Research and Development Enabling Fund Application guidelines Institution of Civil Engineers One Great George Street LONDON SW1P 3AA United Kingdom t +44 (0)20 7665 2237 f +44 (0)20 7799 1325 e Registered Charity No. 21052 Objectives The Research and Development Enabling Fund (R&D Fund) forms part of a portfolio of charitable activity undertaken by the Institution. Specifically, the R&D Fund provides grants of up to £25,000 to individuals and organisations, in order to enable them to pursue research in its early stages, to assess viability of the concepts and as a basis, if successful, for applying elsewhere to secure more substantial support. The Fund may be used as a contribution towards the costs of specific research implementation work, where there is potential, demonstrable benefit likely to arise to members of the Institution in their professional work. To meet this objective, the work would need to draw on substantive background knowledge and research results. The Fund is also open to applicants who wish to carry out historical research and develop significant archiving facilities of historical information that could provide an important source of knowledge for civil engineers and raise the profile of civil engineering. The Fund may be used in exceptional cases as a contribution to major research and implementation projects. A strong case will be required for such a contribution where existing funds are not meeting the full cost. Scope of Fund Applications submitted to the Fund will be considered to be suitable for assessment if they fulfil the following criteria: 1. The proposal has a focus on civil engineering in its broadest sense and related professional activities. 2. The application is a request for support to enable research and/or development when obvious alternative funding is not available. 3. The proposal involves: Novel, innovative research in its early stages OR Research implementation OR Appropriate historical research activity 1 Mechanism for applications Individuals and organisations may apply for an R&D grant during the twice-yearly application periods using the application form available from the Institution website or directly from the R&D Fund secretary. This will outline the key elements of the work and the associated costs. In addition, it should be supported by a single A4 sheet setting out the reasons for seeking support from the fund. Please note that only one additional A4 page of information/appendices will be accepted. ICE’s expert assessors will ask for additional information/clarification if needed Closing dates for the two calls for applications are January 31st and July 31st each year. The complete application should be sent to: Institution of Civil Engineers R&D Fund Secretariat Rabinder Phull (e/ t/ 020 7665 2237) One Great George Street London, SW1P 3AA Criteria for assessment The following criteria will be used to evaluate the strength of applications: Nature, Relevance and Benefit of the Research 1. Is the applicant’s assessment of the category of R&D correct? 2. Will the proposed work draw on an appropriate and substantial body of research and background knowledge? 3. Is there a clear potential deliverable that will provide benefit to civil engineers / members of the ICE? 4. Is the project relevant to the aims and work of the ICE and/or benefit the Institution? 5. If the application is for a Visiting Research Fellowship does it match the appropriate guidelines? Quality of the Research Team and Facilities 6. Does the project team have the necessary / appropriate knowledge, skill and experience to undertake and complete the proposed work to a high standard? 7. Are the facilities and equipment appropriate and adequate to complete the proposed project? 8. Does the project team include an appropriate range of partners, such as university researcher, construction client, professional institution, contractor, publisher? Does the applicant have the qualities and experience to lead the project and bring it to a successful completion? Delivery, Programme, Resources and Finances 9. Does the programme reflect the proposed scope of work, manpower resources and budget 10. Is the proposed budget realistic in relation to the intended resources and outcomes? 11. Has the applicant sought and provided appropriate Contribution in Kind? 12. Is the funding requested from the ICE less than 40% of the project value? If not, is the larger proportion justified? 13. Is the proposed payment schedule realistic in relation to the work, and does this include a retention (20%) to be paid only on final delivery of the project report(s)? Fast tracking conditions 1. There are genuine time pressures with regards to alternative funding sources (e.g. match funding conditions which do not fit in with R&D decision making timescales, or an external programme call) 2. There are genuine time pressures on the proposal with regards to the submissions’ output (e.g. the proposal is a reaction to a recent issue where the material is needed swiftly) 2 3. The proposal output is linked to a specific event outside of R&D decision making timescales (e.g. a summit or large conference) Assessment procedure 1. Each application will be sent to two independent external reviewers who are experts in the field. 2. The application and the reviews will be sent to the R&D Fund Committee for consideration one to two weeks in advance of their twice yearly Review Meetings. 3. Trustee’s comments will be collated by the Secretariat, in advance, to enable a final decision to be made during the Committee Review Meeting. 4. The Committee meetings will be held in June and December. 5. Where a very urgent decision is required and there are demonstrable reasons for this, a fast track procedure will apply and a decision made by communication with the Committee rather than waiting for their next meeting. The fast track procedure will only be used in special cases and with the express permission of the Chairman of the Committee. In such cases the Assessors’ review and the Committee’ decision making process will ideally be turned around within four weeks. Fast track applications will only be accepted electronically. Payment of Award Monies The payment of grants to successful applicants will be paid upon receipt of a satisfactory Final Report. In circumstances were the sum is large and the time-scale of the project long payments can be made at key pre-agreed milestones but satisfactory Interim and Final Reports are still required to unlock the finances. In exceptional circumstances the entire amount of funding can be paid at the start of the project, if there are valid reasons for requesting this. Reporting Each successful applicant will be required to submit at least one intermediate progress report on the project. The detail required will be set out in the context of the overall length and scope of the work. The applicant will be invited to identify an appropriate milestone in their work at which to produce a report. If none is indicated, this will be assumed to be six months after the commencement of the award project. A final report shall be submitted within one month of the termination date of the grant period or completion of work. This report will be sent to two expert reviewers for assessment against the objectives set out in the original application. If these assessments raise any important questions to be answered by the applicant, this will be done prior to the report and assessments being considered by the Committee. In the event of an unsatisfactory report being received, applicants will be asked to submit an improved version. In the event of no report being submitted, applicants will be expected to repay the grant monies to the Institution. Publicity The Committee will take responsibility for ensuring that the projects being supported are publicised unless there are good commercial or confidentiality reasons why this should not be done or should be delayed 3 In addition, the applicants will be expected to write an appropriate paper or article for one of the Institution's publications describing the project. A summary article will also appear in the Institution's Newsletter (MyICE) and be placed on the web site. All publicity should acknowledge ICE and the support given by the ICE R&D Enabling Fund. Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generated by the research may be exploited by the grant holder and/or his/her employer. Grant holders are urged to resolve how such exploitation will be dealt with before commencement of the work. Visiting Research Fellowships 1. The aim of the Visiting Research Fellowship is to foster collaboration between the construction industry or government personnel and research establishments/ HEI’s and to progress the competitive position of the UK construction industry. 2. The aim of this co-operation is to bring together “ideas looking for support and resources looking for opportunities”. 3. The appointments will ideally be for 1 month (which can be spread over a 2 year period) at a research establishment or HEI nominated or approved by the Board in the UK. 4. The Visiting Research Fellow will be awarded an Honorarium of £2,500. In most cases the applicants will be on paid leave of absence from their employer and the Honorarium can be used for travel, subsistence and other expenses. The Research establishment/ HEI will be awarded a similar amount as the Honorarium. 5. It is expected that Research establishments and HEI’s will allow holders of awards to be honorary members of staff and be eligible to use facilities appropriate to that status and that the title ‘Visiting Research Fellow’ will be used for the period concerned. 6. Award holders will be expected, at the completion of their term at the research establishment or HEI, to submit a short (1 – 2 pages) report on their achievements. 7. Applicants may find it helpful to contact the secretary of the Board of Committee to discuss their proposed research work before submitting an application. 8. The awards are open to members and non-members of the Institution. ICE Internal Applications Applications by ICE may be submitted to the Fund if they support indirect expenses incurred in pursuing a worthwhile research project that is out with the normal staff function and would otherwise have been done by an external resource. The Fund should not be used as an alternative source of funding for covering ‘normal’ ICE staff costs. In case an ICE internal application is supported, the award will be made by internal transfer against cost statements. The Institution of Civil Engineers. 4