Soluble and insoluble substances


Year 7 Chemistry

Mixing & separating



Soluble and insoluble substances

Aim: to see what dissolves in water.

Hypothesis: This is a statement saying what will happen

All substances (chemicals) are soluble in water.

Materials: p 63

List equipment used

Chemicals: Copper sulfate, Sodium chloride (salt), Copper carbonate, Sugar, chalk, sand

Method : For assistance see p 63

1. Fill __half___ of each test tube with water.

2. Add a small amount ( less than __half__ of a spatula) of one substance to the first test tube.

3. Shake the test tube ___to mix____.

4. As you shake the test tube, hold it up to the light. Is it cloudy, or does the light pass through it? Is the liquid coloured or colourless? Record your initial observations.

5. All the test tube to stand in the rack for five minutes.

6. Record your observations in the table below.

7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each substance.


Mixture Initial observation Observations after 5 mins

Type of mixture

(solution or suspension)

Copper sulfate & water

Particles disappeared; solution turned blue

As before, clear blue Solution

Slowly sinks to the bottom

Same as before Suspension

Sodium chloride

(salt) & water

Copper carbonate

& water

Sugar & water

Very slowly dissolved Same as before Suspension

Some crystals dissolved Completely dissolved Solution

Chalk & water Slowly sinks to the bottom

Same as before Suspension

Sand & water

Sinks to the bottom Same as before Suspension


Write your answers in full sentences


What is the difference between a solution and a suspension?


A solution dissolves and a suspension doesn’t dissolve and sinks instead.


List those that formed: (a) a solution (b) a suspension

Year 7 Chemistry

Mixing & separating

Solutions: sugar and water, Copper sulfate & water

Suspensions: Sodium chloride (salt) & water, Copper carbonate & water,

Chalk & water, sand and water.


Did you think you would get different results if you used more or less water in each case? Explain your answer

Conclusion: My hypothesis was/was not supported because...
