"eMTeeM `s poetics - fiction or reality"

"eMTeeM 's poetics - fiction or reality"
16th International Conference
Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
21st - 24th February 2014
Conference "eMTeeM 's poetics - fiction or reality"
will be held in cooperation and with the support of BH Center IDEA
/International Association for drama, theater and education/ and
/International Association of Theatre for Young Audiences/.
On 24th February 2014 is the 40th anniversary of existing of the Mostar Youth
Theatre 1974 (eMTeeM 1974), which is a pioneer of drama pedagogical work in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. This Conference is the contribution of the Centre for Drama Education this
important anniversary.
The Conference will try to examine the characteristics of this theatre and his
conception of the art of theatre, as well as to provide answers to a number of dilemmas,
questions and concerns arising out of this topic.
With this conference we want to draw attention to a number of interpretations,
misuse, appropriation, positive examples and the like, but also on the power, influence and
inspiration to live which eMTeeM in these 40 years provided to the young people with
whom he worked or to whom he offered his theatre.
We wish also to offer our thoughts and experiences from our lives in a society with
the "surplus" of history, but also to hear the experiences of others in order to find answers
that will provide interpretation for the stage reading of life as eMTeeM did it in continuity of
the past 40 years.
The Conference is intended for all those who believe that art has the power to
influence the consciousness of the individual, which has affects on his/her behavior and
change, for all those who believe that with changing of patterns we change the world in
which we live and those who want to change the world we live in together with others from
closer and distant environment.
The Conference is specifically designed for those who believe that there is no such
strong limit which power of the human mind, centered on some ideas, cannot be overcome
and jointly create new works, new energy, a new future...
The Conference is intended for all those who believe that art is a universal right, not a
privilege of the selected.
The Conference is intended for those who use the art as a tool to help people to
better understand the world in which they live, but also to empower yourself to live in that
The Conference is aimed at those who believe that eMTeeM 1974 is a relevant
theatre collective whose conception of the theatre needs to be explored.
Keynote speakers will provoke discussion and ask questions on which, during the
Conference, we will seek for the answers.
Conference participants will see 3 eMTeeM performances, and attend to the meeting
of eMTeeM’s generations.
They will attend to the awarding night of the International Award for the
Contribution to the Development of Drama Education "Grozdanin kikot".
All those interested in participating in the work of our Conference are invited to
submit their papers, reports, presentations of their work, workshops, or other forms of
participation in the Conference. Next to the subject, they need to send a brief description of
the topic on which they wish to discuss or of work which they want to present. This
summary should not contain more than 1500 characters. It is necessary to submit a brief CV.
Deadline for application: 15th January 2014.
Language: English and local.
There is no registration fee.
All materials from the Conference will be printed as a Conference book in local and
English languages .
Centre for Drama Education (CDO)
Centre for Drama Education (CDO) is a regional resource centre of drama education,
that using drama and theatre as tools to influence change views on life, social life, and
numerous individual and collective problems of the citizens of B&H, which results in better
mutual understanding and tolerance, all with the aim that in the future Drama Education enters
school and so preventive action affects the growing tolerance of the population in the country.
The main tasks are :
- Promotion and development of drama education work by relying on the experience of
drama pedagogy in B&H and abroad,
- Promotion and development of voice culture and public performance,
- Developing of drama education methodology,
- Help in the work and further training of teachers and educators for drama-educational
- Cooperation with educational and drama-educational institutions,
- Care about the drama talented students,
- Preventive action against all forms of addiction,
- The development of theatre arts for young people,
- Use of drama education work in relieving post-traumatic consequences.
Addresses and contacts
Ulica Marsala Tita 135
88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel / fax: 00387 36 558 485
e- mail: cdo@bih.net.ba