992| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 636BR| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 2010, V36, N4, P481-493| UT- ISI:000280703400004 ER || PT- J| AU- Couto T; Ziviani N; Calado P; Cristo M; Goncalves M; de Moura ES; Brandao W| AF- Couto T; Ziviani, N; Calado, P; Cristo, M; Goncalves, M; de Moura, E. S; Brandao, W| TI- Classifying documents with link-based bibliometric measures| SO- INFORMATION RETRIEVAL| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Text classification; Links; Web directories; Digital libraries| ID- RETRIEVAL; WEB; CLASSIFICATION; INFORMATION; COCITATION; MODEL| AB- Automatic document classification can be used to organize documents in a digital library, construct on-line directories, improve the precision of web searching, or help the interactions between user and search engines. In this paper we explore how linkage information inherent to different document collections can be used to enhance the effectiveness of classification algorithms. We have experimented with three link-based bibliometric measures, co-citation, bibliographic coupling and Amsler, on three different document collections: a digital library of computer science papers, a web directory and an on-line encyclopedia. Results show that both hyperlink and citation information can be used to learn reliable and effective classifiers based on a kNN classifier. In one of the test collections used, we obtained improvements of up to 69.8% of macro-averaged F (1) over the traditional text-based kNN classifier, considered as the baseline measure in our experiments. We also present alternative ways of combining bibliometric based classifiers with text based classifiers Finally, we conducted studies to analyze the situation in which the bibliometric-based classifiers failed and show that in such cases it is hard to reach consensus regarding the correct classes, even for human judges| C1- [de Moura, E. S.] Univ Fed Amazonas, Dept Comp Sci, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil; [Cristo, M.] FUCAPI Anal Res & Tech Innovat Ctr, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil; [Calado, P.] IST INESC ID, Lisbon, Portugal; [Couto, T.; Ziviani, N.; Goncalves, M.; Brandao, W.] Univ Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Comp Sci, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil| RP- de Moura, ES, Univ Fed Amazonas, Dept Comp Sci, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil| EM-| FU- Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology [MCT/CNPq 573871/2008-6]; FCT IR-BASE [POSC/EIA/58194/2004]| FX- This work was supported by the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for the Web (Grant MCT/CNPq 573871/2008-6), Project FCT IR-BASE (Grant POSC/EIA/58194/2004), Project InfoWeb (MCT/CNPq/CT-INFO 550874/2007-0), Project InWeb (Grant 573871/2008-6 CNPq) Project 5S-VQ (Grant MCT/-CNPq/-CT-INFO 55.1013/2005-2), CNPq Grant 305237/02-0 (Nivio Ziviani), CNPq Grant 302209/2007-7 (Edleno S. de Moura) and CNPq Grant 301043/2006-0 (Marcos Andre Goncalves), Project SIRIAA (Grant MCT/-CNPq/-CT-Amazonia 55.3126/2005-9)| CD- *ACM, 1998, ACM COMP CLASS SYST; ALMIND TC, 1997, V53, P4004, J DOC; AMSLER R, 1972, APPL CITATION BASED; ANGELOVA R, 2006, P485, ACM SIGIR C RES DEV; BICHTELER J, 1980, V31, P278, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIN S, 1998, P107, P 7 INT WORLD WID WE; CALADO P, 2003, P394, P 12 INT C INF KNOWL; CALADO P, 2006, V57, P208, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHAKRABARTI S, 1998, P307, P ACM SIGMOD INT C M; CHANG C, 2001, LIBSVM LIB SUPPORT V; COCHRAN WG, 1977, SAMPLING TECHNIQUES; COHN D, 2001, V13, P430, ADV NEUR IN; COUTO T, 2006, P75, P 6 ACM IEEE CS JOIN; CRISTO M, 2003, V2857, P43, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; DEAN J, 1999, V31, P1467, COMPUT NETW; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; FISHER M, 2003, P41, P ECIR 03 25 EUR C I; FURNKRANZ J, 1999, P487, P 3 S INT DAT AN IDA; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GLOVER EJ, 2002, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; GOVERT N, 1999, P475, P 8 INT C INF KNOWL; HAWKING D, 2001, P61, 10 TEXT RETR C TREC; JOACHIMS T, 1998, P137, P 10 EUR C MACH LEAR; JOACHIMS T, 2001, P250, P 18 INT C MACH LEAR; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P604, J ACM; KUMAR R, 1999, V31, P1481, COMPUT NETW; LARSON RR, 1996, P71, ANN M AMERICAN SOC I; LAWRENCE S, 1999, P392, P 3 INT C AUT AG; LI X, 2007, P419, P 7 ACM JOINT C DIG; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MITCHELL T, 1997, MACHINE LEARNING; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; OH HJ, 2000, P264, P 23 ANN INT ACM SIG; QI X, 2006, P228, P 15 ACM INT C INF K; QIN J, 2000, V51, P166, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SAERENS M, 2002, V14, P21, NEURAL COMPUT; SALTON G, 1963, V10, P440, J ACM; SALTON G, 1988, V24, P513, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SEBASTIANI F, 2002, V34, P47, ACM COMPUT SURV; SHEN D, 2006, P643, P WWW 2006; SLATTERY S, 2000, P17, P 17TH INT C MACHINE; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH AG, 2004, V9, INFORM RES; SUN A, 2002, P96, P 4 INT WORKSH WEB I; TERVEEN L, 1999, V6, P67, ACM T COMPUTER HUMAN; TURTLE H, 1991, V9, P187, ACM T INFORM SYST; VELOSO A, 2006, P218, P 15TH ACM INT C INF; WILCOXON F, 1945, V1, P80, BIOMETRICS; WITTEN IH, 2005, DATA MINING PRACTICA; YANG Y, 1994, P13, P 17 ANN INT ACM SIG; YANG Y, 1999, P42, P 22 ANN INT ACM SIG; YANG YM, 2002, V18, P219, J INTELL INF SYST; ZHANG B, 2005, P 14TH ACM INT C INF| NR- 54| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1386-4564| J9- INF RETR| JI- Inf. Retr| PD- AUG| PY- 2010| VL- 13| IS- 4| BP- 315| EP- 345| DI- 10.1007/s10791-009-9119-7| PG- 31| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems| GA- 634JW| JN- INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, 2010, V13, N4, P315-345| UT- ISI:000280578100001 ER || PT- J| AU- Di Stefano G; Peteraf M; Verona G| AF- Di Stefano Giada; Peteraf, Margaret; Verona, Gianmario| TI- Dynamic capabilities deconstructed: a bibliographic investigation into the origins, development, and future directions of the research domain| SO- INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- RESOURCE-BASED VIEW; GUEST EDITORS INTRODUCTION; STRATEGICMANAGEMENT; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; MULTINATIONAL-ENTERPRISES; INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE; AUTHOR COCITATION; CITATION ANALYSIS; FIRM PERFORMANCE; SPECIAL-ISSUE| AB- This article uses co-citation analysis to explore the structure of the Dynamic Capabilities research domain, to better understand its origins, current state of development, and future directions. Co-citation analysis reveals the field's 'invisible colleges' and research directions. We find evidence of commonalities as well as polarizing differences among understandings across this research domain, suggesting opportunities and challenges for future research| C1- [Di Stefano, Giada; Verona, Gianmario] Bocconi Univ, I-20136 Milan, Italy; [Peteraf, Margaret] Tuck Sch Business Dartmouth, Hanover, NH 03755 USA| RP- Di Stefano, G, Bocconi Univ, Via Roentgen 1, I-20136 Milan, Italy| EM-| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2006, V27, P621, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ADNER R, 2003, V24, P1011, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; AGARWAL R, 2004, V47, P501, ACAD MANAGE J; AMIT R, 2001, V22, P493, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ARAGONCORREA JA, 2003, V28, P71, ACAD MANAGE REV; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BECKER MC, 2004, V13, P643, IND CORP CHANGE; BENNER MJ, 2003, V28, P238, ACAD MANAGE REV; BROWN LD, 1985, V23, P84, J ACCOUNTING RES; CARPENTER MA, 2001, V44, P493, ACAD MANAGE J; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; DANNEELS E, 2002, V23, P1095, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DEEDS DL, 2000, V15, P211, J BUS VENTURING; DUNNING JH, 2010, V19, P1225, IND CORP CHANGE; DUTTON JE, 1997, V18, P407, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; EASTERBYSMITH M, 2009, V20, S1, BRIT J MANAGE; EISENHARDT KM, 2000, V21, P1105, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; FUJIMOTO T, 2000, P244, NATURE DYNAMICS ORG; GALUNIC DC, 2001, V44, P1229, ACAD MANAGE J; GARTNER WB, 2006, V30, P321, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; HELFAT CE, 1997, V18, P339, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; HELFAT CE, 2000, V21, P955, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; HELFAT CE, 2003, V24, P997, STRATEG MANAGE J; HELFAT CE, 2007, DYNAMIC CAPABILITIES; HITT MA, 2001, V22, P479, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; IRELAND RD, 2003, V29, P963, J MANAGE; JACOBIDES MG, 2005, V26, P395, STRATEG MANAGE J; JARZABKOWSKI P, 2004, V25, P529, ORGAN STUD; KAY NM, 2010, V19, P1205, IND CORP CHANGE; KING AA, 2002, V48, P171, MANAGE SCI; KNIGHT GA, 2004, V35, P124, J INT BUS STUD; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LOVALLO D, STRATEGIC M IN PRESS; LUO YD, 2002, V13, P48, ORGAN SCI; MADHOK A, 2002, V23, P535, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; MAHONEY JT, 1995, V33, P91, J BUS RES; MAHONEY JT, 2001, V27, P651, J MANAGE; MAKADOK R, 2001, V22, P387, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MILLER D, 2003, V24, P961, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; PITELIS CN, 2010, V19, P1247, IND CORP CHANGE; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RINDOVA VP, 2001, V44, P1263, ACAD MANAGE J; ROMME AGL, 2010, V19, P1271, IND CORP CHANGE; ROSENBLOOM RS, 2000, V21, P1083, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ROWLANDS I, 1999, V44, P533, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUGMAN AM, 2002, V23, P769, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TEECE D, 1994, V3, P537, IND CORP CHANGE; TEECE DJ, 1997, V18, P509, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TEECE DJ, 2000, V33, P35, LONG RANGE PLANN; TEECE DJ, 2007, V28, P1319, STRATEG MANAGE J; UHLENBRUCK K, 2003, V40, P257, J MANAGE STUD; VEERBEK A, 2002, V4, P179, INT J MANAG REV; VOHORA A, 2004, V33, P147, RES POLICY; WERNERFELT B, 1984, V5, P171, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P326, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WILLIAMSON OE, 1975, MARKETS HIERARCHIES; WINTER SG, 2003, V33, P91, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; WRIGHT PM, 2001, V27, P701, J MANAGE; ZAHRA SA, 2002, V27, P185, ACAD MANAGE REV; ZOLLO M, 2002, V13, P339, ORGAN SCI; ZOLLO M, 2004, V25, P1233, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ZOTT C, 2003, V24, P97, STRATEGIC MANAGE J| NR- 66| TC- 6| PU- OXFORD UNIV PRESS| PI- OXFORD| PA- GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND| SN- 0960-6491| J9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- IND CORP CHANGE| Ind. Corp. Change| AUG| 2010| 19| 4| 1187| 1204| 10.1093/icc/dtq027| 18| Business; Economics; Management| 633WG| INDUSTRIAL AND CORPORATE CHANGE, 2010, V19, N4, P1187-1204| ISI:000280536900008 ER || PT- J| AU- Hofer KM; Smejkal AE; Bilgin FZ; Wuehrer GA| AF- Hofer Katharina Maria; Smejkal, Angela Elisabeth; Bilgin, F. Zeynep; Wuehrer, Gerhard A| TI- Conference proceedings as a matter of bibliometric studies: the Academy of International Business 2006-2008| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Conference proceedings; International business; Methodology; Scientometrics; Content analysis; Theory development| ID- FOREIGN DIRECT-INVESTMENT; CO-WORD ANALYSIS; EMERGING ECONOMIES; GLOBALIZATION; INFORMATION; FIELD; COCITATION; COUNTRIES; RANKING; SCIENCE| AB- This study does a bibliometric analysis based on keywords of conference proceedings. Scientometric investigations of conference proceedings are a new and innovative, not very common approach. The studies and papers presented may be interpreted as early indicators of scientific development. The Academy of International Business (AIB) was chosen for being the leading organization for studies in international business with contributions covering a 3-year period (2006-2008). The study presents the general structure of current scholarly interest in international business studies, clusters the keywords and reflects details on the focused research areas of the papers analyzed. The bibliometric analysis indicates three clusters: the core, the semiperiphery and the periphery. The five most occurring keywords were found to be multinational enterprise, emerging markets, foreign direct investment, internationalization and knowledge management in descending order. The analyses focus on concepts building the core (in total ten keywords), the semi-periphery which is coined by performance and related topics (60 keywords) and the periphery of the studies with governance and specific facets of it (199 keywords)| C1- [Hofer, Katharina Maria; Smejkal, Angela Elisabeth; Wuehrer, Gerhard A.] Johannes Kepler Univ Linz, Dept Retailing Sales & Mkt, A-4040 Linz, Austria; [Bilgin, F. Zeynep] Marmara Univ, Istanbul, Turkey| RP- Hofer, KM, Johannes Kepler Univ Linz, Dept Retailing Sales & Mkt, Altenbergerstr 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria| EM-| CD- 2006, MCKINSEY Q MAR; BARTELS FL, 2005, IWPS 002 05 2005 OUT; BILGIN FZ, 2004, P9, DRIVERS GLOBAL BUSIN; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 0 WINDOWS S; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BUCKLEY PJ, 2002, V33, P365, J INT BUS STUD; BUCKLEY PJ, 2005, P1, WHAT IS INT BUSINESS; BUCKLEY PJ, 2006, P77, MULTINATIONAL ENTERP; BUTLER L, 2006, V66, P327, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHANDRA R, 1997, V6, P387, INT BUSINESS REV; CHANG CH, 2006, V15, P338, PLASMA SOURCES SCI T; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CZINKOTA MR, 2009, MANAGEMENT INT R SPR; DANIELS JD, 2000, V10, P7, ADV INT MAR; DAWAR N, 2002, V35, P457, LONG RANGE PLANN; DEBAKKER FGA, 2005, V44, P283, BUS SOC; DENOOY W, 2005, EXPLORATORY SOCIAL N; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; DUBOIS FL, 2000, V31, P689, J INT BUS STUD; EVERITT BS, 2001, CLUSTER ANAL; FAN CS, 2007, V96, P253, ECON LETT; GAERTLER M, 2007, P115, LARGE SCALE STRUCTUR; GLAENZEL W, 2006, V68, P457, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLOBERMAN S, 2006, V6, P431, INT FINANCE REVIEW; GUGLER P, 2006, V16, P528, INT BUSINESS REV; HANNEMAN RA, 2005, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; KOBRIN SJ, 2005, P38, WHAT IS INT BUSINESS; KRACKHARDT D, 1988, V51, P123, SOC PSYCHOL QUART; KWOK CCY, 2002, V33, P571, J INT BUS STUD; LEONIDOU C, 2008, ENV MARKETING STRATE; LEVY B, 2007, V16, P594, INT BUS REV; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P991, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P1327, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LISEE C, 2008, V59, P1776, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NOORBAKHSH F, 2001, V29, P1593, WORLD DEV; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; PENG MW, 2004, V35, P99, J INT BUS STUD; REHN R, 2006, P11, BIBLIOMETRIC HDB KAR; ROKAYA M, 2008, V44, P738, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ROTH C, 2006, V69, P429, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUGMAN AM, 2007, V25, P333, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STIGLITZ JE, 2004, V26, P465, J POLICY MODEL; STREMERSCH S, 2005, V24, P585, MARKET SCI; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WOO YH, 2006, V3981, P224, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; YAMIN M, 2009, V44, P144, J WORLD BUS; YAPRAK A, 2000, V10, P1, ADV INT MAR| NR- 51| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- SEP| PY- 2010| VL- 84| IS- 3| BP- 845| EP- 862| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0216-6| PG- 18| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 630LK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V84, N3, P845-862| UT- ISI:000280274400021 ER || PT- J| AU- Ma ZZ| AF- Ma Zhenzhong| TI- The Status of Contemporary Business Ethics Research: Present and Future| SO- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- business ethics; citation analysis; corporate social responsibility; ethical decision making; knowledge network| ID- CORPORATE SOCIAL-RESPONSIBILITY; DECISION-MAKING; FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE; AUTHOR COCITATION; MANAGEMENT; MODEL; LINK| AB- This study provides a general overview of contemporary business ethics research of the last 10 years (1997-2006) and discusses potential future research directions in business ethics based on the overview Using citation and co-citation analysis, this study examined the citation data of journal articles, books, and other publications collected in the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), wherein key research themes in business ethics studies in 1997-2006 and correlations between these themes were explored. The results show that major research themes in business ethics have shifted in the last decade from research on ethical decision making and on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate performance to research on stakeholder theory in business ethics and on the relationship between consumer behavior and corporate social responsibility. The results of this study help map the invisible network of knowledge production in business ethics research and provide important insights on future business ethics research| C1- Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada| RP- Ma, ZZ, Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, 401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada| EM-| CD- AUPPERLE KE, 1985, V28, P446, ACAD MANAGE J; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BROWN TJ, 1997, V61, P68, J MARKETING; CARROLL AB, 1979, V4, P497, ACAD MANAGE REV; CARROLL AB, 1999, V38, P268, BUS SOC; DEGEORGE RT, 1987, V6, P201, J BUS ETHICS; DONALDSON T, 1994, V19, P252, ACAD MANAGE REV; DONALDSON T, 1995, V20, P65, ACAD MANAGE REV; DUBINSKY AJ, 1989, V19, P83, J BUS RES; FERRELL OC, 1985, V49, P87, J MARKETING; FREEMAN RE, 1984, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; FREEMAN RE, 1994, V4, P414, BUSINESS ETHICS Q; FRIEDMAN M, 1970, NY TIMES MAGAZI 0913; FRITZSCHE DJ, 1991, V10, P841, J BUS ETHICS; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GLENN JR, 1993, V12, P835, J BUS ETHICS; GRIFFIN JJ, 1997, V36, P5, BUS SOC; HOFSTEDE G, 2001, CULTURES CONSEQUENCE; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1993, V25, P231, INFORM MANAGE; HOSMER LT, 1995, V20, P379, ACAD MANAGE REV; HUNT SD, 1986, V6, P5, J MACROMARKETING; KUHN T, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; MA Z, 2007, V19, P234, INT J CONFL MANAGE; MARGOLIS JD, 2001, PEOPLE PROFITS SEARC; MARGOLIS JD, 2003, V48, P268, ADMIN SCI QUART; MATTEN D, 2005, V30, P166, ACAD MANAGE REV; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCGUIRE JB, 1988, V31, P854, ACAD MANAGE J; MCWILLIAMS A, 2001, V26, P117, ACAD MANAGE REV; MERTON R, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; MITCHELL RK, 1997, V22, P853, ACAD MANAGE REV; ORLITZKY M, 2003, V24, P403, ORGAN STUD; ORLITZKY M, 2005, V7, P37, U AUCKLAND BUSINESS; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P288, TECHNOVATION; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAWLS J, 1971, THEORY JUSTICE; ROBERTSON CJ, 2008, V80, P745, J BUS ETHICS; SEN S, 2001, V38, P225, J MARKETING RES; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; STARK A, 1993, V71, P38, HARVARD BUS REV; TREVINO LK, 1986, V11, P601, ACAD MANAGE REV; WADDOCK SA, 1997, V18, P303, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WOOD DJ, 1991, V16, P691, ACAD MANAGE REV| NR- 46| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0167-4544| J9- J BUS ETHICS| JI- J. Bus. Ethics| PD- DEC| PY- 2009| VL- 90| SU- Suppl. 3| BP- 255| EP- 265| DI- 10.1007/s10551-010-0420-6| PG- 11| SC- Business; Ethics| GA- 622MF| JN- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 2009, V90, N3, P255-265| UT- ISI:000279667200002 ER || PT- J| AU- Tsai WP; Wu CH| AF- Tsai Wenpin; Wu, Chia-hung| TI- KNOWLEDGE COMBINATION: A COCITATION ANALYSIS| SO- ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL| LA- English| DT- Editorial Material| ID- HUMAN-RESOURCE MANAGEMENT; ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE; ABSORPTIVECAPACITY; INNOVATION; TECHNOLOGY; ROUTINES; BARRIERS; IMPACT; FIRMS| C1- [Tsai, Wenpin] Penn State Univ, University Pk, PA 16802 USA; [Wu, Chia-hung] Natl Tsing Hua Univ, Hsinchu, Taiwan| RP- Tsai, WP, Penn State Univ, University Pk, PA 16802 USA| CD- BARLEY SR, 1986, V31, P78, ADMIN SCI QUART; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BECKER B, 1996, V39, P779, ACAD MANAGE J; BERGER P, 1966, SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION; COHEN WM, 1990, V35, P128, ADMIN SCI QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DESS GG, 1984, V27, P467, ACAD MANAGE J; DOUGHERTY D, 1992, V3, P179, ORGAN SCI; EDMONDSON AC, 1999, V4, P350, ADM SCI Q; EDMONDSON AC, 2001, V46, P685, ADMIN SCI QUART; FELDMAN MS, 2003, V48, P94, ADMIN SCI QUART; HACKMAN JR, 1995, V40, P309, ADMIN SCI QUART; HUSELID MA, 1995, V38, P635, ACAD MANAGE J; KIESLER S, 1982, V27, P548, ADM SCI Q; KILDUFF M, 2006, V31, P1031, ACAD MANAGE REV; KIMBERLY JR, 1981, V24, P689, ACAD MANAGE J; KOGUT B, 1992, V3, P383, ORGAN SCI; KOGUT B, 1996, V7, P502, ORGAN SCI; KUHN TS, 1996, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAKATOS I, 1970, FALSIFICATION METHOD; LOUIS MR, 1980, V25, P226, ADM SCI Q; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MINER AS, 2001, V46, P304, ADMIN SCI QUART; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; NERKAR A, 2003, V49, P211, MANAGE SCI; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P391, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; PFEFFER J, 1993, V18, P599, ACAD MANAGE REV; SALANCIK GR, 1977, V22, P427, ADM SCI Q; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHUMPETER JA, 1934, THEORY EC DEV; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SNOW CC, 1980, V25, P317, ADM SCI Q; TSAI WP, 2001, V44, P996, ACAD MANAGE J; VANMAANEN J, 1995, V6, P132, ORGAN SCI| NR- 34| TC- 0| PU- ACAD MANAGEMENT| PI- BRIARCLIFF MANOR| PA- PACE UNIV, PO BOX 3020, 235 ELM RD, BRIARCLIFF MANOR, NY 10510-8020 USA| SN- 0001-4273| J9- ACAD MANAGE J| JI- Acad. Manage. J| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 53| IS- 3| BP- 441| EP- 450| PG- 10| SC- Business; Management| GA- 621RR| JN- ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2010, V53, N3, P441-450| UT- ISI:000279600500001 ER || PT- J| AU- Greene D; Freyne J; Smyth B; Cunningham P| AF- Greene Derek; Freyne, Jill; Smyth, Barry; Cunningham, Padraig| TI- An Analysis of Current Trends in CBR Research Using Multiview Clustering| SO- AI MAGAZINE| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- LEARNING SIMILARITY MEASURES; CASE-BASES; COCITATION ANALYSIS; REASONING SYSTEMS; AUTHOR COCITATION; CASE RETRIEVAL; KNOWLEDGE; ARCHITECTURE; EXPLANATION; ADAPTATION| AB- The European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) in 2008 marked 15 years of international and European CBR conferences where almost seven hundred research papers were published. In this report we review the research themes covered in these papers and identify the topics that are active at the moment. The main mechanism for this analysis is a clustering of the research papers based on both cocitation links and text similarity. It is interesting to note that the core set of papers has attracted citations from almost three thousand papers outside the conference collection so it is clear that the CBR conferences are a subpart of a much larger whole. It is remarkable that the research themes revealed by this analysis do not map directly to the subtopics of CBR that might appear in a textbook. Instead they reflect the applicationsoriented focus of CBR research, and cover the promising application areas and research challenges that are faced| C1- [Greene, Derek; Smyth, Barry; Cunningham, Padraig] Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Comp Sci & Informat, Dublin, Ireland; [Freyne, Jill] CSIRO, ICT Ctr, Hobart, Tas, Australia| RP- Greene, D, Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Comp Sci & Informat, Dublin, Ireland| FU- Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) [05/IN.1/I24, 08/SRC/I1407]| FX- This work was part supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Grant Nos. 05/IN.1/I24 and 08/SRC/I1407| CD- AAMODT A, 1993, V837, P274, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; AHA DW, 1997, V1266, P267, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; AHA DW, 1998, V1488, P262, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; ARCOS JL, 1993, V837, P289, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; ARMENGOL E, 1994, P2, ADV CASE BASED REASO; BACCIGALUPO C, 2007, V4626, P433, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BANDINI S, 2001, V2080, P634, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BENTO C, 1994, V984, P33, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; BERGMANN R, 1998, V1488, P25, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BERGMANN R, 2006, V4106, P271, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BONZANO A, 1997, V1266, P291, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BORNER K, 1996, V1168, P58, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BRADLEY K, 2004, V3155, P518, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BRIDGE D, 2002, V2416, P291, LNCS LNAI; BRUNINGHAUS S, 1997, V1266, P303, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BRUNINGHAUS S, 2001, V2080, P74, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BUNKE H, 1993, V837, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; CARBONELL J, 1991, V2, P51, SIGART B; CHEETHAM W, 2004, V3155, P106, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; COYLE L, 2008, UCDCSI20088; CUNNINGHAM P, 2003, V2689, P122, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; DFAZAGUDO B, 2001, V2080, P158, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; DIAZAGUDO B, 2002, V2416, P73, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; DIMITRIADOU E, 2002, V16, P901, INT J PATTERN RECOGN; DOYLE D, 2004, V3155, P157, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; DOYLE M, 2000, V1898, P323, LNCS LNAI; FALTINGS B, 1997, V1266, P611, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; FLINTER S, 1995, V1010, P421, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GABEL T, 2004, V3155, P169, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOKER M, 2000, V1898, P29, LNCS LNAI; GOMES P, 2000, V1898, P112, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GOMEZMARTIN PP, 2005, V3620, P267, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GRACHTEN M, 2004, V3155, P601, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; GREENE D, 2008, V5239, P18, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GREENE D, 2008, P 8 INT C BIOINF BIO; GRIMNES M, 1996, V1168, P164, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GU MY, 2005, V3620, P296, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; GUPTA KM, 2002, V2416, P175, LNCS LNAI; HAMMOND KJ, 1986, P267, P AAAI 86; HAYES C, 2005, V3620, P312, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; HE YL, 2002, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HEISTER F, 1998, V1488, P221, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; JAERE MD, 2002, V2416, P225, LNCS LNAI; JARMULAK J, 1997, V1266, P43, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; KAMP G, 1997, V1266, P223, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; KOLODNER JL, 1991, V12, P52, AI MAG; KOLODNER JL, 1993, V837, P3, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; LAMONTAGNE L, 2004, V3155, P242, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; LEAKE DB, 1998, V1488, P196, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; LENZ M, 1996, V1168, P219, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MACEDO L, 2004, V3155, P272, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; MACURA RT, 1995, V1010, P43, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MARLING C, 2001, V2080, P702, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MCGINTY L, 2003, V2689, P1065, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MCSHERRY D, 1998, V1488, P184, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MCSHERRY D, 2002, V2416, P27, LNCS LNAI; MCSHERRY D, 2003, V2689, P1067, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; MCSHERRY D, 2004, V3155, P317, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; MONTANI S, 2000, V1898, P213, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; MOUGOUIE B, 2003, V2689, P1064, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; MUKKAMALLA S, 2002, V2416, P264, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; MURLOZAVILA HA, 1999, V1650, P721, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; NAKATANI Y, 1993, V837, P313, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; NAKHAEIZADEH G, 1993, P837, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; NEAGU N, 2001, V2080, P74, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; NEAGU N, 2003, V1066, P1066, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; NETTEN BD, 1995, V1010, P67, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; OPIYO ETO, 1995, V1010, P77, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; OSBORNE H, 1997, V1266, P235, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; OSBORNE HR, 1996, V1168, P309, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; PERNER P, 1999, V1650, P724, LNCS LNAI; PLAZA E, 1995, V1010, P265, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; PORTINALE L, 1999, V1650, P718, LNCS LNAI; RACINE K, 1997, V1266, P553, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; REINARTZ T, 2000, V1898, P249, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; RICHARDS B, 1994, V984, P126, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; RISSLAND EL, 1984, P288, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; RISSLAND EL, 2006, V4106, P1, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SCHAAF JW, 1996, V1168, P362, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SCHANK RC, 1989, V40, P353, ARTIF INTELL; SCHMIDT R, 1999, V1650, P723, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; SCHOLKOPF B, 1998, V10, P1299, NEURAL COMPUT; SEBAG M, 1993, V837, P119, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; SEITZ A, 1999, V1650, P318, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SMYTH B, 1993, V837, P209, LNCS; SMYTH B, 1998, V1488, P208, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SMYTH B, 1999, V1650, P343, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SMYTH B, 2000, V1898, P1, LNCS LNAI; SMYTH B, 2001, V2080, P347, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; SORMO F, 2005, V3620, P492, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; STAHL A, 2001, V2080, P74, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; STAHL A, 2003, V2689, P1064, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; STAHL A, 2005, V3620, P507, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; STAHL A, 2006, V4106, P355, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; STANFILL C, 1986, V29, P1213, COMMUN ACM; STREHL A, 2002, V583, P617, J MACHINE LEARNING R; SURMA J, 1998, V1488, P233, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; TOBUDIC A, 2003, V3620, P579, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; TROTT JR, 1997, V1266, P178, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; VOLLRATH I, 2000, V1898, P403, LNCS LNAI; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WESS S, 1993, V837, P181, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; WETTSCHERECK D, 1995, V1010, P347, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WIRATUNGA N, 2004, V3155, P806, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; WISWEDEL B, 2007, V45, P439, INT J APPROX REASON| NR- 107| TC- 0| PU- AMER ASSOC ARTIFICIAL INTELL| PI- MENLO PK| PA- 445 BURGESS DRIVE, MENLO PK, CA 94025-3496 USA| SN- 0738-4602| J9- AI MAG| JI- AI Mag| PD- SUM| PY- 2010| VL- 31| IS- 2| BP- 45| EP- 61| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence| GA- 617HL| JN- AI MAGAZINE, 2010, V31, N2, P45-61| UT- ISI:000279271500004 ER || PT- J| AU- Chen CM; Ibekwe-SanJuan F; Hou JH| AF- Chen Chaomei; Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia; Hou, Jianhua| TI- The Structure and Dynamics of Cocitation Clusters: A MultiplePerspective Cocitation Analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; RESEARCH FRONTS; COMBINING BIBLIOMETRICS; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; RELEVANCE THEORY; CONCEPT SYMBOLS; GOOGLE SCHOLAR; KNOWLEDGE; NETWORKS; WEB| AB- A multiple-perspective cocitation analysis method is introduced for characterizing and interpreting the structure and dynamics of cocitation clusters. The method facilitates analytic and sense making tasks by integrating network visualization, spectral clustering, automatic cluster labeling, and text summarization. Cocitation networks are decomposed into cocitation clusters. The interpretation of these clusters is augmented by automatic cluster labeling and summarization The method focuses on the interrelations between a cocitation cluster's members and their citers. The generic method is applied to a three-part analysis of the field of information science as defined by 12 journals published between 1996 and 2008: (a) a comparative author cocitation analysis (ACA), (b) a progressive ACA of a time series of cocitation networks, and (c) a progressive document cocitation analysis (DCA) Results show that the multiple-perspective method increases the interpretability and accountability of both ACA and DCA networks| C1- [Chen, Chaomei] Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Ibekwe-SanJuan, Fidelia] Univ Lyon 3, ELICO, F-69008 Lyon, France; [Hou, Jianhua] Dalian Univ Technol, WISELAB, Dalian, Peoples R China| RP- Chen, CM, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, 3141 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| FU- National Science Foundation [IIS-0612129]| FX- This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant IIS-0612129. We wish to thank Eric SanJuan of the University of Avignon, France, for implementing the Enertex sentence ranking algorithm used in this study; Howard White, Drexel University, for his detailed and constructive comments on an earlier draft; Dangzhi Zhao and Andreas Strotmann of the University of Alberta, Canada, for providing detailed factor loading results of their factor analysis for the comparative ACA and for their comments on an earlier draft of the article; and anonymous reviewers for their detailed reviews. Special thanks to Zeyuan Liu and members of the WISELAB at Dalian University of Technology, China, for their valuable feedback based on their extensive use of earlier versions of CiteSpace| CD- ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARILAN J, 2008, V74, P257, SCIENTOMETRICS; BATAGELJ V, 1998, V21, P47, CONNECTIONS; BENHUR A, 2002, P6, PAC S BIOC; BONACICH P, 1987, V92, P1170, AM J SOCIOL; BRANDES U, 2001, V25, P163, J MATH SOCIOL; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CARMEL D, 2009, P139, P 32 ANN INT ACM; CHEN C, 2005, P98, P P INT C INT US INT; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2008, V67, P234, DATA KNOWL ENG; CHEN CM, 2009, V24, P74, IEEE INTELL SYST; CHEN Y, 2009, V3, P209, IET COMMUN; CRONIN B, 1981, V3, P27, J INFORM SCI; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DUNNING T, 1993, V19, P61, COMPUTATIONAL LINGUI; FERNANDEZ S, 2007, P861, P 6 MEX INT C ART IN; FISZMAN M, 2009, V42, P801, J BIOMED INFORM; FREEMAN LC, 1977, V40, P35, SOCIOMETRY; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; IBEKWESANJUAN F, 2009, P ANN M AM SOC INF S; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P547, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JONES KS, 1999, P2, ADV AUTOMATIC TEXT S; KISS C, 2008, V46, P233, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; KLAVANS R, 2009, P265, P 12 INT C SCI INF I; KLEINBERG J, 2002, P91, P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C; KUMAR R, 2003, P568, P 12 INT C WORLD WID; LANE J, 2009, V324, P1273, SCIENCE; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MEHO LI, 2007, V58, P2105, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MIHALCEA R, 2004, P8, P C EMP METH NAT LAN; MORRIS S, 2002, V43, P841, COMPUT IND ENG; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2008, V42, P213, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, V103, P8577, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NG AY, 2002, V14, P849, ADV NEUR IN; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RADEV D, 2004, V22, P457, J ARTIFICIAL INTELLI; ROUSSEEUW PJ, 1987, V20, P53, J COMPUT APPL MATH; SALTON G, 1975, V18, P613, COMMUN ACM; SCHMID H, 1999, P13, NATURAL LANGUAGE PRO; SCHNEIDER JW, 2006, V68, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHNEIDER JW, 2009, P443, P ISSI 2009; SCHNEIDER JW, 2009, V80, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHI JB, 2000, V22, P888, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; SHIBATA N, 2008, V28, P758, TECHNOVATION; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1986, V10, P95, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TABAH AN, 1999, V34, P249, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; TEUFEL S, 2002, V28, P409, COMPUT LINGUIST; VONLUXBURG U, 2006, TUTORIAL SPECTRAL CL; VONLUXBURG U, 2009, LIMITS SPECTRAL CLUS; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2007, V58, P536, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2007, V58, P583, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WITTEN IH, 1999, DATA MINING PRACTICA; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P2070, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZINS C, 2007, V58, P335, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZINS C, 2007, V58, P479, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZINS C, 2007, V58, P526, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZINS C, 2007, V58, P645, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 74| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 7| BP- 1386| EP- 1409| DI- 10.1002/asi.21309| PG- 24| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 615QV| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N7, P1386-1409| UT- ISI:000279151600007 ER || PT- J| AU- Thelwall M; Klitkou A; Verbeek A; Stuart D; Vincent C| AF- Thelwall Mike; Klitkou, Antje; Verbeek, Arnold; Stuart, David; Vincent, Celine| TI- Policy-Relevant Webometrics for Individual Scientific Fields| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- WEB-SITE INTERLINKING; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; IMPACT FACTORS; ACADEMIC WEB; AUTHOR COCITATION; SEARCH ENGINES; COMMUNICATION; CITATIONS; LINKS; COLLABORATION| AB- Despite over 10 years of research there is no agreement on the most suitable roles for Webometric indicators in support of research policy and almost no field-based Webometrics. This article partly fills these gaps by analyzing the potential of policy-relevant Webometrics for individual scientific fields with the help of 4 case studies. Although Webometrics cannot provide robust indicators of knowledge flows or research impact, it can provide some evidence of networking and mutual awareness. The scope of Webometrics is also relatively wide, including not only research organizations and firms but also intermediary groups like professional associations, Web portals, and government agencies Webometrics can, therefore, provide evidence about the research process to compliment peer review, bibliometric, and patent indicators: tracking the early, mainly prepublication development of new fields and research funding initiatives, assessing the role and impact of intermediary organizations and the need for new ones, and monitoring the extent of mutual awareness in particular research areas| C1- [Thelwall, Mike; Stuart, David] Wolverhampton Univ, Stat Cybermetr Res Grp, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, England; [Klitkou, Antje] NIFU STEP Norwegian Inst Studies Innovat Res & Ed, N0686 Oslo, Norway; [Verbeek, Arnold; Vincent, Celine] IDEA Consult, B1210 Brussels, Belgium| RP- Thelwall, M, Wolverhampton Univ, Stat Cybermetr Res Grp, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, England| EM-| FU- European Commission ; European Commission Services FX This article is based on the project "The use of Webometries for the analysis of knowledge flows within the European Research Area," funded by the European Commission, DG Research, Unit C3 Economic analysis and monitoring of national research policies and the Lisbon strategy PP-CTM2-2005-0001, for 126,425 Euros. We thank the European Commission Services for its financial support. Moreover, we thank Mrs. Maud Skaringer, the European Commission project officer, for her constructive and valuable suggestions. We also thank Sylvan Katz, Ismael Rafols and Mark Knell for help with the study. The opinions expressed in the article are those of the authors and do not represent the Commission's official position| CD- *EUR COMM, 2008, MOR RES INT INT EUR; AGUILLO IF, 1998, P239, P ONL INF 98 LOND; AGUILLO IF, 2006, V57, P1296, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALMIND TC, 1997, V53, P404, J DOC; BARILAN J, 1999, SEARCH ENGINE RESULT; BARILAN J, 2001, V50, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2004, V38, P231, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BARJAK F, 2007, V58, P200, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BECHER T, 2001, ACAD TRIBES TERRITOR; BEKKERS R, 2008, V37, P1837, RES POLICY; BJORNEBORN L, 2001, V50, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, V55, P1216, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALVERT J, 2003, V30, P85, SCI PUBL POLICY; COTHEY V, 2004, V55, P1228, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; FRY J, 2006, V10, CYBERMETRICS; GAIRIN JMR, 1997, V20, P175, REV ESP DOC CIENT; GARFIELD E, 1999, V161, P979, CAN MED ASSOC J; GEISLER E, 2000, METRICS SCI TECHNOLO; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; HEIMERIKS G, 2006, V10, CYBERMETRICS; HOLMBERG K, 2009, V79, P157, SCIENTOMETRICS; INGWERSEN P, 1998, V54, P236, J DOC; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLING R, 2000, V51, P1306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KOUSHA K, 2006, V68, P501, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOUSHA K, 2007, V58, P1055, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAMIREL JC, 2004, V61, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P991, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MATZAT U, 2001, THESIS U GRONINGEN N; MATZAT U, 2004, V26, P221, SOC NETWORKS; METTROP W, 2001, V57, P623, J DOC; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; NENTWICH M, 2003, CYBERSCIENCE RES AGE; OPPENHEIM C, 2000, P405, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; ORTEGA JL, 2008, V74, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PRIME C, 2002, V54, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROSSI F, 2006, INT WORKSH WEB INF S; ROUSSEAU R, 1999, V2, CYBERMETRICS; SHAW D, 2001, V6, 1 MONDAY; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH AG, 1999, V55, P577, J DOC; STOKES DE, 1997, PASTEURS QUADRANT BA; STUART D, 2007, V33, P231, J INF SCI; TANG R, 2003, V25, P437, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; THELWALL M, 2001, V52, P1157, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2001, V27, P319, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2002, V53, P995, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2004, V55, P149, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; VANIMPE S, 2006, V57, P422, INFORM WISSENSCHAFT; VAUGHAN L, 2002, V54, P356, ASLIB PROC; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P1313, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V56, P1075, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V61, P467, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2009, V60, P1083, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WILKINSON D, 2003, V29, P49, J INFORM SCI| NR- 65| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 7| BP- 1464| EP- 1475| DI- 10.1002/asi.21345| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 615QV| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N7, P1464-1475| UT- ISI:000279151600011 ER || PT- J| AU- Linderman K; Chandrasekaran A| AF- Linderman Kevin; Chandrasekaran, Aravind| TI- The scholarly exchange of knowledge in Operations Management| SO- JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Knowledge; Citation analysis; Co-citations interpretive methods; Inter-disciplinary; Citation exchange among disciplines| ID- MARKETING JOURNALS; CITATION ANALYSIS; ARTICLE IMPACT; DISCIPLINES; QUALITY; SCIENCE; AUTHOR; POM| AB- A number of studies have investigated the quality of journals in Operations Management. This research steps back from these studies and investigates the exchange of ideas within Operations Management journals and between other management disciplines (Management, Marketing, and Finance) during the last decade (1998-2007). Journal citation metrics provide a measure for the exchange of scholarly ideas Operations Management (OM) journals show a willingness to cross-pollinate ideas with other management disciplines. But, they also tend to have a higher level of self citations and lower level of within discipline citation exchanges when compared to other management disciplines. As a result, Operations Management journals may reflect methodological silos in the field that could potentially dampen scholarly exchange. In general, increasing the diversity of scholarly exchanges within Operations Management, and conducting more cross-disciplinary research with other management disciples should improve the scholarly development of Operations Management. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved| C1- [Linderman, Kevin] Univ Minnesota, Carlson Sch Management, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA; [Chandrasekaran, Aravind] Ohio State Univ, Fisher Coll Business, Columbus, OH 43210 USA| RP- Linderman, K, Univ Minnesota, Carlson Sch Management, Minneapolis, MN 55455 USA| EM-| CD- AGARWAL R, 2007, V50, P1304, ACAD MANAGE J; AGARWAL VK, 2002, V11, P101, PRODUCTION OPERATION; BARMAN S, 1991, V10, P194, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; BARMAN S, 2001, V19, P367, J OPER MANAG; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BERGH DD, 2006, V27, P81, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BIRD A, 1998, PHILOS SCI FUNDAMENT; BOROKHOVICH KA, 2000, V55, P1457, J FINANC; CHEN CR, 2007, V13, P1008, J CORP FINANC; CHEN H, 2005, V51, P1015, MANAGE SCI; COE R, 1984, V27, P660, ACAD MANAGE J; COLE JR, 1973, SOCIAL STRATIFICATIO; CONLON DE, 2006, V49, P857, ACAD MANAGE J; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; CROSON R, 2003, V12, P1, PROD OPER MANAG; DAFT RL, 2003, ORG THEORY DESIGN; DIEKS D, 1976, V6, P247, SOC STUD SCI; FRANKE RH, 1990, V11, P243, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; GARFIELD E, 1994, V5, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GORMAN MF, 2005, V17, P3, MANUFACTURING SERVIC; GUIDRY JA, 2004, V15, P45, MARKETING ED REV; HOPP WJ, 2004, V50, P1, MANAGE SCI; JACOBS RF, 2006, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; JUDGE TA, 2007, V50, P491, ACAD MANAGE J; LIGHTMAN S, 2000, V26, P183, J ACAD LEADERSHIP; LOCKETT A, 2005, V14, P139, J MANAGE INQUIRY; LUKKA K, 1996, V21, P755, ACCOUNT ORG SOC; MALHOTRA MK, 1998, V16, P407, J OPER MANAG; MARTIN BR, 1983, V12, P61, RES POLICY; MCFADYEN MA, 2004, V47, P735, ACAD MANAGE J; MCVEIGH ME, 2002, J SELF CITATION J CI; MERCHANT KA, 2003, V281, P251, ORG SOC; MERTON RK, 1965, SHOULDERS GIANTS POS; MOWERY DC, 2002, V48, P5, MANAGE SCI; NERUR S, 2005, V48, P71, COMMUN ACM; ONEILL J, 2000, V13, P105, LEARN PUBL; PIERCE SJ, 1990, DISCIPLINARY WORK IN; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PRICE DJD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAMSAY I, 1998, V26, P298, AUSTR BUSINESS LAW R; RINIA EJ, 2002, V54, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROBBINS SP, 2003, ORG BEHAV; ROUSSEAU R, 1992, V48, P79, J DOC; SARTON G, 1936, STUDY HIST SCI; SCHROEDER RG, 2007, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; SCHULTZ KL, 1999, V45, P1664, MANAGE SCI; SIMON H, 1976, ADM BEHAV STUDY DECI; STEPHAN PE, 1991, V21, P351, SOC STUD SCI; STEVENSON QJ, 2007, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; SWINK M, 2009, V16, P14, POMS CHRONICLE; TAHAI A, 1999, V20, P279, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TELLIS GJ, 1999, V36, P120, J MARKETING RES; VANDEVEN AH, 2007, ENGAGED SCHOLARSHIP; VASTAG G, 2002, V30, P109, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; WU DY, 2006, V24, P839, J OPER MANAG; WU ZH, 2005, V24, P27, J OPER MANAG; ZINKHAN GM, 1992, V19, P282, J CONSUM RES| NR- 57| TC- 0| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0272-6963| J9- J OPER MANAG| JI- J. Oper. Manag| PD- JUL| PY- 2010| VL- 28| IS- 4| BP- 357| EP- 366| DI- 10.1016/j.jom.2009.11.012| PG- 10| SC- Management; Operations Research & Management Science| GA- 613HF| JN- JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 2010, V28, N4, P357-366| UT- ISI:000278969300006 ER || PT- J| AU- van Eck NJ; Waltman L| AF- van Eck Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo| TI- Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometric mapping; Science mapping; Visualization; VOSviewer; VOS; Journal co-citation analysis| ID- COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FIELD; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; SCIENCE; MAPS; GRAPHS| AB- We present VOSviewer, a freely available computer program that we have developed for constructing and viewing bibliometric maps. Unlike most computer programs that are used for bibliometric mapping, VOSviewer pays special attention to the graphical representation of bibliometric maps. The functionality of VOSviewer is especially useful for displaying large bibliometric maps in an easy-to-interpret way. The paper consists of three parts. In the first part, an overview of VOSviewer's functionality for displaying bibliometric maps is provided In the second part, the technical implementation of specific parts of the program is discussed. Finally, in the third part, VOSviewer's ability to handle large maps is demonstrated by using the program to construct and display a co-citation map of 5,000 major scientific journals| C1- [van Eck, Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo] Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands; [van Eck, Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo] Erasmus Univ, Inst Econometr, Erasmus Sch Econ, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| RP- van Eck, NJ, Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, Leiden, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOLLEN J, 2009, V4, P4803, PLOS ONE; BORG I, 2005, MODERN MULTIDIMENSIO; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DAVIDSON GS, 2001, P23, P IEEE INF VIS 2001; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DENOOY W, 2005, EXPLORATORY SOCIAL N; EILERS PHC, 2004, V20, P623, BIOINFORMATICS; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GARFIELD E, 2009, V3, P173, J INFORMETR; HUISMAN M, 2005, P270, MODELS METHODS SOCIA; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOPCSA A, 1998, V49, P7, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1988, V15, P337, COMPUT MATH APPL; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SCOTT DW, 1992, MULTIVARIATE DENSITY; SKUPIN A, 2004, V101, P5274, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANECK NJ, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; VANECK NJ, 2006, V1, P6, IEEE COMPUT INTELL M; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; VANECK NJ, 2007, P299, ST CLASS DAT ANAL; VANECK NJ, 2008, 10 INT C SCI TECHN I; VANECK NJ, 2009, V60, P1635, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANLIERE R, 2003, V9, P206, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 37| TC- 3| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- AUG| PY- 2010| VL- 84| IS- 2| BP- 523| EP- 538| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0146-3| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 609YT| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V84, N2, P523-538| UT- ISI:000278695500019 ER || PT- J| AU- Quirin A; Cordon O; Vargas-Quesada B; de Moya-Anegon F| AF- Quirin Arnaud; Cordon, Oscar; Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; de MoyaAnegon, Felix| TI- Graph-based data mining: A new tool for the analysis and comparison of scientific domains represented as scientograms| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Domain analysis; Social networks; Scientograms; Graph-based data mining; Scientogram mining; Subdue algorithm| ID- SCIENCE-CITATION-INDEX; COCITATION NETWORKS; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; MAPS; ALGORITHM; SPECIALTIES; LITERATURES; CATEGORIES; EVOLUTION| AB- The creation of some kind of representations depicting the current state of Science (or scientograms) is an established and beaten track for many years now. However, if we are concerned with the automatic comparison, analysis and understanding of a set of scientograms, showing for instance the evolution of a scientific domain or a face-to-face comparison of several countries, the task is titanically complex as the amount of data to analyze becomes huge and complex. In this paper, we aim to show that graph-based data mining tools are useful to deal with scientogram analysis. Subdue, the first algorithm proposed in the graph mining area, has been chosen for this purpose This algorithm has been customized to deal with three different scientogram analysis tasks regarding the evolution of a scientific domain over time, the extraction of the common research categories substructures in the world, and the comparison of scientific domains between different countries. The outcomes obtained in the developed experiments have clearly demonstrated the potential of graph mining tools in scientogram analysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Quirin, Arnaud; Cordon, Oscar] European Ctr Soft Comp, Mieres 33600, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin] Univ Granada, Commun & Informat Sci Fac, E-18071 Granada, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin] CSIC, Unidad Asociada, Grp Scimago, Granada 18071, Spain; [de Moya-Anegon, Felix] CSIC, CCHS, IPP, Madrid 28037, Spain| RP- Cordon, O, European Ctr Soft Comp, Edf Cient Tecnol, Mieres 33600, Spain| EM-| CD- BORGELT C, 2002, P51, IEEE INT C DAT MIN I; BORNER K, 2009, V3, P161, J INFORMETR; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2008, V2, P173, J INFORMETR; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P45, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2009, V3, P191, J INFORMETR; CHITTIMORI R, 1999, P959, 16 NAT C ART INT 11; COOK DJ, 1994, V1, P231, J ARTIFICIAL INTELLI; COOK DJ, 2000, V15, P32, IEEE INTELL SYST APP; COOK DJ, 2006, MINING GRAPH DATA; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, STUDIES KNOWLEDGE OR; DERTHICK M, 1991, P565, 9 NAT C ART INT AN; DESHPANDE M, 2002, P11, 2 WORKSH DAT MIN BIO; FUKUNAGA K, 1990, INTRO STAT PATTERN R; GONZALEZ JA, 2000, P86, 13 ANN FLOR ART INT; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; GROSSMAN DA, 1998, INFORM RETRIEVAL ALG; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2009, V32, P9, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN; HOLDER L, 2005, V6, P83, FUNDAMENTA INFORM SP; HOLDER LB, 1994, P169, AAAI WORKSH KNOWL DI; HOLDER LB, 2005, V2, P943, ENCY DATA WAREHOUSIN; HUAN J, 2003, P549, 3 IEEE INT C DAT MIN; HUAN J, 2004, P581, 10 ACM SIGKDD INT C; HUAN J, 2004, P308, 8 ANN INT C RES COMP; INOKUCHI A, 2000, P13, 4 EUR C PRINC PRACT; JACCARD P, 1912, V11, P37, NEW PHYTOL; JONYER I, 2001, V2, P19, J MACHINE LEARNING R; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KEIM DA, 2002, V8, P1, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2009, V60, P455, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOYUTURK M, 2004, V20, P200, BIOINFORMATICS; KUKLUK J, 2007, P44, INT C BIOINF COMP BI; KURAMOCHI M, 2001, P313, ICDM; LECLERC YG, 1989, V3, P73, INT J COMPUT VISION; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V71, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P1810, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LOWERRE BT, 1976, THESIS CARNEGIE MELL; LUCIOARIAS D, 2008, V59, P1948, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NIJSSEN S, 2004, P647, 10 ACM SIGKDD INT C; PEDNAULT EPD, 1989, P1603, 11 INT JOINT C ART I; PENTLAND A, 1989, V1, P82, NEURAL COMPUT; QUINLAN JR, 1989, V80, P227, INFORM COMPUT; QUIRIN A, 2008, V44, P1611, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; QUIRIN A, 2008, V59, P1912, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAKHSHAN A, 2004, V13, P27, INT J ARTIFICIAL INT; RAO RB, 1992, P717, 10 NAT C ART INT MEN; RISSANEN J, 1989, STOCHASTIC COMPLEXIT; ROUSSEAU R, 1998, V34, P87, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; SALTON G, 1979, V22, P146, IEEE T PROF COMMUN; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANETIK N, 2002, P458, IEEE INT C DAT MIN I; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WALLACE ML, 2009, V60, P240, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WASHIO T, 2003, V5, P59, SIGKDD EXPLORATIONS; YAN X, 2002, P721, ICDM; YAN X, 2003, P286, 9 ACM SIGKDD INT C K; YAN X, 2004, P335, ACM SIGMOD INT C MAN| NR- 69| TC- 0| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PD- JUL| PY- 2010| VL- 4| IS- 3| BP- 291| EP- 312| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2010.01.004| PGSCGAJNUT- 22| Information Science & Library Science| 607YQ| JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2010, V4, N3, P291-312| ISI:000278543600009 ER || PT- J| AU- Persson O| AF- Persson Olle| TI- Identifying research themes with weighted direct citation links| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Weighted direct citation links; Shared inlinks and outlinks; Mapping; Library and information science| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INFORMATION-RETRIEVAL; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; RESEARCH FRONTS; ALL-AUTHOR; SCIENCE; OBSOLESCENCE; NETWORKS; PATTERNS; DESIGN| AB- In this study direct citations are weighted with shared references and co-citations in an attempt to decompose a citation network of articles on the subject of library and information science. The resulting maps have much in common with author co-citation maps that have been previously presented. However, using direct citations yields somewhat more detail in terms of detecting sub-domains. Reducing the network down to the strongest links of each article yielded the best results in terms of a high number of clusters, each with a substantial number of articles similar in content. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Umea Univ, Dept Sociol, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden| RP- Persson, O, Umea Univ, Dept Sociol, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden| EM-| CD- *PAJEK, 2009, PAJ PROGR LARG NETW; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BATES MJ, 1986, V37, P357, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BELKIN NJ, 1982, V38, P61, J DOC; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN HC, 1991, V27, P405, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; FANG Y, 2001, V50, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; HUMMON NP, 1989, V11, P39, SOC NETWORKS; INGWERSEN P, 1996, V52, P3, J DOC; KLAVANS R, 2009, 12 INT C INT SOC FOR; KUHLTHAU CC, 1991, V42, P361, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LARSON RR, 1991, V42, P197, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LINE MB, 1970, V26, P46, J DOC; LINE MB, 1974, V30, P283, J DOC; LUCIOARIAS D, 2008, V59, P1948, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2009, P9, CELEBRATING SCHOLARL; PORTER MF, 1980, V14, P130, PROGRAM; SANDISON A, 1971, V27, P184, J DOC; SHIBATA N, 2009, V60, P571, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2009, V79, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILSON TD, 1999, V55, P249, J DOC; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V2, P229, J INFORMETR| NR- 37| TCPUPIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 0| ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| AMSTERDAM| PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| 1751-1577| J INFORMETR| J. Informetr| JUL| 2010| 4| 3| 415| 422| 10.1016/j.joi.2010.03.006| 8| Information Science & Library Science| 607YQ| JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2010, V4, N3, P415-422| ISI:000278543600020 ER || PT- J| AU- Schubert A| AF- Schubert Andras| TI- A reference-based Hirschian similarity measure for journals| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Journals; Citation analysis; h-index; Similarity; Standardized impact factor| ID- CITATION-REPORTS; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; IMPACT FACTORS; NETWORKS; SCIENCE; INDEX; RELATEDNESS; LISTS| AB- Hirsch's concept of h-index was used to define a similarity measure for journals. The h-similarity is easy to calculate from the publicly available data of the Journal Citation Reports, and allows for plausible interpretation. On the basis of h-similarity, a relative eminence indicator of journals was determined: the ratio of the JCR impact factor to the weighted average of that of similar journals. This standardization allows journals from disciplines with lower average citation level (mathematics, engineering, etc.) to get into the top lists| C1- [Schubert, Andras] Hungarian Acad Sci, Inst Res Policy Studies, Budapest, Hungary| RP- Schubert, A, Hungarian Acad Sci, Inst Res Policy Studies, Budapest, Hungary| EM-| CD- CARPENTER MP, 1973, V24, P425, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHEN CM, 2008, V59, P2296, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FAGIN R, 2003, V17, P134, SIAM J DISCRETE MATH; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HIRST G, 1978, V29, P171, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; JANSSENS F, 2009, P89, DATA MIN KNOWL DISC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KORN A, 2009, V388, P2221, PHYSICA A; LEYDESDORFF L, J AM SOC IN IN PRESS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; PUDOVKIN AI, 1995, V32, P227, SCIENTOMETRICS; PUDOVKIN AI, 2002, V53, P1113, J INF SCI TEC; SCHUBERT A, 1993, V26, P21, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT 2009, V78, P375, SCIENTOMETRICS; VINKLER P, 1988, V14, P453, SCIENTOMETRICS; VINKLER P, 1999, V46, P621, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHANG 2009, V81, P821, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 22| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUL| PY- 2010| VL- 84| IS- 1| BP- 133| EP- 147| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0072-4| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information & Library Science| GA- 604GI| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V84, N1, P133-147| UT- ISI:000278267100012 ER || AM SOC A, L, Science PT- J| AU- Porter AL; Schoeneck DJ; Roessner D; Garner J| AF- Porter Alan L; Schoeneck, David J; Roessner, David; Garner, Jon| TI- Practical research proposal and publication profiling| SO- RESEARCH EVALUATION| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COMBINED COCITATION; WORD ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; INTERDISCIPLINARITY; TECHNOLOGY; AREAS; MAP| AB- We present means to enable profiling to situate research activities (such as proposals or publications) within research domains, identify cognitive and social networks, and track knowledge transfers. Here we profile a set of 123 National Science Foundation educational research awards. We investigate NSF award summaries, proposal references, publications by the funded researchers, and citations to those publications. Our integration measure and science overlay maps show that these ROLE/REESE programs have facilitated interdisciplinary research. NSF program managers were able to associate highly cited researchers into key contributing communities using the co-citation maps. We explore 'before vs. after' research patterns to examine whether this research support altered teaming and cross-disciplinary exchanges. Evaluators can use research profiling to understand the role of particular research endeavors and to study community evolution| C1- [Porter, Alan L.] Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Publ Policy, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; [Porter, Alan L.] Search Technol Inc, R&D, Norcross, GA 30092 USA| RP- Porter, AL, Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Publ Policy, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA| EM-| CD- *NAT AC, 2005, FAC INT RES; BORGMAN CL, 1990, P10, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; BOWEN CW, 2000, V77, P116, J CHEM EDUC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHUBIN DE, 1986, INTERDISCIPLINARY AN; COOPER HM, 1989, INTEGRATIVE RES REV; DARDEN L, 1977, V44, P43, PHILOS SCI; DELRIO JA, 2001, V52, P1148, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLASS G, 1981, METAANALYSIS SOCIAL; KLAVANS R, 2009, V60, P455, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLEIN JT, 1999, CROSSING BOUNDARIES; KOSTOFF RN, 2009, V43, ANN REV INFORM SCI T; LEYDESDORFF L, 1993, V26, P135, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1994, V23, P217, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIPSEY MW, 2001, PRACTICAL METAANALYS; LOSIEWICZ P, 2000, V15, P99, J INTELL INF SYST; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PORTER AL, 2002, V53, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2005, TECH MINING EXPLOITI; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2008, V17, P273, RES EVALUAT; PORTER AL, 2009, V11, P1023, J NANOPART RES; PORTER AL, 2009, V81, P719, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAFOLS I, 2009, V60, P1823, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAFOLS I, 2009, V81, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; STIRLING A, 2007, V4, P707, J R SOC INTERFACE; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2006, V68, P377, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; VANRAAN AFJ, 1999, P66, PRACTISING INTERDISC; WITTEN IH, 1999, DATA MINING| NR- 35| TC- 0| PU- BEECH TREE PUBLISHING| PI- GUILDFORD| PA- 10 WATFORD CLOSE,, GUILDFORD GU1 2EP, SURREY, ENGLAND| SN- 0958-2029| J9- RES EVALUAT| JI- Res. Evaluat| PD- MAR| PY- 2010| VL- 19| IS- 1| BP- 29| EP- 44| DI- 10.3152/095820210X492512| PG- 16| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 600LE| JN- RESEARCH EVALUATION, 2010, V19, N1, P29-44| UT- ISI:000277986700003 ER || PTAUAFTISOLADT- J| Ding Y| Ding Ying| Semantic Web: Who is who in the field - a bibliometric analysis| JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE| English| Article| DE- citation analysis; impact analysis; research evaluation; semantic web| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; NETWORK ANALYSIS; IMPACT; TECHNOLOGY; SYSTEMS| AB- The Semantic Web (SW) is one of the main efforts aiming to enhance human and machine interaction by representing data in an understandable way for machines to mediate data and services. It is a fast-moving and multidisciplinary field. This study conducts a thorough bibliometric analysis of the field by collecting data from Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus for the period of 1960-2009. It utilizes a total of 44,157 papers with 651,673 citations from Scopus, and 22,951 papers with 571,911 citations from WOS. Based on these papers and citations, it evaluates the research performance of the SW by identifying the most productive players, major scholarly communication media, highly cited authors, influential papers and emerging stars| C1- Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Herman B Wells Lib, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| RP- Ding, Y, Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Herman B Wells Lib, 1320 E 10th St,LI025, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| EM-| CD- *PINGD, 2009, WEB GROWTH PEAK 2007; *PRICEWATERHOUSECO, 2009, REP SEM WEB; BARABASI AL, 2002, LINKED NEW SCI NETWO; BERNERSLEE T, 2001, V284, P34, SCI AM; BIZER C, 2009, V5, P1, INT J SEMANTIC WEB I; DING Y, 2009, V60, P2229, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HENDLER J, 2008, V51, P60, COMMUN ACM; HENDLER J, 2008, V23, P2, IEEE INTELLIGENT SYS; HENDLER J, 2009, V42, P111, COMPUTER; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HORROCKS I, 2008, V51, P58, COMMUN ACM; HUANG CP, 2009, V72, P117, J CHIN MED ASSOC; MEHO LI, 2007, V58, P2105, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MIKA P, 2005, V3, P211, J WEB SEMANT; MIKA P, 2006, V68, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V98, P404, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; OSTROM E, 2009, V325, P419, SCIENCE; PETERSON D, 2009, OB GROUNDBR US SEM W; RETZER V, 2009, V10, P393, BASIC APPL ECOL; RIIKONEN P, 2008, V77, P207, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHADBOLT N, 2006, V21, P96, IEEE INTELL SYST; SORENSEN AA, 2009, V16, P451, J ALZHEIMERS DIS; THIJS B, 2009, V79, P377, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; YAN EJ, 2009, V60, P2107, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 27| TC- 0| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0165-5515| J9- J INFORM SCI| JI- J. Inf. Sci| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 36| IS- 3| BP- 335| EP- 356| DI- 10.1177/0165551510365295| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 601TZ| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 2010, V36, N3, P335-356| UT- ISI:000278088900004 ER || PT- J| AU- Mutalikdesai MR; Srinivasa S| AF- Mutalikdesai Mandar R; Srinivasa, Srinath| TI- Co-citations as citation endorsements and co-links as link endorsements| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- citation endorsement; co-link; co-citation; link endorsement; relevance; topicality| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; WEB; BIBLIOMETRICS; DOCUMENTS; ARTICLES; CLUSTERS; PAGES| AB- Co-citations and co-links have long been used as measures of topical relatedness between documents in various datasets. However, there are some characteristic differences between co-citations in scientific literature and co-links in hypertext due to the underlying difference in the motivations for creating citations and links. While citations are created for formal scholarly communication, links are created for a variety of formal as well as informal purposes. We elaborate on these differences, and propose interpretations of a co-citation as an endorsement of a citation, and a co-link as an endorsement of a link Such an interpretation is useful for focused or topical surfers to follow citations and links that are pertinent to a topic of interest in scientific literature and the web respectively| C1- [Mutalikdesai, Mandar R.; Srinivasa, Srinath] Int Inst Informat Technol, Bangalore, Karnataka, India| RP- Mutalikdesai, MR, Int Inst Informat Technol, 26-C, Elect City 560100, Bangalore, India| EM-| FU- Infosys FX We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their insightful comments, which have helped enormously in improving this paper. We would also like to thank Tao Yang and Ambuj K. Singh for making the crawl available to us for academic and research purposes Thanks are also due to Viswanath Gangavaram for developing EndorSeer This work was partly supported by an Infosys PhD scholarship to the first author| CD- KENDALLS RANK CORREL; ABDI H, 2007, ENCY MEASUREMENT STA; ABITEBOUL S, 2003, P 12 INT WORLD WID W; ADAMIC LA, ZIPF POWER LAWS PARE; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BILKE S, 2001, P76, PHYS REV E; BRODER A, 2000, V33, P309, COMPUT NETW; BUDD JM, 1999, V25, P265, J INFORM SCI; CHAKRABARTI S, 2003, MINING WEB DISCOVERI; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRONIN B, 1994, V45, P537, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; DAVISON B, 2000, P 23 ACM SIGIR ANN I; DEAN J, 1999, V31, P1467, COMPUT NETW; EFRON M, 2006, V9, P492, KNOWL INF SYST; FORTUNATO S, 2009, V4, P245, INTERNET MATH; GARFIELD E, 1964, STAT ASS METH MECH D; GARFIELD E, 1971, CURRENT CONTENTS; HARTER SP, 1993, V44, P543, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HAVELIWALA TH, 2002, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; HOU JY, 2003, V15, P940, IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN; JEH G, 2002, P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P604, J ACM; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, P 5 ANN INT C COMP C; KUMAR R, 2000, P 19 ACM S PRINC DAT; LARSON RR, 1996, P ANN M AM SOC INF S; LEMPEL R, 2001, V19, P131, ACM T INFORM SYST; MERTON RK, 1979, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; MOISE G, 2003, P 12 INT WORLD WID W; MUTALIKDESAI MR, 2009, P 15 INT C MAN DAT M; NIKOLOSKI Z, 2005, P EUR C COMB GRAPH T; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P148, LIBRI; PAGE L, 1998, PAGERANK CITATION RA; PARK HW, 2003, V8, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PITKOW J, 1997, P C HUM FACT COMP SY; REDDY PK, 2001, P DAT ENG WORKSH; REDDY S, 2006, P 13 INT C MAN DAT N; REDNER S, 1998, V4, P131, EUR PHYS J B; SAKA A, 2007, P 11 INT C INF VIS Z; SCHARNHORST A, 2005, V89, P1518, CURR SCI INDIA; SCHNEIDER JW, 2009, V80, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2004, V40, P515, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V68, P611, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2007, V72, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 57| TC- 0| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0165-5515| J9- J INFORM SCI| JI- J. Inf. Sci| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 36| IS- 3| BP- 383| EP- 400| DI- 10.1177/0165551510366078| PG- 18| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 601TZ| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 2010, V36, N3, P383-400| UT- ISI:000278088900007 ER || PT- J| AU- Liu XH; Yu S; Janssens F; Glanzel W; Moreau Y; De Moor B| AF- Liu Xinhai; Yu, Shi; Janssens, Frizo; Glanzel, Wolfgang; Moreau, Yves; De Moor, Bart| TI- Weighted Hybrid Clustering by Combining Text Mining and Bibliometrics on a Large-Scale Journal Database| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; COMBINED COCITATION; WORD ANALYSIS; PARTITIONS; DOCUMENTS; CONSENSUS| AB- We propose a new hybrid clustering framework to incorporate text mining with bibliometrics in journal set analysis. The framework integrates two different approaches: clustering ensemble and kernelfusion clustering. To improve the flexibility and the efficiency of processing large-scale data, we propose an information-based weighting scheme to leverage the effect of multiple data sources in hybrid clustering Three different algorithms are extended by the proposed weighting scheme and they are employed on a large journal set retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) database. The clustering performance of the proposed algorithms is systematically evaluated using multiple evaluation methods, and they were cross-compared with alternative methods. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed weighted hybrid clustering strategy is superior to other methods in clustering performance and efficiency. The proposed approach also provides a more refined structural mapping of journal sets, which is useful for monitoring and detecting new trends in different scientific fields| C1- [Liu, Xinhai; Yu, Shi; Janssens, Frizo; Moreau, Yves; De Moor, Bart] Katholieke Univ Leuven, ESAT SCD, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium; [Liu, Xinhai] Wuhan Univ Sci & Technol, Coll Informat Sci & Engn, Wuhan 430081, Hubei, Peoples R China; [Glanzel, Wolfgang] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Ctr R&D Monitoring, Dept Managerial Econ Strategy & Innovat, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium; [Glanzel, Wolfgang] Hungarian Acad Sci, IRPS, Budapest, Hungary| RP- Liu, XH, Katholieke Univ Leuven, ESAT SCD, Kasteelpk Arenberg 10, B3001 Leuven, Belgium| EM-| FU- China Scholarship Council (CSC) [2006153005]; Engineering Research Center of Metallurgical Automation and Measurement Technology, Ministry of Education, Hubei, China [430081]; Research Council KUL: GOA AMBioRICS [CoE EF/05/007]; Flemish Government FX Xinhai Liu and Shi Yu made equal contributions to this article. The authors would like to thank Professor Blaise Cronin and the anonymous reviewers for fruitful comments. The authors also give thanks to Mr Tunde (Adeshola) Adefioye and Mr. Ernesto Iacucci for their proofreading and acknowledge support from the China Scholarship Council (CSC No. 2006153005), Engineering Research Center of Metallurgical Automation and Measurement Technology, Ministry of Education, 430081, Hubei, China; Research Council KUL: GOA AMBioRICS, CoE EF/05/007 SymBioSys, PROMETA, several PhD/postdoc and Fellow Grants; Flemish Government: Steunpunt O&O Indicatoren; FWO: PhD/postdoc Grants, Projects G.0241.04 (Functional Genomics), G.0499.04 (Statistics), G.0232.05 (Cardiovascular), G.0318.05 (subfunctionalization), G.0553 06 (VitamineD), G.0302.07 (SVM/Kernel), research communities (ICCoS, ANMMM, MLDM); IWT: PhD Grants, GBOU-McKnow-E (Knowledge management algorithms), GBOU-ANA (biosensors), TAD-BioScope-IT, Silicos; SBO-BioFrame, SBO-MoKa, TBMEndometriosis, TBM-IOTA3, O & O-Dsquare; Belgian Federal Science Policy Office: IUAP P6/25 (BioMaGNet, Bioinformaticsand Modeling: from Genomes to Networks, 2007-2011); EU-RTD: ERNSI: European Research Network on System Identification;FP6-NoE Biopattern; FP6-IP e-Tumours, FP6-MC-EST Bioptrain, FP6-STREP Strokemap. EU-RTD: ERNSI: European Research Network on System Identification;FP6-NoE Biopattern; FP6-IP e-Tumours, FP6-MC-EST Bioptrain, FP6-STREP Strokemap| CD- AYAD HG, 2008, V30, P160, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; BATAGELJ V, 2003, V2265, P77, GRAPH DRAWING SOFTWA; BICKEL S, 2004, P19, P 4 IEEE INT C DAT M; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P45, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EFRON B, 1993, INTRO BOOTSTRAP; FRED ALN, 2005, V27, P835, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLENISSON P, 2005, V41, P1548, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GOSPODNETIC O, 2005, LUCENE ACTION; HE X, 2002, V41, P19, COMPUT STAT DATA AN; HUBERT L, 1985, V2, P193, J CLASSIF; JAIN AK, 1988, ALGORITHMS CLUSTERIN; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JANSSENS F, 2007, THESIS KATHOLIEKE U; JANSSENS F, 2008, V75, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; JANSSENS F, 2009, V45, P683, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIU XX, 2009, P49, P 3 INT WORKSH MATR; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MIRKIN B, 2001, V45, P219, MACH LEARN; MODHA DS, 2000, P143, P 11 ACM C HYP HYP S; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, V103, P8577, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; ROUSSEEUW PJ, 1987, V20, P53, J COMPUT APPL MATH; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; STREHL A, 2002, V3, P583, J MACHINE LEARNING R; TOPCHY A, 2005, V27, P1866, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; WANG Y, 2002, P490, P 11 INT C INF KNOWL; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 34| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 6| BP- 1105| EP- 1119| DI- 10.1002/asi.21312| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 599EF| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N6, P1105-1119| UT- ISI:000277892600003 ER || PT- J| AU- Callahan A; Hockema S; Eysenbach G| AF- Callahan Alison; Hockema, Stephen; Eysenbach, Gunther| TI- Contextual Cocitation: Augmenting Cocitation Analysis and its Applications| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; AUTHOR COCITATION; SCIENCE; ARTICLES; INDEXES; DOCUMENTATION; INFORMATION; MOTIVATIONS| AB- In this work, a novel method of cocitation analysis, coined "contextual cocitation analysis," is introduced and described in comparison to traditional methods of cocitation analysis. Equations for quantifying contextual cocitation strength are introduced and their implications explored using theoretical examples alongside the application of contextual cocitation to a series of BioMed Central publications and their cited resources. Based on this work, the implications of contextual cocitation for understanding the granularity of the relationships created between cited published research and methods for its analysis are discussed. Future applications and improvements of this work, including its extended application to the published research of multiple disciplines, are then presented with rationales for their inclusion| C1- [Callahan, Alison; Hockema, Stephen] Univ Toronto, Fac Informat, Toronto, ON M5S 3G6, Canada; [Eysenbach, Gunther] Toronto Gen Hosp, Ctr Global eHlth Innovat, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4, Canada| RP- Callahan, A, Univ Toronto, Fac Informat, 140 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 3G6, Canada| EM-| FU- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council FX The authors thank Liwen Vaughan for her helpful comments on this work, as well as the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council that funded AC's thesis research, apart of which formed the basis for this manuscript| CD- BAVELAS JB, 1978, V19, P158, CAN PSYCHOL REV; BORNMANN L, 2008, V59, P1841, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BROOKS TA, 1986, V37, P34, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHAN KC, 2009, V49, P59, ACCOUNT FINANC; DAVIS PM, 2009, V22, P5, LEARN PUBL; ELKISS A, 2008, V59, P51, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EYSENBACH G, 2008, 2008 C EL PUBL ELPUB; FEELEY TH, 2008, V34, P505, HUM COMMUN RES; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1977, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; GILBERT GN, 1977, V7, P113, SOC STUD SCI; GILES CL, 1998, P89, DIGITAL LIB 98; GIPP B, 2009, P571, P 12 INT C SCIENT IN; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HERLACH G, 1978, V29, P308, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAPLAN N, 1965, V16, P179, AM DOC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V1, P169, INFORM STOR RETR; KESSLER MM, 1965, V16, P223, AM DOC; KIM HJ, 2000, V51, P887, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MACROBERTS MH, 1984, V14, P91, SOC STUD SCI; MARION LS, 2002, V39, P3, P ASIST ANNU; MARTYN J, 1964, V20, P236, J DOC; MCCAIN KW, 2006, V32, P277, J INF SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2009, V60, P1301, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; NAKOV PI, 2004, SIGIR 2004 WORKSH SE; NANBA H, 1999, 16 INT JOINT C ART I; NANBA H, 2005, V3652, P391, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; RITCHIE A, 2006, P25, P WORKSH CAN COMP LI; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1982, V3, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1974, V10, P393, INFORMATION STORAGE; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V16, P270, P AM SOC INFORM SCI; SULLIVAN D, 1977, V7, P223, SOC STUD SCI; TAGLIACOZZO R, 1967, V6, P136, METHOD INFORM MED; TEUFEL S, 2001, 2001 NAACL WORKSH AU; TUOMINEN K, 2002, P271, DISCOURSE COGNITION; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE MD, 1997, V67, P122, LIBR QUART; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P2070, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 48| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 6| BP- 1130| EP- 1143| DI- 10.1002/asi.21313| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 599EF| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N6, P1130-1143| UT- ISI:000277892600005 ER || PT- J| AU- Ma ZZ; Yu KH| AF- Ma Zhenzhong; Yu, Kuo-Hsun| TI- Research paradigms of contemporary knowledge management studies: 1998-2007| SO- JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Knowledge management; Research; Literature; Knowledge management| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; ORGANIZATIONAL KNOWLEDGE; INFORMATION-SYSTEMS; ACADEMIC JOURNALS; DYNAMIC THEORY; FIRM; RANKING; TECHNOLOGY; DISCIPLINE| AB- Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the research paradigms of contemporary knowledge management studies in the past decade using citation and co-citation analysis Design/methodology/approach Research in any academic area often clusters into informal networks that focus on common questions in common ways, and the accumulated knowledge often flows between members of these networks, revealed in patterns of citations. The research paradigms of a given field can be identified by analyzing corresponding knowledge flows and citation and co-citation process. The methods used in the study include citation analysis, cocitation analysis, and social network analysis Findings - The paper draws an intellectual map of knowledge flows between knowledge management scholars. Key research themes and concepts as well as their relationships in the field of knowledge management are identified Research limitations/implications - An in-depth analysis of the relationships between knowledge management research and industrial practices should be conducted in future in order to examine the impact of academic research on knowledge management and the management of knowledge accumulated in the practice Originality/value - The paper profiles knowledge management studies in the past decade and presents a solid foundation for a better understanding of different research paradigms in the area of knowledge management. It helps identify the invisible network of knowledge management studies that traces the evolution of knowledge management research, which thus provides a new perspective on knowledge management research| C1- [Ma, Zhenzhong] Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada; [Yu, Kuo-Hsun] Chang Jung Christian Univ, Grad Sch Business & Operat Management, Tainan, Taiwan| RP- Ma, ZZ, Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada| EM-| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2005, V14, P619, INT BUS REV; ALAVI M, 1999, V1, P2, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; ALAVI M, 2001, V25, P107, MIS QUART; ARGYRIS C, 1978, ORG LEARNING THEORY; BONTIS N, 2009, V13, P16, J KNOWL MANAG; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; COHEN WM, 1990, V35, P128, ADMIN SCI QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; DAVENPORT TH, 1998, WORKING KNOWLEDGE OR; DIODATO V, 1994, DICT BIBLIOMETRICS; EARL M, 2001, V18, P215, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; ETEMAD H, 2004, V28, P776, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GRANT RM, 1996, V7, P375, ORGAN SCI; GRANT RM, 1996, V17, P109, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; HANSEN MT, 1999, V77, P106, HARVARD BUS REV; HOLSAPPLE CW, 2001, V31, P1, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; HOLSAPPLE CW, 2001, V20, P77, EXPERT SYST APPL; HUBER G, 1991, V1, P88, ORGAN SCI; KOGUT B, 1992, V3, P383, ORGAN SCI; KOGUT B, 2000, V21, P405, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; LAVE J, 1991, SITUATED LEARNING LE; LIEBOWITZ J, 1998, KNOWLEDGE ORG WHAT E; LIEBOWITZ J, 1999, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT; LIEBOWITZ J, 2000, BUILDING ORG INTELLI; MA ZZ, 2008, V19, P234, INT J CONFL MANAGE; MARYMALAVI TR, 2006, V22, P191, J MANAGEMENT INFORM; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERTON R, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; NELSON RR, 1982, EVOLUTIONARY THEORY; NONAKA I, 1994, V5, P14, ORGAN SCI; NONAKA I, 1995, KNOWLEDGE CREATING C; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P288, TECHNOVATION; POLANYI M, 1996, TACIT DIMENSION; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; QUINN J, 1996, V14, P71, HARVARD BUS REV; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SENGE PM, 1990, 5 DISCIPLINE; SERENKO A, 2009, V13, P4, J KNOWL MANAG; SHARPLIN AD, 1985, V38, P139, HUM RELAT; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; SPENDER JC, 1996, V17, P45, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TSOUKAS H, 1996, V17, P11, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TSOUKAS H, 2001, V38, P973, J MANAGE STUD; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WEICK KE, 1993, V38, P357, ADMIN SCI QUART; WENGER E, 1998, COMMUNITIES PRACTICE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WIIG KM, 1997, V13, P1, EXPERT SYST APPL; ZACK MH, 1999, V41, P125, CALIF MANAGE REV| NR- 53| TC- 1| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 1367-3270| J9- J KNOWL MANAG| JIPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- J. Knowl. Manag| 2010| 14| 2| 175| 189| 10.1108/13673271011032337| 15| Information Science & Library Science; Management| 596PL| JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, 2010, V14, N2, P175-189| ISI:000277697200001 ER || PT- J| AU- Graeml AR; Macada MA; Rossoni L| AF- Graeml Alexandre Reis; Macada, Marie Anne; Rossoni, Luciano| TI- INTELLECTUALS IN SOCIAL NETWORKS AND INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION: Scientometric analysis of the period 1997-2006 ABSTRACT| SO- INFORMACAO & SOCIEDADE-ESTUDOS| LA- Portuguese| DT- Article| DE- Social Networks; Intellectual Networks; Scientometrics; Bibliometrics| ID- CO-AUTHORSHIP; SCIENCE; COLLABORATION; CITATION| AB- The purpose of this paper is to identify and analyze the social and intellectual networks in the field of Information Management, trying to understand the social conditioning to knowledge construction in the area. Having the bibliometric data from all papers published in the proceedings of Enanpad (the major yearly management academic conference in Brazil), from 1997 to 2006, scientometric analyses were developed about the academic profile of the Information Management field. Thus, social networks were built based on the authorship information and co-authorship networks, generated from the references adopted, in the proceedings. 339 papers were included in the study, involving 9287 references that were analyzed using UCINET 6 and PAJEK 1.22 software The social relationships had showed the existence of a still very fragmented co-authoring network, and the main post-graduation courses leading the structuring of the area. Besides, from the analysis of the co-citation network it was possible to identify what is main stream in the area and the relevant topics. Finally, the results made possible to state that the relationship among the researchers first, conditioned the individual intellectual preferences, but later (2002-2006) the influence were broader, conditioning the groups| C1- [Rossoni, Luciano] Univ Fed Parana, Univ Posit, BR-80060000 Curitiba, Parana, Brazil| EM-| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2006, V43, P957, J MANAGE STUD; AVGEROU C, 2000, V28, P567, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; BARABASI AL, 2002, V311, P590, PHYSICA A; BERTERO CO, 2005, PRODUCAO CIENTIFICA; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BURT RS, 1992, STRUCTURAL HOLES SOC; CALDAS MP, 2004, V44, P100, REV ADM EMPRESAS; COLEMAN J, 1990, FDN SOCIAL THEORY; COLLINS R, 1983, V24, P185, SOCIOL QUART; DEKKER D, 2007, V72, P563, PSYCHOMETRIKA; DIAS FS, 2007, V32, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; DINIZ EH, 2006, V31, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; DURANTE DG, 2007, V32, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; EMIRBAYER M, 1994, V99, P1411, AM J SOCIOL; FIELD A, 2009, DESCOBRINDO ESTATIST; GARFIELD E, 1979, V1, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRAEML AR, 2007, V32, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; GRANOVETTER MS, 1973, V78, P6, AM J SOCIOL; GUARIDO ER, 2008, THESIS U FEDERAL PAR; HANNEMAN RA, 2005, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; HOPPEN N, 1998, V23, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PR; HOPPEN N, 2005, PRODUCAO CIENTIFICA; KRACKHARDT D, 1988, V51, P123, SOC PSYCHOL QUART; LENOIR R, 2006, V23, P25, THEOR CULT SOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V10, P1, EUR J SOC THEORY; LIU XM, 2005, V41, P1462, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LUDMER G, 2002, V27, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PR; LUNARDI GL, 2005, V28, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PR; MACADAR MA, 2007, V1, ENCONTRO ADM INFORM; MACHADODASILVA CL, 2007, V11, P33, REV ADM CONT; MELLO CM, 2009, V10, P130, REV ADM MACKENZIE; MOODY J, 2004, V69, P213, AM SOCIOL REV; NELSON R, 1984, V24, P150, RAE-REV ADMIN EMPRES; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, ARTN 026118, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; NICOLAISEN J, 2006, P1, INT C MULT INF SCI T; OLIVEIRA M, 2006, V31, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; RODRIGUES J, 2005, V2, P151, REV GESTAO TECNOLOGI; ROSSONI L, 2006, THESIS U FEDERAL PAR; ROSSONI L, 2008, V43, P138, REV ADM USP; ROSSONI L, 2009, V15, P1, READ REV ELETRONICA; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TEIXEIRA F, 2002, V27, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PR; VANRAAN AFJ, 1997, V38, P205, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 1998, V43, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2005, V3, P1, MEASUREMENT; WAGNER CS, 2005, V34, P1608, RES POLICY; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WATTS DJ, 1998, V440, P393, NATURE; WATTS DJ, 1999, SMALL WORLDS DYNAMIC; WOUTERS P, 1999, P290, THESIS U AMSTERDAM A; ZIMMER MV, 1998, V32, ENCONTRO ASS NACL PO; ZIMMER MV, 2007, V1, ENCONTRO NACL ADM IN| NR- 56| TC- 0| PU- UNIV FED PARAIBA CCSA| PI- JOAO PESSOA PB| PA- CIDADE UNIV, PROG POS-GRAD CIENC INFORM, JOAO PESSOA PB, 58 059-900, BRAZIL| SN- 0104-0146| J9- INF SOC-ESTUD| JI- Inf. Soc.-Estud| PY- 2010| VL- 20| IS- 1| BP- 95| EP- 110| PG- 16| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 597DS| JN- INFORMACAO & SOCIEDADE-ESTUDOS, 2010, V20, N1, P95-110| UT- ISI:000277737000009 ER || PT- J| AU- Romero-Frias E; Vaughan L| AF- Romero-Frias Esteban; Vaughan, Liwen| TI- Patterns of web linking to heterogeneous groups of companies The case of stock exchange indexes| SO- ASLIB PROCEEDINGS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Competitive advantage; Intelligence; Data analysis; Worldwide web; Business analysis| ID- COMPETITIVE INTELLIGENCE; INFORMATION; COCITATION; WEBSITES; SITES| AB- Purpose The paper seeks to extend co-link analysis to web sites of heterogeneous companies belonging to different industries and countries, and to cluster companies by industries and compare results from different countries Design/methodology/approach - Web sites of 255 companies that belong to five stock exchange indexes were included in the study. Data on co-links pointing to these web sites were gathered using Yahoo! Co-link data were analyzed using multidimensional scaling (MDS) to generate MDS maps that would position companies based on their co-link counts Findings Comparisons of results across different countries and economies showed the following overall pattern: companies whose businesses are information-based tend to form well-defined clusters, while companies operating on a more traditional business model tend not to form clear groups. A comparison between the EU zone and the USA suggests that the EU economy is not well integrated yet Practical implications The findings from the study suggest the possibility of using co-link analysis to distinguish information-based industries from traditional industries Originality/value The paper extends co-link analysis from a single industry to heterogeneous industries with global and complex business phenomena| C1- [Romero-Frias, Esteban] Univ Granada, Dept Accounting & Finance, Granada, Spain; [Vaughan, Liwen] Univ Western Ontario, Fac Informat & Media Studies, London, ON, Canada| RP- Romero-Frias, E, Univ Granada, Dept Accounting & Finance, Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- *GOOGL, 2006, GOOGL SOAP SEARCH AP; *GOOGL, 2009, LINKS YOUR SIT; *MSN LIV SEARCH, 2007, WE AR FLATT; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, V55, P1216, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARCIASANTIAGO L, 2009, V79, P681, SCIENTOMETRICS; HEPPES D, 2009, V61, P48, ASLIB PROC; KAHANER L, 1996, COMPETITIVE INTELLIG; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER ME, 1985, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; REID E, 2003, P57, INFORM COMMUNICATION; ROMEROFRIAS E, 2009, P206, P ISSI 2009 12 INT C; SHAW D, 2001, V6, 1 MONDAY; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STUART D, 2006, V15, P97, RES EVALUAT; TAN B, 2002, V33, P225, CYBERNET SYST; THELWALL M, 2004, V40, P515, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V40, P693, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V67, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V68, P611, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2007, V31, P440, ONLINE INFORM REV; VAUGHAN L, 2008, V77, P433, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2009, V4879, P161, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; VAUGHAN L, 2009, V33, P956, ONLINE INFORM REV; VAUGHAN LW, 2004, V60, P487, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0001-253X| J9- ASLIB PROC| JI- Aslib Proc| PY- 2010| VL- 62| IS- 2| BP- 144| EP- 164| DI- 10.1108/00012531011034964| PG- 21| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 594YR| JN- ASLIB PROCEEDINGS, 2010, V62, N2, P144-164| UT- ISI:000277578000002 ER || PT- J| AU- Chen CM; Zhang J; Vogeley MS| AF- Chen Chaomei; Zhang, Jian; Vogeley, Michael S| TI- Making sense of the evolution of a scientific domain: a visual analytic study of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey research| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Visual analytics; Co-citation network analysis; SDSS| ID- VISUALIZATION; COCITATION; NETWORKS| AB- We introduce a new visual analytic approach to the study of scientific discoveries and knowledge diffusion. Our approach enhances contemporary co-citation network analysis by enabling analysts to identify co-citation clusters of cited references intuitively, synthesize thematic contexts in which these clusters are cited, and trace how research focus evolves over time. The new approach integrates and streamlines a few previously isolated techniques such as spectral clustering and feature selection algorithms. The integrative procedure is expected to empower and strengthen analytical and sense making capabilities of scientists, learners, and researchers to understand the dynamics of the evolution of scientific domains in a wide range of scientific fields, science studies, and science policy evaluation and planning. We demonstrate the potential of our approach through a visual analysis of the evolution of astronomical research associated with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) using bibliographic data between 1994 and 2008. In addition, we also demonstrate that the approach can be consistently applied to a set of heterogeneous data sources such as eprints on arXiv, publications on ADS, and NSF awards related to the same topic of SDSS| C1- [Chen, Chaomei; Zhang, Jian] Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Vogeley, Michael S.] Drexel Univ, Dept Phys, Coll Arts & Sci, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Chen, CM, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| FU- National Science Foundation (NSF) [0612129]| FX- This work is supported in part by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant number 0612129| CD- BARABASI AL, 2002, V311, P590, PHYSICA A; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2007, P19, P 7 ACM JOINT C DIG; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DUNNING T, 1993, V19, P61, COMPUTATIONAL LINGUI; DWYER T, 2008, V14, P1293, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KOFFKA K, 1955, PRINCIPLES GESTALT P; LUXBURG UV, 2006, TUTORIAL SPECTRAL CL; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NG AY, 2002, V14, P849, ADV NEUR IN; SALTON G, 1994, V37, P97, COMMUN ACM; SHI JB, 2000, V22, P888, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SNIJDERS TAB, 2001, P361, SOCIOL METHODOL; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 19| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 3| BP- 669| EP- 688| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0123-x| PG- 20| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 592YR| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N3, P669-688| UT- ISI:000277418400006 ER || PT- J| AU- Bruer JT| AF- Bruer John T| TI- Can we talk? How the cognitive neuroscience of attention emerged from neurobiology and psychology, 1980-2005| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Co-citation analysis; PFNET; Cognitive neuroscience; Attention| ID- KNOWLEDGE DOMAINS| AB- This study uses author co-citation analysis to trace prospectively the development of the cognitive neuroscience of attention between 1980 and 2005 from its precursor disciplines: cognitive psychology, single cell neurophysiology, neuropsychology, and evoked potential research. The author set consists of 28 authors highly active in attentional research in the mid-1980s. PFNETS are used to present the co-citation networks Authors are clustered via the single-link clustering intrinsic to the PFNET algorithm. By 1990 a distinct cognitive neuroscience specialty cluster emerges, dominated by authors engaged in brain imaging research| C1- James S McDonnell Fdn, St Louis, MO 63117 USA| RP- Bruer, JT, James S McDonnell Fdn, 1034 S Brentwood Blvd,Suite 1850, St Louis, MO 63117 USA| EM-| CD- BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BRUER JT, 2009, V4, P1221, COGNITIVE NEUROSCIEN; CHEN CM, 2001, V34, P65, COMPUTER; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; DENOOY W, 2005, EXPLORATORY SOCIAL N; FREEMAN LC, 1991, V13, P141, SOC NETWORKS; HIRST W, 1986, P104, MIND BRAIN DIALOGUES; LEDOUX JE, 1986, MIND BRAIN DIALOGUES; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERSEN SE, 1988, V331, P585, NATURE; POSNER MI, 1980, V32, P3, Q J EXP PSYCHOL; POSNER MI, 1988, V240, P1627, SCIENCE; POSNER MI, 1990, V13, P24, ANNU REV NEUROSCI; ROBINSON DL, 1986, P142, MIND BRAIN DIALOGUES; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WURTZ RH, 1976, V39, P745, J NEUROPHYSIOL; WURTZ RH, 1976, V39, P766, J NEUROPHYSIOL| NR- 17| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 3| BP- 751| EP- 764| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0128-5| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 592YR| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N3, P751-764| UT- ISI:000277418400012 ER || PT- J| AU- Small H| AF- Small Henry| TI- Maps of science as interdisciplinary discourse: co-citation contexts and the role of analogy| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Interdisciplinarity; Maps of science; Co-citation contexts; Analogy; Cue word analysis| ID- CITATION; SIMULATION; CLUSTERS| AB- Interdisciplinarity can be manifest in many forms: through collaboration or communication between scientists working in different fields or through the work of individual scientists who employ concepts or methods across disciplines. This latter form of interdisciplinarity is addressed here with the goal of understanding how ideas in different fields come together to create new opportunities for discovery. Maps of science are used to suggest possible interdisciplinary links which are then analyzed by co-citation context analysis. Interdisciplinary links are identified by juxtaposing a clustering and mapping of documents against a journal-based categorization of the same document clusters Links between clusters are characterized as interdisciplinary based on the dissonance of their category assignments. To verify and probe more deeply into the meaning of interdisciplinary links, co-citation contexts for selected links from five separate cases are analyzed in terms of prominent cue words. This analysis reveals that interdisciplinary connections are often based on authors' perceptions of analogous problems across scientific domains. Cue words drawn from the citation contexts also suggest that these connections are viewed as important and ripe with both opportunity and risk| C1- Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, PA 19130 USA| RP- Small, H, Thomson Reuters, 1500 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia, PA 19130 USA| EM-| CD- *THOMS REUT, 2008, ESS SCI IND; ADAMS J, 2007, REPORT HIGHER ED FUN; BALL P, 2008, V108, P74, CHEM REV; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRONER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN QZ, 2008, V59, P1, MAT SCI ENG R; DIMARCO C, 2007, WORKING NODES AM ASS; DUNBAR K, 1994, MECH INSIGHT; FEIG M, 2006, V116, P194, THEOR CHEM ACC; FINNEY B, 1979, REFERENCE CHARACTERI; FISCHBACH MA, 2006, V106, P3468, CHEM REV; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GRANOVETTER M, 1983, V1, P201, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY; GRAY HB, 2003, V100, P3563, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GUNNER MR, 2006, V1757, P942, BBA-BIOENERGETICS; HESSE M, 1966, MODELS ANALOGIES SCI; HOEBEN FJM, 2005, V105, P1491, CHEM REV; HOLYOAK KJ, 1996, MENTAL LEAPS ANALOGY; HU H, 2009, V898, P17, J MOL STRUC-THEOCHEM; LEVISTRAUSS C, 1966, SAVAGE MIND; LU ZY, 2008, V4, P1237, J CHEM THEORY COMPUT; MERCER RE, 2004, V3060, P77, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROY MS, 2008, V43, P5551, J MATER SCI; SCHNEIDER JW, 2006, V68, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; SMALL H, 2009, V79, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; TONGERS J, 2009, V36, P140, TEX HEART I J; VAILLANCOURT FH, 2006, V106, P3364, CHEM REV; VANLANEN SG, 2006, V9, P252, CURR OPIN MICROBIOL; WILKINS JS, 2008, V23, P659, BIOL PHILOS| NR- 35| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUN| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 3| BP- 835| EP- 849| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0121-z| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 592YR| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N3, P835-849| UT- ISI:000277418400018 ER || PT- J| AU- Pasadeos Y; Berger B; Renfro RB| AF- Pasadeos Yorgo; Berger, Bruce; Renfro, R. Bruce| TI- Public Relations as a Maturing Discipline: An Update on Research Networks| SO- JOURNAL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COMMUNICATION JOURNALS; CITATION NETWORKS; MANAGEMENT; ORGANIZATION; CRISIS; ROLES; WEB| AB- Pasadeos, Renfro and Hanily (1999) investigated the public relations literature's most-cited works in the 1990s and identified research networks. In the present study we expand that work by examining public relations scholarship ten years later. We identify current authors and their publication outlets, taxonomize most-cited works, and draw a cocitation network. Further, we compare current findings with those of ten years earlier and speculate on the state of public relations as a scholarly discipline| C1- [Pasadeos, Yorgo; Berger, Bruce] Univ Alabama, Dept Advertising & Publ Relat, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA; [Renfro, R. Bruce] Texas State Univ, Dept Mass Commun, San Marcos, TX USA| RP- Pasadeos, Y, Univ Alabama, Dept Advertising & Publ Relat, Box 870172, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA| EM-| CD- *ARTH PAG SOC, 2007, AUTH ENT; ALLEN MW, 1994, V61, P44, COMMUN MONOGR; BANKS SP, 1995, MULTICULTURAL PUBLIC; BANKS SP, 2000, MULTICULTURAL PUBLIC; BENOIT WL, 1995, ACCOUNTS EXCUSES APO; BENOIT WL, 1997, V23, P177, PUBLIC RELAT REV; BOTAN C, 1992, V18, P149, PUBLIC RELAT REV; BOTAN CH, 2004, V54, P645, J COMMUN; BROOM GM, 1982, V8, P17, PUBLIC RELAT REV; BROOM GM, 1986, V12, P37, PUBLIC RELAT REV; BROOM GM, 1990, USING PUBLIC RELATIO; BROOM GM, 1997, V9, P83, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; BROOM GM, 2006, V18, P141, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; CANCEL AE, 1997, V9, P31, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; CHENEY G, 1987, P165, HDB ORG COMMUNICATIO; CLINE CG, 1986, VELVET GHETTO IMPACT; COOMBS WT, 1998, V10, P177, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; COOMBS WT, 1998, V24, P289, PUBLIC RELAT REV; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CULBERTSON HM, 1996, INT PUBLIC RELATIONS; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CUTLIP SM, 2000, EFFECTIVE PUBLIC REL; DOZIER DM, 1992, P327, EXCELLENCE PUBLIC RE; DOZIER DM, 1995, V7, P3, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; DOZIER DM, 1995, MANAGERS GUIDE EXCEL; DOZIER DM, 2000, V12, P3, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; ESROCK SL, 2000, V26, P327, PUBLIC RELAT REV; FERGUSON MA, 1984, CONV ASS ED JOURN MA; GANDY OH, 1982, AGENDA SETTING INFOR; GORDON MD, 1982, V33, P55, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GOWER KK, 2006, V18, P177, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; GRUNIG JE, 1984, MANAGING PUBLIC RELA; GRUNIG JE, 1989, P99, PUBLIC RELATIONS THE; GRUNIG JE, 1992, EXCELLENCE PUBLIC RE; GRUNIG JE, 1992, P159, EXCELLENCE PUBLIC RE; GRUNIG JE, 1992, P503, EXCELLENCE PUBLIC RE; GRUNIG JE, 1995, V7, P163, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; GRUNIG JE, 2000, V12, P23, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; GRUNIG JE, 2001, P11, HDB PUBLIC RELATIONS; GRUNIG LA, 2002, EXCELLENT PUBLIC REL; HEARIT KM, 1994, V20, P113, PUBLIC RELAT REV; HEATH R, 1997, STRATEGIC ISSUES MAN; HEATH RL, 1998, V24, P273, PUBLIC RELAT REV; HEATH RL, 2000, HDB PUBLIC RELATIONS; HOFSTEDE G, 1984, CULTURES CONSEQUENCE; HOFSTEDE G, 1997, CULTURES ORG SOFTWAR; HOLTZHAUSEN DR, 2000, V12, P93, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; HON LC, 1998, V10, P103, J PUBLIC RELATIONS R; JOHNSON MA, 1997, V9, P213, J PUBLIC RELATIONS R; KARLBERG M, 1996, V8, P263, J PUBLIC RELATIONS R; KENT ML, 1998, V24, P321, PUBLIC RELAT REV; KI EJ, 2005, PUBL REL DIV ANN CON; KRUCKEBERG D, 1988, PUBLIC RELATIONS COM; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEDINGHAM JA, 1998, V24, P55, PUBLIC RELAT REV; LEDINGHAM JA, 2000, PUBLIC RELATIONS REL; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; LINDLOF TR, 1995, QUALITATIVE COMMUNIC; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V16, P667, COMMUN RES; MCELREATH MP, 1994, V6, P69, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; MORTON LP, 1995, V21, P337, PUBLIC RELAT REV; MURPHY P, 1991, V3, P115, PUBLIC RELATIONS RES; NEWSOM D, 1985, THIS IS PR REALITIES; NEWSOM D, 2000, THIS IS PR REALITIES; PASADEOS Y, 1992, V15, P48, PUBLIC RELAT REV; PASADEOS Y, 1999, V11, P29, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; PASADEOS Y, 2008, V85, P785, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; PRICE JDD, 1970, P3, COMUNICATION SCI ENG; REEVES B, 1983, V10, P119, HUM COMMUN RES; RICE RE, 1988, V15, P256, HUM COMMUN RES; RUSSELL J, 1976, V5, P29, J ADVERTISING; SALLOT LM, 2003, V15, P27, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; SMALL H, 1998, V25, B AM SOC INFORM SCI; SO CYK, 1988, V15, P236, HUM COMMUN RES; SPRINGSTON JK, 2001, P603, HDB PUBLIC RELATIONS; SRIRAMESH K, 1992, P594, EXCELLENCE PUBLIC RE; SUMMERS EG, 1984, V35, P332, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TANKARD JW, 1984, V61, P89, JOURNALISM QUART; TOTH EL, 1993, V5, P153, J PUBLIC RELATIONS R; TOTH EL, 1998, V24, P145, PUBLIC RELAT REV; TURK JV, 1986, P100, JOURNALISM MONOGRAPH; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VASQUEZ GM, 2000, V24, P319, COMMUNICATION YB; VERCIC D, 1996, P31, INT PUBLIC RELATIONS; WILCOX DL, 2000, PUBLIC RELATIONS STR| NR- 85| TC- 0| PU- ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD| PI- ABINGDON| PA- 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 1062-726X| J9- J PUBLIC RELAT RES| JI- J. Public Relat. Res| PY- 2010| VL- 22| IS- 2| BP- 136| EP- 158| DI- 10.1080/10627261003601390| PG- 23| SC- Communication| GA- 593VC| JN- JOURNAL OF PUBLIC RELATIONS RESEARCH, 2010, V22, N2, P136-158| UT- ISI:000277488500002 ER || PTAUAFTIand SOLADT- J| Upham SP; Rosenkopf L; Ungar LH| Upham S. Phineas; Rosenkopf, Lori; Ungar, Lyle H| Innovating knowledge communities An analysis of group collaboration competition in science and technology| SCIENTOMETRICS| English| Article| DE- Knowledge communities; Innovation; Dynamic clustering| ID- RESOURCE-BASED VIEW; COMBINED COCITATION; MARKET ORIENTATION; CITATION PATTERNS; WORD ANALYSIS; SEARCH; NETWORKS; BIOTECHNOLOGY; CONSTRUCTION; ISOMORPHISM| AB- A useful level of analysis for the study of innovation may be what we call "knowledge communities''-intellectually cohesive, organic interorganizational forms. Formal organizations like firms are excellent at promoting cooperation, but knowledge communities are superior at fostering collaboration-the most important process in innovation. Rather than focusing on what encourages performance in formal organizations, we study what characteristics encourage aggregate superior performance in informal knowledge communities in computer science. Specifically, we explore the way knowledge communities both draw on past knowledge, as seen in citations, and use rhetoric, as found in writing, to seek a basis for differential success. We find that when using knowledge successful knowledge communities draw from a broad range of sources and are extremely flexible in changing and adapting. In marked contrast, when using rhetoric successful knowledge communities tend to use very similar vocabularies and language that does not move or adapt over time and is not unique or esoteric compared to the vocabulary of other communities. A better understanding of how inter-organizational collaborative network structures encourage innovation is important to understanding what drives innovation and how to promote it| C1- [Upham, S. Phineas; Rosenkopf, Lori] Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Ungar, Lyle H.] Univ Penn, CIS Dept, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Upham, SP, Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- ABRAHAMSON E, 1996, V21, P254, ACAD MANAGE REV; AHARONSON B, 2004, IND CLUSTER IN PRESS; BARNEY J, 2001, V27, P625, J MANAGE; BARTEL CA, 2000, V45, P197, ADMIN SCI QUART; BOYACK KW, 2003, V54, P447, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; COHEN WM, 1990, V35, P128, ADMIN SCI QUART; COHEN WM, 2000, 7552 NAT BUR EC RES; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRANE D, 1989, V22, P14, CURRENT CONTENTS ART; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P1972, MANAGE SCI; DIGGLE P, 2002, ANAL LONGITUDINAL DA; DIMAGGIO PJ, 1983, V48, P147, AM SOCIOL REV; DOWNS A, 1957, EC THEORY DEMOCRACY; DRUCKER PF, 1985, INNOVATION ENTREPREN; DRUKKER DM, 2003, V3, P168, STATA J; FLEMING L, 2001, V47, P117, MANAGE SCI; FLEMING L, 2001, V30, P1019, RES POLICY; FLEMING L, 2005, BROKERAGE V IN PRESS; GARFIELD E, 1983, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1988, V22, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GITTELMAN M, 2003, DOES GEOGRA IN PRESS; GITTELMAN M, 2003, V49, P366, MANAGE SCI; GUGARATI D, 1995, BASIC ECONOMETRICS; GUIMERA R, 2005, V308, P697, SCIENCE; HARGENS LL, 2000, P497, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; HAYNES A, 1999, V8, P28, J PRODUCT BRAND MANA; HENDERSON R, 1998, V80, P119, REV ECON STAT; HOTELLING H, 1929, V39, P41, ECON J; HURLEY RF, 1998, V62, P42, J MARKETING; KANDYLAS V, 2005, WINNER TAKE AL UNPUB; KATILA R, 2002, V45, P1183, ACAD MANAGE J; KATILA R, 2002, V45, P995, ACAD MANAGE J; KATILA R, 2003, INNOVATION IN PRESS; KOGUT B, 2004, DECISION PRIVA UNPUB; KRIPKE S, 1982, WITTGENSTEIN RULES P; KUHN T, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEVINTHAL D, 1981, V2, P307, J ECON BEHAV ORGAN; LIEBERMAN MB, 1988, V9, P41, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; LONG JS, 1997, REGRESSION MODELS CA; MAKADOK R, 1998, V19, P683, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; MARCH JG, 1991, V2, P71, ORGAN SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1987, V9, P41, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; MCCLOSKEY DN, 1998, RHETORIC EC; MERTON RK, 1965, SHOULDERS GIANTS SHA; MERTON RK, 1972, SOCIOLOGY SCI; MEYER M, 1989, PERMANENTLY FAILING; MIZRUCHI MS, 1999, V44, P653, ADMIN SCI QUART; MURRAY F, 2005, EXCHANGE RELAT UNPUB; MURRAY F, 2005, NBER AC SCI ENTR C; NARIN F, 1997, V26, P317, RES POLICY; NERKAR A, 2003, V49, P211, MANAGE SCI; PAKES A, 1984, P339, R D PATENTS PRODUCTI; PFEFFER J, 1993, V18, P599, ACAD MANAGE REV; PHELPS J, 1996, V2, P159, J MARK COMMUN; PORTER ME, 1985, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; PORTER ME, 1998, V76, P77, HARVARD BUS REV; PORTER ME, 2004, EC DEV ADM WASH DC; POWELL WW, 1996, V41, P116, ADMIN SCI QUART; PRICE DD, 1963, BIG SCI LITTLE SCI; ROSENKOPF L, 2001, V22, P287, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SCHULTZ DE, 1994, NEW MARKETING PARADI; SCHUMPETER JA, 1934, THEORY EC DEV INQUIR; SHANE S, 2002, V48, P122, MANAGE SCI; SLATER SF, 1995, V59, P63, J MARKETING; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1994, V30, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; TRAJTENBERG M, 1990, V21, P172, RAND J ECON; UZZI B, 2005, V111, P447, AM J SOCIOL; WATTS DJ, 1999, V105, P493, AM J SOCIOL; WERNERFELT B, 1984, V5, P171, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WOOLDRIDGE JM, 2002, ECONOMETRIC ANAL CRO; YOELS WC, 1974, V15, P264, SOCIOLOGICAL Q; ZHONG S, 2003, P WORKSH CLUST HIGH| NR- 77| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAY| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 2| BP- 525| EP- 554| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0102-2| PG- 30| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 581CU| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N2, P525-554| UT- ISI:000276499500016 ER || PT- J| AU- Upham SP; Rosenkopf L; Ungar LH| AF- Upham S. Phineas; Rosenkopf, Lori; Ungar, Lyle H| TI- Positioning knowledge: schools of thought and new knowledge creation| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Innovation; Management; Schools of thought; Clustering| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; MANAGEMENT JOURNALS; CITATION PATTERNS; SCIENCE; HISTORY; SEARCH; OLD; SPECIALTIES; EXPLORATION| AB- Cohesive intellectual communities called "schools of thought'' can provide powerful benefits to those developing new knowledge, but can also constrain them. We examine how developers of new knowledge position themselves within and between schools of thought, and how this affects their impact. Looking at the micro and macro fields of management publications from 1956 to 2002 with an extensive dataset of 113,000+ articles from 41 top journals, we explore the dynamics of knowledge positioning for management scholars. We find that it is significantly beneficial for new knowledge to be a part of a school of thought, and that within a school of thought new knowledge has more impact if it is in the intellectual semi-periphery of the school| C1- [Upham, S. Phineas; Rosenkopf, Lori] Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Ungar, Lyle H.] Univ Penn, CIS Dept, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Upham, SP, Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- ABRAHAMSON E, 1996, V21, P254, ACAD MANAGE REV; AHARONSON B, 2004, IND CLUSTER IN PRESS; AMIR S, 1985, V8, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARNETT WP, 2002, V11, P289, IND CORP CHANGE; BARNEY JB, 1986, V11, P791, ACAD MANAGE REV; BAYER AE, 1966, V39, P381, SOCIOL EDUC; BIRNBAUM PH, 1981, V24, P487, ACAD MANAGE J; BIRNBAUM PH, 1981, V13, P5, SRA J SOC RES ADM; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BURT R, SOCIAL CAPITAL UNPUB; CASTRO P, 2001, V33, P400, ENVIRON BEHAV; CHOI SC, 2004, PRIVATE LABEL UNPUB; COE R, 1969, V1, P23, AACSB B; COE R, 1984, V27, P660, ACAD MANAGE J; COHEN WM, 2000, 7552 NAT BUR EC RES; COLE S, 1967, V32, P377, AM SOCIOL REV; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRANE D, 1980, V10, P23, SOC STUD SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DOREIAN P, 1988, V39, P79, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DOWNS A, 1957, EC THEORY DEMOCRACY; ENNIS JG, 1992, V57, P259, AM SOCIOL REV; FLEMING L, 2001, V47, P117, MANAGE SCI; GASPER JT, 2005, ANN M PUBL CHOIC SOC; GITTELMAN M, 2003, DOES GEOGRA IN PRESS; HOTELLING H, 1929, V4, P1, ECON J; JOHNSON JL, 1994, V37, P1392, ACAD MANAGE J; KANDYLAS B, 2005, MIXTURE MODEL UNPUB; KANDYLAS V, 2005, WINNER TAKE AL UNPUB; KATILA R, 2002, V45, P1183, ACAD MANAGE J; KRISHNA RV, 2001, VOTER CLUSTERI UNPUB; KUHN T, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEVINTHAL DA, 1991, V2, P140, ORGAN SCI; LEVINTHAL DA, 1997, V43, P934, MANAGE SCI; LEVINTHAL DA, 1998, V7, P217, IND CORP CHANGE; LONG JS, 1997, REGRESSION MODELS CA; MARCH JG, 1958, ORGANIZATIONS; MARCH JG, 1987, V33, P1404, MANAGE SCI; MARKS UG, 2001, V53, P150, SCHMALENBACH BUSINES; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V23, P194, P AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1987, V9, P41, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; MCGANN AJ, 2002, V14, P37, J THEOR POLIT; MEYER MW, 1989, PERMANENTLY FAILING; MEYER MW, 1994, V8, HDB EC SOCIOLOGY; MEYER MW, 1999, V28, P507, CONTEMP SOCIOL; MINTZBERG H, 1994, RISE FALL STRATEGIC; MOODY J, 2001, V23, P261, SOC NETWORKS; MORRIS MW, 2000, V45, P737, ADMIN SCI QUART; NERKAR A, 2003, V49, P211, MANAGE SCI; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P217, LIBRI; PANTEL P, 2002, DOCUMENT CLUSTERING; PFEFFER J, 1993, V18, P599, ACAD MANAGE REV; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; POPESCUL A, 2000, P173, IEEE ADV DIGITAL LIB; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ROSENKOPF L, 2001, V22, P287, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SHARPLIN AD, 1985, V38, P139, HUM RELAT; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V1, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; TRAJTENBERG M, 1990, V21, P172, RAND J ECON; WILLIAMSON OE, 1975, MARKETS HIERARCHIES; WILLIAMSON OE, 1979, V22, P233, J LAW ECON| NR- 64| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAY| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 2| BP- 555| EP- 581| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0097-8| PG- 27| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 581CU| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N2, P555-581| UT- ISI:000276499500017 ER || PT- J| AU- Minguillo D| AF- Minguillo David| TI- Toward a New Way of Mapping Scientific Fields: Authors' Competence for Publishing in Scholarly Journals| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE RESEARCH; CITATION ANALYSIS; LIBRARY; SPAIN; COMMUNICATION; VISUALIZATION; SPECIALTIES; COMMUNITIES; PARADIGMS; DYNAMICS| AB- The objective of this article is to introduce a socially oriented approach to the analysis and representation of the social and intellectual structure of scientific fields. A sociological perspective is introduced as the theoretical basis to analyze scientific fields, and the social network framework is adopted to develop a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the organization of science. This approach is then applied to study the Spanish Library and Information Science community from 1999 to 2007. The underlying notion is that science is organized work, in which the pursuit of impact shapes the specific scientific organization. This generates mutual dependence and control among researchers, which may restrict access when formally communicating with other scientific communities. On the other hand, scholarly journals facilitate the coordination of new knowledge and serve as platforms for interaction among scientists. Consequently, the interaction of welldefined groups of homogenous researchers, concentrated around particular sets of journals, leads to the formation of cohesive (sub)groups tied together by the degree of similarity of the researchers' competence. An empirical test suggests that this consideration can accurately reveal a segment of the structure of the scientific field. This study therefore introduces a new approach for mapping the structure of scientific fields that differs from most existing methods, which are based on (co)citation| C1- [Minguillo, David] Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark; [Minguillo, David] Univ Granada, Commun & Documentat Fac, E18071 Granada, Spain| RP- Minguillo, D, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Birketinget 6, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark| EM-| CD- *SCIMAGO, 2007, SJR SCIMAGO J COUNTR; ANEGON FD, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; ASTROM F, 2008, V64, P721, J DOC; BORGATTI SP, 1997, V19, P243, SOC NETWORKS; BORGATTI SP, 2002, NETDRAW GRAPH VISUAL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 WINDOWS SOF; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2007, V41, P537, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CANO V, 1999, V50, P675, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CASTELLS M, 2000, RISE NETWORK SOC; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 2003, V54, P392, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHUBIN D, 1976, V17, P448, SOCIOLOGICAL Q; CHUBIN DE, 1975, V5, P423, SOC STUD SCI; COLE S, 2000, P109, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; CROSS R, 2004, HIDDEN POWER SOCIAL; ETZKOWITZ H, 2000, V29, P109, RES POLICY; EVERETT MG, 2005, P57, MODELS METHODS SOCIA; FRY J, 2006, V42, P299, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; FRY J, 2007, V33, P115, J INF SCI; GARFIELD E, 2003, V54, P400, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GRANOVET.MS, 1973, V78, P1360, AM J SOCIOL; HJORLAND B, 1997, INFORM SEEKING SUBJE; HYLAND K, 2008, V42, P297, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; JIMENEZCONTRERAS E, 2003, V32, P123, RES POLICY; KILDUFF M, 2003, SOCIAL NETWORKS ORG; KLAVANS R, 2009, V60, P455, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLING R, 2000, V51, P1306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KOUFOGIANNAKIS D, 2004, V30, P227, J INFORM SCI; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAUDAN L, 1977, PROGR ITS PROBLEMS T; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P25, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MACROBERTS MH, 1996, V36, P435, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; MORRIS SA, 2008, V42, P213, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; NICOLAISEN J, 2007, V41, P609, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; NONAKA I, 1998, V40, P40, CALIF MANAGE REV; NOWOTNY H, 2001, RETHINKING SCI KNOWL; PALMER CL, 1996, V45, P165, LIBR TRENDS; PALMER CL, 1999, V50, P242, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PALMER CL, 2008, V42, P165, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; ROBINS GL, 2005, P192, MODELS METHODS SOCIA; ROGERS E, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; SCHVANEVELDT W, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SCOTT J, 2000, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SHAW WM, 1981, V3, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIEGELMAN SS, 1998, V208, P9, RADIOLOGY; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANRAAN AFJ, 1989, V15, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WASSERMAN S, 1998, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P6684, NATURE; WENGER E, 2000, V7, P225, ORGANIZATION; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WHITLEY RD, 1983, V22, P681, SOC SCI INFORM; ZIMAN J, 1968, PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE ESS| NR- 58| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- APR| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 4| BP- 772| EP- 786| DI- 10.1002/asi.21282| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 579KZ| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N4, P772-786| UT- ISI:000276370500010 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L; Salah AAA| AF- Leydesdorff Loet; Salah, Alkim Almila Akdag| TI- Maps on the Basis of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index: The Journals Leonardo and Art Journal Versus "Digital Humanities" as a Topic| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- PEARSONS CORRELATION-COEFFICIENT; SCIENCE; PERFORMANCE; INDICATORS; COCITATION; HISTORY; IMPACT| AB- The possibilities of using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) for journal mapping have not been sufficiently recognized because of the absence of a Journal Citations Report (JCR) for this database. A quasi-JCR for the A&HCI (2008) was constructed from the data contained in the Web of Science and is used for the evaluation of two journals as examples: Leonardo and Art Journal. The maps on the basis of the aggregated journal journal citations within this domain can be compared with maps including references to journals in the Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index. Art journals are cited by (social) science journals more than by other art journals, but these journals draw upon one another in terms of their own references. This cultural impact in terms of being cited is not found when documents with a topic such as "digital humanities" are analyzed. This community of practice functions more as an intellectual organizer than a journal| C1- [Leydesdorff, Loet] Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands; [Salah, Alkim Almila Akdag] Virtual Knowledge Studio Netherlands Royal Acad A, Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AGYRIS C, 1978, ORG LEARNING THEORY; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AKSNES DW, 2009, V1, P394, 12 INT C INT SOC SCI; ARCHAMBAULT E, 2006, V68, P329, SCIENTOMETRICS; ARNHEIM R, 1954, ART VISUAL PERCEPTIO; ARNHEIM R, 1969, VISUAL THINKING; BALL R, 2006, V26, P293, INFORM SERVICES USE; BENSMAN SJ, 2007, V41, P93, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOLLEN J, 2009, V4, ARTN e4803, PLOS ONE; BUSA RA, 2004, COMPANION DIGITAL HU; BUTLER L, 2007, V34, P565, SCI PUBL POLICY; CRONIN B, 1997, V53, P263, J DOC; EGGHE L, 2009, V60, P1027, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1979, V32, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1982, V30, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1982, V30, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GOMBRICH EH, 1960, ART ILLUSION STUDY P; GOODMAN N, 1988, LANGUAGE ART APPROAC; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HICKS D, 2009, BIBLIOMETRIC DATABAS; HOCKEY S, 2004, P3, COMPANION DIGITAL HU; HOWARD J, 2008, V55, A10, CHRON HIGHER EDUC; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; LEWISON G, 2001, V10, P89, RES EVALUAT; LEYDESDORFF L, 1993, V26, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1994, V31, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P207, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P278, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V17, P611, PROF INFORM; LEYDESDORFF L, 2010, V61, P352, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LINMANS J, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MCARTY W, 1998, LIV 20 FEBR 1998; MCCARTY W, 2003, P1224, ENCY LIB INFORM SCI; NEDERHOF AJ, 1987, V11, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEDERHOF AJ, 2006, V66, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEU J, 1985, V76, P5, ISIS; PIEZ W, 2008, V2, P1, DIGITAL HUMANITIES Q; RABEN J, 1991, V25, P341, COMPUT HUMANITIES; SALAH AAA, 2008, V12, P47, REV GEN PSYCHOL; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1978, V7, P113, SOC STUD SCI; UNSWORTH J, 2002, V4, P71, JB COMPUTERPHILOLOGI; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2001, V51, P335, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 46| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- APR| PY- 2010| VL- 61| IS- 4| BP- 787| EP- 801| DI- 10.1002/asi.21303| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 579KZ| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010, V61, N4, P787-801| UT- ISI:000276370500011 ER || PT- J| AU- Aljaber B; Stokes N; Bailey J; Pei J| AF- Aljaber Bader; Stokes, Nicola; Bailey, James; Pei, Jian| TI- Document clustering of scientific texts using citation contexts| SO- INFORMATION RETRIEVAL| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Citation contexts; Document clustering; Text categorization| ID- INFORMATION; ALGORITHMS; RETRIEVAL; ARTICLES| AB- Document clustering has many important applications in the area of data mining and information retrieval. Many existing document clustering techniques use the "bag-of-words" model to represent the content of a document. However, this representation is only effective for grouping related documents when these documents share a large proportion of lexically equivalent terms. In other words, instances of synonymy between related documents are ignored, which can reduce the effectiveness of applications using a standard full-text document representation. To address this problem, we present a new approach for clustering scientific documents, based on the utilization of citation contexts. A citation context is essentially the text surrounding the reference markers used to refer to other scientific works. We hypothesize that citation contexts will provide relevant synonymous and related vocabulary which will help increase the effectiveness of the bag-of-words representation. In this paper, we investigate the power of these citation-specific word features, and compare them with the original document's textual representation in a document clustering task on two collections of labeled scientific journal papers from two distinct domains: High Energy Physics and Genomics. We also compare these text-based clustering techniques with a link-based clustering algorithm which determines the similarity between documents based on the number of co-citations, that is in-links represented by citing documents and out-links represented by cited documents. Our experimental results indicate that the use of citation contexts, when combined with the vocabulary in the full-text of the document, is a promising alternative means of capturing critical topics covered by journal articles. More specifically, this document representation strategy when used by the clustering algorithm investigated in this paper, outperforms both the full-text clustering approach and the linkbased clustering technique on both scientific journal datasets| C1- [Bailey, James] Univ Melbourne, Dept Comp Sci & Software Engn, NICTA Victoria Lab, Melbourne, Vic, Australia; [Stokes, Nicola] Univ Coll Dublin, Sch Comp Sci & Informat, Dublin 2, Ireland; [Pei, Jian] Simon Fraser Univ, Sch Comp Sci, Burnaby, BC V5A 1S6, Canada| RP- Bailey, J, Univ Melbourne, Dept Comp Sci & Software Engn, NICTA Victoria Lab, Melbourne, Vic, Australia| EM-| CD- AAS K, 1999, 941 NORW COMP CTR; ANGELOVA R, 2006, P778, P 15 ACM INT C INF K; BEKKERMAN R, 2003, V3, P1183, J MACHINE LEARNING R; BERGMARK D, 2000, 20001821 CSTR CORN D; BERGMARK D, 2001, V35, P1, SIGIR FORUM; BRADSHAW S, 2001, NWUCS017; BRADSHAW S, 2002, THESIS NW U; BRADSHAW S, 2003, P499, P 7 EUR C RES ADV TE; BRIN S, 1998, P107, P 7 INT WORLD WID WE; CHIK FCY, 2005, V3513, P203, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; COUNCILL IG, 2008, P LANG RES EV C LREC; DASH M, 2000, P110, P 4 PAC AS C KNOWL D; DHILLON I, 2004, P73, SURVEY TEXT MINING; DHILLON IS, 2007, V29, P1944, IEEE T PATTERN ANAL; DUMAIS S, 1998, P148, P 7 INT C INF KNOWL; ELKISS A, 2008, V59, P51, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FURNAS GW, 1987, V30, P964, COMMUN ACM; GABRILOVICH E, 2006, P1301, P 21 NAT C ART INT; GARFIELD E, 1964, V144, P649, SCIENCE; GILES CL, 1998, P89, P 3 ACM C DIG LIB; GLOVER EJ, 2002, P562, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; HARTIGAN JA, 1979, V28, P100, APPL STAT; HAVELIWALA TH, 2002, P432, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; HUNTER L, 2006, V21, P589, MOL CELL; KAO HY, 2002, P574, P 2002 ACM CIKM INT; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P604, J ACM; KROVETZ R, 1992, V10, P115, ACM T INFORM SYST; KULL M, 2008, V9, P1, BIODATA MINING; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; LIU J, 2006, P405, P 2006 SIAM INT C DA; LIU T, 2003, P488, P INT C MACH LEARN I; LIU X, 2004, P186, SIGIR 2004; MADEIRA SC, 2004, V1, P24, IEEE ACM T COMPUT BI; MANNING CD, 2008, INTRO INFORM RETRIEV; MERCER RE, 2004, P77, P BIOLINK 2004 WORKS; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; NAKOV P, 2004, P81, P SIGIR 04 WORKSH SE; NANBA H, 1999, P926, P 16 INT JOINT C ART; NANBA H, 2000, P117, P AM SOC INF SCI SIG; NANBA H, 2004, P195, P RIAO 2004; NANBA H, 2005, V3652, P391, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; PORTER MF, 1980, V14, P130, PROGRAM; POWLEY B, 2007, P 8 RIAO INT C LARG; RITCHIE A, 2006, P25, P WORKSH CAN COMP LI; RITCHIE A, 2008, P213, P 17 ACM C INF KNOWL; RITCHIE A, 2008, P211, P 30 EUR C INF RETR; ROBERTSON S, 2004, P42, P 13 ACM INT C INF K; SALTON G, 1971, SMART RETRIEVAL SYST; SIDDHARTHAN A, 2007, P316, P ANN C N AM CHAPT A; SLONIM N, 2000, P208, P 23 ANN INT ACM SIG; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; TANG B, 2004, P17, P WORKSH FEAT SEL DA; TEUFEL S, 2002, V28, P409, COMPUT LINGUIST; TEUFEL S, 2006, P EMNLP 06; VOORHEES EM, 1986, V22, P465, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WANG Y, 2002, P499, P 11 INT C INF KNOWL; WANG Y, 2004, P DAT ENG WORKSH DEW; WHITE HD, 2004, V25, P89, APPL LINGUIST; WYSE N, 1980, P415, PATTERN RECOGN; YANG Y, 1997, P412, P 14 INT C MACH LEAR| NR- 60| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1386-4564| J9- INF RETR| JI- Inf. Retr| PD- APR| PY- 2010| VL- 13| IS- 2| BP- 101| EP- 131| DI- 10.1007/s10791-009-9108-x| PG- 31| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems| GA- 577KG| JN- INFORMATION RETRIEVAL, 2010, V13, N2, P101-131| UT- ISI:000276221300001 ER || PT- J| AU- Durisin B; Calabretta G; Parmeggiani V| AF- Durisin Boris; Calabretta, Giulia; Parmeggiani, Vanni| TI- The Intellectual Structure of Product Innovation Research: A Bibliometric Study of the Journal of Product Innovation Management, 19842004| SO- JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; CONSUMER RESEARCH; MARKETING JOURNALS; SCIENCE; DISCIPLINE; PARTICULARISM; PERSPECTIVE; RELEVANCE; NETWORKS| AB- Product innovation research has matured substantially in the last two decades. A great deal of knowledge has been produced on various aspects of the discipline, so it is of interest to assess the state of the art the scientific community has reached in this discipline and the route it has taken. This perspective is investigated through a bibliometric study of the Journal of Product Innovation Management (JPIM), arguably the most important specialized journal on this topic. The work reviews all journal paper contributions in JPIM from 1984 to 2004 in determined time frames, assesses the citations contained in these papers, identifies how the citations are related to the various topics of production innovation research (topic-related citation variety, topic-related citation consistency, variation in topic-related citation pattern), and offers a retrospective examination of the evolution of the field. The overall analysis of citations shows that most papers in JPIM cite at least one of the top 50 works identified by this study This testifies to the strong impact of the most influential works on the intellectual structure of product innovation research. The observed citation pattern suggests that the top 50 papers gained influence in product innovation research either because they represent a relevant contribution on a fundamental topic that already has been authoritatively studied or because they investigate in a relevant manner a new topic. The paper suggests that JPIM might benefit in its aim to consolidate its position as one of the top academic business journals if published papers increasingly drew on the most influential works to inform their research design and explicitly stated the theoretical underpinnings they draw on in their research design Overall, the analysis of the subperiods (1984-1988, 1989-1993, 1994-1998, and 1999-2004) provides evidence for the maturation of new product innovation research. Books covering a wide range of topics are replaced by journal papers addressing a specific topic; over time, specific topics emerge and become influential for the discipline's intellectual structure; papers published in JPIM augment their methodological rigor and increasingly address contingency factors. The paper also notes that obtaining relevance for JPIM authors constitutes a necessary condition for being considered by management researchers at large as an influential contribution to product innovation research| C1- [Durisin, Boris] Bocconi Univ, SDA Bocconi Sch Management, I-20136 Milan, Italy| RP- Durisin, B, Bocconi Univ, SDA Bocconi Sch Management, Via Bocconi 8, I-20136 Milan, Italy| EM-| CD- ARMSTRONG JS, 1977, V14, P396, J MARKETING RES; BALDRIDGE DC, 2004, V25, P1063, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BARLEY SR, 2006, V49, P16, ACAD MANAGE J; BARTUNEK JM, 2006, V49, P9, ACAD MANAGE J; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BIEMANS W, 2007, V24, P193, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; BLACKBURN RS, 1981, V66, P337, J APPL PSYCHOL; BOYD BK, 2005, V26, P841, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BURT RS, 1977, V56, P106, SOC FORCES; COTE JA, 1991, V18, P402, J CONSUM RES; CRANE D, 1967, V2, P195, AM SOCIOL; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DIBENEDETTO CA, 2010, V27, P1, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; EISENHARDT KM, 2007, V50, P25, ACAD MANAGE J; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING; GEPHART RP, 2006, V9, P417, ORGAN RES METHODS; GOLDMAN A, 1979, V16, P485, J MARKETING RES; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; LEONG SM, 1989, V15, P492, J CONSUM RES; LINTON JD, 2004, V21, P123, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MILLER D, 1997, V6, P71, J MANAGE INQUIRY; PASADEOS Y, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; PFEFFER J, 1977, V55, P938, SOC FORCES; PFEFFER J, 1998, HUMAN EQUATION BUILD; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ROGERS RC, 1989, V74, P636, J APPL PSYCHOL; RYNES SL, 2001, V44, P340, ACAD MANAGE J; RYNES SL, 2005, V48, P9, ACAD MANAGE J; STREMERSCH S, 2007, V71, P171, J MARKETING; SUTTON RI, 1995, V40, P371, ADMIN SCI QUART; TAHAI A, 1999, V20, P279, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TELLIS GJ, 1999, V36, P120, J MARKETING RES; THIEME J, 2007, V24, P214, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VERMEULEN F, 2005, V48, P978, ACAD MANAGE J; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZUCKERMA.H, 1971, V9, P66, MINERVA| NR- 43| TC- 0| PU- WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC| PI- MALDEN| PA- COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA| SN- 0737-6782| J9- J PROD INNOVAT MANAGE| JI- J. Prod. Innov. Manage| PD- MAY| PY- 2010| VL- 27| IS- 3| BP- 437| EP- 451| PG- 15| SC- Business; Engineering, Industrial; Management| GA- 573CM| JN- JOURNAL OF PRODUCT INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, 2010, V27, N3, P437-451| UT- ISI:000275886000009 ER || PT- J| AU- Uysal OO| AF- Uysal Oezguer Oezmen| TI- Business Ethics Research with an Accounting Focus: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1988 to 2007| SO- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- citation analysis; document co-citation analysis; social network analysis; accounting ethics| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; CITATION ANALYSIS; DECISION-MAKING; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; AUDITOR INDEPENDENCE; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; NETWORK ANALYSIS; SOCIAL NETWORKS; MANAGEMENT| AB- This article uses bibliometric analysis to empirically examine research on business ethics published in a broad set of journals, focused over the period 1988-2007. We consider those journals with an emphasis on accounting. First, we determine the citation frequencies of documents to identify the core articles in accounting research with an ethics focus as well as the contributions of influential fields included in the research sphere of these journals. We also employ document co-citation analysis to analyze the scholarly communication patterns that exist within the realm of the specified articles. Second, we utilize social network analysis tools to profile the centrality features of the co-citation network of these documents| C1- Baskent Univ, TR-06490 Ankara, Turkey| RP- Uysal, OO, Baskent Univ, TR-06490 Ankara, Turkey| EM-| CD- ABDOLMOHAMMADI MJ, 2003, V42, P71, J BUS ETHICS; ABDOLMOHAMMADI MJ, 2006, V69, P11, J BUS ETHICS; ACEDO FJ, 2005, V14, P619, INT BUS REV; ACEDO FJ, 2006, V43, P957, J MANAGE STUD; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ARMSTRONG MB, 1987, V5, P27, J ACCOUNTING ED; AYRES FL, 1999, V18, P335, J ACCOUNTING PUBLIC; BAY D, 2002, V13, P159, CRIT PERSPECT; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BEATTIE V, 2006, V16, P1, BUSINESS FINANCIAL H; BERNARDI RA, 2004, V19, P145, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; BERNARDI RA, 2005, V10, P63, RES PROFESSIONAL RES; BERNARDI RA, 2007, V11, P47, RES PROFESSIONAL RES; BERNARDI RA, 2008, V82, P157, J BUS ETHICS; BORGATTI SP, 2002, NETDRAW NETWORK VISU; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BOYCE G, 2008, V19, P255, CRIT PERSPECT; BRICKER R, 1991, V42, P27, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROWN LD, 1985, V23, P84, J ACCOUNTING RES; BUCHAN HF, 2005, V61, P165, J BUS ETHICS; CASE DO, 2000, V51, P635, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHANDY PR, 1994, V25, P715, J INT BUS STUD; CHARVET FF, 2008, V29, P47, J BUS LOGIST; CHEN TT, 2007, P470, IEEE INT CONF INF VI; COHEN JR, 2006, V68, P1, J BUS ETHICS; COOPER DJ, 2005, V14, P373, EUROPEAN ACCOUNTING; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DEJORDY R, 2007, V19, P239, FIELD METHOD; DELLAPORTAS S, 2006, V16, P7, AUSTR ACCOUNTING REV; DELLAPORTAS S, 2006, V65, P391, J BUS ETHICS; EARLEY CE, 2004, V19, P53, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; ELIAS RZ, 2006, V68, P83, J BUS ETHICS; EMERSON TLN, 2007, V71, P73, J BUS ETHICS; EOM SB, 2009, AUTHOR COCITATION AN; EVERETT J, 2005, V16, P415, CRIT PERSPECT; FLANAGAN J, 2007, V43, P488, ABACUS; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GAA J, 1996, V8, P12, BEHAV RES ACCOUNTI S; GAA JC, 2004, V19, P1, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; GARFIELD E, 1979, V1, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; GENDRON Y, 2006, V64, P169, J BUS ETHICS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GREER L, 2006, V15, P259, BUSINESS ETHICS EURO; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; GUNZ S, 1998, V17, P1145, J BUS ETHICS; HANNEMAN RA, 2005, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; HERRON TL, 2004, V14, P499, BUS ETHICS Q; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HUSTED BW, 2008, V82, P293, J BUS ETHICS; JACKLING B, 2007, V22, P928, MANAGERIAL AUDITING; JOHNSON B, 2007, V63, P609, J DOC; KREUZMAN H, 2001, V51, P525, SCIENTOMETRICS; KRUSKAL JB, 1964, V29, P1, PSYCHOMETRIKA; LAMPE JC, 1992, V11, P33, AUDITING-J PRACT T S; LEE YD, 2008, V2, P43, J INF TECHNOL; LEITSCH D, 2006, V15, P135, ACCOUNTING ED; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIBBY T, 2007, V71, P89, J BUS ETHICS; LOCKE J, 2001, V36, P223, INT J ACCOUNTING; LOEB SE, 1988, V3, P316, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; LOEB SE, 2007, V11, P1, RES PROFESSIONAL RES; MACROBERTS MH, 1989, V40, P342, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARION LS, 2001, V52, P297, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARONEY JJ, 2008, V20, P89, BEHAV RES ACCOUNTING; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2005, V65, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCPHAIL K, 2003, V35, P349, BRIT ACCOUNTING REV; MCRAE TW, 1974, V12, P80, J ACCOUNT RES; MELE D, 2005, V57, P97, J BUS ETHICS; MILNE MJ, 2001, DEBATING ACCOUNTING; MINTZ SM, 2007, V11, P31, RES PROFESSIONAL RES; MOMBERS C, 1985, V7, P341, SCIENTOMETRICS; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PATEL C, 2007, V4, P90, INT J ACCOUNTING AUD; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PILKINGTON A, 2006, CITATION COCITATION; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P1255, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PILKINGTON A, 2008, V3, P63, INT J MALAGEMENT SCI; PILKINGTON A, 2008, V19, P83, INT J SERV IND MANAG; PILKINGTON A, 2009, V27, P185, J OPER MANAG; PONEMON L, 1990, V7, P227, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; PONEMON L, 1990, V6, P199, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; PRESTON AM, 1995, V20, P507, ACCOUNT ORG SOC; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAVENSCROFT S, 2004, V13, P7, ACCOUNTING ED S1; REITER SA, 2004, V14, P355, BUS ETHICS Q; REST JR, 1979, DEV JUDGING MORAL IS; ROBERTSON CJ, 2008, V80, P745, J BUS ETHICS; SAID YH, 2008, V52, P2177, COMPUT STAT DATA AN; SATAVA D, 2006, V64, P271, J BUS ETHICS; SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SIKKA P, 2007, V16, P59, ACCOUNTING ED; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH A, 2005, V62, P209, J BUS ETHICS; TAHAI A, 1998, V34, P341, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; THOMAS CW, 2004, V19, P27, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; THORNE L, 2000, V12, P139, BEHAV RES ACCOUNTING; TREVINO LK, 1986, V11, P601, ACAD MANAGE REV; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; VELAYUTHAM S, 2003, V14, P483, CRIT PERSPECT; WADDOCK S, 2005, V20, P145, ISSUES ACCOUNTING ED; WAKEFIELD R, 2008, V40, P228, BRIT ACCOUNTING REV; WALDMANN E, 2000, V9, P23, ACCOUNTING ED; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WELLMAN B, 2006, P1429, INT HDB VIRT LEARN; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILLIAMS P, 2002, V2, P1, ACCOUNTING PUBLIC IN; YOUNG FW, 1987, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; YOUNG JJ, 2009, V20, P93, CRIT PERSPECT; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 121| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0167-4544| J9- J BUS ETHICS| JI- J. Bus. Ethics| PD- APR| PY- 2010| VL- 93| IS- 1| BP- 137| EP- 160| DI- 10.1007/s10551-009-0187-9| PG- 24| SC- Business; Ethics| GA- 574LT| JN- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 2010, V93, N1, P137-160| UT- ISI:000275991400009 ER || PT- J| AU- Upham SP; Small H| AF- Upham S. Phineas; Small, Henry| TI- Emerging research fronts in science and technology: patterns of new knowledge development| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Innovation; Clusters; Emerging science; Research fronts| ID- THIN-FILM TRANSISTORS; FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; GAMMA-SECRETASE; CO-CITATION; INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH; ORGANIC ELECTRONICS; STRUCTURAL ASPECTS; BUILDING-BLOCKS| AB- Research fronts represent the most dynamic areas of science and technology and the areas that attract the most scientific interest. We construct a methodology to identify these fronts, and we use quantitative and qualitative methodology to analyze and describe them Our methodology is able to identify these fronts as they form-with potential use by firms, venture capitalists, researchers, and governments looking to identify emerging high-impact technologies. We also examine how science and technology absorbs the knowledge developed in these fronts and find that fronts which maximize impact have very different characteristics than fronts which maximize growth, with consequences for the way science develops over time| C1- [Upham, S. Phineas] Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Small, Henry] Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, PA USA| RP- Upham, SP, Univ Penn, Wharton Sch, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- AFZALI A, 2002, V124, P8812, J AM CHEM SOC; AMIR S, 1985, V8, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; ARUTYUNOV VV, 1992, V1, P24, NAUCHNOTEKHNICHESKAY; BASTEROGIL M, 2003, V68, ARTN 123514, PHYS REV D; BIRNBAUM PH, 1981, V24, P487, ACAD MANAGE J; BIRNBAUM PH, 1981, V27, P1279, MANAGE SCI; BIRNBAUM PH, 1981, V13, P5, SRA J SOC RES ADM; BOYACK KW, 2003, V54, P447, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRAAM RR, 1988, V13, P97, SCI TECHNOL; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CASTRO P, 2001, V33, P400, ENVIRON BEHAV; CHEN CM, 2002, V39, P25, P ASIST ANNU; COLLINS R, 1997, V103, P275, AM J SOCIOL; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CUHLS K, 2003, V22, P93, J FORECASTING; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CUPERS P, 2001, V78, P1168, J NEUROCHEM; ERIKSEN HK, 2004, V605, P14, ASTROPHYS J 1; FACCHETTI A, 2003, V15, P33, ADV MATER; FACCHETTI A, 2003, V42, P3900, ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT; FALKINGHAM LT, 1998, V42, P97, SCIENTOMETRICS; FLEMING L, 2001, V30, P1019, RES POLICY; GARFIELD E, 1965, V16, P130, NACHR DOK; GARFIELD E, 1988, V22, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 2003, V54, P400, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GITTELMAN M, 2003, V18, P724, ORGAN SCI; GOTTSCHLICH N, 2001, V73, P2669, ANAL CHEM; HALIK M, 2003, V15, P917, ADV MATER; HASSAN E, 2003, V54, P462, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HIRSCHMAN AO, 1970, EXIT VOICE LOYALTY R; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEEM JY, 2002, V277, P19236, J BIOL CHEM; LEISSRING MA, 2002, V99, P4697, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LIU RH, 2000, V9, P190, J MICROELECTROMECH S; MCCAIN KW, 1987, V9, P41, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; MERTON RK, 1968, SOCIAL THEORY SOCIAL; MERTON RK, 1972, SOCIOLOGY SCI; MILMAN BL, 1993, V27, P53, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS MW, 2000, V45, P737, ADMIN SCI QUART; MURPHY AR, 2004, V126, P1596, J AM CHEM SOC; MURRAY F, 2005, NBER AC SCI ENTR C; MUSHRUSH M, 2003, V125, P9414, J AM CHEM SOC; NARIN F, 1997, V26, P317, RES POLICY; OROMANER M, 1981, V3, P83, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P217, LIBRI; PFEFFER J, 1978, EXTERNAL CONTROL ORG; PODZOROV V, 2003, V83, P3504, APPL PHYS LETT; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DD, 1961, SCI BABYLON; PRICE DD, 1963, BIG SCI LITTLE SCI; ROUSSEAU R, 2006, V1, P8, ISSI NEWSLETTER; SHERAW CD, 2003, V15, P2009, ADV MATER; SISODIA SS, 2002, V3, P281, NAT REV NEUROSCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1990, P166, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P305, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 2005, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SULLIVAN D, 1977, V7, P223, SOC STUD SCI; TEGMARK M, 2003, V68, ARTN 123523, PHYS REV D; TRAJTENBERG M, 1990, V21, P172, RAND J ECON; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 67| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- APR| PY- 2010| VL- 83| IS- 1| BP- 15| EP- 38| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0051-9| PG- 24| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 567BN| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V83, N1, P15-38| UT- ISI:000275417400002 ER || PT- J| AU- Klavans R; Boyack KW| AF- Klavans Richard; Boyack, Kevin W| TI- Toward an objective, reliable and accurate method for measuring research leadership| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators| CY- SEP 17-20, 2008| CL- Vienna, AUSTRIA| SP- Austrian Res Ctr GmbH| HO- Univ Vienna| DE- Co-citation analysis; Research leadership; National leadership; Paradigms; Accuracy; Map of science; Science map; Competencies| ID- SCIENCE; WORLD; CLASSIFICATION; INDICATORS; NATIONS; MAPS| AB- We compare a new method for measuring research leadership with the traditional method. Both methods are objective and reliable, utilize standard citation databases, and are easily replicated. The traditional method uses partitions of science based on journal categories, and has been extensively used to measure national leadership patterns in science, including those appearing in the NSF Science & Engineering Indicators Reports and in prominent journals such as Science and Nature. Our new method is based on co-citation techniques at the paper level. It was developed with the specific intent of measuring research leadership at a university, and was then extended to examine national patterns of research leadership. A comparison of these two methods provides compelling evidence that the traditional method grossly underestimates research leadership in most countries. The new method more accurately portrays the actual patterns of research leadership at the national level| C1- [Klavans, Richard] SciTech Strategies Inc, Berwyn, PA 19312 USA; [Boyack, Kevin W.] SciTech Strategies Inc, Albuquerque, NM 87122 USA| RP- Klavans, R, SciTech Strategies Inc, Berwyn, PA 19312 USA| EM-| CD- *NAT SCI BOARD, 2008, V1, 0801 NSB; *NAT SCI BOARD, 2008, V2, 0801A NSB; BASSECOULARD E, 1999, V44, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALEROMEDINA C, 2008, V17, P71, RES EVALUAT; FRANKLIN JJ, 1988, P325, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2008, V74, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2009, V78, P165, SCIENTOMETRICS; HILL D, 2007, 07320 NSF DIV SCI RE; KING DA, 2004, V430, P311, NATURE; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2007, 11 INT C INT SOC SCI; KLAVANS R, 2008, V75, P239, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2009, V60, P455, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V78, P23, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARTIN S, 2008, SAND20082936J; MAY RM, 1997, V275, P793, SCIENCE; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 21| TC- 2| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAR| PY- 2010| VL- 82| IS- 3| BP- 539| EP- 553| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0188-6| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 563JK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V82, N3, P539-553| UT- ISI:000275124700008 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhang L; Janssens F; Liang LM; Glanzel W| AF- Zhang Lin; Janssens, Frizo; Liang, Liming; Glanzel, Wolfgang| TI- Journal cross-citation analysis for validation and improvement of journal-based subject classification in bibliometric research| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators| CY- SEP 17-20, 2008| CL- Vienna, AUSTRIA| SP- Austrian Res Ctr GmbH| HO- Univ Vienna| DE- Journal cross-citation; Cluster analysis; Mapping of science; Subject classification| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; SCIENCE; NETWORKS| AB- The objective of this study is to use a clustering algorithm based on journal cross-citation to validate and to improve the journal-based subject classification schemes. The cognitive structure based on the clustering is visualized by the journal cross-citation network and three kinds of representative journals in each cluster among the communication network have been detected and analyzed. As an existing reference system the 15-field subject classification by Glanzel and Schubert (Scientometrics 56:55-73, 2003) has been compared with the clustering structure| C1- [Zhang, Lin; Janssens, Frizo; Glanzel, Wolfgang] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept MSI, Ctr R&D Monitoring, Leuven, Belgium; [Zhang, Lin; Liang, Liming] Dalian Univ Technol, WISE Lab, Dalian, Peoples R China; [Janssens, Frizo] Katholieke Univ Leuven, ESAT SCD, Leuven, Belgium; [Liang, Liming] Henan Normal Univ, Inst Sci Technol & Soc, Xinxiang, Peoples R China; [Glanzel, Wolfgang] Hungarian Acad Sci, IRPS, Budapest, Hungary| RP- Glanzel, W, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept MSI, Ctr R&D Monitoring, Leuven, Belgium| EM-| CD- BAEZAYATES R, 1999, MODERN INFORM RETRIE; BASSECOULARD E, 1999, V44, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; BATAGELJ V, 2002, V2265, P477, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BOLLEN J, 2006, V69, P669, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CARPENTER MP, 1973, V24, P425, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 1998, 150 ANN M AAAS PHIL; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; HATCHER E, 2004, LUCENE ACTION; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; JAIN A, 1988, ALGORITHMS CLUSTERIN; JANSSENS F, 2007, THESIS KATHOLICKE U; JANSSENS F, 2008, V75, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; JANSSENS F, 2009, V45, P683, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JARNEVING B, 2005, THESIS U COLL BORAS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2002, V53, P987, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V60, P348, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; NARIN F, 1972, V23, P323, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NARIN F, 1976, EVALUATIVE BIBLIOMET; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; ROUSSEEUW PJ, 1987, V20, P53, J COMPUT APPL MATH; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHANG L, 2009, V81, P821, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 33| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAR| PY- 2010| VL- 82| IS- 3| BP- 687| EP- 706| DI- 10.1007/s11192-010-0180-1| PG- 20| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 563JK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V82, N3, P687-706| UT- ISI:000275124700018 ER || PT- J| AU- Chang CKN; Breitzman A| AF- Chang Connie K. N; Breitzman, Anthony| TI- Using patents prospectively to identify emerging, high-impact technological clusters| SO- RESEARCH EVALUATION| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INDICATORS| AB- This article describes and illustrates the usefulness of a sophisticated methodological tool based on patents, citations, cocitations, and clustering of patents for identifying emerging, highimpact technology clusters and trends. This tool can provide a greater understanding of how emerging, technological clusters form from previous research conducted; the organizations involved; inventors' locations; the core technologies being built upon and technologies currently being pursued; and an early indication of commercial applications that may result. This tool should be of value to program managers interested in tracing the results of funded research projects to economic outcomes and societal impacts; policy-makers interested in fostering regional innovation; and evaluators who are curious how patents can be used as a prospective tool for innovative activity. This article covers in broad strokes the development and validation of the tool, its limitations, key results and highlights from analyzing the top 100 emerging technological clusters, and concluding thoughts| C1- [Breitzman, Anthony] 1790 Analyt, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 USA| RP- Chang, CKN, 5440 Nevada Ave NW, Washington, DC 20015 USA| EM-| CD- ALBERT MB, 1991, V20, P251, RES POLICY; BREITZMAN A, 2001, US, 6175824; BREITZMAN A, 2007, EMERGING CLUST UNPUB; BREITZMAN AF, 2002, V28, P187, J INFORM SCI; CARPENTER M, 1981, V4, P160, WORLD PATENT INFORMA; NARIN F, 1987, V16, P143, RES POLICY; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; THOMAS P, 2004, US, 6832211| NR- 8| TC- 0| PU- BEECH TREE PUBLISHING| PI- GUILDFORD| PA- 10 WATFORD CLOSE,, GUILDFORD GU1 2EP, SURREY, ENGLAND| SN- 0958-2029| J9- RES EVALUAT| JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- Res. Evaluat| DEC| 2009| 18| 5| 357| 364| 10.3152/095820209X481066| 8| Information Science & Library Science| 561ND| RESEARCH EVALUATION, 2009, V18, N5, P357-364| ISI:000274983400003 ER || PT- J| AU- Astrom F| AF- Astrom Fredrik| TI- THE VISIBILITY OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND LIBRARY SCIENCE RESEARCH IN BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING OF THE LIS FIELD| SO- LIBRARY QUARTERLY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; DOCUMENTATION| AB- The relation between information science and library science has been debated for decades, and even attempts at utilizing methods generally acknowledged as robust for the purpose of mapping research fields have yielded results with large variations. Therefore, a set of citation analyses was performed, comparing the results of analyses on information science and library science separately but also as a joint library and information science ( LIS) field. Although there are large differences, not the least in the author-level analyses, the patterns in the citation data support the concept of a joint LIS field with information science and library science being the two main subfields; many of the variations in the analyses are caused by the interdisciplinary nature of LIS, reflected in, for example, variations in citation practices in the different subfields| C1- [Astrom, Fredrik] Lund Univ Lib, Head Off, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden; [Astrom, Fredrik] Univ Technol Sydney, Broadway, NSW 2007, Australia| RP- Astrom, F, Lund Univ Lib, Head Off, POB 134, SE-22100 Lund, Sweden| EM-| CD- ASTROM F, 2002, P185, EMERGING FRAMEWORKS; BUCKLAND M, 1996, V32, P63, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; INGWERSEN P, 1992, V42, P99, LIBRI; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOYAANEGON F, 2006, V32, P63, J INF SCI; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2009, V5, P9, E ZINE ISSI S; SARACEVIC T, 1999, V50, P1051, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SHERA JH, 1968, V22, P58, UNESCO B LIBRARIES; VAKKARI P, 1994, V18, P1, ADV LIBRARIANSHIP; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 18| TC- 0| PUPIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- UNIV CHICAGO PRESS| CHICAGO| 1427 E 60TH ST, CHICAGO, IL 60637-2954 USA| 0024-2519| LIBR QUART| Libr. Q| APR| 2010| 80| 2| 143| 159| 17| Information Science & Library Science| 556QL| LIBRARY QUARTERLY, 2010, V80, N2, P143-159| ISI:000274606100002 ER || PT- J| AU- Nolin J; Astrom F| AF- Nolin Jan; Astrom, Fredrik| TI- Turning weakness into strength: strategies for future LIS| SO- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Research work; Information science; Uncertainty management| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE RESEARCH; AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; DOMAINANALYSIS; LIBRARY; INSTITUTIONALIZATION; DOCUMENTATION; PERSPECTIVE; DISCIPLINE; USER| AB- Purpose - LIS has been described as a fragmented field in crisis, with an increased competition from other fields; and lacking in development of theories. The purpose of this paper is to articulate a strategy in which the perceived weakness can be seen as a source of strength Design/methodology/approach - The text builds mostly on reflections on meta-theoretical and science-organisation literature. Ten distinct problems for the research field are identified and discussed in order to provide a viable strategy for the future Findings - While it is common to suggest a convergent movement toward the idealised characteristics of the strong research discipline as a recipe against fragmentation, a strong convergent movement is suggested that feeds off the fragmented character of the field. What is commonly perceived as a weakness, the multidimensional character of the field, can be translated into a strategic resource Originality/value - The paper provides a fresh perspective on the strategic situation of LIS| C1- [Nolin, Jan] Univ Boras, Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Boras, Sweden; [Astrom, Fredrik] Univ Technol Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia; [Astrom, Fredrik] Lund Univ Lib, Lund, Sweden| RP- Nolin, J, Univ Boras, Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Boras, Sweden| EM-| CD- ASTROM F, 2004, P1, AWARE RESPONSIBLE; ASTROM F, 2006, SOCIAL INTELLECTUAL; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ASTROM F, 2008, V64, P721, J DOC; BECHER T, 2001, ACAD TRIBES TERRITOR; BELKIN NJ, 1990, V16, P11, J INFORM SCI; BRIER S, 2003, V1, P71, TRIPPLEC; BROOKES BC, 1974, P42, INFORMATICS 2; BUCKLAND M, 1996, V32, P63, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CRONIN B, 1990, V16, P381, J INF SCI; CRONIN B, 2008, V59, P551, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DALRYMPLE PW, 2001, V23, P155, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; DEJONG T, 1996, V31, P105, EDUC PSYCHOL; DERVIN B, 1989, V39, P216, J COMMUN; ETZIONI A, 1969, SEMIPROFESSIONS THEI; EVERTSSON L, 2002, THESIS U UMEA UMEA; FISHER D, 1990, P98, THEORIES SCI SOC; FRICKEL S, 2005, V70, P204, AM SOCIOL REV; FUCHS S, 1993, V71, P933, SOC FORCES; FUNTOWICZ SO, 1993, V25, P735, FUTURES; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION SCI K; HARRIS MH, 1986, V34, P515, LIBR TRENDS; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HJORLAND B, 2002, V53, P257, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HJORLAND B, 2002, V58, P422, J DOC; INGWERSEN P, 1992, V42, P99, LIBRI; INGWERSEN P, 2005, TURN INTEGRATION INF; KLEIN JT, 1990, INTERDISCIPLINARITY; KUHN T, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LARSEN JB, 2005, P232, EUROPEAN CURRICULUM; MCCREADIE M, 1999, V35, P45, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MILLER GA, 2003, V7, P141, TRENDS COGN SCI; NOLIN J, 2007, V12, INFORM RES; PALFREY J, 2008, BORN DIGITAL UNDERST; PALMER CL, 1996, THESIS U ILLINOIS UR; PETTIGREW KE, 2001, V52, P62, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; PINCH T, 1993, V18, P511, SCI TECHNOL HUM VAL; RAYWARD WB, 1997, V48, P289, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RAYWARD WB, 2004, P1, HIST HERITAGE SCI TE; SARACEVIC T, 1992, P5, CONCEPTIONS LIB INFO; SARACEVIC T, 1999, V50, P1051, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHREIBER T, 2006, P9, BIBLIOTEKARERNE PROF; SUNDIN O, 2005, P293, THEORIES INFORM BEHA; SUNDIN O, 2006, P77, BIBLIOTEKARERNE PROF; TALJA S, 2007, V12, INFORM RES; VAKKARI P, 1994, V18, P1, ADV LIBRARIANSHIP; VAKKARI P, 1996, V21, P25, INT FORUM INFORM DOC; WARNER J, 2001, V71, P243, LIBR QUART; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WILSON TD, 2002, V43, P296, J ED LIB INFORM SCI; WILSON TD, 2003, V29, P445, J INFORM SCI; WITZ A, 1992, PROFESSIONS PATRIARC; WOOLGAR S, 1991, V16, P20, SCI TECHNOL; WOUTERS P, 2007, 6 C CONC LIB INF SCI; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZWEIZIG DL, 1976, V12, P48, DREXEL LIB Q| NR- 57| TC- 0| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0022-0418| J9- J DOC| JI- J. Doc| PY- 2010| VL- 66| IS- 1| BP- 7| EP- 27| DI- 10.1108/00220411011016344| PG- 21| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 557DI| JN- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION, 2010, V66, N1, P7-27| UT- ISI:000274648700002 ER || PT- J| AU- Rafols I; Meyer M| AF- Rafols Ismael; Meyer, Martin| TI- Diversity and network coherence as indicators of interdisciplinarity: case studies in bionanoscience| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Interdisciplinary research; Nanotechnology; Nanoscience; Diversity; Indicators; Network analysis| ID- CROSS-DISCIPLINARY; RESEARCH AREAS; SCIENCE; COCITATION; NANOTECHNOLOGY; CITATION; BIONANOTECHNOLOGY; COLLABORATION; STRATEGIES; CATEGORIES| AB- The multidimensional character and inherent conflict with categorisation of interdisciplinarity makes its mapping and evaluation a challenging task. We propose a conceptual framework that aims to capture interdisciplinarity in the wider sense of knowledge integration, by exploring the concepts of diversity and coherence Disciplinary diversity indicators are developed to describe the heterogeneity of a bibliometric set viewed from predefined categories, i.e. using a top-down approach that locates the set on the global map of science. Network coherence indicators are constructed to measure the intensity of similarity relations within a bibliometric set, i.e. using a bottom-up approach, which reveals the structural consistency of the publications network. We carry out case studies on individual articles in bionanoscience to illustrate how these two perspectives identify different aspects of interdisciplinarity: disciplinary diversity indicates the large-scale breadth of the knowledge base of a publication; network coherence reflects the novelty of its knowledge integration. We suggest that the combination of these two approaches may be useful for comparative studies of emergent scientific and technological fields, where new and controversial categorisations are accompanied by equally contested claims of novelty and interdisciplinarity| C1- [Rafols, Ismael; Meyer, Martin] Univ Sussex, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England; [Meyer, Martin] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Steunpunt O&O Statistieken, Leuven, Belgium; [Meyer, Martin] Helsinki Univ Technol, Helsinki, Finland| RP- Rafols, I, Univ Sussex, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England| EM-| FU- EU ; Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation FX This research was supported by an EU postdoctoral Marie-Curie Fellowship to IR, and the Daiwa AngloJapanese Foundation. We benefited from discussions with J. Glaser, L. Leydesdorff, F. Morillo, A. L Porter, and SPRU colleagues S. Katz, R. Kempener, W. E. Steinmueller and A. Stirling| CD- *NAT AC, 2005, FAC INT RES; *R DEV COR TEAM, 2007, R LANG ENV STAT COMP; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARJAK F, 2006, TEAM DIVERSITY RES C; BATAGELJ V, 2008, PAJEK PROGRAM LARGE; BORDONS M, 2004, P437, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; BOURKE P, 1998, V26, P711, RES POLICY; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2003, V54, P193, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HAVEMANN F, 2007, P860, 11 INT C INT SOC SCI; HELLSTEN I, 2007, V72, P469, SCIENTOMETRICS; HOLLINGSWORTH JR, 2006, P423, INNOVATION SCI I CHA; KISS IZ, CAN EPIDEMIC M UNPUB; KLAVANS R, 2008, MAP SCI; KLEIN JT, 2000, P3, PRACTISING INTERDISC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V70, P693, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MEYER M, 1998, V42, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NESTA L, 2005, V53, P123, J IND ECON; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PERSSON O, 2008, BIBEXCEL TOOL BOX PR; PORTER AL, 1985, V8, P161, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2006, V15, P187, RES EVALUAT; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PURVIS A, 2000, V405, P212, NATURE; RAFOLS I, 2007, V20, P395, INNOVATION-ABINGDON; RAFOLS I, 2007, V70, P633, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAFOLS I, 2009, V60, P1823, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAO CR, 1982, V21, P24, THEOR POPUL BIOL; ROUSSEAU R, 2000, P72, RES U EVALUATION; SANZMENENDEZ L, 2001, V10, P47, RES EVALUAT; SCHARNHORST A, 1998, V43, P95, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHMIDT M, 2006, P INT WORKSH WEB INF; SCHUMMER J, 2004, V59, P425, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; STIRLING A, 1998, EC ANAL DIVERSITY SP; STIRLING A, 2007, V4, P707, J R SOC INTERFACE; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 1996, V47, P415, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2001, P705, P 8 INT C SCI INF IS; VANLEEUWEN T, 2000, V9, P183, RES EVALUAT; VANRAAN AFJ, 2002, V31, P611, RES POLICY; WEINGART P, 2000, PRACTISING INTERDISC; ZITT M, 2005, V3, P38, MEASUREMENT INTERDIS| NR- 50| TC- 3| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- FEB| PY- 2010| VL- 82| IS- 2| BP- 263| EP- 287| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0041-y| PG- 25| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 550ER| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V82, N2, P263-287| UT- ISI:000274111600005 ER || PT- J| AU- Perianes-Rodriguez A; Olmeda-Gomez C; Moya-Anegon F| AF- Perianes-Rodriguez Antonio; Olmeda-Gomez, Carlos; Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- Detecting, identifying and visualizing research groups in coauthorship networks| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Scientific collaboration; Research groups; Coauthorship; Network analysis; Information visualization| ID- RESEARCH COLLABORATION; COMMUNITY STRUCTURE; INTELLECTUAL SPACE; PRODUCTIVITY; COCITATION; GRAPHS; SIZE| AB- The present paper proposes a method for detecting, identifying and visualizing research groups. The data used refer to nine Carlos III University of Madrid departments, while the findings for the Communication Technologies Department illustrate the method. Structural analysis was used to generate co-authorship networks. Research groups were identified on the basis of factorial analysis of the raw data matrix and similarities in the choice of co-authors. The resulting networks distinguished the researchers participating in the intra-departmental network from those not involved and identified the existing research groups. Fields of research were characterized by the Journal of Citation Report subject category assigned to the bibliographic references cited in the papers written by the author-factors. The results, i.e., the graphic displays of the structures of the socio-centric and co-authorship networks and the strategies underlying collaboration among researchers, were later discussed with the members of the departments analyzed. The paper constitutes a starting point for understanding and characterizing networking within research institutions| C1- [Perianes-Rodriguez, Antonio; Olmeda-Gomez, Carlos] Univ Carlos III Madrid, SCImago Res Grp, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, Madrid 28903, Spain; [Moya-Anegon, Felix] Univ Granada, Dept Informat Sci, Granada, Spain; [Perianes-Rodriguez, Antonio; Olmeda-Gomez, Carlos; Moya-Anegon, Felix] Univ Granada, SCImago Res Grp, Granada, Spain| RP- Perianes-Rodriguez, A, Univ Carlos III Madrid, SCImago Res Grp, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, C Madrid 128, Madrid 28903, Spain| EM-| CD- *W3C, 2005, SCAL VECT GRAPH SVG; BALAKRISHNAN H, 2006, P280, P ACM SE REG C; BEAVER DD, 1978, V1, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORDONS M, 1995, P83, P 5 BIENN C INT SOC; BORDONS M, 1995, V5, P137, RES EVALUAT; BORDONS M, 1997, V40, P423, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALERO C, 2006, V66, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 1999, P449, IEEE VISUALIZATION; CHEN C, 1999, P18, P 1999 INT C INF VIS; CHEN C, 2001, V34, P65, IEEE COMPUT; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; COHEN JE, 1991, V20, P395, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DONETTI L, 2004, ARTN P10012, J STAT MECH-THEO OCT; EISENBERG JD, 2002, SVG ESSENTIALS; ETZKOWITZ H, 2003, V32, P109, RES POLICY; GALVEZ C, 2006, V69, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; GALVEZ C, 2007, V70, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; GEROIMENKO V, 2005, VISUALIZING INFORM U; HARSANYI MA, 1993, V15, P325, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; HERREROSOLANA V, 2006, V11, INFORM RES; ICHISE R, 2006, NEW FRONTIERS ARTIFI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KATZ JS, 1992, THESIS U SUSSEX BRIG; KATZ JS, 1997, V26, P1, RES POLICY; LAUDEL G, 2002, V11, P3, RES EVALUAT; LIU XM, 2005, V41, P1462, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MELIN G, 1996, V36, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; MIQUEL JF, 1989, V20, P116, RECHERCHE; MONFORT N, 2004, MSCIS0418 PENNS STAT; MORENO JL, 1953, WHO SHALL SURVIVE FD; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V38, P321, EUR PHYS J B; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V46, P591, SCIENTOMETRICS; PALLA G, 2005, V435, P814, NATURE; RADICCHI F, 2004, V101, P2658, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; REICHARDT J, 2004, V93, ARTN 218701, PHYS REV LETT; SEGLEN PO, 2000, V49, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH D, 2000, COLLABORATIVE APPROA; SUBRAMANYAM K, 1983, V6, P33, J INF SCI; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; VONTUNZELMANN N, 2003, EFFECTS SIZE RES PER; VUCKOVICDEKIC L, 2003, V11, P211, ARCH ONCOL; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WU F, 2004, V38, P331, EUR PHYS J B; ZULUETA MA, 1999, V8, P111, RES EVALUAT; ZULUETA MA, 1999, V23, P333, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN| NR- 50| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- FEB| PY- 2010| VL- 82| IS- 2| BP- 307| EP- 319| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0040-z| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 550ER| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2010, V82, N2, P307-319| UT- ISI:000274111600007 ER || PT- J| AU- Gingras Y| AF- Gingras Yves| TI- Revisiting the "Quiet Debut" of the Double Helix: A Bibliometric and Methodological note on the "Impact" of Scientific Publications| SO- JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- DNA; JD Watson; Francis Crick; bibliometrics; co-citation mapping; citation analysis; scientific impact; Jacques Monod; Francois Jacob| ID- NETWORKS; CITATION; WATSON; CRICK; TIME; DNA| AB- The object of this paper is two-fold: first, to show that contrary to what seem to have become a widely accepted view among historians of biology, the famous 1953 first Nature paper of Watson and Crick on the structure of DNA was widely cited - as compared to the average paper of the time - on a continuous basis from the very year of its publication and over the period 1953-1970 and that the citations came from a wide array of scientific journals. A systematic analysis of the bibliometric data thus shows that Watson's and Crick's paper did in fact have immediate and long term impact if we define "impact" in terms of comparative citations with other papers of the time. In this precise sense it did not fall into "relative oblivion" in the scientific community. The second aim of this paper is to show, using the case of the reception of the Watson-Crick and Jacob-Monod papers as concrete examples, how large scale bibliometric data can be used in a sophisticated manner to provide information about the dynamic of the scientific field as a whole instead of limiting the analysis to a few major actors and generalizing the result to the whole community without further ado| C1- Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| RP- Gingras, Y, Univ Quebec, Dept Hist, CP 8888,Suc Ctr Ville, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| EM-| CD- AHMED T, 2004, V61, P147, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORGATTI SP, 2002, NETDRAW GRAPH VISUAL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BOURDIEU P, 2004, SCI SCI REFLEXIVITY; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; DECHADAREVIAN S, 2002, DESIGNS LIFE MOL BIO; DECHADAREVIAN S, 2006, V39, P707, J HIST BIOL; DEICHMANN U, 2004, V34, P207, HIST STUD PHYS BIO 2; ELKIN LO, 2003, V56, P42, PHYS TODAY; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GARFIELD E, 1979, P81, CITATION INDEXING; GARFIELD E, 2003, V22, P183, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; GINGRAS Y, 2007, P314, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; GINGRAS Y, 2008, V46, P75, HIST SCI 1; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; LAFOLLETTE MC, 1990, MAKING SCI OUR OWN P; LARIVIERE V, 2008, V59, P288, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAWRENCE PA, 2007, V17, R584, CURR BIOL; LINE MB, 1993, V41, P665, LIBR TRENDS; MADDOX B, 2002, R FRANKLIN DARK LADY; MCCAIN KW, 2008, V59, P510, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MERTON RK, 1968, SOCIAL THEORY SOCIAL; NELKIN D, 1994, SELLING SCI PRESS CO; OLBY R, 2003, V421, P402, NATURE; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SNYDER H, 1998, V24, P431, J INFORM SCI; STRASSER BJ, 2003, V422, P803, NATURE; VANRAAN AFJ, 2004, V59, P461, SCIENTOMETRICS; WALLACE ML, 2009, V60, P240, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORKS ANAL; WINSTANLEY M, 1976, V6, P545, SOC STUD SCI; WITKOWSKI JA, 1990, V13, P255, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL| NR- 34| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0022-5010| J9- J HIST BIOL| JI- J. Hist. Biol| PD- FEB| PY- 2010| VL- 43| IS- 1| BP- 159| EP- 181| DI- 10.1007/s10739-009-9183-2| PG- 23| SC- Biology; History & Philosophy Of Science| GA- 552UM| JN- JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF BIOLOGY, 2010, V43, N1, P159-181| UT- ISI:000274319100005 ER || PT- J| AU- Tseng HC; Duan CH; Tung HL; Kung HJ| AF- Tseng Hsing-Chau; Duan, Chi-Hsiang; Tung, Hui-Lien; Kung, Hsiang-Jui| TI- Modern Business Ethics Research: Concepts, Theories, and Relationships| SO- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- business ethics; intellectual structure; citation analysis; cocitation analysis; social network analysis| ID- CORPORATE SOCIAL PERFORMANCE; UNETHICAL DECISION BEHAVIOR; STAKEHOLDER THEORY; MANAGEMENT; ORGANIZATIONS; COCITATION; AUTHORS; ISSUES| AB- The main purpose of this study is to explore and map the intellectual structure of business ethics studies during 1997-2006 by analyzing 85,000 cited references of 3,059 articles from three business ethics related journals in SSCI and SCI databases. In this article, co-citation analysis and social network analysis techniques are used to research intellectual structure of the business ethics literature. We are able to identify the important publications and the influential scholars as well as the correlations among these publications by analyzing citation and cocitation. Three factors emerged in this study are: (1) ethical/unethical decision making, (2) corporate governance and firm performance, and (3) ethical principles and code of conduct| C1- [Tseng, Hsing-Chau; Duan, Chi-Hsiang] Chung Jung Christian Univ, Tainan, Taiwan; [Tung, Hui-Lien] Paine Coll, Augusta, GA 30901 USA; [Kung, Hsiang-Jui] Georgia So Univ, Statesboro, GA 30460 USA| RP- Tseng, HC, Chung Jung Christian Univ, Tainan, Taiwan| EM-| CD- *AM PSYCH ASS, 1992, V47, P1597, AM PSYCHOL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BRENNER SN, 1977, V55, P57, HARVARD BUS REV; BRENNER SN, 1991, STAKEHOLDER THEORY F; CARROLL AB, 1979, V4, P497, ACAD MANAGE REV; CARROLL AB, 1989, BUSINESS SOC ETHICS; CHANDY PR, 1994, V25, P715, J INT BUS STUD; CHONKO LB, 1985, V13, P339, J BUS RES; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; DONALDSON T, 1994, V19, P252, ACAD MANAGE REV; DONALDSON T, 1995, V20, P65, ACAD MANAGE REV; DUBINSKY AJ, 1989, V19, P83, J BUS RES; FERRELL OC, 1985, V49, P87, J MARKETING; FERRELL OC, 1989, V9, P55, J MACROMARKETING; FORD RC, 1994, V13, P205, J BUS ETHICS; FORSYTH DR, 1980, V39, P175, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; FREDERICK WC, 1987, V9, RES CORPORATE SOCIAL; FREEMAN RE, 1984, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; FRITZSCHE DJ, 1988, V8, P29, J MACROMARKETING; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GOODPASTER KE, 1991, V1, P53, BUSINESS ETHICS Q; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HEGARTY WH, 1978, V63, P451, J APPL PSYCHOL; HEGARTY WH, 1979, V64, P331, J APPL PSYCHOL; HILL CWL, 1992, V29, P131, J MANAGE STUD; HUNT SD, 1986, V6, P5, J MACROMARKETING; JENSEN MC, 1976, V3, P305, J FINANC ECON; JONES TM, 1991, V16, P366, ACAD MANAGE REV; JONES TM, 1995, V20, P404, ACAD MANAGE REV; KLEIN KJ, 1994, V19, P195, ACAD MANAGE REV; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MITCHELL RK, 1997, V22, P853, ACAD MANAGE REV; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P288, TECHNOVATION; REIDENBACH RE, 1990, V9, P639, J BUS ETHICS; REST JR, 1986, ADV RES THEORY; ROBIN DP, 1987, V51, P44, J MARKETING; RUEGGER D, 1992, V11, P179, J BUS ETHICS; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TAYLOR PW, 1975, PRINCIPLES ETHICS IN; TREVINO LK, 1986, V11, P601, ACAD MANAGE REV; TREVINO LK, 1990, V75, P378, J APPL PSYCHOL; VICTOR B, 1988, V33, P101, ADM SCI Q; VITELL SJ, 1993, V12, P753, J BUS ETHICS; WEBER J, 1990, V43, P687, HUM RELAT; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WOOD DJ, 1991, V16, P691, ACAD MANAGE REV; WOOD DJ, 1991, V17, P383, J MANAGE| NR- 51| TCPUPIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 1| SPRINGER| DORDRECHT| VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| 0167-4544| J BUS ETHICS| J. Bus. Ethics| FEB| 2010| 91| 4| 587| 597| 10.1007/s10551-009-0133-x| 11| Business; Ethics| 549HP| JOURNAL OF BUSINESS ETHICS, 2010, V91, N4, P587-597| ISI:000274038600009 ER || PT- J| AU- Charvet FF; Cooper MC; Gardner JT| AF- Charvet Francois F; Cooper, Martha C; Gardner, John T| TI- THE INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: A BIBLIOMETRIC APPROACH| SO- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometrics; Co-Citation analysis, Logistics; Production and operations management; Purchasing; Supply chain management| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; MARKETING JOURNALS; AUTHOR COCITATION; CONSUMER RESEARCH; INFORMATION; CLASSIFICATION; PERSPECTIVE; DISCIPLINE; INCENTIVES| AB- Now that supply chain management has a two-decade research history, it is possible to examine the literature to identify whether there is any latent intellectual structure using bibliometric tools. The study applies a citation and co-citation approach to reveal four clusters of research that have emerged. One cluster has strong ties to the logistics field, with primarily conceptual articles. A second cluster finds its roots in operations research, and consists mainly of modeling articles. The application of multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and factor analysis on co-citations demonstrated a clearly identifiable structure. The structure is examined and implications for the future development of supply chain research are discussed| C1- [Charvet, Francois F.; Cooper, Martha C.] Ohio State Univ, Fisher Coll Business, Columbus, OH 43210 USA; [Cooper, Martha C.] AF Inst Technol, Wright Patterson AFB, OH 45433 USA; [Gardner, John T.] SUNY Coll Brockport, Brockport, NY 14420 USA| RP- Charvet, FF, Ohio State Univ, Fisher Coll Business, Columbus, OH 43210 USA| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2005, V14, P619, INT BUS REV; ARNTZEN BC, 1995, V25, P69, INTERFACES; AUTRY CW, 2004, V4, P27, TRANSPORT J; AVIV Y, 2001, V47, P1326, MANAGE SCI; BARMAN S, 2001, V19, P367, J OPER MANAG; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BECHTEL C, 1997, V8, P15, INT J LOGISTICS MANA; BHASKARAN S, 1998, V29, P633, DECISION SCI; BREWER PC, 2000, V21, P75, J BUSINESS LOGISTICS; BROWN LD, 1985, V23, P84, J ACCOUNTING RES; CARLEY K, 1989, COMPUTER ANAL QUALIT; COOPER CL, 1997, V18, P1, J ORGAN BEHAV; COOPER MC, 1997, V8, P1, INT J LOGISTICS MANA; COOPER MC, 2006, 17 ANN C PROD OP MAN; COTE JA, 1991, V18, P402, J CONSUM RES; COURTIAL JP, 1984, V9, P47, J INFORM SCI; CROXTON KL, 2001, V12, P13, INT J LOGISTICS MANA; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P340, MIS Q; EOM SB, 2003, AUTHOR COCITATION AN; GOH C, 1997, V15, P123, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HOULIHAN JB, 1985, V15, P22, INT J PHYS DISTRIB; HULT G, 1997, V19, P37, J MARKETING ED; HUNT SD, 1990, V54, P1, J MARKETING; KERLINGER FN, 1973, FDN BEHAV RES; KRAUSE DR, 1998, V17, P39, J OPER MANAG; KRIPPENDORF K, 1980, CONTENT ANAL INTRO I; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; KUMAR V, 2004, V34, P811, INT J PHYS DISTRIB; LAMBERT DM, 1998, V9, P19, INT J LOGIST MANAG; LAMBERT DM, 2000, V29, P65, IND MARKET MANAG; LAMBERT DM, 2001, V12, P1, INT J LOGISTICS MANA; LAMMING R, 1996, V16, P183, INT J OPER PROD MAN; LAMMING R, 2000, V20, P675, INT J OPER PROD MAN; LATTIN JM, 2003, ANAL MULTIVARIATE DA; LEE H, 1999, V45, P633, MANAGE SCI; LEE HL, 1997, V43, P546, MANAGE SCI; LEE HL, 2000, V46, P626, MANAGE SCI; LOWRY PB, 2004, V5, P29, J ASSOC INF SYST; LUMMUS RR, 1998, V39, P49, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; MABERT VA, 1998, V29, P537, DECISION SCI; MALONI MJ, 1997, V101, P419, EUR J OPER RES; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MENTZER JT, 2001, V22, P1, J BUSINESS LOGISTICS; MONCZKA RM, 1998, V29, P553, DECISION SCI; MYLONOPOULOS NA, 2001, V44, P29, COMMUN ACM; NARASIMHAN R, 1998, V29, P579, DECISION SCI; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PRITCHARD A, 1969, V25, P348, J DOC; RAGHUNATHAN S, 1999, V30, P1053, DECISION SCI; RAGHUNATHAN S, 2001, V47, P605, MANAGE SCI; RAINER RK, 2005, V48, P91, COMMUN ACM; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SAHIN F, 2002, V33, P505, DECISION SCI; SCANNELL TV, 2000, V21, P23, J BUSINESS LOGISTICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMIRCICH L, 1983, V28, P339, ADMIN SCI QUART; STANK TP, 2001, V22, P29, J BUSINESS LOGISTICS; SWAMINATHAN JM, 1998, V29, P3, DECISION SCI; TAN KC, 1999, V19, P1034, INT J OPER PROD MAN; TARN JM, 2002, V102, P26, IND MANAGE DATA SYST; THEOHARAKIS V, 2002, V13, P389, MARKET LETT; THOMAS DJ, 1996, V94, P1, EUR J OPER RES; TSAY AA, 1999, V45, P1339, MANAGE SCI; VOKURKA RJ, 1996, V14, P345, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 69| TC- 3| PU- CSCMP-COUNCIL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS| PI- LOMBARD| PA- 333 E BUTTERFIELD RD, STE 140, LOMBARD, IL 60148-5617 USA| SN- 0735-3766| J9- J BUS LOGIST| JI- J. Bus. Logist| PY- 2008| VL- 29| IS- 1| BP- 47| EP- +| PG- 28| SC- Management| GA- 544CJ| JN- JOURNAL OF BUSINESS LOGISTICS, 2008, V29, N1, P47-+| UT- ISI:000273629300003 ER || PT- J| AU- Shen YC; Chang SH; Lin GTR; Yu HC| AF- Shen Yung-Chi; Chang, Shu-Hsuan; Lin, Grace T. R; Yu, Hsiao-Cheng| TI- A hybrid selection model for emerging technology| SO- TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- Fuzzy Delphi method; Analytic hierarchy process; Patent co-citation approach; Organic light emitting diode| ID- ANALYTIC HIERARCHY PROCESS; RESEARCH-AND-DEVELOPMENT; AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; FUZZY DELPHI METHOD; PATENT ANALYSIS; CLUSTERANALYSIS; MANAGEMENT; INDUSTRY; SCIENCE; SYSTEM| AB- Technology selection, which influences the advantages of an enterprise or a country, is a rnulticriteria decision issue that can be improved by integrating different methods. In addition, it is more and more difficult to identify the right technologies because the technologies are increasing in number and complexity. This study proposes a technology selection process integrating fuzzy Delphi method, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and patent co-citation approach (PCA) for technology selection. The former effectively gathers experts' judgments toward technology selection criteria and conducts the fuzziness existing in their responses. The analytic hierarchy process has the strength of identifying criteria and obtaining their relationship and their weights. The patent co-citation approach identifies the major R&D fields of a specific technology from patent data. Through this proposed process. the key technology fields can be identified in the end. The organic light emitting diode (OLED) technology in Taiwan is used to bean example to illustrate the proposed technology selection process (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,| C1- [Shen, Yung-Chi; Lin, Grace T. R.; Yu, Hsiao-Cheng] Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Grad Inst Technol Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan; [Chang, Shu-Hsuan] Natl Changhua Univ Educ, Dept Ind Educ & Technol, Changhua, Taiwan| RP- Shen, YC, Natl Chiao Tung Univ, Grad Inst Technol Management, Hsinchu, Taiwan| EM-| CD- *IEK, 2004, OPT IND YB; *IEK, 2006, OPT IND YB; ABRAHAM BP, 2001, V21, P245, TECHNOVATION; ARBEL A, 1999, V4, P387, J VAC SCI TECHNOL; ARCHIBUGI D, 1996, V16, P451, TECHNOVATION; ARMACOST RL, 1999, V8, P535, GROUP DECIS NEGOT; ASHTON WB, 1988, V31, P42, RES TECHNOL MANAGE; BAKER NR, 1974, V21, P165, IEEE T ENG MANAGE EM; BAKOS Y, 1998, COMPUTER REVOLUTION; BANULS VA, 2007, V74, P750, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; BANULS VA, 2008, V28, P103, TECHNOVATION; BENGISU M, 2006, V73, P835, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; BERRY MMJ, 1994, V24, P341, R&D MANAGE; BREITZMAN A, 2002, V32, P1, R&D MANAGE; BREITZMAN AF, 2002, V28, P187, J INFORM SCI; BROOKS KW, 1979, V53, P377, N CENTRAL ASS Q; BUYUKOZKAN G, 2004, V14, P139, INTERNET RES; CANTWELL J, 1992, TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMEN; CHANG PT, 2000, V112, P511, FUZZY SET SYST; CHEN CH, 2005, ORGANIC ELECTROLUMIN; CHEN CH, 2007, OLED MAT DEVICES DRE; CHEN HH, 2008, V59, P242, COMPUT IND; CLARK KB, 1989, V67, P94, HARVARD BUS REV; COCHRAN SW, 1983, V2, P111, J HUMAN SCI; COLDRICK S, 2005, V25, P185, TECHNOVATION; CYPHERT FR, 1971, V52, P272, PHI DELTA KAPPAN; DAILEY AL, 1990, V14, P129, COMMUNITY JUNIOR COL; DAIM TU, 2006, V73, P981, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; DALKEY N, 1963, V9, P458, MANAGE SCI; DELBECQ AL, 1975, GROUP TECHNIQUES PRO; DUSSAUGE P, 1992, STRATEGIC TECHNOLOGY; EFSTATHIADES A, 2000, V20, P93, TECHNOVATION; ERNST H, 1997, V9, P361, SMALL BUS ECON; GARFIELD E, 1980, V40, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS 1; GREENBERG E, 1995, CHANGE MANAGEMENT SU; GREGORY MJ, 1995, V209, P347, P I MECH ENG B-J ENG; HACKETT GP, 1990, V31, P97, SLOAN MANAGE REV; HAJEEH M, 2005, V174, P97, DESALINATION; HE YL, 2002, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HSU TH, 1999, V22, P229, TRANSPORT PLAN TECHN; HUANG GQ, 1999, V19, P21, INT J OPER PROD MAN; HUANG HJ, 2008, V36, P1052, IEEE T PLASMA SCI 1; HUANG LC, 2005, V30, P105, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; HUFKER T, 1994, V3, P44, J PRODUCT BRAND MANA; HWANG CL, 1987, GROUP DECISION MAKIN; ISHIKAWA A, 1993, V55, P241, FUZZY SET SYST; JAFFE AB, 1986, V76, P984, AM ECON REV; JAFFE AB, 2002, PATENTS CITATIONS IN; KHALIL TM, 2000, MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOG; KHORRAMSHAHGOL R, 1988, V37, P347, EUR J OPER RES; KLIR GJ, 1988, FUZZY SETS UNCERTAIN; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V48, P132, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; LAI KK, 2005, V41, P313, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LAMB M, 1997, IND CONCERNS TECHNOL; LEE JW, 2001, V19, P111, INT J PROJECT MANAGE; LEE YG, 2007, V27, P57, TECHNOVATION; LEI DT, 2000, V19, P699, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; LEV B, 2001, INTANGIBLES MANAGEME; LIBERATORE MJ, 1983, V29, P962, MANAGE SCI; LIU SJ, 1997, V13, P661, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; MALLADI S, 2005, V22, P201, TELEMATICS INFORMATI; MARTORELLA P, 1991, V19, P83, THEOR RES SOC EDUC; MCNAMARA P, 1999, V10, P291, BRIT J MANAGE; MOGEE ME, 1997, TECHN TRANSF SOC ANN; MOGEE ME, 1999, V9, P291, EXPERT OPIN THER PAT; MORONE J, 1989, V31, P91, CALIF MANAGE REV; MURRY JW, 1995, V18, P423, REV HIGH EDUC; NARIN F, 1987, V16, P143, RES POLICY; NARIN F, 1993, PAT WORLD APR; NARIN F, 1993, P52, WHAT PATENTS TELL YO; NARIN F, 1995, V24, P507, RES POLICY; OSBORNE J, 2003, V40, P692, J RES SCI TEACH; PHAAL R, 2001, V21, P1116, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PIIPO P, 1990, CONSULTING INNOVATIO; PORTER AL, 1995, V49, P237, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; PRASAD AVS, 1990, V38, P151, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; RAJU US, 1995, V48, P27, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; RAMANUJAM V, 1981, V19, P81, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECA; RONDE P, 2001, V30, P1041, RES POLICY; RONDE P, 2003, V70, P419, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; SAATY TL, 1980, ANAL HIERARCHY PROCE; SCHMIDT RL, 1992, V39, P189, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; SCHRODER R, 1999, V19, P1270, INT J OPER PROD MAN; SHARABCHIEV JT, 1989, V15, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHEHABUDDEEN N, 2006, V26, P324, TECHNOVATION; SLOANE EB, 2004, V23, P42, IEEE ENG MED BIOL; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STACEY GS, 1990, V5, P389, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; STEENSMA K, 1999, V10, P1, J HIGH TECHNOLOGY MA; TOLGA E, 2005, V97, P89, INT J PROD ECON; TORKKELI M, 2002, V77, P271, INT J PROD ECON; TRAN TA, 2008, V75, P1396, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; UHL NP, 1983, V37, P81, NEW DIRECTIONS I RES; VANZOLINGEN SJ, 2003, V70, P317, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; VERSPAGEN B, 1997, V9, P47, EC SYSTEMS RES; WANG KM, 2005, V52, P119, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITMAN N, 1990, V29, P377, J NURS EDUC; WINEBRAKE JJ, 2003, V70, P359, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; YAP CM, 1993, V13, P449, TECHNOVATION; YU OS, 1998, INTRO TECHNOLOGICAL| NR- 101| TC- 0| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC| PI- NEW YORK| PA- 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA| SNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 0040-1625| TECHNOL FORECAST SOC CHANGE| Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang| JAN| 2010| 77| 1| 151| 166| 10.1016/j.techfore.2009.05.001| 16| Business; Planning & Development| 539BP| TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 2010, V77, N1, P151-166| ISI:000273228700011 ER || PT- J| AU- Torres-Salinas D| AF- Torres-Salinas Daniel| TI- Bibliometric assessment of universities with Scival of Elsevier| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- Elsevier; Scival; Maps of science; Bibliometric indicators; Universities; Scientific information systems| ID- SCIENCE| AB- Research, its management and its policies represent a major effort for Spanish universities but few of these institutions have a scientific information system with bibliometric indicators for decision making Aware of this gap, Elsevier has launched Scival. It is a web platform intended to assess institutions through maps and indicators calculated from the Scopus database. In this article we review this new product We first describe the scientific basis of the platform that is based on the works of Klavan and Bojack about co-citation maps of science and the identification of paradigms. Secondly we describe its interface and its utilities, paying particular attention to the so-called Wheel of science. Finally, we discuss some critical aspects of Scival| C1- Univ Navarra, Ctr Invest Med Aplicada, E-31080 Pamplona, Spain| RP- Torres-Salinas, D, Univ Navarra, Ctr Invest Med Aplicada, E-31080 Pamplona, Spain| EM-| CD- CODINA L, 2005, V14, P44, PROF INFORM; JIMENEZCONTRERA.E, 2006, V15, P373, PROF INFORM; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2008, IDENTIFYING DISTINCT; MARTINEZ LJ, 2008, V17, P331, PROF INFORM; NAVARRETECORTES J, 2008, V131, P71, MED CLIN S5; VANDIEST PJ, 2001, V54, P817, J CLIN PATHOL| NR- 8| TC- 0| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- Prof. Inf| NOV-DEC| 2009| 18| 6| 669| 674| 10.3145/epi.2009.nov.11| 6| Information Science & Library Science| 538IU| PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2009, V18, N6, P669-674| ISI:000273178600011 ER || PT- J| AU- Greco D; Somervuo P; Di Lieto A; Raitila T; Nitsch L; Castren E; Auvinen P| AF- Greco Dario; Somervuo, Panu; Di Lieto, Antonio; Raitila, Tuomas; Nitsch, Lucio; Castren, Eero; Auvinen, Petri| TI- Physiology, Pathology and Relatedness of Human Tissues from Gene Expression Meta-Analysis| SO- PLOS ONE| LA- English| DT- Article| AB- Background: Development and maintenance of the identity of tissues is of central importance for multicellular organisms. Based on gene expression profiles, it is possible to divide genes in housekeeping genes and those whose expression is preferential in one or a few tissues and which provide specialized functions that have a strong effect on the physiology of the whole organism Results: We have surveyed the gene expression in 78 normal human tissues integrating publicly available microarray gene expression data A total amount of 1601 genes were identified as selectively expressed in one or more tissues. The tissueselective genes covered a wide range of cellular and molecular functions, and could be linked to 361 human diseases with Mendelian inheritance. Based on the gene expression profiles, we were able to form a network of tissues reflecting their functional relatedness and, to certain extent, their development. Using co-citation driven gene network technique and promoter analysis, we predicted a transcriptional module where the cooperation of the transcription factors E2F and NF-kappaB can possibly regulate a number of genes involved in the neurogenesis that takes place in the adult hippocampus Conclusions: Here we propose that integration of gene expression data from Affymetrix GeneChip experiments is possible through re-annotation and commonly used pre-processing methods. We suggest that some functional aspects of the tissues can be explained by the co-operation of multiple transcription factors that regulate the expression of selected groups of genes| C1- [Greco, Dario; Somervuo, Panu; Raitila, Tuomas; Auvinen, Petri] Univ Helsinki, Inst Biotechnol, Helsinki, Finland; [Di Lieto, Antonio; Castren, Eero] Univ Helsinki, Neurosci Ctr, Helsinki, Finland; [Nitsch, Lucio] Univ Federico 2, Dipartimento Biol Patol Cell Mol, Naples, Italy| RP- Greco, D, Univ Helsinki, Inst Biotechnol, Helsinki, Finland| EM-| FU- Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki ; Academy of Finland [117968]| FX- This research was funded by the Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, and by the Academy of Finland (grant 117968)| CD- ABBAS AK, 2000, CELLULAR MOL IMMUNOL; ATTWOOLL C, 2004, V23, P4709, EMBO J; BENSON DW, 1999, V104, P1567, J CLIN INVEST; CASTILLODAVIS CI, 2002, V31, P415, NAT GENET; DAI MH, 2005, V33, ARTN e175, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; DENISDONINI S, 2005, V154, P81, DEV BRAIN RES; DURET L, 2000, V17, P68, MOL BIOL EVOL; EEROLA I, 2003, V73, P1240, AM J HUM GENET; FREILICH S, 2005, V6, ARTN R56, GENOME BIOL; GAGE FH, 2000, V287, P1433, SCIENCE; GARG V, 2003, V424, P443, NATURE; GOLDMUNTZ E, 2001, V104, P2565, CIRCULATION; GOULD E, 2007, V8, P481, NAT REV NEUROSCI; HIRAYAMAYAMADA K, 2005, V135, P47, AM J MED GENET A A; IRIZARRY RA, 2003, V4, P249, BIOSTATISTICS; JANEWAY CA, 2001, IMMUNOBIOLOGY; KRIVAN W, 2001, V11, P1559, GENOME RES; LIANG S, 2006, V26, P158, PHYSIOL GENOMICS; LIPSHUTZ RJ, 1999, V21, P20, NAT GENET S; LIU DX, 2001, V32, P425, NEURON; MEFFERT MK, 2005, V28, P37, TRENDS NEUROSCI; OLSON EN, 2006, V313, P1922, SCIENCE; SANDBERG R, 2007, V8, ARTN 48, BMC BIOINFORMATICS; SCHOTT JJ, 1998, V281, P108, SCIENCE; SU AI, 2004, V101, P6062, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SWANSON LW, 1998, V21, P323, TRENDS NEUROSCI; SWANSON LW, 2003, V985, P174, ANN NY ACAD SCI; TIMENS W, 1997, V39, P387, MICROSC RES TECHNIQ; TRIMARCHI JM, 2002, V3, P11, NAT REV MOL CELL BIO; VINOGRADOV AE, 2003, V31, P5212, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; VINOGRADOV AE, 2004, V20, P248, TRENDS GENET; WASSERMAN WW, 1998, V278, P167, J MOL BIOL; WATANABE Y, 2002, V39, P807, J MED GENET; WINTER EE, 2004, V14, P54, GENOME RES; YU XP, 2006, V34, P4925, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES| NR- 35| TC- 6| PU- PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE| PI- SAN FRANCISCO| PA- 185 BERRY ST, STE 1300, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 USA| SN- 1932-6203| J9- PLOS ONE| JI- PLoS One| PD- APR 2| PY- 2008| VL- 3| IS- 4| AR- e1880| DI- 10.1371/journal.pone.0001880| PG- 6| SC- Biology; Multidisciplinary Sciences| GA- 370XC| JN- PLOS ONE, 2008, V3, N4, P669-674| UT- ISI:000260795400015 ER || PT- J| AU- Porter AL; Rafols I| AF- Porter Alan L; Rafols, Ismael| TI- Is science becoming more interdisciplinary? Measuring and mapping six research fields over time| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- BIONANOTECHNOLOGY; STRATEGIES; COCITATION; DIVERSITY| AB- In the last two decades there have been studies claiming that science is becoming ever more interdisciplinary. However, the evidence has been anecdotal or partial. Here we investigate how the degree of interdisciplinarity has changed between 1975 and 2005 over six research domains. To do so, we compute well-established bibliometric indicators alongside a new index of interdisciplinarity (Integration score, aka RaoStirling diversity) and a science mapping visualization method. The results attest to notable changes in research practices over this 30 year period, namely major increases in number of cited disciplines and references per article (both show about 50% growth), and co-authors per article (about 75% growth). However, the new index of interdisciplinarity only shows a modest increase (mostly around 5% growth). Science maps hint that this is because the distribution of citations of an article remains mainly within neighboring disciplinary areas. These findings suggest that science is indeed becoming more interdisciplinary, but in small steps drawing mainly from neighboring fields and only modestly increasing the connections to distant cognitive areas. The combination of metrics and overlay science maps provides general benchmarks for future studies of interdisciplinary research characteristics| C1- [Porter, Alan L.] Georgia Tech, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; [Porter, Alan L.] Search Technol Inc, Atlanta, GA USA; [Rafols, Ismael] Univ Sussex, SPRU Sci & Technol Policy Res, Brighton BN1 9RH, E Sussex, England| RP- Porter, AL, Georgia Tech, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA| EM-| CD- *NAT AC COSEPUP, 2005, FAC INT RES; ABT H, 2007, V71, P105, SCIENTOMETRICS; ABT HA, 2007, V73, P353, SCIENTOMETRICS; ADAMS J, 2007, BIBLIOMETRIC ANAL IN; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BATEGELJ V, 2008, PAJEK PROGRAM LARGE; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN T, 2003, V58, P183, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CRONIN B, 2001, V52, P558, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL; GLANZEL W, 2002, V50, P461, LIBR TRENDS; GRUPP H, 1990, V18, P219, SCIENTOMETRICS; HAMILTON KS, 2005, USING BIBLIOMETRICS; HICKS DM, 1996, V21, P379, SCI TECHNOL HUM VAL; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAUDEL G, 2001, V22, P762, INT J TECHNOL MANAGE; LEAHEY E, 2006, V20, P754, GENDER SOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2006, V15, P187, RES EVALUAT; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2008, V17, P273, RES EVALUAT; PRICE DS, 1986, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAFOLS I, J AM SOC IN IN PRESS; RAFOLS I, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; RAFOLS I, 2007, V20, P395, INNOVATION-ABINGDON; RAFOLS I, 2007, V70, P633, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAO CR, 1982, V21, P24, THEOR POPUL BIOL; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; STIRLING A, 2007, V4, P707, J R SOC INTERFACE| NR- 35| TC- 5| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2009| VL- 81| IS- 3| BP- 719| EP- 745| DI- 10.1007/s11192-008-2197-2| PG- 27| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 522HX| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V81, N3, P719-745| UT- ISI:000271989600009 ER || PT- J| AU- Meyer M; Lorscheid I; Troitzsch KG| AF- Meyer Matthias; Lorscheid, Iris; Troitzsch, Klaus G| TI- The Development of Social Simulation as Reflected in the First Ten Years of JASSS: a Citation and Co-Citation Analysis| SO- JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- Citation Analysis; Co-Citation Analysis; Lines of Research; Multidisciplinary; Science Studies; Social Simulation| ID- ARTIFICIAL STOCK-MARKET; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; GENETICAL EVOLUTION; MATHEMATICAL-THEORY; BOUNDED CONFIDENCE; DYNAMICS; BIBLIOMETRICS; COMMUNICATION; REPUTATION; NETWORK| AB- Social simulation is often described as a multidisciplinary and fastmoving field. This can make it difficult to obtain an overview of the field both for contributing researchers and for outsiders who are interested in social simulation. The Journal for Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) completing its tenth year provides a good opportunity to take stock of what happened over this time period First, we use citation analysis to identify the most influential publications and to verify characteristics of social simulation such as its multidisciplinary nature. Then, we perform a co-citation analysis to visualize the intellectual structure of social simulation and its development. Overall, the analysis shows social simulation both in its early stage and during its first steps towards becoming a more differentiated discipline| CD- *IEEE, 1985, IEEE STAND BIN FLOAT; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALBERT R, 2002, V74, P47, REV MOD PHYS; AMBLARD F, 2004, V343, P725, PHYSICA A; ARIFOVIC J, 1996, V104, P510, J POLIT ECON; ARROW KJ, 1962, V29, P155, REV ECON STUD; ARTHUR B, 1989, V99, P116, ECON J; ARTHUR WB, 1988, P590, TECHNICAL CHANGE EC; ARTHUR WB, 1994, V84, P406, AM ECON REV; ARTHUR WB, 1994, INCREASING RETURNS P; ARTHUR WB, 1997, V2, EC EVOLVING COMPLEX; ARTHUR WB, 1997, V2, P15, EC EVOLVING COMPLEX; AXELROD R, 1986, V80, P1095, AM POLIT SCI REV; AXELROD R, 1997, COMPLEXITY COOPERATI; AXELROD R, 1997, SIMULATING SOCIAL PH; AXTELL R, 1996, V1, P123, COMPUTATIONAL MATH O; AXTELL R, 2000, 17 CTR SOC EC DYN; BAK P, 1996, NATURE WORKS SCI SEL; BANDURA A, 1977, SOCIAL LEARNING THEO; BARRETEAU O, 1999, P67, INGENIERIE SYSTEMES; BARRETEAU O, 2001, V4, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; BARRETEAU O, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SIM; BENNAIM E, 2003, V183, P190, PHYSICA D; BIG D, 2004, P 2 C EUR SOC SIM AS; BOLTON GE, 2004, V50, P1587, MANAGE SCI; BOUSQUET F, 1998, V1416, P826, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; BOUSQUET F, 1999, P113, ADV ENV ECOLOGICAL M; BOUSQUET F, 2002, P248, COMPLEXITY ECOSYSTEM; BOYD R, 1985, CULTURE EVOLUTIONARY; BRICKER RJ, 1988, V24, P120, ABACUS-J ACCOUNT BUS; CARLEY K, 1992, V3, P20, ORGAN SCI; CARLEY KM, 1995, V1, P39, COMPUTATIONAL MATH O; CARLEY KM, 1998, V1, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; CASTELFRANCHI C, 1998, V1, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; CAVALLISFORZA LL, 1981, CULTURAL TRANSMISSIO; CHIARELLA C, 1992, V37, P101, ANN OPER RES; CIOFFIREVILLA C, 2002, V99, P7314, P NATL ACAD SCI U S3; COHEN MD, 1972, V17, P1, ADM SCI Q; COHEN PR, 1985, HEURISTIC REASONING; CONTE R, 1995, P252, ARTIFICIAL SOC COMPU; CONTE R, 1995, COGNITIVE SOCIAL ACT; CONTE R, 1997, P1, SIMULATING SOCIAL PH; CONTE R, 2001, V7, P183, COMPUTATIONAL MATH O; CONTE R, 2002, REPUTATION ARTIFICIA; COWAN R, 2004, V55, P591, ANNU REV PSYCHOL; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; CYERT R, 1992, BEHAV THEORY FIRM; DAQUINO P, 2002, V2, P275, P INT ENV MOD SOFTW; DAQUINO P, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; DAVID PA, 1985, V75, P332, AM ECON REV; DAWES RM, 1980, V31, P161, ANNU REV PSYCHOL; DAWKINS R, 1976, SELFISH GENE; DEFFUANT G, 2000, V3, P87, ADV COMPLEX SYST; DEFFUANT G, 2002, V5, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; DEFFUANT G, 2004, 2 ESSA C VALL SEPT 2; DENNETT D, 1995, DARWINS DANGEROUS ID; DITTMER JC, 2001, V47, P4615, NONLINEAR ANAL-THEOR; DITTRICH P, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; DUNBAR R, 1998, GROOMING GOSSIP EVOL; EDMONDS B, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; EDMONDS B, 2005, V3415, P130, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; EDWARDS M, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; EPSTEIN JM, 1996, GROWING ARTIFICIAL S; EPSTEIN JM, 1999, V4, P41, COMPLEXITY; ETIENNE M, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; FEHR E, 2003, V425, P785, NATURE; FESTINGER L, 1954, V7, P117, HUM RELAT; FLACHE A, 1999, V5, P97, COMPUTATIONAL MATH O; GALAN JM, 2005, V8, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; GILBERT GN, 1999, SIMULATION SOCIAL SC; GILBERT N, 1995, ARTIFICIAL SOC COMPU; GILBERT N, 1995, P144, ARTIFICIAL SOC COMPU; GILBERT N, 1997, V2, SOCIOLOGICAL RES ONL; GILBERT N, 1998, V1, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SIM; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GODE DK, 1993, V101, P119, J POLIT ECON; GOLDBERG DE, 1989, GENETIC ALGORITHMS S; GOLDSPINK C, 2000, V3, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; GOTTS NM, 2003, V19, P3, ARTIF INTELL REV; GOTTS NM, 2003, V34, P663, CYBERNET SYST; GRANOVETTER M, 1985, V91, P481, AM J SOCIOL; HALES D, 2002, V5, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SIM; HALES D, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; HAMILTON WD, 1964, V7, P1, J THEOR BIOL; HAMILTON WD, 1964, V7, P17, J THEOR BIOL; HANNEMAN RA, 1995, V38, P457, SOCIOL PERSPECT; HEGSELMANN R, 2002, V5, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; HEGSELMANN R, 2005, V25, P381, COMPUTATIONAL EC; HIGHAM NJ, 2002, ACCURACY STABILITY N; HODGSON GM, 1988, EC I MANIFESTO MODER; HOLLAND JH, 1975, ADAPTATION NATURAL A; HOLLAND JH, 1986, INDUCTION PROCESSES; HOLLAND JH, 1998, EMERGENCE CHAOS ORDE; HOMANS G, 1950, HUMAN GROUP; HUANG CY, 2004, V7, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; HUTCHINS E, 1995, P157, ARTIFICIAL SOC COMPU; IACOBUCCI D, 1994, P92, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; JAFFE K, 2002, V5, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; JANSSEN M, 2002, COMPLEXITY ECOSYSTEM; JOHNSON PE, 2002, V20, P174, SOC SCI COMPUT REV; KAHNEMAN D, 1979, V47, P263, ECONOMETRICA; KAHNEMAN D, 2000, CHOICES VALUES FRAME; KAUFFMAN SA, 1993, ORIGINS ORDER SELF O; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KNUTH DE, 1998, ART COMPUTER PROGRAM; KOHLER TA, 1999, DYNAMICS HUMAN PRIMA; KOZA J, 1992, GENETIC PROGRAMMING; KRAUSE U, 1997, P37, MODELLIERUNG SIMULAT; KRAUSE U, 2000, P227, COMMUNICATIONS DIFFE; KREPS DM, 1982, V27, P253, J ECON THEORY; KUPERMAN M, 2001, V86, P2909, PHYS REV LETT; LANSING JS, 2002, V8, P279, ARTIF LIFE; LEBARON B, 1999, V23, P1487, J ECON DYN CONTROL; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; LUHMANN N, 1984, SOZIALE SYSTEME GRUN; LUNA F, 2000, EC SIMULATION SWARM; MACY MW, 1998, V1, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; MACY MW, 2002, V99, P7229, P NATL ACAD SCI U S3; MALSCH T, 2001, V4, P155, AUTON AGENT MULTI-AG; MARCH J, 1958, ORGANIZATIONS; MASLOW AH, 1954, MOTIVATION PERSONALI; MAUSS M, 1990, GIFT FORM REASON EXC; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERMET L, 1992, STRATEGIES GESTION E; MEYER M, 2008, V3, P60, Z BETRIEBSWIRT; MINAR N, 1996, SWARM SIMULATION SYS; MOED HF, 2002, V415, P731, NATURE; MORRIS S, 2000, V67, P57, REV ECON STUD; MOSS S, 1995, V8, P283, COMPUTATIONAL EC; MOSS S, 1998, V4, P43, COMPUTATIONAL MATH O; MOSS S, 1998, V29, P215, CYBERNET SYST; MOSS S, 1998, V1, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; MOSS S, 2002, V5, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SIM; MOSS S, 2005, V110, P1095, AM J SOCIOL; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; NAMATAME A, 2006, V1, P1, J EC INTERACTION COO; NELSON R, 1982, EVOLUTIONARY THEORY; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; NEWELL A, 1990, UNIFIED THEORIES COG; NEWMAN MEJ, 2002, V66, ARTN 016128, PHYS REV E 2; NOWAK A, 1996, P249, MODELLING SIMULATION; NOWAK MA, 1998, V393, P573, NATURE; OLSON M, 1965, LOGIC COLLECTIVE ACT; ORMEROD P, 1995, DEATH EC; ORMEROD P, 1998, BUTTERFLY EC; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P149, LIBRI; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P217, LIBRI; PARKER M, 2000, SWARMF P; PARSONS T, 1951, SOCIAL SYSTEM; POLHILL JG, 2001, V32, P85, CYBERNET SYST; POLHILL JG, 2005, V21, P283, ENVIRON MODELL SOFTW; POLHILL JG, 2005, V8, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAUB W, 1990, V96, P626, AM J SOCIOL; RESNICK P, 2002, V11, ADV APPL MICROECONOM; ROTH AE, 1995, V8, P164, GAME ECON BEHAV; SAAM NJ, 1999, V2, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; SABATER J, 2002, P475, P 1 INT JOINT C AUT; SAWYER RK, 2003, V31, P325, SOCIOL METHOD RES; SCHELLING TC, 1960, STRATEGY CONFLICT; SCHUMPETER J, 1934, THEORY EC DEV; SHANNON CE, 1948, V27, P379, BELL SYST TECH J; SHANNON CE, 1948, V27, P623, BELL SYST TECH J; SHLEIFER A, 2000, INEFFICIENT MARKETS; SHOHAM Y, 1992, P225, P 3 INT C PRINC KNOW; SHOHAM Y, 1992, P276, P AAAI 92; SZNAJDWERON K, 2000, V11, P1157, INT J MOD PHYS C; THACKRAY A, 1972, V63, P473, ISIS; TRIVERS RL, 1971, V46, P35, Q REV BIOL; TROITZSCH KG, 1997, P40, SIMULATING SOCIAL PH; VALENTE TW, 1995, NETWORK MODELS DIFFU; VINCK D, 1999, V40, P385, REV FR SOCIOL; WALKER A, 1995, P384, P 1 INT C MULT SYST; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P6684, NATURE; WATTS DJ, 1999, SMALL WORLDS DYNAMIC; WEIBULL JW, 1995, EVOLUTIONARY GAME TH; WEIDLICH W, 2000, SOCIODYNAMICS SYSTEM; WEISBUCH G, 2002, V521, P225, LECT NOTES EC MATH S; WEISBUCH G, 2004, V38, P339, EUR PHYS J B; WEISBUCH G, 2005, V353, P555, PHYSICA A; WOOLDRIDGE M, 1995, V10, P115, KNOWL ENG REV; YOUNG P, 1998, INDIVIDUAL STRATEGY; YOUNG P, 1999, 2 BROOK I; YOUNGER SM, 2003, V6, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; YOUNGER SM, 2004, V7, J ARTIFICIAL SOC SOC; ZEIGLER BP, 1976, THEORY MODELLING SIM| NR- 188| TC- 2| PU- J A S S S| PI- GUILDFORD| PA- UNIV SURREY, DEPT SOCIOLOGY, GUILDFORD GU2 7XH, SURREY, ENGLAND| SN- 1460-7425| J9- JASSS| JI- JASSS| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 12| IS- 4| BP- A224| EP- A243| AR- 12| PG- 20| SC- Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary| GA- 522RC| JN- JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION, 2009, V12, N4, PA224-A243| UT- ISI:000272015000012 ER || PT- J| AU- Berendt B; Krause B; Kolbe-Nusser S| AF- Berendt B; Krause, B; Kolbe-Nusser, S| TI- Intelligent scientific authoring tools: Interactive data mining for constructive uses of citation networks| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- [H.2.8] Database management - database applications - data mining; [H.3.7] information storage and retrieval - digital; libraries - user issues; [H.3.3] Information storage and retrieval - information; search and retrieval -search process, information filtering; [H.3.5] Information storage and retrieval - online information services Web-based services; [K.3.2] Computers and education - computer and information science education - literacy; Citation analysis| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; DOCUMENT-RETRIEVAL; DIGITAL LIBRARIES; COCITATION; CLUSTER; SEARCH| AB- Many powerful methods and tools exist for extracting meaning from scientific publications, their texts, and their citation links However, existing proposals often neglect a fundamental aspect of learning: that understanding and learning require an active and constructive exploration of a domain. In this paper, we describe a new method and a tool that use data mining and interactivity to turn the typical search and retrieve dialogue, in which the user asks questions and a system gives answers, into a dialogue that also involves sense-making, in which the user has to become active by constructing a bibliography and a domain model of the search term(s). This model starts from an automatically generated and annotated clustering solution that is iteratively modified by users. The tool is part of an integrated authoring system covering all phases from search through reading and sense-making to writing. Two evaluation studies demonstrate the usability of this interactive and constructive approach, and they show that clusters and groups represent identifiable sub-topics. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Berendt, B.] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept Comp Sci, Leuven, Belgium; [Krause, B.] Univ Kassel, Inst Knowledge & Data Engn, Kassel, Germany; [Kolbe-Nusser, S.] Humboldt Univ, Inst Informat Syst, Berlin, Germany| RP- Berendt, B, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Dept Comp Sci, Leuven, Belgium| EM-| CD- BANIAHMAD S, 2005, V28, P21, IEEE DATA ENG B; BERENDT B, 2006, V4172, P495, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BICHTELER J, 1980, V31, P278, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BIER E, 2004, P87, P 4 ACM IEEE JOINT C; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRADSHAW S, 2003, V2769, P499, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; CHEN C, 1999, P449, IEEE VISUALIZATION; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CIERI C, 2002, P33, TOPIC DETECTION TRAC; CUTTING DR, 1992, P318, P 15 ANN INT ACM SIG; FAYYAD UM, 1996, ADV KNOWLEDGE DISCOV; FENG L, 2005, V41, P97, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; FORTUNA B, 2005, V29, P497, INFORMATICA; FORTUNA B, 2006, V4289, P121, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; HALKIDI M, 2002, V31, P19, SIGMOD RECORD; HALKIDI M, 2002, V31, P40, SIGMOD RECORD; HAVELIWALA TH, 2002, P432, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JANSSENS F, 2008, V75, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; LEWIS JR, 1995, V7, P57, INT J HUM-COMPUT INT; LU WZ, 2007, V11, P105, KNOWL INF SYST; LUND AM, 2001, USABILITY INTERFACE; MCNEE S, 2002, P116, P ACM 2002 C COMP SU; MILLER GA, 1956, V63, P81, PSYCHOL REV; NIELSEN J, 1990, P249, P ACM CHI 90 C SEATT; QU Y, 2008, V44, P534, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1994, V30, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; SPILIOPOULOU M, 2006, V4289, P132, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; TAN P, 2005, INTRO DATA MINING; THO QT, 2007, V43, P248, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; TUZHILIN A, 2002, HDB DATA MINING KNOW; TWIDALE MB, 2008, V44, P558, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VLADUTZ G, 1984, V21, P204, P AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZENG HJ, 2004, P210, SIGIR 04; ZHANG X, 2008, P677, P CHI 08| NR- 41| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- JAN| PY- 2010| VL- 46| IS- 1| BP- 1| EP- 10| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2009.08.002| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 518QY| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2010, V46, N1, P1-10| UT- ISI:000271709400001 ER || PT- J| AU- Ding Y; Yan EJ; Frazho A; Caverlee J| AF- Ding Ying; Yan, Erjia; Frazho, Arthur; Caverlee, James| TI- PageRank for Ranking Authors in Co-citation Networks| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- ALGORITHM| AB- This paper studies how varied damping factors in the PageRank algorithm influence the ranking of authors and proposes weighted PageRank algorithms. We selected the 108 most highly cited authors in the information retrieval (IR) area from the 1970s to 2008 to form the author co-citation network. We calculated the ranks of these 108 authors based on PageRank with the damping factor ranging from 0.05 to 0.95. In order to test the relationship between different measures, we compared PageRank and weighted PageRank results with the citation ranking, h-index, and centrality measures. We found that in our author co-citation network, citation rank is highly correlated with PageRank with different damping factors and also with different weighted PageRank algorithms; citation rank and PageRank are not significantly correlated with centrality measures; and h-index rank does not significantly correlate with centrality measures but does significantly correlate with other measures. The key factors that have impact on the PageRank of authors in the author co-citation network are being co-cited with important authors| C1- [Ding, Ying; Yan, Erjia] Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA; [Frazho, Arthur] Purdue Univ, Sch Aeronaut & Astronaut, W Lafayette, IN 47907 USA; [Caverlee, James] Texas A&M Univ, Dept Comp Sci, College Stn, TX 77843 USA| RP- Ding, Y, Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, 1320 E 10th St, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| EM-| CD- AKTAS MS, 2004, P 6 INT WORKSH KNOWL; BOLDI P, 2005, P557, P 14 INT WORLD WID W; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CHEN P, 2007, V1, P8, J INFORMETR; FIALA D, 2008, V76, P135, SCIENTOMETRICS; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; LANGVILLE AN, 2005, V1, P335, INTERNET MATH; LANGVILLE AN, 2006, GOOGLES PAGERANK SCI; LIU XM, 2005, V41, P1462, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MA N, 2008, V44, P800, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MASLOV S, 2008, V28, P11103, J NEUROSCI; MIHALCEA R, 2004, 20 INT C COMP LING; MIHALCEA R, 2004, 42 ANN M ASS COMP LI; PERRA N, 2008, V78, ARTN 036107, PHYS REV E 2; PRETTO L, 2002, P131, P 9 INT S STRING PRO; SIDIROPOULOS A, 2006, V79, P1679, J SYST SOFTWARE; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WALKER D, 2007, V6, UNSP P06010, J STAT MECH-THEORY E; WANG JH, 2007, V4426, P857, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; XING W, 2005, V10, P684, WEB INTELLIGENCE; YIN LC, 2006, V42, P1599, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; YU PS, 2004, P 13 INT WORLD WID W| NR- 23| TC- 4| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- NOV| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 11| BP- 2229| EP- 2243| DI- 10.1002/asi.21171| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 511VP| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N11, P2229-2243| UT- ISI:000271199600005 ER || PT- J| AU- Ma RM; Dai QB; Ni CQ; Li XL| AF- Ma Ruimin; Dai, Qiangbin; Ni, Chaoqun; Li, Xuelu| TI- An author co-citation analysis of information science in China with Chinese Google Scholar search engine, 2004-2006| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- PEARSONS-R| AB- Author co-citation analysis (ACA) is an important method for discovering the intellectual structure of a given scientific field Since traditional ACA was confined to ISI Web of Knowledge (WoK), the cocitation counts of pairs of authors mainly depended on the data indexed in WoK. Fortunately, Google Scholar has integrated different academic databases from different publishers, providing an opportunity of conducting ACA in wider a range. In this paper, we conduct ACA of information science in China with the Chinese Google Scholar. Firstly, a brief introduction of Chinese Google Scholar is made, including retrieval principles and data formats. Secondly, the methods used in our paper are given. Thirdly, 31 most important authors of information science in China are selected as research objects. In the part of empirical study, factor analysis is used to find the main research directions of information science in China. Pajek, a powerful tool in social network analysis, is employed to visualize the author co-citation matrix as well. Finally, the resemblances and the differences between China and other countries in information science are pointed out| C1- [Ma, Ruimin; Dai, Qiangbin; Ni, Chaoqun; Li, Xuelu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, Peoples R China| RP- Ma, RM, Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, Peoples R China| EM-| FU- National Natural Science Foundation of China [70673071/G0309]| FX- The authors would like to acknowledge the support of National Natural Science Foundation of China (70673071/G0309) and enlightening comments from reviewers. We appreciate Doctor Ronald Rousseau for his sincere comments and selfless provision of materials| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P936, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DENOOY W, 2005, EXPLORATORY SOCIAL N; HUANG RL, 2004, ADV TUTORIAL SPSS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MA FC, 2006, V25, P259, J CHINA SOC SCI TECH; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; QIU JP, 2007, INFORMATRICS; QIU JP, 2008, V27, P69, J CHINA SOC SCI TECH; SU XL, 2006, V25, P131, J CHINA SOC SCI TECH; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 16| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 81| IS- 1| BP- 33| EP- 46| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-2063-x| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 507HD| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V81, N1, P33-46| UT- ISI:000270841800003 ER || PT- J| AU- Zuccala A; van den Besselaar P| AF- Zuccala Alesia; van den Besselaar, Peter| TI- Mapping review networks: Exploring research community roles and contributions| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION; COLLABORATION| AB- In this paper we investigate the position of a review network within a research specialty; the network of scholars who write reviews of their colleagues' work. This is one of the voluntary activities that researchers perform as a prerequisite for the functioning of the invisible college. We compare this network to other networks within the specialty, and this allows us to distinguish various roles: stars, influentials, members, reviewers and juniors. As scholars are characterized by different role-configurations, the invisible college becomes stratified. We discuss the implications for the development of a referee factor and review factor, norms for refereeing and reviewing, and the development of systems-based research evaluations| C1- [Zuccala, Alesia; van den Besselaar, Peter] Rathenau Inst, Netherlands Ctr Sci Syst Assessment, The Hague, Netherlands| RP- Zuccala, A, Rathenau Inst, Netherlands Ctr Sci Syst Assessment, POB 95366, The Hague, Netherlands| EM-| CD- 2006, MATH REV DATABASE GU; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORGATTI SP, 2002, NETDRAW GRAPH VISUAL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 WINDOWS; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRONIN B, 1995, SCHOLARS COURTESY RO; CRONIN B, 2001, V57, P427, J DOC; DAVIS CH, 1993, V44, P590, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DESOLLA PD, 1986, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; GARVEY WD, 1968, P129, FDN ACCESS KNOWLEDGE; GLANZEL W, 2002, V53, P171, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRIFFITH BC, 1990, P31, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; LAUDEL G, 2001, P369, P 8 INT C SCIENT INF; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MELIN G, 1996, V36, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; ROUSSEAU R, ISSI NEWSLETTER, P1, V2; SINGH S, 1998, FERMATS ENIGMA; SMALL H, 2005, P13, P ISSI 2005; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILSON R, 2006, V441, P812, NATURE; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P152, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 24| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 81| IS- 1| BP- 111| EP- 122| DI- 10.1007/s11192-008-2136-2| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 507HD| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V81, N1, P111-122| UT- ISI:000270841800008 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhang J; Chen CM; Li JX| AF- Zhang Jian; Chen, Chaomei; Li, Jiexun| TI- Visualizing the Intellectual Structure with Paper-Reference Matrices| SO- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- IEEE Information Visualization Conference/IEEE Visualization Conference| CY- OCT 11, 2009| CL- Atlantic City, NJ| SP- IEEE, IEEE Comp Soc, IEEE vgtc, Natl Informat Assurance Res Lab, Kitware, NVAC, NVIDIA, VisMaster, IBM Res, HP, Microsoft Res, Natl Lib Med, NSI, CYVIZ, Appl Vis Secure Decis, SCI, Morgan & Claypool Publ, Palgrave Macmillan, A K Peters Ltd| DE- Intellectual Structure; Paper-reference Matrix; FP-tree; Co-citation| ID- CITATION CONTEXT ANALYSIS; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; COMMUNITY STRUCTURE; NETWORKS; SCIENCE; SPECIALTIES; COCITATION; PATTERNS; TREE| AB- Visualizing the intellectual structure of scientific domains using co-cited units such as references or authors has become a routine for domain analysis. In previous studies, paper-reference matrices are usually transformed into reference-reference matrices to obtain co- citation relationships, which are then visualized in different representations, typically as node-link networks, to represent the intellectual structures of scientific domains. Such network visualizations sometimes contain tightly knit components, which make visual analysis of the intellectual structure a challenging task. In this study, we propose a new approach to reveal co-citation relationships. Instead of using a reference-reference matrix, we directly use the original paper-reference matrix as the information source, and transform the paper-reference matrix into an FP-tree and visualize it in a Javabased prototype system. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach through visual analyses of the intellectual structure of two domains: Information Visualization and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The results show that our visualization not only retains the major information of co-citation relationships, but also reveals more detailed sub-structures of tightly knit clusters than a conventional node-link network visualization| C1- [Zhang, Jian; Chen, Chaomei; Li, Jiexun] Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Zhang, J, Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- AGNARSSON G, 2007, GRAPH THEORY MODELIN; AGRAWAL R, 1993, P207, 1993 ACM SIGMOD INT; BATAGELJ V, 2003, ARXIVCS0309023V1; CHEN C, 2009, 12 INT C SCIENT INF; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CUI WW, 2008, V14, P1277, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; DWYER T, 2008, V14, P1293, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; EADES PD, 1992, V5, P10, B I COMBINATORICS IT; FEKETE JD, 2004, IEEE INFOVIS 2004 CO; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GREENBERG S, 2008, P111, ACM C HUM FACT COMP; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HAN JW, 2004, V8, P53, DATA MIN KNOWL DISC; HEER J, 2005, P421, ACM HUMAN FACTORS CO; JOHNSON B, 1991, P275, IEEE VISUALIZATION 9; KEIM AD, 2005, IEEE S INF VIS INF 2; KEIM D, 2008, V4950, P154, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIU ZC, 2008, V14, P1173, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; MACAIN WK, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2008, V42, P213, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; ROBERTSON GG, 1991, P189, ACM C HUM FACT COMP; ROSVALLT M, 2008, V105, P1118, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1981, P AM SOC INF SCI; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; STASKO JT, 2000, P57, INFOVIS; VANHAM F, 2004, IEEE S INF VIS 2004; WATTENBERG M, 2008, V14, P1221, IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 35| TC- 0| PU- IEEE COMPUTER SOC| PI- LOS ALAMITOS| PA- 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1314 USA| SN- 1077-2626| J9- IEEE TRANS VISUAL COMPUT GR| JI- IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph| PD- NOV-DEC| PY- 2009| VL- 15| ISBPEPPGSCGAJNN6, UT- 6| 1153| 1160| 8| Computer Science, Software Engineering| 506MM| IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS, 2009, V15, P1153-1160| ISI:000270778900040 ER || PT- J| AU- Janssens F; Zhang L; De Moor B; Glanzel W| AF- Janssens Frizo; Zhang, Lin; De Moor, Bart; Glanzel, Wolfgang| TI- Hybrid clustering for validation and improvement of subjectclassification schemes| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Subject classification; Journal cross-citation; Mapping of science; Hybrid clustering| ID- COMBINING FULL-TEXT; WORD ANALYSIS; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; COMBINED COCITATION; DOCUMENTS| AB- A hybrid text/citation-based method is used to cluster journals covered by the Web of Science database in the period 2002-2006. The objective is to use this clustering to validate and, if possible, to improve existing journal-based subject-classification schemes. Crosscitation links are determined on an item-by-paper procedure for individual papers assigned to the corresponding journal. Text mining for the textual component is based on the same principle; textual characteristics of individual papers are attributed to the journals in which they have been published. In a first step, the 22-field subjectclassification scheme of the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is evaluated and visualised. In a second step, the hybrid clustering method is applied to classify the about 8300 journals meeting the selection criteria concerning continuity, size and impact. The hybrid method proves superior to its two components when applied separately The choice of 22 clusters also allows a direct field-to-cluster comparison, and we substantiate that the science areas resulting from cluster analysis form a more coherent structure than the "intellectual" reference scheme, the ESI subject scheme. Moreover, the textual component of the hybrid method allows labelling the clusters using cognitive characteristics, while the citation component allows visualising the cross-citation graph and determining representative journals suggested by the PageRank algorithm. Finally, the analysis of journal 'migration' allows the improvement of existing classification schemes on the basis of the concordance between fields and clusters (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Janssens, Frizo; Zhang, Lin; Glanzel, Wolfgang] Katholieke Univ Leuven, Ctr R&D Monitoring ECOOM, Dept MSI, Louvain, Belgium; [Janssens, Frizo] Attentio SA NV, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium; [Janssens, Frizo; De Moor, Bart] Katholieke Univ Leuven, ESAT SCD, Louvain, Belgium; [Zhang, Lin] Dalian Univ Technol, WISE Lab, Dalian, Peoples R China; [Glanzel, Wolfgang] Hungarian Acad Sci, IRPS, Budapest, Hungary| RP- Janssens, F, Katholieke Univ Leuven, Ctr R&D Monitoring ECOOM, Dept MSI, Louvain, Belgium| EM-| CD- BADER BW, 2006, V32, P635, ACM T MATH SOFTWARE; BAEZAYATES R, 1999, MODERN INFORM RETRIE; BATAGELJ V, 2003, P77, GRAPH DRAWING SOFTWA; BENHUR A, 2002, P6, PAC S BIOC; BERRY MW, 1995, V37, P573, SIAM REV; BOYACK KW, 2009, V79, P45, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CALADO P, 2006, V57, P208, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FANO RM, 1956, P238, DOCUMENTATION ACTION; GARFIELD E, 1975, P5, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1988, V22, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GERACI F, 2008, V3, P413, INTERNET MATH; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLENISSON P, 2005, V41, P1548, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GLENISSON P, 2005, V63, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; HALKIDI M, 2001, V17, P107, J INTELL INF SYST; HATCHER E, 2004, LUCENE ACTION; HE X, 2001, P195, P 2001 IEEE INT C DA; HE X, 2002, V41, P19, COMPUT STAT DATA AN; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; JAIN A, 1988, ALGORITHMS CLUSTERIN; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JANSSENS F, 2006, P615, P 1 INT C MULT INF S; JANSSENS F, 2007, P360, P 13 ACM SIGKDD INT; JANSSENS F, 2007, THESIS KATHOLIEKE U; JANSSENS F, 2008, V75, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; JARNEVING B, 2005, THESIS GOTEBORG U SW; JARNEVING B, 2007, V1, P287, J INFORMETR; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V68, P223, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KOSTOFF RN, 2005, V41, P103, CORTEX; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARDIA KV, 1979, MULTIVARIATE ANAL; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MODHA DS, 2000, P143, P 11 ACM C HYP HYP S; NARIN F, 1976, EVALUATIVE BIBLIOMET; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, P2, PHYS REV E; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, V103, P23, PNAS US; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; PINSKI G, 1976, V12, P297, INFORMATION PROCESSI; ROUSSEEUW PJ, 1987, V20, P53, J COMPUT APPL MATH; SALTON G, 1986, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1998, V41, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TREERATPITUK P, 2006, V151, P167, P 2006 INT C DIG GOV; WANG Y, 2002, P499, P 11 INT C INF KNOWL; WEISS R, 1996, P180, P 7 ACM C HYP; ZHANG B, 2005, P667, P 28 ANN INT ACM SIG; ZHANG L, 2009, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS| NR- 57| TC- 5| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- NOV| PY- 2009| VL- 45| IS- 6| BP- 683| EP- 702| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2009.06.003| PG- 20| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 504MW| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2009, V45, N6, P683-702| UT- ISI:000270622100005 ER || PT- J| AU- Vasconcellos E; Bruno MAC; Campanario MD; Noffs SL| AF- Vasconcellos Eduardo; Bruno, Marcos A. C; Campanario, Milton de A; Noffs, Sergio L| TI- A new graphic format to facilitate the understanding of technological innovation models: the seesaw of competitiveness| SO- TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- technological innovation models; technological innovation learning; graphical representation of innovation models; success of technological innovation| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; MANAGEMENT; VISUALIZATION; PERSPECTIVE; PERFORMANCE; DISCIPLINE; CITATION; CULTURES; STRATEGY| AB- Many models exist in the literature to explain the success of technological innovation. However, no studies have been made regarding graphic formats representing the technological innovation models and their impact, or on the understanding of these models by non-specialists in technology management. Thus, the main objective of this paper is to propose a new graphic configuration to represent the technological innovation management. Based on the literature, the innovation model is presented in the traditional format. Next, the same model is designed in the graphic format - named 'the see-saw of competitiveness' - showing the interfaces among the identified factors The two graphic formats were compared by a group of graduate students in terms of the ease in understanding the conceptual model of innovation. The statistical analysis shows that the seesaw of competitiveness is preferred| C1- [Bruno, Marcos A. C.] Univ Sao Paulo, Ctr Technol Policy & Management, NPGCT, BR-09500900 Sao Paulo, Brazil; [Vasconcellos, Eduardo; Campanario, Milton de A.] Univ Sao Paulo, Sch Econ Adm & Accounting, FEA, BR-09500900 Sao Paulo, Brazil; [Noffs, Sergio L.] Siemens, Sao Paulo, Brazil| RP- Bruno, MAC, Univ Sao Paulo, Ctr Technol Policy & Management, NPGCT, BR-09500900 Sao Paulo, Brazil| EM-| CD- *FUND INN TECN, 2001, GEST INN TECN EMPR; *ORG EC COOP DEV, 2005, MEAS SCI TECHN ACT O; ANDREW JP, 2003, V81, P76, HARVARD BUS REV; ANDREWS KR, 1980, CONCEPT CORPORATE ST; BALBINOT Z, 2001, P135, MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOG; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BARTUNEK JM, 1987, V23, P483, J APPLIED BEHAVIORAL; BASSECOULARD E, 1999, V44, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOUTELLIER R, 1998, V28, P13, R&D MANAGE; BOYACK KW, 2002, V53, P764, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BROWN J, 1990, V4, P24, ACAD COMPUTING; BRUNO MAC, 2003, V2, P107, RIV FINANZA MARKETIN; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHIESA V, 1998, V28, P199, R&D MANAGE; CHIESA V, 2005, V18, P5, EUROPEAN J INNOVATIO; CLARK KB, 1989, V67, P94, HARVARD BUS REV; COHAN PS, 1997, TECHNOLOGY LEADERS A; CRAWFORD RD, 1992, ERA HUMAN CAPITAL EM; DAFT RL, 1989, ORG THEORY DESIGN; DAVENI RA, 1994, V37, P1167, ACAD MANAGE J; DRUCKER PF, 2002, V80, P95, HARVARD BUS REV; FISCHER MJ, 1995, V18, P381, SYMB INTERACT; FRAMBACH RT, 1999, ORG INNOVATION ADOPT; FROHMAN AL, 1982, V60, P97, HARVARD BUS REV; FUERY K, 2003, VISUAL CULTURE CRITI; GHEMAWAT P, 1999, STRATEGY BUSINESS LA; GLADWELL M, 2002, TIPPING POINT LITTLE; HAMEL G, 1989, V67, P63, HARVARD BUS REV; HAMEL G, 1994, COMPETING FUTURE; ITAMI H, 1987, MOBILIZING INVISIBLE; KODAMA F, 1992, V70, P70, HARVARD BUS REV; KOSTOFF RN, 1999, V50, P427, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KOTLER P, 2005, MARKETING MANAGEMENT; LEVIE WH, 1982, V30, P195, ECTJ-EDUC COMMUN TEC; LEWIS JD, 1990, PARTNERSHIPS PROFIT; LOSIEWICZ P, 2000, V15, P99, J INTELL INF SYST; MAYER RE, 1989, V59, P43, REV EDUC RES; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEEK VL, 1988, V9, P453, ORGAN STUD; MINTZBERG H, 1996, STRATEGY PROCESS CON; MIRZOEFF N, 1998, P3, VISUAL CULTURE READE; NEDERHOF AJ, 1997, V40, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOFFS SL, 2005, THESIS CTR U NOVE JU; NOOTEBOOM B, 1989, V6, P109, INT J RES MARK; PETTIGREW AM, 1979, V24, P570, ADM SCI Q; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER ME, 2002, P239, INNOVATION DRIVING P; PRAHALAD CK, 1990, V68, P79, HARVARD BUS REV; PRAJOGO DI, 2006, V36, P499, R&D MANAGE; QUINN JB, 1994, V35, P43, SLOAN MANAGE REV; RAM S, 1991, V8, P117, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; RIEBER LP, 2000, OMPUTERS GRAPHICS LE; ROBERTS JH, 1993, V5, P27, HDB OPERATIONS RES M; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROTH WM, 2005, CRITICAL GRAPHICACY; ROUSSEL PA, 1991, 3 GENERATION R D MAN; SCHULZE A, 2005, V23, P263, EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT; SLYWOTZKY AJ, 1997, PROFIT ZONE; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STALK G, 1990, COMPETING TIME; STEELE LW, 1989, MANAGING TECHNOLOGY; THAMHAIN HJ, 2005, MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOG; THERIN F, 1998, P207, MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOG; TWISS BC, 1974, MANAGING TECHNOLOGIC; UTTERBACK JM, 1975, V3, P639, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; VEKIRI I, 2002, V14, P261, EDUC PSYCHOL REV; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WINN W, 1991, V39, P17, ETR&D-EDUC TECH RES; WOLPERT JD, 2002, V80, P77, HARVARD BUS REV| NR- 69| TC- 0| PU- ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD| PI- ABINGDON| PA- 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0953-7325| J9- TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG MANAGE| JI- Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manage| PY- 2009| VL- 21| IS- 5| BP- 565| EP- 582| DI- 10.1080/09537320902969067| PG- 18| SC- Management; Multidisciplinary Sciences| GA- 503EW| JN- TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2009, V21, N5, P565-582| UT- ISI:000270517100001 ER || PTAUAFTISOLA- J| Kajikawa Y; Takeda Y| Kajikawa Yuya; Takeda, Yoshiyuki| Citation network analysis of organic LEDs| TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE| English| DT- Article| DE- Citation network; Bibliometrics; Research front; Research evaluation; Organic light-emitting diodes| ID- LIGHT-EMITTING-DIODES; SEMICONDUCTOR LITERATURE; ELECTROLUMINESCENT DEVICES; COCITATION ANALYSIS; RESEARCH AREA; POLYMERS; SCIENCE; EMISSION; TRACKING; MAP| AB- The field of organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) is an emergent research domain because of both scientific interest in chemistry and condensed matter physics and industrial importance as flat panel displays. In this paper, we analyzed a citation network of OLED papers and used a topological clustering method to investigate the structure of research and to detect emerging research domains. We found that most papers belong to two main clusters: organics and polymers. These two clusters have distinctive differences in subcluster structures and journals where papers are published. Supposing this discrepancy to indicate research progress, organics are in the applied research stage, while polymers are in the basic research stage. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved| C1- [Kajikawa, Yuya; Takeda, Yoshiyuki] Univ Tokyo, Innovat Policy Res Ctr, Inst Engn Innovat, Sch Engn,Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo 1138656, Japan| RP- Kajikawa, Y, Univ Tokyo, Innovat Policy Res Ctr, Inst Engn Innovat, Sch Engn,Bunkyo Ku, 2-11-16 Yayoi, Tokyo 1138656, Japan| EM-| CD- ADACHI C, 1990, V56, P799, APPL PHYS LETT; ADAI AT, 2004, V340, P179, J MOL BIOL; BALDO MA, 1998, V395, P151, NATURE; BALDO MA, 1999, V75, P4, APPL PHYS LETT; BHATTACHARYA S, 1998, V43, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; BHATTACHARYA S, 2003, V58, P369, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN D, 1991, V58, P1982, APPL PHYS LETT; BURROUGHES JH, 1990, V347, P539, NATURE; GREENHAM NC, 1993, V365, P628, NATURE; GREM G, 1992, V4, P36, ADV MATER; GUAN J, 2006, V65, P215, SCIENTOMETRICS; GUAN JC, 2007, V70, P107, SCIENTOMETRICS; GUPTA BM, 2008, V75, P123, SCIENTOMETRICS; GUSTAFSSON G, 1992, V357, P477, NATURE; HUANG MH, 2003, V58, P489, SCIENTOMETRICS; HUNG LS, 1997, V70, P152, APPL PHYS LETT; KAJIKAWA Y, 2008, V75, P1349, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KAJIKAWA Y, 2008, V75, P771, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KIDO J, 1995, V267, P1332, SCIENCE; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 066133, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 026113, PHYS REV E; ROJO R, 2006, V66, P101, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHIBATA N, 2009, V60, P571, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2009, V79, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; TAKEDA Y, 2009, V78, P543, SCIENTOMETRICS; TANG CW, 1987, V51, P913, APPL PHYS LETT; TSAY MY, 2000, V49, P491, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2003, V56, P201, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2003, V58, P529, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANSLYKE SA, 1996, V69, P2160, APPL PHYS LETT| NR- 33| TC- 2| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC| PI- NEW YORK| PA- 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA| SN- 0040-1625| J9- TECHNOL FORECAST SOC CHANGE| JI- Technol. Forecast. Soc. Chang| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 76| IS- 8| BP- 1115| EP- 1123| DI- 10.1016/j.techfore.2009.04.004| PG- 9| SC- Business; Planning & Development| GA- 500YW| JN- TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, 2009, V76, N8, P11151123| UT- ISI:000270344000009 ER || PT- J| AU- Kwakkel JH; Cunningham SW| AF- Kwakkel Jan H; Cunningham, Scott W| TI- Managing Polysemy and Synonymy in Science Mapping Using the Mixtures of Factor Analyzers Model| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COMBINED COCITATION; WORD ANALYSIS; MAPS; REPRESENTATIONS; IDENTIFICATION; LITERATURES; RETRIEVAL| AB- A new method for mapping the semantic structure of science is described. We assume that different researchers, working on the same set of research problems, will use the same words for concepts central to their research problems. Therefore, different research fields and disciplines should be identifiable by different words and the pattern of co-occurring words. In natural language, however, there is quite some diversity because many words have multiple meaning. In addition, the same meaning can be expressed by using different words. We argue that traditional factor analytic and cluster analytic techniques are inadequate for mapping the semantic structure if such polysemous and synonymous words are present. Instead, an alternative model, the mixtures of factor analyzers (MFA) model, is utilized. This model extends the traditional factor analytic model by allowing multiple centroids of the dataset. We argue that this model is structurally better suited to map the semantic structure of science. The model is illustrated by a case study of the uncertainty literature sampled from data from the ISI Web of Science. The MFA model is applied with the goal of discovering multiple, potentially incommensurate, conceptualizations of uncertainty in the literature. In this way, the MFA model can help in creating understanding of the use of language in science, which can benefit multidisciplinary research and interdisciplinary understanding, and assist in the development of multidisciplinary taxonomies of science| C1- [Kwakkel, Jan H.; Cunningham, Scott W.] Delft Univ Technol, Fac Technol Policy & Management, NL-2600 GA Delft, Netherlands| RP- Kwakkel, JH, Delft Univ Technol, Fac Technol Policy & Management, POB 5015, NL-2600 GA Delft, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AKAIKE H, 1974, V19, P716, IEEE T AUTOMATIC CON; BAUIN S, 1986, P124, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2005, V56, P189, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BISHOP CM, 1998, V10, P215, NEURAL COMPUT; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; COLEMAN JS, 1964, INTRO MATH SOCIOLOGY; CUNNINGHAM SW, 2000, THESIS U SUSSEX BRIG; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DEMPSTER AP, 1977, V39, P1, J ROY STAT SOC B; FABAPEREZ C, 2003, V58, P623, SCIENTOMETRICS; FUNTOWICS SO, 1990, UNCERTAINTY QUALITY; GHAHRAMANI Z, 1997, CRGTR961 U TOR DEP C; GREENACRE MJ, 1984, THEORY APPL CORRES A; HARMAN HH, 1976, MODERN FACTOR ANAL; HEALEY P, 1986, V15, P233, RES POLICY; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; KNIGHT FH, 1921, RISK UNCERTAINTY PRO; KOHONEN T, 1995, SELF ORG MAPS; KUMAGAI T, 2004, V62, P153, NEUROCOMPUTING; KWAKKEL JH, 2008, PORTL INT C MAN ENG; LEMPERT R, 2002, V20, P420, SOC SCI COMPUT REV; LIN X, 1997, V48, P40, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V40, P110, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCLACHLAN GJ, 2000, FINITE MIXTURE MODEL; MCLACHLAN GJ, 2002, V18, P413, BIOINFORMATICS; MCLACHLAN GJ, 2003, V41, P379, COMPUT STAT DATA AN; MORGAN MG, 1990, UNCERTAINTY GUIDE DE; NORTON JP, 2006, V6, P82, INTEGRATED ASSESSMEN; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V46, P591, SCIENTOMETRICS; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P47, RES POLICY; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P255, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1998, V41, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1987, V38, P228, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TEH YW, 2002, V15, NEURAL INFORM PROCES; VANASSELT MBA, 2000, PERSPECTIVES UNCERTA; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2006, V68, P377, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDERSLUIS JP, 1997, ANCHORING UNCERTAINT; WALKER WE, 2003, V4, P5, INTEGRATED ASSESSMEN; YAMAMOTO H, 2005, V88, P418, IEICE T INF SYST ED; ZHOE YK, 2006, V4082, P11, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; ZITT M, 2005, V3, P38, MEASUREMENT INTERDIS| NR- 50| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 10| BP- 2064| EP- 2078| DI- 10.1002/asi.21114| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 499UF| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N10, P2064-2078| UT- ISI:000270250900011 ER || PT- J| AU- Tai ZX| AF- Tai Zixue| TI- The Structure of Knowledge and Dynamics of Scholarly Communication in Agenda Setting Research, 1996-2005| SO- JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- 1996 PRESIDENTIAL-ELECTION; REAL-WORLD CUES; PUBLIC-OPINION; MEDIA AGENDA; MASS-MEDIA; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; CITATION ANALYSIS; TELEVISION-NEWS; ENVIRONMENTAL-ISSUES; PERSONAL-EXPERIENCE| AB- By conducting a citation analysis of bibliographic references in combination with a network analysis of cocitation referencing in 56 journal publications in the area of agenda-setting research from 1996 to 2005, this paper aims to identify current exemplary publications and authoritative works in the knowledge production and dissemination process and to examine the nature of knowledge-sharing networks among the community of scholars who contribute to the growth of common knowledge in the study of agenda setting. The findings shed light on the intellectual history of agenda-setting scholarship and offer insight on subspecialties and intellectual linkages among key literature in this vigorous and everevolving field of inquiry| C1- Univ Kentucky, Sch Journalism & Telecommun, Lexington, KY 40506 USA| RP- Tai, ZX, Univ Kentucky, Sch Journalism & Telecommun, Lexington, KY 40506 USA| EM-| CD- ATWATER T, 1985, V62, P393, JOURNALISM QUART; BALDI S, 1995, V34, P239, SCIENTOMETRICS; BALDI S, 1997, V27, P669, SOC STUD SCI; BALDI S, 1998, V63, P829, AM SOCIOL REV; BARDHAN NR, 2002, V7, P221, J HEALTH COMMUN; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BEHR RL, 1985, V49, P38, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; BENTON M, 1976, V3, P261, COMMUN RES; BERGER BK, 2001, V13, P91, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; BERKOWITZ SD, 1982, INTRO STRUCTURAL ANA; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 WINDOWS SOF; BOYLE TP, 2001, V78, P26, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; BRASHER H, 2003, V20, P453, POLIT COMMUN; BROSIUS HB, 1990, V17, P183, COMMUN RES; BROSIUS HB, 1996, V23, P561, COMMUN RES; CARROLL CE, 2003, V6, P36, CORPORATE REPUTATION; CAWKELL AE, 1977, V2, P543, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; CHAN K, 1999, V11, P135, INT J PUBLIC OPIN R; CHANG KK, 1999, V76, P312, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; CHANG TK, 2005, V82, P672, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; CHUBIN DE, 1975, V5, P423, SOC STUD SCI; CLEMENS ES, 1995, V101, P433, AM J SOCIOL; COHEN BC, 1963, PRESS FOREIGN POLICY; COZZENS SE, 1985, V7, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRAFT S, 2004, V16, P456, INT J PUBLIC OPIN R; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; DALTON RJ, 1998, V15, P463, POLIT COMMUN; DEARING JW, 1996, AGENDA SETTING; DEGENNE A, 1999, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; DEMERS DP, 1989, V16, P793, COMMUN RES; DEMERS DP, 1996, V73, P304, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; DOWNS A, 1972, P38, PUBLIC INTEREST; DYER SC, 1996, V8, P137, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; EATON H, 1989, V66, P942, JOURNALISM QUART; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; ENTMAN RM, 1993, V43, P51, J COMMUN; ERBRING L, 1980, V24, P16, AM J POLIT SCI; FICO F, 2001, V78, P437, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; FREEMAN LC, 2004, DEV SOCIAL NETWORK A; FUNKHOUSER ET, 1996, V22, P563, HUM COMMUN RES; FUNKHOUSER GR, 1973, V37, P62, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; GANS HJ, 1979, DECIDING WHATS NEWS; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P4060, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GHANEM S, 1996, THESIS U TEXAS AUSTI; GHANEM S, 1997, P3, COMMUNICATION DEMOCR; GHANEM SI, 2001, V45, P277, J BROADCAST ELECTRON; GILBERT GN, 1977, V7, P113, SOC STUD SCI; GLEDITSCH NP, 1993, V30, P445, J PEACE RES; GOLAN G, 2001, V78, P247, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; GRIFFITH BC, 1983, P1, STOCKHOLM PAPERS LIB; GROSS K, 2003, V53, P411, J COMMUN; HANNEMAN RA, 2005, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; HARDY BW, 2005, V69, P725, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; HESTER JB, 2003, V80, P73, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; HICKS D, 1991, V21, P459, SOC STUD SCI; HILGARTNER S, 1988, V94, P53, AM J SOCIOL; HOLBROOK RA, 2005, V22, P277, POLIT COMMUN; HUMMON NP, 1993, V15, P71, SOC NETWORKS; IYENGAR S, 1982, V76, P848, AM POLIT SCI REV; IYENGAR S, 1987, NEWS MATTERS TELEVIS; IYENGAR S, 1991, IS ANYONE RESPONSIBL; IYENGAR S, 1993, V20, P365, COMMUN RES; JASPERSON AE, 1998, V15, P205, POLIT COMMUN; JOCHEN P, 2003, V30, P683, COMMUN RES; JOHNSON B, 2007, V63, P609, J DOC; KIM SH, 2002, V79, P7, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; KIOUSIS S, 1999, V26, P414, COMMUN RES; KIOUSIS S, 2003, V6, P435, MASS COMMUNICATION S; KIOUSIS S, 2004, V31, P36, COMMUN RES; KIOUSIS S, 2004, V54, P71, J COMMUN; KIOUSIS S, 2005, V10, P3, HARV INT J PRESS-POL; KLAPPER JT, 1960, EFFECTS MASS COMMUNI; KU GT, 2003, V80, P528, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; KWANASAHAIDOO K, 2001, V63, P521, GAZETTE INT J COMMUN; KWANSAHAIDOO K, 2003, V28, P43, CANADIAN J COMMUNICA; LANG GE, 1981, V2, P447, MASS COMMUNICATION R; LASORSA DL, 1990, V67, P804, JOURNALISM QUART; LEE B, 2005, V15, P57, ASIAN J COMMUNICATIO; LEE GH, 2004, V66, P151, GAZETTE INT J COMMUN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIPPMANN W, 1922, PUBLIC OPINION; LOPEZESCOBAR E, 1998, V15, P225, POLIT COMMUN; LOWERY SA, 1995, MILESTONES MASS COMM; MACROBERTS M, 1996, V36, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; MATERA FR, 1999, V28, P11, WORLD COMMUNICATION; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCOMBS M, 1995, V59, P495, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; MCCOMBS M, 1996, P93, INTEGRATED APPROACH; MCCOMBS M, 1997, COMMUNICATION DEMOCR; MCCOMBS M, 1997, V74, P703, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; MCCOMBS M, 1997, V24, P32, MASS COMM REV; MCCOMBS M, 1997, V14, P433, POLIT COMMUN; MCCOMBS M, 2004, SETTING AGENDA MASS; MCCOMBS M, 2005, V6, P543, JOURNALISM STUD; MCCOMBS ME, 1972, V36, P167, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; MCCOMBS ME, 1992, V69, P813, JOURNALISM QUART; MCCOMBS ME, 1993, V43, P58, J COMMUN; MCCOMBS ME, 1997, AEJMC CONV CHIC; MCCOMBS ME, 1997, P237, DO MEDIA GOVERN POLI; MCKUEN MB, 1981, MORE NEWS MEDIA POWE; MCLEOD JM, 1974, V1, P131, COMMUN RES; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; MONGE PR, 2003, THEORIES COMMUNICATI; MORRIS SA, 2005, V56, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NORRIS M, 2003, V59, P709, J DOC; OKEOWO D, 1999, V28, P43, WORLD COMMUNICATION; OPPENHEIM C, 1997, V53, P477, J DOC; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PAISLEY W, 1984, V5, P1, PROGR COMMUNICATION; PAISLEY W, 1989, V16, P701, COMMUN RES; PATTERSON TE, 1993, OUT ORDER; PORTER AL, 1977, V7, P257, SOC STUD SCI; PRATT CB, 2002, V52, P889, J COMMUN; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; PRICE DJD, 1970, P3, COMMUNICATION SCI EN; REESE SD, 1989, P29, COMMUNICATION CAMPAI; RICE RE, 1988, V15, P256, HUM COMMUN RES; ROBERTS M, 1994, V11, P249, POLIT COMMUN; ROBERTS M, 2002, V29, P452, COMMUN RES; ROBERTS MS, 1997, V2, P62, HARV INT J PRESS/POL; ROESSLER P, 1999, V26, P666, COMMUN RES; ROGERS EM, 1981, COMMUNICATION NETWOR; ROGERS EM, 1988, V11, P555, COMMUNICATION YB; ROGERS EM, 1993, V43, P68, J COMMUN; ROGERS EM, 2003, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROSSI J, 2000, V12, P1, EUR J NEUROSCI; SALWEN MB, 1997, V26, P1, WORLD COMMUNICATION; SATO H, 2003, V8, P23, J HEALTH COMMUN; SCHEUFELE DA, 2000, V3, P297, MASS COMMUNICATION S; SCOTT J, 2000, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SHADISH WR, 1995, V25, P477, SOC STUD SCI; SHAW DL, 1992, V69, P902, JOURNALISM QUART; SHAW DL, 1999, V11, P2, INT J PUBLIC OPIN R; SHEAFER T, 2005, V55, P347, J COMMUN; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, SCIENCE; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V1, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH KA, 1987, V101, P1, JOURNALISM MONOGRAPH; SODERLUND G, 2005, V8, P307, COMMUNICATION REV; STONE GC, 1981, V58, P151, JOURNALISM QUART; TAKESHITA T, 1995, V17, P27, KEIO COMMUNICATION R; TANKARD J, 1991, ANN M AEJMC BOST; TANKARD JW, 1984, V61, P89, JOURNALISM QUART; TEWKSBURY D, 2002, V14, P264, INT J PUBLIC OPINION; TSFATI Y, 2003, V47, P157, J BROADCAST ELECTRON; TUIRE P, 2001, V42, P493, HIGH EDUC; WALGRAVE S, 2004, V21, P479, POLIT COMMUN; WANTA W, 1993, V5, P250, INT J PUBLIC OPIN R; WANTA W, 1994, V6, P225, INT J PUBLIC OPIN R; WANTA W, 1997, PUBLIC NATL AGENDA; WANTA W, 2004, V81, P364, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WEAVER D, 1991, V3, P53, INT J PUBLIC OPINION; WEAVER DH, 1977, P107, EMERGENCE AM POLITIC; WEAVER DH, 1981, MEDIA AGENDA SETTING; WERDER O, 2002, V64, P219, GAZETTE INT J COMMUN; WEST R, 2002, V97, P501, ADDICTION; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WINTER JP, 1981, V45, P376, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; YAGADE A, 1990, V67, P3, JOURNALISM QUART; YANG J, 2003, V6, P57, MASS COMMUNICATION S; YIOUTAS J, 2003, V80, P567, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; YOUNG M, 2004, V14, P192, ASIAN J COMMUNICATIO; ZHU JH, 1992, V69, P825, JOURNALISM QUART; ZUCKER HG, 1978, V2, P225, COMMUNICATION YB| NR- 176| TC- 1| PU- WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC| PI- MALDEN| PA- COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA| SN- 0021-9916| J9- J COMMUN| JI- J. Commun| PD- SEP| PY- 2009| VL- 59| IS- 3| BP- 481| EP- +| DI- 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2009.01425.x| PG- 37| SC- Communication| GA- 499PA| JN- JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 2009, V59, N3, P481-+| UT- ISI:000270235300011 ER || PT- J| AU- Julien CA; Cole C| AF- Julien Charles-Antoine; Cole, Charles| TI- Capitalizing on Controlled Subject Vocabulary by Providing a Map of Main Subject Headings: An Exploratory Design Study| SO- CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- ONLINE CATALOG; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; USERS; GENERATION; COCITATION; INTERFACE; DOMAINS; ACCESS; SPACE; OPAC| AB- Online library catalogue users often search for subjects, and these searches often fail. Many of these failures can be attributed to an inadequate match between the users' search terms and the words the information retrieval systems can recognize. An interface designed to support controlled subject heading browsing could alleviate this problem. This is an exploratory study describing the design and development of an interactive visual map of a collection's major subject headings and their relations. The resulting visualization prototype is a complement to keyword searching. It aims to facilitate subject browsing by providing the user with a collection overview suggesting valid subject query terms for a small specialized collection (478 bibliographic records)| C1- [Julien, Charles-Antoine; Cole, Charles] McGill Univ, Sch Informat Studies, Montreal, PQ H3A 1Y1, Canada| RP- Julien, CA, McGill Univ, Sch Informat Studies, Montreal, PQ H3A 1Y1, Canada| EM-| CD- *CAT POL SUPP OFF, 2007, LIB C SUBJ HEAD PRE; ALLEN RB, 1995, P DAGS95 EL PUBL INF; ANDERSON JD, 2006, V43, P7, CATALOGING CLASSIFIC; BATES MJ, 1986, V37, P357, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 2002, V3, P1, NEW REV INFORM BEHAV; BATES MJ, 2003, LIB C BIC C BIBL CON; BECKS A, 2002, P ACM S APPL COMP MA; BEDERSON BB, 2003, CRAFT INFORM VISUALI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BUZYDLOWSKI JW, 2002, V2539, P133, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; CALHOUN K, 2006, CHANGING NATURE CATA; CARD SK, 1999, READINGS INFORM VISU; CARLYLE A, 1989, V10, P37, CATALOGING CLASSIFIC; CHANDLER A, 2006, V52, P157, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN HC, 1998, V49, P582, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DIBATTISTA G, 1999, GRAPH DRAWING ALGORI; DRABENSTOTT KM, 1991, V9, RASD OCCASIONAL PAPE; DRABENSTOTT KM, 1996, V32, P719, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; DRABENSTOTT KM, 1996, V47, P519, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DRIESSEN S, 2006, P INFOVIS LOND ENGL; DUSHAY N, 2004, V10, D LIB MAGAZINE; EDEN B, 2007, V43, P13, LIB TECHNOLOGY REPOR; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GRUN C, 2005, V3652, P174, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; HEARST MA, 1999, P257, MODERN INFORMATION R; HILDRETH CR, 1982, P 45 ASIS ANN M WHIT; HILDRETH CR, 1989, P1, ONLINE CATALOGUE DEV; IGLESIAS E, 2008, V26, P12, LIBR HI TECH; JULIEN CA, 2008, V54, P229, DOCUMENTATION BIBLIO; KELLER PR, 1993, VISUAL CLUES PRACTIC; LARSON RR, 1991, V42, P197, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LARSON RR, 1996, V47, P555, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LOMBARDO SV, 2000, V18, P130, LIB HI TECH; MARCHIONINI G, 1995, INFORM SEEKING ELECT; MARKEY K, 1983, V2, P383, INFORMATION TECHNOLO; MARKEY K, 1985, V29, P34, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; MARKEY K, 1986, P35, IMPACT ONLINE CATALO; MARKEY K, 2007, V13, D LIB; MATTHEWS JR, 1983, USING ONLINE CATALOG; MATTHEWS JR, 1984, V3, P354, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; MCCAFFREY J, 2006, V4, NET DEV J; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERCUN T, 2008, V42, P243, PROGRAM-ELECTRON LIB; MI J, 2008, V27, P5, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWBY GB, 2002, V18, P31, J INTELL INF SYST; PAPADAKIS L, 2008, V26, P19, LIBR HI TECH; PENNELL C, 2008, NCSU ENDECA 2 1 2 YE; RAEITHEL A, 1996, P199, CONTEXT CONSCIOUSNES; SANCHEZ JA, 2005, EXPERIENCES STARFIEL; SARACEVIC T, 1999, V50, P1051, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEBRECHTS MM, 2005, V3426, P136, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; SMALL H, 2000, P449, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; VANPULIS N, 1988, V49, P523, COLL RES LIBR; VEERASAMY A, 1997, P ANN INT ACM SIGIR; WARE C, 2000, INFORM VISUALIZATION; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, AM SACKL C NAT AC SC; WIBERLEY SE, 1988, V49, P149, COLL RES LIBR; YEE KP, 2003, P CHI 2003 C FT LAUD| NR- 62| TC- 0| PU- CANADIAN ASSOC INFORMATION SCIENCE| PI- OTTAWA| PA- PO BOX 6174, STATION J, OTTAWA, ONTARIO K2A 1T2, CANADA| SN- 1195-096X| J9- CAN J INFORM LIB SCI| JI- Can. J. Inf. Libr. Sci.-Rev. Can. Sci. Inf. Bibl| PD- MAR-JUN| PY- 2009| VL- 33| IS- 1-2| BP- 67| EP- 83| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 502CC| JN- CANADIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND LIBRARY SCIENCE-REVUE CANADIENNE DES SCIENCES DE L INFORMATION ET DE BIBLIOTHECONOMIE, 2009, V33, N1-2, P67-83| UT- ISI:000270430700003 ER || PT- J| AU- Truex D; Cuellar M; Takeda H| AF- Truex Duane; Cuellar, Michael; Takeda, Hirotoshi| TI- Assessing Scholarly Influence: Using the Hirsch Indices to Reframe the Discourse| SO- JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Scholarly Influence Ranking; Citation Analysis; Hirsch Index; hindex; Contemporary Hirsch Index; hc-index; g-index; Critical Perspective; Scientometrics; Information Systems (IS); Reification by Repetition; Information Sciences (InfSci)| ID- MANAGEMENT-INFORMATION-SYSTEMS; AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; H-INDEX; JOURNAL RANKINGS; CITATION ANALYSIS; HIGH-IMPACT; SCIENTISTS; BUSINESS; FORUMS; PUBLICATIONS| AB- This study is part of a program aimed at creating measures enabling a fairer and more complete assessment of a scholar's contribution to a field, thus bringing greater rationality and transparency to the promotion and tenure process. It finds current approaches toward the evaluation of research productivity to be simplistic, atheoretic, and biased toward reinforcing existing reputation and power structures This study examines the use of the Hirsch family of indices, a robust and theoretically informed metric, as an addition to prior approaches to assessing the scholarly influence of IS researchers. It finds that while the top tier journals are important indications of a scholar's impact, they are neither the only nor, indeed, the most important sources of scholarly influence. Other ranking studies, by narrowly bounding the venues included in those studies, distort the discourse and effectively privilege certain venues by declaring them to be more highly influential than warranted. The study identifies three different categories of scholars: those who publish primarily in North American journals, those who publish primarily in European journals, and a transnational set of authors who publish in both geographies. Excluding the transnational scholars, for the scholars who published in these journal sets during the period of this analysis, we find that North American scholars tend to be more influential than European scholars, on average. We attribute this difference to a difference in the publication culture of the different geographies. This study also suggests that the influence of authors who publish in the European journal set is concentrated at a moderate level of influence, while the influence of those who publish in the North American journal set is dispersed between those with high influence and those with relatively low influence. Therefore, to be a part of the top European scholar list requires a higher level of influence than to be a part of the top North American scholar list| C1- [Truex, Duane; Takeda, Hirotoshi] Georgia State Univ, J Mack Robinson Coll Business, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA; [Cuellar, Michael] N Carolina Cent Univ, Durham, NC USA| RP- Truex, D, Georgia State Univ, J Mack Robinson Coll Business, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA| EM-| CD- ABT HA, 2000, V48, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; ADAMS D, 2008, V17, P158, EUR J INFORM SYST; ALEXANDER JK, 2007, V6, P321, J ED BUSINESS; ALPHA M, 2008, MEMORY ALPHA 0515; ATHEY S, 2000, V7, P2, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; BANKS MG, 2006, V69, P161, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2008, V74, P257, SCIENTOMETRICS; BASKERVILLE R, 2008, V17, P156, EUR J INFORM SYST; BATISTA PD, 2006, V68, P179, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNMANN L, 2005, V65, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNMANN L, 2006, V68, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOURGIN S, 1996, V37, P3, HUNG QUART; BRAUN T, 2006, V69, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHUA C, 2002, V3, P145, J ASSOC INF SYST; CLARK JG, 2007, P478, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; CLARK T, 2007, V44, P612, J MANAGE STUD; COLLIN SO, 1996, BRIT J MANAGEME 0602; CUELLAR MJ, 2008, 14 AM C INF SYST TOR; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V3, P341, MIS Q; DAVIS FD, 1989, V13, P319, MIS QUART; DELONE WH, 1992, V3, P1, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; DELONE WH, 2003, V19, P9, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; EASTON G, 2007, V44, P628, J MANAGE STUD; EGGHE L, 2005, POWER LAWS INFORM PR; EGGHE L, 2006, V69, P121, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2006, V69, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2007, V58, P452, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FERRATT TW, 2007, P710, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; GALLIERS RD, 2007, V16, P20, EUR J INFORM SYST; GALLIERS RD, 2007, V16, P3, EUR J INFORM SYST; GALLIVAN MJ, 2007, V16, P36, EUR J INFORM SYST; GEARY J, 2004, V15, P95, BRIT J MANAGE; GLANZEL W, 2006, V67, P315, SCIENTOMETRICS; HARDGRAVE BC, 1997, V40, P119, COMMUN ACM; HARZING AW, 2007, PUBLISH PERISH; HARZING AW, 2008, V2, P115, EUR J INT MANAG; HARZING AW, 2008, GOOGLE SCHOLAR NEW D; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HUANG HH, 2005, V15, P555, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; KATERATTANAKUL P, 2003, V12, P60, EUR J INFORM SYST; KLOTZKO AJ, 2001, CLONING SOURCEBOOK; KODRZYCKI YK, 2005, P40, NEW APPROACHES RANKI; KOROBKIN R, 1999, V26, P851, FLA ST U L REV; KOZAR KA, 2006, V17, P524, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; LEE TA, 1999, V10, P867, CRIT PERSPECT; LIANG LM, 2006, V69, P153, SCIENTOMETRICS; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; LOWRY PB, 2004, V5, P29, J ASSOC INF SYST; LOWRY PB, 2007, P142, ARTN 16, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; LYYTINEN K, 2007, V16, P317, EUR J INFORM SYST; MACDONALD S, 2007, V44, P640, J MANAGE STUD; MARTIN N, 2007, V30, P14, ECONTENT; MINGERS J, 1997, V25, P489, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; MINGERS J, 2007, V16, EUROPEAN J INFORM SY; MOLINARI JF, 2008, V75, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; MYLONOPOULOS NA, 2001, V44, P29, COMMUN ACM; NELSON MJ, 2006, P7, ALTERNATE METHOD RAN; NERUR S, 2005, V48, P71, COMMUN ACM; PEFFERS K, 2003, V5, P63, J INFORMATION TECHNO; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; POWELL P, 2008, V17, P174, EUR J INFORM SYST; RAINER RK, 2005, V48, P91, COMMUN ACM; SAAD G, 2006, V69, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT A, 2007, V70, P201, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIDIROPOULOS A, 2006, ARXIVCSDLO606066; SINGH G, 2007, V16, P319, J MANAGE INQUIRY; STRAUB D, 2006, V7, P241, J ASSOC INF SYST; STRAUB D, 2008, V1, R3, MIS Q; TAKEDA H, 2008, SO ASS INF SYST C RI; TEMPLETON GF, 2007, P710, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; VANRAAN AFJ, 2006, V67, P491, SCIENTOMETRICS; WALSTROM KA, 1995, V38, P93, COMMUN ACM; WALSTROM KA, 2001, V39, P117, INFORM MANAGE; WHITE HD, 1981, V3, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITLEY EA, 2007, V2, P99, INFORM MANAGE; WHITMAN ME, 1999, V10, P99, INFORM SYST RES; WILLCOCKS L, 2008, P161, EUROPEAN J INFORM SY; ZANOTTO ED, 2006, V69, P175, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 81| TC- 4| PU- ASSOC INFORMATION SYSTEMS| PI- ATLANTA| PA- GEORGIA STATE UNIV, 35 BROAD STREET, STE 916-917, ATLANTA, GA 30303 USA| SN- 1536-9323| J9- J ASSOC INF SYST| JI- J. Assoc. Inf. Syst| PY- 2009| VL- 10| IS- 7| BP- 560| EP- 594| PG- 35| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 496KN| JN- JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2009, V10, N7, P560-594| UT- ISI:000269971700002 ER || PT- J| AU- Espinosa-Calvo ME; Vargas-Quesada B; Guerrero-Bote VPR; de MoyaAnegon F| AF- Eugenia Espinosa-Calvo Ma; Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; Rosa GuerreroBote, Vicente P; de Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- Comparative study of six National Scientific Dominions| SO- REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- Materials Science; categories; cocitation; countries; scientograms| ID- COCITATION; CATEGORIES; INFORMATION; PATHFINDER; KNOWLEDGE; ALGORITHM; DOMAINS| AB- This work, analyses the area of materials science. Materials science has existed since the earliest civilizations. The development and evolution of societies has been intimately linked to The ability of their members to produce and shape materials to meet their needs However, materials; science has only recently been established as a recognised academic discipline, a consequence of the agglomeration of different areas of science. The citation habits and scientograms associated with this field could therefore be related to the scientific tradition and culture of each country. In this study, the citation networks of six of the most developed countries in the year 2002 were examined using a new technique That graphically represents these networks as scientograms. The technique makes use of cocitation between topic categories of the JCR to generate a network of categories which is graphically represented. The scientograms obtained, which represent the citation networks of each country examined, reflect the cultures of the different nations studied| C1- [Eugenia Espinosa-Calvo, Ma; Rosa Guerrero-Bote, Vicente P.] Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac Comunicac, Scimago Res Grp, E-06071 Badajoz, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin] Univ Granada, Fac Bibliotecon & Documentac, Scimago Res Grp, E-18071 Granada, Spain; [de Moya-Anegon, Felix] CSIC, CCHS, Scimago Res Grp, IPP, Madrid, Spain| RP- Espinosa-Calvo, ME, Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac Comunicac, Scimago Res Grp, E-06071 Badajoz, Spain| EM-| CD- *WIK, 2007, MAT SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BRAUN T, 2000, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; COHEN JD, 1997, V4, P197, ACM T COMPUT-HUM INT; EADES P, 1984, V42, P149, C NUMERANTIUM; FABAPEREZ C, 2003, V58, P623, SCIENTOMETRICS; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2002, V52, P99, LIBRI; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2007, V71, P423, SCIENTOMETRICS; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KREMPEL L, 1999, INT SUNB SOC NETW C; MARSHAKOVA V, 1973, V6, P3, NAUCHNOTEKHNICHESC 2; MARTINEZ ATG, 2008, V20, P465, PSICOTHEMA; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, INDICADORES BIBLIOME; PRICE DS, 1963, BIG SCI LITTLE SCI; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 23| TC- 0| PU- CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS| PI- MADRID| PA- VITRUVIO 8, 28006 MADRID, SPAIN| SN- 0210-0614| J9- REV ESP DOC CIENT| JI- Rev. Esp. Doc. Cient| PD- JUL-SEP| PY- 2009| VL- 32| IS- 3| BP- 9| EP- 28| DI- 10.3989/redc.2009.3.674| PG- 20| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 488LE| JN- REVISTA ESPANOLA DE DOCUMENTACION CIENTIFICA, 2009, V32, N3, P9-28| UT- ISI:000269350400001 ER || PT- J| AU- Holmberg K; Huvila I; Kronqvist-Berg M; Widen-Wulff G| AF- Holmberg Kim; Huvila, Isto; Kronqvist-Berg, Maria; Widen-Wulff, Gunilla| TI- What is Library 2.0?| SO- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Process planning; Libraries; Internet; Electronic media| ID- JOURNAL COCITATION ANALYSIS; DIGITAL LIBRARIES; SCIENCE; NETWORKS; WEB-2.0| AB- Purpose - The aim of this paper is to define both theoretically and empirically the concept of Library 2.0 Design/methodology/approach Written answers to the question "What is Library 2.0?" given by practitioners and researchers (n = 29) interested in Library 2.0 issues were analyzed by using co-word analysis to map the underlying elements of the concept Findings - The study resulted in a model of Library 2.0, containing seven building-blocks of the phenomenon: interactivity, users, participation, libraries and library services, web and web 2.0, social aspects, and technology and tools Research limitations/implications - The model provides a basis for framing Library 2.0 as a research object and to map central themes of future research Practical implications - A comprehensive model enables both researchers and practitioners to frame the phenomenon more clearly, evaluate existing and planned services and their proximity to what is Library 2.0 Originality/value - Unlike earlier proposals for a definition of the notion Library 2.0, the present study presents an empirical and consensual crowd-sourcing approach of defining the concept Library 2.0 and provides basis for discussing the future evolution of the notion and its implications for library and information science research and library practices| C1- [Holmberg, Kim; Huvila, Isto; Kronqvist-Berg, Maria; Widen-Wulff, Gunilla] Abo Akad Univ, Dept Informat Studies, Turku, Finland| RP- Holmberg, K, Abo Akad Univ, Dept Informat Studies, Turku, Finland| EM-| CD- ALLEN M, 2008, V13, 1 MONDAY; ANDERSON P, 2007, V39, P195, J LIBR INF SCI; ANDERSON P, 2007, JISC TECHNOLOGY FEB; BEARMAN D, 2007, V41, P223, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BENSON A, 2006, V23, P18, LIBR HI TECH NEWS; BLACK EL, 2007, LIB 2 0 INNOVATIVE T; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BREVIK T, 2006, LIB 2 0 MY LIB; CAHLIK T, 2000, V49, P373, SCIENTOMETRICS; CASEY ME, 2006, LIB J 0901; CASEY ME, 2007, LIB 2 0 GUIDE PARTIC; CHAD K, 2005, DO LIB MATTER RISE L; COHEN S, 2000, V6, D LIB MAGAZINE; CONNOR E, 2007, V26, P1, MED REF SER QUART; COOMBS KA, 2007, V27, COMPUTERS LIB; COURTIAL JP, 1994, V31, P251, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRAWFORD W, 2006, V6, P1, CITES INSIGHTS; CURRAN K, 2006, V12, P47, NEW REV INFORM NETWO; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; FARKAS MG, 2007, SOCIAL SOFTWARE LIB; FICHTER D, 2006, WEB 2 0 LIB 2 0 RADI; FOX EA, 2002, V36, P503, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; FRIASMARTINEZ E, 2007, V58, P237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARFIELD E, 1979, P98, INDEXING ITS THEORY; GIBBONS S, 2003, V9, D LIB MAGAZINE; GRIFFIN SM, 1998, D LIB MAGAZINE JUL; HABIB MC, 2006, ACAD LIB 2 0 DEV APP; HE Q, 1999, V48, P133, LIBR TRENDS; HINCHCLIFFE D, 2006, SOCIAL COMPUTING MAG; HINTIKKA KA, 2007, WEB 2 0 JOHDATUS INT; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KARLSEN SI, 2006, V3, P4, SCANDINAVIAN PUBLIC; LANKES RD, 2007, V26, P17, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; MADDEN M, 2006, RIDING WAVES WEB 2 0; MANESS JM, 2006, V3, WEBOLOGY; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MILLER P, 2005, V45, ARIADNE; MILLER P, 2006, V12, D LIB MAGAZINE; OREILLY T, 2005, WHAT IS WEB 2 0 DESI; OREILLY T, 2006, LEVELS GAME HIERARCH; OREILLY T, 2006, WEB 2 0 COMPACT DEFI; OREILLY T, 2008, NICE TAKE WEB 2 0 EX; PERSSON O, 2006, BIBEXCEL BIBLIOMETRI; PRICE DJD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; SHONIWA P, 2008, V13, P69, NEW REV INFORM NETWO; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; STEPHENS M, 2006, V42, LIB TECHNOLOGY REPOR; STEPHENS M, 2007, V33, P253, SERIALS REV; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; WALLIS R, 2007, V13, P53, NEW REV INFORM NETWO| NR- 52| TC- 1| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0022-0418| J9- J DOC| JI- J. Doc| PY- 2009| VL- 65| IS- 4| BP- 668| EP- 681| DI- 10.1108/00220410910970294| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 488YT| JN- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION, 2009, V65, N4, P668-681| UT- ISI:000269387000007 ER || PT- J| AU- Small H| AF- Small Henry| TI- Critical thresholds for co-citation clusters and emergence of the giant component| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Co-citation clusters; Giant component; Critical thresholds; Percolation; Science maps| ID- COLLABORATION NETWORK; SCIENCE| AB- The behavior of co-citation clusters is studied over a wide range of similarity values, and we demonstrate the existence of critical or percolation transitions marked by a sudden expansion of cluster size with a small decrease in similarity which, in most cases, reflects the emergence of a giant component on the overall graph for the dataset The study was motivated by the question of how to set appropriate thresholds for delineating individual research areas that identify, as far as possible, natural boundaries, in view of the fact that a threshold or criterion appropriate for one area may not be appropriate for another. We explore the rate of change in cluster size as a possible boundary indicator. The relationship of this critical behavior to maps of science is discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Thomson Reuters, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Small, H, Thomson Reuters, 3501 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- ACHLIOPTAS D, 2009, V323, P1453, SCIENCE; BOLLOBAS B, 2004, V3243, P1, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; CALLAWAY DS, 2001, V64, ARTN 041902, PHYS REV E 1; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GUIMERA R, 2005, V308, P697, SCIENCE; HARTIGAN JA, 1975, P199, CLUSTERING ALGORITHM; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, ARTN 026118, PHYS REV E 2; SERRANO MA, 2006, V74, ARTN 056115, PHYS REV E 2; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; TOMASSINI M, 2007, V385, P750, PHYSICA A| NR- 12| TC- 0| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PD- OCT| PY- 2009| VL- 3| IS- 4| BP- 332| EP- 340| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2009.05.001| PG- 9| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 484VB| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2009, V3, N4, P332-340| UT- ISI:000269075100007 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhang J; Wolfram D; Wang PL| AF- Zhang Jin; Wolfram, Dietmar; Wang, Peiling| TI- Analysis of Query Keywords of Sports-Related Queries Using Visualization and Clustering| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- WEB SEARCH ENGINE; INFORMATION-RETRIEVAL; LOGS; SEEKING; COCITATION; PATTERNS; SCIENCE; CONTEXT; MODEL; IMAGE| AB- The authors investigated 11 sports-related query keywords extracted from a public search engine query log to better understand sports-related information seeking on the Internet. After the query log contents were cleaned and query data were parsed, popular sports-related keywords were identified, along with frequently co-occurring query terms associated with the identified keywords Relationships among each sports-related focus keyword and its related keywords were characterized and grouped using multidimensional scaling (MDS) in combination with traditional hierarchical clustering methods The two approaches were synthesized in a visual context by highlighting the results of the hierarchical clustering analysis in the visual MDS configuration. Important events, people, subjects, merchandise, and so on related to a sport were illustrated, and relationships among the sports were analyzed. A small-scale comparative study of sports searches with and without term assistance was conducted. Searches that used search term assistance by relying on previous query term relationships outperformed the searches without the search term assistance. The findings of this study provide insights into sports information seeking behavior on the Internet. The developed method also may be applied to other query log subject areas| C1- [Zhang, Jin; Wolfram, Dietmar] Univ Wisconsin, Sch Informat Studies, Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA; [Wang, Peiling] Univ Tennessee, Sch Informat Sci, Coll Commun & Informat, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA| RP- Zhang, J, Univ Wisconsin, Sch Informat Studies, Milwaukee, WI 53201 USA| EM-| FU- Institute of Museurn and Library Services National Leadership [LG-0605-0100-05]| FX- We thank Excite@ hoine, the Universit ofTennessee,and HealthLink for access to the query log data. This research was funded by Institute of Museurn and Library Services National Leadership Research Grant LG-06-050100-05). Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of the Institute of Museum and Library Services| CD- 2001, SPORTSBUSINESS DAILY; *PEW INT AM LIF PR, 2005, TEENS TECHN YOUTH LE; BAEZAYATES R, 2007, 16 INT WORLD WID WEB; BEEFERMAN D, 2000, P407, P 6 ACM SIGKDD INT C; BEITZEL SM, 2007, V58, P166, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORISH LJ, 1992, V7, HIST SPORT RECREATIO; CHALMERS M, 1992, P330, P 15 ANN INT ACM SIG; COOPER MD, 2001, V52, P137, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CROFT WB, 1995, P19, P 2 INT C THEOR PRAC; DUTTON W, 2007, OXFORD INTERNET SURV; ERNEST DJ, 2005, V33, P88, REFERENCE SERVICES R; FOWLER RH, 1991, P142, P 14 ANN INT ACM SIG; FREE M, 2006, V9, P83, INT J CULTURAL STUDI; GOODRUM A, 2001, V37, P295, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HAKANEN EA, 1995, V22, P9, J INFORMATION SCI; HALLAMBAKER PM, 2008, EXTENDED LOG FILE FO; HIRSH SG, 1999, V50, P1265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HOELSCHER C, 1998, P WEBNET98 WORLD C W; HUANG CK, 2003, V54, P638, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; JANSEN BJ, 2000, V3, P249, WORLD WIDE WEB; JANSEN BJ, 2005, V15, P49, INTERNET RES; JANSEN BJ, 2007, V58, P744, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; JONES S, 1998, P261, P ECDL 98 2 EUR C DI; JOSHI KP, 1999, P63, P 2 ACM CIKM WORKSH; KELLY D, 2006, V57, P1862, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOHONEN T, 2000, V11, P574, IEEE T NEURAL NETWOR; KOHONEN T, 2001, V30, SPRINGER SERIES INFO; KORFHAGE RR, 1997, INFORM STORAGE RETRI; KOSHMAN S, 2006, V57, P1875, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KRUSKAL JB, 1964, V29, P1, PSYCHOMETRIKA; KRUSKAL JB, 1964, V29, P115, PSYCHOMETRIKA; MAHOUI M, 2000, P418, P 4 EUR C RES ADV TE; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PARK S, 2005, V27, P203, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; RIEH SY, 2006, V42, P751, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ROBERTSON GG, 1989, P10, P UIST 89 2 ANN ACM; ROSS NCM, 2000, V51, P949, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1989, V24, P249, PSYCHOL LEARN MOTIV; SHI XD, 2007, V58, P1871, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SILVERSTEIN C, 1999, V33, P6, SIGIR FORUM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SPINK A, 2001, V52, P226, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SPINK A, 2002, V35, P107, COMPUTER; SPINK A, 2004, V21, P44, HLTH INFORM LIB J; SPINK A, 2004, V40, P113, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; STAPPERS PJ, 1999, P184, P CHI 99 HUM FACT CO; THELWALL M, 2002, V54, P118, ASLIB PROC; TORGERSON WS, 1952, V17, P401, PSYCHOMETRIKA; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WANG PL, 2003, V54, P743, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WEN JR, 2001, P162, P 10 INT WORLD WID W; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITTLE M, 2007, V58, P2382, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YI K, 2006, V57, P1208, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YORK J, 1995, P73, P S ADV INT PROC AN; ZEKI S, 1992, V267, P69, SCI AM; ZHANG J, 1999, V50, P779, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHANG J, 2001, V37, P639, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHANG J, 2008, V59, P1933, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHANG J, 2008, VISUALIZATION INFORM; ZHANG J, 2009, V33, P43, ONLINE INFORM REV| NR- 62| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- AUG| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 8| BP- 1550| EP- 1571| DI- 10.1002/asi.21098| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 475ID| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N8, P1550-1571| UT- ISI:000268350900003 ER || PT- J| AU- van Eck NJ; Waltman L| AF- van Eck Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo| TI- How to Normalize Cooccurrence Data? An Analysis of Some Well-Known Similarity Measures| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION; COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE FIELD; NEURAL-NETWORK RESEARCH; CO-LINK DATA; DISSIMILARITY COEFFICIENTS; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; WORD ANALYSIS; PROXIMITY-MEASURES; MAPPING SCIENCE| AB- In scientometric research, the use of cooccurrence data is very common In many cases, a similarity measure is employed to normalize the data However, there is no consensus among researchers on which similarity measure is most appropriate for normalization purposes. In this article, we theoretically analyze the properties of similarity measures for cooccurrence data, focusing in particular on four well-known measures: the association strength, the cosine, the inclusion index, and the Jaccard index. We also study the behavior of these measures empirically. Our analysis reveals that there exist two fundamentally different types of similarity measures, namely, set-theoretic measures and probabilistic measures. The association strength is a probabilistic measure, while the cosine, the inclusion index, and the Jaccard index are set-theoretic measures. Both our theoretical and our empirical results indicate that cooccurrence data can best be normalized using a probabilistic measure. This provides strong support for the use of the association strength in scientometric research| C1- [van Eck, Nees Jan] Erasmus Univ, Erasmus Sch Econ, Inst Econometr, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands; Leiden Univ, Ctr Sci & Technol Studies, NL-2300 RA Leiden, Netherlands| RP- van Eck, NJ, Erasmus Univ, Erasmus Sch Econ, Inst Econometr, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ANDERBERG MR, 1973, CLUSTER ANAL APPL; BAULIEU FB, 1989, V6, P233, J CLASSIF; BAULIEU FB, 1997, V14, P159, J CLASSIF; BORG I, 2005, MODERN MULTIDIMENTSI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHUNG YM, 2001, V52, P283, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHURCH K, 1990, V16, P22, COMPUTATIONAL LINGUI; COX MAA, 2008, P315, HDB DATA VISUALIZATI; COX TF, 2001, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; DRASGOW F, 1979, V14, P227, MULTIVARIATE BEHAV R; EGGHE L, 2002, V38, P823, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2003, V39, P771, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2006, V42, P106, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2009, V60, P232, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GLANZEL W, 1999, V45, P185, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2001, V51, P69, SCIENTOMETRICS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOWER JC, 1985, V5, P397, ENCY STATISTICAL SCI; GOWER JC, 1986, V3, P5, J CLASSIF; GUILFORD JP, 1973, FUNDAMENTAL STAT PSY; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HARDY GH, 1952, INEQUALITIES; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; HINZE S, 1994, V29, P353, SCIENTOMETRICS; HUBALEK Z, 1982, V57, P669, BIOL REV; JANSON S, 1981, V49, P371, OECOLOGIA; JARNEVING B, 2008, V77, P485, SCIENTOMETRICS; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOPCSA A, 1998, V49, P7, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KOSTOFF RN, 1999, V50, P427, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V52, P1148, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAW J, 1992, V23, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; LECLERC M, 1994, V31, P261, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P77, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LUUKKONEN T, 1992, V17, P101, SCI TECHNOL; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; MANNING CD, 1999, FDN STAT NATURAL LAN; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V32, P153, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; PALMER CL, 1999, V50, P242, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; PETERS HPF, 1995, V46, P9, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERSON MJ, 1993, V2, P47, ENVIRON VALUE; PRICE DD, 1981, V3, P47, SCIENTOMETRICS; QIN J, 2000, V51, P166, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; RORVIG M, 1999, V50, P639, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ROSENBERG S, 1968, V9, P283, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; ROSENBERG S, 1972, V22, P372, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; SALTON G, 1963, V10, P440, J ACM; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1596, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2009, V80, P105, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT A, 1990, V19, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIMMEN MW, 1996, V31, P47, MULTIVAR BEHAV RES; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1981, V17, P39, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1994, V30, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; SOKAL RR, 1963, PRINCIPLES NUMERICAL; TIJSSEN RJW, 1989, V15, P283, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, V21, P27, RES POLICY; TIJSSEN RJW, 1993, V28, P111, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDERKLOOT WA, 1991, V26, P563, MULTIVAR BEHAV RES; VANECK NJ, 2006, V1, P6, IEEE COMPUT INTELL M; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; VANECK NJ, 2008, V59, P1653, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANRAAN AFJ, 1993, V26, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V68, P611, SCIENTOMETRICS; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WARRENS MJ, 2008, SIMILARITY COEFFICIE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZEGERS FE, 1985, V50, P17, PSYCHOMETRIKA; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 90| TC- 10| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- AUG| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 8| BP- 1635| EP- 1651| DI- 10.1002/asi.21075| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 475ID| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N8, P1635-1651| UT- ISI:000268350900009 ER || PT- J| AU- Blatt EM| AF- Blatt Eli M| TI- Differentiating, describing, and visualizing scientific space: A novel approach to the analysis of published scientific abstracts| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- LATENT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS; WORD ANALYSIS; KNOWLEDGE; INFORMATION; NETWORKS; COCITATION; EVOLUTION; CITATION; SCIENCE; TOPICS| AB- This paper will develop and demonstrate a novel method for analyzing scientific indexes called Latent Semantic Differentiation. Using two distinct datasets comprised of scientific abstracts, it will demonstrate the procedure's ability to identify the dominant themes, cluster the articles accordingly, visualize the results, and provide a qualitative description of each cluster. Combined, the analyses will highlight the utility of the procedure for scientific document indexing, structuring university departments, facilitating grant administration, and augmenting ongoing research on scientific citation Because the procedure is extensible to any textual domain, there are numerous avenues for continued research both within the sciences and beyond| C1- [Blatt, Eli M.] Stanford Univ, Dept Anthropol Sci, Stanford, CA 94305 USA| RP- Blatt, EM, 350 Alabama St, San Francisco, CA 94110 USA| EM-| FU- National Science Foundation FX I would like to thank Bill Durham for seeing promise in my interests and ideas, and Stanford University for its financial and intellectual support. Many thanks also to Richard Pocklington for his guidance and council. This research was generously supported by a Dissertation Improvement Grant from the National Science Foundation, which supplied the necessary software and hardware for the project, and by Thomson Scientific, which generously offered free access to crawl their Web of Science index document index| CD- BERRY MW, 2002, NEEL C NEW FRONT STA; BEST M, 2000, MICROEVOLUTIONARY LA; BEST ML, 1999, V196, P389, J THEOR BIOL; BLUTE M, 2003, V7, P19, J MEMETICS EVOLUTION; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EROSHEVA E, 2004, V101, P5220, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; GINSPARG P, 2004, V101, P5236, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; GRIFFITHS TL, 2004, V101, P5228, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; HENZINGER M, 2004, V101, P5186, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; HOPCROFT J, 2004, V101, P5249, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; HUI SC, 2004, V28, P22, ONLINE INFORM REV; HULL D, 1988, SCI PROCESS; KUHN TS, 1996, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAHAM D, 1997, LATENT SEMANTIC ANAL; LANDAUER TK, 1997, V104, P211, PSYCHOL REV; LANDAUER TK, 1998, V7, P161, CURR DIR PSYCHOL SCI; LANDAUER TK, 1998, V25, P259, DISCOURSE PROCESS; LANDAUER TK, 2004, V101, P5214, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; LANDAUER TK, 2006, DATA REQUIREMENTS CO; LEEUWEN TN, 2001, V51, P335, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1998, V43, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; MANE KK, 2004, V101, P5287, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; MENCZER F, 2004, V101, P5261, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; MIKA P, 2006, V68, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS SA, 2004, V101, P5291, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SHENK M, 2006, MODELS FUTURE ANTHR; SHIFFRIN RM, 2004, V101, P5183, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SKUPIN A, 2004, V101, P5274, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SMITH EA, 2006, ANTHR SCHISMS; SODERQVIST T, 1994, V30, P243, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2004, V101, P5297, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; YANAGISAKO S, 2006, WELCOMING DEBATE EXP| NR- 34| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- AUG| PY- 2009| VL- 80| IS- 2| BP- 385| EP- 406| DI- 10.1007/s11192-008-2070-3| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 470ZB| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V80, N2, P385-406| UT- ISI:000268019900009 ER || PT- J| AU- Garcia-Martinez AT; Guerrero-Bote V; Hassan-Montero Y; Moya-Anegon F| AF- Teresa Garcia-Martinez Ana; Guerrero-Bote, Vicente; Hassan-Montero, Yusef; Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- Psychology in Spanish Science Through Journal Cocitation Analysis| SO- UNIVERSITAS PSYCHOLOGICA| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- Information Visualization; Psychology Research; Spain; Science Maps; Cocitation Analysis; Intellectual Structure| ID- MAPS; PATHFINDER; NETWORKS; DOMAINS| AB- The intention in this article is to represent the ongoing intellectual structure of Psychology research (as domain of scientific knowledge) in Spain. To this end within the domain analysis the most suitable bibliometric method to reveal the intellectual structure of the discipline in Spain has been selected. This method is cocitation analysis, which is characterized by its objectivity, and in this case, with journals as the unit of measurement. Therefore the resulting representation permits us to group the journals according to the similarity of subject matter marked by the uses of Spanish researcher This shows different research lines or fronts that shape the intellectual structure of Spanish Psychology| C1- [Teresa Garcia-Martinez, Ana; Guerrero-Bote, Vicente] Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Badajoz 06001, Spain; [MoyaAnegon, Felix] Ctr Ciencias Humans & Sociales, IPP, Grp Scimago, Madrid, Spain; [Moya-Anegon, Felix] CSIC, Madrid, Spain; [Hassan-Montero, Yusef] Univ Granada, Dept Bibliotecon & Documentac, E-18071 Granada, Spain| RP- Garcia-Martinez, AT, Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Plazuela Ibn Marwan S-N, Badajoz 06001, Spain| EM-| CD- BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BONNEVIE E, 2003, V29, P11, J INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CHEN XY, 2001, V34, P71, CHINESE EDUC SOC; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DOREIAN P, 1985, V39, P79, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GARCIAMARTINEZ AT, 2006, INT C MULT INF SCI T; GARCIAMARTINEZ AT, 2008, V20, P465, PSICOTHEMA; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; INGWERSEN P, 2001, V57, P715, J DOC; JARVENING B, 2001, V50, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARION LS, 2001, V52, P297, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V61, P311, LIBR QUART; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- PONTIFICA UNIV JAVERIANA, FAC PSYCH| PI- BOGOTA| PA- CARRERA 5 NUM 39-00, EDIFICIO MANUEL BRICENO, BOGOTA, 00000, COLOMBIA| SN- 1657-9267| J9- UNIV PSYCHOL| JI- Univ. Psychol| PD- JAN-APR| PY- 2009| VL- 8| IS- 1| BP- 13| EP- 26| PG- 14| SC- Psychology, Multidisciplinary| GA- 466FO| JN- UNIVERSITAS PSYCHOLOGICA, 2009, V8, N1, P13-26| UT- ISI:000267646700001 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhao YY; Cui L; Yang H| AF- Zhao Yueyang; Cui, Lei; Yang, Hua| TI- Evaluating reliability of co-citation clustering analysis in representing the research history of subject| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| AB- This paper aimed to examine the reliability of co-citation clustering analysis in representing the research history of subject by comparing the results from co-citation clustering analysis with a review written by authorities Firstly, the treatment of traumatic spinal cord injury was chosen as an investigated subject to be retrieved the resource articles and their references were downloaded from Science Citation Index CD-ROM between 1992 and 2002. Then, the highly cited papers were arranged chronologically and clustered with the method of co-citation clustering. After mapping the time line visualization, the history and structure of treatment of spinal cord injury were presented clearly. At last, the results and the review were compared according the time period, and then the recall and the precision were calculated The recall was 37.5%, and the precision was 54.5%. The research history of traumatic spinal cord injury treatment analyzed by co-citation clustering was nearly consistent with authoritative review, although some clusters had shorter period than which was summarized by professionals This paper concluded that cocitation clustering analysis was a useful method in representing the research history of subject, especially for the information researchers, who do not have enough professional knowledge. Its demerit of low recall could be offset by combination this method with other analytic techniques| C1- [Zhao, Yueyang; Yang, Hua] China Med Univ, Lib Shengjing Hosp, Shenyang 110004, Peoples R China; [Cui, Lei] China Med Univ, Dept Informat Management & Informat Syst Med, Shenyang 110001, Peoples R China| RP- Zhao, YY, China Med Univ, Lib Shengjing Hosp, Shenyang 110004, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- BRACKEN MB, 1990, V322, P1405, NEW ENGL J MED; CUI L, 1996, V1, P46, INFORM STUDIES THEOR; LI H, 2000, V26, P81, J LIB SCI CHINA; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; OCHIAI A, 1957, V22, P526, B JAPAN SOC SCIENT F; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; ZHANG WT, 2004, P242, SPSS STAT ANAL SENIO| NR- 7| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUL| PY- 2009| VL- 80| IS- 1| BP- 91| EP- 102| DI- 10.1007/s11192-008-2056-1| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 462PM| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V80, N1, P91-102| UT- ISI:000267368100006 ER || PT- J| AU- Schneider JW; Larsen B; Ingwersen P| AF- Schneider Jesper W; Larsen, Birger; Ingwersen, Peter| TI- A comparative study of first and all-author co-citation counting, and two different matrix generation approaches applied for author co-citation analyses| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- ISSI Conference 2007| CY- JUN 25-27, 2007| CL- Madrid, SPAIN| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; PROXIMITY-MEASURES; CLASSIFICATION; RESEMBLANCE; COEFFICIENT; NETWORKS| AB- The present article contributes to the current methodological debate concerning author co-citation analyses. (ACA) The study compares two different units of analyses, i.e. first- versus inclusive all-author cocitation counting, as well as two different matrix generation approaches, i.e. a conventional multivariate and the so-called Drexel approach, in order to investigate their influence upon mapping results The aim of the present study is therefore to provide more methodological awareness and empirical evidence concerning author co-citation studies The study is based on structured XML documents extracted from the IEEE collection. These data allow the construction of ad-hoc citation indexes, which enables us to carry out the hitherto largest all-author co-citation study. Four ACA are made, combining the different units of analyses with the different matrix generation approaches. The results are evaluated quantitatively by means of multidimensional scaling, factor analysis, Procrustes and Mantel statistics The results show that the inclusion of all cited authors can provide a better fit of data in two-dimensional mappings based on MDS, and that inclusive all-author co-citation counting may lead to stronger groupings in the maps. Further, the two matrix generation approaches produce maps that have some resemblances, but also many differences at the more detailed levels. The Drexel approach produces results that have noticeably lower stress values and are more concentrated into groupings. Finally, the study also demonstrates the importance of sparse matrices and their potential problems in connection with factor analysis We can confirm that inclusive all-ACA produce more coherent groupings of authors, whereas the present study cannot clearly confirm previous findings that first-ACA identifies more specialties, though some vague indication is given. Most crucially, strong evidence is given to the determining effect that matrix generation approaches have on the mapping of author co-citation data and thus the interpretation of such maps. Evidence is provided for the seemingly advantages of the Drexel approach| C1- [Schneider, Jesper W.] Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Aalborg, Denmark; [Larsen, Birger; Ingwersen, Peter] Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Copenhagen, Denmark| RP- Schneider, JW, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Aalborg, Denmark| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORG I, 2005, MODERN MULTIDIMENSIO; BOYACK KW, 2004, V101, P5192, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CRONBACH LJ, 1951, V16, P297, PSYCHOMETRIKA; EOM SB, 2003, AUTHOR COCITATION AN; GILES CL, 1998, P89, 3 ACM C DIG LIB; GLANZEL W, 1996, V35, P167, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOWER JC, 1971, P138, MATH ARCHAEOLOGICAL; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LATTIN J, 2003, ANAL MULTIVARIATE DA; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1470, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LOK CKW, 2001, V34, P223, J ADV NURS; MALIK S, 2006, V3977, P1, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; MANTEL N, 1967, V27, P209, CANCER RES; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MULAIK SA, 1972, FDN FACTOR ANAL; NUNNALLY JC, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DD, 1981, V3, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1596, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, P696, P ISSI 2007 11 INT C; SCHONEMANN PH, 1970, V35, P245, PSYCHOMETRIKA; SHANNON CE, 1949, MATH THEORY COMMUNIC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P250, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2007, V58, P1285, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 33| TC- 2| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUL| PY- 2009| VL- 80| IS- 1| BP- 103| EP- 130| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-2019-y| PG- 28| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 462PM| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V80, N1, P103-130| UT- ISI:000267368100007 ER || PT- J| AU- Porter AL; Youtie J| AF- Porter Alan L; Youtie, Jan| TI- How interdisciplinary is nanotechnology?| SO- JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Nanotechnology research activity patterns; Nanotechnology trends; Nanoscale science and engineering; Interdisciplinarity; Bibliometrics; Science mapping| ID- CONVERGING TECHNOLOGIES; SCIENCE; NANOSCALE; JOURNALS; TERMS; COCITATION; GOVERNANCE; CATEGORIES; AREAS| AB- Facilitating cross-disciplinary research has attracted much attention in recent years, with special concerns in nanoscience and nanotechnology. Although policy discourse has emphasized that nanotechnology is substantively integrative, some analysts have countered that it is really a loose amalgam of relatively traditional pockets of physics, chemistry, and other disciplines that interrelate only weakly. We are developing empirical measures to gauge and visualize the extent and nature of interdisciplinary interchange. Such results speak to research organization, funding, and mechanisms to bolster knowledge transfer. In this study, we address the nature of cross-disciplinary linkages using "science overlay maps" of articles, and their references, that have been categorized into subject categories. We find signs that the rate of increase in nano research is slowing, and that its composition is changing (for one, increasing chemistry-related activity). Our results suggest that nanotechnology research encompasses multiple disciplines that draw knowledge from disciplinarily diverse knowledge sources. Nano research is highly, and increasingly, integrative-but so is much of science these days Tabulating and mapping nano research activity show a dominant core in materials sciences, broadly defined. Additional analyses and maps show that nano research draws extensively upon knowledge presented in other areas; it is not constricted within narrow silos| C1- [Porter, Alan L.] Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Publ Policy, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA; [Youtie, Jan] Georgia Inst Technol, Enterprise Innovat Inst, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA| RP- Porter, AL, Georgia Inst Technol, Sch Publ Policy, Technol Policy & Assessment Ctr, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA| EM-| FU- National Science Foundation [0531194, EEC-0438684]; National Partnership for Managing Upstream Innovation FX Significant research assistance in data treatment, software to facilitate the analyses, and development of visualizations was provided by Jon Garner and Webb Myers. The authors received helpful comments and advice from Ismael Rafols and Philip Shapira. This research was undertaken at Georgia Tech with support by the Center for Nanotechnology in Society (Arizona State University), supported by the National Science Foundation (Award No. 0531194) and the National Partnership for Managing Upstream Innovation: The Case of Nanoscience and Technology (North Carolina State University; NSF Award No EEC-0438684). The findings and observations contained in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation| CD- *NAT AC COMM FAC I, 2005, FAC INT RES; *NAT SCI TECHN COU, 1999, NAN SCI TECHN WORLDW; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; ETO H, 2003, V58, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRODAL S, 2008, NBER C EM IND NAN NA; HICKS DM, 1996, V21, P379, SCI TECHNOL HUM VAL; KATZ JS, 1995, P 5 INT C INT SOC SC; KHUSHF G, 2004, V1013, P124, ANN NY ACAD SCI; KLEIN JT, 1999, CROSSING BOUNDARIES; LEYDESDORFF L, 1993, V26, P135, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1994, V23, P217, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2009, V60, P348, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LOVERIDGE D, 2008, V20, P29, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; MEYER M, 2006, 2006 TECHN TRANSF SO; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PORTER AL, RES EVAL IN PRESS; PORTER AL, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; PORTER AL, 2002, V53, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2006, V15, P187, RES EVALUAT; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 2008, V10, P715, J NANOPART RES; PORTER AL, 2008, NBER C NAN NAN CAMBR; PORTER AL, 2008, WORKSH NAT SCI FDN W; RAFOLS I, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; RAFOLS I, 2007, V20, P395, INNOVATION-ABINGDON; ROCO MC, 2002, V4, P9, J NANOPART RES; ROCO MC, 2003, CONVERGING TECHNOLOG; ROCO MC, 2003, V14, P337, CURR OPIN BIOTECH; ROCO MC, 2004, V50, P890, AICHE J; ROCO MC, 2006, V1093, P1, ANN NY ACAD SCI; ROCO MC, 2008, V10, P11, J NANOPART RES; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SCHMIDT JC, 2008, V20, P45, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; SCHUMMER J, 2004, V59, P425, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUMMER J, 2007, V70, P669, SCIENTOMETRICS; STIRLING A, 2007, V4, P707, J R SOC INTERFACE; VANRAAN AFJ, 1999, PRACTISING INTERDISC; ZIEGLER AS, 2006, V1093, P339, ANN NY ACAD SCI; ZITT M, 2005, V3, P38, MEASUREMENT INTERDIS| NR- 45| TC- 5| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1388-0764| J9- J NANOPART RES| JI- J. Nanopart. Res| PD- JUL| PY- 2009| VL- 11| IS- 5| BP- 1023| EP- 1041| DI- 10.1007/s11051-009-9607-0| PG- 19| SC- Chemistry, Multidisciplinary; Nanoscience & Nanotechnology; Materials Science, Multidisciplinary| GA- 459MO| JN- JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLE RESEARCH, 2009, V11, N5, P1023-1041| UT- ISI:000267107100001 ER || PT- J| AU- Chen CM; Chen Y; Horowitz M; Hou HY; Liu ZY; Pellegrino D| AF- Chen Chaomei; Chen, Yue; Horowitz, Mark; Hou, Haiyan; Liu, Zeyuan; Pellegrino, Donald| TI- Towards an explanatory and computational theory of scientific discovery| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Theory of scientific discovery; Transformative scientific discoveries; Theory of structural holes; Intellectual brokerage; Knowledge diffusion; Information foraging| ID- UNDISCOVERED PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE; IMPACT RESEARCH AUTHORS; BETWEENNESS CENTRALITY; MATHEMATICAL APPROACH; CITATION PERSPECTIVE; SOCIAL NETWORK; NOBEL CLASS; FISH-OIL; EVOLUTION; SCIENCE| AB- We propose an explanatory and computational theory of transformative discoveries in science. The theory is derived from a recurring theme found in a diverse range of scientific change, scientific discovery, and knowledge diffusion theories in philosophy of science, sociology of science, social network analysis, and information science. The theory extends the concept of structural holes from social networks to a broader range of associative networks found in science studies, especially including networks that reflect underlying intellectual structures such as co-citation networks and collaboration networks. The central premise is that connecting otherwise disparate patches of knowledge is a valuable mechanism of creative thinking in general and transformative scientific discovery in particular. In addition, the premise consistently explains the value of connecting people from different disciplinary specialties. The theory not only explains the nature of transformative discoveries in terms of the brokerage mechanism but also characterizes the subsequent diffusion process as optimal information foraging in a problem space. Complementary to epidemiological models of diffusion, foraging-based conceptualizations offer a unified framework for arriving at insightful discoveries and optimizing subsequent pathways of search in a problem space. Structural and temporal properties of potentially high-impact scientific discoveries are derived from the theory to characterize the emergence and evolution of intellectual networks of a field. Two Nobel Prize winning discoveries, the discovery of Helicobacter pylori and gene targeting techniques, and a discovery in string theory demonstrated such properties. Connections to and differences from existing approaches are discussed. The primary value of the theory is that it provides not only a computational model of intellectual growth, but also concrete and constructive explanations of where one may find insightful inspirations for transformative scientific discoveries. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Chen, Chaomei; Horowitz, Mark; Pellegrino, Donald] Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA; [Chen, Chaomei; Chen, Yue; Hou, Haiyan; Liu, Zeyuan] Dalian Univ Technol, WISE Lab, Dalian, Peoples R China| RP- Chen, CM, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- *NSF, 2007, 130 NSF; ALBERT R, 2002, V74, P47, REV MOD PHYS; ANTONAKIS J, 2008, V59, P956, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AUSLOOS M, 2007, V57, P89, EUR PHYS J B; BARABASI AL, 2002, V311, P590, PHYSICA A; BEDERSON BB, 2003, P349, CRAFT INFORM VISUALI; BETTENCOURT LMA, 2006, REPORT OFFICE SCI TE; BETTENCOURT LMA, 2008, V75, P495, SCIENTOMETRICS; BETTENCOURT LMA, 2009, V3, P210, J INFORMETR; BORNER K, 2004, V101, P5266, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BRADSHAW GF, 1983, P971, STUDYING SCI DISCOVE; BRANDES U, 2001, V25, P163, J MATH SOCIOL; BRANNIGAN A, 1983, P417, HIST DISTRIBUTIONS M; BRUCKNER E, 1990, V18, P21, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRUSH SG, 1994, P 1994 BIENN M PHIL; BRUSH SG, 1995, P299, NO TRUTH DETAILS; BURT RS, 1992, STRUCTURAL HOLES SOC; BURT RS, 2001, NEW DIRECTIONS EC SO; BURT RS, 2004, V110, P349, AM J SOCIOL; BURT RS, 2005, BROKERAGE CLOSURE IN; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CHEN C, 2008, V28, P18, IEEE COMPUT GRAPH; CHEN CM, 2003, V54, P435, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHUBIN D, 1976, V17, P448, SOCIOLOGICAL Q; COLLINS R, 1998, SOCIOLOGY PHILOS GLO; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CZERWON HJ, 1986, V36, P1101, J PHYS; DAVIS MS, 1971, V1, P309, PHILOS SOC SCI; DORIGO M, 1997, V1, P53, IEEE T EVOLUTIONARY; DUNBAR K, 1993, V17, P397, COGNITIVE SCI; EVANS MJ, 1981, V292, P154, NATURE; FLEMING L, 2007, V52, P443, ADMIN SCI QUART; FORTUNATO S, 2006, UNSP 218701, PHYS REV LETT; FREEMAN LC, 1977, V40, P35, SOCIOMETRY; FUCHS S, 1993, P933, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY; GARFIELD E, 1992, V35, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1992, V13, P117, THEORETICAL MED; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GLYMOUR C, 2004, P69, DAEDALUS WIN; GOFFMAN W, 1964, V204, P225, NATURE; GOFFMAN W, 1971, V229, P103, NATURE; GORDON MD, 1996, V47, P116, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GRIFFITH BC, 1972, V177, P959, SCIENCE; GUIFFRE K, 1999, V77, P815, SOC FORCES; HEINZE T, 2007, V70, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; HEINZE T, 2007, V70, P811, SCIENTOMETRICS; HILDERMAN RJ, 2001, KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HOLTON G, 1996, V84, P364, AM SCI; HUMMON NP, 1989, V11, P39, SOC NETWORKS; KLAHR D, 1999, V125, P524, PSYCHOL BULL; KLEINBERG J, 2002, P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C; KOENIG MD, 2008, INNOVATION NETWORKS; KOSTOFF RN, 2008, V75, P276, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAMBIOTTE R, 2007, V57, P89, EUROPEAN PHYS J B; LAUDAN L, 1986, V69, P141, SYNTHESE; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIBENNOWELL D, 2008, V105, P4633, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LINDAHL BIB, 1992, V13, P97, THEOR MED; LINDSAY RK, 1999, V50, P574, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LIQIANG G, 2006, V38, P9, ACM COMPUT SURV; MARSHALL BJ, 1984, V1, P1311, LANCET; MARSHALL BJ, 2005, NOBEL LECT; MAYER RE, 1995, P3, NATURE INSIGHT; MORRIS SA, 2008, V42, P213, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V98, P404, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NOWAKOWSKA M, 1973, V3, P262, THEOR DECIS; PERKINS DN, 1995, P495, NATURE INSIGHT; PINCOCK S, 2005, V366, P1429, LANCET; PIROLLI P, 2007, INFORM FORAGING THEO; RADDER H, 1997, V28, P633, STUD HIST PHILOS SCI; REDNER S, 2004, ARXIVPHYSICS0407137V; SANDSTROM PE, 1999, V25, B AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHAFFNER KF, 1992, V13, P175, THEOR MED; SCHWARZ JH, 1982, V89, P224, PHYS REP; SHIBATA N, 2007, V58, P872, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SHNEIDERMAN B, 2002, LEONARDOS LAPTOP HUM; SHNEIDERMAN B, 2007, V50, P20, COMMUN ACM; SILBERSCHATZ A, 1996, V8, P970, IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN; SIMON HA, 1981, SCI ARTIFICIAL; SIMON HA, 1981, V47, P1, SYNTHESE; SMALHEISER NR, 1996, V46, P583, NEUROLOGY; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; SMALL H, 2000, P449, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1979, V1, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; SNIJDERS TAB, 2001, P361, SOCIOL METHODOL; STERMAN JD, 1985, V28, P93, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; STOKES DE, 1997, PASTEURS QUADRANT BA; SULLIVAN D, 1980, V2, P309, SCIENTOMETRICS; SWANSON DR, 1986, V56, P103, LIBR QUART; SWANSON DR, 1986, V30, P7, PERSPECT BIOL MED; SWANSON DR, 1987, V38, P228, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1988, V31, P526, PERSPECT BIOL MED; SWANSON DR, 1999, V48, P48, LIBR TRENDS; TAN PN, 2002, KDD 02 EDM ALB CAN; VALENTE TW, 1996, V18, P69, SOC NETWORKS; VLACHY J, 1985, V7, P505, SCIENTOMETRICS; WAGNERDOBLER R, 1999, V46, P635, SCIENTOMETRICS; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; ZUCKERMAN H, 1967, P391, NOBEL LAUREATES SCI| NR- 106| TC- 4| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PD- JUL| PY- 2009| VL- 3| IS- 3| BP- 191| EP- 209| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2009.03.004| PG- 19| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 459WT| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2009, V3, N3, P191-209| UT- ISI:000267144200004 ER || PT- J| AU- McCain KW| AF- McCain Katherine W| TI- Using Tricitation to Dissect the Citation Image: Conrad Hal Waddington and the Rise of Evolutionary Developmental Biology| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- EVO-DEVO; CONTEXT ANALYSIS; PATTERNS; COCITATION; AUTHORS; TIME; NETWORKS; ONLINE| AB- An author's citation image is the set of authors with whom the author is cocited. When mapped using standard author cocitation analysis methods based on cited name co-occurrence counts across the entire citation database, the original context of cocitation (the focal author cocited with others) is lost. The citation image of Conrad Hal Waddington, a developmental biologist and evolutionary theorist, is mapped using both cocitation and tricitation approaches over three successive decades, 1975-1984, 1985-1994, and 1995-2004. All authors are tagged with a subject ID based on a principal components analysis of the cocitation data. The cocitation analyses place Waddington in a general subject context. The tricitation PFNets bring the major themes in articles citing Waddington into clearer focus. The changing scholarly landscape in which Waddington's work is used is demonstrated by changes in the citation image author set. These changes are associated with a shift from a primary focus on the mechanisms of evolutionary change (Waddington's work on canalization/genetic assimilation) to a resurgence of interest in Waddington's early experimental embryological work. The latter is linked to the emergence of evolutionary developmental biology, an interdisciplinary research area that examines the role of organismal development in evolutionary change| C1- Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- McCain, KW, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- AVERSA ES, 1985, V7, P383, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2006, V42, P1553, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BATAGELJ V, 2004, PAJEK PROGRAM LARGE; CRONIN B, 2002, V54, P31, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRONIN B, 2007, V23, P221, INFORM SOC; DAWKINS R, 1976, SELFISH GENE; DOLL W, 1986, V25, P10, THEOR PRACT; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; ELDREDGE N, 1972, P82, MODELS PALEOBIOLOGY; GILBERT SF, 1996, V173, P357, DEV BIOL; GILBERT SF, 2003, V47, P467, INT J DEV BIOL; GOULD SJ, 1977, ONTOGENY PHYLOGENY; HALL BK, 1992, EVOLUTIONARY DEV BIO; HAMBURGER V, 1951, V88, P49, J MORPHOL; HARGENS LL, 1986, V9, P145, SCIENTOMETRICS; JACOB F, 1977, V196, P1161, SCIENCE; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LOVE AC, 2003, V5, P327, EVOL DEV; MARION LS, 2002, V39, P3, P ASIST ANNU; MARION LS, 2004, THESIS DREXEL U PHIL; MAYR E, 1993, V8, P31, TRENDS ECOL EVOL; MCCAIN KW, 1984, V35, P351, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V17, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1990, P194, COMMUNICATION RES CO; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2000, COMP INT CURR RES CI; MCCAIN KW, 2006, V32, P277, J INF SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2008, V59, P510, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 2008, WERE THERE 2 R UNPUB; MONOD J, 1971, CHANCE NECESSITY ESS; MORRIS TA, 2001, THESIS DREXEL U PHIL; MULKAY M, 1972, SOCIAL PROCESS INNOV; MULLER GB, 2007, V8, P943, NAT REV GENET; PALMER AR, 1986, V17, P391, ANNU REV ECOL SYST; PIGLIUCCI M, 2007, V61, P2743, EVOLUTION; RAFF RA, 2007, V8, P911, NAT REV GENET; ROBERT JS, 2001, V23, P954, BIOESSAYS; ROBERTSON A, 1977, V23, P575, BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIRS; SARKAR S, 2003, V18, P209, BIOL PHILOS; SCHVANEVELDT R, 1990, STUDIES KNOWLEDGE OR; SEGERSTRALE U, 2000, DEFENDERS TRUTH SOCI; SLACK JMW, 2002, V3, P889, NAT REV GENET; SMALL H, 1982, V3, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMALL HG, 1974, V10, P393, INFORMATION STORAGE; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; STERN CD, 2000, V44, P15, INT J DEV BIOL; SUGIMOTO CR, 2009, VISUALIZING CH UNPUB; WADDINGTON CH, 1942, SCI ETHICS; WADDINGTON CH, 1956, PRINCIPLES EMBRYOLOG; WADDINGTON CH, 1961, ETHICAL ANIMAL; WADDINGTON CH, 1969, APPEARANCE STUDY REL; WADDINGTON CH, 1969, V1, THEORETICAL BIOL; WADDINGTON CH, 1971, BIOL PURPOSE ETHICS; WADDINGTON CH, 1973, OR WORLD WAR 2 OPERA; WADDINGTON CH, 1975, EVOLUTION EVOLUTIONI; WADDINGTON CH, 1977, TOOLS UNDERSTAND APP; WHITE HD, 2000, P475, ASIST MONOGR SER; WHITE HD, 2000, V51, P959, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2001, V51, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V101, P5297, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; WHITE HD, 2005, C ASS LIB INF SCI ED; WILSON EO, 1975, SOCIOBIOLOOY NEW SYN| NR- 64| TC- 3| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 7| BP- 1301| EP- 1319| DI- 10.1002/asi.21064| PG- 19| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 456ZD| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N7, P1301-1319| UT- ISI:000266892700001 ER || PT- J| AU- Durisin B; Puzone F| AF- Durisin Boris; Puzone, Fulvio| TI- Maturation of Corporate Governance Research, 1993-2007: An Assessment| SO- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- Corporate Governance; Journal Influence; Co-citation Analysis; Bibliometrics| ID- ASIAN FINANCIAL CRISIS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE; FIRM PERFORMANCE; BOARD COMPOSITION; EXECUTIVE-COMPENSATION; STRATEGICMANAGEMENT; EARNINGS MANAGEMENT; COCITATION ANALYSIS; CONSUMER RESEARCH| AB- Review This study seeks to investigate whether governance research in fact is a discipline or whether it is rather the subject of multidisciplinary research. We map the intellectual structure of corporate governance research and its evolution from 1993-2007 Based on the analysis of more than 1,000 publications and 48,000 citations in Corporate Goverance: An International Review (CGIR) and other academic journals, our study identifies the most influential works, the dominant subfields, and their evolution. Our study assesses the maturation of corporate governance research as a discipline; it finds increasing sophistication, depth and rigor, and consistency in its intellectual structure There is a large body of accumulated corporate governance research in the US, yet there is an empirical gap on cross-national studies in the literature. Furthermore, hardly any of the top cited works undertake their study in a cross-national setting. Thus, corporate governance research and CGIR in its quest to contribute to a global theory of corporate governance might benefit if articles have a crossnational methodological approach and empirical grounding in their research design and if articles explicitly aim at stating the theoretical underpinnings they draw on Globalists find in CGIR an outlet addressing economics and finance (e.g., whether and how compensation or dismissal of CEOs is related to board characteristics), management (e.g., whether and how best practice codes adoption is related to board characteristics and performance), and accounting (e.g., whether and how earnings manipulations is related to board characteristics) issues globally| C1- [Durisin, Boris; Puzone, Fulvio] Bocconi Univ, Dept Management, I20136 Milan, Italy| RP- Durisin, B, Bocconi Univ, Dept Management, Via Guglielmo Roentgen 1, I-20136 Milan, Italy| EM-| CD- 1993, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, P236, V1; 1998, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, P1, V6; *AM LAW I, 1992, PRINC CORP GOV AN RE; *CCGUK, 2000, COMB COD PRINC CORP; AGUILERA RV, 2003, V28, P447, ACAD MANAGE REV; ALCHIAN AA, 1972, V62, P111, AM ECON REV; ALEXANDER JC, 1994, V49, P697, J FINANC; ALI A, 2000, V38, P1, J ACCOUNTING RES; AMIHUD Y, 1981, V12, P605, BELL J ECON; ARMSTRONG J, 1977, V3, P396, J MARKETING RES; BALDRIDGE DC, 2004, V25, P1063, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BALKIN DB, 1990, V13, P381, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; BALL R, 2000, V29, P1, J ACCOUNT ECON; BALL R, 2003, V36, P235, J ACCOUNT ECON; BARCLAY MJ, 1989, V25, P371, J FINANC ECON; BARLEY SR, 2006, V49, P16, ACAD MANAGE J; BARTUNEK JM, 2006, V49, P9, ACAD MANAGE J; BAYSINGER B, 1990, V15, P72, ACAD MANAGE REV; BAYSINGER BD, 1985, V1, P101, J LAW ECON ORGAN; BEASLEY MS, 1996, V71, P443, ACCOUNT REV; BEATTY RP, 1994, V39, P313, ADMIN SCI QUART; BERGSTROM C, 1990, V14, P237, J BANK FINANC; BERLE A, 1932, MODEM CORPORATION PR; BETHEL JE, 1993, V14, P15, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BETTIS RA, 1995, V16, P7, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BIEMANS W, 2007, V24, P193, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; BLACKBURN RS, 1981, V66, P337, J APPL PSYCHOL; BOEKER W, 1992, V37, P400, ADMIN SCI QUART; BOROKHOVICH KA, 2000, V55, P1457, J FINANC; BOTOSAN CA, 1997, V72, P323, ACCOUNT REV; BOYD BK, 1995, V16, P301, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BOYD BK, 2005, V26, P841, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BRICKLEY JA, 1988, V20, P267, J FINANC ECON; BROUTHERS KD, 2003, V24, P1239, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BURT RS, 1977, V56, P106, SOC FORCES; BUSHMAN RM, 2001, V32, P237, J ACCOUNT ECON; BYRD JW, 1992, V32, P195, J FINANC ECON; CADBURY A, 1992, REPORT COMMITTEE FIN; CADBURY A, 1993, V1, P5, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; CARTER CB, 2004, BACK DRAWING BOARD D; CARVER J, 1997, BOARDS MAKE DIFFEREN; CARVER J, 2002, BOARD LEADERSHIP; CHACAR A, 2005, V26, P933, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; CHARAN R, 1998, BOARDS WORK CORPORAT; CHARAN R, 2005, BOARDS DELIVER ADV C; CHO CK, 2005, V13, P211, CORP GOV; CLAESSENS S, 2000, V58, P81, J FINANC ECON; CLAESSENS S, 2002, V57, P2741, J FINANC; COASE RH, 1937, V4, P386, ECONOMICA-NEW SER; CONYON M, 1994, V2, P87, CORP GOV; CONYON MJ, 2001, V22, P805, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; CORE JE, 1999, V51, P371, J FINANC ECON; CORRADO CJ, 1997, V52, P2091, J FINANC; COSH AD, 1987, V11, P285, CAMBRIDGE J ECON; COTE JA, 1991, V18, P402, J CONSUM RES; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRAWFORD CM, NEW PRODUCTS MANAGEM; CROSSLAND C, 2007, V28, P767, STRATEG MANAGE J; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CYERT RM, 1963, BEHAV THEORY FIRM; DAHYA J, 2008, V87, P73, J FINANC ECON; DAILY CM, 2003, V28, P371, ACAD MANAGE REV; DAILY CM, 2004, P15, HDB BUSINESS STRATEG; DALTON DR, 1998, V19, P269, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DALTON DR, 2003, V46, P13, ACAD MANAGE J; DAVIDSON K, 1997, V20, P47, J BEHAV MED; DAVIES A, 1999, STRATEGIC APPROACH C; DAVIS GF, 1991, V36, P583, ADM SCI Q; DAVIS GF, 1994, V39, P141, ADMIN SCI QUART; DECHOW P, 1996, V13, P1, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; DEMIGUEL A, 2004, V25, P1199, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DEMIRGUCKUNT A, 1998, V53, P2107, J FINANC; DEMSETZ H, 1985, V93, P1155, J POLIT ECON; DEROND M, 2005, V14, P321, J MANAGE INQUIRY; DIMAGGIO PJ, 1983, V48, P147, AM SOCIOL REV; DOIDGE C, 2007, V86, P1, J FINANC ECON; DOKTOR R, 1991, V16, P259, ACAD MANAGE REV; DONALDSON L, 1991, V16, P49, AUSTR J MANAGEMENT; DONALDSON L, 1994, V2, P141, CORP GOV; DUBOIS FL, 2000, V31, P689, J INT BUS STUD; DULEWICZ V, 1995, V20, P1, J GEN MANAGE; DULEWICZ V, 1999, V7, P178, CORP GOV; DURNEV A, 2005, V60, P1461, J FINANC; DYCK A, 2004, V59, P537, J FINANC; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P57, ACAD MANAGE REV; ELSON C, 2007, V19, P74, J APPL CORPORATE FIN; FACCIO M, 2002, V65, P365, J FINANC ECON; FACCIO M, 2005, V60, P1345, J FINANC; FAMA EF, 1980, V88, P288, J POLITICAL EC; FAMA EF, 1983, V26, P301, J LAW ECON; FILATOTCHEV I, 2002, V23, P941, STRATEG MANAGE J; FINKELSTEIN S, 1989, V10, P121, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; FINKELSTEIN S, 1992, V35, P505, ACAD MANAGE J; FINKELSTEIN S, 1994, V37, P1079, ACAD MANAGE J; FINKELSTEIN S, 1996, STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP; FINKELSTEIN S, 1998, V41, P179, ACAD MANAGE J; FORBES DP, 1999, V24, P489, ACAD MANAGE REV; FRANKEL RM, 2002, V77, P71, ACCOUNT REV S; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING; GARRATT R, 1996, FISH ROTS HEAD; GAY K, 2001, V9, P152, CORP GOV; GEDAJLOVIC ER, 1998, V19, P533, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; GILSON SC, 1990, V27, P355, J FINANC ECON; GOLDMAN A, 1979, V16, P485, J MARKETING RES; GOMPERS P, 2003, V118, P107, Q J ECON; GRANOVETTER M, 1985, V91, P3, AM J SOCIOL; GRANT RM, CONT STRATEGY ANAL C; GREENBURY R, 1995, REPORT STUDY GROUP C; GREGG P, 1993, V31, P1, BRIT J IND RELAT; GROSSMAN S, 1980, V1, P42, BELL J ECON; GUO L, 2008, V25, P249, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; HAMBRICK DC, 1984, V9, P193, ACAD MANAGE REV; HAMPEL R, 1998, COMMITTEE CORPORATE; HEALY P, 1999, V16, P485, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; HEALY PM, 2001, V31, P405, J ACCOUNT ECON; HECKMAN JJ, 1979, V47, P153, ECONOMETRICA; HENDERSON AD, 1996, V39, P575, ACAD MANAGE J; HENDERSON J, 2003, V24, P349, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; HERMALIN BE, 1991, V20, P101, FINANC MANAGE; HERMALIN BE, 1998, V88, P96, AM ECON REV; HIGGS D, 2003, REV ROLE DFFECTIVENE; HILMER FG, 1993, STRICTLY BOARDROOM I; HIMMELBERG CP, 1999, V53, P353, J FINANC ECON; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HOLL P, 1997, V18, P483, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; HOPE OK, 2003, V41, P235, J ACCOUNTING RES; HOSKISSON RE, 1994, V37, P1207, ACAD MANAGE J; HUBBARD R, 1998, V19, P243, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; JENKINS B, 1993, V1, P11, CORP GOV; JENSEN M, 1989, V5, P61, HARVARD BUS REV; JENSEN MC, 1976, V3, P305, J FINANC ECON; JENSEN MC, 1983, V11, P5, J FINANC ECON; JENSEN MC, 1986, V76, P323, AM ECON REV; JENSEN MC, 1990, V98, P225, J POLIT ECON; JENSEN MC, 1993, V48, P831, J FINANC; JOHNSON JL, 1996, V22, P409, J MANAGE; JOHNSON S, 2000, V90, P22, AM ECON REV; JOHNSON S, 2000, V58, P141, J FINANC ECON; JONES MJ, 1996, V24, P337, OMEGA; JUDGE W, 2007, V15, P501, CORP GOV; JUDGE W, 2007, V15, P708, CORP GOV; JUDGE WQ, 2009, V17, R3, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; KESNER IF, 1990, V11, P327, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; KLEIN A, 2002, V33, P375, J ACCOUNT ECON; KLEIN W, 1998, V41, P1, ECOTOX ENVIRON SAFE; KOSNIK RD, 1987, V32, P163, ADMIN SCI QUART; KOTLER P, MARKETING MANAGEMENT; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LANG M, 1993, V31, P246, J ACCOUNT RES; LAPORTA R, 1997, V52, P1131, J FINANC; LAPORTA R, 1998, V106, P1113, J POLIT ECON; LAPORTA R, 1999, V54, P471, J FINANC; LAPORTA R, 2000, V58, P1, J FINANC ECON; LAPORTA R, 2000, V55, P1, J FINANC; LEE PM, 1997, V18, P879, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; LEMMON ML, 2003, V58, P1445, J FINANC; LEONG SM, 1989, V15, P492, J CONSUM RES; LEUZ C, 2000, V38, P91, J ACCOUNTING RES S; LEUZ C, 2003, V69, P505, J FINANC ECON; LI DH, 2006, V61, P2975, J FINANC; LINS K, 1999, V54, P2215, J FINANC; LORSCH JW, 1989, PAWNS POTENTATES REA; MACE ML, 1971, DIRECTORS MYTH REALI; MACMILLAN IC, 1989, V4, P289, J BUS VENTURING; MALLIN CA, 2004, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; MARGOLIS J, 1967, V155, P1213, SCIENCE; MARTIN KJ, 1996, V51, P1227, J FINANC; MAY KO, 1967, V156, P890, SCIENCE; MCCAFFERTY J, 2008, P21, DIRECTORSHIP OCT; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCONNELL JJ, 1990, V27, P595, J FINANC ECON; MILLER D, 1997, V6, P71, J MANAGE INQUIRY; MIZRUCHI MS, 1983, V8, P426, ACAD MANAGE REV; MONKS RAG, 1995, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; MORCK R, 1988, V20, P293, J FINANC ECON; MORCK R, 1989, V79, P842, AM ECON REV; MURPHY KJ, 1985, V7, P1, J ACCOUNT ECON; MURPHY KJ, 1999, V3, P2485, HDB LABOR EC B; MYERS SC, 1984, V13, P187, J FINANC ECON; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; NORTH DC, 1990, I I CHANGE EC PERFOR; NUNNALLY JC, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; OREILLY CA, 1988, V33, P257, ADMIN SCI QUART; PAGE AL, 2008, V25, P233, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; PAISLEY W, 1984, V5, P1, PROGR COMMUNICATION; PALMER D, 2001, V46, P87, ADMIN SCI QUART; PASADEOS Y, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; PATTON A, 1987, V65, P10, HARVARD BUS REV; PEARCE JA, 1991, V12, P135, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PENG MW, 2004, V25, P453, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PETTIGREW A, 1995, V48, P845, HUM RELAT; PETTIGREW AM, 1992, V13, P163, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PFEFFER J, 1972, V17, P218, ADM SCI Q; PFEFFER J, 1977, V55, P938, SOC FORCES; PFEFFER J, 1978, EXTERNAL CONTROL ORG; PFEFFER J, 1998, HUMAN EQUATION BUILD; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DJ, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAMASWAMY K, 2002, V23, P345, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RECHNER PL, 1991, V12, P155, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; REDIKER KJ, 1995, V16, P85, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; REINER S, 2006, V17, P90, MOL BIOL CELL; ROGERS RC, 1989, V74, P636, J APPL PSYCHOL; RUMELT RP, 1974, STRATEGY STRUCTURE E; RYNES SL, 2001, V44, P340, ACAD MANAGE J; SCHWARTZ BN, 2005, V16, P327, CRIT PERSPECT; SHLEIFER A, 1986, V94, P461, J POLIT ECON; SHLEIFER A, 1997, V52, P737, J FINANC; SIEMENS JC, 2005, V58, P467, J BUS RES; SMICK DM, 2008, WORLD IS CURVED HIDD; SMITH CW, 1992, V32, P263, J FINANC ECON; SRIRAM RS, 1994, P32, ACCOUNTING ED J SPR; SUTTON RI, 1995, V40, P371, ADMIN SCI QUART; TAHAI A, 1999, V20, P279, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TELLIS GJ, 1999, V36, P120, J MARKETING RES; THOMPSON JD, 1967, ORG ACTION SOCIAL SC; THOMSEN S, 2000, V21, P689, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TOSI HL, 1989, V34, P169, ADMIN SCI QUART; TOSI HL, 2000, V26, P301, J MANAGE; TRICKER B, 1993, V1, P1, CORP GOV; TRICKER B, 2000, V8, P403, CORP GOV; TRICKER B, 2008, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; TRICKER RI, 1984, CORPORATE GOVERNANCE; TRICKER RI, 1994, INT CORPORATE GOVERN; TRIESCHMANN JS, 2000, V43, P1130, ACAD MANAGE J; TURNBULL S, 1997, V5, P180, CORP GOV; URBAN G, DESIGN MARKETING NEW; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; USEEM M, 1993, EXECUTIVE DEFENSE SH; VANCE SC, 1983, CORPORATE LEADERSHIP; VASTAG G, 2002, V30, P109, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; VERMEULEN F, 2005, V48, P978, ACAD MANAGE J; WALSH JP, 1990, V15, P421, ACAD MANAGE REV; WARNER JB, 1988, V20, P461, J FINANC ECON; WATTS R, 1986, POSITIVE ACCOUNTING; WEICK KE, 1989, V14, P516, ACAD MANAGE REV; WEISBACH MS, 1988, V20, P431, J FINANC ECON; WERNER S, 2002, V33, P583, J INT BUS STUD; WESTERLING L, 1995, V1, P283, 15 INT S BALL JER IS; WHITE EM, 1995, V4, P327, EUR J AGRON; WHITE H, 1980, V48, P817, ECONOMETRICA; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WIERSEMA MF, 1992, V35, P91, ACAD MANAGE J; WILLIAMSON OE, 1975, MARKET HIERARCHIES A; WILLIAMSON OE, 1985, EC I CAPITALISM; WOODWARD AM, 1976, V27, P25, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; YERMACK D, 1995, V39, P237, J FINANC ECON; YERMACK D, 1996, V40, P185, J FINANC ECON; ZAHRA SA, 1989, V15, P291, J MANAGE; ZATTONI A, 2008, V16, P1, CORP GOV| NR- 255| TC- 1| PU- WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC| PI- MALDEN| PA- COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN 02148, MA USA| SN- 0964-8410| J9- CORP GOV| JI- Corp. Gov| PD- MAY| PY- 2009| VL- 17| IS- 3| BP- 266| EP- 291| DI- 10.1111/j.1467-8683.2009.00739.x| PG- 26| SC- Business; Management| GA- 456BU| JN- CORPORATE GOVERNANCE-AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW, 2009, V17, N3, P266291| UT- ISI:000266814100002 ER || PT- J| AU- Klenk NL; Hickey GM; Maclellan JI; Gonzales R; Cardille J| AF- Klenk N. L; Hickey, G. M; Maclellan, J. I; Gonzales, R; Cardille, J| TI- Social network analysis: A useful tool for visualizing and evaluating forestry research| SO- INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW| LA- English| DT- Editorial Material| DE- social network analysis; forestry research collaboration; science management| ID- RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP; RESOURCE-MANAGEMENT; PARTICIPATION| AB- One of the foundational studies of social network analysis produced a depiction of scientific collaboration by tracing a network of scientific papers linked by co-authorships and co-citations, which has since spurred numerous studies on the typology, organization and dynamics of scientific research networks. This paper introduces social network analysis and its analytical measures of network structure. It then demonstrates the utility of social network analysis in forestry, in the evaluation of large research networks such as the Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFMN), and suggests other important uses of network visualization to facilitate exploring, discovering and selecting resources in a database| C1- [Klenk, N. L.; Hickey, G. M.] McGill Univ, Dept Nat Resource Sci, Fac Agr & Environm Sci, Montreal, PQ, Canada; [Maclellan, J. I.] York Univ, Adaptat & Impacts Res Div, Environm Canada, Toronto, ON M3J 2R7, Canada; [Gonzales, R.; Cardille, J.] Univ Montreal, Dept Geog, Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, Canada| RP- Klenk, NL, McGill Univ, Dept Nat Resource Sci, Fac Agr & Environm Sci, Montreal, PQ, Canada| EM-| CD- BAKER JA, 2008, V84, P756, FOREST CHRON; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BORGATTI SP, 2003, V29, P991, J MANAGE; BRASS DJ, 2004, V47, P795, ACAD MANAGE J; BRUEMMER G, 2008, V84, P648, FOREST CHRON; BURT RS, 1982, STRUCTURAL THEORY AC; CALLON M, 1992, V21, P215, RES POLICY; CLARKSON PM, 1998, V11, P1, SPORTS SCI EXCHANGE; CONTRACTOR NS, 2006, V31, P681, ACAD MANAGE REV; DURLAND MM, 2005, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; FEKETE JD, 2008, V4950, LNCS STATE OF THE AR; FREDERICKS KA, 2005, V107, P15, NEW DIRECTIONS EVALU; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; FULLER MM, 2008, V21, P225, NAT RESOUR MODEL; FULLER S, 2000, GOVERNANCE SCI; GEUNA A, 2003, SCI INNOVATION RETHI; HANNEMAN RA, 2005, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; HARARI F, 1995, GRAPH THEORY; HARSHAW H, 2005, ANN M AM SOC ASS MAR; HEER J, 2005, P33, P IEEE INFOVIS; HJORTSO CN, 2004, V152, P667, EUR J OPER RES; KNOKE D, 1982, NETWORK ANAL; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; MENDOZA GA, 2003, V174, P329, FOREST ECOL MANAG; MOTE JE, 2007, V16, P191, RES EVALUAT; NEWMAN M, 2006, STRUCTURE DYNAMICS N; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; ROGERS EM, 1981, COMMUNICATION NETWOR; ROGERS JD, 2001, V10, P161, RES EVALUAT; SCHELHAS J, 2003, V19, P60, SO RURAL SOCIOLOGY; SCOTT J, 2000, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SKOV F, 2003, V62, P1, FOREST ECOLOGY FORES; SMITH GKM, 2008, V84, P748, FOREST CHRON; STOKOWSKI PA, 1990, V12, P251, LEISURE SCI; STOKOWSKI PA, 1991, V23, P95, J LEISURE RES; TIKKANEN J, 2003, V18, P547, SCAND J FOREST RES; TINDALL DB, 2002, V39, P413, CAN REV SOC ANTHROP; TROCHIM WM, 2008, V29, P8, AM J EVAL; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WEST DB, 1996, INTRO GRAPH THEORY; WIXTED B, 2008, CONCEPTUAL ISSUES EV| NR- 41| TC- 0| PU- COMMONWEALTH FORESTRY ASSOC| PI- CRAVEN ARRMS| PA- CRIB, DINCHOPE, CRAVEN ARRMS SY7 9JJ, SHROPSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 1465-5489| J9- INT FOR REV| JI- Int. For. Rev| PY- 2009| VL- 11| IS- 1| BP- 134| EP- 140| PG- 7| SC- Forestry| GA- 444CL| JN- INTERNATIONAL FORESTRY REVIEW, 2009, V11, N1, P134-140| UT- ISI:000265957800013 ER || PT- J| AU- Zheng HC; Yan L; Cui L; Guan YF; Takano Y| AF- Zheng Hua-chuan; Yan, Lei; Cui, Lei; Guan, Yi-fu; Takano, Yasuo| TI- Mapping the history and current situation of research on John Cunningham virus - a bibliometric analysis| SO- BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- JC-VIRUS; HUMAN POLYOMAVIRUS; CANCER; TUMORIGENESIS; LOAD| AB- Background: John Cunningham virus (JCV) constitutes a family of polyoma viruses, which plays important roles in the progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) and tumorigenesis. However, no bibliometric investigation has been reported to guide the researchers and potential readers Methods: Papers were collected from database Sciexpanded and Pubmed until May 22, 2008. The highly-productive authors, institutes and countries, highly-cited authors and journals were ranked. The highly-cited articles were subjected to co-citation and chronological analysis with highly-frequent MeSH words for co-occurrence analysis Results: Until now, 1785 articles about JCV were indexed in Sci-expanded and 1506 in Pubmed. The main document type was original article. USA, Japan and Italy were the largest three producers about JCV. Temple University published 128 papers and ranked the top, followed by University of Tokyo. Khalili K and Yogo Y became the core authors due to more than 20 documents produced. Journal of Neurovirology published more than 15 papers and ranked the top. Padgett BL and Berger JR were the first two highly-cited authors. Journal of Virology and Journal of Neurovirology respectively ranked to the first two highly-cited journals. These top highly-cited articles were divided into 5 aspects: (1) The correlation between JC virus and tumors; (2) Causal correlation of JCV with PML; (3) Polyoma virus infection and its related diseases in renalallograft recipients; (4) Detection of JCV antibody, oncogene and its encoding protein; (5) Genetics and molecular biology of JCV. The MeSH/subheadings were classified into five groups: (1) JCV and virus infectious diseases; (2) JCV pathogenicity and pathological appearance of PML; (3) JCV isolation and detection; (4) Immunology of JCV and PML; (5) JCV genetics and tumors Conclusion: JCV investigation mainly focused on its isolation and detection, as well as its correlation with PML and tumors Establishment of transgenic animal model using JCV T antigen would be a hopeful and useful project in the further study| C1- [Zheng, Hua-chuan; Guan, Yi-fu] China Med Univ, Coll Basic Med, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, Shenyang, Peoples R China; [Yan, Lei; Cui, Lei] China Med Univ, Dept Med Informat & Informat Syst, Shenyang, Peoples R China; [Takano, Yasuo] Toyama Univ, Grad Sch Med & Pharmaceut Sci, Dept Diagnost Pathol, Toyama 930, Japan| RP- Zheng, HC, China Med Univ, Coll Basic Med, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, Shenyang, Peoples R China| EM-| FU- Natural Scientific Foundation of China [70473101, 30600286]; Shenyang Outstanding Talent Foundation of China, Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Program ; Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology of Japan [20659109]; Smoking Research Foundation FX This study was supported by Natural Scientific Foundation of China (No 70473101; No. 30600286), Shenyang Outstanding Talent Foundation of China, Liaoning BaiQianWan Talents Program, Grant-in aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology of Japan (20659109) and Smoking Research Foundation| CD- CHANG AA, 2006, V116, P336, LARYNGOSCOPE; DARMONI SJ, 2006, V6, P7, BMC MED INFORM DECIS; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, V53, P293, NURS RES; FRISQUE RJ, 1984, V51, P458, J VIROL; GOLDER S, 2006, V23, P3, HEALTH INFO LIBR J; KHALILI K, 2003, V22, P5181, ONCOGENE; KUTSUNA T, 2008, V452, P405, VIRCHOWS ARCH; MARX W, 2001, V52, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; MURAI Y, 2007, V98, P25, CANCER SCI; NEEL JV, 1999, V83, P152, AM J MED GENET; OCHIAI A, 1957, V22, P526, B JAPAN SOC SCIENT F; OELRICH B, 2007, V52, P1238, EUR UROL; PRIME C, 2002, V54, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; REID EF, 2007, V65, P42, INT J HUM-COMPUT ST; REISS K, 2003, V22, P6517, ONCOGENE; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V67, P143, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSENG YH, 2007, V43, P1216, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WHITE MK, 2005, V41, P2537, EUR J CANCER; ZHENG H, 2007, V212, P306, J PATHOL; ZHENG HC, 2002, V10, P249, ACTA ACAD MED CPAPF; ZHENG HC, 2002, V11, P1, CHIN J MED LIB INFO; ZHENG HC, 2007, V60, P787, J CLIN PATHOL; ZUBIETE CL, 2006, V15, P251, PROF INFORM| NR- 23| TC- 2| PU- BIOMED CENTRAL LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- CURRENT SCIENCE GROUP, MIDDLESEX HOUSE, 34-42 CLEVELAND ST, LONDON W1T 4LB, ENGLAND| SN- 1471-2334| J9- BMC INFECT DIS| JI- BMC Infect. Dis| PD- MAR 11| PY- 2009| VL- 9| AR- 28| DI- 10.1186/1471-2334-9-28| PG- 12| SC- Infectious Diseases| GA- 442JL| JN- BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 2009, V9, N1, P134-140| UT- ISI:000265837400002 ER || PT- J| AU- Egghe L; Leydesdorff L| AF- Egghe Leo; Leydesdorff, Loet| TI- The Relation Between Pearson's Correlation Coefficient r and Salton's Cosine Measure| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; STRONG SIMILARITY MEASURES; COOCCURRENCE DATA; ORDERED SETS; DOCUMENTS| AB- The relation between Pearson's correlation coefficient and Salton's cosine measure is revealed based on the different possible values of the division of the L-1-norm and the L-2-norm of a vector. These different values yield a sheaf of increasingly straight lines which together form a cloud of points, being the investigated relation. The theoretical results are tested against the author cocitation relations among 24 informetricians for whom two matrices can be constructed, based on co- citations: the asymmetric occurrence matrix and the symmetric cocitation matrix. Both examples completely confirm the theoretical results. The results enable us to specify an algorithm that provides a threshold value for the cosine above which none of the corresponding Pearson correlations would be negative. Using this threshold value can be expected to optimize the visualization of the vector space| C1- [Egghe, Leo] Hasselt Univ, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium; [Leydesdorff, Loet] Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res ASCoR, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Egghe, L, Hasselt Univ, Campus Diepenbeek, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYCE BR, 1995, MEASUREMENT INFORM S; BRANDES U, 2007, V4372, P42, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; EGGHE L, 2001, ELEMENTARY STAT EFFE; EGGHE L, 2002, V38, P823, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2003, V39, P771, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2009, V60, P232, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FRANDSEN TF, 2004, V56, P5, ASLIB PROC; GROSSMAN DA, 1998, INFORM RETRIEVAL ALG; HARDY G, 1988, INEQUALITIES; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P241, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LEYDESDORFF L, 1986, V9, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, V87, P105, INFORMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1993, V26, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V67, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P2411, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P207, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P77, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LOSEE RM, 1998, TEXT RETRIEVAL FILTE; SALTON G, 1987, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TAGUESUTCLIFFE J, 1995, MEASURING INFORM INF; TANIMOTO T, 1957, IBM TECHNICAL REPORT; VANRIJSBERGEN CJ, 1979, INFORM RETRIEVAL; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 34| TC- 6| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- MAY| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 5| BP- 1027| EP- 1036| DI- 10.1002/asi.21009| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 436NL| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N5, P1027-1036| UT- ISI:000265420700011 ER || PT- J| AU- Katsaros D; Akritidis L; Bozanis P| AF- Katsaros Dimitrios; Akritidis, Leonidas; Bozanis, Panayiotis| TI- The f Index: Quantifying the Impact of Coterminal Citations on Scientists' Ranking| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR SELF-CITATIONS; COLLABORATION| AB- Designing fair and unbiased metrics to measure the "level of excellence" of a scientist is a very significant task because they recently also have been taken into account when deciding faculty promotions, when allocating funds, and so on. Despite criticism that such scientometric evaluators are confronted with, they do have their merits, and efforts should be spent to arm them with robustness and resistance to manipulation. This article alms at initiating the study of the coterminal citations-their existence and implications-and presents them as a generalization of self-citations and of co-citation; it also shows how they can be used to capture any manipulation attempts against scientometric indicators, and finally presents a new index, the f index, that takes into account the coterminal citations. The utility of the new index is validated using the academic production of a number of esteemed computer scientists. The results confirm that the new index can discriminate those individuals whose work penetrates many scientific communities| C1- [Katsaros, Dimitrios; Akritidis, Leonidas; Bozanis, Panayiotis] Univ Thessaly, Dept Comp & Commun Engn, Volos, Greece| RP- Katsaros, D, Univ Thessaly, Dept Comp & Commun Engn, Volos, Greece| EM-| CD- *HIGH ED FUND COUN, 2007, US BIBL MEAS RES QUA; ADLER R, 2008, V35, P166, AUSTR MATH SOC GAZET; CRONIN B, 2001, V52, P558, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2003, V54, P855, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2003, V9, P1, NEW REV ACAD LIB; FOWLER JH, 2007, V72, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 1964, P189, P S STAT ASS METH ME; GYONGYI Z, 2005, V38, P28, COMPUTER; HELLSTEN I, 2007, V72, P469, SCIENTOMETRICS; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HYLAND K, 2003, V54, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAWANI SM, 1982, V33, P281, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEHRL S, 1988, P291, EVALUATION FORSCHUNG; PARNAS DL, 2007, V50, P19, COMMUN ACM; PERSSON O, 2004, V60, P421, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAUTER J, 2006, ZITATIONSANALYSE INT; REN J, 2007, V50, P81, COMMUN ACM; SCHREIBER M, 2007, V78, ARTN 30002.1-30002.6, EPL-EUROPHYS LETT; SCHUBERT A, 2006, V67, P503, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIDIROPOULOS A, 2007, V72, P253, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2008, V59, P1631, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 21| TC- 3| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- MAY| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 5| BP- 1051| EP- 1056| DI- 10.1002/asi.21040| PG- 6| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 436NL| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N5, P1051-1056| UT- ISI:000265420700013 ER || PT- J| AU- Matias-Guiu J; Garcia-Ramos R| AF- Matias-Guiu J; Garcia-Ramos, R| TI- Author and authorship in medical journals| SO- NEUROLOGIA| LA- Spanish| DT- Editorial Material| DE- Authorship; Medical journals; Editors| ID- CONFLICT-OF-INTEREST; IMPACT FACTOR; SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES; INSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION; COAUTHORSHIP NETWORKS; MULTIPLE AUTHORSHIP; BIOMEDICAL-RESEARCH; COCITATION ANALYSIS; RESEARCH INTEGRITY; RESEARCH ARTICLES| AB- Introduction. There is an on-going debate on questions of authorship in the scientific publications. Adherence to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations for medical journals is low, which should be cause for reflection Development. We have reviewed the authorship criteria from ICMJE recommendations as well as some problems on authorship as gift authors or ghost authors. We have also analyzed the increasing number of signers on scientific papers and its potentials causes and the responsibility of the scientific editors in that regards. We describe the criteria from our Journal on authorship Conclusions. Authorship criteria for our journal include demonstration of their relevance in the development of the research and manuscript as well as the responsibility in it. This line is not as restrictive as that of the ICMJE criteria, whose recommendations may not be easy to adapt to the current organization of the multidisciplinary research groups| C1- [Matias-Guiu, J.; Garcia-Ramos, R.] Univ Complutense, Hosp Clin San Carlos, Inst Neurociencias, Serv Neurol, E-28040 Madrid, Spain| RP- Matias-Guiu, J, Univ Complutense, Hosp Clin San Carlos, Inst Neurociencias, Serv Neurol, E-28040 Madrid, Spain| CD- UNIFORM REQUIR UNPUB; 1985, BMJ, P722, V291; *CBE, 2000, V23, P111, SCI EDUC; *INT COMM MED J ED, UN REQ MAN SUB BIOM; *INT COMM MED J ED, 1985, V291, P722, BRIT MED J; *INT COMM MED J ED, 1993, V269, P2282, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; ALTMAN DG, 2005, V330, P1056, BRIT MED J; ANDERSON MS, 2003, V9, P269, SCI ENG ETHICS; ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; ANGELL M, 1986, V104, P261, ANN INTERN MED; BABOR TF, 2003, V98, P1, ADDICTION; BAERLOCHER MO, 2007, V55, P174, J INVEST MED; BATES T, 2004, V292, P86, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; BEKELMAN JE, 2003, V289, P454, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; BERKWITS M, 1999, V27, P122, J LAW MED ETHICS; BERO LA, 1992, V327, P1135, NEW ENGL J MED; BEVAN JC, 2002, V35, P81, ANN R COLL PHYS SURG; BHANDARI M, 2003, V85, P1605, J BONE JOINT SURG A; BHANDARI M, 2005, V48, P117, CAN J SURG; BHOPAL R, 1997, V314, P1009, BRIT MED J; BODENHEIMER T, 2000, V342, P1539, NEW ENGL J MED; BORNMANN L, 2007, V58, P1100, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORRY P, 2006, V20, P213, BIOETHICS; BRACHORIQUELME RL, 1997, V49, P369, REV INVEST CLIN; BRICE J, 2005, V39, P83, MED EDUC; BURMAN KD, 1982, V97, P602, ANN INTERN MED; CAELLEIGH AS, 2003, V9, P221, SCI ENG ETHICS; CAPPELL MS, 2008, V103, P1065, AM J GASTROENTEROL; CHEW M, 2007, V100, P142, J ROY SOC MED; COOLEDGE HN, 1983, V86, P24, HARVARD MAG; DAVIDOFF F, 2001, V165, P786, CAN MED ASSOC J; DAVIES HD, 1996, V155, P877, CAN MED ASSOC J; DEANGELIS CD, 2008, V299, P1833, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; DEMELOMARTIN I, 2007, V448, P129, NATURE; DEVINE EB, 2005, V69, P455, AM J PHARM EDUC; DIAMOND D, 1969, V280, P1484, NEW ENGL J MED; DRAZEN JM, 2002, V347, P55, NEW ENGL J MED; DRENTH JPH, 1996, V2, P469, SCI ENG ETHICS; DRENTH JPH, 1998, V280, P219, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; EPSTEIN RJ, 1993, V306, P765, BRIT MED J; ERRAMI M, 2008, V451, P397, NATURE; FIGG WD, 2006, V26, P759, PHARMACOTHERAPY; FLANAGIN A, 1997, V20, P141, CBE VIEWS; FLANAGIN A, 1998, V280, P222, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; FOOTE M, 2003, V9, P303, BIOTECHNOL ANN REV; FOTION N, 1984, V100, P592, ANN INTERN MED; FUGHBERMAN A, 2005, V20, P546, J GEN INTERN MED; GAETA TJ, 1999, V6, P297, ACAD EMERG MED; GODLEE F, 1996, V312, P1501, BRIT MED J; GODLEE F, 1996, V59, P11, EUR SCI ED; GOLDSTEIN ML, 2005, V71, P26, PHYS REV E; GONZALEZALCAIDE G, 2004, V8, P78, TRAST ADICT; GONZALEZALCAIDE G, 2008, V46, P642, REV NEUROLOGIA; GOODMAN NW, 1994, V309, P1482, BRIT MED J; GREGOIRE G, 1995, V48, P159, J CLIN EPIDEMIOL; HALPERIN SA, 2005, V173, P1358, CAN MED ASSOC J; HEALING L, 1994, V52, P13, EUR SCI ED; HOEN WP, 1998, V280, P217, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; HORTON R, 1996, V312, P723, BRIT MED J; HORTON R, 1997, V350, P5, LANCET; HORTON R, 1998, V280, P298, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; HORTON R, 1998, V352, P891, LANCET; HREN D, 2007, V33, P428, J MED ETHICS; HUDSON J, 1996, V10, P153, J ECON PERSPECT; HUNT R, 2007, SCI EDITORSS HDB; HUSSAIN A, 2001, V323, P263, BRIT MED J; HWANG SS, 2003, V226, P16, RADIOLOGY; ILAKOVAC V, 2007, V176, P41, CAN MED ASSOC J; JACARD M, 2002, V130, P1391, REV MED CHILE; JOHNSON NW, 1996, V2, P244, ORAL DIS; JONES AH, 2003, V9, P243, SCI ENG ETHICS; KAISER J, 2006, V314, P405, SCIENCE; KASSIRER JP, 1991, V325, P1510, NEW ENGL J MED; KENNEDY D, 2003, V301, P733, SCIENCE; KING JT, 2000, V47, P435, NEUROSURGERY; KURICHI JE, 2007, V141, P267, SURGERY; KWOK LS, 2005, V31, P554, J MED ETHICS; LAGNADO M, 2003, V183, P3, BRIT J PSYCHIAT; LAZAR R, 1995, V74, P1244, J DENT RES; LAZAR R, 2004, V93, P589, ACTA PAEDIATR; LEVINE FJ, 2003, V9, P257, SCI ENG ETHICS; LEVSKY ME, 2007, V100, P371, SOUTH MED J; LUNDBERG GD, 1989, V262, P2003, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; MARTINEZVILA E, 1998, V26, P839, REV NEUROLOGIA; MARUSIC A, 2006, V22, P1035, CURR MED RES OPIN; MARUSIC A, 2006, V184, P596, MED J AUSTRALIA; MARUSIC M, 2004, V10, P493, SCI ENG ETHICS; MATIASGUIU J, 1995, V23, P25, REV NEUROL; MATIASGUIU J, 2000, V30, P35, REV NEUROLOGIA; MATIASGUIU J, 2008, V23, P342, NEUROLOGIA; MEINERT CL, 1993, V14, P255, CONTROL CLIN TRIALS; MILLER RA, 2007, V14, P132, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MOFFATT B, 2007, V50, P18, PERSPECT BIOL MED; MOJONAZZI SM, 2003, V421, P209, NATURE; MORRIS SA, 2004, V101, P5291, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; MOWATT G, 2002, V287, P2769, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; MUELLER PS, 2006, V136, P441, SWISS MED WKLY; MUSSURAKIS S, 1993, V34, P316, ACTA RADIOL; NEWMAN A, 2006, V32, P420, J MED ETHICS; PATSOPOULOS NA, 2006, V332, P1061, BRIT MED J; PIGNATELLI B, 2005, V31, P578, J MED ETHICS; POLOLI L, 2004, V19, P64, J GEN INTERN MED; POWERS RD, 1988, V6, P647, AM J EMERG MED; REED DA, 2007, V298, P1002, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; REGALADO A, 1995, V268, P25, SCIENCE; RELMAN S, 1979, V25, P673, CLIN PHARMACOL THER; RENNIE D, 1994, V271, P469, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; RENNIE D, 1997, V278, P579, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; REYES H, 2000, V128, P363, REV MED CHILE; REYES H, 2002, V130, P1083, REV MED CHILE; RIESENBERG D, 1990, V264, P1857, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; ROCHON PA, 1994, V272, P108, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; ROLAND C, 1970, V125, P771, ARCH INTERN MED; ROSS JS, 2008, V299, P1800, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; SAIDMAN LJ, 1994, V80, P491, ANESTHESIOLOGY; SCHEIN M, 2001, V129, P655, SURGERY; SCHULMAN KA, 2002, V347, P1335, NEW ENGL J MED; SHAPIRO DW, 1994, V271, P438, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; SHARP D, 1999, V25, P47, EUROPEAN SCI EDITING; SHASHOK K, 1997, V148, P1946, REV NEUROL; SHULKIN DJ, 1993, V68, P688, ACAD MED; SLOAN RM, 1996, V167, P571, AM J ROENTGENOL; SMITH R, 1997, V314, P992, BRIT MED J; SMITH R, 1997, V315, P696, BRIT MED J; SMITH R, 1997, V315, P759, BRIT MED J; SMITH R, 2004, V329, P242, BRIT MED J; TELLEZZENTENO JF, 2007, V135, P480, REV MED CHILE; TOPOL E, 1993, V329, P673, NEW ENGL J MED; URBANO C, 2001, V4, P243, DOCUM; VALDERRAMAZURIAN JC, 2007, V60, P117, REV ESP CARDIOL; VIVAS N, 1991, V8, P768, FARM CLIN; WAGENA EJ, 2005, V31, P308, J MED ETHICS; WAGER E, 2007, V9, P16, MEDGENMED; WARD B, 1994, V368, P579, NATURE; WEEKS WB, 2004, V59, P1949, SOC SCI MED; WELKER JA, 2007, V14, P16, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WINKMANN G, 2002, V127, P131, DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR; WINKMANN G, 2002, V219, P72, KLIN MONATSBL AUGENH; WUCHTY S, 2007, V316, P1036, SCIENCE; ZETTERSTROM R, 2004, V93, P581, ACTA PAEDIATR| NR- 142| TC- 1| PU- GRUPO ARS XXI COMUNICACION S L| PI- BARCELONA| PA- PASSEIG GRACIA 84, 1, BARCELONA, 08008, SPAIN| SN- 0213-4853| J9- NEUROLOGIA| JI- Neurologia| PD- JAN-FEB| PY- 2009| VL- 24| IS- 1| BP- 1| EP- 6| PG- 6| SC- Clinical Neurology| GA- 433VI| JN- NEUROLOGIA, 2009, V24, N1, P1-6| UT- ISI:000265233500001 ER || PT- J| AU- Estabrooks CA; Derksen L; Winther C; Lavis JN; Scott SD; Wallin L; Profetto-McGrath J| AF- Estabrooks Carole A; Derksen, Linda; Winther, Connie; Lavis, John N; Scott, Shannon D; Wallin, Lars; Profetto-McGrath, Joanne| TI- The intellectual structure and substance of the knowledge utilization field: A longitudinal author co-citation analysis, 1945 to 2004| SO- IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE; APPLIED SOCIAL-RESEARCH; HEALTH-CARE; CITATION ANALYSIS; TECHNOLOGY-TRANSFER; SIMILARITY MEASURES; INVISIBLE COLLEGE; UNITED-STATES; PRACTICE GAP; DIFFUSION| AB- Background: It has been argued that science and society are in the midst of a far-reaching renegotiation of the social contract between science and society, with society becoming a far more active partner in the creation of knowledge. On the one hand, new forms of knowledge production are emerging, and on the other, both science and society are experiencing a rapid acceleration in new forms of knowledge utilization. Concomitantly since the Second World War, the science underpinning the knowledge utilization field has had exponential growth. Few in-depth examinations of this field exist, and no comprehensive analyses have used bibliometric methods Methods: Using bibliometric analysis, specifically first author co-citation analysis, our group undertook a domain analysis of the knowledge utilization field, tracing its historical development between 1945 and 2004. Our purposes were to map the historical development of knowledge utilization as a field, and to identify the changing intellectual structure of its scientific domains. We analyzed more than 5,000 articles using citation data drawn from the Web of Science (R) Search terms were combinations of knowledge, research, evidence, guidelines, ideas, science, innovation, technology, information theory and use, utilization, and uptake Results: We provide an overview of the intellectual structure and how it changed over six decades. The field does not become large enough to represent with a co-citation map until the mid-1960s. Our findings demonstrate vigorous growth from the mid-1960s through 2004, as well as the emergence of specialized domains reflecting distinct collectives of intellectual activity and thought. Until the mid-1980s, the major domains were focused on innovation diffusion, technology transfer, and knowledge utilization. Beginning slowly in the mid-1980s and then growing rapidly, a fourth scientific domain, evidence-based medicine, emerged. The field is dominated in all decades by one individual, Everett Rogers, and by one paradigm, innovation diffusion Conclusion: We conclude that the received view that social science disciplines are in a state where no accepted set of principles or theories guide research (i.e., that they are preparadigmatic) could not be supported for this field. Second, we document the emergence of a new domain within the knowledge utilization field, evidence-based medicine. Third, we conclude that Everett Rogers was the dominant figure in the field and, until the emergence of evidence-based medicine, his representation of the general diffusion model was the dominant paradigm in the field| C1- [Estabrooks, Carole A.; Scott, Shannon D.; Profetto-McGrath, Joanne] Univ Alberta, Fac Nursing, Edmonton, AB, Canada; [Derksen, Linda] Vancouver Isl Univ, Dept Sociol, Nanaimo, BC, Canada; [Winther, Connie] Univ Alberta, Fac Med, Dept Pediat, Edmonton, AB, Canada; [Lavis, John N.] McMaster Univ, Dept Clin Epidemiol & Biostat, Hamilton, ON, Canada; [Lavis, John N.] McMaster Univ, Dept Polit Sci, Hamilton, ON, Canada; [Wallin, Lars] Karolinska Inst, Div Nursing, Dept Neurobiol Care Sci & Soc, Stockholm, Sweden; [Wallin, Lars] Karolinska Univ Hosp, CRU, Stockholm, Sweden| RP- Estabrooks, CA, Univ Alberta, Fac Nursing, 3rd Floor Clin Sci Bldg, Edmonton, AB, Canada| EM-| FU- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) [67228]; Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council [410-2004-0592]| FX- This work was supported by grants-in-aid from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (MOP #67228) and the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council ( grant #410-2004-0592). Drs Estabrooks and Lavis receive career support from the CIHR. Dr Wallin received post doctoral fellowship funding and Dr Scott received doctoral and post doctoral funding from CIHR and AHFMR during the conduct of this study Iva Seto served as a research assistant, completed searches and did data cleaning under the direction of CW. She was supported by the CIHR grantin-aid MOP #67228. Richard Thornley and Dagmara Chojecki assisted with final formatting and preparation of the manuscript. Glennis Zilm provided final editing services. They were supported by Dr Estabrooks' Canada Research Chair. Dr Olle Perrson, Sociology Institute, Umea University, Umea, Sweden was a consultant on the project and advised on methods, software training and use, and reviewed the final work for technical and methodological accuracy. His work was supported by the CIHR grant-in-aid MOP #67228. The experts contacted for review of 'key players' document included (*denotes those who responded): UK: Huw Davies*, Joanne RycroftMalone*, Kieran Walshe; US: Lisa Bero, Robert Rich, Steve Shortell, Thomas Valente*; Canada: Jean Louis Denis, Karen Golden-Biddle*, Rejean Landry*, Jeremy Grimshaw*, Donna Ciliska*, Maureen Dobbins*. The authors thank the reviewers for thorough reviews that strengthened the manuscript considerably| CD- BIBLIOMETRICS RES FI; BRIDGING KNOW DO GAP; ALLEN TJ, 1969, V14, P12, ADM SCI Q; ALLEN TJ, 1977, MANAGING FLOW TECHNO; ALLEN TJ, 1983, V12, P199, RES POLICY; ALLMARK P, 1995, V22, P18, J ADV NURS; BACKER TE, 1991, V12, P225, KNOWLEDGE; BACKER TE, 2005, V10, P285, J HEALTH COMMUN; BACKER TE, 2005, V10, P289, J HEALTH COMMUN; BAKER GR, 2004, V170, P1678, CAN MED ASSOC J; BEAL GM, 1986, KNOWLEDGE GENERATION; BEALL J, 2007, V44, P197, CATALOGING CLASSIFIC; BLACKMAN AW, 1974, V6, P41, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECA; BROWN LA, 1968, DIFFUSION PROCESSES; CALLON M, 1986, P196, POWER ACTION BELIEF; CAPLAN NS, 1975, USE SOCIAL SCI KNOWL; CETINA KK, 1999, EPISTEMIC CULTURES; CHURCHMAN CW, 1964, V7, P31, CALIFORNIA MANAGEMEN; CHURCHMAN CW, 1965, V11, B69, MANAGE SCI; COCHRANE AL, 1972, EFFECTIVENESS EFFICI; COLEMAN J, 1957, V20, P253, SOCIOMETRY; COLEMAN JS, 1966, MED INNOVATION DIFFU; COLLINS HM, 1981, V19, P6, HIST SCI; COLLINS HM, 1992, CHANGING ORDER REPLI; COONEY S, 1974, V5, P29, R&D MANAGE; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; DUNCAN WJ, 1974, V17, P724, ACAD MANAGE J; DUNN WN, 1988, V1, P3, KNOWLEDGE SOC; ESTABROOKS CA, 2004, P242, MULTIDISCIPLINARY PE; FARLEY J, 1974, V48, P161, B HIST MED; FITZGERALD L, 2003, V11, P219, HEALTH SOC CARE COMM; GANDHI AG, 2007, V31, P43, EVALUATION REV; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL; GIBBONS M, 1999, V402, C81, NATURE S; GLASER EM, 1983, PUTTING KNOWLEDGE US; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOULDNER AW, 1957, V2, P44, ADM SCI Q; GRILICHES Z, 1957, V25, P501, ECONOMETRICA; GRIMSHAW J, 2004, V24, S31, J CONTIN ED HLTH S1; GROL R, 2001, V286, P2578, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; GROL R, 2003, V362, P1225, LANCET; GUYATT G, 1992, V268, P2420, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; GUYATT GH, 2000, V320, P954, BRIT MED J; GUYATT GH, 2000, V284, P1290, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; HAGERSTRAND T, 1952, PROPOGATION INNOVATI; HAGERSTRAND T, 1965, V6, P43, ARCH EUR SOCIOL; HAGERSTRAND T, 1966, V16, P27, PAPERS REGIONAL SCI; HAGERSTRAND T, 1967, INNOVATION DIFFUSION; HAIDER M, 2004, V9, P3, J HEALTH COMMUN S1; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HART WB, 2005, V29, P491, INT J INTERCULT REL; HAVELOCK RG, 1969, PLANNING INNOVATION; HAVELOCK RG, 1971, PLANNING INNOVATION; HAVELOCK RG, 1973, TRAINING CHANGE AGEN; HAYNES RB, 2002, V2, ARTN 3, BMC HEALTH SERV RES; KATZ E, 1960, V65, P435, AM J SOCIOL; KATZ E, 1963, V28, P237, AM SOCIOL REV; KOERNER ST, 2004, V2, P99, COMP TECHNOLOGY TRAN; KOTHARI A, 2005, V71, P117, HEALTH POLICY; KUHN T, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI COMMUN; LANG ES, 2007, V49, P355, ANN EMERG MED; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; LINDQUIST EA, 1988, V1, P86, KNOWLEDGE SOC; LIONBERGER HF, 1960, ADOPTION NEW IDEAS P; LOMAS J, 2000, V1, P140, ISUMA; LOOMIS ME, 1985, V17, P35, IMAGE J NURSING SCHO; MAHAJAN V, 1979, V14, P231, TECHNOLOGICAL FORECA; MAHAJAN V, 1985, MODELS INNOVATION DI; MANSFIELD E, 1961, V29, P741, ECONOMETRICA; MANSFIELD E, 1963, V71, P556, J POLITICAL EC; MANSFIELD E, 1963, V77, P290, Q J ECON; MANSFIELD E, 1963, V45, P348, REV ECON STAT; MANSFIELD E, 1968, EC TECHNOLOGICAL CHA; MANSFIELD E, 1968, IND RES TECHNOLOGICA; MARK M, 2006, V27, P475, AM J EVAL; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2005, V65, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCGLYNN EA, 2003, V348, P2635, NEW ENGL J MED; MERTON RK, 1957, SOCIAL THEORY SOCIAL; MERTON RK, 1968, SOCIAL THEORY SOCIAL; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MERTON RK, 1977, P3, SOCIOLOGY SCI EUROPE; MERTON RK, 1990, FOCUSED INTERVIEW MA; MERTON RK, 1996, P318, SOCIAL STRUCTURE SCI; MITROFF II, 1974, SUBJECTIVE SIDE SCI; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; NILSSON K, 1993, V29, P366, J APPL BEHAV SCI; NOWOTNY H, 2001, RETHINKING SCI KNOWL; NOWOTNY H, 2003, V41, P179, MINERVA; OGBURN WF, 1957, V41, P167, SOCIOL SOC RES; OKUBO Y, 1997, BIBLIOMETRIC INDICAT; ORSZAG PR, 2007, V357, P1885, NEW ENGL J MED; PERSSON O, 2000, V79, P590, CURR SCI INDIA; PRICE DJD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCIEN; RICH RF, 1977, P199, USING SOCIAL RES PUB; RICH RF, 1979, V1, P6, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; RICH RF, 1991, V12, P319, KNOWLEDGE; ROGERS EM, 1962, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROGERS EM, 1971, COMMUNICATION INNOVA; ROGERS EM, 1983, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROGERS EM, 1986, KNOWLEDGE GENERATION; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROGERS EM, 1995, V21, P324, JOINT COMM J QUAL IM; ROGERS EM, 2003, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROGERS EM, 2004, V9, P13, J HEALTH COMMUN S1; ROGERS EM, 2005, V10, ARTN 29, INNOVATION J; RYAN B, 1943, V8, P15, RURAL SOCIOL; SACKETT DL, 2002, V55, P1161, J CLIN EPIDEMIOL; SALTON G, 1964, INFORM STORAGE RETRI; SALTON G, 1966, V54, P1663, P IEEE; SARTER B, 1989, V2, P74, NURS SCI QUART; SCHUSTER MA, 2005, V83, P843, MILBANK Q; SEELY B, 2003, V1, P7, COMP TECHNOL TRANSFE; SERPA R, 1992, V17, P16, J TECHNOLOGY TRANSFE; SHAPERMAN J, 1995, V40, P401, HOSP HEALTH SERV ADM; SHAPIN S, 1996, SOCIAL HIST TRUTH; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V1, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; STEHR N, 1994, KNOWLEDGE SOC; STEHR N, 2001, P494, HDB SOCIAL THEORY; STEHR N, 2001, V39, P89, SOCIETY; SUNESSON S, 1988, V10, P140, KNOWLEDGE; SUNESSON S, 1989, V2, P42, KNOWLEDGE SOC; TARDE G, 1903, LAWS IMITATION; VALENTE TW, 1993, V43, P30, J COMMUN; VALENTE TW, 1995, V16, P242, SCI COMMUN; VANDENBULTE C, 2001, V106, P1409, AM J SOCIOL; VANDEVALL M, 1975, V11, P14, J APPLIED BEHAVIORAL; VANDEVALL M, 1976, V12, P158, J APPLIED BEHAVIORAL; WALKER G, 1999, ONLINE RETRIEVAL DIA; WEISS CH, 1977, USING SOCIAL RES PUB; WEISS CH, 1979, V39, P426, PUBLIC ADMIN REV; WEISS CH, 1980, V1, P381, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; WEISS CH, 1980, SOCIAL SCI RES DECIS; WEISS CH, 1998, V19, P21, AM J EVAL; WEST E, 1999, V48, P633, SOC SCI MED; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P325, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YIN R, 1981, V2, P555, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; YIN RK, 1978, CHANGING URBAN BUREA; ZALTMAN G, 1973, INNOVATIONS ORG; ZALTMAN G, 1977, STRATEGIES PLANNED C; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P152, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZUCKERMAN H, 1987, V12, P329, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 152| TC- 1| PU- BIOMED CENTRAL LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- CURRENT SCIENCE GROUP, MIDDLESEX HOUSE, 34-42 CLEVELAND ST, LONDON W1T 4LB, ENGLAND| SN- 1748-5908| J9- IMPLEMENT SCI| JI- Implement. Sci| PD- NOV 13| PY- 2008| VL- 3| AR- 49| DI- 10.1186/1748-5908-3-49| PG- 22| SC- Health Care Sciences & Services; Health Policy & Services| GA- 432TA| JN- IMPLEMENTATION SCIENCE, 2008, V3, N1, P1-6| UT- ISI:000265155900001 ER || PT- J| AU- Pasadeos Y; Phelps J; Edison A| AF- Pasadeos Yorgo; Phelps, Joseph; Edison, Aimee| TI- SEARCHING FOR OUR "OWN THEORY" IN ADVERTISING: AN UPDATE OF RESEARCH NETWORKS| SO- JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- MASS-COMMUNICATION SCHOLARS; CONSUMER RESEARCH; ARTICLE PRODUCTIVITY; COMPETITIVE INTERFERENCE; MEDIATING ACCEPTANCE; CITATION NETWORKS; PLANNING-MODEL; JOURNALS; INVOLVEMENT; ATTITUDE| AB- Extending previous research, this work examines the advertising literature published in 2002-05, identifies research streams among mostcited works, and presents a co-citation network. Beyond what the citation analysis suggests about advertising research today, comparing the findings to earlier results provides insight into the intellectual development of the field, including shifts in scholarly orientations Although advertising scholarship is historically sound, dynamic, increasingly diverse, and largely self-sufficient, the field has yet to move to a level of maturity where it can work off its "own," rather than "borrowed," theory| C1- [Pasadeos, Yorgo; Phelps, Joseph] Univ Alabama, Coll Commun & Informat Sci, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA| RP- Pasadeos, Y, Univ Alabama, Coll Commun & Informat Sci, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA| CD- AAKER DA, 1996, BUILDING STRONG BRAN; ALBA JW, 1987, V13, P411, J CONSUM RES; ANDERSON JC, 1988, V103, P411, PSYCHOL BULL; BAGOZZI RP, 1988, V16, P74, J ACADEMY MARKETING; BARON RM, 1986, V51, P1173, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; BARRY TE, 1990, V19, P52, J ADVERTISING; BATRA R, 1986, V13, P234, J CONSUM RES; BEARD FK, 2002, V31, P65, J ADVERTISING; BELCH G, 1998, ADVERTISING PROMOTIO; BELCH GE, 1998, ADVERTISING PROMOTIO; BENDAVID J, 1975, V1, P203, ANNU REV SOCIOL; BURKE RR, 1988, V15, P55, J CONSUM RES; CHANG TK, 2005, V82, P672, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; CHEN QM, 1999, V39, P27, J ADVERTISING RES; CHO CH, 2006, V35, P143, J ADVERTISING; CHURCHILL GA, 1979, V16, P64, J MARKETING RES; COLE JR, 1973, SOCIAL STRATIFICATIO; COTE JA, 1991, V18, P402, J CONSUM RES; COTE JA, 1992, V3, P251, MARKET LETT; COYLE JR, 2001, V30, P65, J ADVERTISING; CULNAN M, 1986, V32, P56, MANAGE SCI; EAGLY A, 1993, PSYCHOL ATTITUDES; EDELL JA, 1987, V14, P421, J CONSUM RES; EDWARDS SM, 2002, P210, P 2003 C AM AC ADV; FISHBEIN M, 1975, BELIEF ATTITUDE INTE; FORD JB, 2008, V37, P69, J ADVERTISING; FRIESTAD M, 1971, V21, P1, J CONSUM RES; FRIESTAD M, 1994, V21, P1, J CONSUM RES; GOLDMAN A, 1979, V16, P485, J MARKETING RES; GORDON MD, 1982, V33, P55, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GREENBERG BS, 1989, V66, P473, JOURNALISM QUART; GREENWALD AG, 1968, P147, PSYCHOL FDN ATTITUDE; GREENWALD AG, 1984, V11, P581, J CONSUM RES; HA L, 1998, V42, P457, J BROADCAST ELECTRON; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HALEY RI, 1991, V31, P11, J ADVERTISING RES; HAMELMAN PW, 1972, V3, P8, INTERFACES; HAMELMAN PW, 1973, V10, P215, J MARKETING RES; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HOFFMAN DL, 1996, V60, P50, J MARKETING; HOFFMANN DL, 1986, V60, P50, J MARKETING; HOFSTEDE G, 1980, CULTURES CONSEQUENCE; HOLBROOK MB, 1987, V14, P404, J CONSUM RES; KAMINS MA, 1990, V19, P4, J ADVERTISING; KASSARJIAN HH, 1977, V4, P8, J CONSUM RES; KELLER KL, 1987, V14, P316, J CONSUM RES; KELLER KL, 1993, V57, P1, J MARKETING; KELLER KL, 1998, STRATEGIC BRAND MANA; KENT RJ, 1994, V58, P97, J MARKETING; KOENIG MED, 1983, V34, P136, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KRUGMAN HE, 1965, V29, P349, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; KRUGMAN HE, 1965, V29, P349, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; KUHN TS, 1970, P178, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LEONG SM, 1989, V15, P492, J CONSUM RES; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; LUTZ RJ, 1985, P45, PSYCHOL PROCESSES AD; MACHINIS DJ, 1989, V53, P1, J MARKETING; MACINNIS DJ, 1991, V55, P32, J MARKETING; MACKENZIE SB, 1986, V23, P130, J MARKETING RES; MACKENZIE SB, 1986, V23, P130, J MARKETING RES; MACKENZIE SB, 1989, V53, P48, J MARKETING; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V16, P667, COMMUN RES; MEYERSLEVY J, 1989, V16, P39, J CONSUM RES; MITCHELL AA, 1981, V18, P318, J MARKETING RES; MUELLER B, 1987, V27, P51, J ADVERTISING RES; NAN XL, 2004, V4, P7, MARKETING THEORY; NOVAK TP, 2000, V19, P22, MARKET SCI; NUNNALLY JC, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; NUNNALLY JC, 1994, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; PAISLEY W, 1972, CONNIUNICATION RES B; PASADEOS Y, 1985, V14, P52, J ADVERTISING; PASADEOS Y, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; PASADEOS Y, 1999, V11, P29, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; PERREAULT WD, 1989, V26, P135, J MARKETING RES; PETTY RE, 1983, ATTITUDES PERSUASION; PETTY RE, 1983, V10, P135, J CONSUM RES; PETTY RE, 1986, COMMUNICATION PER SU; PETTY RE, 1986, COMMUNICATION PERSUA; PHELPS P, DISCIPLINARY IMPACT; PRICE JDD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; RESNICK A, 1977, V41, P50, J MARKETING; RHODE DL, 2006, P31, PURSUIT KNOWLEDGE SC; RICE RE, 1988, V15, P256, HUM COMMUN RES; ROGERS EM, 1971, COMMUNICATIONS INNOV; SCHWEITZER JC, 1988, V65, P479, JOURNALISM QUART; SHIMP TA, 1997, ADVERTISING PROMOTIO; SHIMP TA, 2003, ADVERTISING PROMOTIO; SMALL H, 1998, ASIS ANN M; SMITH RE, 1982, V46, P81, J MARKETING; SO CYK, 1988, V15, P236, HUM COMMUN RES; SOLEY LC, P 1994 C AM AC ADV, P45; SOLEY LC, 1983, V60, P464, JOURNALISM QUART; SOLEY LC, 1988, V65, P157, JOURNALISM QUART; STEUER J, 1992, V42, P75, J COMMUN; STEWART DW, 1986, EFFECTIVE TELEVISION; STEWART DW, 1986, TELEVISION MARKETING; SUMMERS EG, 1984, V3, P332, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TANKARD JW, 1984, V61, P89, JOURNALISM QUART; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VAUGHN R, 1980, V20, P27, J ADVERTISING RES; VAUGHN R, 1986, V26, P57, J ADVERTISING RES; VINCENT RC, 1991, V68, P840, JOURNALISM QUART; WRIGHT PL, 1973, V10, P53, J MARKETING RES; YALE L, 1988, V17, P12, J ADVERTISING; YI YJ, 1990, V19, P40, J ADVERTISING; ZAICHKOWSKY JL, 1985, V12, P341, J CONSUM RES; ZAJONC RB, 1980, V35, P151, AM PSYCHOL| NR- 107| TC- 1| PU- ASSOC EDUC JOURNALISM MASS COMMUNICATION| PI- COLUMBIA| PA- UNIV SOUTH CAROLINA COLLEGE OF JOURNALISM, COLUMBIA, SC 29208 USA| SN- 1077-6990| J9- JOURNALISM MASS COMMUN| JI- Journal. Mass Commun. Q| PD- WIN| PY- 2008| VL- 85| IS- 4| BP- 785| EP- 806| PG- 22| SC- Communication| GA- 430JP| JN- JOURNALISM & MASS COMMUNICATION QUARTERLY, 2008, V85, N4, P785-806| UT- ISI:000264985700005 ER || PT- J| AU- Pilkington A; Meredith J| AF- Pilkington Alan; Meredith, Jack| TI- The evolution of the intellectual structure of operations management1980-2006: A citation/co-citation analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- Operations management; Bibliometric techniques; Co-citation; Citation analysis; Social network analysis| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM; LOT-SIZE MODEL; JUST-IN-TIME; COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE; MANUFACTURING FLEXIBILITY; STRATEGIC PERSPECTIVE; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; PRODUCTION COMPETENCE; INFORMATIONSYSTEMS| AB- Citation analysis combined with a network analysis of co-citation data from three major operations management (OM) journals is used to reveal the evolution of the intellectual structure of the OM field between 1980 and 2006. This spans the entire time since the beginning of research journals specific to the field. Employing a bibliometric citation/co-citation analysis to investigate the foundations of the discipline enables a robust, quantitative approach to uncovering the evolution of research in OM. The study finds that the intellectual structure of the field made statistically significant changes between the 1980s, the 1990s, and the 2000s and evolved from a pre-occupation with narrow, tactical topics toward more strategic, macrotopics, including new research methods and techniques. A factor analysis identifies the 12 top knowledge groups in the field and how they change over the decades. Illustrations of the structure of the co-citations representing the field are generated from a spring-embedded algorithm that is an improvement over the standard multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) approach to illustrating the knowledge groups. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved| C1- [Meredith, Jack] Wake Forest Univ, Babcock Grad Sch Management, Winston Salem, NC 27109 USA; [Pilkington, Alan] Univ London, Sch Management, Egham TW20 0EX, Surrey, England| RP- Meredith, J, Wake Forest Univ, Babcock Grad Sch Management, POB 7659, Winston Salem, NC 27109 USA| EM-| CD- ADAM EE, 1989, V15, P181, J MANAGE; AHIRE SL, 1996, V27, P23, DECISION SCI; AMOAKOGYAMPAH K, 1989, V8, P250, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; ANDERSON JC, 1988, V103, P411, PSYCHOL BULL; ANDERSON JC, 1989, V8, P133, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; ARMSTRONG JS, 1977, V14, P396, J MARKETING RES; ASHER H, 1956, R291 RAND CORP; BAGCHI U, 1986, V33, P227, NAV RES LOG; BAKER K, 1974, INTRO SEQUENCING SCH; BAKER KR, 1977, V8, P19, DECISION SCI; BAKER KR, 1978, V24, P1710, MANAGE SCI; BAKER KR, 1981, V1, P109, J OPER MANAG; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BENBASAT I, 1987, V11, P369, MIS QUART; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENTLER PM, 1980, V88, P588, PSYCHOL BULL; BERRY WL, 1972, V13, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; BERRY WL, 1979, MASTER PROJECTION SC; BEY RP, 1981, V12, P35, PROJECT MANAGEMENT Q; BIGGS JR, 1977, V18, P104, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; BIGGS JR, 1979, V10, P96, DECISION SCI; BLACK SA, 1996, V27, P1, DECISION SCI; BLACKBURN JD, 1979, V20, P42, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; BLACKBURN JD, 1980, V11, P691, DECISION SCI; BOE WJ, 1983, V24, P94, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; BOLLEN K, 1989, STRUCTURAL EQUATIONS; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 WINDOWS; BROWN RG, 1963, SMOOTHING FORECASTIN; BUFFA E, 1984, M COMPETITIVE CHALLE; BUFFA ES, 1980, V1, P1, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; BURBIDGE JL, 1975, INTRO GROUP TECHNOLO; BURBIDGE JL, 1977, V56, P34, PRODUCTION ENG; CARLSON RC, 1979, V25, P754, MANAGE SCI; CHAIKEN JM, 1978, V24, P1280, MANAGE SCI; CHAN HM, 1982, V1, P65, J MANUF SYST; CHASE R, 1978, P137, HARVARD BUSINESS NOV; CHASE RB, 1980, V1, P9, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; CHASE RB, 1981, V29, P698, OPER RES; CHURCHILL GA, 1979, V16, P64, J MARKETING RES; CLARK K, 1991, PRODUCT DEV PERFORMA; CLEVELAND G, 1989, V20, P655, DECISION SCI; CONWAY RW, 1965, V16, P228, J IND ENG; CONWAY RW, 1967, THEORY SCHEDULING; CORBETT CJ, 2001, V10, P327, PROD OPER MANAG; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRAIG CE, 1973, V14, P13, SLOAN MANAGE REV; CRONBACH LJ, 1951, V16, P297, PSYCHOMETRIKA; CROSBY P, 1979, QUALITY IS FREE; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; DAVENPORT TH, 1990, V31, P11, SLOAN MANAGE REV; DAVIS EW, 1973, V5, P297, AIIE T; DAVIS EW, 1975, V21, P944, MANAGE SCI; DAVIS SG, 1978, V29, P559, J OPERATIONAL RES SO; DAVIS SG, 1981, V11, P41, INTERFACES; DEMATTEIS JJ, 1968, V7, P30, IBM SYST J; DEMEYER A, 1989, V10, P135, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DEMING W, 1986, OUT CRISIS; DILLMAN D, 1978, MAIL TELEPHONE SURVE; DIXON J, 1990, NEW PERFORMANCE CHAL; DOERSCH RH, 1977, V23, P882, MANAGE SCI; DOW D, 1999, V8, P1, PROD OPER MANAG; DRAZIN R, 1985, V30, P514, ADM SCI Q; EBRAHIMPOUR M, 1985, V5, P5, INT J OPS PROD MGMT; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P532, ACAD MANAGE REV; ELMAGHRABY SE, 1990, V49, P35, EUR J OPER RES; FEIGENBAUM A, 1961, TOTAL QUALITY CONTRO; FERDOWS K, 1990, V9, P168, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FINE CH, 2000, V9, P213, PROD OPER MANAG; FISHER M, 1997, V6, P211, PRODUCTION OPERATION; FITZSIMMONS JA, 1998, SERVICE MANAGEMENT O; FLEISCHMANN M, 1997, V103, P1, EUR J OPER RES; FLYNN BB, 1990, V9, P250, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FLYNN BB, 1994, V11, P339, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FORNELL C, 1981, V18, P39, J MARKETING RES; FORRESTER J, 1961, IND DYNAMICS; FRYER JS, 1974, V20, P1073, MANAGE SCI; FRYER JS, 1975, V21, P507, MANAGE SCI; GAITHER N, 1981, V22, P37, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; GAN XH, 2004, V13, P135, PROD OPER MANAG; GAN XH, 2005, V14, P80, PROD OPER MANAG; GARFIELD E, 1977, CITATION INDEXING IT; GARVIN DA, 1987, V65, P101, HARVARD BUS REV; GERBING DW, 1988, V25, P186, J MARKETING RES; GERWIN D, 1993, V39, P395, MANAGE SCI; GOLDRATT E, 1984, GOAL; GROFF GK, 1979, V20, P47, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; GUIDE VDR, 2000, V18, P467, J OPER MANAG; GUIDE VDR, 2001, V10, P142, PROD OPER MANAG; GUPTA S, 2006, V15, P432, PROD OPER MANAG; HAIR JF, 1992, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HALL R, 1983, ZERO INVENTORIES; HAMMER M, 1993, REENGINEERING CORPOR; HASS G, 1977, V8, P148, J BANK RES; HAYES R, 1984, RESTORING COMPETITIV; HAYES R, 1988, DYNAMIC MANUFACTURIN; HAYES RH, 1979, V57, P133, HARVARD BUS REV; HAYES RH, 1981, V59, P56, HARVARD BUS REV; HAYES RH, 1996, V5, P25, PRODUCTION OPERATION; HESKETT JL, 1997, SERVICE PROFIT CHAIN; HILL AV, 1988, P24, OPERATIONS MANAG FAL; HILL AV, 1989, P24, OPERATIONS MANAG WIN; HILL T, 1985, MANUFACTURING STRATE; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HYER N, 1984, V4, P183, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; JOHNSON H, 1987, RELEVANCE LOST; JORESKOG K, 1989, LISREL 7 GUIDE PROGR; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KANET JJ, 1981, V28, P643, NAV RES LOGIST Q; KAPLAN RS, 1992, P71, HARVARD BUSINESS JAN; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KETOKIVI MA, 2004, V22, P63, J OPER MANAG; KOTHA S, 1989, V10, P211, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; KRAJEWSKI LJ, 1980, V10, P1, INTERFACES; LAMBRECHT M, 1978, V2, P132, EUR J OPER RES; LAWRENCE P, 1967, ORG ENV MANAGING DIF; LEE HL, 1997, V43, P546, MANAGE SCI; LEE SM, 1984, V4, P3, INT J OPER PROD MAN; LEONG SM, 1989, V15, P492, J CONSUM RES; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LYNCH R, 1991, MEASURE UP YARDSTICK; MABERT VA, 1979, V10, P173, J BANK RES; MABERT VA, 1979, V25, P623, MANAGE SCI; MABERT VA, 1980, V8, P345, OMEGA; MABERT VA, 1982, V2, P203, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; MALHOTRA MK, 1998, V16, P407, J OPER MANAG; MARTINEZDEALBENIZ V, 2005, V14, P90, PROD OPER MANAG; MCAULEY J, 1972, V51, P53, PRODUCTION ENG; MCELROY K, 1982, P20, AUTOMOTIVE IND JAN; MCLAREN BJ, 1977, THESIS PURDUE U; MEREDITH J, 1979, V1, P14, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; MEREDITH JR, 1990, V9, P146, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; MILLER JG, 1981, V12, P547, DECISION SCI; MILLER JG, 1994, V40, P285, MANAGE SCI; MONDEN Y, 1981, V13, P36, IND ENG; MONDEN Y, 1983, TOYOTA PRODUCTION SY; NEELY A, 1993, V13, P5, INT J OPER PROD MAN; NEELY A, 1995, V15, P80, INT J OPER PROD MAN; NELLEMANN DO, 1982, V23, P12, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; NELSON RT, 1967, V13, P648, MANAGE SCI; NELSON RT, 1970, V17, P97, MANAGE SCI; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; NEW C, 1975, V16, P1, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; NOBLE MA, 1995, V26, P693, DECISION SCI; NUNNALLY J, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; OLEARYKELLY SW, 1998, V16, P387, J OPER MANAG; ORLICKY JA, 1975, MAT REQUIREMENTS PLA; PAGELL M, 2004, V21, P629, J OPER MANAG; PANNIRSELVAM GP, 1999, V18, P95, J OPER MANAG; PATTERSON JH, 1973, V20, P767, NAVAL RES LOGISTIC Q; PATTERSON JH, 1976, V23, P95, NAVAL RES LOGIST Q; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P1255, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PORTER M, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER M, 1985, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; POWELL TC, 1995, V16, P15, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PRAHALAD CK, 1990, V68, P79, HARVARD BUS REV; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RICE JW, 1982, P1, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; SAFIZADEH MH, 1996, V42, P1576, MANAGE SCI; SASSER WE, 1978, MANAGEMENT SERVICE O; SCHMENNER RW, 1988, V30, P11, SLOAN MANAGE REV; SCHMENNER RW, 1998, V17, P97, J OPER MANAG; SCHONBERGER R, 1982, JAPANESE MANUFACTURI; SCHONBERGER R, 1986, WORLD CLASS MANUFACT; SCHROER BJ, 1985, V45, P62, SIMULATION; SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SCUDDER GD, 1998, V16, P91, J OPER MANAG; SHARPLIN AD, 1985, V38, P139, HUM RELAT; SILVER EA, 1973, V14, P64, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; SKINNER W, 1969, V47, P136, HARVARD BUS REV; SKINNER W, 1974, V52, P113, HARVARD BUS REV; SKINNER W, 1978, MANUFACTURING CORPOR; SKINNER W, 1985, MANUFACTURING FORMID; SKINNER W, 1996, V5, P3, PRODUCTION OPERATION; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SOWER VE, 1997, V17, P15, INT J OPER PROD MAN; STALK G, 1988, V66, P41, HARVARD BUS REV; STALK G, 1990, COMPETING TIME; STERMAN JD, 1989, V35, P321, MANAGE SCI; STREMERSCH S, 2007, V71, P171, J MARKETING; SUAREZ FF, 1996, V44, P223, OPER RES; SUGIMORI Y, 1977, V15, P553, INT J PROD RES; SWAMIDASS PM, 1987, V33, P509, MANAGE SCI; TAYLOR BW, 1977, V9, P32, IND ENG; THIERRY M, 1995, V37, P114, CALIF MANAGE REV; THOMPSON J, 1967, ORG ACTION SOCIAL SC; VENKATRAMAN N, 1989, V14, P423, ACAD MANAGE REV; VICKERY SK, 1993, V24, P435, DECISION SCI; VOKURKA RJ, 1996, V14, P345, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; VOLLMANN T, 1988, MANUFACTURING PLANNI; VOSS CA, 1984, V12, P309, INT J MANAGEMENT SCI; WAGNER H, 1969, PRINCIPLES OPERATION; WAGNER HM, 1958, V5, P89, MANAGE SCI; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WEMMERLOV U, 1979, V20, P15, PRODUCTION INVENTORY; WERNERFELT B, 1984, V5, P171, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; WHEELWRIGHT SC, 1981, V59, P67, HARVARD BUS REV; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHYBARK DC, 1976, V7, P595, DECISION SCI; WIEST JD, 1977, MANAGEMENT GUIDE PER; WINTERS PR, 1960, V6, P324, MANAGE SCI; WOMACK J, 1990, MACHINE CHANGED WORL; WRIGHT TP, 1936, V3, P122, J AERONAUT SCI; YIN R, 1984, CASE STUDY RES DESIG| NR- 207| TC- 5| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0272-6963| J9- J OPER MANAG| JI- J. Oper. Manag| PD- JUN| PY- 2009| VL- 27| IS- 3| BP- 185| EP- 202| DI- 10.1016/j.jom.2008.08.001| PG- 18| SC- Management; Operations Research & Management Science| GA- 431FJ| JN- JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, 2009, V27, N3, P185-202| UT- ISI:000265046400001 ER || PT- J| AU- Boyack KW; Borner K; Klavans R| AF- Boyack Kevin W; Boerner, Katy; Klavans, Richard| TI- Mapping the structure and evolution of chemistry research| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 11th International Conference of the International-Society-forScientometrics-and-Informetrics| CY- JUN 25-27, 2007| CL- Madrid, SPAIN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr, CSIC, Minist Educ & Ciencia, FECYT, Comunidad Madrid, Eugene Garfield Fdn, Thomson, Elsevier, Journal Informetr, Scopus, Ayuntamiento Madrid, Sci Metrix, Univ Carlos III Madrid| ID- JOURNAL COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE-CITATION-INDEX; MAPS| AB- How does our collective scholarly knowledge grow over time? What major areas of science exist and how are they interlinked? Which areas are major knowledge producers; which ones are consumers? Computational scientometrics - the application of bibliometric/scientometric methods to large-scale scholarly datasets - and the communication of results via maps of science might help us answer these questions. This paper represents the results of a prototype study that aims to map the structure and evolution of chemistry research over a 30 year time frame. Information from the combined Science (SCIE) and Social Science (SSCI) Citations Indexes from 2002 was used to generate a disciplinary map of 7,227 journals and 671 journal clusters. Clusters relevant to study the structure and evolution of chemistry were identified using JCR categories and were further clustered into 14 disciplines. The changing scientific composition of these 14 disciplines and their knowledge exchange via citation linkages was computed. Major changes on the dominance, influence, and role of Chemistry, Biology, Biochemistry, and Bioengineering over these 30 years are discussed. The paper concludes with suggestions for future work| C1- [Boyack, Kevin W.] Sandia Natl Labs, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA; [Boyack, Kevin W.; Klavans, Richard] SciTech Strategies Inc, Berwyn, PA 19312 USA; [Boerner, Katy] Indiana Univ, SLIS, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| RP- Boyack, KW, Sandia Natl Labs, POB 5800,MS 1316, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA| EM-| CD- BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DAVIDSON GS, 2001, P23, P IEEE INF VIS 2001; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORF L, 2006, 9 INT C SCI TECHN IN; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NARIN F, 1972, V23, P323, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 17| TC- 6| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- APR| PY- 2009| VL- 79| IS- 1| BP- 45| EP- 60| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0403-5| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 423HR| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V79, N1, P45-60| UT- ISI:000264487900003 ER || PT- J| AU- Harnad S| AF- Harnad Stevan| TI- Open access scientometrics and the UK Research Assessment Exercise| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 11th International Conference of the International-Society-forScientometrics-and-Informetrics| CY- JUN 25-27, 2007| CL- Madrid, SPAIN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr, CSIC, Minist Educ & Ciencia, FECYT, Comunidad Madrid, Eugene Garfield Fdn, Thomson, Elsevier, Journal Informetr, Scopus, Ayuntamiento Madrid, Sci Metrix, Univ Carlos III Madrid| ID- IMPACT| AB- Scientometric predictors of research performance need to be validated by showing that they have a high correlation with the external criterion they are trying to predict. The UK Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) together with the growing movement toward making the full-texts of research articles freely available on the web - offer a unique opportunity to test and validate a wealth of old and new scientometric predictors, through multiple regression analysis: Publications, journal impact factors, citations, co-citations, citation chronometrics (age, growth, latency to peak, decay rate), hub/authority scores, h-index, prior funding, student counts, co-authorship scores, endogamy/exogamy, textual proximity, download/co-downloads and their chronometrics, etc. can all be tested and validated jointly, discipline by discipline, against their RAE panel rankings in the forthcoming parallel panel-based and metric RAE in 2008. The weights of each predictor can be calibrated to maximize the joint correlation with the rankings. Open Access Scientometrics will provide powerful new means of navigating, evaluating, predicting and analyzing the growing Open Access database, as well as powerful incentives for making it grow faster| C1- Univ Quebec, Inst Cognit Sci, Chaire Rech Canada, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| RP- Harnad, S, Univ Quebec, Inst Cognit Sci, Chaire Rech Canada, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| EM-| CD- BRODY T, 2003, CITEBASE SEARCH AUTO; BRODY T, 2006, V57, P1060, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GILES CL, 1998, P89, DIGITAL LIB 98; GUEDON JC, 2002, OLDENBURGS LOND SHAD; HAJJEM C, 2005, V28, P39, IEEE DATA ENG B; HARNAD S, 2003, V35, ARIADNE; HARNAD S, 2004, V10, D LIB MAGAZINE; HARNAD S, 2006, ONLINE CONTINUOUS ME; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V31, ACM COMPUTING SURVEY; KLINE P, 2000, NEW PSYCHOMETRICS SC; LANDAUER TK, 1998, V25, P259, DISCOURSE PROCESS; LAWRENCE S, 2001, V411, P521, NATURE; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; OPPENHEIM C, 1996, V9, P155, SERIALS; PAGE L, 1999, PAGERANK CITATION RA; SHADBOLT N, 2006, CH21, OPEN ACCESS KEY STRA| NR- 18| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- APR| PY- 2009| VL- 79| IS- 1| BP- 147| EP- 156| DI- 10.1007/s11192-009-0409-z| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 423HR| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V79, N1, P147-156| UT- ISI:000264487900009 ER || PT- J| AU- Shibata N; Kajikawa Y; Takeda Y; Matsushima K| AF- Shibata Naoki; Kajikawa, Yuya; Takeda, Yoshiyuki; Matsushima, Katsumori| TI- Comparative Study on Methods of Detecting Research Fronts Using Different Types of Citation| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENTIFIC PAPERS; NETWORKS; SCIENCE; COCITATION; INTERDISCIPLINARITY; SPECIALTIES; RETRIEVAL; DOCUMENTS; JOURNALS; TRACKING| AB- In this article, we performed a comparative study to investigate the performance of methods for detecting emerging research fronts. Three types of citation network, co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and direct citation, were tested in three research domains, gallium nitride (GaN), complex network (CNW), and carbon nanotube (CNT). Three types of citation network were constructed for each research domain, and the papers in those domains were divided into clusters to detect the research front. We evaluated the performance of each type of citation network in detecting a research front by using the following measures of papers in the cluster: visibility, measured by normalized cluster size, speed, measured by average publication year, and topological relevance, measured by density. Direct citation, which could detect large and young emerging clusters earlier, shows the best performance in detecting a research front, and co-citation shows the worst Additionally, in direct citation networks, the clustering coefficient was the largest, which suggests that the content similarity of papers connected by direct citations is the greatest and that direct citation networks have the least risk of missing emerging research domains because core papers are included in the largest component| C1- [Shibata, Naoki; Kajikawa, Yuya; Takeda, Yoshiyuki; Matsushima, Katsumori] Univ Tokyo, Inst Engn Innovat, Sch Engn, Bunkyo Ku, Tokyo 1138656, Japan| RP- Shibata, N, Univ Tokyo, Inst Engn Innovat, Sch Engn, Bunkyo Ku, 2-1116 Yayoi, Tokyo 1138656, Japan| EM-| CD- ADAMS J, 2005, V63, P567, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAUN T, 2003, V56, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN C, 2005, P63, P SPIE IS T VISUALIZ; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; FANG Y, 2001, V50, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; HOPCROFT J, 2004, V101, P5249, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; KARAZIJA R, 2004, V61, P191, SCIENTOMETRICS; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOSTOFF RN, 1997, V23, P301, J INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V71, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 066133, PHYS REV E 2; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SCHIMINOVICH S, 1971, V6, P417, INFORMATION STORAGE; SHIBATA N, 2007, V58, P872, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SHIBATA N, 2008, V28, P758, TECHNOVATION; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 1996, V47, P415, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P440, NATURE| NR- 26| TC- 6| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- MAR| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 3| BP- 571| EP- 580| DI- 10.1002/asi.20994| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 415LK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N3, P571-580| UT- ISI:000263935100011 ER || PT- J| AU- Shimbo M; Ito T; Mochihashi D; Matsumoto Y| AF- Shimbo Masashi; Ito, Takahiko; Mochihashi, Daichi; Matsumoto, Yuji| TI- On the properties of von Neumann kernels for link analysis| SO- MACHINE LEARNING| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Link analysis; Recommender system; von Neumann kernel; HITS; Topic drift| ID- LATENT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS; DOCUMENTS; GRAPH| AB- We study the effectiveness of Kandola et al.'s von Neumann kernels as a link analysis measure. We show that von Neumann kernels subsume Kleinberg's HITS importance at the limit of their parameter range Because they reduce to co-citation relatedness at the other end of the parameter, von Neumann kernels give us a spectrum of link analysis measures between the two established measures of importance and relatedness. Hence the relative merit of a vertex can be evaluated in terms of varying tradeoffs between the global importance and the local relatedness within a single parametric framework. As a generalization of HITS, von Neumann kernels inherit the problem of topic drift. When a graph consists of multiple communities each representing a different topic, HITS is known to rank vertices in the most dominant community higher regardless of the query term. This problem persists in von Neumann kernels; when the parameter is biased towards the direction of global importance, they tend to rank vertices in the dominant community uniformly higher irrespective of the community of the seed vertex relative to which the ranking is computed. To alleviate topic drift, we propose to use of a PLSI-based technique in combination with von Neumann kernels. Experimental results on a citation network of scientific papers demonstrate the characteristics and effectiveness of von Neumann kernels| C1- [Shimbo, Masashi; Ito, Takahiko; Matsumoto, Yuji] Nara Inst Sci & Technol, Grad Sch Informat Sci, Nara 6300192, Japan; [Mochihashi, Daichi] NTT Commun Sci Labs, Keihanna Sci City, Kyoto 6190237, Japan| RP- Shimbo, M, Nara Inst Sci & Technol, Grad Sch Informat Sci, 8916-5 Takayama, Nara 6300192, Japan| EM-| CD- ACHARYYA S, 2003, WORKSH LINK AN DET C; BALDI P, 2003, MODELING INTERNET WE; BHARAT K, 1998, P 21 ANN INT ACM SIG; BOLLACKER K, 1998, P116, P 2 INT C AUT AG; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CHEBOTAREV PY, 1997, V58, P1505, AUTOMAT REM CONTR+ 2; CHUNG FRK, 1997, SPECTRAL GRAPH THEOR; COHN D, 2000, P167, P 17 INT C MACH LEAR; CRISTIANINI N, 2002, V14, P367, ADV NEUR IN; DALE R, 2000, HDB NATURAL LANGUAGE; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DHYANI D, 2002, V34, P469, ACM COMPUT SURV; FAGIN R, 2003, V17, P134, SIAM J DISCRETE MATH; FOUSS F, 2006, P863, P INT C DAT MIN; FOUSS F, 2007, V19, P355, IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN; HAUSSLER D, 1999, UCSCCRL9910; HOFMANN T, 1999, P50, P 22 ANN INT ACM SIG; HOFMANN T, 2000, V12, P914, ADV NEUR IN; HOFMANN T, 2001, V42, P177, MACH LEARN; ITO T, 2005, P586, P 11 ACM SIGKDD; ITO T, 2006, P235, P 10 EUR C PRINC PRA; JAAKKOLA TS, 1999, V11, P487, ADV NEUR IN; KANDOLA J, 2002, NCTR2002121; KANDOLA J, 2003, V15, P673, ADV NEURAL INFORM PR; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P604, J ACM; KONDOR R, 2001, P21, P 18 INT C MACH LEAR; LEMPEL R, 2001, V19, P131, ACM T INFORM SYST; LEPAIR C, 1988, P537, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; NADLER B, 2006, V18, P955, ADV NEURAL INFORM PR; SAERENS M, 2004, V3201, P371, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; SHAWETAYLOR J, 2004, KERNEL METHODS PATTE; SHIMBO M, 2006, CH12, MINING GRAPH DATA; SHIMBO M, 2007, P354, P ACM IEEE JOINT C D; SIEGEL S, 1988, NONPARAMETRIC STAT B; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMOLA AJ, 2003, V2777, P144, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; WHITE S, 2003, P266, P 9 ACM SIGKDD INT C; ZELNIKMANOR L, 2005, V17, ADV NEURAL INFORM PR; ZHOU D, 2004, P WORKSH STAT REL LE| NR- 40| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0885-6125| J9- MACH LEARN| JI- Mach. Learn| PD- APR| PY- 2009| VL- 75| IS- 1| BP- 37| EP- 67| DI- 10.1007/s10994-008-5090-6| PG- 31| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence| GA- 411TO| JN- MACHINE LEARNING, 2009, V75, N1, P37-67| UT- ISI:000263673800003 ER || PT- J| AU- Su YM; Yang SC; Hsu PY; Shiau WL| AF- Su Yu-Min; Yang, Shu-Ching; Hsu, Ping-Yu; Shiau, Wen-Lung| TI- Extending co-citation analysis to discover authors with multiple expertise| SO- EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Author co-citation analysis (ACA); Clustering; Complete author set; Computing classification system (CCS)| ID- INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE| AB- The author co-citation analysis (ACA) method is commonly used to group authors of reference papers. Since the traditional ACA method analyzes only first authors of reference papers, it disregards the contributions of other coauthors and can only group each first author into one cluster. This study proposes an innovative ACA algorithm called "complete author pair (CAP) algorithm", which groups complete author sets or reference papers into clusters and thus finds authors who may have expertise in more than one area. The CAP algorithm is implemented in two citation data banks that collected paper references from two ACM journals during 2002-2005. The results show that the CAP algorithm runs up to 90% of average precision in each citation bank when comparing against ACM CCS. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Su, Yu-Min; Hsu, Ping-Yu] Natl Cent Univ, Dept Business Adm, Tao Yuan 32001, Taiwan; [Yang, Shu-Ching] Natl Cent Univ, Inst Ind Management, Tao Yuan 32001, Taiwan| RP- Su, YM, Natl Cent Univ, Dept Business Adm, 300 Jhongda Rd, Tao Yuan 32001, Taiwan| EM-| CD- *ACM, 2007, ACM COMP CLASS SYST; *ACM, 2007, ACM PORT; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORM QUANTIT; HE YL, 2002, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JOHNSON AG, 1988, STATISTICS; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHAO D, 2006, V42, P 68 ANN M AM SOC IN| NR- 12| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0957-4174| J9- EXPERT SYST APPL| JI- Expert Syst. Appl| PD- APR| PY- 2009| VL- 36| IS- 3| PN- Part 1| BP- 4287| EP- 4295| DI- 10.1016/j.eswa.2008.03.022| PG- 9| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic; Operations Research & Management Science| GA- 410NJ| JN- EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 2009, V36, N3, P4287-4295| UT- ISI:000263584100016 ER || PT- J| AU- Marx W| AF- Marx Werner| TI- The anatomy of the International Journal of Materials Research in the light of bibliometry| SO- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Bibliometry; Citation analysis; History of science| ID- IMPACT FACTOR; SCIENCE; INDEX| AB- Bibliometric methods, in particular citation analysis, are used to evaluate the International Journal of Materials Research (IJMR) and its two predecessor journals Zeitschrift far Metallkunde (ZfM) and Internationale Zeitschrift fur Metallographie (IZfM). Firstly, the coverage of the journals by the various literature databases is discussed, and the number of articles per year is determined. The time evolution of the publications with respect to German and English as original languages is established and the language dependent impact is analyzed. A ranking of the most important countries of authors is given. Furthermore, the ensemble of ZfM and IJMR articles is analyzed with respect to the occurrence of substances (metals, alloys, compounds) and some subject specific terms (diffusion, microstructure, recrystallization, mechanical properties). A listing of the twenty most frequently cited articles and the citation time evolution (citation history) of the top three articles are presented. Moreover, the distribution of the citations on the articles is determined and the amount of simultaneous citations with other journals (co-citations) is given. The citing papers of the IJMR and ZfM articles are analyzed with respect to the most frequently appearing countries of authors and journals. Finally, the Journal Impact Factor (JIF), the Cited Half-Life and the Citing Half-Life as bibliometric indicators of a journal as a whole are analyzed. The meaning of the widely used JIF is discussed and hints for its careful and cautious use are given| C1- Max Planck Inst Solid State Res, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany| RP- Marx, W, Max Planck Inst Solid State Res, Heisenbergstr 1, D-70569 Stuttgart, Germany| EM-| CD- ACHARD FC, 1788, RECHERCHES PROPRIETE; ADAM D, 2002, V415, P726, NATURE; AMIN M, 2000, V1, P1, PERSPECTIVES PUBLISH; BORNMANN L, 2007, V58, P1381, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRAUN T, 2005, V19, P8, SCIENTIST; GARFIELD E, 2006, V295, P90, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; HAMILTON DP, 1990, V250, P1331, SCIENCE; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LOHBERG K, 1981, V72, P728, Z METALLKD; MARX W, 2001, V40, P139, ANGEW CHEM INT EDIT; MARX W, 2001, V113, P143, ANGEW CHEM; MARX W, 2003, V127, P323, SOLID STATE COMMUN; MESTECKY P, 1998, V1, P8, MAT TODAY; PENDLEBURY DA, 1991, V251, P1410, SCIENCE; SEGLEN PO, 1992, V43, P628, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEGLEN PO, 1997, V314, P498, BRIT MED J; VANRAAN AFJ, 2004, V59, P467, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 17| TC- 3| PU- CARL HANSER VERLAG| PI- MUNICH| PA- KOLBERGERSTRASSE 22, POSTFACH 86 04 20, D-81679 MUNICH, GERMANY| SN- 1862-5282| J9- INT J MATER RES| JI- Int. J. Mater. Res| PD- JAN| PY- 2009| VL- 100| IS- 1| BP- 11| EP- 23| DI- 10.3139/146.101793| PG- 13| SCGAJNUT- Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering| 407HF| INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH, 2009, V100, N1, P11-23| ISI:000263353500002 ER || PT- J| AU- Wallace ML; Gingras Y; Duhon R| AF- Wallace Matthew L; Gingras, Yves; Duhon, Russell| TI- A New Approach for Detecting Scientific Specialties From Raw Cocitation Networks| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION; COMMUNITY STRUCTURE; PEARSONS-R; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; INFORMATION-THEORY; COMPLEX NETWORKS; SCIENCE; DOCUMENTS; ALGORITHM; MATRICES| AB- We use a technique recently developed by V. Blondel, J.L. Guillaume, R Lambiotte, and E. Lefebvre (2008) to detect scientific specialties from author cocitation networks. This algorithm has distinct advantages over most previous methods used to obtain cocitation "clusters" since it avoids the use of similarity measures, relies entirely on the topology of the weighted network, and can be applied to relatively large networks. Most importantly, it requires no subjective interpretation of the cocitation data or of the communities found. Using two examples, we show that the resulting specialties are the smallest coherent "groups" of researchers (within a hierarchy of cluster sizes) and can thus be identified unambiguously. Furthermore, we confirm that these communities are indeed representative of what we know about the structure of a given scientific discipline and that as specialties, they can be accurately characterized by a few keywords (from the publication titles). We argue that this robust and efficient algorithm is particularly well-suited to cocitation networks and that the results generated can be of great use to researchers studying various facets of the structure and evolution of science| C1- [Wallace, Matthew L.; Gingras, Yves] Univ Quebec, CIRST, OST, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada; [Duhon, Russell] Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| RP- Wallace, ML, Univ Quebec, CIRST, OST, Case Postale 8888, Montreal, PQ H3C 3P8, Canada| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BLONDEL VD, 2008, ARTN P10008, J STAT MECH-THEO OCT; BOYACK K, 2007, P112, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; CHEN C, 2004, V101, P2303, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; CHUBIN D, 1976, V17, P448, SOCIOLOGICAL Q; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL; FAN Y, 2006, ARXIVCONDMAT0607271; FAN Y, 2007, V378, P583, PHYSICA A; GINGRAS Y, 2007, P314, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; HSIEH MH, 2008, V30, P146, SOC NETWORKS; KLAVANS R, 2006, V68, P475, SCIENTOMETRICS; KREUZMAN H, 2001, V51, P525, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1991, V13, P301, SOC NETWORKS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P77, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MCCAIN KW, 2008, V59, P510, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MULLINS NC, 1972, V10, P52, MINERVA; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 026113, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V70, ARTN 056131, PHYS REV E 2; PALLA G, 2005, V435, P814, NATURE; ROSVALLT M, 2008, V105, P1118, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SCHAEFFER SE, 2007, V1, P27, COMPUTER SCI REV; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V67, P143, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, CLUSTERING SCI CITAT; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P16, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 40| TC- 6| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- FEB| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 2| BP- 240| EP- 246| DI- 10.1002/asi.20987| PG- 7| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 404FK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N2, P240-246| UT- ISI:000263136200003 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L; Rafols I| AF- Leydesdorff Loet; Rafols, Ismael| TI- A Global Map of Science Based on the ISI Subject Categories| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- JOURNAL-CITATION-REPORTS; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; INDICATORS; INTERDISCIPLINARITY; COCITATION; DECOMPOSABILITY; CLASSIFICATION; AGGREGATION; PERFORMANCE; RELEVANCE| AB- The decomposition of scientific literature into disciplinary and subdisciplinary structures is one of the core goals of scientometrics How can we achieve a good decomposition? The ISI subject categories classify journals included in the Science Citation Index (SCI). The aggregated journal-journal citation matrix contained in the Journal Citation Reports can be aggregated on the basis of these categories This leads to an asymmetrical matrix (citing versus cited) that is much more densely populated than the underlying matrix at the journal level Exploratory factor analysis of the matrix of subject categories suggests a 14-factor solution. This solution could be interpreted as the disciplinary structure of science. The nested maps of science (corresponding to 14 factors, 172 categories, and 6,164 journals) are online at Presumably, inaccuracies in the attribution of journals to the ISI subject categories average out so that the factor analysis reveals the main structures. The mapping of science could, therefore, be comprehensive and reliable on a large scale albeit imprecise in terms of the attribution of journals to the ISI subject categories| C1- [Leydesdorff, Loet] Univ Amsterdam, ASCoR, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands; [Rafols, Ismael] Univ Sussex, Freeman Ctr, Brighton BN1 9QE, E Sussex, England| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, ASCoR, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- ADLER R, 2008, CITATION STAT REPORT; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ANDO A, 1963, V4, P53, INT ECON REV; BATAGELJ V, 2007, PAJEK PROGRAM LARGE; BENSMAN SJ, 2001, V27, P238, IFLA J; BENSMAN SJ, 2008, V59, P1366, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORDONS M, 2004, P437, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; BOYACK K, 2007, MAP SCI; BOYACK K, 2007, V1, P112, P 11 INT C SCI INF M; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BURT RS, 1982, STRUCTURAL THEORY AC; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CARPENTER MP, 1973, V24, P425, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHAN LM, 1999, GUIDE LIB C CLASSIFI; DAVIDSON GS, 1998, V11, P259, J INTELL INF SYST; DESOLLAPRICE DJ, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; DOREIAN P, 1985, V36, P28, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2008, RELATION PEARS UNPUB; GARFIELD E, 1971, V3, P5, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KIM JO, 1975, P468, STAT PACKAGE SOCIAL; KIM JO, 1978, FACTOR ANAL STAT MET; KLAVANS R, 2007, V1, P437, P ISSI 2007; LEYDESDORFF L, 1986, V9, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V27, P64, SCI COMMUN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1470, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P207, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P1810, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2008, V59, P278, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARTIN BR, 1983, V12, P61, RES POLICY; MOED HF, 1985, V14, P131, RES POLICY; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, V103, P8577, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, V74, P36104, PHYS REV E; PORTER AL, 2006, V15, P187, RES EVALUAT; PORTER AL, 2007, V72, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; PUDOVKIN AI, 2002, V53, P1113, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SIMON HA, 1961, V29, P111, ECONOMETRICA; SIMON HA, 1973, P1, HIERARCHY THEORY CHA; SIMON HA, 2002, V11, P587, IND CORP CHANGE; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN R, 1987, V11, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN T, 2000, V9, P183, RES EVALUAT; VANRAAN AFJ, 2000, P66, PRACTISING INTERDISC; ZITT M, 2005, V3, P38, MEASUREMENT INTERDIS; ZITT M, 2005, V63, P373, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 61| TC- 36| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- FEB| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 2| BP- 348| EP- 362| DI- 10.1002/asi.20967| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 404FK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N2, P348-362| UT- ISI:000263136200011 ER || PT- J| AU- Fernandez-Alles M; Ramos-Rodriguez A| AF- Fernandez-Alles Mariluz; Ramos-Rodriguez, Antonio| TI- Intellectual Structure of Human Resources Management Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Journal Human Resource Management, 19852005| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- SUSTAINED COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE; AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE; MANUFACTURING PERFORMANCE; SCIENCE; SYSTEMS; CITATION; IMPACT; LITERATURES; DISCIPLINE| AB- The multidisciplinary character of the theories supporting research in the discipline of human resources management (HRM), the increasing importance of a more rigorous approach to HRM studies by academics, and the impact of HRM on the competitive advantage of firms are just some of the indicators demonstrating the relevance of this discipline in the broader field of the social sciences. These developments explain why a quantitative analysis of HRM studies based on bibliometric techniques is particularly opportune. The general objective of this article is to analyze the intellectual structure of the HRM discipline; this can be divided into two specific objectives. The first is to identify the most frequently cited studies, with the purpose of identifying the key topics of research in the HRM discipline. The second objective is to represent the networks of relationships between the most-cited studies, grouping them under common themes, with the object of providing a diagrammatic description of the knowledge base constituted by accumulated works of research in the HRM field. The methodology utilized is based on the bibliometric techniques of citation analysis| C1- [Fernandez-Alles, Mariluz; Ramos-Rodriguez, Antonio] Univ Cadiz, Fac CC EE & Empresariales, Cadiz 11002, Spain| RP- Fernandez-Alles, M, Univ Cadiz, Fac CC EE & Empresariales, Ave Duque Najera 8, Cadiz 11002, Spain| EM-| CD- ADLER NJ, 1986, INT DIMENSIONS ORG B; ALAEZ LF, 1993, BIBLIOMETRIA ANALISI; ARTHUR JB, 1994, V37, P670, ACAD MANAGE J; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BARTLETT CA, 1989, MANAGING BORDERS TRA; BECKER B, 1996, V39, P779, ACAD MANAGE J; BEER M, 1985, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAG; BENNIS W, 1985, LEADERS STRATEGIES T; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BUONO AF, 1999, HUMAN SIDE MERGERS A; CALLON M, 1993, CIENCIOMETRIA MED AC; CASCIO WF, 1982, COSTING HUMAN RESOUR; CHANDLER AD, 1962, STRATEGY STRUCTURE C; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DEAL TE, 1982, CORPORATE CULTURES R; DELANEY JT, 1996, V39, P949, ACAD MANAGE J; DELERY J, 1996, V35, P802, ACAD MANAGE J; DING Y, 2000, V51, P1190, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DIODATO V, 1994, DICT BIBLIOMETRICS; DOWLING PJ, 1990, INT DIMENSIONS HUMAN; DYER L, 1984, V23, P156, IND RELAT; EDSTROM A, 1977, V22, P248, ADM SCI Q; FERRIS GR, 1998, V8, P235, HUM RESOUR MANAGE R; FERRIS GR, 2004, V121, P231, ORG ANAL; FITZENZ J, 1984, MEASURE HUMAN RESOUR; FORNBRUN C, 1984, STRATEGIC HUMAN RESO; FRIEDMAN SD, 1986, V25, P191, HUM RESOURCE MANAGE; GALBRAITH JR, 1973, DESIGNING COMPLEX OR; GOLEMAN D, 1998, WORKING EMOTIONAL IN; HACKMAN JR, 1980, WORK REDESIGN READIN; HALL DT, 1976, CAREERS ORG; HAMEL G, 1994, COMPETING FUTURE; HARRIS MM, 1988, V41, P43, PERS PSYCHOL; HOFFMAN DL, 1993, V19, P505, J CONSUM RES; HOFSTEDE G, 1980, CULTURES CONSEQUENCE; HUSELID MA, 1995, V38, P635, ACAD MANAGE J; JACKSON SE, 1995, V46, P237, ANNU REV PSYCHOL; KANTER RM, 1977, MEN WOMEN CORPORATIO; KANTER RM, 1983, CHANGE MASTERS INNOV; KATZ D, 1966, SOCIAL PSYCHOL ORG; KERLINGER FN, 1973, FDN BEHAV RES; KOTTER JP, 1982, GEN MANAGERS; LADO AA, 1994, V19, P699, ACAD MANAGE REV; LAWLER EE, 1981, PAY ORG DEV; LAWLER EE, 1986, HIGH INVOLVEMENT MAN; LAWRENCE P, 1967, ORG ENV; MACDUFFIE JP, 1995, V48, P197, IND LABOR RELAT REV; MAHONEY TA, 1986, V12, P223, J MANAGE; MARCH JG, 1958, ORGANIZATIONS; MARCIANO VM, 1995, P223, ACAD MANAGE J; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCALL M, 1988, LESSONS EXPERIENCE S; MCMAHAN G, 1992, HUMAN RESOURCES SUST; MEDINA JA, 2004, V10, P149, INVESTIGACIONES EURO; MILES RE, 1978, ORG STRATEGY STRUCTU; MILES RE, 1984, V4, P161, ORGAN DYN; NEELEY JD, 1981, V32, P217, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NUNNALLY J, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; OUCHI WG, 1981, THEORY Z AM BUSINESS; OZBILGIN M, 2004, V33, P205, PERS REV; PASADEOS Y, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; PASCALE RT, 1981, ART JAPANESE MANAGEM; PEREZ P, 2005, 15 C AS CIENT EC DIR; PETERS T, 1987, THRIVING CHAOS HDB M; PETERS TJ, 1982, SEARCH EXCELLENCE; PFEFFER J, 1978, EXTERNAL CONTROL ORG; PFEFFER J, 1994, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; PFEFFER J, 1998, HUMAN EQUATION BUILD; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PODSAKOFF PM, 1986, V12, P531, J MANAGE; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER ME, 1985, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; PRAHALAD CK, 1990, V68, P79, HARVARD BUS REV; QUINN RE, 1983, V29, P363, MANAGE SCI; QUINN RE, 1988, RATIONAL MANAGEMENT; RAMOS AR, 2000, 10 NAT C ACEDE OV SP; RAMOS AR, 2001, 11 NAT C ACEDE ZAR S; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; ROUSSEAU DM, 1989, V2, P121, EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBIL; RYNES SL, 2002, V41, P149, HUM RESOURCE MANAGE; SAEZ JM, 1999, V23, P348, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN; SCHEIN EH, 1978, CAREER DYNAMICS MATC; SCHEIN EH, 1985, ORG CULTURE LEADERSH; SCHULER RS, 1984, V23, P241, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAG; SCHULER RS, 1987, V1, P207, ACADEMY MANAGEMENT E; SCHULER RS, 1992, V21, P18, ORGAN DYN; SCHULER RS, 1997, V64, P18, PERSONNEL; SCHULER RS, 2005, V16, P11, MANAGE REV; SENGE PM, 1990, 5 DISCIPLINE ART PRA; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SNELL SA, 1996, V14, P61, RES PERS H; STEWART TA, 1996, V133, P105, FORTUNE; TAHAI A, 1999, V20, P279, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; TERPSTRA DE, 1993, V46, P27, PERS PSYCHOL; THOMPSON JD, 1967, ORG ACTION SOCIAL SC; TICHY NM, 1982, V23, P47, SLOAN MANAGE REV; TICHY NM, 1983, MANAGING STRATEGIC C; TICHY NM, 1986, TRANSFORMATIONAL LEA; TUNG RL, 1988, NEW EXPATRIATES MANA; ULRICH D, 1990, ORG CAPABILITY COMPE; ULRICH D, 1991, P129, MAKING ORG COMPETITI; ULRICH D, 1995, V34, P473, HUM RESOURCE MANAGE; ULRICH D, 1997, HUMAN RESOURCE CHAMP; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VROOM VH, 1964, WORK MOTIVATION; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WRIGHT PM, 1991, V1, P203, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAG; WRIGHT PM, 1992, V18, P295, J MANAGE; WRIGHT PM, 2002, V28, P247, J MANAGE; YIN RK, 1984, CASE STUDY RES DESIG| NR- 118| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JAN| PY- 2009| VL- 60| IS- 1| BP- 161| EP- 175| DI- 10.1002/asi.20947| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 394DD| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2009, V60, N1, P161-175| UT- ISI:000262424900015 ER || PT- J| AU- Holmquist C; Carter S| AF- Holmquist Carin; Carter, Sara| TI- The Diana Project: pioneering women studying pioneering women| SO- SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Women entrepreneurship; Business growth; Venture capital| ID- ENTREPRENEURSHIP SCHOLARSHIP; FEMALE ENTREPRENEUR; COCITATION ANALYSIS; GENDER; MOTIVATIONS; PERFORMANCE; SUCCESS| AB- The 2007 winner of the International Award for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Research is the Diana Project team (Candida Brush, Nancy Carter, Elizabeth Gatewood, Patricia Greene and Myra Hart). The Diana Project builds on the vast experience of the team in the field of entrepreneurship in general and women entrepreneurship, business growth and venture capital in particular. The Diana Project has investigated the supply and demand side of growth capital for women entrepreneurs The research contributes to entrepreneurship theory as well as to practice, filling a void in knowledge on growth-oriented women entrepreneurship. In this article we present and discuss the research contribution of the Diana Project, in the areas of entrepreneurship, women entrepreneurship and venture capital. We specifically discuss the value of researching a specific group of women entrepreneurs, those who want to grow their businesses, that very clearly demonstrates the positive potential of female entrepreneurship. The Diana Project has also moved research on women's entrepreneurship forward since its framework does not treat women entrepreneurs as "other," i.e., the project does not presuppose that women's entrepreneurship is similar to or different from men's entrepreneurship. It assumes that women's entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship and studies it from that point of view| C1- [Holmquist, Carin] Stockholm Sch Econ, Ctr Entrepreneurship & Business Creat, S-11383 Stockholm, Sweden; [Carter, Sara] Univ Strathclyde, Sch Business, Hunter Ctr Entrepreneurship, Glasgow, Lanark, Scotland| RP- Holmquist, C, Stockholm Sch Econ, Ctr Entrepreneurship & Business Creat, POB 6501, S-11383 Stockholm, Sweden| EM-| CD- ALDRICH H, 1989, V1, P339, ENTREP REGION DEV; ALLEN S, 1993, P1, WOMEN BUSINESS PERSP; BAKER T, 1997, V9, P221, ENTREP REGION DEV; BIRLEY S, 1989, V27, P7, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; BODEN RJ, 2000, V15, P347, J BUS VENTURING; BOWEN DD, 1986, V11, P393, ACAD MANAGE REV; BRUSH CG, 1992, V17, P5, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; BRUSH CG, 2002, V4, P305, VENTURE CAPITAL; BRUSH CG, 2006, GROWTH ORIENTED WOME; BRUSH CG, 2007, REC FSF NUTEK AW; BUTTNER EH, 1997, V35, P34, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; CARTER N, 2003, V5, P1, VENTURE CAPITAL; CARTER NM, 1997, V9, P211, ENTREP REGION DEV; CARTER NM, 1997, V12, P125, J BUS VENTURING; CHAGANTI R, 1986, V24, P18, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; CLIFF JE, 1998, V13, P523, J BUS VENTURING; CORNELIUS B, 2006, V30, P375, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; CROMIE S, 1987, V8, P251, J OCCUP BEHAV; DECARLO JF, 1979, V17, P22, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; DURIETZ A, 2000, V14, P1, SMALL BUS ECON; GARTNER WB, 2006, V30, P321, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GATEWOOD EJ, 1995, V10, P371, J BUS VENTURING; GOFFEE R, 1983, V31, P625, SOCIOL REV; GOFFEE R, 1985, WOMEN CHARGE EXPERIE; GREENE P, 1999, V23, P103, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GREENE PG, 2001, V3, P63, VENTURE CAPITAL; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; HISRICH R, 1986, P61, ART SCI ENTREPRENEUR; HISRICH RD, 1982, P54, FRONTIERS ENTREPRENE; HISRICH RD, 1984, V22, P30, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; HISRICH RD, 1986, V24, P1, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; HISRICH RD, 1986, WOMAN ENTREPRENEUR S; HISRICH RD, 1993, V17, P30, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; HOLMQUIST C, 1997, V9, P179, ENTREP REGION DEV; JONSONAHL H, 2002, V15, DISSERTATION SERIES; KANTER RM, 1977, MEN WOMEN CORPORATIO; LEEGOSSELIN H, 1990, V9, P423, J BUS ETHICS; LERNER M, 1997, V12, P315, J BUS VENTURING; MARLOW S, 1997, V9, P199, ENTREP REGION DEV; MARLOW S, 2002, V2, P83, ENTREPRENEURSHIP INN; MINITTI MA, 2005, GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURS; MIRCHANDANI K, 1999, V6, P224, GENDER WORK ORGAN; MOORE DP, 1990, V9, P275, J BUS ETHICS; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; ROSA P, 1996, V8, P463, SMALL BUS ECON; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHWARTZ EB, 1976, V5, P47, J CONTEMP BUS; SCOTT CE, 1986, V24, P38, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; STEVENSON L, 1990, V9, P439, J BUS ETHICS; STEVENSON LA, 1986, V24, P30, J SMALL BUS MANAGE; WATKINS JM, 1986, P220, SURVIVAL SMALL FIRM; ZAPALSKA A, 1997, V35, P76, J SMALL BUS MANAGE| NR- 52| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0921-898X| J9- SMALL BUS ECON| JI- Small Bus. Econ. Group| PD- FEB| PY- 2009| VL- 32| IS- 2| BP- 121| EP- 128| DI- 10.1007/s11187-008-9151-9| PG- 8| SC- Business; Economics; Management| GA- 389JO| JN- SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS, 2009, V32, N2, P121-128| UT- ISI:000262088900001 ER || PT- J| AU- Ibekwe-SanJuan F| AF- Ibekwe-SanJuan Fidelia| TI- The impact of geographic location on the development of a specialty field: A case study of Sloan Digital Sky Survey in Astronomy| SO- KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th ISKO International Conference| CY- AUG 05-08, 2008| CL- Montreal, CANADA| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; COCITATION ANALYSIS| AB- We analyze the scientific discourse of researchers in a specialty field in Astronomy by examining the influence that geographic location may have on the development of this field. Using as a case study the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) project, we analyzed texts from bibliographic records along three geographic axes: US-only publications, non-US publications and international collaboration. Each geographic region reflected authors affiliated to research institutions in that region International collaboration refers to papers published by both USbased and non-US based institutions. Through clustering of domain terms used in titles and abstracts fields of the bibliographic records, we were able to automatically identify the topology of topics peculiar to each geographic region and identify the research topics common to the three geographic zones. The results showed that US-only and non-US research in SDSS shared more commonalities with international collaboration than with one another, thus indicating that the former two focused on rather distinct topics| C1- Univ Jean Moulin, Dept Informat & Commun, F-69008 Lyon, France| RP- Ibekwe-SanJuan, F, Univ Jean Moulin, Dept Informat & Commun, 4 Cours Albert Thomas, F-69008 Lyon, France| EM-| CD- BORG E, 2003, V57, P396, ELT J; FELLBAUM C, 1998, WORDNET ELECT LEXICA; GREFENSTETTE G, 1997, P500, P RIAO 97; HARRIS ZS, 1968, MATH STRUCTURES LANG; HJORLAND B, 2002, V58, P422, J DOC; IBEKWESANJUAN F, 2002, V29, P181, KNOWL ORGAN; IBEKWESANJUAN F, 2006, V62, P229, J DOC; JARDINE N, 1971, V7, P217, INFORMATION STORAGE; MARIA LH, 2008, V35, P113, KNOWL ORGAN; MARTI H, 1999, P333, NATURAL LANGUAGE INF; NENADIC G, 2004, V10, P55, TERMINOLOGY; SALABELOTZ H, 1990, V2, P107, THYROIDOLOGY; SANJUAN E, 2006, V42, P1532, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; SCHNEIDER JW, 2004, V60, P524, J DOC; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWALES J, 1990, GENRE ANAL ENGLISH A; WACHOLDER N, 1998, P70, WORKSH COMP TREATM N; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 19| TC- 0| PU- ERGON-VERLAG| PI- WURZBURG| PA- GROMBUHLSTR 7, 97080 WURZBURG, GERMANY| SN- 0943-7444| J9- KNOWL ORGAN| JI- Knowl. Organ| PY- 2008| VL- 35| IS- 4| BP- 239| EP- 250| PG- 12| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 389GP| JN- KNOWLEDGE ORGANIZATION, 2008, V35, N4, P239-250| UT- ISI:000262080600006 ER || PT- J| AU- Dastidar PG; Ramachandran S| AF- Dastidar Prabir G; Ramachandran, S| TI- Intellectual structure of Antarctic science: A 25-years analysis| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COCITATION; NETWORKS| AB- To delineate the intellectual structure of Antarctic science, the research outputs on Antarctic science have been analyzed for a period of 25 years (1980-2004) through a set of scientometrics and network analysis techniques. The study is based on 10,942 records (research articles, letters, reviews, etc.), published in 961 journals/documents, and retrieved from the Science Citation Index (SCI) database. Over the years interest in Antarctic science has increased, as is evident from the growing number of ratified countries and research stations. During the period under study, the productivity has increased 3-times and there is a 13-fold increase in collaborative articles. Attempt has been made to identify important players like scientists, organizations and countries working in the field and to identify frontier areas of research that is being conducted in this continent. The highest 41% scientific output is contributed by the USA and the UK, followed by Australia and Germany. British Antarctic Survey (BAS), UK and Alfred Wegener Institute of Polar & Marine Research, Germany are the most productive institutes in Antarctic science. Maximum number of research articles on Antarctic science, have been published in the journal Polar Biology, indicating substantial work being done on the biology of this continent. The journals-Nature and Science are the highly-cited journals in Antarctic science. The paper written by J. C. Farman et al., published in Nature in 1985, reporting depletion of ozone layer, is the most-cited article. Semantic relationships between cited documents were measured through cocitation analysis. J. C. Farman and S. Solomon are co-cited most frequently| C1- [Dastidar, Prabir G.] Minist Earth Sci, New Delhi 110003, India; [Ramachandran, S.] Univ Madras, Madras, Tamil Nadu, India| RP- Dastidar, PG, Minist Earth Sci, Block 9 & 12,CGO Complex,Lodi Rd, New Delhi 110003, India| EM-| CD- 2002, HDB ANTARCTIC TREATY; 2006, J SELECTION PROCESS; *ANT TREAT SECR, 2004, 27 ANT TREAT CONS M; *CIA, 2006, WORLD FACT BOOK; *COMNAP, 2005, COMNAP REP ANT TREAT; *IAATO, 2006, IAATO OV ANT TOUR 20; *UNESCO I STAT, 2005, HUM RES R D; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; DASTIDAR PG, 2004, V59, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; DASTIDAR PG, 2005, V89, P1552, CURR SCI INDIA; DASTIDAR PG, 2005, V65, P199, SCIENTOMETRICS; DASTIDAR PG, 2007, POLAR RES IN PRESS; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GARFIELD E, 1990, CURRENT CONTENT 0528; GARFIELD E, 1996, V10, SCIENTIST; HANNEMAN R, 2006, INTRO SOCIAL NETWORK; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, P15, CHALLENGES SCIENTOME; PERSSON O, 2004, BIBEXCEL TOOL BOX SC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL| NR- 21| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2008| VL- 77| IS- 3| BP- 389| EP- 414| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1947-x| PG- 26| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 387KB| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V77, N3, P389-414| UT- ISI:000261950000002 ER || PT- J| AU- Jarneving B| AF- Jarneving Bo| TI- A variation of the calculation of the first author cocitation strength in author cocitation analysis| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; RETRIEVAL; SCIENCE| AB- The method of author cocitation analysis (ACA) was first presented by White and Griffith in 1981 as a "literature measure of intellectual structure" and its applicability for the mapping of areas of science has since then been tested in various bibliometric science mapping studies. In this study, an experimental method of calculating the first or single author cocitation frequency is presented and compared with the standard method. Applying Ward's method of clustering, the analysis revealed that the two approaches did not produce similar results and a tentative interpretation of deviations was that the experimental method provided with a more detailed depiction of the specialty structure. It was also concluded that a number of additional research questions need to be resolved before a comprehensive understanding of the suggested method's merits and demerits is reached| C1- Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, S-50190 Boras, Sweden| RP- Jarneving, B, Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, S-50190 Boras, Sweden| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EVERITT B, 2001, CLUSTER ANAL; HUBERT L, 1985, V2, P193, J CLASSIF; KAUFMAN L, 1990, FINDING GROUPS DATA; KENDALL MG, 1990, RANK CORRELATION MET; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOJENA R, 1977, V20, P359, COMPUT J; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAND WM, 1971, V66, P846, J AM STAT ASSOC; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, P696, P ISSI 2007 11 INT C; WESSA P, 2007, FREE STAT SOFTWARE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P16, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WISHART D, 2006, CLUSTAN GRAPHICS PRI; YEUNG KY, 20000UWCSE001101 U W; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 22| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2008| VL- 77| IS- 3| BP- 485| EP- 504| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1943-1| PG- 20| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 387KB| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V77, N3, P485-504| UT- ISI:000261950000008 ER || PT- J| AU- Sternitzke C; Bergmann I| AF- Sternitzke Christian; Bergmann, Isumo| TI- Similarity measures for document mapping: A comparative study on the level of an individual scientist| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COCITATION; ALGORITHM; SCIENCE| AB- This paper investigates the utility of the Inclusion Index, the Jaccard Index and the Cosine Index for calculating similarities of documents, as used for mapping science and technology. It is shown that, provided that the same content is searched across various documents, the Inclusion Index generally delivers more exact results, in particular when computing the degree of similarity based on citation data. In addition, various methodologies such as co-word analysis, Subject-Action-Object (SAO) structures, bibliographic coupling, co-citation analysis, and selfcitation links are compared. We find that the two former ones tend to describe rather semantic similarities that differ from knowledge flows as expressed by the citation-based methodologies| C1- [Sternitzke, Christian] Tech Univ Ilmenau, PATON Landespatentzentrum Thuringen, D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany; [Sternitzke, Christian; Bergmann, Isumo] Univ Bremen, IPMI, Bremen, Germany| RP- Sternitzke, C, Tech Univ Ilmenau, PATON Landespatentzentrum Thuringen, PF 100 565, D-98684 Ilmenau, Germany| EM-| CD- *INV MACH CORP, ACC SPEED KNOWL WHIT; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARTKOWSKI A, 2004, P177, PATINFO 2004 PATENTR; BERGMANN I, 2007, P R D MAN C BREM JUL; BLANCHARD A, 2007, V29, P308, WORLD PATENT INFORM; BOERNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORGATTI SP, 1999, UCINET 6 WINDOWS SOF; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CLARKSON G, 2004, THESIS HARVARD BUSIN; DREBLER A, 2006, PATENTE TECHNOLOGIEO; GOLBECK J, 2006, P172, VISUALIZING SEMANTIC; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HARTER SP, 1993, V44, P543, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P241, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JARNEVING B, 2005, V65, P245, SCIENTOMETRICS; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MOEHRLE MG, 2005, V35, P513, R&D MANAGE; PETERS HPF, 1995, V46, P9, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PORTER MF, 1980, V14, P130, PROGRAM; QIN J, 2000, V51, P166, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RAMLOGAN R, 2007, V70, P459, SCIENTOMETRICS; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUSBERGEN CV, 1979, INFORM RETRIEVAL; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SHARABCHIEV JT, 1989, V15, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; STERNITZKE C, 2007, V29, P241, WORLD PATENT INFORM; TSOURIKOV VM, 2000, US, 6167370| NR- 32| TC- 4| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JAN| PY- 2009| VL- 78| IS- 1| BP- 113| EP- 130| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1961-z| PG- 18| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 387KC| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2009, V78, N1, P113-130| UT- ISI:000261950100009 ER || PT- J| AU- Martinez ATG; Bote VG; Quesada BV; Moya-Anegon F| AF- Garcia Martinez Ana Teresa; Guerrero Bote, Vicente; Vargas Quesada, Benjamin; Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- Psychology in the Map of Science in Ibero America| SO- REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- scientific communication; Latin American psychology; sciences; Web of Knowledge| ID- JOURNAL COCITATION ANALYSIS; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; CATEGORIES; PARADIGMS; ALGORITHM; DOMAINS| AB- The objective of this study is to compare the scientific representation of Psychology in the different Latin-American countries. We use a methodology of subject categories cocitation (JCR-Thomson. Cia, Subject Category Listing) which facilitates the representation of the scientific activity, the resulting maps permit us to focus on the Psychology Area, whose representation will serve as information base for the analysis of the discipline in each country scope, with international visibility. This is an empirical view of the underlying structure in the Psychology in the countries studied and this is interesting since the majority of scientists have an intuitive idea of this structure which may or may not correspond to reality. Nevertheless our representation show an objective global view based on the Scientist formal communication behavior. With this model an objective comparison of the Psychology research in the eight most important Latin-American countries is carried out| C1- [Garcia Martinez, Ana Teresa] Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Badajoz 06001, Spain; [Vargas Quesada, Benjamin; Moya-Anegon, Felix] Univ Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain| RP- Martinez, ATG, Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Plazuela Ibn Marwan,S-N, Badajoz 06001, Spain| EM-| CD- BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; COSTA J, 1998, ESQUEMATICA VISUALIZ; DESOLLAPRICE DJ, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; EADES P, 1984, V42, P149, C NUMERANTIUM; FOWLER RH, 1990, P165, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORMATION SCI; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MARTINEZ ATG, 2008, V20, P465, PSICOTHEMA; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; MOYAANEGON F, 2006, V15, P258, PROF INFORM; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SOLANA VH, 1999, THESIS U GRANADA; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WHITE HD, 2000, P25, IEEE INFOR VIS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 31| TC- 1| PU- FOUNDATION ADVANCEMENT PSYCHOLOGY| PI- BOGOTA D C| PA- APARTADO AEREO 92621, BOGOTA D C, COLOMBIA| SN- 0120-0534| J9- REV LATINOAMER PSICOL| JI- Rev. Latinoam. Psicol| PY- 2008| VL- 40| IS- 3| BP- 409| EP- 424| PG- 16| SC- Psychology, Multidisciplinary| GA- 384GE| JN- REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE PSICOLOGIA, 2008, V40, N3, P409-424| UT- ISI:000261732500002 ER || PT- J| AU- Miguel S; Caprile L; Jorquera-Vidal I| AF- Miguel Sandra; Caprile, Lorena; Jorquera-Vidal, Israel| TI- Co-term and social networks analysis for the generation of subject maps| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- Social network analysis; Co-term analysis; Optics; Information visualization; Visual interfaces; Information retrieval| ID- INFORMATION-RETRIEVAL; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; DIGITAL LIBRARIES; INTERFACE; CHALLENGES; COCITATION; DOMAINS; OPAC| AB- Improvement of the interfaces and search capacities of the opacs continues to be one of the main challenges for libraries, especially with regard to searching by subject. The visual interfaces can help with retrieval. This paper explores the combination of co-term analysis techniques with social networks for the generation of subject maps of collections. The main conclusion is that the methodology applied is valid, and that the maps could be used for browsing and subject retrieval. It would also be useful for improving the quality of indexing| C1- [Miguel, Sandra] Natl Univ La Plata, Fac Humanidades & Ciencias Educ, Dept Bibliotecol, RA-1900 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina; [Caprile, Lorena; Jorquera-Vidal, Israel] Natl Univ La Plata, Fac Ciencias Nat & Museo, RA1900 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina| RP- Miguel, S, Natl Univ La Plata, Fac Humanidades & Ciencias Educ, Dept Bibliotecol, 48 E-6 & 7,5 Piso, RA-1900 Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina| EM-| CD- BORNER K, 2002, V2539, P1, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BUCHELLIGUERRER.VA, 2006, BORRADO CERO HERRAMI; BUZYDLOWSKI JW, 2002, V2539, P133, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; CALLON M, 1986, V36, P169, ANN SOCIOLOGIQUE; CARABALLOPEREZ Y, 2007, V16, ACIMED; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; DEMOYAANEGON F, 1999, CUADERNOS DOCUMENTAC; DRABENSTOTT KM, 1996, V47, P520, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DURSTELER JC, 2003, VISUALIZACION REDES; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2002, V38, P79, INFORMATION PROCESSI; HASSANMONTERO Y, 2006, ENCONTRO CIENCIAS TE; HASSANMONTERO Y, 2006, V15, P278, PROF INFORM; HE Q, 1999, V48, P133, LIBR TRENDS; HERREROSOLANA V, 2006, V11, INFORM RES INT ELECT; HILDRETH CR, 1985, V20, P233, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; JANECEK P, 2005, V5, P42, INT J DIGITAL LIB; JATIVAMIRALLES MV, 2004, V13, P28, PROF INFORM; KAMADA T, 1989, P7, INFORM PROCESSING LE; KORN F, 1997, MESH BROWSE TOOL BRO; LARSON RR, 1991, V61, P133, LIB Q; LATOUR B, 1992, P151, SHAPING TECHNOLOGY B; LIN X, 1991, P262, P 14 ANN INT ACM SIG; MARCOSMORA MC, 2003, DOCUMENTACION DIGITA; MARCOSMORA MC, 2004, DOCUMENTACION DIGITA; MARCOSMORA MC, 2005, CHILE VISUAL LIB CAT; MATTHEWS JR, 1983, PUBLIC ACCESS ONLINE; MI J, 2008, V27, P5, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; MICELI JE, 2008, V14, REDES REV HISPANA AN; MORILLOVELARDE J, 2006, P169, P 8 JORN GEST INF MA; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V50, P115, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PEAT HJ, 1991, V42, P378, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PICHININI M, 1996, V4, P1, B BIBLIOTECOLOGICO P; RIOSGARCIA Y, 1991, V14, P121, REV ESPANOLA DOCUMEN; RODRIGUEZ JA, 1995, CUADERNOS METODOLOGI; SCHNEIDERMAN B, 1996, P336, P IEEE S VIS LANG; SENSO JA, 2006, V15, P248, PROF INFORM; SU SF, 1994, V64, P130, LIBR QUART; VARGASQUESADA B, 2005, VISUALIZACION ANALIS; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; VILLENRUEDA L, 2006, V15, P87, PROF INFORM; WASSERMAN S, 1998, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 45| TC- 0| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JI- Prof. Inf| PD- NOV-DEC| PY- 2008| VL- 17| ISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 6| 637| 646| 10.3145/epi.2008.nov.06| 10| Information Science & Library Science| 379EC| PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2008, V17, N6, P637-646| ISI:000261378500006 ER || PT- J| AU- Casey DL; McMillan GS| AF- Casey Debra L; McMillan, G. Steven| TI- IDENTIFYING THE "INVISIBLE COLLEGES" OF THE INDUSTRIAL & LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW: A BIBLIOMETRIC APPROACH| SO- INDUSTRIAL & LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- NETWORKS| AB- Since its inaugural issue in 1947, the Industrial and LaboyRelationsReview (ILRR) has been considered among the foremost industrial relations Journals. Prominent among subjects treated by ILRR's articles in the journal's early years were collective bargaining and industrial strife, but the subject mix has changed greatly with the times. This paper employs bibliometric techniques to compare IIRR's intellectual bases across three recent periods: 1974-1984, 1985-1995, and 1996-2006. Using co-citation and network analyses, the authors identify the "invisible colleges"-research networks that refer to each other in their publications-of ILRA Economics-oriented journals were heavily cited by ILRR authors across the entire 33-year observation period, but there is evidence that another field, human resource management, was of growing importance in the most recent years| C1- [McMillan, G. Steven] Helsinki Univ Technol, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland| EM-| CD- BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; FREGE CM, 2005, V43, P179, BRIT J IND RELAT; GARFIELD E, 1979, V1, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; KAUFMAN BE, 1993, ORIGINS EVOLUTION FI; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; PERSSON O, 2006, BIBEXCEL TOOL BIBLIO; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, THESIS RIJKSUNIVERIS; WASSERMAN S, 1997, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL| NR- 17| TC- 1| PU- INDUSTRIAL LABOR RELAT REV| PI- ITHACA| PA- CORNELL UNIV, ITHACA, NY 14851-0952 USA| SN- 0019-7939| J9- IND LABOR RELAT REV| JI- Ind. Labor Relat. Rev| PD- OCT| PYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- 2008| 62| 1| 126| 132| 7| Industrial Relations & Labor| 376UH| INDUSTRIAL & LABOR RELATIONS REVIEW, 2008, V62, N1, P126-132| ISI:000261208000007 ER || PT- J| AU- Stewart A| AF- Stewart Alex| TI- Who Could Best Complement a Team of Family Business ResearchersScholars Down the Hall or in Another Building?| SO- FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CROSSING DISCIPLINARY BOUNDARIES; CO-WORD ANALYSIS; ENTREPRENEURSHIP SCHOLARSHIP; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; STRATEGIC-MANAGEMENT; COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; KNOWLEDGE; NETWORKS; PERSPECTIVE| AB- This study explores which fields might potentially collaborate in family business research. It compares 14 research fields for their structure of topical attention. The most convenient collaborations, such as those between entrepreneurship, family business, and strategy researchers, prove to be the most appropriate for some research purposes. However, less common collaborations, particularly with scholars from law, history, and anthropology, appear to be the most appropriate for other projects. Family and marital therapy prove to be a less promising collaborator than one might expect because of their strong skewing to familial rather than commercial topics Correspondingly, entrepreneurship also proves to be an outlier field, skewed to the commercial rather than the familial, with surprisingly little in common with the topical interests of family business researchers| C1- Marquette Univ, Coleman Fdn Chair Entrepreneurship, Milwaukee, WI 53233 USA| RP- Stewart, A, Marquette Univ, Coleman Fdn Chair Entrepreneurship, Milwaukee, WI 53233 USA| EM-| CD- *NSF, 2006, INV AM FUT STRAT PLA; ABBOTT A, 1988, SYSTEM PROFESSIONS; ADAMS H, 1988, ACAD TRIBES; ALDRICH HE, 2003, V18, P573, J BUS VENTURING; ANDERSON AR, 2005, V18, P135, FAM BUS REV; BAKER T, 2007, V5, P297, STRATEG ORGAN; BARTH F, 1967, P149, THEMES EC ANTHR; BEDEIAN AG, 2005, V14, P151, J MANAGE INQUIRY; BIRD B, 2002, V15, P337, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UNICET 6 WINDOWS VER; BROCKHAUS RH, 1994, V19, P25, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; BURT RS, 1992, STRUCTURAL HOLES SOC; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CAMPBELL DT, 1969, P328, INTERDISCIPLINARY RE; CARSTEN J, 2000, P1, CULTURES RELATEDNESS; CASILLAS J, 2007, V20, P141, FAM BUS REV; COMAROFF J, 1987, P53, GENDER KINSHIP ESSAY; CORNELIUS B, 2006, V30, P375, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; DAVIS MS, 1971, V1, P309, PHILOS SOC SCI; DEVONS E, 1964, P158, CLOSED SYSTEMS OPEN; DOGAN M, 1997, V49, P429, INT SOC SCI J; DYER WG, 1994, V19, P71, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; DYER WG, 2003, V27, P401, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; ELLIS D, 1999, V50, P1095, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EPSTEIN S, 2005, P245, INTERDISCIPLINARY CO; FORTES M, 1969, KINSHIP SOCIAL ORDER; GARTNER WB, 2006, V30, P321, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GRIFFITHS TL, 2004, V101, P5228, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; HAMBRICK DC, 2008, V33, P32, ACAD MANAGE REV; HARGENS LL, 2000, V65, P846, AM SOCIOL REV; HARRELL S, 1997, HUMAN FAMILIES; HE Q, 1999, V48, P133, LIBR TRENDS; HENKEL M, 2004, V17, P167, HIGHER ED POLICY; HOLY L, 1996, ANTHR PERSPECTIVES K; HOY F, 1994, V19, P9, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; JACOBS N, 2002, V58, P548, J DOC; JONES AM, 2005, V64, P276, HUM ORGAN; KIRZNER IM, 2000, P3, DRIVING FORCE MARKET; KLEIN JT, 2005, P23, INTERDISCIPLINARY CO; KRACKHARDT D, 1994, V17, P53, CONNECTIONS; LOCKETT A, 2005, V14, P139, J MANAGE INQUIRY; MARCUS GE, 1992, LIVES TRUST FORTUNES; MCCARTHY AM, 2001, V15, P26, ACAD MANAGEMENT EXEC; MCKINNON S, 2000, V15, P35, CULT ANTHROPOL; MEYER AD, 1991, V17, P821, J MANAGE; MILLER D, 2005, MANAGING LONG RUN; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NICHOLSON N, 2008, V21, P103, FAM BUS REV; ODONNELL AM, 2005, P51, INTERDISCIPLINARY CO; PIERCE SJ, 1999, V50, P271, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PORAC JF, 1995, V40, P203, ADMIN SCI QUART; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SHARMA P, 2004, V17, P1, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; SHUGAN SM, 2003, V22, P151, MARKET SCI; SLINGERLAND E, 2003, EFFORTLESS ACTION WU; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; STEWART A, 1995, V11, P3, ADV STRATEG MANAGE; STEWART A, 2003, V27, P383, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; TEIL G, 1995, V4, P47, STANFORD HUMANITIES; THAGARD P, 2005, P317, INTERDISCIPLINARY CO; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; YANAGISAKO SJ, 1987, P86, GENDER KINSHIP ESSAY; ZAHRA S, 2004, V17, P331, FAM BUS REV; ZALD MN, 2002, V9, P365, ORGANIZATION; ZERUBAVEL E, 1995, V62, P1093, SOC RES| NR- 68| TC- 2| PU- BLACKWELL PUBLISHING| PI- OXFORD| PA- 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND| SN- 0894-4865| J9- FAM BUS REV| JI- Fam. Bus. Rev| PD- DEC| PY- 2008| VL- 21| IS- 4| BP- 279| EP- 293| DI- 10.1111/j.1741-6248.2008.00130.x| PG- 15| SC- Business| GA- 374QY| JN- FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW, 2008, V21, N4, P279-293| UT- ISI:000261060000001 ER || PTAUMS; MJ; J| Goyette P; Lefebvre C; Ng A; Brant SR; Cho JH; Duerr RH; Silverberg Taylor KD; Latiano A; Aumais G; Deslandres C; Jobin G; Annese V; Daly Xavier RJ; Rioux JD| AF- Goyette P; Lefebvre, C; Ng, A; Brant, S. R; Cho, J. H; Duerr, R. H; Silverberg, M. S; Taylor, K. D; Latiano, A; Aumais, G; Deslandres, C; Jobin, G; Annese, V; Daly, M. J; Xavier, R. J; Rioux, J. D| TI- Gene-centric association mapping of chromosome 3p implicates MST1 in IBD pathogenesis| SO- MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFLAMMATORY-BOWEL-DISEASE; MACROPHAGE-STIMULATING PROTEIN; GENOMEWIDE ASSOCIATION; RECEPTOR TYROSINE KINASE; HEPATOCYTE GROWTH-FACTOR; CROHNS-DISEASE; SUSCEPTIBILITY LOCI; BETA-CHAIN; ULCERATIVE-COLITIS; INTESTINAL MACROPHAGES| AB- Association mapping and candidate gene studies within inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) linkage regions, as well as genome-wide association studies in Crohn's disease (CD) have led to the discovery of multiple risk genes, but these explain only a fraction of the genetic susceptibility observed in IBD. We have thus been pursuing a region on chromosome 3p21-22 showing linkage to CD and ulcerative colitis (UC) using a gene-centric association mapping approach. We identified 12 functional candidate genes by searching for literature cocitations with relevant keywords and for gene expression patterns consistent with immune/intestinal function. We then performed an association study composed of a screening phase, where tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated in 1,020 IBD patients, and an independent replication phase in 745 IBD patients. These analyses identified and replicated significant association with IBD for four SNPs within a 1.2 Mb linkage disequilibrium region. We then identified a nonsynonymous coding variant (rs3197999, R689C) in the macrophagestimulating 1 (MST1) gene (P-value 3.62x10(-6)) that accounts for the association signal, and shows association with both CD and UC. MST1 encodes macrophage-stimulating protein (MSP), a protein regulating the innate immune responses to bacterial ligands. R689C is predicted to interfere with MSP binding to its receptor, suggesting a role for this gene in the pathogenesis of IBD| C1- [Goyette, P.; Lefebvre, C.; Rioux, J. D.] Univ Montreal, Dept Med, Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, Canada; [Goyette, P.; Lefebvre, C.; Rioux, J. D.] Montreal Heart Inst, Res Ctr, Montreal, PQ H1T 1C8, Canada; [Ng, A.; Xavier, R. J.] Harvard Univ, Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Sch Med, Gastrointestinal Unit, Boston, MA USA; [Ng, A.; Xavier, R. J.] Harvard Univ, Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Sch Med, Ctr Computat & Integrat Biol, Boston, MA USA; [Brant, S. R.] Johns Hopkins Univ, Dept Med, Harvey M & Lyn P Meyerhoff Inflammatory Bowel Dis, Baltimore, MD USA; [Cho, J. H.] Yale Univ, Dept Med, Div Gastroenterol, New Haven, CT 06520 USA; [Duerr, R. H.] Univ Pittsburgh, Sch Med, Div Gastroenterol, Dept Med Hepatol & Nutr, Pittsburgh, PA USA; [Silverberg, M. S.] Univ Toronto, Mt Sinai Hosp, IBD Ctr, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5, Canada; [Taylor, K. D.] Cedars Sinai Med Ctr, Inst Med Genet, Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA; [Taylor, K. D.] Cedars Sinai Med Ctr, IBD Ctr, Los Angeles, CA 90048 USA; [Latiano, A.; Annese, V.] CSS RCCS Hosp, Gastrointestinal Unit, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; [Latiano, A.; Annese, V.] CSS RCCS Hosp, Endoscopy Unit, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; [Aumais, G.; Jobin, G.] Hop Maison Neuve Rosemont, Dept Gastroenterol, Montreal, PQ H1T 2M4, Canada; [Deslandres, C.] Hop St Justine, Dept Gastroenterol, Montreal, PQ H3T 1C5, Canada; [Daly, M. J.; Rioux, J. D.] Broad Inst MIT & Harvard, Cambridge, MA USA; [Daly, M. J.; Xavier, R. J.] Harvard Univ, Massachusetts Gen Hosp, Sch Med, Ctr Human Genet Res, Boston, MA USA| RP- Rioux, JD, Univ Montreal, Dept Med, Montreal, PQ H3C 3J7, Canada| EM-| FU- National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney diseases (NIDDK) [DK62431, DK62422/DK62429, DK62420, DK62432, DK62423, DK62413]; NIDDK [DK064869]; NIAID [AI062773]| FX- The North American IBD Genetics Consortium is funded by multiple grants from the National Institutes of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney diseases (NIDDK): DK62431 (S.R.B.), DK62422/DK62429 (J.H.C.), DK62420 (R.H.D.), DK62432 (J.D.R.), DK62423 (M.S.S.), and DK62413 (K.D.T.). The current work was funded by an NIDDK Grant (DK064869) to J.D.R and an NIAID Grant (AI062773) to R.J.X.A.N. is the recipient of a fellowship from the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. We thank Catherine Labbe for her contribution to the genotying performed as part of this project| CD- BARRETT JC, 2005, V21, P263, BIOINFORMATICS; BECKER C, 2003, V112, P693, J CLIN INVEST; BINDER V, 1998, V16, P351, DIGEST DIS; BURTON PR, 2007, V447, P661, NATURE; CARAFOLI F, 2005, V272, P5799, FEBS J; CHEN YQ, 1998, V161, P4950, J IMMUNOL; CHO JH, 1998, V95, P7502, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; CORRELL PH, 1997, V1, P69, GENES FUNCT; DANILKOVITCH A, 1999, V274, P29937, J BIOL CHEM; DEBAKKER PIW, 2005, V37, P1217, NAT GENET; DEJAGER PL, 2007, V8, P387, GENES IMMUN; DELANO WL, 2002, PYMOL MOL GRAPHICS S; DUERR RH, 2000, V66, P1857, AM J HUM GENET; DUERR RH, 2002, V11, P2599, HUM MOL GENET; DUERR RH, 2006, V314, P1461, SCIENCE; FUSS IJ, 2006, V12, P9, INFLAMM BOWEL DIS; HAMPE J, 1999, V64, P808, AM J HUM GENET; HAMPE J, 2001, V48, P191, GUT; HAMPE J, 2007, V39, P207, NAT GENET; HAN S, 1991, V30, P9768, BIOCHEMISTRY-US; HUE S, 2006, V203, P2473, J EXP MED; HUGOT JP, 1996, V379, P821, NATURE; HUGOT JP, 2001, V411, P599, NATURE; IWAMA A, 1995, V86, P3394, BLOOD; KIMURA H, 1997, V42, P1047, DIGEST DIS SCI; KIRCHHOFER D, 2004, V279, P39915, J BIOL CHEM; KULLBERG MC, 2006, V203, P2485, J EXP MED; LENNARDJONES JE, 1989, V170, P16, SCAND J GASTROENTE S; LENNARDJONES JE, 1989, V170, P2, SCAND J GASTROENTE S; LEONARD EJ, 1976, V102, P434, EXP CELL RES; LEONARD EJ, 1978, V114, P117, EXP CELL RES; LIBIOULLE C, 2007, V3, ARTN e58, PLOS GENET; LIU QP, 1999, V163, P6606, J IMMUNOL; MA YH, 1999, V5, P271, INFLAMM BOWEL DIS; MORRISON AC, 2004, V172, P1825, J IMMUNOL; OGURA Y, 2001, V411, P603, NATURE; OMATA F, 2001, V7, P215, INFLAMM BOWEL DIS; ORHOLM M, 1991, V324, P84, NEW ENGL J MED; PAAVOLA P, 2001, V9, P328, EUR J HUM GENET; PARKES M, 2007, V39, P830, NAT GENET; PODOLSKY DK, 1991, V325, P928, NEW ENGL J MED; PROBERT CSJ, 1993, V34, P1547, GUT; RAELSON JV, 2007, V104, P14747, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; RIOUX JD, 2000, V66, P1863, AM J HUM GENET; RIOUX JD, 2001, V29, P223, NAT GENET; RIOUX JD, 2007, V39, P596, NAT GENET; SATSANGI J, 1996, V14, P199, NAT GENET; SCHREIBER S, 1998, V42, P477, GUT; SMITH PD, 2005, V206, P149, IMMUNOL REV; SMYTHIES LE, 2005, V115, P66, J CLIN INVEST; STAMOS J, 2004, V23, P2325, EMBO J; TAKEDA K, 1999, V10, P39, IMMUNITY; TELLORUIZ MK, 2006, V14, P780, EUR J HUM GENET; VANBODEGRAVEN AA, 2006, V131, P1768, GASTROENTEROLOGY; WALTZ SE, 2001, V108, P567, J CLIN INVEST; WANG MH, 1994, V269, P13806, J BIOL CHEM; WANG MH, 1996, V97, P720, J CLIN INVEST; YOSHIMURA T, 1993, V268, P15461, J BIOL CHEM; ZHOU YQ, 2002, V277, P38104, J BIOL CHEM| NR- 59| TC- 22| PU- NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP| PIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- NEW YORK| 75 VARICK ST, 9TH FLR, NEW YORK, NY 10013-1917 USA| 1933-0219| MUCOSAL IMMUNOL| Mucosal Immunol| MAR| 2008| 1| 2| 131| 138| 10.1038/mi.2007.15| 8| Immunology| 366HF| MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY, 2008, V1, N2, P131-138| ISI:000260470600007 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhao DZ; Strotmann A| AF- Zhao Dangzhi; Strotmann, Andreas| TI- Evolution of Research Activities and Intellectual Influences in Information Science 1996-2005: Introducing Author Bibliographic-Coupling Analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; RESEARCH-FRONT; DOCUMENTS; KNOWLEDGE; NETWORKS; TIME; WEB| AB- Author cocitation analysis (ACA) has frequently been applied over the last two decades for mapping the intellectual structure of a research field as represented by its authors. However, what is mapped in ACA is actually the structure of intellectual influences on a research field as perceived by its active authors. In this exploratory paper, by contrast, we introduce author bibliographic-coupling analysis (ABCA) as a method to map the research activities of active authors themselves for a more realistic picture of the current state of research in a field. We choose the information science (IS) field and study its intellectual structure both in terms of current research activities as seen from ABCA and in terms of intellectual influences on its research as shown from ACA. We examine how these two aspects of the intellectual structure of the IS field are related, and how they both developed during the "first decade of the Web," 1996-2005. We find that these two citation-based authormapping methods complement each other, and that, in combination, they provide a more comprehensive view of the intellectual structure of the IS field than either of them can provide on its own| C1- [Zhao, Dangzhi] Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada; [Strotmann, Andreas] Univ Alberta, Sch Business, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| RP- Zhao, DZ, Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| EM-| FU- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Genome Canada ; Genome Prairie FX This study was funded in part by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Genome Canada, and Genome Prairie The authors would like to thank Paul Pype for his assistance with coding some of the programs used in this study. We are particularly grateful to the anonymous reviewers of this paper for their insightful comments and helpful suggestions| CD- ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BASSECOULARD E, 2007, V70, P859, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNER K, 2004, V101, P5266, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BOYACK K, 2007, P112, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HARTER SP, 1992, V43, P602, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HENZINGER M, 2004, V101, P5186, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JARNEVING B, 2005, V65, P245, SCIENTOMETRICS; JARNEVING B, 2007, V1, P287, J INFORMETR; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KUUSI O, 2007, V70, P759, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEROTMANN A, 2008, P SIGIR 2008 WORKSH; SHIFFRIN RM, 2004, V101, P5183, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1987, V38, P228, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WEINBERG BH, 1974, V10, P189, INFORM STORAGE RET; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2000, P25, P IEEE INT C INF VIS; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO D, 2007, P AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 31| TC- 6| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- NOV| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 13| BP- 2070| EP- 2086| DI- 10.1002/asi.20910| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 366LW| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N13, P2070-2086| UT- ISI:000260484000005 ER || PT- J| AU- Osareh F; McCain KW| AF- Osareh Farideh; McCain, Katherine W| TI- The Structure of Iranian Chemistry Research, 1990-2006: An Author Cocitation Analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CITATION CONTEXT ANALYSIS; OWN-LANGUAGE PREFERENCE; SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS; INTELLECTUAL SPACE; SELF-CITATION; SCIENCE; PATTERNS; BIBLIOMETRICS; QUANTITY; QUALITY| AB- To study the structure of Iranian chemistry research, we identified 43 Iranian and international chemists who were highly cited in 7,682 Iranian chemistry publications (defined as an article with at least one Iranian author address) indexed in Science Citation Index (SciSearch) between 1990 and 2006, inclusive. We collected cocitation data for these authors from the entire SciSearch file (Dialog, File 34) over the time period. A principal components analysis identified seven interrelated factors accounting for 78% of the variance in the cocitation matrix. Iranian and international authors tended to load on separate factors. Three factors-synthesis of carbonyl compounds, solvent-free synthesis of organic compounds and oxidation of organic compounds-had an intercorrelation of vertical bar 0.3 vertical bar or higher. Physical organic chemistry and ionophores (a mixed factor of Iranian and international authors) connected at a lower value, while crown ethers and analytical chemistry were essentially uncorrelated The PFNet structure maintained the topical factor groupings and Iranian and international authors tended to appear in separate subnetworks Geographic and institutional influences, apparently relating in part to institutional affiliation and in part to restricted research topics, appear to underlie the primary structural features of Iranian chemistry in this time period| C1- [Osareh, Farideh] Shahid Chamran Univ, Sch Educ & Psychol, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, Ahwaz, Iran; [McCain, Katherine W.] Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Osareh, F, Shahid Chamran Univ, Sch Educ & Psychol, Dept Lib & Informat Sci, Ahwaz, Iran| EM-| FU- Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz-Iran FX Dr. Osareh was supported by Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz-Iran, as a visiting scholar at the College of Information Science & Technology, Drexel University during the course of this research. We thank Dr Anthony Addison, Drexel University and Dr. Firouzabadi, Shiraz University, for discussions that helped us understand the chemistry behind the citation patterns. Dr. Roger A. McCain, Drexel University provided the publication growth rate. All errors of fact and interpretation are, however, ours and not theirs| CD- BOOKSTEIN A, 1999, V46, P337, SCIENTOMETRICS; HARGENS LL, 1980, V10, P55, SOC STUD SCI; HARIRCHI G, 2007, V72, P11, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOVAC P, 2004, V1, P606, CHEM BIODIVERS; LENOBLE WJ, PHYS ORGANIC CHEM; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V17, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2006, V32, P277, J INF SCI; MEHRDAD M, 2004, V61, P79, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; MOIN M, 2005, V62, P239, SCIENTOMETRICS; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; NAGPAUL PS, 1993, V27, P215, SCIENTOMETRICS; OSAREH F, 1997, V39, P253, SCIENTOMETRICS; OSAREH F, 2000, V48, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; OSAREH F, 2002, V52, P88, LIBRI; PERRY CA, 1998, V49, P151, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; ROWLANDS I, 1999, V44, P533, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUMMER J, 1997, V39, P107, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SMALL H, 1982, V3, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, V51, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILSON CS, 1999, V34, P107, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WILSON CS, 2003, V28, P26, INTERDISCIPL SCI REV; YALPANI M, 2005, V2, P730, CHEM BIODIVERS; YALPANI M, 2005, V63, P531, SCIENTOMETRICS; YITZHAKI M, 1998, V41, P243, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 33| TC- 1| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- NOV| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 13| BP- 2146| EP- 2155| DI- 10.1002/asi.20923| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 366LW| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N13, P2146-2155| UT- ISI:000260484000011 ER || PT- J| AU- Astrom F| AF- Astrom Fredrik| TI- Formalizing a discipline The institutionalization of library and information science research in the Nordic countries| SO- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Research; Scandinavia; Information science and documentation; organizational design| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION| AB- Purpose - The paper's objective is to analyze the social organization of library and information Science (LIS) using the Nordic countries as example, focusing on organizational setting, research work and relations between LIS and academia as well as the field of professional practice Design/methodology/approach - Based on a framework for analyzing scientific fields, as well as its application on LIS, aspects relating to the impact of contextual factors on research was identified and discussed based on information front, e.g. LIS institution web sites The results were discussed, not only in relation to the framework primarily utilized, but also from a less disciplinary view on research organization, for analytical contrast Findings - A close connection between academic affiliation and research orientation was found, reflected in organizational issues, media for communicating research and access to resources. This relates to general issues of levels of independence front other disciplines and lay groups, to what extent research is evaluated by intra-disciplinary standards and to the level of consensus on terminology and research processes Research limitations/implications - Limiting the study to institutions in one particular geographical area, where several institutions being at an early stage of formalization, the possibility of reaching generalizable conclusions is limited. The strength of the conclusions is also somewhat restrained Clue to the nature oft he empirical material, being based on web documents with varying levels of exhaustability in terms of data provision Originality/vallue - The intellectual organization of LIS research is well-known, whereas social and imstitutional aspects have been analyzed to a lesser degree; and with the differences in age and size of Nordic LIS institutions, they provide an interesting case of contemporary institutionalization of LIS research| C1- Lund Univ Lib, Lund, Sweden| RP- Astrom, F, Lund Univ Lib, Lund, Sweden| EM-| CD- *ROYAL SCH LIB INF, 1999, EV FORSKN DANM BIBL; *U TAMP, 2005, RES EV U TAMP 2004 P; ASTROM F, 2002, P185, P 4 INT C CONC LIB I; ASTROM F, 2004, P1, AWARE RESPONSIBLE; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BACKLUND J, 2006, E COMMUNICATION 0828; CRONIN B, 1992, V44, P195, ASLIB PROC; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION SCI K; GINMAN M, 2006, P1, E COMMUNICATION 0801; HARBO O, 1998, P1, ED LIB NORDIC COUNTR; HARBO O, 1998, ED LIBRARIANSHIP NOR; INGWERSEN P, 2000, V56, P1, J DOC; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; PORS NO, 2000, FORSKERUDDANNELSER B; VAKKARI P, 1993, V24, FORSKNING INOM BIBLI; VAKKARI P, 1996, V21, P25, INT FORUM INFORM DOC; VAKKARI P, 2006, E COMMUNICATION 0927; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL| NR- 20| TC- 4| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0022-0418| J9- J DOC| JI- J. Doc| PY- 2008| VL- 64| IS- 5| BP- 721| EP- 737| DI- 10.1108/00220410810899736| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 367OU| JN- JOURNAL OF DOCUMENTATION, 2008, V64, N5, P721-737| UT- ISI:000260562100006 ER || PT- J| AU- Pongratz HJ| AF- Pongratz Hans J| TI- A Society of Entrepreneurs. The Expansion and Profanation of "Creative Destruction" in Capitalist Economies| SO- BERLINER JOURNAL FUR SOZIOLOGIE| LA- German| DT- Article| DE- Entrepreneur; Entrepreneurship; Entreployee; "Creative Destruction"; Organizational Change; Project Work| ID- PROJECT WORK; COCITATION| AB- The traditional view of entrepreneurs as persons exhibiting exceptional initiative and willingness to take risks, who achieve considerable economic success by being innovative in markets, is challenged in this paper. A broader definition of the concept will be introduced: Entrepreneurs are profit-seeking sellers of commodities on markets According to this conception, a society of entrepreneurs refers to a society in which potentially every member throughout his or her life, time and again, faces the need to act as an entrepreneur. The paper will start by clarifying the concept of entrepreneurship and distinguishing various forms of its manifestation. The second part provides an interpretation of change in entrepreneurship based on the thesis of its expansion and "profanation": Expanding entrepreneurship within organizations - downward and inward - in form of projects and in context of permanent organizational change is of crucial significance in this respect. The "profanation" (and normalization) of entrepreneurial action becomes manifest in the context of project structures where employees at all levels are expected to bring forth innovative resource combinations. The process of "creative destruction" (Schumpeter) is inwardly directed, thus challenging the prevailing understanding of organizations. Finally, the cultural conditions underlying such a development of entrepreneurship are discussed Resulting behavior uncertainties and coordination problems raise the question of how project-type entrepreneurship might be integrated into existing organization structures| C1- Univ Munich, Inst Soziol, Vertretung Lehrstuhls Soziol 3, D-80801 Munich, Germany| RP- Pongratz, HJ, Univ Munich, Inst Soziol, Vertretung Lehrstuhls Soziol 3, Konradstr 6, D-80801 Munich, Germany| EM-| CD- ACHTENHAGEN L, 2006, P104, FRONTIERS ENTREPRENE; ACS ZJ, 2003, HDB ENTREPRENEURSHIP; ALVESSON M, 1996, MAKING SENSE MANAGEM; ALVESSON M, 2003, STUDYING MANAGEMENT; ARMENAKIS AA, 1999, V25, P293, J MANAGE; AUSTIN J, 2006, V30, P1, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; BAETHGE M, 1991, V42, P6, SOZ WELT; BERGER B, 1991, CULTURE ENTREPRENEUR; BOLLINGER H, 2001, V54, P685, WSI MITTEILUNGEN; BROCKLING U, 2007, UNTERNEHMERISCHE SEL; BUDE H, 1997, V51, P866, MERKUR-DEUT Z EUR D; BUHRMANN AD, 2006, V6, FORUM QUALITATIVE SO; BUHRMANN AD, 2006, UNTERNEHMERINNENBILD; BURNHAM J, 1941, MANAGERIAL REVOLUTIO; CALDWELL R, 2005, V58, P82, HUM RELAT; COLLINS D, 1998, ORG CHANGE SOCIOLOGI; CORNELIUS B, 2006, V30, P375, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; DAMANPOUR F, 1991, V34, P555, ACAD MANAGE J; FAUST M, 2000, BEFREIT ENTWURZELT F; FRANK RH, 1995, WINNER TAKE ALL SOC; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GREY C, 2005, CRITICAL MANAGEMENT; HODGSON DE, 2004, V11, P81, ORGANIZATION; HODGSON DE, 2006, MAKING PROJECTS CRIT; JAEGER H, 1990, P707, GESCHICHTLICHE GRUND; KANTER RM, 1989, GIANTS LEARN DANCE; KANTER RM, 1992, CHALLENGE ORG CHANGE; KOCKA J, 1975, UNTERNEHMER DTSCH IN; LATNIAK E, 2006, 200604 IAT; LEADBEATER C, 1997, RISE SOCIAL ENTREPRE; MAIR J, 2006, SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS; MARTINELLI A, 1994, P476, HDB EC SOCIOLOGY; MAYERAHUJA N, 2005, ENTFESSELTE ARBEIT N; METZLER H, 2007, ZWISCHENBERICHT WISS; MINSSEN H, 2000, BEGRENZTE ENTGRENZUN; MOLDASCHL M, 2002, SUBJEKTIVIERUNG ARBE; OESTERDIEKHOFF GW, 1993, UNTERNEHMERISCHES HA; PINCHOT G, 1985, INTRAPRENCURING WHY; PONGRATZ H, 2003, ARBEITSKRAFTUNTERNEH; PONGRATZ H, 2004, TYPISCH ARBEITSKRAFT; PROJEKTGRUPPE AL, 1995, A LEBENSFUHRUNG ARRA; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; REDLICH F, 1957, P486, HANDWORTERBUCH SOZIA; REED MI, 1989, SOCIOLOGY MANAGEMENT; ROSE N, 1992, VALUES ENTERPRISE CU; SAUER D, 2005, ARBEIT UBERGANG ZEIT; SCHELSKY H, 1965, P17, SUCHE NACH WIRKLICHK; SCHUMPETER JA, 1912, THEORIE WIRTSCHAFTLI; SCHUMPETER JA, 1929, P476, HANDWORTERBUCH STAAT; SCHUMPETER JA, 1950, KAPITALISMUS SOZIALI; SHANE SA, 2000, V26, P217, ACAD MANAGE REV; STABER U, 2004, V13, P30, CREATIVITY INNOVATIO; STERNBERG R, 2007, GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURS; STRAUSS A, 1988, V29, P163, SOCIOL QUART; SWEDBERG R, 1994, P255, HDB EC SOCIOLOGY; SWEDBERG R, 2000, ENTREPRENEURSHIP SOC; SWEDBERG R, 2000, P7, ENTREPRENEURSHIP SOC; THORNTON PH, 1999, V25, P19, ANNU REV SOCIOL; VOSS GG, 1998, V50, P131, KOLNER Z SOZIOL SOZ; WEICK KE, 1985, PROZESS ORG; WINDOLF P, 2005, FINANZMARKT KAPITALI; YEATTS DE, 1997, HIGH PERFORMING SELF| NR- 62| TC- 1| PU- LESKE VERLAG BUDRICH GMBH| PI- LEVERKUSEN 3| PA- POSTFACH 300 551, D-51334 LEVERKUSEN 3, GERMANY| SN- 0863-1808| J9- BERL J SOZIOL| JI- Berliner J. Soz| PD- SEP| PY- 2008| VL- 18| IS- 3| BP- 457| EP- 475| DI- 10.1007/s11609-008-0030-7| PG- 19| SC- Sociology| GA- 367EG| JN- BERLINER JOURNAL FUR SOZIOLOGIE, 2008, V18, N3, P457-475| UT- ISI:000260534700006 ER || PT- J| AU- Raghupathi W; Nerur S| AF- Raghupathi W; Nerur, S| TI- Research Themes and Trends in Health Information Systems| SO- METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Author co-citation analysis (ACA); bibliometrics; field; health information system (HIS); sub-field| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; MEDICAL INFORMATICS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SCIENCE; BIOINFORMATICS; DISCIPLINE; CORE; JOURNALS; DATABASE; SERIALS| AB- Objectives: The health information systems (HIS) field is characterized as being associated with health care and information systems. Drawing on several disciplines, a body of knowledge has come together that help define the core internal structure of the field. This study attempts to identify the emerging sub-fields using the bibliometric technique of author-cocitation analysis Methods. Co-citation data for members of editorial boards of several health information systems journals for the period of 1998-2006 was collected and analyzed (N = 166). We performed numerous multivariate analyses, including cluster analysis, factor analysis and multidimensional scaling to extract the sub-fields Results. Our findings indicate the presence of several strong sub-fields, including HIS evaluation, communication and e-health, and clinical DSS. In addition, we identified other sub-fields that are distinct but still emerging, such as adoption, outcome and policy, and use and impact of HIS. The study also confirms the existence of several historical sub-fields and contrasts technology-oriented sub-fields with management-oriented sub-fields. Topics on the periphery of HIS provide links to other disciplines as well Conclusions. The study provides a unique perspective on the field of HIS, and the results indicate opportunities for further research that explores collaborations and social networks among the sub-fields| C1- [Raghupathi, W.] Fordham Univ, New York, NY 10023 USA; [Nerur, S.] Univ Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019 USA| RP- Raghupathi, W, Fordham Univ, 113 W 60th Sreet, New York, NY 10023 USA| EM-| CD- ALDENDERFER MS, 1984, CLUSTER ANAL; ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; EGGERS S, 2005, P35, MED INFORM ADV KNOWL; GORSUCH RL, 1983, FACTOR ANAL; GREENES RA, 1987, P411, 11 ANN S COMP APPL M; HAUX R, 1997, V44, P9, INT J MED INFORM; HAUX R, 2006, V75, P268, INT J MED INFORM; HAUX R, 2006, V45, P651, METHOD INFORM MED; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SC; KUHN KA, 2006, P43, IMIA YB MED INFORMAT; KUHN KA, 2007, V46, P450, METHOD INFORM MED; MALIN B, 2007, V14, P340, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MANTAS J, 2007, V46, P50, METHOD INFORM MED; MAOJO V, 2003, V10, P515, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MAOJO V, 2006, V45, P474, METHOD INFORM MED; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V61, P311, LIBR QUART; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V46, P306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MUSEN MA, 2002, V41, P1, METHOD INFORM MED; MUSEN MA, 2002, V41, P12, METHOD INFORM MED; RAGHUPATHI W, 1999, V10, P18, INTELLIGENCE; SCHIFFMAN SS, 1981, INTRO MULTIDIMENSION; SITTIG DF, 1995, V8, P1452, MEDINFO; SITTIG DF, 1996, V84, P200, B MED LIBR ASSOC; TALMON JL, 2002, V41, P4, METHOD INFORM MED; VISHWANATHAM R, 1998, V86, P518, B MED LIBR ASSOC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 34| TC- 2| PU- SCHATTAUER GMBH-VERLAG MEDIZIN NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN| PI- STUTTGART| PA- HOLDERLINSTRASSE 3, D-70174 STUTTGART, GERMANY| SN- 0026-1270| J9- METHODS INFORM MED| JI- Methods Inf. Med| PY- 2008| VL- 47| IS- 5| BP- 435| EP- 442| DI- 10.3414/ME0516| PG- 8| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Health Care Sciences & Services; Medical Informatics| GA- 365ND| JN- METHODS OF INFORMATION IN MEDICINE, 2008, V47, N5, P435-442| UT- ISI:000260412600007 ER || PT- J| AU- Lee B; Jeong YI| AF- Lee Bangrae; Jeong, Yong-Il| TI- Mapping Korea's national R&D domain of robot technology by using the co-word analysis| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- NETWORK; COCITATION| AB- In this paper, we show a "Strategic Diagram" of the robot technology by applying the co-word analysis to the metadata of Korean related national R&D projects in 2001. The strategic diagram shows the evolutionary trends of the specific R&D domain and relational patterns between sub-domains. We may use this strategic diagram to support both the strategic planning and the R&D Program| C1- [Lee, Bangrae; Jeong, Yong-Il] Korea Inst Sci & Technol Informat, Seoul 130741, South Korea| RP- Lee, B, Korea Inst Sci & Technol Informat, 206-9 Cheongnyangni Dong, Seoul 130741, South Korea| EM-| CD- *CYR CO LTD, NETMINER USER MANUAL; *ITEP, 2001, TECHN ROADM ROB; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARRE R, 2004, P115, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; BAUIN S, 1991, V22, P113, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; COURTIAL JP, 1993, V26, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; CUI X, 2006, V15, P505, J SYSTEMS ARCHITECTU; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; FUJIGAKI Y, 1998, V26, P387, SCI PUBL POLICY; FUJIGAKI Y, 2002, V54, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; HE Q, 1999, V48, P133, LIBR TRENDS; KOSTOFF RN, 2005, V72, P798, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KOSTOFF RN, 2007, V33, P21, J INF SCI; KUMARESAN N, 1999, V28, P563, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, V87, P105, INFORMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1992, V25, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARK H, 2005, P311, MODELS METHODS SOCIA; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NOYONS ECM, 1998, V49, P68, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ROONEY N, 2006, V42, P1163, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WASSERMAN S, 1999, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 25| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- OCT| PY- 2008| VL- 77| IS- 1| BP- 3| EP- 19| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1819-4| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 359QS| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V77, N1, P3-19| UT- ISI:000260003800001 ER || PT- J| AU- van Campenhout G; van Caneghem T; van Uytbergen S| AF- van Campenhout Geert; van Caneghem, Tom; van Uytbergen, Steve| TI- A comparison of overall and sub-area journal influence: The case of the accounting literature| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR SELF-CITATIONS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; ECONOMICS JOURNALS; IMPACT FACTOR; SCIENCE; QUALITY; NETWORK; INDEX; PERCEPTIONS; FINANCE| AB- In most scientific disciplines, a number of divergent and often highly specialized research areas are examined, which is reflected in substantial differences among journal scopes. Using the accounting literature as an example, we argue that this diversity in scopes should be considered when assessing journal influence. Concretely, we examine a citation-based structural influence measure for a sample of 41 accounting journals. Next, we identify sub-areas in the accounting literature and we explore journal influence in these sub-areas. Our results clearly demonstrate the importance of distinguishing between overall and sub-area influence. In addition, we show that sub-areas should be identified using a fuzzy clustering procedure| C1- [van Caneghem, Tom] European Univ Coll Brussels EHSAL, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium; [van Campenhout, Geert] Catholic Univ, Brussels, Belgium; [van Uytbergen, Steve] Lesshis Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium| RP- van Caneghem, T, European Univ Coll Brussels EHSAL, Stormstr 2, B1000 Brussels, Belgium| EM-| CD- AXARLOGLOU K, 2003, DIVERSITY EC ANAL J; AZAR OH, 2006, J SOCIOECONOMICS; BALLAS A, 2003, V20, P619, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; BARRETT CB, 2000, V32, P239, APPL ECON; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BAVELAS JB, 1978, V19, P158, CAN PSYCHOL REV; BEATTIE VA, 1989, V21, P267, BR ACCOUNT REV; BEED C, 1996, V18, P369, J POST KEYNESIAN EC; BENJAMIN JJ, 1974, V49, P360, ACCOUNT REV; BONNER SE, 2006, V31, P663, ACCOUNT ORG SOC; BORDONS M, 2002, V53, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOROKHOVICH KA, 1995, V50, P1691, J FINANC; BRICKER R, 1989, V27, P246, J ACCOUNT RES; BRICKER RJ, 2003, V14, P417, CRIT PERSPECT; BROWN LD, 1985, V60, P262, ACCOUNT REV; BROWN LD, 1985, V23, P84, J ACCOUNTING RES; BROWN LD, 1994, V11, P223, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; CHUNG KH, 2001, V30, P99, FINANC MANAGE; CLOGG CC, 1994, STAT MODELS ORDINAL; COUPE T, 2004, V57, P197, KYKLOS; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GLANZEL W, 2004, V59, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2006, V67, P263, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOODMAN LA, 1991, V86, P1085, J AM STAT ASSOC; GRAY R, 2002, V26, P1, ACCOUNTING FORUM; HALKIDI M, 2001, P ICDM C CAL US; HALKIDI M, 2002, V31, SIGMOD RECORD; HARZING AW, 2000, J QUALITY LIST; HERRON T, 2005, V22, P175, J ACCOUNTING ED; HICKS D, 1999, V44, P193, SCIENTOMETRICS; HULL RP, 1990, V4, P77, ACCOUNT HORIZ; JOHNSON JL, 1994, V37, P1392, ACAD MANAGE J; JONES MJ, 1996, V24, P607, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; KIM DW, 2005, V88, P594, IEICE T INF SYST ED; KOVACS F, 2005, CLUSTER VALIDITY MEA; KURMIS AP, 2003, V85, P2449, J BONE JOINT SURG A; LABAND DN, 1994, V32, P640, J ECON LIT; LIU MX, 1993, V49, P370, J DOC; LOCKE J, 2002, V26, P45, ACCOUNTING FORUM; LOWE A, 2005, V30, P81, ACCOUNT ORG SOC; MACROBERTS MH, 1989, V40, P342, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCRAE TW, 1974, V12, P80, J ACCOUNT RES; MEDOFF MH, 2006, V69, P69, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 1999, V46, P575, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOORE WJ, 2001, V39, P663, ECON INQ; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; MORRIS JL, 1990, V3, P46, ACCOUNTING ED J; NEDERHOF AJ, 1985, V7, P23, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEDERHOF AJ, 1993, V22, P353, RES POLICY; NEDERHOF AJ, 2006, V66, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P149, LIBRI; PARKER L, 1998, V11, P371, ACCOUNTING AUDITING; PIETERS R, 1999, V16, P113, INT J RES MARK; PIETERS R, 2002, V40, P483, J ECON LIT; REINSTEIN A, 1997, V15, P425, J ACCOUNTING ED; REINSTEIN A, 2006, V17, P457, CRIT PERSPECT; SALANCIK GR, 1986, V31, P194, ADMIN SCI QUART; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V67, P143, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH G, 1984, V4, P108, AUDITING-J PRACT TH; SMITH G, 1988, V8, P108, AUDITING-J PRACT TH; SMITH G, 1991, V10, P84, AUDITING-J PRACT TH; SWANSON EP, 2004, V21, P223, CONTEMP ACCOUNT RES; TAHAI A, 1998, V34, P341, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN T, 2006, V66, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; VASTAG G, 2002, V18, P109, OMEGA; VERMUNT JK, 1997, LEM GEN PROGRAM ANAL| NR- 69| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- OCT| PY- 2008| VL- 77| IS- 1| BP- 61| EP- 90| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1907-5| PG- 30| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 359QS| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V77, N1, P61-90| UT- ISI:000260003800004 ER || PT- J| AU- Quirin A; Cordon O; Guerrero-Bote VP; Vargas-Quesada B; Moya-Anegon F| AF- Quirin Arnaud; Cordon, Oscar; Guerrero-Bote, Vicente P; VargasQuesada, Benjamin; Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- A quick MST-based algorithm to obtain Pathfinder networks (infinity, n-1)| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENCE; COCITATION; MAPS| AB- Network scaling algorithms such as the Pathfinder algorithm are used to prune many different kinds of networks, including citation networks, random networks, and social networks. However, this algorithm suffers from run time problems for large networks and online processing due to its O(n(4)) time complexity. In this article, we introduce a new alternative, the MST-Pathfinder algorithm, which will allow us to prune the original network to get its PFNET(infinity, n - 1) in just O(n(2).log n) time. The underlying idea comes from the fact that the union (superposition) of all the Minimum Spanning Trees extracted from a given network is equivalent to the PFNET resulting from the Pathfinder algorithm parameterized by a specific set of values (r = infinity and q = n - 1), those usually considered in many different applications. Although this property is well-known in the literature, it seems that no algorithm based on it has been proposed, up to now, to decrease the high computational cost of the original Pathfinder algorithm. We also present a mathematical proof of the correctness of this new alternative and test its good efficiency in two different case studies: one dedicated to the post-processing of large random graphs, and the other one to a real world case in which medium networks obtained by a cocitation analysis of the scientific domains in different countries are pruned| C1- [Quirin, Arnaud; Cordon, Oscar] European Ctr Soft Comp, Mieres, Spain; [Guerrero-Bote, Vicente P.] Univ Extremadura, Dept Informat & Commun, Badajoz, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; Moya-Anegon, Felix] Univ Granada, SClmago Grp, Commun & Informat Sci Fac, Granada, Spain| RP- Quirin, A, European Ctr Soft Comp, Edf Cientif Tecnol, Mieres, Spain| EM-| FU- Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica ; Desarrollo a Innovacion Tecnologica ; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) [SEJ-200408358-C02-01, SEJ2004-08358-C02-02]| FX- This work was funded by the Plan Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica, Desarrollo a Innovacion Tecnologica 2004-2007 and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) as part of research projects SEJ2004-08358-C02-01 and SEJ2004-08358-C02-02. We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their interesting comments and suggestions, which has allowed us to improve the quality of the contribution| CD- BELLMAN R, 1965, DYNAMIC PROGR MOD CO; BORNER K, 2007, V41, P537, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BREIGER RL, 2004, P505, HDB DATA ANAL; BUZYDLOWSKI J, 2002, THESIS DREXEL U; CHEN C, 2003, P67, P IEEE S INF VIS INF; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CHEN CM, 2001, V31, P518, IEEE T SYST MAN CY C; CORMEN TH, 2001, INTRO ALGORITHMS; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2007, V58, P2167, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DREYFUS S, 1965, DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING; FLOYD RW, 1962, V5, P345, COMMUN ACM; GANSNER ER, 2000, V30, P1203, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KRAVITZ D, 2007, V49, P7, B ICA; KRUSKAL JB, 1956, V7, P48, P AM MATH SOC; KUDIKYALA UK, 2005, V74, P101, J SYST SOFTWARE; MARTINO F, 2006, V4, P53, PSYCHNOLOGY; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRIM RC, 1957, V36, P1389, BELL SYST TECH J; QUIRIN A, 2008, V44, P1397, INFORM PROCESSING MA; SALTON G, 1979, V22, P146, IEEE T PROF COMMUN; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SHOPE S, 2004, P678, P HUM FACT ERG SOC 4; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; VARGAQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING SCI STRU; WARSHALL S, 1962, V9, P11, J ASSOC COMPUT MACH| NR- 31| TC- 3| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- OCT| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 12| BP- 1912| EP- 1924| DI- 10.1002/asi.20904| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 351WB| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N12, P1912-1924| UT- ISI:000259455500004 ER || PT- J| AU- Lee WH| AF- Lee Woo Hyoung| TI- How to identify emerging research fields using scientometrics: An example in the field of Information Security| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- WORD; PERFORMANCE; COCITATION; NETWORKS; AREA| AB- In the highly competitive world, there has been a concomitant increase in the need for the research and planning methodology, which can perform an advanced assessment of technological opportunities and an early perception of threats and possibilities of the emerging technology according to the nation's economic and social status This research is aiming to provide indicators and visualization methods to measure the latest research trend and aspect underlying scientific and technological documents to researchers and policy planners using "co-word analysis". Information Security field is a highly prospective market value. In this paper, we presented an analysis Information Security Co-word analysis was employed to reveal patterns and trends in the Information Security fields by measuring the association strength of terms representatives of relevant publications or other texts produced in the Information Security field. Data were collected from SCI and the critical keywords could be extracted from the author keywords. These extracted keywords were further standardized. In order to trace the dynamic changes in the Information Security field, we presented a variety of technology mapping. The results showed that the Information Security field has some established research theme and also rapidly transforms to embrace new themes| C1- Inst Informat Technol Adv, Taejon, South Korea| RP- Lee, WH, Inst Informat Technol Adv, 58-4 Hwaam Dong, Taejon, South Korea| EM-| CD- ALBERT R, 2002, V74, P47, REV MOD PHYS; BHATTACHARYA S, 1998, V43, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CHEN C, 2004, SEARCHING INTELLECTU; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GALVEZ C, 2007, V70, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLADWELL M, 2000, TIPPING POINT; HE Q, 1999, V48, P131, LIB TRENDS; LAW J, 1992, V23, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V71, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIN CT, 2007, V70, P67, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOON YH, 2004, 1 WORKSH RES PLANN A; MORRIS SA, 2005, V56, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NOYONS ECM, 1998, V41, P61, SCIENTOMETRICS; OH SJ, 2004, RECONSTRUCTION DEV D; PETERS HPF, 1993, V22, P23, RES POLICY; TIJSSEN RJW, 2007, V71, P303, SCIENTOMETRICS; YOON MS, 2004, METHODOLOGY S T KNOW| NR- 20| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- SEP| PY- 2008| VL- 76| IS- 3| BP- 503| EP- 525| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1898-2| PG- 23| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 350SV| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V76, N3, P503-525| UT- ISI:000259374300006 ER || PT- J| AU- Miguel S; Moya-Anegon F; Herrero-Solana V| AF- Miguel Sandra; Moya-Anegon, Felix; Herrero-Solana, Victor| TI- Co-citation analysis as research method in Library Information Science| SO- INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGIA| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- co-citation analysis; science maps; research methods; Library and Information Science| ID- DECISION-SUPPORT SYSTEMS; AUTHOR COCITATION; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION; REPRESENTATION; BIBLIOMETRICS; LITERATURES; RETRIEVAL; KNOWLEDGE; DOMAINS| AB- The pertinence and Utility of co-citation analysis as a research method in Library and Information Science (LIS) are shown by means of bibliometric nd content analysis of the main works published on this topic. The size and evolution of the literature are analysed, as well as the documentary typology and the subject of the journals where the main contributions are published. The most frequently used methods and techniques for the analysis and visualization of the knowledge structures of scientific domains are described, and the proposed models of maps are presented. Some of the applications and possible uses of the results of these analyses are shown, as well as their advantages and limitations| C1- [Miguel, Sandra] Univ Nacl Plata, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina; [MoyaAnegon, Felix; Herrero-Solana, Victor] Univ Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain| RP- Miguel, S, Univ Nacl Plata, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina| EM-| CD- ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BORGMAN CL, 2002, V36, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CHEN CM, 2002, V39, P25, P ASIST ANNU; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EBIHARA K, 1993, P95, LIB INFORM SCI; EOM SB, 1996, V16, P315, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FABAPEREZ C, 2004, V54, P43, LIBRI; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2002, V52, P99, LIBRI; HE X, 2002, P19, IEEE INT C DAT MIN; HERREROSOLANA V, 2001, V8, P4, NEXOS; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; INGWERSEN P, 1999, V34, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KREUZMAN H, 2001, V51, P525, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MCCAIN KW, 1984, V35, P351, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V32, P153, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCNICOL S, 2003, V35, P23, J LIBR INF SCI; MIGUEL S, 2005, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2001, P10, INFORM CULTURA SOC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; PAISLEY W, 1990, V41, P459, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, NETWORKS SCIENTIFIC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SPINAK E, 1996, DICCIONARIO ENCICLOP; SPINAK E, 2001, V9, P16, REV CUBANA PROFES S4; THO QT, 2003, P290, ASIAN DIGITAL LIB; TSAY MY, 2003, V58, P529, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2004, V101, P5297, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; WILSON CS, 1999, V34, P107, ANNU REV INFORM SCI| NR- 45| TC- 0| PU- UNIV NACIONAL AUTONOMA MEXICO| PI- MEXICO CITY| PA- CIUDAD UNIV, CENTRO UNIV BIBLIOTECOLOGICAS, TORRE II HUMANIDADES, PISO 11, 12 & 13, MEXICO CITY, CP 04510, MEXICO| SN- 0187-358X| J9- INVESTIG BIBLIOTECOL| JI- Investig. Bibliotecol| PD- JUL-DEC| PY- 2007| VL- 21| IS- 43| BP- 139| EP- 155| PG- 17| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 343UM| JN- INVESTIGACION BIBLIOTECOLOGIA, 2007, V21, N43, P139-155| UT- ISI:000258880700006 ER || PT- J| AU- Wang WM; Cheung CF; Lee WB; Kwok SK| AF- Wang W. M; Cheung, C. F; Lee, W. B; Kwok, S. K| TI- Mining knowledge from natural language texts using fuzzy associated concept mapping| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- concept mapping; natural language processing; knowledge mining; information retrieval; fuzzy set theory; knowledge management| ID- WORD ANALYSIS; COCITATION; SCIENCE| AB- Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques have been successfully used to automatically extract information from unstructured text through a detailed analysis of their content, often to satisfy particular information needs. in this paper, an automatic concept map construction technique, Fuzzy Association Concept Mapping (FACM), is proposed for the conversion of abstracted short texts into concept maps. The approach consists of a linguistic module and a recommendation module. The linguistic module is a text mining method that does not require the use to have any prior knowledge about using NLP techniques It incorporates rule-based reasoning (RBR) and case based reasoning (CBR) for anaphoric resolution. It aims at extracting the propositions in text so as to construct a concept map automatically. The recommendation module is arrived at by adopting fuzzy set theories. It is an interactive process which provides Suggestions of propositions for further human refinement of the automatically generated concept maps. The suggested propositions are relationships among the concepts which are not explicitly found in the paragraphs. This technique helps to stimulate individual reflection and generate new knowledge Evaluation was carried out by using the Science Citation Index (SCI) abstract database and CNET News as test data, which are well known databases and the quality of the text is assured. Experimental results show that the automatically generated concept maps conform to the outputs generated manually by domain experts, since the degree of difference between them is proportionally small. The method provides users with the ability to convert scientific and short texts into a structured format which can be easily processed by computer. Moreover, it provides knowledge workers with extra time to rethink their written text and to view their knowledge from another angle. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Wang, W. M.; Cheung, C. F.; Lee, W. B.; Kwok, S. K.] Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Knowledge Management Res Ctr, Dept Ind & Syst Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China| RP- Cheung, CF, Hong Kong Polytech Univ, Knowledge Management Res Ctr, Dept Ind & Syst Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- AAMODT A, 1994, V7, P39, AI COMMUN; ABITEBOUL S, 1997, P1, P 6 INT C DAT THEOR; ALVES A, 2002, P INT S ART INT; AUSUBEL DP, 1963, PSYCHOL MEANINGFUL V; AUSUBEL DP, 1968, ED PSYCHOL COGNITIVE; AUSUBEL DP, 1978, ED PSYCHOL COGNITIVE; BALDWIN B, 1997, P38, OPERATIONAL FACTORS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEUNG CF, 2005, V9, P76, J KNOWLEDGE MANAGEME; CLARIANA R, 2004, V1, P125, METHODOLOGY TECHNOLO; CUNNINGHAM H, 2002, P 40 ANN M ASS COMP; CUTTING D, 1992, ACM SIGIR INT C RES; ELSEN MB, 1998, V95, P14863, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; FELDMAN R, 1998, P 2 INT C PRACT ASP; FELLBAUM C, 1998, WORDNET ELECT LEXICA; GOULI E, 2004, P 1 INT C CONC MAPP; HIROTA K, 1998, V2, P1350, FUZZ SYST P IEEE WOR; HIROTA K, 1998, V4, P1350, FUZZ SYST P IEEE WOR; HULTH A, 2003, P216, 2003 C EMP METH NAT; KARYPIS G, 1999, V32, P68, IEEE COMPUT; KENNEDY C, 1996, P113, P 16 INT C COMP LING; KOLODNER JL, 1993, CASE BASED REASONING; LAPPIN S, 1994, V20, P535, COMPUTATIONAL LINGUI; MITKOV R, 1998, P867, P 18 INT C COMP LING; NA SH, 2007, V43, P297, INFORM PROCESSING MA; NOVAK JD, 1984, LEARNING LEARN; NOVAK JD, 1991, V28, P117, AM EDUC RES J; NOVAK JD, 2006, 200601 IHMC FLOR I H; OKEBUKOLA PA, 1992, V12, P113, EDUC PSYCHOL; PAIK W, 2001, US, 6263335; PRICE L, 2005, V56, P883, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAJARAMAN K, 2002, P669, 11 INT C INF KNOWL M; SALTON G, 1988, V24, P513, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SANJUAN E, 2006, V42, P1532, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; SANTORINI B, 1990, MSCIS9047 U PENNS DE; VANBOXTEL C, 1997, V8, P341, J INTERACTIVE LEARNI; WILLERMAN M, 1991, V28, P705, J RES SCI TEACH; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 39| TC- 1| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- SEP| PY- 2008| VL- 44| IS- 5| BP- 1707| EP- 1719| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2008.05.002| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 342UA| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2008, V44, N5, P1707-1719| UT- ISI:000258807800005 ER || PT- J| AU- Ma ZZ; Lee Y; Yu KH| AF- Ma Zhenzhong; Lee, Yender; Yu, Kuo-Hsun| TI- Ten years of conflict management studies: themes, concepts and relationships| SO- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- conflict management; research; curriculum development; knowledge sharing| ID- HANDLING INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT; AUTHOR COCITATION; PEER CONFLICT; PERFORMANCE; RESOLUTION; DIVERSITY; STYLES| AB- Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to map the intellectual structure of conflict management studies and to investigate the key themes, concepts, and their relationships of conflict management literature in the past decade Design/methodology/approach - Citation and co-citation analysis and social network analysis were used to trace the development path of conflict management research. The data were collected by searching the SSCI databases, based on 556 journal articles which were published between 1997 and 2006, and their cited references were analyzed and profiled Findings - The paper shows that conflict management literature focuses on three key themes: workplace conflict and conflict management styles, cultural differences in conflict management, and conflict management in practice. In addition, research on group conflict and work performance has gained momentum in recent years Originality/value - The intellectual structure of conflict management literature has received little attention in spite that a large number of studies have been done on conflict management. This paper will expose researchers to a new way of profiling key themes and their relationships in conflict management area, which will help academia and practitioners understand better contemporary conflict management studies| C1- [Ma, Zhenzhong] Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada; [Lee, Yender; Yu, Kuo-Hsun] Chang Jung Christian Univ, Grad Sch Business & Operat Management, Tainan, Taiwan| RP- Ma, ZZ, Univ Windsor, Odette Sch Business, Windsor, ON N9B 3P4, Canada| EM-| CD- AMASON AC, 1996, V39, P123, ACAD MANAGE J; BLAKE R, 1964, MANAGERIAL GRID; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET SOFTWARE SOCI; BURTON J, 1990, CONFLICT PRACTICES S; DEUTSCH M, 1973, RESOLUTION CONFLZCT; FISHER RJ, 1997, INTERACTIVE CONFLICT; HOFSTEDE G, 1980, CULTURES CONSEQUENCE; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1993, V25, P231, INFORM MANAGE; JEHN KA, 1995, V40, P256, ADMIN SCI QUART; JEHN KA, 1999, V44, P741, ADMIN SCI QUART; LAURSEN B, 1996, V42, P76, MERRILL PALMER QUART; LAURSEN B, 2001, V21, P423, DEV REV; LEUNG K, 1987, V53, P898, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; LEUNG K, 2002, V33, P286, J CROSS CULT PSYCHOL; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERTON R, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; PELLED LH, 1999, V44, P1, ADMIN SCI QUART; PILKINGTON A, 2006, V26, P288, TECHNOVATION; PRICE D, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; PRUITT DG, 1986, SOCIAL CONFLICT ESCA; PUTNAM LL, 1987, P549, HDB ORG COMMUNICATIO; RAHIM MA, 1983, V26, P368, ACAD MANAGE J; RAHIM MA, 1995, V80, P122, J APPL PSYCHOL; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROTHMAN J, 1997, RESOLVING IDENTITY B; RUBIN J, 1994, SOCIAL CONFLICT ESCA; SHANTZ CU, 1987, V58, P283, CHILD DEV; SHANTZ CU, 1992, CONFLICT CHILD ADOLE; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; THOMAS KW, 1976, P889, HDB IND ORG PSYCHOL; THOMAS KW, 1992, P651, HDB IND ORG PSYCHOL; TINGTOOMEY S, 1991, V2, P275, INT J CONFL MANAGE; TJOSVOLD D, 1998, V47, P285, APPL PSYCHOL-INT REV; TRIANDIS HC, 1989, V96, P506, PSYCHOL REV; VANDEVLIERT E, 1990, V33, P199, ACAD MANAGE J; VANDEVLIERT E, 1997, COMPLEX INTERPERSONA; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 39| TC- 1| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 1044-4068| J9- INT J CONFL MANAGEMENT| JI- Int. J. Confl. Manage| PY- 2008| VL- 19| IS- 3| BP- 234| EP- 248| DI- 10.1108/10444060810875796| PG- 15| SC- Communication; Management; Political Science| GA- 339BP| JN- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT, 2008, V19, N3, P234248| UT- ISI:000258553400003 ER || PT- J| AU- Thelwall M| AF- Thelwall Mike| TI- Bibliometrics to webometrics| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- bibliometrics; scholarly publishing; webometrics| ID- WEB SITE INTERLINKING; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; SEARCH ENGINES; CITATION ANALYSIS; GOOGLE SCHOLAR; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; AUTHOR COCITATION; LOG ANALYSIS; RSS FEEDS; H-INDEX| AB- Bibliometrics has changed out of all recognition since 1958; becoming established as a field, being taught widely in library and information science schools, and being at the core of a number of science evaluation research groups around the world. This was all made possible by the work of Eugene Garfield and his Science Citation Index. This article reviews the distance that bibliometrics has travelled since 1958 by comparing early bibliometrics with current practice, and by giving an overview of a range of recent developments, such as patent analysis, national research evaluation exercises, visualization techniques, new applications, online citation indexes, and the creation of digital libraries. Webometrics, a modern, fast- growing offshoot of bibliometrics, is reviewed in detail. Finally, future prospects are discussed with regard to both bibliometrics and webometrics| C1- Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & IT, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, England| RP- Thelwall, M, Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & IT, Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, England| EM-| CD- *DEST, I GRANTS SCHEM; *TERT ED COMM, 2003, PERF BAS RES FUND GU; ADAMS J, 2002, V296, P805, SCIENCE; AGUILLO IF, 2006, V57, P1296, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALMIND TC, 1997, V53, P404, J DOC; BARABASI AL, 1999, V286, P509, SCIENCE; BARILAN J, 1999, CYBERMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2004, V38, P231, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BARILAN J, 2004, V55, P980, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARJAK F, 2007, V58, P200, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARJAK F, 2008, V59, P628, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENCE V, 2004, V30, P347, J INFORM SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2007, V41, P93, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, V55, P1216, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, THESIS ROYAL SCH LIB; BJORNEBORN L, 2006, V68, P395, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORGMAN CL, 2002, V36, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK K, 2007, V1, P124, P ISSI 2007 CSIC MAD; BOYD D, 2004, C HUM FACT COMP SYST; BOYD D, 2006, V11, 1 MONDAY; BRADFORD SC, 1934, V137, P85, ENGINEERING-LONDON; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; BRODER A, 2000, V33, P309, COMPUT NETW; BRODY T, 2006, V57, P1060, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BUTLER L, 2003, V32, P143, RES POLICY; CAWKELL A, 2000, P177, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; COZZENS SE, 2000, V9, P5, RES EVALUAT; CRAVEN TC, 2004, V30, P268, J INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2006, V57, P1275, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DAVIS PM, 2007, V71, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; ESCHER T, 2007, GEOGRAPHY ONLINE SOC; GAMON M, 2005, V3646, P121, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GARFIELD E, 2005, 5 INT C PEER REV BIO; GIBBONS M, 1994, NEW PRODUCTION KNOWL; GOLDER SA, 2007, 3 INT C COMM TECHN C; GRUHL D, 2004, V43, P64, IBM SYST J; GRUHL D, 2004, WWW2004; GRUHL D, 2005, P78, KDD 05; HARNAD S, 2007, P27, P 11 ANN M INT SOC S; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HUNTINGTON P, 2007, V33, P598, J INF SCI; INGWERSEN P, 1998, V54, P236, J DOC; INTRONA L, 2000, V16, P1, INFORMATION SOC; JACSO P, 2005, V29, P208, ONLINE INFORM REV; JONES S, 2000, V3, P152, INT J DIGITAL LIB; KE HR, 2002, V24, P265, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; KOEHLER W, INFORM RES, V9; KOUSHA K, 2006, V68, P501, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOUSHA K, 2007, V58, P1055, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V56, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V400, P107, NATURE; LEYDESDORFF L, 1997, V48, P418, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P991, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LI XM, 2005, V64, P187, SCIENTOMETRICS; MAREK K, 2002, V52, P220, LIBRI; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MAYR P, 2005, GOOGLE WEB APIS INST; MEHO LI, 2007, V58, P2105, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; METTROP W, 2001, V57, P623, J DOC; MEYER M, 2003, V12, P17, RES EVALUAT; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; NICOLAISEN J, 2007, V41, P609, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; NORRIS M, 2007, V1, P161, J INFORMETR; OPPENHEIM C, 1978, V29, P225, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; OPPENHEIM C, 2000, P405, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; OPPENHEIM C, 2007, V58, P297, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ORTEGA JL, 2006, V32, P344, J INF SCI; PAYNE N, 2007, LONGITUDINAL STUDY A; PAYNE N, 2007, V71, P523, SCIENTOMETRICS; PENNOCK DM, 2002, V99, P5207, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; PIENAAR M, 2000, V9, P27, RES EVALUAT; PRESCOTT L, 2007, HITWISE US CONSUMER; PRICE DJD, 1976, V27, P292, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ROBINSON S, 2006, ROLE NETWORKING RES; ROUSSEAU R, 1999, V2, CYBERMETRICS; SILVANI A, 2005, V14, P207, RES EVALUAT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH AJ, 2002, P133, PROTEIN SEQUENCING P; SNYDER H, 1999, V55, P375, J DOC; THACKRAY B, 2000, P11, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; THELWALL M, J AM SOC IN IN PRESS; THELWALL M, 2001, V52, P1157, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2004, V55, P149, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2006, V57, P1644, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2007, V58, P379, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2008, V59, P38, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THOMAS O, 2000, V26, P421, J INFORM SCI; VANCOUVERING E, 2004, ANN C INT ASS MED CO; VANDERMEULEN B, 2000, V9, P11, RES EVALUAT; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P1313, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V40, P693, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V56, P1075, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILKINSON D, 2003, V29, P49, J INFORM SCI; ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL| NR- 109| TC- 2| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0165-5515| J9- J INFORM SCI| JI- J. Inf. Sci| PD- AUG| PY- 2008| VL- 34| IS- 4| BP- 605| EP- 621| DI- 10.1177/0165551507087238| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 334XN| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE, 2008, V34, N4, P605-621| UT- ISI:000258255200017 ER || PTAUAFTISOLADT- J| Hult GTM; Chabowski BR| Hult G. Tomas M; Chabowski, Brian R| Sourcing research as an intellectual network of ideas| DECISION SCIENCES| English| Article| ID- STRATEGIC-MANAGEMENT; OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT; COCITATION ANALYSIS; VENDOR SELECTION; DECISION-MAKING; CITATION; PERFORMANCE; DISCIPLINE; JOURNALS; JAPANESE| AB- What are the current intellectual clusters in the sourcing literature? How do these clusters relate to each other? How has sourcingrelated research changed over the last 10 years? We respond to these questions by examining the intellectual structure of research in the sourcing literature across 21 journals during the last decade (1998 2007) Multidimensional scaling is used to analyze cocitation data involving 72,003 citations from 1,960 sourcing articles. The results indicate that 10 different sourcing clusters emerged in the 1998-2002 period and 6 sourcing clusters surfaced in the 2003 2007 period. Five of the intellectual clusters in 1998-2002 disappeared in 2003-2007, five clusters remained, and one new cluster materialized in 2003-2007 that did not exist in the earlier period (Managerial Behavior and Upstream Decision Making)| C1- [Hult, G. Tomas M.] Michigan State Univ, Eli Broad Grad Sch Management, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA; [Chabowski, Brian R.] Univ Tulsa, Coll Business Adm, Tulsa, OK 74104 USA| RP- Hult, GTM, Michigan State Univ, Eli Broad Grad Sch Management, E Lansing, MI 48824 USA| EM-| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2006, V27, P621, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BROWN LD, 1985, V23, P84, J ACCOUNTING RES; CABELL DWE, 2004, CABELLS DIRECTORY PU; CARR AS, 1999, V17, P497, J OPER MANAG; CHUNG KH, 2001, V30, P99, FINANC MANAGE; CLARK KB, 1989, V35, P1247, MANAGE SCI; COHEN MA, 1988, V36, P216, OPER RES; COLQUITT JA, 2007, V50, P1281, ACAD MANAGE J; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CUSUMANO MA, 1991, V12, P563, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DYER JH, 1993, V35, P51, SLOAN MANAGE REV; FISHBEIN M, 1975, BELIEF ATTITUDE INTE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; HAMBRICK DC, 2008, V33, P32, ACAD MANAGE REV; HARLAND CM, 2006, V26, P730, INT J OPER PROD MAN; HARZING AW, 2000, J QUALITY LIST; JEULAND AP, 1983, V2, P239, MARKET SCI; LEE HL, 1997, V43, P546, MANAGE SCI; LEE HL, 1997, V38, P93, SLOAN MANAGE REV; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MONAHAN JP, 1984, V30, P720, MANAGE SCI; NERUR SP, 2008, V29, P319, STRATEG MANAGE J; PASTERNACK BA, 1985, V4, P166, MARKET SCI; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; STERMAN JD, 1989, V35, P321, MANAGE SCI; THEOHARAKIS V, 2007, V25, P932, J OPER MANAG; VENKATESH V, 2006, V37, P497, DECISION SCI; WEBER CA, 1991, V50, P2, EUR J OPER RES; WEBER CA, 1993, V68, P173, EUR J OPER RES; WENG ZK, 1995, V41, P1509, MANAGE SCI| NR- 37| TC- 3| PU- BLACKWELL PUBLISHING| PI- OXFORD| PA- 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND| SN- 0011-7315| J9- DECISION SCI| JI- Decis. Sci| PD- AUG| PYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- 2008| 39| 3| 323| 335| 13| Management| 335BP| DECISION SCIENCES, 2008, V39, N3, P323-335| ISI:000258266100001 ER || PT- J| AU- Martinez ATG; Bote VPG; Quesada BV; Anegon FM| AF- Garcia Martinez Ana Teresa; Guerrero Bote, Vicente P; Vargas Quesada, Benjamin; Moya Anegon, Felix| TI- Psychology in the Spanish scientific domain through categories cocitation of Journal Citation Report 1990-2005| SO- PSICOTHEMA| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION; SCIENCE; PATHFINDER; ALGORITHM; MAPS| AB- This work aims to reveal some aspects of the scientific domain of Psychology, in the context of the internationally visible Spanish science in the databases of the Citation Index of The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), which is represented by a map. We used the methodology of cocitation of thematic categories (JCR-Thompson Scientific), with which we obtained a representation of the scientific activity. The resulting map allowed us to focus on the area of Psychology, whose representation acts as database for the analysis of this discipline in the scientific field with international visibility This study offers an empirical view of the underlying structure of Spanish Psychology. This is important because most scientists have an intuitive idea of this structure, but this may or may not be real. This way, we present a global vision of the entire discipline that favours its objective analysis as a function of scientists' behaviour as it affects their patterns of communication through the established formal channels| C1- [Garcia Martinez, Ana Teresa] Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Badajoz 06001, Spain; [Vargas Quesada, Benjamin; Moya Anegon, Felix] Univ Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain| RP- Martinez, ATG, Univ Extremadura, Dept Informac & Comunicac, Badajoz 06001, Spain| EM-| CD- ALCAIN MD, 2005, V17, P179, PSICOTHEMA; BLANCO A, 2002, V82, P25, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; COSTA J, 1998, ESQUEMATICA VISUALIZ; DESOLLAPRICE DJ, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; DETEJADA PH, 2002, V82, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; FABAPEREZ C, 2003, V58, P623, SCIENTOMETRICS; FERNANDEZ J, 2002, V81, P3, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; GARCIA JN, 2005, V17, P190, PSICOTHEMA; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORMATION SCI; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2002, V52, P99, LIBRI; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; IGOA JM, 2002, V81, P24, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, P3, NTI 2; MARTIN BR, 1983, V12, P61, RES POLICY; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; MOYAANEGON F, 2006, V15, P258, PROF INFORM; ORTIZRECIO G, 2003, V84, P53, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; PEREZ MAG, 2002, V81, P11, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; SANCHEZ E, 2002, V82, P3, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; SANZ J, 2002, V81, P54, PAPELES PSICOLOGO; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIATI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SOLANA VH, 1999, THESIS GRANADA U; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 35| TC- 3| PU- COLEGIO OFICIAL DE PSICOLOGOS DE ASTURIAS| PI- OVIEDO| PA- ILDEFONSO S. DEL RIO, 4-1 B, 33001 OVIEDO, SPAIN| SN- 0214-9915| J9- PSICOTHEMA| JI- Psicothema| PD- AUG| PY- 2008| VL- 20| IS- 3| BP- 465| EP- 473| PG- 9| SC- Psychology, Multidisciplinary| GA- 326NG| JN- PSICOTHEMA, 2008, V20, N3, P465-473| UT- ISI:000257665600021 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L| AF- Leydesdorff Loet| TI- Patent classifications as indicators of intellectual organization| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; SCIENCE; TECHNOLOGY; INDUSTRY; NANOTECHNOLOGY; BETWEENNESS; CENTRALITY; NETWORKS; WORDS; TERMS| AB- Using the 138,751 patents filed in 2006 under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, co-classification analysis is pursued on the basis of three-and four-digit codes in the International Patent Classification (IPC, 8th ed.). The co-classifications among the patents enable us to analyze and visualize the relations among technologies at different levels of aggregation. The hypothesis that classifications might be considered as the organizers of patents into classes, and therefore that coclassification patterns-more than co-citation patterns-might be useful for mapping, is not corroborated. The classifications hang weakly together, even at the four-digit level; at the country level, more specificity can be made visible. However, countries are not the appropriate units of analysis because patent portfolios are largely similar in many advanced countries in terms of the classes attributed Instead of classes, one may wish to explore the mapping of title words as a better approach to visualize the intellectual organization of patents| C1- Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- *EUR, 2006, TRIAD PAT FAM EUR ME; *OECD, 1994, MEASUREMENT SCI TECH; *OECD, 2005, COMP PAT STAT; *WIPO, 1970, PAT COOP TREAT; *WIPO, 2006, INT PAT CLASS; *WIPO, 2007, WIPO PAT REP STAT WO; ADAIR WC, 1955, V6, P31, AM DOC; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARABASI AL, 2002, LINKED NEW SCI NETWO; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN T, 2007, MECH RES NANOSTRUCTU; BRESCHI S, 2003, V32, P69, RES POLICY; BRESCHI S, 2004, P69, EC MANAGEMENT TECHNO; BRESCHI S, 2004, P613, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CILLIERS P, 1998, COMPLEXITY POST MODE; COCKBURN IM, 2002, 8980 NBER; CRISCUOLO P, 2004, R D INT KNOWLEDGE TR; CRISCUOLO P, 2005, 0506 EINDH CTR INN S; CRISCUOLO P, 2006, V66, P23, SCIENTOMETRICS; DIBIAGGIO L, 2005, V110, P103, REV EC IND; EJERMO O, 2005, V36, P167, GROWTH CHANGE; ENGELSMAN EC, 1993, V5, P113, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; ENGELSMAN EC, 1994, V23, P1, RES POLICY; EVENSON R, 1988, YALE CANADA PATENT F; FORAY D, 1996, P11, EMPLOYMENT GROWTH KN; FREEMAN LC, 1977, V40, P35, SOCIOMETRY; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1957, V39, P583, J PATENT OFFICE SOC; GRUPP H, 1996, P271, INNOVATION PATENTS T; GRUPP H, 1999, V28, P377, RES POLICY; GUAN JC, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; HALL BH, 2002, P403, PATENTS CITATIONS IN; HEALEY P, 1986, V15, P179, RES POLICY; HULLMANN A, 2006, V1, P81, NAT NANOTECHNOL; HULLMANN A, 2007, V70, P739, SCIENTOMETRICS; JAFFE AB, 2002, PATENTS CITATIONS IN; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KAUFFMAN SA, 1993, ORIGINS ORDER SELF O; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LARKEY LS, 1999, P179, P DL 99 4 ACM C DIG; LETEN B, 2007, 0706 MSI DEP MAN EC; LEYDESDORFF L, GLOBAL SCI IN PRESS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1995, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P991, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V27, P64, SCI COMMUN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1470, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, KNOWLEDGE BASED EC M; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V67, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V70, P693, SCIENTOMETRICS; LUHMANN N, 1990, WISSENSCHAFT GESELLS; LUNDVALL BA, 1992, NATL SYSTEMS INNOVAT; MAGNANI M, 2007, P163, 11 INT DAT ENG APPL; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MICHEL J, 2001, V51, P185, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOGEE ME, 1999, V9, P291, EXPERT OPIN THER PAT; MOGOUTOV A, SCIENTOMETR IN PRESS; NARIN F, 1988, P465, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; NARIN F, 1992, V21, P237, RES POLICY; NELSON RR, 1993, NATL INNOVATION SYST; NESTA L, 2005, V53, P123, J IND ECON; PORTER AL, 2005, TECH MINING EXPLOITI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SAMPAT BN, 2006, V35, P772, RES POLICY; SAPSALIS E, 2006, V35, P1631, RES POLICY; SCHEU M, 2006, V28, P204, WORLD PATENT INFORM; SCHMOCH U, 2003, LINKING TECHNOLOGY A; SPASSER MA, 1997, V39, P77, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, CARTOGRAPHY SCI SCIE; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, V21, P27, RES POLICY; TODOROV R, 1988, V15, P593, SCIENTOMETRICS; TRAJTENBERG M, 1990, V21, P172, RAND J ECON; VERSPAGEN B, 1994, MERIT CONCORDANCE TA; VERSPAGEN B, 1997, V9, P47, EC SYSTEMS RES; VERSPAGEN B, 2005, MAPPING TECHNOLOGICA| NR- 83| TC- 5| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- AUG| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 10| BP- 1582| EP- 1597| DI- 10.1002/asi.20814| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 330DY| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N10, P1582-1597| UT- ISI:000257920900004 ER || PT- J| AU- van Eck NJ; Waltman L| AF- van Eck Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo| TI- Appropriate similarity measures for author co-citation analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; CORRELATION-COEFFICIENT; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; COOCCURRENCE DATA; PEARSONS R| AB- We provide in this article a number of new insights into the methodological discussion about author co-citation analysis. We first argue that the use of the Pearson correlation for measuring the similarity between authors' co-citation profiles is not very satisfactory. We then discuss what kind of similarity measures may be used as an alternative to the Pearson correlation. We consider three similarity measures in particular. One is the well-known cosine. The other two similarity measures have not been used before in the bibliometric literature. We show by means of an example that the choice of an appropriate similarity measure has a high practical relevance Finally, we discuss the use of similarity measures for statistical inference| C1- [van Eck, Nees Jan; Waltman, Ludo] Erasmus Univ, Inst Econometr, Erasmus Sch Econ, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| RP- van Eck, NJ, Erasmus Univ, Inst Econometr, Erasmus Sch Econ, POB 1738, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ANDERBERG MR, 1973, CLUSTER ANAL APPL; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BHATTACHARYYA A, 1943, V35, P99, B CALCUTTA MATH SOC; DUNCAN GT, 1973, V60, P551, BIOMETRIKA; EDGINGTON ES, 1995, RANDOMIZATION TESTS; EFRON B, 1986, V1, P54, STAT SCI; EFRON B, 1993, INTRO BOOTSTRAP; EOM S, 2008, V2, P53, J INFORMETR; KOWALSKI CJ, 1972, V21, P1, APPLIED STATISTICS; KULLBACK S, 1951, V22, P79, ANN MATH STAT; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, V87, P105, INFORMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P2411, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIN JH, 1991, V37, P145, IEEE T INFORM THEORY; LIU Z, 2005, V62, P385, SCIENTOMETRICS; MACKAY DJC, 2003, INFORM THEORY INFERE; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 2005, V65, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; MIGUEL S, 2007, NEW APPROACH I DOMAI; MOYAANEGON F, 2006, V32, P63, J INF SCI; PEARSON ES, 1931, V26, P128, J AM STAT ASSOC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SNEDECOR GW, 1989, STAT METHODS; STOUT WF, 2000, STAT MAKING SENSE DA; VANECK NJ, 2007, V15, P625, INT J UNCERTAIN FUZZ; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 36| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- AUG| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 10| BP- 1653| EP- 1661| DI- 10.1002/asi.20872| PG- 9| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 330DY| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N10, P1653-1661| UT- ISI:000257920900010 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhao DZ; Strotmann A| AF- Zhao Dangzhi; Strotmann, Andreas| TI- Comparing all-author and first-author co-citation analyses of information science| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- author co-citation analysis; bibliometrics; information science; Scopus; citation analysis| ID- WEB| AB- Although it is generally understood that different citation counting methods can produce quite different author rankings, and although "optimal" author co-citation counting methods have been identified theoretically, studies that compare author co-citation counting methods in author co-citation analysis (ACA) studies are still rare. The present study applies strict all-author-based ACA to the Information Science (IS) field, in that all authors of all cited references in a classic IS dataset are counted, and in that even the diagonal values of the cocitation matrix are computed in their theoretically optimal form. Using Scopus instead of SSCI as the data source, we find that results from a theoretically optimal all-author ACA appear to be excellent in practice, too, although in a field like IS where co-authorship levels are relatively low, its advantages over classic first-author ACA appear considerably smaller than in the more highly collaborative ones targeted before. Nevertheless, we do find some differences between the two approaches, in that first-author ACA appears to favor theorists who presumably tend to work alone, while all-author ACA appears to paint a somewhat more recent picture of the field, and to pick out some collaborative author clusters. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Zhao, Dangzhi] Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada; [Strotmann, Andreas] Univ Alberta, Sch Business, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R6, Canada| RP- Zhao, DZ, Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, 3-20 Rutherford S, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BATAGELJ V, 2007, PAJEK PROGRAM ANAL V; EOM S, 2008, V2, P53, J INFORMETR; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, P696, P ISSI 2007 11 INT C; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V60, P93, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHAO D, 2003, THESIS FLORIDA STATE; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2008, V59, P916, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 17| TC- 4| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PD- JUL| PY- 2008| VL- 2| IS- 3| BP- 229| EP- 239| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2008.05.004| PGSCGAJNUT- 11| Information Science & Library Science| 327ZQ| JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2008, V2, N3, P229-239| ISI:000257767400007 ER || PT- J| AU- Qiu JP; Li YJ; Li J; Ren Q| AF- Qiu Junping; Li, Yejun; Li, Jiang; Ren, Quane| TI- An exploratory study on substantive co-link analysis: A modification to total co-link analysis| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; WEB ENVIRONMENT| AB- Since the term "co-link" was put forward, many scholars have done exploratory investigations to prove the applicability and validity of colink analysis used in mapping internet structure and mining relationships among internet colonies. All of these studies are based on the whole links in the web called "total co-link analysis". However, there are both substantive and non-substantive links in the web, and the number of the latter outweights that of the former, which makes the preconditions of total co-link analysis untenable. In this paper, we present "substantive co-link analysis", and believe it is more sound and valid than "total colink analysis". Then exploratory investigations on both total and substantive co-link analysis are carried out with the sample of 20 academic blogs on Library and Information Science, the results of which testify our assumption that "substantive co-link analysis" is more efficient and reasonable than "total co-link analysis"| C1- [Qiu, Junping; Li, Yejun; Li, Jiang; Ren, Quane] Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China| RP- Li, YJ, Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- BJORNEBORN L, 2004, SMALL WORLD LINK STR; CHEN DQ, 2003, STUDY APPL AUTOMATIC; CHU H, 2002, V43, P110, J ED LIB INFORMATION; ECKMANN J, 2002, CURVATURE COLINKS UN; FABAPEREZ C, 2003, V58, P623, SCIENTOMETRICS; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; INGWERSEN P, 1998, V54, P236, J DOC; LARSON R, 1996, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; QIU JP, 2005, V107, P77, KNOWLEDGE INFORM SCI; QIU JP, 2005, V107, P98, KNOWLEDGE INFORM SCI; QIU JP, 2007, V115, P54, INFORM KNOWLEDGE; QIU JP, 2007, V26, J CHINA SOC IN PRESS; SMITH A, 2003, P305, P 9 INT C SCIENT INF; THELWALL M, 2004, V40, P515, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V68, P611, SCIENTOMETRICS; WANG XY, 2003, V14, P1768, J SOFTWARE; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZHOU Q, 2006, V50, P44, LIB INFORM SERVICE; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 22| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- AUG| PY- 2008| VL- 76| IS- 2| BP- 327| EP- 341| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1921-7| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 322UG| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V76, N2, P327-341| UT- ISI:000257400200008 ER || PT- J| AU- Quirin A; Cordon O; Santamaria J; Vargas-Quesada B; Moya-Anegon F| AF- Quirin A; Cordon, O; Santamaria, J; Vargas-Quesada, B; Moya-Anegon, F| TI- A new variant of the Pathfinder algorithm to generate large visual science maps in cubic time| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- PFNETs; Pathfinder algorithms; cocitation analysis; information visualization; large scientific domain visual maps; graph shortest path algorithms| ID- COCITATION; NETWORKS; DOMAINS; GRAPHS| AB- In the last few years, there is an increasing interest to generate visual representations of very large scientific domains. A methodology based on the combined use of ISI-JCR category cocitation and social networks analysis through the use of the Pathfinder algorithm has demonstrated its ability to achieve high quality, schematic visualizations for these kinds of domains. Now, the next step would be to generate these scientograms in an on-line fashion. To do so, there is a need to significantly decrease the run time of the latter pruning technique when working with category cocitation matrices of a large dimension like the ones handled in these large domains (Pathfinder has a time complexity order of O(n(4)), With n being the number of categories in the cocitation matrix, i.e., the number of nodes in the network) Although a previous improvement called Binary Pathfinder has already been proposed to speed up the original algorithm, its significant time complexity reduction is not enough for that aim. In this paper, we make use of a different shortest path computation from classical approaches in computer science graph theory to propose a new variant of the Pathfinder algorithm which allows us to reduce its time complexity in one order of magnitude, 0(n 3), and thus to significantly decrease the run time of the implementation when applied to large scientific domains considering the parameter q = n - 1. Besides, the new algorithm has a much simpler structure than the Binary Pathfinder as well as it saves a significant amount of memory with respect to the original Pathfinder by reducing the space complexity to the need of just storing two matrices An experimental comparison will be developed using large networks from real-world domains to show the good performance of the new proposal (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- [Quirin, A.; Cordon, O.] European Ctr Soft Computing, Mieres 33600, Spain; [Santamaria, J.] Univ Cadiz, Dept Software Engn, Cadiz, Spain; [Vargas-Quesada, B.; Moya-Anegon, F.] Univ Granada, Lib & Informat Sci Fac, SCImago Grp, Granada 18071, Spain| RP- Quirin, A, European Ctr Soft Computing, Edificio Cient Tecnol, Mieres 33600, Spain| EM-| CD- BELLMAN R, 1965, DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUZYDLOWSKI J, 2002, THESIS DREXEL U; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN C, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CORMEN TH, 2001, INTRO ALGORITHMS; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; DIJKSTRA EW, 1959, V1, P269, NUMER MATH; DREYFUS S, 1965, DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING; FLOYD RW, 1962, V5, P345, COMMUN ACM; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2006, V42, P1484, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; MOYAANEGON F, 2006, V15, P258, PROF INFORM; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHVANEVELDT R, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WARSHALL S, 1962, V9, P11, J ASSOC COMPUT MACH; WATTS D, 2004, SMALL WORLDS DYNAMIC; WATTS DJ, 1998, V393, P442, NATURE; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 29| TC- 6| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- JUL| PY- 2008| VL- 44| IS- 4| BP- 1611| EP- 1623| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2007.09.005| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 321AP| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2008, V44, N4, P1611-1623| UT- ISI:000257276800014 ER || PT- J| AU- Sugimoto CR; Pratt JA; Hauser K| AF- Sugimoto Cassidy R; Pratt, Jean A; Hauser, Karina| TI- Using field cocitation analysis to assess reciprocal and shared impact of LIS/MIS fields| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- MANAGEMENT-INFORMATION-SYSTEMS; COCITED AUTHOR RETRIEVAL; SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS; CITATION RELATIONS; PEARSONS-R; SCIENCE; COMMUNICATION; NETWORKS; MIS; DISCIPLINES| AB- This study utilized bibliometric tools to analyze the relationship between two separate, but related, fields: Library and Information Science (LIS) and Management Information Systems (MIS). The top-ranked 48 journals in each field were used as the unit of analysis. Using these journals, field cocitation was introduced as a method for evaluating the relationships between the two fields. The three-phased study evaluated (a) the knowledge imported/exported between LIS and MIS, (b) the body of knowledge influenced by both fields, and (c) the overlap in fields as demonstrated by multidimensional scaling. Data collection and analysis were performed using DIALOG and SPSS programs The primary findings from this study indicate that (a) the MIS impact on LIS is greater than the reverse, (b) there is a growing trend for shared impact between the two disciplines, and (c) the area of overlap between the two fields is predominately those journals focusing on technology systems and digital information. Additionally, this study validated field cocitation as a method by which to evaluate relationships between fields| C1- [Sugimoto, Cassidy R.] Univ N Carolina, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 USA; [Pratt, Jean A.] Univ Wisconsin, Dept Business Informat Syst, Eau Claire, WI 54702 USA; [Hauser, Karina] Utah State Univ, Dept Management Informat Syst, Logan, UT 84322 USA| RP- Sugimoto, CR, Univ N Carolina, Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Chapel Hill, NC 27514 USA| EM-| CD- 2007, ULRICHS PERIODICAL D; *U S FL, 2006, WHAT IS INF SCI IS R; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BACON CJ, 2001, V32, P46, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P936, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BORGMAN CL, 1990, P10, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; BORGMAN CL, 1992, V43, P397, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BORKO H, 1968, V19, P3, AM DOC; BROOKS TA, 1990, P235, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; CHAPMAN K, 2006, V67, P50, COLL RES LIBR; CHEON MJ, 1992, V23, P21, DATA BASE; CRONIN B, 1990, V16, P381, J INF SCI; DOREIAN P, 1985, V36, P411, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ELLIS D, 1999, V50, P1095, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FARHOOMAND A, 1987, V18, P48, DATA BASE; GALLIVAN M, 2007, V16, P26, EUROPEAN J INFORM SY; GROVER V, 2006, V7, P270, J ASSOC INF SYST; HAMILTON S, 1983, V14, P3, DATA BASE; HIRST G, 1978, V43, P397, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KHAZANCHI D, 2000, V31, P24, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V58, P25, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P200, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V61, P311, LIBR QUART; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS TA, 2001, THESIS DREXEL U PHIL; NASIR S, 2005, V25, P442, INT J INFORM MANAGE; NEELEY JD, 1981, V32, P217, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NERUR S, 2005, V48, P71, COMMUN ACM; NISONGER TE, 2005, V66, P341, COLL RES LIBR; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PUDOVKIN AI, 2002, V53, P1113, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAINER RK, 2005, V48, P91, COMMUN ACM; RICE RE, 1988, V15, P256, HUM COMMUN RES; SAWYER S, 2007, V58, P1436, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SERVI PN, 1980, V31, P36, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WANIA CE, 2006, 69 ANN M AM SOC INF; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P16, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1986, V5, P93, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHOU P, 2007, V58, P223, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 53| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 9| BP- 1441| EP- 1453| DI- 10.1002/asi.20863| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 319MQ| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N9, P1441-1453| UT- ISI:000257168200007 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L; Zhou P| AF- Leydesdorff Loet; Zhou, Ping| TI- Co-word analysis using the Chinese character set| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- COMBINED COCITATION; CITATION RELATIONS; SCIENCE; DATABASE; TERMS| AB- Until recently, Chinese texts could not be studied using co-word analysis because the words are not separated by spaces in Chinese (and Japanese). A word can be composed of one or more characters. The online availability of programs that separate Chinese texts makes it possible to analyze them using semantic maps. Chinese characters contain not only information but also meaning. This may enhance the readability of semantic maps. In this study, we analyze 58 words which occur 10 or more times in the 1,652 journal titles of the China Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database. The word-occurrence matrix is visualized and factor-analyzed| C1- [Leydesdorff, Loet] Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands; [Zhou, Ping] Katholieke Univ Leuven, B-3000 Louvain, Belgium; [Zhou, Ping] Inst Sci & Tech Informat China, Beijing 100038, Peoples R China| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CHEN RS, 2007, ANN M SOC SOC STUD S; FUJIGAKI Y, 1998, V25, P387, SCI PUBL POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1997, V48, P418, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P1469, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V27, P64, SCI COMMUN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V67, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; PARK HW, 2004, V6, P1377, J KOREAN DATA ANAL S; REN SL, 2005, V31, P8, EUROPEAN SCI EDITING; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; VANRIJSBERGEN CJ, 1977, V33, P106, J DOC; ZHOU P, 2006, V35, P83, RES POLICY; ZHOU P, 2007, V58, P223, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 19| TC- 1| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 9| BP- 1528| EP- 1530| DI- 10.1002/asi.20862| PG- 3| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 319MQ| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N9, P1528-1530| UT- ISI:000257168200014 ER || PT- J| AU- He Y; Guan JC| AF- He Ying; Guan, Jiancheng| TI- Contribution of Chinese publications in computer science: A case study on LNCS| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- RESEARCH PERFORMANCE; KNOWLEDGE PRODUCTION; STRUCTURAL ASPECTS; CITATION ANALYSIS; WORD ANALYSIS; CO-CITATION; INFORMATION| AB- Conference proceedings are one of the key communication channels in computer science. This paper aims to analyze the Chinese outputs in the context of conference papers in computer science through an exploration of the conference proceedings series book - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) in the period of 1997-2005. Results indicate that: 1 The number of Chinese papers in LNCS keeps growing in the studied period; the share of Chinese papers in LNCS in recent years is much higher than that of Chinese SCI papers in the world; In sharp contrast with remarkable growth of the share of Chinese papers in LNCS, the share of SCI articles in top journals of computer science published by the scientists of mainland China is negligible during the same period 2. Chinese researchers are more likely to collaborate with domestic fellows; 3. In spite of the increasing amounts of Chinese papers in LNCS, they receive only a few citations; 4. The articles are strikingly more cited by authors themselves and international authors' citations are more than Chinese authors' non-self-citations in the first three years after publication; 5. Based on the new indicator Impact Index (II) the authors proposed, the relative impact of Chinese articles in LNCS is increasing although the average impact of Chinese papers in LNCS is obviously less than that of the publications in LNCS in each year during the studied period| C1- [Guan, Jiancheng] Fudan Univ, Sch Management, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China; [He, Ying] Beijing Univ Aeronaut & Astronaut, Sch Management, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China| RP- Guan, JC, Fudan Univ, Sch Management, 670 Guoshun Rd, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- AMSDEN AH, 1997, V9, P343, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; BRAAM RR, 1988, V13, P97, SCI TECHNOL; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHOUNG JY, 2003, V58, P115, SCIENTOMETRICS; DEBEAVER D, 1979, V1, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; DROTT MC, 1995, V46, P299, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1963, V14, P195, AM DOC; GARFIELD E, 1970, V227, P669, NATURE; GLANZEL W, 2006, V68, P457, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOODRUM AA, 2001, V37, P661, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GU YN, 2002, V53, P974, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GUAN JC, 2004, V59, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; GUAN JC, 2004, V61, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; HE TW, 2003, V57, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOSTOFF RN, 2002, V53, P49, SCIENTOMETRICS; LU QW, 2001, V30, P55, RES POLICY; MA N, 2005, V65, P343, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 1986, V10, P17, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROJO R, 2006, V66, P101, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUSSELL JM, 2002, ENCY LIFE SUPPORT SY; SCHUBERT A, 1986, V36, P126, CZECH J PHYS; SCHUBERT A, 1993, V26, P21, SCIENTOMETRICS; SONG J, 1997, V19, P281, TECHNOL SOC; VANRAAN AFJ, 1990, P13, P EUR U I C RES MAN; VANRAAN AFJ, 1991, V20, P439, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 1996, V36, P397, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHANG HQ, 1997, V33, P81, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 28| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- JUN| PY- 2008| VL- 75| IS- 3| BP- 519| EP- 534| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1781-1| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 314WJ| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V75, N3, P519-534| UT- ISI:000256839600007 ER || PT- J| AU- Kwon O; Seo J; Noh K; Kim J; Kim JS; Shin SY| AF- Kwon OhJin; Seo, Jinny; Noh, KyoungRan; Kim, JeongHo; Kim, Jin Suk; Shin, Sung Y| TI- Categorizing influential patents using bibliometric analysis of patent citations network| SO- INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- Conference on Convergence Technology and Information Convergence (CTIC)| CY- OCT, 2006| CL- Las Vegas, NV| DE- bibliographic coupling; co-citation analysis; influential patent search| AB- Recently, research for network has been actively progressing. Internet, bio-metabolic, and coauthor networks of scientific thesis has a decreasing distribution to power law. However, researches on network utilizing patent information have not been very active. It suggests the method calculating large sparse matrix by supercomputer, examining patent network distribution by bibliographic coupling and co-citation, and identifying influential patents. The majority of studies, which are targeted to find Hub patents, are using the number of forward citation of patents. Yet the most recent technological convergences among different fields have been enforced, and the development of this fusion technology has been rapidly progressing. Therefore the forward citation of patent occurs in the applicable field of technologies as well as in other fields of technology; the method to find influential patents within the applicable field of technology is using only the number of forward citation of patents that may cause severe distortions. This study will explore three types of influential patents by minimizing the distortion phenomenon accompanied by the number of patent forward citation. To serve this purpose, the patent classification method is using bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis used in knowledge search| C1- [Kwon, OhJin; Seo, Jinny; Noh, KyoungRan; Kim, JeongHo] KISTI, Seoul, South Korea; [Kim, Jin Suk] Univ Seoul, Seoul, South Korea; [Shin, Sung Y.] S Dakota State Univ, EE & CS Dept, Brookings, SD 57007 USA| RP- Kwon, O, KISTI, 206-9 CheongRangri Dong, Seoul, South Korea| EM-| CD- BLACKFORD S, 2001, BALS TECHNICAL FORUM; BREITZMAN AF, 2002, V28, P187, J INFORM SCI; BRESCHI S, 2004, P1, CESPRI; GARFIELD E, 2003, SOCIAL SCI CITATION; JAFFE AB, 1993, V108, P577, Q J ECON; JAFFE AB, 1998, V6507, NBER WORKING PAPER S; KARKI MMS, 1997, V19, P269, WORLD PATENT INFORMA; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KIM HH, 1993, P132, KOOMITRADE; KWON OJ, 2005, P77, 2005 IPMS ANN C; KWON OJ, 2005, P689, KOSTI; OGAWA T, 2005, P41, FINDING BASIC PATENT; TRIPPE AJ, 2003, V25, P211, WORLD PATENT INFORM; VANRAAN AFJ, 2005, V63, P549, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 14| TC- 0| PU- INT INFORMATION INST| PI- TOKYO| PA- FAC ENG, HOSEI UNIV, KOGANEI, TOKYO, 184-8584, JAPAN| SN- 1343-4500| J9- INFORMATION| JI- Information| PD- MAY| PY- 2007| VL- 10| IS- 3| BP- 313| EP- 326| PG- 14| SC- Engineering, Multidisciplinary| GA- 293KT| JN- INFORMATION-AN INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL, 2007, V10, N3, P313-326| UT- ISI:000255334900008 ER || PT- J| AU- Abdeltawab NF; Aziz RK; Kansal R; Rowe SL; Su Y; Gardner L; Brannen C; Nooh MM; Attia RR; Abdelsamed HA; Taylor WL; Lu L; Williams RW; Kotb M| AF- Abdeltawab Nourtan F; Aziz, Ramy K; Kansal, Rita; Rowe, Sarah L; Su, Yin; Gardner, Lidia; Brannen, Charity; Nooh, Mohammed M; Attia, Ramy R; Abdelsamed, Hossam A; Taylor, William L; Lu, Lu; Williams, Robert W; Kotb, Malak| TI- An unbiased systems genetics approach to mapping genetic loci modulating susceptibility to severe streptococcal sepsis| SO- PLOS PATHOGENS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- GROUP-A STREPTOCOCCUS; CLASS-II; PROSTAGLANDIN E-2; IN-VIVO; TRANSCRIPTOME ANALYSIS; MOLECULAR-BIOLOGY; UP-REGULATION; EXPRESSION; PYOGENES; MICE| AB- Striking individual differences in severity of group A streptococcal (GAS) sepsis have been noted, even among patients infected with the same bacterial strain. We had provided evidence that HLA class II allelic variation contributes significantly to differences in systemic disease severity by modulating host responses to streptococcal superantigens. Inasmuch as the bacteria produce additional virulence factors that participate in the pathogenesis of this complex disease, we sought to identify additional gene networks modulating GAS sepsis Accordingly, we applied a systems genetics approach using a panel of advanced recombinant inbred mice. By analyzing disease phenotypes in the context of mice genotypes we identified a highly significant quantitative trait locus (QTL) on Chromosome 2 between 22 and 34 Mb that strongly predicts disease severity, accounting for 25%-30% of variance. This QTL harbors several polymorphic genes known to regulate immune responses to bacterial infections. We evaluated candidate genes within this QTL using multiple parameters that included linkage, gene ontology, variation in gene expression, cocitation networks, and biological relevance, and identified interleukin1 alpha and prostaglandin E synthases pathways as key networks involved in modulating GAS sepsis severity. The association of GAS sepsis with multiple pathways underscores the complexity of traits modulating GAS sepsis and provides a powerful approach for analyzing interactive traits affecting outcomes of other infectious diseases| C1- [Abdeltawab, Nourtan F.; Kansal, Rita; Nooh, Mohammed M.; Attia, Ramy R.; Abdelsamed, Hossam A.; Kotb, Malak] Univ Tennessee, Ctr Hlth Sci, Mid S Ctr Biodef & Secur, Memphis, TN 38163 USA; [Abdeltawab, Nourtan F.; Aziz, Ramy K.; Rowe, Sarah L.; Su, Yin; Gardner, Lidia; Brannen, Charity; Nooh, Mohammed M.; Attia, Ramy R.; Abdelsamed, Hossam A.; Kotb, Malak] Univ Tennessee, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Ophthalmol, Memphis, TN USA; [Abdeltawab, Nourtan F.; Kansal, Rita; Rowe, Sarah L.; Nooh, Mohammed M.; Attia, Ramy R.; Abdelsamed, Hossam A.; Kotb, Malak] VA Med Ctr, Memphis, TN USA; [Kansal, Rita] Cairo Univ, Coll Pharm, Giza, Egypt; [Nooh, Mohammed M.; Abdelsamed, Hossam A.; Kotb, Malak] Univ Tennessee, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Mol Sci, Memphis, TN USA; [Taylor, William L.] Univ Tennessee, Hlth Sci Ctr, Mol Resource Ctr, Memphis, TN USA; [Lu, Lu] Univ Tennessee, Hlth Sci Ctr, Dept Anat & Neurobiol, Memphis, TN USA| RP- Abdeltawab, NF, Univ Tennessee, Ctr Hlth Sci, Mid S Ctr Biodef & Secur, Memphis, TN 38163 USA| EM-| CD- ANDERSEN PS, 1999, V10, P473, IMMUNITY; AZIZ RK, 2004, V51, P123, MOL MICROBIOL; AZIZ RK, 2004, V54, P184, MOL MICROBIOL; AZIZ RK, 2005, V187, P3311, J BACTERIOL; AZIZ RK, 2007, V8, P404, GENES IMMUN; BENTLEY CC, 2005, V7, P945, CELL MICROBIOL; BUCHANAN JT, 2006, V16, P396, CURR BIOL; CHATELLIER S, 2000, V68, P3523, INFECT IMMUN; CHEN BC, 2004, V279, P20889, J BIOL CHEM; CHESLER EJ, 2005, V37, P233, NAT GENET; CHURCHILL GA, 1994, V138, P963, GENETICS; GARCIAPEYDRO M, 2006, V177, P3711, J IMMUNOL; GOLDMANN O, 2004, V119, P141, INDIAN J MED RES S; GOLDMANN O, 2005, V175, P3862, J IMMUNOL; GOLDMANN O, 2007, V75, P4148, INFECT IMMUN; GRIZZLE WE, 2002, V101, P270, INT J CANCER; HARDY CL, 2001, V53, P395, IMMUNOGENETICS; HARRIS SG, 2002, V23, P144, TRENDS IMMUNOL; JOBIN MC, 2006, V40, P29, MICROB PATHOGENESIS; KAZMI SU, 2001, V69, P4988, INFECT IMMUN; KIANG JG, 1998, V80, P183, PHARMACOL THERAPEUT; KIM HP, 2006, V10, P759, EXPERT OPIN THER TAR; KLENK M, 2005, V7, P1237, CELL MICROBIOL; KOBAYASHI SD, 2003, V100, P10948, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; KOTB M, 2002, V8, P1398, NAT MED; KOTB M, 2003, V35, P665, SCAND J INFECT DIS; KUSTANOVA GA, 2006, V411, P504, DOKL AKAD NAUK; LEDER L, 1998, V187, P823, J EXP MED; LOW DE, 1997, P93, REEMERGENCE SEVERE G; MALONEY CG, 2000, V67, P615, J LEUKOCYTE BIOL; MARRIOTT HM, 2006, V38, P1848, INT J BIOCHEM CELL B; MEDINA E, 2001, V184, P846, J INFECT DIS; MINATO Y, 2005, V82, P302, INT J HEMATOL; MIYAIRI I, 2007, V179, P1814, J IMMUNOL; MIYOSHIAKIYAMA T, 2005, V192, P107, J INFECT DIS; MONSALVE E, 2006, V176, P5362, J IMMUNOL; MOSCA M, 2007, V82, P320, J LEUKOCYTE BIOL; MOUNTZ JD, 2005, V61, P128, SCAND J IMMUNOL; NAKAGAWA I, 2004, V6, P939, CELL MICROBIOL; NOOH MM, 2007, V178, P3076, J IMMUNOL; NOORBYTEGLUND A, 2000, V30, P3247, EUR J IMMUNOL; NORRBYTEGLUND A, 1997, V65, P5209, INFECT IMMUN; NORRBYTEGLUND A, 2000, V49, P849, J MED MICROBIOL; NORRBYTEGLUND A, 2002, V32, P2570, EUR J IMMUNOL; PEIRCE JL, 2003, V2, P238, GENES BRAIN BEHAV; PEIRCE JL, 2004, V5, ARTN 7, BMC GENET; ROLINK AG, 2006, V107, P50, IMMUNOL LETT; ROSEN GD, 2001, V2, ARTN 5, BMC NEUROSCI; RUIZ N, 1998, V27, P337, MOL MICROBIOL; SHIFMAN S, 2006, V4, P2227, ARTN e395, PLOS BIOL; SINGLETON KD, 2006, V290, L956, AM J PHYSIOL-LUNG C; SMITH RS, 2002, V169, P2636, J IMMUNOL; SMITH WL, 2000, V69, P145, ANNU REV BIOCHEM; SUMBY P, 2005, V192, P771, J INFECT DIS; VANDENBRANDT J, 2004, V34, P1405, EUR J IMMUNOL; WALKER MJ, 2007, V13, P981, NAT MED; WELCHER BC, 2002, V186, P501, J INFECT DIS; WILLIAMS RW, 2001, V2, GENOME BIOL; WOOLARD MD, 2007, V178, P2065, J IMMUNOL; YENARI MA, 2005, V1053, P74, ANN NY ACAD SCI| NR- 60| TC- 7| PU- PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE| PI- SAN FRANCISCO| PA- 185 BERRY ST, STE 1300, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 USA| SN- 1553-7366| J9- PLOS PATHOG| JI- PLoS Pathog| PD- APR| PY- 2008| VL- 4| IS- 4| AR- e1000042| DI- 10.1371/journal.ppat.1000042| PG- 11| SC- Infectious Diseases; Microbiology; Parasitology; Virology| GA- 294PU| JN- PLOS PATHOGENS, 2008, V4, N4, P313-326| UT- ISI:000255418800004 ER || PT- J| AU- Jevremov T; Pajic D; Sipka P| AF- Jevremov Tanja; Pajic, Dejan; Sipka, Pero| TI- Structure of personality psychology based on cocitation analysis of prominent authors| SO- PSIHOLOGIJA| LA- Serbian| DT- Article| DE- personality psychology; structure of science; bibliometric mapping; Author Cocitation Analysis| ID- INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SCIENCE| AB- Traditional Author Cocitation Analysis was applied in order to map the personality psychology as a research field. A group of 25 authors were selected from the Haggbloom (1999, 2002) lists of the most cited and prominent psychologists, judged to be the main contributors to the field. All of their cocitations identified in the three year volumes of SSCI were downloaded to be analyzed by cluster analysis and MDS. The analysis resulted in four clusters comprising (1) theorists of individual differences amalgamated with authors of biological orientation with R. Cattell positioned centrally, (2) behaviorists joined by socio-cognitive theorists led by M.E.P. Seligman and A Bandura, and (3) the group of psychoanalytic (dynamic) theorists with A. Adler in the middle. In fourth cluster G. Allport, H. Murray, K Lewin, W. Mischel, and D. Buss were found mixed together to make a rather heterogeneous group. In two-axes representation one of the dimensions was understood as reflecting methodological and the other one content-specific differences among the authors, although this interpretation is not univocal. The same procedure was repeated on citations given to the same authors in SocioFakt - the Serbian Citation Index for Social Sciences, revealing a reduced picture of the domain At this portrait, some important authors are missing as a result of their low citation rate, suggesting that in the Serbian personality psychology entire research fields don't exist| C1- [Jevremov, Tanja; Pajic, Dejan; Sipka, Pero] Univ Novi Sad, Dept Psychol, Novi Sad, Serbia| RP- Jevremov, T, Univ Novi Sad, Dept Psychol, Novi Sad, Serbia| EM-| CD- COAN RW, 1973, V9, P313, J HIST BEHAV SCI; FUNDER DC, 2000, V52, P197, PSYCHOL INQ; GARFIELD E, 1992, V41, P5, CURR CONTENTS; HAGGBLOOM SJ, 1999, 100 MOST FREQUENTLY; HAGGBLOOM SJ, 2002, V6, P139, REV GEN PSYCHOL; HJORLAND B, 2002, V58, P422, J DOC; KOSANOVIC B, 1996, P85, MERENJE PSIHOLOGIJI; MAYER JD, 1997, V23, P707, PERS SOC PSYCHOL B; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MISCHEL W, 1973, V80, P252, PSYCHOL REV; MURRAY HA, 1959, P7, PSYCHOL STUDY SCI; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIMONSEN C, 2000, V54, P13, NORD J PSYCHIAT S43; SIPKA P, 1995, V28, P195, PSIHOLOGIJA; SIPKA P, 1996, V3, P84, CASOPIS KPISP; SNYDER H, 1995, V21, P75, J INFORM SCI; SWANN WB, 2005, V31, P155, PERS SOC PSYCHOL B; TOMASEVIC A, 2000, THESIS FILOZOFSKI FA; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WINTER DG, 1999, P3, HDB PERSONALITY THEO; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 21| TC- 0| PU- ASSOC SERBIAN PSYCHOLOGISTS| PI- BEOGRAD| PA- DUSINA 7-3, BEOGRAD, 11000, SERBIA| SN- 0048-5705| J9- PSIHOLOGIJA| JI- Psihologija| PY- 2007| VL- 40| IS- 2| BP- 329| EP- 343| PG- 15| SC- Psychology, Multidisciplinary| GA- 289IY| JN- PSIHOLOGIJA, 2007, V40, N2, P329-343| UT- ISI:000255049400010 ER || PT- J| AU- Jankovic MP; Kaufmann M; Kindler CH| AF- Jankovic Milan P; Kaufmann, Mark; Kindler, Christoph H| TI- Active research fields in anesthesia: A document co-citation analysis of the anesthetic literature| SO- ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; BISPECTRAL INDEX; NEUROPATHIC PAIN; SCIENCE; RAT; SCIENTOMETRICS; REMIFENTANIL; INFORMETRICS; NETWORKS; PROPOFOL| AB- BACKGROUND: The expansion of science has resulted in an increased information flow and in an exponentially growing number of connections between knowledge in different research fields. In this study, we used methods of scientometric analysis to obtain a conceptual network that forms the structure of active scientific research fields in anesthesia METHODS: We extracted from the Web of Science (R) (Institute for Scientific Information) all original articles (n = 3275) including their references (n = 79,972) that appeared in 2003 in all 23 journals listed in the Institute for Scientific Information journal Citation Reports' under the subject heading "Anesthesiology." After identification of highly cited references (>= 5), pairs of co-cited references were created and grouped into uniformly structured clusters of documents using a single linkage and variable level clustering method. In addition, for each such cluster of documents, we identified corresponding front papers published in 2003, each of which co-cited at least two documents of the cluster core. Active anesthetic research fields were then named by examining the titles of the documents in both the established clusters and in their corresponding front papers. These research fields were sorted according to the proportion of recent documents in their cluster core (immediacy index) and were further analyzed RESULTS: Forty-six current anesthetic research fields were identified The research field named "ProSeal laryngeal mask airway" showed the highest immediacy index (100%) whereas the research fields "Experimental models of neuropathic pain" and "Volatile anesthetic-induced cardioprotection" exhibited the highest level of co-citation strength (level 9). The research field with the largest cluster core, containing 12 homogeneous papers, was "Postoperative nausea and vomiting." The journal Anesthesia & Analgesia published most front papers while Anesthesiology published most of the fundamental documents used as references in the front papers CONCLUSIONS: Using co-citation analysis, we identified distinct homogenous clusters of highly cited documents representing 46 active current anesthetic research fields and determined multiple nets of knowledge among them| C1- [Jankovic, Milan P.; Kaufmann, Mark; Kindler, Christoph H.] Univ Basel Hosp, Dept Anesthesia, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland| RP- Kindler, CH, Kantonsspital Aarau, Dept Anesthesia & Perioperat, CH5001 Aarau, Switzerland| EM-| CD- *WIK, FREE ENCY ART SCI; ADAM D, 2002, V415, P726, NATURE; ANDERSON RE, 2003, V58, P531, ANAESTHESIA; AVERSA E, 1992, V15, P77, ESSAYS INFORM SCI NO; BENNETT GJ, 1988, V33, P87, PAIN; BOYACK KW, 2004, V101, P5192, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BRAIN AIJ, 2000, V84, P650, BRIT J ANAESTH; COLE S, 1989, V14, P9, TRENDS BIOCHEM SCI; CRAWFORD JW, 1980, V137, P52, AM J PSYCHIAT; ELIA N, 2006, V136, S15, SWISS MEDICAL W S153; GARFIELD E, 1964, V144, P649, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1987, V257, P52, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; HOOD WW, 2001, V52, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; JARNEVING B, 2001, V50, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; KAYSER V, 2003, V104, P169, PAIN; KREUER S, 2003, V91, P336, BRIT J ANAESTH; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; MARTYN J, 1964, V20, P236, J DOC; MARX W, 2001, V52, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 2002, V415, P731, NATURE; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SCHOCH V, SUCHMASCHINE GOOGLE; SCHWECHHEIMER H, 1999, V44, P547, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; STRUYS MMRF, 2003, V99, P802, ANESTHESIOLOGY; SUTER MR, 2003, V99, P1402, ANESTHESIOLOGY; TAGUESUTCLIFFE J, 1992, V28, P1, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VANRAAN AFJ, 1997, V38, P205, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2004, P19, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; VANRAAN AFJ, 2006, V57, P1919, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZIMMERMANN M, 1983, V16, P109, PAIN| NR- 34| TC- 1| PU- LIPPINCOTT WILLIAMS & WILKINS| PI- PHILADELPHIA| PA- 530 WALNUT ST, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106-3621 USA| SN- 0003-2999| J9- ANESTH ANALG| JI- Anesth. Analg| PD- MAY| PY- 2008| VL- 106| IS- 5| BP- 1524| EP- 1533| DI- 10.1213/ane.0b013e31816d18a1| PG- 10| SC- Anesthesiology| GA- 291UP| JN- ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA, 2008, V106, N5, P1524-1533| UT- ISI:000255222700033 ER || PT- J| AU- Chavalarias D; Cointet JP| AF- Chavalarias David; Cointet, Jean-Philippe| TI- Bottom-up scientific field detection for dynamical and hierarchical science mapping, methodology and case study| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CO-WORD ANALYSIS; INFORMATION; COCITATION; NETWORKS| AB- We propose new methods to detect paradigmatic fields through simple statistics over a scientific content database. We propose an asymmetric paradigmatic proximity metric between terms which provide insight into hierarchical structure of scientific activity and test our methods on a case study with a database made of several millions of resources. We also propose overlapping categorization to describe paradigmatic fields as sets of terms that may have several different usages. Terms can also be dynamically clustered providing a high-level description of the evolution of the paradigmatic fields| C1- [Chavalarias, David] Ecole Polytech, Team Complex Syst Adapt Rational & Social Cognit, CREA, F-75005 Paris, France; [Cointet, Jean-Philippe] INRA, TSV Social & Polit Transformat Related Life Sci &, Ivry, France| RP- Chavalarias, D, Ecole Polytech, Team Complex Syst Adapt Rational & Social Cognit, CREA, 1 Rue Descartes, F-75005 Paris, France| EM-| CD- BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BUTER R, 2002, P697, 6 INT C INF VIS IV 0; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHAVALARIAS D, 2007, P EUR C COMPL SYST; DOYLE LB, 1961, V8, P553, J ASSOC COMPUT MACH; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LATOUR B, 2005, REASSEMBLING SOCIAL; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIN X, 1991, P262, P 14 ANN INT ACM SIG; MARSHAKOVASHAIKEVICH I, 2005, V41, P1534, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; NOYONS E, 2002, P64, DEALING DATA FLOOD M; PALLA G, 2005, V435, P814, NATURE; PALLA PPI, 2007, V9, P186, NEW J PHYS; SALTON G, 1963, V10, P440, J ACM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SUN Y, 2004, V37, P162, J BIOMED INFORM; TURNER WA, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2006, V68, P377, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 20| TC- 4| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- APR| PY- 2008| VL- 75| IS- 1| BP- 37| EP- 50| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1825-6| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 287TO| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V75, N1, P37-50| UT- ISI:000254939600003 ER || PT- J| AU- Hou H; Kretschmer H; Liu Z| AF- Hou Haiyan; Kretschmer, Hildrun; Liu, Zeyuan| TI- The structure of scientific collaboration networks in Scientometrics| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- WEB; COCITATION; VISIBILITY| AB- The structure of scientific collaboration networks in scientometrics is investigated at the level of individuals by using bibliographic data of all papers published in the international journal Scientometrics retrieved from the Science Citation Index (SCI) of the years 1978-2004 Combined analysis of social network analysis (SNA), co-occurrence analysis, cluster analysis and frequency analysis of words is explored to reveal: (1) The microstructure of the collaboration network on scientists' aspects of scientometrics; (2) The major collaborative fields of the whole network and of different collaborative sub-networks; (3) The collaborative center of the collaboration network in scientometrics| C1- [Hou, Haiyan; Liu, Zeyuan] Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Humanities & Social Sci, Inst Sci Studies & Management Sci & Technol, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China; [Hou, Haiyan; Kretschmer, Hildrun; Liu, Zeyuan] Dalian Univ Technol, WISE LAB, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China; [Kretschmer, Hildrun] COLLNET Ctr, Hohen Neuendorf, Germany| RP- Hou, H, Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Humanities & Social Sci, Inst Sci Studies & Management Sci & Technol, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China| EM-| CD- BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BREAVER DD, 1978, V1, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BREAVER DD, 1979, V1, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; BREAVER DD, 1979, V1, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; DUTT B, 2003, V56, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2002, V50, P461, LIBR TRENDS; KRETSCHMER H, 2004, V60, P409, SCIENTOMETRICS; KRETSCHMER H, 2004, V61, P405, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V98, P404, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, P337, COMPLEX NETWORKS; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P443, J INFORMATION SCI; PRICE D, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; SCHUBERT A, 2002, V53, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 14| TC- 7| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAY| PY- 2008| VL- 75| IS- 2| BP- 189| EP- 202| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1771-3| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 290AL| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V75, N2, P189-202| UT- ISI:000255094900001 ER || PT- J| AU- Pilkington A; Chai KH| AF- Pilkington Alan; Chai, Kah-Hin| TI- Research themes, concepts and relationships - A study of International Journal of Service Industry Management (1990-2005)| SO- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- research; service industries; publications; social networks; factor analysis| ID- STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELS; CUSTOMER SATISFACTION; MARKET ORIENTATION; OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT; CONSUMER SATISFACTION; UNOBSERVABLE VARIABLES; BEHAVIORAL INTENTIONS; RELATIONSHIP QUALITY; COCITATION ANALYSIS; MEASUREMENT ERROR| AB- Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the core themes of service research by analysing citations in the International Journal of Service Industry Management (IJSIM). It also aims to discuss changes in the discipline's sub-fields and identifies emerging topics Design/methodology/approach - The paper is an empirical analysis of citations and co-citations from the IJSIM. Network and factor analysis are used to analyse and group the data. The study is unique in performing the analysis at the individual publication level, rather than following the normal aggregated author co-citation analysis method Research limitations/implications - The study examines only IJISM Future study on other top journal such as Journal of Service Research would provide a more complete picture on service research Findings - The study identifies that the core ideas of service research centred on service quality and customer satisfaction. Also identified are periphery areas which may become more significant Originality/value - The main contribution of this article is the use of the novel network analysis technique to analyze the 15,003 citations in the 435 articles published in IJSIM between 19902005. This is a quantitative analysis unlike previous review articles which rely largely on the observations and reflections of pioneering researchers| C1- [Chai, Kah-Hin] Natl Univ Singapore, Ind & Syst Engn, Singapore, Singapore; [Pilkington, Alan] Univ London, Sch Management, Egham, Surrey, England| RP- Chai, KH, Natl Univ Singapore, Ind & Syst Engn, Singapore, Singapore| EM-| CD- ANDERSEN ST, 1993, V2, P125, VEG HIST ARCHAEOBOT; ANDERSON EW, 1994, V58, P53, J MARKETING; ANDERSON EW, 2000, V3, P107, J SERV RES-US; BABAKUS E, 1992, V24, P253, J BUS RES; BERRY L, 1991, MARKETING SERVICES C; BERRY LL, 1981, V3, P33, J RETAIL BANKING; BERRY LL, 1995, V23, P236, J ACAD MARKET SCI; BETTENCOURT LA, 2001, V28, P313, J CONSUM RES; BITNER MJ, 1990, V54, P69, J MARKETING; BITNER MJ, 1990, V54, P71, J MARKETING; BITNER MJ, 1994, P72, SERVICE QUALITY NEW; BITNER MJ, 1995, V23, P246, J ACAD MARKET SCI; BITNER MJ, 2000, V28, P138, J ACAD MARKET SCI; BOLTON RN, 1991, V17, P375, J CONSUM RES; BOULDING W, 1993, V30, P7, J MARKETING RES; BOWEN DE, 1985, P127, SERVICE ENCOUNTER; BOWEN DE, 1986, V25, P371, HUM RESOURCE MANAGE; BROWN SW, 1989, V53, P92, J MARKETING; CADOTTE ER, 1987, V24, P305, J MARKETING RES; CARMAN JM, 1990, V66, P33, J RETAILING; CHASE RB, 1978, V56, P137, HARVARD BUS REV; CHASE RB, 1983, V29, P1037, MANAGE SCI; CHASE RB, 2007, V25, P375, J OPER MANAG; CHURCHILL GA, 1979, V16, P64, J MARKETING RES; CHURCHILL GA, 1982, V19, P491, J MARKETING RES; COOPER RG, 1991, V8, P75, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; CRONIN JJ, 1992, V56, P55, J MARKETING; CRONIN JJ, 1994, V58, P125, J MARKETING; CRONIN JJ, 2000, V76, P193, J RETAILING; CROSBY LA, 1990, V54, P68, J MARKETING; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DABHOLKAR PA, 1994, V3, P241, ADV SERV MARKET MAN; DABHOLKAR PA, 1996, V13, P29, INT J RES MARK; DAVIS FD, 1989, V35, P982, MANAGE SCI; DAVIS FD, 1989, V13, P319, MIS QUART; DEBRENTANI U, 1989, V6, P239, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; DICK AS, 1994, V22, P99, J ACAD MARKET SCI; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P532, ACAD MANAGE REV; FISK RP, 1993, V69, P61, J RETAILING; FORNELL C, 1981, V18, P382, J MARKETING RES; FORNELL C, 1981, V18, P39, J MARKETING RES; FORNELL C, 1992, V56, P1, J MARKETING; GREMLER DD, 2000, V3, P82, J SERV RES-US; GRONROOS C, 1984, V18, P36, EUR J MARKETING; GRONROOS C, 1990, SERVICE MANAGEMENT M; GUMMESSON E, 1993, QUALITY MANAGEMENT S; GWINNER KP, 1998, V26, P101, J ACAD MARKET SCI; HAIR J, 1992, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HAN JK, 1998, V62, P30, J MARKETING; HART CWL, 1990, V68, P148, HARVARD BUS REV; HARTLINE MD, 1996, V60, P52, J MARKETING; HARVEY C, 2005, CLASSIFICATION ACAD; HEINEKE, 2007, V25, P364, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; HESKETT J, 1990, SERVICE BREAKTHROUGH; HESKETT J, 1997, SERVICE PROFIT CHAIN; HESKETT JL, 1994, V72, P164, HARVARD BUS REV; HOCHSCHILD A, 1983, MANAGED HEART COMMER; HOFFMAN KD, 1995, V9, P49, J SERV MARK; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1994, V11, P131, J MANAGEMENT INFORMA; JAWORSKI BJ, 1993, V57, P53, J MARKETING; JAWORSKI BJ, 1993, V57, P57, J MARKETING; JOHNSON J, 1996, HDB PERSONALITY PSYC; JOHNSTON R, 1995, V6, P5, INT J SERV IND MANAG; JOHNSTON R, 1999, V19, P104, INT J OPER PROD MAN; JOHNSTON R, 2005, V25, P1298, INT J OPER PROD MAN; JONES TO, 1995, V73, P88, HARVARD BUS REV; JORESKOG K, 1986, V6, LISREL; KEAVENEY SM, 1995, V59, P71, J MARKETING; KELLEY SW, 1990, V66, P315, J RETAILING; KELLEY SW, 1993, V69, P104, J RETAILING; KELLEY SW, 1994, V22, P52, J ACADEMY MARKETING; KOHLI AK, 1990, V54, P1, J MARKETING; LARSSON R, 1989, V14, P213, ACAD MANAGE REV; LILJANDER V, 1995, V4, P141, ADV SERV MARKET MAN; LOVELOCK CH, 1983, V47, P9, J MARKETING; LOVEMAN GW, 1998, V1, P18, J SERV RES-US; MANO H, 1993, V20, P451, J CONSUM RES; MEUTER ML, 2000, V64, P50, J MARKETING; MILLS PK, 1986, V11, P726, ACAD MANAGE REV; MITTAL V, 1998, V62, P33, J MARKETING; MORGAN RM, 1994, V58, P20, J MARKETING; NARVER JC, 1990, V54, P20, J MARKETING; OLIVER R, 1997, SATISFACTION BEHAV P; OLIVER RL, 1980, V17, P460, J MARKETING RES; OLIVER RL, 1981, V57, P25, J RETAILING; OLIVER RL, 1993, P65, ADV MARKETING MANAGE; OLIVER RL, 1999, V63, P33, J MARKETING; PARASURAMAN A, 1985, V49, P41, J MARKETING; PARASURAMAN A, 1988, V64, P12, J RETAILING; PARASURAMAN A, 1991, V67, P420, J RETAILING; PARASURAMAN A, 1994, V58, P111, J MARKETING; PARASURAMAN A, 2000, V28, P9, J ACAD MARKET SCI; PARASURAMAN A, 2007, V9, P291, J SERV RES-US; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PRICE LL, 1995, V59, P83, J MARKETING; REICHHELD F, 1996, LOYALTY EFFECT HIDDE; REICHHELD FF, 1990, V68, P105, HARVARD BUS REV; REYNOLDS KE, 1999, V75, P11, J RETAILING; REYNOLDS KE, 1999, V75, P509, J RETAILING; RUCCI AJ, 1998, V76, P82, HARVARD BUS REV; RUST R, 1994, SERVICE QUALITY NEW; RUST R, 2004, V6, P211, J SERV RES-US; RUST RT, 1993, V69, P193, J RETAILING; RUST RT, 1995, V59, P58, J MARKETING; SCHEUING E, 1989, V3, P35, J SERVICES MARKETING; SCHEUING EE, 1989, V3, P25, J SERV MARK; SCHMENNER RW, 1986, V27, P21, SLOAN MANAGE REV; SCHMIT MJ, 1995, V48, P521, PERS PSYCHOL; SCHNEIDER B, 1980, V25, P252, ADM SCI Q; SCHNEIDER B, 1985, V70, P423, J APPL PSYCHOL; SCHNEIDER B, 1995, WINNING SERVICE GAME; SCHNEIDER B, 1998, V83, P150, J APPL PSYCHOL; SHARPLIN AD, 1985, V38, P139, HUM RELAT; SHETH JN, 1995, V23, P255, J ACAD MARKET SCI; SHOSTACK GL, 1984, V62, P133, HARVARD BUS REV; SHOSTACK GL, 1987, V51, P34, J MARKETING; SOLOMON MR, 1985, V49, P99, J MARKETING; STORBACKA K, 1994, V5, P21, INT J SERV IND MANAG; SURPRENANT CF, 1987, V51, P86, J MARKETING; TAX SS, 1998, V62, P60, J MARKETING; TAYLOR SA, 1994, V70, P163, J RETAILING; TAYLOR SA, 1997, V73, P135, J RETAILING; TEAS RK, 1993, V57, P18, J MARKETING; TSE DK, 1988, V25, P204, J MARKETING RES; WESTBROOK RA, 1991, V18, P84, J CONSUM RES; WOOD WJ, 1983, V3, P296, RETINA-J RET VIT DIS; YI Y, 1990, P68, REV MARKETING; YIN R, 1994, CASE STUDY RES DESIG; ZEITHAML V, 1990, DELIVERING QUALITY S; ZEITHAML V, 1993, V21, P1, ACAD MARKETING SCI; ZEITHAML V, 1996, SERVICES MARKETING; ZEITHAML VA, 1985, V49, P33, J MARKETING; ZEITHAML VA, 1988, V52, P2, J MARKETING; ZEITHAML VA, 1996, V60, P31, J MARKETING| NR- 135| TC- 5| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BINGLEY| PA- HOWARD HOUSE, WAGON LANE, BINGLEY BD16 1WA, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0956-4233| J9- INT J SERVICE IND MANAGEMENT| JI- Int. J. Serv. Ind. Manage| PY- 2008| VL- 19| IS- 1| BP- 83| EP- 110| DI- 10.1108/09564230810855725| PG- 28| SC- Management| GA- 285MS| JN- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SERVICE INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT, 2008, V19, N1, P83-110| UT- ISI:000254781500005 ER || PT- J| AU- Tight M| AF- Tight Malcolm| TI- Higher education research as tribe, territory and/or community: a cocitation analysis| SO- HIGHER EDUCATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- higher education research; higher education journals; citation; cocitation; communities of practice| ID- ARTICLES| AB- This article builds upon existing research which has been mapping and analysing the field of higher education research, and, in particular, on the analysis of the articles (n = 406) in 17 specialist higher education journals published in the English language outside of North America during the year 2000. It extends that analysis by examining the citations (n = 10,065) given in the articles, in particular the patterns of cocitation. This enables a clearer identification of the tribes or communities of practice that occupy the territory of higher education research. An attempt is be made to identify the key members of these tribes or communities, and to chart the key relationships within and between them| C1- Univ Lancaster, Dept Educ Res, Lancaster LA1 4YL, England| RP- Tight, M, Univ Lancaster, Dept Educ Res, Lancaster LA1 4YL, England| EM-| CD- BAGILHOLE B, 2002, V23, P19, BRIT J SOCIOL EDUC; BECHER T, 1989, ACAD TRIBES TERRRITO; BECHER T, 1999, PROFESSIONAL PRACTIC; BECHER T, 2001, ACAD TRIBES TERRITOR; BROOKS A, 2001, GENDER RESTRUCTURED; COLLINS R, 1998, SOCIOLOGY PHILOS GLO; DESMEDT E, 2004, V24, P445, EDUC PSYCHOL; FANGHANEL J, 2004, V29, P575, STUD HIGH EDUC; FULLER A, 2005, V31, P49, BRIT EDUC RES J; HARGENS LL, 2000, V65, P846, AM SOCIOL REV; HENDRY C, 1996, V49, P621, HUM RELAT; HOWIE G, 2002, GENDER TEACHING RES; HYLAND K, 2000, DISCIPLINARY DISCOUR; HYLAND K, 2001, V20, P207, ENGL SPECIF PURP; LAVE J, 1991, SITUATED LEARNING LE; TIGHT M, 2003, RES HIGHER ED; TIGHT M, 2004, V23, P395, HIGHER ED RES DEV; TIGHT M, 2004, ROUTLEDGEFALMER READ; TIGHT M, 2006, V38, P42, HIGH EDUC REV; TIGHT M, 2007, V53, P235, HIGH EDUC; TROWLER P, 2000, V19, P27, HIGHER ED RES DEV; WENGER E, 2000, V7, P225, ORGANIZATION; WHITE HD, 2004, V25, P89, APPL LINGUIST| NR- 23| TC- 2| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0018-1560| J9- HIGHER EDUC| JI- High. Educ| PD- MAY| PY- 2008| VL- 55| IS- 5| BP- 593| EP- 605| DI- 10.1007/s10734-007-9077-1| PG- 13| SC- Education & Educational Research| GA- 286MB| JN- HIGHER EDUCATION, 2008, V55, N5, P593-605| UT- ISI:000254848900006 ER || PT- J| AU- Miguel S; Moya-Anegon F; Herrero-Solana V| AF- Miguel Sandra; Moya-Anegon, Felix; Herrero-Solana, Victor| TI- New approach to institutional domain analysis: Multilevel research fronts structure| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; DECISION-SUPPORT SYSTEMS; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; SEMICONDUCTOR LITERATURE; SCIENCE| AB- The intellectual structure and main research fronts of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Museum of the National University of La Plata, Argentina is studied, based on the cocitation analysis of subject categories, journals and authors of their scientific publications collected in the Science Citation index, CD-ROM version, for the period 1991-2000. The objective of this study is to test the utility of those techniques to explore and to visualize the intellectual structure and research fronts of multidisciplinary institutional domains. Special emphasis is laid on the identification of multilevel structures, by means of arrangements of subject categories cocitation analysis and journal cocitation analysis| C1- [Miguel, Sandra] Natl Univ La Plata, Lib Sci Dept, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina; [Moya-Anegon, Felix; Herrero-Solana, Victor] Univ Granada, Lib & Informat Sci Dept, Granada, Spain| RP- Miguel, S, Natl Univ La Plata, Lib Sci Dept, 48 E-6 & 7, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina| EM-| CD- ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EOM SB, 1996, V16, P315, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HERREROSOLANA V, 2001, V8, P4, NEXOS; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KREUZMAN H, 2001, V51, P525, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V11, P3, NAUCHNOTEKNICHESCA 2; MCCAIN KW, 1984, V35, P351, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1988, V39, P428, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V32, P153, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2002, V31, P54, CIENCIA INFORMACAO; PAISLEY W, 1990, V41, P459, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TERUGGI ME, 1988, MUSEO PLATA 1888 199; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2003, V58, P529, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 26| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAR| PY- 2008| VL- 74| IS- 3| BP- 331| EP- 344| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1586-2| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 281GX| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2008, V74, N3, P331-344| UT- ISI:000254486000001 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhao DZ; Strotmann A| AF- Zhao Dangzhi; Strotmann, Andreas| TI- Information science during the first decade of the web: an enriched author cocitation analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- PEARSONS-R; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; INTELLECTUAL SPACE; KNOWLEDGE| AB- Using an enriched author cocitation analysis (ACA), we map information science (IS) for 1996-2005, a decade of explosive development of the World Wide Web, to examine its development since the landmark study by White and McCain (1998). The Web, we find, has had a profound impact on IS, driving the creation of new disciplines and revitalization or obsolescence of old, and most importantly, bridging the chasm between the "literatures" and "retrieval" IS camps. Simultaneously, the development of IS towards cognitive aspects has intensified. Our study enriches classic ACA in that it employs both orthogonal and oblique rotations in the factor analysis (FA), and reports both pattern and structure matrices for the latter, thus enabling a comparison between these several FA methods in ACA. Each method provides interesting information not available from the others, we find, especially when results are also visualized in the novel manner we introduce here| C1- [Zhao, Dangzhi] Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada; [Strotmann, Andreas] Univ Alberta, Sch Business, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| RP- Zhao, DZ, Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P936, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ASTROM F, 2007, V58, P947, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BATAGELJ V, 2007, PAJEK PROGRAM ANAL V; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORNER K, 2004, V101, P5266, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BOYACK K, 2007, P 11 INT C INT SOC S; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HARTER SP, 1992, V43, P602, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HENZINGER M, 2004, V101, P5186, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, P194, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, P 11 INT C SCI INF J; SHIFFRIN RM, 2004, V101, P5183, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; VANECK NJ, 2006, P405, P INT WORKSH DAT EXP; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILKINSON DM, 2004, V101, P5241, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; ZHAO D, 2007, P AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 32| TC- 11| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- APR| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 6| BP- 916| EP- 937| DI- 10.1002/asi.20799| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 279OF| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N6, P916-937| UT- ISI:000254363800006 ER || PT- J| AU- Kim J; McMillan SJ| AF- Kim Juran; McMillan, Sally J| TI- Evaluation of Internet advertising research - A bibliometric analysis of citations from key sources| SO- JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- WORLD-WIDE-WEB; PUBLICATION PRODUCTIVITY; SITES; INVOLVEMENT; RESPONSES; ATTITUDE; AD; INTERACTIVITY; COMMERCIALS; NETWORKS| AB- How has scholarly research shaped the Internet advertising field since the mid 1990s? This study addresses that broad question with a bibliometric analysis of academic literature on Internet advertising By examining most-cited authors and papers, as well as co-citation patterns, a general picture of the field can be drawn. This analysis sets a baseline that will enable future scholars to see where the field of Internet advertising research began and trace its shift over time| C1- [Kim, Juran] Jeonju Univ, Sch Business Adm, Jeonju, South Korea; [McMillan, Sally J.] Univ Tennessee, Coll Commun & Informat, Knoxville, TN 37996 USA| RP- Kim, J, Jeonju Univ, Sch Business Adm, Jeonju, South Korea| CD- 2003, J CITATION REPORTS S; ALBA J, 1997, V61, P38, J MARKETING; ALBA JW, 1987, V13, P83, J CONSUM RES; BARILAN J, 2002, V50, P371, LIBR TRENDS; BARRY TE, 1990, V19, P52, J ADVERTISING; BATRA R, 1986, V13, P234, J CONSUM RES; BERTHON P, 1996, V36, P43, J ADVERTISING RES; BEZJIANAVERY A, 1998, V38, P23, J ADVERTISING RES; BLATTBERG RC, 1991, V33, P5, SLOAN MANAGE REV; BORGMAN CL, 2000, P143, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; BRIGGS R, 1997, V37, P33, J ADVERTISING RES; BROWN SP, 1992, V19, P34, J CONSUM RES; BRUNER GC, 2000, V40, P35, J ADVERTISING RES; BUSH AJ, 1998, V38, P17, J ADVERTISING RES; CAWKELL T, 2000, P177, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; CELSI RL, 1988, V15, P210, J CONSUM RES; CHEN QM, 1999, V39, P27, J ADVERTISING RES; CHO CC, 2005, P162, P AM ACAD ADVERTISIN; CHO CH, 1994, V35, P143, J ADVERTISING; CHO CH, 1997, P69, P 1997 C AM AC ADV C; CHO CH, 1999, V21, P33, J CURRENT ISSUES RES; CHO CH, 2001, V41, P45, J ADVERTISING RES; CHO CH, 2001, P162, P AM ACAD ADVERTISIN; CLARY EG, 1998, V74, P1516, J PERS SOC PSYCHOL; COFFEY S, 1997, V37, P61, J ADVERTISING RES; COYLE JR, 2001, V30, P65, J ADVERTISING; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; DAHLEN M, 2001, V41, P23, J ADVERTISING RES; DEIGHTON J, 1996, V74, P151, HARVARD BUS REV; DELLAERT BGC, 1999, V13, P41, J INTERACT MARK; DONTHU N, 1999, V39, P52, J ADVERTISING RES; DREZE X, 1997, V37, P77, J ADVERTISING RES; DUCOFFE RH, 1995, V17, P1, J CURRENT ISSUES RES; DUCOFFE RH, 1996, V36, P21, J ADVERTISING RES; EIGHMEY J, 1997, V37, P59, J ADVERTISING RES; EIGHMEY J, 1998, V41, P187, J BUS RES; ENGEL JF, 1993, V41, P57, CONSUMER BEHAV; GALLAGHER K, 2001, V41, P57, J ADVERTISING RES; GHOSE S, 1998, V38, P29, J ADVERTISING RES; HA L, 1998, V42, P457, J BROADCAST ELECTRON; HAIR JF, 1998, P5, MULTIVAR DATA ANAL; HALEY RI, 1991, V31, P11, J ADVERTISING RES; HARVEY B, 1997, V37, P11, J ADVERTISING RES; HEETER C, 1989, P53, MEDIA LIST INFORM AG; HEETER C, 2004, V1, J INTERACTIVE ADVERT; HENTHORNE TL, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; HOFFMAN DL, 1996, V39, P36, COMMUN ACM; HOFFMAN DL, 1996, V60, P50, J MARKETING; HOFFMAN DL, 1997, V13, P43, INFORMATION SOC; HOFFMANN DL, 1995, V1, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; HOLBROOK MB, 1987, V14, P404, J CONSUM RES; HULT G, 1997, V19, P37, J MARKETING ED; KATZ J, 1997, V7, P170, INTERNET RES; KENNEDY JR, 1971, V11, P33, J ADVERTISING RES; KORGAONKAR PK, 1999, V39, P53, J ADVERTISING RES; KRUGMAN HE, 1965, V29, P349, PUBLIC OPIN QUART; LAVIDGE RJ, 1961, V25, P59, J MARKETING; LECKENBY JD, 1998, V38, P7, J ADVERTISING RES; LECKENBY JD, 2000, V1, J INTERACTIVE ADVERT; LEINER BM, 2000, BRIEF HIST INTERNET; LEONG EKF, 1998, V38, P44, J ADVERTISING RES; LI HR, 1999, V76, P341, JOURNALISM MASS COMM; LIEVROUW LA, 1989, V16, P615, COMMUN RES; MACKENZIE SB, 1986, V23, P130, J MARKETING RES; MADDEN M, 2003, AM ONLINE PURSUITS C; MADDOX LM, 1997, V37, P47, J ADVERTISING RES; MAHESWARAN D, 1990, V17, P66, J CONSUM RES; MCDONALD SC, 1997, V37, P21, J ADVERTISING RES; MCMILLAN SJ, 2000, P71, P AM ACAD ADVERTISIN; MEEKER M, 1997, INTERT ADVERTISING R; METHERINGHAM RA, 1964, V4, P23, J ADVERTISING RES; MITCHELL AA, 1981, V18, P318, J MARKETING RES; MORRIS M, 1996, V46, P39, J COMMUN; MURRY JP, 1992, V18, P441, J CONSUM RES; NOVAK TP, 2000, V19, P22, MARKET SCI; NUNNALLY JC, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; PAPACHARISSI Z, 2000, V44, P175, J BROADCAST ELECTRON; PASADEOS Y, 1998, V27, P53, J ADVERTISING; PASADEOS Y, 1999, V11, P29, J PUBLIC RELAT RES; PAVLOU PA, 2000, V1, J INTERACTIVE ADVERT; PETTY RE, 1983, V10, P135, J CONSUM RES; PETTY RE, 1986, COMMUNICATION PERSUA; PRITCHARD A, 1969, V25, P348, J DOC; QUELCH JA, 1996, V37, P60, SLOAN MANAGE REV; RAFAELI S, 1986, V2, P123, COMPUTERS SOCIAL SCI; RAFAELI S, 1988, P110, ADV COMMUNICATION SC; RAFAELI S, 1997, V2, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; RATCHFORD BT, 1987, V27, P24, J ADVERTISING RES; RODGERS S, 2000, V1, J INTERACTIVE ADVERT; RODGERS S, 2000, P AM ACAD ADVERTISIN; ROEHM HA, 1999, P27, ADVERT CONS; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; ROSSITER JR, 1997, J CURRENT ISSUES RES; ROSSITER JR, 1999, V21, P13, J CURRENT ISSUES RES; SCHLINGER MJ, 1979, V19, P37, J ADVERTISING RES; SHAMDASANI PN, 2001, V41, P7, J ADVERTISING RES; SINGH SN, 1999, V42, P91, COMMUN ACM; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STAFFORD TF, 1998, P174, P 1998 AM AC ADV C P; STEUER J, 1992, V42, P73, J COMMUN; STEVENSON JS, 2000, V40, P29, J ADVERTISING RES; TANKARD JW, 1984, V61, P89, JOURNALISM QUART; USDIKEN B, 1995, V16, P503, ORGAN STUD; VAUGHN R, 1980, V20, P27, J ADVERTISING RES; WELLS WD, 1999, P115, P 1999 C AM AC ADV U; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WIBERLEY SE, 2003, V73, P121, LIBR QUART; WU GH, 1999, P254, P AM AC ADV; YOO CY, 2001, P53, P 2001 C AM AC ADV; ZAICHKOWSKY JL, 1985, V12, P341, J CONSUM RES; ZAICHKOWSKY JL, 1994, V23, P59, J ADVERTISING; ZEFF R, 1999, ADVERTISING INTERNET| NR- 114| TC- 0| PU- M E SHARPE INC| PI- ARMONK| PA- 80 BUSINESS PARK DR, ARMONK, NY 10504 USA| SN- 0091-3367| J9- J ADVERTISING| JI- J. Advert| PD- SPR| PY- 2008| VL- 37| IS- 1| BP- 99| EPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 112| 10.2753/JOA0091-3367370108| 14| Business; Communication| 282CX| JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, 2008, V37, N1, P99-112| ISI:000254546300008 ER || PT- J| AU- Westhead P| AF- Westhead Paul| TI- Entrepreneurship: Concepts, theory and perspectives| SO- INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL| LA- English| DT- Book Review| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCHOLARSHIP| C1- [Westhead, Paul] Univ Durham, Sch Business, Durham DH1 3HP, England| RP- Westhead, P, Univ Durham, Sch Business, Durham DH1 3HP, England| CD- *DEP TRAD IND, 2004, GOV ACT PLAN SMALL B; ACS ZJ, 1996, SMALL FIRMS EC GROWT; BIRLEY S, 1998, ENTREPRENEURSHIP; BRUSH CG, 2006, WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSH; CASSON M, 1990, ENTREPRENEURSHIP; CASSON M, 2006, OXFORD HDB ENTREPREN; CLARK T, 2007, V44, P612, J MANAGE STUD; CORNELIUS B, 2006, V30, P375, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; CUERVO A, 2007, ENTREPRENEURSHIP CON; DANA LP, 2004, HDB RES INT ENTREPRE; DAVIDSSON P, 2006, NEW FIRM START UPS I; GARTNER WB, 1989, V13, P47, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GARTNER WB, 2001, V25, P27, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GARTNER WB, 2006, V30, P321, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; HITT MA, 2005, BLACKWELL ENCY MANAG; LOW M, 2001, V25, P17, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SHANE S, 2000, V25, P217, ACAD MANAGE REV; SIEGEL DS, 2006, TECHNOLOGICAL ENTREP; STOREY DJ, 2000, SMALL BUSINESS CRITI; UCBASARAN D, 2001, V25, P57, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; VENKATARAMAN S, 1997, V3, P119, ADV ENTREPRENEURSHIP; WESTHEAD P, 2000, ADV ENTREPRENEURSHIP; WESTHEAD P, 2005, V25, P109, SMALL BUS ECON| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON EC1Y 1SP, ENGLAND| SN- 0266-2426| J9- INT SMALL BUS J| JI- Int. Small Bus. J| PD- APR| PY- 2008| VL- 26| IS- 2| BP- 251| EP- 255| PG- 7| SC- Business; Management| GA- 277OB| JN- INTERNATIONAL SMALL BUSINESS JOURNAL, 2008, V26, N2, P251-255| UT- ISI:000254222000008 ER || PT- J| AU- Xiao H; Smith SLJ| AF- Xiao Honggen; Smith, Stephen L. J| TI- Knowledge impact - An appraisal of tourism scholarship| SO- ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- knowledge impacts; sociology and anthropology of tourism; citation analysis; scientific community| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; INSTITUTIONAL CONTRIBUTORS; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; SOCIAL-SCIENCES; JOURNALS; AUTHENTICITY; SOCIOLOGY; ECONOMICS; RANKING; COMMUNITIES| AB- This paper reports on the impacts of a branch of knowledge-the sociology and anthropology of tourism-on the scholarly community. A convenience sample of titles is used for a citation analysis. Results suggest that this literature has a majority of its citation impacts within and a smaller portion outside the tourism research community The frequency of journal citations and the relatively higher rate of cocitations and bibliographical couplings in this research area indicate a strong and staying impact of these sources on academics Citations beyond the Anglophone community are notable and implications and limitations of the study also discussed| C1- [Xiao, Honggen; Smith, Stephen L. J.] Univ Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada| RP- Xiao, H, Univ Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada| EM-| CD- BALDI S, 1998, V63, P829, AM SOCIOL REV; BALOGLU S, 1999, V23, P53, J HOSPITATLITY TOURI; BEED C, 1996, V18, P369, J POST KEYNESIAN EC; BENDAVID J, 1966, V31, P451, AM SOCIOL REV; BERG LD, 2004, V35, P553, GEOFORUM; BOTTERILL D, 2001, V20, P199, LEISURE STUDIES; BROADUS RN, 1971, V23, P236, INT SOC SCI J; BRUNER EM, 1994, V96, P397, AM ANTHROPOL; BRUNER EM, 1999, V26, P461, AM ETHNOL; BRUNER EM, 2001, V28, P881, AM ETHNOL; BURNS P, 1999, INTRO TOURISM ANTHR; CAPLAN N, 1979, V22, P459, AM BEHAV SCI; CARTER R, 2001, V9, P265, J SUSTAIN TOUR; COHEN E, 1972, V39, P164, SOC RES; COHEN E, 1974, V22, P527, SOCIOL REV; COHEN E, 1979, V6, P18, ANN TOURISM RES; COHEN E, 1979, V13, P179, SOCIOLOGY; COHEN E, 1988, V15, P29, ANN TOURISM RES; COTE JA, 1991, V18, P402, J CONSUM RES; COTE JA, 1992, V3, P251, MARKET LETT; COURTNEY JC, 1987, V20, P625, CAN J POLIT SCI; CRANE D, 1969, V34, P335, AM SOCIOL REV; CRAWFORDWELCH S, 1992, V11, P15, INT J HOSP MANAGEMEN; CRONIN B, 1981, V37, P16, J DOC; CRONIN B, 1982, V2, P65, SOC SCI INFORM STUD; DANN G, 1996, LANGUAGE TOURISM; DANN G, 1999, P13, CONT ISSUES TOURISM; DANN G, 2001, P367, INT HDB SOCIOLOGY; DANN G, 2005, V10, P3, TOURISM ANAL; DANN GMS, 1997, V24, P472, ANN TOURISM RES; DARTNALL J, 1990, V1, P49, J TOURISM STUDIES; DILLAR D, 2006, ED COLL PROFESSORS C; DUNN WN, 1983, V5, P120, KNOWLEDGE; EASTON G, 2003, V19, P5, J MARKETING MANAGEME; ECHTNER CM, 1997, V24, P868, ANN TOURISM RES; FAULKNER B, 1998, V37, P76, J TRAVEL RES; FAULKNER B, 1999, V20, P3, TOURISM MANAGE; FRANKLIN A, 2001, V1, P5, TOURIST STUDIES; GARFIELD E, 1964, V144, P649, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING TH; GARFIELD E, 1979, V1, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; GILBERT GN, 1977, V7, P113, SOC STUD SCI; GOELDNER C, 1999, V1, P33, AS PAC TOUR ASS 5 AN; GOLDMAN A, 1979, V16, P485, J MARKETING RES; GRABURN N, 1989, P21, HOSTS GUESTS ANTHR T; GRABURN NHH, 1983, V10, P9, ANN TOURISM RES; GRABURN NHH, 1991, V18, P1, ANN TOURISM RES; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HALL CM, 2005, V26, P653, TOURISM MANAGE; HALL M, 2004, P3, COMPANION TOURISM; HALL M, 2006, V4, P119, E REV TOURISM RES; HENNING G, 2005, V53, P187, TOURISM; HODGSON G, 1999, V109, P165, ECON J; HOWEY RM, 1999, V20, P133, TOURISM MANAGE; HSU C, 2005, GLOBAL TOURISM HIGHE; HUNTER C, 1997, V24, P850, ANN TOURISM RES; JAFARI J, 1990, V1, P33, J TOURISM STUDIES; JAFARI J, 2001, P28, HOSTS GUESTS REVISIT; JAFARI J, 2002, TOURISM LANDSCAPE KN; JOGARATNAM G, 2005, V26, P641, TOURISM MANAGE; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KOBASIC A, 1996, V44, P169, TURIZAM; KOUSHA K, 2006, V68, P501, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOUSHA K, 2007, GOOGLE SCHOLAR CITAT; LABAND DN, 1994, V32, P640, J ECON LIT; LANDRY R, 2001, V30, P333, RES POLICY; LANFANT M, 1980, V32, P14, INT SOC SCI J; LANFANT MF, 1995, P24, INT TOURISM IDENTITY; LEIBOWITZ SJ, 1984, V22, P77, J ECON LIT; LEIPER N, 2000, V27, P805, ANN TOURISM RES; LETT J, 1989, P275, HOSTS GUEST ANTHR TO; LEVY D, 1993, V119, P23, SOCIAL GEN PSYCHOL; MACBETH J, 2005, V32, P962, ANN TOURISM RES; MACCANNELL D, 1973, V79, P589, AM J SOCIOL; MACCANNELL D, 1976, TOURIST NEW THEORY L; MAR NJ, 1975, V32, P390, CITATION ANAL J DOCU; MARSHALL VW, 1998, V2, P171, CANADA HLTH ACTION B; MCGRATH J, 1966, SMALL GROUP RES A SY; MCKERCHER B, 2005, V26, P649, TOURISM MANAGE; MCKERCHER B, 2006, V27, P1235, TOURISM MANAGE; MERTON RK, 1957, V22, P635, AM SOCIOL REV; MULKAY MJ, 1977, P93, SCI TECHNOLOGY SOC C; NASH D, 1996, ANTHR TOURISM; OPPERMANN M, 2000, V2, P141, INT J TOURISM RES; PAGE SJ, 2003, V24, P607, TOURISM MANAGE; PAGE SJ, 2005, V26, P663, TOURISM MANAGE; PECHLANER H, 2004, V42, P328, J TRAVEL RES; PRICE D, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; RAJU S, 2006, V37, P155, GEOFORUM; REID L, 1989, V27, P21, J TRAVEL RES; RICH R, 1997, V10, P3, INT J KNOWLEDGE TRAN; RILEY RW, 2000, V27, P164, ANN TOURISM RES; RITCHIE JRB, 1996, V5, P49, RES J TRAVEL TOURISM; RYAN C, 2005, V26, P657, TOURISM MANAGE; SAMDAHL DM, 1999, V31, P171, J LEISURE RES; SHELDON P, 1990, V18, P473, J TOURISM STUDIES; SHELDON PJ, 1990, V1, P42, J TOURISM STUDIES; SIVADAS E, 2005, V5, P339, MARKETING THEORY; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMITH S, 1982, V19, P5, ONTARIO GEOGRAPHY; SMITH V, 1960, V7, P13, ANN TOURISM RES; SMITH V, 1977, P1989, HOSTS GUESTS ANTHR T; STIGLER GJ, 1975, V83, P477, J POLITICAL EC; SWAIN M, 1998, V25, P91, ANN TOURISM RES; TELLIS GJ, 1999, V36, P120, J MARKETING RES; TRIBE J, 1997, V24, P638, ANN TOURISM RES; TRIBE J, 2000, V27, P809, ANN TOURISM RES; TRIBE J, 2001, V39, P442, J TRAVEL RES; TRIBE J, 2004, P46, QUALITATIVE RES TOUR; TRIBE J, 2006, V33, P360, ANN TOURISM RES; TUIRE P, 2001, V42, P493, HIGH EDUC; URRY J, 1990, V24, P22, SOCIOLOGY; URRY J, 1990, TOURIST GASE LEISURE; URRY J, 2000, SOCIOLOGY SOC MOBILI; VANDOREN C, 1994, P308, TOURISM STATE ART; VANDOREN CS, 1984, V6, P239, LEISURE SCI; WANG N, 1999, V26, P349, ANN TOURISM RES; WEINSTOCK M, 1971, V5, P16, ENCY LIBRARY INFORMA; WEISS C, 1979, V29, P426, PUBLIC ADMIN REV; WEISS CH, 1980, V1, P381, KNOWLEDGE CREATION D; XIAO H, 2006, V10, P335, TOURISM ANAL; XIAO H, 2007, V34, P310, ANN TOURISM RES; XIAO HG, 2005, V32, P272, ANN TOURISM RES; XIAO HG, 2006, V33, P490, ANN TOURISM RES; ZHAO WB, 2007, V28, P476, TOURISM MANAGE; ZINKHAN GM, 1992, V19, P1, J CONSUM RES| NR- 128| TC- 6| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0160-7383| J9JIPDPYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- ANN TOURISM RES| Ann. Touris. Res| JAN| 2008| 35| 1| 62| 83| 10.1016/j.annals.2007.06.008| 22| Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism; Sociology| 276KN| ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH, 2008, V35, N1, P62-83| ISI:000254140100004 ER || PT- J| AU- Oda T; Gemba K; Matsushima K| AF- Oda Tetsuaki; Gemba, Kiminori; Matsushima, Katsumori| TI- Enhanced co-citation analysis using frameworks| SO- TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- patent strategy; patent value; patent cluster; technology transition; life cycle; investment; RD; citation; co-citation; bibliographic data| AB- The valuation of intangible assets, such as patents, has recently been considered an important technique for RD strategies. This paper proposes a citation analysis as a method of valuation on patent clusters having patent networks. A citation analysis is a method that examines the value of a patent on the basis of the number of citations of references. In particular, a co-citation analysis is used for coupling patents as the patent cluster and valuating the patent cluster. While the co-citation analysis is of great interest as a method of valuation, this analysis has not been fully examined and does not define any framework for a technology transition and patent strategy. Therefore, in this paper, the conventional co-citation analysis for evaluating the patent clusters is enhanced and frameworks for the technology transition and patent strategy are proposed by analysing citation routes in a co-citation analysis| C1- [Oda, Tetsuaki; Gemba, Kiminori; Matsushima, Katsumori] Univ Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan| RP- Oda, T, Univ Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan| EM-| CD- CARPENTER MF, 1981, P160, WORLD PATENT INFORM; KESSLER MM, 1961, V9, P49, INFORM THEORY IEEE T; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; MOGEE ME, 1990, INT PATENT DATA TECH; MOGEE, 1999, P291, EXPERT OPINION THERA; NARIN FM, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TRAJTENBERG M, 1987, 2457 NAT BUR EC RES| NR- 8| TC- 1| PU- ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD| PI- ABINGDON| PA- 4 PARK SQUARE, MILTON PARK, ABINGDON OX14 4RN, OXFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0953-7325| J9- TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG MANAGE| JI- Technol. Anal. Strateg. Manage| PYVLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 2008| 20| 2| 217| 229| 10.1080/09537320801931713| 13| Management; Multidisciplinary Sciences| 274ZY| TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, 2008, V20, N2, P217-229| ISI:000254042800005 ER || PT- J| AU- Nerur SP; Rasheed AA; Natarajan V| AF- Nerur Sridhar P; Rasheed, Abdul A; Natarajan, Vivek| TI- The intellectual structure of the strategic management field: An author co-citation analysis| SO- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- author co-citation analysis; pathfinder analysis; information theory; strategic management research; bibliometrics| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; JOURNALS; SYSTEMS; DISCIPLINE; SCIENCE| AB- This paper complements a recent study by Ramos-Rodriguez and RuizNavarro (2004) that investigated the intellectual structure of the strategic management field through co-citation analysis. By using authors as the units of analysis and incorporating all the citations that are included in the Science Citation Index and the Social Science Citation Index, we trace the evolution of the intellectual structure of the strategic management field during the period 1980-2000. Using a variety of data analytic techniques such as multidimensional scaling, factor analysis, and Pathfinder analysis, we (1) delineate the subfields that constitute the intellectual structure of strategic management; (2) determine the relationships between the subfields; (3) identify authors who play a pivotal role in bridging two or more conceptual domains of research; and (4) graphically map the intellectual structure in twodimensional space in order to visualize spatial distances between intellectual themes. The analysis provides insights about the influence of individual authors as well as changes in their influence over time. Copyright (C) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd| C1- [Nerur, Sridhar P.] Univ Texas Arlington, Dept Informat Syst & Operat Management, Arlington, TX 76019 USA; [Rasheed, Abdul A.] Univ Texas Arlington, Coll Business Adm, Dept Management, Arlington, TX 76019 USA; [Natarajan, Vivek] Lamar Univ, Beaumont, TX 77710 USA| RP- Nerur, SP, Univ Texas Arlington, Dept Informat Syst & Operat Management, Box 19437, Arlington, TX 76019 USA| EM-| CD- ANDREWS KR, 1971, CONCEPT CORPORATE ST; ANSOFF HI, 1965, CORPORATE STRATEGY; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BAYER AE, 1990, V41, P444, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BETTIS RA, 1991, V2, P315, ORGAN SCI; BIGGADIKE ER, 1981, V6, P621, ACAD MANAGE REV; BOYD BK, 2005, V26, P239, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BOYD BK, 2005, V26, P841, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BURT, 2005, BROKERAGE CLOSURE IN; CHANDLER AD, 1962, STRATEGY STRUCTURE C; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P57, ACAD MANAGE REV; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GILBERT DJ, 1992, TWILIGHT CORPORATE S; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HOSKISSON RE, 1999, V25, P417, J MANAGE; JEMISON DB, 1981, V6, P601, ACAD MANAGE REV; JEMISON DB, 1981, V6, P633, ACAD MANAGE REV; KOGUT B, 1991, V37, P19, MANAGE SCI; KUHN ST, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; MARION LS, 2001, V52, P297, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1983, V5, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, P194, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; MEYER AD, 1991, V17, P821, J MANAGE; MINTZBERG H, 1985, V6, P257, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; MINTZBERG H, 1994, RISE FALL STRATEGIC; NAG R, 2007, V28, P935, STRATEG MANAGE J; PHELAN SE, 2002, V23, P1161, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PODSAKOFF PM, 2005, V26, P473, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PONZI LJ, 2002, V55, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER ME, 1981, V6, P609, ACAD MANAGE REV; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; SCHENDEL DE, 1979, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SHANNON CE, 1963, MATH THEORY COMMUNIC; SHAW WM, 1981, V3, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHAW WM, 1983, V34, P46, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SIRCAR S, 2001, V25, P457, MIS QUART; WEBER R, 1987, V1, P3, J INFORMATION SYSTEM; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILKINSON L, 2002, V2, P119, SYSTAT 10 2 STAT| NR- 52| TC- 9| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD| PI- CHICHESTER| PA- THE ATRIUM, SOUTHERN GATE, CHICHESTER PO19 8SQ, W SUSSEX, ENGLAND| SN- 0143-2095| J9- STRATEG MANAGE J| JI- Strateg. Manage. J| PD- MAR| PY- 2008| VL- 29| IS- 3| BP- 319| EP- 336| DI- 10.1002/smj.659| PG- 18| SC- Business; Management| GA- 274YQ| JN- STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, 2008, V29, N3, P319-336| UT- ISI:000254039100005 ER || PT- J| AU- Vargas-Quesada B; de Moya-Anegon F; Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z; CoreraAlvarez E; Guerrero-Bote V| AF- Vargas-Quesada Benjamin; de Moya-Anegon, Felix; Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Zaida; Corera-Alvarez, Elena; Guerrero-Bote, Vicente| TI- Development of the Spanish scientific landscape: ISI web of science 1990-2005| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- information visualization; network visualization; scientific output; co-citation; Spain; domain analysis; network evolution; pathfinder networks; Pfnet| ID- ITEM SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; COMBINED COCITATION; DIGITAL LIBRARIES; WORD ANALYSIS; CITATION; MAPS; VISUALIZATION; LITERATURES; DISCIPLINARY| AB- This longitudinal study of the development of Spain's ISI scientific domain examines three key time periods: 1990-1995, 1996-2000 and 20012005, with the goal of describing the basic structure and backbone of Spanish research, as well as studying its development over time. To this end, ISI categories are used as units of analysis, co-citation as units of measure, and pruning algorithms to simplify the relationship between categories in the visualizations. The results show that from the macrostructure point of view, biomedicine and materials science research provide the basic nucleus at first. Over the years this nucleus is consolidated and expanded with agricultural and soil sciences research. From the microstructure perspective, an increase is observed in the number of interdisciplinary categories, which occupy central positions, indicating increased interaction between disciplines that have traditionally been more important or visible and those on the periphery, or less well known| C1- [Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; de Moya-Anegon, Felix; ChinchillaRodriguez, Zaida; Corera-Alvarez, Elena] Univ Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain; [Guerrero-Bote, Vicente] Univ Extremadura, E-06071 Badajoz, Spain| RP- Vargas-Quesada, B, Univ Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- *COM EUR, 2003, 3 EUR REP SCI TECHN; *SCIMAGO GROUP, ATL SCI; *THOMS CORP, ISI WEB KNOWL; AARONSON S, 1975, V6, P22, MOSAIC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRANDENBURG FJ, 1995, V1027, P87, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; BRAUN T, 2000, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; BUTER RK, 2001, V51, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUTLER L, ARC SUPPORTED RES IM; BUZYDLOWSKI J, 2002, V2, P133, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; CHEN C, 2003, P67, IEEE S INF VIS; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2003, V54, P435, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN XY, 2001, V34, P71, CHINESE EDUC SOC; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2004, INDICADORES BIBLIOME; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2005, INDICADORES BIBLIOME; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1250, INFORM PROCESSING MA; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2006, V15, P258, PROF INFORM; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; FOWLER RH, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIATI; GARCIAMUNIZ AS, 2006, V28, P442, SOC NETWORKS; GARFIELD E, 150 ANN M AAAS PHIL; GARFIELD E, 1963, V14, P289, AM DOC; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1981, V42, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1984, V23, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1988, V22, P3, CURRENT CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1994, V7, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS SOC; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1999, V46, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOMEZ I, 2002, ACTIVIDAD CIENTIFICA; GOMEZ I, 2004, PROYECTO OBTENCION I; GRANOVETTER M, 1973, V78, P360, AM J SOCIOL; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; GUERREROBOTE VP, 2002, V38, P79, INFORMATION PROCESSI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; LEYDEDORFF L, 2006, V57, P616, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, V71, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS ECM, 1999, V50, P115, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ORTEGA JL, 2006, V15, P270, PROF INFORM; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P461, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEIDEN LS, 1989, V59, P72, LIB Q; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V48, P72, LIBR TRENDS; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VANRAAN AFJ, 1993, V26, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; VARGASQUESADA B, 2006, C INT CIEN TECN MULT; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISULAZING STRUCTURE; WASSERMAN S, 1998, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2000, P25, IEEE INFOR VIS; WHITE HD, 2000, WEB KNWOLEDGE FESTSC| NR- 66| TC- 2| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JI- Prof. Inf| PD- JAN-FEB| PY- 2008| VL- 17| IS- 1| BP- 22| EP- 37| DI- 10.3145/epi.2008.ene.03| PG- 16| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 272KK| JN- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2008, V17, N1, P22-37| UT- ISI:000253858100003 ER || PT- J| AU- Eto M| AF- Eto Masaki| TI- Multivalued co-citation measure based on semantic distance between co-cited papers in a citing paper: A case study focused on enumeration of citations| SO- LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE| LA- Chinese| DT- Article| ID- RETRIEVAL; SCIENCE| AB- Purpose: One typical document retrieval method is to use co-citation The method is based on the premise that the degree of similarity among co-cited papers is equal in a particular paper. The degree is calculated with binary values: "co-cited" or "not co-cited". To improve upon this method, the author proposes a multivalued co-citation measure based on semantic distance between co-cited papers Methods: To determine the distance between citations, the author measured two machine. parseable relationships (location and citing words) between places where papers are cited. In order to evaluate the proposed method, we identified two categories of co-citation: a group with strong relationships indicating "enumerated co-citation" (papers cited within one statement) and a group with weak relationships showing "non enumerated co-citation". Similarities within each group were calculated and compared using the CiteSeer dataset and 6 major similarity indicators Results: All of the similarity indicators showed that the degree of "enumerated co-citation" is higher than "non enumerated co-citation" Consequently, it became clear that the proposed co-citation measure can be used to distinguish the strength of co-citation more precisely and that it can be applied to large-scale document collections| C1- Keio Univ, Grad Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Minato Ku, Tokyo, Japan| RP- Eto, M, Keio Univ, Grad Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Minato Ku, 2-15-45 Mita, Tokyo, Japan| EM-| CD- BADRAN OM, 1984, P137, P 47 ASIS ANN M PHIL; BEIGBEDER M, 2004, V55, P1282, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BICHTELER J, 1980, V31, P278, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRADSHAW S, 2003, P499, P 7 EUR C RES ADV TE; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CHAPMAN J, 1981, P97, P NATIONAL ONLINE M; COUTO T, 2006, P75, P 6 ACM IEEE CS JOIN; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; GARZONE M, 2000, P337, P C CAN SOC COMP STU; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KNAPP SD, 1984, V8, P43, ONLINE; KRAMPEN G, 2007, V71, P191, SCIENTOMETRICS; LAI KK, 2005, V41, P313, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LE M, 2006, P265, P 10 PAC AS C KNOWL; LIU H, 2004, MONTYLINGUA VERSION; MCBRYAN OA, 1997, P79, P 1 INT WORLD WID WE; OCONNOR J, 1982, V18, P125, INFORMATION PROCESSI; PAO ML, 1993, V29, P95, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; PHAM SB, 2003, V2903, P759, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; PRESLAV NI, 2004, P SGIR 2004 WORKSH S; RITCHIE A, 2006, P25, P WORKSH CAN COMP LI; RUFF I, 1979, V9, P81, SOC STUD SCI; SALTON G, 1971, V27, P98, J DOC; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SCHNEIDER JW, 2006, V68, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SPIEGELROSING I, 1977, V7, P97, SOC STUD SCI; TEUFEL S, 2006, P103, P EMP METH NAT LANG; VOOS H, 1976, V1, P19, J ACAD LIBR| NR- 30| TC- 0| PU- MITA SOC LIBRARY INFORMATION SCIENCE| PI- TOKYO| PA- KEIO UNIV 2-15-45 MITA, SCHOOL LIBRARY INFO SCIENCE, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, 108-8345, JAPAN| SN- 0373-4447| J9- LIBR INFORM SCI| JI- Libr. Inf. Sci| PY- 2007| IS- 58| BP- 49| EP- 67| PG- 19| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 274UM| JN- LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 2007, V17, N58, P49-67| UT- ISI:000254027700003 ER || PT- J| AU- Bar-Ilan J| AF- Bar-Ilan Judit| TI- Informetrics at the beginning of the 21st century - A review| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- informetrics; bibliometrics; scientometrics; webometrics| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; JOURNAL-CITATION-REPORTS; UNIVERSITY WEB SITES; SCIENCE-AND-TECHNOLOGY; INDUSTRY-GOVERNMENT RELATIONS; INFORMAL SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION; LATENT SEMANTIC ANALYSIS; SEARCH ENGINE COVERAGE; ACCESS RESEARCH PAPERS; COMBINING FULL-TEXT| AB- This paper reviews developments in informetrics between 2000 and 2006 At the beginning of the 21st century we witness considerable growth in webometrics, mapping and visualization and open access. A new topic is comparison between citation databases, as a result of the introduction of two new citation databases Scopus and Google Scholar. There is renewed interest in indicators as a result of the introduction of the h-index. Traditional topics like citation analysis and informetric theory also continue to develop. The impact factor debate, especially outside the informetric literature continues to thrive. Ranked lists (of journal, highly cited papers or of educational institutions) are of great public interest. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Bar Ilan Univ, Dept Informat Sci, IL-52900 Ramat Gan, Israel| RP- Bar-Ilan, J, Bar Ilan Univ, Dept Informat Sci, IL-52900 Ramat Gan, Israel| EM-| CD- 2002, NATURE, P101, V415; *ESS SCI IND, 2005, ONL HELP; *SCOP, 2007, ELS PROUD ANN TOD LA; ACS ZJ, 2002, V31, P1069, RES POLICY; ADAM D, 2002, V415, P725, NATURE; ADAMS J, 2005, V63, P567, SCIENTOMETRICS; AGUILLO IF, 2006, V57, P1296, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AKSNES DW, 2003, V12, P159, RES EVALUAT; AKSNES DW, 2003, V56, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; AKSNES DW, 2004, V13, P33, RES EVALUAT; AKSNES DW, 2006, V57, P169, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALBERT R, 2002, V74, P47, REV MOD PHYS; ALLEN MP, 2006, V94, P206, J MED LIBR ASSOC; ANDERSON K, 2001, V6, J ELECT PUBLISHING; ANTELMAN K, 2004, V65, P372, COLL RES LIBR; ARCHAMBAULT E, 2006, V68, P329, SCIENTOMETRICS; ARUNACHALAM S, 2000, V79, P621, CURR SCI INDIA; ARZBERGER P, 2004, V303, P1777, SCIENCE; BAEZAYATES R, 2005, V9, CYBERMETRICS; BAILONMORENO R, 2005, V63, P209, SCIENTOMETRICS; BAKKALBASI N, 2006, V3, ARTN 7, BIOMED DIGIT LIBR; BALCONI M, 2004, V33, P127, RES POLICY; BANKS MG, 2006, V69, P161, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARABASI AL, 2002, V311, P590, PHYSICA A; BARILAN J, 1997, V39, P29, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2000, V51, P432, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BARILAN J, 2000, V24, P439, ONLINE INFORM REV; BARILAN J, 2000, V49, P257, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2001, V50, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2002, V53, P308, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARILAN J, 2002, V28, P455, J INF SCI; BARILAN J, 2002, V50, P371, LIBR TRENDS; BARILAN J, 2004, V38, P231, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BARILAN J, 2004, V55, P980, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARILAN J, 2004, V59, P29, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2005, V9, CYBERMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2005, V41, P966, INFORM PROCESSING MA; BARILAN J, 2006, V42, P1553, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BARILAN J, 2006, V2, P3, ISSI NEWSLETTER; BARJAK F, 2006, V57, P1350, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARJAK F, 2006, V68, P343, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARRAT A, 2004, V101, P3747, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; BARRETT CB, 2000, V32, P239, APPL ECON; BASU A, 2000, V48, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; BATISTA PD, 2006, V68, P179, SCIENTOMETRICS; BAUER K, 2005, V11, DLIB MAGAZINE; BAUMGARTNER H, 2003, V67, P123, J MARKETING; BEAVER DD, 2001, V52, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEAVER DD, 2004, V60, P399, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEHRENS TR, 2001, V30, P179, RES POLICY; BELLER FK, 2000, V40, P50, GYNAKOL GEBURT RUNDS; BENSMAN SJ, 2001, V52, P714, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2005, V56, P189, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BHATTACHARYA S, 2003, V58, P369, SCIENTOMETRICS; BJORNEBORN L, 2001, P133, P 12 ACM C HYP HYP; BJORNEBORN L, 2001, V50, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, V55, P1216, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, THESIS ROYAL SCH LIB; BLANCHARD D, 2002, V35, P343, PREV MED; BLOCH S, 2001, V35, P563, AUST NZ J PSYCHIAT; BOLDT J, 2000, V44, P842, ACTA ANAESTH SCAND; BOLLACKER KD, 2000, V15, P42, IEEE INTELL SYST APP; BOLLEN J, 2006, V69, P669, SCIENTOMETRICS; BONACCORSI A, 2003, V58, P49, SCIENTOMETRICS; BONITZ M, 2001, V51, P37, SCIENTOMETRICS; BONNEVIE E, 2003, V29, P11, J INFORM SCI; BOOKSTEIN A, 2006, V4296, P1422, INFORM PROCESSING MA; BORDONS M, 2002, V53, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORGMAN CL, 2000, V56, P412, J DOC; BORGMAN CL, 2002, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2003, P179, VISUALIZING KNOWLEDG; BORNER K, 2004, V101, P5266, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BORNMANN L, 2005, V14, P15, RES EVALUAT; BORNMANN L, 2005, V63, P297, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNMANN L, 2005, V65, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORNMANN L, 2006, V68, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOYACK KW, 2002, V53, P764, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2003, V54, P447, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2004, V101, P5192, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOZEMAN B, 2004, V33, P599, RES POLICY; BRAUN T, 2000, V100, P23, CHEM REV; BRAUN T, 2000, P251, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; BRAUN T, 2001, V51, P499, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN T, 2003, V56, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN T, 2005, V19, P8, SCIENTIST; BRAUN T, 2005, V64, P113, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAUN T, 2006, V69, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; BRODER A, 2000, V33, P309, COMPUT NETW; BRODY T, 2006, V57, P1060, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BROWN C, 2001, V52, P187, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BROWN C, 2003, V54, P362, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BUCHANAN RA, 2006, V67, P292, COLL RES LIBR; BUELACASAL G, 2002, V14, P837, PSICOTHEMA; BUELACASAL G, 2003, V15, P23, PSICOTHEMA; BURRELL QL, 2001, V52, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; BURRELL QL, 2002, V53, P309, SCIENTOMETRICS; BURRELL QL, 2005, V41, P1317, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BURRELL QL, 2005, V56, P704, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BURRELL QL, 2005, V65, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUTLER L, 2002, V419, P877, NATURE; BUTLER L, 2003, V32, P143, RES POLICY; BUTLER L, 2006, V66, P327, SCIENTOMETRICS; CAHLIK T, 2000, V49, P373, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALLAHAM M, 2002, V287, P2847, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; CHAN LCY, 2002, V6, CYBERMETRICS; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2002, V53, P678, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2003, V56, P704, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHEN CM, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CHEN CM, 2004, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN XY, 2001, V34, P71, CHINESE EDUC SOC; CHOMPALOV I, 2002, V31, P749, RES POLICY; CHU H, 2005, V27, P8, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; COATS AJS, 2005, V105, P123, INT J CARDIOL; COCCIA M, 2004, V34, P267, R&D MANAGE; COELHO PMZ, 2003, V36, P1605, BRAZ J MED BIOL RES; COLQUHOUN D, 2003, V423, P479, NATURE; COTHEY V, 2004, V55, P1228, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; COTHEY V, 2006, V10, CYBERMETRICS; CRONIN B, 2000, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; CRONIN B, 2000, V56, P440, J DOC; CRONIN B, 2001, V52, P558, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2002, V53, P1267, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2002, V54, P34, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRONIN B, 2003, V54, P855, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2004, V55, P160, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CRONIN B, 2006, V57, P1275, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CURTI M, 2001, V86, P1015, HAEMATOLOGICA; DANELL R, 2000, V49, P23, SCIENTOMETRICS; DANELL R, 2003, V58, P205, SCIENTOMETRICS; DAVENPORT E, 2000, P517, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; DAVIS P, 2002, V2, P155, PORTAL-LIBR ACAD; DAVIS PM, 2001, V52, P309, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DAVIS RM, 2002, V8, P513, SCI ENG ETHICS; DEBACKERE K, 2005, V34, P321, RES POLICY; DEERWESTER S, 1990, V41, P391, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DENOOY W, 2005, EXPLORATORY SOCIAL N; DIETZ JS, 2000, V49, P412, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2000, V51, P1190, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; DODGSON M, 2000, V8, P101, RES EVALUAT; DONOHUE JM, 2000, V28, P17, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; DORE JC, 2001, V52, P763, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DUBOIS FL, 2000, V31, P689, J INT BUS STUD; DURRANT R, 2003, V12, P75, TOB CONTROL S2; DUY J, 2006, V32, P512, J ACAD LIBR; EGGHE L, 2000, V51, P1004, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V51, P145, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V51, P158, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V26, P329, J INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V47, P237, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2000, V48, P345, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2001, V52, P261, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2002, V27, P29, CAN J INFORM LIB SCI; EGGHE L, 2002, V53, P789, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EGGHE L, 2002, V35, P1149, MATH COMPUT MODEL; EGGHE L, 2002, V54, P51, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2002, V59, P233, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2003, V54, P603, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EGGHE L, 2004, V60, P497, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2004, V61, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2005, V41, P1311, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2005, V56, P669, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EGGHE L, 2005, V56, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EGGHE L, 2005, POWER LAWS INFORM PR; EGGHE L, 2006, V42, P106, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EGGHE L, 2006, V69, P1221, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2006, V69, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; ETZKOWITZ H, 2000, V29, P109, RES POLICY; EYSENBACH G, 2006, V4, P692, ARTN e157, PLOS BIOL; FANG Y, 2001, V50, P273, SCIENTOMETRICS; FARKAS I, 2002, V314, P25, PHYSICA A; FASSOULAKI A, 2000, V84, P266, BRIT J ANAESTH; FASSOULAKI A, 2002, V46, P902, ACTA ANAESTH SCAND; FENTON JE, 2000, V25, P40, CLIN OTOLARYNGOL; FORGIONNE GA, 2001, V38, P421, INFORM MANAGE; FRANDSEN TF, 2005, V56, P58, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FRANDSEN TF, 2006, V62, P58, J DOC; FRANKLIN J, 2003, V4, ARTN 6, BMC MUSCULOSKELET DI; GADD E, 2003, V59, P243, J DOC; GADD E, 2003, V29, P333, J INFORM SCI; GADD E, 2003, V35, P171, J LIBR INF SCI; GARDNER S, 2005, V22, P42, LIB HI TECH NEWS; GARFIELD E, 2000, V41, P368, CROAT MED J; GARFIELD E, 2001, V411, P522, NATURE; GARFIELD E, 2003, V54, P400, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 2006, V295, P90, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; GARFIELD E, 2007, FREE FULL TEXT ACCES; GAUGHAN M, 2002, V11, P17, RES EVALUAT; GILES CL, 2004, V101, P17599, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GLANZEL W, 2001, V50, P199, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2001, V51, P69, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2002, V50, P461, LIBR TRENDS; GLANZEL W, 2002, V53, P171, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2002, V55, P335, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2003, V56, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2003, V58, P415, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2003, V58, P571, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2004, V59, P281, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2004, V59, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2005, V1, P15, ISSI NEWSLETTER; GLANZEL W, 2006, V67, P315, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2006, V68, P457, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLENISSON P, 2005, V41, P1548, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GLENISSON P, 2005, V63, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GODIN B, 2000, V9, P43, PUBLIC UNDERST SCI; GODIN B, 2000, V29, P273, RES POLICY; GODIN B, 2003, V32, P679, RES POLICY; GODIN B, 2005, MEASUREMENT STAT SCI; GODIN B, 2006, V33, P59, SCI PUBL POLICY; GODIN B, 2006, V68, P109, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOLDSTEIN ML, 2004, V41, P255, EUR PHYS J B; GOLDSTEIN ML, 2005, V71, UNSP 6108-1-6108-6, PHYS REV E; GOODRUM AA, 2001, V37, P661, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GRIGGS RA, 2002, V29, P203, TEACH PSYCHOL; GUTIERREZ J, 2001, V25, P53, PROG HUM GEOG; HALL BH, 2005, V36, P16, RAND J ECON; HARHOFF D, 2003, V32, P1343, RES POLICY; HARNAD S, 2000, V79, P629, CURR SCI INDIA; HARNAD S, 2001, V410, P1024, NATURE; HARNAD S, 2004, V10, DLIB MAGAZINE; HARNAD S, 2004, V30, P310, SERIALS REV; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HARTER SP, 2000, V51, P940, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HE SY, 2002, V53, P953, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HE YL, 2002, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; HEIMERIKS G, 2006, V10, CYBERMETRICS; HENDERSON J, 2005, V172, P1549, CAN MED ASSOC J; HERRING SD, 2002, V63, P334, COLL RES LIBR; HICKS D, 2000, V27, P310, SCI PUBL POLICY; HICKS D, 2001, V30, P681, RES POLICY; HIRSCH JE, 2005, V102, P16569, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; HITCHCOCK S, 2000, P143, P 5 ACM C DIG LIBR; HITCHCOCK S, 2002, V8, DLIB MAGAZINE; HO YS, 2004, V59, P171, SCIENTOMETRICS; HOFFMANGOETZ L, 2003, V8, P475, J HEALTH COMMUN; HOLDEN PA, 2005, V4, P1, VADOSE ZONE J; HOLMES A, 2001, V6, INFORM RES; HOOD WW, 2001, V52, P1242, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HOOD WW, 2001, V52, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; HOOD WW, 2003, V54, P1091, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HOOD WW, 2003, V58, P587, SCIENTOMETRICS; HUANG Z, 2003, V5, P333, J NANOPART RES; HUANG Z, 2004, V6, P325, J NANOPART RES; HUBER JC, 2001, V50, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; HUBER JC, 2002, V53, P209, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; HULLMANN A, 2003, V58, P507, SCIENTOMETRICS; HYLAND K, 2001, V20, P207, ENGL SPECIF PURP; HYLAND K, 2003, V54, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; INGWERSEN P, 1998, V54, P236, J DOC; INGWERSEN P, 2001, V46, P524, CHINESE SCI BULL; INONU E, 2003, V56, P137, SCIENTOMETRICS; IOANNIDIS JPA, 2005, V294, P218, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; JACSO P, 2001, V37, P590, CORTEX; JACSO P, 2005, V89, P1537, CURR SCI INDIA; JACSO P, 2005, V29, P208, ONLINE INFORM REV; JACSO P, 2006, V30, P297, ONLINE INFORM REV; JANSSEN MA, 2006, V16, P240, GLOBAL ENVIRON CHANG; JANSSENS F, 2006, V42, P1614, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JARVELIN K, 2000, V56, P250, J DOC; JIN BH, 2005, P362, P ISSI 2005; JIN P, 2003, V1, P8, J TRANSL MED; KAPLAN NR, 2000, V51, P324, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KATERATTANAKUL P, 2003, V46, P111, COMMUN ACM; KELLY CD, 2006, V21, P167, TRENDS ECOL EVOL; KING DA, 2004, V430, P311, NATURE; KING JT, 2000, V47, P435, NEUROSURGERY; KJAERGARD LL, 2002, V55, P407, J CLIN EPIDEMIOL; KLEIJNEN JPC, 2000, V36, P551, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KNOTHE G, 2006, V57, P1830, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOEHLER W, 2001, V51, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOEHLER W, 2002, V53, P162, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOSTOFF RN, 1995, US, 5440481; KOSTOFF RN, 2000, V37, P727, J AIRCRAFT; KOSTOFF RN, 2000, V40, P19, J CHEM INF COMP SCI; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V52, P1148, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KOSTOFF RN, 2002, V53, P49, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOUSHA K, 2006, V68, P501, SCIENTOMETRICS; KRETSCHMER H, 2004, V61, P405, SCIENTOMETRICS; KURMIS AP, 2003, V85, P2449, J BONE JOINT SURG A; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V41, P1395, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V56, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V56, P36, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAFOUGE T, 2001, V27, P39, J INFORM SCI; LANDAUER TK, 2004, V101, P5214, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; LANDRY R, 2001, V30, P333, RES POLICY; LANGE LL, 2001, V52, P457, SCIENTOMETRICS; LANKHORST GJ, 2001, V15, P115, CLIN REHABIL; LARSON R, 1996, P71, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; LASCAR C, 2001, V62, P422, COLL RES LIBR; LAWRENCE S, 2000, V34, P26, IEEE COMPUT; LAWRENCE S, 2001, V411, P521, NATURE; LEE KP, 2002, V287, P2805, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; LETA J, 2002, V53, P325, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEWISON G, 2001, V52, P29, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEWISON G, 2002, V53, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEWISON G, 2004, V60, P145, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEWISON G, 2005, V14, P5, RES EVALUAT; LEYDESDORFF L, 2000, V4, CYBERMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2000, V47, P265, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, V5, CYBERMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, V52, P1262, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2002, V53, P987, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2002, V53, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2003, V59, P84, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2003, V58, P191, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2003, V58, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P999, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V27, P64, SCI COMMUN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V63, P617, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1170, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LI XM, 2003, V27, P407, ONLINE INFORM REV; LI XM, 2003, V57, P239, SCIENTOMETRICS; LI XM, 2005, V64, P151, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIANG L, 2006, V69, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIANG LM, 2001, V10, P105, RES EVALUAT; LIANG LM, 2001, V52, P471, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIANG LM, 2005, V56, P1045, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LIU NC, 2005, V30, P127, HIGHER ED EUROPE; LIU NC, 2005, V64, P101, SCIENTOMETRICS; LOK CKW, 2001, V34, P223, J ADV NURS; LOSIEWICZ P, 2000, V15, P99, J INTELL INF SYST; LU DW, 2005, V53, P720, J AM ACAD DERMATOL; LUNDBERG GD, 2003, V178, P253, MED J AUSTRALIA; MABE M, 2001, V51, P147, SCIENTOMETRICS; MABE MA, 2002, V54, P149, ASLIB PROC; MAHLCK P, 2000, V49, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; MAN JP, 2004, V19, P811, EUR J EPIDEMIOL; MARUSIC M, 2001, V42, P113, CROAT MED J; MARX W, 2001, V52, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; MAURSETH PB, 2002, V104, P531, SCAND J ECON; MAYR P, 2005, V56, P41, INFORMATION WISSENSC; MAYR P, 2007, V11, CYBERMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 2000, V51, P1321, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCKIBBON KA, 2004, V2, P33, BMC MED; MCMILLAN GS, 2000, V29, P1, RES POLICY; MCMILLAN GS, 2000, V12, P467, TECHNOL ANAL STRATEG; MEADOWS J, 2005, V33, P90, INTERLEND DOC SUPPLY; MEHO LI, 2000, V51, P123, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MEHO LI, 2005, V56, P1314, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MELIN G, 2000, V29, P31, RES POLICY; METTROP W, 2001, V57, P623, J DOC; MEYER M, 2000, V29, P409, RES POLICY; MEYER M, 2000, V48, P151, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2000, V49, P93, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2002, V54, P193, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2003, V58, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER MS, 2001, V51, P163, SCIENTOMETRICS; MICHEL J, 2001, V51, P185, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 1985, V14, P131, RES POLICY; MOED HF, 1995, V46, P461, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOED HF, 1996, V381, P166, NATURE; MOED HF, 2000, V47, P323, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 2002, V50, P498, LIBR TRENDS; MOED HF, 2002, V415, P731, NATURE; MOED HF, 2002, V53, P281, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOED HF, 2004, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; MONTEMURRO MA, 2001, V300, P567, PHYSICA A; MOODY J, 2004, V69, P213, AM SOCIOL REV; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOWERY DC, 2001, V30, P99, RES POLICY; MOWERY DC, 2002, V31, P399, RES POLICY; MURRAY F, 2002, V31, P1389, RES POLICY; MUST U, 2006, V66, P241, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEDERHOF AJ, 1987, V11, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEDERHOF AJ, 2001, V51, P241, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEUBERGER J, 2002, V14, P209, EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT; NEUHAUS C, 2006, V6, P127, PORTAL-LIBR ACAD; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V98, P404, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, PHYS REV E; NEWMAN MEJ, 2003, V45, P167, SIAM REV; NEWMAN MEJ, 2003, V25, P83, SOC NETWORKS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, PHYS REV E; NICHOLLS PT, 1989, V40, P379, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NISONGER TE, 2000, V61, P263, COLL RES LIBR; NISONGER TE, 2002, V54, P257, SCIENTOMETRICS; NISONGER TE, 2004, V65, P152, COLL RES LIBR; NORRIS M, 2003, V59, P709, J DOC; NORUZI A, 2005, V55, P170, LIBRI; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; ODLYZKO A, 2002, V15, P7, LEARN PUBL; ONYANCHA OB, 2005, V41, P1573, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; OPPENHEIM C, 2000, P405, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; OPPENHEIM C, 2000, V56, P361, J DOC; ORTEGA JL, 2006, V32, P344, J INF SCI; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PAASI A, 2005, V37, P769, ENVIRON PLANN A; PALADUGU R, 2002, V26, P1099, WORLD J SURG; PARK HW, 2003, V8, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; PATEL V, 2001, V178, P406, BRIT J PSYCHIAT; PATSOPOULOS NA, 2005, V293, P2362, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; PAYNE D, 2004, V5, SCIENTIST; PERITZ BC, 2002, V54, P269, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERKEL JM, 2005, V19, P24, SCIENTIST; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2004, V60, P421, SCIENTOMETRICS; PETTIGREW KE, 2001, V52, P62, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; PICHAPPAN P, 2002, V54, P285, SCIENTOMETRICS; PIETERS R, 2002, V40, P483, J ECON LIT; PINSKI G, 1976, V12, P297, INFORMATION PROCESSI; PORTER AL, 2002, V53, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DJ, 1986, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; PRIME C, 2002, V54, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; PUDOVKIN AI, 2002, V53, P1113, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; RAHMAN M, 2002, V347, P1211, NEW ENGL J MED; RAHMAN M, 2003, V19, P249, INT J TECHNOL ASSESS; RAHMAN M, 2003, V117, P274, PUBLIC HEALTH; RAMASCO JJ, 2004, V70, PHYS REV E; RAMIREZ AM, 2000, V47, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RAY J, 2000, V109, P131, AM J MED; REDMAN J, 2001, V34, P375, J APPL CRYSTALLOGR 3; REN SL, 2002, V53, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; RINIA EJ, 2001, V30, P357, RES POLICY; RINIA EJ, 2001, V51, P293, SCIENTOMETRICS; RINIA EJ, 2002, V54, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROESSNER D, 2000, V8, P125, RES EVALUAT; ROGERS LF, 2002, V178, P541, AM J ROENTGENOL; ROSENBERG G, 2005, V41, P103, SOCIAL WORK HLTH CAR; ROTHMAN J, 2003, V27, P105, SOC WORK RES; ROUSSEAU B, 2000, V4, CYBERMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 1997, V1, CYBERMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 2001, V57, P349, J DOC; ROUSSEAU R, 2002, V50, P418, LIBR TRENDS; ROUSSEAU R, 2002, V55, P317, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ROUSSEAU R, 2005, V61, P194, J DOC; ROUSSEAU R, 2005, V63, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROWLANDS I, 2002, V54, P77, ASLIB PROC; RUIZPEREZ R, 2002, V90, P411, J MED LIBR ASSOC; SAAD G, 2006, V69, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; SAHA S, 2003, V91, P41, J MED LIBR ASSOC; SANDSTROM PE, 2001, V51, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHARNHORST A, 2006, V10, CYBERMETRICS; SCHLEGL C, 2004, V56, P1155, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHOEPFLIN U, 2001, V50, P301, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT A, 2002, V53, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUMMER J, 2004, V59, P425, SCIENTOMETRICS; SEGLEN PO, 2000, V49, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHINN T, 2002, V32, P599, SOC STUD SCI; SINAI M, 2007, BRANDON HILL SELECTE; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P595, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH A, 2002, V54, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; SOLARI A, 2000, V47, P605, SCIENTOMETRICS; SOMBATSOMPOP N, 2004, V60, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; SOMBATSOMPOP N, 2005, V56, P676, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SOTERIADES ES, 2005, V331, P192, BRIT MED J; SOTERIADES ES, 2006, V20, P19, FASEB J; SPROTT DE, 2002, V21, P105, J PUBLIC POLICY MARK; STEELE TW, 2000, V51, P476, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STEGMANN J, 2001, V50, P483, SCIENTOMETRICS; STEGMANN J, 2003, V56, P111, SCIENTOMETRICS; SWANSON DR, 2001, V52, P797, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; TAGUESUTCLIFFE J, 1992, V28, P1, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; TANG R, 2002, V39, P417, P ASIST ANNU; TANG R, 2003, V25, P437, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; THELWALL M, 2000, V56, P185, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2001, V5, CYBERMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2001, V52, P1157, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2001, V57, P177, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2001, V27, P319, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2001, V27, P393, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2002, V54, P118, ASLIB PROC; THELWALL M, 2002, V12, P124, INTERNET RES; THELWALL M, 2002, V53, P995, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2002, V58, P66, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2002, V28, P483, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2002, V26, P413, ONLINE INFORM REV; THELWALL M, 2002, V53, P95, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2002, V55, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2003, V8, INFORM RES; THELWALL M, 2003, V54, P490, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2003, V54, P594, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2003, V54, P706, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2003, V59, P205, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2003, V29, P1, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2003, V27, P333, ONLINE INFORM REV; THELWALL M, 2003, V56, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2003, V58, P158, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2004, V40, P125, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; THELWALL M, 2004, V55, P149, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2004, V30, P240, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2006, V57, P1303, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2006, V57, P60, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THOMAS O, 2000, V26, P421, J INFORM SCI; THOMPSON JW, 2002, V52, P121, LIBRI; THORSTEINSDOTTIR OH, 2000, V49, P145, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 2000, V47, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 2001, V30, P35, RES POLICY; TIJSSEN RJW, 2002, V31, P509, RES POLICY; TIJSSEN RJW, 2002, V54, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 2004, V33, P709, RES POLICY; TRAYHURN P, 2002, V88, P1, BRIT J NUTR; TSALLIS C, 2000, V13, P777, EUR PHYS J B; TSAY MY, 2000, V49, P491, SCIENTOMETRICS; TSAY MY, 2005, V93, P450, J MED LIBR ASSOC; UGOLINI D, 2003, V56, P345, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDALEN HP, 2001, V50, P455, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2000, V47, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 2001, V51, P441, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANFLEET DD, 2000, V26, P839, J MANAGE; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2000, V9, P155, RES EVALUAT; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2001, V51, P335, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2002, V53, P249, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2003, V57, P257, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN TN, 2005, V63, P357, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLOOY B, 2003, V57, P355, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 1996, V36, P397, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2000, P301, ASIS MONOGRAPH SERIE; VANRAAN AFJ, 2000, V8, P81, RES EVALUAT; VANRAAN AFJ, 2000, V47, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2001, V50, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2001, V50, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2002, V31, P611, RES POLICY; VANRAAN AFJ, 2004, V59, P467, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2005, V62, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2005, V63, P549, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2005, V64, P111, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANRAAN AFJ, 2006, V67, P491, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANTEIJLINGEN E, 2002, V37, P506, J ADV NURS; VAUGHAN L, 2002, V54, P356, ASLIB PROC; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P1313, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P29, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V28, P17, CAN J INFORM LIB SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V40, P677, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V40, P693, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V41, P347, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V56, P1075, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V57, P1178, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V67, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN L, 2006, V68, P611, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN LW, 2004, V60, P487, SCIENTOMETRICS; VAUGHAN LW, 2004, V61, P467, SCIENTOMETRICS; VERBEEK A, 2002, V54, P399, SCIENTOMETRICS; VESSEY I, 2002, V19, P129, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; VINKLER P, 2001, V50, P539, SCIENTOMETRICS; VINKLER P, 2002, V53, P267, SCIENTOMETRICS; VINKLER P, 2004, V55, P431, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VONELM E, 2004, V291, P974, JAMA-J AM MED ASSOC; VREELAND RC, 2000, V92, P9, LAW LIBR J; WAGNER CS, 2005, V34, P1608, RES POLICY; WAGNERDOBLER R, 2001, V52, P503, SCIENTOMETRICS; WALLACE LS, 2003, V27, P75, AM J HEALTH BEHAV; WALTER G, 2003, V178, P280, MED J AUSTRALIA; WARNER J, 2000, V26, P453, J INFORM SCI; WEALE AR, 2004, V4, BMC MED RES METHODOL; WEBSTER TJ, 2001, V20, P235, ECON EDUC REV; WEINGART P, 2005, V62, P117, SCIENTOMETRICS; WEST R, 2002, V97, P501, ADDICTION; WETTERER JK, 2006, V67, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2000, P475, ASIST MONOGR SER; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2001, V51, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V25, P89, APPL LINGUIST; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITEHOUSE G, 2001, V74, P1, BRIT J RADIOL; WILKINSON D, 2003, V29, P49, J INFORM SCI; WILSON CS, 1999, V34, P107, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WINKMANN G, 2002, V127, P131, DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR; WLEKLINSKI JM, 2005, V29, P22, ONLINE; WOLFRAM D, 2006, V67, P301, SCIENTOMETRICS; WOOLF SH, 2000, V19, P79, AM J PREV MED; WORMELL I, 2000, V48, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; WORMELL I, 2000, V48, P237, SCIENTOMETRICS; WOUTERS P, 1999, CITATION CULTURE; WREN JD, 2005, V330, P1128, BRIT MED J; YOON B, 2004, V15, P37, J HIGH TECHNOLOGY MA; YOSHIKANE F, 2003, V54, P521, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YU G, 2005, V64, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHAO DZ, 2002, V54, P449, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHAO DZ, 2005, V41, P1403, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHOU DN, 2001, V48, P479, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; ZHOU P, 2006, V35, P83, RES POLICY; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2003, V56, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2003, V57, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2005, V63, P373, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2006, V42, P1513, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P1487, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P152, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 610| TC- 25| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PY- 2008| VL- 2| IS- 1| BP- 1| EP- 52| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2007.11.001| PG- 52| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 270LL| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2008, V2, N1, P1-52| UT- ISI:000253722200001 ER || PT- J| AU- Eom S| AF- Eom Sean| TI- All author cocitation analysis and first author cocitation analysis: A comparative empirical investigation| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- author cocitation analysis; all author ACA; first author ACA| ID- SYSTEMS; SCIENCE| AB- The majority of author cocitation analysis (ACA) have relied on the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) citation databases. ISI convention allows only the retrieval of papers that cite works of which the author is first or sole author. Non-primary authors (authors whose name appear in second or later position) will not be counted when assembling a cocitation frequency matrix. Therefore, this has been a methodological issue in ACA study. This paper empirically examines the impact of the ISI convention on the results of ACA. Previous research has addressed and shed light on some parts of methodological issues, but failed to address issues such as to what extent the use of different approach has resulted in different outcomes in terms of actual intellectual structure of a given academic discipline. Using our data and cociation matrix generation systems, we compare the differences in the process and outcomes of using different cocitation matrices. Our study concludes that all author based ACA is better than first author based ACA to capture all influential researchers in a field. It also identifies more research subspecialties. Finally, all Author based ACA and first author based ACA produce little differences in stress values of MDS outputs. Published by Elsevier Ltd| C1- SE Missouri State Univ, Dept Accounting & MIS, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA| RP- Eom, S, SE Missouri State Univ, Dept Accounting & MIS, MS 5815, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 USA| EM-| CD- CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; ELAM JJ, 1986, P239, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; EOM HB, 1990, V20, P65, INTERFACES; EOM SB, 1993, V10, P19, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EOM SB, 2003, INTRO SAS APPROACH; HAIR JF, 1987, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; KRUSKAL JB, 1990, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCINTIRE JS, 2007, THESIS U MISSOURI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, 11 INT C SCI INF; SPRAGUE RH, 1989, P403, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YOUNG FW, 1986, ALSCAL PROCEDURE; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 17| TC- 2| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PY- 2008| VL- 2| IS- 1| BP- 53| EP- 64| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2007.09.001| PG- 12| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 270LL| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2008, V2, N1, P53-64| UT- ISI:000253722200002 ER || PT- J| AU- Gartner WB| AF- Gartner William B| TI- Entrepreneurship - Hop| SO- ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 52nd World Conference of the International-Council-for-SmallBusiness| CY- 2007| CL- Turku, FINLAND| SP- Int Council Small Business| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCHOLARSHIP| AB- This is a "mash-up" of some ideas on entrepreneurship scholarship using rhymes. The challenge was to compare and contrast special issue articles along national lines. The pondering of each country's imperative comes out through this "hip-hop" perspective. Please be assured when you read this that these rhymes are serious. There are important issues that scholars' interest must pay, so do not let this format get in the way, using this poem as a start, of exploring entrepreneurship as science and art. Ideas from each country are beyond differences in methods quantitative and quality: Issues philosophical, rhetorical, historical, and current are the basis for the entrepreneurship field's ferment| C1- Clemson Univ, Spiro Inst Enterpreneurial Leadership, Clemson, SC 29634 USA| RP- Gartner, WB, Clemson Univ, Spiro Inst Enterpreneurial Leadership, 345 Sirrine Hall, Clemson, SC 29634 USA| EM-| CD- ALDRICH H, 1986, V8, P165, RES ORGAN BEHAV; BIRCH D, 1979, JOB GENERATION PROCE; BLACKBURN RA, 2008, V32, P267, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; BRUSH CG, 2008, V32, P249, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; CLARKE A, 1966, PAY YOU BACK INTERES; CORNELIUS B, 2006, V30, P375, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; DAVIS MS, 1971, V1, P309, PHILOS SOC SCI; DEWEY J, 1910, WE THINK; ELIOT TS, 1943, 4 QUARTETS; GARTNER WB, 2001, V25, P27, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GARTNER WB, 2004, V7, P199, ADV ENTREPRENEURSHIP; GARTNER WB, 2006, V30, P321, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; GARTNER WB, 2006, V2, P73, ENTREPRENEURSHIP RES; GARTNER WB, 2006, P325, PSYCHOL ENTREPRENEUR; GREGOIRE DA, 2006, V30, P333, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; HJORTH D, 2008, V32, P313, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; JAMES W, 2007, PRAMATISM NEW NAME S; JOYCE J, 1914, DUBLINERS; KUHN TS, 1962, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LANGER EJ, 1989, MINDFULNESS; LANGER EJ, 1997, POWER MINDUFL LEARNI; LASCH F, 2008, V32, P339, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION; LATOUR B, 1999, PANDORAS HOPE ESSAYS; LOW M, 2001, V25, P17, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; OLIVER M, 2004, BLUE IRIS POEMS ESSA; PRICE DJD, 1976, V27, P292, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHMUDE J, 2008, V32, P289, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHUMACHER EE, 1974, SMALL BEAUTIFUL STUD; SCHUMPETER J, 1934, THEORY EC DEV; SHANE S, 2000, V25, P217, ACAD MANAGE REV; STINCHCOMBE AL, 1965, P142, HDB ORG; WAHLBIN C, 2005, COMMENTARY FAIL FORW; WEICK KE, 1999, V8, P134, J MANAGE INQUIRY; ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL| NRTCPUPIPASNJ9JIPDPYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- 37| 3| BLACKWELL PUBLISHING| OXFORD| 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND| 1042-2587| ENTREP THEORY PRACT| Entrep. Theory Pract| MAR| 2008| 32| 2| 361| 368| 8| Business| 266ZQ| ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, 2008, V32, N2, P361-368| ISI:000253477900007 ER || PT- J| AU- Jarneving B| AF- Jarneving Bo| TI- Bibliographic coupling and its application to research-front and other core documents| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- bibliographic coupling; science mapping; cluster analysis| ID- SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; SCIENCE; INFORMATION; COCITATION| AB- Based on previous findings and theoretical considerations, it was suggested that bibliographic coupling could be combined with a cluster method to provide a method for science mapping, complementary to the prevailing co-citation cluster analytical method. The complete link cluster method was on theoretical grounds assumed to provide a suitable cluster method for this purpose. The objective of the study was to evaluate the proposed method's capability to identify coherent research themes. Applying a large multidisciplinary test bed comprising more than 600,000 articles and 17 million references, the proposed method was tested in accordance with two lines of mapping. In the first line of mapping, all significant (strong) links connecting 'core documents' (strongly and frequently coupled documents) in clusters with any other core document was mapped. This resulted in a depiction of all significant artificially broken links between core documents in a cluster and core documents extrinsic to that cluster. The second line of mapping involved the application of links between clusters only They were used to successively merge clusters on two subsequent levels of fusion, where the first generation of clusters were considered objects for a second clustering, and the second generation of clusters gave rise to a final cluster fusion. Changes of cluster composition on the three levels were evaluated with regard to several variables Findings showed that the proposed method could provide with valid depictions of current research, though some severe restrictions would adhere to its application. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, S-50190 Boras, Sweden| RP- Jarneving, B, Swedish Sch Lib & Informat Sci, S-50190 Boras, Sweden| EM-| CD- ALDENDERFER MS, 1984, P44, QUANTITATIVE APPL SO; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EVERITT BS, 2001, CLUSTER ANAL; FANO RM, 1956, DOCUMENT ACTION; FRANKLIN JJ, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; GLANZEL W, 1995, P 5 INT C SCI INF; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; JANSSENS F, 2006, V1, P615, INSCIT2006 CURRENT R; JARNEVING B, 2001, V50, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; KESSLER MM, 1958, EXPT COMMUNICATION C; KESSLER MM, 1960, EXPT COMMUNICATION C; KESSLER MM, 1962, EXPT STUDY BIBLIOGRA; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V1, P169, INFORM STOR RETR; KESSLER MM, 1965, V16, P223, AM DOC; LAMIREL JC, 2004, V60, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P295, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA V, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MARTYN J, 1964, V20, P236, J DOC; MUBEEN MA, 1995, V42, P41, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; OBERSKI JEJ, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERS HPF, 1995, V46, P9, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEN SK, 1983, V30, P78, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; SHARABCHIEV YT, 1988, NAUCNO TECHNICESKAJA; SHARADA BA, 1993, V40, P25, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1983, STOCKHOLM PAPERS LIB; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; VLADUTZ G, 1984, V47, P204, P ASIS ANNU MEET; WEINBERG BH, 1974, V10, P189, INFORM STORAGE RET| NR- 34| TC- 4| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PY- 2007| VL- 1| IS- 4| BP- 287| EP- 307| DI- 10.1016/j.joi.2007.07.004| PG- 21| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 272BF| JN- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2007, V1, N4, P287-307| UT- ISI:000253831900004 ER || PT- J| AU- Jarneving B| AF- Jarneving Bo| TI- Complete graphs and bibliographic coupling: A test of the applicability of bibliographic coupling for the identification of cognitive cores on the field level| SO- JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- bibliographic coupling; science mapping; research fronts| ID- SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; COMBINED COCITATION; WORD ANALYSIS; SCIENCE| AB- The method of bibliographic coupling in combination with the complete link cluster method was applied for mapping of the field of organic chemistry with the purpose of testing the applicability of a proposed mapping method on the field level. The method put forward aimed at the generation of cognitive cores of documents, so-called 'bibliographic cliques' in the network of bibliographically coupled research articles The defining feature of these cliques is that they can be considered complete graphs where each bibliographic coupling link ties an unordered pair of documents. In this way, it was presumed that coherent groups of documents in the research front would be found and that these groups would be intellectually coherent as well. Statistical analysis and subject specialist evaluations confirmed these presumptions. The study also elaborates on the choice of observation period and the application of thresholds in relation to the size of document populations. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Univ Coll Boras, Swedish Sch Library & Informat Sci, Boras, Sweden| RP- Jarneving, B, Univ Coll Boras, Swedish Sch Library & Informat Sci, Boras, Sweden| EM-| CD- BATAGELJ V, 2003, V41, P871, ANAL VISUALIZATION L; BIGLAN A, 1973, V57, P195, J APPL PSYCHOL; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EVERITT BS, 2001, CLUSTER ANAL; FRANKLIN JJ, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; GLANZEL W, 1995, P167, P 5 BIENN C INT SOC; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HUBERT L, 1985, V2, P193, J CLASSIF; JARNEVING B, 2001, V50, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; JOHNSBAUGH R, 1997, DISCRETE MATH; KAUFMAN L, 2005, FINDING GROUPS DATA; KESSLER MM, 1960, AN EXPT COMMUNICATIO; KESSLER MM, 1962, EXPT STUDY BIBLIO CO; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V1, P169, INFORM STOR RETR; KESSLER MM, 1965, V16, P223, AM DOC; MARTYN J, 1964, V20, P236, J DOC; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MILLER GA, 1969, V6, P169, J MATH PSYCHOL; MUBEEN MA, 1995, V42, P41, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; OTTE E, 2002, V28, P441, J INF SCI; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PETERS HPF, 1995, V46, P9, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRATT AD, 1977, V28, P285, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RAND WM, 1971, V66, P846, J AM STAT ASSOC; RIP A, 1988, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; SEN SK, 1983, V30, P78, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; SHARABCHIEV YT, 1988, NAUCNO TECHNICESKAJA; SHARADA BA, 1993, V40, P25, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, CARTOGRAPHY SCI SCIE; VLADUTZ G, 1984, V47, P204, P ASIS ANNU MEET; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; YEUNG KY, 2001, UWCSE001101 U WASH D| NR- 40| TC- 1| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 1751-1577| J9- J INFORMETR| JI- J. Informetr| PY- 2007| VLISBPEPDIPGSCGAJNUT- 1| 4| 338| 356| 10.1016/j.joi.2007.08.001| 19| Information Science & Library Science| 272BF| JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS, 2007, V1, N4, P338-356| ISI:000253831900006 ER || PT- J| AU- Castro-Prieto MR; Olvera-Lobo MD| AF- Castro-Prieto Maria Rosa; Olvera-Lobo, M. D| TI- Intellectual affinities through social network analysis terminology| SO- META| LA- French| DT- Article| DE- social network analysis; cocitation analysis; terminologyy; scientific production| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; CITATION; RETRIEVAL; SPACES| AB- When transmitting scientific knowledge, authors weave a web of intellectual affinities through the works they cite that portrays trends and developments in research in their discipline. In the present article, we aim to establish an intellectual panorama of Terminology-in which we depict the outstanding developments in research and the most influential authors. To do so, we analyze periodical publications that have appeared over a wide period of time. Author Citation Analysis (ACA) and the visual representation of the relationships between authors through social networks (specifically, pathfinder networks) is based on the premise that links are necessarily established between the authors cited in any specific work so that greater frequency of co-ocurrence indicates a stronger affinity between authors. Among other findings, our results show that the group of most frequently cited authors represents less than 1% of the total and that only 12% of authors have published three or more articles. Moreover, we can confirm that research in Terminology is developing in three clearly differentiated directions: theoretical foundations, Natural Language Processing and Socioterminology| C1- Univ Granada, Granada, Spain| RP- Castro-Prieto, MR, Univ Granada, Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- BATAGELJ V, 1996, NETWORKS PAJEK PROGR; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CASTROPRIETO MR, 2003, P515, 1 C INT AS IB EST TR; CASTROPRIETO MR, 2003, P159, TERMINOLOGIA TRADUCC; CASTROPRIETO MR, 2006, THESIS U GRANADA; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; DEDIOS MJM, 1997, V47, P235, ANALES ESPANOLES PED; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; EOM SB, 1996, V16, P315, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; FREEMAN LC, 2000, V33, P131, ANALISIS REDES SOCIA; GARFIELD E, 1994, V3, P3, CURR CONTENTS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1998, V43, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; MARSHAKOVA V, 1973, V6, P3, NAUCHNOTEKHNICHESC 2; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRICE DJS, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1998, V41, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1986, V5, P93, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 26| TC- 0| PU- PRESSES UNIV MONTREAL| PI- MONTREAL| PA- PO BOX 6128, SUCCURSALE A, MONTREAL, QUEBEC H3C 3J7, CANADA| SN- 0026-0452| J9- META| JI- Meta| PD- DEC| PY- 2007| VL- 52| IS- 4| BP- 816| EP- 838| PG- 23| SC- Language & Linguistics| GA- 260RU| JN- META, 2007, V52, N4, P816-838| UT- ISI:000253028800011 ER || PT- J| AU- Trochim WM; Marcus SE; Masse LC; Moser RP; Weld PC| AF- Trochim William M; Marcus, Stephen E; Masse, Louise C; Moser, Richard P; Weld, Patrick C| TI- The evaluation of large research initiatives - A participatory integrative mixed-methods approach| SO- AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EVALUATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- center grants; concept mapping; evaluating research; federal evaluation; logic models| ID- CITATION ANALYSIS; RESEARCH IMPACT; COCITATION ANALYSIS; BIBLIOMETRICS; SCIENCE; CONCEPTUALIZATION; SCIENTOMETRICS; JOURNALS| AB- Over the past few decades there has been a rise in the number of federally funded large scientific research initiatives, with increased calls to evaluate their processes and outcomes. This article describes efforts to evaluate such initiatives in one agency within the U.S federal government. The authors introduce the Evaluation of Large Initiatives (ELI) project, a preliminary effort to explore how to accomplish such evaluation. They describe a pilot effort of this project to evaluate the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Center (TTURC) initiative of the National Cancer Institute. They present a summary of this pilot evaluation including the methods used (concept mapping, logic modeling, a detailed researcher survey, content analysis and systematic peerevaluation of progress reports, bibliometric analysis and peer evaluation of publications and citations, and financial expenditures analysis) and a brief overview of results. Finally, they discuss several important lessons and recommendations that emerged from this work| C1- [Trochim, William M.] Cornell Univ, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA; [Marcus, Stephen E.; Weld, Patrick C.] Natl Canc Inst, Bethesda, MD USA; [Masse, Louise C.] Univ British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1M9, Canada| RP- Trochim, WM, Cornell Univ, 249 MVR Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853 USA| EM-| CD- *I MED, 2004, NIH EXTR CTR PROGR; *NATL AC SCI NATL, 1996, ASS NATL SCI FDN SCI; *NATL CANC I, 2007, GREAT SUM SYST THINK; *NIH, 1999, EV RED RES PROGR RES; *NIH, 2006, FY 2007 PRES BUDG RE; *OFF MAN BUDG, 1993, GOVT PERF RES ACT 19; *OFF MAN BUDG, 2007, EXP GOV; *OFF MAN BUDG, 2007, PROGR ASS NSFS FED F; *OFF MAN BUDG, 2007, PROGR ASS RAT TOOL P; *US DEP HHS, 2007, I CLIN TRANSL SCI AW; *US GEN ACC OFF, 2000, NIH RES IMPR NEED MO; *US GEN ACC OFF, 2005, OMB PART REV INCR AG; *W K KELL FDN, 2001, LOG MOD DEV GUID US; ANDERBERG MR, 1973, CLUSTER ANAL APPL; BRAINARD J, 2002, V48, A25, CHRONICLE HIGHE 0329; BRAINARD J, 2002, V48, CHRONICLE HIGHER ED; COMPTON DW, 2002, V93, ART CRAFT SCI EVALUA; COOK TD, 1979, QUASI EXPT DESIGN AN; COXON APM, 1999, SORTING DATA COLLECT; DAVISON ML, 1983, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; EVERITT B, 1980, CLUSTER ANAL; FUNKHOUSER ET, 1996, V22, P563, HUM COMMUN RES; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1994, V25, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1994, V29, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GODLEE F, 1997, V74, ADV MIXED METHOD EVA; GODLEE F, 1999, PEER REV HLTH SCI; GREENE JC, 1989, V11, P255, EDUC EVAL POLICY AN; HOOD WW, 2001, V52, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; KANE M, 2006, CONCEPT MAPPING PLAN; KOSTOFF RN, 1994, V18, P31, EVALUATION REV; KOSTOFF RN, 1994, V45, P189, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; KOSTOFF RN, 1995, V24, P869, RES POLICY; KRIPPENDORF K, 2004, CONTENT ANAL INTRO I; KRUSTAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LANE NF, 1995, V20, P98, INTERDISCIPLINARY SC; MCCULLOUGH J, 1992, DRAFT REPORT NSF PRO; MOLASGALLART J, 2006, V27, P64, AM J EVAL; NASS SJ, 2003, LARGE SCALE BIOMEDIC; NYE M, 1996, BIG SCI PURSUIT MODE; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P149, LIBRI; OSAREH F, 1996, V46, P217, LIBRI; RASMUSSEN N, 2002, V40, P115, MINERVA; ROSENBERG S, 1975, V10, P489, MULTIVARIATE BEHAVIO; ROSENFIELD PL, 1992, V35, P1343, SOC SCI MED; SCHOEPFLIN U, 2001, V50, P301, SCIENTOMETRICS; SEGLEN PO, 1997, V314, P498, BRIT MED J; SKOIE H, 1999, V45, P433, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH R, 2001, V323, P528, BRIT MED J; STOKOLS D, 2003, V5, S21, NICOTINE TOB RES; TROCHIM WMK, 1985, V9, P575, EVALUATION REV; TROCHIM WMK, 1986, V9, P289, EVAL PROGRAM PLANN; WEBER RP, 1990, V49, BASIC CNTENT ANAL; WELLER SC, 1988, SYTEMATIC DATA COLLE; WHITMORE E, 1998, V80, UNDERSTANDING PRACTI; WILLIAMS B, 2006, SYTEMS CONCEPTS EVAL| NR- 56| TC- 18| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC| PI- THOUSAND OAKS| PA- 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USA| SN- 1098-2140| J9- AM J EVAL| JI- Am. J. Eval| PD- MAR| PY- 2008| VL- 29| IS- 1| BP- 8| EP- 28| DI- 10.1177/1098214007309280| PG- 21| SCGAJNUT- Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary| 263FO| AMERICAN JOURNAL OF EVALUATION, 2008, V29, N1, P8-28| ISI:000253203200001 ER || PT- J| AU- Rosvallt M; Bergstrom CT| AF- Rosvallt Martin; Bergstrom, Carl T| TI- Maps of random walks on complex networks reveal community structure| SO- PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- clustering; compression; information theory; map of science; bibiometrics| ID- MODULARITY; COCITATION; DOMAINS| AB- To comprehend the multipartite organization of large-scale biological and social systems, we introduce an information theoretic approach that reveals community structure in weighted and directed networks. We use the probability flow of random walks on a network as a proxy for information flows in the real system and decompose the network into modules by compressing a description of the probability flow. The result is a map that both simplifies and highlights the regularities in the structure and their relationships. We illustrate the method by making a map of scientific communication as captured in the citation patterns of >6,000 journals. We discover a multicentric organization with fields that vary dramatically in size and degree of integration into the network of science. Along the backbone of the network-including physics, chemistry, molecular biology, and medicine-information flows bidirectionally, but the map reveals a directional pattern of citation from the applied fields to the basic sciences| C1- Univ Washington, Dept Biol, Seattle, WA 98195 USA; [Bergstrom, Carl T.] Santa Fe Inst, Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA| RP- Rosvallt, M, Univ Washington, Dept Biol, Seattle, WA 98195 USA| EM-| CD- *I SCI INF, 2004, J CIT REP; ARENAS A, 2007, V9, ARTN 176, NEW J PHYS; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P107, COMPUT NETWORKS ISDN; CLAUSET A, 2004, V70, ARTN 066111, PHYS REV E 2; DONATH W, 1972, V15, P938, IBM TECHNICAL DISCLO; ENRIGHT AJ, 2002, V30, P1575, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; ERIKSEN KA, 2003, V90, ARTN 148701, PHYS REV LETT; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GRUNWALD P, 2005, ADV MINIMUM DESCRIPT; GUIMERA R, 2005, V433, P895, NATURE; GUIMERA R, 2007, V76, ARTN 036102, PHYS REV E 2; HUFFMAN DA, 1952, V40, P1098, P IRE; LEICHT EA, ARXIV07094500; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEWMAN MEJ, 2003, V45, P167, SIAM REV; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 026113, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V69, ARTN 066133, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2006, STRUCTURE DYNAMICS N; PALLA G, 2005, V435, P814, NATURE; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; RISSANEN J, 1978, V14, P465, AUTOMATICA; ROSVALL M, 2007, V104, P7327, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SALESPARDO M, 2007, V104, P15224, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; SHANNON CE, 1948, V27, P379, BELL SYST TECH J; SHANNON CE, 1949, MATH THEORY COMMUNIC; SHIFFRIN RM, 2004, V101, P5183, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TUFTE ER, 2006, BEAUTIFUL EVIDENCE; WAKITA K, 2007, ARXIVCS0702048; ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL; ZIV E, 2005, V71, ARTN 046117, PHYS REV E 2| NR- 32| TC- 65| PU- NATL ACAD SCIENCES| PI- WASHINGTON| PA- 2101 CONSTITUTION AVE NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20418 USA| SN- 0027-8424| J9- PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA| JI- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A| PD- JAN 29| PY- 2008| VL- 105| IS- 4| BP- 1118| EP- 1123| DI- 10.1073/pnas.0706851105| PG- 6| SC- Multidisciplinary Sciences| GA- 258NF| JN- PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2008, V105, N4, P1118-1123| UT- ISI:000252873900007 ER || PT- J| AU- Morgan XC; Ni S; Miranker DP; Iyer VR| AF- Morgan Xochitl C; Ni, Shulin; Miranker, Daniel P; Iyer, Vishwanath R| TI- Predicting combinatorial binding of transcription factors to regulatory elements in the human genome by association rule mining| SO- BMC BIOINFORMATICS| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- NF-KAPPA-B; NECROSIS-FACTOR-ALPHA; PROTEIN INTERACTION NETWORK; CU/ZN-SUPEROXIDE-DISMUTASE; ZINC-FINGER PROTEIN; BREAST-CANCER CELLS; GENE-EXPRESSION; PROMOTER ACTIVITY; FUNCTIONAL-ANALYSIS; COACTIVATOR PROTEINS| AB- Background: Cis-acting transcriptional regulatory elements in mammalian genomes typically contain specific combinations of binding sites for various transcription factors. Although some cisregulatory elements have been well studied, the combinations of transcription factors that regulate normal expression levels for the vast majority of the 20,000 genes in the human genome are unknown. We hypothesized that it should be possible to discover transcription factor combinations that regulate gene expression in concert by identifying over-represented combinations of sequence motifs that occur together in the genome. In order to detect combinations of transcription factor binding motifs, we developed a data mining approach based on the use of association rules, which are typically used in market basket analysis. We scored each segment of the genome for the presence or absence of each of 83 transcription factor binding motifs, then used association rule mining algorithms to mine this dataset, thus identifying frequently occurring pairs of distinct motifs within a segment Results: Support for most pairs of transcription factor binding motifs was highly correlated across different chromosomes although pair significance varied. Known true positive motif pairs showed higher association rule support, confidence, and significance than background Our subsets of high-confidence, highsignificance mined pairs of transcription factors showed enrichment for co-citation in PubMed abstracts relative to all pairs, and the predicted associations were often readily verifiable in the literature Conclusion: Functional elements in the genome where transcription factors bind to regulate expression in a combinatorial manner are more likely to be predicted by identifying statistically and biologically significant combinations of transcription factor binding motifs than by simply scanning the genome for the occurrence of binding sites for a single transcription factor| C1- [Morgan, Xochitl C.; Iyer, Vishwanath R.] Univ Texas Austin, Inst Cellular & Mol Biol, Austin, TX 78712 USA; [Morgan, Xochitl C.; Iyer, Vishwanath R.] Univ Texas Austin, Ctr Syst & Synthet Biol, Austin, TX 78712 USA; [Ni, Shulin; Miranker, Daniel P.] Univ Texas Austin, Dept Comp Sci, Austin, TX 78712 USA| RP- Iyer, VR, Univ Texas Austin, Inst Cellular & Mol Biol, Austin, TX 78712 USA| EM-| CD- *R DEV COR TEAM, 2005, R FDN STAT COMP; AGRAWAL R, 1994, P487, VLDB; ANDRIAMANALIJAONA R, 2003, V48, P1569, ARTHRITIS RHEUM; ARMELINCORREA LM, 2005, V24, P550, MATRIX BIOL; BARSKI OA, 2004, V83, P119, GENOMICS; BARTHEL R, 2003, V23, P526, MOL CELL BIOL; BARTHOLDY B, 2004, V327, P1, GENE; BECKER C, 2001, V167, P2608, J IMMUNOL; BEER MA, 2004, V117, P185, CELL; BERMAN BP, 2002, V99, P757, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; BERMAN BP, 2004, V5, ARTN R61, GENOME BIOL; BERTRANDPHILIPPE M, 2004, V279, P24530, J BIOL CHEM; BIESIADA E, 1999, V19, P2577, MOL CELL BIOL; BRAGANCA J, 2003, V278, P16021, J BIOL CHEM; BRAZMA A, 1997, V5, P65, P INT C INT SYST MOL; BRITOSBRAY M, 1997, V17, P5127, MOL CELL BIOL; CARROLL JS, 2006, V38, P1289, NAT GENET; CHU BY, 2005, V392, P589, BIOCHEM J 3; COCKERILL PN, 1996, V7, P917, CELL GROWTH DIFFER; COHN MA, 2001, V29, P3335, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; CROWLEY EM, 1997, V268, P8, J MOL BIOL; DAS D, 2004, V101, P16234, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; DASILVA CA, 2003, V17, P2334, FASEB J; DAVIDSON EH, 2001, V12, P261, GENOMIC REGULATORY S; DEBIEVE F, 2002, V8, P262, MOL HUM REPROD; DEBOSSCHER K, 2003, V24, P488, ENDOCR REV; DEMETER J, 2007, V35, D766, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; DRYER RL, 2005, V175, P4499, J IMMUNOL; EBERT SN, 1998, V70, P2286, J NEUROCHEM; ELEMENTO O, 2005, V6, ARTN R18, GENOME BIOL; FAGGIOLI L, 2004, V1692, P17, BBA-MOL CELL RES; FALVO JV, 2000, V20, P2239, MOL CELL BIOL; FRECH K, 1998, V1, P29, SILICO BIOL; FRITH MC, 2001, V17, P878, BIOINFORMATICS; FURLONG EEM, 1996, V16, P5933, MOL CELL BIOL; GENTLEMAN R, 2005, V19, P473, STAT BIOL HLTH; GOBIN SJP, 2003, V101, P3058, BLOOD; GOLUBOVSKAYA V, 2004, V1678, P111, BBAGENE STRUCT EXPR; GORDON SJ, 2003, V170, P5549, J IMMUNOL; GORGOULIS VG, 2003, V22, P1567, EMBO J; GU JM, 2000, V275, P12481, J BIOL CHEM; HALFON MS, 2002, V12, P1019, GENOME RES; HAN LP, 2006, V348, P799, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO; HART GT, 2006, V7, ARTN 120, GENOME BIOL; HERMOSO MA, 2004, V24, P4743, MOL CELL BIOL; HERRMANN F, 2003, V55, P379, IMMUNOGENETICS; HERTZ GZ, 1999, V15, P563, BIOINFORMATICS; HERZOG B, 2000, V351, P385, BIOCHEM J 2; HOFFMEISTER A, 2002, V277, P22314, J BIOL CHEM; HOLZMANN C, 2001, V92, P85, BRAIN RES MOL BRAIN; HORNG JT, 2002, V9, P621, J COMPUT BIOL; HORNG JT, 2003, V7, P93, IEEE T INF TECHNOL B; HROMAS R, 1996, V211, P159, CURR TOP MICROBIOL; HUBE F, 2003, V109, P207, THROMB RES; IKEDA Y, 2001, V276, P34259, J BIOL CHEM; INOUE A, 2004, V32, P649, J MOL ENDOCRINOL; JOHNSON BV, 2004, V24, P7914, MOL CELL BIOL; KAMMANDEL B, 1999, V205, P79, DEV BIOL; KANEKO M, 2006, V312, P2028, EXP CELL RES; KANG NY, 2004, V18, P157, MOL CELLS; KAROLCHIK D, 2003, V31, P51, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; KAWADA H, 2005, V124, P1206, J INVEST DERMATOL; KEL A, 1999, V288, P353, J MOL BIOL; KEL AE, 2001, V309, P99, J MOL BIOL; KELMARGOULIS OV, 2002, V30, P332, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; KHAN S, 2006, V20, P2199, MOL ENDOCRINOL; KIM HT, 1994, V201, P1526, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO; KIM JC, 1998, V273, P26130, J BIOL CHEM; KIM JW, 2005, V2, P47, NAT METHODS; LAFERLA K, 2002, V16, P1811, FASEB J 1; LAHLIL R, 2004, V24, P1439, MOL CELL BIOL; LAVROVSKY Y, 1994, V91, P5987, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LEE TI, 2002, V298, P799, SCIENCE; LEHNER B, 2004, V5, ARTN R63, GENOME BIOL; LEMEE S, 2005, V302, P129, EXP CELL RES; LENHARD B, 2003, V2, P13, J BIOL; LIBERMANN TA, 1999, V274, P24671, J BIOL CHEM; LIFANOV AP, 2003, V13, P579, GENOME RES; LIN CS, 2001, V280, P684, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO; LIWEBER M, 2003, V15, P145, SEMIN IMMUNOL; MAHAPATRA NR, 2006, V99, P119, J NEUROCHEM; MAIER H, 2004, V5, P1069, NAT IMMUNOL; MAITRA S, 2000, V20, P1911, MOL CELL BIOL; MALAKOOTI J, 2002, V282, G491, AM J PHYSIOL-GASTR L; MANOLI I, 2005, V19, P1359, FASEB J; MARKSTEIN M, 2002, V99, P763, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; MESSINA DN, 2004, V14, P2041, GENOME RES; MINC E, 1999, V274, P503, J BIOL CHEM; MOON SK, 2004, V198, P417, J CELL PHYSIOL; MURA C, 2004, V18, P1922, FASEB J; NEISH AS, 1992, V176, P1583, J EXP MED; PAZDRAK K, 2004, V127, P1096, GASTROENTEROLOGY; PERROTTI D, 1995, V15, P6075, MOL CELL BIOL; PHILIPSEN S, 1990, V9, P2159, EMBO J; POCOCK J, 2003, V170, P6280, J IMMUNOL; PRUITT KD, 2005, V33, D501, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; RAMANI AK, 2005, V6, ARTN R40, GENOME BIOL; REBEIZ M, 2002, V99, P9888, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; RHODES DR, 2005, V23, P951, NAT BIOTECHNOL; RIVERAPOMAR R, 1995, V376, P253, NATURE; ROJO AI, 2004, V24, P7324, J NEUROSCI; ROTHENBERG EV, 1996, V93, P9358, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; RUAL JF, 2005, V437, P1173, NATURE; SCHAFER H, 1998, V436, P139, FEBS LETT; SCHWEIZER M, 2002, V30, P1070, BIOCHEM SOC T 6; SEKAR N, 2004, V287, E128, AM J PHYSIOL-ENDOC M; SEO SJ, 1996, V178, P177, GENE; SHAH R, 2006, V119, P61, HUM GENET; SHANNON MF, 1997, V17, P301, CRIT REV IMMUNOL; SHARAN R, 2004, V32, W253, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES S2; SHI QA, 1999, V19, P1363, J INTERF CYTOK RES; SMALL S, 1992, V11, P4047, EMBO J; STELZL U, 2005, V122, P957, CELL; SZLOSAREK PW, 2003, V4, P565, LANCET ONCOL; TANG HB, 2006, V281, P3943, J BIOL CHEM; TRONCHE F, 1997, V266, P231, J MOL BIOL; TSAI EY, 2000, V20, P6084, MOL CELL BIOL; TUPLER R, 2001, V409, P832, NATURE; WAGNER A, 1997, V25, P3594, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; WASSERMAN WW, 1998, V278, P167, J MOL BIOL; WICKREMASINGHE MI, 2004, V279, P27199, J BIOL CHEM; WINGENDER E, 1996, V24, P238, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; WOLF SS, 2001, V382, P1083, BIOL CHEM; WONG DL, 1998, V61, P154, BRAIN RES MOL BRAIN; WU CX, 2004, V317, P1096, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO; XIAO S, 2001, V31, P3339, EUR J IMMUNOL; XU ZJ, 2001, V167, P6975, J IMMUNOL; YAHATA T, 2002, V80, P601, GENOMICS; YANG HP, 2001, V285, P476, BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO; YU XP, 2005, V280, P35184, J BIOL CHEM; ZHENG Y, 2007, V445, P936, NATURE; ZHOU TY, 2002, V30, P4145, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES| NR- 132| TC- 5| PU- BIOMED CENTRAL LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- CURRENT SCIENCE GROUP, MIDDLESEX HOUSE, 34-42 CLEVELAND ST, LONDON W1T 4LB, ENGLAND| SN- 1471-2105| J9- BMC BIOINFORMATICS| JI- BMC Bioinformatics| PD- NOV 15| PY- 2007| VL- 8| AR- 445| DI- 10.1186/1471-2105-8-445| PG- 14| SC- Biochemical Research Methods; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Mathematical & Computational Biology| GA- 253XT| JN- BMC BIOINFORMATICS, 2007, V8, N4, P1118-1123| UT- ISI:000252551600001 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L| AF- Leydesdorff Loet| TI- On the normalization and visualization of author co-citation data: Salton's cosine versus the Jaccard index| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SIMILARITY MEASURES; PEARSONS-R; COLLABORATION; SCIENCE| AB- The debate about which similarity measure one should use for the normalization in the case of Author Co-citation Analysis (ACA) is further complicated when one distinguishes between the symmetrical co-citationor, more generally, co-occurrence-matrix and the underlying asymmetrical citation-occurrence-matrix. In the Web environment, the approach of retrieving original citation data is often not feasible. In that case, one should use the Jaccard index, but preferentially after adding the number of total citations (i.e., occurrences) on the main diagonal. Unlike Salton's cosine and the Pearson correlation, the Jaccard index abstracts from the shape of the distributions and focuses only on the intersection and the sum of the two sets. Since the correlations in the co-occurrence matrix may be spurious, this property of the Jaccard index can be considered as an advantage in this case| C1- Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Kloveniersbrugwal 48, NL1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS A; GLANZEL W, 2001, V51, P69, SCIENTOMETRICS; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P241, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KENNY DA, 2006, DYADIC DATA ANAL; LEYDESDORFF L, 1988, V87, P105, INFORMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LIPKUS AH, 1999, V26, P263, J MATH CHEM; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; MICHELET B, 1988, THESIS U PARIS 7 PAR; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, P1586, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TANIMOTO TT, 1957, IBM TECHNICAL REPORT; VANRIJSBERGEN CJ, 1977, V33, P106, J DOC; WAGNER CS, 2005, V1, P185, INT J TECHNOLOGY GLO; WALTMAN L, 2007, V58, P1701, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 29| TC- 6| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JAN 1| PY- 2008| VL- 59| IS- 1| BP- 77| EP- 85| DI- 10.1002/asi.20732| PG- 9| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 252CR| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V59, N1, P77-85| UT- ISI:000252423000008 ER || PT- J| AU- McMillan GS| AF- McMillan G. Steven| TI- Mapping the invisible colleges of R&D Management| SO- R & D MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- ABSORPTIVE-CAPACITY; TECHNOLOGY; JOURNALS| AB- R&D Management has consistently been considered one of the top technology and innovation management journals since its inaugural issue in 1970. The purpose of this paper is to use bibliometric techniques to examine R&D Management in four time periods, 1986-1990, 1991-1995, 19962000, and 2001-2005 in order to reveal changes in its intellectual base. Bibliometric research has illuminated the knowledge domains of several technology and innovation management journals including R&D Management Linton and Thongpapanl, but there has not previously been a comprehensive detailed analysis focused only on R&D Management. Using co-citation analysis, this paper identifies the invisible colleges (research networks) associated with publications in R&D Management. The results indicate that Cohen and Levinthal's absorptive capacity model dominates the final two periods. The conclusions suggest how the absorptive capacity model might be more effectively utilized in future R&D Management research| C1- Penn State Abington, Abington, PA 19001 USA| RP- McMillan, GS, Penn State Abington, 1600 Woodland Rd, Abington, PA 19001 USA| EM-| CD- BALL DF, 2006, V36, P205, R&D MANAGE; BARNEY J, 1986, V41, P1231, MANAGE SCI; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLLEGES D; GARFIELD E, 1979, V1, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; KOGUT B, 1992, V3, P383, ORGAN SCI; LANE PJ, 2001, V22, P1139, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; LANE PJ, 2006, V31, P833, ACAD MANAGE REV; LINTON JD, 2004, V21, P123, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; PERSSON O, 2006, BIBEXCEL TOOL BIBLIO; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; TIJSSEN RJW, 1992, CARTOGRAPHY SCI SCIE; WASSERMAN S, 1997, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL| NR- 19| TC- 0| PU- BLACKWELL PUBLISHING| PI- OXFORD| PA- 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND| SN- 0033-6807| J9- R D MANAGE| JI- R D Manage| PD- JAN| PY- 2008| VL- 38| IS- 1| BP- 69| EP- 83| PG- 15| SC- Business; Management| GA- 244JY| JN- R & D MANAGEMENT, 2008, V38, N1, P69-83| UT- ISI:000251863400005 ER || PT- J| AU- de Moya-Anegon F; Vargas-Quesada B; Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z; CoreraAlvarez E; Munoz-Fernandez FJ; Herrero-Solana V| AF- de Moya-Anegon Felix; Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Zaida; Corera-Alvarez, Elena; Munoz-Fernandez, Francisco J; HerreroSolana, Victor| CA- SCImago Grp| TI- Visualizing the marrow of science| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- ITEM SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION; AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; INFORMATIONSCIENCE; PATHFINDER NETWORKS; CITATION; GRAPHS; RETRIEVAL; MAPS| AB- This study proposes a new methodology that allows for the generation of scientograms of major scientific domains, constructed on the basis of cocitation of Institute of Scientific Information categories, and pruned using PathfinderNetwork, with a layout determined by algorithms of the spring-embedder type (Kamada-Kawai), then corroborated structurally by factor analysis. We present the complete scientogram of the world for the Year 2002. It integrates the natural sciences, the social sciences, and arts and humanities. Its basic structure and the essential relationships therein are revealed, allowing us to simultaneously analyze the macrostructure, microstructure, and marrow of worldwide scientific output| C1- Univ Granada, Fac Lib & Informat Sci, E-18071 Granada, Spain| RP- de Moya-Anegon, F, Univ Granada, Fac Lib & Informat Sci, E-18071 Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- *SCIMAGO GROUP, 2004, ATL SCI; *THOM CORP, 2005, ISI J CIT REP; *THOM CORP, 2005, ISI WEB SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRANDENBURG FJ, 1995, V1027, P87, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; CHEN C, 1999, P51, P 10 ACM C HYP HYP R; CHEN CM, 1998, V9, P267, J VISUAL LANG COMPUT; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN GT, 2003, V37, P179, RAIRO-OPER RES; COHEN JD, 1997, V4, P197, ACM T COMPUT-HUM INT; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EADES P, 1984, V42, P149, C NUMERANTIUM; ELSEVIER BV, SCOPUS; EVERETT MG, 1999, V21, P397, SOC NETWORKS; FOWLER RH, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIATI; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GARFIELD E, 1986, V9, P324, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 1994, V7, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS SOC; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1999, V46, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KREMPEL L, 1999, P36, P SECT STAT GRAPH AL; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LEWISBECK MS, 1994, FACTOR ANAL RELATED; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; SALTON G, 1979, V22, P146, IEEE T PROF COMMUN; SALTON G, 1994, V37, P97, COMMUN ACM; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIATI; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2000, P449, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; TUFTE ER, 1994, ENVISIONING INFORM; TUFTE ER, 2001, VISUAL DISPLAY QUANT; VARGASQUESADA B, 2007, VISUALIZING STRUCTUR; WASSERMAN S, 1998, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 2001, V51, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 43| TC- 13| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- DEC| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 14| BP- 2167| EP- 2179| DI- 10.1002/asi.20683| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 237MH| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N14, P2167-2179| UT- ISI:000251377600002 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L| AF- Leydesdorff Loet| TI- Should co-occurrence data be normalized? A rejoinder| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Letter| ID- SCIENCE; COLLABORATION; COCITATION| C1- Univ Amsterdam, ASCoR, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, ASCoR, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET 6 WINDOWS; BURT RS, 1982, STRUCTURAL THEORY AC; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KREFT IGG, 1988, V22, P127, QUAL QUANT; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; MICHELET B, 1988, THESIS U PARIS 7 PAR; ROBINSON WS, 1950, V15, P351, AM SOCIOL REV; SCHNEIDER JW, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WALTMAN L, 2007, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 16| TC- 3| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- DEC| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 14| BP- 2411| EP- 2413| DI- 10.1002/asi.20691| PG- 3| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 237MH| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N14, P2411-2413| UT- ISI:000251377600027 ER || PT- J| AU- Bourguet D; Delmotte F; Franck P; Guillemaud T; Reboud X; Vacher C; Walker AS| AF- Bourguet Denis; Delmotte, Francois; Franck, Pierre; Guillemaud, Thomas; Reboud, Xavier; Vacher, Corinne; Walker, Anne-Sophie| CA- REX Consortium| TI- Structure of the Scientific Community Modelling the Evolution of Resistance| SO- PLOS ONE| LA- English| DT- Article| AB- Faced with the recurrent evolution of resistance to pesticides and drugs, the scientific community has developed theoretical models aimed at identifying the main factors of this evolution and predicting the efficiency of resistance management strategies. The evolutionary forces considered by these models are generally similar for viruses, bacteria, fungi, plants or arthropods facing drugs or pesticides, so interaction between scientists working on different biological organisms would be expected. We tested this by analysing co-authorship and co-citation networks using a database of 187 articles published from 1977 to 2006 concerning models of resistance evolution to all major classes of pesticides and drugs. These analyses identified two main groups. One group, led by ecologists or agronomists, is interested in agricultural crop or stock pests and diseases. It mainly uses a population genetics approach to model the evolution of resistance to insecticidal proteins, insecticides, herbicides, antihelminthic drugs and miticides. By contrast, the other group, led by medical scientists, is interested in human parasites and mostly uses epidemiological models to study the evolution of resistance to antibiotic and antiviral drugs. Our analyses suggested that there is also a small scientific group focusing on resistance to antimalaria drugs, and which is only poorly connected with the two larger groups. The analysis of cited references indicates that each of the two large communities publishes its research in a different set of literature and has its own keystone references: citations with a large impact in one group are almost never cited by the other. We fear the lack of exchange between the two communities might slow progress concerning resistance evolution which is currently a major issue for society| C1- [Vacher, Corinne] INRA, UMR Biodiversite Genes & Communautes BioGeCo 1210, F-33140 Villenave Dornon, France; [Walker, Anne-Sophie] INRA, UMR BIOGER CPP 1290, F-78026 Versailles, France; [Bourguet, Denis] INRA, UMR Ctr Biol & Gest Populat CBGP, F-34988 Montferrier Sur Lez, France; [Delmotte, Francois] INRA, UMR Sante Vegetale, F-33140 Villenave Dornon, France; [Franck, Pierre] INRA, UR Plantes & Syst Culture Horticoles 1115, F-84000 Avignon, France; [Guillemaud, Thomas] INRA, UMR ROSE 1112, F06903 Sophia Antipolis, France; [Reboud, Xavier] INRA, UMR Biol & Gest Adventices 1210, F-21065 Dijon, France| RP- Vacher, C, INRA, UMR Biodiversite Genes & Communautes BioGeCo 1210, F-33140 Villenave Dornon, France| EM-| FU- Departement Sante des Plantes et Environnement (SPE) of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) FX Financial support for this study was provided by the Departement Sante des Plantes et Environnement (SPE) of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)| CD- *R DEV COR TEAM, 2006, R LANG ENV STAT COMP; ANDERSON RM, 1991, INFECT DIS HUMANS DY; AUBER D, 2002, P488, GRAPH DRAWING; AUSTIN DJ, 1999, V354, P721, PHILOS T ROY SOC B; BONHOEFFER S, 1997, V94, P12106, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; BONHOEFFER S, 1997, V94, P6971, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; BRANDES U, 2001, V25, P163, J MATH SOCIOL; CHAMBERS HF, 2001, V7, P178, EMERG INFECT DIS; CLARKE T, 2003, V425, P225, NATURE; COMINS HN, 1977, V64, J THEOR BIOL; CSARDI G, 2006, IGRAPH IGRAPH CLASS; DALESSANDRO U, 2001, V6, P845, TROP MED INT HEALTH; FINCH R, 2006, V12, P3, CLIN MICROBIOL IN S8; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GEORGHIOU GP, 1986, P14, PESTICIDE RESISTANCE; GIRVAN M, 2002, V99, P7821, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GUBBINS S, 1999, V266, P2539, P ROY SOC LOND B BIO; GUILLEMOT D, 1999, V2, P494, CURR OPIN MICROBIOL; HASTINGS IM, 2001, V6, P883, TROP MED INT HEALTH; HASTINGS IM, 2004, V20, P512, TRENDS PARASITOL; HEMINGWAY J, 2000, V45, P371, ANNU REV ENTOMOL; KOELLA JC, 2003, V2, MALARIA J; LEVIN BR, 1997, V24, S9, CLIN INFECT DIS S1; LEVIN BR, 2001, V33, S161, CLIN INFECT DIS S3; LEVIN BR, 2002, V60, P58, NETH J MED S; LEVY SB, 2004, V10, S122, NAT MED S; MARRONE PG, 1999, V28, P149, OUTLOOK AGR; MAY RM, 1988, V318, P129, PHILOS T R SOC B; MAYNARDSMITH J, 1993, V90, P4384, P NATIONAL ACADEMY S; MAYNARDSMITH J, 1998, EVOLUTIONARY GENETIC; MIELKE PW, 2001, PERMUTATION METHODS; NEUHAUSER C, 2001, P153, HDB STAT GENETICS; NORRBY SR, 2005, V5, P115, LANCET INFECT DIS; NOWAK MA, 1997, V184, P203, J THEOR BIOL; OKSANEN J, 2006, VEGAN COMMUNITY ECOL; PAGE RDM, 1996, V12, P357, COMPUT APPL BIOSCI; PARADIS E, 2004, V20, P289, BIOINFORMATICS; PECK SL, 2001, V9, P286, TRENDS MICROBIOL; PRADO PI, 2004, V73, P1168, J ANIM ECOL; SIMON JC, 2003, V79, P151, BIOL J LINN SOC; STEWART FM, 1998, V53, P152, THEOR POPUL BIOL| NR- 41| TC- 0| PU- PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE| PI- SAN FRANCISCO| PA- 185 BERRY ST, STE 1300, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107 USA| SN- 1932-6203| J9- PLOS ONE| JI- PLoS One| PD- DEC 5| PY- 2007| VL- 2| IS- 12| AR- e1275| DI- 10.1371/journal.pone.0001275| PG- 9| SC- Biology; Multidisciplinary Sciences| GA- V10JD| JN- PLOS ONE, 2007, V2, N12, P2411-2413| UT- ISI:000207459400022 ER || PT- J| AU- Morris SA; Van der Veer Martens B| AF- Morris Steven A; Van der Veer Martens, Betsy| TI- Mapping research specialties| SO- ANNUAL REVIEW OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Review| ID- JOURNAL COCITATION ANALYSIS; CO-WORD ANALYSIS; CITATION CONTEXT ANALYSIS; AUTHOR COCITATION; SCIENTIFIC COLLABORATION; INFORMATIONSCIENCE; SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION; INTELLECTUAL SPACE; SOCIAL-STRUCTURE; ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE| C1- Oklahoma State Univ, Stillwater, OK 74078 USA; Univ Oklahoma, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Norman, OK 73019 USA| RP- Morris, SA, Oklahoma State Univ, Stillwater, OK 74078 USA| CD- AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALLEN B, 1997, V27, P937, SOC STUD SCI; ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; BALDI S, 1997, V27, P669, SOC STUD SCI; BARBER B, 1952, SCI SOCIAL ORDER; BARILAN J, 2001, V50, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; BASU A, 2006, INT WORKSH WEB INF S; BATAGELJ V, 2003, EFFICIENT ALGORITHMS; BATAGELJ V, 2003, P77, GRAPH DRAWING SOFTWA; BAZERMAN C, 1988, SHAPING WRITTEN KNOW; BEAN CA, 2001, P115, RELATIONSHIPS ORG KN; BEAVER DD, 1978, V1, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEAVER DD, 1979, V1, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEAVER DD, 1979, V1, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEGHTOL C, 2001, P99, RELATIONSHIPS ORG KN; BEGHTOL C, 2003, V30, P64, KNOWL ORGAN; BELLARDO T, 1980, V2, P231, LIBR RES; BENDAVID J, 1960, V65, P557, AM J SOCIOL; BENDAVID J, 1966, V31, P451, AM SOCIOL REV; BERNAL JD, 1939, SOCIAL FUNCTION SCI; BERTIN J, 2001, V10, P5, INFORMATION DESIGN J; BESSELAAR P, 2006, V68, P377, SCIENTOMETRICS; BEZDEK JC, 1981, PATTERN RECOGNITION; BLOOR D, 1991, KNOWLEDGE SOCIAL IMA; BLOOR D, 1997, V22, P373, SCI TECHNOL HUM VAL; BONNEVIENEBELONG E, 2006, V66, P411, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORGMAN CL, 2002, V36, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BORNER K, 2004, V101, P5266, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; BOYACK KW, 2002, V53, P764, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2003, V54, P447, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROOKS TA, 1985, V36, P223, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROOKS TA, 1986, V37, P34, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROWN CM, 1999, V50, P929, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BUDD J, 1991, V21, P87, SCIENTOMETRICS; BUDD JM, 1999, V25, P265, J INFORM SCI; BUDD JM, 2001, V22, P300, SCI COMMUN; BURRELL OL, 2002, V53, P232, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BURRELL QL, 2002, V53, P309, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALERO C, 2006, V66, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CALLON M, 1986, P103, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CALLON M, 1991, V22, P155, SCIENTOMETRICS; CAMPBELL DT, 1969, P328, INTERDISCIPLINARY RE; CASE DO, 2000, V51, P635, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CASE DO, 2002, LOOKING INFORM SURVE; CETINA KDK, 1981, MANUFACTURE KNOWLEDG; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CHEN CM, 2001, V52, P315, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2002, V53, P678, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2003, VISUALIZING EVOLVING; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN CM, 2004, V59, P199, SCIENTOMETRICS; CHEN CM, 2006, V57, P359, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN PP, 1976, V1, P1, ACM T DATABASE SYST; CHUBIN D, 1976, V17, P448, SOCIOLOGICAL Q; CHUBIN DE, 1975, V5, P423, SOC STUD SCI; CHUBIN DE, 1985, V7, P221, SCIENTOMETRICS; COLE JR, 1972, V178, P368, SCIENCE; COLE JR, 1975, P139, IDEA SOCIAL STRUCTUR; COLE JR, 1989, V28, P51, SOC SCI INFORM; COLE S, 1967, V32, P377, AM SOCIOL REV; COLE S, 1970, V76, P286, AM J SOCIOL; COLE S, 1973, SOCIAL STRATIFICATIO; COLE S, 1983, V89, P111, AM J SOCIOL; COLE S, 1993, MAKING SCI NATURE SO; COLE S, 2000, P109, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; COLLINS HM, 1974, V4, P165, SCI STUD; COLLINS HM, 1998, V104, P293, AM J SOCIOL; COLLINS R, 1968, V41, P123, SOCIOL EDUC; COLLINS R, 1989, V14, P107, SCI TECHNOL; COLLINS R, 1998, SOCIOLOGY PHILOS GLO; COULTER N, 1998, V49, P1206, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; COURTIAL JP, 1989, V19, P301, SOC STUD SCI; COURTIAL JP, 1994, V31, P251, SCIENTOMETRICS; COURTIAL JP, 1998, V49, P98, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; COX A, 2005, V31, P527, J INF SCI; COZZENS SE, 1985, V7, P431, SCIENTOMETRICS; COZZENS SE, 1989, V15, P437, SCIENTOMETRICS; COZZENS SE, 1989, SOCIAL CONTROL MULTI; CRANE D, 1969, V34, P335, AM SOCIOL REV; CRANE D, 1969, V16, P433, SOC PROBL; CRANE D, 1970, V22, P28, INT SOC SCI J; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; CRANE D, 1976, V19, P719, AM BEHAV SCI; CRANE D, 1980, V10, P23, SOC STUD SCI; CRAWFORD S, 1971, V22, P301, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; CRONIN B, 2004, V60, P41, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRONIN B, 2005, HAND SCI ACAD WRITIN; DEMEY M, 1982, COGNITIVE PARADIGM; DIAMOND AM, 1984, V6, P189, SCIENTOMETRICS; DIAMOND AM, 1985, V8, P815, SCIENTOMETRICS; DIAMOND AM, 1986, V21, P200, J HUM RESOUR; DIAMOND AM, 2000, P321, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; DING Y, 2000, V47, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; DING Y, 2001, V37, P817, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; DUDA RO, 2001, PATTERN CLASSIFICATI; EDGE D, 1979, V17, P102, HIST SCI; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; EGGHE L, 2000, V51, P1004, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ENNIS JG, 1992, V57, P259, AM SOCIOL REV; EOM SB, 1996, V47, P941, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EOM SB, 2003, AUTHOR COCITATION AN; ETZKOWITZ H, 1983, V21, P198, MINERVA; ETZKOWITZ H, 1989, V36, P14, SOC PROBL; ETZKOWITZ H, 2000, V29, P109, RES POLICY; FEITELSON DG, 2004, V60, P44, J DOC; FISHER CS, 1966, V3, P137, ARCH HIST EXACT SCI; FISHER CS, 1967, V8, P216, EUR J SOCIOL; FLECK L, 1979, GENESIS DEV SCI FACT; FORREST BC, 2003, CREATIONISMS TROJAN; FREUDENTHAL G, 1984, V14, P285, SOC STUD SCI; FUCHS S, 1986, V4, P126, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY; FUCHS S, 1993, V71, P933, SOC FORCES; FUCHS S, 1999, V30, P21, AM SOCIOL; FULLER S, 1989, COGNITIVE TURN SOCIO; FURNER J, 2003, P42, P 13 ASIST SIG CR CL; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1968, P169, FDN ACCESS KNOWLEDGE; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GARFIELD E, 1994, V41, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 2003, V22, P183, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; GARFIELD E, 2004, V60, P51, SCIENTOMETRICS; GARFIELD E, 2004, V34, P845, SOC STUD SCI; GARVEY WD, 1967, V157, P1011, SCIENCE; GASTON J, 1970, V35, P718, AM SOCIOL REV; GASTON J, 1973, ORIGINALITY COMPETIT; GEISON G, 1993, V8, P226, OSIRIS; GHONIEM M, 2005, V4, P114, INFORM VISUALIZATION; GIBBONS M, 1994, DYNAMICS SCI RES CON; GIERYN TF, 1983, V48, P781, AM SOCIOL REV; GIERYN TF, 1999, CULTURAL BOUNDARIES; GILBERT GN, 1977, V7, P113, SOC STUD SCI; GORDON AD, 1999, CLASSIFICATION; GRANOVETTER M, 1973, V6, P1360, AM J SOCIOL; GREEN R, 2001, P3, RELATIONSHIPS ORG KN; GRIFFITH BC, 1972, V177, P959, SCIENCE; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HAGSTROM WO, 1965, SCI COMMUNITY; HARGENS LL, 1980, V10, P56, SOC STUD SCI; HARGENS LL, 1984, V49, P685, AM SOCIOL REV; HARGENS LL, 2000, V65, P846, AM SOCIOL REV; HARGENS LL, 2004, V60, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; HE Q, 1999, V48, P131, LIB TRENDS; HEDGES LV, 1987, V42, P443, AM PSYCHOL; HETZLER E, 2004, V24, P22, IEEE COMPUT GRAPH; HJORLAND B, 2001, V35, P249, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; HJORLAND B, 2005, V61, P5, J DOC; HOLLOWAY T, 2007, V12, P30, COMPLEXITY; HOLTON G, 1993, SCI ANTISCIENCE; HOLZNER B, 1968, REALITY CONSTRUCTION; HOYNINGENHUENE P, 1993, RECONSTRUCTING SCI R; HURT CD, 1992, V24, P471, SCIENTOMETRICS; HWANG KJ, 2005, V26, P390, SCI COMMUN; HYLAND K, 2004, DISCIPLINARY DISCOUR; JACOB EK, 2004, V52, P515, LIBR TRENDS; JARNEVING B, 2001, V50, P365, SCIENTOMETRICS; JARNEVING B, 2005, V65, P245, SCIENTOMETRICS; JIN B, 2007, INT C SCIENT INF MAD; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KATZ JS, 1997, V26, P1, RES POLICY; KAUFER DS, 1993, COMMUNICATION DISTAN; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KIM KM, 1994, EXPLAINING SCI CONSE; KIM KM, 1996, V26, P3, PHILOS SOC SCI; KINCHY A, 2003, V33, P869, SOC STUD SCI; KNORR KD, 1975, DETERMINANTS CONTROL; KNORRCETINA K, 1982, V12, P101, SOC STUD SCI; KNORRCETINA K, 1991, V23, P105, HIST POLIT ECON; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V52, P1148, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KRAUZE TZ, 1972, V2, P369, SCI STUD; KRETSCHMER H, 2006, V15, P117, RES EVALUAT; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; KUHN TS, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; KUHN TS, 2000, P224, ROAD STRUCTURE PHILO; LATOUR B, 1986, LAB LIFE CONSTRUCTIO; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; LATOUR B, 2005, REASSEMBLING SOCIAL; LAUDAN L, 1986, V69, P141, SYNTHESE; LAUDEL G, 2002, V11, P3, RES EVALUAT; LAW J, 1992, V23, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEAZER GH, 1999, V43, P191, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; LEWIS GL, 1980, V10, P285, SOC STUD SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 1990, V15, P305, SCI TECHNOL; LEYDESDORFF L, 1994, V31, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1996, V23, P279, SCI PUBL POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1997, V48, P418, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 1998, V25, P195, SCI PUBL POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 2001, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P601, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LIEVROUW LA, 1990, SCH COMMUNICATION BI; LIEVROUW LA, 1992, V5, P6, KNOWLEDGE POLICY; LIU Z, 2005, V62, P385, SCIENTOMETRICS; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; LUBETZKY S, 1969, PRINCIPLES CATALOGIN; LUUKKONEN T, 1997, V38, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; MACROBERTS MH, 1989, V40, P342, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MAHLCK P, 2000, V49, P81, SCIENTOMETRICS; MAI JE, 2004, V31, P39, KNOWL ORGAN; MARION L, 2004, THESIS DREXEL U PHIL; MARKEY K, 2007, V13, D LIB; MARTENS BV, 2006, V57, P3300, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARTYN J, 1964, V20, P236, J DOC; MARTYN J, 1975, V31, P290, J DOC; MASTERMAN M, 1970, P59, CRITICISM GROWTH KNO; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1998, V41, P389, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 2002, P552, P ANN M AM SOC INF S; MCCAIN KW, 2005, V65, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; MELIN G, 1996, V36, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; MELLOR F, 2003, V33, P509, SOC STUD SCI; MERTON RK, 1957, V22, P635, AM SOCIOL REV; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MERTON RK, 1973, P267, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; MERTON RK, 1988, V79, P606, ISIS; MICHAELSON AG, 1993, V15, P217, SOC NETWORKS; MIKSA FL, 1998, DDC UNIVERSE KNOWLE; MOED HF, 2005, CITATION ANAL RES EV; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1979, V1, P161, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2004, V101, P5291, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; MORRIS SA, 2005, 10 INT C INT SOC SCI; MORRIS SA, 2005, V56, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2005, THESIS OKLAHOMA STAT; MUKERJI C, 1998, V68, P258, SOCIOL INQ; MULKAY MJ, 1971, V1, P207, SCI STUD; MULKAY MJ, 1975, V23, P509, SOCIOL REV; MULKAY MJ, 1975, V9, P187, SOCIOLOGY; MULKAY MJ, 1976, P153, PERSPECTIVES EMERGEN; MULKAY MJ, 1976, V24, P125, SOCIOL REV; MULLINS NC, 1972, V10, P51, MINERVA; MULLINS NC, 1973, THEORIES THEORY GROU; MULLINS NC, 1977, V42, P552, AM SOCIOL REV; MYERS G, 1990, WRITING BIOL TEXTS S; NARANAN S, 1971, V27, P83, J DOC; NARIN F, 1975, EVALUATIVE BIBLIOMET; NEBELONGBONNEVIE E, 2006, V62, P30, J DOC; NEUHAUS C, 2006, V6, P127, PORTAL-LIBR ACAD; NEWMAN MEJ, 2000, 0012064 SFI; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V98, P404, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, ARTN 016131, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, P16132, PHYS REV E; NEWMAN MEJ, 2004, V101, P5200, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; NICHOLAS D, 1978, LIT BIBLIOMETRICS; NICOLAISEN J, 2003, P12, P ANN M AM SOC INF S; NOWOTNY H, 2001, RETHINKING SCI KNOWL; NOYONS E, 2001, V50, P83, SCIENTOMETRICS; OEHLER K, 1989, V14, P258, SCI TECHNOL; OLSON HA, 1998, V47, P233, LIBR TRENDS; OPPENHEIM C, 1978, V29, P225, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PAISLEY WJ, 1968, V1, P1, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; PAO ML, 1992, V28, P99, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 1995, V33, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PETERS HPF, 1991, V20, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; PORTER AL, 1991, FORECASTING MANAGEME; PRICE DJD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; PRICE DJD, 1966, V21, P1011, AM PSYCHOL; PRICE DJD, 1970, P3, COMMUNICATION SCI EN; PRICE DJD, 1986, P56, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; RAVETZ JR, 1971, SCI KNOWLEDGE ITS SO; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; REDNER S, 1998, V4, P131, EUR PHYS J B; REID E, 2005, V3495, P322, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; RHEINGOLD N, 1980, V10, P475, SOC STUD SCI; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROGERS EM, 1993, V43, P68, J COMMUN; ROSE SK, 1996, V1, P34, LANGUAGE LEARNING DI; ROSENGREN KE, 1968, SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECTS; ROUSE J, 1993, V1, P1, CONFIGURATIONS; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SALTON G, 1989, AUTOMATIC TEXT PROCE; SANDSTROM PE, 2001, V51, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SARACEVIC T, 1975, V26, P321, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SAWYER RK, 2001, V107, P551, AM J SOCIOL; SCHNEIDER JW, 2005, V3507, P226, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2006, V68, P573, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1989, V24, P249, PSYCHOL LEARN MOTIV; SCOTT EC, 1985, V60, P21, Q REV BIOL; SEGLEN PO, 1992, V43, P628, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SEGLEN PO, 2000, V49, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHEPARD H, 1954, V19, P456, AM SOCIOL REV; SHEPARD HA, 1956, V23, P48, PHILOS SCI; SHIN T, 1999, V3, P149, SOC SCI INFORM; SHINN T, 2002, V32, P599, SOC STUD SCI; SHRUM W, 1984, V14, P63, SOC STUD SCI; SIIRTOLA H, 2005, V4, P32, INFORM VISUALIZATION; SIMON B, 2002, UNDEAD SCI SCI STUDI; SINDING C, 1996, V26, P43, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V36, P183, J DOC; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1989, V16, P642, COMMUN RES; SMALL H, 1997, V38, P275, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1998, V41, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 2006, V68, P395, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1974, V10, P393, INFORMATION STORAGE; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V1, P445, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1985, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMIRAGLIA RP, 2001, V28, P192, KNOWL ORGAN; SMIRAGLIA RP, 2002, V33, P1, CATALOGING CLASSIFIC; SMIRAGLIA RP, 2002, V50, P530, LIB TRENDS; SMITH LC, 1981, V30, P83, LIBR TRENDS; SOLOMON M, 1994, V2, P287, P PHIL SCI ASS; STAHL WA, 2002, WEBS REALITY SOCIAL; STEWART JA, 1983, V62, P166, SOC FORCES; STOKES TD, 1989, V19, P101, SOC STUD SCI; STORER NW, 1966, SOCIAL SYSTEM SCI; SUBRAMANYAM K, 1983, V6, P33, J INF SCI; SVENONIUS E, 2004, V52, P571, LIBR TRENDS; SWALES JM, 1990, GENRE ANAL ENGLISH A; SWALES JM, 2004, RES GENRES EXPLORATI; SWANSON DR, 1986, V56, P103, LIBR QUART; SWANSON DR, 1987, V38, P228, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TAYLOR RS, 1986, VALUE ADDED PROCESSE; TENOPIR C, 2005, V56, P786, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; THOMPSON P, 2005, V16, P54, J DATABASE MANAGE; TILLETT BB, 1991, V35, P150, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; TILLETT BB, 2001, P19, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; TOULMIN SE, 1970, P39, CRITICISM GROWTH KNO; TSAY MY, 2003, V57, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; TUCKMAN BW, 1977, V2, P419, GROUP ORGAN STUD; TUFTE ER, 2001, VISUAL DISPLAY QUANT; VALENTE TW, 1995, V16, P242, SCI COMMUN; VANDENBESSELAAR P, 1996, V47, P415, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WEINBERG BH, 1974, V10, P189, INFORM STORAGE RET; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V25, P89, APPL LINGUIST; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITLEY R, 1972, V18, P61, SOCIOL REV MONOGR; WHITLEY R, 1976, V6, P471, SOC STUD SCI; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WILSON P, 1968, 2 KINDS POWER ESSAY; WOOLGAR SW, 1976, P233, PERSPECTIVES EMERGEN; WOUTERS PD, 1999, THESIS U AMSTERDAM; WRAY KB, 2005, V35, P151, SOC STUD SCI; YITZHAKI M, 2004, V55, P832, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZEHR SC, 1999, P3, COMMUNICATING UNCERT; ZHAO DZ, 2002, V54, P449, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZIMAN JM, 1968, PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE ESS; ZIMAN JM, 1969, V224, P318, NATURE; ZIMAN JM, 1984, INTRO SCI STUDIES PH; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P156, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ZUCKERMA.H, 1971, V9, P66, MINERVA; ZUCKERMAN H, 1970, V40, P235, SOCIOL INQ; ZUCKERMAN H, 1977, SCI ELITE NOBEL LAUR| NR- 370| TC- 4| PU- INFORMATION TODAY INC| PI- MEDFORD| PA- 143 OLD MARLTON PIKE, MEDFORD, NJ 08055-8750 USA| SN- 0066-4200| J9- ANNU REV INFORM SCI TECH| JI- Annu. Rev. Inform. Sci. Technol| PY- 2008| VL- 42| BP- 213| EP- 295| PG- 83| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 227RM| JN- ANNUAL REVIEW OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2008, V42, N12, P213-295| UT- ISI:000250675500007 ER || PT- J| AU- Cronin B; Meho LI| AF- Cronin Blaise; Meho, Lokman I| TI- Timelines of creativity: A study of intellectual innovators in information science| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- UNDISCOVERED PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE; SEARCH PROCESS; SEEKING STRATEGIES; AUTHOR COCITATION; RETRIEVAL; DESIGN; MODEL; SELECTION; USERS; TEXT| AB- We explore the relationship between creativity and both chronological and professional age in information science using a novel bibliometric approach that allows us to capture the shape of a scholar's career. Our approach draws on D.W. Galenson's (2006) analyses of artistic creativity, notably his distinction between conceptual and experimental innovation, and also H.C. Lehman's (1953) seminal study of the relationship between stage of career and outstanding performance. The data presented here suggest that creativity is expressed in different ways, at different times, and with different intensities in academic information science| C1- Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| RP- Cronin, B, Indiana Univ, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Bloomington, IN 47405 USA| EM-| CD- INFORM SCI, V49, P1319; ADKINS D, 2006, V28, P374, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; BATES MJ, 1977, V28, P161, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 1979, V30, P205, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 1979, V30, P280, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 1986, V37, P357, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 1989, V13, P407, ONLINE REV; BATES MJ, 1990, V26, P575, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BATES MJ, 1993, V63, P1, LIBR QUART; BATES MJ, 1998, V49, P1185, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BATES MJ, 2005, V10, INFORM KNOWLEDGE EVO; BELKIN NJ, 1976, V27, P197, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BELKIN NJ, 1978, V34, P55, J DOC; BELKIN NJ, 1980, V5, P133, CANADIAN J INFORMATI; BELKIN NJ, 1982, V38, P61, J DOC; BELKIN NJ, 1983, V5, P153, J INF SCI; BELKIN NJ, 1984, V4, P111, SOC SCI INFORM STUD; BELKIN NJ, 1985, INTERACTION INFORM S; BELKIN NJ, 1987, V22, P109, ANN REV INFORMATION; BELKIN NJ, 1987, V27, P127, INT J MAN MACH STUD; BELKIN NJ, 1990, V16, P11, J INFORM SCI; BELKIN NJ, 1992, V35, P29, COMMUN ACM; BELKIN NJ, 1993, V29, P325, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BELKIN NJ, 1995, V9, P379, EXPERT SYST APPL; BELKIN NJ, 1995, V31, P431, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CRONIN B, 1981, V37, P16, J DOC; CRONIN B, 1982, V38, P212, J DOC; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS ROL; CRONIN B, 1990, V16, P381, J INF SCI; CRONIN B, 1994, V45, P61, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 1998, J AM SOC; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2006, V578, P1275, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1983, V34, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1984, V35, P211, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1985, V9, P61, ONLINE REV; FIDEL R, 1986, V37, P37, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1991, V42, P490, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1991, V42, P501, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1991, V42, P515, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; FIDEL R, 1999, V50, P24, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GALENSON DW, 2003, 2 LIFE CYCLES HUMAN; GALENSON DW, 2003, LIFE CYCLES MODERN A; GALENSON DW, 2004, V37, P123, HIST METHOD; GALENSON DW, 2005, 11501 NAT BUR EC RES; GALENSON DW, 2005, WHO GREATEST LIVING; GARFIELD E, 1992, V13, P117, THEORETICAL MED; KANTOR PB, 1964, V12, P52, PHYS REV LETT; KANTOR PB, 1984, OBJECTIVE PERFORMANC; KUHLTHAU CC, 1988, V10, P257, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; KUHLTHAU CC, 1988, V28, P232, RQ; KUHLTHAU CC, 1990, V12, P5, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; KUHLTHAU CC, 1991, V42, P361, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KUHLTHAU CC, 1993, V49, P339, J DOC; KUHLTHAU CC, 1993, SEEKING MEANING PROC; LEHMAN HC, 1953, AGE ACHIEVEMENT; MARCHIONINI G, 1988, V21, P70, COMPUTER; MARCHIONINI G, 1988, V28, P8, EDUC TECHNOL; MARCHIONINI G, 1989, V40, P54, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARCHIONINI G, 1992, V43, P156, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARCHIONINI G, 1995, INFORM SEEKING ELECT; MCGUIGAN C, 2006, P58, THROUGH LENS NEWSWEE; MEHO LI, 2005, V56, P1314, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SARACEVIC T, 1975, V26, P321, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SARACEVIC T, 1988, V39, P161, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SARACEVIC T, 1988, V39, P177, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SARACEVIC T, 1988, V39, P197, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SARACEVIC T, 1990, V27, P47, P ASIS ANNU MEET; SARACEVIC T, 1996, COLIS 2 INT C COP RO; SARACEVIC T, 1996, V33, P3, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMITH A, 2002, CORRELATION RAE RATI; SOERGEL D, 1974, INDEXING LANGUAGE TH; SOERGEL D, 1985, ORG INFORM PRINCIPLE; SRACEVIC T, 1970, INTRO INFORM SCI; SRACEVIC T, 1977, V38, P17, COLL RES LIB; SWANSON DR, 1960, V132, P1099, SCIENCE; SWANSON DR, 1977, V47, P128, LIBRARY Q; SWANSON DR, 1986, V56, P103, LIBR QUART; SWANSON DR, 1986, V30, P7, PERSPECT BIOL MED; SWANSON DR, 1987, V38, P228, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1988, V39, P92, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SWANSON DR, 1988, V31, P526, PERSPECT BIOL MED; SWANSON DR, 1990, V78, P29, B MED LIBR ASSOC; SWANSON DR, 1997, V91, P183, ARTIF INTELL; TENOPIR C, 1985, V9, P149, ONLINE REV; TENOPIR CKD, 2000, ELECT J REALITIES SC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1994, P41, HDB RES SYNTHESIS; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHTIE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT| NR- 94| TC- 9| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- NOV| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 13| BP- 1948| EP- 1959| DI- 10.1002/asi.20667| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 228PE| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N13, P1948-1959| UT- ISI:000250741100003 ER || PT- J| AU- Benson M; Hov DAS; Clancy T; Hovig E; Rudemo M; Cardell LO| AF- Benson M; Hov, D. A. Steenhoff; Clancy, T; Hovig, E; Rudemo, M; Cardell, L. O| TI- Connectivity can be used to identify key genes in DNA microarray data: a study based on gene expression in nasal polyps before and after treatment with glucocorticoids| SO- ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- network theory; PubGene| ID- NETWORK| AB- Conclusions. The presented analysis of nasal polyposis using connectivity based on the PubGene literature co-citation network demonstrates that this tool can be used to identify key genes in DNA microarray studies of human polygenic diseases. Objectives. DNA microarray studies of complex diseases may reveal differential expression of hundreds of genes. According to network theory and studies of yeast cells, genes that are connected with several other genes appear to have key regulatory roles. This study aimed to examine if this principle can be translated to DNA microarray studies of human disease, using nasal polyposis as a base for the analysis. Materials and methods. The connectivity of differentially expressed genes from a previously described microarray study of nasal polyposis before and after treatment with glucocorticoids was determined. This was done using the literature co-citation network PubGene. Results. In all, 166 genes were differentially expressed; 39 of these were previously defined as inflammatory and considered important for nasal polyposis The connectivity of all differentially expressed genes was analysed using the PubGene literature co-citation network. Seventy-four of the 166 genes were connected to other genes. By contrast, the average number of connected genes among 100 sets of 166 randomly chosen genes was 31.5. A small number of the differentially expressed genes were highly connected, while most genes had few or no connections. This indicated a scale-free network. The most connected gene was interleukin-8, an inflammatory gene of known importance for nasal polyposis. Twenty-eight of the 74 connected genes were inflammatory (38%), compared with 11 of the 92 unconnected genes (12%), p < 0.0001 Since most evidence suggests that nasal polyps are inflammatory in their nature, this supports the hypothesis that connected genes have more disease relevance than unconnected genes| C1- Queen Silvia Childrens Hosp, Pediat Allergy Res Grp, Gothenburg, Sweden; PuBGene, Oslo, Norway; Norwegian Radium Hosp, Oslo, Norway; Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden; Malmo Univ Hosp, Malmo, Sweden| RP- Cardell, LO, Malmo Univ Hosp, Dept Otorhinolaryngol, Lab Clin & Expt Allergy Res, SE-20402 Malmo, Sweden| EM-| CD- AKATSUKA Y, 2003, V197, P1489, J EXP MED; BARABASI AL, 2004, V5, P101, NAT REV GENET; BENSON M, 2004, V34, P1001, CLIN EXP ALLERGY; BENSON M, 2004, V113, P1137, J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUN; BOLARD F, 2001, V56, P333, ALLERGY; DAS P, 2003, V24, P969, NEUROBIOL AGING; DELRIO G, 2001, V509, P230, FEBS LETT; FEATHERSTONE DE, 2002, V24, P267, BIOESSAYS; JENSSEN TK, 2001, V28, P21, NAT GENET; JEONG H, 2001, V411, P41, NATURE; WILKINSON DM, 2004, V101, P5241, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1| NR- 11| TC- 3| PU- TAYLOR & FRANCIS AS| PI- OSLO| PA- PO BOX 12 POSTHUSET, NO-0051 OSLO, NORWAY| SN- 0001-6489| J9- ACTA OTO-LARYNGOL| JI- Acta Oto-Laryngol| PY- 2007| VL- 127| IS- 10| BP- 1074| EP- 1079| DI- 10.1080/00016480701200277| PG- 6| SC- Otorhinolaryngology| GA- 212IE| JN- ACTA OTO-LARYNGOLOGICA, 2007, V127, N10, P1074-1079| UT- ISI:000249588700011 ER || PT- J| AU- Schneider JW; Borlund P| AF- Schneider Jesper W; Borlund, Pia| TI- Matrix comparison, part 1: Motivation and important issues for measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; CORRELATION-COEFFICIENT; SIMILARITY MEASURES; MAPPING SCIENCE; ASSOCIATION; INFORMATION; SPECIALTIES; CLASSIFICATION; CLUSTER; CHOICE| AB- The present two-part article introduces matrix comparison as a formal means of evaluation in informetric studies such as cocitation analysis In this first part, the motivation behind introducing matrix comparison to informetric studies, as well as two important issues influencing such comparisons, are introduced and discussed. The motivation is spurred by the recent debate on choice of proximity measures and their potential influence upon clustering and ordination results. The two important issues discussed here are matrix generation and the composition of proximity measures. The approach to matrix generation is demonstrated for the same data set, i.e., how data is represented and transformed in a matrix, evidently determines the behavior of proximity measures. Two different matrix generation approaches, in all probability, will lead to different proximity rankings of objects, which further lead to different ordination and clustering results for the same set of objects. Further, a resemblance in the composition of formulas indicates whether two proximity measures may produce similar ordination and clustering results. However, as shown in the case of the angular correlation and cosine measures, a small deviation in otherwise similar formulas can lead to different rankings depending on the contour of the data matrix transformed. Eventually, the behavior of proximity measures, that is whether they produce similar rankings of objects, is more or less dataspecific. Consequently, the authors recommend the use of empirical matrix comparison techniques for individual studies to investigate the degree of resemblance between proximity measures or their ordination results. In part two of the article, the authors introduce and demonstrate two related statistical matrix comparison techniques the Mantel test and Procrustes analysis, respectively. These techniques can compare and evaluate the degree of monotonicity between different proximity measures or their ordination results. As such, the Mantel test and Procrustes analysis can be used as statistical validation tools in informetric studies and thus help choosing suitable proximity measures| C1- Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| RP- Schneider, JW, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, Sohngaardsholmsvej 2, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ANDERBERG M, 1973, CLUSGER ANAL APPL; ASTROM F, 2002, P185, P 4 INT C CONC LIB I; AUSTIN MP, 1976, V42, P11, VEGETATIO; BARONIURBANI C, 1976, V25, P251, SYST ZOOL; BELLMAN RE, 1961, ADAPTIVE CONTROL PRO; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; CARROLL JB, 1961, V26, P347, PSYCHOMETRIKA; COX TF, 2000, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; COX TF, 2005, INTRO MULTIVARIATE D; CRONBACH LJ, 1953, V50, P456, PSYCHOL BULL; DIETZ EJ, 1983, V32, P21, SYST ZOOL; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORM QUANTIT; ELLISON GTH, 1993, V3, P1, GLOBAL ECOL BIOGEOGR; EVERITT BS, 1979, V35, P169, BIOMETRICS; EVERITT BS, 1997, ANAL PROXIMITY DATA; FASHAM MJR, 1977, V58, P551, ECOLOGY; FEGER H, 1993, CATERGORIES CONCEPTS; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GORDON AD, 1987, V150, P119, J ROY STAT SOC A GEN; GOWER JC, 1971, P138, MATH ARCHAEOLOGICAL; GOWER JC, 1986, V3, P5, J CLASSIF; HUBALEK Z, 1982, V57, P669, BIOL REV; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P241, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JACKSON DA, 1989, V133, P436, AM NAT; JONES PE, 1967, V18, P153, AM DOC; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KENKEL NC, 1986, V67, P919, ECOLOGY; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KRAUZE TK, 1979, V1, P419, SCIENTOMETRICS; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; KRZANOWSKI WJ, 1994, MULTIVARIATE ANAL 1; LATTIN J, 2003, ANAL MULTIVARIATE DA; LEGENDRE P, 1998, NUMERICAL ECOLOGY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P281, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1470, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MANTEL N, 1967, V27, P209, CANCER RES; MANTEL N, 1970, V26, P547, BIOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCGILL M, 1979, EVALUATION FACTORS A; MORRIS SA, 2005, V56, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MULAIK SA, 1972, FDN FACTOR ANAL; NICOLAISEN J, 2004, THESIS DEP INFORM ST; NOMA E, 1982, V4, P297, SCIENTOMETRICS; OBERSKI JEJ, 1988, P431, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; OCHIAI A, 1957, V22, P526, B JAPAN SOC SCIENT F; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PIELOU EC, 1984, INTERPRETATION ECOLO; PRICE DD, 1981, V3, P55, SCIENTOMETRICS; SALTON G, AUTOMATIC INFORM ORG, P68; SALTON G, 1963, V10, P440, J ACM; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHONEMANN P, 1966, V31, P1, PSYCHOMETRIKA; SCHONEMANN PH, 1970, V35, P245, PSYCHOMETRIKA; SCOTT DW, 1992, MULTIVARIATE DENSITY; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1985, V8, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; SNEATH P, 1973, NUMERICAL TAXONOMY P; TANIMOTO TT, 1958, ELEMENTARY MATH THEO; WANG ZW, 1992, P ACM SIGIR C RES DE; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P250, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WILLIAMS WT, 1971, V14, P157, COMPUT J; YULE GU, 1912, V75, P579, J R STAT SOC| NR- 71| TC- 10| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 11| BP- 1586| EP- 1595| DI- 10.1002/asi.20643| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 205SO| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N11, P1586-1595| UT- ISI:000249135100005 ER || PT- J| AU- Schneider JW; Borlund P| AF- Schneider Jesper W; Borlund, Pia| TI- Matrix comparison, part 2: Measuring the resemblance between proximity measures or ordination results by use of the mantel and procrustes statistics| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- NONPARAMETRIC MULTIVARIATE-ANALYSIS; COCITATION ANALYSIS; REGRESSION; SCIENCE; ASSOCIATION; INFORMATION; EXTENSIONS; MODEL| AB- The present two-part article introduces matrix comparison as a formal means for evaluation purposes in informetric studies such as cocitation analysis. In the first part, the motivation behind introducing matrix comparison to informetric studies, as well as two important issues influencing such comparisons, matrix generation, and the composition of proximity measures, are introduced and discussed. In this second part, the authors introduce and thoroughly demonstrate two related matrix comparison techniques the Mantel test and Procrustes analysis, respectively. These techniques can compare and evaluate the degree of monotonicity between different proximity measures or their ordination results. In common with these techniques is the application of permutation procedures to test hypotheses about matrix resemblances The choice of technique is related to the validation at hand. In the case of the Mantel test, the degree of resemblance between two measures forecast their potentially different affect upon ordination and clustering results. In principle, two proximity measures with a very strong resemblance most likely produce identical results, thus, choice of measure between the two becomes less important. Alternatively, or as a sup plement, Procrustes analysis compares the actual ordination results without investigating the underlying proximity measures, by matching two configurations of the same objects in a multidimensional space. An advantage of the Procrustes analysis though, is the graphical solution provided by the superimposition plot and the resulting decomposition of variance components. Accordingly, the Procrustes analysis provides not only a measure of general fit between configurations, but also values for individual objects enabling more elaborate validations. As such, the Mantel test and Procrustes analysis can be used as statistical validation tools in informetric studies and thus help choosing suitable proximity measures| C1- Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| RP- Schneider, JW, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, Sohngaardsholmsvej 2, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| EM-| CD- BORGATTI SP, 2002, V14, P88, FIELD METHOD; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; BRAAM RR, 1988, P15, INFORMETRICS 87 88; CARROLL JD, 1970, V35, P283, PSYCHOMETRIKA; CLIFORD HT, 1975, INTRO NUMERICAL CLAS; COX TF, 2000, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; DANIEL WW, 1978, APPL NONPARAMETRIC S; DELEEUW J, 1977, P133, RECENT DEV STAT; DIETZ EJ, 1983, V32, P21, SYST ZOOL; DOUGLAS ME, 1982, V99, P777, J THEOR BIOL; DRIVER HE, 1932, V31, P211, U CALIFORNIA PUBLICA; FRIEDLAENDER JS, 1971, V23, P253, AM J HUM GENET; GMUR M, 2003, V57, P27, SCIENTOMETRICS; GOWER JC, 1971, P138, MATH ARCHAEOLOGICAL; GOWER JC, 1975, V40, P33, PSYCHOMETRIKA; GOWER JC, 2004, PROCUSTES PROBLEMS; GREEN BF, 1952, V17, P429, PSYCHOMETRIKA; HAMERS L, 1989, V25, P315, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HUBERT L, 1976, V29, P190, BRIT J MATH STAT PSY; HUBERT LJ, 1977, V16, P233, J MATH PSYCHOL; HUBERT LJ, 1978, V31, P179, BRIT J MATH STAT PSY; HUBERT LJ, 1985, V50, P449, PSYCHOMETRIKA; HUBERT LJ, 1987, ASSIGNMENT METHODS C; HURLEY JR, 1962, V7, P258, BEHAV SCI; JACCARD P, 1901, V37, P241, B SOC VAUD SCI NAT; JACKSON DA, 1989, V67, P766, CAN J ZOOL; JACKSON DA, 1995, V2, P297, ECOSCIENCE; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KRACKHARDT D, 1987, V9, P171, SOC NETWORKS; KRZANOWSKI WJ, 2000, PRINCIPLES MULTIVARI; LAPOINTE FJ, 1992, V41, P378, SYST BIOL; LEGENDRE P, 1998, NUMERICAL ECOLOGY; MANLY BFJ, 1997, RANDOMIZATION BOOTST; MANTEL N, 1967, V27, P209, CANCER RES; MANTEL N, 1970, V26, P547, BIOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 2005, V65, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; MIELKE PW, 1978, V34, P277, BIOMETRICS; MOSIER CI, 1939, V4, P149, PSYCHOMETRIKA; NAGPAUL PS, 2003, V56, P403, SCIENTOMETRICS; OCHIAI A, 1957, V22, P526, B JAPAN SOC SCIENT F; PIELOU EC, 1984, INTERPRETATION ECOLO; ROHLF FJ, 1990, V39, P40, SYST ZOOL; SALTON G, 1963, V10, P440, J ACM; SAMOYLENKO I, 2006, V57, P1461, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2004, THESIS DEP INFORM ST; SCHNEIDER JW, 2007, V58, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCHONEMANN P, 1966, V31, P1, PSYCHOMETRIKA; SCHONEMANN PH, 1970, V35, P245, PSYCHOMETRIKA; SIBSON R, 1978, V40, P234, J ROY STAT SOC B MET; SIEGEL AF, 1982, V38, P341, BIOMETRICS; SIEGEL S, 1988, NONPARAMETRIC STAT B; SMOUSE PE, 1986, V35, P627, SYST ZOOL; SNEATH P, 1973, NUMERICAL TAXONOMY P; SNEATH PHA, 1967, V151, P65, J ZOOL LOND; SOKAL RR, 1962, V11, P33, TAXON; SOKAL RR, 1979, V28, P227, SYST ZOOL; TENBERGE JMF, 1977, V42, P267, PSYCHOMETRIKA; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P250, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WOLFRAM D, 2003, APPL INFORMETRICS IN; ZUCCALA A, 2006, V57, P152, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 62| TC- 4| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 11| BP- 1596| EP- 1609| DI- 10.1002/asi.20642| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 205SO| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N11, P1596-1609| UT- ISI:000249135100006 ER || PT- J| AU- Waltman L; van Eck NJ| AF- Waltman Ludo; van Eck, Nees Jan| TI- Some comments on the question whether co-occurrence data should be normalized| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| AB- In a recent article in JASIST, L. Leydesdorff and L. Vaughan (2006) asserted that raw cocitation data should be analyzed directly, without first applying a normalization such as the Pearson correlation. In this communication, it is argued that there is nothing wrong with the widely adopted practice of normalizing cocitation data. One of the arguments put forward by Leydesdorff and Vaughan turns out to depend crucially on incorrect multidimensional scaling maps that are due to an error in the PROXSCAL program in SPSS| C1- Erasmus Univ, Erasmus Sch Econ, Inst Econometr, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| RP- Waltman, L, Erasmus Univ, Erasmus Sch Econ, Inst Econometr, POB 1738, NL-3000 DR Rotterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, V57, P1616, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE NJ, 1998, V1, P3, DRUG RESIST UPDATE| NR- 4| TC- 9| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 11| BP- 1701| EP- 1703| DI- 10.1002/asi.20647| PG- 3| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 205SO| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N11, P1701-1703| UT- ISI:000249135100015 ER || PT- J| AU- Whitley EA; Galliers RD| AF- Whitley Edgar A; Galliers, Robert D| TI- An alternative perspective on citation classics: Evidence from the first 10 years of the European Conference on Information Systems| SO- INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- citations; classics; European research tradition; social theorists; Information systems research| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; KEY ISSUES; MANAGEMENT; DISCIPLINE; JOURNALS; MIS; PATTERNS; SCHOLARS; FORUMS; FIELD| AB- We present an alternative perspective to the many citation classics papers that have appeared in the IS literature by presenting citation data from the first 10 years of the European Conference on IS (ECIS, 1993-2002), identifying the most frequently cited texts in this sample We compared the ECIS citation classics with those presented by others and suggest that the ECIS data highlight the ways in which the IS field is more nuanced than previously reported. We thus provided insights how the field has developed internationally. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved| C1- Univ London London Sch Econ & Polit Sci, Dept Management, Informat Syst & Innovat Grp, London WC2A 2AE, England; Bentley Coll, Waltham, MA 02452 USA| RP- Whitley, EA, Univ London London Sch Econ & Polit Sci, Dept Management, Informat Syst & Innovat Grp, Houghton St, London WC2A 2AE, England| EM-| CD- *ECIS, 2007, ENDN LIBR ECIS C; *ISR, 2002, P13, MEAS EC NET ORG; *MISQ, 1999, V23, MIS Q; ACKOFF R, 1967, V14, P147, MANAGE SCI; AVGEROU C, 1999, V8, P136, EUR J INFORM SYST; BANKER RD, 2004, V50, P281, MANAGE SCI; BARKI H, 1993, V17, P209, MIS QUART; BARRETT M, 2004, P293, INFORM SYSTEMS RES R; BASKERVILLE RL, 2002, V26, P1, MIS QUART; BENBASAT I, 2003, V27, P183, MIS QUART; BRANCHEAU JC, 1987, V11, P23, MIS QUART; BRANCHEAU JC, 1996, V20, P225, MIS QUART; CALLON M, 1986, P196, POWER ACTION BELIEF; CHAN HC, 2006, V57, P1263, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHECKLAND PB, 1981, SYSTEMS THINKING SYS; CHECKLAND PB, 1990, SOFT SYSTEMS METHODO; CHEN WS, 2004, V14, P197, INFORM SYST J; COLLINS HM, 1992, CHANGING ORDER REPLI; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DENNIS AR, 2006, V30, P1, MIS QUART; DESOLA PD, 1963, LITTLE SCI BIG SCI; DOKE ER, 1987, V27, P30, J COMPUTER INFORMATI; EARL MJ, 1989, MANAGEMENT STRATEGIE; EVARISTO JR, 1997, V28, P32, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; GALLIERS RD, 2003, V11, DISCIPLINE DIVIDED G; GALLIERS RD, 2006, EXPLORIBG INFORM SYS; GALLIERS RD, 2007, V16, P20, EUR J INFORM SYST; GALLIVAN MJ, 2007, V16, P36, EUR J INFORM SYST; GILLENSON ML, 1991, V15, P447, MIS QUART; GLASS RL, 2005, V48, P25, COMMUN ACM; GRAY P, 1999, V1, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; GROVER V, 2006, V7, J AIS; HAMILTON S, 1982, V5, P339, INFORMATION MANAGEME; HAMILTON S, 1982, V6, P61, MIS Q; HARDGRAVE BC, 1997, V40, P119, COMMUN ACM; HIRSCHHEIM R, 2003, V4, P237, J ASSOC INF SYST; INTRONA LD, 2000, V16, P169, INFORM SOC; INTRONA LD, 2003, V12, P235, EUR J INFORM SYST; JARVENPAA SL, 1989, V35, P285, MANAGE SCI; JONES M, 2000, P C ORG SOC PERSP IN; KATERATTANAKUL P, 2003, V12, P60, EUR J INFORM SYST; KING JL, 2006, V17, P841, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; KOZAR KA, 2006, V17, P524, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; LARSEN TJ, 2005, V15, P357, INFORM SYST J; LOWRY PB, 2004, V5, P29, J ASSOC INF SYST; LUCAS HC, 1975, INFORM SYSTEMS FAIL; MACKENZIE D, 1999, P419, SOCIAL SHAPING TECHN; MASON RO, 1973, V19, P475, MANAGE SCI; MYLONOPOULOS NA, 2001, V44, P29, COMMUN ACM; NONAKA I, 1995, KNOWLEDGE CREATING C; OH W, 2005, V22, P265, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 2001, V12, P121, INFORM SYST RES; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 2001, V25, P145, MIS QUART; PALVIA P, 2004, V14, P526, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; PALVIA P, 2007, V44, P1, PROFILE INFORM SYSTE; PORTER M, 1985, V4, P149, HARVARD BUS REV; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; SAUNDERS C, 2006, V30, R3, MIS Q; SHAPIN S, 1985, LEVIATHAN AIR PUMPY; VALACICH JS, 2006, V17, P107, INFORM SYST RES; VOGEL DR, 1984, V15, P3, DATA BASE; WADE M, 2006, V7, J AIS; WALSHAM G, 1995, V6, P376, INFORM SYST RES; WALSHAM G, 2006, V15, P320, EUR J INFORM SYST; WALSTROM KA, 1995, V38, P93, COMMUN ACM; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WHITLEY EA, 2004, V13, P317, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; XU J, 2006, P INT C INF SYST MIL; YIN RK, 1989, CASE STUDY RES DESIG; ZUBOFF S, 1988, AGE SMART MACHINE FU| NR- 72| TC- 5| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV| PI- AMSTERDAM| PA- PO BOX 211, 1000 AE AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0378-7206| J9- INFORM MANAGEMENT| JI- Inf. Manage| PD- JUL| PY- 2007| VL- 44| IS- 5| BP- 441| EP- 455| DI- 10.1016/| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science; Management| GA- 202CG| JN- INFORMATION & MANAGEMENT, 2007, V44, N5, P441-455| UT- ISI:000248878900001 ER || PT- J| AU- Kimpel MW; Strother WN; McClintick JN; Carr LG; Liang TB; Edenberg HJ; McBride WJ| AF- Kimpel Mark W; Strother, Wendy N; McClintick, Jeanette N; Carr, Lucinda G; Liang, Tiebing; Edenberg, Howard J; McBride, William J| TI- Functional gene expression differences between inbred alcoholpreferring and -non-preferring rats in five brain regions| SO- ALCOHOL| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- alcohol-preferring P rat; alcohol-non-preferring NP rat; microarrays; gene expression; nucleus accumbens; amygdala; frontal cortex; hippocampus; caudate-putamen| ID- QUANTITATIVE TRAIT LOCI; CEREBRAL GLUCOSE-UTILIZATION; NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR CNTF; P-RATS; NP RATS; INNATE DIFFERENCES; ETHANOL OXIDATION; OPIOID RECEPTORS; AXON GUIDANCE; WISTAR RATS/| AB- The objective of this study was to determine if there are innate differences in gene expression in selected CNS regions between inbred alcohol-preferring (iP) and -non-preferring (iNP) rats. Gene expression was determined in the nucleus accumbens (ACB), amygdala (AMYG), frontal cortex (FC), caudate-putamen (CPU), and hippocampus (HIPP) of alcoholnaive adult mate iP and iNP rats, using Affymetrix Rat Genome U34A microarrays (n = 6/strain). Using Linear Modeling for Microarray Analysis with a false discovery rate threshold of 0.1, there were 16 genes with differential expression in the ACB, 54 in the AMYG, 8 in the FC, 24 in the CPU, and 21 in the HIPP. When examining the main effect of strain across regions, 296 genes were differentially expressed Although the relatively small number of genes found significant within individual regions precluded a powerful analysis for over-represented Gene Ontology categories, the much larger list resulting from the main effect of strain analysis produced 17 over-represented categories (P < .05), including axon guidance, gliogenesis, negative regulation of programmed cell death, regulation of programmed cell death, regulation of synapse structure function, and transmission of nerve impulse Co-citation analysis and graphing of significant genes revealed a network involved in the neuropeptide Y (NPY) transmitter system Correlation of all significant genes with those located within previously established rat alcohol QTLs revealed that of the total of 313 significant genes, 71 are located within such QTLs. The many regional and overall gene expression differences between the iP and iNP rat lines may contribute to the divergent alcohol drinking phenotypes of these rats. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved| C1- Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Inst Psychiat Res, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA; Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Psychiat, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA; Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Biochem & Mol Biol, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA; Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Ctr Med Genom, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA; Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Med, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA; Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Dept Med & Mol Genet, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA| RP- Kimpel, MW, Indiana Univ, Sch Med, Inst Psychiat Res, 791 Union Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA| EM-| CD- *I LAB AN RES, 1996, GUID CAR US LAB AN; *R FDN STAT COMP, 2006, LANGUAGE ENV STAT CO; ARAGON CMG, 1991, V15, P165, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; ARAGON CMG, 1992, V44, P93, BIOCHEM PHARMACOL; ASHBURNER M, 2000, V25, P25, NAT GENET; BARRETT T, 2005, V33, D562, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; BELL RL, 2001, V25, P644, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; BELL RL, 2004, V28, A143, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP R S; BENJAMINI Y, 1995, V57, P289, J R STAT SOC B; BICE P, 1998, V9, P949, MAMM GENOME; BLUHER S, 2004, V53, P2787, DIABETES; BONCI A, 2003, V24, P172, TRENDS PHARMACOL SCI; CARR LG, 1998, V22, P884, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; CARR LG, 2003, V27, P1710, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; CHANG C, 2006, V16, P854, CURR BIOL; CHOI DS, 2002, V22, P9905, J NEUROSCI; CICERO TJ, 1979, V2, P533, BIOCH PHARMACOLOGY E; COHEN G, 1980, V4, P366, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; CULLEN KM, 1994, V2, P253, ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM S; DEAN C, 2003, V6, P708, NAT NEUROSCI; DIGIOVANNI S, 2005, V19, P153, FASEB J; EDENBERG HJ, 2005, V4, P20, GENES BRAIN BEHAV; EDGAR R, 2002, V30, P207, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; EHLERS CL, 1992, V106, P359, PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY; EHLERS CL, 1998, V22, P1778, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; EHLERS CL, 1999, V93, P227, NEUROSCIENCE; FOROUD T, 2002, V32, P57, BEHAV GENET; FOROUD T, 2003, V13, P155, PSYCHIAT GENET; FULUS JF, 2005, V39, P883, PSYCHIAT POL; FURUYA S, 2000, V97, P11528, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; GATTO GJ, 1987, V28, P105, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; GATTO GJ, 1987, V28, P111, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; GATTO GJ, 1994, V11, P557, ALCOHOL; GENTLEMAN RC, 2004, V5, ARTN R80, GENOME BIOL; GENTLEMAN RC, 2004, P171, P COMPSTAT 2004 S; GENTRY J, 2006, R PACKAGE VERSION 1; GILL K, 1996, V13, P347, ALCOHOL; HAINS BC, 2003, V23, P8881, J NEUROSCI; HARRIS MA, 2004, V32, D258, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; HODGE CW, 1999, V2, P997, NAT NEUROSCI; HUSSAIN NK, 2005, V307, P1207, SCIENCE; HWANG BH, 2004, V38, P359, NEUROPEPTIDES; IRIZARRY RA, 2003, V4, P249, BIOSTATISTICS; KERNS RT, 2005, V25, P2255, J NEUROSCI; KUJAPANULA J, 2003, V160, P963, J CELL BIOL; LIANG TB, 2003, V100, P4690, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; LIN SM, 2004, V20, P3659, BIOINFORMATICS; LIU HY, 2002, V277, P26046, J BIOL CHEM; LONG H, 2004, V42, P213, NEURON; LUMENG L, 1977, V3, P537, ALCOHOL ALDEHYDE MET; LUMENG L, 1982, V16, P125, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; LYNCH AM, 2002, V15, P1779, EUR J NEUROSCI; MALDONADO R, 2003, P1, J NEURAL TRANSM-SUPP; MCBRIDE WJ, 1993, V2, P463, ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM S; MCBRIDE WJ, 1993, V10, P387, ALCOHOL; MCBRIDE WJ, 1994, V49, P7, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; MCBRIDE WJ, 1997, V14, P141, ALCOHOL; MCBRIDE WJ, 1998, V16, P317, ALCOHOL; MCBRIDE WJ, 1998, V12, P339, CRIT REV NEUROBIOL; MIGUELHIDALGO JJ, 2002, V52, P1121, BIOL PSYCHIAT; MULLIGAN MK, 2006, V103, P6368, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; MURPHY JM, 2002, V32, P363, BEHAV GENET; NADLER JJ, 2006, GENETICS; PAVLIDIS P, 2001, V2, P10, GENOME BIOL; PAXINOS G, 1998, RAT BRAIN STEREOTAXI; PESOLD C, 1999, V96, P3217, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; PIERCE RC, 2001, V12, P95, REV NEUROSCIENCE; RADCLIFFE RA, 2004, V28, P1796, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; RAO MS, 1992, V150, P281, DEV BIOL; RODD ZA, 2004, V28, P535, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; RODD ZA, 2006, PHARMACOGENOMICS J; SCHOLTENS D, 2005, P230, BIOINFORMATICS COMPU; SCHRAM PPJM, 2003, V5, ARTN 27, NEW J PHYS; SCHROEDER JP, 2005, V36, P179, ALCOHOL; SHIN EY, 2002, V277, P44417, J BIOL CHEM; SLAWECKI CJ, 2001, V62, P736, J STUD ALCOHOL; SMITH DG, 2001, V25, P1309, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; SMYTH GK, 2004, V3, ARTN 1, STAT APPL GENET MOL; STANKOFF B, 2002, V22, P9221, J NEUROSCI; STEWART RB, 2004, V28, A89, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP R S; STROTHER WN, 2001, V25, P31, ALCOHOL; STROTHER WN, 2005, V35, P119, ALCOHOL; SZABO G, 1995, V287, P35, EUR J PHARMACOL; TERENINARIGALDIE E, 2003, V13, P543, PHARMACOGENETICS; THOMPSON H, 2006, V296, P476, DEV BIOL; WALLER MB, 1983, V19, P683, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; WALLER MB, 1986, V24, P617, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; WIRTH MJ, 1998, V75, P283, REGUL PEPTIDES; WITZMANN FA, 2003, V3, P1335, PROTEOMICS; WONG DT, 1993, V46, P173, PHARMACOL BIOCHEM BE; WORST TJ, 2005, V80, P529, J NEUROSCI RES; XU Y, 2001, V25, P810, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; ZAPALA MA, 2005, V102, P10357, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; ZHOU FC, 1991, V8, P425, ALCOHOL; ZHOU FC, 1994, V18, P571, ALCOHOL CLIN EXP RES; ZHOU FC, 1994, V11, P397, ALCOHOL; ZHOU FC, 1995, V12, P403, ALCOHOL; ZIMATKIN SM, 1996, V31, P167, ALCOHOL ALCOHOLISM| NR- 98| TC- 14| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC| PI- NEW YORK| PA- 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA| SN- 0741-8329| J9- ALCOHOL| JI- Alcohol| PD- MAR| PY- 2007| VL- 41| IS- 2| BP- 95| EP- 132| DI- 10.1016/j.alcohol.2007.03.003| PG- 38| SC- Substance Abuse; Pharmacology & Pharmacy; Toxicology| GA- 174QU| JN- ALCOHOL, 2007, V41, N2, P95-132| UT- ISI:000246958400004 ER || PT- J| AU- Astrom F| AF- Astrom Fredrik| TI- Changes in the LIS research front: Time-sliced cocitation analyses of LIS journal articles, 1990-2004| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; CITATION PROCESSES; AUTHOR COCITATION; STOCHASTIC-MODEL; VISUALIZATION| AB- Based on articles published in 1990-2004 in 21 library and information science (LIS) journals, a set of cocitation analyses was performed to study changes in research fronts over the last 15 years, where LIS is at now, and to discuss where it is heading. To study research fronts, here defined as current and influential cocited articles, a citations among documents methodology was applied; and to study changes, the analyses were time-sliced into three 5-year periods. The results show a stable structure of two distinct research fields: informetrics and information seeking and retrieval (ISR). However, experimental retrieval research and user oriented research have merged into one ISR field; and IR and informetrics also show signs of coming closer together, sharing research interests and methodologies, making informetrics research more visible in mainstream LIS research Furthermore, the focus on the Internet, both in ISR research and in informetrics-where webometrics quickly has become a dominating research area-is an important change. The future is discussed in terms of LIS dependency on technology, how integration of research areas as well as technical systems can be expected to continue to characterize LIS research, and how webometrics will continue to develop and find applications| C1- BIVIL, Dept Cultural Sci, S-22362 Lund, Sweden| RP- Astrom, F, BIVIL, Dept Cultural Sci, Biskopsgatan 7, S-22362 Lund, Sweden| EM-| CD- ASTROM F, 2002, P185, EMERGING FRAMEWORKS; BJORNEBORN L, 2001, V50, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BURRELL QL, 2003, V54, P372, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; FEITELSON DG, 2003, V60, P44, J DOC; GARFIELD E, 1994, V41, P3, CURR CONTENTS; GLANZEL W, 1994, V30, P49, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1995, V31, P69, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; GLANZEL W, 1997, V40, P481, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2004, V59, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; INGWERSEN P, 2005, TURN INTEGRATION INF; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORRIS SA, 2004, RES TOPICS REFERENCE; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2005, P24, P ISSI 2005 10 INT C; PERSSON O, 2006, BIBEXCEL TOOLBOX BIB; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SARACEVIC T, 1999, V50, P1051, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; THOMSON ISI, 2003, J CITATION REPORTS J; THOMSON ISI, 2005, WEB SCI; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; YASHIN YI, 2001, V56, P200, J ANAL CHEM+; ZHAO D, 2003, THESIS FLORIDA STATE| NR- 26| TC- 18| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- MAY| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 7| BP- 947| EP- 957| DI- 10.1002/asi.20567| PG- 11| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 170QH| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N7, P947-957| UT- ISI:000246678500003 ER || PT- J| AU- Zhao DZ; Strotmann A| AF- Zhao Dangzhi; Strotmann, Andreas| TI- Can citation analysis of Web publications better detect research fronts?| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION; INTELLECTUAL STRUCTURE; INFORMATION-SCIENCE; BIBLIOMETRICS; INTERNET; SPACE| AB- We present evidence that in some research fields, research published in journals and reported on the Web may collectively represent different evolutionary stages of the field, with journals lagging a few years behind the Web on average, and that a "two-tier" scholarly communication system may therefore be evolving. We conclude that in such fields, (a) for detecting current research fronts, author co-citation analyses (ACA) using articles published on the Web as a data source can outperform traditional ACAs using articles published in journals as data, and that (b) as a result, it is important to use multiple data sources in citation analysis studies of scholarly communication for a complete picture of communication patterns. Our evidence stems from comparing the respective intellectual structures of the XML research field, a subfield of computer science, as revealed from three sets of ACA covering two time periods: (a) from the field's beginnings in 1996 to 2001, and (b) from 2001 to 2006. For the first time period, we analyze research articles both from journals as indexed by the Science Citation Index (SCl) and from the Web as indexed by CiteSeer. We follow up by an ACA of SCI data for the second time period. We find that most trends in the evolution of this field from the first to the second time period that we find when comparing ACA results from the SCI between the two time periods already were apparent in the ACA results; from CiteSeer during the first time period| C1- Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada; Univ Alberta, Sch Business, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| RP- Zhao, DZ, Univ Alberta, Sch Lib & Informat Studies, Edmonton, AB T6G 2J4, Canada| EM-| CD- 1999, CLEVER PROJECT HYPER; *I SCI INF, 2004, IMP OP ACC J CIT STU; *I SCI INF, 2004, THOMS SCI J SEL PROC; *OP CIT PROJ, 2001, MIN SOC LIF EPR ARCH; *WORLD WID WEB CON, 2001, EXT MARK LANG XML AC; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BARILAN J, 2001, V50, P7, SCIENTOMETRICS; BORGMAN CL, 2000, V56, P412, J DOC; BORGMAN CL, 2002, V36, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 1998, V49, P1319, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; EDGE D, 1979, V17, P102, HIST SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V26, P329, J INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GOODRUM AA, 2001, V37, P661, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HARTER SP, 1992, V43, P602, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HARTER SP, 1996, P299, P ASIS MID M; KLING R, 2000, V51, P1306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KREUZMAN H, 2001, V51, P525, SCIENTOMETRICS; LARSON R, 1996, P71, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; LINDSEY D, 1980, V10, P145, SOC STUD SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V37, P111, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1990, P194, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; MCCAIN KW, 2000, V51, P1321, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; POULTNEY RW, 1996, V27, P24, EUROPHYSICS NEWS; PRICE DJD, 1961, SCI BABYLON; ROUSSEAU R, 1997, V1, CYBERMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; VANRAAN AFJ, 2001, V50, P59, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; YOUNGEN G, 1997, CITATION PATTERN PHY; ZHAO D, 2003, P378, P 9 INT C SCI INF AU; ZHAO D, 2003, THESIS FLORIDA STATE; ZHAO D, 2004, P72, P ASIST ANNU MEET; ZHAO D, 2004, P CAN ASS INF SCI 20; ZHAO D, 2006, P AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZHAO DZ, 2002, V54, P449, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZHAO DZ, 2005, V41, P1403, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; ZHAO DZ, 2006, V42, P1578, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 46| TC- 2| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- JUL| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 9| BP- 1285| EP- 1302| DI- 10.1002/asi.20617| PG- 18| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 183ND| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N9, P1285-1302| UT- ISI:000247578600005 ER || PT- J| AU- Malin B; Caley K| AF- Malin Bradley; Caley, Kathleen| TI- A longitudinal social network analysis of the editorial boards of medical informatics and bioinformatics journals| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SET; SERIALS| AB- Objective: The goal of this research is to learn how the editorial staffs of bioinformatics and medical informatics journals provide support for cross-community exposure. Models such as co-citation and coauthor analysis measure the relationships between researchers; but they do not capture how environments that support knowledge transfer across communities are organized Methods: In this paper, we propose a social network analysis model to study how editorial boards integrate researchers from disparate communities. We evaluate our model by building relational networks based on the editorial boards of approximately 40 journals that serve as research outlets in medical informatics and bioinformatics. We track the evolution of editorial relationships through a longitudinal investigation over the years 2000 through 2005 Results: Our findings suggest that there are research journals that support the collocation of editorial board members from the bioinformatics and medical informatics communities. Network centrality metrics indicate that editorial board members are located in the intersection of the communities and that the number of individuals in the intersection is growing with time Conclusions: Social network analysis methods provide insight into the relationships between the medical informatics and bioinformatics communities. The number of editorial board members facilitating the publication intersection of the communities has grown, but the intersection remains dependent on a small group of individuals and fragile| C1- Vanderbilt Univ, Sch Med, Dept Biomed Informat, Eskind Biomed Lib, Nashville, TN 37232 USA; Carnegie Mellon Univ, Sch Comp Sci, Inst Software Res, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA| RP- Malin, B, Vanderbilt Univ, Sch Med, Dept Biomed Informat, Eskind Biomed Lib, 4th Floor, Nashville, TN 37232 USA| EM-| CD- ALTMAN RB, 1998, P53, P AMIA S; ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; CARLEY KM, 1997, V75, P25, ANN OPER RES; COATES T, 2002, P 5 INT C VIRT COMM; FREEMAN LC, 1977, V40, P35, SOCIOMETRY; HERSH W, 2007, V46, P80, YB MED INFORM; KOHANE IS, 2002, P 2002 AMIA ANN S; MALIN B, 2005, LIDADP20 CARN MELL U; MARTINSANCHEZ F, 2003, TECHNICAL INFORM SER; MINTZBERG H, 1973, NATURE MANAGERIAL WO; MORRIS TA, 1998, V5, P448, J AM MED INFORM ASSN; MORRIS TA, 2000, P590, P AM MED INF ASS ANN; ROMANELLI E, 1991, V17, P79, ANNU REV SOCIOL; SHORTLIFFE T, 2001, V34, P2, J BIOMED INFORM; SITTIG DF, 1995, V8, P1452, P MEDINFO 95; SITTIG DF, 1996, V84, P200, B MED LIBR ASSOC; SITTIG DF, 1999, V87, P43, B MED LIBR ASSOC; THOMPSON JD, 1967, ORG ACTION; VISHWANATHAM R, 1998, V86, P518, B MED LIBR ASSOC; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL| NR- 20| TC- 4| PU- ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC| PI- NEW YORK| PA- 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK, NY 10010-1710 USA| SN- 1067-5027| J9- J AMER MED INFORM ASSOC| JI- J. Am. Med. Inf. Assoc| PD- MAY-JUN| PY- 2007| VL- 14| IS- 3| BP- 340| EP- 348| DI- 10.1197/jamia.M2228| PG- 9| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science; Medical Informatics| GA- 170NS| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL INFORMATICS ASSOCIATION, 2007, V14, N3, P340-348| UT- ISI:000246670800011 ER || PT- J| AU- Casillas J; Acedo F| AF- Casillas Jose; Acedo, Francisco| TI- Evolution of the intellectual structure of family business literature: A bibliometric study of FBR| SO- FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; LIMITATIONS; PARADIGMS; SYSTEMS; SCIENCE; POLICY; FIRMS| AB- This article aims at identifying the characteristics of the family business as a differentiated field within management. For that aim, we use author co-citation analysis (ACA) to identify different research trends within the field, studying all the papers published in the Family Business Review from its foundation in 1988 through to the December 2005 issue. Results show that despite the literature being fragmented and showing a lack of consensus, we are facing, in Kuhn's words, a development of the research frontier by enlarging the number of approaches used for understanding the family business| C1- Univ Seville, Seville, Spain| RP- Casillas, J, Univ Seville, Seville, Spain| CD- ACEDO FJ, 2001, V9, P327, INT J ORG ANAL; ACEDO FJ, 2005, V14, P619, INT BUS REV; ACEDO FJ, 2006, V27, P621, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; BIRD B, 2002, V15, P337, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; BOROKHOVICH KA, 1994, V4, P110, FINANCIAL PRACTICE E; BRICKER RJ, 1987, THESIS CASE W RESERV; CALLON M, 1995, CIENCIOMETRIA ESTUDI; CHRISMAN JJ, 2003, COLEMAN FDN WHITE PA; COLE JR, 1975, P139, IDEA SOCIAL STRUCTUR; COLE S, 1983, V89, P111, AM J SOCIOL; CORBETTA G, 2004, V28, P355, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1990, V41, P453, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; DYER WG, 1998, V11, P287, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; EOM SB, 1996, V16, P315, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; GARFIELD E, 1963, V14, P289, AM DOC; GUSTAFSON DP, 1974, V47, P440, J BUS; HABBERSHON TG, 1999, V12, P1, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; HAIR JF, 1999, ANAL MULTIVARIANTE; HANDLER W, 1989, V2, P257, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; HEISCHMIDT KA, 1993, P152, J ED BUSINESS JAN; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; HICKS D, 1988, V18, P375, SOC STUD SCI; KUHN T, 1970, STRUCTURE SCI REVOLU; LAKATOS I, 1970, P91, CRITICISM GROWTH KNO; LOCKE J, 2001, V36, P223, INT J ACCOUNTING; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MENARD HW, 1971, SCI GROWTH CHANGE; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEUBAUER F, 1998, FAMILY BUSINESS ITS; PRICE JDD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; RAMOSRODRIGUEZ AR, 2004, V25, P981, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; RATNATUNGA J, 1997, V12, P197, J BUS VENTURING; READER D, 2006, V30, P417, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; ROWLANDS I, 1999, V44, P533, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHILDT HA, 2006, V30, P399, ENTREP THEORY PRACT; SCHULZE WS, 2001, V12, P99, ORGAN SCI; SHARMA P, 1996, REV ANNOTATED BIBLIO; SHARMA P, 1997, V10, P1, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; SHARMA P, 2004, V17, P1, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; SMALL H, 1974, V2, P28, ESSAYS INFORMATION S; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WORTMAN MS, 1994, V7, P3, FAMILY BUSINESS REV; ZAHRA S, 2004, V17, P331, FAM BUS REV| NR- 46| TC- 4| PU- BLACKWELL PUBLISHING| PI- OXFORD| PA- 9600 GARSINGTON RD, OXFORD OX4 2DQ, OXON, ENGLAND| SN- 0894-4865| J9- FAM BUS REV| JI- Fam. Bus. Rev| PD- JUN| PY- 2007| VL- 20| IS- 2| BP- 141| EP- 162| PG- 22| SC- Business| GA- 179BZ| JN- FAMILY BUSINESS REVIEW, 2007, V20, N2, P141-162| UT- ISI:000247265600005 ER || PT- J| AU- White HD| AF- White Howard D| TI- Combining bibliometrics, information retrieval, and relevance theory, Part 1: First examples of a synthesis| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; VISUALIZATION; LITERATURES; PHILOSOPHY; LANGUAGE; SPACE; TIME; IDF; IR| AB- In Sperber and Wilson's relevance theory (RT), the ratio Cognitive Effects/Processing Effort defines the relevance of a communication. The tf*idf formula from information retrieval is used to operationalize this ratio for any item co-occurring with a user-supplied seed term in bibliometric distributions. The tf weight of the item predicts its effect on the user in the context of the seed term, and its idf weight predicts the user's processing effort in relating the item to the seed term. The idf measure, also known as statistical specificity, is shown to have unsuspected applications in quantifying interrelated concepts such as topical and nontopical relevance, levels of user expertise, and levels of authority. A new kind of visualization, the pennant diagram, illustrates these claims. The bibliometric distributions visualized are the works cocited with a seed work (Moby Dick), the authors cocited with a seed author (White HD, for maximum interpretability), and the books and articles cocited with a seed article (S.A. Harter's "Psychological Relevance and Information Science," which introduced RT to information scientists in 1992). Pennant diagrams use bibliometric data and information retrieval techniques on the system side to mimic a relevancetheoretic model of cognition on the user side. Relevance theory may thus influence the design of new visual information retrieval interfaces. Generally, when information retrieval and bibliometrics are interpreted in light of RT, the implications are rich: A single sociocognitive theory may serve to integrate research on literature-based systems with research on their users, areas now largely separate| C1- Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- White, HD, Drexel Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- *RED ROCK SOFTW, 2005, DELT VERS 5 6 COMP S; BEAN CA, 2001, P115, RELATIONSHIPS ORG KN; BELEW RK, 2000, FINDING OUT COGNITIV; BLAIR DC, 1992, V35, P200, COMPUT J; BLAKEMORE D, 1992, UNDERSTANDING UTTERA; BORLUND P, 2003, V54, P913, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BRADFORD SC, 1950, DOCUMENTATION; BROOKES BC, 1973, V22, P18, LIBR TRENDS; BROOKES BC, 1980, V5, P199, CANADIAN J INFORMATI; BROOKES BC, 1980, V31, P248, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROWN G, 1983, DISCOURSE ANAL; BUCKLAND MK, 1969, V25, P52, J DOC; BUDD JM, 2004, V52, P447, LIBR TRENDS; CASE DO, 2005, P289, THEORIES INFORM BEHA; CHEN Z, 2005, P 38 HAW INT C SYST; COSIJN E, 2000, V31, P191, INFORM PROCESSING MA; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; DEBEAUGRANDE R, 1981, INTRO TEXT LINGUISTI; ELLIS D, 1998, V18, P225, INFORM SERVICES USE; FURNER J, 2002, V53, P747, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; GARFIELD E, 2003, V54, P400, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; GOATLEY A, 1997, LANGUAGE METAPHORS; GREEN R, 1995, V46, P646, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GREISDORF H, 2000, V3, P67, INFORMING SCI; GROSSMAN DA, 1998, INFORM RETRIEVAL ALG; HALLIDAY MAK, 1976, COHESION ENGLISH; HARDY AP, 1982, V18, P289, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; HARTER SP, 1992, V43, P602, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HJORLAND B, 2000, V51, P209, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; JONES KS, 1997, P305, READINGS INFORM RETR; JURAFSKY D, 2000, SPEECH LANGUAGE PROC; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KOESTLER A, 1964, ACT CREATION STUDY C; MANN T, 1993, LIB RES MODELS GUIDE; MANNING CD, 2000, FDN STAT NATURAL LAN; MIZZARO S, 1997, V48, P810, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MORRIS SA, 2003, V54, P413, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; NELSON MJ, 1985, V36, P283, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; POOLE HL, 1985, THEORIES MIDDLE RANG; POSNER RA, 2001, PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS; ROBERTSON S, 2004, V60, P503, J DOC; RUTHVEN I, 1996, P380, P 9 FLOR ART INT RES; SARACEVIC T, 1975, V26, P321, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SARACEVIC T, 1996, P201, INFORM SCI INTEGRATI; SARACEVIC T, 1997, V31, P16, SIGIR FORUM; SCHAMBER L, 1994, V29, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SPARCKJONES K, 1972, V28, P11, J DOC; SPARCKJONES K, 2004, V60, P521, J DOC; SPERBER D, 1986, RELEVANCE COMMUNICAT; SPERBER D, 1995, RELEVANCE COMMUNICAT; SPERBER D, 1996, V19, P530, BEHAV BRAIN SCI; SWANSON DR, 1977, V47, P128, LIBRARY Q; WALTON DN, 1989, INFORMAL LOGIC HDB C; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1994, P41, HDB RES SYNTHESIS; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2000, P475, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; WHITE HD, 2001, V52, P87, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2001, V51, P607, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2002, CHI 2002 DISC ARCH W; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V101, P5297, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; WHITE HD, 2004, V60, P93, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 2007, V56, P583, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WILDEMUTH BM, 2004, V55, P246, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WILLIAMS ST, 1963, P207, 8 AM AUTHORS REV RES; WILSON D, 1986, P19, ENCONTRO LINGUISTAS; WILSON D, 1994, P35, LANGUAGE UNDERSTANDI; WILSON D, 2002, V14, P249, LINGUISTICS; WILSON P, 1968, 2 KINDS POWER ESSAY; YANG KD, 2005, V39, P33, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; YUS F, 1998, V30, P305, J PRAGMATICS; YUS F, 2006, RELEVANCE THEORY ONL| NR- 77| TC- 7| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- FEB 15| PY- 2007| VL- 58| IS- 4| BP- 536| EP- 559| DI- 10.1002/asi.20543| PG- 24| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 166LF| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2007, V58, N4, P536-559| UT- ISI:000246379600008 ER || PT- J| AU- Galliers RD; Whitley EA| AF- Galliers Robert D; Whitley, Edgar A| TI- Vive les differences? Developing a profile of European information systems research as a basis for international comparisons| SO- EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- European Conference on Information Systems; European information systems research topics; citations| ID- COCITATION ANALYSIS; MANAGEMENT; MIS; TECHNOLOGY; JOURNALS; ISSUES; DISCIPLINE; SCHOLARS; HISTORY; FORUMS| AB- The information systems ( IS) community is truly international, yet there is often a sense that different elements of the community have different profiles in terms of their research and publication expectations. This paper contributes to this discussion by developing a profile of European IS research that can be used as a basis for international comparisons. It reflects on European research on IS as presented during the first 10 years of the European Conference on Information Systems ( ECIS). Based on an analysis of all papers published in the ECIS proceedings during the period 1993 - 2002, the paper presents the key characteristics of the ECIS conferences, together with a profile of European IS research activity as presented at ECIS. In particular, it highlights the key references and sources used by researchers presenting papers at ECIS. It articulates the research areas presented at ECIS and explores the claim that European IS draws more on social theories than elsewhere. Its contribution in presenting a profile of European research in the IS field lies in identifying particular characteristics of the European style of research that can be compared to that undertaken in other parts of the world| C1- Bentley Coll, Waltham, MA 02452 USA; Univ London London Sch Econ & Polit Sci, Dept Management, Informat Syst Grp, London WC2A 2AE, England| RP- Galliers, RD, Bentley Coll, 175 Forest St, Waltham, MA 02452 USA| EM-| CD- AUSTIN JL, 1962, DO THINGS WORDS W JA; AVGEROU C, 1999, V8, P136, EUR J INFORM SYST; BANKER RD, 2004, V50, P281, MANAGE SCI; BARRETT S, 1982, V6, P93, MIS Q; BENBASAT I, 1987, V11, P369, MIS QUART; BENBASAT I, 2003, V27, P183, MIS QUART; BERGER P, 1966, SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION; BUCKINGHAM RA, 1987, BRIT COMPUTER SOC MO; BURRELL B, 1979, SOCIOLOGICAL PARADIG; CAMINER D, 1998, LEO INCREDIBLE STORY; CASH JI, 1985, V63, P134, HARVARD BUS REV; CHAN HC, 2006, V57, P1263, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; CHECKLAND PB, 1981, SYSTEMS THINKING SYS; CHEN WS, 2004, V14, P197, INFORM SYST J; CLAVER E, 2000, V37, P181, INFORM MANAGE; COASE RH, 1937, V4, P386, ECONOMICA-NEW SER; COPELAND DG, 1988, V12, P353, MIS QUART; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DAVENPORT TH, 1990, V31, P11, SLOAN MANAGE REV; DAVENPORT TH, 1993, PROCESS INNOVATION R; DAVIDOW W, 1992, VIRTUAL CORPORATION; DAVIS FD, 1989, V13, P319, MIS QUART; DAVIS GB, 1980, P206, P 1 INT C INF SYST P; DELONE WH, 1992, V3, P60, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; EARL MJ, 1989, MANAGEMENT STRATEGIE; EARL MJ, 1993, V17, P1, MIS QUART; EASON KD, 1988, INFORM TECHNOLOGY OR; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P532, ACAD MANAGE REV; EVARISTO JR, 1997, V28, P32, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; FARBEY B, 1992, V7, P109, J INFORMATION TECHNO; FERRY G, 2003, COMPUTER CALLED LEO; GALLIERS R, 1990, P327, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; GALLIERS RD, 1991, V1, P55, EUROPEAN J INFORMATI; GALLIERS RD, 1991, V1, P89, J INFORMATION SYSTEM; GALLIERS RD, 1993, V8, P92, J INFORM TECHNOL; GALLIERS RD, 1997, P143, KEY ISSUES INFORMATI; GALLIERS RD, 2002, P3, 10 EUR C INF SYST GD; GALLIERS RD, 2003, V11, ARTN 5, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; GALLIERS RD, 2003, STRATEGIC INFORM MAN; GALLIVAN MJ, 2007, V16, P36, EUR J INFORM SYST; GIDDENS A, 1984, CONSTITUTION SOC; GILLENSON ML, 1991, V15, P447, MIS QUART; GLASER BG, 1967, DISCOVERY GROUNDED T; GLASS RL, 2005, V48, P25, COMMUN ACM; HABERMAS J, 1986, V1, THEORY COMMUNICATIVE; HAMILTON S, 1980, P220, P 1 INT C INF SYST P; HAMILTON S, 1982, V6, P61, MIS Q; HAMMER M, 1990, V68, P104, HARVARD BUS REV; HAMMER M, 1993, REENGINEERING CORPOR; HARDGRAVE BC, 1997, V40, P119, COMMUN ACM; IIVARI J, 1999, P57, RETHINKING MANAGEMEN; IM KS, 1998, V29, P12, DECISION LINE; IM KS, 1998, V29, P8, DECISION LINE; JACKSON WM, 1989, V11, P15, INTERFACES; JARVENPAA SL, 1991, V15, P205, MIS QUART; JOHNSTON HR, 1988, V12, P153, MIS Q; JONES M, 2000, P15, ORG SOCIAL PERSPECTI; LATOUR B, 1987, SCI ACTION FOLLOW SC; LEE AS, 1989, V13, P32, MIS Q; MALONE TW, 1987, V30, P484, COMMUN ACM; MCFARLAN FW, 1984, V62, P64, HARVARD BUS REV; MYLONOPOULOS NA, 2001, V44, P29, COMMUN ACM; NEWMAN M, 1992, V16, P249, MIS QUART; NIEDERMAN F, 1991, V15, P475, MIS Q; NOLAN RL, 1979, V57, P115, HARVARD BUS REV; NONAKA I, 1994, V5, P1, ORGAN SCI; NONAKA I, 1995, KNOWLEDGE CREATING C; NORD JH, 1995, V29, P29, INFORM MANAGE; NUNAMAKER JF, 1980, P217, P 1 INT C INF SYST P; NURMINEN M, 1997, V9, P47, SCANDINAVIAN J INFOR; NURMINEN M, 1999, V11, P5, SCANDINAVIAN J INFOR; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 1991, V2, P1, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 1992, V3, P3, ORGAN SCI; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 1993, V9, P237, INFORMATION SOC; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 1993, V17, P309, MIS QUART; POLANYI M, 1966, TACIT DIMENSION; POLANYI M, 1973, PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE P; PORTER M, 1985, V4, P149, HARVARD BUS REV; PORTER ME, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; ROCKART JF, 1979, V57, P81, HARVARD BUS REV; ROGERS EM, 1995, DIFFUSION INNOVATION; SCOTTMORTON M, 1991, CORPORATION 1990S IN; SEARLE JF, 1969, SPEECH ACTS ESSAY PH; SENGE PM, 1990, 5 DISCIPLINE AGE PRA; SOMOGYI EK, 1987, V2, P30, J INFORMATION TECHNO; STRAUSS AL, 1990, BASICS QUALITATIVE R; SWATMAN PMC, 1992, V8, P169, INFORMATION SOC; SWATMAN PMC, 1994, V3, P141, J STRATEGIC INF SYST; VENKATRAMAN N, 1994, V35, P73, SLOAN MANAGE REV; VESSEY I, 2002, V19, P129, J MANAGE INFORM SYST; VOGEL DR, 1984, V15, P3, DATA BASE; WALSHAM G, 1993, INTERPRETING INFORM; WALSTROM KA, 1995, V38, P93, COMMUN ACM; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WHITLEY EA, 2007, IN PRESS INFORM MANA; WILLCOCKS L, 1992, V2, P243, J INFORMATION SYSTEM; WILLIAMSON OE, 1975, MARKETS HIERARCHIES; WILLIAMSON OE, 1985, EC I CAPITALISM FIRM; XU J, 2006, P 27 INT C INF SYST; YIN RK, 1989, CASE STUDY RES DESIG; ZUBOFF S, 1988, AGE SMART MACHINE FU| NR- 102| TC- 7| PU- PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD| PI- BASINGSTOKE| PA- BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, HANTS, ENGLAND| SN- 0960-085X| J9- EUR J INFOR SYST| JI- Eur. J. Inform. Syst| PD- FEB| PY- 2007| VL- 16| IS- 1| BP- 20| EP- 35| DI- 10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000662| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 156LT| JN- EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2007, V16, N1, P20-35| UT- ISI:000245650500004 ER || PT- J| AU- Gallivan MJ; Benbunan-Fich R| AF- Gallivan Michael J; Benbunan-Fich, Raquel| TI- Analyzing IS research productivity: an inclusive approach to global IS scholarship| SO- EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- IS faculty; research productivity; global scholarship| ID- MANAGEMENT-INFORMATION-SYSTEMS; CITATION ANALYSIS; MIS RESEARCH; EMPIRICAL-ASSESSMENT; COCITATION ANALYSIS; JOURNALS; QUALITY; PERCEPTIONS; TECHNOLOGY; FORUMS| AB- An increasing number of studies have appeared that evaluate and rank journal quality and the productivity of IS scholars and their institutions. In this paper, we describe the results of one recent study identifying the 'Top 30' IS Researchers, revealing many unexamined assumptions about which IS publication outlets should be included in any definition of high- quality, scholarly IS journals Drawing from the argument that all categories and classification schemes are grounded in politics, we critique the process by which the recent study in question ( and several earlier studies) have derived the set of journals from which they count researcher publications Based on a critical examination of the widespread inclusion of practitioner outlets, and the consistent exclusion of European scholarly IS journals, we develop our own arguments for which journals should be included in such evaluations of researcher productivity. We conduct our own analysis of IS researcher productivity for the period 1999 - 2003, based on articles published in a geographically balanced set of 12 IS journals, and then we compare our results with those from the recent study in question and their predecessors. Our results feature a more diverse set of scholars - both in terms of location ( specifically, the country and continent in which the researchers are employed) and gender. We urge future studies of IS research productivity to follow our practice of including high- quality European journals, while eschewing practitioner-oriented publications ( such as Harvard Business Review and Communications of the ACM). We also advocate that such studies count only research contributions ( e. g., research articles), and that other genres of non- research articles such as book reviews, ` issues and opinions' pieces and editorial introductions - not be conflated with counts of research contributions| C1- Georgia State Univ, CIS Dept, Robinson Coll Business, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA; CUNY Bernard M Baruch Coll, SCIS Dept, Zicklin Sch Business, New York, NY 10010 USA| RP- Gallivan, MJ, Georgia State Univ, CIS Dept, Robinson Coll Business, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA| EM-| CD- ATHEY S, 2000, V3, P1, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; AVGEROU C, 1999, V8, P136, EUR J INFORM SYST; BARMAN S, 2001, V19, P367, J OPER MANAG; BARNES SJ, 2005, V48, P110, COMMUN ACM; BENBASAT I, 1987, V11, P369, MIS QUART; BHARATI P, 2002, V45, P21, COMMUN ACM; CASH JI, 1985, V63, P134, HARVARD BUS REV; CHECKLAND PB, 1981, SYSTEMS THINKING SYS; CHEN WS, 2004, V14, P197, INFORM SYST J; CHENG CH, 1994, V9, P7, IEEE EXPERT; CHUA C, 2002, V8, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; CHUA C, 2003, V3, J AIS; CLAVER E, 2000, V37, P181, INFORM MANAGE; COOPER RB, 1993, V29, P113, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; CULNAN MJ, 1987, V11, P341, MIS QUART; DAIGLE RJ, 2000, V1, P106, INT J ACCOUNTING INF; DAVENPORT T, 1992, PROCESS INNOVATION R; DENNIS AR, 2006, V30, P1, MIS QUART; DOKE ER, 1987, V28, P30, J COMPUTER INFORMATI; EARL MJ, 1989, MANAGEMENT STRATEGIE; EOM SB, 1994, V25, P35, DATA BASE; EVARISTO JR, 1997, V28, P32, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; FORGIONNE GA, 2001, V38, P421, INFORM MANAGE; FOUCAULT M, 1977, P109, TRUTH POWER POWER KN; GALLIERS RD, 2002, EUROPEAN C INFORM SY; GALLIERS RD, 2003, V11, P108, COMMUNICATIONS ASS I; GALLIVAN MJ, 2006, IN PRESS J ASS INFOR; GIDDENS A, 1990, CONSEQUENCES MODERNI; GILL TG, 2001, V32, P14, DATA BASE ADV INF SY; GILLENSON ML, 1991, V15, P447, MIS QUART; GIOIA DA, 2002, V1, P107, ACAD MANAGEMENT LEAR; GOH C, 1997, V15, P123, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; GOH CH, 1996, V24, P337, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; HAMMER M, 1990, V68, P104, HARVARD BUS REV; HAMMER M, 1993, REENGINEERING CORPOR; HARDGRAVE BC, 1997, V40, P119, COMMUN ACM; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1993, V25, P231, INFORM MANAGE; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1994, V11, P131, J MANAGEMENT INFORMA; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1994, V22, P69, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; HOLSAPPLE CW, 1995, V14, P359, DECIS SUPPORT SYST; HOLSAPPLE CW, 2003, V12, P351, COMPUTER SUPPORTED C; HSIEH CT, 2001, V101, P120, IND MANAGE DATA SYST; HU Q, 2000, V13, P15, INFORM RESOURCES MAN; HUANG HH, 2005, V15, P555, COMMUNICATIONS AIS; IM KS, 1998, DECISION LINE; INTRONA LD, 2004, P103, INFORM SYSTEMS RES R; JACKSON WM, 1989, V11, P15, INTERFACES; KATERATTANAKUL P, 2003, V46, P111, COMMUN ACM; KATERATTANAKUL P, 2003, V12, P60, EUR J INFORM SYST; KLEIJNEN JPC, 2000, V36, P551, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; KOONG KS, 1989, V30, P1, J COMPUTER INFORMATI; LARSEN TJ, 2005, V15, P357, INFORM SYST J; LEE AS, 1989, V13, P33, MIS QUART; LENDING D, 1992, V24, P5, DATABASE; LOWRY PB, 2004, V5, P29, J ASSOC INF SYST; MALONE TW, 1987, V30, P484, COMMUN ACM; MARKUS ML, 1988, V34, P583, MANAGE SCI; MARKUS ML, 1999, V23, P35, MIS QUART; MEHO LI, 2005, V56, P314, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MYLONOPOULOS NA, 2001, V44, P29, COMMUN ACM; NORD JH, 1995, V29, P29, INFORM MANAGE; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 1991, V2, P1, INFORMATION SYSTEMS; ORLIKOWSKI WJ, 2001, V12, P174, INFORM SYST RES; PORTER M, 1985, V12, P12, HARVARD BUS REV; RAINER RK, 2005, V48, P91, COMMUN ACM; REMUS W, 1989, V43, P5, MIS INTERRUPT; REMUS W, 1991, V50, P2, MIS INTERRUPT; SCHWARTZ RB, 2004, V47, P98, COMMUN ACM; STAKE JE, 2004, RANKINGS ARE DANGERO; SUCHMAN L, 1994, V2, P177, COMPUTER SUPPORTED C; SUOMI R, 1993, V24, P339, INFORM MANAGE; TROWER JK, 1995, P23, P 1 AM C INF SYST; VOGEL DR, 1984, V16, P3, DATA BASE; WALCZAK S, 1999, V40, P88, J COMPUT INFORM SYST; WALSHAM G, 1993, INTERPRETING INFORM; WALSHAM G, 1995, V6, P376, INFORM SYST RES; WALSTROM KA, 1995, V38, P93, COMMUN ACM; WALSTROM KA, 2000, V38, P59, INFORM MANAGE; WHITLEY EA, 2005, ALTERNATIVE PERSPECT; WHITMAN ME, 1999, V10, P99, INFORM SYST RES; WHITMAN ME, 2003, HDB IS RES; YIN RK, 1994, CASE STUDY RES DESIG| NR- 83| TC- 8| PU- PALGRAVE MACMILLAN LTD| PI- BASINGSTOKE| PA- BRUNEL RD BLDG, HOUNDMILLS, BASINGSTOKE RG21 6XS, HANTS, ENGLAND| SN- 0960-085X| J9- EUR J INFOR SYST| JI- Eur. J. Inform. Syst| PD- FEB| PY- 2007| VL- 16| IS- 1| BP- 36| EP- 53| DI- 10.1057/palgrave.ejis.3000667| PG- 18| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 156LT| JN- EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2007, V16, N1, P36-53| UT- ISI:000245650500005 ER || PT- J| AU- Singliar T; Hauskrecht M| AF- Singliar Tomas; Hauskrecht, Milos| TI- Noisy-OR component analysis and its application to link analysis| SO- JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- component analysis; vector quantization; variational learning; link analysis| ID- BELIEF NETWORKS; INFERENCE; MODELS| AB- We develop a new component analysis framework, the Noisy-Or Component Analyzer (NOCA), that targets high-dimensional binary data. NOCA is a probabilistic latent variable model that assumes the expression of observed high-dimensional binary data is driven by a small number of hidden binary sources combined via noisy-or units. The component analysis procedure is equivalent to learning of NOCA parameters. Since the classical EM formulation of the NOCA learning problem is intractable, we develop its variational approximation. We test the NOCA framework on two problems: (1) a synthetic image-decomposition problem and (2) a cocitation data analysis problem for thousands of CiteSeer documents. We demonstrate good performance of the new model on both problems. In addition, we contrast the model to two mixture-based latent-factor models: the probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA) and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Differing assumptions underlying these models cause them to discover different types of structure in co-citation data, thus illustrating the benefit of NOCA in building our understanding of high-dimensional data sets| C1- Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Comp Sci, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA| RP- Singliar, T, Univ Pittsburgh, Dept Comp Sci, 5329 Sennott Sq, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA| EM- TOMAS@CS.PITT.EDU MILOS@CS.PITT.EDU| CD- ATTIAS H, 1999, V11, P803, NEURAL COMPUT; BARTHOLOMEW D, 1999, V7, KENDALLS LIB STAT; BISHOP CM, 1999, P371, LEARNING GRAPHICAL M; BISHOP CM, 1999, V1, P509, P 9 INT C ART NEUR N; BLEI DM, 2003, V3, P993, J MACH LEARN RES; BUNTINE W, 2002, P 13 EUR C MACH LEAR; COHN D, 2000, P167, P 17 INT C MACH LEAR; COHN D, 2001, V13, NEURAL INFORMATION P; COOPER GF, 1992, V9, P309, MACH LEARN; COVER T, 1991, ELEMENTS INFORMATION; DEMPSTER AP, 1977, V39, P1, J ROY STAT SOC B; DIEZ F, 2003, INT J INTELLIGENT SY; GHAHRAMANI Z, 1995, V8, P472, P C ADV NEUR INF PRO; GHAHRAMANI Z, 1997, V29, P245, MACH LEARN; HECKERMAN D, 1993, P 9 C UNC AI UAI 93; HOFMANN T, 1999, P50, P 22 ANN INT ACM SIG; HOFMANN T, 1999, P UNC ART INT STOCKH; JAAKKOLA T, 1996, V8, P528, ADV NEUR IN; JAAKKOLA TS, 1999, V10, P291, J ARTIF INTELL RES; JOLLIFFE I, 1986, PRINCIPAL COMPONENT; JORDAN MI, 1999, V37, P183, MACH LEARN; KEARNS M, 1998, P304, P 14 C UNC ART INT; LU XH, 2004, P PAC S BIOC; MACKAY DJC, 1995, V6, P469, NETWORK-COMP NEURAL; MISKIN J, 2000, THESIS U CAMBRIDGE; ROSS D, 2002, V16, P ADV NEUR INF PROC; SAUL LK, 1996, V4, P61, J ARTIF INTELL RES; SCHEIN A, 2003, P 9 INT WORKSH ART I; SCHWARZ G, 1978, V6, P461, ANN STAT; SHWE MA, 1991, V30, P241, METHOD INFORM MED; SINGLIAR T, 2005, P370, P SIAM INT C DAT MIN; TIPPING M, 1997, NCRG97010 AST U; VOMLEL J, 2003, P291, P 6 WORKSH UNC PROC| NR- 33| TC- 3| PU- MICROTOME PUBLISHING| PI- BROOKLINE| PA- 31 GIBBS STREET, BROOKLINE, MA 02446 USA| SN- 1532-4435| J9- J MACH LEARN RES| JI- J. Mach. Learn. Res| PD- OCT| PY- 2006| VL- 7| BP- 2189| EP- 2213| PG- 25| SC- Automation & Control Systems; Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence| GA- 152VQ| JN- JOURNAL OF MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH, 2006, V7, N1, P2189-2213| UT- ISI:000245390500009 ER || PT- J| AU- Bailon-Moreno R; Jurado-Alameda E; Ruiz-Banos R; Courtial JP; Jimenez-Contreras E| AF- Bailon-Moreno Rafael; Jurado-Alameda, Encarnacion; Ruiz-Banos, Rosario; Courtial, Jean Pierre; Jimenez-Contreras, Evaristo| TI- The pulsing structure of science: Ortega y Gasset, Saint Matthew, fractality and transfractality| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENTIFIC NETWORKS; MODEL; DYNAMICS; TRANSLATION; COCITATIONS; AUTISM| AB- By a new fractal/transfractal geometry of the Unified Scientometric Model, it is possible to demonstrate that science presents an oscillating or pulsing dynamic. It goes alternatively through two types of phases. Some phases are fractal, with crystalline networks, where the Matthew effect clearly manifests itself with regard to the most notable actors and those that provide the best contributions. The other phases are transfractal, with deformed, amorphous networks, in which the actors, considered mediocre, present greater capacity to restructure the network than the more renowned actors. The result after any transfractal deformation is a new crystalline fractal network Behind this vision lies the Kuhn paradigms. As examples, the scientific fields of surfactants and autism have been analysed| C1- Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, E-18701 Granada, Spain; Univ Granada, Fac Bibliotecon & Documentac, Dept Bibliotecon & Documentac, E-18071 Granada, Spain; Univ Nantes, Lab Psychol Educ Cognit Dev, F-44035 Nantes, France| RP- Bailon-Moreno, R, Univ Granada, Fac Ciencias, Dept Ingn Quim, Campus Fuentenueva, E-18701 Granada, Spain| EM-| CD- BAILONMORENO R, 2003, THESIS U GRANADA GRA; BAILONMORENO R, 2005, V63, P231, SCIENTOMETRICS; BAILONMORENO R, 2005, V63, P259, SCIENTOMETRICS; BOOKSTEIN A, 1990, V41, P376, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CALLON M, 1995, C OUV CTR SOC THEOR; COLE JR, 1972, V178, P368, SCIENCE; COURTIAL JP, 1997, V40, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS; COURTIAL JP, 1999, V9, P579, THEOR PSYCHOL; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GASSET JOY, 2003, REBELION MASAS; JULIA G, 1968, OEUVRES GASTON JULIA; KUHN TS, 1962, STTRUCTURE SCI REVOL; LATOUR B, 1983, P141, SCI OBSERVED PERSPEC; LATOUR B, 1993, NUNCA HEMOS SIDO MOD; LATOUR B, 1995, VIDA LAB CONSTRUCCIO; LATOUR, 1992, CIENCIA ACCION COMO; LORENZ EN, 1963, V20, P130, J ATMOS SCI; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; MANDELBROT B, 1953, P486, COMMUN THEORY; MANDELBROT BB, 1951, V232, P2003, COMPTES RENDUS; MANDELBROT BB, 1951, V232, P1638, CR HEBD ACAD SCI; MANDELBROT BB, 1954, V11, P424, WORD; MANDELBROT BB, 1977, FTRACTAL GEOMETRY NA; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; PRICE DJD, 1961, SCI BABYLON; PRICE DJD, 1976, V27, P292, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RIP A, 1984, V6, P381, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUIZBANOS R, 1997, THESIS U GRANADA; RUIZBANOS R, 1999, P193, ACT 4 C ISKO ESP EOC; RUIZBANOS R, 1999, V44, P217, SCIENTOMETRICS; RUIZBANOS R, 1999, V44, P235, SCIENTOMETRICS; SIERPINSKI W, 1916, V162, P629, CR HEBD ACAD SCI; VANRAAN AFJ, 1990, V347, P626, NATURE; VANRAAN AFJ, 1990, V20, P439, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 35| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- APR| PY- 2007| VL- 71| IS- 1| BP- 3| EP- 24| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-1600-8| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 143AK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2007, V71, N1, P3-24| UT- ISI:000244692200001 ER || PT- J| AU- Fogaras D; Racz B| AF- Fogaras Daniel; Racz, Balazs| TI- Practical algorithms and lower bounds for similarity search in massive graphs| SO- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Web search; similarity measures; graph algorithms; probabilistic algorithms| AB- To exploit the similarity information hidden in the hyperlink structure of the Web, this paper introduces algorithms scalable to graphs with billions of vertices on a distributed architecture. The similarity of multistep neighborhoods of vertices are numerically evaluated by similarity functions including SimRank [1], a recursive refinement of cocitation, and PSimRank, a novel variant with better theoretical characteristics. Our methods are presented in a general framework of Monte Carlo similarity search algorithms that precompute an index database of random fingerprints, and at query time, similarities are estimated from the fingerprints. We justify our approximation method by asymptotic worst-case lower bounds: We show that there is a significant gap between exact and approximate approaches, and suggest that the exact computation, in general, is infeasible for large-scale inputs. We were the first to evaluate SimRank on real Web data. On the Stanford WebBase [2] graph of 80M pages the quality of the methods increased significantly in each refinement step until step four| C1- Google Inc, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA; Budapest Univ Technol & Econ, H-1518 Budapest, Hungary; Hungarian Acad Sci, Automat Res Inst, H1518 Budapest, Hungary| RP- Fogaras, D, Google Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA| EM-| CD- ABELLO J, 1998, P332, P 6 EUR S ALG; BAEZAYATES R, 1999, MODERN INFORM RETRIE; BARYOSSEF Z, 2000, P535, P 26 INT C VER LARG; BARYOSSEF Z, 2002, THESIS U CALIFORNIA; BARYOSSEF Z, 2004, P328, P 13 INT C WORLD WID; BRODER AZ, 1997, P21, P COMPR COMPL SEQ SE; BRODER AZ, 2000, V60, P360, J COMPUTER SYSTEM SC; CHAKRABARTI S, 1998, P307, P ACM SIGMOD INT C M; CHEN YY, 2002, P549, P 11 INT C INF KNOWL; COHEN E, 1997, V55, P441, J COMPUT SYST SCI; DEAN J, 1999, V31, P1467, COMPUT NETW; FOGARAS D, 2004, P557, P CLUST INF WEB WORK; FOGARAS D, 2005, V2, P333, INTERNET MATH; HAVELIWALA TH, 1999, 199931 STANF U; HAVELIWALA TH, 2002, P432, P 11 INT WORLD WID W; HAVELIWALA TH, 2003, 200335 STANF U; HENZINGER M, 1999, V50, P107, DIMACS SERIES DISCR; HENZINGER MR, 2000, P295, P 9 INT WORLD WID WE; HIRAI J, 2000, P277, P 9 INT WORLD WID WE; INDYK P, 1998, P604, P 30 ANN ACM S THEOR; JEH G, 2002, P538, P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P604, J ACM; LIBENNOWELL D, 2003, P556, P 12 INT C INF KNOWL; LU W, 2001, P11, P 2001 C CTR ADV STU; PAGE L, 1998, 199966 STANF U; PALMER CR, 2002, P81, P 8 ACM SIGKDD INT C; RUSMEVICHIENTON.P, 2001, P121, P AAAI FALL S US UNC; XUE GR, 2005, P114, P 28 ANN INT ACM SIG| NR- 28| TC- 1| PU- IEEE COMPUTER SOC| PI- LOS ALAMITOS| PA- 10662 LOS VAQUEROS CIRCLE, PO BOX 3014, LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720-1314 USA| SN- 1041-4347| J9- IEEE TRANS KNOWL DATA ENG| JI- IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng| PD- MAY| PY- 2007| VL- 19| IS- 5| BP- 585| EP- 598| DI- 10.1109/TKDE.2007.1008| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Information Systems; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic| GA- 145VZ| JN- IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, 2007, V19, N5, P585-598| UT- ISI:000244895200001 ER || PT- J| AU- Kuusi O; Meyer M| AF- Kuusi Osmo; Meyer, Martin| TI- Anticipating technological breakthroughs: Using bibliographic coupling to explore the nanotubes paradigm| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENCE; COCITATION; INDICATORS; DOCUMENTS| AB- There is general consensus that the field of nanotechnology will be very important in the future. An open question is, however, which technological approaches or paradigms will be important in the field The paper assumes that the carbon nanotube will be a key element of an emerging technological paradigm in nanotechnology. This study employs a bibliometric method - bibliographic coupling - to identify important nanotubes-related 'leitbilder' - a concept meaning 'guiding images' that provide a basis for different professions and disciplines to work in the same direction. Until recently, bibliographic coupling has been applied rarely for purposes of research evaluation, not to mention technology foresight. Our case study seems to suggest that bibliographic coupling is particularly suitable for anticipating technological breakthroughs. Bibliographic coupling analysis of recent nanotube-related patents focused our attention to recent patents owned by Nantero Inc. Nantero's main focus is the development of NRAM - a high-density nonvolatile random access memory. The NRAM leitbild seems to be an important emerging leitbild. It connects technical opportunities and promising applications relating to the memories in devices such as cell phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, as well as applications in networking arena| C1- VATT Govt Inst Econ Res, Helsinki 00101, Finland; Univ Sussex, SPRU, Brighton, E Sussex, England; Katholieke Univ Leuven, Steunpunt O&O Indicatoren Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Louvain, Belgium; Helsinki Univ Technol, Inst Strategy & Int Business, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland| RP- Kuusi, O, VATT Govt Inst Econ Res, Arkadiankatu 7,PL 1279, Helsinki 00101, Finland| EM-| CD- ANSOFF I, 1984, IMPLANTING STRATEGIC; BROWN W, 2001, US, 6297063; DOSI G, 1982, V11, P147, RES POLICY; DOSI G, 1988, TECHNICAL CHANGE EC; EGGHE L, 2002, V55, P349, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2003, BIBLIOMETRICS RES FI; HICKS D, 1987, V17, P295, SOC STUD SCI; KATZ JS, 2001, SCI FORESIGHT PROJEC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KUUSI O, 1999, THESIS HELSINKI; KUUSI O, 2002, V69, P625, TECHNOL FORECAST SOC; LUZZI D, 2005, US, 6863857; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MARZ L, 1994, INTEDISZIPLINARE TEC; MAU A, 2005, US, 6811957; MERKERK R, 2005, NEW TECHNOLOGY FORES; MEYER M, 2000, V49, P93, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2004, V10, P155, HYLE INT J PHILOSOPH; PERSSON O, 1994, V45, P31, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; RUECKES T, 2000, V289, P94, SCIENCE; RUECKES T, 2004, US, 6835591; SCHMOCH U, 1993, V26, P193, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHMOCH U, 1997, V38, P103, SCIENTOMETRICS; SEN SK, 1983, V30, P78, ANN LIB SCI DOCUMENT; SHARABCHIEV JT, 1988, V2, P25, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1982, V3, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMALL H, 1998, V41, P125, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; VLADUTZ G, 1984, P204, P 47 ASIS ANN M; VONWARTBURG I, 2005, V34, P1591, RES POLICY| NR- 32| TC- 3| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAR| PY- 2007| VL- 70| IS- 3| BP- 759| EP- 777| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-0311-5| PG- 19| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 140MO| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2007, V70, N3, P759-777| UT- ISI:000244509600011 ER || PT- J| AU- Bassecoulard E; Lelu A; Zitt M| AF- Bassecoulard Elise; Lelu, Alain; Zitt, Michel| TI- Mapping nanosciences by citation flows: A preliminary analysis| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- MODERN SCIENCE; NANOTECHNOLOGY; INTERDISCIPLINARITY; COCITATION; COLLABORATION; INDICATORS; PATTERNS| AB- This article presents a citation-based mapping exercise in the nanosciences field and a first sketch of citation transactions (a measure of cognitive dependences). Nanosciences are considered to be one of the "convergent" components shaping the future of science and technology. Recurrent questions about the structure of the field concern its diversity and multi- or inter-disciplinarity. Observations made from various points of view confirm a strong differentiation of the field, which is scattered in multiple galaxies with moderate level of exchanges. The multi-disciplinarity of themes and super-themes detected by mapping also appears moderate, most of the super-themes being based on physics and chemistry in various proportions. Structural analysis of the list of references in articles suggests that the moderate multi-disciplinarity observed at the aggregate level partly stems from an actual interdisciplinarity at the article level| C1- INRA, F-44316 Nantes 3, France; INRA, Jouy En Josas, France; Univ Franche Comte, LASELDI, F-25030 Besancon, France; Observ Sci & Tech, Paris, France| RP- Bassecoulard, E, INRA, BP 71627, F-44316 Nantes 3, France| EM-| CD- BACHMANN G, 1998, INNOVATIONSSCHUB NAN; BENZECRI JP, 1981, PRATIQUE ANAL DONNEE; BONACCORSI A, 2005, V13, LEM PAPERS SERIES; BRAUN T, 1997, V38, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; CRONIN B, 2004, V60, P41, SCIENTOMETRICS; DARBY MR, 2003, V9825, NBER; DOMENGES D, 1979, V35, P3, ANN INSEE; ESCOFIER B, 1978, V26, P29, REV STAT APPL; FOGELBERG H, 2003, P29, 6 STS GOET U; FRANKS A, 1987, V20, P1442, J PHYS E; FREITAG D, 2005, P 9 C COMP NAT LANG; GARFIELD E, 1967, V2, P235, J LIBRARY HISTORY; GLANZEL W, 1996, V37, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2003, NANOTECHNOLOGY ANAL; HEINZE T, 2004, V1, P427, NANOTECHNOLOGY LAW B; HEINZE T, 2006, NEW FORMS GOVERNANCE; KAHANE B, 2006, PRIM NAN WORKSH MARC; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KOSTOFF RN, 2006, V8, P301, J NANOPART RES; LAREDO P, 2002, 4 TRIPL HEL C COP; LEGENDRE P, 2001, V129, P271, OECOLOGIA; LELU A, 1994, P241, NEW APPROACHES CLASS; LELU A, 2003, V6, P14, INFORM SCI DECISION; LEONTIEF W, 1996, V8, P81, EC SYSTEMS RES; LEYDESDORFF L, 1998, V43, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2007, UNPUB US LOSING GROU; MALSCH I, 1997, 17710EN EUR JRC I PR; MARCOTORCHINO JF, 1986, P275, CLASSIFICATION TOOL; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MATUSITA K, 1955, V26, P631, ANN MATH STAT; MEYER M, 1998, V42, P195, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEYER M, 2001, NANOTECHNOLOGY EXPER; MEYER M, 2007, V70, P779, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; NOYONS EC, 2003, 20020001 ECPPN CT; PORTER A, 2006, REFINING SEARCH TERM; ROCO MC, 2002, CONVERGING TECHNOLOG; SCHMID G, 2003, V35, P1, EUROPAEISCHE AKAD GR; SCHUMMER J, 2004, V59, P425, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TOMOV DT, 1996, V37, P267, SCIENTOMETRICS; VANLEEUWEN T, 2000, V9, P183, RES EVALUAT; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2003, V57, P93, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZITT M, 2005, V3, P38, MEASUREMENT INTERDIS; ZITT M, 2006, V42, P1513, INFORM PROCESS MANAG| NR- 46| TC- 10| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- MAR| PY- 2007| VL- 70| IS- 3| BP- 859| EP- 880| DI- 10.1007/s11192-007-0315-1| PG- 22| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 140MO| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2007, V70, N3, P859-880| UT- ISI:000244509600015 ER || PT- J| AU- Lu WZ; Janssen J; Milios E; Japkowicz N; Zhang YZ| AF- Lu Wangzhong; Janssen, J; Milios, E; Japkowicz, N; Zhang, Yongzheng| TI- Node similarity in the citation graph| SO- KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- networked information spaces; document similarity metric; citation graph; digital libraries| ID- COCITATION| AB- Published scientific articles are linked together into a graph, the citation graph, through their citations. This paper explores the notion of similarity based on connectivity alone, and proposes several algorithms to quantify it. Our metrics take advantage of the local neighborhoods of the nodes in the citation graph. Two variants of linkbased similarity estimation between two nodes are described, one based on the separate local neighborhoods of the nodes, and another based on the joint local neighborhood expanded from both nodes at the same time. The algorithms are implemented and evaluated on a subgraph of the citation graph of computer science in a retrieval context. The results are compared with text-based similarity, and demonstrate the complementarity of link-based and text-based retrieval| C1- Dalhousie Univ, Fac Comp Sci, Halifax, NS B3H 1W5, Canada; Dalhousie Univ, Dept Math & Stat, Halifax, NS B3H 3J5, Canada; Univ Ottawa, Sch Informat Technol & Engn, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada| RP- Milios, E, Dalhousie Univ, Fac Comp Sci, 6050 Univ Ave, Halifax, NS B3H 1W5, Canada| EM-| CD- *ACM SPEC INT GROU, 2002, HYP 2002 C ACM; AN Y, 2001, CS200102 DALH U FAC; AN Y, 2004, V6, P664, KNOWL INF SYST; BAEZAYATES R, 1999, MODERN INFORMATION R; BRIN S, 1998, P107, P 7 INT WORLD WID WE; CHEN CM, 1999, V35, P401, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CORTES C, 2001, P105, P 4 INT C ADV INT DA; DAVIS R, 2002, INFORMATION ARCHITEC; DEAN J, 1999, P389, P 8 INT WORLD WID WE; DIESTEL R, 2000, GRAPH THEORY; DODGE M, 2002, ATLAS CYBERSPACES IN; FALOUTSOS C, 1995, P 1995 ACM SIGMOD IN; FRANTZI K, 2000, V3, P117, INT J DIGITAL LIB; GARFIELD E, 1955, V122, P108, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P4060, SCIENCE; KAUFMAN L, 1990, FINDING GROUPS DATA; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, V46, P5, JACM; KUMAR S, 1999, IEEE INT C VER LARG; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; LU W, 2001, CS200103 DALH U FAC; MANNING C, 1999, FDN STAT NATURAL LAN; MILIOS E, 2003, P275, P 6 C PAC ASS COMP L; NG A, 2001, P 24 ANN INT ACM SIG; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TJADEN G, 2002, KNOWLEDGE ENTERPRISE; TREASURY U, 2001, FINANCIAL CRIMES ENF; VANRIJSBERGEN C, 1999, INFORMATION RETRIEVA| NR- 28| TC- 4| PU- SPRINGER LONDON LTD| PI- GODALMING| PA- SWEETAPPLE HOUSE CATTESHALL ROAD, GODALMING GU7 3DJ, SURREY, ENGLAND| SN- 0219-1377| J9- KNOWL INF SYST| JI- Knowl. Inf. Syst| PD- JAN| PY- 2007| VL- 11| IS- 1| BP- 105| EP- 129| DI- 10.1007/s10115-006-0023-9| PG- 25| SC- Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Information Systems| GA- 124SR| JN- KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 2007, V11, N1, P105-129| UT- ISI:000243390700005 ER || PT- J| AU- Reid EF; Chen HC| AF- Reid Edna F; Chen, Hsinchun| TI- Mapping the contemporary terrorism research domain| SO- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- terrorism; visualization; bibliometrics; co-citation analysis; intellectual structure| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS| AB- A systematic view of terrorism research to reveal the intellectual structure of the field and empirically discern the distinct set of core researchers, institutional affiliations, publications, and conceptual areas can help us gain a deeper understanding of approaches to terrorism. This paper responds to this need by using an integrated knowledge-mapping framework that we developed to identify the core researchers and knowledge creation approaches in terrorism. The framework uses three types of analysis: (a) basic analysis of scientific output using citation, bibliometric, and social network analyses, (b) content map analysis of large corpora of literature, and (c) cocitation analysis to analyse linkages among pairs of researchers We applied domain visualization techniques such as content map analysis, block-modeling, and co-citation analysis to the literature and author citation data from the years 1965 to 2003. The data were gathered from ten databases such as the ISI Web of Science. The results reveal: (1) the names of the top 42 core terrorism researchers (e.g., Brian Jenkins, Bruce Hoffman, and Paul Wilkinson) as well as their institutional affiliations; (2) their influential publications; (3) clusters of terrorism researchers who work in similar areas; and (4) that the research focus has shifted from terrorism as a low-intensity conflict to a strategic threat to world powers with increased focus on Osama Bin Laden. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Univ Arizona, MIS Dept, Artificial Intelligence Lab, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA| RP- Reid, EF, Clarion Univ Pennsylvania, Dept Lib Sci, 840 Wood St, Clarion, PA 16214 USA| EM-| CD- *IDSS, 2003, CONFL NONTR SEC; *ISI, 2003, CIT THRESH; *ISI, 2003, DOES ISI ID HIGHL CI; *NAM, 2004, NAM BAS; *RIIA, 2005, P8, SEC TERR UK; ANDREWS JE, 2003, V91, P47, J MED LIBR ASSOC; BERGEN P, 1998, HOLY WARRIOR IS THIS; BORGMAN CL, 2002, ANN REV INFORMATION; BOYACK KW, 2003, MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DO; BOYACK KW, 2004, V101, P5192, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; CHEN C, 2001, V34, P65, IEEE COMPUT; CHEN HC, 2004, V37, P50, COMPUTER; CHUA C, 2002, V3, P146, J ASS INFORMATION SY; CRENSHAW M, 2000, V21, P405, POLIT PSYCHOL; CRONIN B, 1982, V38, P212, J DOC; CRONIN B, 2002, HIGH FIDELITY MAPPIN; DEFLEM M, 2004, P1, TERRORISM COUNTER TE; DUGAN L, 2005, V3495, P340, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; EGGERS S, 2005, MED INFORMATICS KNOW; ELLIS JO, 2004, P520, 2 S INT SEC INF ISI; FERLIGOJ A, 1996, V4, P63, J COMPUTING INFORMAT; GARFIELD E, 1992, V19, P321, SCI PUBL POLICY; GARFIELD E, 2002, 5 ANN M ASSIST; GORDON A, 1999, V11, P141, TERRORISM POLITICAL; GORDON A, 2004, V27, P79, STUDIES CONFLICT TER; GORDON A, 2005, V62, P403, SCIENTOMETRICS; GURR T, 1972, WHY MEN REBEL; HOLLYWOOD J, 2004, OUT ORDINARY FINDING; HUANG Z, 2004, V6, P325, J NANOPART RES; HUGHES G, 2003, AGE NEWSPAPER; JENKINS BM, 2002, RAND REV; KE W, 2004, ANAL VISUALIZATION 4; KENNEDY LW, 2003, DEV FDN POLICY RELEV; KNEZO GJ, 2003, P61, HOMELAND SECURITY CO; KOKU E, 2001, V44, P1752, AM BEHAV SCI; LAQUEUR W, 1977, HIST TERRORISM; LIN X, 2001, AUTHORLINK INSTANT A; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, J AM SOC INFORMATION; MERARI A, 1991, V3, P88, TERRORISM POLITICAL; NGUYEN NQ, 2000, V26, P1092, DERMATOL SURG; PARK HW, 2003, V8, JCMC; REID DT, 1997, V33, P1, IEEE J QUANTUM ELECT; REID E, 2004, V3073, P125, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; REID E, 2005, V3495, P322, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; REID EOF, 1983, THESIS U SO CALIFORN; SCHMID A, 1988, POLITICAL TERRORISM; SCHMID A, 2005, POLITICAL TERRORISM; SHIFFRIN RM, 2004, MAPPING KNOWLEDGE DO; SILKE A, 2001, V13, P1, TERRORISM POLITICAL; SILKE A, 2004, P186, RES TERRORISM TRENDS; SUN Z, 2005, V3495, P37, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2001, JOINT INT C ASS COMP; WILKINSON P, 1986, P37, TERRORISM INT ORDER; WILKINSON P, 1986, TERRORISM LIBERAL ST; WILKINSON P, 2003, TERRORISM IMPLICATIO; ZAHN MA, 2004, P111, TERRORISM COUNTER TE| NR- 57| TC- 8| PU- ACADEMIC PRESS LTD ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- LONDON| PA- 24-28 OVAL RD, LONDON NW1 7DX, ENGLAND| SN- 1071-5819| J9- INT J HUM-COMPUT STUDIES| JI- Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud| PD- JAN| PY- 2007| VL- 65| IS- 1| BP- 42| EP- 56| DI- 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2006.08.006| PG- 15| SC- Computer Science, Cybernetics; Ergonomics; Psychology, Multidisciplinary| GA- 117SK| JN- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 2007, V65, N1, P4256| UT- ISI:000242893400005 ER || PT- J| AU- Balaban AT; Klein DJ| AF- Balaban Alexandru T; Klein, Douglas J| TI- Is chemistry 'The Central Science'? How are different sciences related? Co-citations, reductionism, emergence, and posets| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SCIENTIFIC LITERATURES; UNDERSTANDING LIFE; BIOLOGY| AB- According to a widely used introductory chemistry text by T. E. Brown et al.,(1) chemistry is 'The Central Science'. But scientometric cocitation analyses indicate that biochemistry seems presently to be more interconnected to other sciences. On the other hand, mathematics is considered by many to permeate all sciences and hence might compete as the choice for centrality. A critical commentary and argument leads to a proposal for an alternative partially ordered hierarchical *'framework" map of sciences. This argument is supplemented by a scientometric approach based on university Course requirements for different curricula, so as to support our partially ordered map. This alternative "framework" mapping then is seen to indicate a special position for chemistry, as where significant branching begins| C1- Texas A&M Univ, Galveston, TX 77551 USA| RP- Balaban, AT, Texas A&M Univ, 5007 Ave U, Galveston, TX 77551 USA| EM-| CD- *I SCI INF, 1984, ISI ATL SCI BIOCH MO; AARONSON S, 1975, V6, P22, MOSAIC; AHRDY Y, 2001, CLASSICAL QUANTUM CO; BIRKHOFF G, 1948, LATTICE THEORY; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BROWN TE, 2006, CHEM CENTRAL SCI; COMTE A, 1830, COURS PHILOS POSITIV; COULSON CA, 1960, V32, P170, REV MOD PHYS; DELBRUCK M, 1985, MIND MATTER; DIRAC PAM, 1929, V123, P714, P R SOC LOND A-CONTA; DIRAC PAM, 1963, V208, P45, SCI AM; ECCLES JC, 1977, SELF ITS BRAIN; ELLIS GFR, 2005, V59, P49, PHYS TODAY; GARFIELD E, CITATION INDEXING IT, P98; GRAY JJ, 2004, J BOLYATI NONEUCLIDE; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; HAMMETT LP, 1940, PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHE; HILBERT D, 1930, P959, NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN; HOLLAND J, 1998, EMERGENCE CHAOS ORDE; JOHNSON G, 2003, SHORTCUT THROUGH TIM; JOHNSSON S, 2002, EMERGENCE CONNECTED; KLAVANS R, 2006, V57, P251, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KLEIN DJ, 2006, UNPUB FDN CHEM; KNUTH D, 1976, V194, P1234, SCIENCE; KORNBERG A, 1982, P1, MED SCI SOC; KORNBERG A, 1987, V26, P6888, BIOCHEMISTRY-US; KORNBERG A, 1991, V37, P1895, CLIN CHEM; KORNBERG A, 1995, V53, P125, INT J QUANTUM CHEM; KORNBERG A, 1996, V3, P3, CHEM BIOL; LAUGHLIN RB, 2005, DIFFERENT UNIVERSE; LUZIN N, 1998, V105, P59, AM MATH MON; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHES 2; MINKOWSKI H, 1909, V10, P104, PHYS Z; MONASTYRSKY M, 2005, V112, P832, AM MATH MON; MOORE JW, 2002, CHEM MOL SCI; MORGAN CL, 1923, EMERGENT EVOLUTION; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; NAGEL E, 1961, STRUCTURE SIC; NEGGERS J, BASIC POSETS; NYE MJ, 1993, CHEM PHILOS THEORETI; PENROSE R, 2005, ROAD REALITY; RIEMANN B, 1993, CONCEPTS SPACE; SCERRI ER, 1997, V47, P229, ERKENNTNIS; SCERRI ER, 1998, V75, P1384, J CHEM EDUC; SERVOS JW, 1990, PHYS CHEM OSTWALD PA; SIMON H, 1981, SCI ARTIFICIAL; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TROTTER WT, 1992, COMBINATORICS PARTIA; VANBRAKEL J, 1997, V111, P273, SYNTHESE; VANREGENMORTEL MHV, 2004, V5, P1016, EMBO REP; VIZGIN VP, 2003, V108, P264, AM MATH MON; WEYL H, 1923, RAUM Z MATERIE; WILSON EO, 1998, CONSILIENCE UNITY KN| NR- 55| TC- 4| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 69| IS- 3| BP- 615| EP- 637| PG- 23| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 114NF| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V69, N3, P615-637| UT- ISI:000242672200010 ER || PT- J| AU- Mothe J; Chrisment C; Dkaki T; Dousset B; Karouach S| AF- Mothe Josiane; Chrisment, Claude; Dkaki, Taoufiq; Dousset, Bernard; Karouach, Said| TI- Combining mining and visualization tools to discover the geographic structure of a domain| SO- COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval| CY- JUL 25-29, 2004| CL- Sheffield, ENGLAND| SP- SIGIR| DE- information mining; data analysis; domain knowledge; knowledge discovery; information visualization; geographical maps| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; SCIENCE| AB- Science monitoring is a core issue in the new world of business and research. Companies and institutes need to monitor the activities of their competitors, get information on the market, changing technologies or government policies. This paper presents the Tetralogie platform that is aimed at allowing a user to interactively discover trends in scientific research and communities from large textual collections that include information about geographical location. Tetralogie consists of several agents that communicate with each other on users' demands in order to deliver results to them. Metadata and document content are extracted before being mined. Results are displayed in the form of histograms, networks and geographical maps; these complementary types of presentations increase the possibilities of analysis compared to the use of these tools separately. We illustrate the overall process through a case study of scientific literature analysis and show how the different agents can be combined to discover the structure of a domain The system correctly predicts the country contribution to a field in future years and allows exploration of the relationships between countries. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Inst Rech Informat Toulouse, F-31062 Toulouse 04, France| RP- Mothe, J, Inst Rech Informat Toulouse, 118 Route Narbonne, F-31062 Toulouse 04, France| EM-| CD- AHLBERG C, 1994, P313, P CHI 94; ANDRIENKO N, 2000, P137, P 3 AGILE C GEOGR IN; AUSSENACGILLES N, 2004, P129, P RIAO AV FRANC 26 2; BOYACK KW, 2004, P965, P IEEE INF VIS 2004; BUTER RK, 2002, P697, P 6 INT C INF FIS; BUTTENFIELD B, 2000, GEOSPATIAL DATAMININ; CHEN C, 2002, HDB SOFTWARE ENG KNO; CHRISMENT C, 1997, V5, P367, ISI; CHRISMENT C, 2004, P WORKSH GEOGR INF R; DIDAY E, 1974, P534, 2 INT JOINT C PATT R; DORE JC, 2001, V52, P763, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FORGY E, 1965, V21, BIOMETRICS; FRAKES W, 1992, INFORM RETRIEVAL ALG; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GAHEGAN M, 2002, V26, P267, COMPUTERS ENV URBAN; GEROIMENKO V, 2002, VISUALIZING SEMANTIC; HAN J, 1994, P157, AAAI 94 WORKSH KNOWL; HAN J, 1995, P19, P 4 INT C INF KNOWL; HAN J, 1997, P553, P ACM SIGMOD INT C M; HEARST MA, 1999, P ANN M ASS COMP LIN; KAROUACH S, 2003, THESIS; KLEINBERG J, 1998, P668, P 9 ANN ACM SIAM S D; KLEINBERG J, 1999, V31, ACM COMPUTING SURVEY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1995, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; MACEACHREN AM, 1999, CONSTRUCTING KNOWLED; MACQUEEN J, 1967, V1, P281, P 5 BERK S MATH STAT; MOTHE J, 2003, V54, P650, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SKUPIN A, 2003, V30, P99, CARTOGR GEOGR INF SC; SKUPIN A, 2004, V101, P5274, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; TRUONG QD, 2004, VISUALISATION INFORM; VERBEEK A, 2003, V58, P241, SCIENTOMETRICS; VNARIJSBERGERN K, 1979, INFORM RETRIEVAL; WEIGEND AS, 1999, V1, P193, INFORMATION RETRIEVA; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WIDOM J, 1995, INT C IFN KNOWL MAN; ZEMBOWICZ R, 1996, CH13, ADV KNOWLEDGE DATA M; ZITT M, 1994, V30, P333, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 38| TC- 6| PU- ELSEVIER SCI LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, OXON, ENGLAND| SN- 0198-9715| J9- COMPUT ENVIRON URBAN SYST| JI- Comput. Environ. Urban Syst| PD- JUL| PY- 2006| VL- 30| IS- 4| BP- 460| EP- 484| DI- 10.1016/j.conpenvurbsys.2005.09.004| PG- 25| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Engineering, Environmental; Environmental Studies; Geography; Operations Research & Management Science| GA- 113TI| JN- COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS, 2006, V30, N4, P460-484| UT- ISI:000242619900006 ER || PT- J| AU- Pilkington A; Fitzgerald R| AF- Pilkington Alan; Fitzgerald, Robert| TI- Operations management themes, concepts and relationships: a forward retrospective of IJOPM| SO- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Review| DE- operations management; publications; factor analysis| ID- MANUFACTURING STRATEGY; COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE; QUALITY MANAGEMENT; PERFORMANCE-MEASUREMENT; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; COCITATION ANALYSIS; AUTHOR COCITATION; CITATION ANALYSIS; PRODUCTION SYSTEM; LEAN PRODUCTION| AB- Purpose-The purpose of this paper to investigate the major themes of operations management by analysing citations in IJOPM. It aims to discuss changes in the discipline's sub-fields and identifies emerging topics Design/methodology/approach-The paper is an empirical analysis of citations and co-citations from IJOPM. Network and factor analysis are used to analyse and group the data Findings-The study demonstrates that the persistent central ideas of operations management concern manufacturing strategy, with specific interests in strategy typologies, best practices, and the resource-based view. Other central themes are performance measurement, the case study method, and process management. The plotting of subfield trajectories shows that recent studies are seeking a more subtle understanding of operations management by considering its practice in relation to strategy, context and resources. Emerging subjects within the field include supply chain management, lean management systems, theory building from quantitative data and sustainable resource limits to capability Originality/value-The study is unique in performing the analysis at the individual publication level rather than following the normal aggregated author co-citation analysis (ACA) method. The potential problems with citation/co-citation studies are discussed| C1- Univ London Royal Holloway & Bedford New Coll, Sch Management, Egham TW20 0EX, Surrey, England| RP- Pilkington, A, Univ London Royal Holloway & Bedford New Coll, Sch Management, Egham TW20 0EX, Surrey, England| EM-| CD- ADAM EE, 1989, V15, P181, J MANAGE; ANDERSON JC, 1989, V8, P133, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; ANDERSON JC, 1994, V19, P472, ACAD MANAGE REV; ANDERSON U, 1989, V8, P1, AUDITING-J PRACT TH; ANSARI A, 1990, JUST TIME PURCHASING; ARGYRIS C, 1978, ORG LEARNING; AZZONE G, 1991, V11, P77, INT J OPER PROD MAN; BAKER K, 1974, INTRO SEQUENCING SCH; BARNEY J, 1991, V17, P99, J MANAGE; BLACKBURN J, 1991, TIME BASED COMPETITI; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS SOFTW; CHASE R, 1989, PRODUCTION OPERATION; CHENG CH, 1999, V46, P4, IEEE T ENG MANAGE; CHILDE SJ, 1994, V14, P22, INT J OPER PROD MAN; CHRISTOPHER M, 1992, LOGISTICS SUPPLY CHA; CLARK K, 1991, PRODUCT DEV PERFORMA; COTTRILL CA, 1989, V11, P181, KNOWLEDGE; CRONBACH LJ, 1951, V16, P297, PSYCHOMETRIKA; CROSBY P, 1979, QUALITY IS FREE; CULNAN MJ, 1986, V32, P156, MANAGE SCI; DAVENPORT T, 1993, PROCESS INNOVATION R; DAVENPORT TH, 1990, V31, P11, SLOAN MANAGE REV; DEMEYER A, 1989, V10, P135, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; DEMING W, 1986, OUT CRISIS; DIERICKX I, 1989, V35, P1504, MANAGE SCI; DIXON J, 1990, NEW PERFORMANCE CHAL; DREJER A, 2000, V16, P45, SCANDINAVIAN J MANAG; DRUCKER PF, 1990, P94, HARVARD BUSINESS MAY; EISENHARDT KM, 1989, V14, P532, ACAD MANAGE REV; FEIGENBAUM A, 1961, TOTAL QUALITY CONTRO; FERDOWS K, 1990, V9, P168, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FINE CH, 1985, V15, P28, INTERFACES; FITZGERALD L, 1991, PERFORMANCE MEASUREM; FLYNN BB, 1990, V9, P250, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FLYNN BB, 1994, V11, P339, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; FLYNN BB, 1995, V38, P1325, ACAD MANAGE J; FLYNN BB, 1995, V26, P659, DECISION SCI; FLYNN BB, 1997, V17, P671, INT J OPER PROD MAN; FORRESTER J, 1961, IND DYNAMICS; GARCIA R, 2002, V19, P110, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; GARVIN DA, 1987, V65, P101, HARVARD BUS REV; GERWIN D, 1987, V7, P38, INT J OPER PROD MAN; GERWIN D, 1993, V39, P395, MANAGE SCI; GHALAYINI AM, 1996, V16, P63, INT J OPER PROD MAN; GIFFI C, 1990, COMPETING WORLD CLAS; GLASER B, 1967, DISCOVERY GROUNDED T; GOLDMAN S, 1995, AGILE COMPETITORS VI; GRANT RM, 1991, V33, P114, CALIF MANAGE REV; GUNN T, 1987, MANUFACTURING COMPET; HAIR JF, 1995, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HAIR JF, 1998, MULTIVARIATE DATA AN; HALL G, 1993, V71, P119, HARVARD BUS REV; HALL R, 1983, ZERO INVENTORIES; HALL R, 1987, ATTAINING MANUFACTUR; HAMEL G, 1989, V67, P63, HARVARD BUS REV; HAMEL G, 1994, COMPETING FUTURE; HAMMER M, 1990, P104, HARVARD BUSINESS JUL; HAMMER M, 1993, REENGINEERING CORPOR; HARRINGTON H, 1991, BUSINESS PROCESS IMP; HART S, 1995, V25, P986, ACAD MANAGE REV; HAYES R, 1988, DYNAMIC MANUFACTURIN; HAYES RH, 1978, V56, P105, HARVARD BUS REV; HAYES RH, 1979, V57, P133, HARVARD BUS REV; HAYES RH, 1984, RESTORING OUR COMPET; HAYES RH, 1985, P111, HARVARD BUSINESS NOV; HAYES RH, 1994, P77, HARVARD BUSINESS JAN; HAYES RH, 1996, V5, P25, PRODUCTION OPERATION; HILL T, 1985, MANUFACTURING STRATE; HINES P, 1994, CREATING WORLD CLASS; IM JH, 1989, V9, P5, INT J OPER PROD MAN; IMAI M, 1986, KAIZEN; JAIKUMAR R, 1986, V64, P69, HARVARD BUS REV; JOHANSSON H, 1993, BUSINESS PROCESS REE; JOHNSON H, 1987, RELEVANCE LOST; JURAN J, 1951, QUALITY CONTROL HDB; KAPLAN R, 1996, BALANCED SCORECARD; KAPLAN RS, 1983, V58, P686, ACCOUNT REV; KAPLAN RS, 1992, P71, HARVARD BUSINESS JAN; KAPLAN RS, 1996, P75, HARVARD BUSINESS JAN; KARKI R, 1996, V22, P323, J INFORM SCI; KEEGAN DP, 1989, V71, P45, MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTIN; KOTHA S, 1989, V10, P211, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; KRAFCIK JF, 1988, V30, P41, SLOAN MANAGE REV; KRAJEWSKI LJ, 1987, V33, P39, MANAGE SCI; KRAJEWSKI LJ, 1993, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; LAMMING R, 1993, PARTNERSHIP STRATEGI; LAW A, 1991, SIMULATION MODELLING; LEONG GK, 1990, V18, P109, OMEGA-INT J MANAGE S; LINTON JD, 2004, V21, P123, J PROD INNOVAT MANAG; LYNCH R, 1991, MEASURE YARDSTICK CO; MASKELL B, 1991, PERFORMANCE MEASUREM; MCCUTCHEON DM, 1993, V11, P239, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; MEREDITH JR, 1989, V8, P297, J OPERATIONS MANAGEM; MILES M, 1994, QUALITATIVE DATA ANA; MILLER JG, 1994, V40, P285, MANAGE SCI; MINTZBERG H, 1979, STRUCTURING ORG; MONDEN Y, 1983, TOYOTA PRODUCTION SY; NEELY A, 1995, V15, P4, INT J OPER PROD MAN; NEELY A, 1996, GETTING MEASURE YOUR; NEELY A, 1997, V17, P1132, INT J OPER PROD MAN; NEELY A, 1999, V19, P205, INT J OPER PROD MAN; NELSON R, 1982, EVOLUTIONARY THEORY; NISHIGUCHI T, 1994, STRATEGIC IND SOURCI; NUNNALLY J, 1978, PSYCHOMETRIC THEORY; OAKLAND J, 1989, TOTAL QUALITY MANAGE; OHNO T, 1988, TOYOTA PRODUCTION SY; OLIVER N, 1992, JAPANISATION BRIT IN; PENROSE E, 1959, THEORY GROWTH FIRM; PILKINGTON A, 1998, V41, P31, CALIF MANAGE REV; PILKINGTON A, 1999, V19, P7, INT J OPER PROD MAN; PINE BJ, 1993, MASS CUSTOMIZATION N; PIORE M, 1984, 2 IND DIVIDE; PORTER M, 1980, COMPETITIVE STRATEGY; PORTER M, 1985, COMPETITIVE ADVANTAG; PORTER M, 1995, P120, HARVARD BUSINESS SEP; POWELL TC, 1995, V16, P15, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; PRAHALAD CK, 1990, V68, P79, HARVARD BUS REV; PRESSON O, 2003, BIBEXCEL TOOLBOX BIB; SARAPH JV, 1989, V20, P810, DECISION SCI; SCHMENNER RW, 1988, V10, P11, SLOAN MANAGE REV; SCHONBERGER R, 1982, JAPANESE MANUFACTURI; SCHONBERGER R, 1986, WORLD CLASS MANUFACT; SCHONBERGER R, 1990, BUILDING CHAIN CUSTO; SCHONBERGER R, 1991, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; SELZNICK P, 1957, LEADERSHIP ADM; SENGE P, 1990, 5 DISCIPLINE; SETHI AK, 1990, V2, P289, INT J FLEX MANUF SYS; SHARPLIN AD, 1985, V38, P139, HUM RELAT; SHINGO S, 1981, STUDY TOYOTA PRODUCT; SKINNER W, 1969, V47, P136, HARVARD BUS REV; SKINNER W, 1974, V52, P113, HARVARD BUS REV; SKINNER W, 1978, MANUFACTURING CORPOR; SKINNER W, 1985, MANUFACTURING FORMID; SLACK N, 1991, MANUFACTURING ADVANT; SLACK N, 1995, OPERATIONS MANAGEMEN; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STALK G, 1988, V66, P41, HARVARD BUS REV; STALK G, 1990, COMPETING TIME; STALK G, 1992, P57, HARVARD BUSINESS MAR; SUGIMORI Y, 1977, V15, P553, INT J PROD RES; SWAMIDASS PM, 1987, V33, P509, MANAGE SCI; SWINK M, 1995, V15, P4, INT J OPER PROD MAN; TEECE DJ, 1997, V18, P509, STRATEGIC MANAGE J; VOLLMANN TE, 1984, MASTER PRODUCTION SC; VOSS C, 1992, MANUFACTURING STRATE; VOSS CA, 1987, V7, P46, INT J OPER PROD MAN; VOSS CA, 1995, V15, P5, INT J OPER PROD MAN; WASSERMAN S, 1997, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WERNERFELT B, 1984, V5, P171, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT; WHEELESS LL, 1984, V5, P1, CYTOMETRY; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WILLIAMSON O, 1975, MARKETS HIERARCHIES; WOMACK J, 1990, MACHINE CHANGED WORL; WOMACK J, 1996, LEAN THINKING BANISH; WOMACK JP, 1994, V72, P93, HARVARD BUS REV; YIN R, 1984, CASE STUDY RES DESIG; YOUSSEF MA, 1992, V24, P18, IND ENG| NR- 157| TC- 14| PU- EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LIMITED| PI- BRADFORD| PA- 60/62 TOLLER LANE, BRADFORD BD8 9BY, W YORKSHIRE, ENGLAND| SN- 0144-3577| J9- INT J OPER PROD MANAGE| JI- Int. J. Oper. Prod. Manage| PY- 2006| VL- 26| IS- 11-12| BP- 1255| EP- 1275| DI- 10.1108/01443570610705854| PG- 21| SC- Management| GA- 104MU| JN- INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS & PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT, 2006, V26, N11-12, P1255-1275| UT- ISI:000241963300006 ER || PT- S| AU- Abrouk L; Gouaich A| AF- Abrouk Lylia; Gouaich, Abdelkader| ED- Mizoguchi, R; Shi, Z; Giunchiglia, F| TI- Automatic annotation using citation links and co-citation measure: Application to the water information system| SO- SEMANTIC WEB - ASWC 2006 PROCEEDINGS| SE- LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 1st Asian Semantic Web Conference| CY- SEP 03-07, 2006| CL- Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA| SP- European Semant Syst Initiative, DIP, DERI INNSBRUCK, EAST WEB, Saltlux, Knowledge Web, Sogou, World Wide Web| AB- This paper describes an approach to automatically annotate documents for the Euro-Mediterranean Water Information System. This approach uses the citation links and co-citation measure in order to refine annotations extracted from an indexation method. An experiment of this approach with the CiteSeer database is presented and discussed| C1- LIRMM, F-34392 Montpellier 5, France; EMWIS, Euro Mediterranean Informat Syst, F-06560 Valbonne, France| RP- Abrouk, L, LIRMM, 161 Rue Ada, F-34392 Montpellier 5, France| EM-| CD- AGUIAR F, 2002, THESIS ECOLE SUPRIEU; ARASU A, 2001, EXPT ALGORITHMS; BRIN S, 1998, V7, P107, P 7 INT C WORLD WID; BUYUKKOKTEN O, 1999, WEBDB; GARFIELD E, 1993, P15, ESSAYS INFORM SCI NO; GHITA S, 2005, UNPUB L3S TECHNICAL; GIBSON D, 1998, UK C HYPERTEXT; KESSLER M, 1963, P10, AM DOC; KLEINBERG JM, 1999, P139, J ACM; KUMAR R, 1999, COMPUTER NETWORKS; LAURI P, 1997, P2836, INT J INFORM SCI DEC; MARCHIORI M, 1997, 6 INT WWW C SANT CLA; MARCHIORI M, 1998, P1, P 7 INT WORLD WID WE; MIHALCEA R, 2004, P 20 INT C COMP LING; PHELAN D, 2002, DESCENDANT BASED LIN; PRIMECLAVERIE C, 2003, JOURNES FRANCOPHONES; PRIMECLAVERIE C, 2004, THESIS ECOLE SUPRIEU; STRIBLING J, 2005, INT WORKSH PEER PEER; VANDAELE V, 2004, P JADT 2004 JOURNES| NR- 19| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN| PI- BERLIN| PA- HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY| SN- 0302-9743| BN- 3-540-38329-8| J9- LECT NOTE COMPUT SCI| PY- 2006| VL- 4185| BP- 44| EP- 57| PG- 14| SC- Computer Science, Theory & Methods| GA- BFE30| JN- SEMANTIC WEB - ASWC 2006 PROCEEDINGS, 2006, V4185, N11-12, P44-57| UT- ISI:000241446800005 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L; Vaughan L| AF- Leydesdorff Loet; Vaughan, Liwen| TI- Co-occurrence matrices and their applications in information science: Extending ACA to the Web environment| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; PEARSONS-R| AB- Co-occurrence matrices, such as cocitation, coword, and colink matrices, have been used widely in the information sciences. However, confusion and controversy have hindered the proper statistical analysis of these data. The underlying problem, in our opinion, involved understanding the nature of various types of matrices. This article discusses the difference between a symmetrical cocitation matrix and an asymmetrical citation matrix as well as the appropriate statistical techniques that can be applied to each of these matrices, respectively Similarity measures (such as the Pearson correlation coefficient or the cosine) should not be applied to the symmetrical cocitation matrix but can be applied to the asymmetrical citation matrix to derive the proximity matrix. The argument is illustrated with examples. The study then extends the application of co-occurrence matrices to the Web environment, in which the nature of the available data and thus data collection methods are different from those of traditional databases such as the Science Citation Index. A set of data collected with the Google Scholar search engine is analyzed by using both the traditional methods of multivariate analysis and the new visualization software Pajek, which is based on social network analysis and graph theory| C1- Univ Lausanne, Sch Econ HEC, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands; Univ Western Ontario, Fac Informat & Media Studies, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Lausanne, Sch Econ HEC, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland| EM-| CD- *SPSS INC, 1993, SPSS PROF STAT 6 1; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P936, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORG I, 1997, MODERN MULTIDIMENSIO; BURT RS, 1982, STRUCTURAL THEORY AC; BURT RS, 1995, STRUCTURAL HOLES SOC; COSTA D, 2005, CONDMAT0505185; COX TF, 2001, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; DAVISON ML, 1983, MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCA; ENGELSMAN EC, 1991, MAPPING TECHNOLOGY F; GARFIELD E, 1979, CITATION INDEXING IT; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KIM JO, 1978, FACTOR ANAL STAT MET; KRUSKAL JB, 1978, MUTLIDIMENSIONAL SCA; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SIEGEL S, 1988, NONPARAMETRIC STAT B; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2005, V39, P81, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P1313, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V56, P1075, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, P534, P ISSI 2005 10 INT C; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WOUTERS P, 2004, V9, FIRST MONDAY| NR- 33| TC- 56| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- OCT| PY- 2006| VL- 57| IS- 12| BP- 1616| EP- 1628| DI- 10.1002/asi.20335| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 100SK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2006, V57, N12, P1616-1628| UT- ISI:000241688800005 ER || PT- J| AU- Stock M; Stock WG| AF- Stock Mechtild; Stock, Wolfgang G| TI- Intellectual property information: A comparative analysis of main information providers| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- MARKUSH STRUCTURE STORAGE; RETRIEVAL CAPABILITY; PATENT INFORMATION; DATABASES; ONLINE; COCITATION; INTERNET; IMAGES; MAP| AB- After modeling expert user needs with regard to intellectual property information, we analyze and compare the main providers in this specific information area (Thomson DIALOG, Esp@cenet by the European Patent Office, Questel-Orbit, and STN International) in terms of system content and system functionality. The key question is whether the main providers are able to satisfy these expert user needs. For patent information, some special retrieval features such as chemical structure search (including Markush search), patent family references and citations search, biosequence search, and basic informetric functionality such as ranking, mapping, and visualization of information flows are realized. Considering the results of information science research the practice of patent information shows unexhauste improvement opportunities (e.g., the application of bibliographic patent coupling and co-patent-citation for mapping patents, patent assignees, and technology specialties). For trademark search, users need multiple truncated search (realized) as well as phonetic search and image retrieval (not realized yet)| C1- Univ Dusseldorf, Dept Informat Sci, D-40225 Dusseldorf, Germany| RP- Stock, M, Zum Muhlenfeld 18, D-50170 Kerpen, Germany| EM-| CD- *PAT TRAD DEP LIBR, 2004, ONL PAT TRAD RES VER; BERKS AH, 2001, V23, P5, WORLD PATENT INFORM; BORNE P, 2003, MMS MERGED MARKUSH S; BREITZMAN AF, 2002, V28, P187, J INFORM SCI; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; CORTELAZZO G, 1994, V27, P1005, PATTERN RECOGN; DERRIKS G, 2005, P159, PATINFO 2005 PATENTR; DICKENS DT, 1994, V16, P28, WORLD PATENT INFORM; DICKENS DT, 2005, P201, PATINFO 2005 PATRENT; DOU HJM, 2004, V26, P297, WORLD PATENT INFORM; DUFRESNE G, 2002, V20, P1269, NAT BIOTECHNOL; EAKINS JP, 1998, V5, P53, IEEE MULTIMEDIA; EAKINS JP, 2003, V2728, P28, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; EBE T, 1991, V31, P31, J CHEM INF COMP SCI; ENGEL T, 2003, P15, CHEMOINFORMATICS; FALL CJ, 2005, V27, P135, WORLD PATENT INFORM; FATTORI M, 2003, V25, P335, WORLD PATENT INFORM; FISANICK W, 1990, V30, P145, J CHEM INF COMP SCI; GASTEIGER J, 2003, P169, CHEMOINFORMATICS TXB; GASTEIGER J, 2003, CHEMOINFORMATICS; GENTH P, 2002, P35, CONTENT MANAGEMENT D; GEORGY U, 2002, V24, P29, CONTENT CONTEXT; GLADDEN N, 2002, P93, PATINFO 2002 BASIS M; HALL BH, 2005, V36, P16, RAND J ECON; HALL M, 1999, V25, P335, J INFORM SCI; HALLERBERG M, 2000, V2, P87, ZEI STUD EU ECON LAW; HIRATA K, 1992, P56, ADV DATABASE TECHNOL; HUANG MH, 2003, V58, P489, SCIENTOMETRICS; HUSSAIN M, 2002, V2383, P147, LECT NOTES COMPUT SC; JACOBS JR, 1982, V7, P473, BYTE; JAIN AK, 1998, V31, P1369, PATTERN RECOGN; KASZKIEL M, 1997, P178, P 20 ANN INT ACM SIG; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KIM YS, 1998, V16, P931, IMAGE VISION COMPUT; KOCHEV N, 2003, P291, CHEMOINFORMATICS TXB; KULP CS, 1984, V7, P56, DATABASE; LAGEMAAT WG, 2005, P151, PATINFO 2005 PATENTR; LAMBERT N, 1999, V39, P448, J CHEM INF COMP SCI; LAMBERT N, 2001, V9, P48, SEARCHER; LAMBERT N, 2004, P 2004 INT CHEM INF; LEYESDORFF L, 2001, V5, CYBERMETRICS; MCKIERMAN G, 2001, P57, PATENT TRADEMARK INF; MELVIN TC, 2002, V8, P55, J BUSINESS FINANCE L; MOGEE ME, 1999, V9, P291, EXPERT OPIN THER PAT; NARIN F, 1994, V30, P147, SCIENTOMETRICS; NARIN F, 1999, TECH LINE BACKGROUND; NICHOLAS D, 1995, P383, ONLINE INFORMATION 9; OKAWA A, 2000, V43, P205, JSME INT J C-MECH SY; PILCH W, 2005, P19, PATINFO 2005 PAT PAT; RAVELA S, 1998, RETRIEVAL TRADEMARK; RAVELA S, 1999, MULTI MODAL RETRIEVA; RENAUD D, 1990, PROCEDE SYSTEME STOC; RHODES S, 1996, V18, P205, WORLD PATENT INFORM; SCHOCHGRUEBLER U, 1998, V20, P21, WORLD PATENT INFORM; SHIVELY E, 2004, V26, P57, WORLD PATENT INFORM; SIMMONS ES, 2003, V25, P195, WORLD PATENT INFORM; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; STOCK M, 2003, V11, P22, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2003, V12, P14, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2003, V4, P22, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2003, V5, P42, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2004, V1, P20, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2004, V2, P16, PASSWORD; STOCK M, 2005, V25, P163, INFORM SERVICES USE; STOCK M, 2005, V2, P18, PASSWORD; STOCK WG, 1991, P376, WISSENSBASIERTE INFO; STOCK WG, 1992, V43, P301, NACHR DOK; STOCK WG, 2000, INFORMATIONSWIRTSCHA; THOMPSON NJ, 1989, V13, P15, ONLINE; WANG CC, 2002, V16, P603, INT J PATTERN RECOGN; WILLETT P, 1998, V38, P983, J CHEM INF COMP SCI; XU G, 2002, V24, P95, WORLD PATENT INFORM; YOO H, 2005, V27, P203, WORLD PAT INFORM| NR- 73| TC- 0| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- NOV| PY- 2006| VL- 57| IS- 13| BP- 1794| EP- 1803| DI- 10.1002/asi.20498| PG- 10| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 100SL| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2006, V57, N13, P1794-1803| UT- ISI:000241688900009 ER || PT- J| AU- Tho QT; Hui SC; Fong ACM| AF- Tho Quan Thanh; Hui, S. C; Fong, A. C. M| TI- A citation-based document retrieval system for finding research expertise| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- clustering; indexing; data mining; information retrieval; knowledge discovery; ontology generation| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; WEB; DATABASE| AB- Current citation-based document retrieval systems generally offer only limited search facilities, such as author search. In order to facilitate more advanced search functions, we have developed a significantly improved system that employs two novel techniques: Contextbased Cluster Analysis (CCA) and Context-based Ontology Generation frAmework (COGA). CCA aims to extract relevant information from clusters originally obtained from disparate clustering methods by building relationships between them. The built relationships are then represented as formal context using the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) technique. COGA aims to generate ontology from clusters relationship built by CCA. By combining these two techniques, we are able to perform ontology learning from a citation database using clustering results. We have implemented the improved system and have demonstrated its use for finding research domain expertise. We have also conducted performance evaluation on the system and the results are encouraging. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Nanyang Technol Univ, Sch Comp Engn, Singapore 639798, Singapore| RP- Fong, ACM, Nanyang Technol Univ, Sch Comp Engn, Blk N4,02-32,Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798, Singapore| EM-| CD- BOLLACKER KD, 2000, V15, P42, IEEE INTELL SYST APP; CHANDRASEKARAN P, 2001, P AAAI 14 ANN INT FL; CIOS KJ, 1998, DATA MINING METHODS; CROWDER R, 2002, V2569, P179, LECT NOTES ARTIF INT; DING Y, 1998, V23, P25, INT FORUM INFORM DOC; GANTER B, 1999, FORMAL CONCEPT ANAL; HARNAD S, 2000, V79, P629, CURR SCI INDIA; HE Y, 2002, V16, P283, APPL ARTIF INTELL; HE YL, 2002, V38, P491, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; MCDONALD DW, 2000, P231, P ACM C COMP SUPP CO; MITCHELL T, 1997, MACHINE LEARNING; TERWEEN L, 1997, V40, COMMUNICATIONS ACM; VANRIJSBERGEN C, 1979, INFORM RETRIEVAL| NR- 14| TC- 4| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- JAN| PY- 2007| VL- 43| IS- 1| BP- 248| EP- 264| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2006.05.015| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 098RC| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2007, V43, N1, P248-264| UT- ISI:000241539500017 ER || PT- S| AU- Berendt B; Dingel K; Hauser C| AF- Berendt Bettina; Dingel, Kai; Hauser, Christoph| ED- Gonzalo, J; Thanos, C; Verdejo, MF; Carrasco, RC| TI- Intelligent bibliography creation and markup for authors: A step towards interoperable digital libraries| SO- RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR DIGITAL LIBRARIES| SE- LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries| CY- SEP 17-22, 2006| CL- Alicante, SPAIN| SP- DELOS Network Excellence Digital Libraries, Grp Santander, Minist Educ & Ciencia, Patronato Municipal Turismo Alicante, Red Investigac Bibliotecas Digitales, Fdn Biblioteca Miguel Cervantes, Univ Alciante, Dept Lenguajes & Sistemas Informat, UNED| DE- user interfaces for digital libraries; collection building; management and integration; system architectures; integration and interoperability| ID- COCITATION| AB- The move towards integrated international Digital Libraries offers the opportunity of creating comprehensive data on citation networks. These data are not only invaluable pointers to related research, but also the basis for evaluations such as impact factors, and the foundation of smart search engines. However, creating correct citation-network data remains a hard problem, and data are often incomplete and noisy. The only viable solution appear to be systems that help authors create correct, complete, and annotated bibliographies, thus enabling autonomous citation indexing to create correct and complete citation networks. In this paper, we describe a general system architecture and two concrete components for supporting authors in this task. The system takes the author from literature search through domain-model creation and bibliography construction, to the semantic markup of bibliographic metadata. The system rests on a modular and extensible architecture: VBA Macros that integrate seamlessly into the user's familiar working environment, the use of existing databases and information-retrieval tools, and a Web Service layer that connects them.(1)| C1- Humboldt Univ, Inst Informat Syst, D-10178 Berlin, Germany| RP- Berendt, B, Humboldt Univ, Inst Informat Syst, D-10178 Berlin, Germany| CD- BERENDT B, 2003, P ETD 2003; BERENDT B, 2005, P106, P KNOWL COLL VOL CON; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHEN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V32, P67, IEEE COMPUT; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; YONG KN, 2005, CITATION PARSING USI| NR- 9| TC- 1| PU- SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN| PI- BERLIN| PA- HEIDELBERGER PLATZ 3, D-14197 BERLIN, GERMANY| SN- 0302-9743| BN- 3-540-44636-2| J9- LECT NOTE COMPUT SCI| PY- 2006| VL- 4172| BP- 495| EP- 499| PG- 5| SC- Computer Science, Theory & Methods| GA- BFD07| JN- RESEARCH AND ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY FOR DIGITAL LIBRARIES, 2006, V4172, N1, P495-499| UT- ISI:000241101500052 ER || PT- J| AU- Ortega L; Antell K| AF- Ortega Lina; Antell, Karen| TI- Tracking cross-disciplinary information use by author affiliation: Demonstration of a method| SO- COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- CORE JOURNAL NETWORKS; INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH; COCITATION MAPS; SCIENCES; PATTERNS; MULTIDISCIPLINARY; MANAGEMENT; CONTEXT; FIELDS; IMPACT| AB- In this paper, we report the results of a bibliometric study in which we track cross-disciplinary citation behavior in the sciences. We hypothesize that cross-disciplinary citation in the sciences increased over the time period 1985-2000. Unlike most previous studies in this area, we assign discipline to a paper by its first author's affiliation, and we hypothesize that assigning papers to disciplines based on firstauthor affiliation would yield results consistent with previous findings on cross-disciplinary citation rates in the sciences Using the output of scientists in Biological Sciences, Chemistry, and Physics departments at 12 large research universities in 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000 as our data set, we measure the cross-disciplinary citation rates of each discipline and compare our results to the findings of previous studies in this area| C1- Univ Oklahoma, Chem Math Lib, Norman, OK 73019 USA; Univ Oklahoma Libs, Reference & Outreach Serv, Norman, OK USA| RP- Ortega, L, Univ Oklahoma, Chem Math Lib, Norman, OK 73019 USA| EM-| CD- *NAT SCI FDN, 1998, P39, SCI ENG IND; *NAT SCI FDN, 2004, P39, GRANT PROD GUID; *NAT SCI FDN, 2004, P43, SCI ENG IND; ACKERSON LG, 1999, V39, P49, REF USER SERV Q; ACKERSON LG, 2003, V64, P471, COLL RES LIB; ALVAREZ P, 1996, V47, P458, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CHOI JM, 1988, V6, P65, BEHAV SOC SCI LIBR; DOBSON C, 1996, V22, P279, J ACAD LIBR; EARLE P, 1969, V21, P237, ASLIB P; EDWARDS S, 1999, V25, P11, SERIALS REV; GERHARD KH, 2000, V25, P51, COLLECTION MANAGEMEN; GLANZEL W, 1999, V44, P427, SCIENTOMETRICS; HARGENS LL, 1986, V9, P145, SCIENTOMETRICS; HERUBEL JPVM, 1994, V13, P49, BEHAV SOC SCI LIBR; HOUGHTON JW, 2003, P39, CHANGING RES PRACTIC; HUGHES J, 1995, V19, P403, LIBR ACQUIS PRACT TH; HURD JM, 1992, V53, P283, COLL RES LIBR; HURD JM, 1999, V60, P31, COLL RES LIBR; KHAWAM YJ, 1992, V14, P57, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; KING DW, 1981, P60, SCI J US THEIR PRODU; KUSHKOWSKI JD, 1998, V54, P477, J DOC; MCCAIN KW, 1986, V23, P194, P AM SOC INFORM SCI; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V61, P311, LIBR QUART; MCCAIN KW, 1992, V29, P3, P ASIS ANNU MEET; MCCAIN KW, 1995, V46, P306, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MEADOWS AJ, 1976, V1, P259, INTERDISCIPLINARY SC; MORILLO F, 2001, V51, P203, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORILLO F, 2003, V54, P1237, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MORSE DE, 1996, V190, P260, BIOL BULL; PIERCE SJ, 1999, V50, P271, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PORTER AL, 1985, V8, P161, SCIENTOMETRICS; QIU L, 1992, V2, P169, RES EVALUAT; RINIA EJ, 2002, V54, P347, SCIENTOMETRICS; ROY R, 1977, V55, P28, CHEM ENG NEWS; SANZMENENDEZ L, 2001, V10, P17, RES EVALUAT; SCHUMMER J, 2004, V59, P425, SCIENTOMETRICS; SHKOLNIK L, 1991, V52, P349, COLL RES LIB; STEELE TW, 2000, V51, P476, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; TENOPIR C, 2000, P242, ELECT J REALITIES SC; VANLEEUWEN T, 2000, V9, P183, RES EVALUAT; WALTERS WH, 2003, V54, P1305, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 41| TC- 4| PU- ASSOC COLL RESEARCH LIBRARIES| PI- CHICAGO| PA- 50 E HURON ST, CHICAGO, IL 60611 USA| SN- 0010-0870| J9- COLL RES LIBR| JI- Coll. Res. Libr| PD- SEP| PY- 2006| VL- 67| IS- 5| BP- 446| EP- 462| PG- 17| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 087TP| JN- COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES, 2006, V67, N5, P446-462| UT- ISI:000240765600004 ER || PT- J| AU- Bollen J; de Sompel HV| AF- Bollen Johan; de Sompel, Herbert Van| TI- Mapping the structure of science through usage| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SOCIAL DESIRABILITY BIAS; SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE; COMBINED COCITATION; PUBLICATION DELAYS; DIGITAL LIBRARY; WORD ANALYSIS; CITATION; IMPACT; NETWORKS; JOURNALS| AB- Science has traditionally been mapped on the basis of authorship and citation data. Due to publication and citation delays such data represents the structure of science as it existed in the past. We propose to map science by proxy of journal relationships derived from usage data to determine research trends as they presently occur. This mapping is performed by applying a principal components analysis superimposed with a k-means cluster analysis on networks of journal relationships derived from a large set of article usage data collected for the Los Alamos National Laboratory research community. Results indicate that meaningful maps of the interests of a local scientific community can be derived from usage data. Subject groupings in the mappings corresponds to Thomson ISI subject categories. A comparison to maps resulting from the analysis of 2003 Thomson ISI Journal Citation Report data reveals interesting differences between the features of local usage and global citation data| C1- Los Alamos Natl Lab, Res Lib, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA| RP- Bollen, J, Los Alamos Natl Lab, Res Lib, POB 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545 USA| EM-| CD- ADAMS J, 2005, V63, P567, SCIENTOMETRICS; AGRAWAL R, 1993, P207, ACM SIGMOD INT C MAN; BAEZAYATES RA, 1999, MODERN INFORM RETRIE; BOLLEN J, 2002, V8, D LIB MAGAZINE; BOLLEN J, 2005, V41, P1419, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BOYACK KW, 2002, V53, P764, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOYACK KW, 2004, V1, P101, P NATL ACAD SCI US S; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRIN S, 1997, P265, P ACM SIGMOD INT C M; BRODY T, 2005, EARLIER WEB USAGE ST; CHAN PK, 1999, V1836, LNAI; CHEN CM, 2001, V34, COMPUTER; CRAMER H, 1946, MATH MODELS STAT; EGGHE L, 2000, V51, P158, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EVERETT JE, 1991, V42, P405, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HE SY, 2002, V53, P953, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; JOLLIFFE IT, 2002, PRINCIPAL COMPONENT; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KIM DH, 2004, P 6 ACM INT WORKSH W; KING MF, 2000, V17, P79, PSYCHOL MARKET; KOHONEN T, 1995, SELF ORG MAPS; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V56, P111, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; KURTZ MJ, 2005, V56, P36, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; LIU X, 2004, P404, P 2004 JOINT ACM IEE; LIU XM, 2005, V41, P1462, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LUWEL M, 1998, V41, P29, SCIENTOMETRICS; MCCAIN KW, 1991, V42, P290, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MOBASHER B, 2001, P9, WEB INFORMATION DATA; NAGPAUL PS, 2002, V54, P213, SCIENTOMETRICS; NEDERHOF AJ, 1985, V15, P263, EUR J SOC PSYCHOL; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, ARTN 016132, PHYS REV E 2; NEWMAN MEJ, 2001, V64, P1, PHYS REV E; RINIA EJ, 2001, V51, P293, SCIENTOMETRICS; SALTON G, 1988, V24, P513, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SARWAR B, 2001, P285, P 10 INT WORLD WID W; SHANNON CE, 1948, V27, P379, BELL SYST TECH J; SHESKIN DJ, 2004, PARAMETRIC NONPARAME; SMALL H, 1973, V42, P676, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SPATH H, 1980, CLUSTER ANAL ALGORIT; SPILIOPOULOU M, 1999, V14, P113, COMPUT SYST SCI ENG; SRIVASTAVA J, 2000, V1, P12, SIGKDD EXPLORATIONS; TUFEKCI S, 2003, V24, P109, COMPUT IND ENG; VANDESOMPEL H, 2001, V7, D LIB MAGAZINE; VANDESOMPEL H, 2003, V9, D LIB MAGAZINE; VANDESOMPEL H, 2004, V10, D LIB MAGAZINE; WAGNER CS, 2003, 9 INT C SCIENT INF; WOUTERS P, 1997, V38, P39, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 51| TC- 7| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- NOV| PY- 2006| VL- 69| IS- 2| BP- 227| EP- 258| DI- 10.1007/s11192-006-0151-8| PG- 32| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 083SE| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V69, N2, P227-258| UT- ISI:000240477700003 ER || PT- J| AU- Egghe L; Rousseau R| AF- Egghe L; Rousseau, R| TI- Lorenz theory of symmetric relative concentration and similarity, incorporating variable array length| SO- MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Lorenz; symmetric relative concentration; similarity; pearson correlation coefficient; Spearman correlation coefficient| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; PEARSONS-R; REQUIREMENTS| AB- This paper extends the Lorenz theory, developed in [L. Egghe, R Rousseau, Symmetric and asymmetric theory of relative concentration and applications, Scientometrics 52 (2) (2001) 261-290], so that it can deal with comparing arrays of variable length. We show that in this case we need to divide the Lorenz curves by certain types of increasing functions of the array length N We then prove that, in this theory, adding zeros to two arrays increases their similarity, a property that is not satisfied by the Pearson correlation coefficient Among the many good similarity measures satisfying the developed Lorenz theory, we deduce the correlation coefficient of Spearman, hence showing that this measure can be used as a good measure of symmetric relative concentration (or similarity). (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Hasselt Univ, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium; Univ Antwerp, IBW, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium; IWT, KHBO, B-8400 Oostende, Belgium| RP- Egghe, L, Hasselt Univ, Campus Diepenbeek,Gebouw D, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AHLGREN P, 2004, V55, P936, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; EGGHE L, 2001, V52, P261, SCIENTOMETRICS; EGGHE L, 2002, V35, P1149, MATH COMPUT MODEL; EGGHE L, 2006, V42, P106, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; LIEBETRAU AM, 1983, QUANTITATIVE APPL SO; MYLES GD, 1995, PUBLIC EC; ROUSSEAU R, 2001, P72, RES U EVALUATION; SHOUKRY MM, 2004, MEASURES INTEROBSERV| NR- 12| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0895-7177| J9- MATH COMPUT MODELLING| JI- Math. Comput. Model| PD- OCT| PY- 2006| VL- 44| IS- 7-8| BP- 628| EP- 639| DI- 10.1016/j.mcm.2006.02.001| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Computer Science, Software Engineering; Mathematics, Applied| GA- 078EW| JN- MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2006, V44, N7-8, P628-639| UT- ISI:000240086000004 ER || PT- J| AU- Zubiete CL| AF- Zubiete Carlos Leal| TI- An application of co-citation based visualisation techniques in the field of film studies| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- filmic citation; co-citation; film genre theory; intertextuality; information visualisation| AB- The application of information visualisation techniques to quantitative citation analysis in scientific documents has proved very useful in revealing hidden structures and research trends in several disciplines A similar approach is proposed in the field of Film Studies based on the concept of << filmic citation >>, understood as an allusion to a different audiovisual text that blends seamlessly into the flow of the cinematographic narrative. Thus, this technique allows the detection of patterns of influence between audiovisual texts. A visual representation of the co-citation data for Classic Holywood films extracted from the IMDb database illustrates the utility of this technique for Film Studies and, particularly, Film Genre Studies| EM-| CD- ALTMAN R, 2003, V3, P243, FILM GENRE READER; CARROLL N, 1998, P240, INTERPRETING MOVING; COURSODON JP, 1996, V8, P225, HIST GEN CINE; GARFIELD E, 1981, V42, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS; GENETTE G, 1989, PALIMPSESTOS LIT SEG; IAMPOLSKI M, 1996, TEORIA INTERTEXTUALI; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; STAIGER J, 2003, V3, P185, FILM GENRE READER; STAM R, 2001, TEORIAS CINE INTRO; WALTER JA, 2004, V29, P273, INFORM SYST; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 11| TC- 1| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JI- Prof. Inform| PDPYVLISBPEPPGSCGAJNUT- JUL-AUG| 2006| 15| 4| 251| 257| 7| Information Science & Library Science| 072TR| PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2006, V15, N4, P251-257| ISI:000239696400002 ER || PT- J| AU- de Moya-Anegon F; Vargas-Quesada B; Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z; CoreraAlvarez E; Gonzalez-Molina A; Munoz-Fernandez FJ; Herrero-Solana V| AF- de Moya-Anegon Felix; Vargas-Quesada, Benjamin; Chinchilla-Rodriguez, Zaida; Corera-Alvarez, Elena; Gonzalez-Molina, Antonio; Munoz-Fernandez, Francisco Jose; Herrero-Solana, Victor| TI- Visualizing and analyzing the Spanish science structure: ISI Web of science 1990-2005| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- information visualization; domain analysis; scientific output; cocitation; Spain| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; CITATION; NETWORKS; DOMAINS; GRAPHS; MAPS| AB- This article presents the structure of Spanish science from 1990 to 2005. Based on ISI subject-category co-citation, including natural sciences, social sciences and arts & humanities, and combining both social network analysis (SNA) and pruning algorithms such as pathfindernetworks (Pfnet) and other information layout algorithms like Kama-dadaKawai's, the basic structure of Spanish science is shown through its essential relations. The results are bibliometric-maps (scientograms) revealing the macrostructure, microstructure and the backbone of Spanish science and making possible its analysis and explanation| EM-| CD- *COM EUR, 2003, 3 EUR REP SCI TECHN; *GRUP SCIM, ATL SCI; BORGATTI SP, 1999, V21, P375, SOC NETWORKS; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BOYACK KW, 2005, V64, P351, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRANDENBURG FJ, 1995, P87, LECT NOTES COMPUTER; BUSH V, 1945, V176, P101, ATLANTIC MONTHLY; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; COSTA J, 1998, ESQUEMATICA VISUALIZ; CROSBY AW, 1997, MEASURE REALITY QUAN; DEMOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, INFORM PROCESSING MA; DING Y, 1999, V25, P67, J INFORM SCI; EADES P, 1984, V42, P149, C NUMERANTIUM; EISEMBERG JD, 2002, SVG ESSENTIALS; FRUCHTERMAN T, 1991, V21, SOFTWARE PRACTICE EX; GARFIELD E, 1964, USE CITATION DATA WR; GARFIELD E, 1994, V7, P5, CURRENT CONTENTS SOC; GEROIMENKO V, 2005, VISUALIZING INFORM U; HJORLAND B, 1995, V46, P400, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KLOVDAHL AS, 1981, V3, P197, SOC NETWORKS; KOHONEN T, 1985, V73, P IEEE; KOHONEN T, 1997, SELF ORG MAPS; LEWISBECK MS, 1994, FACTOR ANAL RELATED; LEYDESDORFF L, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P371, J DOC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 1998, V42, P229, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; SALTON G, 1979, V22, P146, IEEE T PROF COMMUN; SAMOYLENKO I, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; SMALL H, 1985, V11, P147, J INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 2000, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; TUFTE ER, 1994, ENVISIONING INFORM; VARGASQUESADA B, 2005, THESIS GRANADA; WASSERMAN S, 1998, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 38| TC- 1| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JI- Prof. Inform| PD- JUL-AUG| PY- 2006| VL- 15| IS- 4| BP- 258| EP- 269| PG- 12| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 072TR| JN- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2006, V15, N4, P258-269| UT- ISI:000239696400003 ER || PT- J| AU- Ortega JL; Aguillo I| AF- Ortega Jose Luis; Aguillo, Isidro| TI- Co-link analysis: a theoretical approach| SO- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION| LA- Spanish| DT- Article| DE- Webometrics; co-link analysis; information visualisation; maps of science; multidimensional scaling; search engines| ID- AUTHOR COCITATION ANALYSIS; SIMILARITY; SPACE| AB- This work provides a theoretical and practical walk-through of Colink Analysis, one of the classic techniques for information visualisation that serves as a tool for constructing Maps of Science in Webometrics An analysis is offered of the steps to be followed, the most suitable data resources, the different kinds of matrices, and how these have to be processed. The results permit distinguishing between the different steps taken and the differences in processing these matrices. The study finds that asymmetrical matrices provide more information than symmetrical ones, that there is greater discrimination with the cosine than with the correlation, and that crawlers obtain more accurate information than search engines| C1- Cindoc CSIC, Grp Invest Cibermetria, Madrid 28002, Spain| RP- Ortega, JL, Cindoc CSIC, Grp Invest Cibermetria, Joaquin Costa,22, Madrid 28002, Spain| EM-| CD- AGUILLO I, 2005, 9 JORN ESP DOC; AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ANEGON FM, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; ARROYO N, 2004, METHODS HERRAMIENTAS; BARILAN J, 1998, V1, CYBERMETRICS; BARILAN J, 2005, V9, P1, CYBERMETRICS; BENSMAN SJ, 2004, V55, P935, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BOUDOURIDES M, 2000, TRIPL HEL C; CHAKRABARTI S, 2002, MINING WEB KNOWLEDGE; COTHEY V, 2004, V55, P1228, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FABAPEREZ C, 2004, FUNDAMENTOS TECNICAS; GAIRIN JMR, 1997, V20, P175, REV ESP DOC CIENT; HERREROSOLANA V, 2004, V33, CIENCIA INFORM; JACCARD P, 1912, V11, P37, NEW PHYTOL; JIMENEZ AC, 1993, V2, B DIGITAL FH; KRUSKAL JB, 1964, V29, P1, PSYCHOMETRIKA; LARSON R, 1996, P71, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; LARSON RRR, 2005, TERM WEIGHTING RANKI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LEYDESDORFF L, 2006, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ORTEGA JL, 2006, J INFORM SCI; PRIEGO JLO, 2005, P 10 INT C INT SOC; PRIEGO JLO, 2006, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; PRIME C, 2002, V54, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; RORVIG M, 1999, V50, P639, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ROUSSEAU R, 1997, V1, P1, CYBERMETRICS; ROUSSEAU R, 1998, P2, CYBERMETRICS; SALTON G, 1971, AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT P; SALTON G, 1975, V18, P613, COMMUN ACM; SMALL H, 1974, V4, P17, SCI STUD; SMALL H, 2003, V54, P394, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SNEATH P, 1973, NUMERICAL TAXONOMY; SPARCKJONES K, 1972, V28, P111, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2001, P1, CYBERMETRICS| NR- 36| TC- 2| PU- EPI| PI- BARCELONA| PA- APARTADO 32 280, BARCELONA, 08080, SPAIN| SN- 1386-6710| J9- PROF INF| JI- Prof. Inform| PD- JUL-AUG| PY- 2006| VL- 15| IS- 4| BP- 270| EP- 277| PG- 8| SC- Information Science & Library Science| GA- 072TR| JN- PROFESIONAL DE LA INFORMACION, 2006, V15, N4, P270-277| UT- ISI:000239696400004 ER || PT- J| AU- Grimes GR; Wen TQ; Mewissen M; Baxter RM; Moodie S; Beattie JS; Ghazal P| AF- Grimes G. R; Wen, T. Q; Mewissen, M; Baxter, R. M; Moodie, S; Beattie, J. S; Ghazal, P| TI- PDQ Wizard: automated prioritization and characterization of gene and protein lists using biomedical literature| SO- BIOINFORMATICS| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION| AB- PDQ Wizard automates the process of interrogating biomedical references using large lists of genes, proteins or free text. Using the principle of linkage through co-citation biologists can mine PubMed with these proteins or genes to identify relationships within a biological field of interest. In addition, PDQ Wizard provides novel features to define more specific relationships, highlight key publications describing those activities and relationships, and enhance protein queries. PDQ Wizard also outputs a metric that can be used for prioritization of genes and proteins for further research| C1- Univ Edinburgh, Scottish Ctr Genomic Technol & Informat, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, Midlothian, Scotland; Natl E Sci Ctr, eDIKT Programme, Edinburgh EH8 9AA, Midlothian, Scotland; Univ Edinburgh, Edinburgh Parallel Comp Ctr, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Midlothian, Scotland| RP- Grimes, GR, Univ Edinburgh, Scottish Ctr Genomic Technol & Informat, 49 Little France Crecent, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, Midlothian, Scotland| EM-| CD- BAIROCH A, 2005, V33, P154, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; KOROTKIY M, 2004, V20, P1980, BIOINFORMATICS; MAGLOTT D, 2005, V33, D54, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES; MARCOTTE E, 2001, V2, P363, BRIEF BIOINFORM; PEARSON H, 2001, V411, P631, NATURE; RUBINSTEIN R, 2005, V6, ARTN 12, BMC BIOINFORMATICS; WHEELER DL, 2005, V33, D39, NUCLEIC ACIDS RES| NR- 7| TC- 7| PU- OXFORD UNIV PRESS| PI- OXFORD| PA- GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND| SN- 1367-4803| J9- BIOINFORMATICS| JI- Bioinformatics| PD- AUG 15| PY- 2006| VL- 22| IS- 16| BP- 2055| EP- 2057| DI- 10.1093/bioinformatics/btl342| PG- 3| SC- Biochemical Research Methods; Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology; Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Mathematical & Computational Biology; Statistics & Probability| GA- 075QL| JN- BIOINFORMATICS, 2006, V22, N16, P2055-2057| UT- ISI:000239900200021 ER || PT- J| AU- Kim H; Park HW; Thelwall M| AF- Kim Hyo; Park, Han Woo; Thelwall, Mike| TI- Comparing academic hyperlink structures with journal publishing in Korea - A social network analysis| SO- SCIENCE COMMUNICATION| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- webometrics; cybermetrics; Web indicators; social network analysis; Korea| ID- WEB IMPACT FACTORS; SCIENCE; COMMUNICATION; COLLABORATION; UNIVERSITIES; ORGANIZATION; INFORMATION; INDICATORS; COCITATION; PATTERNS| AB- This article describes the structure of academic hyperlinks embedded in universities' Web sites hosted in Korea and examines the relationship between the structure of this hyperlink network and the journal publishing of universities. Studying the two phenomena together helps in understanding the changing process of communication created and sustained through traditional and emerging communication media. Four groups with distinctive features were identified. One group (A) was composed of members who had the highest efficiency in terms of the structural whole concept, and they had received the highest number of hyperlinks with other universities. The first group (A) showed high numbers of out-links toward two other groups (C and D). However, one group (C) had a relatively significant number of links to other members in the same group (within-group links), while the other group (D) did not. Analysis confirmed that hyperlink creation and reception correlate with authorship, indicating that expanding one's research identity via hyperlinks might be an indicator of the productiveness of researchers and research institutes| C1- Yeungnam Univ, Dept Media, Gyongsan, South Korea; Ajou Univ, Suwon 443749, South Korea; Wolverhampton Univ, Stat Cybermetr Res Grp, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton, W Midlands, England| RP- Park, HW, Yeungnam Univ, Dept Media, Gyongsan, South Korea| EM-| CD- *INT EL UN, 2004, DIG ACC IND; *KOR NETW INF CTR, 2004, SURV COMP INT SAG; *NERD, 2002, KNOWL PROD NEW DIG N; ARUNACHALAM S, 2000, V79, P621, CURR SCI INDIA; BARILAN J, 2004, V59, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; BARNETT RE, 1993, V2, P1, RIGHTS RETAINED PEOP; BJORNSSON H, 2001, V50, P1, JOKULL; BORGATTI SP, 2002, UCINET WINDOWS; BORGMAN CL, 2001, V36, ACAD COMMUNICATION B; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P1, COMPUTER NETWORKS IS; CAWKELL T, 2000, P177, WEB KNOWLEDGE FESTSC; CRONIN B, 2001, V27, P1, J INFORM SCI; FINHOLT T, 1990, V1, P41, ORGAN SCI; FINHOLT TA, 2002, V36, P73, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; FREEMAN LC, 1979, V1, P215, SOC NETWORKS; GARFIELD E, 1964, V144, P649, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1974, V2, P136, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; GIDDENS A, 1979, CENTRAL PROBLEMS SOC; GIDDENS A, 1979, CONTRAL PROBLEMS SOC; GIDDENS A, 1986, CONSTITUTION SOC OUT; GLANZEL W, 1995, V4, P24, SCI SCI SCI; GLANZEL W, 2001, V50, P199, SCIENTOMETRICS; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HAYTHORNTHWAITE C, 1998, V49, P1101, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; HEIMERIKS G, 2003, V58, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; INGWERSEN P, 1998, V54, P236, J DOC; KOKU E, 2001, V44, P1750, AM BEHAV SCI; KRAUT RE, 1990, P149, INTELLECTUAL TEAMWOR; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 2000, V4, CYBERMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V27, P64, SCI COMMUN; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V2, P3, NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKA; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; NENTWICH M, 2003, CYBERSCIENCE RES AGE; NEWMAN MEJ, 2000, STRUCTURE SCI COLLAB; NEWMAN MEJ, 2000, STRUCTURE SCI COLLOB; PARK HW, IN PRESS NEW MEDIA S, V8; PARK HW, 1974, V2, P136, ESSAYS INFORM SCI; PARK HW, 2002, V7, FIRST MONDAY; PARK HW, 2003, ANN C INT COMM ASS M; PARK HW, 2003, V8, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; PARK HW, 2005, V65, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERRY CA, 1998, V49, P151, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SCOTT J, 1991, V17, P181, ANNU REV SOCIOL; SCOTT J, 1991, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1999, V50, P799, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH A, 2002, V54, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2002, V28, P485, J INF SCI; THELWALL M, 2002, V26, P413, ONLINE INFORM REV; THELWALL M, 2003, V8, INFORM RES; THELWALL M, 2003, V56, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2003, V58, P153, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2004, V55, P149, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2005, V41, P347, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WALSH JP, 2002, P433, DISTRIBUTED WORK; WALSH JP, 2003, PROBLEMS SCI COLLABO; WASSERMAN S, 1994, SOCIAL NETWORK ANAL; WHITE HC, 1976, V81, P730, AM J SOCIOL; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WILKINSON D, 2003, V29, P59, J INFORMATION SCI| NR- 63| TC- 3| PU- SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC| PI- THOUSAND OAKS| PA- 2455 TELLER RD, THOUSAND OAKS, CA 91320 USA| SN- 1075-5470| J9- SCI COMMUN| JI- Sci. Commun| PD- JUN| PY- 2006| VL- 27| IS- 4| BP- 540| EP- 564| DI- 10.1177/1075547006288037| PG- 25| SC- Communication| GA- 070YM| JN- SCIENCE COMMUNICATION, 2006, V27, N4, P540-564| UT- ISI:000239563000004 ER || PT- J| AU- Leydesdorff L; Bensman S| AF- Leydesdorff Loet; Bensman, Stephen| TI- Classification and powerlaws: The logarithmic transformation| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- INFORMATION-SCIENCE; BRADFORD LAW; QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS; INTELLECTUAL SPACE; AUTHOR COCITATION; CO-WORDS; INDICATORS; FREQUENCY; COLLABORATION; DISTRIBUTIONS| AB- Logarithmic transformation of the data has been recommended by the literature in the case of highly skewed distributions such as those commonly found in information science. The purpose of the transformation is to make the data conform to the lognormal law of error for inferential purposes. How does this transformation affect the analysis? We factor analyze and visualize the citation environment of the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) before and after a logarithmic transformation. The transformation strongly reduces the variance necessary for classificatory purposes and therefore is counterproductive to the purposes of the descriptive statistics. We recommend against the logarithmic transformation when sets cannot be defined unambiguously. The intellectual organization of the sciences is reflected in the curvilinear parts of the citation distributions while negative powerlaws fit excellently to the tails of the distributions| C1- Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands; Louisiana State Univ Lib, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 USA| RP- Leydesdorff, L, Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Kloveniersburgwal 48, NL-1012 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; AITCHISON J, 1957, LOGNORMAL DISTRIBUTI; ANSCOMBE FJ, 1948, V35, P246, BIOMETRIKA; BARABASI AL, 2002, LINKED NEW SCI NETWO; BARABASI AL, 2002, V311, P590, PHYSICA A; BARTLETT MS, 1947, V3, P39, BIOMETRICS; BENFORD F, 1938, V78, P551, P AM PHILOS SOC; BENSMAN SJ, 1996, V40, P145, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; BENSMAN SJ, 1998, V42, P147, LIBR RESOUR TECH SER; BENSMAN SJ, 2000, V51, P816, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BENSMAN SJ, 2001, V27, P238, IFLA J; BOX GEP, 1964, V26, P211, J R STAT SOC B; BRADFORD SC, 1934, V137, P85, ENGINEERINGLONDON; BRAY JH, 1985, MULTIVARIATE ANAL VA; BROOKES BC, 1977, V33, P180, J DOC; BROOKES BC, 1979, V29, P5, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROOKES BC, 1979, V30, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BROOKES BC, 1980, V2, P209, J INF SCI; BROOKES BC, 1980, V2, P269, J INFORM SCI; BROOKES BC, 1984, V20, P37, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; CANCHO FR, 2001, V8, P165, J QUANTITATIVE LINGU; CHAN LM, 1999, GUID LIN C CLASS; DROTT MC, 1978, V29, P238, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2003, V13, P478, PROG NAT SCI; ELLIOTT JM, 1977, V25, FRESHWATER BIOL ASS; ENGELSMAN EC, 1991, MAPPING TECHNOLOGY 1; EVERITT BS, 1998, CAMBRIDGE DICT STAT; FELLER W, 1943, V14, P389, ANN MATH STAT; GARFIELD E, 1971, V17, P5, CURR CONTENTS; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 1983, CITATION INDEXING IT; HOYLE MH, 1973, V41, P203, INT STAT REV; JONES WP, 1987, V38, P420, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; JORESKOG KG, 1975, V70, P631, J AM STAT ASSOC; KAMADA T, 1989, V31, P7, INFORM PROCESS LETT; KATZ JS, 1999, V28, P501, RES POLICY; KATZ JS, 2000, V27, P23, SCI PUBL POLICY; KEYNES JM, 1921, TREATISE PROBABILITY; KIM JO, 1978, FACTOR ANAL STAT MET; LEYDESDORFF L, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; LEYDESDORFF L, 1885, V57, P601, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 1987, V11, P291, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; LEYDESDORFF L, 1993, V26, P133, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 1995, CHALLENGE SCIENTOMET; LEYDESDORFF L, 1997, V48, P418, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 2002, V53, P131, SCIENTOMETRICS; LOTKA AJ, 1926, V16, P317, J WASHINGTON ACADEMY; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MERTON RK, 1968, V159, P56, SCIENCE; MICHELET B, 1988, THESIS U PARIS 7; PENNOCK DM, 2002, V99, P5207, P NATL ACAD SCI USA; PRICE DD, 1978, V29, P204, J ASIS; PRICE DJD, 1976, V27, P292, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PRICE L, 2005, V56, P883, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; QUENOUILLE MH, 1950, INTRO STAT; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SIMON HA, 1973, P1, HIERARCHY THEORY CHA; VANRIJSBERGEN CJ, 1977, V33, P106, J DOC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, P534, P ISSI 2005 10 INT C; WAGNER CS, 2005, V34, P1608, RES POLICY; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; WHITE HD, 2004, V55, P843, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZADEH LA, 1965, V8, P338, INFORM CONTR; ZIPF GK, 1935, PSYCH BIOL LANGUAGE; ZIPF GK, 1949, HUMAN BEHAV PRINCIPL; ZITT M, 2000, V47, P627, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 69| TC- 17| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2006| VL- 57| IS- 11| BP- 1470| EP- 1486| DI- 10.1002/asi.20467| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 072KK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2006, V57, N11, P1470-1486| UT- ISI:000239672100007 ER || PT- J| AU- Zuccala A| AF- Zuccala Alesia| TI- Author cocitation analysis is to intellectual structure as web colink analysis is to ... ?| SO- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY| LA- English| DT- Article| ID- SITES; LINKS; INFORMATION; SIMILARITY; SCIENCE; WEBOMETRICS; CITATION; SPACE| AB- Author Cocitation Analysis (ACA) and Web Colink Analysis (WCA) are examined as sister techniques in the related fields of bibliometrics and webometrics. Comparisons are made between the two techniques based on their data retrieval, mapping, and interpretation procedures, using mathematics as the subject in focus. An ACA is carried out and interpreted for a group of participants (authors) involved in an Isaac Newton Institute (2000) workshop-Singularity Theory and Its Applications to Wave Propagation Theory and Dynamical Systems-and compared/contrasted with a WCA for a list of international mathematics research institute home pages on the Web. Although the practice of ACA may be used to inform a WCA, the two techniques do not share many elements in common. The most important departure between ACA and WCA exists at the interpretive stage when ACA maps become meaningful in light of citation theory, and WCA maps require interpretation based on hyperlink theory. Much of the research concerning link theory and motivations for linking is still new; therefore further studies based on colinking are needed, mainly map-based studies, to understand what makes a Web colink structure meaningful| C1- Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton WV1 1EQ, England| RP- Zuccala, A, Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1EQ, England| EM-| CD- AHLGREN P, 2003, V54, P550, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ALMIND TC, 1997, V53, P404, J DOC; BARILAN J, 1999, SEARCH ENGINE RESULT; BARILAN J, 2005, V41, P973, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; BJORNEBORN L, 2001, V50, P65, SCIENTOMETRICS; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, THESIS ROYAL SCH LIB; CHU H, 2003, 9 INT C SCI INF; CRONIN B, 1984, CITATION PROCESS; CRONIN B, 1994, V45, P537, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; EDGE D, 1977, V2, P13, SOC SOCIAL STUDIES S; GARFIELD E, 1965, P189, STAT ASS METHODS MEC; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HARTER SP, 1986, ONLINE INFORM RETRIE; KIM HJ, 2000, V51, P887, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LARSON R, 1996, P71, P 59 ANN M AM SOC IN; LEYDESDORFF L, 1998, V43, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; LEYDESDORFF L, 2005, V56, P769, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MCCAIN KW, 1990, V41, P433, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ORTEGAPRIEGO JL, 2005, P197, P 10 INT C INT SOC S; PERRY CA, 1998, V49, P151, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; POLANCO X, 2001, CLUSTERING MAPPING W; ROUSSEAU R, 1997, SITATIONS EXPLORATOR; ROUSSEAU R, 1999, DAILY TIME SERIES CO; ROUSSEAU R, 2004, V55, P513, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; SANDSTROM PE, 1998, THESIS INDIANA U BLO; SMALL H, 1993, V26, P5, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMITH A, 2004, WEB LINKS ANALOGUES; SNYDER H, 1999, V55, P375, J DOC; THELWALL M, 2001, V52, P1157, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2002, V28, P483, J INFORM SCI; THELWALL M, 2002, V55, P363, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2003, 151 INF RES; THELWALL M, 2004, V40, P515, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2003, V54, P29, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; VAUGHAN L, 2005, P534, P ISSI 2005 10 INT C; WHITE HD, 1981, P261, CONCEPTS JUDGEMENT D; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1982, V38, P255, J DOC; WHITE HD, 1986, V5, P93, INFORM TECHNOL LIBR; WHITE HD, 1990, P84, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; WHITE HD, 1998, V49, P327, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P1250, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; ZUCCALA A, 2004, THESIS U TORONTO TOR| NR- 45| TC- 13| PU- JOHN WILEY & SONS INC| PI- HOBOKEN| PA- 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, NJ 07030 USA| SN- 1532-2882| J9- J AM SOC INF SCI TECHNOL| JI- J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. Technol| PD- SEP| PY- 2006| VL- 57| IS- 11| BP- 1487| EP- 1502| DI- 10.1002/asi.20468| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 072KK| JN- JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2006, V57, N11, P1487-1502| UT- ISI:000239672100008 ER || PTAUAFTIand SOLADTCTCY- J| Van Den Besselaar P; Heimeriks G| Van Den Besselaar Peter; Heimeriks, Gaston| Mapping research topics using word-reference co-occurrences: A method an exploratory case study| SCIENTOMETRICS| English| Proceedings Paper| 10th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics| JUL, 2005| CL- Stockholm, SWEDEN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr| HO- Karolinska Inst| ID- COMBINED COCITATION; SCIENCE| AB- Mapping of science and technology can be done at different levels of aggregation, using a variety of methods. In this paper, we propose a method in which title words are used as indicators for the content of a research topic, and cited references are used as the context in which words get their meaning. Research topics are represented by sets of papers that are similar in terms of these word-reference combinations In this way we use words without neglecting differences and changes in their meanings. The method has several advantages, such as high coverage of publications. As an illustration we apply the method to produce knowledge maps of information science| C1- Rathenau Inst, Sci Syst Assessment Ctr, NL-2509 CJ The Hague, Netherlands; Univ Amsterdam, Amsterdam Sch Commun Res, Amsterdam, Netherlands; IPTS, Seville, Spain| RP- Van Den Besselaar, P, Rathenau Inst, Sci Syst Assessment Ctr, POB 95366, NL-2509 CJ The Hague, Netherlands| EM-| CD- BHATTACHARYA S, 1998, V43, P359, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P252, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; CALLON M, 1986, MAPPING DYNAMICS SCI; CEHN C, 2003, MAPPING SCI FRONTIER; COURTIAL JP, 1994, V31, P251, SCIENTOMETRICS; COZZENS SE, 1993, P219, SCI TECHNOLOGY POLIC; HEIMERIKS G, UNPUB STRUCTURE DEV; HEIMERIKS G, 2005, THESIS U AMSTERDAM; HEIMERKS G, 2005, P575, P ISSI 2005 STOCKH K; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KING J, 1987, V13, P261, J INFORM SCI; KOPCSA A, 2000, V49, P7, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LEYDESDORFF L, 1997, V48, P418, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; MARSHAKOVA IV, 1973, V6, P3, SCI TECHNICAL INFORM| NR- 15| TC- 11| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 68| IS- 3| BP- 377| EP- 393| DI- 10.1007/s11192-006-0118-9| PG- 17| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 067KK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V68, N3, P377-393| UT- ISI:000239300600005 ER || PT- J| AU- Persson O| AF- Persson Olle| TI- Exploring the analytical potential of comparing citing and cited source items| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics| CY- JUL, 2005| CL- Stockholm, SWEDEN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr| HO- Karolinska Inst| ID- COLLABORATION; INDICATORS; CITATIONS; NETWORKS| AB- Comparing properties of citing and cited source items opens a wide variety of analytical possibilities. In a study of citations among papers in the journal Scientometrics a number of analytical themes are identified. The analysis shows: the way in which a citation graph can be decomposed into different subparts; country specific citation patterns; the effects of self-citations and domestic citations; the mapping of cited author relationships using direct citation and co-citation links; and time slicing effects on impact ranking of countries and papers| C1- Umea Univ, Dept Sociol, Inforsk, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden| RP- Persson, O, Umea Univ, Dept Sociol, Inforsk, SE-90187 Umea, Sweden| EM-| CD- CHEN CM, 2004, V101, P5303, P NATL ACAD SCI U S1; GARG KC, 2003, V56, P169, SCIENTOMETRICS; GLANZEL W, 2004, V59, P63, SCIENTOMETRICS; HARGENS LL, 2000, V65, P846, AM SOCIOL REV; LUUKKONEN T, 1993, V28, P15, SCIENTOMETRICS; PERSSON O, 2001, V50, P339, SCIENTOMETRICS; PRICE DJD, 1965, V149, P510, SCIENCE; SCHUBERT A, 1986, V9, P281, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT A, 1989, V16, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS; SCHUBERT A, 1990, V19, P3, SCIENTOMETRICS| NR- 10| TC- 0| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 68| IS- 3| BP- 561| EP- 572| DI- 10.1007/s11192-006-0130-0| PG- 12| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 067KK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V68, N3, P561-572| UT- ISI:000239300600016 ER || PT- J| AU- Schneider JW| AF- Schneider Jesper W| TI- Concept symbols revisited: Naming clusters by parsing and filtering of noun phrases from citation contexts of concept symbols| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics| CY- JUL, 2005| CL- Stockholm, SWEDEN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr| HO- Karolinska Inst| ID- COMPUTER RECOGNITION; CITING STATEMENTS; WORD ANALYSIS; KNOWLEDGE; BIBLIOMETRICS; COCITATION; RETRIEVAL| AB- The present study presents a semi-automatic method for parsing and filtering of noun phrases from citation contexts of concept symbols The purpose of the method is to extract contextual, agreed upon, and pertinent noun phrases, to be used in visualization studies for naming clusters (concept groups) or concept symbols. The method is applied in a case study, which forms part of a larger dissertation work concerning the applicability of bibliometric methods for thesaurus construction The case study is carried out within periodontology, a specialty area of dentistry. The result of the case study indicates that the method is able to identify highly important noun phrases, and that these phrases accurately describe their parent clusters. Hence, the method is able to reduce the labour intensive work of manual citation context analysis, though further refinements are still needed| C1- Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| RP- Schneider, JW, Royal Sch Lib & Informat Sci, Dept Informat Studies, Sohngardsholmvej 2, DK-9000 Aalborg, Denmark| EM-| CD- ANICK P, 1997, P314, P 20 ANN INT ACM SIG; BATAGELJ V, 1998, V21, P47, CONNECTIONS; BORNER K, 2003, V37, P179, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; GARFIELD E, 1974, P5, CURR CONTENTS; HE Q, 1999, V48, P133, LIBR TRENDS; INGWERSEN P, 1997, V48, P205, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; JONES KS, 1971, AUTOMATIC KEYWORD CL; MCCAIN KW, 1989, V17, P127, SCIENTOMETRICS; MORAVCSIK MJ, 1975, V5, P86, SOC STUD SCI; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; OCHIAI A, 1957, V22, P526, B JAPAN SOC SCIENT F; OCONNOR J, 1982, V18, P125, INFORMATION PROCESSI; OCONNOR J, 1983, V19, P361, INFORMATION PROCESSI; REESPOTTER LK, 1989, V25, P677, INFORMATION PROCESSI; SCHNEIDER JW, 2004, V60, P524, J DOC; SCHNEIDER JW, 2004, THESIS ROYAL SCH LOB; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1990, PATHFINDER ASSOCIAT; SMALL H, 1980, V2, P277, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1982, V3, P287, PROGR COMMUNICATION; SMALL H, 1986, V37, P97, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL HG, 1978, V8, P327, SOC STUD SCI; SMALL HG, 1979, V16, P270, P AM SOC INFORM SCI; SOERGEL D, 1974, INDEXING LANGUAGES T; VOUTILAINEN A, 1993, P48, P WORKSH VER LARG CO; WHITE HD, 1989, V24, P119, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WHITE HD, 1997, V32, P99, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; WILSON CS, 1999, V34, P107, ANNU REV INFORM SCI| NR- 28| TC- 7| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 68| IS- 3| BP- 573| EP- 593| DI- 10.1007/s11192-006-0131-z| PG- 21| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 067KK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V68, N3, P573-593| UT- ISI:000239300600017 ER || PT- J| AU- Small H| AF- Small Henry| TI- Tracking and predicting growth areas in science| SO- SCIENTOMETRICS| LA- English| DT- Proceedings Paper| CT- 10th International Conference on Scientometrics and Informetrics| CY- JUL, 2005| CL- Stockholm, SWEDEN| SP- Int Soc Scientometr & Informetr| HO- Karolinska Inst| ID- SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY; MATHEMATICAL APPROACH; CITATION-INDEX; LITERATURES; COCITATION| AB- We explore the possibility of using co-citation clusters over three time periods to track the emergence and growth of research areas, and predict their near term change. Data sets are from three overlapping sixyear periods: 1996-2001, 1997-2002 and 1998-2003. The methodologies of co-citation clustering, mapping, and string formation are reviewed, and a measure of cluster currency is defined as the average age of highly cited papers relative to the year span of the data set. An association is found between the currency variable in a prior period and the percentage change in cluster size and citation frequency in the following period. The conflating factor of "single-issue clusters" is discussed and dealt with using a new metric called in-group citation| C1- Thomson Sci, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| RP- Small, H, Thomson Sci, 3501 Market, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA| EM-| CD- CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; CRANE D, 1972, INVISIBLE COLL DIFFU; FRUCHTERMAN TMJ, 1991, V21, P1129, SOFTWARE PRACT EXPER; GARFIELD E, 1972, V178, P471, SCIENCE; GARFIELD E, 2004, V30, P119, J INFORM SCI; GOFFMAN W, 1971, V229, P103, NATURE; GRIFFITH BC, 1972, V177, P959, SCIENCE; GRIFFITH BC, 1974, V4, P339, SCI STUD; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V60, P159, SCIENTOMETRICS; MEADOWS AJ, 1971, V1, P95, SCI STUD; MERTON RK, 1963, V4, P237, EUR J SOCIOL; PRICE DJ, 1961, SCI BABYLON; PRICE DJ, 1970, COMMUNICATION SCI EN; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMALL H, 1985, V7, P391, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL H, 1990, P166, SCHOLARLY COMMUNICAT; SMALL H, 2004, V60, P71, SCIENTOMETRICS; SMALL HG, 1977, V7, P139, SOC STUD SCI; SWANSON DR, 1997, V91, P183, ARTIF INTELL; TABAH AN, 1992, V28, P61, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WAGNERDOBLER R, 1999, V46, P635, SCIENTOMETRICS; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI| NR- 22| TC- 27| PU- SPRINGER| PI- DORDRECHT| PA- VAN GODEWIJCKSTRAAT 30, 3311 GZ DORDRECHT, NETHERLANDS| SN- 0138-9130| J9- SCIENTOMETRICS| JI- Scientometrics| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 68| IS- 3| BP- 595| EP- 610| DI- 10.1007/s11192-006-0132-y| PG- 16| SC- Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 067KK| JN- SCIENTOMETRICS, 2006, V68, N3, P595-610| UT- ISI:000239300600018 ER || PT- J| AU- Thelwall M; Thelwall S; Fairclough R| AF- Thelwall Mike; Thelwall, Saheeda; Fairclough, Ruth| TI- Automated Web issue analysis: A nurse prescribing case study| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- Web; Automated Web issue analysis; link analysis; nurse prescribing; medical informatics| ID- WORLD-WIDE-WEB; SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION; INFORMATICS EDUCATION; TOPIC IDENTIFICATION; HEALTH INFORMATION; MEDICAL-EDUCATION; SITE INTERLINKING; QUALITY; COCITATION; WEBSITES| AB- Web issue analysis, a new automated technique designed to rapidly give timely management intelligence about a topic from an automated large-scale analysis of relevant pages from the Web, is introduced and demonstrated. The technique includes hyperlink and URL analysis to identify common direct and indirect sources of Web information. In addition, text analysis through natural language processing techniques is used identify relevant common nouns and noun phrases. A case study approach is taken, applying Web issue analysis to the topic of nurse prescribing. The results are presented in descriptive form and a qualitative analysis is used to argue that new information has been found. The nurse prescribing results demonstrate interesting new findings, such as the parochial nature of the topic in the UK, an apparent absence of similar concepts internationally, at least in the English-speaking world, and a significant concern with mental health issues. These demonstrate that automated Web issue analysis is capable of quickly delivering new insights into a problem. General limitations are that the success of Web issue analysis is dependant upon the particular topic chosen and the ability to find a phrase that accurately captures the topic and is not used in other contexts, as well as being languagespecific. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, W Midlands, England; Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Hlth, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, W Midlands, England| RP- Thelwall, M, Wolverhampton Univ, Sch Comp & Informat Technol, Wulfruna St, Wolverhampton WV1 1SB, W Midlands, England| EM-| CD- BARILAN J, 2004, WEB DYNAMICS; BERNSTAM EV, 2005, V74, P13, INT J MED INFORM; BJORNEBORN L, 2004, V55, P1216, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; BORGMAN CL, 2002, V36, P3, ANNU REV INFORM SCI; BURD A, 2004, V29, P185, MED INFORM INTERNET; CAMM J, 2005, V78, P124, COMMUNITY PRACTITION; CHAKRABARTI S, 1999, 8 INT WORLD WID WEB; CHAKRABARTI S, 2002, STRUCTURE BROAD TOPI; CHAKRABARTI S, 2003, MINING WEB ANAL HYPE; CLIFTON C, 2004, V16, P949, IEEE T KNOWL DATA EN; COBURN A, 2005, LINGUA TAGGER PARTS; CURRO V, 2004, V29, P95, MED INFORM INTERNET; DORUP J, 2002, V27, P281, MED INFORM INTERNET; FLAKE GW, 2000, 6 INT C KNOWL DISC D; FOOT KA, 2003, V8, J COMPUTER MEDIATED; GARRIDO M, 2003, P165, CYBERACTIVISM ONLINE; GOURNAY K, 2002, V17, P22, NURSING STANDARD; HALES A, 2002, V8, P12, NURSING NZ; HARRIES G, 2004, V30, P436, J INFORM SCI; HERNANDEZBORGES AA, 2003, V28, P183, MED INFORM INTERNET; HOVENGA EJS, 2004, V73, P101, INT J MED INFORM; HUGHES F, 2004, V2, P131, NURSE PRESCRIBING; KOSALA R, 2000, V2, P1, SIGKDD EXPLORATIONS; LANCASTER FW, 1985, V36, P389, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; LATTER S, 2004, V13, P26, J CLIN NURS; LAWRENCE S, 1999, V400, P107, NATURE; LEYDESDORFF L, 1989, V18, P209, RES POLICY; MERTON RK, 1973, SOCIOLOGY SCI THEORE; METTROP W, 2001, V57, P623, J DOC; MILESBOARD T, 2002, P76, P ACM HYP 2002; MITKOV R, 2003, OXFORD HDB COMPUTATI; MULLAY S, 2003, V1, P104, NURSE PRESCRIBING; MURPHY J, 2004, V73, P205, INT J MED INFORM; NOLAN P, 2004, V1, NURSE PRESCRIBER; OZMUTLU S, 2005, V29, P34, ONLINE INFORM REV; PARK HW, 2003, V25, P49, CONNECTIONS; PHILLIPS BJ, 2005, V30, P14, NURSE PRACTITIONER; PLONCZYNSKI D, 2003, V1, P170, NURSE PRESCRIBING; ROSSETER R, 2000, NURSE PRACTITIONERS; ROUSSEAU R, 1999, V2, CYBERMETRICS; RU YB, 2005, V29, P249, ONLINE INFORM REV; SMALL H, 1973, V24, P265, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; SMITH A, 2004, V2, P127, NURSE PRESCRIBING; SMITH AG, 1999, V55, P577, J DOC; STUART D, 2005, ISSI 2005; TANG R, 2003, V25, P437, LIBR INFORM SCI RES; THELWALL M, IN PRESS J AM SOC IN; THELWALL M, 2002, V53, P995, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; THELWALL M, 2003, V56, P417, SCIENTOMETRICS; THELWALL M, 2004, LINK ANAL INFORM SCI; VAUGHAN L, 2004, V40, P693, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; WEARE C, 2000, V18, P272, SOC SCI COMPUT REV; WHITE HD, 1981, V32, P163, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; WHITLEY R, 2000, INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL; WILKINSON D, 2003, V29, P49, J INFORM SCI; WILLHELMSSON S, 2003, V12, P643, J CLIN NURS; WORMELL I, 2000, V48, P237, SCIENTOMETRICS; ZENG QT, 2004, V73, P45, INT J MED INFORM| NR- 58| TC- 0| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 42| IS- 6| BP- 1471| EP- 1483| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2006.03.011| PG- 13| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 062TI| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2006, V42, N6, P1471-1483| UT- ISI:000238967100008 ER || PT- J| AU- Guerrero-Bote VP; Zapico-Alonso F; Espinosa-Calvo ME; Crisostomo RG; de Moya-Anegon F| AF- Guerrero-Bote Vicente P; Zapico-Alonso, Felipe; Espinosa-Calvo, Maria Eugenia; Gomez Crisostomo, Rocio; de Moya-Anegon, Felix| TI- Binary Pathfinder: An improvement to the Pathfinder algorithm| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- PFNETs; social networks; citation analysis; information visualization| ID- COCITATION; NETWORKS| AB- The Pathfinder algorithm is widely used to prune social networks. The pruning maintains the geodesic distances between nodes. It has shown itself to be very useful in the analysis of, amongst others, citations in BIS (bibliometrics, informetrics, and scientometrics). It has even been proposed for the online display of the search results in an information retrieval system. However, its great time and space complexity limits its use in real-time applications and in networks of any considerable size The present work describes an improved algorithm with considerably reduced time and space complexity. Its lower execution costs thus increase its applicability both in real time and to large networks. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Univ Extremadura, Fac Lib & Informat Sci, Antiguo Hosp Militar, Badajoz 06071, Spain; Univ Granada, Lib & Informat Sci Fac, Granada 18071, Spain| RP- Guerrero-Bote, VP, Univ Extremadura, Fac Lib & Informat Sci, Antiguo Hosp Militar, Plaza Ibn Marwan S-N, Badajoz 06071, Spain| EM-| CD- BUZYDLOWSKI JW, 2000, THESIS DREXEL U; CHEN C, 1999, INFORM VISUALIZATION; CHEN CM, 1998, V10, P107, INTERACT COMPUT; CHEN CM, 2001, V34, P65, COMPUTER; CHEN GT, 2003, V37, P179, RAIRO-OPER RES; DEARHOLT DW, 1990, P1, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; LIN X, 2003, V39, P689, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; MOYAANEGON F, 2004, V61, P129, SCIENTOMETRICS; MOYAANEGON F, 2005, V41, P1520, INFORM PROCESSING MA; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1988, V15, P337, COMPUT MATH APPL; SCHVANEVELDT RW, 1999, PATHFINDER ASS NETWO; WHITE HD, 2003, V54, P423, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC| NR- 12| TC- 10| PU- PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD| PI- OXFORD| PA- THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD OX5 1GB, ENGLAND| SN- 0306-4573| J9- INFORM PROCESS MANAGE| JI- Inf. Process. Manage| PD- DEC| PY- 2006| VL- 42| IS- 6| BP- 1484| EP- 1490| DI- 10.1016/j.ipm.2006.03.015| PG- 7| SC- Computer Science, Information Systems; Information Science & Library Science| GA- 062TI| JN- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT, 2006, V42, N6, P1484-1490| UT- ISI:000238967100009 ER || PT- J| AU- Zitt M; Bassecoulard E| AF- Zitt Michel; Bassecoulard, Elise| TI- Delineating complex scientific fields by an hybrid lexical-citation method: An application to nanosciences| SO- INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT| LA- English| DT- Article| DE- information retrieval; lexical query; citation network; nanosciences; scientific area delineation; bibliometrics| ID- INFORMETRIC DISTRIBUTIONS; WORD ANALYSIS; SCIENCE; COCITATION; NANOTECHNOLOGY; LAWS; SPECIALTIES; PATENTS; SYSTEMS| AB- Relevance of bibliometric indicators on scientific areas critically depends on the quality of their delineation. Macro-level studies, often based on a selected list of journals, accept a high degree of fuzziness. Micro-level studies rely on sets of individual articles in order to reduce noise and enhance precision of retrieval. The most usual information retrieval process is based on lexical queries with various levels of sophistication. In the experiment on Nanosciences reported here, this process was used as a first step, to delineate a 'seed' of literature. It has strong limitations, especially for emerging or transversal fields. In a second step, the alternative approach of citation linkages, was used to expand the bibliography starting from lexical seed. The extension process presented is ruled by three parameters, two deal with the cited side (threshold on citation score, and specificity towards the field), one with the citing side (threshold on the number of relevant references) interplaying in the 'referencing structure' function (RSF) introduced in a previous work This type of combination proves effective for delineating the transversal field of Nanosciences. Further improvements of the method are discussed. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved| C1- Observ Sci & Tech, F-75015 Paris, France| RP- Zitt, M, Observ Sci & Tech, 93 Rue Vaugirard, F-75015 Paris, France| EM-| CD- BACHMANN G, 1998, INNOVATIONSSCHUB NAN; BASSECOULARD E, 2004, P665, HDB QUANTITATIVE SCI; BONACCORSI A, 2002, I SCI C SIEN IT; BOOKSTEIN A, 1990, V41, P368, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BOOKSTEIN A, 1990, V41, P376, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAAM RR, 1991, V42, P233, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; BRAUN T, 1997, V38, P321, SCIENTOMETRICS; BRIN S, 1998, V30, P1, COMPUTER NETWORKS IS; CALLON M, 1983, V22, P191, SOC SCI INFORM; DARBY MR, 2003, 9825 NBER; EGGHE L, 1990, INTRO INFORMETRICS Q; EGGHE L, 1990, V16, P17, J INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2000, V26, P329, J INFORM SCI; EGGHE L, 2005, V56, P669, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; FOGELBERG H, 2003, P29, BRINGING VISABILITY; FRANKS A, 1987, V20, P1442, J PHYS E; GARFIELD E, 1967, V2, P235, J LIBRARY HISTORY; GLAENZEL W, 2003, NANOTECHNOLOGY ANAL; KATZ JS, 1999, V28, P501, RES POLICY; KESSLER MM, 1963, V14, P10, AM DOC; KOSTOFF RN, 2001, V52, P1148, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; LAREDO P, 2002, 4 TRIPL HEL C COP; LEYDESDORFF L, 2004, V55, P991, J AM SOC INF SCI TEC; MALSCH I, 1997, 17710EN EUR JRC; MARSLAND AM, 2001, V6, P3, SKIN THERAPY LETT; MEYER M, 2000, V29, P409, RES POLICY; MEYER M, 2001, NANOTECHNOLOGY EXPER; MOED HF, 1989, V15, P95, J INF SCI; MURUGESAN P, 1978, V29, P141, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; NARANAN S, 1970, V227, P631, NATURE; NOYONS EC, 2003, MAPPING EXCELLENCE S; NOYONS ECM, 1999, BIBLIOMETRIC MAPPING; PAO ML, 1993, V29, P95, INFORM PROCESS MANAG; PINSKI G, 1976, V12, P297, INFORMATION PROCESSI; RIP A, 1988, P253, HDB QUANTITATIVE STU; ROCO MC, 2002, CONVERGING TECHNOLOG; ROUSSEAU R, 1990, V41, P197, J AM SOC INFORM SCI; ROUSSEAU R, 1997, V1, P7, CYBERMETRICS; SALTON G, 1983, INTRO MODERN INFORM; SCHMID G, 2003, V35, P1, EUROPAEISCHE AKAD GR; SCHUMMER J,