FEMA COOP Plan - Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court

Continuity of Operations Plan
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
1546 Gretna Boulevard
Harvey, Louisiana 70058
(504) 367-3500
June 2013 Version
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
This Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) has been developed according to: the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) Headquarters Continuity of Operations (COOP) Guidance Document,
dated April 2004; the Louisiana District Judges Association 2006 Disaster Recovery Template;
the Template for Assessing Status of COOP Planning: Louisiana District Courts dated May
2010; and the Louisiana Supreme Court Assessment 2012.
Questions concerning this plan can be directed to:
Timothy R. Tyler
Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
P.O. Box 1900
Harvey, Louisiana 70059
Office: (504) 367-3500, ext. 887
(504) 296-4601
Email: ttyler@jpjc.org
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 3
Applicability and Scope ...................................................................................................... 3
Essential functions .............................................................................................................. 4
Authorities and References ................................................................................................. 6
Concept of Operations ........................................................................................................ 6
Phase I: Activation and Relocation ................................................................................... 6
Decision Process.......................................................................................................... 6
Alert, Notification, and Implementation Process ........................................................ 7
Leadership ................................................................................................................... 8
Phase II: Alternate Facility Operations ............................................................................. 9
Mission Critical Systems ............................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Emergency Expenditures…………………………………………………………...13
Phase III: Reconstitution ................................................................................................. 13
COOP Planning Responsibilities ...................................................................................... 13
Logistics .............................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Interoperable Communications ...................................................................................... 13
Test, Training, and Exercises ............................................................................................ 13
COOP Plan Maintenance .................................................................................................. 13
Table of Appendices……………………………………………………………………………..15
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
This plan establishes policy and guidance to ensure the execution of the essential functions for
the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court in the event that an emergency threatens or incapacitates
operations, and the relocation of selected personnel and functions of the Court is required.
Specifically, the plan is designed to:
Ensure that the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court is prepared to respond to emergencies,
recover from them, and mitigate against their impacts.
Ensure that the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court is prepared to provide critical services in
an environment that is threatened, diminished, or incapacitated.
The Parish of Jefferson has developed plans to protect the citizens in the event of a disaster, civil
disturbance, or unusual occurrence. Preparation to manage an event of this nature requires a
realistic combination of the efforts of different agencies. Juvenile Court will be responsible for
all employees and occupants of the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court building.
The following plan will establish leadership guidelines for managing unusual occurrences and
the continuity of essential court functions. An unusual event may be natural or man-made and
may cause services to be interrupted. Examples of an “unusual event” include but are not limited
to fire, electrical outage, pandemic, toxic release and weather-related events. This plan is
designed to prioritize the continuation, mitigation, and restoration of Juvenile Court operations
that may be interrupted due to unusual occurrences. The objectives of the plan include:
Ensure the continuous performance of the Court’s essential functions/operations during
an emergency;
Protect essential equipment, records and other assets;
Reduce or mitigate disruption of operations;
Identify and designate principals and support staff to be relocated;
Facilitate decision-making for execution of the Plan and the subsequent conduct of
Achieve a timely and orderly recovery from the emergency and resumption of full service
to all customers.
This document is applicable to Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court and all its subdivisions.
Support from other state agencies and local governments as described herein will be
coordinated with the responsible office as applicable.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
It is important to establish priorities before an emergency to ensure that the relocated staff can
complete the essential functions during an emergency. All designated persons shall ensure that
the essential functions can continue or resume as rapidly and efficiently as possible during an
emergency relocation. Any task not deemed essential must be deferred until additional personnel
and resources become available.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
Essential Functions
Ensure that the following legally mandated hearings are held within the time
restraints required by law:
a. Juvenile Delinquency Continued Custody Hearings – Pursuant to
Louisiana Ch.C.Art. 819, when a child has been arrested and the judge has
found reasonable grounds to hold the juvenile in the custody of the
Juvenile Detention Center, a continued custody hearing must be held
within 3 days after the child’s entry into the Juvenile Detention Center and
a probable cause determination must be made at that time.
b. Child in Need of Care Continued Custody Hearings – Pursuant to
Louisiana Ch.C. Art. 624, when a child has been taken into custody of the
state and is not released to the care of his parents, a continued custody
hearing must be held within 3 days after the child’s entry into custody.
Staffing Requirements: The Judge, a Minute Clerk, Court Recorder and Security
Resource Requirements: A courtroom, access to the court’s database, and
recording equipment.
Ensure that all pleadings are filed and docketed in a timely manner.
Staffing Requirements: Clerk of Court
Resource Requirements: Office space, copier/printer, access to the court’s
database and miscellaneous office supplies.
Ensure that all essential finance and accounting functions are maintained.
Staffing Requirements: Judicial Administrator and/or Deputy Judicial
Resource Requirements: Office space, personal computer equipped with
accounting software and access to court’s database, copier/printer, Budget book,
Financial policy, audit report, most recent balance from accounting system,
checks, deposit slips, stamps, petty cash, and miscellaneous office supplies.
Ensure that the collection and distribution of fees and costs are maintained in
accordance with proper accounting procedures.
Staffing Requirements: Payment Window Clerk, Judicial Administrator or
Deputy Judicial Administrator.
Resource Requirements: Office space, receipt book, cash till, access to court’s
database and miscellaneous office supplies.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
The Judges and Judicial Administrator are the authorizing figures in ensuring the essential court
functions are carried out during an emergency. Supporting authorities are the Chief Deputy
Judicial Administrator, Computer Systems Supervisor, and Operations Manager. Assisting
authorities are the Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office, the Department of Juvenile Services, the
Jefferson Parish District Attorney’s Office and the Jefferson Parish Public Defender’s Office.
Emergency operations for the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court would include performing only
those essential functions of the court (as stated above) that must be continued under all
circumstances even in a state of emergency. Pursuant to law, specific time restraints ensure that
children are not held in custody for indefinite periods of time. Other types of matters heard by
the Juvenile Court on a daily basis would have to be rescheduled at such time when adequate
resources become available. Some examples of hearings that could be continued/rescheduled
under emergency conditions are as follows:
Juvenile Delinquency and Child in Need of Care matters wherein the child has been
released to the custody of a family member.
Juvenile Traffic
Motions for Voluntary Transfer of Custody
Termination of Parental Rights
Child Support
Families In Need of Services
Motions for Disclosure/Expungement
Any other miscellaneous hearings
(In the case of an extended interruption in operations a request for an emergency
proclamation from the Louisiana Supreme Court to temporarily suspend ASFA time-lines
may be necessary.)
1. Decision Process
The Judicial Administrator with the approval of the Judges is responsible for declaring a state of
emergency at the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court.
Once a disaster is declared based on the initial levels of outage, Juvenile Court immediately goes
to Level I Outage - Short-term outage (less than 72 hours) – Staff should remain within
commuting distance.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
Level II Outage - Mid-Term Outage (72 hours to 3 months) – Execute formal disaster
recovery strategy which will include declaring a disaster and possibly going to an alternate site.
Operations will possibly be moved to the Twenty-Fourth Judicial District Court. Alternate site:
Yenni Building; Primary Hot Site Recovery Location: Hahnville, 29th Judicial District Court;
and Alternate Hot Site Recovery Location: Natchitoches 10th Judicial District Court (pending
confirmation). (Please see Appendix M for Alternate Site Addresses and Contact Information.)
Level III Outage - Long-Term Outage (3 months or more) – Execute formal disaster recovery
strategy (Level II), and it may involve permanently relocating the Juvenile Court’s base of
operations. The court must execute the plan to begin to move operations permanently.
Operations will possibly be moved to the Twenty-Fourth Judicial District Court; Alternate site:
Yenni Building; Primary Hot Site Recovery Location: Hahnville, 29th Judicial District Court;
and Alternate Hot Site Recovery Location: Natchitoches 10th Judicial District Court (pending
confirmation). (Please see Appendix M for Alternate Site Addresses and Contact Information.)
2. Alert, Notification, and Implementation Process
If the situation allows, Judges and staff may be alerted prior to the activation of the COOP. If
the COOP is activated during normal working hours, all staff should remain at the court until
specific guidance is received. If the COOP is activated when the court is closed, information
will normally be passed electronically or telephonically by Judicial Administrator, Chief Deputy
Judicial Administrator, Computer Systems Supervisor, and Operations Manager using the
Emergency Calling Directory. (Please see Appendix B.) The Judicial Administrator under the
direction of the Chief Judge/Judges will order the activation of the Jefferson Parish Juvenile
Court COOP. The Judicial Administrator will notify the Parish President’s Office of the
COOP’s activation.
The Judicial Administrator will then contact the Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator, Computer
Systems Supervisor and Operations Manager, who will contact all staff whom they supervise and
inform them of the emergency relocation. Staff will also be notified at this time as to who will
need to report to work immediately.
The recovery strategy for Juvenile Court is to restore daily operations and computer systems in a
timely manner. The Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court notification process as related to COOP
activation should allow for a smooth transition of the Judges and essential staff to an alternate
facility to continue execution of the essential functions of the Court. Notification may be via
personal contact, telephone, cell phone, text messaging, radio and/or TV broadcasts, email,
postings to the Juvenile Court’s website, or a combination thereof. In addition, employees are
directed to continually check the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s website (www.jpjc.org) and
navigate to the emergency section for updates on the status of the court. Employees will be
required to check-in on such website with their relocation information in times of extended
The Executive Staff, with the oversight of the Chief Judge, will be responsible for the
implementation of the COOP. The Executive staff includes the following individuals:
a) Judicial Administrator
c) Computer Systems Supervisor
b) Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator
d) Operations Manager
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
3. Leadership
1. Chief Judge- Judicial Administrator will contact Chief Judge for authorization to activate
COOP. Chief Judge will assist Judicial Administrator in coordination of release of information to
media and interaction with community leaders.
2. Alternate Judge(s) – The Judicial Administrator will also contact the Alternate Judge(s). In
the event the Chief Judge cannot communicate with the Judicial Administrator the Alternate
Judge(s) will assist Judicial Administrator in the coordination of release of information to media
and interaction with community leaders.
3. Judicial Administrator- The Judicial Administrator will contact the Chief Deputy Judicial
Administrator, Computer Systems Supervisor, and Operations Manager and instruct them to
contact essential employees and give relocation site if necessary. The Judicial Administrator will
also contact the Parish President, the Director of Juvenile Services, the Director of the Criminal
Justice Administration, the 24th Judicial District Court, 1st and 2nd Parish Courts, the 5th Circuit
Court of Appeal and assist in contacting the media. Responsible for providing assistance with the
set-up of alternate location and all financial and legal aspects of the incident. Will oversee all
expenditures and their documentation related to the incident. Will ensure that all bills are paid, all
deposits are taken to the bank and all outgoing mail is delivered to the post office. Responsible for
ensuring all important financial documents of the Court are removed and relocated during an
evacuation including the budget book, financial policies, audit report, inventory report, most recent
balance from accounting system, checks, deposit slips, stamps, petty cash, and flash drive
containing all warranty information pertaining to the building. This person shall also be
responsible for coordinating all emergency purchases and supplying the offices at the alternate site
location. Responsible for documenting and recording all costs and expenditures related to the
incident. This person will also direct the duties of the Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator.
4. Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator – The Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator will contact
court personnel, the Traffic Referee, CINC attorneys, the Public Defender’s Office, the District
Attorney’s Office, the Louisiana Bar Association, the Jefferson Bar Association, the Jefferson
Parish Sheriff’s Office, the Clerk of Court, the Court Appointed Special Advocates, as well as the
media. The Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator will be responsible for changing the phone
message on the court phone system to alert the public as to the court’s current status. Responsible
for assisting with set-up of alternate site location, if necessary, and coordinating the logistics with
case managers, probation coordinators, court reporters and court attorneys. Prepare essential
personnel to hold court off-site. Responsible for assistance in overseeing all financial and legal
aspects of the incident. Coordinate all actions with Operations Manager in securing the Juvenile
Court and coordinating the necessary repairs. Responsible for monitoring safety conditions and
developing measures for ensuring the safety of assigned personnel. Responsible for contacting
Parish authorities regarding securing the building. Responsible for coordinating with the Directors
of FINS and CASA in locating children and ensuring that ASFA guidelines are followed and/or
request an emergency proclamation from the Louisiana Supreme Court to temporarily suspend
ASFA time-lines. Responsible for contacting and coordinating services with the Department of
Children and Family Services and the Office of Juvenile Justice.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
5. Computer Systems Supervisor- The Computer Systems Supervisor will be responsible for
placing an emergency message on the court’s website and ensuring that the system back-up is
evacuated as well as all necessary equipment. The Supervisor will also assist in contacting
employees and setting-up the alternate site, if necessary. Responsible for updating all flash drives
to be taken in the event of an evacuation with essential data. The Supervisor will coordinate with
the Clerk of Court regarding back-up of Clerk’s data. Responsible for contacting IT consultants,
notifying CMA of the emergency, and redirecting court’s website. Supervisor will also implement
the recovery system in the evacuated location if necessary.
6. Operations Manager – The Operations Manger, will secure the building, notify all security
companies for both the courthouse and the Annex building as well as the Jefferson Parish Sheriffs
Office of the court’s status, assess damage post-incident and coordinate repairs, if necessary. Will
notify Judicial Administrator and/or Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator of the status of the
building and when building can be reoccupied. Responsible for assisting in set-up of alternate site,
if necessary.
* In the event a person listed here is not available the successor will perform duties. If a Judge is
unavailable to hear juvenile matters, a judge pro tempore will be appointed by the Louisiana
Supreme Court.
In the event Juvenile Court becomes inoperable, pursuant to LA R.S. 13:1627, the Parish of
Jefferson shall provide suitable quarters for the Court and shall make necessary provisions for
the conduct of the business of the Court and provisions for the expenses of the same. See
Appendix C.
1. Information Technology Systems
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court is an electronic driven court. Most functions are now managed
via computer. The following table lists those systems that must be maintained. The following
list is prioritized for restart order in the event of a shut down.
System Name
Current Location
Other Locations
Firewall Server
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
Stored Off-Site
Network Server 1-
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
Windows Server 2003;
Symantec Email
Network Server 2 –
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
Windows Server 2003;
Exchange Server
Network Server 3 –
(2) With IT Staff
Juvenile Court
Windows Server 2003;
VIQ; File
Network Server 4 –
(2) With IT Staff
Juvenile Court
Windows Server 2003;
Juvenile Court
Windows Server 2008;
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
IJJIS Pilot Database
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Symantec Anti-Virus
Network Server 5 –
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
CASA Office
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Drug court Database
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Labor 32 Payroll Software
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
MAJOR Database
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
PC Documents
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
Sage Accounting
Juvenile Court
Back-up Tapes
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
(1) Stored Off-site &
(2) With IT Staff
The Information Technology (IT) Department is responsible for generating advanced backup
dockets and storing offsite with Back-up Tapes.
It should be noted that under most emergency situations the AS400 Mainframe System could not
easily be relocated to the alternate facility. In the event the AS400 System were to be destroyed,
or inoperable for a period of time, CMA Associates, (8180 YMCA Plaza Drive, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana 70810), an IBM partner, and the court have entered into a Business Recovery Services
Agreement to assist in preparing for and responding to a disaster. (Please see Appendix M.)
CMA will provide system hardware, network services (if selected) and a facility for the court to
use to continue critical information processing activities following a disaster. In the event of
Level II or III outage, the Computer Systems Supervisor will notify CMA that a disaster has
been declared.
Essential court functions during an emergency could be successfully carried out at an alternate
location without the AS400 system, network capability, and/or digital voice recording. Hearings
could be recorded on a simple tape recorder and documents prepared manually.
If there is advance notice, i.e. hurricane evacuation, the steps to restoring computer service are to
log onto Network Solutions and edit DNS to point jpjc.org to Interactive Information Systems’
server in Phoenix, Arizona. Power down all servers, AS400 and UPS, Proceed with Disaster
Recovery Services as described in attached document when so instructed. Confer with
consultants as needed and set consultant responsibilities.
The official court records and their maintenance are the responsibility of the Clerk of Court. The
court’s IT Department continually coordinates not only with the Clerk of Court but also the
Department of Juvenile Services, the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office,
and the Jefferson Parish Payroll Department to ensure continuation of necessary information
The following Court officials will have a laptop with a wireless connection card to enable them
to conduct Court business as necessary:
Judicial Administrator
Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator
Computer Systems Supervisor and Computer Systems Specialist
Operations Manager
Drug Court Staff
Detention Probation Officer
A pre-selected Court Case Manager
A pre-selected Court Probation Coordinator
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
FINS Director
2. Emergency Expenditures
Approval of emergency expenditures in the event the COOP has to be implemented will be
provided as follows:
Invoices less than or equal to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) may be approved and the
payment check signed by the Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator, the Judicial Administrator, or
a Juvenile Court Judge.
Invoices greater than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) but less than or equal to one hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000.00) must be approved and the payment check signed by the Judicial
Administrator or a Juvenile Court Judge.
Invoices greater than one hundred thousand ($100,000.00) must be approved by the Judges en
banc through email and/or facsimile communication to provide sufficient authorization for
payment and the check for such invoices must be signed by the Chief Judge (or an Alternate
Judge if the Chief Judge is unavailable).
An approving authority shall not approve invoices or sign payment checks for expenses incurred
by or for that approving authority. In the event there are no Judges or the Judicial Administrator
available, the Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator may sign a check over fifty thousand dollars
($50,000.00) if necessary and approval is given by the appropriate authority.
3. Children in Placement
Prior to evacuating, Court Case Managers and Probation Coordinators will compile a listing of
all children in placement and will bring the listing to the alternate site. During an evacuation, the
Case Managers and Probation Coordinators will make every effort to obtain updates on the status
of children in placement.
Family in Needs of Services (FINS), and Drug Court will make every effort to locate all children
they oversee. FINS, and Drug Court will compile a list of contact information and will manage
the cases as necessary during an evacuation.
After the emergency event has passed, the Executive Staff will develop reconstitution plans and
schedules to ensure an orderly transition of all Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court functions,
personnel, equipment, and records from the temporary alternate location to the permanent court
facility. Juvenile Court Judges and the Executive Staff will approve the plans and schedules to
resume normal operations once the emergency is over. The Executive Staff will oversee the
reconstitution process.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
The continued responsibility for developing, editing, and revising this plan will be the
responsibility of the Juvenile Court’s Judicial Administrator, Chief Deputy Judicial
Administrator and other agencies/officials as needed.
The Judicial Administrator or their designee will notify the media of any changes in the Court’s
schedule and/or location. Updates on emergency status will be delivered to the public through
whatever means is available including, but not limited to radio, TV broadcasts, newspaper, and
announcements on the court’s answering service as well as the court’s webpage. In addition to
the aforementioned means of communication, court employees will also be updated of the
court’s status through personal contact, telephonically and/or electronic messaging (email or text
messaging). Employees are directed to continually check the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
website (www.jpjc.org) and navigate to the emergency section for updates on the status of the
court. Employees will be required to check-in on such website with their relocation information
in times of extended evacuation.
During an emergency situation, hearings that are considered non-essential will be rescheduled by
personnel. If possible, notification to all concerned parties will be through service of process,
regular mail, or any other feasible means necessary. As stated above, updates on the Court’s
status will be placed on the Court website which interested parties can access for information.
Rehearsals will be used when possible to test the elements of this plan annually. The purpose of
this plan is to promote safety and maintain the functioning of the Juvenile Court with minimal
interruption of essential services. Elements of this plan may be adjusted to provide a smoother
or safer operation.
A training seminar will be conducted for the staff annually. These trainings will educate staff on
the evacuation process as well as any changes to the COOP plan.
This plan is subject to continuous revision. The Executive Staff and program managers are
responsible for notifying the Judicial Administrator or Chief Deputy Judicial Administrator of
necessary additions to this plan.
Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court’s COOP
Table of Appendices
Appendix A: Authorities and References (Juvenile Court Organizational Chart)
Appendix B1: Emergency Calling Directory (Judges and Executive Staff only.)
Appendix B2: Pre-Evacuation Checklist
Appendix C: Alternate Location/ Facility Information
The alternate fax number for Court business will be 225-767-3830.
Appendix D: Juvenile Drug Court Continuity of Operations Plan
Appendix E: 2010-Rules of the Jefferson Parish Juvenile Court
Appendix F: CMA Associates Contract for Mainframe System Relocation
Appendix G: IT Department Backup Schedule
Appendix H: Juvenile Court Emergency Disaster Web Site Information
The web site address is: www.jpjc.org
Appendix I: Media Contact Information
Appendix J: Emergency Pay Policy
Appendix K: Re-entry Placards
Appendix L: DJS Employee Contact Information (Judges, Executive Team, and Probation
Coordinators only.)
Appendix M: Alternate Site and Off-Site Storage Information
Appendix N: Sample Court Closure Order
Appendix O: Receipt and Acknowledgment
Appendix P: Emergency Contact Numbers
Appendix Q: VoiceIQ Backup Contingencies
Appendix R: CASA Contingency Plan
Appendix S: FINS Contingency Plan (To be added at a later date.)
Appendix T: TASC Contingency Plan (To be added at a later date.)