o Specialization in Geological Engineering, Hydrogeology and Tech

Zvonko Maric P. Eng.
840 Canaveral Cres. SW; Calgary, AB T2W 1N4
Cell (403) 837-3832; Tel. (403) 238–8479
Highly motivated, creative and versatile Professional, with cross-disciplinary integrated
expertize, record of accomplishments in prospects generation, identifying new/by-passed
opportunities, reserves and zone/well/area evaluations, proven as provider of new/fresh
approaches to existing plays, seeks to add value and profit to Company looking for an
achiever in any project given
Qualification Highlights
Successful Prospects Generator/By-Passed Potentials Identifier
out of box thinker with expertise in reservoir characterization and data integration into realistic geo-model
Even in depleted fields/pools produced viable drilling prospects with success rate over 90%
Created, managed and executed large drilling programs
PanCanadian (28 shallow gas wells for recompletion, 12 wells on immediate production)
Initiated testing, proved production and added reserves for zones considered non-productive
PanCanadian (300 wells multi-year shallow gas drilling program with booked reserves 109bcf; 57 wells for Q4 1999);
Gulf Canada (150 wells BLRV/MH shallow gas drilling program)
Identified numerous recompletion/by-passed pay/upside potentials, drilling leads and play trends
Husky (dozen heavy oil wells in Rush Lake); BP (several horizontal gas wells in depleted Marten Hills)
Husky (Sparky and McLaren sands inside certain parts of mature Rush Lake heavy oil field);
PanCanadian (Horseshoe Canyon sands and coals on the Irrigation Block, presently CBM play)
Performed reserves, zone/well/area evaluations and geological risks assessments for economic
analysis (landsale, acquisitions, farm-in/out and joint ventures)
Results-Oriented Technical Skills
analytical approach, attention to detail, commitment to accuracy, sound judgment, sound recommendations
Petrohysical evaluations and logs interpretation, wells correlation and cross-sectioning
Pool delineation/Mapping (Structural, Isopach, Net Sand/Pay, Residual, Derivative - regional/detailed)
Seismic interpretation/Integration into geol. model
Sequence stratigraphy analysis, Facies/Depositional environment study, Structural evaluations
Reservoir characterization/Data review (DSTs, prod. graphs, pressure/flow tests, core/fluid analysis)
Background in operations/Prompt in providing geol. support to drilling/completion/production
Experienced with HZ wells (planning/trajectory placement, geol. support during drilling);
Knowledgeable in Geostatistics, Risk/Uncertainity analysis and EOR techniques
Extensive Computer Capabilities
determined and able to manage quickly any industry used application
Proficient in AccuMap/AccuLog, Geographix/Discovery, Surfer, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook
Comfortable in or familiar with GeoScout, GeoVista, Stratworks, ZMap, Seisworks, Logsleuth, Petrodesk
Inventive computer user with demonstrated visualization/modeling capabilities
BP (created structure models with overlays - isopach, net sand/pay, residuals; Rife Resources (merged/synchronized
viewing several tops systems in AccuMap user tops database)
Constructive Business and Personal Characteristics
highly motivated, enthusiastic and passionate to work and profession
Good at his job as independent individual with no supervision or efficient contributor in team
setting (Self-starter with confirmed talent to efficiently manage/execute several assignments simultaneously as well
work diligently with large volume of varies data sets)
Hard-working problem solver, committed to top client service, meeting project scope/deadlines
within budget, optimization/maximizing value of resources
Well established project work presentation/review abilities as well self-organizational, time
management and interpersonal skills
Cross-disciplinary experienced/knowledgeable professional with eagerness to expand horizons as
technology advances (as a general rule - soon after assuming project tasks recognized as technical authority for that
project; committed to invest extra time in learning/self-study in order to manage certain technical issues)
Professional Experience
GeoConsult Maric Inc./Calgary
2009– 2011
 Evaluated HC potentials for SK early 2011 landsales, prepared some drilling activity maps on base
structure map, approached companies having lands around proposed landsales
 Quick review of Viking gas potentials for Rambo Resources land properties in SK (geological
review of earlier done geological assessments for Viking oil and gas potentials and updated with
new drilling and landsale activity)
 Prepared initial structure and production maps for MNVL horizontal drilling prospect in SK, tried to
get interest of Rife Resources
Husky Energy/Calgary
Senior Staff Geologist
 2008/09 heavy oil drilling program for Wildmere Area/T48R6W4
In 3 months contract term proposed 20 drilling locations, peer review accepted 15
Assigned geol. charge for heavy oil field Rush Lake/SW Saskatchewan
Demonstrated capability to handle simultaneously and efficiently daily operational requests (well
planning/execution, evaluations for landsale/landswap/acquisition, preparation of RTDs, RTCs, RTAs,
geol. reports for regulatory requirements, well reviews participation) and technical work (proposed more
drilling locations then requested by budget)
Established new MNVL mapping framework for the mature area, fine-tuned seismic interpretations and
incorporated them into geol. model, prepared event maps with completion/production results
All 4 oil wells drilled in 2008 had 100% success in terms of predicted structural position, pay, production
BP Canada/Calgary
Consulting Geologist (contract)
 2006/07 gas drilling program in Marten Hills/T75-77R23W4-5W5
2007– 2009
2005 – 2007
After detailed Grand Rapids sands study proposed 5 horizontal gas wells; 3 wells drilled in the 2006
program completely met geological and production target of 500mcf/d /well (~15e3m3/d/well)
Dec. 2005 Landsale in Marten Hills/T75-77R23W4-5W5
Successful bidding brought more than 50 sections of development land (gas potentials for Viking, Grand
Rapids, Clearwater, Wabiskaw and Mc Murray assessed in very short time frame)
EOG Resources/Calgary
Consulting Geologist (6 month contracts on 2 occasions) 2003-2005
 Viking gas evaluation in East Drumheller/T27-28R17-18W4
Evaluated recompletion/infill opportunities for shoreline, lagoon and terrestrial sand trends
Assessed BBR - DP gas opportunities to support CBM project in Twinning/T29-30,R24-35W4
Proposed a dozen recompletion/infill opportunities for shoreline sandstones
BBR and Foremost gas evaluation in East Drumheller/T28-30R18-19W4
Correlated, cross-sectioned and mapped sand trends in detailed stratigraphic formation subdivision
Evaluated MNVL oil/gas opportunities in East Central Alberta/T39-41R15-19W4
Detailed Structure mapping revealed by-passed structural trapping spots
Rife Resources/Calgary
Consulting Geologist (contracts: 1year in 2004 and 6months in 2007)
 Regional MNVL Study in Lloyd Minster/T47-50R24-27W3
Correlated major MNVL formation tops throughout area produced sets of Structure/Isopach maps
Upper MNVL heavy oil opportunities in Lloyd Minster/T50-52R1-3W4
Detailed channel mapping resulted in dozen redrill/infill wells
DP and HC evaluations in Bittern Lake/T45-50R21-25W4
For CBM evaluations mapped channel sand trends and coal seams, determined coal net pay
PanCanadian Resources Ltd./Calgary
Geologist/Reservoir Engineer
1997 - 2001
 Shallow gas drilling programs for 1997, 1998 & 1999 on the Irrigation Block/Drumheller, Strathmore
 Inactive Wells Review and Recompletion project in Strathmore
 Specific/Detailed Mappings/Trend Definitions
Zone/Well/Area evaluations/optimizations, Offsets correlation, Pools mappings
T26-29R26-28, major formations for Milk River - Horseshoe Canyon; base for 2002 drilling program
T23-28, R24-28, Lower DP and OM (US, Comrey) sands; 57 wells 1999 Q4 drilling program
Mapped units VIK – surface, created User Tops Database in AccuMap (basis for Openworks Workflow)
Gas Opportunity Assessments in T26-27R21-22 - by-passed pays, well optimization
Coal Bed Methane Exploration Consultancy - Irrigation Block/Pilot Project
Special Geological Projects
Bissett Resource Consultants/Calgary
Geol. Support in H2S Release Rate Assessments
Projects throughout AB and NE BC, in formations from MNVL to Cambrian; Searched/evaluated and attributed
data/gas samples to formations; Correlated & mapped units;
Tyson Foods Disposal Wel
o Reviewed Paleozoic stratigraphy for several zones in fractured carbonates; Prepared show maps/report
Hunt Hanlan SwanHills Well – EUB application for drilling
Structure mapping and x-sectioning identified anomalies for further detailed seismic analysis
Provident Energy/Calgary
MH Study for Arena, Senate, Vidora and Cypress/SW Saskatchewan/T1-8R23-30
For about 60 TWPs square area provided detailed stratigraphy/lithology revision and mappings
Findings revealed strong structural control on economic MH gas accumulations and influenced/directed successful
Cypress shallow gas drilling program for 2006/07
Belfield Resources/Calgary
MLKR Study for SW Sakatchewan/T21 - 32R19W3 - 4W4
Provided efficient prod. data management in Excel (sorted/filtered data, created variety of formulas)
Compiled/analyzed range of prod. maps – cum. gas, oil water production; initial/daily prod. rates/ratios
Hygait Resources/Calgary
Quick evaluation for HC potentials of Shaunavan for well sale
Petrovera Resources/Calgary
Assessment of shallow gas potentials for SW Saskatchewan Landsale
Revised regional stratigraphy, introduced regional markers for MLKR subdividing
Canadian 88 Energy/Calgary
EUB Application for commingled BLRV production in Okotoks area
Prepared cross-sections with detailed geol. interpretation and reviewed completion/production data
Gulf Canada Resources Ltd./Calgary
150 wells MH/BLRV prospect development in T22-27R13-15
Rambo Resources/Calgary
Evaluation of Viking oil production and MLKR gas potentials in Viking Plato area
Review of MLKR gas potentials in Lacadena/SW-Central Saskatchewan for landsale
Experience in Geotechnical Engineering
AGRA Earth & Environmental/Calgary
Geotechnical Field Engineer
Organization/supervision of site investigations for gravel deposits near gas pipeline in Bassano
Pile foundation supervision for CO-OP store in NW Calgary
Traser/Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Senior & Intermediate Project Engineer
Prepared exploration programs/proposals, feasibility studies, drilling activity plans;
Mapped terrain/Reconnaissance (field, photo); Site investigations oversight (located /logged investigation works,
conducted “in situ” testing, sampled soil/rock)
Processed data and prepared reports; Presented for review projects to Government Regulators/Investors
Project group lead (3-5 people) and mentorship juniors
Geological lead/support for design of major projects: Ustipraca Highway (route 20 km in length, geol.
complex mountainous terrain); Railway Zenica – Sarajevo (second track, 70 km long, incl. 15 bridges); Zenica
Bypass (mountainous & valley route); Terrain assessments for highway/road, railway and pipeline designs;
Foundation solution for over 30 bridges; Numerous landslide/rock slope restoration projects
Institute for Geotechnique/Sarajevo, B & H
Project Engineer
Field work, Graphical presentation; Geostatic calculations, Simple Projects Reporting
Defined foundation conditions for 40 office/industrial/residential buildings
Education & Memberships
Geological Engineer, B.E.(Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum, University of Zagreb-Croatia)
Specialization in Geological Engineering, Hydrogeology and Tech. Petrography
APEGGA Membership (P. Eng. since 2000); CSPG Membership (since 1997)
Outdoor activities, mountain hiking, crossword puzzles, stock trading